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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-37,NPF-66,NPF-72 & NPF-77,changing Action Statement Requirements of Spec to Restrict Control Rod Movement & Thermal Power in Event of Multiple Inoperable But Trippable Control Rods
Person / Time
Site: Byron, Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/1990
From: Schuster T
To: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20067E528 List:
NUDOCS 9102150079
Download: ML20067E527 (2)



-~ _.,... - - - - - _.--------

M,I, J Commonwealth Edloon W

l 4" 7 Address ReWy to. Post Ofhce Box 767 r.; i l.-

One Fer:t Nahonal Piers. CNeago, mros v 6: CNesgo, mros 60690 0767 g


~ s

'2 January 26', 1990-

_l 4

4 3

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4 Dr.lThomasE.Murley--

'OffJce-of. Nuclear. Reactor Regulation =

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ~

Washington, DC 10555-Subject Byron Station Units 1 & 2


'Braidwood Station Units-1 & 2-

-Application for Amendment to Facility-

-Operating Licenses NPF-37/66 & NPF-72/77


NRC Docket Nos. 50-454/455 and 50-456/457

_ g i


'a): Septeiaber. 28,/1988_ Letter from R.A. Chrzanowski to T.E.-Murley I

Lb) October;17,1908 letter from S.P. hie. Bliss I

i a


Dear Dr.;Murleys,


Conunonwealth' Edison-proposes; to amend Appendix A, Technical'
Specifications;of, Facility Operating Licenses NPF-37 &.66/NPF-721& 77 for-

@ L

-Byron /Braidwood; Stations,_ pursuant;to 10 CFR-50.90.- The-proposed'amendmenti requesto changes to the Action Statement' requirements'of Specification to rostrict-control. rod' movement _ and thermal power in the eventu of multiple t

inoperable but:trippable control rods. 'The Bases section-for this-

, Specification has also been revised:to reflect these:new requirements. The

currentiset of. Specification Action. Statements do not recognise a' c


'which multiple controle rods are still capable of; performing their safety i

' function-but cannot perform their control function because of an electrical.



failure within the rod: control, system.1 This change'may therefore avert an-iunnecessary; transient on'the a result of a_ shutdown required by the A

"currentinction statements, while maintaining ~the safe 1 operation"of:the Laffected unit'.-

t ti

>The proposed amendment-was previously; submitted-
in-the3lett'er._ _


iidentifiedlin= Reference-(a).-lItlwas subsequently; returned for(resubmittal on.


t 10ctober 17 F 1988 by the:-letter of Reference (b); 'An improved technical' d

-justification;and bases is provided-with. specific" reference to the-1


j 1 Byron /Braidwoodl design. This new submittal;should' satisfy any previous concerns' '

M L,

. "contains the marked up Technical Specifications _and-4

~ Base.s1pages..jAttachment;2icontains:aidetailed description of the changes;and-


g, tandithe'basesEfor the changes.

u m


i db


.jThe proposed changes have been rev ewed_and. approve y both onsite-

and'offsiteireview in accordance with 10CFR 50;92(c). : Commonwealth Edison hasL
I y


' determined;that no'significant: hazards l consideration exists and has: performed


?an~ Environmental' Assessment. Documentation'of these reviews 1s contained in=

Attachments 3;and~4 respectively.

l p

1 9102150079 910126 PDR ADOCK 05000454



. P PDR-L 3



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  • l Commonwealth Edison is notifying the State of Illinois of this spplication for amendment by transmitting a copy of this letter and its attachments to the-designated State 0fficial.

Please direct any questions regarding this submittal to this office.


Very truly yours, N

T.K. Schuster Nuclear Licensing Administrator 4

Attachments 1) Marked up Technical. Specification & Bases Pages:

.2) Description and Bases of the proposed-changes-

3) Evaluation of Significant Hazards Considerations-
4) Environmental Assessment

-cet Resident Inspector-Byron

-Resident Inspector-Braidwood P..C. Shemanski-NRR.

S. P. Sands NRR Region III Offlen; Office of Nuclear Facility-IDNS:

1 h

L 0605T:Jg l-:

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