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Industry List of Proposed F-J Revisions Fr the April 7, 2020 SLR LLM 4
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/02/2020
From: William Burton
Burton W, 301-415-6332
Download: ML20093E405 (10)


AMR Standard Notes F-J

1. Management of reduction of heat transfer for heat exchanger tubes by the Fuel Oil Chemistry Program (XI.M30)


Surry SER (ML#19360A020), Section, page 3-224, (Steel Fuel Oil Radiator Tubes)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table H1 Diesel Fuel Oil System Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.H1-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Heat Exchanger Steel Fuel Oil Reduction of heat transfer AMP XI.M30, "Fuel Oil No Tubes due to fouling Chemistry"

2. Management of loss of coating integrity for compressed air (air, air-dry, condensation environments) steel tanks with internal coatings by the Internal Coatings/Linings for In-Scope Components (XI.M42)


Surry SER (ML#19360A020), Section, page 3-225, (Internally Coated Carbon Steel Tanks)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table D Compressed Air System Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.H1-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Tank Metallic air-dry; air; Loss of coating or lining integrity AMP XI.M42, "Internal No with condensation due to blistering, cracking, Coatings/Linings for In-Scope internal flaking, peeling, delamination, Piping, Piping Components, coating rusting, physical damage Heat Exchangers, and Tanks" Page 1 of 10

3. Management of loss of material for compressed air (air, air-dry, condensation environments) steel tanks with internal coatings by the Internal Coatings/Linings for In-Scope Components (XI.M42)


Surry SER (ML#19360A020), Section, page 3-225, (Internally Coated Carbon Steel Tanks)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table D Compressed Air System Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Program Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.J-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Tank Metallic air-dry; air; Loss of material due to AMP XI.M42, "Internal Coatings/Linings No with internal condensation general, pitting, crevice for In-Scope Piping, Piping Components, coating corrosion Heat Exchangers, and Tanks"

4. Management of loss of material for nickel alloy strainer components in a fuel oil environment by the Fuel Oil Chemistry Program (XI.M30) and One-Time Inspection Program (XI.M32).


Surry SER (ML#19360A020), Section, page 3-224, (Nickel Alloy Strainer Element)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table H1 Diesel Fuel Oil System Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.H1-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Strainer Nickel alloy Fuel oil Loss of material due to pitting, AMP XI.M30, Fuel Oil No element crevice, corrosion, MIC Chemistry and AMP XI.M32, One-Time Inspection Page 2 of 10

5. TLAA management of the stainless steel spent fuel pool liner plate fatigue.


Surry SER (ML#19360A020), Section, page 3-267, (Stainless Steel Spent Fuel Pool Liner Plates)

III Structures and Component Supports Table A5 Group 5 Structures (Fuel Storage Facility, Refueling Canal)

Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component III.A5-TBD 3.5.1, TBD Fuel pool liner Stainless Treated Cumulative fatigue damage TLAA, SRP-SLR Section 4.7, Yes Steel water, treated due to fatigue (Only if CLB Other Plant-Specific Time-borated water fatigue analysis exists) Limited Aging Analysis

6. Management of cracking or loss of material in subliming compound fireproofing/fire barriers (thermolag, darmatt, and others) by the Fire Protection Program (XI.M26)


Peach Bottom SER (ML# 19317E013), Section (Subliming Compound)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table G Fire Protection Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.G.TBD 3.3-1, TBD Fireproofing; Subliming compound Air Cracking due to chemical AMP XI.M26, "Fire No fire barriers fireproofing/fire reaction or settlement; or loss Protection" barriers (thermolag, of material due to vibration or darmatt, and others) flaking Page 3 of 10

7. Management of cracking and loss of material in cementitious fireproofing/fire barriers (Cafecote and others) by the Fire Protection Program (XI.M26)


Peach Bottom SER (ML# 19317E013), Section (Cementitious Fireproofing and Penetration Seals)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table G Fire Protection Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.G.TBD 3.3-1, TBD Fireproofing; Cementitious Air Cracking due to chemical AMP XI.M26, "Fire No fire barriers coatings reaction or settlement; or loss Protection" of material due to exfoliation, delamination, or spalling

8. Management of cracking and loss of material in aluminum silicate fireproofing/fire barriers (Silicates: maranite, kaowool, and others) by the Fire Protection program (XI.M26)


