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Catalog of Borehole Lithologic Logs from 600 Area,Hanford Site. One Oversize Drawing Encl.Aperture Card Is Available in PDR
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Site: Skagit
Issue date: 03/31/1982
From: Fecht K, Lillie J
Shared Package
ML20052H680 List:
RHO-LD-158, NUDOCS 8205210338
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{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ _ _ _ . _- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - L I L F L RHO-LD-158 Infonnal Report i r A CATALOG OF BOREHOLE LITHOLOGIC LOGS FROM THE 600 AREA, HANFORD SITE K. R. Fecht { Environmental Technologies Group Environmental Analysis and Monitoring Department Health, Safety and Environr'ent Function J. T. Lillie { Regional Geology and Tectonics Unit Site Characterization Department ( Sasalt Waste Isolation Project E Marcn 1982 [ Prepared for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-77RL01030 [ [ [ h Rockwell International Rockwell Hanford Operations Energy Systems Group PO Box 8Co Renland. Wasmngton 99352 8205210338 820519 PDR ADOCK 05000522 A PDR

RH0-LD-158 C0tiTENTS ( Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Format . ............................ 3 Format Key ........................ 3 Borehole Designation ................... 3 Borehole Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

f. Borenole Elevation .................... 5 Borehole Information ................... 8 Lithologic Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Appendices:
f. A. Cross-References of 600 Area'. Borehole Elevations . . . A-1 B. Drilling Contractors on the Hanford Site . . . . . . . B-1 C. List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbol: ..... C-1

{ FIGURES: ( l. The Hanford Site Showing tne 600 Area ........ 2

2. Hanford Plant Coordinate System ........... 6
3. Modified Congressional Land Grid System for Locating Borehole'699-32-32 ............. 7 ,

PLATES: 600 Area Borehole Location Map, Hanford Site . . . . in envelope ( l.

2. WPPSS Area Borehole Location May, Hanford Site . . . in envelope

( ( ( ( ( ( [ iii r _ - - - - - _ - _ - - - _ - - - - - - -

r~ L RH0-LD-158 E INTRODUCTION I Rockwell Hanford Ocerations (Rockwell) geoscientists are studying the Hanford Site subsurface environment to assure safe management ocer-ations, disposal, and storage of radioactive waste (Figure 1). As cart of this effort, geoscientists have collected geotechnical data from [ about 3,000 borenoles drilled on the Hanford Site since the early 1900s. These boreholes have been used for subsurface geologic, hydrologic, and


engineering investigation, water supply, ground-water monitoring, and natural gas production. This report is a catalog of all obtainable

 - (about 800) lithologic logs from boreholes in a portion of the Hanford

_ Site known as the 600 Area (see Figure 1). Every effort was made to obtain the original borehole drilling reports and/or lithologic logs for inclusion in this recort. Descrio-tions of the material penetrated by the borehole follow the original descriptions as closely as possiole. Interpretations of the original borehole lithologic logs were avoided. Each lithologic log included in this report includes the source document or source agency from which the original logs were transcribed. This catalog of lithologic logs is designed to comolement other key I data from Hanford Site boreholes. These key data include general bore-hole data *; a catalog of borehole geoohysics'; borehole grab and core samples retained by Rockwell, Washington Public Power Sucply System, and Northwest Energy Systems Company; and published and unpublished granulo-l metric data. I 1 I 1

              'McGhan, V. L. and D. W. Damschen, Hanford Wells, 01L-2394, Pacific i   Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington (1979).

I Blair, S. C., L. S. Blair and J. W. Lindberg, A cataloa of Borehole Geochysics on the Hanford Site, 1958 to 1980, CNL-3504, cacific Nortnwest Laceratory, Ricnlano, nasnington (1931). I l t I 1 I L - - - -

I l 4 i RHO-LO-158 l I 1 J

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FIGURE 1. The Hanford Site Showing the 600 Area (Unchaded).* I j I { Eddy, P. A. , Radiolocical Status of the Ground-Water Beneath the Hanford Project, January - Dec. ember 1978, PNL-2899, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington (1979). 2 I I

RH0-LD-158 FORMAT FORMAT KEY An explanation of the format used to present the lithologic logs is given below and followed by an example using Borehole 699-56-El55. Borehole Designation (Other Borehole Designation): Borehole Location: Borehole or Ground-Surface Elevation: Borehole Information: Material (Source) Thickness Depth Description ft ft 1 1 699-56-E15B (DD-1) Location: 56200, Ela8CO 11/23-23G2 Casing Elevation: 363.0 I Screw-feed core drill, for Corps of Engineers, 1957, foundation test boring Material (5) Thickness Death Fine to medium sand 18 18 Sandy gravel w/ cobbles 29 47 Conglomerate: poorly cemented 21 68 i BOREHOLE DESIGNATION Boreholes are desigrated according to the official numbering system for 600 Area Hanford facilities,which consists of three symbol groups secarated by hyphens (XXX-XXX-XXX',. The first symbol group for 600 Area boreholes consists of the number 99, which designates borehole structures, prececed by the number six to identify the area in whicn the borehole is located. The second and third symbol groups designate tne nearest Hanford plant coordinate expressed in thousands of feet; the northing is the second symbol group and the easting is the third symbol grouo. For examole, a borehole located at plant coordinates N36,350,W60,7 4 would 1 3 1

RH0-LD-158 l be designated 699-36-61. Boreholes located south and/or east of the plant coordinate axes are prefixed by "S" for the northing and "E" for the easting (e.g., 699-530-E15). Multiple boreholes with the same borehole number are distinguished by a letter following the third symbol group, starting with the letter "A" and continuing in alphabetical order (i .e. , 699-530-E15A ). In parentheses following the official Hanford borehole designation are other borehole designations commonly used by Hanford contractors or Hanford-based companies. Cross-references of other borehole designations to the official Hanford designations are given in Appendix A. BOREHOLE LOCATION Borehole locations in the 600 Area are given in the Hanford Plant Coordinate System ano the Congressional Land Grid System. Hanford plant . coordinates can be computed to the statewide Lambert Coordinate System using the equation given in Ecuations 1 and 2. Location of 600 Area boreholes are given on Plates 1 and 2. N( = 405,302.04 - Wg sine + Ng cose (1) EL = 2,295,325.01 - Wg cose - N gsine (2) t where e=0 - 8 min - 49.577 sec NH = northing on Hanford Plant grid W H

            = westing on Hanford Plant grid N = northing on Washington State grid EL = easting on Washington State grid.

I 4

L r L RHO-LD-158 r l Hanford Plant Coordiniate System L The Hanford Plant C) ordinate System is a rectangular grid system established in 1943 to serve as a local construction base (Figure 2). I Two points along the Cold Creek Road in the central Hanford Site were used as the original baseline. The most easterly point was arbitrarily designated N50000,W50000 (50,000 ft north and 50,000 ft west of an arbitrary origin). The direction to the westernmost point was desig-g nated due west. From this base, coordinates and monuments were es-L tablished by surveys to the various facilities on the Hanford Site (Figure 3). Hanford Plant Coordinates ~ given in this data catalog are reported to the nearest foot. Congressional Land Grid p A modification of the Congressional Land Grid System used by the U.S. Geological Survey to locate boreholes is also given following the Hanford plant coordinates. The modified Congressional Land Grid uses the rectangular system for the subdivision of public lands to locate [ boreholes. This system is illustrated in Figure 3 using Borehole 699-32-32 and the U.S. Geological Survey location of 12/0 7-17J1. For that borehole, the numerals preceding the hyphen (12/27) indicate the { township and range north and east of the Willamette meridian and base-line for Washington State, respectively. The first numeral after the hyphen (17) indicates the square-mile section in which the borehole is located, and the capital letter (J) indicates the 40-acre tract within that section. Within each 40-acre tract, the boreholes are numbered serially according to the order of well inventory. BOREHOLE ELEVATION Elevations are given in feet above mean sea level and are specified as either casing elevation or ground-surface elevation. Elevations reported are as follows: e Accurately known from survey data and given to the nearest 0.1 ~ or 0.01 ft L [

1 1 I RH0-LD-158 I' _i ' i _i' 1 I l' s #~r ' 7 A / $ ._

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Il FIGURE 2. Hanford Plant Coordinate System. 6 I I!

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- 2 J 2 1 4 3 6 5 1 1 1 2 2 3 ( 2 3 R 2 3 7 9 3 0 5 2 4 9 1 1 2 2 3 ] 6 e l o h e r o ' 4 9 6 1 1 2 8 2 3 3 B g n E i t a ' J

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I RHO-LD-158 e Estimated to the nearest foot, if known within :2 ft of true elevation e Aoproximated from 1:62,500 U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps covering the Hanford Site. - Approximated elevations are preceded by the symbol "s." BOREHOLE INFORMATION Pertinent borehole information is given to supplement borehole information given in McGhan and Damschen (1979). Pertinent borehole information presented in this report includes: e Drilling method e Driller and drilling comoany* e Borehole logger e Original borehole owner e Year of borehole completion e Borehole use. LITH 0 LOGIC LOGS Lithologic logs given in this report are summarized from numerous published and unpublished sources listed on the following pages. The number preceding the source agency or source document in the table are keyed to the number in parentheses following the word " Material" in the log heading. Descriptions of the material penetrated by the borehole follow the original descriptions as closely as possible; interpretations were avoided. Original lithologic logs were used in preference to condensed or interpreted logs except when original logs could not be found. Depth . from the ground surface and thickness for each described unit are given in feet. Abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols used in log descriptions are listed in Appendix C.

  • A listing of drilling comoanies having drilled boreholes on the g Hanford Site is given in Appendix B.

l g 8 I


1. Environmental Analysis and Monitoring Department, Rockwell Hanford Operations; and Water and Land Resources, Pacific Northwest Laboratory; both Richland, Washington - Drillers' logs on file.
2. Basalt Waste Isolation Project, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington - Drillers' logs on file.
3. Blume, J. A. and Associates (1971), Subsurface Geologic Investi-gations for the FFTF Project in Pasco Basin, JASE-WADCO-07, Westingnouse Atomic Development Company, Richland, Washington.

4 Newcomb, R. C. , J. R. Strand, and F. J. Frank (1972), Geology and Ground-Water Characteristics of the Hanford Reservation of the . U.S. Atomic Energy Ccmission, Washington, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 717.

5. Corps of Engineers, Seattle District - Drillers' logs on file.
6. Bechtel Corporation (1970), Site Investigation Recort for the east Flux Test Facility, Richland, Wasnington, for tne U.S. Atomic Energy Comission, BCL-1701, San Francisco, California.
7. Sumers, W. K. (1977); FFTF Well No. 3, W. K. Summers and Associates, Socorro, New Mexico.
8. Washington Public Power Supply System (1980), Final Safety Analysis Report WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2, Washington Puol'ic Dower Supply System, Inc., Richland, Wasnington.


9. Hart, D. H. (1968), Tests of Artesian Wells in the Cold Creek Area, Washington, U.S. Geological Survey Goen - File Report.
10. Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, Walla Walla, Washington -

Drillers' logs on file.

11. Northwest Energy Systems Company headed by Puget Power and Light -

Company, Seattle, Washington - Lithology logs on file.

12. Hart, D. H. and F. J. Frank (1964), Aouifer Evaluation Test in the Gable Mountain Area, U.S. Geological Survey Open - File Recort.
13. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1976), Ringold Identification, Correlation, and Sampling Program, Well History OH-6, 7, 8, 9, 9A, anc 98.

Hanford Works, Richland, Washington, ARH-C-13, Atlantic Ricnfield Hanford Company, Ricnland, Washington, 14 Webster, C. T. (1977), Ringold Identification, Correlation, and Samoling Program, Well History OH-ll, 12, 13, 13A, la, 15. 16,17, Hanford, Works, R1Chlano, Washington, Rh0-LO-34, Rockwell Hanford Ocerations, Ricnland, Wasnington. 9


15. Bechtel Corporation (1971), Final Soil Investigation Reoort for the Fast Flux Test Facility, Richland, Wasnincton, for the United States Atomic Energy Commission, TID-25934, San Francisco, California.
16. Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, Richland, Washington -

Drillers' logs on file.

17. Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company (1976), Preliminary Feasibility Study on Storace of Radioactive Waste in Columbia River Basalts, ARH-ST-137, Atlar. tic Richfield Hanford Company, Richlanc, Washington.
18. Walters, K. L. and M. J. Grolier,(1960), Geology and Ground Water 3 Resources of the Columbia Basin Project Area, Wasnington, E Water Supoly Bulletin No. 8, Wasnington State Department of Conservation.
19. U.S. Water and Power Resources Service, formerly U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Ephrata, Washington - Drillers' logs on file.
20. U.S. Geological Survey, Tacoma, Washington - Drillers' logs on file.
21. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1974), Basalt Aouifer Identification, Correlation, and Samoling Program, Well History DB-1, 2, 4, 5, 7, Hanforo Works, Ricnland, Wasnington, Fennix and Scisson, Inc., Ricnland, Wasnington.
22. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1972), Hole History Core Holes DH-i and DH-5, Hanford Works, Richiand, Wasnington, Fennix and Scisson Inc., Richland, Wasnington.
23. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1969), Comoletion Reoort Exoloratory Hole ARH-DC-1, Hanford Works, Richland, Wasnington, Fennix and Scisson, Inc., Tulsa, Oklanoma.
24. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1972), Recovery and Comoletion Recort '

Hole ARH-DC-1, Hanford Works, Richland, Wasnington, Cennix and Scisson, Inc., Ricnlana, Wasnington. I 25. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1978), Hole History Core Hole DC-ll, Hanford, Washinoton, RH0-BWI-C-9, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Ricnland, Wasnington. g E

26. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1977), Hole History Core Hole DC-10, l Hanford, Washinoton, RHO-BWI-C-8, Rockwell Hanford Goerations, l Richland, Wasnington.
27. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1978), Hole History Rotary Hole DC-5, Hanford, Washington, RH0-BWI-C-7, Rockwell Hanford Goerations, g

R1cnland, Wasnington. g 10 I I

I L RHO-LD-158 r L

28. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1377), Hole History Rotary Hole DC-3, r Hanford, Washington, RHO-C-ll, Rockwell Hanford Operations,

[ Richland, Wasnington.

29. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1977), Hole History Rotary Hole DC-7,

[ Hanford, Washinaton, RHO-C-1, Rockwell Hanforc Operations, L Richlanc, Washington.

30. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1977), Hole History Core Hole DC-2, Hanford, Washington, RHO-C-10, Rockwell Hanford Operations,

( Ricnlanc, Wasnington. r 31. Fennix ano Scisson, Inc. (1978), Drilling History Core Hole DC 4, L* Hanford, Washington, RHO-BWI-C-40, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Ricnland, Washington. f~ 32. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1978), Hoie History Core Hole DC-6, L Hanford, Washington, RH0-BWI-C-13, Rockwell Hanford 00erations, Richland, Wasnington.

33. Fennix and Scisson, Inc. (1978), Hole History Core Hole DC-8, Hanford, Washington, RHO-BWI-C-29, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington, 34 Green, J. (1980), Econcmic Geology Study and Resource Potential of the Pasco Basin, Wasnington and Vicinity, ESCA-TECH Corporation, Cost 3 Mesa, California.
35. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington -

Drillers' logs on file.

36. Webster, C. T. (1979), Basalt Acuifer Identification, Correlation, and Samoling Activities. History of Wells DB-8, DB-9, DB-10, r and DB-ll, RHO-LD-96, Rockwell Hanfora Operations, Richland, L washin9 ton-
37. Washington Public Power Supply System (1973), Preliminary Sa#ety Analysis Reocrt WPDSS Nuclear Project No. 1, Amencment 5, Washington Public Power Supply Systems, Inc. Ricnlana, Washington.

E E E 11 r ---

s RHO-LD-lS8 ' ( ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [ Thanks are expressed to the many individuals and companies who provided borehole infomation for this catalog. These include E. T. Bailey of U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers for providing lithologic logs; R. W. Cross and W. H. Crowle,y of Rockwell Hanford Operations for ( preparing illustrations; P. A. Eddy and C. S. Cline of Pacific North-west Laboratory for detennining Hanford plant coordindtes; W. A. Kiel of Washingten Public Power Supply System for providing borehole data; { D. Hedrick of Golder Associates for providing preliminary lithologic logs; R. K. Ledgerwood of Rockwell Hanford Operations for providing , lithologic logs and borehole data; V. L. McGhan of Pacific Northwest Laboratory for providing drillers' logs and borehole data; and D. Newman of U.S. Water and Power Resources Service for providing lithologic logs. 1 i [ [ [ [ [ E [ [ 13

E RH0-LD-158 E o u i n 1 i BOREHOLE LITHOLOGIC LOGS E' l 1 I I 1 I L I 1 ,I 15 1 I i -

RH0-LD-158 i 1 699 531 1 Comentec rout & ccc:les / Location: $30600, w?2! 10/28 1781 trace o' sana . . 5 '5 Castag tievation: a60.11 Cemente: 2 in, et%s revet../ . . Cacle tool, 0-i*1ec ey Stance y & Aceinson ctarse 31acs sanc, coloe daru of tne 45".3 f or t'ie GI *peanv. 1951 gray to 31acu .... . 5 20 grouno. ate- c nitoring ceremote d in. einus revel ./some coarse staca sano & a trace mate-tal (4) Thickness Oeste of tro m sanc ... 5 25 Ligntly ceaweted 3 in. einus I $ano, fine to coa'se Sanc, pocs of clay Sanc. =/r avel . . . . Quartz & esotte sanc . 5and ./ gravel 16 5 52 12 16 21 73 85 grave * /sanc, color ray 3 in, minus gravet ./ coa *se sana & see fine

  • sane 21/2 *n. minus revel & coa-se
                                                                                                                                     . 5 5

30 35

                                    .                     43       128          sand /11ttle fine sanc                            .        5    40 I                                                                           Ocarse sanc /21/2 in. staus Gravel ./sa,c          ..                        .      4       132 Sanc. ./some revel                            .        16       188          ravel, trace of fine sanc                                  !    45 Sanc sigravel                        . ..              37       185       3 in. minus gravel =/1'ttle
   $ tit, clayey . . .. . ...                             36       221          sano               .                                       I    50
   ;olumo sa 4tve- tasalt:                                                   2 1/2 in. minus r avei =ttrace
       .enas sasalt I
                                    ..              .      7       228     . of saac . . . . .. .                                    . 5    55
                                                                           . 2 1/2 in. einus ravel =/ trace of sane. color of mate *ial 699 330.E15a gray                       .                               5    60 Locat*oe: $30257, [14838                          10/28-14G1          2 in. sinus ravel .icsa-se
     ' Cas*ng !!evation; 40C.39                                                 & fine sand . ... .                                        5    65 I

Caole *ool. 37111e$ Dy (vans of Maten Orilitag 3 in, einus gravel =/scrPe Comoany 8 2 AA C , 1971, rounc. ate- sanc, mate ial nas a *199t moeltacing torenale bro.n colo* . . . I 70 1 1/2 in, minus r ave) =/ .. Mate-ial (1) ?niciness Deoth coa se & 'iet sanc. . ate

  • colo- Itrt tro.n .  !


                                                                                                                           .                    75 Sanc & g-avet 1/a tn.                                                     I 1/2 in, mi%s yavel .tsome to cowl:e s       ..                         . 9          9         coarse & f*ne sand                    ate-
   !anc & 1/4 te. ;*avel                                                        color Itget seo.n                                          5     80 to coscies      ...... .                           11        20
   ,ca se t: *ine 31aes sanc
   .                                                                         1 in, ge,,g m uus,g g , n,an,ip s/s     g , rg, e g, I
   , & i 1/2 in. geavei . .                               15        35 silt, .atr color tro n . ...                              5    t!
   .carse slacs sare to fine                                                 11/2 in. minus ravel ttrtly Coar e 3 a         anc t       l'e~                                          l ,"g"           9"I f *'" ' 8                           5    90
    , sane =< coa se revel                                 0        50 2 in. minus revel / green scarse blaca sanc =/                                                         gang g ,;,;;;,37,;, gi,y,
    , coarse revel                             .            4       54 vry ti pi:1. nacmes.                          . ..         5     95
   .oarse blaca sanc &..                                                     3 in, einus geavel / green sand gravel & Souloers                .                  1       55          g ,11;;;, glicg g1gy, ,,,7 It aca sanc                  ..            ...          5       60          tigntly sackee                 ....                   .. 5  100 Bl a ca saae coa *se to 'ine /                                           21/2 in. minus gravel ./g tea
        ' 1/2 in. r avel                 . ...              5       65           sed ve y tiget y pacnec    t 5 105 Fi ne oro.n se e ./ coarse                                               2 in. minus aravel .,geten saac..

staca sane & stit ,ecy sig.isly o :,ea ,, g 110

       ./2 in, r eve l . . . . . .                   .      3       68       3 in,      3 ,,,    g,,,,1        of),;;;,

rine oro,a sano ./stit lignt ray sanc. ve y ttgetly I & soae 4 in. gravel 7 75

                                     ..              .                          o ,c s ,g      , , ,, , , ,                                $  ::$

Fine oro.n same . ... . 5 80 31/2 in. minus gravel & . nite

                                                                                & gray sanc . ..                                         . 5  120 I" "I"' 'I'1 "'I**'

5 9e-130-(15* (0>-3) I"""puoles in it lsH tyi  ! 125 Location: 53C383, (15232 10/28 1433 ... . I Casing t'evatton: 401.74 Grua'se clue clay . man eenoles & a little stity . . . . 13,. Caole tool (to 219 ft.) & diamone coeing, 5 deilleo ey Smitn & di1ces of wasee Det11 tag Nne gena sanc /sm need

          ;omcane for 3Z Comoany & Boyles Sectne*s                               lumes of see . ..                            . .           ! 135 Ortiting Ocecany for 4AMCO,1970,                                   3 in. minus vant sign n grouno. ate- monitor *ng bovenote & see-oca                           sanc . .                   . ... . . ..                    . *4a 6 .

geciogy investigation torenole 2 in. einus yant s/ fine sand

                                                                                 & coarse sanC . ... . ..                                   5 14,.

Material (1, 17) Thtciness Death 1 in. annus grant ./ fine sand ,,,

                                                                                 & :Dee coarse sang .                  ....                 ! ...

teo.n sano fine ..... 2 2 ani Cementes ravei & 10 in. einus 8'**'inus{uesano/sn run'sn a .. . ... 5 ,,5 cochtes ......... . I 2 I ' " * ""I E '"i "# I"'" 'I" CePe9tet gravel ./11ttle land, Blue sand, ve*y tigntly , sare ray in cofoe , .... 3 5 pacnN ., . .. ... . Cementet geavel & co001es el ,,8?'1 I * ** ** * *** I

                                                                             -'lt Si     & clay, cart                                            !
  • h. w.

I trace of sand . ..... 5 10 tre.n . ... . Sitt & clay vistray 1 in. gravel car Dro.n . ... . . 5 175 I 17 I

E RH0-LD-158

   $11t & clay =/ blue tiat to it 2 in. ein us pits of sof t assa1t
                                                       .      20        195          Gravel & sanc. oculceas uo to 10 in.

I 6 'l

      =/ coarse sana & olue clay               .                5      200           souloers & sane ..                                           a       15
   &asalt revel & coa *se sanc /                                                     Ooarse :Tacs casalt sanc.

See clay ..... . 5 205 gravel . . . 9 24 9asalt oecreca =/ sane ..  ? 210 gla ca casalt sand. coa'se 6 30 desalt secroca . ... .. 5 215 51aca basalt 'ine sano , lasah . ...... . 69 284 Blaca sand & Basalt 5 ?5 45 10 Iuf#aceous sanastene . . . 39 323 tasalt . . . . . ... . 31 354 Elect coarse to 'ine sasalt same Alterea rstate . . 8 sane sma*1 r avel .... 10 55

                                  ... .                                362           70s ma-ale stre gravel. 30 san:

Basalt .... .. 105 457

                                                                                         & snele                           . .                 13         65 Tuff aceous sandstone . .                ....               17       474           Fine gray sand... ..         .                                       71 6

Black cla 1 Tuff aceous Ea +cstone . . . ' '[ 8 47') 48 O grant. aM co1cas. Nne to 8asalt . . . ... 184 671 marcie size. 40% cea'se to Sancstone . . .. . 6 677 fine ray sas a ts e stacu U!"aN 'N ""**!'.'*"' . . Id, @, sane,ravei....... e rDai . . . 3 d, 1,' Iit e;e't M : : * : : : : . : . * .,a . 5" ra"4 ra" ' ' ' " ' ' 11 92 E 72 842', E' Part 8-Sandstone

               . '""' T" ". . : e ca,....               .                    .      17     1.136               C .".A' c"0"in P'
                                                                                          ~e                  .c....

Saale on volcaMc mud, sanc.

                                                                                                                                         . n       m
                    ...              ..           ..           8    1.144 Tuff aceous sancstone                    ..                14     1.158               revel tne site of men's egg .                            3     106 Vestcalar runnie zone             . . ..                   12     1.1 70          $nale on nicanic m uc. more sana.

tasalt ..... .. 124 1.294 ins rant, me gle site 6 ,1,

  • nte*'rin es clay & s andsto*e. }nale, sans ra n . . 6 118 coal 'ragnents .. 25 1.319 frun snaie 2 30 lasalt . ....

Reestsa exication tone 125 8 1.544 1.552

                                                                                    .ra ni, sano .

Stue smale

                                                                                                                                        .       1 1

y 21 8asalt . . . . . . . ... 8 1.560 Gran1. see . . 2 123 Alte es eveale zone 10 II"' 5"'I' 8asalt . .. 1.970

1. 57 0 3.540
                                                                                    .ra nt, sana .' .                             . .

1 4 F.2; 3 Stue snale . .... . 2 12. Gravel, sant; ve*y ?4ne rey 699-329-(12 saac f*11ea v noie 2 129 g),, g3,3,, ,,,,e . j) Location: $29395. [12065 10/26-15A1

                                                                                                                             ,,,                3 basing flevation: 387.97                                                      ve*y fine sane, ces gravet. alue 33,1,                                                  s      na Caole too'. :*111ec or tva9s of naten                                         snaie,syag'g;,'i,,*

Ort 11tng *cmpaay. ?971, youno. ate

  • n , $ taf monttoring carenole Gray sana, ra n1. snale
  • uni SaCa uD DIDe . . . ... 5 14!

Mate *ial (1) Mne gray sanc. g*avel. saale:

                                                      ?ntenness Destn                   runs esca up pioe                                      7
                                                                                                                             .. ,                     152 Sand & CcDoles           ..... . .                            3         3 Fine to coa *se sanc gravel.

Irown & clack sand ./toulaees smale: *Vn Deca un et;e 6 58

                                                                                    ,,y g,ng g 7 ,yj, ;;,7
  • 9 162 81caIa c: arse & g*avel & "n 87 - . 2 165 coentes ..... ... . 8 17 Coarse slack sano & gravel & 699-124-19 coulcees . ........ 3 to 'ccation: $23965. =1874
                                                                                      .                                                    10/27-241 814cm sano & g*avel & concles                   .           10         30            Oas ?ng I'evation: 427.!!

014 C8 coarse sand & g*avel . 15 a5

  • acte *ool, e-111ee ey ae , o< 3e Les35, 1949, Brown sano fine to 1 1/2 in.. sonestic . ate
  • sucoly for gatevetoe* at cam revel ......... . 5 50 Ffne Brown sana & 1 1/2 in.. Mate-tal (1) thicteess Dente grant ./some silt ... .. 13 63 Fine crown sana =/ve*y little Too soil . . . . . - ....* I I gravel . . . ......... 2 65 Gravel, sano & stit: caves . . . . 3 4 Brown saac & sore stit & 1 1/2 3 ravel, olaca sand & ve*y little in.. gravel . . . . . . . . .. 10 75 sil :t ve*y loose 15 to 18 f t. ta 18 Irown sand ettn some 1 1/2 in.. Gravel, sanc & stit (4 ft.i.

gravel & traces of sitt .. 5 80 toose 6

                                                                                                                  .. ... .                           2a Clar        ...              . .. . .                      1       25 699-127.[14                                                                                                                      .         I       II Locatton: $27288. (13593                               10/28 11L1            I'"8' nite sanc. s ze sasaltII I I 8"O* "I 8f CI81
  • Castng Elevation: 399.77 Un'cnt "os & stit . . 7 14 Cacle tool. orilles ny to.. Cnausse & ausley of
  • rani .... ... . 1 35 tne U533 for il Corneany. 1944 grouno= ate, hne sanc. stit. & g*avel . 8 43 monitortag oceenole 519e saale . ... . I 84
                                                                                  .oarse sand, lasalt               .          .             2       a6 mate tal '1)   '                     TMenness Secta               Solio casalt                 . .                          16       62 51a cs & . nite sanc                             .         3       65 l

Too soil 'sanoy loam. oro=n slo. Se:tc sasalt . . . . 1 66 sana . . .. . 5 $ Sano & rant . . , 5 I 18 i r 1

RH0-LD-158 Solto casalt; ve*y 'iarc . . 15 80 tro a sitty sanc rent 1 in. . 5 45 Basalt Tooe stoae: sagaetic Stit ans saac. : lay streans. force sults sailer to sice . . 2 83 grave' & cc: oles .. ..  ! 5 s, Solto tasalt . . 6 29 Sans. gravel. :::cie 6 in. 10 60 Sanc & revel, fe. :o::les ?C 'O Firm sanc & yavel, ceccie . . . .  ! 75 699*523 26 Sanc & r ave. ... . . . 10 85 Location: $22575. 625349 10/27 4K1 Sanc. gravel, fe laege casoles.. Casing (1evation: 424.70 minec in . . . . . . 5 9G Canle tool. 1944. oomestic = ate

  • suoory $anc & p avel .. .. . . 10 100 icose sanc & r avel .., 10 110 material (4) inica ness Destn Sane. gravel. 'e. c 001es 5 115 Cementec gravel . . 40 155 Salt & sitt Oceate: rey sano & revel.

(. Gravel & sand. lasalt coulce's .

                                                              'O 6

10 10 16 25 Gray cemeete: revel . . . Lignt ray :eentes revel 15 5 5 ?60 175

                                                                                                                                                                     !80 Coarse ysvel. sanc, awartz &.......                                        " ray cementee w                                                         20       200 essait . . . . . . . .                                 3      29        *ceatecgrave[avet                      ..                                  5      205 Quartz, tasalt, sil! & s4*o. . .                         4       33        G*ay sanay silt .. ....                                                  20       225 5 tit, sanc yello. clay & green                                            Gray stity sanoy clay /little snale            .....                                 5      38           sea revel . . .                         .                      .      14       244 lasatt: not too nara                              . .                      1      245 Gray :tay inte-teo                 . ..                           .        2      248 81aca nasalt .

699.$19.[13 . .. 2 250 la sO t 5 288 Location: $19434. [12780 10/23 201 Gray casalt.. 250 Castag Elevat'on: 394.!! . . 5 Ca:1e tool, e-ille! By Itgnam o' daten Det:1 tag Cmmany for at<0.1971 699 316.[25 9'*oun o.ste monito* serenote Locat'on: 435 10/28 402 ( Paterial !!., inicaness Sectn Cas*ng Elevation: Oa 1e tooi. orillec sy =ings of wat:9 De*1!'ng 751 *ine Dro-n saac 251 sitt 5 5

                                                                                           "'#                   *           * '#                  *I'*

97own fine sanc SEe tilt . . . 11 16 " ' r 25s sane. 50s me:ia re c* 251 ma u-ial (1, u*n small coceles .. .htmus ( 9 23 30% sane. 401 revel. 30% coesles ... . . 20 45 Sand . . ... . . 23 23 201 tana. 7C1 r evel. Sono & r ant ... 68 0 i0t conOu ' '

  • 2n 65
                                                                                  """"*""$1                                                         55       '5' es uno, sa Ja;ei : :                                     i

(- 3es une. res ravei . . . . 6 70 76 Paa ' 'ra

                                                                                  ***"1     n"'e1 'ee'aten Sand & gravel fc renteet
                                                                                                                                                           '5 13 us 191 ICs sitt. 40% sanc. 53 revel                             4       80 Gravel & sans (cewate:1                                                  14
                                                                                                                                . .                                 205 Gravel . .        .. .                        . .                         5       210 699 519 11                                                                Bec=a stt:ry clay                      , ,                        .      40       250

[ Location: $18738. w11013 10/27 181 $ticay clay ,spe revel ' 250

sstag Ilevation: 483.74
           ;acle tool. art 11ed ty li; nam of watch Or d!1ng Concery for de*CO. 1968, nyerologte tavestigation noeenole                                               4 H.518.15 Location:                                                           11/26 35'il mate *1al (1)                       Thicaness Doctn                                              W 1. M fasing   Wwatten:

acte tool. *t11ec ey Ouranc 01111ag "o. S an s . . . . . . c !960. [* ency relocation cente =4te*

        $and & stit     ..
                                       . . . . . .              30 40
                                                                          'O 5"8F"qd I

I Mv'e' One; : .: : : . . 2;  ;; -u-ui m 7e-us Oeen A Sano & r evel . . . . . . 25 120 Upentu reves ........ 42 42 Sasalt . .... . 58 100

        ,,,.si8.c24                                                                :a"" t cr $"$
  • e" Location: $18500. (2000 10/23 401 g,] "

[ .astag flevation: 434.35

                                                                                                              ,;,'*               ,                   ,                    l tresen pevious tasalt .                                                     8      320 Caole too.. ert11ec ey Gasnt & fraatnam of                              gagg.

18* 335 Jansea Or1111ag ;omaany for 41 Comoany 1961 grouno ater montt3*ing 3erencie 5,,,,l,;g,',gg,gi,,*.,,,,,* g.,,, , .g g mate *1al (1) 7htenness Desta tro=n sano .... . . . . . . 10 10 6H.$U.30A @.0 Coarse rav sand . . . 5 15 hocation: M/27 33M Coarse son's erseme revel. . . . 5 to 54 sing fievatton- 469 Sano & revel 1 in. & 2 in. . . 5 25 I** '8" **CCO

  • Gray & oro n saae .. . . . 5 30 Y"8W.~ Gulop 8"* "9 'e'n ' 899'1 ntaatm 3?aceW leo-n sans & see graal . . . . 5 35 See n silty sano .. . . . 5 40 *ater*al i3) *hicaness e:ta Alluviwn . . . . .... . . 34 24

[ Sasalt . Inteetec

                                                                                                                                  .                         to 43 44 37 Sasalt            .                                  .                   22          09 19

[. [ _ - - _ _ - - -

Iii RH0-LD-158 l 699 517 308 (00M.2) 699-517 28 ( 00M.4 ) Location: 11/27 3342 Location: 11/27 33;1 Casseg 11evation: 467 :astag !!evation: 477 01seems cor3ng loggeo ny Blume foe va0Co, Ota m ne co-ing loggee by 31ume fo* ua3CO. 1971. geologic investigation bortag 1971. geologic *nvestigation poeenote Material (3) Teictaess De:ta Mate-ial '31 Tnicaness De ath Alluviurs . . . . 4; a;; Alluvium 37 37 Basalt . . . . . . .. 2 A4 lasalt . . 21 58 Inte-sed . . ..... 38 82 Inte*eec . . . 76 134 Basalt .. . .. . . 25 107 Sasalt . 11 145 699 517 30C (0>.3) 699 514 2CA Location: 11/2/.3393 Location: 514a91. 419739 11/27 34A1 Castng Elevation: 464 Castag fievattom: 49;.74 Otaneno cor$ng. 'ogges ny 31mme 'or 4ACCO. Coole 2001. e-sliec sy accca of laca 3 rilling 1971. geologte tav estigation socing C reany for 5t ; roany. 1954. groueawatea monitoring corenole Mate'ists (3) Thickness Destn material (1) 5 iicaness Decte Alluvium . .. .. . . 39 39 lasalt . . . . . . 4 43 Sand . . . 100 100

 !nterneo               . . . .. .                             36        79        Sanc & geavel.                    . ..                   15      115 Sasalt                             . ...                      10        89        Tan saac .. . ..                     ..                    5     120 Sane & gravei .sc::eles at 699 516 24 (08 7)                                                                    135 et.. olue, turetog to Locat*on: 516279. u23534                                  11/27 3441              gray as g: seese.                 .            .      30      '!:

, :ssing !!evation: 531.99 Coa-se ntte sanc 5 155 [ 3samene co**ng, a itles ey Scytes lectne*s Sane & gravel  ! 160 l 3ri11tng Cecany & logge: Sy .eege wooc of 8asalt .. . . 5 165 l AanCO 'or AanC".,1974, cece ca geolcgy r. ray basalt, nae:: ;etting l investigation torenole raye* ano narce' as it matects' (2. 21? Thickness Deatn 8asalt . . . . . . . . . 26 26 699 514 208 Sasalt . . . . .... 74 100 Location: 11/27 34A2 54nestoae. tilty cart crown. Castag Elevation: 493 f oose reen sano etcaceous . 50 150 A1* estary, aestle 3y Assa 0* tiling & Basalt . . . . . ... 196 346 ce,e:eo,,,t ;o,;eny & ogge: 3y .oege of & Tuff. Bases, staca, vitric . 18 364 for t 0, 1976. nyc*slogic $nvestigation 84 salt . . . . . . 86 453 novenote Laoillt tuf# . . . .. . 4 454 Sano, secturn to fine. */ clay . . 41 515 mate,,,1 (1) ;nicie,sg oogsw lasalt . . . . . . . . . 143 778

  ?uf'. .elded . .                         ... .                  4     782 Sano =/small amou     n t revel                      25          25 Sanostone & tuf*aceous saaestone                                                 =eoius 'ine sano                          .            30          55
     ./ clay         .               .                          3C      812        r,ne same & stit . .                      ...          25          90
                                                                                   % dium to *ine sand                           .        20        110 to eecore                 .                    .      50        160 69b517 25 (00H.5)

Locat*on: 11/27.33J1 ,. Castag Elevation: 477 699 514 20% Ot aamas coring. loggeo by llu me 'or =ADCO. Location: 11/27 34A3

  • 971 geologte investigation oore' ele
                                                                                       .asing Elevation: s493 Air rota*y, or511ed oy Acus Drilling &

mate *ial (3) Thietaess Deete Seveicoevat :omosay & togges ey wooge se & ! for a*C. 976. nye olq1c investigation I 411vvium . . . . . . . 27 27 D'""'I' l Basalt . . . . 6 33

  !steeceo            . . .                 ....                45        78                       Mate *ial ;I)                     hicaness Oests tasalt              . .                   ..             .      7       85 "e te to fine sanc .             ... .                   !5        !!

Ftne saac & slit . . . ..... 30 85 499 517 2a '00M.6) Medie to 'ine sanc ..... 25 M0 Location: 11/27 34=2 " 'C'"8 . . . . 50 160 Casing (1evation: 502 Otameno : orang. loggec ty llu e 'ee WAOC*. m 1971. ;eslogic tweestigation oorenote 699 513 88 (Moesesnoe #1) gg,g,,,. , material (3) inicanets Dert, Cas'ag (1evation: s2750 Caste toc 1, ora f f ec & 'ogges by Hunt.1941 ) gas . ell i Alluvium. . . . ....... 2 2 i Basait . . . . ... 69 71 l Inte-oes . . . . . . ... 43 118 l lasalt . . . . . . 2 116 l l l 20 I

1 RH0-LD-158 I Soil . ais t e* t a l '34)

                                                               is cine s s Oesta 3        I 699-512.3 a             U2% W asirg Elevation: 435.52 laDie tosi, c-*llec Cy t*e USG5 #c* 3I
                                                                                                                                                      'U28 2 N I

lasalt . . . . I I Basalt, nar$ II 9O Oompany. 1951, r osno. ate

  • mortto**99 &

15 37 geologic invest 1gation Dorenoie lasalt, r ay . . Basalt, g*ay . .. . 17 Sg ,,g,,,,; ;43 7,4e,,,,, 3,;t. Saale . . . . . 30 8v 5nale, 31act . . 10 90 5,,,, ,,,, ,,,, , ,,e,,,, 3,f,, I 81aca rect ' 36 126

  • 23 basaltic & emotic, & 251 saisit. ray - sat a a Basalt . . . . 54 284 . .... . . .

Sano & scue ravel; fine to lasalt, ataca. .. 4 288 Shale, blue 75 303 coarse sanc. But precominantly

  $nale, bro.n 1     30' g3,,se is ecuaM y nasaltte &

Shale, yello, 1 30 5 e,sotte

                                                                                            , ,,, g roca ,,,,jytyces        in coarse-
                                                                                                                       ,,34g,3,,       ,,

Snale, r ay . . 7 3II finee; Silicate, sticky ? 3 315

                                                                                            ,,;,3:, tne 97,,,i  151,r, ,ed:ssi
                                                                                                                          ,anulena   & a*  1y 0147, entte very sticuy                                              10      32.          nasalt . . .                      ... . .                  40         44 Sasalt .                                                                     326 I

1 Shale. . nite . . . . 10 336 Sanc.,'ine to coarse but laagely

                                                                                            ;3, se cuart2; eretic roca Snale, stue                  .                     .                2a      360          tyces same un acoat 80 901 Saale, green        . ..                   .            . ,           1     361          of deDosit; 101 ts sitt                    . .                8       52 lasalt                                                                 1    362       Sanc & revel; mecium to coarse Basalt porous                                                         8     III tan..n'te cua-tzose sans navtag I  lanalt .                                                            68      443 lasalt & *ren 2     a45          10 ranule anc cecole ravel Sand, oa's 450 tnat is 701 emotics and 30%

5 basalt .... . 8 50 lasalt, 3*enen & congicFe' ate 2 452 545a11. gr ay . . . 5 457 Sanc,

                                                                                            ,,,,;,  gravelly,
                                                                                                       ,,,,,,,',ine         to c,ea ,,

qige,,, s,e,, lasalt, gray, pronen & c-evisy 3 46e. ,,,,,,, ,,,,g,,y,39 35g 84 salt . . . 5 a65 Basalt. Blaca, brotea 4 459 r, , 7e nule

                                                                                                       ,,,,e,c& c enie       r av0 tnat roca types . .                       9       $9 Saale, blace                                                                                    ,5g 6     a?$       g,,,,       ,,,., g3,,,, 3, ,,,,,,,.

tasalt, elect, sceous 18 49' :ecs. emotte rect ty lasalt. r ay, na c 3 500  ;,,, ,  ;;g 7 ,,,;,ces & g 3,337, I lasalt, 31acu Basalt ray . 8assit, ero.n porous saisit, vay ... Basalt, niaca; mare, oceous

                                                      .                   3 5

7 503 M8 515, 52; 52. yavel is '01 tactic rock tyces, scrne silt is p*esen

                                                                                         ;j,y, ,,ggy, gi,,,7 .,, g 3,t,,;,g
                                                                                            .een .et, r a,,sn. r ee, .ne, 3.,-
                                                                                                                                              .        39 108
  • 3 3,*

lasalt, elaca; naea. porous 7 532 * - Conglomerate .. 3 53! 8asalt. 01act, porous 10 545 699 512 29 lasalt, gray; naec . 5 530 Lscation: 51169a, w29457 11/27 28m1 8asalt, blaca; porous 16 566 astng Elevation: 487.68 54* alt, yello.; mara . . 1 56- tool, c*t11ec ey wilco & Satt'i of nacea tasalt, Blace .  ! 569 Oaste, ge, ting ::,,cacy for GI :om:any. 1962, lasalt, ray; nars . . . . 5 57a youne.atea monitoring oceenoie Sano, bloci (air noemet: 1 575 Sanc, atact; nasalt . 3 578 mate 141 (1) Thicaness Oeotn tasalt, vay; nare . . . 1 579 Sanc bloca; nors, more air . . 5 58 a me ci.., & *ine sane, trace of stit Basalt. gesy; nera . . 11 595 lignt yay ./ tan

  • tim . . . . 50 50 8asalt 31act; porous . . 5 600 "ectum / fine sans, trace of silt.

