RCF 20-01, Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of the Application for a License Amendment Re Modification to the Restricted and Exclusion Areas

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Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of the Application for a License Amendment Re Modification to the Restricted and Exclusion Areas
Person / Time
Site: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Issue date: 02/20/2020
From: Ji W
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
EPID L-2019-LLA-0254, RCF 20-01
Download: ML20057D420 (54)


DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL, I AEROSPACE, AND NUCLEAR ENGINEERING RCF 20-01 February 20, 2020 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 NRC License CX-22, Docket Number 50-225.


NRC letter "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of the Application for a License Amendment Re Modification to the Restricted and Exclusion Areas for the Renewed Facility License No. CX-22 (EPID: L-2019-LLA-0254)",

ADAMS Accession No. ML19340C076, dated December 10, 2019 Xiaosong Yin, Project Manager:

This letter submits supplemental information to address the four (4) questions presented in the above referenced letter. Response to these questions were prepared with inputs from the Office of Environmental, Health, Safety and Risk Management, the Office of Physical Plant, and the School of Engineering Dean' s Office at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


Dr. Wei Ji, Facility Director School of Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of the Application for a License Amendment Re Modification to the Restricted and Exclusion Areas for the Renewed Facility License No. CX-22

_A-D Z.D Rensselaer Polytechnic In ticure 110 8th Street I Troy, ' Y 12180-3590 USA µJ IZ


Dr. Shekhar Garde, Dean, School of Engineering Dr. Suvranu De, Head, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering Mr. Claude Rounds, Vice President, Administration Ms. Annette Chism, Director, Environmental, Health, Safety and Risk Management Dr. Liping Huang, Associate Dean for Research, School of Engineering Dr. Hyun Kang, NSRB Chair Mr. Ernest Katzwinkel, Director, Physical Plant Dr. Manish Arha, Radiation Safety Officer Dr. Jason Thompson, Reactor Critical Facility (RCF) Operations Supervisor

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NEEDED FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE AMENDMENT RE MODIFICATION TO THE RESTRICTED AND EXCLUSION AREAS FOR THE RENEWED FACILITY LICENSE NO. CX-22 This supplemental information provides details requested by the NRC from RPI in a letter dated December 2019 (see Reference [1]). NRC specifically sent four questions to RPI. The following document provides answers and data in response to those four questions.


1) Provide a detailed description of a) what has been changed regarding the restricted and exclusion areas, not just the numerical number changes; b) the scale of the areas lost due to the construction around the facility; and c) environmental impacts for those lost areas.

A drawing prepared by Hershberg and Hershberg Consulting Engineers is attached with this document as Appendix 1. The drawing shows both the locations of the old fence and the locations of the new fence on the same drawing. Old fence is shown by red lines with overlaid "x" symbols. They are also labeled using text and arrows. Also shown on the drawing are the locations of the six core samples, BOl - B06. Figure 1 below shows the sample locations relative to the old fencing in a satellite image. Figure 2 superimposes the sample locations on a photograph of the new site arrangement.

The attached Appendix lA "Safety Analysis of construction activities surrounding RPI RCF".

Fence Line Reconfiguration" dated September 12, 2015 prepared by Peter F. Caracappa, Certified Health Physicist and Director of the RCF (at that time) provides an Analysis of the general construction plan and activities in the area surrounding the RCF.

The attached Appendix lB "Safety Analysis of Fence Line Reconfiguration" dated September 15, 2015 prepared by Peter F. Caracappa, Certified Health Physicist and Director of the RCF (at that time) provides a Description and an Analysis of the reconfiguration of the fence line boundaries surrounding the RCF .

Figure 1: Sample Locations Relative to Old Site Fencing 2

Figure 2: Sample Locations Relative to New Fencing The results of the soil samples are presented in the following section.


2) Provide systematic radiological survey data, including (but not limited to) area exposure rate measurements, soil and ground water samples, etc, to support that there is no significant risk to the public and to the environment from those areas released for unrestricted use.

RPI monitors the external radiation doses with six thermoluminescent detectors (TLD) attached to the inner and outer fences. Figure 3 shows the locations of the TLDs on a schematic .

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Figure 3: Exterior Survey Map Several years of data from these TLDs is presented in Table 1. The fences were relocated in 2015. Results from EM2 and EM6 suggest a small increase in gamma radiation dose at the fences closest to the reactor. EM2 is on the inner fence located about 28 feet from the reactor.

No other detector on the inner fence is closer. EM6 is on the outer fence, about 35 feet from the reactor. No other detector on the outer fence is closer.


Table 1: Exterior Environmental Monitoring Results 2011 -2018 Annual Integrated Annual Environment Monitoring Results, mR Notes Power, kw-hr Year EMl EM2 EM3 EM4 EMS EM6 2011 0 5 5 0 1 6 0.078 2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.039 1 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.026 2015 0 7 0 o, 0 0 0.036 2 2016 0 8 0 0 0 8 0.078 3 2017 0 6 0 0 0 5 0.11 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.006 4 NOTES:

1. Critical Reactor Laboratory course expanded from one section to three sections.
2. Year of fence relocation.
3. Critical Reactor Laboratory course reduced to two sections.
4. Final year for Critical Reactor Laboratory course.

Radiation surveys on January 15, 2020 with the reactor operating at ten watts are recorded on Table 2 for locations shown on Figure 3.

Table 2: RCF External Survey at 10 W Operating Power Location Reading, mR/hr 61 0.1 62 0.4 63 0.17 64 0.02 66 1.5 67 0.09 69 0.2 Survey Instrument: Ludlum Model 3 Serial #: 233498 Calibration Date: 6/25/2019 5

Soil samples were collected from six locations near the Reactor Critical Facility. See attached Appendix 2 for GPS co-ordinates of the locations. The locations of soil sample B04 and B06 were outside the exclusion area boundary. Locations ofremaining soil samples, i.e., BOl, B02, B03 and BOS were between the restricted area boundary and the exclusion area boundary.

The soil samples were collected from each location using a MacroCore sampler. Two samples from each location, samples "A" and "B" were collected at a depth interval of 0-8 feet and 8-16 feet respectively. The soil samples were screened for ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation readings from the soil samples did not exceed 25 µR/hr, consistent with typical background radiation. All the samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides (listed in analytical results of Appendix 3) and gross alpha and beta activities. Four soil samples were also analyzed for Uranium 238 and Thorium 232. See attached Appendix 3 and 4 for details of the analytical results and sample report. '

Radionuclides were detected in each of the twelve soil samples. The concentrations of radionuclides in the samples B04 and B06 (from locations outside the exclusion boundary) were similar, within detection uncertainty, to the radionuclide concentrations detected in the samples BOl, B02, B03 and BOS (from locations between restricted area boundary and exclusion area boundary). The concentrations of radionuclide tested in all the samples were consistent with those found in coal ash (a primary filler in the RPI parcel area, which is a part of surrounding brown field).


3) Provide justification for applicable impacts to your license and ability to continue to meet regulatory requirements in 10 CFR 20, special license conditions in your safety analysis report, and obligated standards in your license, including but not limited to public dose limits, accident dose estimates for your licensed maximum hypothetical accident.

Environmental monitoring results and radiation survey results presented in the previous section show that public dose limits of 10 CFR 20 are met.

Reference [2] provides accident dose and dose rate estimates for two accident scenarios, the maximum hypothetical accident and a loss of moderator accident.

The maximum hypothetical accident is a release of radioactive material from an encapsulated experiment. The release is an airborne release into the interior of the reactor building. The maximum amount of material available for release is defined by the Technical Specifications (TS). RPI calculated a maximum potential radiation dose of 0.1 mSv (10 mrem). NRC staff recalculated with more conservativ~ assumptions and determined the maximum potential radiation dose could be 0.14 mSv (14 mrem). This is less than the 10 CFR 20.1301 limit of 1 mSv (100 mrem). Fence relocation does not affect this dose estimate since the release would be airborne and would escape the site.

The loss of moderator accident would cause radiation exposure due to the loss of the shielding that the moderator provides. The .reactor would be shut down by the loss of moderator. The radiation level at the top of the reactor would be about 0.05 mSv (5 mrem) just after shutdown and then decays over time. At one week after shutdown, the dose rate would be zero. Fence relocation would increase the radiation dose rate at the exclusion area boundary and the restricted area boundary since both boundaries are closer than was the case when the accident was analyzed.

The restricted area boundary is now 28.3 feet from the reactor at its closest point. The accident dose rate estimate in Reference 2 assumed the restricted area boundary was 3 0 feet and the calculated dose rate was 0.001 mSv/hr (0.1 mrem/hr). For the closer restricted area boundary, the estimated dose rate increases to 0.0011 mSv/hr (0.11 mrem/hr). This is much less than the 10 CFR 20.1301 limit of 0.02 mSv/hr (2 mrem/hr).

The exclusion area boundary is now 35.4 feet from the reactor at the closest point. Dose rate estimates assumed the exclusion area boundary was 50 feet from the reactor and the dose rate estimate was calculated to be 0.0003 mSv/hr (0.03 mrem/hr). For the closer exclusion area boundary, the increased dose rate estimate is 0.0006 mSv/hr (0.06 mrem/hr). The total dose over the course of a year remains well below the annual dose limit of 1 mSv (100 mrem).

The pertinent data from the previous two paragraphs are summarized in Table 3.


Table 3: Pertinent Changes to Boundary Parameters Distance from Reactor, ft Calculated Dose Rate, mSv/hr Previous (assumed New measured Previous New Restricted Area 30 28.3* 0.001 0.0011 Exclusion Area 50 35.4* 0.0003 0.0006

  • at its closest point 8



4) Describe any changes made to methodologies or calculations used to justify licensed radiological limits or reporting criteria.

No changes were made to methodologies or calculations.


