MONTHYEARML20217C8411999-10-0505 October 1999 Amend 64 to License NPF-86,revising TSs & to Delete Restriction to Suspend All Operations Involving Positive Reactivity Changes During Plant Conditions Specified ML20212L1071999-10-0101 October 1999 Amend 63 to License NPF-86,relocating TS 3/4.7.10, Area Temperature Monitoring, & Associsted TS Table 3.7-3.to Technical Requirements Manual ML20212D0761999-09-17017 September 1999 Amend 62 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Increase AOT for Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem from 30 to 60 Days to Allow Adequate Time to Replace Portions of Existing System During Current Operating Cycle ML20210Q1631999-08-12012 August 1999 Amend 61 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Delete Prescribed Method of Venting ECCS Which Would Allow Alternate Method to Verify That ECCS Piping Will Be Full of Water ML20204E3391999-03-12012 March 1999 Amend 60 to License NPF-86,revising TS Table 3.3-4 to Depict Change to Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20249C6401998-06-24024 June 1998 Amend 58 to License NPF-86,revises TS 4.5.2.b.1 for ECCS Subsystems to Delete Requirements to Vent Operating Chemical Volume & Control Sys Centrifugal Charging Pump Casing ML20216C7861998-04-0909 April 1998 Amend 56 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Re Requirements for Control Room Subsystems ML20236R9301998-03-26026 March 1998 Amend 55 to License NPF-86,modifing TS Sections 6.0, Administrative Control, to Reflect Recent Organizational Changes & Changes to Approval Title for Section Qualified Reviewer Program & Correcting Incorrect Ref in TS ML20216H8341998-03-17017 March 1998 Amend 54 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Relating to Requirements for AC Power Sources,Changing Certain Requirements Related to EDG Stated in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20141D5901997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 53 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Identify Fuel Assemblies Design Features ML20141D1391997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 52 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Include Reference to NRC W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage+Fuel Assembly Reference Core Rept, Dtd April 1995 ML20141B9781997-05-13013 May 1997 Amend 51 to License NPF-86,revising TSs Re Reactor Core Fuel Assembly Design Features Requirements Contained in TS 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies ML20135F9261997-03-12012 March 1997 Amend 50 to License NPF-86 Revising App a TSs Related to in-core Detector Sys,Seismic Instrumentation,Meteorological Instrumentation & Turbine Overspeed Protection ML20135C1561997-02-24024 February 1997 Amend 49 to License NPF-86,revising Plant App a TSs 1.7, Containment Integrity, 3/4.6.1, Primary Containment, & 3/4.6.5, Containment Enclosure Bldg, to Incorporate Provisions of Option B to 10CFR50,App J ML20117F8621996-08-30030 August 1996 Amend 48 to License NPF-86,revising TS,action A,To Increase from 8 H to 7 Days,Allowable Time That 480 Volt Bus E64 May Be Less than Fully Energized ML20108D9981996-05-0707 May 1996 Amend 47 to License NPF-86,revising App a TS 3.3.2, Engineered Safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation ML20095L0641995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Pages 3/4 3-33,3/4 3-26 & 3/4 3-19 & 20 W/Overleafs for Completeness of Amends 45 & 46 to License NPF-86 ML20095L0681995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Page 3/4 4-25 & 26 W/Overleaf for Completeness of Amend 46 to License NPF-86.Error Involved TS Page W/O Page & Amend Number ML20094P9741995-11-28028 November 1995 Amend 44 to License 44,revise App a TS Re RCS Leakage & Deletes Table 3.4-1 from TS Section & Ref Table 3.4-1 from Limiting Condition for Operation F ML20094F4371995-11-0202 November 1995 Amend 43 to License NPF-86,modifying App a TSs for Turbine Cycle Safety Valves ML20091Q7321995-08-31031 August 1995 Amend 40 to License NPF-86,revising App a Re Containment Bldg Penetrations ML20083Q5591995-05-19019 May 1995 Amend 39 to License NPF-86,deleting from Ts,Certain Audit Responsibilities of Nuclear Safety Audit Review Committee & Review Responsibilities of Station Operation Review Committee Re Emergency Plan,Security Plan & Procedures ML20083D0741995-05-17017 May 1995 Amend 37 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Re Schedule for Performing Type a Containment ILRTs ML20082H9491995-04-10010 April 1995 Amend 36 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Allow