Basalt, aroon .. . . . 2 602 ray . .. .... .. 5  !! 5nale, tibe; cavity. Icst eate. . 3 605 me c:w ./**ne sane.1 in, revel, 8asalt, 31aca; porous 2 607 trace of silt, g*sy I

                                                                                                                               ......                  5        60 Basalt. 31aca; M rs                                                 33      64v, Sanc, so't; elect                           .
                                                             .             3    6a3     darc ceme9tec revel =/teace o' silt, gesy; sasalt revel                                   15        75 8asalt, ray; narc                                              . 17     560     gasalt revel .istit ia's gray .                         . 10        85 0-tiling un sanc; pumo                                   .             4     664    actten casalt gravel ./ silt.

lasalt, elatt 2I 689 cars gr ay . .... . ,  ! 90 gasalt, 31acs . . 10 699 lasalt revel eastit, cars ray; Basalt. Blaca; poeous . 41 740 mate-tal c anged at 95 f t. Basalt, blact; ne'$ . . 25 765 got ;ots easte- ...... 15 105 lasalt, g*ay; naec . . 21 786 etn, e, .ing of gasalt & *ine 8asalt, gray; Do'ows 17 883 sanc . . .. .. . . 5 110 20 863 I lasalt, g*ay; 'iarc . . et,, :,gging, of 3,,,i: .f;,,g, lasalt, gray; se'ous . 68 935 of *tne saac . . . . 10 120 Sand . ........ a 124 Lignt otve clay e/ trace of smale .. ........ I 12! Lignt 31 e clay .e**ne sanc . I 130 I 81ue snaie : lay, trace :* sana

                                                                                           & caliene                               .        .          5      135 21

C RH0-l.D-158 Sand w/ blue snale clay & caDene Soft saacstone . . 5 50 mate *tal, geny in color ... 5 140 Sano & fine g*asel. . cod 15 65 Ve*y tigntly sacmed sano ./ Sand, clay, g ave' 3 68 caliene & 01t of basalt *1ay blue . . . 4  ?? 1 gravel alue gray . ......  ! 145 Souloers & geavel .. . . 8 80 Very tigntly pa: sed sand =/ bit Large Soulce's & g-avel & same 15 95 of tasalt geavel & clay or Cement gravei =/small toolsers 15 110 caliene .......... . 10 155 Conented r a,el. soulce-s Saale clay & caliene. 11gnt blue 8 in. . . 15 125 in colo* . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 160 Sith clay ..... . . 17 142 Ligat clue clay =/ trace of saale Gravel & bouloe s .... . 7 155

    & C411Cne    .... ......                           5      165           Gravel & boulde-s ./little Blue Clay & clay e/ trace of saale                                           clay .                .. ..                        .             15        170
    & Ca11Cne .          ... ...                       5      170           Large Bouldtes e/ cement gravel                                     12        182 Cnanges to a crown & Stue smate                                           Sile clay                                                           23        215
    & cattene trace of essait                  .       8      178           8asalt .                                                            C         215
  $asalt ./ trace of snale. 9tt gard 34 salt at 178 ft.           .. .           12       190 699 59 638 Locat'on: 58850, we3170                                        11/26 2981 699 511.El2A                                                               Castng fieva u m 1420.01 Location: 510692. [12261                       11/23 2701                  ***"#* #" " #                        "'*     * ' wel.
  • O' **

Casing tievation: 365.87 piseltne h any, Y'39 1 gas - Caole tool, drilled Dy Match of Maten Deilling Comoany for GE Catoany,1960. groundwate, w te**al ,.,5, . . M et an t Wn monitoring corenale

                                                                           ,enent ravel 4,,         A,,

u m terial (1) 7hteteess Dentn I"' "**'

                                                                                                                                              ',k          II Ma*coan                 .                                           1           95 Smal' r evel, saac & sitt            .                5         5        8comen roca          .           .                                 80         175 Gravel to 4 in. . cleanee       ..                    5       10         ' C'
  • I3 III 1 ravel to 3 in., aand & st1t . . 5 15 8'1aste* of pas . . . 29 216 Grave' at 6 in. ... ... . 10 2 Basalt . . . 5 .21 Gravel ./stit . .. . 5 30
                                                                           . lay & bronea coct                                                21         252 Clean gravel to 3 in. ...                    .       5        15 8

0*ous casalt . 14 278 Gravel 3 in & Diact sand 5 40 ray tasalt 6 284 8asalt orevel . . ... . 11 51 f.aveycasalt . 5 2!9

  *1ean claen sand    ... .....                        4       55 Gray easalt          ..                                            23         312 Slee sand, sose small revel              .           5       60          81ue casalt          .           .                       .            ,      34 Sane & gravel to 1/2 in,. alue .                   20        80          Gray basalt             ..                    .                        1      320 Sano & r avel tc 3 *n.              .                5       85          Blue basalt                                                         10        330 Sancy r evel to 3 in.       .                      15      100           Gray nasalt          ...

74 404 Gravel . . . . .. ... 10 110 Porous ray pasalt .

                                                                                                                                ..            14        als Clay & stit   .. . ...                             30      140           81ue basalt
                                           ..                                                   .                          . ..               16        434 81ue clay silt & r avel .....                        5     145           nater roca & g*avel..                    . .                          3      437 Blus clay, and & sitt & ravel               .      20      165           Po*ous tasalt                    ..

4 441 81aca gravel & alue sand & Gray tasalt 12 453 stit . . . ..... 5 170 Gray basalt .. 5 458 81ue clay sand & stlt . . . 15 185 Maed r ay nasalt ... 2 460 tro=a tiay, sand, & silt . . . 10 195 Gray tasalt . . 2 462 8rown clay, sllt & sand w/ Gray tasalt . . . . 2 46a gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 200 Gray tasalt .. 12 476 Blue clay, sand & sitt . ... 5 205 8asalt . . . 8 age Blacs ravel. Blue clay. ..... to 225 Gray tasalt .. . 4 488 Sasal* gravel. Blue clay . . 11 236 live basalt . . 84 572 8asalt (ntt solid nasalt at Gray Basalt ... . 3 574 236 ft.. out of it at 2 0 ft. . 4 240 'orous gray basalt . . 20 594 Greea clay, sand & st1t ..... 15 255 Gray nasalt .. 58

                                                                                                                                       .                652
 " lean reea & alack sand . . . .                     5      260           Mard r ay basalt                                                     8       660 Sasalt gravel & sand .       .. . .                  5     255            Grey casalt ..                       .          .           .         1      661 seatne'ed casalt          . . ..                     5     270            maec gray casalt                                                     2       663 lasalt     .
                  . . . ... .                       13      283            Gray nasalt ..                       .                            39         702
                                                                           $nale & sand . .                         .                  . 14         716 699 511.(125                                                             $nale     ...                                                     12           2!

Location: 110965. (12035 wnste cua*tt sand.. . . 10 ,7; 9 11/28 2702 g,j, jg

    *asing Elevation- 365                                                            **                                                                   $0
                                                                           $3,j, g ,and                                                      'O         h60 Mud *otaey. or911ed Dy 7homcson of 35! for                                                     ' * **
  • 8Nhl. 1963. snotnole Scring 9,j, ****** ** '5 768
                                                                           $,,j, g ,,          ,           , ,,                     ,        10         7$

4 tectal (1) Thtganets Geoth Poro"s 8 u rocs & gas . . . 7 788 Gr v & aculates.large Douldeas ,C"


u s' t & gas 9 Gravei&.ai;e:s.1;r,e 81aci nasait . ... .. 2 803 Douldees 15 35 81a cs sorous assait 3 806 Cemented rave Is Dou does . 10 45 " 'I* *II I 80 I 22 I

RHO-LD-158 8asalt ... . . 2 809 699 59-56 ( #11 Maro tasalt .. .. .. I 810 Location: 59200, 55600 11/26 2701 Maco Blaca tasalt . . 1 811 Castag Elevatice: s1120 814cm casalt . 5 816 Caole tool (to 295 *t.' & eota*y Pt. e-111e1 Gray nasalt . .. . .. a0 856 ey Seattle-:stanc Emee *omcaay, 1920. gas Mare ray caselt . 1 857 eell Gray sasalt .. . 12 86 9 Maec gray tasalt .. 3 872 N tteint (10) 7hicuness *A c te Gray 04 salt, snoving of volcanic asm . . 1 873 Soit & gravel . . 18 18 Mard gray basalt . . . 7 880 Marc Dasait . 117 725 Porobs nasalt, volcante asm 8 892 Sof t yello. sanestone . 45 165 l Porous gray tasalt, some 8asalt, alaa, gray . a57 625 volcanic asa 6 904 5nale . . . . 70 698 Dorsus 31act tasalt . 14 918 Poross tasait - gas 45 743 Gray tasalt . 36 954 Gray :ssait . 70 S13 I Mard ray basalt . Porous ray tasalt 50114 ray basalt .. .. , 8crous ray tasalt, streams 32 5 1 986 991 992 Poreus casalt - gas E'ay tasalt Porous casalt - gas

                                                                                                  $rgy ca$ alt .

8erous Dasalt - gas 13 13 46 21 S 225 139 84, 8I3 914 of volcanic asn .. .. . 7 999 . I Mara r ay gasalt ....... 30 1,029 Gray casalt . 139 1.053 Pocous pasalt & lasalt . 32 1,095 snele stringees ...... , 2 1,031 Rec ;orous basalt . . 5 1,090 8asalt . . . 4 1.094 Gray Sasalt, sno.tn9 of snale 8 1,039 Gray basalt ... . 10 1.049 Perous tasalt 10 1.104 Pocous casalt .. . $asalt . . 37 1. f 4 ' I

                                                               ..             2    1.051 Maeo gray basalt .                                                     5    1,056          'oroes 34s411                                       ..            9   7.150
Porous tasalt ... . 2 1.068 8asalt . . . 55 '.20!

er sy sc ous basalt . 2 ',a70 'o ous :asalt . 25 '.230 marc ray tasalt . . 44 1,114 Basalt . . 47 1. ' " Beon ea ray 3asalt . . 5 1,119 Soeous tasait 43 '.310 I Marc r ay Datatt . . 64 1,183 Sasalt .. 77 1,38? Poecus casalt .inart seams . 14 1,197 8ecous tasalt . 20 1.a07 Geay basalt . 8 1,205 lasalt . .. . 93 1,500 mars tasalt .. 5 1,210 Porsss tasalt . 5 '.50f Maes sesy tasalt . 25 1,235 voicac e conglomerate . 12 ',518 lasalt . . . . 7 1,*t8 !asalt . 17 1,635 Gray tasalt ... 3 1,251 Pocous t? salt . 4 1,539 Porous nasalt . .. 4 1,267 Saale . . . 9 1,542 Gray nasalt 35 1,302 porous casalt . .. 19 1,667 naro casalt .. 7 1,309 8asalt . .. .. 67 1,734

Porous ray casalt 15 1,32s Blacs sus or snale .. 10 1.744 Seito ray basalt . . 3 1,327 Sasalt ... 10  ?,754 lasa1t . .. .. 9 1,336 Basalt . 20 1.*74 marc masalt . 19 1,355 Saale . . . 25 1,199 Po*ous basalt .. . . 15 1,370 lasalt . . . . 231 2.030 Gray nasalt .. . 38 1,408 me recore . . 182 2,212 wara ray tasalt 27 1.435 Poeous tasalt .. 4 1,439 na*1 hasalt & ray 3asalt 76 1,515 699 58-19 8erous sasalt , , 25 1,540 Location: 58336, d18720 11/27-2601 Gray tasalt ... 24 1,56a Casing Elevation: 503.81 Porous ray tasalt Cacie tool, cettlec Dy !ta90tay & Rootnson of I
                                                     ..                     21      1.588 ersy basalt                    .                                . 29      1,617               tne USGS for GE 'omoany. 1950                         youn== ate
  • Porous 34 salt. . 29 1,646 monitoring & geologic investigation Screaole 3 ray tasalt, porous . 11 1.557 Gray tasalt .. . . 4 1,661 mate-tal (4) 7hien ness
  • e c t.i Porous tasalt . . . 12 1.573 3 ray tasalt .. . . 8 1.561 Sand . . ....... . 19 19 Marc sasalt .. . . . 5 1,686 Sanc =/ clayey stit . 5 24 naes y ay tasalt . . 44 1,730 Sanc eigeavel . 3 2*

Porous casalt . 17 1,747 Sanc, fine to coa se . 5 32 Blata basal * . . .. . 20 1,767 Sanc =/ r avel . 8 40 nero gray basalt . . ... I 1,768 Sand . . .. 27 57 Gray nasatt sorous . . ... 30 1,798 Sana ./ revel . 9*

                                                                                                                                                                              '6 Porous nasalt                                 .                         4   1,802          Eravel /saac                    .                                          !!

Eray nasalt . . 4 1,806 Sana . . .. . 9 92 Gray tasalt . .. .. 61 1,867 Gravel isana . 8 100 Maec Sasalt .. .. . . 3 1,870 Sano . travel . 7 107 lasalt, r ay, bloca, elue . 573 2,a43 Sanc, me $ c to coarse . .. 5 17 Sand & geavei

-I      Sanestaae        .. ... .

lasalt, rey. 01aca . . 473 39 10 2.482 2,955 2,965 Sano, fiee to sectum Sanc =/geavel 27 4 5 139

                                                                                                                                                                            '43 149
        $nale   ......                                      ..                                                                                 .            .

8asalt, 31act & g* . 495 3,660 23

l I i RHO-LD-158 699 57 115 (CO 17) 699 5*.623 (natia salla 85) Locattoe. 17:00, .6200C 11/26 27n2 Location: 57100. (15000 11/28 23Q1 Casing (levation: 370.1 Casing Elevatton: .1250 Ca01e tool, et11e4 for Coros of Engineers. *aole too'. selec Sv walla mella 011. Gas & foundation test toaing peliae ;omoany.1922. gas ell

                   % terial (51                     Thicaaess Deptn                                                                                             mate-t al ' 9)                    *ntenness Oeo t'i Stity fine to ese*um sano. r ey                                                                                                           volcante asa & cisy             . .,.                             12          12 Gravel & loose casalt boulee's                                  125        137 to brown .      ..........                            20                                       20 Sanoy gravel =/conoles. Fay                                                                                                               Basalt. varytag in tentare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,8, to brown . .!...               ... ,                 13                                        33                                        & amoearance             .                                   563         ,s Conglomerate: sancy gravel, gray                                                                                                                         -

to seo.n soorly m enteo . . 8 41 Conglomeente: Sancy r evel =/ 699 57 6201 (81ue een 411 toooles. neae slaca moce*ately . stat ce: 56500. 61600 11/26 27n4 cementec . . . . . . . '5 56 Casing I'evation: Gravelly sans and sancy geavel. Ca:1e tool, set 11ee ny live wea 011 :ompany & uncementee to poorly logge: ny Calveet. 1920 gas ell cementec . la 70 mate *1a1 10) inte: ness Deotn 160 160 699 57 34 unconsolidates est**tal . . Location: 56528. W3aaa9 11/27 20=1 lasalt .. . .... . . . 455 615 Casing Elevation: 527.12  : lay. gas at . 705 ft. . . 90 705 Caole tool ceilled by staase y & acetasca sarc basalt . 27 738 of us;5 f or 31 Comma *y.1951 g*oueo. ate

  • monitoring & geologic ** vest'gttien Dorenoie 599 57 6* 2 :ealla malia #2) uaterial (4) 'ntcaness Oeotn [,*s levation:
a:Te tools, villeo of wa11a =alla 011. &as
    $ tit & saac         . . . .                               4                                                4 g pioeline Comcany. 1917. gas sell Sanc. 90% coarse . .                                     89                                           93 Sane. stity                                              31 4

12a N te** C '20 ?nicaaets M t* 5 tit & sano . .. . 128 Sano & gravel .... 8 136 5,,, ace . .... . 16 16 Sand, revelly . . 8 las . 39 55 lasalt. gray, nare . . . 25 169 Gravel g ,,,i g & , ,soulee',s , , , 45 10C Sano, tuf f aceous . . ... . 23 192 Loose .atte saac . . . . 28 125 fuff, weatne ec into mucn stit tasalt . . .... . 40 168

         & clay . .    .......                         .      69                                      261                                      81ue tasalt. .                             . .                    117       2!!

Basalt. nors, blota . . .. 63 321 tronen f ormation .. . . 25 310 Blue sasalt .. ...... 80 39' 8comen 'o m ation, flow of sate * . 30 420 699 57 62A (Walla salla #1) llue sasalt. . . . 100 $20 Locatton: 57300. =62000 11/26 21861 3ranite soulcee . 10 530

         ;asing Ilevaties: 1250                                                                                                                Basalt .                                .              .           80       610 Caole tool. erilled ty Coase*vative Land                                                                                              Green siste                  ..            .           .           90        700
            'avest:nent Comcany & loggee ey dar*is.                                                                                            Basalt & gas . . .                                                  30      730 sonestic ester sucoly Dortaole gas $1scove*y                                                                                       nare gray 3asalt .                         .           .            70       SOO
            . ell mate tal (20)                     intenness Cent"                                                                         699 56 t* 6A (51.41 iocattoa: 55600. (16 00                                   11/28 23J1 sur' ace     .. .......                                   16                                               16                                   Casing I'evation: 345.0 lasalt       .......... ..                             110                                           126                                        lucast augee, art!1eo for Corts of Engiaeees.

Sanostone. yellow, soft. . . . . . a0 166 foun caron test Dor'eg Basalt ... ...... .. 340 506 lasalt, gray .......... 12 628 mate *t al ($1 'ntceaets Oest9 5nale or clay, retnisn blue .. 71 699 lasalt, corous & gas . . . . .20 719 Sanoy r evel . . 5  ! Basalt porous; 5 1/2 16. Samoy reve' ./concles 16 2' pressure ...... ...  !! 744

      $a:411. nap 6        . .            .         ..          70                                          814 8asalt. porous. more gas                ...               13                                           827                                699 56.(168 (00 71 lasalt, narc .          .....                             13                                          8a0                                       Locattee: 56000. !!!800                                   11/23 2 N2 Basalt poeous. m3*e gas            ...                 .8                                              848                                      ;astng 11evation: 346.1                                                       .

lasalt, nero . .... . 86 894 sole tool & ayorawlic fete coce e*111. *oe 8asalt. oceous. more gas . . . . 21 915 :o*cs of Engineers. 1961. founoatten test lasalt alteemating meet & soft. Doetng no fu rtnee gas .. . .. 319 1.234 mate **si ;5) Tntenness Deetn

                                                                                                                                                  $aney geavei e/coDoles . .                              .        26          36 Conglomerate: oco*1y to mooer.

ately well insuratec . .. Il 54 24

[ RH0-LD-158 Sanastone st1tstone & tlay. 699 56.[148

  , snele: soft .           ... .. .                     16         70                                                           Location: 56435. [14230                                  11/28 23L2
  .onglonerate: ocoe's to mocer.                                                                                                 Casteg !*evation: 379

([ ately . ell incurates . . . .. 31 101 mu e *ota*y artlies my 'noroson of GSI *er 8NA. 1963, snotnole coatng 699 56.(15A (00 2) Location: 55400. [15000 11/23 23;1 =ateetal (1) intennes Desta

       .asing Elevatten: 350.0                                                                                                                                                              a          a

[ 5cre .f eec : ore yt ti, f o, corps of g,g,n,,,s* 1958. *ouncation testing tortag Sane . . . . . . . Souloers, big boutoers a in, to 8 in. .. .... 16 20

                  % te*tal (5)                    inickness Oeotn                                                Grant. large & small bouloe's                                    .        15        35 Small ravel =/camen* &

Fluviattle p avels , ge gg Douloe's . . . . . . . .. 15 $0 [ 81ngolo conglose-ate . . . . . . Silty. sansy ravel.ocesaaly 33 54 3 rant & small Doulce's ..

                                                                                                                   . ravel, small soulce-s. sore
                                                                                                                                                                                  .        15        65 as ngole gongio,e.8te . . . . . .                                                                           , far , coulcers                ..          ...                         ?!        $0 micaceous, tiean overt: sans 3        61                                           .ravepones                          emoes ee in saad .. ...                                   45       125 (Blutta 'n color)             .....                12         73                                             , cs'e*tes.aculcers ewecced
                                                                                                                   .eaente:                                              in
   , rave
   .       11y sane               . ....                    2        75 Sand & gravel cenentec saac e/r avel . . . .                            13       la0
                       *. .......                           2        77 Grave 117 sanc .. ........                             13         90
                                                                                                           ..ementes .                     soulders      .         ..                      12       152 PlasttC. gray s1lt & fine land .                                                                                  Sancy clay . . . . . . . . . .                                          3      155 1        91 Gray escaceous sano            .. ...                    1        92                                              Sansy :tay & toulce's, small Marcy ray clay              .......                      2        94 toulce-s . .         ....                         .       !?       182 alle*9a*1ag sitt. sand. Clays in                                                                                  Sandy Clay . . .                 ....                                 II       IIs thin Decs     .               ..,,.                  3        97                                               lasalt                 ....              .. . .                      11       205 699 56.[158 (30.t)                                                                                                 699 56.taA

[ .ocation: 56:00. [1st00 Casing Elevation: 363.0 11/28 23G2 Loc ation: 561C2. !!503 lasing Elevation: aal.25 11/25-21L1 5cre- f ees core vill, for cores of gngine,,s* Oacle tool, o-111ec ey Ro= of 0$G1 for il 1957. 'ouncatton test ocetag :omosay,1948, tun al.yound g owne ate

  • menttoring oceenole

[ s te-sal (5) Fine to meet s sane .. . inicaness Docts 13 13 material (1) *ntenness Oestm Gray sanc . . . . 10 1C 1anu / 9'avel w/cotoles . . . 29 47 . . Coagiame ste: oooely cemented . 21 64 Slaca sand . . . . . .... 15 25 lasalt sane ........ [ . 7 32 Gravel oes site, all colors 699 56-[14A (00 11) San 8 - - . . .. .. I 'O Location: 56435. (014211 11/23 23(1 Gravel 8&n sanc 10 50 Castag Elevation: 378.2g .... .. Oaole tool, ort 11ec ey Smits of Maden Drilling Basalt . .. ..... a 54

omcany f or ocos of Enginee s.1958 5&= sano . . . . . . . . .

[ faunastion test Doctag Sana & geavel (clay, smalt . , , 23 amount; .. ,,. Gravel, saac (all colors.narol . .

                                                                                                                                                                 . , , , .)

23 77 100

                   = ate *1al (5)                    inicaness Dents                                                         marole stre g avel saac . ...                                    3      10!

Fine to eedive sitgntly stity Fin' = nite sanc .. ... . 2 105 8ea to earnie gravel sano .. . [ sand yay.orown Conoles 5eney g avel ./coesles yay. g 1 9 10 frown & nite sanc . . . 4000 y avel and sana . . . 3 3 5 108 110 115 leo =n . ............ 26 36 Good gravel = nite sand . . .. . 2 117 Conglomerate: saney revel ./

                                                                                                                                 $99 56 tal

[ tocoles brown.olaca, poorly cementeo . ........ Conglome ste: sanoy revel ./ 3 as Location: 56098. 13982 Castng tievation: a21.66 Caole tool, ore 11ec sy to= & 3ent: of & foe 3t 11/28 21L2 cocoles, nes* 31act. moderate

        'o well cecentec            ......                  25                   69                                                     Croany.1953. turtal.younc youne. ate-Conglome' ate: sanoy revel et                                                                                                     monttoring bo*enote

[ copoles. aart p sy. veey comoset .... ....... Conglopu*ste: sancy gravel / 91 160 mate tal '11 intenness Desta concles sart ray, pooely llo= sand & too soil . . .... 5 5 conosctec . . . ....,, 810. sans & too soil, revel . . . 5 1C 17 177 3 rave 1 saac & stit 15 [ Osminant 1/2 in, teos of r ay .. .. 5 sitt witn fe=e- 1/2 in, secs Gravel, sanc, no silt ...... 15 3C of gray 'ine micaceous sane & 4'avel, sano, som* stit . . 5 35 1/4 in. Sect of stue.ysy travel. sanc. more stit .....  ! 40 clean city comoactee . .... 11 Igg 2carse gesvel =/sttt . . ... 5 45 01ay. Blue.psy, insa oeoces a fit y avel 255 sano . ... . 5 50 cmcattee,1 in. layee troien Gravel & stit ...... 10 60 [- sitt toic sott!) . . ... ,, g 197 5e*,;. ve*y Ittile gravel . . . . . 5 65 "ca*se ravel 2 67 lasalt cuttings estrace sene; .... ,. .. possible tasalt ........ 3 200 lasalt cuttings ....... . 2 202 [ I i 25 [

I RHO-LD-158 1 Sanc, silt & gravel . . 5 72 Stue stit, yavet, sa*e 3 325 C pentec y avel & sanc . . 3 75 SIue s'lt. y sve'. saae sno='ag rine entte sand ..... 5 80 sasal- 'omat*en . .. 8 ,2,- 90 entte sang, very Itttle att tasalt at 329 *t.. ta's laye* Favel. silt . . . . 7 $7 of masalt ts acout ! *: 901 scownish rec saac. ve*y int:" . . I 33# Itttle r avel, s'11 . 13 100 Mua & g*avel; . eat irt: a creas 334 337 ft 1 3.u-699 56.t4* Green sancy sua. gravel, & cnics Location: 56100 [3781 of basalt .. 2 33 7 11/28-21L3 Leeentsn alue silty sana amall....

asing Elevation: 432.98 yavel *monaec .a tn s *orma-
     ;4cle tool, artitee ny to= o' & for GE                                              tion; tu s stity saac is more comoany. 1953. Burtal.younc youna= ate
  • 11ae :Isy . .. .. ...

mo9itoring Sorenole 20 357 Gree 915n-319e silty sand, w/sMe 4 in. yavel 10 367 Nte*1a1 l1- , Thienness Oe:tn State asm & yeen saney silt 2 370 9e retore .. as% casalt y*9etags* 5 375 Ocarse sand, brown & .*1te.

                               ...               .          15         15            lasal! ***nciays-O lacs mu:'.                          . 10      385 y avel . ....                                                                  *370335 ft. acts itse small.

5 20 laye* o' sasalt. teea asm & 3 ravel & Saac ..... 5 25 f* ave'; it is an asm & silt 8tne sco=n & . nite sano, g*avel fo matter alm:st marc enougn

                ....                      ..               10         35                to se snaie. .< gravel tmeeaces Fine gravei & sand                                        20         55 Gravel. sano                                                                           at t tmeougn it.

10 65 asm. si'ty saac. y avel Sanc. Favel . . . 15 90

                                                                                                                                ..               8      393 Sanc. y avel & st1t                                                                .aye*s o* favel & yeem sancy
                                       . .                   5        !!               stit.y avet ts 395 *: : aves 4e a vy s Tlt sanc. s3me yavel                              5        91 Sanc. y avel, nesvy sitt .

in-naet to m i . ate *, '.sts of 7 98

  • tnese *ocus n tse sampies weavy st't. same. & yavel . 19 117 ca.e in **r aceut 375 *t.

Dara r ayism. slue silt visana 22 415 slaen muc. revel, same; 415 to

    & vave' .                 .              .               3      120                425 *t. m.: s ve** t latt .ita Graytsn-alue stit, sane, fine to                                                      you ao a :ssatt. .. would saw                 '

3,3,.. 3 3..,. ,. 434 pg,, coarse revel; tats *omattoa lays in laye-s o* sit t & saad. g,,,,;, g,,; ; 3,;g ,, ,,,,,g,, tnen a laye* of revel . . 20 .gg  ;,,,,9. a,3 53

                                                                                                 .,,$gg 3,393 ,t.                                !     420 glutsn yay stit, same. g*avel.,

tnis *oemation nas lots o' g g ,93 o,n ,,,sc,.,y

                                                                                                                 ,, ave'.

pg. rnus sanc-31uism-pay sitt =/ tots of 3, ,,3 ; ,, ,,,,7e y, , , , jg 433 gravel-wo *o 4 in.. IM s Scf t PH:n* ser usalt cut-mud smells If te r:tten eggs . 23 ttegs t'te ! 0 cf gast ecus g,g,;. 3. ,,, , g pg gag 17 , , to B,lussa-gray 1u,sh.g*a, s s, 1t.titiess gravel, yaveisand . . g , , , 3 . , ,,,,, . 7 g , ,, , j$ ,33

                                                                                   ,a,s a.,one,, ,,. ,eav,. .e
Sanc. g*avel. sitt. 01stsn= gg.g yay . . ... -

g ,g; 3reen sitt w/ fine sand . . . Greea salt =/ fine sanc. fine 699.$6-I40 y svel . . ........ . 25 225 Locattom 55734, 53767 Green silt, small etts of snale. 11/25-21L4 astng tievat om 430.47 sano small r avel . . ... S 233 !acle toc!. e*411ec ty 40- o' & for GE Gravel. & sant . . . . . . 4 237 ,3. y, 1953, sur t:1. y ouno younc= ate

  • meavy mua ./ tots of basalt monitseing serencie pavels & see sano . . 18 255
 $ancy slut sn-g-een s ti .. ve*y Itttle yavel; some laye*s                                                                      wate*'al (1)                           Tht:nness heta of yavel uo to 21/2 in,                                                        too sett & sano                .                . .          5         5 diamette    .........                             . 20       275            saac & stit                 .. .. . .                        I        12 f!ne sane, more gravel. some                                                      Sancy silt . ....
                                                                                                                              ....              3        15 glue. green sitt ........                                6      281 4 f t. sancy silt 1 ft, ravel 31tmy sloca mud, casalt :ntos &                                                                                                                5        20 s y e 4 in. Dasalt yavel                                                       gravel & sand                     .             . . .       40        60
                                                                                   .ement gravel         ..                                    15        75
    & sano . . . . .. ....                                   4      285            Opent yavel & oure g*avel..                                 12        $7 Marc c reated r evel & sanc; Pe                                                   Fine sama gravel 's :oated e/gretetsn                                                                        . .. . .. . . .                          1        18 teosisn 3rown stit, sano &

sency :ement formation =/small yavel . .. .. 7 95 g*avel citnging to gravel neld yello.-brown silt, sand ty ints geneat #ofmation; lots . . 102 t (gyee g* pavel , ,.,, 2 104 l of r evel nave rtnes 1/16 in. vello..orowa stit, same 8 112 tMta . , to 295 gravel-sano-euc ! Caes stit. ... . . ... . . 5 300 Gravel-saac.olueu s o . . . . .

                                                                                                                                       . .      3 5

l'! 120 11tay r'aca-r ay mue, 50** Slutsn y ay mue. san: & y avel . 8 125 woo .... ... . 5 305 Sano-gravei-auc 61'me 8 136 Gravel, sand . .. .- 2 307 Gravel *sano-anc .. 6 142 llaca. grey sitsy mud. fe. smail . revel, ve*y 'ine sano, sp e pieces Itte shale . 15 324 26 I

L r ' RH0-LD-158 E L. 699 56.f4E 3 ravel. sano & ray $sn nite p .acation: 56446 !3727 11/28 21'5 sitt .. . . . 15 35

asing tievat9on: 425.71 lesen saasy stit anc ra.e1 . . 17 1C2
      ;aole tool. ortiles oy to= of & foe ;t Company. 1953, curial.geouno gesune ate,                                                                                                        699 56.t49 monitor $ng ceremote                                                                                                                                      Location:                                           11/25 2 g 3 Casing 11evation: 420 Material (1)                                  fnicaness Destn                                                                                    "aoie *001. act11ec oy Gentz of & 'or 31 f                                                                                                                                                                      Company. 1954. our tat.g*ound reuno= ate *

( Blo= sano & too soll . . . . . 10 10 menttoring socenole land . ...... . 3 13 3 ravel ... . .. . 10 23 matectal (1) inickness Oestn Sans & g*avel . ... 2 25 Gravel & sano .. . 5 30 41o= sanc .. . . . . . .. 3 3 Gravel .. . . 4 3a Coa'se r avel up to 2 in. & Sanc . . . ... . a 33 sans . . . 2 i Eravel . . . 2 to 5 mall & coarse ravel 5 10 sano . ..,, , y a3 ,0:ccles & coarse revel. . 5 15 Gravel . .. . . . 2 da occles. r evel & r ay sane . 5 20 Gravel & sanc . . . . 15 60 ;carse g*avel ... . . 5 25 Cementec revel & sana . 3 72 . .oarse ravel little sanc . 25 50 Sano & geavel ......... . 4 75 . Coa-se revel us to 3 in. . ..  ! 55 Gravel & sane . ... . ... 3 79 Cocoles. coa'se revel . . . . 5 60 unite sanc . . . . . . . . ... 1 80 Coarse revel little sand . 5 65 C ognf . revel & sand . . . 6 86 Gravel, sane & S Gt . . . .. 2 67 Sand & ravel e/ltgnt brown Gravel. sand & silt . . 2 (9 , silt . ......... . 5 91 Coaese y evel ......,, 1 70 Sanc & ravel .iray litt . 7 98 Coarse ravel. *ine ray sano 10 80 Eravel & sano .isari nue . 22 120 Osceles, revel. I'tt el sanc . 5 35

otales, revel. 50t sanc  ! 90 699 56.t4F Location: 56595. (3950 11/2&-21L5 699 56-t4;
ssing Elevation: 418.71 .ocation: 11/28 211.9 Caole tool, or dle: oy to= & Jact o' & fo* Pasing t'evation: 4r GI *oacany,1954. our*al rowne g ounewater  ;.aole tool, satilee sent: se&se e it monitocing =eil Oomoany. 1954. ourtal.gesunc youno= ate
  • Mate *ial (1) Thicaness Desta foo soil & sand .. ... ... I I Bouleees up to 10 in. staaetee . . 10 15 Sano . . . . . . . ... .. 5 5 Gravel & sane ...... . . 25 50 *oarse san: & g*avel.geavel at Cement, revel & sand . .... 10 60 8 ft. .. . . . . . . . 10 15 Fine .atte sano, saee stit. Coarse sand .... . 1C 25 wnite . . . . ..... 7 67 Cos'se yavel . . . 7 32 wntte sane, g*avel. = nite tilt 8 75 Coa *se ravel & coa *se saac. 3 25 watte sane, y svet, waite stit. Small & coarse gravel 11ttle.

veef muccy . . . ....... 7 85 san: . . ........ 15 50 unite sane, gravel. =atte sitt . . 2 87 Fine & :carse sanc, coa *se Gravet, sanc tan silt, musey; inis ravel . . . . 20 70 formation nas laye s of geavel & sine sane .....  ! 75 laye's of land =/ gravel, san 8 Fine sano, st1t & coarse

        & tan sitt teoeocee in it; no                                                                                                                              yavel      ..........                                'O          !!

loose ntte saac tn tnis . ell.. :osese gravel & *ine sane . . . 5 90 all sano nas sow stit .. 15 102 Ocarse ravel fine & coarse sano . . . . . . . . . . 5 95 fine sane & r avel . . .. 5 '00 699 56.f44 Location: 56761. 14204 11/28 21L2 699 55.[164 f00 3) Castag (1evation: 423.11 Location: 55400. [16400 Caole tool. Ortiled oy low & Jact of & foe Casing Elevation: 351.3 3t Comosay 1954 ourial rowne monitoring mycraulic f eta coee get11, arellee foe :cros of

          .e))                                                                                                                                                         Enginee's. 1961. *ouncat*on test oce*ng Mate-tal (*)                                     *hteiness Destn                                                                                          mate *1al                           *ntenness Desta olo= sano          . . .. .......                                        5         5                                                                    Fine sano         ...... . , . ,.                              3          3 Sans & too soil            .. . .... .                                   $        10                                                                     Sanoy gravel .icocoles . . .                               26          29 Gravel . . . . . .                     ... .. .                        20         30                                                                     ;onglome-ste socely cementes                    ..         12          41 Gravel, sano, neevy st!t . . . .                                          1       33                                                                     *1ay.snale & sanstone: sof*,

Heavy s11t . . . . . . . . . . 1 34 'ntecoeosee . . .. . . 28 69 Pure geavel . ... ....... 1 35 *onglose stet noorly to mocee. Gravel & sano . .... .. .. . 10 45 stely = ell :em atee .... . 25 95 Gravel & sane entte stit . . . . 15 60 Sanostone: soft .reenoly rene entte sand, some sitt . . . . 8 68 rones .

                                                                                                                                                                                         . .. .                    . 31        126 Gravel .        . . . . .......                                           2       70 27

RH0-LD-158 699 55 t165 !00 20) 699 53.[12 Location: 54700. [16300 Locat'en: ~3000. !!2000 11/28-2241 Cas'ng tievation: 351.3 ;asing Elevatton: 397.90 Det'1eo 'o* :oros of Enginee's. '967. f ounda. Casle tool. :**11ec ey ":0eaalc & 5. sin o' tion test soring hat:- 0**?ltng " m aay 'or Gi O m any. 1960 groun e. ate men' sorenole Mattetal thtceness Dentn mate *141 (1) inicaness Deatn Meetun to fine sanc . . a 4 Sanoy r avel e<concles . . 35 39 h ne grown sanc . .. . . 10 10 Gravelly bronn silt .... . 1 40 Fine tro.n sano & stit . 7 17 Stitttone: saney soft taminatec. 4 in man, sang & le*ge clue to ray . .. . . . 8 48 t'*"'s- c - - 5 22 Sanestsee: soft, fine to mestum Sano & finee r a n 1s (2 in, graines. 31ue green estn local "an.) .... .. .. 18 20 siltstone tecs . 19 67 neavy revels & oooles . . . 2 42 3ravet: sancy. locse . . . 1 68 neavy r an ts & sanc . .. 2 as Conglom* ate: moce attiv to nell meavy ;*a n ts & sana, c e nteo cementcc. sancy .. . . 7 75 f'ne . .... . 1 45

  &cavel: sancy. locally coerty                                             Brown sano & stit =/small cpened        .                       .             24        99        ,

gravels . ... . . 10 55

                                                                            .enentes sand & gravel                     . .          .            7        62 699 54.t16 (00 6)                                                         [ W nt M lana & f$ne gaavels                            .           8         70 Location: 53700. (16600 Casing Elevation: 344.80 11/28 23At                      "[*"#&fi"'9"*1**
                                                                                                *-*                *
  • 7 o Caole tool & *sta*y. cr411e. *y gi:H. s "## I'"
  • I I' '
        & inomeson. Sta*ce. Maysee' or ;o :s of                             in"M Sand & g*ao                           .                      30        H0
                                                                            '       te sand 4 yan . naen*

fagiate's. 1961 founcattoa test toaing , ,, 5 H5 mate-sal (5) iniciness

  • ea s tit k"""**"8IF8"'
                                                                            *emeatec sanc & g*avel.'ormation
                                                                                                                   '                           M
  • Gravel.sancy wo::astonal a 1tttle so'te' . .. 5 135 coooles ,e*eatec lane & revelacee silt.

28 25

                                                                            . Ins vani .

Cementec ::ngteme ate . . . 3 28

                                                                                                              .            .           .        3       138 Pocely cementec ::rglomeante                                                emeates sand & g*avels . .                                        7      $a5
    ./'*ne 319e.g*eea 11Caceeds                                                   #               I *#I               *'

friacle sancstone 45 7, raul"s' '. '. . 15 160

 *1ay.snale. soft . .                                    5        78 54ccy Blue clay =/s m *ine Sanastone, f tae. sof t                               10       88                                                                             5      165 t r evels-sancte* nc. &                            9a*ce' . 5.

01ay-snale soft. y een.gasy . 13 1C1

                                                                           ,mntu        sand & raq1                                                    170 Sancstone      .
                                  . ... .                6      107
  • W u M sano & v a n 1. ney Conglome-ate. ecoe'y created .. 7 11a n*M. . . .... 5 175 Sancstoae & conglome* ate ,oula 3e a laye* of 3asalt?

w . 176 Inte*3eccea ... . 6 120 C m M M saac & ra n* e* . 4 180 Congiamestesoorlycarent.i . 30 150 Cementu sanc.naec but no grawl Sanostone. 'tne. sof t to ... . . 5 ?85 ve*y soft M 204 Saale & essalt, novice *, :costes

                                  . .. .                 6      156        h'nem ofwe n M sand;or reen)& r sand a n i /some
    & yavel . . . .. .                                 27       18,            s'a M 9"a Wi s         . . ..                          .        8       !?!

Basalt sediu:n nord cart 3, ay . 6 18)i Sanoy run : lay =/some fine

 " lay .     ... .. ...                                  I      190            ra 1s .... .... .                                               3       215 lasalt vesicular, 9are a

81we "sancy clay & small 19a revels. . . .. . 13 225 Sancy ciay. no yavels . . . 2 220 699 54.e!5 (CO.1C) Blue sancy clay . . . . 15 245 Locatton: 54000. [14800 11/28 23F1 lasalt . ... .. . 5 250 Casta; tievation: 366.1 H ey sars casalt . . 10 250 Caste toc 1. orilleo for cocos of gnginee.s. 699 52 25

       'ov acation test scaing Location: $2996. =i24501                                      11/27 2201 Castag Elevation: 523.50 Mateeial l5)                     thickness Deotn                Canle toc 1. orillee Dy tocca of lacs 0-111 tag Gray 'ine to medium tilty sano ersy sandy revel ./ conotes la        la                    ,'"h o
                                                                                                       *          ""*"~*#                       "9
                                            ..           6       20 Conglome* ate: tro.a. Doorly                                                               ,,3,qi gi)                                 %            ,

cementea =/ccooles . . . . . 2 22 Conglome* ate: cro n. mocerately g s,i; .