[1] NRC letter Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of the Application for a License Amendment Re Modification to the Restricted and Exclusion Areas for the Renewed Facility License No. CX-22 (EPID: L-2019-LLA-0254),

ADAMS Accession No. ML19340C076

[2] Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Renewal of Facility Operating License No. CX-22 for the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Critical Experiments Facility, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, June 2011, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ADAMS Accession No. MLl 11110690 9


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HERSHBERG HERSHBERG Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors 18 Locust Street Albany, New 'fork 1220 EXISTING BUILDING



!Appendix 1AI Safety Analysis of construction activities surrounding RPI RCF Peter F. Caracappa, Ph.D., CHP Rev.9/12/15 The following is an analysis of the general construction plan and activities in the area surrounding the RPI RCF, performed in accordance with the requirements of 10CFRS0.59 paragraph (d)(l) which states "The licensee shall maintain records of changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments made pursuantto paragraph (c) of this section. These records mustinclude a written evaluation which provides the bases for the determination that the change, test or experiment does not require a license amendment pursuant to paragraph (c) (2) of this section."

This analysis addresses only the general terms of the plan for the land surrounding the RPI reactor, as plans and designs will continue to evolve over time. Additional specific analyses will be completed for any changes that lead to demonstrable impact on the description of the facility or procedures of the facility.


The RCF sits on land owned by RPI, but is surrounded by industrial land previously belonging to the American Locomotive Corporation (ALCO), eventually transferred to the control of the Schenectady Metroplex, and industrial development authority.

The Metroplex has instituted plans to redevelop the land into a mixed-use development including residential property, commercial activities, a hotel, and a marina. An artist's rendering of the plan is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Artist's Rendering of redevelopment of land surrounding RCF, shown at center

This development, when completed, will change the geography and demography of the surrounding area as outlined in section 2.1 and 2.2 of the SAR.

The redevelopment process is expected to include several features:

  • Construction activities in land previously dedicated to industrial use
  • Excavation and construction of harbor facility
  • Reconfiguration of RCF fence line perimeters
  • Removal of exhaust stack Basis for analysis For the given activities, compliance with the conditions of 10CFRS0.59(c) are demonstrated by comparison against:
1. The RCF Technical Specifications, for compliance with 10CFRS0.59( c)(1) (i)
2. The radiation protection standards for members of the public contained in 10CFR20, for compliance with 10CFRS0.59(c)(1)(ii)

Again, the analysis contained herein only addresses the general concepts associated with the project plan, with more detailed analyses to be completed for specific activities when complete design plans are established.

This analysis does not address security issues associated with any of the proposed changes. Changes to the Security Plan, if necessary, will be addressed by the process outlined in the Security Plan and/or as described in 10CFRS0.54(p).

Analysis The only area of the Technical Specification potentially impacted by the conceptual design is Section 5.1, which provides a physical description of the fence radius. The proposed changes do not result in an obvious conflict with the description in that section. This condition will be addressed in detail when a new fence line design is proposed.

The limiting factor for the safety of the facility is the dose to members of the public associated with direct exposure to radiation released from the operation of the reactor, and from environmental releases from the reactor operations. Specifically, dose rate is limited to no more than 2 mrem/hour in any accessible area, and to no more than 100 mrem accumulated dose to members of the public in a year.

In the relicensing process completed in 2011, confirmatory measurements were made and extrapolated to the conditions of maximum licensed operation. It was shown at that time that the maximum dose rate at the position of the inner fence was 1.3 mrem/hour, at the position of closest approach to the reactor itself.

Although the public is generally restricted from accessing the position ofland

between the two fence lines, at times individuals not designated radiation workers or under the supervision of cognizant individuals may frequent this region, so using the inner fence line is conservative.

Although the exact positioning of the inner fence line is not yet determined, it does not appear that it will be close enough at any point to result in exceeding the given thresholds even under maximum operating conditions. Since compliance is maintained at the fence line boundary, changes to geography and demography beyond it will not result in violation of dose limits, even under maximum operating conditions.

Likewise, the calculation of dose from environmental release (of Ar-41 generated during reactor operations) takes no credit for stack height, distance from release, occupancy, or population distribution. Effectively it assumes that the maximally exposed individual remains at the stack release point. Therefore any changes in geographic and demographic layout of surrounding community does not impact*

compliance with dose limits.

!Appendix 1 el Safety Analysis offence Line Reconfiguration Peter F. Caracappa, Ph.D., CHP September 15, 2015 The following is an analysis of the reconfiguration of the fence line boundaries surrounding the RCF, performed in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.59 paragraph (d)(l) which states "The licensee shall maintain records of changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments made pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section. These records must include a written evaluation which provides the bases for the determination that the change, test or experiment does not require a license amendment pursuant to paragraph (c) (2) of this section."

The RCF fences perform both a safety and a security function. This analysis addresses only the relative position of the fence line, and not the exact layout nor the construction of the fence, which will be addressed_, if necessary, through changes to the Security Plan performed in accordance with the process given in 10 CFR 50.54(p).

Overview Construction activity in the land surrounding the RCF has necessitated adjustments to the fence lines surrounding the facility. A harbor is under construction to the south of the facility, with an opening to the river that will be established to the east of the facility. Land beyond the facility boundary will be re-graded, and a walking path along the harbor and river sides of the facility will be installed.

The fences surrounding the RCF are described in the specifications in TS 5.1, Site and Facility Description, which states:

The facility is located on a site situated on the south bank of the Mohawk River in the City of Schenectady. An inner fence of greater than 30 feet radius defines the restricted area. An outer fence and riverbank of greater than 50 feet radius defines the exclusion area.

The restricted area is accessible only to those that are approved and designated radiation workers, or those under the supervision of such workers. Access to the exclusion area is limited, but may at times be granted to individuals not meeting the definition of a radiation worker. Therefore the RCF safety analyses have generally used the dose at the position of the inner fence to show compliance with dose to members of the public.

The inner fence position is not modified uniformly from the previous layout. The fence line along the north (river) siicte of the facility is mainta.ined from the previous position. Along the west side of the facility, the fence line has been moved slightly further from the reactor building. Along the south and east sides of the facility, the fence has been moved closer to the reactor building by 7-10 feet, depending upon

the location. Exact measurements, layouts, and diagrams are omitted from this document to avoid potential disclosure of security related information.

The inner fence relocation will be completed in a single phase to establish a new permanent boundary. To accommodate continuing-rnnstruction, the outer fence is being established at an interim location greater than existing fence boundary, which will be later modified to a permanent position that is either equal or closer to the reactor building coinpared to the previous boundary.

Basis for analysis For this project, compliance with the conditions of 10CFRS0.59(c) are demonstrated by comparison against:

1. The RCF Technical Specifications, for compliance with 10CFRS0.59(c) (l)(i)
2. The radiation protection standards for members of the public contained in 10CFR20, for compliance with 10CFRS0.59(c)(1)(ii)


1. The RCF Technical Specifications, for compliance with 10CFRS0.59(c)(1)(i)

The specification of TS 5.1 states:

The facility is located on a site situated on the south bank of the Mohawk River in the City of Schenectady. An inner fence of greater than 30 feet radius defines the restricted area. An outer fence and riverbank of greater than 5 0 feet radius defines the exclusion area.

The fences are not circular, but instead are reasonably rectangular in layout. It is assumed that compliance with this TS section is demonstrated if a circle of the specified radius can be placed within the fence line where the fence falls outside the circle in -every direction and does not intersect the fence at any position.

The updated inner fence position can accommodate a circle of radius 30 feet. The updated outer fence, being further from the reactor building than the previous configuration, clearly meets this standard. The intended design of the final position of the outer fence accommodates a ~ircle ofradius 50 feet, although this will be confirmed against the as-built conditions when that fence position is established.

2. The radiation protection standards for members of the public contained in 10CFR20, for compliance with 10CFRS0.59(c)(1)(ii)

A characterization of the dose rate at the previous fence line was completed as part of the relicensing process. Dose was measured at a consistent reactor power level of 13 W, and extrapolated to the maximum licensed condition of 100 W.

The maximum dose observed from this operation was on the west side of the facility (due to the presence of a "window" filled with low density concrete rather than the high density concrete making up the remainder of the reactor room walls).

However, the inner fence line in that direction is further from building than previous position, and therefore will not be increased due to the fence changes. The next highest dose position was along the south side of the building. Along the east side, the measured dose was lower, and the change in the fence position is slightly smaller, so the south side fence dose is considered the limiting condition.

The predicted exposure rate for full power operation at that position was calculated as 1.15 mrem/hour, and the position at the fence line was approximately 45 feet from the centerline of the reactor. The new inner fence position is approximately 35 feet from the center line of the reactor. Assuming the dose rate follows a 1/r2 relationship, the predicted dose rate at the new fence line at maximum licensed power would be 1.9 mrem/hour, which remains below the 2 mrem/hour threshold.

The facility integrated power is limited to no more than 2 kw-hr per year, which would result in a maximum possible accumulated dose to members of the public of 38 mrem per year, below the limit of 100 mrem per year.

These values are conservative because (a) members of the public are not generally able to access the position of the inner fence line, (b) those that do are generally present for only a short time in a transient manner, and (c) maximum operatiopal power is administratively limited to 15 W, and typical annual integrated power is much less than 2 kw-hr.

Conclusion The changes to the fence line position do not require a change to the facility license under 10 CFR 50.59.



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!Appendix 31 Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 December 01, 2014 Kelly Miller Pace Analytical New York 2190 Technology Drive Schenectady, NY 12308 RE: Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084

Dear Kelly Miller:

Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on October 28, 2014. _

The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current TNI standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report.