Longer Surveillance Test Intervals & AOTs for RPS & ESFAS & Removing Requirement to Perform RTS Analog Channel Operational Test on Staggered Basis ML20078R0091995-02-14014 February 1995 Amend 35 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Rename TS 6.2.3 from Independent Safety Engineering Group to Independent Technical Reviews & Replacing Requirements for Five Person Independent Safety Engineering Group ML20078H4701995-01-26026 January 1995 Amend 34 to License NPF-86,revising App a to Specify Composition of Sorc,Implement Station Qualified Reviewer Program & to Revise Time Which Nuclear Safety Audit Review Committee Must Issue Repts & Minutes ML20080C3111994-12-0606 December 1994 Corrected Tech Spec Page 2-1 for Amend 33 to License NPF-86,including Rev to Revised Figure 2.1-1 ML20024J2031994-10-0505 October 1994 Amend 32 to License NPF-86,revising App a Re Operability Requirements for Primary Component Cooling Water Sys & Ultimate Heat Sink ML20065J5491994-04-0707 April 1994 Amend 30 to License NPF-86 Supporting TS Changes in Allowable Time Intervals for Performing SR on Plant Components During Power Operation ML20063M2411994-03-0707 March 1994 Amend 29 to License NPF-86,modifies LCO of TS by Deleting Requirements Applicable to 36-inch Containment Shutdown Purge Supply & Exhaust Isolation Valves in Containment Air Purge Sys ML20059F0611994-01-0707 January 1994 Amend 28 to License NPF-86,revising Station,Unit 1 Operating License to Reflect Transfer of VT Electric Generation & Transmission Cooperative,Inc Undivided Ownership Interest to Util ML20059L9521993-11-10010 November 1993 Amend 26 to License NPF-86,revising Tech Specs to Reduce Frequency of Surveillances Required to Verify Integrity of Condensate Storage Tank at Least Every 18 Months ML20057D7481993-09-28028 September 1993 Amend 25 to License NPF-86,modifying TS Surveillance Requirement Re RWST Narrow Range Level Transmitters ML20056H2401993-08-24024 August 1993 Amend 24 to License NPF-86,revising TS Figure of Reactor Core Safety Limit Curves ML20056G1361993-08-16016 August 1993 Amend 22 to License NPF-86,revising App a TS Re Reporting Radioactive Effluent Releases from Facility ML20056G2671993-08-16016 August 1993 Amend 23 to License NPF-86,revising Plant Operating License to Reflect Name Change of Joint Owner Following Indirect Transfer of Control of Eua Power Corp Interest in Operating License ML20106D1421992-09-30030 September 1992 Amend 17 to License NPF-86,allowing Verification of Operability of Reactor Trip Breaker Shunt Trip Circuitry Prior to First Planned or Unplanned Shutdown ML20099F5271992-08-10010 August 1992 Amend 13 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Decouple Loss of Offsite Power/Safety Injection Test from 24 H Diesel Generator Surveillance Run ML20099G2981992-08-10010 August 1992 Amend 12 to License NPF-86,providing Replacement of RTD Bypass Sys for Measurement of Primary Loop Temp w/fast-response thermowell-mounted RTDs ML20101B4381992-05-29029 May 1992 Amend 10 to License NPF-86,revising License to Reflect Transfer of Operations & Maintenance of Seabrook Station, Unit 1 to North Atlantic Energy Svc Co ML20086D6791991-11-18018 November 1991 Amend 8 to License NPF-86,changing Tech Spec for Facility to Redefine Fully Withdrawn Position of All Rcca Banks to Minimize Localized Rcca Wear ML20083D1491991-09-12012 September 1991 Corrected Amend 6 to License NPF-86,providing Overlap Pages, Instruction Sheet & TS Change Pages ML20082M8941991-08-27027 August 1991 Amend 6 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Increase Allowable Max Enrichment of Reload Fuel Assemblies to 5.0 Weight Percent U-235 from Current 3.5 Weight Percent U-235 ML20085A7531991-07-12012 July 1991 Amend 3 to License NPF-86,revising Tech Specs Re Removal of RHR Isolation Valve Autoclosure Interlock ML20065M4771990-12-0606 December 1990 Amend 2 to License NPF-86,revising Tech Specs Re Dc Battery Surveillance Testing ML20055H8101990-07-26026 July 1990 Amend 2 to License NPF-86,allowing United Illuminating Co to Enter Into Arrangement for Sale & Leaseback of Portion of Financial Interest in Facility to Certain Equity Investors ML20012E2361990-03-15015 March 1990 License NPF-86 for Seabrook Station,Unit 1 ML20244D0991989-05-26026 May 1989 License NPF-67,authorizing Operation of Facility to Power Levels Not Exceeding 5% of Rated Power & Limiting Operation to No More than 0.75 Effective Full Power Hours ML20154Q8871988-09-27027 September 1988 Amend 1 to License NPF-56,changing Tech Spec Setpoints for Pressurizer Pressure,Pressurizer Water Level & Steam Generator Water Level Channels as Result of Replacing Veritak/Tobar Transmitters W/Rosemount Transmitters ML20215N2921986-10-17017 October 1986 License NPF-56 for Facility 1999-09-17