                                                                                                ,,,               , , ,                 ,     3a          3e
   = ell taevested ./coooles . . . .                   23        45         Sanc & r a ni                     ...                             10          a Conglome ste: slacs nocerat:13                                             Sand & sti 8         1" cementec ./concles       .            ,.            25        70        5 ng g 7,tgg . ., ,. ,,,,      . *
                                                                                                                                       ,      ;3        33j
s=ented revel .... . 5 140 Sane & y avel . . . , , 3 143 Fine sanc & r evel .. 16 159 Sand & revel ., . 7 166 Fine sacaec sano . . . 4 I?O tecnes sanc & gravel . . a *74 28

i l l RH0-LD-158 I I 699 52-(19a ; t-8) Location: $1600,(18600

        *asing 11evation: 3!7.2 ene.matic naasae & aucting, oct11eg 'or Coros 11/25 1341 Very %ase,  gnt r ay-c o-n.

fine saec *o *ecium sarc Ve y cease. ^* p v ay-see.n, fine ts coa-se sanc ./tra:e 98 121 of taginee s, fosnostica test tor'ng of 'ine sanc . 5 126 l Mate ial (5) thiciness Desta 699-12-61 Location: 11/26 15n1

     $ancy g avel          . . . ... .                        12        12 Co< glomerate: teo* =oce-stely                                                   Casing E,levation:;,3;, go          3, ,,,31,3
                                                                                                                        ,3,3,    33 g 3,3,3
        . ell to socely cementes 8        ,0 any, o*ior ts '924, gas =eil me diuS sand: wnCe e9ted . .                    ..        I        21 Conglome ate: prown, fo3rIf                                                                  g ,,gj      3,y                 whickness DeD*P Ce'iented .        ....... .                           4        25 Cong1re-ste: black. well                                                      no recoro , . .               .                     a65       46!

ce***ted 4 29 I . . .. . . y,,,,,3,,,jg '.q , 3,,,jg, 9,ay 207 658

     $ans: anceneateo               .         ....             1        29         $n,3,                                               102       740 onglome ste: 31#ca. mooerstely
        .elt ceaentes                .. .                     10        39 699-$1-!19a t 8a-5 '.
     ,onglome ate: r ay, sligntly Location: $1400. *18700                          11/28 13"1 ceaeates                                               2        41 364.7 i
     ,ongloae ste: olack, mode ately
     -                                                                                Casing    E,levation:

g,c,,; ,g,,, g,,ti,g f , 3 Corps of Eaginet s,

        . ell teacetec                  .. . .                 8        49 foundation test Socin9
     ,onglome*ste: r ay, poorly
     .                                                                      +

cementea . . .. 23 72  % te*'al '5) Taicaness Oe:t* 639 52-!!98 (8a-13) 'C 'I $aney stit .. . 10

         ;ocat*on: $1650 !!8600                              11/28 13N2            seatne se conglere ste                      .          6        16
         *asing Elevation: 353.4 Cine avge . c*1lle: *c "e- s of Enginee-s, 1961-62 foancation test soetng                                        699-11.E195 {pa la)

Location: $14*0, !18600 11/28-13"2 'I mate-1a1 (5) gray sitt w/cc:Bles ... . Twiciness 3ects 3 3 Casing Elevation: 355.4 Disc suge , ;*1lle: 80 *oets o' Inginet-s, 19616I, fos ncation test 30eing 3esy sancy r avei e/cocoles . 6 9 onglome ste I I

                              .            ..            .               10                       Mate tal !$)                     T%terness De:tn 4         8
                                                                                    $11ty cetales & Soulde's 699 $2-215 (CD-9)                                                              Gray sancy revel.              .                       5         9 Location: $2200. E14600                             11/28-1401 asing Elevation: 378.50 I       Caole tool. c illed fo= Cocos of Enginte-s.

1962, founcattoa test Scelag Mate-tal (5) Thickness Dentn 699-$1-E190 (Pa 15) Location: 11500 [18500 Casing Elevation: 352.0 Disc auge ce111ec 'o- ;or:s 1961-62, founcat on test Doring 11/2S 13"3 of Enginte-s. Gray fine to median silty sano , . 20 20 Gray sancy gravel ..... . 2 22 Mate 141 !!) inicaness Desta Gray sansy gravel m/cobolts Clean . . .. . .... 16 38 Gray sandy revel . . 8.5 8!

     *onglome-ste: brown ocorly                                                     Conglomerate            .                               1     8.!

ce'enteo . . .. .. 23 61 "ongtre* ate: very poorly 699-11 7a (DM-11 ceauates to uncemented Location: $1060. =7a!9 11/28 18L2 revel .. . 9 70 asing !1evatton: 554.16 Canle tool. oralles ey aat:n & ttgnam of Maten Drilling Comeany & logces by Far ell of 699-12-8 (DM-71 gecntet for wac;;, 19e9, ;F F s'eliminary tocation: 11504, h7655 11/28-18L1 founcation investigattoa sorenote Cas:ng fievation: 547.5 air otary cailles by $ oil $4m 11ng Service & Mate isi f6) Thiciness Desta locgec oy $l.annon & dilson for mAOCO, 1971, Fr*F founcation test oceing Wino slown sans; liget crown, I mate *ial (15) mectum sense,11 gat eco.n, silty Thicaness Deetn firm to loose, micaceous . . . .

                                                                                    $aad & silt; site-mating secs :f fine to coa-se same & silty sano, naff to r ay. ft-n to 6        6 fine is coarse sand                ...                  5         5            cense, sagulae :oa-se sanc Ve y conse, 11gnt Brown, silty,                                                   paies coatec .ita calicne, Dec
        'ine sanc e/ minor me31J4 sand                                                 v.4-3.0 *t tniet              . .. .               II        U
        & trace of mars, Itgnt brown                                                silty socien sano, mottleo ray sitt . .....                                     . 6         11            & tan, cee:1y .estne ec.

Ve y sense, tan-yellow to ... Itgnt aractic. ve y cense, rown eet cre.n, sitty f aae revelly, oecoles of caliene . 6 23

         'iae to coarse sane w/caliene necesits                     .. .. .                  12        23 I                                                                             29 1


I RH0-LD-158 me6tWR sand: gray to Drown. ve"y cense .eatne to, s w silt gag,,.41 I6) D iCaress Oecta laminae, artosic, sand *ine at 78 ft. . . ........ 53 70 Fine to meetum stec; Brown to Coarse to mecium saad: gray to ey Drown, ve*y de9se. some silt

                                                                         ,               ac*tleg
                                                                                         ,,,,33g,r,ge,. lect,e,t,o e i ,,        #1*e.

(<151) raceo Decatng, leas (or basalt rains precominant (*.6M1 dine of sandy clay at 92 ft. & angular, pasalt rave) <1 in, 94 ft. ............ 20 I0 size at 6.5 f t , tnin leases of Sand & $11ty sang; inte*Dedced silt & clay . .. ..... 11 fine to medium sand & silly mecium to coarse sanc; 0*own to sand. Duff to Drown mo*tled ray, ov9se. Seed 1y censt . . . .-.. ve'.y.. . 2g- ,,,g3,,ec. angular ' sins.

  &ravelly $11ty sanc* . .                           ..          5      126              clasts of caltc9e s /a in. size artesic .. .. .... .                            6          17 mestum sanc*           ..... ..                              13       139
  *ravelty     $11ty sanC* . . .                                                     511gst,'y    silty *ine
                                                                                                        ,,,,,s,ane;       tan to e                                              .            11       150 5tity gravel'             .... .                        . 20       170              ,df , ,,,,,,             g, ,,9,3,,

8oorly radeC sanC' .. .. 3C 200 yates; sucroun ces revel clast 511tstone & conglome ste* .. . 20 220 at '2 *t.. .n* te, coarse crys. tal!tne rentte . . .. . 61 78

   'oescriptions inc:nc iete                                                         :carse sane; caff to mottlee ray, oemse, see *ine revel, u.0-699 51 78 (OM.2)                                                                      angular, precostnamtly nasalt Location: 51008. W7458                                 11/25 18L3                 F atns . .            ... ..                     -         ~

Casing Elevation: 554.29 Fine to meetum sana: tan to Duf;.

       *aole tool, seilles ey watcm & Mansen o' matcn                                    cease arsosic, sitgntly 01111ng Comcany (to 567 *t. ) & ciamed                                         Si dy             * - - *
  • co*ing & loggeo by Faecell of 8ecatel *o, mestum *o coa *se san'd; D'uf,.' 6Py eAC*0, ?959. FFTF 3eelimina*y f ouncat *on a"clic . .. . ,.. 7 28-investigatior Oceemole 3 rave 117 s39C; Duff to tan, ,attile to so 'ines, ce9se; sancy g avel ma te*ial (6) *nterness Oestm in laye's ( .C.5 f t ; inick, clasts are -oun ces. basalt is Fine sanc; troen to ray, firm to 5M c' mate-141 . 23 148 loose, actosic, angular r ains. G* ave" y sa9c; r eta ray, cease.

occcasional lenses of comcact saetteles a-e 5M sasalt, mat *1 silty sand. =eatne ee . 16 16 +5 arnessc. .estme e coetains St!ty coa *se sano; mottles ray see tilt ..... f, 16w,

      & 3rown, ceeply .eatne'ed. ,eey                                                . ens of coaese clean revel                         .2       162 coese . .... . . .. .                                      5       21          54ncy gravel; suf* to gray reen.

Fine sans & silty meffum sand; contains sone sitt possitty in Duff seese, occasional leases leeses. Conse 25 18,. of coarse sanc. arvoste .. 33 54  :::cle gravel; clean 511ty sancs' . . 29 .. .. 3 191

                                      .                                  83 Poo                                            .              4        87          =eo*umsanc; ties. little totan.sitfntlymot-no ines . . .

Stitylysancs* raced. sands'.

                        . .          . ...                     33      120 t        196 Foorly g*aoeQ $ ands & silty Sancy revels tan, cease. little sanes
  • to no #ines . . .. . 8 204
                  ...... ..                                    3C      150 32       182
                                                                                  , layer conglomerate: sancy cla Silty 8 0 cely gravels races&ravels' s11ty sancs'.

gravel, g sy reen & yello = yey 17 199 Stitstcae & cseglame ste' green, 31aca leas of sansy clay.

                                                    ..         91      290              oease, lo= seameastlity. Itttle Stity sancstone; clayey sane ./                                                       to no cecentation some revel, cars ray, oeese.                                                                                    . . .              3       207 sligntly plastic. occastonal pe001es 42 in.. Fou nced Sasalt.

ocoely cogentet 7 699 51 70 (Dw-4)

                                                         .             297 Sancstone & conglomerate; inter-                                                       Locat ion: 511'O. d7459                       11/25- 18L 5 astng !!evation: 553.a6 Decceo gravelly stity sana &

clayey sans revel. as soove 41 338

sole tool crt11ee ey Signam o' Maten >'lling Sancy stltstone & claystone' . . .. 21t Ozsany & loggec my Far eil of Bec9tel *or 557 Basalt congt r e ste' 30 587
                                                                                           .AOCO. 1969. FF'F scelte$ nary founcation Gravelly clay; Itgnt reen.

investtgstion to* emote orocanly contatns sand tenses. 8 595 tasalt flow 3reccia ... 31 625 Mate-isl (6) h icaness

  • sta A

i Basalt scorta ... 15 641 Fine saad; 11gnt Drown. ' tem . l lasalt . .. . .. 8 64 9 5 5 l me etum to coarse sanc; gray &

 =cescrio n ons incompiete                                                             sina eettlea. anoula , some 'ine sane. Founcec caliene particles.

699-11 ?* (DM-3)

asalt 6M. lo**e 8 9 Location: 5760, w7460 11/28-18L4 Fine to mecium saio: gray ario-Casing Elevation: 549.!2 sic, sunsagular. 755 ossait . 1 10 Oaole tool, a-illed by Itgnam o' watcM Drilling 9:we to 'ine sane; tan to suf'.

Comoany & logges by Fae ell of Becntel f o" armosic, angular. 53 sasalt. i mAOCO. 1969. FFTF prettminary founcation some caliene particles, bec of I investigatton seresole u,cr,v 7,y, sano,a,t,, 18 '* ,, 95 c'ean gang ,gjgy , * ** Oe9se .. I 30

7 I l A RHO-LD-158 I b

  $ilty escium sang; yellow ouf*,                                                                                                                                       $11*y yeavel; tu** to g*ee" g*ay.

art:ste, oteoly eest9e'ed, c: ales 6 in. site. *ounced. con *ains revel particles of [ celtc9e. sa:rou sses to sutaagu. 1sc, conse . . . . ... 7 24 seese. lenses of gravelly sanc; tasalt esses se .0 :* clastse alte*nattag bees of siity geavel Fine to sesium sano; tan to Duff, & sane are 1 to 2 f t. tnica . . 39 192 arioste, angslar, carticles ascium same; gray geten to nuff. orecrinantly assait, some silt, clean ... . ..... . . 5 197 [ oense ... .. Gravelly sand; tuff to gray.

                                            ...                     99        123                                                                                       Ocarse sanoy revel; suf' to J'U *' 3"",* cese, see clayey cease lenses of sitty sana,                                                                                                                                           thin tenses gravel go te 5 in.

ravet is *ounced to subange. size, rouncee 50% tasalt . . 3 200 law, occastonal : lasts a in. ,ravelly

  • sanc; tuff te gray ree*,

[ size . . .

  $11ty reve1; tan to pay yee.
                                         ....                       38        15;                                                                                          icose oe.muele san
  • or 200 293 't- -

Silty :ong1cre ate; reea'to cara eatets actos $t & setely weatn. , erec, cart?cles are *oun ced to gray clayey unc. Pave *ouncu suo*ouneet, sense. casalt 5C%, te sworouncen 65: :asalt, calance of awa*ttite, aaoesite little to no cetentation . [ , ooronyey & g*anitics wearse gravel & coecles, some

                                               ..                   21        18s 699 11 7F ICu.6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . .       10      210 sano, out no fines . . . . . . .                               3        187                                                                                           Loc ation: s$1330, .is105                             11/28 18:,7 111ty r avel; same as 157.18s                t.                                                                                                                           Casing Elevattom 528.0                                                  l inte val .         . . ......                                   4        191                                                                                           Air rota*y. art 11ec sy soil Sameling Seevice &

Sanc; taa to r een trown, contains IO!ps Dy insanon & dilson 8 0 .A000. 1971, [ I

      'enses of ravel            . . .. .                           12        203                                                                                              Ua fogacation test So*ing
  " layer toeglome ste; cityey gravel, r een ray t: otve                                                                                                                                                        "ste-tal il!!                         'nte: ness Geots 31act, yello- st eass, leases                                                                                                                                                                                                              -

of sano, satria :Tay sanc, "'C'"* 8" "* .'9'* D'o"". cease. 11 tte to no s H9 mtly stity, #ine sans . 5 8 cementation . . . . 3 206 Ve*y ce'se,119nt D'own, *ine to 9ectum sang ./rarg, liget

                               .                                                                                                                                            Drown, Cisyey stit               . . ..                   5       10 693 51.7! (OM.51                                                                                                                                                       Very cese, hg9- **oe , s!'g9t:y Location: 51053. 73!0                                         11/25 18i6                                                                                               uity
  • ne :: men um sarc . 6 16 Casing Elevatton: 556.72 very mase, liget g*ay-e o.6 Csole tool. rtiteo ey Signam of Nat: 9 Dettling d YlI7 Sil /, 8tne to me:ium C r oany & togge sy Fareelt of leentet *o, saac . . . . . . .. . 39 $$

mA000, 1969, U *F oceliminary *0undation Ve'y " se, lign: r ay.orown, 8*ne investigation 30eemote to eenum sa9e . ... . . 35 90 tery cense,11gnt gray.eroe, *ine mate $al (6) Thiciness Oeets to mest e sand . . ... . . 23 113 Veey sense, lig-t ray. fine to Fine to sectum sano; tro=n

  • tem medium samd =/s:stterec revel l to Icose. actos 1C. some casese increasing in conte 9* w/

sand .. ... .. 15 15 #:tn .... . . la 127

  $11ty coarse sane; mot:1eo ray &

teown, ve y sease, deeply 699 11 8A (CH.8) weatneres. cina to yello. secom. Location: ss1258. w?820 11/28-18M1 poses fotospar ratas . .... 20 Oasing Elevatton: 5s7,5 [ 5 Stity sane; suf*, *iae to casese Air rota*y. or llec Sy Seit Saecling Se-vice & a g*atnea. Jerse, arsosic; 1ees loggec cy Shannon & dtison f or .A000.1971, of tan sitt at 25.0 25.s 't. . 11 31 F.F f ounoattoa test nor'ng medium to "ine sano; gray to tro=n cense, acessic 53 as mate-tal (15) lilty *1ee san : ouff to ray, Thicaness Dette oeese, armosic secoming eesium Ve*y cease,11gnt brown, fine to graines *.62 ft. . .... .. 2a 68 mesiwa sand & silty sand /'e. Meetus to fine sanc; contains sea *s of ma's,11gnt crown, eine 1enses of silt. Duff to pay, sancy sitt & trace of coarse sitt leases are tan, censt, sonut sand [ sitt dites 42 in, stee . . . . . pectum to coa-se sanc; suff to gray mottlee, cense, some 15 83 Ve*y conse, ligmt ray *ine sano

                                                                                                                                                                            =/*'no' medtum sans          .. ..

31 31 31 62 very se9se, lignt ray, *ine to s il t . . . .......... al 12s meflue sand wit 9 timer tearse

  *ravelty e            sane; buff to rey conse,                                                                                                                                      sano & trace of gravel to 2 in.

[ gravel ts rounced to sacangu. l ae .............. poeta sans; ovff to gray, a 128 Selow cesta 12s *t. .... . 66 125 conse ............. 7 135 Gravelly same; suff to gray, oense. lenses of silty sand, [ wravel is rounceo to suoangute*, occasicral :!asts a 'n. site; Datalt mates un 70% of gravel. . 18 153 31 [

RH0-LD-158 I 699 51 85 W -95 ve*y cense. Itgnt ray.oro=9 Location: s51108. 47573 11/28 1Bw.4 sligntly stity to s d ty *ine to M Castng !*evatton: A7.5 ,,,,,, ,,,, g 9,,,,i, 9,.,,,; ate rotaey. orities ey Soil Samoling See v n,,,' ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,g ,,,,, lopea eySaanaon&atisonfor=Ab.19}e& 1

                                                                             ,a     9, ,, 3 3 ,,, ,,,, ,

TF J foun ostion test occiag occasions' :sooles to 5 *n. . 56 138 g.y neu. Depm-ray. s D9 9tly matectal (15) Int Ckness Destn # " " * ' " F ave'l, geavel hard. *ounf. Dense.1* gnt crowe. *tne to sectue saac ./*e. sect to 12 in, o suorowne

                                                                            ,,      ,,,gg  & su,,oan}vla
                                                                                                ,,      g3,,j,to   g 3,in.

naes, liget crown. fine sandy 6 in. . .... 10 148 sitt . . .******* O veey sense. oco n, s11ty. 'iae to (Dw.;,} eedium saac .* acati m *5120s, .7522 11/28-18w5 very aesse 11gnt ray seown. :s sing !1evation: 492.! a, s:tgnt'y s'Ity. 'ine to *eci e , ,,; ej, 3. g :,g 3f 3e n s ,ci:ng ;, iice & sanc ..- * *$ Ve y ce9se. ?t$nt $*ay. stigmtty Frl founcattoeloyeeeySasanoa test ooetag & .11 son 'or =A000. T I. st!ty to tese. *tne to meciv" sans ... .. .** mate *ial (15) *nicaness Destm Vecy Conse.11gnt 7ay. fine to meatum sano ./*e. .aminae of .De9se to .e*y cense. Tig*It geef. i nare. 'ignt eco a stit & teace cro.n, cleae to sligetly silty. I ta. selo- *ine to meci o sang g,go to : ,3 1,, vee, oe,u . 14get ray-oro e. tae 53 53 I to mec:ve sans =/ trace of g* ave. i 699-51-30 (Da *01 to ' sn. man. . . .. la 87 )

 .ocat.on: s51aso, d7605                        11/28 18*3              ve y ceese, li pt y ay.ers.e, fine
 *asing Elevatio9. 497.5                                                   to meste ane =/t's:e of ravel to 1 ,n. saa.

Ai* rots *y CMilec ey soi' Saro11Rg se*vice & . . ... 8 95 to H ev* nse. I tgrt yeay-seow". #18e FFg,

       . founcationes     oy  Saannon test ooring
                                            &  milson   for  eACCO,1971    go Coarse sa9Cy 7avel, 7 8 vel nare, rounc. si.oeconc & m'po'
            " ate-141 (15!                                                 seca* gular. *tne to tonese 7 hic.9ess De:tn                 (3 *n. man. ) stoc* as 'omal De95e to we'y seese, li Pt F ay.                                            :sooles to 6 in.              . .. .                     47        142 fine t: eesium sano .. ...                      19          19 Ve*y cease, crown.geny to orow9 De9:e 1199t geaf. fine to meci p                                            .e y silty. 'ine to cosese.

Sand w/ coarse sand & trace of sandy Favel. F avel ite3

 *tne r avel to 1/2 in, colow                                             counc. suoround & einer sub.

25 *t .. . *.* IO II angular. *tae to :osese .3 +n. very sease liet ray. clean to man.) e/sc*astonal coooles to sitgetly silty. *ine to medium 6 in. . 6 148 sanc ..... ...... 24 53 ve y sease. lignt rey. *ine to 699-51 6F ( DH 13 ) mocius sana .Itv.ce of geavel Locaticn: %51312. d7!!1 11/25 1896 Casseg !*evation: 492.5 to 1 in. man. . ... .... 22 75 ve y sense. Itgnt gray.orown. Ate rota*y. orCles ey Sof t Samoting Seev$ce & lo g sve11y. to sligntly revelly. F'gges oy Saannon & dtison for =A000.1971 fine to coa *se sans, gravel .F founcation test co-*ag naec, succourc. ao to 2 in. mas.

 ./fe. conoles to 5 in.           ....           18          93                           *ater+al ill)                         7%ictness Geot9 ve y oe9se, oro.n. gray. & orown.                                          Ve y cease. r ay, clean to very silty. 'ine to :: arse,                                                 sligntly silty 'ine to medium saney gravel. Favel here,                                                   sanc counc. sueroupe & sucangular.                                                          ..........                           ..        64        64 fine to casese l3 in, man.) w/                                          ve y :e9se. Itgnt gray.ocown.

oc:ssional :: coles to 6 in. . 56 149 sitgntly revelly, f tne to me:tum sand =/few seams of he's. orown. 'ine sancy silt. 699-51.30 (Ow.11) Tavel haes. skorounc un to J in. man. 25 tocation: 551295, w77!2 . . 90 11/28 18ma ve*y sense. liget ray.oco n. Casinq tievatton: 497.5 siirtly silty. to :: arse Air estery, oeilled oy 5011 Samoting Seevice & sancy. r avel naco, couns & lo FTpFee ey

       . n Snaecon & stison for =A0CO. 1971, fou gatten *est oor*ng                                             sueround us to 3 in.                . ...                16        106 Veey oe9se, crown = 7ay. $119 9 tty silty. fise to coa'st sancy Mattetal (1$)                 Thitsmess Ototh                    gravel w/eancom seams of weey ve y cease. Itgnt gray, 'ine to                                               sease. eecium orown, sligmtl silty. *1ae to me:tum sanc &y meti@ san 6 . . ....                  ..        51          61 gravelty. *ine to sectum sane.

Ve*y dese. I1gnt yay. fine to Favel nard. round, sdrounc & coarse sane . ... g 70 . Veey de9se.11get 7ay. #ine to einor sussegular to 3 in, tas.. meote sans. locally =/ trace few canoan conoles un to *.2 in. san. . . 43 'a9 of sitt . . . .. 12 II 32 I

RH0-LD-158 699 51 8G (Du.ta) seese9t als stne- sano & wocation: %51080, W7901 11/25 18 7 yavei & !!1 sasalt same &

      *asing !!evation. 544.0                                                                                             g* a.e!. tittle is so .eatae .

air *stacy, erille: Dy Seit Sa+eltag se*vice & 'nf - acs on nasalt yave' 25  % lo "gget 3y Shannoa Sana; su " g ay, ve y **ae to J founcation test&poeing dilson for .a000.1971 fine oe ales. *ine to weep

os se saac. 51 yavel. 951 mate tal (15) ?niciness ents sans !suo oua oesi. wncoassli.

cates, un frestes cuartz, satsee, mooium acese. V oc , silty, fine ltget & cars s*ca seesent, 50% to medium sanc . , ... . 11 11 otne sana & ravei & 50% sasalt very sense.1199t yay, clean to saac & revel. little to ne sligat!y sitty, fine to mes*um =estnering e1acs on tasalt sanc .' trace of fine g*avel gravel . . . . . . . 20 90 to 1/* in, from 11.16 ft. . 44 55 Saney gravel; yayisn auf*. ve*y ve*y sense itgnt gesy, sligmtly '9at to sectus oe:cles, vea

      $11ty. *ine to mesium saac, .ite                                                                                    * *ae ta ve*y ::a'se san:, 6.1
      *ancom trace of enarse same, fe.                                                                                    gravel. 351 sano isucangala ',

silt. 3 in. Pavel seas at 68 *t. snesasalicatec. an f-estet

      ./ y svel tg 3 in maa.           .           *2                             77                                      Gbart2, irt" stare, lignt & dart micas present. 63 stnea sane &

699 51 8M (FFTF weit go. 3) ravel & 43 3asalt sana &

       .ocatien: 5692. =78a0                      11/25 18=$                                                              r avel. 1tttle to no estnerang Surf ace tievation: 646.5                                                                                            ines on Sasalt gravel, samole missing f m 125 to 130 ft.

( totary 3r:11ef $y Layae oesteen & logget ty malse' of $uavnees & ass 3 iates .to 1.44& 't '

           & Dine's f or n!*i 1977. este' sucoly                                                                       v. avel; O'II' $*ayisn Su. ve*y #tne to
                                                                                                                                                                  !I     I8I boremole                                                                                                      medius De:Sles, veep 'ine 13 se'y taa-se san $. 90% reve' Mate *1al (7)             Tat *aaess Oeotn                                                             10% sanC 'suteouncedt, unC39

( Sanc; suff, ve y fine to meciw, sCliCate3. ietratue t. u***osted eva tz, sert sica o-esent. ?55 sana, 80% otne' sant (sab. otN same & g*avel & 255 basalt rouncec). 2 3 Desalt sang 549c & P avel. little to ne se3a"idIs'). unecesolidate!, *eatie'*ng **nts on Casalt

       **cstec esartz, very estr e,                                                                                       y avel . .           . . . .         . 30    175 sI1gntly calCerous. does micas                                                                                  Gravel; Suf' pay, ve*y '8me *3.

3 resent . ..., .. . $ a cotese ottnses, ve*y 81ne tg Sang, grayisn Duff ve*y fiae tg we'y caerse sanc. 93 73 vel. ,

       'ine secoles, very 'ine t: ve.y                                                                                    75 saac (suo :u   n cec). 35 silt j

c3a-se saac, 55 avel, 93s & clay, unconsolicates to tom. ( Sand (s4Drou n ded . 21 sitt &

tay. unctnsolisates. 6a**osteo Dactes. s'usat#e un**2ste:

cua : . 11 gat & sart sicas pee. cuartz, suomature. Itgst & sert sent. 651 otne sanc & orevet & sicas present. 60% otmee sanc 351 Sasalt sana & revel, little

       & vavel & 405 3asalt & yavet,                                                                                      te no .ea se- ng e nas oa 3asalt little to no .estne ing etnes                                                                                      y avel, sept secoles coatec '                      l or Sasalt gravel             ..       .      15 -                             20                                    tron ontoes, stit ano clay .           25     210 l Sano; grayisn Duff, veey fine                                                                                       Gravel; suff ray. ve*y fine to.

oecoles, very fine to coarse :carse pecoles, fiae to ve y sanc. 2% yavel 961 sand ' sus. :ssese sanc. 951 yavel. $1 sano ova ced). 2% tilt & lar, uncon. (883rourcet) unconso11:stec. sc haates, un'esstes guart:. unf*:steo cua*t: *ature 11 gat suomature. Saet sicas prese9t & seen sicas a tsent, 40s otne*

       $51 stne sana & y avel & 351                                                                                       sane & geavel & 60% 3asalt sans sasalt sans & yavel, little to                                                                                     & gravel. little to no .estnee.

no oestne-ing eines on Basalt ing e'90s on Sasalt yavel 50 240 gravel . . . . . . . . . . .. 5  !! to reises . .. ........ 5 30 Gravel; grayism to small bu". ve cocoles, ,*ine y gemetes fine to 3 rave 11y sand; genytsn Duf'. very mestam sano, 92% yavel. St sans

       'ine to fine penales, very fine                                                                                   (sverounceal ueconsolicatte.

to ve*y coarse same.101 geavet, f*ostec tuartz, satuee, Itgnt 901 sanc ;succounced), uncon. & :ses sicas preseet. 73 stne' solicated, unfrostes cuartz, sans & vavel & 33 3asalt sang immatsee Itgnt & asen etcas & gravel, saoetual sacun ts of present, !!1 otne* sand & gravel fresn & -eatnere; yavel . . . 130 390

       & als casalt sana & revel.                                                                                      Geavel; yaytsn Suf', '1ne oetales little to no .eatnecing eines                                                                                    to small ccsoles, ve y 'ine to on sasalt y avel        .......              15                                45                                meetum sana. 171 y avel, 31 sano 51159 tty gravelly sancy silt;                                                                                       (su3rounces). un consolicatet, gr ayisa pet.n. very 'ime otD.                                                                                    fr0st! Quart 2. ma'a'e, 11g91 &

Bles. Secy '*ne to coarse sand, Cara micas 3rese91. 73 stne' 55 gravel. 351 sano (suo. sano & v avel & 30% desalt sane couneeci. & &Os silt & clay. & g*avel, suceoual amounts of

ompactea **osted ouartt. fresa & .eatne-ee sasal*

weature. Ingnt & sert alcas yavel . . . . .... 20 410 ( 33 [ - - - - - --

I RH0-LD-158 I

 ,,,t,   ea..,;     ,.. ,ay. . . .,n.                                ,,U. ca.,,na,e* *. ,* , ,,aF*

to C3 arse pecoles, see esie is,.. Ses yavel, fine is 13 ' !t .rese' a'cace a s. ao mes n - sane. Als siis & c:.,. e r .

                                                                     "1            & raa'.

paCte3. 99fnetare lig9% & Ga's S " " II' E9C as p*ese9% 43 otne' sand & Conglomerete; greentsn blacs. gravel & 601 Dasalt same & ve*y fine to we'y :Darse JeD. avel, suceCeal enoun ts Of Dies. very 'ine to medium ss90 Pesa and .eatneced Dasalt 8519*8 vel.105 33eC (su0a% avel . . . . . 1$ 42$ gula*J. 51 sitt & clay, com. 51 ty sangy ravel; gesy, very DaCted to 11tnifieC Dy stit & fine to Coa'se DeColes, very CIay, 188"ature, etCa Drestat. fine to medt,e sang, 75% pavel, 4% otne" sand & gravel & 965 151 sand trounoeel,13 stit & sasalt sane & Pavet, no clay. cFDatted. $sted cua*t2, *estee*199 einds on Basalt ispature.19991 & cara etcas revel. interclasts of ysy, present. 20% otner sane & yani "'t asunseo tuff aceous saad.

    & 8CS assait sanc & revel, suo.                                  stone :etcle? Deeseat free 555 toual enounts of fresa &                                         to 580 *t       intrac'est; of ray, 430          angular. snate sen:tes peesent
    .est9 Fed nasatt revel                           5
                                                                     'com 590 to 612 ft.

Gravelly silt; alue gray. very . . .. 57 612 eine to one pennies, a y fine sanit; rapisn slaca. racing to Sedium same, 23 r evel, 13 from sgoeiaceous to vesig,1ge, sand (suorgunded) 7$1 sitt & 612 to 655 *t. demse Sasalt 655 clay, concacted.1sunst.t'e mica to 695 ft. aae ve*y conse Sasalt preseat. 23 State sand & 695 to 712 *t contentricaIIy gravet, 80% tasalt s4RC & 3ancee, well anunces lignt F ay gravel, sweetdal amou n ts of clay peccles ' vug 8411tngs ?) fresa & q ate r ed Sasalt paeseat, e1C'Coneaoerysts pee. seavel . .. . 5 435 seat 19eourout .. . . . .. 90 72* cagtome ste. ray'sn slaca, n y stity saney rant; sary ray. ne u 'tae same. 351 y a n t, very 'tne to :ca se secoles, we's 'ine to mecisa see.c, l!1 7.1saac(suersaces?.60ssitt revel, 33 sa9s %uncec). 55 & -lay, resing scom 1stn1*ied stit & clay, s corselvestes, n to carcactec eve to sitri the*. mal metame paise, tertatur e. 51

   **cste: avartz, testaee. Itg9t                                   otne* saac & 351 tasalt
   & cars micas peeseat. 30s etne,                                                                                           vn sand & Favel, & 7C1 Sasatt                                   ,,cstitags
                                                                                  ..      .            , , .,           13 M sn ray Mey 8tme sand & r avel subecual amove ts                                  Det3 es. M'y fine la ve*y of fresa & eatseeeg gasg1g coa'se sano. 31 r evel, 10% sand revel         . . . . .. ..                    20   a55 tangs;a*:, 871 tilt & clay com.

Gravel; r ay'sn 3 :ca eine to coarse pe cles. ve*y 'tne to secteo, ar'atwee. slig9tly megium sang, 93 g,8 vel. 8% sa90 Ca1Ca'eous. 1001 tasalt sane & (Poun ce0'. 21 silt & clay, . raqi . * . . . ... 30 765 unco

  • sal'satec. anf' oste suerts. '
  • U1 1t1 sana; seen yay 1sn
    'matare, etca present. 30s                                      F ". "*y f'ne to
  • tne oes.

otner saac & gravei & 705 sasalt ' 'e*! fine to n'y coa se sane & r evel, sucecual amounts 8 sane 3 251"5revel,

                                                                                     '. als san:

18'gu'arh 301 seit & clay. of fresa & .eatne*eo basalt unconsolicates to compa:tec. gravel . . . 30 485 Stity grant; ruaism ray, very innature.1002 sasalt same &

   #ine to ve*y Coa'se DeDoles                                      E0"I         * .            ... ...                 20  781 very fine to meatum sang, $11                                AuBole Zone; red.D'o.mtsn 31aca, revel. 51 sano (rou cea). n        ACE                          655 gravel. 10% sano, 25% silt stIt & Clay 40mcatte0, *ssaa.                                    & Clay, angu14e to sell rou nceg ture. ligmt escas ;*esent. 33                                   tasalt y avel & susangula* sano otnea saad & y avel & 951 sasalt                                rests yacationally on basalt sano & revel, no .eatnering                                     cefow. :ompactes, t e ature. 33 rinos on casalt ravel .                ..      35   510         stne' sand & g7% essalt saac &

1 Stity gravel; reentsn rey, o*y gravet. concent*?cally enneec, fine to ve y coa *se penales. "l! rounoeo, gray clay oecoles very fine to Seo'um sane. 40: Deese91 . . . . , ,, 33 31g gravel, 101 saac 'rounces). 50s Basalt 31 ace; racing <e y scer,. sitt & Ciar, comoseteo, te a. acecas to vesituia" 818 to ture escaceoss, 5% otne* sand 830 't . ce9se caselt $30 to 880 't., vesicalar again betwee9

   & revel & 951 asatt sand &

gravel, no .estne-5ng eines on $40 to 850 't., & saca to ce9se tasalt r evel. statr ite peesent tasalt 850 to 930 ft.. clav from 530 to 545 f'lliags aroseat 818 to 330 et

                       't.. -sunced, Itgat reen tuf* pennies or,.                                    & 860 s 870 <t .. rua tu" seat from $20 to $25         *t.       ... 35   545 fragments also prese9t 660 to
 %4 stone; yttetta ray. veey fine                                  IIO #I          ,. . . . . . ..                    Itg  933 to me0tus pegotes, ,ecy sing to                             Autole 23ne; rey, 3a3311 rucole meetum teac. 51 ravet. 201 saac                                 *1t'i : lay present. -             . . . .          20  g50 (suo oun cee), 75% stit & clay.                             lancstone; geoem tu*f aceous. *ine ComoaCte013 I'inifiec py cal.                                   sa94. 34 salt *tecole & some Clay oressat                        . .              ,,   g  9:3 34 I

( RH0-LD-158 Besatt: el a:t . eense. *weele tone 958 to 970 ft. ........ 112 1.070 av este tone; r een, tasalt -socle

    .ictsy 3-esent . . . .... .                     5      1.0?!

01ay; r ee9 clay /tasalt cat. tings present ,..... .. 15 1.090 [ Sano; r een, meetue sanc .Itasatt t catttags & see ciar seesent . . 10 1.100 Sanc; staca :oa*se sans ./ tuff

    ' rag = eats present 1.120 to 1.160 ft. ...........                          60      1.160 lasalt; 31act, vestcular to sease 1.160 to 1.175 ft.. cease 1.175 to 1.220 *t. & 1.285 13 1.!$5 ft.,
     & ve*y conse 1.220 to 1.255 ft. .. ........                        193      1.353 C ay; r aftsn r een, basalt cat.

tings & peeg taff fearents present . ....... . 17 1.370 5t't. raf snt green, clay prese91 . ........... 50 1.420 Saade g*een, coarse sang ./some sitt 6 clay present . .. . I 1.425 3ans; reenisn blace, coarse san d . . . . . . . .. .... 6 1,431 Recole lone; ree9tsn bleCa. ree9 sa90y tuf* 'fagments o*estat le 1.445 lasalt; rayisa 31act. te-se .. 35 1.480 { lasalt . . . . .....

nte*:et . . . . . . ..

155 Il 1.635 1.653 Basalt . . . . . . . . . ... 311 1.964 699 50 7

     *. station: 50180, w7470                     *112!.18. 8 5 eface Elevation: 5s7.6 Oet tle; ty necetal for wt0:. 1972, . ate
  • swooly nore* ole 4 te*:a1 (16) fntenness Sectn Fine to medive saae ...... 115 115 Sans & geavel .......... 15 130 Sancy gravel . . . . . . . . . . 61 191 Sanoy revel & gravel ... .. 9 200
   $ancy ravel .        ..         .....               5       205 Fine to mestum sand       .......                   5       210 Sana 4 yavel to stity revelty sane, trace silt clay stringe*s ....... ...                       189         399 499 50 8
       .          50180. W7970                      11/25 18*.9 sur* ace llevation: 545.9 Drilleo my leentel for H[0L 1972, este* swooly to enole mateetal (16)                TM etaes s Deote Fine to sec M saac        .... ..               137         137 Sano & r evel     . .. ... .                      13        150 Sancy r evel . . . . . . . .            ..        31        181 Sanoy revel & revel          .... .               21        202 Sanoy gravel . . . . . . . . . . .                  6       208 Fine to sectwo same       ... . .                    3      211 Silty revel, trace clay . . . . .                 19        230 5tity gravelly sand       ... ...                    3      233 Silty g*avel . . . . . . . . . . .                   5      238 Saney : t ay . . . . . . . . . . . .                 1      239 511 ty gr ave l . . . . . . . . . . .              18       257 Gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                   2      259 511ty g*avel .       .........                       4      253 Stity ravel, trace of clay            ...            3      256 Stity revel . . . . . .            ....            17       263 Gravel . . . .       ...           ...               2       235 511ty gravelly sand      . .....                    9      294

( 35 [ _

I RH0-LD-158 Fine sand =/ silt & clay 10 195 699 1 1 (1A.$7.1) h ae sans ./s11:stene & clay 5 200 Location: 4:300, 47CO 11/28 1781 -- 255

                                                                                                                                ..                                     55 Sur' ace Elevation: 425.1                                                                            Coa'st geavel                                                 5      250 Air rotary. loggec by duro for de$$,                                                                  **                       ...

10 270 1974, snctnote soring .

                                                                                                           *ca*se ;*avei & saac 5      275
                                                                                                           ** - -                                                        7      282 Nte*tal (8)                             Tn*caness Destn                                 Basalt              .         ...               .             $      2$$
 $and. variegated Drown & gray, fine to medium sang, oce*

casinantly gyar* grains e/ III*I*E'8 (SI*II some tassit rains . . . . . . . 19 19 'ocation: 41633. !!3573 11/28 1401

 $0 4 & ravet, variegates crown                                                                                  Casing flevattea: 333.79
      & gray. fine to coarse sana                                                                                Caole tool (to 325 f t.. & sia-ene coeing.
      =/Decen *ines. cuartz & tasalt                                                                                 r*11ec ty la*ns of Acsa te*1'ing &

y sins, f t fine to coarse IO8m'nt CoF04"y & loyTes $rotne*s O" Oril' ling Comcany for A8aCO. 1973. geologic j revels . . . 51 70

                                                                                                                    & nyerslogic test so-ing l

I 699 1 18 M'te tal (1. 2. 21) ?nicaness Destn [ Location: 41 20. 1?593 11/27.1401 ,

                                                                                                          ..oarse gravet =/saac                                       140       140 Casing (levat*on: 537.68                                                                                                                         .


      .Caole tool, erillec ty 5.ain & naten of Maten                                                        jeun c!ay & sand c'nes                         . .          15 Drilling Comoan, for SE W osay. 1954                                                             *r un.saas . . .                        .             .       5      160 r ouno. ate
  • men'ttocing noe, note wn saec 15 175

{carse reve./l, coarse clay san a5 220

                                                                                                            *.                                                         65       285 mate *ial (1)                            7micanets testm*                                          . ......                                 .

a een sano & geavel r . . . 36 321 lasatt . .. 122 443 Sano.stit . 5 5 ... . Coarse sand .. . . . 7 12 Base: taf'aceous sanastone 16 459 Coarse sanc.sitt . ..

                                          .                  .         18                        30         lasalt .                               .                  1!5       614 Coarse sand.s*1t (coa'se*)                  .              .         15                        4!         Sanestone               .. ...                                5     619 Fine sano & sitt                                       .               8                       53         Sasatt . . .                  . .                           54      67J
  $and lilt         ..... .                              . .           12                        65          TuU =/ sand                                                 6      679 Coa'se sanc. silt                 .         . .                      20                        15          lasalt .        ... .                                      45       724 Coarse sano. silt (same p avel) . .                                    5                       90             af'     .eloes san:stane                       .          9      733 Gravel & conoles . .                                   . .             3                       93           lasalt .       .... . .                                 fa3        976 Gravel . .                               . . .                       12                       105          '= eices ta" & taff aceous Clean grave)             .                                             5                      110               sancstsee                                 .           14       990 Gravel . . . . .                  . . . . .                          15                       125 I    (I'*I'*ll Co=vates sano & gravel                                               30                       155 Gravel                   .. . .
                                                         .               5                      160        IH*l'ation:

Loc .42450, e1000 11/28 801 Sano.gesvel.

                        .. .                                           10                       170              Surf ace tievatica: 453.6 Clean yavel 1                      171             air cota m loggec ty ru g-o                  for 00:1, Gravel .