If you haye any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely, Carin Ferris carin.ferris@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc .. Page 1 of27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 CERTIFICATIONS Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Pennsylvania Certification IDs 1638 Roseytown Rd Suites 2,3&4, Greensburg, PA 15601 Montana Certification #: Cert 0082 ACLASS DOD-ELAP Accreditation#: ADE-1544 Nebraska Certification#: NE-05-29-14 Alabama Certification #: 41590 Nevada Certification Arizona Certification #: AZ0734 New Hampshire/TN! Certification#: 2976 Arkansas Certification New Jersey/TN I Certification#: PA 051 California/TN I Certification#: 04222CA New Mexico Certification Colorado Certification New York/TN I Certification #: 10888 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0694 North Carolina Certification #: 42706 Delaware Certification North Dakota Certification#: R-190 Florida/TN I Certification#: E87683 Oregon/TN I Certification#: PA200002 Guam/PADEP Certification Pennsylvania/TN! Certification#: 65-00282 Hawaii/PADEP Certification Puerto Rico Certification#: PA01457 Idaho Certification South Dakota Certification lllinois/PADEP Certification Tennessee Certification #: TN2867 lndiana/PADEP Certification Texas/TN! Certification#: T104704188 Iowa Certification#: 391 Utah/TN! Certification#: PA014572014-4 Kansas/TN! Certification#: E-10358 Vermont Dept. of Health: ID# VT-0282 Kentucky Certification #: 90133 Virgin lsland/PADEP Certification Louisiana DHH/TNI Certification#: LA140008 VirginiaNELAP Certification#: 460198 Louisiana DEQ/TNI Certification#: 4086 Washington Certification #: C868 Maine Certification #: PA00091 West Virginia DEP Certification#: 143 Maryland Certification #: 308 West Virginia DHHR Certification #: 9964C Massachusetts Certification#: M-PA1457 Wisconsin/PADEP Certification Michigan/PADEP Certification Wyoming Certification #: 8TMS-Q Missouri Certification#: 235 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 SAMPLE


Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 30133083001 801-A Solid 10/23/14 08:15 10/28/14 10:15 30133084002 801-8 Solid 10/23/14 08:25 10/28/14 10:15 30133084003 802-A Solid 10/23/14 08:55 10/28/14 10:15 30133084004 802-8 Solid 10/23/14 09:25 10/28/14 10:15 30133084005 803-A Solid 10/23/14 10:00 10/28/14 10:15 30133084006 803-8 Solid 10/23/1410:15 10/28/14 10:15 30133084007 804-A Solid 10/23/14 11 :00 10/28/14 10:15 30133084008 804-8 Solid 10/23/1411 :10 10/28/14 10:15 30133084009 805-A Solid 10/23/14 10:35 10/28/14 10:15 30133084010 805-8 Solid 10/23/14 10:40 10/28/14 10:15 30133084011 806-A Solid 10/23/14 11 :40 10/28/14 10:15 30133084012 806-8 Solid 10/23/14 12:00 10/28/14 10:15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 3 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4



WV/'!(.pacelaf!s.cc_m Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported 30133083001 801-A EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 30133084002 801-8 EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 HSL-300 LAL 2 30133084003 802-A EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 30133084004 802-8 EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 HSL-300 LAL 2 30133084005 803-A EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 30133084006 803-8 EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 30133084007 804-A EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 30133084008 804-8 EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA 9310 FCC 2 30133084009 805-A EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 HSL-300 LAL 2 30133084010 805-8 EPA901.1 MAH '10 EPA 9310 FCC 2 30133084011 806-A EPA901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 HSL-300 LAL 2 30133084012 806-8 EPA 901.1 MAH 10 EPA9310 FCC 2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical _Services, Inc .. Page 4 of27



____../" - *WWl'(.pacela~s:com Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Sample: 801-A Lab ID: 30133083001 Collected: 10/23/14 08:15 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a ndry-weightn basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Anal~ed CAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.000 +/- 1.768 (3.162) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 1.011 +/- 0.281 (0.188) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 1.082 +/- 0.278 (0.274) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 1.212 +/- 0.306 (0.203) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 6.800 +/- 2.056 (2.069) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 1.115 +/- 0.280 (0.188) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 1.200 +/- 0.424 (0.466) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.426 +/- 0.134 (0.106) pCi/g. 11/25/14 13:50 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 1.221 +/- 2.942 (5.060) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.254 +/- 0.164 (0.172) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 9.63 +/- 5.63 (9.05) pCi/g 11/14/14 06:24 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 7.77 +/- 3.30 (5.24) pCi/g 11 /14/14 06:24 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Sample: 801-B Lab ID: 30133084002 Collected: 10/23/14 08:25 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a ndry-weightn basis Parameters Method Act+/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.623 +/- 1.433 (2.575) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 0.840 +/- 0.267 (0.198) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 1.013 +/- 0.282 (0.~18) ,pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 0.862 +/- 0.281 (0.242) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 5.635 +/- 2.217 (2.445) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA 901.1 0.844 +/- 0.268 (0.198) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 0.910 +/- 0.361 (0.469) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.441 +/- 0.141 (0.089) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 1.928+/-1.189 (2.410) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 0.127 +/- 0.112 (0.143) pCi/g 11/25/14 13:50 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 9.08 +/- 5.78 (9.97) pCi/g 11/14/14 06:24 . 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA 9310 9.11 +/- 3.34 (4.82) pCi/g 11/14/14 06:24 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Thorium-232 HSL-300 1.39 +/- 0.489 (0.284) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:24 7440-29-1 N2 C:NAT:85%

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, !.nc.. Page 5 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc,

,, 1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Sample: 801-8 Lab ID: 30133084002 Collected: 10/23/14 08:25 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua I Uranium-238 HSL-300 0.701 +/- 0.269 (0.110) pCi/g 11/13/14 20:56 N2 C:NAT:107%

Sample: 802-A Lab ID: 30133084003 Collected: 10/23/14 08:55 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.000 +/- 0.615 (0.967) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 0.675 +/- 0.233 \(0.183) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 0.610 +/- 0.191 (0.161) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 0.624 +/- 0.189 (0.138) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 7 .661 +/- 1.801 (1.384) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 0.667 +/- 0.156 (0.183) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 0.335 +/- 0.181 (0.359) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.129 +/- 0.072 (0.101) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 0.587 +/- 1.012 (3.462) pCi/g 11/25/1414:18 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.107 +/- 0.097 (0.116) pCi/g 11/25/14 14:18 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 26.3 +/- 9.29 (11.6) pCi/g 11/14/14 06:24 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 22.2 +/- 5.50 (4.74) pCi/g 11/14/14 06:24 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Sample: 802-8 Lab ID: 30133084004 Collected: 10/23/14 09:25 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Resultti reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.590 +/- 1.555 (2.706) pCi/g 11/30/14 21:12 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 1.324 +/- 0.377 (0.360) pCi/g 11/30/14 21:12 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 1.885 +/- 0.481 (0.363) pCi/g 11/30/14 21:12 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 1.948 +/- 0.466 (0.275) pCi/g 11/30/14 21:12 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 10.901 +/- 2.609 (1.716) pCi/g 11/30/14 21:12 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA" Radium*226 EPA901.1 1.614 +/- 0.379 (0.360) pCi/g 11/30/1421 :12 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228

  • EPA901.1 1.816 +/- 0.521 (0.436) pCi/g 11/30/1421 :12 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.858 +/- 0.324 (0.214) pCi/g 11/30/14 21:12 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA r

REPORT OF LABORATORY-ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 6 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Sample: 802-8 Lab ID: 30133084004 Collected: 10/23/14 09:25 Received: 10/28/1410:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua!

Thoriurn-234 EPA901.1 0.871 +/- 1.499 (5.732) pCi/g 11/30/1421 :12 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.404 +/- 0.158 (0.254) pCi/g 11/30/1421 :12 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 10.5 +/- 6.62 (11.5) pCi/g 11/18/14 07:13 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA 9310 11.4+/-4.15 (5.98) pCi/g 11/18/14 07:13 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Thorium-232 HSL-300 1.20 +/- 0.427 (0.232) pCi/g 11/17/14 15:51 7440-29-1 N2 C:NAT:67%

Uranium-238 HSL-300 1.32 +/- 0.446 (0.151) pCi/g 11/18/14 10:48 N2 C:NAT:92%

Sample: 803-A Lab ID: 30133084005 Collected: 10/23/14 10:00 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act+/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua!

Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 1.186 +/- 1.136 (1.316) pCi/g 11 /30/14 20:41 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bisrnuth-214 EPA 901.1 0.654 +/- 0.195 (0.153) pCi/g 11 /30/14 20:41 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 0.717 +/- 0.176 (0.171) pCi/g 11/30/14 20:41 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 0.691 +/- 0.213 (p.180) pCi/g 11 /30/14 20:41 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 8.762 +/- 2.095 (1.286) pCi/g 11 /30/14 20:41 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 0.645 +/- 0.192 (0.153) pCi/g 11 /30/14 20:41 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 0.994 +/- 0.287 (0.241) pCi/g 11/30/14 20:41 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 0.334 +/- 0.094 (0.049) pCi/g 11/30/14 20:41 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thoriurn-234 EPA901.1 0.637 +/- 0.802 (1.458) pCi/g 11 /30/14 20:41 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.036 +/- 0.060 (0.106) pCi/g 11/30/14 20:41 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 9.49 +/- 5.68 (8.75) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:53 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 6.53 +/- 3.51 (6.05) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:53 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Sample: 803-8 Lab ID: 30133084006 Collected: 10/23/1410:15 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua!

Bisrnuth-212 EPA901.1 1.477 +/- 1.689 (2.365) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:09 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 1.397 +/- 0.403 (0.262) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:09 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 1.291 +/- 0.315 (0.241) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:09 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 7 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Sample: 803-8 Lab ID: 30133084006 Collected: 10/23/14 10:15 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a dry-weight" basis 0

Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua!

