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Rev 4 to Reactor Operator Requalification Program for Univ of Maryland Training Reactor
Person / Time
Site: University of Maryland
Issue date: 02/01/1984
Shared Package
ML20080B030 List:
NUDOCS 8402060455
Download: ML20080B076 (16)


.I Revision 4 REACTOR OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM FOR MARYLAND UNIVERSITY TRAINING REACTOR Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 Revision 4, February 1, 1984 8402060455 840202 PDR ADOCK 05000166 V


Revision 4 I.

PURPOSE This document sets forth the requirements for the Reactor Operator (R.O.) and Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Program for the Maryland University Training Reactor in accord-ance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50.54, Condition of licenses.


SCHEDULE The Operator Requalification Program cycle will last a period of two years, beginning on the first quarter of the bi-annual year.

The licensed operator will enter the requali-fication program on the date the USNRC issues a license and will continue in the Program until either the expiration date of.the current license or the date at which the current license is terminated.

If the operator should receive his or her operating license no greater than six months prior to the completion of the two year cycle, the operator will be exempt from completing the requirements of the current program, but will be required to enter the following Requalification cycle.

If the operator should receive his or her operating license greater than six months prior to the completion of the cycle, the operator will not be requirca to complete those program requirements required prior to the issuance of the license.


I Revision 4 III. REACTOR OPERATION The operator will be required to perform, as either a reactor operator or senior operator, a minimum of ten reactor startups during the two year requalification cycle.


REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM As part of the Requalification Program, licensed personnel will participate in the Requalification Program as determined by the Reactor Director as either a student or an instructor.

The Program will be on a continuing basis throughout the Requal-ification cycle in those areas where annual operator and senior operator written examinations indicate that emphasis in scope and depth of coverage is needed in the following subjects:

a) Theory and principles of operation b) General and specific plant operating characteristics c) Reactor instrument and control systems d) Reactor protection systems e) Engineered safety systems f) Normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures g) Radiation safety and control h) Technical Specifications i) Applicable portions of Title 10CFR As a substitute for the above, the licensed operator may either participate in ENNU 320, Nuclear Reactor Operations, as a student or an instructor or participate in the instruction or the training of students for the NRC license, as determined by the Nuclear Reactor Program Director.

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Revision 4 V.

EVALUATION The evaluation of the licensee's knowledge and performance of the requirements set forth in the Requalification Program will be-accomplished by written and ora 1' examinations, including a demonstration at the reactor console.

These will be administered annually to each licensed operator.

The written examination for the reactor operator will be prepared in accordance with the modified requirements of the USNRC Generic letter 81-40, dated 12/16/81, Qualifications of Reactor Operators - License examinations.

(See Attachment 2)

The oral examination and console performance will be in accordance with 10CFR-55.23.

The examination will be administered and graded by either the Reactor Director or his designee.

If a license holder scores less than 70% on any section of the annual written examination, the licensee will attend a makeup session on that section topic and will be administered a quiz.

An overall grade of 80% will be required as a passing score.

i If an individual receives a grade of less than 80% overall, it will be mandatory that he be relieved of his licensed duties and enter an accelerated requalification program.

Upon success-i fully passing a second written examination and certification of satisfactory rating by the Reactor Director, the individual may return to his licensed duties.

An unsatisfactory evaluation on the annual oral examination will require that discussions of deficiencies take place between the licensee and Reactor Director or other suitable qualified 3

Revision 4

-person designated by the Director.

A second oral evaluation will be administered.

If performance is again unsatisfactory, the licensee will be relieved of responsibilities and placed into an accelerated requalification program.


ACCELERATED REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM The additional training that a licensee may require (as indicated by his examination) will consist of additional written exams, console performance or oral facility examinations.

The additional training and the examination that the licensee receives will depend upon the weaknesses exhibited on previous examinations.

The number of lectures and examinations that a licensee will receive will be determined by either the Reactor Director or his designee.

The licensee must obtain a rating of at least 80% on the re-evaluation in order to be reassigned to his licensed duties.

VII. DOCUMENT REVIEW The licensee will review during each Requalification cycle the following documents and instructions that are pertinent to the operations of the Reactor Facility.

1. Reactor License (R-70)

I 2.