4 175 1974. snotnole so-ing Cenented sane & r avet . . 5 180 Clean ravel . . . . . . . . 5 185  % terial l8) ?nicine- Destn Cosoles & travel . . . . 5 190 Clean yave; . . . . . . . . 5 195 I"*8 ' " *o*1'eium t*C sane, 3'0** Lprecost. Y '? Hne w hne & vavel (softer) . . 5 200 naatly cua M2 r ains /s m Ce'aeated sand & gravel . . . . 50 250 Sand-stit & smali yavel 5 255 easett grains ........ 64 64 lasalt & sizea revel . . . . 10 265 I'*8 ' I','I' '8"98t'8 D"'*"

                                                                                                                 & gray. tne to coarse saac letalt & sinec Favel & sano .                                        10                      275 Sano & r evel nasalt . . . . .                                       20                      295

Pains Une Haes. hadrg*&anis, to coarse sasalt Basalt.geavel & reen.neown precomtnantly tasalt (Orille*'s sano ' ' *0 30: **"""; C""'8 7 8"II - M 103 lasait 5 min'ea rad 1' ' . 10 315 Basalt.oran i & sane . . . . . . 5 320 Green cisy & sasalt asettetes . 30 350 699 2 3 Location: 41900. W3325 11/23 1701 699 2.(19 08 31 Casing Elevattop: a77.14

         .ocation: 41962 (12926                                        11/25 1301                                : sole tool. :-illec & loggee ny *ne as s for
         .astag flevation: 364.24                                                                                   GE Comsary, 1950 reuno. ate
  • monitor *ng &

Air esta y. seilled oy turns of aoua Deilling geslogic investigatter neeeaole

            & De n looment *omoany for AAMCO. 1973, starte* noie for : ore actiling                                                                                     ,,g,,3,i ,43                     7,,,,,,,,    3,,g, mateetal (1, 2:                              fnicaness Dentn                           Sano, ouf'.=*ite, sutaev ced.            n an u Fine sana =/stit . .             . . . . . ..                       15                       15             co.
                                                                                                                  .o nee)arse& .soe*esi, to 3 ft.,(wine.

v ,,3 1,.; Coarse geavel / sane . . .. 35 40 sant is ecus 11y tasalt & stN Course geavel & sano . . 70 110 ceous mate sals. 3ut tne 'e. Sano, sitt. & clay . . . . . .. 25 135 r avel r anules are taegely Coa'se geavel & sand . . . .. 15 150 $asalt . 3 8 Coarse revel =/csarse sand . .. 35 185 36 I

RH0-1.0-158 Sano. r evelly. me61We to very casese, stga casalt concosition N te*1a1 11'  ?>teiness De:ta in coa see. & mign cua*tz in

    'ine*, r ates, aoout 151 granule                                                     Sanc        ..             ..                      .                     40          40
    & pe:01e gravel tnat is 755                                                          neavy sana .               ...                                               5       45 Dasalt . ... ........                                         4        II            Sane & small revel                                           .           30          75 Sano, clean, eentum & coa'se.                                                           Sano .      ... .. . .. .                                                    5       80 Dasaltic & s11tteous, r ay.                                                          Sanc & small revel                  .              .              .          8       88 suDrounoed...........                                      32         44            SanC . .                                 . .. .                          32         120 Sana, similar to just above tot                                                         sand & r evel...      .                                 ...                  4      124 nigne* in nasalt (50 to 7511 . .                            12         56            Gravel, sane. : lay .               . .                      ..           16        140 Sanc & y avel; eines sans of ave *.                                                     Ca* entec r evel . .                        .                     .          5      145 age sectum stae; larger ge: Ins                                                     Cowte ravel & : lay . .                                      ..              5      150 act tasa'tte, & smalle* are                                                         C reete revel & little clay                                               10        160 siliceous; aoout 305 renule &                                                       Cementes sant. ravel & little peccle r avel is oceossinantly                                                         clay . .           . . .                              .                   6      '56 tasalt without weetnecing                                                           Grave; & sanc. tittle clay .                                  .           19        185 eines    ........ ... .                                    39         95            Small ravel. sano & little 3 ravel  & sano; ran ute &     penble                                                     clay . .    ..                   .              . ..                      9      194 emotic ravel naving a matria                                                        3rown clay .          .                  . .... .                         25        222 of mesium stitceous same some                                                       $19e clay & sano . .                         . ...                        13        235 tasalt penales nave weetne*ing
  • 81ue sano & little ciay . .. 35 270 eines ........ .. . 20 til green :tay. little sanc .... 5 275 Sano, revetly; medium & fine Fine sano & tittle slue :!ay . . . 8  !!3 cuarticse emotic. & micaceous fine sans & tittle sco=n clay . 13 291 (511 sano naving ranule. Fine sand ...... . . 6 299 set 31e. & consle reven test Fine sane & Mttle 31ue : lay 6 30!

is precantaantly of enetic rock Fine sanc & small revel . . . 5 310 types .. ........ . 5 120 Sano & ravel stue :Tay . 19 329 Sanc. clean, mentum to f *ne. Sanc. r avei & Itttle clay . 1 330 s11':eous; :setsins g-saula, Sanc. ravel & clay .... 5 335

    !argely esotic revel          . . .                          7       127             Sanc. revel. Stue :!ay.naec Gravel, saacy; yacale & De231e                                                             08n                      . - ..                                 .          I     3#3 emotic type revel navtag an                                                           Sand. ravel & little 31ue ec.41 apeunt of megtute cleam                                                            : lay ,             . .            . . . ..                                5     349 tan.gety st11 ecus sand; tan                                                          Ones g*ay : lay. *e.              small rocks, stlt esses uo ICS of                                                                     clay ve*y st*cty                       . .                              13       362 sate *tal . .       ........                                  8       135             3 ray tay &
  • ravel . . . . 18 380
 !and. revelly; misef. averaging                                                         Gray ??ay & f ttile sandy                           .                         5     38f Mf+wa. auertzese same caceyteg                                                        3 ray tay & Itttle sano                                       .            15       400 20% vanule, petole. anc cattle                                                        Gray : lay, revel & soulceas                                                  4     404 revel in .nten sasalt forms                                                           Gray Clay, sana. *e= 9eavy 60%; some basalt ce: ales nave                                                           revel          . . .                   .. ...                              6     410
   =estseeing etnis . . . . . .            .                     8       143              Gray :tay, saac & gravel .                                    ..          14       424 Gravel, sancy; r anule, peccle,                                                          Sanc & yavel. 31ue clay . . . .                                               1    4H
   & coctle r evel of atout equal                                                         Sand & ravel. Blue. ray clay                                                 6     43; lasalt & esotte types; medium                                                         Sano & r avel, y ay :Tay                            .                        6     434 sanc, caresing '+ae & c:aase.                                                         Sane & gravel, iittle gesy is Deec:Minantly silictous                                                               clay .         . . . . ..... .                                             1    434 mate *1al; some 34 salt petDies                                                        Sand. smaI. r avel. very little nave settnering rings              ....                        4      147                 gray.y eem tay . . .. ..                                                   8    442 Sand r avel. ray :tay (ve*y 11ttle) .... ... .. .                                                      9    451 599 2 7                                                                                  Sano & ravel, tittle ray.reen Location: 41529. 6824                                      11/28 18:1                    clay; aoout 434.452 ft. . ...                                              1     452 Castag Ilevation: 512.2                                                               8asalt.olacs tasalt very solio                                     .       14       466 acie tool, settles ey Sten of gaten 3r*111mg Comoany f or P%.1978. rou no. ate
  • monits*tng ooreno;e 699 2 339 Location: 11/27 1782 N terial l1) thickness Destn Casing Elevation-Oaole tool, arilles ny 3 ten of nat:n Deilltag Sanc . .... ... .... 105 1C5 Concany *oe tHO. 1977. 9yceologic Sano & r evel .. ...... 20 125 investigat*on socemole sano & r avel ce=entes . 30 1!!

Sano & geavel . .... . 15 170 "sterial (1) Thienness Dest 9 sand & revel :s=enteo . ... 30 200 Fine sanc. crown . . 25 25 e . ... 34 62 6,,.,.334 m Sanc.ium ...sand p i0c Locat'en: 41813 ii32323 6asing Elevation: 536.37 11/27 1781 f,[tessno

                                                                                          .anentes sanc & yavel*

5 16 2 Caole tool, o*111ec by Saci of lacM 3*111*ng I'" I'dI *

  • Camoany *or 32 Comoany.1958, you n o.ste*

monitor $ng no,enoie 8"own : lay 819e : lay . . .. .... .

                                                                                                                        .               .. .                           N g1

[g a stue saney :Tay .. ..... 35 255 [ 37

I RH0-LD-158 Ilue clay . . . .. 1 268 live sa c .... C small set:1es. 201 small

                                                                              .         .               47        3'5 Stue sanay clay & r avel .                                                                      .      20        335            :c:stes. 23 Secv sanc. 20%

3 ravel . $ 340 fue saaC; gray . *4

                                                                                                                                                                                         .         44 Sano        ..                                                           . .                    .        7       347          50% *M e sara 33 :sa-se saac, tro.n clay                                                               .                  ..         58       4C5             101 ve*y coarse same.10% small Gray sano        ..                                                                                    15       420             coceles; gray . .                           ..,           4        48 Clay & revel                                                         . . .. ..                           5      425           30% silt. 401 seall mezcies. 201 Gravel & Clay                                    . . . .. . .                                           10      435             mall ccetles; geny .                        .             2        50 Sand & revel            . .                                                            ..               10       445          301 1*ay sit t. 40% sm:1* peccles.

Green clay L r evel. .. . .  ! sac 20% sea 11 cenetes. 13 ve y 8asalt . . . . . 1 450 coarse sand ... . 5 55 40% ve y coa se saac 30% pali 4H.3 45 secties. 20% sea 11 : bcles. los stit; gray .. . 5 60 Location: 43007. e450C7 11/26 1211 $;g g,,i ,,gei,g, n ,,,y

      .asta9 11evation: 504.54                                                                                                   : ,,,, s ,g, ;;g ,,;. c 33i,3,
      .aole tool, e-111e2 Dy Jacceson of asoea                                                                                   10s stit; gray                 ... ..                   !!         75 Oc'11tng omesay *se SE C peany. 1952*                                                                                $C1 vry coarse sanc. m pall grouno ater monitectag boremote                                                                                        coceles. 201 sman s coles.

13 gray silt . . .. 5 80 "sterial (1) ?nica ness Desta . SCS cos se saac 3C1 meste saac. SHt oro.n in :sfor ** - 5 5

                                                                                                                                                        * ~*

40% we y :: arse s-d. 3C'1'smalt

   @t        JWs""'.

n ne ,r - sa,. . E i5 n n g ; ; , m ' a * " ac = a- ,, n ne 14g,t ir on san. . is n Fine neo.n saac . . 20 95 599 4.; 1 n ee neo.n saac ./ asalt g svel;... att :nange a' *ste-'ai at 95 *t .oc,atio$': A.53140; 43600.

                                                                                                                                 $ , ace 11evatise: 455.M
3)  ::/25 3.;
      .nen into sasalt revel                                                                              10       1C!

Air etary, log;e t, r gr.: y *or spo$3, 3 5'"lde"* '" -'""': ""**: ..

                                                                                          ..                s      n0               1974. $notno e := 'as                                               g 5.;;g,u! ,.n..raveu 7 7,                                                                                 ,      y,
                                                                                                                                              . ,,.... ,.                          .,,,s.,,,    e,,,,


        ,                                                                                                          ,           3,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,, , , ,,,,,
          ,n.. rave; i ;,;e ,a ue                                                                                                                             n ~ = = = i -a.
       ,,,, '                                                                                               ,      33, nantiy na .: inins . ,s                   e-5"          'ni        -           -                 70         70

eas '.: 9

                                                                                                                   .g iso      San:   6 van  "t , a ny nne, v v e.
                                                                                                   '       33 Sasalt cos-se"1/2'15. . . .                                                                              5      155 I" *" I""           ' " "' " ***

514ca & rust :olo* Basalt **"#* " "" # *** Mole is fs11 tag in.. y outes' 10 '68

                                                                                                                   '68               " ' * " ' ' '            I""

Rusty eed roca, coa-se 3/4 in..' fM U"'8 C#"* C"" t " gravel) 36 ,C8 oo.n to fiae sano site . ... 2 170 austy etc coca 5 175 699 4 5 (18 5P.2) Location: 44100. ud900 M/2$.7J1 699 4-(6 Sur* ace Elevation: 476.71 Location: 11/23.g;I Air *ctary logge: ty su re for .pp!S, Casing elevation: 1974, smotnole sor ng Caole tool, c.111ee Comoany 'or PL 1977 by (gan rounoo' .la:n ste.0*111tng %te 141 (81 ?ntetaess Death monttenng sorenole Sanc ca t gray. *tne to medium N terial (1) ?nicaness Cent, sans ./some coarse sanc. tasalt r ains . .. 60 60 Es ve , nne sano, m n ne Saea a ravei. yay ...... 5 55 sane Sand. lignt ray, fine to meste

                 ............                                                                         (venee.)

40s '9me sane. 3C% seetwa sano. Saad 0 essatnantly cua .2 . 14 79 20% =carse sanc. 10% veey coa-se Sanc & vavel, can tro."n. nne saac ...... .. . 5 5 to coarse sane. 'tne to c:aese ACS *$ne, sano. 30% *ecium sana, revel . . ., 7 86 23 coa-se sano. ICs seau Sana. Itynt oro.n. eine sano. oenties .. . .. . . .. 5 10 overt: . . 10 95 , a0% wery coarse sano, 10% coarse Driller's coernent: cementee sano. 30% *ecium same. 201 gravel .. 11 107 small oecoles . . . .... 5 15 50s c:sese sana. 40% w e y :carse l t sano. IC1 seatum sano . .. 5 20 699 4 6 (18 5P.11 Location: N350C, e5600 11/28 731 50% socium sanc. 40% coarse sa.o. Sudace 11evation: 484.00 les ve y :carse sana . . 5 21 ,

                                                                                                                                  "" "IY' I'99 " 'F '"F8                       # " *"I3a 50% mecie sanc. 30s 'ine sand. .
  • I"
       *0% Otarse sand. *.01 weep                                                                                                                                     "I c: arse sano . .                                                                ..  .                 5         30 38 I


l l I 1 RHO-l.0-158 1 I i matertal (8) Sand, va*iegatee, ray, fine Thicaness Decta T Sanc, prown Mate tal (8) Thteiness Jeotn

                                                                                                                           , . (,enee.)

I sanc, tasalt r ains . ... l Sana, ray . .. . . ... 56 56 Saad. gray, f9ne to meets sand, j Sanc & revel, caen ray fine to 75 coarse sane, nasaltic. fine to Sasalt rains . . .. .) 75 66 5ana, va**egated r ay & . nite, coarse r evel . .... . . 10 l Sanc. F ayism cro n. fine to orecominantly mectum sang, predominantly guart2 grains. I mecie sana, precam%tly l .> Odert2 9 ?5 l Sano & r evel, g'ay, '9ne to ... . . . . . . Sanc & gravel. Itgnt crown, fine ! coarse saac, fine to coarse gravel . . . 40 115 saac .isow stit fine to coarse gravel (Drillea's coment: cementes revel) . . 30 105 l 699 5-E6 (10 5P.2) Location: " 45200. 15100

                   .                                      11/26 9M1 699 6-fI6 /P.1)

Sur* ace Elevauen: Location: w 5890. E15500 11/28 11G1 Air rotary, logget 3y Fugro for d8955 1974, snotnote moring Surface !1evation: 369.4 Caole tool. art 11ec by naten Drillin "o. & I Mate *ial (8) Sand; variegated gray & .ntte, fine to meetus sand, sasalt & Thickness Deptn 1099ec Dy Shannon & Wilson 'or ispe 5,1971, eNP-2 Dum station preljetna*y founcation investigation Doriftg Ma t e'141 ( 8) IntCtness Detta Quart! gesins . . .. 51 51 Sand & gravel; gray, fine to "eSi# 3ense I1get Dro n. lI ceaese sand, estalt & ouart2 Palas ... Sanc & r avel; Dro.a..*ine to 3 9 60 sli9ntly 511ty, fine sand Very conse, t ag, ye'1o..oro.e,

                                                                                                                           ..        11         11 me:1um saad, revel, varied                       j                        blatt & r ay, sitgntly clayey, silty 'ine te mecium, saad I

c mcosition, stit coats I


2* 87 & gravel . . 29 39 revel .. . . . . . .l Fine to mecium sand.  ! as Sanc & r evel, oro a. fine to. ... ... meetum sand, revel ., , .' I Sand & Pavel; same as inteeval 11-39 ft. .. 19 63 Fine to mesium sane... .....- 4 67 I 699 5 2 (1A.57.41 Location: 44?$0, d1300 Sur* ace Elevation: 465.10 Air estary, logged 3y sugro for n#P55, 1974, snotnole socir.g 11/g3.g(2 Sano & gravel; sene as inteeval 11 39 ** .. aars, tan to 31ue. ray, clayey silt . . . . Ve*y 2:nse lignt 3*own, slig%tly 32 6 99 Scs silty, very 8tne sang I 5 110 Mate ial (8) Thienness Destn sano, tro n . (veneer) 699 6.!5 (10-57-3) Location : N6350, [5850 11/29 3Al Sanc, variegatec tro.n & gray, fine to coarse, orec yinantly Sur' ace llevotton: 430.20 I medium sand, occasional gravel . . . . . Sano & revel, tro.n, fine to.... coarse sana, orecominantly

                                                 .          71        71 A1,974.


                                                                                             " ate f al (8) u snotnoie Doringr cotary, lopee ny r geo *er WP855, intesness Destn cuartl, gravel (Or111er's                                                Sanc; vadegatec gray & atte, coponent counteo revell                 .             36       107
                                                                                 ' tar *.3 Socie sanc, Sasalt &

quaatz grains . .....,, 47 47 Sanc & Pavel; gray, 'ine to 69953 (18 57.a) coa-se saac, sano precominaatly Location: 45200, W2700 11/28-8t1 Dasalt; ra,el precominantly I surface llevation: 465.10 basalt . , , ... ..... 49 95 Air cotary, loggec Dy Fug*o for WPP55, Sano & gravet. tro n, fine to 1974, snotnote cor*ng sect # sanc. setocminantly Mate-ial (8) Thienness Deatn M** F8M - . I Sane, cart ray, 4 ne to meci e sana, easatt Sand & gravel, p .tgnt ains37o.6,.,ine sand ./some ravel. *ine 13

                                           .                 70        70 199 6-1 tM'15-576)
                                                                                            - %300, w600 Su f ace !!evation: 4 37 . *0 Air974,
                                                                                      *otary, l ec 3y fug*o 80r WP855, l'/28 82 coarse ravel                                           36      106                   snet Ao Dormg 599 5 4 (13 5p.31                                                                        Material !!)                       TMicanets De:tn Location       ma600, d3800                          11/25 8M1 Surf ace Ilevat on: a65.a0                                              Sanc, Air rotaes. logged sy 8vro for WP'55,                                     nasajray.     "ine to t rains         secie sanc,
                                                                                                      . ... .                         40         40 1974, sootnoie Doeing I                                                                        39 I

I, RH0-LO-158 Sanc & gravel, g*ay.

  • ire to onglomerate. *igst ray, tasalt coarse saac. some sit t. r evel & conties in sa* g- s y .

tasaltic. *ine to esarse clay silt matria. = ell rave? . . . 16 56 incuratec . 13 476 Sand & gravel, gesy'sn trowe. Saney sittstone, can ray e/some...... fine sane. 81re to coa se g-ten :oloring, fine to sect.m gravel .. . . . 19 7I sanc, some clay = ell tacurates . 2? '97 699-6-2A (BM-137) onOm-ste. %t ray, tanWC Locaticri: a5500, h2000 11/28-8F1 ravels in rey 50t satHa, Casing Elevation- 461.3 P'"I' ' 4tr cota v 'to 250 ft.), Sac rotary y :Ps****I"at u***"m 46 539 (to 46f f t.). & aiamonc coring; cet11ec ty " I * ' Y' """ i "

                                                                                *$ 8 h ' * *" 9"I' , con Agua Deilling & Deveio:ricat Comcanv~ &
       ' ongyes
  • arc any & loggec by Fug*o f or
                                                                                        "             "   '"#'""IIU "" '
       -#955, 1974, secroca geology investigation                                r'#a m .o 'HicMar wea W H '
       " " "'j'                                                                  angular repents, reen
tay . 15 554 mate-tal (8) Thichaess Destm 8asalt . . . ... 7 561 Basalt s:o-f aceous to mignty S eisa anc. ,l su oos ttered e, o gni e,o.e. 4 ~.

4 4

                                                                                 = ;:. s = r an c1*>. .
                                                                                                                                     ,,       ,,3 Sane, mecie cease to ve y dense.

roots ..... , ,,,, , ,, a ,:, , ' , ;,, ,, , , ,,t

                                                                                 ,,y,, ,,,g           ,g, 3 3,pg gray, inn to secte eleae to                                                  vein *n tnro gnout .                          . 96       669 slirtly silty, tra:e fine la A m W ar &**c u                                       2      6M 50tston, claysune & uaeston.

Sa avei.'mMM ce s' to' 9'"'**t " ell insu rate: 35 ,09 sease. Fay, '9 ne t: c:a-se. siirtly sitty . .... 4 46 Basalt. r ey. *ine-g*a1 4 0 g7 sC acms to W1y vu' talar Sanc. same as inte-va' 4-42 *t. -- flow t:o "asalt, amygcules 31 74qw 3raveily sanc. cense to ve y lasalt, ataca to r ey. *ine cease, r ey $* owr. fi4e p gesinec. vesic es l

  • art. Sease, coa se, :less to slignt'y esee amyg ules, olegioc!ase stity . . ..... 2

{? 1 stas & 'reegular tie:S o' Sanc, same as $nte-val 4.42 f t. 14 cla:a glass . . .. . . '30 $70 Sancy revel, ve y cease. raf

  • Basalt, ca-s ray, meciu 3-o.n. *tne to *caese, slig9:1y sen,,, gt g,,cias, 1,:m 33 7,044.

stity, scatte ec to nume cus c: coles . .. ..... 60 133 2 guryern.., g ,green :tay on caeting

                                                                                                            , ,                       it      ggt 5ana ve y eense. Brown, fine to                                              Tuff. Fay run, massin acoear-eecium, slig't:1y s11ty . . .                               I    138          tag asn taf*, fine 1a31111 San         a el, same as inte-val                                              anse* & suty :'ays on.

It gnt reen, mi:aceous, ct ay Sanc. ve y : ease, lignt 3-o a. tacreases ttn cents . . 14 395

  • ne to metium. sitgnt17 8asalt, nignty vesicular, 'rac-s'I*y . . ... .. I 7, ,'

Saacygavel, same as inte-val t,ured Dasa,lt. q i, ,,, , g ,F,een ntum siltys :tay . 6 901

    .3. 43 *t.                  .... ...                     79      225      g,,,33, gi,g,, f,,,                      ,,,,,,

Sanc. very cease. g-ey, fine to 7,,,,,,.

                                                                                  ,g,jf ,,,,caj,,, ,, 3g;, ,q,,

mesium, slignt.y silty .. 8 238 asc-easing =/centn 11ttle Sancy gravel same as inte-val clay

  • 18* 916 73-1a3 ft. . . . . 15 249 5tity sana. ve y sense. Feen-P a y .
  • i ne t o wa t um . . . . . 2 251 699-6-23 (18 5P.5)

Grant. cara gray, clayey, silty Location: 45600. 41600 11/26-8r2

    & sancy        ...                      ....              35     286          Surface !!evation: 454.80 Gravelly cisy, care g-sy, clay                                                  ate rota y, tog;ec sy 'uges for #D53,
    ./ silt to *1ne sano, geavel &                                                   1974, snotnote ooring canales                . . . ...                           19    305
  *1ayer revel, browr., some tilt                                                            " ate-ial (8)                      Thicaness Deotn to *ine sand .                     .. ..                    9    318 Sravelly clay trown, clay w/stit                                             Sanc. gray, dine to tecium sanc.

to *+ne sano, gravel & oasalt r ains . . 80 80 i conties .... 30 344 Orille 's coment ceaentec l Gravelly sanc. caet gray to Drown. revel . . . 2a 104 l fine to :carse sano, some gr av el .... ... . 31 375 l Sanoy r avel. dart gray to tro a, 699-6-?0 (IA-58-5) Locat'on: e5850 .~2150 11/28-8F3 gravei sana & =ceales,. . ..... fine to coa'.se 19 394 Sur* ace t'evat en: 459.'O Gravelly Clay yeen Clay, Gare Air rota y. Iogge: ty 'ug-o for #'53, ray to 31aca gravel ... 16 410 1974, snotnole aceing Stity :tay, ones olive rey, clay

     =/ sit t, some revel               .                      53     a63 40 I


RH0-LD-158 ( matertal (8) thickness Geoth 699-7-(16 (18 58-81 Location: m? 00, !9C0 11/25-842 sur' ace Elevatton: 421.5 5aac o own ... . ... . . (wea***) Air *cta*y, logget by Fugro for W8'51, Sanc, va*segatec ray & = nite, 1974, snotnole scring

    *ine te neotun sand. Dasalt
    & oua*tz rains        .......                          70                                       70 mate-tal (8)                                insevness Oe:tn Sanc & r avel, gesy sand, varie-latec r evels, fine to coarse Sanc, gara srown, fine sand, sand. c'ecominantly Dasalt                                                                                       some 511%     . .........                                    45        45 grains, some fines, ravel                                                                                     $3no & gravel, cart beson, fine torille-'s comment: capeeted to meci e sanc, 'ine to coarse ravel)       .. ....... .                              37                           107 gravel . .               .  ..                         . 30        75 699-7-f6 (1C 57 8)                                                                                              699 7 3 (IA.5P.61 Location: s47490,15560                           11/28-9A2                                                        Location: 47000, w2500                                      11/28-801 Surf ace fievation: 435.70                                                                                        Sur* ace tievation: 460.8

( Air rotary, logged by Fu ro for WP955, 1974, snotnole socing Air rotary, logged by rur o for WPP55, 1974, snotnote seeing material (8) Thicteess Geotn Material (8) Tnicaness Geotn Sanc; vartegates grav & unita. Sano, variegated tro=n & r ay. [ fine to medium sanc', basalt & Hee to sectum sarc, some Sco"n silt, tasalt & cuar*.2 overt 2 r ains ........ 69 69 Sano & ravel; gray, 'ine to 3 rains ... ........ 66 56 Coa *se sana. basalt & owa*tt } Sanc & gravel, ray sand, varie-grains, tasaltic r evel .. .I gatee raveis *ine to coa *se sano, creswnant'y casa.: [ Sanc & gravel; prona, fine to meatum sanc oresominaatly I grains, some U nes, r evel 1 ,, Quart! rair.5, g avel . .' I 30 99 Sano & gravel, tro=n 'ine to mesium sanc, cua*t2 grains, 8 ment: 599.7-E2 (18 57 9) r,avel c (Ort

                                                                                                                          ,3t,3    11e*'s c:

g,,,,1) 23 103 [ Location: %N7400, [1550 11/28-901 Sur face Elevation: 423.3 Air cotary, loggei Dy fugro for d '!$, 699 8.!!A (15 59-11) 1974, snotnote ooring Lo:ation: 27800, I2700 11/25 481 Sur' ace llevation: 424.8 [ mate *1al (8) Sane, ray-trown, 'ine sand,

                                             ?>1cliness Geoth                                                         Air rotacy, loggec sy Fug*o fo* d'!S.

assalt grains . .... .. 20 20 mate *ial (8) TMenness Deste Sand & revel, gray, fine to coarse sana Sasaltic, some 12 12 [ ftne to coa'se gravel .. .. 50 70 Sanc. Sano &ravel ray . . Sanc, gray . . . 2a 5 36 41 Sanc & gravel, carv rayisn 699 7-E1A (15-57 7) scown, fine to coa *se sanc, Location: 46800, !500 11/28-5A1 sasaltic, sone revels . . . . 19 50 [ Surface Location: 421.4 Air rota*y, logges Sy Fug*o for WPP55, Sand & gravel,11 gat geay, 'ine sand fiae to coarse r avel . 22 82 1974, snotnole toring Material (8) Thickness Geoth 699-8 [2B (18 58 12) [ Sana, ray, fine to eeetum sand, Dasalt ratas ...... .. 30 30 Location: 48100, 13100 Surface Elevation: 425.5 11/25 482 Air *otary, logget ey r g*o u foe WPDSS, sano & g*avel, lignt trown, t 1974, snotnoie sortng

      'ine sand & some silt, sinor                 I geavel . . . .       ..          ...
   $4ng & gravel, dart brown,                                                                                                     Mate *131 (3)                               ThiCuness Oestn j

fine sano fine to coarse > Sanc, gray & nite vaetegatec, gravel . ......... ..,l 41 ,1 sana & gravel, 11gnt Drown, fine to medium sanc. Dasalt gr auss . . . . . .. .... 31 31 orecominantly 81ne sang, some era,g), Sasaltic , , , , , .. 31 52 [ tilt, 'ine gravel .. ....; Sana & r evel 3rown, *ine sand

                                                                                                                       ./ silt, 'ine to coarse gravel         . .            . . ..                         20        82

[ [ 41 { E. . ---- - - - - - - - -

I RHO-LD-158 699 8.[3 (18 57.11A) 699 8 17 -

   ;.oc atica: s47750, [261a                       11/28 4e3              . ocation: 48200, C7'25                         11/27 201 Sur
  • ace 11evation: 421 Casing !1evation: 522.44 air *ota*y. logged sy r ay s for woo 55, Oaole teot, or*11ec & 'oggee :y V5*5 *er 3E 1974, snctbole ocaing
  • y aay. 1950, grounow4te' conitseing &

getl agic investigatica so*eacle Matnatal (8) Thtetness De:ta

                                                             -                          mate *ial (di                 Thicuness Deptn Sano, gesy to dars gray, mecium to fine sano        .......                        5         5       Sand, stity, meetus to coarse, sano & ravel, rey seetum to                                              rounceo; consists anwt ecuelly coarse saae =/ v avel, fine                                            of Dasalt, esctic eoca types, to coarse gravel . . . . .             .         25         30         & quart             ...                            3          3 Sana & y avel, orown, fine to                                          Sana; sisture of all yeain stres; socie saac. see silt, fine                                             coca types ecuaily etst**butec to coarse revel         .       .                60         90          as soove; srae vanule* 3asaltic revel & ou'* sitt inciuceo             .         10         13 3anc & g avel; eeci e te :ca-se 699 8.(2A (18 59.10)                                                     ova'*.2 & pasalt sand ettn 20%

Locatton: N7550, (2000 11/28 441 y anule to concle casaltic Surface Elevation: 414.8 . yavel . . ... 13 26 Air rotary. logged by Furo for de55, sana, mecium to coatse, clean, 197a, snotnole ooring gray, casaltic; carries 51 rouncec y anules & Destles

              % te*ial ;8)                    thickness Oestn             of tasalt                                         10        36 Sano, meetum to coa'st, pa*tially sano, vaeiegates yay & enite,                                            cenentes; consists :* cua* 2 fine to coarse saac. Dasalt                                            501, sasalt 351, ano emotic getins                 .       . . . .           10        10          roca types 11                                    28        64 r Sana & rave!, ye .croom, fine                                          Sana & gravel; *eciu... m to  coa se I    sana, 'tne g avel . ..                     . 58         68         svartzose & oasalti: sanc l                                                                          cae ying 20 to 40s :ssaltic peo:le & cocole ravei                        . 39       103 l $99 8.[2S (18 58.10a)                                                   3,,,,3 g ,,,,;        ,,,,3 g .3,33, Location: sN7636, !!95,.                       11/28 442 Sur
  • ace Elevation: 423 Dasalt n ,gn, & , emotic
                                                                                        ,,t73, , type
                                                                                                  ,3 r ,avel,,,i, air ectary, loggeo sy Fuyo for wo855,                                   sortec cua'ta & tasalt sinc; 1974, shotnote soring                                                ,,ecaminantly sand in lowest 6 ft                                             24       127 N te*1al (8)                    Thicaness Decta            $,ng,j,,,g,,,,;,;,'q',,,              **

stainec, h*gn in cuartz =esome sano, yay . . ... 5 5 esca; incluces see tan silt Sanc & F avel, y ay, fine to that .as aconcently an coarse sana, see stit. fine inteete1 .. .... . .. 5 132 to coarse revel . . . . . . . 10 15 Sano & gravel; fine & seoic 5anc. vayisn seown, fine to 11gnt-ouff sanc nign in ousatz, c: arse sand ... . . . 25 a0 =/51 sica & 10 40 secole & Sanc & yavel liget yay, 'ine i cocole ravel largely of emetic to ceaese gravel . . . . 69 recu types . . . . . .. 12 144 Sanc & yavel, cars troen, fine. . l 29 sano & ysvel; cennie & copole to mecius Sand, fine to coarse g.,,,3 ,,,, ,gn nggy of ,,,i,,, Favel , . . .. . . emotic roca types =/50 90% sana nat is largely fHe to Secium

 $99 8 4A                                                                   well-sorted cuartz          .....                  4      148 Location: 48319 W8167                          11/28 641             Sand & gravel; fine to medie
    *asing Elevation: s 488                                                 tuar.tose & escaceous same ./an Mus estacy, o*tilee ey Thomeson of 35I                                  equal amount of secole & cotole foe 84.L. 1963, snotnole Doring                                      revel consist *ng of 70% emotic roCu types &'30% 3asal* . .                      11       159 N te*1al (1)                    Thickness Death           Sano & gravel; aestly mecium sand, out see 'ine & coa *se, orecomi.

Sano . . . . . . . . .. . 82 82 nantly of suaatz, som sica, & Gravel & couloers ........ 28 110 us to 101 petole & small.cotole r evel :enststing o' ?Os emotics aae 30% 3asalt . .. . 19 179 699 8 88 Sano, y avel & some tan silt. Location: 48319. W8167 11/28 6N2 poorly sortec, oc mineo Dees of Casing !!evation: s488 sortec fine to coarse, cuartzose Muc rota y cailled by Thomeson of 551 sanc ca**ying as to 25% oasalt for Ba L. 1953, snotnote pering & emotic metale revel & some s t P. . .... . 12 190 N terial (1) Inicaness Depth Silt, clayey, knan *; car *1es 10 'ine saac . I 191 Sano . . . . . . . . . ... . 82 82

 & ravel & Soulders          ..             ..       28       110 42 I

F l L RH0-LD-158 Sand & clayey silt. fine Guart2' 1 to t Fu ose, eicaceous sanc =/251 3r8Hpagj, . Psy. gji',ine,gg,: [ anaut (aposeently intersecoea) clayey stit; toat is . ell last. matec & sa'tly incurate: . . > 200

                                                                                          ,,,e med1 # san:
q. ,ej g,,,p i, g pg ,,,9,
                                                                                                                         *Qh 27 IOC
                                                                                      $4ney p avC . grav; clayey 699 8 25 gravel 't get see-e clav. 'iae f

( Locatten: 47995 W25003 Castng Elevation: 509.30 11 n . 341 Panis, seme siit; van'. gray, clena Sanc. teown, ude t: coa-u

                                                                                                               . .          .           . .       104    M4 Caole     tool, orilles by accas of laca 0,1111ng Cencany for apw 3.1971. g-ownowate                                              same well grac e; v a n11y saac.

monitoring borenole d'"' Oi# 8'"C* a"Cula', seme g* I"'Y'l ave & ge gles; gegvetly [. Mateetal (1) Thtctness Dest, sanc. c:sese saac. nica vca c3nteat. some Pavel & cc :les; sano erown. f t ae Sano & silt ....... . . .. 25 25 to Mc$um sano, nica **ca Sano & gravel & comeles coeteat. silty saa:. sco=r. (4 5 in.) [ Sans & ravel . Sano & sitt ......... . 22 5 3 30 33 fim saac =/s*1t. mca ::ateat aton; s tac. Dr;we *MNr* t C0a'se sarc. 947 mes Pacted sand & $111 . . . . . .. 10 65 Packed Coarse sang . . . , , .. 10 7$ c3ettet . ... . .. . 205 400 Packed sand & stlt . . . . . . 10 45 Clayey sitt set ettve grav. Sanc & sitt ........ .. $ 90 browd. some 'ine sand, niga Sand & silt. few sea gravel . .. 5 95 mica c:nteet .. . 30 *?9 Sanc & p avel . . . . 5 100 $ilty saac. 'tae I: Sec t ur' s aac. Sou1cers . . . . .. . . 5 105 accula*. tasalt*c . . . 6 4:! Sanc & gravel ... . . ..  ?! 130 Conglome-s'e. tray **ae to ::a se fan sane & r avel . . . 18 148 Faveh tasal** c. **ciu- s aac

     'ine sanc & gravel .                   . .             .      16       164           mat-+        segular well I                    pa:n . . .                             .           .. 14     ase Sane & revel ......                              .                    165 84 :sec sand, ve*y little                                                        Claystcae. y ee* to :a's v ay                         .         I   4E0 geavel . . . .                ......                         6      170       EC"9I ope' ate, same as 'ete* vat 445 459     *t.                                          19    gas 8asalt 31a:n             '9ae 1:et.*..,

p 699 8 32 gra*eec, sitgatly :: een. Location: 17875. w31800 11/27 541 vesacala*. in glaces ce'.se. cistytan'tt: 494 Casing Elevat9en: 554.39 . .. . 18 "aote tool. 2-+11e: ty tne g535 few *t :omossy lasalt, olaca. *iae c*sinet. 1950. gr une.ater son'tocing & geclogic sign 1r ves* cala liga! E investigatton torenote g'eea 'ay P ing. Je+ats

                                                                                           & #ca:!4res                       . . .                  29     E22 Mate *tal (1)                          TitCtness 'estn            Basal *. egaly vesicula . :ee:ty WeatnereC            . .           .... .                   7   530 Sane . . . . . . .              .              .               4          4      lasalt. claca. *tne yst age,

[' Sanc. meci e to :carse . Sano, mectum . . ... ..

                                                 . . .              44 9

48 57 siirtly vesicula- Is aca. vest cal ar . .. . .. '! 60! Sand, meetum to coarse . ... 7 64 ?uff acecus saaestcae. Pay. 'tae Sano sigravel to 1 in. . .. 11 95 to medium same Maa =$ca Saac. clayey stit .. . . 2 85 Oceteat = ell inedratee .. . 11 FIF sand. Some gravel .. . ... 9 97 Claystere, silty. Sa* oray, occ-Sanc . . . . . . . . .. 4 101 eecove y; :Tayst pe,11pt Sand. 'e= oeo31es . . . . 35 136 greea. some sitt scc-* aceous. Sand. *tne to coarse . . . . 17 153 ossait 'ragments te "O :m. 13 629 Sano, revel to 2 in. . . .. 11 164 lasalt. saes ray. *1ae vainee. Gravel, sw e sand .. . . 8 172 nigaly vesicula

  • to Sans stoestles . . . . . . ... 10 192 scsetaceous. ars green eravel & sand ..... ... 5 197 clay ' ills 'ra:tres & ;gtats 5ana. *ine to medium . . . . . . 3 200 at 'lew ten ... ....... 22 A!!

3 ravel, pestles & conoles .. 4 204 Basalt. : art cray. **ae raine . rare vestcles sease. *--egula*?y [ ,,,.,. m ,',,.,,.) Locatier: '95a8 !!1120 Casing Elevatten: 453.8 11/28 4t!

                                                                                           # - - & r + tee "ru m es.

IIU. 91gn

                                                                                                 '!"CI'"      I 'I"' .

vesiculaa I' I ** 9 [62 Air retary ::: 220 *t.). mue aeta*v tto 446 la .. gnt .y to ren. f t.l & $1ameeC c3*ing, e**11P' Sy aqua De m in, & Devele - t. .ne. & ;c ggg

  • Q g **
  • Contary & logget av 'uPo 'er MSpear -. 1974 ,,,",,,,#c [,4,3, p f jfg* ,'. "..d*

oGer0CE 900Iogy 'avestigation Docenote ,Pattufts' ** mateatal it; ?hicteess Sect % I I -*** II T B as a'l. ."'s'l Faca , t gra* ice'e. 9 a*e mese-ately te sligat ,  ? Sanc. Pav. ' tee te medium o..g,gg y, q ,3gi ,, sane. =e 1 te moce stely " $ g.II* * ** * ****

  • 34 822 yacec, nasaltte . . . ... 55 F!

43 1 1

I RH0-LD-158 I

  ..s.m. 0,.c.. .. , ,.ain.c.

Ge*se rare vesicles, Wate*

  • a ' 8 ',  % ,ggageg pg7..

3 clagioclase catacC'ysts tc 4 ar . 2a sta Stac. een gray Claysicee. g*eea cas ed se- Sanc. vaetegatec g sy. 'iae te meciari saac, sre 8ssalt claen f*ae paicee, coarse graice:. Sasalt nigaly to ecce* ate y a: vesicaise. tiget geven cla, graias ... . fills vesicle & Joiats . . . 29 as! Sare & grave . "cett tro=eisa ;ety. diae 699-9-E!8 (18-!P-14) I' C8fse saac. 'ine I? 'O

     ;ocat*ce: *.N9225. 15225                       11/23 4x2         3,'('"fe,,;i
  • 3;, Q' Su
  • ace Elevatica: a!5. 9f #
                                                                                                         'g A        t   . ogoeC 9y Fug*c f or @'5!.1074                       f,      e           g    .                              3          g wate++ al (5;
  • hic u aets Deeta 699 9-I2
                                                                         .:c ati on:       98!". E*224                          1;/23 4wi Casing I'evat ee: 418.09 Saec. g*ay *ine :: meciue                                             Cat i e tool. :-*' lee ty aate- e' **a :a 3 *'?*ac sanc. casait grains ...                        75         76 Sanc & g*avel, cray. U ne to .                                           'omc aay 'ee GI *rc eay.1956. 9-oure ate-moeiteeing boreacle coa'se saac. fine to cearse gravel       .. . . . .                 a4       120 Mate-ia 'li                            h,: aess  3,;t.

Saac-silt ... . . .  !  ! 699-9-tK IIC-SP-!) S ec-gra ni-se t L oc ation: sNE*00. E5200 11/28 JK3 15 p' Saec-peani cleaa .  ! Sar'act ~?evat*oe: 248.80 I t, Ate reta*y, toggee ty Fageo 'or @855,1974 9:8"5'

                                                                      . tdes-sm  5"3 as  ' N aun
                                                                                                '" ***".       '.
  • 3'5 2

snetaole be-ing Cetol es-gr a v e'-sil t . 10 at "ste-ial !!) *>ienaess Dect. Ce:t es-gran' teme-te:  ! F Coa se seac & grave -

emeate: . . 10 50 l S anc. v a-* e;at ea geay & wa *te, "
                                                                              ' E CO38I'5                                          #

e ne :: meetum sanc. Sasalt i I & sus *:: genias ..... . 60 50 !p'a'e"les, e s ertec grani g'so! pe** e- 6

                                                                                                                                    !        {0*

! Saas & gravel gray, f*ae to 4  ?? Coarse stac, sanc & gravel. ,.oese gran L saPC preccainartly tasaltic 30 90 .ocse saac & gravel . 6  ?! Sanc & g-avel; trewa. H ae ""8'8 8 8 - 9 i Cemeatec s"a e & gravel- if 110 to +c:ium saac 2*ecewinsatly i cuar : graias . 21  !!! Saac-geave. 2a :n Fine sanc . . 8 125 Sanc-9-avel .  ! :40 l 699 8-I41 (Cl-18) 00:eles-gr avel-s aac.. l .oc a ti on : N9251. [4459 11/29-401 & stit .  ! As i Sordace Elevation: sa6.1 Ocotles g-an;-sane...  ? ;a? i actiow ste* auce'. leegee ty Shanaea & l11sca C:::l es -s anc-s'l t 2 180 '

  • er =es!5.19M. .P F-; 'ou cation a test S aac-g e av el . ;a IE-I ter'ng Fine sen c & gravel 20  !!!

i Sancy-0lue clay . . 1

                                                                                                                                          !00 l                uste-ial (S)                  'ntenness Dee'9          41see gravel, clay & saac.                                 20      210 Harc ca:nec gras :Tay l

Sanc leese.11 gat teown. 'ine w/ gravel .. . . 0 2n to coarse. sitgntly sitty . 6 5 Gray saacy clay ./g-ave? 8 225 Saac iocse, geay to gray 3 ray sancy : lay . .  !! 240 trowe. fine *o Coarse. Gray saacy 01ay '*are) . . 8 2a! clean :: stignt!y silty . 9 l' Stue : lay. gravel Sanc *eSir to ve*y dense. Dar*1Clas . 30 27! geay to gray-brown. Gray :tay w/ grave).

     *ine o coarse, clean                                                 (very nare!            .                                :       zge to slicat l y sitty.                                              Gray :Tay =/ grave' scatte ee fine to                                                    anc saac ias-c? . . .                         .         !!       20C cea*se gravel        .                 . .      48         63     Gray clay =/saac (sef t'                                   10       2:0 Sancy g avel, seese, geay.                                          3 sy :'av ./tesa!-

N ae t: :carse, c!esa 2 ?1 particles . .  ! 2;< Sancy gravel, ve y sense Greea clay =/tasalt . (inf e *ec f =oa erill oseticles . . .