Lead-214 EPA901.1 1.124+/-0.341 (0.279) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:09 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1

  • 7.842 +/- 2.539 (2.217) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:09 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 1.324 +/- 0.341 (0.262) pCi/g 11/30/1418:09 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 1.386 +/- 0.406 (0.341) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:09 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.544+/- 0.160 (0.072) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:09 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 2.395 +/- 1.340 (2.120) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:09 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.117 +/- 0.123 (0.165) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:09 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA 9310 5.67 +/-4.35 (7.57) pCi/g 11 /14/14 07:53 12587-46-1
  • C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 5.96 +/- 3.01 (5.09) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:53 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Sample: 804-A Lab ID: 30133084007 Collected: 10/23/1411:00 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

0 Results reported on a "dry-weight basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua!

Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.595 +/- 1.230 (2.112) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 1.093 +/- 0.306 (0.207) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 1.150 +/- 0.277 (0.254) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 1.370 +/- 0.311 (0.153) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:25 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 8.958 +/- 2.085 (1.026) pCi/g 11/30/1418:25 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 1.247 +/- 0.280 (0.207) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 0.895 +/- 0.317 (0.554) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.252 +/- 0.113 (0.144) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 2.312 +/- 2.683 (4.398) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.209 +/- 0.106 (0.121) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:25 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA 9310 10.4 +/- 5.82 (8.81) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA 9310 4.88 +/- 3.41 (6.32) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc .. Page 8 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Sample: 804-8 Lab ID: 30133084008 Collected: 10/23/1411:10 Received: 10/28/1410:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act+/- Linc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 2.059 +/- 2.475 (3.161) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 1.340 +/- 0.429 (0.317) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 1.537 +/- 0.404 (0.296) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA 901.1 1.637 +/- 0.425 (0.238) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 1.5067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 8.378 +/- 2.978 (2.743) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 1.494 +/- 0.385 (0.317) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 0.765 +/- 0.360 (0.964) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.408 +/- 0.171 (0.158) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:26 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 1.736 +/- 1.573 (2.998) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.176 +/- 0.176 (0.217) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:26 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 13.3+/-7.07 '(11.4) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 6.61 +/- 3.20 (5.27) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Sample: 805-A Lab ID: 30133084009 Collected: 10/23/14 10:35 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act+/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed GAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.433 +/- 0.664 (1.116) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 0.405 +/- 0.152 (0.141) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 0.549 +/- 0.163 (0.117) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 0.647 +/- 0.166 (0.073) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 5.874 +/- 1.622 (1.526) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA 901.1 0.397 +/- 0.149 (0.141) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 0.399 +/- 0.182 (0.442) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.226 +/- 0.081 (0.065) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 14913-50~9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 0.083 +/- 0.140 (3.615) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.040 +/- 0.075 (0.112) pCi/g 11/30/14 15:31 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA 9310 2.70 +/- 4.58 (9.98) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA 9310 9.95 +/- 3.95 (6.09) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Thorium-232 HSL-300 0.305 +/- 0.207 (0.159) pCi/g 11/25/14 07:45 7440-29-1 N2 C:NAT:88%

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc .. Page 9 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.


(--""** - WIW(.pacelab{cd!TI 1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Sample: 805-A Lab ID: 30133084009 Collected: 10/23/14 10:35 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua I Uranium-238 HSL-300 0.234 +/- 0.138 (0.130) pCi/g 11 /25/14 07:39 N2 C:NAT:108%

Sample: 805-B Lab ID: 30133084010 Collected: 10/23/14 10:40 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.495 +/- 1.069 (1.850) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:42 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 0.737 +/- 0.246 (0.196) pCi/9 1 11 /30/14 18:42 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 0.804 +/- 0.249 (0.206) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 0.625 +/- 0.230 (0.197) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 5.248 +/- 1.728 (1.875) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 0.738 +/- 0.173 (0.196) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 0.53_8 +/- 0.285 (0.433) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 0.154 +/- 0.088 (0.122) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 -1.169 +/- 3.433 (3.923) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:42 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA901.1 0.188 +/- 0.105 (0.113) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 13.0 +/- 6.40 (9:25) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 7.85 +/- 3.20 (4.66) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:18 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Sample: 806-A Lab ID: 30133084011 Collected: 10/23/14 11 :40 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act+/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qual Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.527 +/- 1.110 (1.990) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 0.605 +/- 0.260 (0.310) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 0.781 +/- 0.197 (0.172) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 0.650 +/- 0.234 (0.199) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 5.302 +/- 1.899 (1.680) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:42 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA 901.1 0.686 +/- 0.174 (0.310) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:42 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA 901.1 0.345 +/- 0.179 (0.608) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:42 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 0.226 +/- 0.108 (0.097) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:42 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 10 of27

- __J

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 tice/Jml!ytic_-~,

r------ .- .

www.~ge/abs,com Greensburg, PA 15601 (724)850-5600 ANALYTICAL RESULTS - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 Sample: 806-A Lab ID: 30133084011 Collected: 10/23/1411:40 Received: 10/28/14 10:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua!

Thorium-234 EPA901.1 1.357 +/- 0.891 (1.896) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:42 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 0.144+/-0.079 (0.095) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:42 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA9310 8.25 +/- 5.40 (9.18) pCi/g 11/14/14 06:58 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 4.24+/-2.47 (4.30) pCi/g 11/14/14 06:58 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA Thorium-232 HSL-300 0.433 +/- 0.295 (0.381) pCi/g 11/25/14 07:45 7440-29-1 N2 C:NAT:86%

Uranium-238 HSL-300 0.348 +/- 0.165 (0.126) pCi/g 11/25/14 07:39 N2 C:NAT:113%

Sample: 806-B Lab ID: 30133084012 Collected: 10/23/14 12:00 Received: 10/28/1410:15 Matrix: Solid PWS: Site ID: Sample Type:

Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Method Act+/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed CAS No. Qua!

Bismuth-212 EPA901.1 0.617 +/- 0.773 (1.254) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:58 14913-49-6 C:NAT:NA Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 0.813 +/- 0.260 (0.202) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:58 14733-03-0 Lead-212 EPA901.1 0.960 +/- 0.286 (0.237) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:58 15092-94-1 C:NAT:NA Lead-214 EPA901.1 1.251 +/- 0.302 (0.182) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:58 15067-28-4 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 12.526 +/- 2.482 (0.868) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:58 13966-00-2 C:NAT:NA Radium-226 EPA901.1 1.033 +/- 0.223 (0.202) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:58 13982-63-3 C:NAT:NA Radium-228 EPA901.1 1.113 +/- 0.360 (0.302) pCi/g 11 /30/14 18:58 15262-20-1 C:NAT:NA Thallium-208 EPA901.1 0.390 +/- 0.122 (0.088) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:58 14913-50-9 C:NAT:NA Thorium-234 EPA901.1 2.273 +/- 1.873 (3.404) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:58 15065-10-8 C:NAT:NA Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 0.126 +/- 0.097 (0.135) pCi/g 11/30/14 18:58 15117-96-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Alpha EPA 9310 9.58 +/- 5.21 (7.53) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:19 12587-46-1 C:NAT:NA Gross Beta EPA9310 12.6 +/- 3.96 (4.95) pCi/g 11/14/14 07:19 12587-47-2 C:NAT:NA

  • REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc .. Page 11 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22169 Analysis Method: HSL-300 QC Batch Method: HSL-300 Analysis


HSL300(AS) Actinides Associated Lab Samples: 30133084004 METHOD BLANK: 816466 J Matrix:* Solid Associated Lab Samples: 30133084004 Parameter Act+/- Linc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed Qualifiers Thorium-232 0.038 +/- 0.074 (0.149) C:NA T:88% pCi/g 11/17/1415:48 N2 Uranium-238 -0.020 +/- 0.074 (0.150) C:NA T:116% pCi/g 11/18/14 10:46 N2 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit ls presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 12 of27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22088 Analysis Method: HSL-300 QC Batch Method: HSL-300 Analysis


HSL300(AS) Actinides Associated Lab Samples: 30133084002 METHOD BLANK: 813942 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 30133084002 Parameter Act+/- Linc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed Qualifiers Thorium-232 -0.007 +/- 0.127 (0.170) C:NAT:88% pCi/g 11/14/14 07:20 N2 Uranium-238 0.091 +/- 0.128 (0.252) C:NAT:111% pCi/g 11/13/14 20:52 N2 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 13 of27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.


(----< -

  • ica1 www.pacelab~.co111 1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22187 Analysis Method: HSL-300 QC Batch Method: HSL-300 Analysis


HSL300(AS) Actinides Associated Lab Samples: 30133084009, 30133084011 METHOD BLANK: 816488 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 30133084009, 30133084011 Parameter Act +/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed Qualifiers Thorium-232 0.011 +/- 0.137 (0.261) C:NAT:93% pCi/g 11/25/14 07:45 N2 Uranium-238 0.189 +/- 0.134 (0.152) C:NAT:114% pCi/g 11/25/14 07:39 N2 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the '"Units" column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc .. Page 14 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22324 Analysis Method: EPA901.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 901.1 Analysis


901.1 Gamma Spec Ingrowth Associated Lab Samples: 30133084004, 30133084005 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc .. Page 15 of27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

&ceAiJatft.ic. a,. '

(----"" - *Wl'll'(.pacelabs:com 1638 Roseytown Road,- Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22199 Analysis Method: EPA 901.1 QC Batch Method: EPA901.1 Analysis


901.1 Gamma Spec Ingrowth Associated Lab Samples: 30133084009 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 16 of 27

f'o -ace

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  • ical, *

.iVlw(.jla~labs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22104 Analysis Method: EPA901.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 901.1 Analysis


901.1 Gamma Spec Ingrowth Associated Lab Samples: 30133083001, 30133084002, 30133084003 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc .. Page 17 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4



__.,, - www.pac;elab~,co_111 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22183 Analysis Method: EPA9310 QC Batch Method: EPA 9310 Analysis


9310 Gross Alpha/Beta Associated Lab Samples: 30133083001, 30133084002, 30133084003, 30133084005, 30133084006, 30133084007, 30133084008, 30133084009,30133084010,30133084011,30133084012 METHOD BLANK: 816480 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 30133083001, 30133084002, 30133084003, 30133084005, 30133084006, 30133084007, 30133084008, 30133084009,30133084010,30133084011,30133084012 Parameter Act+/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed Qualifiers Gross Alpha 0.009 +/- 0.105 (0.254) C:NAT:NA pCi/g 11/14/14 06:24 Gross Beta 0.076 +/- 0.111 (0.238) C:NAT:NA pCi/g 11/14/14 06:24 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 18 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4



_../' - :WWl'(.pacetabs.com Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22207 Analysis Method: EPA9310 QC Batch Method: EPA9310 Analysis


9310 Gross Alpha/Beta Associated Lab Samples: 30133084004 METHOD BLANK: 818188 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 30133084004 Parameter Act+/- Unc (MDC) Carr Trac Units Analyzed Qualifiers Gross Alpha 0.005 +/- 0.0883 (0.220) C:NA T:NA pCi/g 11/18/14 07:13 Gross Beta 0.098 +/- 0.116 (0.244) C:NA T:NA pCi/g 11/18/14 07:13 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 19 of27




www.pacelabs;com Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4 Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALITY CONTROL - RADIOCHEMISTRY Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 QC Batch: RADC/22279 Analysis Method: EPA901.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 901.1 Analysis


901.1 Gamma Spec Ingrowth Associated Lab Samples: 30133084006, 30133084007, 30133084008, 30133084010, 30133084011, 30133084012 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the '"Units'" column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 20 of 27

Pace Analytical Services, Inc.

