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Single Positive Test Form Collected on 02/25/2019
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/2020
From: Summers S
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Shared Package
ML20057C816 List:
Download: ML20057C824 (1)


, 1 LJ S N p (' \ FFD Prog ram Performarce Data Reporting System

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  • NRC Form 890 S1*1gle Pas :,ve Te s! Farr" l'r, ti, 1111~ t'.*1*11/r ,111,I r!1,* I ,,, " 1 1111 .*11 - i* - ' '"
1) All nelds required except those marted 'optlonar APPROVED BY 0MB: CLEARANCE NO. 3150.014' EXPIRES: 04130/2021
2) Entries In some nelds auto--populare Information in other fields Estimated burden per response to comply will Olis coDection ,equest is 30 ninutes. This JJ Mouse over form fields to view additional Information form is a voluntary means of 1eportJng the information required under 10 CFR 26.417(b){2)
4) Use of Adobe Reader a or later ls rt>quired and 26 717 . The information is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basis site specific fitness-for-dufy (FFD) program performance data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities. Send comments regamf111g burden estimate to the FOIA, Submission Oelete D Update D Submission Privacy and Information Collection B,anch (TS-F53) , US Nudear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 2055S-0001, or by e*mail to 1ofocPlletl$ Roowcc@NBC oov. and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affatrs , NEOB-1020, (3150 ,0146), Office Uni ue Reference ID Licensee Su lied of Management and Budget, Washington DC 20503 , If a means used to irr.,ose PAL-2019-05 Information collection does not display a currenlSy va6d 0MB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not requl,ed to respond to , lhe information collection.

Facility 1Pa6sades [50-255] Date of Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)

I 0212512019 I

Reason for Testing

  • 26. 717(b)(5) Pre-Access Testing Reason (opUonal) Please elaborate (optional)

I Pre-Access IInitial Authorization Vendor-Huskins floor Covenng Employment Type - 26.717(b)(3) Outage Worl<er (optlonal/ 7

!ContractorNendor !No Labor Category - 26.717(b)(3)

!Maintenance (general facil~y)

Is this a 24-hour reportable event under 26.719(b)7 ~

Was this collection refuS<1d7

  • 26.717(b)(7) & 26 75 ~

Test Results

  • 26.717(b)(4)

Test Type(s} for Result(s} Reported* 26.717(b)(2) Drug Specimen Tested I Drug Only Liu_"_"_"_ _ _ _ __,

Test Validity

!valid Was this collection observed?

  • 26 717(b)(7) & 26.75 ~

How many substances were confirmed positive for this individual? Ll- - - - - - - '

Use NRC Initial Confirmatory Limit of Substance - 26,717(b)(2) & (b)(6)

Cutoffs? Cutoff Cutoff Detection IManJuana Subversion Attempt* Old this collect1on involve a subversion attempt? - 26 717(b)(7) and 26 75(b) LI_ _ _ No Management Actions

  • 26.717(b)(8) & 26.75 Reason for the Action

!First drug or alcohol positive Sancbon Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

ILicensee Administrated Specific Sanction Applied (3- Year Denial Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person 1 (required) l~s_,o _ * - - ~ ~ ~ - - - - ~ l 1Summe,s J IAA/FFD Supervisor j *suJM1el@enlergy.e<>m First Name '-----.L-as~t"N'a_m_e_ _ ___, '-----,P"'o"'s"'rt1"on"""n"'ue,-----' Company Email Address Person 2 (optional)

~=-~l~l-.-=,-,=-~l~l---=-==~~ - - = ~ ~ -

First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Final Step (Required)

  • NRC will consider lhis form authentic in accordance with 10 CFR 25.11 onty when lhe 'Validate & Lock" button is dicked and all errors (highlighted in red) have been corrected. The "Vahdate & Lock" button will change to "Locked" after lhe data validation p,ocess has been successfulty completed indicating the form ti ready for submission.

Form Locked On:!Feb 24, 2020 at 4:05:01 PM ISave to local PC !I Print this Report !

Single Pos1bve Test Form (version 1.8.0 - April 2018) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)