MONTHYEARML20217C8411999-10-0505 October 1999 Amend 64 to License NPF-86,revising TSs & to Delete Restriction to Suspend All Operations Involving Positive Reactivity Changes During Plant Conditions Specified ML20212L1071999-10-0101 October 1999 Amend 63 to License NPF-86,relocating TS 3/4.7.10, Area Temperature Monitoring, & Associsted TS Table 3.7-3.to Technical Requirements Manual ML20212D0761999-09-17017 September 1999 Amend 62 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Increase AOT for Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem from 30 to 60 Days to Allow Adequate Time to Replace Portions of Existing System During Current Operating Cycle ML20210Q1631999-08-12012 August 1999 Amend 61 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Delete Prescribed Method of Venting ECCS Which Would Allow Alternate Method to Verify That ECCS Piping Will Be Full of Water ML20196G3531999-06-23023 June 1999 LAR 99-19 for License NPF-86,increasing AOT for Cracs from 30 Days to 60 Days on One Time Basis for Each Train to Facilitate on-line Implementation of Design Enhancements During Current Operating Cycle ML20207J6201999-03-15015 March 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-49 & NPF-86, Transferring Control of Licenses to Reflect Change in Upstream Economic Ownership of Parent Company of Nep,Vols I & Ii.Pages 48,49 & Annual Rept 1996 Pages 2 & 3 Omitted ML20204E3391999-03-12012 March 1999 Amend 60 to License NPF-86,revising TS Table 3.3-4 to Depict Change to Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20207G9261999-03-0505 March 1999 Suppl Application for Transfer of License NPF-86,requesting Consent for Transfer of Montaup Electric Co Interest in OL for Seabrook Station to Little Bay Power Corp ML20198E7781998-12-16016 December 1998 License Amend Request 98-09 to License NPF-86,either Revising Refs & Statements That Are Inaccurate or Providing Relief from Administrative Controls Which Provide Insignificant Safety Benefit ML20198E7291998-12-16016 December 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86.Amend Involves Relocation of TS 3/4.7.10 & Associated TS Table 3.7-3 to Technical Requirements Manual ML20155J1671998-11-0404 November 1998 LAR 98-17 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Remove Prescriptive Requirements of Using Venting Process as Sole Means to Verify That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water ML20154F9971998-09-29029 September 1998 Application 98-16 for Amend to License NPF-86,reflecting Removal of Montaup Electric Co & Addition of Little Bay Power Corp ML20249C6401998-06-24024 June 1998 Amend 58 to License NPF-86,revises TS 4.5.2.b.1 for ECCS Subsystems to Delete Requirements to Vent Operating Chemical Volume & Control Sys Centrifugal Charging Pump Casing ML20249B4161998-06-17017 June 1998 Revised LAR 98-07,reflecting Proposed Changes in LAR 98-07 W/Recently Issued License Amend 56 Which Split TS 3/4.7.6 Into Separate TSs,3/ & 3/ ML20247R6821998-05-20020 May 1998 LAR 97-07 to License NPF-86,revising Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20217E8611998-04-22022 April 1998 LAR 98-04 to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24 Month Fuel Cycle,Per GL 91-04 ML20216C7861998-04-0909 April 1998 Amend 56 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Re Requirements for Control Room Subsystems ML20216C5751998-04-0808 April 1998 Application 98-03 for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-month Fuel Cycle, Per GL 91-04 ML20217Q2761998-04-0303 April 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,LAR 98-02,proposing Changes to TS to Accomodate Fuel Cycles of Up to 24 Months, Per GL 91-04, Changes in TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-Month Fuel Cycle ML20217M3671998-03-27027 March 1998 LAR 98-07 to License NPF-86,modifying Tech Specs 3.7.6, Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Subsystem ML20236R9301998-03-26026 March 1998 Amend 55 to License NPF-86,modifing TS Sections 6.0, Administrative Control, to Reflect Recent Organizational Changes & Changes to Approval Title for Section Qualified Reviewer Program & Correcting Incorrect Ref in TS ML20217F0931998-03-23023 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,proposing Administrative Change to TS to Incorporate Administrative Controls of New Specification 3.0.5,currently Approved for Use in NUREG-1431 ML20216H8341998-03-17017 