1638 Roseytown Road - Suites 2,3,4


~eAn.-~'..rYt*, feat"

_.:,, - *_WIW(.pacelabs;coil]

Greensburg, PA 15601 (724 )850-5600 QUALIFIERS Project: 14100828 Pace Project No.: 30133084 DEFINITIONS OF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to changes in sample preparation, dilution of the sample aliquot, or moisture content.

ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit.

J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit.

MDL-Adjusted Method Detection Limit.

POL - Practical Quantitation Limit.

RL - Reporting Limit S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (8270 listed analyte) decomposes to Azobenzene.

Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPO values.

LCS(D)- Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate)

MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate)

DUP - Sample Duplicate RPO - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable.

SG - Silica Gel - Clean-Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected.

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration.

A_ct - Activity Unc - Uncertainty: SOWA= 1.96 sigma count uncertainty, all other matrices= Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence interval).

Gamma Spec= Expanded Uncertainty (95.4% Confidence Interval)

(MDC) - Minimum Detectable Concentration Trac - Tracer Recovery(%)

Carr - Carrier Recovery(%)

Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes.

TNI - The NELAC Institute.

ANALYTE QUALIFIERS N2 The lab does not hold TNI accreditation for this parameter.

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/01/2014 01:39 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 21 of 27



DISPOS_AL REQUIREMENTS: (To be filled in by Client)

. I :0 RETURN rn CLIENT Pace Analytical Services, Inc. .----=----------------ij

  • DISPOSAL BY RECEIVING LAB 2190 Technology Drive, Schenectady, NY 12308 LRF # 14100828 \ *,o:! ARCHIVAL BY RECEIVING LAB Telephone (518) 346-4592 Fax (518) 381-6055 (LAB USE ONLY) Addilional charges incurred for disposal (if hazardous) or archival.

www.pi:(celati:s:com I

!- Call for details.


  • PACE: ._1;..4;..1;..0_0_8_2_8=---'------------.....;;;-=1'"..;.*P_R_Es_E_R_v_AT_NE..;.*_co_o_E_:,~:;.. . .;. *.....----+--'--*--1-1 -*-*--lf.-----+---t.---*f---*-*-i* t.RESERVP.TIYEJ<EY

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  • ~ l Kelly.Miller@PACELABS.COM .NY ,*.. :  :, ,* .. .. .... . :*_:*2-HN03

~I .' .. ,, .. i,'.

,;, .. 3-H2S04 w .*:


I SAMPLED BY: (Please Print)


11/19/2014. z I .! /'


I' I, 4-NaOH 5 - Zn. Acetate I

i 0 6-MeOH u ., i *.

NAME OF COURIER (IF USED): u.. .. ,. 7-NaHS04.

0 .:'\'

0:: I  ;* .. 8 - Other (Na2S03).

w  !

ELECTRONIC RESULTS NICOLE.JOHNS0NfnlPACELABS.CO LAB CD I .... .. : ..' ::'2'.:,*n " ._., . .,; : "' ... .,

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    • \11.V, 1* \). \) 1 U O ** ~-,*

I GRAB/ SAMPLE ID I  ::) ,* ., ':'** ,' ,1 ,* ' ' ' *

  • I z  :. ,,  :,!

801-A ' .. 10123114\. 8:15 S COM~ AR41433 ... 2. X ---- ..  : I :oc,\.

801-8 - . 10/23/14.1 1 8:25. S COMP AR41434. 2 .X. X , ... X __ \ '1

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804-A ,. 10/23/14i ,I 11:00 S COMP .AR41439  :' I 2 X ... . . .. ,:~

I 804-8 .. 10/23/14' 11:10 S COMP AR41440 ' 2 I X , ':bes:(

B05-A  ::,.  : 10/23/14 10:35. S COMP AR41441  ! 2 X ! X .X... 1 r 'o-::J'i 805-8 ... 1 10/23/14 1 10:40 S . COMP AR41442 2 X l . 0\/..) _ ... .. ..


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Pace Analytical Services, Inc.


. ---=- .'* RETURN TO CLIENT DISPOSAL BY RECEIVING LAB 2190 Technology Drive, Schenectady, NY 12308 LRF# 14100828 0 ARCHIVAL BY RECEIVING LAB Telephone (518) 346-4592 Fax (518) 381-6055 '

(LAB USE ONLY) , Additional charges incurred for disposal (if hazardous) or archival.

www_.pacelabs_.com i'.

' Call for details.


I PRESERVAmiE i' i  !




i BOTILESIZE: '  !  ! 1- HCL K~ilv:Mlllertri)PACELABSiCbM) NY I ,'

2-HN03 i - en "' ..* ' "'.*

- -- i 0:: ,, '" ' 3-H2S04 w ' "


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';  :**.' 4--NaOH 11/19/2014: z~

5 - Zn. Acetate lsAM~LING:FIRM:,- 0 ',' ,*. 0

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1: 7-NaHS04 8 - Other (Na2S03) w ' \


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-' l .. GRAB/ SAMPLE ID ~

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B06-A - !__ 10/23/14, 11.:40 s 1

, COM~ AR41443 - '

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I B06cB ( 10/23/14 12:00 _ s COMP AR41444 2 X 1, I,

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Q~blM\l4. 0 RETURN TO CLIENT pace_Analytical Services, Inc. DISPOSAL BY RECEIVING LAB 2t~O:Techh,c5lpgy Drive, Schenectady, NY 12308  ; LRF# 14100828 0 ARCHIVAL BY RECEIVING LAB Telephone;,'(518) 346-4592 Fax (518) 381-6055 (LAB USE ONLY) A~dliloiiiJI. charges Incurred for disposal (If hazardous) or archival.

WWY.1.pacelabs.com . - -- .. . ! Call for details. -**-* -** -- *- _,I C!;IEnT (REPORTS TO BE SENT TO): PROJECT#/PROJECT NAME: ENTER ANALYSIS*AND METHPDJNUMBER REQUESTED;;_. _

_PACE 14100828




1-HCL Kellv.Miller@l?ACELABS.COM NY I

en 1'

...-., ,_: 2-HN03 I a::  : /  ::*.; I

- -* - - w ,.,. 3-H2S04 t, i SAMPLED BY: (Please Print) REQUIRED TURN AROUND TIME: z *, ,; ,, 4-NaOH ,,

11/19/2014: z~


. ,. ,..

  • I 5 - Zn. Acetate


' I 6-MeOH 0 ., ,.. /


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i 7-NaHS04 8 - Other (Na2S03) ,

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GRAB/ SAMPLE ID  :::, ...... *, . ,,:* --

I z I

.. ,*.- .', ,\ I



B01-A 10/23/14 8:15 s COMP_ AR41433 2 - i X. - - ' '*

' 'Alpha Beta Gamma spec I 601-B . 10/23/14 8:25: s COMP AR4_1434 2 X X X '

B02:A 10/23/14 I 8:55 s COMP AR41435 I 2 i X I I


I 8_02-B 10/23/14 9:25 s ' COMP AR41436 2 I


X X ,l

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B03-A 10/23/14 j 10:00 s COMP AR41437 2 X -

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  • - ---- *-- . *- I 803-8 10/23/14, I 10:15 s COMP AR41438 2 X -- --'

804-A r,

10/23/14 1

    • 11 :oo' s ' CQMP AR41439 2 I X I  ! I I


I B04-8_ 10/23/14 I

.-.- 11 :10 s COMP AR41440 2 X I

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B05-A *-

10/23/14 10:35 s COMP AR41441 2 i X

I, X X I I' I I i I 805-8 10/23/14 10:40 I

' s *,COMP , AR41442 2 X ,*

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' i - ~ i


  • OlJIER NQTES:Ari_alytjcal Report [LEVEL-2] EDD: 1!oQ\J(S'[lE_t;:,DE 1







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Q RETURN TO CLIENT Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - DISPOSAL BY RECEIVING LAB 2190 Technology Drive, Schenectady, NY 12308 LRF# 14100828 Q ARCHIVAL BY RECEIVING LAB Telephone (518) 346-4592 Fax (518) 381-6055 (LAB USE ONLY) , Additional charges incurred for disposal (if hazardous, or archival.

www.. pacelabs;.c:om Call for details.


