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Forwards Dismantling & Disposal Plan for AGN-201 Training Reactor Oper Under Lic R-51.Reactor Is to Be Transferred to Northwestern Univ
Person / Time
Site: 05000106
Issue date: 12/18/1978
From: Popovich M, Wang C
Oregon State University, CORVALLIS, OR
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20064H826 List:
NUDOCS 7812270193
Download: ML20064H822 (2)



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Radiation Center University i carms, are:pn mai m m.m 2

December 19, 1978 Director Division of Operating Reactors Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20535 Attn:

Mr. Robert Wy Reid, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch #4



DocketNo'50-106,!LicenseNo.R-51 6



Dear Sir:

Oregon State University holds License No. R-51 to operate an AGN-201 training reactor on its campus at Corvallis, Oregon.

The continued use of this reactor in the university prograns is no longer justified, so the decision has been made to shut down, decomnission, and transfer the reactor to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

Northwestern University has expressed considerable interest in receiving this reactor.

In the unlikely event, however, that Northwestern would no longer be the recipient of this reactor, we have written the attached Dismantling Plan to be general enough to allow transfer of the AGN to another NRC-licensed facility or to the U.S.. Department of Energy for disposal without a further modification of the plan.

Oregon State University proposes to remove all radioactive materials 1

(including activated components, if any) from the reactor and store them at OSU until such time as Morthwestern University has gained an operating license from the NRC.

We would then like to ship the remaining components to Northwestern as soon as possible.

The reactor is still in a potentially operable condition.

All of the U-235 fuel is in the core and the fueled control rods are in storage and available if needed.

All control instrumentation is connected and operable.

The enclosed Dismantling Plan discusses the procedures to be used, and the precautions to be enployed to protect the health and safety of both the personnel involved and the general lublic.

Appendix A gives a general description of an ACN-201 reactor.

The operational history of the reactor is given in Appendix B.

The total radioactivity of its fission products in the fuel in approxi 2tc13. f actor of 50 leu t'ra:,

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in Appendix C.

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7 USNRC December 18, 1978 Northwestern University will obtain all required certifications for the shipping containers and approvals to ship the fuel from Corvallis, Oregon to Evanston, Illinois.

If any further information is desired, please let us know.

Sincerely yours, C.

H. Wang, Reactor Adminis trator l


M. Fopovicd, Vice President for Administration V

CHW/rk Enclosure cc Prof. Mark Davis, Northwestern Univer 3ity Prof. John C., Assistent Reactor Administrator, OSU Fr. Terrance V. Anderson, Reactor Supervisor, OSU Prof. Arthur G. Johncon, Health Physicist, OSU STATE OF CREGON )


C. H. Wang and M.

Popovich, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say that they have affixed their signatures to the letter above in their of ficial capacities as Director of the Radiation Center and Vice President for Administration of Oregon State University, respectively; that they have signed this letter in support of the application for amendment of the AGM-201 operating License No. R-51; that in accordance with the provisions of Part 50, Chapter 1, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, they are attaching this affidavit; that the facts set forth in the within letter are true to their best information and belief.


$ L&A,


rY C.

H. Wang M. Popofich Director, Radiation Center Vice President for Administration Subscribed and sworn to before me,

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of Denton, State of Oregon, this h C

'.D. 1978.

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