March 1998 Amend 54 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Relating to Requirements for AC Power Sources,Changing Certain Requirements Related to EDG Stated in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20217Q0971998-03-0505 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,incorporating Programmatic Controls in TS for Radioactive Effluents & for Environ Monitoring Conforming to Applicable Regulatory Requirements ML20217N7231998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Revise Frequency for Performance of Specific Surveillances & Delete Requirements for Accelerated Testing When Number of Valid Test Failures Associated W/Edgs Is Met or Exceeded ML20217N8151998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Exclude Prescriptive Requirement to Vent Operating CVCS CCP Casing ML20211E9761997-09-26026 September 1997 Application for Amend (LAR 97-05),changing TS 3.7.6 by Separating Requirements for Control Room HVAC Sys Re Operation of Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Sys Subsystem & Control Room Air Conditioning Subsys ML20141D5901997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 53 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Identify Fuel Assemblies Design Features ML20141D1391997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 52 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Include Reference to NRC W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage+Fuel Assembly Reference Core Rept, Dtd April 1995 ML20141B3521997-06-19019 June 1997 License Amend Request 97-03 to License,Revising TS Administrative Control to Include Ref to NRC Approved W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage + Fuel Assembly Ref Core Rept ML20148F9971997-05-29029 May 1997 License Amend Request 97-02,to License NPF-86,replacing Term Zircaloy W/Terminology That Identifies NRC Approved Westinghouse Fuel Assembly Design Consisting of Assemblies W/Either ZIRLO or Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding Matl ML20141B9781997-05-13013 May 1997 Amend 51 to License NPF-86,revising TSs Re Reactor Core Fuel Assembly Design Features Requirements Contained in TS 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies ML20135F9261997-03-12012 March 1997 Amend 50 to License NPF-86 Revising App a TSs Related to in-core Detector Sys,Seismic Instrumentation,Meteorological Instrumentation & Turbine Overspeed Protection ML20135C1561997-02-24024 February 1997 Amend 49 to License NPF-86,revising Plant App a TSs 1.7, Containment Integrity, 3/4.6.1, Primary Containment, & 3/4.6.5, Containment Enclosure Bldg, to Incorporate Provisions of Option B to 10CFR50,App J ML20134Q3291997-02-18018 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing Reactor Core Fuel Assembly Design Features Requirements Contained in Tech Specs 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies ML20134L8591997-02-12012 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,requesting Rev to TS Section 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20129B8211996-10-17017 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-02,proposing Changes That Involve Relocation of Four TS Re Instrumentation Requirements Contained in TS Section 3/4.3 ML20129B7631996-10-16016 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-06,proposing Four Changes Re EDG Requirements Contained in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20117F8621996-08-30030 August 1996 Amend 48 to License NPF-86,revising TS,action A,To Increase from 8 H to 7 Days,Allowable Time That 480 Volt Bus E64 May Be Less than Fully Energized ML20113B1911996-06-20020 June 1996 License Amend Request 96-17 to License NPF-86,increasing Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop Electrical Supply to Be Equivalent to Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop ML20117K3051996-06-0404 June 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,implementing Performance Based Containment Leak Rate Testing Program at Seabrook Station by Changing Tss.Request Submitted IAW 10CFR50,App J,Option B & Reg Guide 1.163 Requirements ML20108D9981996-05-0707 May 1996 Amend 47 to License NPF-86,revising App a TS 3.3.2, Engineered Safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation ML20095L0681995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Page 3/4 4-25 & 26 W/Overleaf for Completeness of Amend 46 to License NPF-86.Error Involved TS Page W/O Page & Amend Number ML20095L0641995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Pages 3/4 3-33,3/4 3-26 & 3/4 3-19 & 20 W/Overleafs for