PACE ..,.1"='4.,,.1~0~0,.,.8.,.,2'""8......,,,,,,,,.,""""',..,.,.~----------**4--*P_.R_E_s_E_R.;..VA.;..T_IV_E_c_o_o_E_:+--*-....a.....;;;,i'-'*_ ___;+-!-----'r--"""--'""C'i'f----'"+---"'i'.r--__'--'!' PRESERVATIVE KEY

__ i LOCATION {CITY/STATE) ADDRESS: i BOTTLE TYPE: 1 O_ ICE l'-P-RO_J_E_C_T_M-AN_A_G_E_R-:---------------l'NY  :::=s=o:n==L=E=S==IZ=E=:*==:.\~==:*:*:====:::.**:*===:===*=**=*-:=====*:1====. :,:J. ===** 1 - HCL =*

Kellv.Miller@PACELABS.COM, ~ ,. * .. ,. J* :* _, ... * ,'* *2-HN03 1

L. UJ  ! .: ",. ' .,  : ' . , .. ,.  : .. 3 - H2S04



SAMPLED BY: (Please Print) .. ,. 4-NaOH I 11/19/201~ ,'! .,': .. \ .:*/., '.  :, ,* ,' ***

5 - Zn, Acetate SAMPU_NG FIRM:

..,.*,:":":":====:--::=,.,.,.,,=-----------1 8  :*. ,: ,' / '* *i . '  ;, .:. 6-MeOH

,sf< , ':i:


.~AME OF COURIER (IF USED): 1 ~ , ' "\* *,; -~~:., i ' .* ,: ' '. 7-NaHS04 B - Other (Na2S03) w ,'*' "

ELECTRONIC RESULTS NICOLE.JOHNSONPACELABS~GG i=::.::.;;;-=.:..:.:.:...:..::==.:::.:..:..::...__4====:=:===:==:::==~~~::==l~=====::::1!; LAB m )'*. ' ,; . ~ - - - ~ ~ - - ~ - - 1 1




806-A 23/1~ 11:40: S COMP AR41443 1 2 X X X ', Alpha Beta Gamma Spec 1

806-B '10/23/14. 12:00. S ' COMP AR41444 2 X i  : , _ _ ____ __

lr--c----'---------1'-.,---:t-----+-------+-----tf---------+---,t----1-----il-l---if----+----t,'----I,1.,----1-----'------.-.-----------1 i' 11-------__;,*;;;;*;;..*- - + - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - - - - - + '--+---+-----1---+---+"*----'+---'-'*+*-----'+"~:;;._---~------....;;...i j


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  • Samoles Arrived within Hold Time~ -----  :=_:*-*-~- =",~e~ _ON_o . D.Nt8_ 5.

Short Hold Time Analysis (<72hr): --DYes ",i'N;~J]t,1/A_ e'.~- ---- '

'. Sufficient Volume: Xi~es DNo

  • ON/A 8. - -

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,.___ -Pace Containers Used: _ _Dves )6No DNtA 1

  • Containers Intact: ,-_ _______ . ~Yq~ ONo DNtA 10.

Sample Labels match COC: rl::es ONo ON/A 12.

-Includes date/time/ID/Analysis Matrix: -( I A;tl containers needingpre~rvation havebeeil ciiet:kea.

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  • Samples checked for dechlorination: Dves ONo -

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Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy of this form will be sent to the North Carolina DEHNR Certification Office

( Le out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers)

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  • Q:~:
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  • 1 Item No.

I,:-- -

4-j- -

, ~ _V) Matrix Code i

Soil kit (2 SB, 1M, soil jar) phemistry (250 / 500 / 1L)

Organics (1 L)

Nutrient (250 / 500 )

Phenolics (250 ml)

TOC (40 ml/ 250 ml)

TOX (250 ml)

Total Metals Dissolved Metals preserved Y N

0 & G (1L)

!T"PH (1L)

"t:J Ill

!VOA (40 ml 30 ml) cc CD I\)

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!Appendix 41 1ogtjdice Engineers

  • Environmental Scientists
  • Planners
  • Landscape Architects ee,/e,bFa.t/1f/ OIH!,/ 50 rtl./".f of .reF11,/ee, December 11, 2014 I Mr. Stephen Luciano Maxon ALCO Holdings, LLC 695 Rotterdam Industrial Park Schenectady, NY 12306 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Re: ALCO - RPI Parcel Schenectady, NY

Dear Mr. Luciano:

On behalf of Maxon ALCO Holdings, LLC, Barton & Loguidice, Inc. has prepared the following report for the results of the sampling at the RPI Parcel bordering the ALCO site.


OF IRM ACTIVITIES Soil boring activities were undertaken at the RPI Parcel Area in accordance with the approved Work Plan starting on October 23, 2014. A total of 6 Geoprobe borings were advanced on the property; locations are shown on Figure 1. Because of the presence of the teaching reactor on the RPI parcel, air monitoring for ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma) was conducted and soil samples were screened for ionizing radiation. *


OF SAMPLE RESULTS Two soil samples v,ere collected from each boring using a MacroCore sampler: one sample was collected at the interval of 0-8 feet (A) and one sample was collected at the interval of 8-16 feet (B). Soil samples were collected at locations shown on the attached sk~tch. A total of 12 soil samples were collected ~d analyzed for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Semi-VOCs (SVOCs), Pesticides/Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Pest/PCBs), Target Analyte List (TAL) Metals and Radiologicals (Gross Alpha, Beta and Gamma). Four (4) selected soil samples were also analyzed for Uranium 238 (U-238), Thorium 232 (Th-232) and a gamma spectrum. Ionizing radiation readings from screened soil samples did not exceed 25 micro-roentgens per hour (typical of background radiation). Detections are summarized on the attached tables. SVOCs, like those detected on the adjacent former Alco parcels, were detected in each of the soil samples. BOI-A, BOl-B, B02-A, B03-A, B04-A, B04-B, BOS-A, and B06-A had one or more of the following at concentrations above their respective Restricted Residential Soil Cleanup Objective (SCO):

  • Benzo(a)anthracene
  • Benzo(a)pyrene
  • Benzo(b)fluoranthene
  • Benzo(k)fluoranthene
  • Chrysene
  • Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 1he e,pedenre10 listen @

IO Airline Drive

  • Suite 200
  • Albany, NY 12205 Telephone: 518-218-1801
  • Facsimile: 518-218-1805
  • www.BartonandLoguidice.com The powerto solve.
  • ~, """r..-c,,
.., **.-
._._.....,.., * * ; _ _r

~*t li:\', .......*<nc ~-*-~7-~-,**.,=,c**.

Mr. Stephen Luciano Maxon ALCO Holdings, LLC December 11, 2014 Page2 The SVOCs that were detected were all polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are components of coal; the PAH detections are consistent with the site-wide PAH detections at the ALCO site that constitute Area of Concern 3 that will be addressed by the soil cover. Metals were also detected in each of the soil samples. With the exception of arsenic, metals were detected at concentrations below their respective Restricted Residential Soil Cleanup Objective (SCO). Arsenic was detected at concentrations aboveits SCO in samples BOl-B, B02-B, B03-A, B04-A, B04-B, B05-A, B05-B, B06-A, and B06-B. With respect to VOCs, there were ten petroleum-related trace detections; the detections were reported as roughly three orders of magnitude below their respective SCOs. Pesticides were detected at trace concentrations in eleven (11) of the twelve (12) samples but at concentrations below their respective SCOs. PCBs were not detected. Radionuclides were detected in each of the twelve (12) soil samples. With the exception ofRadium-228, the radionuclides were detected at concentrations below their respective USEPA Soil Screening Limits (SSL) and/or at concentrations that are typical of coal ash. Radium-228 was detected at concentrations slightly above its respective USEPA SSL, but below the respective USEP A Soil Cleanup Criteria (SSC). The laboratory results for the soil samples are also attached to this letter.

Please feel free to contact the undersigned at (518) 218-1801 with any questions or need for additional information. None of the constituents detected during the boring program were unexpected and are consistent with historic SVOC, metal and VOCs detected on the adjacent BCP parcels.

Very truly yours, BARTON & LOGUIDICE, Inc.

Andrew J. Barber Sr. Environmental Consultant AJB/ojf Enc.

cc: Steve Porter, Esq. - Maxon ALCO Holdings LLC Paul Fallati - Maxon ALCO Holdings LLC Dean Sommer, Esq. - Young Sommer


Former ALCO Site Brownfield Cleanup Project RPI Sampling Table 1 - voes Sample Summary of Detection Part375 BOS-Restricted BOl-A BOl-B B02-A B02-B B03-A B03-B B04-A B04-B BOS-A B B06-A B06-B Use SCO's -

Restricted 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/

COMPOUND UNIT Residential <1) 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 voes 1,2, -

Trimethylbenzene ug/kg 52000 - - - - - 1J - - - - -

2-Butanone ug/kg NA - 3J - - - - 2J - - - - 2J Acetone ug/kg 100000 - 32 - 4J SJ 10 71 85 40 14 44 89 Chloroform ug/kg 4900 1 BJ 1 BJ - 1J 2BJ 1 BJ 1 BJ 1 BJ 1 BJ I BJ I BJ I BJ m&p-Xylene ug/kg NA IJ - - - - - 3J - - - lJ -

Methylene Chloride ug/kg 100000 7BJ 3BJ 3 BJ 6BJ I2B 8 BJ lOB 5BJ 6BJ 2BJ 11 B 8BJ o-Xylene ug/kg NA - - - - - - 2J - - - - -

Toluene ug/kg 100000 2J - - 2J 1J - 4J - - - 2J -

Total Xylenes ug/kg 100000. lJ - - - - - SJ - - - - 2J -

Trichloroethene ug/kg 21000 2J - - - - - - - - - - -


NA-Not Applicable

- (Not Analyzed For or not detected)

B - Denotes analyte observed in associated method blank or extraction blank. Analyte concentration should be considered as estimated..

J - Denotes an estimated concentration. The concentration result is greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit (MDL) but less than the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL).

I. NYSDEC Part 375 Table 375-6.S(b) Restricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives (SCOs) for the Protection of Public Health.