  • 220 ac tion ? . . . 2 73 Greea clay w/saa2 &..

casalt cartic'es . . 10 330 i 31 aca elay w/variec -oca

  • 699-9-148 *15-57-13) ,3 3,;$t; l 37,e, c;,y , foe .ec, *
  • Locatica : sN8700. [4110 11/IS-42 b si sur ' ace !*evatica: 432.3 gt.e,q,(;fce, gi,en ci,' i
                                                                                                                                  *'       "~

Air ecta y, 'oggee ty Fugre 'er #'!!. 3.-ttcies 18~ te*-


l 1974. snetbole torseg l I l 44 I

h L no-w-1sa

     $1aCa Clay . . . . . . . . . . . .           .M       800
     $laCh                                          f      ACI lasalt Clay     e/sanC*st'te'.

gravel. sanc . ..... . . . . . le 424 lasalt . . .. ........ 30 858 699 9 3 (IA.57.75 Location: m860C W3000 11/23 541 Sur* ace Elevation: 868.$0 Air PClary. IoegeC Dy Fugro 'o* WP813 1978. snethole horing mate tal (8) Thick ness *ectn lanc. va*iegatee geav & 3 m=n. 'iae to

  • 1um sanc. cuaru &

assait grates .... . 78 75 Sane L privet, gray sane. va**egateg gravels. *ine t2 CCa*Se sand. Dre0081Partl y tasatt grains. some di res, g e s ve ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Sanc & gravel, e mwn 'ine to meev sane, ova *tt grairs. gravel (teiller's c:rreet: created gravel: ...... . 31 115 [ [ [ [ m [ 45

. I RH0-LD-158 l/29 cravel te #'ae saac; 6H ly.. Locat on: L,,,0,.,..,.,,.,,

                        ..             .             ,,/25
                                                     ..     ,v.=4
                                                                 .                 '.n.
                                                                               ,.9 ,,c=a; a:eut 2!%

Casing tievation: a20.!! *s c isD* ** ace *

                                                                               ,,, , , ,a ', =, y , ,;, g                            ,    .;;

Carte te.ol, ce m ee ey .acersee ed anae* , . ;,

                                                                                            , . ,;,.,.,..,m,p,,e;,

0-o a, : orc e.v *er st e-ory a52. grounc=4te* mea'tcring So*eacle

                                                                               ,,,4 ;,,,,,,,.

g g ,jgg, g g ggp,gy, Mate *tal 'll Th9ctaess Dest

  • e DaCaec or cemeate: ....... . *--* e.

Gray sa9e, fine . . .. . 2 2 Cca*se & **ne saac; acout 6 in.-gravel to "ine troe 90% #4ae sanC w/ silt 33 ,,,,; 'iget beo=a .. . I 120 sanc. 9'avel 20%. c:a'se 1/2 *n. gravel ce# t: #i ne

     & IC'          *** *
  • g 6
 ,eaeates      revel                                   ,


                                                                               ,, , g aeout
                                                                                         . . , ,, 50%

p; *,iw saac 2 *n. Ce*eated g* ave,. . . 2 ,0

                                                                   .                                          7                           ...
        'n. Ce*eated 9 g,,1.

3/a t

                                                                   !!          3'0""                                 *               -    *"

p2 in. ceaeatee gavei 4

                                                       ,5 20 30
                                                                          ,.2 ;;. g e; ,,;,3;a,g
 .: u n.n. ce , eat.e,
          -ravei     e- nca.e
                            #1 ae                                              .. , ,,,, =,,.u ,,,,,..
                                                                               .,,.,,,,,,,4...e sand cemeatec : ster. =aea
     =asnee out seets te te                                                    ,,;y . , p t . ..                     ..              5    !?#

aneut 10% 'iae sanc . . 3:. 2 in. Pav0 to '94 same, 2 in.-revel cow to fine atout 50% fi n s ee

                                                                               ,jggg 3,,,,, & teaces sanc cemeatec : ole'.
     =asnee out sefas *: De                                                    ,, y,i ; , g ,, ' , g g., g aeo.: 20% '4 = see.
                                                                               ?y,,,;             ,,,,,,,c
 .ITi',*.Sfa'eiac/ti;4;e n

see co-etec enter. ,"y ;3.r,j"7 C' - g ,ac

     = n au out see-s te ne acoat 25% saac                                     !
n 2n. r avei & s re
                                 ..                                15          saa: 90% 3*o=r oc gray 1 in. gravel co=n to #ine
  • lay . .. . IC IEE s e c eeeatec ::le*,  !*oe : yay clay =/sre masae* out see*s to be sae: & ;* ave' .. 20  ?!

a:out 21% saac . ..  ! SC  ;/a 'n. gravel ts ne i 1/2 in.-gravel co=a to #ine sane, a: cut 30% ' ire saac ceme*tec :: lor. s aac. *

  • ge: 3*own =/ silt wasnec seems to De ctnce*, at 172 ft saac about 35% sane . . . . 5 85 & yivet as :e'r e . .  !  !?'

2 in. gravel co=n to f*ae 1/4 in. ;ravC to 'iae saac.

      ,ame =/trates ef a:eut 25% ** ae sec " gat catteme; 30% saae ..                               !          AC          sroe wis*1: evnee*                    .         .

8 ISO 6 in, g*avel co=n *o fine . 'n. Favel to 'ine sane =/tra:es o' sanc, accut SC% '9 ae

alicae; 25% saac ..... . 5 At saec. 1*gn: :*owa 5 in. gravel co* te 'iae s aac. =/sti t since- .. .  !  !!!

ce*eate: color, accut 21% 2 in. gravel te 'iae sanc. sane & traces O' caliene .  ! 70 30% 'ine sarc.199mt brown 1/2 *n. y avel de=n to **ae =pstit 319ee* ..  ! 180 saac ca* trow color 2 1/4 in, gravel to *'ne aseut 50% sanc .. .. 5 7! sanc, aeout 40% *ine 1/2 in, gravel so=a to fiae ;anc.

  • i ge t trown = r s11 t sand, ea*: nrown color. S ' ace , . . . .. .  !  !*!

aoout 50% slack sand . 5 90 1 1/2 'n. gravel to 'ine Coa'se sanc =/ silt tince*, sanc. OCut M #iM or:=a color, acout 30% sane, it et see=a =/si't coa *se sane; ttgmtly 3'"C'" - - - " pac a ec . . . . . ..... .  ! 25 1 u,d tn. gravel to *tne

 ; in. r evel cow to 'ia=                                                      sane, aeoat 30% *1 m sanc =/ silt etace*; 1* et                                                saac, 1tont bec=n =/stit brow colce; seeut 60%                                                      Di"C            -           -
    'ine sanc; tienti,                                                    2 in. r" avel to ae c ac h ec . . . . '.         ......                 5          90          sanc. aeout aC1 ae saac.

Coa *se & fine saac =/gole and I'9"t 3"0"" */ traces stive mes, acout 455 = nite & pay c'ay & sC t , , , fiae sanc .. 5 95 tincee . .. ... . ..- 1/4 in. -avel so=n. t:...*ine sea, clay =/; ,/2 A **. P avel g,,g; ]1pg 3,g,,; 10 **ne sare. a3out 20% acout 50% '* ne saae scIay. aac -=p'-acu wa* *e

    =/311% oince* pactec                                                                    g*t 3rown                                 .

ttqn tly . . . . ..  ! 100 U *1 *?

  • W 2 '* V "',

2 1/Z *n. gravel 20* to t: 'i m same, a: cat fiae s ee; !!1 coa *se  ?% sane, vay . 1,. 2. . s anc; light $*awa; o sca ec tiert =/ silt tince* . .  ! 10! I 46 I

RH0-LD-158 1/2 in. gran i e

  • sane & vani. ye . . .. 46 130 sens. aoout 40% " ae saec r/ traces gray clay; c:?ce gray; ve*y tigntly , 699-10-E6 (18-57 151 p ac k ed . . . . .** ** *
                                                                                                                           '- CC9ti on: 4750. E6300                                            .1/IS 421 1/4 in, grent t: 'ine                                                                              Sue ' ace Ilevation:                     470.67 sanc. aeout 45 f %                                                                            Air retary, loggec ey 'ugee 'o* #'!!.1974 sanc =/ traces gray clay,                                                                                      spetnole eceing co1ce gray, sanc meaves               ...                           5      235
                         ' eite w         sanc ./ traces gole &                                                                                            wate-t al 't)                     '*
  • cu ae ss **ct*

silve* esca; seac neaves . . . 1! 25 0 - Wnite same =/1/9 in.- Sanc. sart pay .... . . gravel 91pe green $ arc. Pay, fine to .f in color ... . ... I 255 *ectur stac, basalt g !Of 10! 1 1R.-gravel 0c* to graiPs . . . . . . . . . . .I w ite same w/ traces Sanc & gras s1. grav 'ine 01 act clay . . . .. ... 5 260 te coa-se saac. 'iae te 'l Gray clay =/1 1a. geavel . 5 255 coa *se ysvei I 25 120 tray clay =/1/2 'n. Sanc & vavel. 3*oe. j sinus yavel . . . . ... . 5 270 Cray clay es 3/4 in.119us *ec to coarse tum togravel ces*se saac. ". ae,

                                                                                                                                                                .                 .      3 gravel w/csarse saec . . .                            .             5     l'!

Gray clav =/1/2 in. . enus " gravel' ./sc e 699-10-E SA [06-19) blece coarse saac; Location: 910023 ta844 11/23-44 fg. gieqqs egvel Sur# ate l'evation: 466.3 weicP 1004 site *0llow ste* auce . loc 9ef by $8a**0a & M, sea secrecsee nasalt ..  ! 2Sc f or wpis,1974, A*.1 f oua cat'r test tray *14y =/*./2 'n. 3Ceing Sinus gravel elsCme

                              'ine saac                  ......                                   5      288                                         mate tal (S)                      *aitsaess Sect
  • tray clay ./s:pae reea clav
  • n. *1 aus reni Sanc. medium cease, graw-e/ seme 'i ne s a ac ' a 3"o a to
  • a y . 'i ne to cett' mue .. 5 200 *ecV. c es" to Geer clay was scre :/...4 in. s1199t'y silty . . . . .!
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,5 E1Rus yavel =/tlact saac.                                                                  Ia"c. teciip to ve*y
                               . eat inte y tea clay at                                                                       ce'se. gray fire to 193.3
  • v 00 M' . . . . . . . . 5 295 cca-se, clea9 to SH g**1y treen & olact clay . .  ! 300 sd ty. scatte H *tne Black clay ./ traces to coarse gravel . . . 76 92 of veea clav . ..  ! 305 3rantly sanc. mecium Black clay . ... ..... 9 310 3*"se. y ay B*o.n.

Blacu & 319e clay .. . 10 320 *ine to coa *se . . .. 3 95 81ue c!av . ... .... ..  !  ??$ Saecy ran1 n'y cese 319e smale . . .. . 10 335 '.'a# r-te *rc* c'$11 ~ Blue snale clav .... . 5 340 ac'* cn i ........ . 1 96

                           $anc. geeee in coloe           ... . .                                  !     34 !

~ lasalt ysvet 1 *n. & niece saac . . . 5 35c 599-10-!!5 '10.!8-6)

                                                                                                                                '- scati ca:             *49800.

E5000 11/2?-Jr; 31acs sanc =/1 1/2 *n. Sur' ace llevatica: 461.20 nasalt y avel, acout ate -otary loggec my Fug-c foe #85!, 1974 991 31aCl sa*3. ve*y snctnole DCeteg

                                *1getly 38ca saec &

geavel . . . .... ... 5 III Five *ock cuttieg ce '9"' uttF4al ($l *h'*teess Dec*" same e/ssout a0% tasalt Sanc; ve*'egated geny & cnits. get a 6 in. yavel bro % % M we at 353 ft.. sec*ect at sec Sasalt & su p*2 158 *t. feasa't) . . . .. 5 360 , 3 9 loca cutting . . . . . . O N $,7 ng ,,., , , ,as above. g pgg). 1ess avart: graiPs. 'I yavel. var 9ec c3PDes9*10e I 47 III On: 1 7I U/II*3"1 gg ,g sur' ace 11evatten: .I]6... 4 yains ynn3 ... . . ., l Atr retary, loggec 3y ' vers f or W13.1974, snotn0Ie SC***g

                                                                                            'hicaness Desta               699 10-Eaa (0s 4) wa t e*' al   '!-

1.oc at

  • ce : 'C0!!2. ta276 11/25-A3 Sur' ace Elevation: 4!2.2 1and, ca*= sece's? I ac11o= ste* auge*. loceee ey !naaaoe & ai' sea gray eine saca ......( 84 84 sy w opgg,1974, pp.1 f ouncats oe test se**e9 Sanc. gesy. H ae to coa'se sanc. masalt grat's . . . . **


I RH0-LD-158 I I "ste*t al (81 inicsaets Detta wate* a' '!' ***cuaess Oe:t* 511ty sawe, mesis sease. S aac , ' oes e . '

  • rt t eewe .

gray-Drown, fine to s li ga t 'y s* ' ty . 2 3 I $ 4*C , T e0

  • Jr to ve*y Cease.
oa'se . . . . .

p ay ftne to gge se, lege Sa*C, mette to very cease, to s?tgatly siltv, sgPtered gray 'iet to : a'se saad, #iae tt Coarse 3 Pave' ao 82 Cl ean to sligatly tilty. Saney gravel, ve*y dease, scatte*ec fine to coa *se It gat crewa t: geay gravel . .. .. . 65 70 trewe, 'f ae to coa *se. Saney gravel, cease r ay, clean to :ca*se, :lesa

    *ine to cosase cleta                          .       6        76 5tacy g*avel, ve*y ceese,                                                     to s't y t:y st?tv                , ,.                            2                 !!

tignt Drown, 'ine to Sanc ve*y cease. 't ri 2 78 ocewr , 't ae , s ' t y t ' y cosese cleaa . . sty . . . if

                                                                            !ancy r avet, sa-e as
 $99 10-tas lDs.61
  • rte va: !!-55 *t 2 r8
    .ocat$or: 999u , [a073                              11/2a.4r4 Sur* ace llevattem aas.3                                                699-10-E4! GB !A' Mellow ste* suge*. loogee mv 5%aaaen & W11 sea,                            .ocat ce: 49869. [2522                                 11/*

f or dP'55,1974. wht.1 'ounostion test oe ing Swe' ace !!evatace: 43!.1 to a y, leggee ey Smaaeen & .11sor fee do*S. Mate *ial f8? *Menness Oestn 1974. A3 +1

  • sw9 stier test 2:'*ng Silty sand. loose,19961
  • ate **c'  !!* *ai:seets Deeta o owa. ne *o mee v . .  !  !

Sanc. locse, gray t: ray- Th'l ' ete* val, see

     'r*wa. 't at to coa-se.                                                    699-lC-!a:              ..                                   67                     e C es" to sligetty st!ty, l

Sanc. ve*y : ease. *

  • pt tra:e 'ine to c:a*se ce:wn. **-e, :iean, t

grave' . , :o 1$ tra:e :< eine ;*,ve t  ! 68 l Sane. *ectur to ve*y sease, Sancy yave'. Same as r ey to graw-oeown. 'ete .a' !2-!! *: , 2 '40

      't ae t: c:a se. cleaa to siirtly st1ty, trace 68 fine to coa se rivel                  .             5?
                                                                             '99-10-!" CB-i **:1' Sandy gasvel. sease, ya                                                        .o:st ce: .N9959. [2612                                 11/28 (8 trowe, 'i ne to coa'se.'                                                   Sg*' ace !'evat:ce: sa25 clea9                                                  2      70 Acta *y. Iceaec :y Smaaaoa & # sea
  • o* woo!$.

Sanoy revel, ve*y cease, 1974, ^ 8 . *ouncat*oe test se**ee liget t coarse,'own E cleaa 'tae tote stigatly g: " ate *' al 31 *aitiaess Oe:te silty 11

                                                                             '9's *ete* val, see 699 10-E40 5 $99.;;. gag                                            ;4;                      ;a 699 10-ta: (09 7)                                                                                                   ,
     '.oc a ti ce : 49546. 12909                         11/23.ars            5ency pav,1, 5,., is sur' ace 11evattoa: 446.1                                                   'nta* val 52.!! 't.          .        . . .              Ice                     248 Cl ow ste* awce'. loggee ey Shaanoa &                                   Clayey si't, aa*c.11 cat
  • ce # 855, 1974 wnN 'ovecatica tae.
  • ace '1ae sanc la  !!!

test ce*'ng

  • ate-tal (81 Tm9etaest Dest
  • 699-10-E4G (05-91
                                                                                  .            41*22:. 12774                                11/23-ar 9 Sanc. mecie cease lignt                                                         Sor' ace Elevat'ee: 443.8 Drowe 'ine, clean to                                                       mo11o= stem awce*, 'ogge: ty Sna-aea & .11sca sli                        .. .                . 11        11               f or JP!!,197a, wap.1 f ewa:att en test te**ag Saac.gmtly Seoie totiltyve*y. oeese,                                                                                                                          a gray, fire to coarse.
                                                                                               "ste**ai ;5)                    ***cuatts                          e:ta

' clesa, scatte*ec fine to cearse yavel . 51 62 511ty sae:. 'e:se, tigat l trown, 5:atte*e: accis . . . 2 3 l Gravelly sand dease, pay, fine to cearse Clean a 66 Sanc. meC V to ve*y 3 ease, Stacy gravel; ve*y cease ine te Coa se. : lean. Scatte*e1 #*ae gravel . 52 L (iefe**e2

  • rom crt11 a 70 3raveI'y sanc. ve y :tase, e f" " a . . . .
   --                                                                               itget ; ay. " ne te
ca se, s1?g-tly s9'ty 2 !9 69sa".0-ta (08 -8 )

Location: N98&c, 12617 11/29.ar6

       $wef ace Elevation: 425.1 Moll ow ste, suce*, icogee sv Shanaea & wilsen
           *or a885!,1974, A8 1 'ouneatica test Sce'ag 48 I


RHO-LD-158 699 10-!4M ;06-10) Sanc. vey cease ta*. "ae

       -          11043C E3721                              11/26 4C 0                                                                  to cea se, sligat?y sty.

Suvace tievation: 441.1 trace fine to c:a se McIlow stem euge logge" ev 5maaaca L W O sca gravel . . . . . . . . ..  ! *0 f or spe55,1974. A8 1 'ouncata ca test ocrace $11gr.tly silty te saaey gravel safne as 9ete val mate-tal !B) ?mickness De:ta 62 69 ft. ... ... 5 7! Sanc. ve*y cease.11 gat Sanc. locse. ligat Brown. Brown, clean. trace of sitgntly silty . . . . . . . . . 3 3 gravel. inf e-rec f rom Sand mects to ve*y Sease. orill action cuttiags ... A 7' gray 'tne to coarse, clean. Sliptly silty = saacy scatte*ec 'ine gravel ..... 55 56 Sandy gravel. very oese. gravel, 62-69 't.same ... as ".te val .. . 38 167 gray cree to liget Sanc. ve y oerse. 11 p t crown, fine to :carse, crown. 'tpe, s'agnt'y clean to singntly sitty. sO ty to close . . .  ! 17? scatte ec to musecous $11gatly silty te sancy cotoles, scatte*$ng revel same as tate val leases of clean to silty 62-69 't. ... . .. . . 77 249 sanc scout 1 't. tnien .... 3 61 699 10-E25 (05-11) 679-10-t4J ( DE - 1*,A ) Location: h10357, (3464 11/2!=4i 2 Location: 910422. !!?20 11/28 4 C 1 5ar*a:e 11evatsoa: 44*.1 Surf ace Elevation: 44;.1 Ai* reta y & ao11 > stes suge*, 'occet ev

                    . s ggee o      sy Sna~ ce & W11sc9 fc*                                                                                     Sneamoa & Wilsoe *:e dP855. 1974, d : '.

Muc eete 7.974 eP'!!. . A8 1 founcation test see mg 'ouncatior test tee'ag wa te-* al (81 *>9Cuaess Secta Mate $at lt)  ?%ituress Oe:-a ints inte val see 699-10-tag . . . 61 1 Silty sanc. loose. lignt Sancy revel; ve y cease, gray-crown. 'iae to

        ; ray-o-own to 'ipt teewn.                                                                                                      *ecium . .. . . . ..                                 5          8 fine to coarse, clean ts                                                                                                      Sanc mecir te ve y : ease.

siirtly silty, scatte se rey. 'iae :: coarse. to 9ume ous :sooles, clean to sligatly si'ty. scatte-*ng lenses of scatte-ec *1re to clean to silty saec c:a'st gravel . .. 38 44 E aoout 1 ft. tnica .. ....

tayey si't. aere. Signt It? 246 Gravelly saac, cease.

gray. fiee to :: arse, g-vea-ray . .......... 24 270 elena te sitet?y st'ty .. 6  !! S tit. ve y sease. iirt Grave 11y sane, ve y cease. tan. :-a:e of *iae saac .. 18 286 gray, ae :: :ca se. Sandy tiayey silt. mars, clean to sit e tly st1ty . 5' Slue gray. #W se*C .. . 17 202 Geave1If saac tnat g* aces to sandy g*avet celo= 62 *t.. 699-10-E24 (*8-2) wry cease. H gnt teown Locatica: 410044 (3439 11/25 dLI ** I"*? '*** # '8 Surdace (*evation: 437.2 coa-se,'s'"iirtly s'ilty to 44r entaav. loggec by Sneenoa & W11soe 'o, silty, scatte te nume-:vs W"!$.1978. *P-1 'ouecation test to-*ag ****I' ' - * * ** IC I#, Clayey s'i'.t. nare,

                                                                                                                                              '                                              4 mate *1a1 (8)                        inick ness Death                                                               n, ,",ced '" * * * , , * , , ,                       3 2

511ty sane. toose to meeium se9se lignt crown, ftae . . . . 8 3 699 10-(3C (08 17) Sanc. escia sease to very Location: N9600. !3477 11/28-4L2 conse, gray oeown, fine Swedece !*evat*on: 444.1 to coarse, clean. Moll > stea sugee, loggee Sv Shearen & Wilson scatte*ec fine revel ..... 9 17 f or WPe15.1974. ms 1 *oun catten test so-**c Gravel saac, *ndereed from cutting ..... ... I 18 mate-ial l$1 Taiciness Se:ta Sanc. saine as intseval 8-17 ft. ........... 25 46 Sanc. loose te secte sense. Saae, gravel, ve y dense. Itget erown 'ine to [- g-sy orown. 'ine to Oca se. Socium. Clean to sligntly silty, scattertC s tigntly silty . . . . . .. 10 10 to nume-ous Coboles ...... 16 62 Sand, pecip Sease to cease. 511gntly sitty to sandy g-ar *o ray-crowa 'ine gravel,veeysease, to :carse tiean, scatte-ee

      .igat orse to grey-                                                                                                               *ine to comese gravel              ....            !!          62 brewa. fine to cearse.                                                                                                           Sancy gravel ve y cease, clean to silty. geme*al'y                                                                                                          gray. fine :: coarse.

sit e t?y silty. scatteces clean .... . ..... . A f! to nee-ous coebles .... . ' 69 49'

l I RH0-LD-158 s eer gravet. v ev eese. yt tro city, a

  • te 1* 180 li y t teown, fine to eeci e saac,'ricaceous .

coarse . . . . . . v2 Ligat trown. sli;at'y s*1ty fiae *: cearse saa:y grave'

                                                                                                                      =/co:otes                           . .                 10        !!!

699-10 1 (8 241 Ort gray *ine te coarse Location: 4:0450. W750 11/25-tr.1 ,,,,, g,.,,,3 ,fegegi,, g Sur' ace 11evatten: 443.4 trace of sitt . !ac 790 Moll > stem suce*, iooget ey Sneeaca & Wilse se,e .yav, *ine to coa-se f or W9853,1972. m98 2 'ouncatice test See'ao sanc =/ trace :# sitt . .. 10 300 Lignt gray. sitget y "ste 'al II) *h'etaess Oe ta gelty c),y ,,,,.. 30 390 Lignt gray, sligatly silty Loose to sects cease. ** ne to cosese saacy gray. fine same . I! 15 y avel . . . . 20 400 "eote sease, tae. .,,get g*ay-crow, silty sandy s lt a

                                                            ". ae
                                                              .                          3        13          see                  .. . .                  . 50       ac0 "ec's sease. grav. ae                                                                          a ys g n y. p o , -lay sitt                                  30       as te *eci e saac                                 ..                 12         30              Ort gesy-bro a. stity "ecie gese, pay. o ave?'                                                                            fine see ... . .                                        24       504
                     #ine to meci:F sanc . .                                           20         50            . gg,t yay, slig9t'y s*1ty.

Ve*y oese, tan yave11y. 'ine to coarse saney y ave'.

                     **ae to coarse sane & sanoy                                                                       crecominately tasaltic                                    6       510 yavel, sli gat'y silt,                                              3        58               Basalt ::rgierate, blact
                                                                                                                       =easly :e.eatee sarey v avel & caenies                                        25        !2!

699-10-2 (8 23) vesicat a ossa't. ve y Location: 410290. W21*O 11/29-!L! sur' ace !*evatt on: 44;.2 nar:: se* yay te slack.

                                                                                                                        "7"'? Jointee                                          30        5?f wel* > ste= swee . teogee er Shaanee & d'isea                                                                                    .        .

1972. ^8-2 *ouacatt oa tes: Sasalt scocia. Pa*e to st*t fge, or,.ngPes:. teewa. gray intemis ee e/oc:asional sie:es c' a$gaiy mate *'al (8' ?P'ciaess Se:" 8 " '" al t w tu. Era *turec"& tect em ( Des s i t,' y

                  ;oose. tan. s11gitly silty,                                                                           f1> tue:1as                               .             25       fM g              Vestcalar tasa't. veey
                     *ine sane                    .......                                S na*d. ca*= gray to 3 ace.       1 Loose. tan, stigetty silty,                                                                            s189M .y vesicular. massive,
                     *? ne sand 'etecoeceec ./ gray.

fire sane laye-s . 2 10 feintee ... . .. f2 678 vry sease. gray, yavelly,

                     *ine to coarse saac.                                                                           8asalt 8"C'e' sco'.ia.   .
                                                                                                                                                           . -                    5       630 sltyt'y silty . ..                                         .         }        13              Tuf*.
  • M1Ja *a- t: sc# t.

tan to ligmt get, tc Wedic dease, g'ay, fiae to 28 15 SeClum sard scatte'e$ I""" * - - gravel below 23 #t. It }' Issalt sC2*'s. 9's ec ce

                                                                                                                          'illeC wit
  • tJ## # P Oease. g'ay. #i nt *o cotese aoove 27 N1 sano e/ stat *e'ei gravei l' 38 ....

Wes1CJlar tasalt. wry Ogase, gray. gravelly dine ma-c. Sa*v Fay to to c:a'st sanc. slig. gly 17-sitty .. . P 46 niac & :oirtec 25 ve y sease, ta*. gravelly. lasalt vry ma-c. rey

f. , := ca. g s er ,

to 31act, massive & jointec 114 991 sitgntly siity; tow'ce's . at !$ 't. . .. 13 59 .. apoD11 uf*. mec*e nare. ca* yay to getee-gray ='ta na*o 699-;0-3A (8 361 gen,g ,, , 9 900

                      .ccattoa: eg?97. d3466                                            11/79 t=1                     gas,;;      ,gg,,,

Oasieg Elevat*on: a51.5 gn g gyf, ,gj,,I,,,,,, n, ac ta*v (to 522 *t.) & $1 road cor'ao e**11ee fro ,ne,, , , , , , a 90e ty leil $aaeling!$. 972, eecreci geelagySe*vice & Basaitmy

                                                                                                                  ,oggeo          scor's & vesical v
                          & Wilsea *or W9                                                                                   3,5,;;, Shaeace
                                                                                                                                         ,gy ,g , gy, investigation borenoie                                                                            gray. ;ctatec                           .             21        925 Sasalt, ve *v na-c.

mate ** ai '8) ,h t en ce ss 3ects gy, g.,y , p e, elves 1Cula' :o*es 21 3a? Osrs gray. sligMt'y silty.

                       **ne to ::aese saaoy gravel . . .                                    . ..               10         10                s99 10.;g (12.::.g; Oset gray *ine to coarse                                                                                .,3c
                                                                                                                                              .g9g !.      2325                  11/2?-!"2 sanC e/ occasional Gravel                                                                            $ge,:,an:

ace Ilevatio*: a6A.10

                       & coceles .... .. . .                                              50         60                     air reta y locge: ty r uge; foe WPe!5. 1874 Ligat trewn. sligatly                                                                                      sectncle to**ng stity. **ae to comese sancy gravel                             ..                         70       130 50 I

I RHO-LD-158 I mat e-t at :$) sare. orowa, fiae same. 44 cn aess De*t" wate-*a' '2' **ienaess Cetta g ety ve y <tae :: ei ne ' oredofPs Raet t y Ose tt . . . . . . 7! 78 saac 1^'86 /2 . .. 10 10

Sanc. va*'egatec gray & -

Siity ** ne te ee:*u s aac; Dec-e ne to *eciJ ". a99wlar; %5C% %3*t2, cuart! & sasalt grains . . . . feies:a*. m'ca & =caoses;

   $anc & gravel. 3rown 'ine                                                     10vo6/8               .. ..                   .        !      la I

to c:a'se seed, ousetz

                                                                            ,,g , , g ge , , j p, ,5;g gesins gravel                 . ...               3,6      1C7            our*t. 'Ces:r m'ca, ocacses, well scated.
         ..       ..                                                            2047/2                        ....                     !      20 oEs om            ,biOC.d!600                                                             '9"'""'                "

11/29 41 a i sur < ace oevation: 4 58 .4 ""g' # r'* m'ca ** -' " S or t a" *" * * ,, n g Ate e:tary, loggee av tugro 'or # 0!!. 1974, s"ct*0le tor'*g e 4 .. *,,g ,3,re,

  • egg;j,'*

MO-7's he*2. 'O ese r. w ate *al (8, ,**ciaess .e:t*

                                                               ,                m.ica; me:1um -elt sc* ee
                                                                                . y g Su,-                                            14      4:.

I "e:1ue Sanc; cars gray. mee*um i qc...togfine saae; 3,ps., sutancula

                                                                                                         ,0cso       v,       ;

t: coarse sasc. Sasalt ges t es .. . { a7 47

                                                                                ,, g, ; ,g . ,, , j 3 Sanc; cros . **me sane. .                      l                        ,,sortec 10'R8/2              ,,,

6 51 some s it ... ,,,,,,,,,,j,,,;33,.,;; I 1 ,;,,,,,,;; , Sam: & gravel; 14;at t'oe. .,g ,,.; , , g g g. p ,

      ,1** to c:4-se saPc.,                             4,.                     ;g,33,5;        0'n6/1                                 e      SC ire to c:a-se grave                                       ,a 3,j;y     ,t ae s aac. some ' clots" of clay, sse e s i 599-10-10 cuartz, saac 10'86,4claw d'.s'r. .AO-751

I Locatioe: 4100;4. w9!!!

      *asing !!evat'on: %!!5 "we -:ta*y. :-* lec ey
  • nom:sor e* E3! fc-B M . 1963. sact cie tortag 11/27 101 ..

Fine .o eec*um saac, sweegular.

ay :':ts." same ::1:e
                                                                                & :: ::sm en as 50-i! 't.

( 5 8'

                                                                                                                        .. .                  71 I

ma te-*al l' inica ness Deeta Fiae te mecium sanc, sacegula*. C ayey. :!ay-1pA!/2. saac sanc ....... . 103 103 . 10va5/a ... ...... 4  ?! Eravei & to Ice's .. 22 125 ' 01ayey 'iae t: acciam saae. sucargui a . .70s cuartz, some nestles & cottles I 2 ?E 599-10-54A "ec1Js : ae sare. :layey. L oc at t ee: 0 01!0. =53!! 11/26-3G1 some oe::les & c:stles. Casing Elevation: 515.40 g aNies :asa't . ... . 2 80 Ca:1e tool. :-111ec ny Stante y & actieson of 3raveMy saac; saac mec*um

!$3' f or GE :oricaay.1950 growne ate- te ' ice, w a ::se; secties.

I men'toaing & geolo;1c investicatica se eacte st1: ....

                   "ste-i al '4)
                                                *M eaness Dests 9          9
ales-o-ee:*inaatly tasalt, wa-t:ttes . .

Sasalt ;*aaules *: seteles

                                                                                =/some silt & saec &

pe::les t: ::::les ef

                                                                                                                  .              .      2     32 sanc, silt & s ee city .           . . .             77        A8            basalt, sua-trite &

Saec ./ sit t . . . 13 31 graattes . . . .. 2  !! I Grave' =/sanc Gravel =/ sand, some silt 18 28 96 124 Westme**: tasalt g*aaules

                                                                                 & ce: les. %!% cocoles Sanc =/ silt ..               ...            .         4      12!             basalt .              .          ..                    2      38 Sant =/ gravel, some silt                              8      136         8etsle-ce: le gravel. =el?

Saac & gravel & sanc . ... 9 145 1acu' ate:. Sas alt  ;*sn' tics. Gravei =/sanc . I Sanc e/some tilt . . . . Saec =ceravel &.. silty : lay 12 8 a 157 159 - metasce nics, cus .:tte ennu -M ya . Dass W e,

                                                                                                                         . .            4      !!

173 jt w/j1 3e saac seme cua-tr te. silty .... 2 00

   *;jy-                                                                     8entle to c:: ele gravel; s11getty I

e g s ecy: - m :ssa h , svart: Grav i some saac'L's51t . 3 18a crystal fra p erts; some

   $$3t, c'layey & cnathy           . .. .              ,6
                                                        .        200 33,,t:ttes graaittes(?); na Pee f rareats most clasts.

599-10-548 (00 .21 unweatne-ee .. .... ..  ! 98 I L oc a tice- R1012! W53687 11/2A-3G2 s, ei, :3 3 31e 9,avel. Caste; t.evation: !!5.40 qcg g , p., 3.,3c t, 373;, g ; ,3,,

                                                                                             ,3,   p rig.g3, Ate *0tary [tc 206 #t. i & c'amePC p**ac,                                  unwgathecec,'well ecueceg, ce f t! ec Dy C a** sa este aeils & eoggea By                           *raretM ty Maer
  • Lil'f e *c- to:nwe11 980. Seet gecloc'c ... '0C I
         & mye-clogic investigation toreac'e I                                                                     51 I

I RH0-LD-158 e eccle .g egeele yrant;

          .                                            99 (Rait?esaane 811)
    .sancy.. , stity.. acceses to be                                 .oc .,
                                                                     .. c on,,: 410200. *98550                              11/25-6 1 g.g
  *cstly :ssait, scae,suertz                                                             ..,.,.;e:

c ystal **ay ects. .us-tr tes. my secone.8eton :ourty

  .e; -oue:e:. slig t1y weatne ec.                                      N a .ral,      as aay, arv .            . . .92a.

weatnere: 53:a in matris . ...  ! 105 I "',' lancy seccle to concle g avet, (stity' accears to be mestly ygy,g ,n,g,,,,, 3, t, basalt, some cuart:1te. well rouaced. -estnecec, sana Sculde*. volcanic asp & g avet is 18 sucargular ausetrose ... 5 11C N ne sanc .. . . . .

                                                                                                                                 ,,2        2*

go , ,.,e e g#

                            .-                 .    -  113
                                                       -        ,, ravel     . . .t .
                                                                             ,a,e so 6       -

e: cens e c:e s... . . 2 120 U C" h ya *tatun ,,, Saney aravel; c eeles $5C ..ef e,sano ey . =/s.. . .

                                                                                                                               ,g,        y nasalt greatttes meta-                                             sy sane
                                                                ;creu,s nasalt& soulce-s                                       .g;             g seclirents, sua t ttes;                                                                    .                    .
                                                                                                                          - ,;;          g; ;

sa,e Sc sasalt, av e tz. 88582 - - -

                                                                                                                                 ;3      ag; sica . .. ...... .                                5  III            I
                                                      , sand'* ou         *.

ggi $ rave 11y sane; peddle-CCDele des . . 2e rg 8*"it a 7 a'"e) 2; Pavei, easet, ava . tei. ca o on4cim; sane v5 ='s 2 85 0 - g p:

   .o rt:. :aio t, anu nca,t                                    8 ia' 5"C ' -

s a wtatne ed rifa a #

                                                                                                                                 ,4      sp
                          . .....                      I29                                   **              *
  • Sancy gravel; :ca-se-ve y Sane & troe r nasalt ,g eg; csa se sanc; se:bles. [ae: ysy as a!t .
                                                                                                                               ;;;       9,3, ia*?e c:eties, c'ay c:ecies, ousetrites.
                                                                                                                               .g        g
   !C casal                                                       ar, nassp.                                  .                  9,      oor 6  125                                                                            ,n p-;

silty : lay . . . la; ,la*e

                                               . 5                                                                              -

Goe:y :!ay s1*gatly sancy

  & st1ty           . . .            . .            !  185 "eev-c:a-se sa-c. ell.                                          599-11.!!3 '18-37 131 roun:e:. ell sectec,                                             .:catt:n: u 11400. !?!!!                                   11/2?-M1 vt y m ies titnolo;y.                                           Sur'sce t'evatten: at:JO some :eteles & ::::les . .               ..      !  If0 2,,     .:tary, Icg;ed 2*v O gro 'er JP'53. 1978 snetnole sortng

($acey) gra.el; Deccle-cceele;

     !C basalt, granttics.                                                        water *al (8)                          ~4*ctaess "eets cus-:: tes; sit et weatne-ing etnos on tasa': & 1*ca sta$nino                             Sand; seewnisn P sy.

on stne-s; -ell councea . .. 8 I!! '*-e sare ... 28 23 !$aacy, yavel. eencie-c:eele; 3ane & ; ravel:. var egateo. S5C: :ssalt, cuar.21tes. ** ne t coarse sano. ae y aettics; ell rounceJ. 1/16- 9 to :: arse vsvel .. . . 109 1/3 *n. -ines on basalt iron Sand & yavel. 11gnt statniag ..... ...  ! 150 te:wn. *ine sand. Sanoy y avei-g-svelly same; some sitt. yavel .. 25 120 granules-c:eeles; meetum to cea-se saae, slignt eines en sasalt; teon ggg.11.gga (13 3747s stainet . . ... ....  ! 175 Locatten: 51:350, iga!O 1;r29 3F1 (Stity) saney revel to surf ace gje,atten: 453.3c gravelly sane, y anules Air retary, teggey gy O g.: *:r . pots 1o74, to cocoles, fine to ve y snetnole toring coa-se sane, 1/16 1/8 *n.

  =estne- ng -ines on nasalt, tron statning                                                                   w a te-ial $)                         ** ctress "esta
                      ........                      5  170 Goopy clay, slign 1Y saney & silty .. ......                         a    170     Sanc; fin, sars:n ,,yero,wntsn u,gana,yny, (GraveMy) s11ty *ine to                                             tasalt p ates                . .                            40         40 meetum same. F avel may                                      Sanc & v an t; y ay, be *-am amove, suc angvl a*-                                     fine to coarse sand, roundec suae:2 sans ... ..                        !  17'         tasaltic yavel ..                                           aC          80

($11ty) :Sacay) clay. Gravet; variegatec. 'ine to grayisp Dro-e .......  ! 180 coarse vani *  ?! ($ tity) isancy) (g-avelly?) tilt; aart trewn . ... . . .

                                                                                                                                  !        *0 clay, gray'sn browa. Pavel                                   silty pavel; ysyish may 3e 3" above         .. ...                  5  185         er:wn, sit t **ee (Grave 11y) (silty) medium                                          sane, gravel .

to ** ne suaangular suartz . . . I! 12! saac . . . . . 2  !!8 Gray :tay . .. . ... 2 leo Blue pay : lay . . . . . . 10 200 Greenisp y ay clay . 5 2Cf Green?sa yav :tay ./. ... . fray ents of elaca glass . . . . ..... .  ! 210 Sasait . . .. . .. 120 330-l 52 I

t RH0-LD-158 699 11.(!t (8d.;a31 Sand & ;*svet; gray. **-e f '.ccatice: 11*!64 (???9 11/29-2F2 to :carse seacs, t Sur' ace D evat*ce: 448.) o-ecemi-* f ate e tary ito !!O *t.), *ue aetarv tasait gra as .. .. 25 100 f te 373 f t.} t 1t eneno corme. SrTed Sv Sara & gravel; -a-n. #i ae Acua Ort 11tsg & Cevelaomeat OrvP:49, & legged to c: arse saec, some ty raro fer .P'55, 1978, Deer:ct sealo9'c silt. ae ge nve t s .. .. 21 121 trvestigation Scre ele waterial ($) 'hicteess "eoto 699-l!.iaA !!8-2)

                                                                                                      ' ocati en: 110947, [2862
                                                                                                      .                                                         n/!; Gravelly sanc; cart 9-ey,                                                                        Sur* ace D evat ea: 454.0 sectsi to coarse,                                                                             Holte= ste i suce , 'ogges :y Shaeaen L alsea crecominantl                                      50         60                                   8:r .ps: 3, 1974, .me.1 'ouneati s test Ocem e Grave'; lean,y tasalt.c . . . . gravel to cocoles.

Sasaltic & acte 'gaecus wate** al '!) *ect" Sanoy gravel dare grav 6 .) r%1ctaess tresp. grasel to cebotes. I $tIty samd. *eese. '* gat

  • fine to coarse 549c ... . orown, **Pe . .. .. 6 4 Sanoy gravel;
  • ark gray L Saad locse. grav, 't e to betwn, gravet to cotoles, Oca*se. O f ean to sd ty.

fine to coarse sare, some scatteces #1*e ; ravel to silt & clay ....... . ) 130 190 gravelty . .. . . $ 11

     $ancy gravet, tr =n. gravel                                                                  Saac, t oese, ;ny, ** ae to to ceco'es. tasaltic L                                                                       c: arse, :!ea9 to stity, acid ig*eous. *1ae to                                                                        scatte-ec #'ae ;-avet ;3 meetum saac, scae                                                                            gravelly aectum : ease to elay .     ..... . .                    ..>                                                  v e y :t-se .                                       .        9          C 3'Ity :tav; 3*e=n. si t t                                                                    3reve11y saco w *tae sand, some
                                                                                                                            . .                  .                 !         2?
                                                                                                  $are, saae is ' ate
  • val g*avet . . . .. 10 200 1;.20 *t . .. 43 7 O!ayey gravet; sra a. Gravelty sarc. : ease.
lav ./s:me sit t 3"?. re t3 C: arse.

[ 5tity' grave'; cre n, 51'i"t!! Sti:/ - ... I *4 ( stlt s/s:*e ? ay Ia"CY Ir VeI. *e y fease. Stity gelvel; orown, st*t I 9"I Ir0*". U *e IC erseme clay & coarse :carse. -!esa . .. . . 2 'S sarc . . . ... . . 10 200 r Sanoy clay; art o;tve geny,

699.n.i48 G8 0

( _ oarse sano & some sit t; some ; avel ..                                 20
                                                                                                      'ac a t ' r - 1Z!n 92g0                                  **/2?aF2 arnwel; Sart gray, t,,ea9
                                                   .      61
                                                                   .a9 27 sur's:e l'evati:n: **6.3
     .ongisre*atef?) .....                                la                                          do,i10w     stem 5asalt; sart gray to ti;*t gray,
                                                                   ??5                                     3,. , ppg  $, suce*,
                                                                                                                         ;;7        .gicege.t,ty p,             Shaaace & d is 3,,e,g,en .,,

n er,,, fine grainee Ugnty vestculae

                                                                                                                   ,,,,,,,3 79)                             ,,,,,,,, ;,. .,,

to sCF scecus, sitget?y to i nignty westae ed . . ... 46 431 3asalt; dare grsy, f ae ;nined. liit,y

                                                                                                      , ,, sa.3 % , , ,nc, 'cese, tre.n.                           a           a sligntly vesiculie, ace-<es.eut er,                                                       5,pe, i e,,, 3, ,,;, j, some '-ac:urieg, sease               . .          73       $*A Taf*; fignt green to t'gnt                                                                       ...,,, 9 ,.
        ;*een. : lay. 'etaste .                            a gre,,, ,n. y .3   3 .n  3,,,,., ,

508 Sasait; sart gray, fine et,,n .3 si.7,gry sii:y, gratneo, vestcular* scatte-ee #!ae ;-avel . . 7  !! seatPG'ed Is 3ano, socium to ve-v : ease,

                        . ....               ...                   f62                                gygy gg ;pgy.g7;,;, s,,,

34 salt; f art gray, ' ire ( gra "*d, fractured. sease . .... .. .. to :: arse. enn to s.tignt?y 5 567 , ,, gn,, si,lty, scatte'ec

                                                                                                                            , ,                  , ,             a,          -.