Peach Bottom SER (ML# 19317E013), Section (Aluminum Silicate Penetration Seals)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table G Fire Protection Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.G-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Fireproofing; Silicates (maranite, Air Cracking due to settlement; or AMP XI.M26, "Fire No fire barriers kaowool, and others) Loss of material due to flaking Protection" Page 4 of 10

9. Management of loss of material/wear in elastomers exposed to condensation by the Inspection of Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous Piping and Ducting Components program (XI.M38)

Justification: Not needed - use SRP Table 3.3-1, item 263 VII Auxiliary Systems Table F2 Auxiliary and Radwaste Area Ventilation System Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.F2-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Piping, piping components, Polymeric Condensation Loss of material AMP XI.M38, " Inspection of No ducting, ducting due to wear Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous components, seals Piping and Ducting Components"

10. Management of loss of material/pitting, crevice corrosion in zinc exposed to lubricating oil by the Lubrication Oil Analysis program (XI.M39) and One-Time Inspection program (XI.M32)


Peach Bottom SER (ML# 19317E013), Section (Zinc Piping, Piping Components)

VII Auxiliary Systems Table H2 Emergency Diesel Generator System Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.H2-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Valve Zinc Lubricating Loss of Material due to AMP XI.M39, "Lubricating Oil No Oil pitting and crevice corrosion Analysis and AMP XI.M32, One-Time Inspection" Page 5 of 10

11. Management of loss of material/general, pitting, crevice corrosion in zinc exposed to a condensation environment by the Inspection of Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous Piping and Ducting Components program (XI.M38)


EPRI 3002011822 Appendix E.3.1.3 and E.3.1.4 indicate, with exception of titanium and associated alloys, all metals of interest are susceptible to general, pitting, and crevice corrosion when wetted and oxygen and/or other contaminants. This is consistent with ASM Handbook Volume 13, 1987, Corrosion of Zinc and Zinc Alloys. [

VII Auxiliary Systems Table C1 Open-Cycle Cooling Water System (Service Water System)

Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.C1-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Valve Zinc Condensation Loss of Material due to AMP XI.M38, " Inspection of No general, pitting and Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous crevice corrosion Piping and Ducting Components"

12. Management of loss of material/general, pitting, crevice corrosion in carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper alloy exposed to a treated water environment by Water Chemistry (XI.M2) and One-Time Inspection Program (XI.M32) for GALL-SLR Chapter VII PWR Systems (e.g. CVCS or HVAC).

Justification: Provides a treated water environment AMR line in GALL-SLR Chapter VII consistent with those in Chapter VIII VII Auxiliary Systems Table E1 Chemical and Volume Control System (PWR)

Structure Ite SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further and/or Material Environment m (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.E1-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Piping, piping Stainless Treated water Loss of material due to AMP XI.M2, "Water Chemistry" and No components, tanks Steel; Steel; general (steel only), AMP XI.M32, One-Time Inspection copper pitting, crevice VII.E1-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Piping, piping Stainless Treated water Cracking due to SCC AMP XI.M2, "Water Chemistry" and No components, tanks Steel >60°C AMP XI.M32, One-Time Inspection


Page 6 of 10

13 AMP XI.E7, High Voltage Insulators:

1.) Revise the materials portion of VI.A.LP-32 for management of loss of material in high voltage insulators to include materials associated with polymer insulators (EPR, silicone rubber, FRP and fiberglass).

2.) Revise the materials portion of VI.A.LP-28 for management of reduced electrical insulation resistance in high voltage insulators to include toughened glass and materials associated with polymer insulators (EPR, silicone rubber, FRP, and fiberglass).