Items in bold exceedSCO J

Former ALCO Site Brownfield Cleanup Project RPI Sampling Table 2 - SVOCs Sample Summary of Detection Part375 BOl- B02-A B06-B Restricted Use A BOl-B B02-A DUP B02--B B03-A B03-B B04-A B04-B . BOS-A BOS-B B06-A B06-B DUP SCO's-Restricted 10/23 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/

COMPOUND UNIT Residential(!) /2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 4014 2014* 2014 . 2014 2014 SVOCs

% Total Solid  % NA 87.9 88.6 83.2 86.4 82.1 90 88 88.7 89 88.4 77.8 88.4 81.6 82.4 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/kg NA 209 - - - - 887 189 397 442 354 - 529 - -

Benzo(a)anthracene ug/kg *1000 2340 2220 978 - - 772 914 1190 1100 2410 - 5620 453 -

Benzo(a)pyrene ug/kg 1000 2910 1280 783 - - 692 739 1170 1010 1520 - 6080 447 -

Benzo(b)fluoranthe ne ug/kg 1000 . 3240 3480 1390 - - 1110 969 3130 2980 3890 - 11700 459 -

Benzo(g,h,i)perylen e ug/kg 100000 3090 1160 743 - - 546 523 1810 1470 1690 - 7410 - -

Benzo(k)fluoranthe ne ug/kg 3900 2880 1650 654 - - 612 702 2220 1620 1390 - 5770 453 -

Chrvsene ug/kg 3900 3840 4040 1770 - 235 1340 1140 2470 2240 5170 495 7990 634 -

Dibenzofuran ug/kg 5900 . - - - - 207 - - - - - - - -

Fluoranthene ug/kg 100000 2060 945 624 - - 843 1150 1280 1190 1040 - 4190 619 -

Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene .. ug/kg 500 2670 1000 583 - - 475 477 1690 1420 1380 - 6240 - -

Naph~lene ug/kg 100000 192 - - - - 571 ND 213 246 291 - 458 - -

Phenanthrene ug!kg 100000 923 426 246 - - 921 643 866 763 861 - 1350 - -

. Pyrene ug/kg 100000 1960 1290 688 - - 823 1180 1090 987 1030 - 5440 864 -


NA-Not Applicable

- (Not Analyzed For or not detected)

1. NYSDEC Part 375 Table 375-6.&(b) Restricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives (SCOs) for the Protection of Public Health.

Items in bold exceed SCO.

Former ALCO Site Brownfield Cleanup Project RPI Sampling Table 3 - Metals Sample Summary of Detection B06-BOl-A BOl-B B02-A B02-B B03-A B03-B B04-A B04-B B05-A B05-B B06-A B Part 375 Restricted Use SCO's - Restricted 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/

COMPOUND UNIT Residentia1C1l 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Metals Mercury . mg/kg 0.81 0.293 0.0499 0.15 0.0618 0.229 0.463 0.178 0.0843 0.466 0.165 0.162 0.23 Aluminum mg/kg NA 2890 *4470 13000 2380 5150 3830 2760 1300 4940 1990 1930 3610 Antimony mg/kg NA 1.65 2.89 2.45 1.33, 1.18 0.899 2.81 1.43 2.29 3.84 9.68 2.42 Arsenic mg/kg 16 10.3 20.2 , 15.9 29.1 20.7 14.6 92.5 165 31.8 50.5 93.9 21.7 Barium mg/kg 400 69.1 32.5 65.7 47.4 34.6 30.5 45.2 48.1 259 77.8 33.1 42.4 Beryllium mg/kg 72 - - - - 0.481 - - - - - - -

Cadmium mg/kg 4.3 - 2.16 1.09 0.534 - 0.485 1.2 - 1.1 1.52 0.9 0.765 Calcium mg/kg NA 1480 927 6570 1830 4170 1110 2210 19900 469 551 604 444 Chromium mg/kg 110 11.9 46.3 28.2 12.4 13.9 14.8 18 6.73 15.9 13 25.4 26.4 Cobalt mg/kg NA 3.9 J7.67 IO.I 5.67 3.7 4.61 6.26 1.51 4.54 8.22 3.26 7.39 Conner mg/kg 270 47.6. 188 206 224 46.9 49.4 43.7 17 204 153 638 245 Iron mg/kg NA 25100 90600. 55400 26900 24700 31200 66100 53800 53400 64800 41000 42600 Lead mg/kg 400 63.9 51 225 49.8 55.7 54.3 88.7 51.1 264 154 209 . 83.2 Magnesium mg/kg NA 213 417 2750 297 1190 532 353 405 599 ND 105 691 Manganese mg/kg 2000 79.1 334 964 178 154 156 459 76.2 155 93.3 40.7 110 Nickel mg/kg 310 12.6 16.1 29.6 12.3 11 9.24 11.5 3.2 10.6 19.6 8.02 18.4 Potassium mg/kg NA 440 410 1420 464 700 578 1160 1580 936 430 675 613 Selenium mg/kg 180 1.28 - - - 1.6 - 3.21 6.44 - - 4.34 -

Sodium mg/kg NA 103 - 183 110 307 123 1030 1230 174 - 432 100 Vanadium mg/kg NA 14.1 38.2 42.2 19.6 19.5 14.1 31.2 18.7 22.7 22.5 20.7 19.9 Zinc mg/kg 10000 17.1 45.2 115 *. -* 22.4 34.4 28.9 13.5 8.42 49.5 40.7 - 44.6 27 Notes:

NA-Not Applicable

- (Not Analyzed For or not detected)

1. NYSDEC Part 375 Table 375-6.S(b) Restricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives (SCOs) for the Protection of Public Health.

Items in bold exceed SCO

FormeJ ALCO Site Brownfield Cleanup Projec_!:

RPI Sampling Table 4 - Pesticides Sample Summary of Detection /

BOl- BOl- -- B02- B03- B03- B04- B04- B05- B05- B06- B06-Part375 A BS B A B A B A B A BS Restricted Use SCO's - Restricted 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 COMPOUND UNIT Residential(!) * /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 /2014 Pesticides 4,4'-DDD ug/kg 13000 - - - - - 2.1 PJ 3PJ - - - -

4,4'-DDT ug/kg 7900 - - - - - 3.1 PJ 4.2P - 6.2 2.6PJ -

alpha-BHC ug/kg 480 - - - - - . - - - 1.5 PJ - -

beta-BHC ug/kg 360 l.7PJ - - - 1.1 J 1.9P 1.1 PJ - 1.8 PJ 1.6 PJ -

delta-BHC ug/kg 100000 - - - - - - - - 2.2 - -

Endosulfan I ug/kg 24000 - - - - - - 5.3 - - - -

Endosulfan II ug/kg 24000 - - - 2.2PJ - - - - - - -

Endrin aldehyde ug/kg NA 2.6PJ - 1.9 PJ - - 8.4P 11 P 4.2P 2.4PJ - -

Endrin ketone ug/kg NA 12 PJ 7.3 P 1.9 PJ - - 4.2P 6.3 P 23 P 4PJ 19 P 3.2PJ

_gamma-BHC (LINDANE) ug/kg 1300 - - - l.9PJ 1.7PJ 2.1 PJ 2.3 p 1.3 PJ 1.5 PJ 1.9 PJ -

gamm-Chlordane ug/kg NA - - - - - 1.4 PJ 1 PJ - 1.3 J - -

Heptachlor epoxide ug/kg NA - - - - l.6PJ - 2P 2.3 P - 1.9 J -


NA-Not Applicable

- (Not Analyzed For or not detected)

I. NYSDEC Part 375 Table 375-6.S(b) Restricted Use Soil Cleanup Objectives (SCOs) for the Protection of Public Health.

Items in bold exceed SCO P - Indicates relative percent difference (RPD) between primary and secondary gas chromatograph (GC) column analysis exceeds 40 % or indicates percent difference (PD) between primary and secondary gas chromatograph (GC) column analysis exceeds 25 %. _/

J - Denotes an estimated concentration. The concentration result is greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit (MDL) but less than the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL).

Former ALCO Site Brownfield Cleanup Project RPI Sampling Table 5.1- Radiological Sample Summary EPA Soil Screening Guidance Table A.1-Generic SSLs for BOl-A BOl-B B02-A B02-B B03-A B03-B B04-A B04-B BOS-A BOS-B B06-A B06-B Radionuclides<1)

Direct Ingestion of 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/

Parameter Unit soil 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Radionuclides 0.000+/-1.7 0.623 +/- 0.000+/- 0.590+/- 1.186 +/- 1.477 +/- 0.595 +/- 2.059+/- 0.433 +/- 0.495 +/- 0.527+/- 0.617+/-

Bismuth-212 pCi/g NA 68 1.433 0.615 1.555 1.136 1.689 1.230 2.475 0.664 1.069 1.110 0.773 1.011+/-0.2 0.840+/- 0.675 +/- 1.324+/- 0.654+/- 1.397 +/- 1.093 +/- 1.340+/- 0.405 +/- 0.737+/- 0.605+/- 0.813 +/-

Bisnmth-214 pCi/g NA 81 0.267 0.233 0.377 0.195 0.403 0.306 0.429 0.152 0.246 0.260 0.260 1.082+/-0.2 1.013 +/- 0.610 +/- 1.885 +/- 0.717+/- 1.291 +/- 1.150 +/- 1.537+/- 0.549 +/- 0.804+/- 0.781 +/- 0.960+/-

Lead-212 pCi/g NA 78 0.282 0.191 0.481 0.176 0:315 0.277 0.404 0.163 0.249 0.197 0.286 1.212+/-0.3 0.862+/- 0.624+/- 1.948 +/- 0.691 +/- 1.124+/- 1.370 +/- 1.637 +/- 0.647+/- 0.625 +/- 0.650+/- 1.251 +/-

Lead-214 pCi/g NA 06 0.281 0.189 0.466 0.213 0.341 0.311 0.425 0.166 0.230 0.234 0.302 6.800+/-2.0 5.635+/- 7.661 +/- 10.901+/- 8.762 +/- 7.842+/- 8.958 +/- 8.378+/- 5.874+/- 5.248+/- 5.302 +/- 12.526 Postassium-40 pCi/g 12.8 56 2.217 1.801 2.609 2.095 2.539 2.085 2.978 1.622 1.728 1.899 +/- 2.482 1.115+/-0.2 0.844+/- 0.667+/- 1.614+/- 0.645+/- 1.324+/- 1.247 +/- 1.494+/- 0.397+/- 0.738+/- 0.686+/- 1.033+/-

Radium-226+D pCi/g 1.09 80 0.268 0.156 0.379 0.192 0.341 0.280 0.385 0.149 0.173 0.174 0.223 1.200+/-0.4 0.910+/- 0.335 +/- 1.816+/- 0.994+/- 1.386+/- 0.895 +/- 0.765 +/- 0.399+/- 0.538+/- 0.345+/- 1.113+/-