Technical Specifications

3. MUTR operating and emergency procedures j
4. 10CFR-19, 20, 55, and sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50 4

Revision 4 VIII.

RECORDS The following records will be maintained for each licensed operator and retained for the period until the license of the individual has expired or terminated:

  • Current copy of either the licensee's reactor operator or senior reactor operator license.
  • Copies of the graded requalification examinations administered.
  • The operator's Requalification Program Progress Checklist, Attachment I, or similar.
  • The summary of training received by the licensee in the accelerated Requalification Program documented in a memorandum for record and any additional documentation that is pertinent to additional training received by the licensee.


ADMINISTRATION The Reactor Director or his designee is responsible for the development, administration and execution of the Reactor Operator Requalification Program.

The Reactor Director will be exempt from taking the annual written, console performance, and oral facility examinations, but will be required to perform the operations set forth in Section III and the review of the documents set forth in Section VI.

ATTACHMENTS 1 - Operator Requalification Program Progress Checklist 2A - Operator Written Examination Categories 2B - Senior Operator Written Examination Categories 5


- pg Attachment I Operator Recualification Program Progress Checklist Name:

License #


RO or SRO Ef f ective:

Requal. cycle:

year be gun end Date started:



Reactor Operations

  • Completed 10 Reactor startups Operators signature date II.

Document Review Operator's signature date 1.

Facility License 2.

Tech Specs 3.

10CFR-19 4.

10CFR-20 5.

10CFR-50.54 & 50.59 6.

10CFR-55 8.

Procedures 6

Revision 4 III. -Annual Written Exams Category i of Categurf Score

stes (Reactor Operatori lst year 2nd year I


-IV Total %

(SRO) v VI VII VIII Total %


Annual Oral Exams 1st year Pass-Failed Evaluator's signature date 2nd year Pass-Failed Evaluator's signature date 7


Revision 4

. A - Operator Written Examination Categories Category

' Points Title I

25 Principles of.

Nuclear Reactor Operation.

This category contains questions basic to nuclear reactor behavior, elementary nuclear reactor theory, technical terminology and an appreciation of the processes taking place in a nuclear reactor.

These processes include controlled and variable parameters of the reactor, primary and secondary coolant and auxiliary systems.

Values which are expressed as normal or operating parameters or values which are measured as resultant characteristics are asked for in this category.

Included are questions related to the traces that one would see on the recorders during normal and abnormal transients, with the emphasis on facility behavior rather than instrument characteristics.



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Revision 4 Category Points Title II 25 Facility Design, including Safety and Emergency Systems This category contains questions about the design features of the particular facility, with emphasis on those systems that are designed to maintain and protect against the uncontrolled release of radioactive materials.

The examinee should be able to reproduce, from memory, sketches or descriptions of various systems and mechanical components.

Questions are asked about design intent, construction, operation arid inter-relationships of those systems most directly associated with normal operation and reactor safety.

The applicant should be familiar with the conditions which require the use of safety and emergency systems and why such protection is required.

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Revision 4

= r Category Points Title III 25 Instruments and Controls This category contains questions on the characteristics and interrelationship of.the nuclear process and radiological instrumentation and facility control systems.

The examinee should have sufficient knowledge of the nuclear instruments, the process instruments (temperature, pressure, level, flow, etc.) and radiological instruments (ionization, G-M, scintil-lation, etc.) to answer questions concerning principles of detector operations, location and setpoints of instruments and diagrammatic representation of instrumentation systems.

Questions on control systems (control rod drive, integrated control, etc.), will include function,' operation, interlocks and' interrelationship with other reactor systems.

An examinee is not expected to have the knowledge of an instrument technician but answers should indicate the abiltiy to recognize the indications and consequences of improper instrument performance (e.g. over-compensation, power failure, signal failure) including the traces that recorders would i


He should also be able to make use of all available instrumentation-to provide checks or verification of observed readings.

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Revision 4 i

i Category

foints, Title Procedures -

IV 25


Normal, Abnormal Energency and Radiological

, Control, This category ebntalns questions on the knowledge and use of the facility precedure including normal, ' abnormal, emergencu, administrative, and radiological control procedures.

The examinee is not expected to have normal procedures committed to memory but should be able to explain reasor", cautions, and limitations of norma,1 operating procedures.