Saney gravel, Secturi 699.U.($ (10-57-7) O'"S' :3 d*" '"58

       '.scatten: un0CC, ta700                           11/29-4G1                                    9 "Y.           t2
  • 8 *5 ' .

Surf ace Devatton: *!a.54  :!es* 'i. "'. , :s :5 Ate retary, f cqgee Sy ur gre 'er 7'53, 1974, Sanoy gravel, ve y sease, snetmote one'ng d ?"t 3P8Y. ' t8 coarse : lean . .  ? M Material !S) *h'enress Oes"

     ! arc <ar egatea ;*sy g                                                                      5H.u-E:           M8-141 na te, fine to mec*um                                                                         L catton: 11C540, 12EC8                                   11/25 4 82 sanc, precceinantly                                                                           Iur# ace f,.evat':a: 442.3 a t e. geates     ...        ...             75         75                               *e.lle= ,1       auge-steaiy p,,gFc,'to                                e t s* v, o                           g   54
                                                                                                                                           ,,9 *t.)

s,, t,s.,t,a y ,33,.,977.

                                                                                                         '.N7*1 #:urcat1C9 *es* 3ce'Pg

( 53 (. ---

I RHO-LD-158 wa ter*al '31 Steneess Se:t* 3 ravel; 'e. ** ees. :as al:*: g ie.g . p ,3ys ;rev , I 1 :::::es . 20 20! Stity saae. :oose. 'i pt sitty ::ay; or:=a. soft, tan. **ae .. . . 3 3 'o= alasticity, sore Sanc. ?oese. 'iae to c: arse, es,ei 6 ::: ales c!aan ta s1'gnt'y silty. t ty clay; very sact scatterec *ine is coarse 311,e ;r,y, some yavel . . . ..... I 5 y avel & :CDoles . 90 aII Sand. mec1 A to very sease. 3 ravel; sare pay s : art

   *f ne to czarse, clean to                                             brown, basaltte & ac*o slietty sitty. scattered                                               4          ences,ttea,
    'tne to :: arse gravel            . . . .      58         63         ,9,e,o,ys
                                                                              , *ees                         21    235 Saecy gravel, very eense.                                           :engia,,,,t,; y ,y .: :a-v li r t crowa. *1ae to                                                y ,y, 3 5 1:.;, y ,,e1 g coarse. :! ann to stigat ty                                          c:ecies. eli       -Suncec.

slity, s*st*e ec to 'aCrelse Iowe-nume-ous : Doles .. ,47 {10 C0001es.$n, in 3,c; ;riy gg garg so -eCero .. .90 .00 7 ,y, ,,c,,, 3rgy;,, 3 s se an gu l ar s aac ./*

  • c a 699-11 ia0 ! *.,8 -16 )  : mon ... ...  ?! A6a Location: 110691. (2758 11/23. ara 8asait; gray. 'ine yst aec.

Surdace llevat'on: AA9.3 nignly vesicu'tr. vesic?es Mollew stem auger. logged by Shamnen & dilsen ts 2 cm.. amyg:st es '*11e1 , for .88!5. '972. 4P.; 'suacation test ser ac .itec14tes L :!ay - 4 66 lasatt; mettiec ; ray & wa te- al 181  % ck ess Oesta cart gray. *1 *e ya ' aec , sliget ty <est:al er to Stity saac 'ecse. if rt non-vesi cu l ar .

  • r'reet:1 scown
  • ire .. . . . 5
  • 3oints .. '.5 892 Sanc. 'ocse, gray. *f me ts tasalt rec ts ;-sy. '9 e l  :: arse c?enn :s siirt'y ystaec. a17 y ast cular.

I silty, scatte ec 'ime ta des *cles !3 3 :T..

  • arse pavel . . .

8 '." #-SC:urec. *e tI*e e1 Saec. Seca.c :s veey se se. 017ty ="' e :: :aet gray.

  • fee is :carse, green -lay 'it?s snaces
?ean to silty, scatte-ec Detaeta fo'"ts L 8-actures, fine to coarse gravel .. !5 45 clay varies ./:est'i . . . 40 527 Sancy y tvel, sease, Sasalt; sart pay to black, gray fire to cearse, annanitic, mece-stely sligativ s11ty . . . . . . } *$ vesicular !D *Cn-vestcul ar.

Sancy r a' vel, nry sense, norir-ntal is 25 fotats 73 596 11p t 3rtwa 'i ae :s lasalt; sa-t p ay *: Sl ack , coa se, slagntly silty . . .  ? 70 staanitic, as'cul ar. gray green c?ay filTs

  • actares 5 fotets .  ! 592 699-11-Eat lH-140) :tayst:ee; yeta to 3rowa.
   ' scatica: s1*!!C. 13! 0                       11/23 4 5                 ugn ty 'acuratec, s:ee
   .Sur* ace !?evat ea: 4a0.5                                               cart grua glass ate agtary (t3146 f t.3. mud eetarv                                   I4ystcee; Or0wn. 51
  • gnt ly (to a36 f t.) & siamcao cer'ag tr*11ec ey incurates, vo'canic ;iass acua Or'11teg L Oevelc r eat Comoany & trstes L accastoral Longyear Or*111ag Creany & 'occeo sy leases of glass. gra:es Fugro *:r .P855.197a, teerect geoica': to saacstore :elew . . . 3 506 investigation toreaote  ::ayey saec::cee; if rt I yeen. Sedium eelt scr et.

I wa ter141 (8) T enness Oectn sacangular to seguf ar saac. l siirtly iacarstec . 8 51! Sanc; dart gesy. *fae to 01aystore; cars yeta, coarse sane. . ell graced, sit e tty incurate . tasaltic . ..... . . 50 50 ;rnaing *nto a 't y t Sancy yavel; dart pay yeen eeti incurateo. gravel. 11gnt Brown. ve y nar1 :taystcee Geo? # *3 Carse sand, w/ieeses :f glass a 519 Basalt *C & Acid 'gaecus lasalt; $4rt y tea 23jrty, gravel & :: coles fine pa tned, vesicu iar. Gravel; tasalt*c 6 scid c!ay fills '-actares igneous. *== *1aes . . .  !! la! & fe'r's 27 8a6 Clayey s'lt; arewn. scr'e 5asalt sart yny to o' acu. Dasaltic b acto igrecus aonanitic, sit e t'y gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 4 149 vestcular to ves ca:ar.

 $ ravel; sasaltic & acid                                                   sisgnt?y fet-tes.
    'gPecus. #ew ***es . .            .       . II      23A             DlagicClase !at's                  *0
                                                                                                               . 584 Silty clay; crown. soft.
    'aw slasticity. some yavei & sana          ... . .              . il      295 54 I


t RHO-LD-158 699 11-(2a (08 121 699-11-(2C 08 151 Locat*on: 110580, !!a73 [ Surf ace Elevatten: 439.5 11/23 8 5 Lccatten: 11C?:5. !2435 Sur* ace ItevatMn: 442.1 11/7t s - dellos ste* auger fte !8 *t.' L sta -etaev, nellow stem suge* L -otary, locges my f*aenea loggeo by Saaneen & .11 son

  • e dess,1974, & dtison For 80!$,1974, ap.1
  • uaast*on WP.1 founcation test scetne test Dor *ag wa tee'al it) 'hict res s Oeet9 " ate **st IS) Th'ct ae ss Oesta 5tity sand; loose. tient Sano. =ars ray. Soci e 3rown. fine scattered to coarse sana . . .... !O to ecots . ..... . .... 4 4 $ane L gravel; : art yar,
        $and loose: gray, #1ee to                                                                              Socium to c: arse sano. *1ae coarse, scatte-to *1ae to                                                                             to coarse p avel . ..... .                                          10       to
carse gravel . . . 4 3 !and; y ay, Seatum to czarse
        $ano; medtum to ve*y                                                                                   sane, sm gravel . .                                      ..          '.0      'O sense, psy *ine to                                                                                $and 5 ysvel; sarv gray to

( coarse. scatterac *ine 13 cCarse y avet Iandy gravet; ve*y deese.

                                  .         . ...                                       50            88 lignt trowe, sedie to coarse saec. Fine *o coane travel Sand 6 gravel; 3r?wn, #9ae t3 Itgnt Brown to gray-                                                                                sodium land, *tae to :: arse Brown, flee to :: arse, sitgetly silty to stity,                                                                          51tygravelyavel; .seme             . . .'f. re
                                                                                                                                                        . . to. . . . . . j    >

scattered to ne eetus meetum sano & clay. *f ee cot 01es gravel . l

                       ..         ..                   .                                 38           96                                        . .        . ...,                !!O       !!O Sand; ve y cease yay-                                                                               3 ravel; sari p sy-orown, 3rown, *ine, clean .                             .                                   1    101        *e= *Mes                    .         . . . . . . . , ,

faacy r ivel; same is Sandy clay; trewn.

  • He
           ' rte-val 53-96 *t.          . .                                              22         123        to acc'un saro, some                                          }                   ,

yavel . . . . .. . .i 50 200 l 01ayey silt; trewn soft .I 599-11.(28 (08 1241

          -oc ati on: 110521, !2a'1                                               11/29-36 5er* ace Itevattsa: 4:9.'
                                                                                                                      -u. . 3-12,.

[ ate *stary. 'sggee my I areca t 411soe 's, J e!S. '97s. a#-1 *:cerati-a test sceaag

                                                                                                   av. en(
                                                                                                                        ., 110!!a, (2425 aur'sca tievat*:n:

11/2! 3 9

                      .* ate-tal :51                            vexaess 3est,                                  totary, 'ogges :y Shanaea & dtisen 'er .pp!!,

1974, spotnole 3cring this inteeval, see [ 699-11-E2A

        $ancy y avel; very tease,
                                        . .                                        123              123                       wate**al (8)                                 ?htetness Oe:ta lignt 3'0*n t3 yay
  • gang; garg gray, a ge gang, 3r0**, f'** 13
  • arse, Basalt vains ./some *uart!

sligntly silty t: stity. grsing .... .... . 'O I0 Sano 5 gravel; ars y ny, meciam [ scatte-ee *.o -eereus

tstes . . . 19 ,'I to tearse sant'. y avel
                                                                                                            $ana L ytvel; 3rewn to vay, Sand, very :ense, y nY 3rown. fiae. sitintly                                                                               s<pe clay                    .. ........                            210     !!O stity       . .. .                    . ..                                     10        ,32
                                                                                                            $ana 5 yavel; art y ay erown.

lancy gravel, sent as meste to :: arse same, ysvel i [ *nterval 58 96 *t. Sanc. very : ease. Trav-

                                        .  . ..                                           43        108
                                                                                                            $tity psvel; brown. some 'f re sand 1

erewn. *tne to :sa se. $ane & ; ravel; ysy. *ine gravet s<re :!sy 6 stit sttysly stit, . .. . . 5 200

        !andy y avel, same as                                                                               Clayey sano; 3rewa, 8tne sand                               ..            20   200

[ intervat 58 ;6 *t. 1steeseccea silty c!ay.

                                        . ...                                             49        Zao
                                                                                                             $99-11-09 't-15)
Tayey sit t & sitt.

Olay & Clayey stit. Location: 1112'O. w 50 11/2! !32 mare, Ityt yay-seown. Sur* ace !!evation: 420.8 trace fine gravel; silt,

                                                                                                                 *ollow stem auge , togges 3y !>aanen & a11 son very : ease, ityt gray                    . .                                  43        292
  • e de55, le72. ap.2 *oundatten test scr**g Clayey stit, hart. Itset green. *1re to c:arte, " ster'st ;S) ?hickress Oecta yavelly, trace *1ae *:

coarse $4Pd 01

                                                                                                             ':ose, tan, f*ae sancy
                               .... ...                                                    11                - salt & silty sand                         ......                        I w e cie seese, tan, st i ty.
                                                                                                                 *ine to socium sano
                                                                                                                 ./scatte ee -esvot            #            .....                     !!      22 Cense, tan, st.ty,                       yavelly.

F*ee ta

  • aN e saPC .....  ! "

7ery sease. tan. sitty.

                                                                                                                 *1pe to :: arse saaoy gravel e/oC:sstoPal 23 coles                     .. .......                              23      $0

{ 55

f. .

I RHO-LD-158 699 11-18 '3 1a1 :e.s , gray, .. ., .3 ,,c , ,

   .'oCat*Cn! 11.*470, d1060                      11,'2!=8GI             saPc ./sCatterec genvel Ser'sce llevation: 447.5                                         de y sease, tin, sitty Muliow ste* suge=, l'acges 3y Saaaaor: 1 dilsea                      saacy genvel        ..                         20        $?
       #cr .P853,1372, AP.2 'ou cat       n
  • en test 50 ac Ve y sease, tan **ae same 2 sg wa tee +al '81 Taiciaess Oesta 6 99-11-1H (3 33)

Loose. Itgnt 3rown, sitty Location: 11:39C 41:2! 11/?9dGS fine sed . ...... 2 2 Sur* ace t'evatt en: aal.5 Lacse, ligrt 3rewe. sil ty. Wollow stem suce*, Iceged 3y 1*aaaen i di's:n gravelly fine to :carse for .P'55. 1972, d8-2 'ouecat'on test te**ag sare . ....... 8 10 we die sease, gray. *tae wa teraal '3! a N earess e:ta to meca

    ; revel um sarc....iscatte'.ec    ...           37        47     L:cse, tr. st'ty 'iae s aac                          !        !

Ye*y : ease. tan, stity, w e ot e :eese. ;rsy, **-e sancy gravel 3r sitty to :carse sano ./scatte-ec jravelly sand . .. . . 11 88 gravel .. . . 42 43 Ve y cease. ;-sy, '*ae to 699-11-10 '3 15) iscation: 911150. W1010, 11/21 8G4 Sur* ace t'evation: 426.6 699 11 1* (3-241 sollew stem aegee, legged 3y IMaaeen 6 dilsen Loc at t on: 111410 810 11/2?.5310

        *:r .8853,1972, .mp.2 'ouacit*:n test scraae                     sur' ace Elevat   #
n: 2:3.:

Mc1':= stem suce . *:qged 3y inaracn L d*1 sea wa te-tal (8)  % $ctaess Oe:tn *:r .8e53, 1972. AP.2 'su acat *:e test te *ag

 . scse tr. si'ty 'tae sanc                          a          a                    wat e ai 'al                   ycuress     eg..

we c1gm sease. }Pty.

     #i ae to Sect s s amd                                           60cse, t an, silty ** *e s aac                       1        1
     ./ scat *eret 3 rave! .          ..            29        23     L cse. gray. ** *e to very : ease, t e , stity,                                              coa se saec .                                  11        ;2 saacy gravel                                   25        !3     Loose t: see* e sease, gasy.*tae:: ee v 699 11.;0 '3-191                                                        8**       **                      * *          '       2I iocation:' 11:000, dia!0                      11/2?.8G7
  • 1rty. ,. M to coarse' Sur* ace Elevation: 443.0 sanc /scannu ;me,i a 40 Wellow stem auge , !ccged 3y Shannen i dtisce "

f x ...:s,19n. .. 2 <meation 3 .", a;':,1/;;;,gaingp;,,, .

                                              , ,ce ess :e,t,                                                           :o        5c ate.*ai m
                                                                         ,aray ,,ve,                                    'O
                                                                                                                        -         m
  . ocse. tan, sa t,        4,e san.
     .iscatterec gray, Secomsag gety & 'iae to esarse                                           699-11-14 '8-171 telow !   't.       ... .                      12        .;2       '.oc a ti:n : 11:0!O, .700                    1;/23 8311 4ect# 'Jase, gray, ffee                                                Surface llevatice: 22a.!

see .< senttereo gravel, natiew stem suce , ' eget sy Shaenon & dtisen gravel :entent increases fer spo!3. ;372. AP-2 '!:.neation test Sce'ag teiow 45 't. .

                         .          .       .       26         18 Ve y : ease, U get 3rc=n-                                                          wa te ial '31                 ?M : tress Oesta gray, silty saray gravel . . ...                   .. .            1        !6    Locse, liget trewa. s9 ty Veey sense, tu, stity                                                   **ae tard w/scatte se
     'fae sana        .         . .            .      3        89        gravel & c:::Tes .. .                            a        a v e cie sease, srawn. " re to vectum saae . .                     .       .3        17 w e *um :erse, 3rewa 6 ;rty,

. 699-11 1E (3-22)

    '.oc a ti on : 410720, d1090                   11/29-!G3             eectum sana is:an e-ec Sur'sce Elevation: 432.5                                             gravel & :ceales                       .       10        27 doilow stem auge*, leggea ty Shanaca L'dilsoa                    Secte tease, sart gesy.
        'or .M53,1972. d8 2 'ouncation test scr*aa                       gravelly 'iae to coarse sano .                          .         3       22 Mater'al '8)                 *Micmaess Jee a        feey : ease. ;rsy-crewa, fine to :carse stacy Locse, srewn, silty " ae                                                gravel                           ...           26        !8 sara             . ... .                         5          5 we cie sense, grsy. "ae to mecie same. ::nta19s scatteeve ;rivel 6 secomes sligntly silty I

below ;0 *t. .. .. . . 22 27 0 E

5 % RH0-LD-158 s H

                         $99-11-2 (5-21'                                                                             Sano & ysvet, see-a.  ae F                                  'scattaa: 110690, di!!O                                         11/23 !F1             to mecie saec, sc:asteesl

! -Sur' ace Etevatt oa: 245.3 y avel .  ?' '? L, Mol?ow stem avoe , 'oegec Sy !hannon i dilsea for d '!5 ;972, amp-2 'cuaest':a test sce'ao 699-11 4 .10-58-1M

                                                        *ater*al it)              ?M en eess Oe:t*                     .: cation: .*m:0530, !700                            .1/0343*.

I Sur' ace t'evataen: 461.9 Loose, gray, fine to coarse '. tie -etary, :og;ec ey Fug-o ':r a8'55.197'. sectso;e doe'aq sano ./scatterec gravel . ....'.i. me 5 6 Seatum seese, gesy. 511gntly *sterial (3) ?Mca ess Oe:!" Favefly, fiee to :carse saac ./scatte-=2 yavel . 45 51 !are; var'egatec ;eef 5 Ye*y sease, psy, ' tee to .atte, 'tae to *er .m coarse saMy vivel se sane, ss e :: arse Ps'as, yavet'y sanc si'9ptly nasalt ;raias . . 22 22 stity . 7 58 Sana 6 ysvet; var'egatec gray & .ntte. ' ire to sect e saec, s r e 599 11-3 (5 13) ysvets . . 25 '3 Locatten: 11*930, 42320 11/28-5El ga,e; tre.n , , , .

                                                                                                                                                                     .                 !     $3 Sur' ace !?evation: 447.5                                                        gang g 73,et; ;<g3t Mallow stem suce*, toege sy Sharaon & W1'se"                                         Deown, 'i ae s a"c, f or .Pe55, ;972, .NP-2 'ouacatt en test sea'ag                            es,e o ::aese ;ravet                                     52        :'

wa te**st ;31 ^ *M ckness 'est* 599-11-45A Loose, :re n, Pa ve "y. '.cc a t ':n: 28 .I'?"-l'1

                                    'i ne to mec t um s anc,                                                                              110900,! e4f. 2.!5 astag I'e.att:n:

11ty t t y stity . . . 2 3 !aole ::ol. Tr41?ed F "at: ef date' **',' c r i ae to mec

  • e s aac </ Comcaay *:r 3Z Orcaay 1957, ;* vecast e*

pavet & :ccetes 1 4 Sc"'t:r'*g te'e* le Loose, geny, ' 9e a: coarse sar: .is:stteaee ."" gravei tec:m'99 *ef .m

  • ate 'ai T **'ctaess -
ense selo. 20 't 35 40 Saac t stit .... 55 Oeese, yny, ysveM y, d. !,

Sana L yavel ./2-2 '". 5 fbe to meetum sanc, Oere-tec yavel is 2 2 ta. ,0

                                                                                                                                                                                   .       .-w slt p tly silty . . .                                          11                Locse y svei 1/2-2 Very : ease, tan, s'! P t'y 51                                  '9                              ,"        I,E C::cle Pavel                    .                 .           ..

stity, fire to Sec*en saacy gravel or pave"y 30ulce's Sco,:e-s & :: coles

                                                                                                                                            .                                          5   d,
                                                                                                     '                                                  ..                             .   -~

sanc .. 58 3 arc, silt, :: arse ysvet 5  ?!'

enestec yavei . . . 10 22!

Sancy :'ay 5 yavel .  ! 220 (99 11 4 (IA-SP.9) 0*ay & y svel . . 10 210 L oc a t t on: 110950, d:200 11/23-!E2  !!ue clay L ysvel . . .  !! 2M Sur' ace !?evatice: 144.9 3rewn sanev c'ay . 5  ?!O Air etary, Togge13y Fugm 'or d'55,1978, 3rewn sancy :tay & sactPcle y avel, are . . . . , 0 Sanc. : lay L =asalt y svel *0 --22*

  • ate-ial (3) ?M ea aess Oe:tn Sanc. :tay & 91 ec gravel . . .5 22!

Sanc c?ay & sasalt gravet . . . *0 325 Sarc & rivel, see=a .. 21 21 aar: sano :!ay yavel . . . 15 E Sano, ! y t :rewa .. . 21 42 Slack sanc -:4yey Saec & yavel, gray.o'ewn.. g; A4 3 ravel, reccism 3rawM 29 e)

                                                                                                                         & revel . , ,
                                                                                                                     !asa t yavel & ;?ay . .
                                                                             ..                                                                         .      .                   .0      J65 3asalt :artic!es & saac                . .        .           10      17' 699-11-5 {10 57 2:                                                                              '         *                 **   * **                         '

Location: a 11;'CO, +4600 11/254M1 Sur' ace llevatt ea: Air aetary, togges y r agm or .po$s, ;974 699-11 453

                                                                                                                        ': cation: 110934, a'4714
                                                                                                                        -                                                   ill?" J?


  • ole se*'"9 Castag I evat* n: 573.20 wate** al ($1 *M en aess ?eet'i
al, :riltec sy ligaa* Ov dat:'
                                                                                                                         !aole,t yr       ting ::me sey, ;967, 9ye-slegic
                        $4rc & ;*svel; 3 art psy to Itgat 3rowa. Sec1 A to c:aese sanc, some 'i*e                                                                           *atertal ll)                    7MckPess Oe0t9 to :carse yavel .                                               15        !$

Saec; sart F ay, sec

  • to io a.cers . . .. . . 29 29 Fi ae s anc 18 43 coarse sanc . 29 '!
                        $4nc & Pavet; cars p sy.                                                                     7 tee sara some stit.           .                             18        !8 i

secum to ::a*se sapo, Flae same . . . . . . . . 46 occasional yavei e s se sano soaa sit t . *5 '01 15 'O 57 l l L . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - - -

Il RH0-LD-158 699-12-i4 (IC.57-8) ve*y : ease, mott l ee a* L

    .oC ati on ! M12200. [4100                   11/23 431            gray, s tacy *t ae *: assese 5## ace llevat* C9: 457,a0                                        grave' & c:cetes                              . 42  ID Sir -etary logged Dy FugPC #of WP'55, 1874,                     Ve*y Cease. SiCaceous snctnole see+ng                                                **me saec        ...                            !!  181 We y cense, saacy **ne to
                " atrial (8)                 7 hic aess Se:tn         corse grave' & ce :tes.

Steila* te 10!-142 *: . . I 182 Sand; vartegated g*ay & Ve*y cease. micaceaus, trown, fine to medium h ne sang , ,, ,, 11 170 sanc. Doo ly graded. Ve*y tense. Settled Cl a:t & ouartz & :ssait grains . . . 80 80 green, sancy gravel Sa,cy & genvel; variegated =/cs: les .. 8  !!! gray & wnite sand as Ve y de9se g'eea-geny. *ine asove g*avels . . . . . 16 9e sanc =iscatte*ec ; avel . 9 Inc

 $ancy & grave 1: trowe,                                            Ve y cease, teena sae geav
    '4 ae to mea tum sand,                                            sancy 3*avel ./ c:::' es                        2*  210
    ;*avel              . ..         .             24      120      Vry sense. 3-sy. '+ me &
                                                                      *ecium saecy gravel                        ,    42  25 2 Marg gray sil; and 699-12-E3 iC3 161                                                    clayey sitt                                     32  290
   ' ocation: 112205, 13460
    -                                            11/2e aci          Medis s:f t. tan, s*1ty Sue ' ace llevation: s!2.5                                        *ine sancstcee .                         .       5  23!

Notlow stem auge . iooge sy Sneanoa & ditsee eense, gray to tan

       's APP!5.1974, =%P 4 f ou        n catt er test ee-'ao       Vec Iayey st1!         . ..                .      17  302 Ve y :eese, gray to 21aca, rate ial (!)                 ?M ceness Oeste          saacy gravel * ;* ave'ty saac     .                                 .. 33  340 5 tt:y sanc. toose.11gnt                                           Vry :ese, g ay.g..,.,
      "ow . C ae              .                     !          9      sancy gravei             ..                   . 25  368
 $aec. S"e:1c to ve y cense.                                        Dease. gree *-g-ay, *+ ae g Sy to gesy-SP?wn. fine                                          sanc w/oc:asicaal to :ca se. clea9 to                                               scatte*ec g-avet ,

s' * ;-tly sil ty. sor'e t'ite sitt ' eases . 19 354 scatte ec, fi m t: Ve y :eese, gray-9 e r ,

ca se geavei .. . 58 46 sarcy. *iae to ::a se
 , avelly sand grading to ar                                                                   gesve' . . .                                    29  413 stacy gravel Detow 70 't..                                      Marc, pr3w9 & gray, cIey, vry
  • ease. 1999: sco=n. :Tayey silt. saecy sitt fine to coa se, close & sit ty 'ine sanc . . .. 27 440 to s'9eatly sitty . . . 11 77 Maac g-ay, :!ayey st't, toca' sitcs e" sices 6 4A6 699-12-14 '5-12; 9ar: g-ay. clayey s*1t. c:a1..
    .ocat on: 411760, W1150                      11/23.!31            [*acieg!: s:'t siltstone.

04s'ag Elevation: Sal.30 wo9tatas Occasional ge- :aos Ate e;;3ey f ts 566 't.) & 31amoac cor'no, Of an'te Dt.* ice ..... . 7 4!3

lec ty $c'1 Sa*clieg Se*vice t oegves, Ve y :ese. g sy. ve*y silty.

Hg !: me:N' saec wit 9 cr:aay & lo9ge: Dy Snaanoe & Wilson 'er nP'!!. ' 972. seercet geology 'evestigation team c' sc't seatst:ee 4 at? Docenole Ve y cease, gesy, ve y silty. ** ne saac . . , 7 464 "ste*ial (8) Thicraess Oeotn Vry Cese g*ay, sandy gravei & ::: les. Loose, tan silty 'ine sand . . . 1 1 Presom'nant'y tasalt Veay : ease. *ine to coarse w/small a* cunts :* cua-t .. 24 433 sancy gravel =/f e. ,ongi r e ste: **ae sancst ae c ocles to 6 in. . .. . 2 81sec we gravel . . . . . 7 ser Loose, gesy. fine to coaese . Marc, gray, c'ayey silt sane ./scatte-ee gravel . . . . 6 8

                                                                      =/nasalt fragmeats                              If  $11 Meci e : ease, v ay. *ine to                                       Basalt cong1re-ste, gravel..

ca*se sted & silty sand w/ Ceme9ted witn scf t, 'ine scatte-ec gravel. Sano tee res san: stone ... .. . 14 are fi nee with eestn . . . . 12 20 Basalt ' low see :ta i me ci@ oe*se. gray. es*1matec 30% aset fine sand . . .  ! 22 I" "I81 C8"I'* 79 I5' me cium sense, geny. *ine to. . . lasalt sce-ia . . .  ?  !!? cearse sand anc tilty sand. las alt. na'd cease. Sareem . . I age Secres 'ine* witm oesta . . 21 43 lasalt, ve y Mart. : ease. 'eesn, ve*y cease, gray g-avelty can g sy, nsgety ;otetee & sano or sandy gravel ..... 10 $3

                                                                      **atures. *1m : mie                        .. 63  626 Ve*y sease, gray sancy genvel                                      Vesicula
  • tasalt, mecip maee ane s11ty sancy gravel . . 6 to to na s. fine to mecip, Vry : ease, geay, fiae saae . . . 4 63 vest ula*. san g*ay.
  • ev a ve*y sease, variaele coloe, locally g* aces to *cium sc<t
    ** re t: :ca-se sancy                                             al*e*ec tasalt                          .        ?  s22 gravel      .. ... .                          33       10; l

l l 58 I l l \ l I

r i k RH0-10-158 F I f h Fla. breccia, mecium mace ve*y conse, gray-trewn. fine to

                                                                                                                                                                                                  *8 Coarse sanc & gravel . . . ..                                                                 10 to hart. mettled pega-gray                                                   Ve*y dense. gray *o'ow", f t *e IC L         and ete-cro=R       ..... ...                         6          637 Tuff socium godt, alteced                                                           Coarse saPC =/scatterec gravel .                                                              12        $7 684 f e* T de*se. 'ignt t'ow" to gray
  • green .... ......

Wes1Cuiar tasalt, very nar$, Iig*I g*afe fine ... to Coa'.se. ... *! 6ert gray to blaCt. & sand & y vel 11 Marc. trown' *ine saacy silt =/ g jointed ...... .... 157 841 scatte-ee saac & gravel . .. 9 107 Lapoili tuf*. soft gray.greea . . 2 843 Claystone & siltstone. ve y sease, crown. fine to soft gray-green . . ..... 3 846 C:8"se sand w/a trace of 8 stit . . ........ 112 Ve y cease. gray. slig9tly F 699.!2 18 (8 11 clavey, siltv 'iee to coarse L. 1p Location: 412260 W1450 11/28 882 sanc arv avel . . . 5 Sue f ece llevat*oe: 438.8 laele tool, c"liet by wat:s Ort!1W Cercea.

             & loggee ny Shannon & dilson for uPess,1971.                             $99-12-10 (8-3)
                                                                                          '.oc ati on: N12250. W1100                                                                   11/29-584 AP.s f ouncation test coeing Sue ' ace Elevatioe.: 425.2 Thicaness Destm                     Caole tool, cet11ec ey weten 0**119eg Mate *141 (8)                                                            :encear & logged ny Snannon & wilson Loese, crown, silty, fine sand . .                       2              2                f oe ap815.1971, pp.2 f oundation Dense to ve*y dense, brown                                                               test toring secomteg Slack, fine to coa-se                                                                                                                                           Thicteess Dett-sand & gravel =/cocoles ....                        12            la                                      mate *ial (8)

Mwim to cense. Itgnt trewn to l y silty, gray.orown, *ine to coarse sand '.cose, crown, stignt

                                                                                           #ine sano .... . . . .                                                                         2          2
          =/scatte'et fiPe p avel ...                         20            43 Ve*y cense, pay-crowa, fine to                                                   Oease, pay. 'ine to cos-se sand coarse sanCy gravel =sCoboles                 . 19            62             & gravel =/large coto'ts .                                                              .       3         5 Ve y Osase, gray-Seown, fine to                                                 "ec9 um to ve*y dease. gray-browa to claet, slig9tly silty to coa-se sano & Pavel =/

oc*asioesl concles & toulceat . 37 80 clean 'iae to 9ecium sand Maac. tan-crown, fine sancy .iscatte*ec :ca-se saac & e gravel ... .. 23 3! sit t fine sanc =/ceota . .. 108 veey cease. gray brown-oray, **pe Veey sense, tan, yellow-ceown to socium saco =/va y'ag blacs & pay. s?igntly clayey, silty, fine to coarse cuaatities of coa-se saad & sancy gravel .. .. . 45  !!! y avel 6 occasional slignt?y silty. *ine sari tones . . . . . 88 '86 Sanc . .... ........ 2 155 Sance aravel: same as interval veey sense. sa-u gray to crown,

                                                                                             *ine to coarse saac =/ gravel 1083.53 ft.      . ...                    ..        22          17?

to 2 ta. ... ......  !!

       $11ty, fine sand          . .              ...            2         17e
                                                                                         *ad:, tro=*. *i ne s asey s t i t . . .                                                            a
  • 101 105 ve y cease, gray-y eem, n st, ay-ecow . sit ;at 'y tan & 31act stigntly silty, veclayey, y : ease, Si {ty. 'ipe ;o *ca'se fine to saacy g*avee ,..... 9 188 ve*y cease, peen, tan. 3-own, sarc & gravet =/oc:asional cocties ... ..... . af 150 ray & e!acs sitptly silty, 33 221 ine sancy grave ..

v ry cease, sloca-olue. gevea.

  • g ,4 I,1,- IIaI gray & ace =a. Loc at* oe: 412070, wit 50 11/29 588 saacy y tvei . sitty$'.ne .. 30 251 sur' ace Elevation: 439.4 Catie tool, c-411ec by wat:s 0*1111ac *e=ceay 699 12-1C (8 21 &'oggectyShannoa&mitsoa'or dP'!5. ;9?l,
                                                                                                  *#-s founcation test socirg tocatica: 912250 W127!                            11/29 583 Sur' ace Ilevation: a;7.6 Cacle tool, o**11ec ey wate's Or1111ac Corona v                                                                mate *1:1 (8)                                            *M Oeet-
                 & loogee ty spascon & dilson for wpe55, 1o71, pp.2 fou ndation test boring                                             Loose to medi c eease, trewn, sligntly silty. *1ae saae                                                        ...            3        ?
  • ate *ial f81 Tnietness Destn Ve y sease, tro-a-cray to black, fire to cosase same =/ gravel . . *!

Loose crown, sis gntly sitty, me cium to cease 914ct, #ine to 2 medium sanc .sva ying ameunt fine sand .. ... ... 2 of coarse saad & p avel . ... 19  !*

          *ecium to ve*y demse, trewn to                                                  Dease to very ce9se. St ack, fiae caen r ay. sitgntly sitty to                                                     to coarse saec =/*iet gravel . .                                                             11        at clean, fine to coa-se sand w/                                                veey cease, Itgat tes=a to Itgat trace of gravel; gravel content
              & size increases =/ cents . . . .                    40           42             gray. *ine to :carse saec =/

Very cease, sacs gray to elect, scatte ee 'fne gravel & oc*asional :cotees; geavel fire to meetum sana & fine to 89 *07 coarse gravel ......... 5 4? cortert increasec witn sectn . . v ce"se, o'o=" & of er . vetoy sitty, cease tee Irav. sitcatly sitty to :carse sand ve*hg9t s l y clayey, silty, fine w/scatte es pavel ...... 18 as to :carse sees & g-avel .. 1 108 59

I, RHO-LD-158 699 *2.;F (B 51 Veay cease. 'i p t ecome esome . Location: i;2*70. W12?5 11/29 Saa g,,y, 33,gn y 33.;7, .,3 , Sue

  • ace llevation: 43!.9 to sed' c saa:y y ave! ./

Caole toc *. 3111ec ty dat:a di111ag *crea*v oc:asicest :: coles; coo:le

        & loggec ey Sneance & wilson *or de'15,1871.                   lense at 6C *t           .        ... .            16        67 wNP-2 'ounoattee test note                                 veey sense. '199: crown. sitty Favelly. *ine same . .                     . .       4       71 "sterial (8)               ? Rich ness DeStn       Ve y ce9se. iigat o-owa & gely.

sligntly silty. 81ae to Coa'se Loose. Secen. sligntly silty sanc & grave ioccasional

     ** ne s anc  .. ........                     2         2          coeoles             .. . . . ..                    It        9c Ve y cease, caet grav to Black                                   $anc .            .... . . .. .                          4      102 sanc. P avel & cocolas . . .         .       2         4      Ve y cease, acttl e, ere=n. e'act me dium to ve y sense, teown to                                      & gray, silty, saaey r evel                   . 47       150 Slaca. *1ae *.o coarse sane /

scatte-se grave' . . . . . .  ?! 29 699-12-1J tl-8) Ve y orse. cart y ay to elact ' c 4N. wn78 '1/28- 9 9

       *ne to coaese sane ./                                         3,,,at   ace%Elevation:      840.6 oc:ssional 2 to 3 't      tnica                                                                       t 0 il11ao Corosaw&
  , Pavet & cocoley tones                   . I        32           ,gjo,, .00 . e*33,,,,,

11 ec ey g,%, j ,ea,, ,,, pes $, 39 ;, Wh#9,, 37 2 'ounaatton test serieo si 29to52t.' 2l Gravel & cocoles . . . . . . . . . 19 1 ma trid (81 htceness Oc ta Ve*y cease, Sco.n to gray-ecoon, fine to cosase sane & 'ine gravel /occasio 1 c: cotes 36 95 uose g, ,, *o m,p p p' y pigy, ,,t'icese. He,, Ve y cease, neown.]ine to coarse ,,3g "3 3 saac ./s:stte ec revel . 12 10? mec's *o we* se'ad ged'fice

e. yeito -o'o=n.

beyse]ty:tayey.sitv.,,.no sliga  ;, ,, j,,aac,./scatte*e,e e ,,,, , p, g ,,,7,,, , gg ;9 to :carse sa6ey P..e, . p y p , er, , , ,,,,,,, , g , 7. jy Saec & pavel-layer . .. . a l d1ty. f

  • ne sec wiser's to 5ame ss inteeva 1*7 115 't, 3. d." 2 Sa. c' na*c. ** ae saaey silt 7 26 Ve*y seese. Caet gray to Slaca.

spg.;;.;; (te61 *1ae t: *e

  • e sanc ./

l .ocation: sN;*07C. *1:00 11/28 557 scatte-ec ::aese saae & fire l Sur' ace llevat on: 429.2 gravd . . . . . . . . . 22 af "acle toc 1. 3-111ec e"v Mat n Or**11ao "cosaw & very cease, trowa. s11getty leggec e.v snanece & wtison f or de!!.1971. sitty *ine sand ./scatterec

        .NP-2 'ouacation test boring                                   *ine grav0         .       .           . .         12        50 very cease, ray-e-eae *o pav, mate-tai (81               7mickness Deeta             s aaey. ** ae *o uctua gravd
                                                                       ./t aces c' :ca se revel                           22        $?
  .cose liget taown sli p tly silty                                ve y cease. yay. *ine to "ine sanc    ....           .                ?         2          corse saac ./oc:asienal S Hf 9*1y siltv to s11ty. *ine Dease. ray. Sec*e to c: arse sand
    .escatte'ee *1ae gravel . .                  15        13          saac :oces & oc:as*enal ve*y cease, ray. *ecie saac /                                        s:stte te fiae ravel to I              *n.    . 22       105 trates of tae & coa-se saac &                                 Ve*y ces e. 3-oar. silty sane sCatte'ee Pave' to ! tn.        ..          23        46          */g"B*el                 .        . . ...            1      105 ve y cense, caen gray gravetly
    *ecium sano      ..... .                      6        52      699-12-1K (5 8' Ve y cease. yay-trewn, sancy.                                       Loc ation: 4;;3sc, 41100                          11/2! 8810 l     fine to coa-se gravel ....                  25        78          Surf ace I*evatt oe: 429.5 ve*y cease, gray. fiae to *ecium                               -

Catte tool. :relee 37 wat:a Drilliao Croaav sanc /scatteeed fine gravel & & loggec ey Snaanon & wilson 'o- a#eis 1971 seve*al sligetly silty & coerse wNo.2 *ouncatioe test torvng sancy renes .. .  !! 99 mate *1a1 (81 7picaness Desta "ccatier: 411880. Wla!c

    .                                           ;1/29 533          Loose trown. sugetly silty. *ine surf ace Elevation: 441.1                                          sanc       .... ....                      -          2         2 Caole tool, o*111ec ey matee Da*111ao *arcan, &                *ecium oease to ve y sense, pay, legtee by Snaanon & Wilsoe *or weei$.1971.                    mecie to coarse sand =/ traces whP-2 'ounostion test eocang                                   of *1ae revel . ....                       . . 42        44 Ve y sense, fray sanc & *ine a
                "aterial (8)               7pictaess Deatn             gravel . . .                      . ..                       as veey cease psy. saecy revel Loose to aecium dense. $rovm,                                        ./sCatterec coa'se p avel .,.                      13        af silty fine same .... ...                      2         2      Very cease, gray to crown *ine Dense. vay, yavelly, fine to                                         to :carse saec uscatte-ed CotNe seed          .     ......             12        18          fiet gravel        . .            . ....           12        ?!
  "eci e to ve*y sense, r ev to                                    Fiae to coa'se **avet             . .          . .       5       g3 Stact. *' at to Coarse saae                                    $are as inte*va 66-78             *t.      . .         15        98
    ./ scat *ered g*tveli gesvel                                   Very cerse. Psy, sand, 'iae to content ine-eases e/oe:tn        ...         37        51          cosase pavel             . . . ...                   7      ;cs 60 I

I 1 RH0-LD-158 I I 8 - s.,= . . . . . .. . de y cease or a cc. trown & gray clay. s*1t. seac & yaset 2 10, "atF'ai f!  % $ciaess Deet

  • conglome* ate ... .... . 11 nt ,.cese. cr:wa, si'ty. '*ne saac . 2 2
                                                                                 .ocu. tre.e & away. *1M                         o very cease. rey, silty sane &                                                      c:aese sano =/scatte ee gravel./co:cles; created                                                        9"a'el        ..            . .            . ..             11        12 e cerca:t                                                33       }s;      w eetum S and t aye* . . . . .

dease, pay. *ine to

                                         ... . .                 3      19            cearse sanc /scattecec Ve y oeese, gray. 'ine to c: arse                                                  gIafeI                                                                }e gF4vgl 1R g tipt yl gggget gg                                                                 .
                                                                                 "eCl # Oe'se. Sfay. fiae to sano, clay & silt matr* . .

I Fine to mecium sand laye- ....

   $ame as inteeval 154-201 50 5

20a 2ae 214 meetum sanc w/ occasions' silt

                                                                                         S     * . ....                                          8        26
                                             *t.         .
                                                                                 "eetum cense, geay,'$ ne to ve*y ceese. sa-t blue-graf.

clayey, silty sane & gravel cosm s ane -iscatte-ee oravet a 30

      =/nessitte ::: ales . ,                                  ;s                V'."y cese. g ay. *im to cea-se 75e sancy gravel; certates a *e=

same se es ne'o. 52 't. .. 2! 4 699-12-li (5-10) Locat t er: 4120a0, w1225 ;;; 599.,2 18 (8 21' Sur' ace !1evat'on: a29.4 .