Radium-228+D pCi/g 0.35 24 0.361 0.181 0.521 0.287 0.406 0.317 0.360 0.182 0.285 0.179 0.360 0.426+/-0.1 0.441 +/- 0.129+/- 0.858+/- 0.334+/- 0.544+/- 0.252+/- D.408 +/- 0.226+/- 0.154+/- 0.226+/- 0.390+/-

Thallium-208 pCi/g NA 34 0.141 0.072 0.324 0.094 - 0.160 0.113 0.171 0.081 0.088 0.108 0.122 1.221+/-2.9 1.928 +/- 0.587 +/- 0.871 +/- 0.637+/- 2.395 +/-

  • 2.312+/- 1.736+/- 0.083 +/- 1.169+/- 1.357 +/- 2.273 +/-

Thorium-234 pCi/g NA 42 1.189 1.012 1.499 0.802 1.340 2.683 1.573 0.140 3.433 0.891 1.873 0.254+/-0.1 0.127 +/- 0.107 +/- 0.404+/-. 0.036+/- 0.117 +/- 0.209+/- 0.176 +/- 0.040 +/- 0.188 +/- 0.144+/- 0.126+/-

Uranium-235+D pCi/g 48.7 64 0.112 1 0.097 0.158 0.060 0.123 0.106 0.176 0.075 0.105 0.079 0.097 9.08+/- 26.3+/- 10.5+/- 9.49+/- 5.67+/- 10.4+/- 13.3 +/- 2.70+/- 13.0+/- 8.25+/- 9.58+/-

Gross Alp~a pCi/g NA 9.63+/-5.63 5.78 9.29 6.62 5.68 4.35 5.82 7.07 4.58 6.40 5.40 5.21 9.11 +/- 22.2+/- 11.4+/- 6.53 +/- 5.96+/- 4.88+/- 6.61 +/- 9.95+/- 7.85+/- 4.24+/- 12.6+/-

Gross Beta pCi/g NA 7.77+/-3.30 3.34 5.50 4.15 3.51 3.01 3.41 3.20 3.95 3.20 2.47 3.96 1.39 +/- 1.20+/- 0.305 +/- 0.433 +/-

Thorium-232 pCi/g 3.44 - 0.489 - 0.427 - - - - 0.207 - 0.295 -

0.701+/- 1.32+/- 0.234+/- 0.348+/-

Uranium-238+D pCi/g 3.78 - 0.269 - 0.446 - - *, - - 0.138 - 0.165 -

  • Note: The "+D" weight based concentrations only account for the concentration of the first isotope in a series and does not represent the total radioactivity.
1. USEPA Soil Screening Guidance for Radionuclides: Technical Background Document

Former ALCO Site Brownfield Cleanup Project RPI Sampling Table 5.2 - Radiological Sample Summary Identification and Quantification ofRadionuclides in

  • Coal Ash- Appendix A (l) B01-A B01-B B02-A B02-B B03-A B03-B B04-A B04-B B05-A B05-B B06-A B06-E Unit Commingle Bottom 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/ 10/23/

Parameter s dAsh FlvAsh Ash Coal 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 ladionuclides 0.495 +/- 0.527+/- 0.617:


!12 pCi/

g -

2.484-5.427 4.05-6.345

~ ~ * - -*2.565---- 2.943 - ...- 0.459-3.294 - 5.35 0-0.972 0.000+/-

1.768 0.623 +/-

1.433 0.000+/-

0.615 0.590+/-

1.555 __ 1.186+/-



1.689 T324+/- 0.654+/- 1.397+/-- -1.093+/- ~40+/-


1.230 2.059+/-

2.475 0.433 +/-

Oj64 ----*-1.069

- 1.110

  • - - 0.773 0.813:





9.585 9.207 7.938

,....-3.807*-- -*- 2.943 - . . f-0.3~*-* -i':082+/-

1.377 I.Oil+/-

0.281 0.840+/-

0.267 ......-

1.013 +/-


0.233 0.610 +/-

0.377 1.885 +/-


  • -0.717+/-

- 0.403 1.291 +/-

0.306 1.150+/-

. _. 0.429 1.537 +/-

0.405 +/-

O,J~ 0.246 0.549+/-




0.260 " - -0.260 0.781 +/- 0.960:

,ead-212 ...£. 2.133 - 5.13 6.237 5.643 0.648 0.278 0.282 __ 0~!~- '--*----*- 0.481 0.176 0.315 0.277 0.404 ~!63 0.249 0.197 0.286

- - - - pCi/ >-* 2.7- -*--3.132 - . - -0.459---** -f:"ii2+/--- **-o.862 +/---- 0.624+/- 1.124+/- --* 1.370+/--- -1.637+/- - 0.647+/- --0.625+/- 0.650+/- f251-;

- - ~ ___ _

3.078 - 1.948+/- 0.691 +/-

,ead-214 _ _.!L_ 10.395 9.909 8.532 1.269 0.306 0.189, ........ _Qj§.2_ __ 0.213 0.341 ,_ .., - 0.311 0.425 0.230 0.166 1------*-- 0.234 0.302

>ostassium- pCi/ ,_.13.ss= 32.29-20.41 -

1.998 -

6.800+/- 5.635+/- 7.661 +/- 10.901 +/- 8.762+/- 7.842+/- 8.958+/-

  • - 8.378+/- 5.874+/-

-- 5.248+/- -----


12.52t 1.622 1.728 1.899 +/- 2.48'.

.... . .-1:.~_QL_

10 _g___ 41.36 43.93 39.02 4.536 _2~056 *-- - - 2.217 1.801 2.095 2.539 2.085 2.978

--*--**-*- -----*-- * - - --*--*------*-- - - -----*--- o*.645+/- 1.324+/--* . 1.247 +/- 0.738+/- . 0.686+/--** 1.033*;


!26 ladium--- pCi/


3.159 -

,.JL. . . ._ ..,.. 12.53 2.673 -

-* 9.6g_ _ ___

3.05r - 0.459 -

8.289 ............_--****l.323 1.115+/-

0.280 0.844+/-


-Y:21io;i;- ---:0.910 +/-


0.156 1.614+/-

0.335*;;;-*- _ . T:Sf6~ 0.994+/-

0.379 -- 0.192 0.341 1.386+/-*- ----*-

0.280 0.895+/-


0.385 0.765+/-


0.149 0.399+/-

0.173 0.538+/-

0.174 0.223 0.345+/- . '"i.113,

!28 ... _ _)$__ NA NA NA NA 0.424 0.361 0.181 0.521 0.287 0.406 0.317 0.360 0.182 0.285 0.179 0.360 fhallium- pCi/

0.648 -

1.188 -

0.972-0.108 -


0.441 +/- 0.129+/- **-*o.858+/- 0.334+/- 0.544+/-.... 0.252+/- Q.408+/- 0.226+/- 0.154+/-*- --0.226+/- - 0.390; W8 g 1.539 ...,_ 1.89 1.539....- .. 0.216 __QJ34 __ ~ 0.141 __ 0.072__ -0.324 0.094

_Q1_~9........ *-**-0.113 0.171 0.081 0.088 0.108 0.122 0.083+/- .. 1.169 +/-- -T357+/-- . 2.273-;

1.221 +/- 1.928+/- 0.587+/- 0.871 +/- 0.637+/- 2.395 +/- 2.312+/- 1.736 +/-


!34 _[_ __


Jranium-*- pCi/ -*0.243-- -**-*-*-

NA NA NA 0.486 - -

  • 0 . 3 ~ * *-*-0.027-NA 2.942 0.254+/-

1.189 ""' _ 1.01'.?_ __,__ 1.499_ -*------

  • --- _ 0.127+/- 0.107+/- 0.404+/-

0.802 0.036+/-

2.683 1.340 -- ---*--*--*-*-*

0.117+/- 0.209+/-

1.573 0.176 +/-

0.140 0.040+/-

3.433 0.891 0.188+/- . **0.144+/-- o:I26, 1.873

!35 0.459 1.215 0.756 0.162 0.164 0.112 __.9.097_ 0.158 0.060 0.123 0.106 0.176 0.075 0.105 0.079 0.097

--*---*- _!L._ ---------- r - - - - - - - - * - ---*--- *------*

--*10.5+/-- -9A9+/--- 5.6T+/-...... --*-io.4 +/- -- *-


~P._h_a_ _ _j_ _


NA __

_,.NA ,,_, r - -NA - * -..- -

_____ NA ,, __,

-9.63+/- *--

5.63 9.08+/-

5.78 26.3+/-

9.29 6.62 5.68

-1:Fr;;*-*- -9.11+/---, - 22.2+/- -----rf.4+/-- -6.53+/-- 5.96_+/-_ *--- 4.88+/- **- 6.61+/-- 9.95+/- -*-**-*---

4.35 5.82 13.3 +/-

7.07 2.70+/-

4.58 13.0+/-

6.40 8.25+/-

5.40 f----*---

_ 9.58ci 5.21 3ross Beta pCi/

g NA NA ___ NA ,, ___ NA 3.30

  • --- -*- 3.34 __, ---~~-- ------ 4.15 _3.51 ____ __ __


.,_,, ,, 3.41

_,, ____ .3.20 ,.,,_

-0.305 7.85+/- 4.24+/-

-+/-- _2~9....._ _2.47 3.95 12.6~

__ _}..96.

rhorium-i32 Jranium-pCi/



NA .. NA,,_,_,_

*-"NA --* ___NA ,,_,. -

***- 0.701 1.39+/-

_ .0.489


---..--*--*---* - 1.32+/-


0.427 -


0.207 0.433 +/-

0.295 0.348 +/-

!38 g NA NA NA NA - 0.269 - 0.446 - - - - 0.138 - 0.165 -

Note: I. Identification and Quantification ofRadionuclides in Coal Ash, Joint Transportation Research Project for the Indian DOT and Federal Highway Administration