In, general, the examinee must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the symptoms, aatomatic actions, and 'i'mmediate action steps specified by abnormal and emergency procedures, iQuestions.

concerning radiological control procedures will be asked to the extent that the operator is responsible.for personnel protection from the! hazards of radiation and for controlling, discharging and monttoring radiological releases... Administrative


procedures including operating restiicti' ns, limitations in.

o the facility license'and technical specificatfons, may be included, to the extent they are directly applicable'to an operator.


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Revision 4

. B - Senior Operator Written Examination Categories Category Points Title V

25 Theory of Nuclear Reactor Operation This category contains questions on principles of reactor theory including details of the ficaion process, neutron multipli-cation, source and control rod effects and criticality indications.

It also contains questions on specific operating characteristics of the reactor and auxiliary systems, including nuclear, hydraulic, thermal, pneumatic, electrical and coolant chemistry.

Further, it contains questions relating to fuel clement characteristics and fuel rupture detection.

This category includes questions on the understanding and use of curves depicting reactor behavior which may be beyond the scope of knowledge needed by operators for routine operation.

These may include, as applicable, differential and integral control rod worth curves, period, reactivity curves, temperature and power coefficient curves.

The examinee should be able to determine the reactivity status of the reactor based on the facility's parameters and coefficients.

Any curves needed will be given with the examination questions.

Whenever possible, actual curves of the facility will be utilized; otherwise, applicable sample illustrative curves will be prepared.

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Revision 4 Category Points Title VI 25 Reactor Facility Design, Control and Instrumentation This category contains questions about the design features of the particular facility with emphasis on those systems which are designed to maintain and protect against the uncontrolled release of radioactive materials.

Questions are asked about design intent, construction, operation, and interrelationships of those systems most directly associated with normal nuclear reactor operation and reactor safety.

Further, this category contains questions on the character-istics and interrelationship of the nuclear process, and radio-logical instrumentation and control systems.

These questions will include the principles of operations of detectors, location and setpoints of instruments, diagrammatic representation of instrument and control systems.

An examinee is not expected to have the knowledge of an instrument technician, but his answers should indicate the ability to recognize the indications and consequences of improper performance (e.g. over-compensation, power failure, signal failure) including the traces that recorders would show.

He should also be able to use all available instrumentation to provide checks or verifications of observed readings.

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i Revision 4 Category Points Title VII 25 Procedures -

Normal, Abnormal, Emergency and Radiological Control This category contains questions on the procedures for the operation of the reactor and auxiliary systems, including administrative controls and technical specifications.

In general, the examinee must demonstrate complete knowledge and understanding of the symptoms, automatic actions and immediate action steps specified by off-normal or emergency operating procedures.

The examinee should be able to describe generally the objectives and methods used in the normal, off-normal and emergency operating procedures.

Operating restrictions and limitations in the facility license, including technical specifications, may be included, to the extent they are directly applicable to a senior operator.

This category also contains questions on radiation hazards which may arise during operation or maintenance activities.

Close familiarity with the provision of 10CFR Part 20 and supplementary facility regulations are required as well as a good common sense approach to radiological safety situations.

The examinee should be able to set up and clean up maintenance areas so that he, his crew and the general public are protected.

He should be familiar with the concept of ALARA and be able to demonstrate his knowledge regarding same.

Also included are questions relating to procedures and equipment (processing and monitoring) available for handling and disposal of the facility's radioactive waste and the hazards associated therewith.

This category also contains questions regarding fuel, fuel handling and core loading, procedures and limitations concerning core loading, fuel transfer and storage, and detection and prevention of criticality.

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Revision 4 l=

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Category Points Title VIII 25 Administrative Procedurcs, Conditions, and Limitations This category contains questions on administrative, procedural, and regulatory items which affect operation of the facility.

Included are questions on limitations as specified in the facility license, including technical specifications.

Questions concerning the technical specifications will require a thorough knowledge of what items are addressed in the specifications, including how to comply with the requirements.

ine exact details, numbers and surveillance requirements contained therein are not expected to be memorized.

Questions may also cover requirements for certain personnel to be present at certain times, the types of records that must be maintained, knowledge of the facility emergency plan, and applicable provisions of 10CFR.Part 50 and Part 55.


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