                                                                                                                                                !!/28-!Bla Cable tool, ce*11ec by Mat:9 Dei' ling Comcaa, g                               'ocation: N11700. W1225 I           leggee ny Shanece & milson *c wm8 2 'ovacat$oe test beeing s55,1971.              -5.e' ace 11evation: 413.1 mo% ste* auge . loegee by Shaanoa & Wilson f or 9851.1972. ^8-2 'cuecation tes mate *141 f8)                       % tcaness Oeeta                 DFin9
   ' ocse. scowa, si'ty. "ine sane                                                                 "ste-t al ;8)                           hici aess De:t*

I - Dease, cars gray-e-owa. **ae t:

                                                         .       3         3
                                                                                 .ocse. Scow". sitty. *+ae saac .                                  1 coarse saad =igrave' & c:eoles                             a         7                                                                                  .

ve y cense, 1* yt o o.e, eine ae: v : ease y ay.

  • ice te sanc . .. . . ... . .
                                                                          ;;          eecus sanc =/scattene gesvel                                29        30 ve y cense. 01act. *e:!um to                                                  " d'u*         ese. 3rown, esca: ecus.

I coa *se saec =rscatte es g*avel tnreugaout . . .... la 27

                                                                                      'ine :: meetum saac; occatienal s*!! sea-s             . .. .                                 !       2f w e ev to ve y ocase. Orown to                                                "F'r :e'se. rey, 'ine to ray, 'ine to coa se sane                                                       :sa se same ./s:stte-e:

9eavei . 7 28

       =/s:stte ec yavel; gesvel                                                                         . ..                        . .

VFy Se"se. ray. **ae to One-se I Copteet geatently ine-easies

       =/oe:tm        .... . .                            . 16        42          sanc. Pavel                                 .               13        61 ve y sense, liget yay dec:=. ng 1t get trown. fine :: coa *se I     sa.-o & pavel ./occastonal cc:t i es m'ci e

vev sease, yay-eco-n. **ae to r sanc witn scatte-ed coarse saac & yavel; sitgntly 42 8: 699.6 2-15 (8 22' Loca* on: C00 W980 Sur f ace Elevatice: 142.! Mcitew ste* auce locoee ey Snaanea 1 WCson 'or d'!5.197". wh8-2 fou acation 11/29-5!!!

                                                                         ;07              ust 00"P9 I

titty in alaces . .... 22 ve v ce9se. 3r0wa & gray. sligmt'y c?ayey silty. fine "aueial :5', *mi ct ae s s De:t-

= cearse sanc & gravel .
       ./entoies                          .        . . .          2      10g      'oese, tae, si'ty 'iae sanc                                        1         .
                                                                                  .m e stum : ease. rey. 'iee to                                                 i I
arse sanc .iscatte**e gravet . 22 22 5H .!.* i P (8-g u,egy, ,,,,,,
                                                                                       ,,e 3, , ,,3 ,7, ,, y          , ,,,,,1 4                                    11/28-53,,

46 ,,3 Loc Sur' aceon;'ev...u,,. ati t atioe: ,a,la!O a39.3

                                                                                  , g33):
                                                                                                                   , ,                   .,          t       20 wo!1o. stem auce . togges by !>annon & Wilson                                       , , 33, 3,,

r, , y ,y, ,,,, o f e- dp!$.1972. w47-2 f ouncation test co v u sano .... 15 45 oc in9 we cte cease. yay. genvelly , I r ate" al (8) Thicaress centn , ,,,,, 9 ,,y,,,,;y'9;,,,i f

                                                                                                                                                     .       4 I

Loese, crown. s'ignt'y tilty.

       ' ice saec         .. . . ... . .                           ?        2     699 .4- ., 23 ,          .

lI *ecie cease, ray, 'im to coa-se ,u , d! .,- saro =sscattecee revel . . . at as Locatice: 5%... .3 ( W15{0 Sur' ace tievat*on: 41 9 v e-v* cease. #ine to mecium. ag

                                                                                      'tCilow steal auge- & ai* *Cta y, legge: Sv g,ngF' Ieg,g)           * * **                 * *      ,}g Shacaon & .11sca *o- d '!!. 1972. hMD-2 I
                                                                                           'ouncat*st test socing 699-12-13 f B.30 )                                                                              "ste-s ai (3)                          **icteess De:ta
        .             91'120. W1190                            11nt 5813 Sur' ace Elevatica: a38.*

Mell ow ste- acee locgee Sv snaanoa & Wilson "'C'"* I' 8"II"' **" )* * * "'#'

            *: ***!!, IN2, eM9-2 'ouP:' tion test sa9C          .*

!I i DeP*ng I 61 I

I RHO-l.D-158 Medie dense, gray, fine to

  • cases sand with scattered 699-12-4C (ID-SP-3A)
                                                                 ' ocation: uu860. W3750
                                                                  .                                                  11/28 503 9            ****** *****

V er cense trown & gny, sandy Suef ace Elevation: 445.s Air rota y. logged by Fugro fr WP'55. 1974 9 ******** very oense, tan etcaceous, fine thothole toring sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 100 Mate-tal (8) Thicuness Dectn Very dense lignt brown, micaceous, fine to medie sandy Sand; brown 3 S gravel 3 to 4 in. man. .... 52 1F2 Sand & guvel; gray. fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse 699 12 3 (10-57-41 9""I******** *'** " Location: N12150. W2500 11/28-501 18"8; 88" 9"F " "' ** " # # 20 38 Sur* ace Elevation: 440.5 sane, basaltve g'nins, ay.

n. . . . . .

e te Air rotary, legged by Fugro for WPP55,1974, San shoteele eering g , ,n q g,g . . . 22 60 Sano & gravel; 11gnt trewn, fire to coarse sand, fine to coarse Mate-tal (8) IMcaness cetta gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sand; brown ........... 2 2 Sand & gravel; gray. fine to sa::n8 04:na.,;e ,;,;.

                                          -   24        2*     '";n%:             m ur. m a90                         un>-m micacrous       ...........                 la        40 Casing Eleation: 533 Sand & gravel; gray, media to                                     Mue rotary, drilled by Thomesoe of 351 for coarse sana. 'ine to coarse                                        BNWL.1962 snoinole bor+eg Sa!d                                                                           Mate-ial (1)                    Thickness Deets eave 1[ 5 .' fin' 'and'. s grave     . . .........                    2a        81 112 Sand . . . . .          . . . .....                    112 699 12 4A (1A-3P-10)

Location: N12100. W4100 11/29 501 sur* ace Elevation: 444.2 699-13-E16 (C3-20 ) . Air reta y loggee ey Fugro for W55,1978 Location: 912740. E1590 12/23-3394 shotnole tortng Surf ace Elevation: 373.5 Air rotary logged 3y Shaanon & dilson for Mate 141 (8) Thickness Deotn WP'!S. 1974. W d founcatten test tor'ng Sanc. gray, fine to medium sand. ma tarial (8) *hietaess *ecta , precominantly tasalt . . . . . 29 29 Sand & Gravel, variegatec, crown 5:nd mecia to dente lignt

  & gray, fine to coarse sand                                      3rown. fine. sligntly silty              . .        18         la crecominantly cuartz grains.                                 Sancy gravel, occasionally few gravels ..........                        7       36         grading to gravelly sand, eense
$anc. variegated Brown & gray,                                     to very Conse.11 9613rown, fine te coarse sane, cuartz                                      fine to coarse, clean
  & basalt grains ........                    19        55         scattered cotoles            .....                  54         82 Sanc & gravel, variegatec gray &                               Clayey silt, hard. Brown to trewn. *ine to eedium sand.                                      yellew-brown, w/varytag amounts fine te coarse gravel .....                 28        82         of tee fine s and . . . . . . .                     16         98 Silty sand, very dense, yellow.

trowa. fine .... ..... 15 113 699-12 48 (1D-5P-3) Sancy gravel, very cense. Location: N11730. V3700 11/28-5n2 yellow-gray-brown. *ine *o Surf ace Elevation: 448.8 cearse, c!ean to stigntly Air rotary. logged t'y Fugro f or W'855,1974, silty .. .......... 9 121 seetnole Doring

               ' tate 1ai (8)            Thickness Oeot" 699-13 {aA (C3-18)

.5ano; trewn ........... 5 5 Loc,ati on: N12975. E2845 11/2! 482 3,7 ace Elevaticn: a55.' Sanc & gravel; variegatee grav & erown. fine to mecium sanc . . . Sand; gray, meetum sanc ..... 33 1. g. reallow stem su;e g ,,,$$, gg 4,. ,loosec,ey pa ,,y Shaeaon .,, & Wilson Sanc & gravel; gray ....... 9 60 test Scrfng Sanc & gravel; trown, fine sand. a fine tc coa *se gravel ..... 24 Pa # ate-ial (8) '%1ckness eotn 311ty sand loese. lignt 3rown, fine to sectum . .. ..... A 6 Sand, mecia to ve y sense, gray.orown, fine to vect s. clean to $11gnt!y stity, scatte-ed fine to coarse gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 53 69 62

h RH0-LD-158 l f 4 I Gravelty sand eease. gray treen. *tae to :caese.

  • ate ** al '.9) *%* caress Sects l stigntly silty, stigetty j gravelly acove '2 f t. .... 10 ?9 111ty stac; *ocse **get seewn.

fi9e scat *ere3 rects a a

       $ravelly sand grading to sandy                                                                                                               .....

gravel, sel0w 38 #t.. syy Ised; Seo1@ to very de*se yny cease 11gnt 3rewn. fine to to pay.0rewa. 'iae to coarse coarse, sligntly silty . . . . . 12 91 clean to silty scatte'.ed fi9e to C: arse $ ravel .. ..... al af Gravelly sano yndiac to sandy 699-13-tal (IC.57-10) vavel telew 52 *t. *ecium Location: 912700. E4200 11/25 a83 to ve*y :pse, yay. *i e to Surf ace Elevation: 462.s' coarse, clean to silty . . . . 15 80 air cotary, Icoged DJ Eugro #or We53,1974 snctnote : orang 599 13-E2C (C3.A) uste ial l$1 'ht: eess Oeeta Locatice: 1123:0. 12510 11/214C Sur' ace !!avation: Aa2.1 1and; gray, fiae to sect e sano, totary, toeged 5y Shannen & witson 'er wo!s, [ needominantly 3asaltic . . Sand & y evet; va**egated 3 rows L vay, fine to :carse sand.

                                                                      .        !!              05                      ;97s. dhP4 founeation test norang wa te**al (8)                    TM enness Oeeta some sit t. Pavels . . . . .                                .       15             100 Sand L gravel; 3rcun. fiae to                                                                           *his *nte* val see !$1 13+i3A coarse saac. creccataantfy                                                                               & $99-i3-(23 . . .           ......               IF8       168 fiae y stneo, yavel                   ...                           17             117              Sancy gra<el; very tease, feitow yay.orewn, 'ine to :carse, cleas to slipt'y silty.

699 13 EaC (1C $7 17) scatte-to ::eeles ., ... 34 -02 tocatten: 413a00. Es200 1./29-sta Surf ace llevation: a60.! sir *stary. toegeo sy Fuges 'or d'!3. lo7a, $99.;3.gga ;gga g snotente Ber*"9 Location: 11:070, !22?O 11/*3.ars Sur's:s llevat*:n: "ater*al l$1 *hicuness Oe:te 4citow stem auce . togoed 3y $maanen 6 [ Saad; variegated ; ray & . nite, fire to mecium saac, tuart: milson *cr .Po!3,1974, .Ne a 'oureatica test :cring

             & 3asalt yatas             .......                                       ?!        72                               gater.41 'S)                     thictaess "este
        $anc t ;raveI; var egatec ;r w
             & . nite. 'ine to mecium sano.                                                                     111ty saec. !cese upt trewn . .                           2         2 tuartz & tasalt yttes sec                                                                          3es, *oose, gray *1re to coaese.
             ./genvel . . . .           .. . ..                                       23       .0
        $and & Favel; trewn. fiet to                                                                                 :!ean, scabcomo pay,1    , , ,        ", ae    to tearse
                                                                                                                                               , ,,,,,                    9       ;;
carse sand, proceminaat?y Sanc. meste :eese to tease, gray.
              'ine spo. *1ce gravel . .                                   .             22     122                   'iae to coarse. :?ean. scatte-es fire to :: arse vsvel            .....              48       59 iancy yavel, mootum :eese to                                                 '

599-13-(*A (C3-3) cese, yay, f

  • ne *o coarse.

11/29-aI' C?tan .. .... ..... 6 $$

            *.Sur' oCat*on{evation:112128 ace ..           aat.* [2525, totary, toegea ty Shaeaon t dilson 'or WPe55                                                        Sancy       pave,,l.
                                                                                                                               , , .,,e::,73,,

y :aase, Mget [ 3re,,, 3,,n 1972 .hP4 'cuacation test seeing scatte-es ::: ales .... .. 9 *a wate**al !8) 'hitt eess Oeste 699-1342E (*3-41

  • Mis *nteeval, see 699 13.t:$ . 50 ,0 tocation: 51:437,!!$ce 11/21-aC1 3 rave 11y sane passag *o sa*oy
  • ur' ace !*evat*en: aa9.5 y avel eelow !! **. Sed 1 P t'
  • allow stem auge- (to !C *t.) % *etary, locged veey cease, psy. 'iae *3 0g by thaaren t dilson
  • r We!$.197a. A8-a coarse :!ean *o sitty I,*
                                                                                                                          *:uccatten test scraeg sancy ysvol. seey tense. yel?cw yny.getun, dine to :: arse.                                                                                         watee* al '51                    *%*curess !eet'
lean to 511getty 511ty, scatteemo c: coles . ** ** **

Sl!!y sanc. Icose. **get trewn

         $apo, veey *e9se yeIlo**0r?*R.                                                                               ./sCatte ms *ects         ......                     3          3
              *ine t: 1911 W . C?ta9 .....                                                A     100
                                                                                                                  $yg icqu , pgy,di e o 3arcy yavel, same as inte* val

[ 55.;32 *t. .... ... 2 ,63

                                                                                                                      ,,g99 ,, ;!,ge, gggge,,eo #*Re g, g ,73, 7 ,,,, ,,

1ano, Sec*um serse te cease. Fay. "ee to veo*c. :!ean.

                                                                                                                                                            , ,            $          3 599-13 4 :3 'C3 3AAi                                                                                         scatte'ee '* ae to :carse Location: 412!29. I2III,                                               1 III* 02                        pavd....                 .. ....                   81        !)

sur'sce llevatton: as2.. gollow stem auce . toggeo sy shaenen L dilsen age .Poss,19'a. .NP-a 'ouncatton test orang 63

I RH0-LD-158 l 51tgntly sandy ,.g to sandy

                           , _grave.n
                                   . f                                  Smo,f     lo._ose, o .,  gesy
                                                                                                 . .to,.
                                                                                                      . .gray.
                                                                                                             .o ore a.
   ..., ,.ns..

to coarse. c l ean to sl f gntl y slig'ttly sitty, scat *e'ed HMS stity. scatte-ee *.o gumerous to coarse gravel . . 3 6

   *oboles ............                                II       180     Sand. medtJn *.o very emse, gray Sara veey conse. Ite t trown.                                              to gray.orown. fine to coarse, f1mec? tan..........                               147       300         Clean to sligntly s11ty.                                                      ,

scattered 'ine to coarse III" ' ** ** * *

  • 699 13.(jf (C3 11) Sancy gnut, nry' c'eu, gny-
   ' ocation- 113381 '                                11/29 4C5 Su  r ' ace 51evation'       a51.9 '2719
                                        *t.                                 ['*"{j I " '
  • jt 7 57 4
                                                              ,                      s,              ie se y ha on           1o or             5                         S a,nc                       . , .

founcatien test tor *pg ulty .. ...... ... 13 ?O

                *aterial (9)                     'hicaness Scota 699 13.t3J (C3 17)                                                               W Sara, weo1um :ense. 1t y t orc =n.                                                           4128                                 11/25-4C1 e ne to medium, stigntly stitv .                      4                 Locat, ion:3,7f ,,     g, gj,,,g,53.,

247,3 E3070 Sanc. *ectum to <e y cease, sart gray, tee to coarse. clean to nellowste,mau{ee. f,, ,,, 33, 974 loggeo .NP-J founcat ty Shannon on & d11 son snetty silty, scatterec fiae test Soring to :: arse gravel . . . .... 53 e.7 3ravelly sanc sease to ve y waterial (3) *htekness "e:tn

eese gesy Mae to coane. *' "


  $$"'Ea'el'.l'r;iJsi.*iipt                                             S t r,J a"*;,',          = ; a a y ,"* " :                     ,            ,

crown. 'fre to coarte. *1ean Sand. etCf Js to ve*y $ense. ;*ay to s19;ntly silty, scat *ered 3- to ray-brown, fine to *ed tum. to numecous :: totes ..... 32 clean to sliptly st1ty. S ano, ve*y : ease. gesv.tre'=n. scatte Hg to caen 4 , a tear n .lein . .. 2 .. Saegegei,iceis<atrui 3,5,'37,,rn;,,, ,;,;,;, ., ;;,; - - - - Clayernii,iibiin=n. ... n 2s3 inaln'a60't.. =" a

                                                                            " 7 c'"" 2" r-'"-a                   " "

sanay o it. re, n get te .

                                                                             *o coaru clean to sngnt'y
     ' fee saac ce=eateo 'aye-s                ..          5     288                                                                 ,0
                          ~ : ,,,e                                      . Ulty         .. .                    . . ...               .           66 Sancy     gravel,'etyn vertn+
r. ems e11 action sancy g*aul, very cease. It yt (a 3mwn. M ne to coane, clean . 9 '5
     & ucce14tten .st% mear y ter*ags) . ........ ..                                9     297 699 13-E2a (CS.5) ocation: 413344 I: 83                              ':/23 3341 399 13.g:s (C3 12)                                                         .Su r ' ace Elevation: 445.3 II/II-EC*                        IU                                         50"
     'sCstion: 11317I. [277!                                                     de55 197'4, 9I'd D' rip.a founc""#0"atica test :ce ag
     .!ur' ace I'evation: 445.$

wollo= stem auge*, toeged by Shaaroa L Wt'sca

         'or JP55.197s, W.4 'ouncat'ca test sor ag                                        wa tem al (al                        'wter-ess      .e
                                                                                                                                              . ta
                                                   'htekress Oe:t.,      $11ty sano, toose, sco=n. *iae.                                                 E wate**al ($1                                                 scatteces roots                .. ..                      t 2
                                                                                   '"' "" " "'Y #""
  • I" #

5 tity sancy. 'cese. Het Browa. '"*'* Fir- "o-a. " P u " g noe. sesture mots a s "" N',{.scas " '" " Sand. eecium "a ve y :e95e. gray u 6 l

      ";tt:J'"'4,MS .                                     50             Sr:-or a".              ma in r ~

g;r=.a-a. meer

                                                ..                 i.

Sanc, i.svei. ,ery mse. ,ne. , ,, c, u :cru, cean ... . . 2 . Srgvelty sand grtding *o sarCy *0"U II" ' '"r #

  • gnvei iew ss u ,se. n in.'.t..


                               . n , to
                                                                             >"-a !=
                                                                              =*a. i7"me r v to a so.""ae a tr o o't>

coarse. "7.e,tn .... .. .2 74 I u leeses of eteen to silty

                                                                              ne to mestum sans scout 639.;2 t:M (C3 151                                                           '2 in. taic . . ...                                  *ss          237 t
                                                                         . la ye r stit, aa-c. ,.igat tan.

I L: cat *en: 412552 [2775 11/23 4C8 . toce Une to estru ; rani, . Sur" ace !*evation: 442.2 scatu M talcite setas & nottom stem auge*, logges ty Shanaon L dilson calcite a mertes *ocuits . . 3 2a! I

         'or .7455,1974. W.4 'ouncation boremole                         Sancy s tit ee*y sease. tget
                                                   'hteiness Oestn            oro.a. *ine to :sa-se sanc.

waterial (a) scatte*ea :st:ste <e'as .. 79 2!* InnMy sanc. ivy seu. Myt Stity sano. 'cose,11gnt trowe. *'*8""'M fine u meci.,m. . scattered 3 3 8'a"m"' a "7: W s1 W !y I ty ,., n. roots . ... .. .. 64 I

RH0-LD-158 l f 599-13-{23 (C3 13) Location: 113175, [2424 12/25-32M2

                                                                        $99 :3-23 :3 351 Locat on: 112525. 1345                                 t/23 5c3 br* ace llevat'on: 444.J                                             *asing tievat on: 439.!
      =ollow stem auger, toggeo my Snannon & dition                        accary to 475 *: . & siamone :or'+g, :r "e
          *or .Pe55,1974, .W-2 founoatton test torteg                          3y soit 3arolt"9 Se'vice L sagyear ;;mcaav L ioggeo :y Insemom & .ilson *:e .p55, '972 M terial (8)                  ?htenness Oestm                 *W -i :eo-oca leologic ' aves tgatt:n :cre o e I

561ty sano, *eciun sense,11gnt orown, fine to meolum, scatteres ecots Saeo, sec1Jn sease to sense.

                                                .        6         6 sanaray's9 Ugnt 9ter al i t)

Oars ray, $11ty, fine to :: arse L yani3ro=a, . . su getty. ... .

                                                                                                                            'htcuness Oe::9 20          40 y ty ts F ay orown. **ae to 511ty, 'ine to ::aese santy I      coarse, clean to sitgntly stity scattereo f**e is :carse yavel . .

Sancy yavel, n y cease, Itgns sro n. fine to coarse, sitytty

                                     .,         ,      45        51 vani 58"'

I'C*"* Irown, sicaCeous silty, #iae ney sitty, nne :s :carse w 90 stity 7 83 sancy raol . . . 4 ,2, 3rou, s tytty stity *'ee to c: arse sano 6 fine ; ravel 70 '90 599 13-E2C C3 14) Ugat '3ro=n, siity, fine :s c:aese Location: 412551, [2a75 12/29-3213 sancy vaut . , 10 200 Surface (levation: 435.9 U gnt *own. dire to ::n-se nolfo= stem augee, longed ny !>ar' on 6 dtison sano 5 'tne yavel, :ra:e af

          'or .8855,1974, .W-4 'ounoatton test soc ag                      111 t .                             .                  20       220 I                 9 te**al '31                  *%tenness      entn 3rsy, **ae to :carse sancy gravel         .               . ..                    40       250 U gnt ysy to v ay, stit &

Sano, !oose itset ; ray-crown,  ::ar ty sitt . . . . .. 20 2?0 I *ine, :tein Sano,

      'tae Sectuin to mec%m, Sano. toose, ; ray, '+9e :s mestam, : lean      ........

to ve*y

!ea9:e'.se, yty, 28 5

5 'I 39 5 Gray ts y eea- ysy, faae to

arse sancv ysvel
                                                                        ^ars tay tro=a. silt           . . . . .

3 art 3rown *o gray slirt'y s11ty 20

                                                                                                                                  'O 45 4'O 420 26!

Sanoy yavel, Sec+e : ease, ysy lasait ::rg!aaerate, soft, :are f*ne to coarse ctesa . 3 4  ; ray is slaca; ouncec, I Sanoy vivel, very : ease, Ityt.... sro=n, fine to :carse, slty :!y pres:m'sant:y nasal tc ysvel

                                                                           & :: coles :o a in. sano sa:rta sitty.     . ..                                  10        57        weeily :ew stec                . . . . .               35       501 Vesicalar nasalt, Sesi.e ears to Marc, :aru ;r a y .                                    17       115 iI   599 13.!:0 (*5 541 acatice: 113455, [2468 Sur'a:e Elevat*ca:

2/28-3314 Basa;t se:ria, se:Nm 9 arc, :ari yay to sists, c:ntatas osicizes renes . . . 27 545 actary, togges sy Snanaan L 4t: son 'or sp*SS, les:calar :asalt, veey nars, saru I 1974, snotaiole coateg 9 te*1al ;3) Sano; var egates yay & 3re=a, "iicueess Oeota 73y, signly ;cintec lasalt sCtr*s 9';nly 3rese9 icoss:ble o= tre::14; Tuf*, soft, ree9'sn y ay to gray . . .. 31 21 9 525 53! 576 f*ae to :: arse sano, casalt lasa;t scor a snes 2r **1:eo rains .... .. 50 50 .i ts :af f <*om aeove . :0 566 l Sano & gravel; Itget to cart Sasalt scorta se esicalar brown ftae to sec1wn sano, sasalt . . . . . 5 592 gr avel .. .. . 200 250 y ay to 31aca a ;ointes . . 44 *:5 3 ravel; sare vay.orown, some tasalt, very aar:, ysy ': Slacu, sano massive & ;o19teo jI Sitt & clay; 11gnt sco=n to 3rown . ... . 20 290 raff, ,es., sof., yeen , ars yny 3

                                                                                                                                 ?C9 9

345 354 Gravel; var'ee Color . . !C 30 0 !asai:, aari, :ars geny to 31acx sece aceous aits :,,f' e d ling

                                                                            *eem scove . .                                         '3      !P 599 13-0 ( ?D-57 61                                                  vesicalar sasalt, se y 9a-c, :ars L: cation:      413350, .4C0                    '2/28-3201            gray to slact                                            2     i'!

i Sur' ace !!evation: 412.9 l 4tr otary, toggeo ey Fugeo *ar .p55,1974, I snotnote scr'ng 599. 3 20 TO G .Si scation: 1123 0, .15 0 11/2!.!c m tectal :31 "'i'ctress *es. ta Sar< ace (hvat':n: 220.9 air *stary, 'oggeo my r ug-c *2e .P853, 1974, Sano; tro=n, sentan saac . 30 20 smotnole :orteg Sano & y svel; sco.n,

  • ice to I

sectum saro, ftae to :carse

       ; ravel               . .                       25       55 I


I RHO-LD-158

                                             %teMai '8)                       mtcupens .est9                                              .

699-13-44 ' Locat*on: 912586. 63975 11/25.!81 Sana & vavel; aroma to sars 552.07 Casing g,,;, g l,,ievat, ion: 3y 3, ; ,;,,3 gray, sectum to :carse sane.

                                                                                                                                                            ,,.;g;3 f,,gg        ,,,,7, 5g,,,,,y
                                                                                                                                                                                           ;gga,g 739, ae3,,,3  ,

III'8 **- * * *- Sana; srown to sart yay. meatum monitaring & geoiog'C 'n vest'gatTSn 3ere* ole to coarse sana, oc:asional gr ave l . . . ...... ... 30 50 wate tal fal 'htcaaess ect9 Sana & gravel; sectus to fine sand Sano, silty meet e: :sasists fine to coarse revel ... . 32 12 equally of casalt & exotic types . ... . ...... 13 II Silt, sancy & c ayey: unest stit 699 13 5 (14 57.11) ./f tae 6 :: arse cuartz saac

                                 '.oc a t t en: 413250. d500                                             11/25 3141                                     car ying sasalt. ,ica & emotic Surface Elevatton: saa.50                                                                                              roc, types , ,                                   3          21 str estery. Togged by Fugro for WPe55. 1974                                                                                                         ,,

Sanc. 73 vel, & same s?lt; accut snotnoIe 30""9 50s mecium suoangstar Sasal:1c sand ./an equal amou nt

                                              %terial (8)                      Micaness Deat"                                                           of 1ergely *asaltic sucanquia'
                                                                                                                                               *        :altree.csatec :ettie gravei Sano, crown .. . . . .                                                                a Sanc & gravel. 3rown, fine to
nat Mc* eases co a. ara . 24 45 Gravel. landy; s tS11ar ta 'ower.

coarse sane gravel ...... 11 15 cart just aeove ... 8 52 Sano, variegates tec=a & var. Sano, silty; *esis to coarse... . fine to C0 arse sand. Quart 2 quart 20se sanS ./f tne & de*y

                                  & 3asalt gratas          .. .. ..                                             35                            50        coarse seraistures & see tan
                               $4nd & y-ravel, var *1 gated                                                                                             tilt .           .... . .                 .    !2           55 gray n enite. Se';1e 13 C3 arse                                                                                    5111. Clayey; s* rat 1fteg tan sang. ;rav el ' Ort 1Ier's C3nnent                                                                                    clayey salt saving 10%
ematea ;ravei) . 36 36 sana of largely suart:ese &

emotic tyces . 39 104 699 13.!;A Sand, silty: mesium *: f*ne

                                  '.sc at
  • on: 513257. d13105 12/27 3691 tt 9nt.auff Juar.2cse & erotte Casing Eievation: 539 sano i 0s sica anc so casal te "uo :tary svil'ed cy ?nomoson sf 35; graies . ...... l ,,9.
                                     <ce 3%.1963, snotnole soring                                                                                     3 ravel, sascy; granute & se:nTe gravel = nose : art?cles :snsist
                                              % te 'al (1)                       %icaness Destn                                                         of aCs sasalt & 60% emotte roca types           .......                     a       ,13 Sano . . . ....                    . ..                                     122                               122      5 tit, sancy; tan stle ,4c           **ne 3ravei-soulcers              .                                                     18                         1a0         svart:ese iron.staireo sano                     9       , Z ,i 3 ravel stacy; granule & secole esot1C. type 7 3 vel & about 4C%

599 13.:33 Sectum Swartz:se sana; most

                                  . ocat:en: 513257. W13105                                                 '2/27 3692                                   casalt se: oles mave */16. to
sstag fievation: 539 1/ .estne-* ng renes . 12 133 No stary. 3r*1 ec sy **omoson of 351 *ce sano. . ell sortec, tec1;.m to **ne l h L. '963. snotnote sering rounces; 751 tuartt. ?51 esotic roca types.10% s'ca a 137 4 te*1al (1)  ?'ticknes s 3ecti Sand gravelly; 3oorly sorteo rounceo :: arse in ' me cuart:sse Sano . . ... 122 122 nuff. gray sano & secote revel 3 ravel.0cu!4ers ... 18 '40 . nose :ar*1ctes are *!1 enetic rect types and 25134 salt; maPy 3as41t pennies 9 ave .eatae-tag rincs . . . . . 24 161 Sasalt. slaca, sc:r'aceous; mas teolite. filles nestetes 7 168 I

I' I 66 I I

7 . ._ t ( RH0-LD-158 k (. 699 14.E67 Locat*ca: 413711. !!!C7 Casing Elevation: 453.44 12/28-33R1 699 14.!62 12/28 32A3

ocation: 413787.!65508
                                                                                                                                        .asing Elevations: Ne retary & coring ' basalt only). art 11eo by
                        .coe & tovoaal of 8stemer Getiting :omcaay                                                                      "'   "8*8'F. o* dle: sy .e. 1 Lovos*1 of

[ for thvL. 1966. y ounovatee monttoring Pittner Oe'lling O rnaa* for twL. 1966 borenole youno.ater maait M ng sovemote ( . Mate *ial (11 inicaness Dectn mate

  • sal (1) *nica*ess Orote Saae ./ yavels . . .... . 45 45 Sano 6 yavet .. ..... . 60 60 Sano ./ gravels coarse . . . . . . 60 Sano & y ave s fe. eccoles .. 15 '!

{ Sano .igravels . . ..... 15 15 75 So loers, ::: ales, & rav0s . . 33 ,M 3 Gravels, very coarse & DouICe*s. . 15 90 enotes, ocul:ees, y avel ... 82 235 Gravel & soulce s . . . 15 105 CC06I's. Bouice's. gravel, & clay. I 236 Gravel, oculceas. & sano . . . . . 30 135 Gravel & . lay ... .. 49 285 Grave! Dovictes, saac.comeateo . 7 142 *ccD es & geavel ..... . 10 399 Cementea g avel ... .. 8 150 ICLC MS & :oC oe's & yavel; . 4 299 Cementeo yavet & coulce-s . . 15 165 Lancy clay sgeavels . 91 39C. Gravel & noulce's .. . . 15 180 Gravel & se e clay at 699 14-E65 188 190 ft. . . ... 15 195 Location: N13830 !!506 12/26 33a4 Gravel & Doulce's .. . 10 205 ;4 sing g;evation: 457.77 Gravel, coulotes, & san- 80 255 que estaey. srilled De .ced. Loveant & vaene-

tay / y avels . 15 270 of sitenee Ort 111ng":orcany 'or 84=L. 1966 01ay & yavel . . . ..

10 250 grounc.atea monitoring ser'aote e Gravel, ve*y coarse pavel at j 230 ft. . . 25 305 Mate-t al (11 ?ntcaaets De:ta i 01ay & sanc. . 10 315 Sancy : lay .. . 15 330 Sano & gravel . ......... 60 y Sancy : lay .,g*avels . 15 345 Sanc & gravel ./sre :ocales . . . 15 '! 81.e clay, sanay . l

                                                                                                .                 15       36 0      Cs: ales, soulce's & grave!                                            .            45      *:0   -
                  ' lay & gravels .                      ..                                             .         43      403        Ocobles, toulceas & vavet,                                                                        l

[ Basalt . . . . . . Issait & blus c?ay . 31 11 434 445 soa, sinc Cocoles, r avel, s ee saac

                                                                                                                                                                                           , ,,                    ,     15 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  !!3 1

lasalt /reasism nro.n *n :slor . 14 4!9 Occ:les, toutoe s, y avel ,,  ;$ ;g3 lasalt . .... . . 15 474 Boul:ers, ::nnies & revel . . . . 75 24; Clay ./yavel & recus . . . 19 495 Sandy : lay .itm gravels.t.?) ntt Sasalt oovice* c!ay sgravel y ay sanoy clay at 247 *t. [ & recas Basalt

                                      .                             .                                               5 7

50 0 507 Saaoy :tay .itn gravels.cetoles at 255 't. '?? .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                ..      ?!       255
                                                                                                                                                                                                 .       .         . t$        2'O Concles sac gravel . . . .                                                 .. 30         300 Sancy clay .itn gravels                                           .....             1        301 699 14.(60                                                                                                        .ocaies an yavel
                      'ocation: 413749. !5507
                      .                                                                                          12/28 33R2                                                                      .. .                    1        302 Casing Elevation: 457.91 Muc rotary, sr*11ec sy .ces & Levaani of pittwer Dettling Orcaay 'o* 5 % , 1966.                                                                     699   14-E,57
                                                                                                                                        ,,,,g youno ater monitoring screaole                                                                                         ,,, gj3gg9, gggg;                                                       32,73,33,,'

Castng tievation: 458.38 mate-sal lli ?hictaess Destm *uc *e:acy, cet11ec sy voes. Loveant & vacae-of sit:ee Or*111rg O rca*y 'or S ht. 196f. Sano & v avels . . . . . . . . 75 75 F 3 "" #*

  • I ' * ** " ' ' '" "9 3 ' 4 Gravel escoles.oculcers ... 1 76 Gravel cocoles.oculce-s . . .. . 3 79 "eteM ai .,.i ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,nictaess Oe:t-Odenles, coulceas & yavel                                                        .               11        90 Gravel novicees & geavel                                                                                            Sano &                                                                             60         j0 Gravel & oculce's .. .. . .
                                                                          ..                           ..          15 15 105 120       Sancyavel   & ravO orfe. escoles                              . .. ...            .

15 5 Cocoles, soulce's. & y avel 60 180 Sano & y avel ./csenies & Ocontes, yavel .. . .. . . 3 183 . - .... - 15 9C Some stity clav / gravels. . . . 5 188 ,f,30ul8s avel. :encies. & coulce-s . 15 105 Coogles, yavel . .. .  ? 195 .c3Cles, souicers, y avel . . '7 '2: 3 ravel & scloers ... . . 10 205 Consies, oculce s. y avel. . . 33 238 Sancy clay & vavel ... . 15 2t! W M.E4 : 4 57. J Sanc. clay ./ gravel . . . 32 270 Locatica: .x . 3800. [4000 '2/25 33 ?

         '         Gravel, conoles. Oceing*s                               . .                                     32       302         Sur' ace E:evatten: 461.22
                   !ancy c?ay .sgravels .                                                            . .           2$       230         Air retary, logges by Fugeo for woe 53. ?974, Saacy. more clay . ... ..                                                                       15       34 5           sno*nole :0M n9 Sano clay .s y avels . ..                          .                                            15       360
                     !ay ./saac & r avels                                                                 .        42       402                    Material (8)                                                    *nt:eness Oesta tasalt . . . . .                    .........                                                   33       435 Stue tiny ./p avels                        .. ....                                              la       44 9      Sanc: variegatec ray & tro a.

lasalt . . . . . . . 3 452 fine to eecium sans some silt. Dasalt y nins oc:asional r ave' . .. .... 25  !! Sano & rivet seo.n. fine revels, to :carse saac . . 29 '14 [ 67 E --

I RHO-LD-158 699. a-(34 {c3 2' Graveily saa: racing to sas:y L ocatien: 4:3900. E2860 12/26 2345 grave ne:o. H *:., ve y : ease i Sur 'a:e 11evation: 451.6 :tgr.t r ay-cro e, '*ae it molto. ste= avge , loggee ey Saaaaen & # son coarse, clean 9 ,6 for WP855, 1974, dNP*a foun Catice test oor*ng mate tal f8) 7hicaness Destn 699 14-E30 (CS-19) L,oc a tion: 4:2571, E3329 12/25 3348 Stity, sand, loose, Itgnt oco=n, Sueface llevat ce: 456.3 goiin,gg,, ,,9,,, ftie to mecium . . ... 4 a jo,gg,e3,3p,,,,, g ,,13,, y , ,,,33, 3g74, g ,, 4 ,,,g3,, ,,gg Sand, sectum to very cease, ray fine to coaese, clean to s igntly be-ing silty, scatteree fine to coarse

       =/cae laye* of silty                                                                "' t 8 I ' I .'          ."' '"'85      J' I' sano .         . . .... . .                              54       58
     ,ravelly   sand grading to sancy                                             Sti              h p or w ' **ne                     2          2 e

Q gravel celo= 60 't., meetum $,g - to very cease, r ay; fine to g av to ray :co=n, .ae te coarse, clean to sligatly mecium, : lear t: sitgatly stity 71 stity, s:stte-ed **ne to 13 Sancy ravei,vedeeAse,'Itg$t"' orown, fine to coa-se.

                                                                                  . ' T8*'I
                                                                                  *ravelly sane, v ry :ense, II        70 cleam                   ........                          12       82         ray.orown, fine u ca se Sanc, ve y conse,11gnt neo.n, fine                                              g-aveh fine u seu sae .

to meetum, : lean . ... . . 1 88 clean , a 74 Saaoy ravet, sane as inteeval Sanci van t, vry Cease. *;-: 71.;3 .: ,, ,, 4 gg crown, fire to :ca se, s:t p 'y s:Ity ,0

                                                                                                                                     -         Sa 699 14.E38 :C3-91                                                            699-14 t!! 15%'421 i
       .             413631, [2512                            12/28-33N6             iocation: 413.500, !2,500                      11/25-1349 Sweface !?evation: 4a9.5                                                      Surface D evatten- 450.1 Moltc. stem suce- & reta y, loggec sy Sha*noe &                               mwc rota*y it:       406 . & :*aten: ::*1a*

dilsen fc* .P855,1978, d8- f oun cat on test oei:;,: :y un g,,"a, 3.. * ,e9 334,y ( .icggee coring 37 fug*o do nPo!!, 1974, :e:-:cm ges:og c mateetal l8) Thtcaness Dette mate-sa; W ?ntenness De::' Sand; variegateC ray & Drown, fine Oc Coarse sand .. 50 50 54ac, caen ray, coa se, sco 'y Sand & revel; variegated.. r ay & tecon *tae to Coarse r aced, c'.eCoirinantly nasalti . .... . . . 49 89 sanC, gravel .

                                                      .3                          Gravel; liget C*own & Cs t 9-ay,                                    -

Sea: & revel: crown, rave' to c ocies, casaltic see : lay . .. , . & acto igmecus Gravel; *e= *tnes .. Sancy ravel; ity: oco-n & sarn Sans & revel; troon ne , , l 280 g ey, g*avel to ceccles, te casese saae & gravel > 220 ossaltic & acte 'gae:ws, sons Silty revel: ors =n, s ee :tay ....,i . sano l Sanc & revel; orome, fine San 2y y avei, orown, revel tC l te coarse sano, s pe 311t & ceColes, sanC e/s@e slit & clay, gravel . , ,. .I clay . 56 105 l Stit & clay: 11get aro=n, Silty sanc; oro n, coarse sane, veey sc*: . .... 10 290 sitt ./some : lay, some raveis 20 125 Sano & revel; vartegatea Gravel; cleaa . oco-a & gray . . ... 13 203 :1ayey r avel; oro a, ravel to 3 concles, ::ay =/sre silt &

                                                                                     =carse saac 699.4.[32 (C3.:01                                                           Gravel: close .                                 > 31        206
         .ocation: 113643,1279"                                12/28-33N 7        Saacy gravei sare r ay.oro=a I         Su dace lleva: ten: a5' a                                                   gravel to cocoles, casaltic                I l         aalte. stem augee, oggeo ey Shaanen & dilson                                & a:1c igneous, ::a se                       }

for sp*55,197a, .n9.4 fou nostion test sanc, s ee sitt & : lay . > oce ng Gravelty sano; cars ray &

                                                                                     ;ignt     *can, coa-se san:,

l mate *ial (8) thic aes:, Sotn some rave's . . 18 224 , l Sandy gravel. Caru sec.n. ravel 511:y sanc. loose,11gnt crown & c ccies, meetum to coa-se sanc fine to sectum . . . . . . . 5 5 se e stit & :tay l Saac, locse, ray, *tne te coarse "layey saa: :a*= g-ay, :ca se l cleam s:stterec fine to coa-se sans silty sore ravels . . 61 2!! grave) . ., . ... 3 I 3 ravel, caea 737.oroer, slirt(v Sano, Sectum to ve v conse, gray, sancy fine to :ca se, clean, scatte-ed Sancy revel; ravel :s ::ss!es.

         **ne to :34*se gravel ..                                 49       57       mecisi to ::a-se sano, some Sancy revel. *eciwn to ve y cease                                              :Tay                                            50       221 r ay *ine to :carse,: lean. ..                          10       57     3raveMy clai, per ray                              20       355 I


f L r L RH0-LD-158

ayey sitt reen grey, clay ./ 699 14-E23 (05 61 some dine same & g*avel Location 41350!, [2420 12/28 32N11

[ Sancy silt. Fee 9' to rey, fine to coarse is9c. some :tay & Sur# ace llevation: Actaey. logse" oy Smaanon & eilson foe .9955, r avel . . . .... . 40 395 1974. snetncie oc***g Sravel; clean. Sasatt1C . .. 11 406 Conglome*ste; essaltic, acid . 41 (8s Nams W igneous, cua-taite g* acing to octowinantly basalt 1c yare) 5**C; **egatec yey & orown. to casoles . . ....... 18 444 fine to coarse sanc. sasalt 6., lasalt, cara ray. fine yatnea, rates . . . . . . . 60 Sligntly vesicalae . . .... 11 455 Sanc & r evel; trown. eecium 8asalt. Itgnt ray fine grained sanc. g* aves .... 74 ,34 vestcalar . . ...... 8 463 a lasait;{a*y.finegrainec.migM1y wesica . vestcles to I cm. 699 14.!1A (10 58.7) elongate.. hignly '*actueec. Location: sn14000, 5,600 12/28-32R1 9 ,f,g, g ,,,,,,. 79,4 lignt reca silty clay *1lls ase retary, legge: cy su yo *o* upo!5, 1974, fractares & :otets . . . . . . . 48 511 gn,g3 ,;, ,,,,,9 Basalt; cart gray te olaca, fine grainec.,9en. vesicular. g g,,,,j ;g) yn,g,,,,, g,.g3 moce ateiy **seturea cease .. 63 574 lasalt; vestcalae ..... . I 575 $,,,g 7 ,,,3, ,,,, ,,,,, ce,,,, uff; itg9t g*eea gray to gray. [ y ne sam '

 .auf. . cre:cta; .ignt ree9 ray sanc. ossaltic, fine to cot *se gravel         ...
                                                                                                  $ p, g 7,,,i ; 3,3,,.p ,, .,
                                                                                                                                          .        ..           20         20 in saca ray matris                                                                                    mecip saic, same sitt revel                 .        40         60 Tuff; caen pees.g'ay, clay to
  • f tae sanc. lets inceratec tnan 888 " 14
 ..u ff; Itgnt rum                                                                                 6 99,c  ;      ag!,,18     (10 58-81[1000
n. .N14200.
                                                                                                                             .                                '2/~6-32R2 Bre::1a tuf*; nasalt **agments in                                                                         5.r'a:e llevation: 417.6 tuff matria                 ........ .                         25    601                              aie    cotary 10 gec by Fure for .9055,1974, ey. fine                                                          snotnote oc.!.ng lasalt.       lirt scoriaceous to caea r& aigaly

[ gesinec. vestcaia* to vest:ata*. reem stity clay f'11s *ra:tsrts & gg,...; 3, hi:maess Oe:ta joints. 9tgnly .est9e eg to $,,, , g7, ,,,, . , gg,,g, anweatneres ..... .. 23 $24 g,g,,) ,,, , , , ,, 3g yg [ he recccc . . Issalt; 91gnIy ves1 Jla* . a I 625 629 Sanc & gravel; o*own, 81ae to mestum laec p avel . . . Sano; cara oro.n. *ine sanc.