Completeness of Amends 45 & 46 to License NPF-86 ML20094P9741995-11-28028 November 1995 Amend 44 to License 44,revise App a TS Re RCS Leakage & Deletes Table 3.4-1 from TS Section & Ref Table 3.4-1 from Limiting Condition for Operation F ML20094F4371995-11-0202 November 1995 Amend 43 to License NPF-86,modifying App a TSs for Turbine Cycle Safety Valves ML20092M1011995-09-22022 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of LAR 95-07 Re Automatic Switchover to Containment Sump/Rwst Level low-low ML20098A4711995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,relocating Functional Unit 6.b, FW Isolation- Low RCS T Avg Coincident W/Rt from TS 3.3.2 to Plant TS Requirements Manual Licensee Controlled Document ML20092K2091995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS 3/4.9.1 Re Refueling Boron Concentration (Ref NUREG-1431) ML20092F9141995-09-12012 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,TS Bases for RCS Safety Valves Bases Section 3/4.4.2 Were Made to Clarify What Specifically Constitutes Operable Pressurizer Safety Valve in Mode 5 1999-09-17
[Table view] |
arc I
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:
The application for amendment by North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation, et al. (the licensee), dated May 7, 1993, complies-with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act'of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.
The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission C.
There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities' authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering.the-health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities willL be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D.
The issuance of this' amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and. safety of the public; and E.
The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
- North Atlantic Energy Service Company (NAESCO) is a.uthorized to act as agent for the: North Atlantic Energy' Corporation, Canal Electric Company, The Connecticut Light and Power Company, Great Bay Power Corporation, Hudson Light-and Power Department, Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, Montaup Electric Company, New England Power Company, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc., Taunton Municipal Light Plant, and The United -Illuminating Company, and has exclusive responsibility and control over the physical construction, operation, and maintenance of the facility.
9403110309 940307 PDR ADOCK 05000443 P
. 2.
Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment, and paragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. NPF-86 is hereby amended to read as follows:
(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 29, and the Environmental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B are incorporated into Facility License No.
NPF-86. NAESCO shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan.
This license amendment is not effective until operational MODE 5 is entered when commencing the third refueling outage, and is to be implemented prior to reentering operational MODE 4.
\\ ) e
.John.k lz, re or Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Changes to the Technical Specifications Date of Issuance:
March 7, 1994
ATTACHMENT TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO. 29 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE N0. NPF-86 DOCKET NO, 50-443 Replace the following pages of Appendix A, Technical Specifications, with the attached pages as indicated.
The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain vertical lines indicating the areas of change.
Overleaf pages have been provided.
Remove Inse r_1 3/4 6-3*
3/4 6.3*
3/4 6-4 3/4 6-4 3/4 6-11*
3/4 6.11*
3/4 6-12 3/4 6-12 3/4 6-13 3/4 6.13 3/4 6-14*
3/4 6-14*
B 3/4 6-l*
B 3/4 6-l*
8 3/4 6-2 8 3/4 6-2 e
SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS The containment leakage rates shall be demonstrated at the following test schedule and shall be determined in conformance with the criteria speci-fied in Appendix J of 10 CFR Part 50:
Three Type A tests (Overall Integrated Containment Leakage Rate) a.
shall be conducted at 40 10 month intervals during shutdown at a pressure not less than P, 49.6 psig, during each 10-year service 4
The third test of each set shall be conducted during the j
shutdown for the 10-year plant inservice inspection; b.
If any periodic Type A test fails to meet 0.75 L tN test schedule for subsequent Type A tests s! all be reviewed and, apg:oved by the Commission.