Turkey Point SER (ML# 19191A057), Section (Polymer)

EPRI Insulator Reference Book, 3002010140, Dec 2017, Section 1.6, Section 3.4, Section 5 ( Toughened Glass)

VI Electric Components Table A Equipment Not Subject to 10CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements Structure Aging Management SRP Item Aging Further Item and/or Material Environment Program (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Evaluation Component (AMP)/TLAA VI.A.LP-32 3.6-1, 002 High- Porcelain; malleable iron; Air - Loss of material due to mechanical AMP XI.E7, High- No voltage aluminum; galvanized steel; outdoor wear or corrosion caused by Voltage Insulators electrical cement; EPR; silicone movement of transmission insulators rubber; FRP; and fiberglass conductors due to significant wind VI.A.LP-28 3.6-1, 002 High- Porcelain; malleable iron; Air - Reduced electrical insulation AMP XI.E7, High- No voltage aluminum; galvanized steel; outdoor resistance due to presence of Voltage Insulators electrical cement; EPR; silicone cracks, foreign debris, salt, dust, rubber; FRP; fiberglass; cooling tower plume or industrial insulators and toughened glass effluent contamination Page 7 of 10

14. Revise reactor vessel internals components to reflect primary, expansion and existing components inspections specified by MRP-227 Rev 1-A. Note new materials for components with stellite wear surfaces.


Clevis bearing wear surface: MRP-227 Rev 1-A Table 4-9, item W14 (Existing Components)

Radial support key wear surface: MRP 2018-022 Table 4-3 (New Primary Component)

No additional measures components: Adds new material: Stellite IV Reactor Vessel Internals, and Reactor Coolant System Table B2 Reactor Vessel Internals (PWR) - Westinghouse Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component IV.B2.RP-TBD 3.1-1, TBD Alignment and Stellite Reactor Loss of material due to wear AMP XI.M16A, PWR Yes interfacing coolant and Vessel Internals components: clevis neutron flux bearing wear surface IV.B2.RP-TBD 3.1-1, TBD Lower internals: radial Stellite Reactor Loss of material due to wear AMP XI.M16A, PWR Yes support key wear coolant and Vessel Internals surface neutron flux IV.B2.RP-TBD 3.1-1, TBD Reactor vessel Stellite Reactor No additional aging management for AMP XI.M16A, PWR Yes internal No Additional coolant and reactor internal "No Additional Vessel Internals Measures neutron flux Measures" components unless components required by ASME Section XI, Examination Category B-N-3 or relevant operating experience exists Page 8 of 10

15. Management of cracking, blistering, and loss of material in polymeric (fiberglass) tanks exposed to a fuel oil environment by the Fuel Oil Chemistry Program (XI.M30).

Justification: EPRI 3002011822 Appendix C2.1.6 indicates fiberglass is often used for petroleum products because of its corrosion resistance. Fiberglass is susceptible to cracking, blistering, and loss of material in air environments (SRP 3.3.1 item 150) and raw water environments (SRP 3.3.1, item 030a). AMP XI.M30 Fuel Oil Chemistry and XI.M32 One-Time Inspection will confirm unacceptable degradation is not occurring.

VII Auxiliary Systems Table H1 Diesel Fuel Oil System Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism Program (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.H1-TBD 3.3-1, TBD Tank Fiberglass Fuel oil Cracking, blistering, loss of material AMP XI.M30 "Fuel Oil No due to exposure to ultraviolet light, Chemistry and AMP XI.M32 ozone, radiation, temperature, One-Time Inspection moisture, or chemical attack Page 9 of 10

16. Revise NUREG-2191 AMR Lines VII.C1.A-400 and VII.C3.A-400 to specify AMP XI.M20, Open-Cycle Cooling Water System or AMP XI.M38, Inspection of Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous Piping and Ducting Components.

Justification: Avoids the use of AMR Standard Note E for raw water environment components not covered by NRC GL 89-03.

VII Auxiliary Systems Table C1 Open-Cycle Cooling Water System (Service Water System)

Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Program Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.C1.A-400 3.3-1, 127 Piping, piping Metallic Raw water Loss of material AMP XI.M20, Open-Cycle Cooling Water No components, due to recurring System or AMP XI.M38, "Inspection of tanks internal corrosion Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous Piping and Ducting Components" VII Auxiliary Systems Table C3 Ultimate Heat Sink Structure SRP Item Aging Aging Management Program Further Item and/or Material Environment (Table ID) Effect/Mechanism (AMP)/TLAA Evaluation Component VII.C3.A-400 3.3.1-127 Piping, piping Metallic Raw water Loss of material AMP XI.M20, Open-Cycle Cooling Water No components, due to recurring System or AMP XI.M38, "Inspection of tanks internal corrosion Internal Surfaces in Miscellaneous Piping and Ducting Components" Page 10 of 10