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to Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1981
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/1982
From: Sarsour B
Shared Package
ML20066D281 List:
NUDOCS 8211110319
Download: ML20066D397 (1)



Revision 1 - 1/8/82 ,

OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-346 DATE January 8, 1982 C051PLETED BY Rilnl Sarsour TELEPilONE (419) 259-5000 Ext. 384 OPERATING STATUS


Davis-Besse Unit 1 Notes

1. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period: November, 1981 ,
3. Licensed Thermal Power (.\lWt): 2772
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross S!We): 925
5. Design Elcetrical Rating (Net 31We): 906 y 6. 3!aximum Dependable Capacity (Gross 51We): 918
7. 51asimum Dependable Capacity (Net SIWE): 874 __
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Irems Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Gise Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted. lf Any (Net 5!We):
10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any: -

This Afonth Yr to.Date Cumulative

11. Ilours in Reporting Period 720 8,016 29,257
12. Number Of flours Reactor Was Critical 314.8 5.426.1 1s.508.7


13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown liours 405.2 849.7 3.328.3
14. liours Generator On.Line 313.1 5.224.4 14.566.7
15. Unit Resene Shutdown liours 0 0 1.731.4
16. Grosy Thermal Energy Generated (31Wil) 667,941 12,366,497 33,454,999 .

1 17. Gr ss Electrical Energy Generated (51Wil) 202.905 ,_, 4.098.941 _J.1,126 2 094_

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (5tWII) 183.671 1.819.771 10.373,620
19. Unit Senice Factor 43.5 65.2 49.8
20. Unit Availability Factor 43.5 65.2 55.7
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using SIDC Net) 28.7 53.8 40.6
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 28.2 52.9 3M
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0 26.9 25.8
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Oser Next 6 Stonths(Type. Date.and Duration of Eacht: .

Refueling Outage From February 26, 1982 - May 21, 1982

25. If Shur Down At End Of Report Perind.Fstimated Date of Startup: December 2. 1981
26. Units in Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operationi: Forecast Achiesed INITIA L CRITICA t.lTY INITI \L ELECTRICITY '

CO\1AIERCIAL OPER AllON 8211110319 820108 19/778 PDR ADOCK 05000346 R PDR