If two consecutive Type A tests fail to meet 0.75 L,,
a i
Type A-test shall be performed at least every 18 months until two consecutive Type A tests meet 0.75 L, at which time the abcVe test schedule may be re emed; The accuracy of e.sch Type A test shall be verified by a supplemental c.
test which:
-l 1)
Confirms the accuracy of the test by verifying that the t
supplemental test result, L,, is in accordance with the following equation:
l L, - (L. + L,)l s 0.25 L, where L, is the measured Type A test leakage and L, is the I
superimposed leak; 2)
Has a duration sufficient to establish accu. Itely the change in leakage rate between the Type A test and the supplemental test; and 3)
Requires that the rate at which gas is injected into the containment or bled from the containment during the supplemental test is between 0.75 L, and 1.25 L,.
SEABROOK - UNIT 1 3/4's-3
I d.
Type B and C tests shall be conducted with gas at a pressure not less than P 49.6 psig, at intervals no greater than 24 months exceptforl,estsinvolving:
Air locks, and 2)
Purge supply and exhaust isolation valves with resilient material seals.
l e
The combined bypass leakage rate shall be determined to be less than or equal to 0.60 L, by applicable Type B and C tests at least once per 24 months, f.
Purge supply and exhaust isolation valves with resilient material seals shall be tested and demonstrated OPERABLE by the requirements of Specification
l g.
Air locks shall be tested and demonstrated OPERABLE by the j
requirements of Specification; and h.
The provisions of Specifications 4.0.2 are not applicable.
l l
1 I.
I SEABROOK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-4 Amendment No. 29
LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The structural integrity of the containment vessel shall be maintained at a level consistent with the acceptance criteria in Specification
APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
With the structural integrity of the containment vessel not conforming to the above requirements, restore the structural integrity to within the limits prior to increasing the Reactor Coolant System temperature above 200*F.
SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS I The structural integrity of the containment vessel shall be determined during the shutdown for each Type A containment leakage rate test (reference Specification by a visual inspection of the exposed accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the vessel.
This inspection shall be performed prior to the Type A containment leakage rate test to verify no apparent changes in appearance of the surfaces or other abnormal degradation.
Any abnormal degradation of the containment vessel detected during the above required inspections shall be reported to the Commission in a Special Report
pursuant to Specification 6.8.2 within 15 days.
l SEABROOK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-11
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CDNTAINMENT VENTILATION SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Each 8 inch containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valve shall be OPERABLE and sealed closed except when open for purge system operation for pressure control; for ALARA, respirable, and air quality considerations to facilitate personnel entry; and for surveillance tests that require the valve (s) to be open.
APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
With one or more of the 8-inch containment purge supply or exhaust isolation valves open for reasons other than given in Specification above, close the open 8-inch valve (s) or isolate the penetration (s) within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, otherwise be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
With one or more containment purge supply or exhaust isolation valves having a measured leakage rate in excess of the limits of Specification, restore the inoperable valve (s) to OPERABLE -
status or isolate the affected penetration (s) so that the measured leakage rate does not exceed the limits of Specification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and close the purge supply if the affected penetration is the exhaust penetration, otherwise be in at least H0T STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
6 SEABROOK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-12 Amendment No. 29
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTAINMENT VENTILATION SYSTEM SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS At least once per 92 days each 8-inch containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valve with resilient material seals shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by verifying that the measured leakage rate is less than or equal to 0.01 L, when pressurized to P,. Each 8-inch containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valve shall be verified to be sealed closed or open in accordance with Specification 3 at least once per 31 days.
i SEABROOK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-13 Amendment No. 29
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM LIMITING CQNDITION FOR OPERATION Two independent Containment Spray Systems shall be OPERA 8LE with each Spray System capable of taking suction from the RWST* and automatically'trans-ferring suction to the containment sump.
APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
With one Containment Spray System inoperable, restore the inoperable Spray System to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />; restore the inoperable Spray System to OPERABLE status within the next 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Each Containment Spray System shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, power-operated, or automatic) in the flow path that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position is in its correct position; b.
By verifying, that on recirculation flow, each pump develops a differential pressure of greater than or equal to 262 psi when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5; c.
At least once per 18 months during shutdown, by:
Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to its correct position on a Containment Pressure-Hi-3 test signal, and 2)
Verifying that each spray pump starts automatically on a Containment Pressure-Hi-3 test signal.
At least once per 5 years by performing an air or smoke flow test through each spray header and verifying each spray nozzle is unobstructed.
- In MODE 4, when the Residual Heat Removal System is in operation, an OPERABLE flow path is one that is capable of taking suction from the refueling water storage tank upon being manually realigned.
SEABROOK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-14
3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BAS.ES 3/4.6.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 3/ CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY Primary CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ensures that the release of radioactive materials from the containment atmosphere will be restricted to those leakage paths and associated leak rates assumed in the safety analyses.
This restriction, in conjunction with the leakage rate limitation, will limit the SITE B0UNDARY radiation doses to within the dose guidelines of 10 CFR Part 100 during accident conditions.
3/ CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE The limitations on containment leakage rates ensure that the total containment leakage volume will not exceed the value assumed in the safety analyses at the peak accident pressure, P. As an added conservatism, the measured overall integrated leakage rate,is further limited to less than or equal to 0.75 L, during performance of the periodic tests to account for possible degradation of the containment leakage barriers between leakage tests.
The surveillance testing for measuring leakage rates is consistent with the requirements of Appendix J of 10 CFR Part 50.
J 3/ CONTAINMENT AIR LOCKS The limitations on closure and leak rate for the containment air locks are required to meet the restrictions on CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY and containment leak rate.
Surveillance testing of the air lock seals provides assurance that the overall air lock leakage will not become excessive due to seal damage during the intervals between air lock leakage tests.
3/ INTERNAL PRESSURE The limitations on containment internal pressure ensure that:
(1) the containment structure is prevented from exceeding its design negative pressure differential with respect to the annulus atmosphere of 3.5 psi and (2) the containment peak pressure does not exceed the design pressure of 52 psig during LOCA conditions.
The maximum peak pressure expected to be obtained from a LOCA event is 49.6 psig. The limit of 16.2 psia for initial positive containment pressure will limit the total pressure to 49.6 psia which.is less than the design pres-sure and is consistent with the safety analyses.
SEABROOK - UNIT 1 B 3/4 6-1
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.1 PRIMARY CONTAINriENT (Continued) 3/ AIR TEMPERATURE The limitation in containment average air temperature ensures that the containment average air temperature does not exceed the initial temperature condition assumed in the overall safety analysis for a steam line break acci-dent. Measurements shall be made at all listed locations, whether by fixed or portable instruments, prior to determining the average air temperature.
3/ CONTAINMENT VESSEL STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY This limitation ensures that the structural integrity of the containment steel vessel will be maintained comparable to the original design standards for the life of the facility.
Structural integrity is required to ensure that the vessel will withstand the maximum pressure of 52 psig in the event of a LOCA.
A visual inspection in conjunction with Type A leakage tests is sufficient to demonstrate this capability.
3/ CONTAINMENT VENTILATION SYSTEM The 36-inch containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valves are required to be sealed closed during plant operation since these valves have not been demonstrated capable of closing during a LOCA or steam line break accident. Maintaining these valves closed during plant operations ensures that excessive quantities of radioactive materials will not be released via the Containment Purge System.
To provide assurance that these containment valves l'
cannot be inadvertently opened, the 36-inch containment shutdown purge supply and exhaust isolation valves are not utilized during operation on MODES 1-4, and a blind flange is installed establishing a Type "B" penetration. The penetration is surveilled in accordance with Surveillance Requirement 4.6.1.la in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Surveillance Requirement is also applicable to this penetration.
The use of the containment purge lines is restricted to the 8-inch purge supply and exhaust isolation valves since, unlike the 36-inch valves, the 8-inch valves are capable of closing during a LOCA or steam line break accident.
Therefore, the SITE BOUNDARY dose guideline values of 10 CFR Part 100 would not be exceeded in the event of an accident during containment PURGING operation. The total time the containment purge (vent) system isolation valves may be open during MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 in a calendar year is determined by the actual need for opening the valves for safety-related reasons; e.g., containment pressure control or the reduction of airborne radioactivity to facilitate personnel access for surveillance and maintenance activities.
Leakage integrity tests with a maximum allowable leakage rate for containment purge supply and exhaust supply valves will provide early indication of resilient material seal degradation and will allow o)portunity for repair before gross leakage failures could develop.
The 0.60 leakage limit of Specification shall not be exceeded when the leakage rates determined by the leakage integrity tests of these valves are added to the previously determined total for all valves and penetrations subject to Type B and C tests.
SEABROOK - UNIT 1-8 3/4 6-2 Amendment No. 29