                                                                                                                                                                 $         78 699-14.(2A (C8 7)                                                                                        minor revels . . . . .....                            6         44 L oc at* on: 513527. [2473                                 12/28-3241                           Sanc & geavel; tiet tro=nise gray, fine t: mecium sanc.

[ Sve

  • ace 11evatten: 451.3 ao11o= ste avoe* lto 7a 't.', & ate *otary.

logged of Snannon & stison for .PDS$.1974, f'ee to ccarse gravel .. 25 70 ehP.4 founcation test toring 699 14-11C (10 57 84) 8 tate tal (8) Tntcaness Geotn Location: .414350 (900 12/25-3253 Sur 'a:e Ilevation: 421.0 511ty sanc. Icose. Itsnt crown. At* *otary. leggea ey e gro u fee woo $5,1974, eine to coarse . . . . 5 5 snotac'e ooring Sano. loose. yay fine to coarse, clean ... .... . 11 16 Mate *iai !8) *hicaness Dest 9 Sano, teese to ve*y sense, r ay -- fine to coarse, clean ... . 38 54 Sanc. cars 3rc=n. fine sanc. Sancy gravei, sense, r ay, fine einer gravel . . . . 20 20 to :aarse, clean . . . ..... 6 50 Sano & r avel; 'igas trewntsn Sancy revel. ve*y cease. ligrt F ay. 'ine to 9ectum sanc. fine to cosese grave' . 76 96 yay.oco.n,

lean to stigntly fine to silty coa',se, scatteree te aumerous cocoles 17a 246 01ayey stit. 9 arc. Itgnt. orown, 699 14-5 '11-57 12) trace 'ine sare. trace fine Location: 514400, v4900 '2/28-3142 gravel 29 275 Sur' ace Elevation: 442.10 1ancsilt.veh......... Air rotary, logge oy Fugro for mP855.1974,

[ ortwa. *tne saas . Saaev revel, very cease lignt cense. lignt.

                                            ......                 10      285                                  snctnote soring ray, st!!y 'tne to metium                                                                                            %te-t al (4)                  *mt enne ss Geo-n sano **ne to coarse . . . .                                  10      295 Sanc. ve*y cense. '.1 rt urowr.                                                                         54*0. D'Ca*                                      >'      M.*H * !

[ t sce of silt. 'tae to mectum 6 301 Sanc. va*iegatec trow fine te eecium sane,

                                                                                                                                   - a -&

orecominantly ava t: rains r'ey mism e sasait r ains . . . . 48 48 [ { 69 [ _ - - - - - - - -

l RHO-LD-158 Sano & gravel, crown, fine to coarse sano, orecomtnantly 699 14 38 cuartz. gravel :Crt11er's occation: 414210. 37978 12/27-3101 ce**ent: cementec gravel) . . 36 88 Castag !)evation: 514.89 Casle tool, sr*11ec sy Baen of Sace 3eilling

                                                                          ;ortans for GE W oany. 1955. g*ovo. ate
  • 699 14 13 monitoring oceenole Location: m13531. 13349 12/27 36n1 Casing Elevat oa: %540 Maten al (1) Thi aness Destn Mud rota*y. or+11ec ey fnomeson of 351 for 8 wi. 1963. snotncle ne*ing Sano L stit ........... 75 75 Sano & stlt (veey little stitl . 1 76 Mate *ial (1) Thtceness Decta Sano & stit ... . . 9 35 Sano & neavy silt. . . .. .. 5 90 San o . . . . . . . .... 133 133 Sano & neavy sitt 'o mation Gravel.oculce's . . . . . 22 155 cnanges at 90 *t to sand ./a stit & little c'.ay formation . 10 102 Sano & silt .. .. . 10 110 899 14.144 Gravei & sano (very maec Location: 414477, w14325 to :II) . - - . 1 III 12/27 3642 Castng Elevation: %543 3 ray narc san; g*ay g*avel &

Mud rotary, artileo of inososon of 351 for sano naro can encounte-to & BN4 . 1963 snotnole ocetng at 111 *t. . ..... 5 116 Gr ay g*8 vel & sano (cementeo . Matertal (1) Thickness Deote g*avel) .. . 9 I2! Sans & gravel ...faa-c can Sanc . . . . . . . 125 III *o*mationa . .. . 13 *?e Gravel.oculee's .. . 30 155 Sanc & F avel icemeete 1 . 22 160 seentec sano & gravel . 7 167 Saec & yavel .careetec) . . 2 '69 699 14.148 Sano & g*avei . .. 10 179 Location: 414233 W14081 12/27 36N3 SFO*" 014? - - . 9 I88 Casing Elevation: 5542 3 ray day & 5ttt:e sancy . 27 21! Muo *ctary, o**11eo ey inomessa of GSI ser Gr8y clay. gravel .itttle) .. 5 220 Sht. 1963 snotnote oring a g*avel . . 9 22 ray lay

                                                                    #iaec      & f e'19e g*ay clay yavel.3                                            21       25u}

Mate *'al 1) *hicuness De3;p IIW4 78? Clay - I5 2II 3 ray 33ue clay . .. . 5 270 Sano . . 143 143 3 ray tive clay & gravel . 4 274 Gravel . 12 In:


Blue clay & Favel & sane minec . *1 285 3reen clay & gravel .... 10 295 3reen clay & small g*avet. 5 300 699 14.14C Stac. green clay tsaacy) .... 15 315 Location: 413989, .13837 12/27 26N4 Gray roca line nasalt run into a

  *asing !!evation: s542                                               g*ay & Discu acca (minec! at Muc *stacy, c'+11ec ey Thomoson of 35! for                            319 ft. it ts ve*y nara &

8%i. 1963, snotnole boring cense ... . .. . . . 9 326 3 ray *2ck.Ittt19 Clay . . . 4 330 Mate *1a1 !1) thickness Destn Gray -lay .. . . 28 356

                                                                    '.ignt g*ay clay                                              7      365 Sanc . . . . .           ... . . .                 138      138      Sancy y ay clay                                            15       380 eravel.coulce**      .. .                  . .      12      153     Gravel & rect .                    .                        'O       390 3 ray & 31act rocs             .                             5      395 3 ray & slaca c r entes rocs .                             17       412 699 14.140                                                           3 ray & slac *oca (cementec)                                8       420
  '.oc a t t en: 43745. 13593                     12/27 36N5         lasalt                                                      !       42!

Casing Elevation: s543 Mao rotary, settleo sy Thomeson of 35; for 84.L. 1963, snotnole toring 699 14.47 Location: 41 '2/25 3521 Casing Eleva.3623 ten: 587.23 43717 N te* al 1) Thickness Desta Caole tool, crt*1ec Oy *aten of daten Sano . . .... . . 135 135 Jn11tng :amoany 'or 2AMC3.1969. geologic Gravel.oculce's .. 20 155 investigation :oreaole wa tee

  • al (1) Thicuness teotn Sano & sitt . ... 165 165 Gravei . .. . . . 4 '!?

Cement p avel ... . 4 tal

                                                                     $sall yavel & sano              ... . .                       5      '26 Sano & silt & v avel                         .              4       190 70 I

RH0-LD-158 { 659-15.(13 (06-2? Si9.'5.i38 it.57.*!' Locatien : s11322. [12?l2 12/25-3401 . cation: .4145:0 !:100 12/23-3272

     *asing Elevation: 409.38                                                                                                                   s Le see t ,vatten: 46.7 totary '.to 312 't.: 4 21 areno ::r'ng. :-*11e1                                                                                       Air *stary, *cgges 3y          r2 73 c r . pots,'974, By Suras r.f acaa 3rtittag & Oeveloceeat                                                                                              snotnote :er ag a

Omany & 3cytes 3rstne's Or*11 tag sacany & toggeo my Leagemoa of 5

  • r AAM00,1974 Mater *al .31 *menaess Oest' hearten Jes lagte L iyc"O ?cg1C investigat*on sortnote $ ace: ,ar egateo vsy & mte fine to mecium sano, sasalt watee*al (1, 2. 21) N earess Gestm & avartz r ains. . . . 66 46 Sano & y svel; sa egates ray bit & *ine sano .. ... 6 6 L trua. ***e *: :: arse saac 3 rave l. Coa'se .imec*um !3 Ouart: 6 3asa!! y s'as . , 24 90 C34rse sano & meg 1Jm *3 :Sarse Sec & yavel; see'egateo pay
      ./ fine to C0 arse sano           .                  62                                                   58                         6 3ro-n, **ae :o :ssese sano 5 tit, arem c?ayey ..... .                                    2                                                70                        are m iasetty :sartz r at9s Gravel. :: arse ., sana L stit . .                       af                                              117                             yavei                                                 :s       '!3 Siit & sano /meatwo revel                      . .            5                                          122 O!ayey silt ... .                         ..

II ey. D roe

  • 1 gn t . . . . ...( 2 124 599 11.{!4 '5* ?aal Sano, fine . . . .. 14 128 incation: s15050. 125CC 12/25-32M1 Gravel, coarse escoarse sano . . . 24 172 'ur'acs !*evat'on: 450.2

( S t i t 3 ro.n ..... . ... Gravel, coarse ./ fire to :carse 2 174 totary, is;;ec sv snaa'ica 6 de' son 'or .885!. 1974 geo'cgic asesttgat on :c*easie reen sara ........ 23 20 2 3 ravel coarse ./saco L stit . . 6 208

  • ate **al ;5: Thicaaess :e:!'

Sea L sit t ./csarse ysvel . a 212 5'It are a ... . . . -2 21a Sf:ty saq. 'cose. 't rt :*:.n . 2 2 See t si?: . . 23 242 Sanc. ;-sy; ne is :34*se. Saac. green . 32 27a c!ee is s;irt'y siity 57 59 5eo, cars tre.n . . ...

                                        . .                24                                               29 6                         Sancy yavei. .ery sense 'iget 0:ay greentsn gray .                           . .             7                                          305                            3r;.p, **pe is :: arse t'ea9 !s

[ Basalt . .. . .. *13

                                                         .                                                  11 8                            sit ptty s'ity, scat area

( Saaost:ae :af*acecas 3 ass:t . . ....

                                                 .         22                                               aac                             ::estes        . ..                  .               '$         34
                                         .        . . 152                                                592                          Sans ve*y :ese.117t ray-t 2.n.

Sanastsee. f t e 31acu .iclay . . 16 508 **ae.  :'esa, ravelly lasalt . . . . ... . 48 656 aes* :ase . .. .... I !7 taat11 tuff . . . . . 4 660 Sancy ravei. same as 19te-wai i [- 8asalt . . . . Laotiti tuff

                                                     .      17 3

577 580 69 84 ft. . ......

nte-seoceo :'a v ev stit & stity 56 !53 1 tasalt ..... . 24 70 4 sano; sitt *ar;. Itgnt sec.n:

fef' . . . 4 708

                          . ..                 . . .                                                                                        sano. <e v*    :ese itet :re=a.

44 salt . . ..... .. 193 901 *+ne . ...... . 22 *?S

            .etces fact 111

(. u f'. Sanost:ne slacx glass ree". taf'aceous 4nce ea te:.

                                   ..             . .             3                                           904                        Sancy yavel, see as tnte*ve 59-ia 't. . ........

Sl? ty sano. <eey se'ise, 57 22! claye' . . . . . .... 20 924 Sea tmeats . 947 y sy. vee 9 '*ne ..... 3 246

                                   ..          . . .        23 4yey silt, mars, saru yay                             12       253 Sasalt . .          ...                                   84                                    1.031

[ fatalt . . ..... 72 1.302 lasalt . .. .. .. 64 1.171 699 :5-(25 . ** .17.'01

  *are grown, slac !!ay .                         . .               1                              1.172                                    '. scat on: . glia 00 !2:00                         12/23-32M2 8asalt . . .            ... .                . . . 101                                      1.2?3                                     Sur' ace Elevation: 457.5 air stary, togges :y          r ages 'or =PP55 '973 snotmole sor*ng 599.!!-{44 (?C.53-121 Lscation:      *4150C0. 13700
                      .                                   12/23-33P1                                                                                   matertal '91                     TMeiness Oest' Surface tievation: 456.95 Air rotary, icgges 3y Fug*o 'or . ass 5, '974                                                                                      Sans: Jart ; ray. 3asaltte                 .             58        !2 snctnole scring                                                                                                                 3 ravel 'tne to :carse . . .                             32        90

( Matervai :41 *%tenness Oestn Sano & ; rat el; 3re.n. ne sano, some stit . . . 31 Sano: var egateo vsy & 3rown.

      **ne to coarse sano. 3asait                                                                                                        599-15.!20 '!0 58.16) grains      .... .. ..                                  30                                                      30                    Locat on: .gl!100. (2500                             ?2 :3. :*2 Sano 5 y svet; see n. f*ne                                                                                                                Sur'acs tievatt:n: 456.1 to Seous sano, arecostaaetly                                                                                                           1*r stary. 'oggeo sy tages for .P855 '973, fine y stneo . .                . .                           1                                                  13                      snotnote sor ng Sano; trown. fine ;rsteto.

f ovarts sans . .. .. . . 2 35 Mate **al (3) Thtciness ; eat 9 ( Sano L ravet; newn. **ne sano, graveis .. . .... 27 112 Sano: ,ar egates y sy L .ntte, f*ne to sect 9 same. 3asalt

                                                                                                                                             & saartz ;*s'9s              .. .                      0        30

[ b 71 f ..

RHO-LD-158 l Sano & r evei; ear egateo voy saan 6 sitt. yavei 'n. 'ess

   & . nite. **ne to sestum sano.                                              ;rsvel . .                        . . .
                                                                                                                 .                      !     40    M oasalt 5 cuartz ystns.                                                 Sano & stit. Pavei .o is 2                      n.
   =/geswel           .                                 !        35           very small amount                                        5      45 Sano; variegatso crown. nite &..                                         Sano & s t i t                             .                 5      50 y ey, fine sano, sasalt t                                              Sano 6 st?t sano : v mg &

ouartz ystas 30 55 neaving . ... . 5  !$ Sans & yavel, variegateo sr =n Sano & sitt. smalt s gray, fine to coarse sano, a in. . . 5 50 yavel . .. .... 15 80 Sano a sitt . . ... . . 20 30 Sano & gravet; itgnt sco.n. fine sano L silt; coarser sano, tess. sano, r avel 32 I?! sitt ... . 5 35

                                                                          !ano a sitt . ..                           .               30     115 Sano L stit & 6 in. vavel;
 $99 15.E2A (
  • O *> . 9 ) at 120 ft yavet f-es 1 *n.

Location: .M1a800. !!!"0 12!!5-32M3 to i 'n. .. 5 120 b r* ace fievation: 450.7 Sane & silt; more silt 5 '25 ate antary, loggeo sy '9 7 9 *ar .P8!5. 3r:=a sano & stit . 5 130 1974' spotnole sor'ag Sanc & sitt ...... .. 5 135 Sano i sitt L 1/2 in. 7 ve! 5 140 sterIai tal Thickness Destn Sane & sitt . ..... 5 t45 Sano L silt & v avel to 5 in. at Sano; cara yay. 88ne to Seeium 147 *t. mit yteei & caceIts **om sano . ....... 60 60 1/2 in to 14~ e . Sate al vest Sano & yavel:...sco=n *esium sano neaving; at ;53 '*t. yavei a fine to neci a ysvel 41 101 titt!e smaller 3 in. . 5 150 "oostes  !  !!! 1 rave: it'eaN . . . . 5 160 699 15.(25 (10 5P 4a) Sano L vavel, small . . . 5 165 Location: 914950. E M00 12/28 33=a iravel :s 2 in. some tilt  !  ??? h r* ace 5:evat om: 350.4 Sano, stit, siell ;eavel . 10 '80 Air *otary, togges sy ru gro *er d'55. Sand & silt n gravel at 3 in. 5 '85

       '974, snotnoie :or'ag                                              Sano L stit, yavel to 3                      n.               5   '90 Sano 1 stit yavel to a                     'n.                5   195 9 te*isi ;41                      7hiczness Oesta          Saaa, silt, y avel to 5 in. 205.
                                                                              *t..cnanges to p ay :s;cr 8-om Sano; cars ;rty. '*ne to *ettum                                              see n . . ... . .                                  .   'O     2*!

saac, insalt'c . . ... 60 60 carse sano & stit . . . 5 2'O Sanc 6 yavel; 't;nt aro-ntsn. Sano 6 s'!t. yarei to 5 *n. 5 215 y ay fine sanc. v svel 55 til 3r =n :!ay L yavel to 2 in. 15 230 3rown c!ay & coarse sano .u W D m see=n : lay 6 y avel 12 252 699.;5.(2C (!0 57.15) 51ue sanay :'ay .* te,o . . 3 255

.oc a tion: +112600. (*600 '2/23 33=5 sloe ::ay .,ysvel .small; . . . 25 210 b reace Elevation: 438.2 51.e ::ay 6 r ivel ta 2 in. vivel air estary, ioggeo sy fa ro for .8853. 197a. large* 6 :ssa;* *ype . . 8 snotnote : orang glue :!ay 6 yavel to 2 in. 20 305 ilue c'ay 6 3asalt r evel . . 50 355
                % ter*al !!)                     S tenness Oeste           31ue :tay, less gesvet; softee 9 ster
  • al very .itt!e yavel 5 360 Sano; yay. *ine to coarse sano, 11.e ::ay. ess yavel. se*y tasaltic . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 15 soft : ley ... .  ! 26 5 Sano & vavel: gray. *ine ts :sarse 519e :tay, small yevel. . 5 370 sano, fine :o :sarse yavel . 10 25 Sanoy siue : lay ....... ?0 18 0 Sano; crownisn ray, fine to llue :'ay ., vavei 2 in, aero sestum sano . .. .. .. 25 50 sancy :tay .sysvel . . .  ! :85 Sano: lip. sco=n. *ine sano. Senor stue :tay e/ y sve'  !! 200 some sitt .. . . . 5 55 Sanoy stue : tar ./ysvel; seemes Sano & vavel; sars 3rewa. Socium :s ce 2 :o 3 *t. sf ; ravel 5 405 sano. yavel . .. 33 la 31ue clay ./ y svel ao :s 2 'n. 15 420 liue :'ay .,gesvel a 'n. :s 5 in.

9 ele :avec & **tles ./'arge 599.'5 15a casalt ytvets so to 5 in. Location: 114415. 14963 12/27 35J1 si n te- . .  ! 425 casteg !'evation: 547.34 3 rey sticay : tar .ecsarse sano 5 430 Cante tool. Sr* ties sy matt't of nat:n Or+11 tag 3 rey stiesy clay. less sano 5 435 Comoa* s *sr it lJeoany 1960. youec=4te* irey nars : lay . . .  ! 440 monit. *ng soeenole 3 rey nors :tay eyavel ta 1 'n. .. . . . 5 445 itee al 't) Thiciness Oeotn Sof t yer : tar. ve*y little

                                                                                ; ravel . . .                                            5   450 Slacz sano & stit         ..... ..                     25         25     !!aca soft :!ay             . .                  . . .        5   255 F8ne sano 1 stlt          .         .....               5         30     geg,n,gn glac *l            m g?ay .                .      ?O     465 Sessesj :o 9 ave 1999 Ie*se $f small                                      ll e "seo        lay . .           . . . . .               IO    475 y evel t in. : Pen iato a                                                                                                          5   280 conenteo sano L stit & revel                                          , ,,3 live3g.nar:cay:? *arte*

stue clay t sttety . 5 485 t in, smaller .. . . 5 25 5 ys,,1 , ,. 5 390 72

RH0-LD-158 n.,. s t .c. , , , ,,t e ,ue e ., . $ .,5 5,,.... ,c

   '9ero sticay ligat stue c!ay &                                                       .ocatton: 114955. 414813                                                                                     12/27.:5;3 7 4 vel; at 4,7 8t, git CItan                                                      astag fievation: *545                                    .

yare:. small . ... . 5 500 wu c -stary. :rtiles Sy 'hom:ssa & 81aca of IMII gradel, & grsy c?ay . 5 510 33I *ar Sht.. '963, snotnote sor'ng live clay & Favel . . .... 5 515 Blue clay & v avel sore .... 5 520 9 ate-tal (1) ht aress est9 ( Stue clay & fine gravel .

   !!ve :Tay & c: arse yavel 5

5 525

                                                                           $30      $iit & sana .. .......                                                                                             50         50 3 ravel & stue clay .. ..                                10             540      $ lit & sano es*e= small Slue clay, some gravel . . .                               !            $45          coulcers . . . . . .                                                                         ....             30          SC Sticay Dive clay & gravel ...                            10             5$5      Creates san:                                                               ...                             .      50       ,a0     ,

8aca arown sanay stay ./small Sano & y ayel .. 5 ( gr a v e l . . . . . . to $65 !ana & :ouisees .. .. 10 ..

   #aca 3rown sanoy yavel..                         M              585      .sose ravel & soalcees 40 Garu Srown sancy clay                         ..         "O             605          to 3 19.                                                                                        ...            83      ,18 Oart 3rown sancy clay, some small                                                : ay         .....                                                                                     ..             2   20 0 gravel . . . . . . . . . .                     .       5            510      louice*s /a ? tttle sandy

[ } rey 3;ue Clay. 9e gravel 1 rey 31ue c!ay, some sma;l 10 570 Clay . . .... . . 3 ravel & sancy clay .. ...

                                                                                                                                                                                           ..          IS 30 III 2a5 yavel . . . . . . . . . . .                          12             632      Sanc & y avel & : lay                                                      . .. .                                     5   25 0 teal clean pavel as t 2 in. ..                             3            535        :ay .          .                                             . .....                                             16     256 31ue clay & gr avel . . . . . . . .                        5            540      laulce's                  - ... ...                                                                                   9   273 519e c?ay :saented; st $45 *t.                                                   Gravel. souice-s. ./little seems to ce enalty clay & some                                                   ~1ay . .         .
                                                                                                                                                                                               .      45       *20 Ioul2ers & gravel...                                                                                                  4       28 J.eavel,at$50ft.seems9erif*.

cons itse some casalt p avel & Soul:e*s. ysve' 'mce :es in some solfs sasalt sie:es . 10 650  : lay .. . 35 259 O rentes Favel to 3 19 .. 17 56 7  ::ay . . ... . 6 25! [ 3 ray staca sesium eteen sano 3*ay slata sootum clean saac; 3 570 !Ne : lay

                                                                                                                                                   . . ..                                              15 4


                                                                                                  .. .......                                                                                                   28a sana aeaves        ... ..                              5            575      louisers & ;ravet faceedee Clean sano =/small yavel ...                             10             835           in :Tay . .....                                                                                       .       11      39 5 Clean sano esssall yavel &                                                       8ouise-s .mee::es in : lay                                                                             .           33      425 s:me :!ay ....                                                                  :ay . .... .......

[ :carse sano & small revel . I

                                                                           $90 595      3:4e :!ay                             .                                                          . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                        'S 44 0 455 Sano & v avel. small; ....                                              700      ;!ay .     ........ . . .                                                                                          40      495
   !!ean sane & vavel ts 2 in.                                4            704       3 ravel moecceo 'n :?ty                                                                         . .                20     til 5tteny stue y eeg :tay . . . .                      .      1            70 5      Scutse-s. F avel & :!ay                                                                         ....               15     5:0 aero :asalt                                                             7t9                                                                                                                                 540

[ .... .. lasalt . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                  .           3 3            722 3ravei & :!ay C*ay .           .                    ... ....
                                                                                                                                                                 .                      ..              10 5    54 5

ai tie ::aysano &..;-svel ..... 15 !60

    $99 15 118                                                                       3ravet, saco sa ** tite clay                                                                           ..          45     (C5 Location: 11:331. 414991                            !!/27 35;2 34ns, ysvel & :!ay                                                                                                    2    507


       !asing !!evation: 543.:6                                                      gesvel & c:ay             ..                                                 ......                                28      525 Canle tool. :ra ties cy Ivans of aat:n Or+1tia9                               3 ravel & clay & sano . . . . . . .                                                                                   5    540 Comoany for abCO :972. youac.atea                                          Camentec sano                                                                .. ...                                 10     550 soniterar.g screaole                                                       $cuicers & city                                     ........                                                       21      $*t 8tatertal (1)                       *>tenness Oe:t"               h*u$e,.,*l                             *
                                                                                                                                                                                         ,l,                    f3

[ Pne 3rmn sand . ..... . 0 1 rene orcun & tearse slacs sana . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 M 599.;!.'50 P ne to coarse 31aev sana . 10 30 Location: 114955, d14813 12/2*.3504 [ r+ne tro a & staca sano ..

    *ecium 3 own & stact sane                  . .
                                                        . 15 5

45 53 04 sing (*evatton: -545

                                                                                         =ue otary. :r I?ea sy *womoson of ist *:e 3rown & aiaca fine to coarse                                                            8k L. '963. snotnote sor'ag sano               ....           . .                 *0              50 M ne 3rewn sano & slaca sans                                                                      Mater al 1                                                                               *Menness Oests
       & 5 'n..grastl . . .           .. .                     5            55

[ 3roen & slaca fine to coarse sano . . . . . . . . . ... 18 53 5463 . ....... .... 3 ravel.oculae*s . . ... .. 145 10 14 )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                !!5 iia ct & 3rown sand fine to caerse .        ........                         . 32             II5 5 tac 6 3rown sano ./some                                                        699.;5. !E

[ I 1/2 i n, gr ave l . . . . . . . . llect & 3r.wn saco ssene 2 117 .ocation: 114721, .14869 Casing !!evatton: ' 544 . 12/27 35;! gravei . ......... . 23 !40 *ue -otary. 3rles 3y *Momeso9 of 35: 'or 81ac & trown sand .,) in. 5h L. :963, snotnote tocang yavel ........ .. 4 ISA [ $1 f t & 3*own sono =s $ in. y avei . . . . . . . . trawn saac & Pavel ./same sitt

                                          ....               13 3

157 165 9 ate ** st (1) Sana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

                                                                                                                                                                                                 *nica*ess Geot9 t39 Gravel.cou;cers                                                                ......                               ?6      '!5

[ ( 73 f _ __ - - - -

1 RHO-LD-158 I ell 15.!!F (OC.7 lasalt 50 231:

     . scat *on: 914901, 412831                                            12/27 25;6            3asal                                                       146      2966 Cas tn1 !*evat'en: 546.!6                                                                   issait                                                       54      22:f Iotaff. srtiteo 3y *entury Ort 11 tag Carcany b                                             IaSaII
  • 191 IIII foq*eo 3y Fengts L SCiss@n f)P loch.eII. 3asaIt I2 2297 197 , 9yCroiogiC & jealogic investigat 3n i Basa t . 38 ,{

gg,,,,3, Sasa t . .. 37 . s. lasalt . aa ;566 IalaIt 22$ 3!O! 9teP'al '

                                     .2,     27)                  Th'Ckness Oe ti 34 salt       ..

22 2323 Sectments . . , 720 720 3asalt . . . 12s 2907 Basalt .. 95 325 lasalt .- . 53 3900 9:0 !asalt . . . , ;40 2:00 Intecoeo . 85 I4AaII . . . ISO :C90 inte ;e1 . 30 1:20 44 salt ,. . 90 t;;g 699 15 26 go 6scation: 115602, .25373 **f2*.3301 lateesec . , ., 1290

                                                                                                      *asing Etevatten: !2? 23 lasalt                    .                                               215        *!05            *40'e
  • col, 2 *1:eo sy leatz sf 6 *:e at nteroso . . . 15 '600 Comoany. 1956, youne. ate- senttoe'e9 tasa!t *fo.s . 1121 272t 83' fate *eed . . . 7 2725 lasalt "o.s .. . 122a 25!2
  • ster *al 1) *miciness :entn lasalt "to* .. . . 252 3810 lasalt 81o* . . 150 3960 .
                                                                                                 *ine     sare           . .
                                                                                                                                                              ;5          '!

lasalt . , 739 ac99

                                                                                                 .oarse sla:a sano. . .

10 25 699. 5.:!; ::C.31 8'ee sano !*ttle st1:

                                                                                                                                                              'O         35 Location: 11ai!6, a14852                                             12/27 3507            :Jarse         sane ... . .
                                                                                                 .sarse sano, litt:e ysve:
                                                                                                                                                              ?C 20 45 55
      *as mg !?evation: 524.52                                                                   50% 'carse gravel. 50% ::aese
      !aole t:o. .ts *02 *t.; & $$amoro ter ag.                                                                                                                  I        to
r* l*eo sy Melson O*+11 tag ;amoaay 4 !cy tes sane ..

Bret e s 3ra't+ng :accany ese apo, '973, ,Jarse sand . 3 32

aarse grave. . . 3 93
ecrec< 3eologt: *nvestigation :creacte jravel, 11ttie saac  ! 35 Gravel & canales 15 *to
  • ate-'al i 2, 33) *gterness ;estn lowicers 1 yavet . *0 '20 Ja'8' 3"8, **un out sf Sea meats 702 *02 lass;t . !O 752 20*lC*r5 at '22 *t." 5 125 lanatt *?c. 3r,te a
a 754
                                                                                                 .osese y avet as to a n.
                                                                                                  .                                                              5      1:0 lasalt .                                                                    77          343 080I'1 5 gravel                                              5     125 Sancy :layst:ne
                                                                   ,3 aravel ao to a in.                                              $     tao Sanc. coarse revel                        .                     !     14g ycace0us sancstone                                                      l                        .Jarse yaves, li*tte sano                                    'O       155
 ..aysiane                                      ,                     ;

Stit/ *Iays*3ne ,I !oarse vsvel Jo t3 a ft.

                                                                                                      & sand . . .                                             to       ig$

becy st1tst:ne , > 67 918 f# IC% land; 50% ysvel &.. cocoies . . , 3 ;7n

 *1caceous sanast:ne                                                     l                        Ocarse gravel, sanc.sti.,t..                                 15       185 5tttstone             ,                    ,                       ,j                                                                                    .
                                                                                                                                                                        '95 3asait .. ..                              ..                               165        'cas       g: arse yavel, stit, sana                                    'O
                                                                                                   .,3 Coles & sano . .                                           5     *00 fanostene L 3egole
                                                                                                   .ccoles, F avel & sans                              .          !     Zog c:ngicmeente                                                            16       1098 30uice*s. yavel & san                                          5     2:0 datalt . .                                                                111        :207 8asalt :englomeeste                  . .
                                                                                                   .aeoles, y svel 6 sano                                 .       I     2!!

Olay & sansstceer 04 coles, gravel &

  • tee
                                   ..                          ..l                                     sano               .,                    ,              :0       225
.ncy !aystsee 75 12?2 8asalt ::: ale coaglome-ste
                                                                    .l                             Souloses, ysvel & sano Sano & s11t 2     227 245 3asalt . . . . . . . .,                                           . 223              igo$                               .......

Une sa94. very lit te stit .., Ta j gg3 Laotllt sf' . ,, N ne sano ;0 270 Sano . . . ...... .,


Fine *eo sano L yavel 5 2*5

  !ans & day                    ..                             .

Sandst:ne ... 4, la '569 M n* 'to sano . . . - 5 290 561ty !ay . . . i Sanc, yavel; 'rsy sano st 253 *t. ano psvela t 9e Sand . . ,,. l 3 ray sand & gesvel .. s 3:3 Cay . .. < 3g; arsy stit, sano i t ooles $3 Basalt . '23 '547 lasalt . .. . . .. 92 1739 gacoles. sanc .. .

                                                                                                    .aoales. y avel & sand                                      t.oo 240
                                                                                                                                                                         ;ga Sasalt .                                                      ..          212         2001
  *e ff . .                  .               ....                                2     2003 8asalt        .                   .            .             ,              31       ge3a 8asalt               .           .             ....                         67       2'01 tasalt                     ...... ...                                     104        2217 lasalt        ..                      .... ..                             121        2328 84sait                .... ......                                        256          25Ca tasalt . . . .                                    ....                      20       2584 Clay 3r 11tnic taf f..                . . ,                                   2       75g5 l

lasalt . . 13 2704 < Istalt . , , , a3 27:2 74

I RH0-LD-158 699 16-l5 (10 58 181 8asait; elaca, fine gesinee, cease L oca tion: w i630C. E470 12/28-3331 je'egla'&smallslagio: lase 5 rdace flevation: 457.4 e

                                                                                  .ates, 'esctu es *illes air *ota y, logges my ra yo for .pe$$, 1974*                                 =/ ol aca enalcecony ..                     14        9 snotnote ooring                                                        lasalt; rey, fine to meetum sin, few slagloClase mate' tai fll                      TniCaness Destn               {atns& oleos                                $3      as; Sanost:ne; Itgnt reen gray Sanc, ceay, 'ine to coarse sanc,                                                mecius sano casalt ystns                      ,, .,                  as          45    Claystone; cara p ay, 311able, Sanc & gravel; orown ray, fine                                                  g* aces into a massive to coarse sang, fine to Coarse.
                                                                                 "*'8'5C"'C5 7 "nisa g'ay gravel . . . . , , . .                                   37          82      tsf' ,cervi Sanc & gravel: It gnt oro.n to                                                01aystone-ts**; eintare, narc g'ay, s ee 'ine sanc, 'ine to ciaicec:ay at case             .            ?7      476 coa-se 7avei                          .                  34       116 8asalt; recisa pro.* tc olack, 'ine rairec sesnaceo6s to scierately 599 16-Esa (8 139a1                                                             vesicu:ar, .eatne-ee, green clay Location: N1$670, [3583                                 Igfgg,33. i f11*.s #'aCIWres & vesicles .               25      $01 Sur' ace Elevatica: 459.3                                                  Basa't; :laca, fine grainec, air -otary (to 290 f t.;, mu c 'otary (to                                    *ocerately vesicular to 384 ft.) & GimPoad caring, c'illec Dy acua                               non-vesicular, geese . , , ,                19      aga lling & Deveicoment Inc. & ',ongyear                                Sasalt, olaca, mecium geainec fom'many & loeged ofe r gro f oe              .pn$s, 1974,               plagioclase onenoc*ysts to necroca geology test ooring                                              Jm., Jointing ccrinon at 45 & norizontal, clef mate ial ill                       vn icaness ceptn              on oarting sue' aces. .                    10?      $2' Basalt; olaca, fine to medium Sanc. g*ay, fine *: meetum r ainec                                              ratne: ola;1ociale casaltic           . .

t onenocrysts to 3rv., af & Silty sanc p ay, 8tne gang nortZontal *01nt*ng, nignly frac *W'ec, clay on saPting sag

 $11's1It ty sanc; y ay, ' tee ;o eqqig,                   I                         su'f aces           , ,            ,       !!      j
 , etsilt .      .             .                             gg          39    Ta'*; yay y te*, stity, laye's C# orig 9t g'eti Clay.

s'avel,y san 0; 9'ay, *ine 0; coa'sel sa9C, 'ine to :a-se p avels, occrif inc.cateC . . 12 (!! I nasaltic, some silt . Basait; cars ray, 'ine v ainec, vest: alar . 12 670 Sanc. ,c ars oro.n, eine , 8asalt, ::act, fine r ainec care er averly sano; lignt r ay, **ne plagioclase lat95, to $m.,

     =/ sonne coarse seed, since graveis,)

we'l rou nces, vesicies #111ec */teolites.

  $@e silt ..                       .

Signly to moca ately Gravelly sane; ors =e,.*ine to vestcela' - - . ... . . 29 699

arse sanc, revel, sye Stity claystore: yeen,
                                           .. , I                                 vesicaia* :ssait fragmeats                   2     -a1 sitt .                                                             156 lasalt; same as 57*,-699 f t.                   !     '06
  ,ravelly e          sanc; cars crown, 'ine to                     ) 56 mectum sare, fiae ravels . ell j
     'ou nceo .. . .                            . . -

Sa'ic, as*< orown, 'ine sans .is t1t, 699 16-Est (10-to 131 Locatica- 416200, !3500 12/23-23.0 ocerly y acee . . . e

  ,r svelly sano; crown, *tae to                                                  Surface :levattee: 4!9.1 mesium sano, sinor revel                   ,,        /                       sir *o* ary, logges my Fug-o f o* #o55,1974, snotno.e :ceing Clayer gravet; cars rayise aro=a, clay, sone silt                     .             2C       165 mate-t al ( 3)             intenness Deet.

Gravelly sanc; cara crown,

    *ine sanc, r avel, well                                                     Sano; var'egatec o-own: & ray,
  • ounces . . . 20 135 Sancy g*avel; orown, fine to
                                                                                  '*ne to awcium sano occas'enal I    coarse sanc, gravel, . ell rouncec, see :tay & sitt Gravelly sano; sart crown; dine to coarse sang, fine yavel . .                               . .

10 10 195 205 revel . . Sano & y avel; va" egatec ray sand,& yavels. nite, "'.ne .to. ..coarse Sano & Favel: ravels. *iae

                                                                                                                         . 62 23 52 9;

sanc, same s:lt I Clayey g'avel; care geeenisn r ay, clay erstit, fine gravel, . ell ouneec . . . . . Silty : lay; ca*u reentsn yay clay =/stlt fine gravel, 10 215 Sanc & yavel; orown, fine sanc, reve., encomicaatly casalt 16 Ice well rounca! Silty Clay; greenisa g*ay. 70 285 Gravelly sand; y ayisn seown

    'ine to Coarse sanc, some geavel .        . . . ..                                 20        305
   .asalt: fine rained, catting returns         ,                                        79        38a I                                                                            75 I

I RH0-LD-158 699 16.i40 (10 5p.!!) Sancy ravel, same as inte wat

         .o:stice: se16000. Ea200                 12/23 013             74 101 *t        .                                     27      131 l         Sur' ace !!evat9en: 4!5.4                                   Inte tecce: sitty c*ay :'afey st'.

Ale *otary. loggec oy r,po fe, de!!,197a, & gang; glay & sitt. 9a*:. i gnt t snotnole to*1Rg Droer.; sand ve*y cease, ye1 Ion. i orews. fine, trace stit 10 141 l Matect al (8) *Miciness Destn Sancy revel, ve*y cense. Psy. I bro-n. eine to coarse, clean Sano: cara ray to neown. to silty, scatte*ec :::sies, mecium to :carse sanc .. .. 50 50 locally grac e j' sana & revel; da* gray to revelly r esc v' , ease Drown, meatum to coarse sane. . , al 182 fine to coarse revel .... 30 30 Inte,*secces 3 ,ty sanc. s.tgntly sanoy silt, stityt!ayey to Sanc & revel; mecum sane, fine gravel . . .. 40 12," s,1g ; si;gy gi,y; s ,g, ,,,, sease. liget r ay. '$ae: sanor s tit , ma ec. g*ay.oco.n. s!i gat ? y 699 16-lao (10 57.19) Clayey; 'ayey silt & sil*y Clay

  • q,,g, grey.g,g.n , g? 269 socation: s=15700. [3500 12/28 3A4 Conglome ate, ones gray casaltic.

Ser* ace llevation: 459.2 7,,n.g t g. sang ,,g,,a , Air rots *y. logget Dy Fug-o for WPPSS.1974 . 11  ?!C t snotnole sering

  '                                                                 699 16.(35 (10-57.10A) material (8)              fnienness Desta           Locatica: N155 50.13000                              !2/28-33;7 Su* face (levation: 460.5 Sana & yavel; ray. fine to Air rota*y. loggee ay Tug-: *or wP855. 1974 coa *se sanc, s*ecominantly                                       snotnole sc-'ag sasalt ratas, g*avel .....                 10        10 Sans; var'e;ates ray & = nite.                                                Mate *ial rs)                       *ntenness Deste
        **ne to eeci e sano, casalt
        & Ouse. rains . ..... .                    70        90     Sana: gray. **ne          : me:1um Sanc & ; ravel; variegated gray                                   sane, casalt y ties ....                              16        16
        & -n'te precomtnantly nasalt               10        90     Sanc & g*avel: g*ay. *ine tc Sana & -* ave:. va tegates                                          carse sanc, r ave!

g*ayIsco.n.fieeto: case Sanc; gray, fine tc sects.._

                                                                                                                       .       9       25 anc crecominantly cua't2                                       sanc. Dasalt r ains                             . a6        71 grates ravel                .              28      118      Sanc & revel, gesy, *in te coa'st sanc. *tne to
ca*se ravel. . . 9 80 699 16. fat (10 57.17) Sano & g*avel; lignt cro=a, Locat:on: .415700. 13700 12/25-315 fine sane. *'ne to ::aese sur* ace 11evation: 457.4 9'avel . . 53 133 Aia estacy logges ny Fug*o for .P855.197a, snotnole seeing 699 16 51 mate *ial (8) *hienness De:ta Location: 415i97 50997 12/25 35Et Casing Elevattee: 57'.90 Sano: vartegatec gray & troen Oaole tool or* ? tes 3.v Itgnam :* =st:n 0*'114ag
       *1ne to sectum sanc, tasalt                                        M cany *ar ae c , '9(p, geologi:
       & auartz rains            ..               75        75            invest'gation more ele Sand & r avel; variegated r ay
       & orown. *ine to mesium                                                    ma te-tal :11                       'nienness Dectn sanc. gravel . . .              ...        15        90 Sano & vavel; lignt crown, fine                                 751 sanc & 251 s9't                                       5         5 to mecium sanc. revel           . ..       25      115       50% sanc & 50% st .t         ..          ..            105       110 25: san:
                                                                                & 75'12 troen : lay      stitt: =/laye'.s 114 *t of                      5      115 699 16.[3A (8M.145)                                             501 sane. 255 stit & 25: gravel..                         5      120
ocation: m15!00. [3300 12/28 31 5 501 saac & 50s stit 15 131 Surfa:e 11evation: 458.4 3rownsanc&stit.eeMtec '

126 j aetary. loggea er Shannon & silson for isP*!5. Gravel . 4 140

          *g74 geologic investigatier to-e9 ele material (8)              *nicaness Dectn l    5tity sana, loose. itgnt Brown.                                                                                                        E fine         . ...........                    5         s Sanc. ya,. fine to coarse, clean

, to s?'etly silty, teste fine i ravei . . . . ..... 69 7A I Sancy r avel. ve*y dense lignt

pro-n. *tne to coaese, clean to l 5117 t'y silty, scattered to I numerous conoles .. .. 27 101 l Sanc. ve*y cense, gesy.orown.


      *1ne to mec$we, clean . .                    3      ?O4 76 I

jg RHO-LD-158

 ,B 699 17.t5 (10 57.131 s        6ccation: w 17200, E6200                         12/28 33H2         695 17 3 (3 201 Surface [1evation: 462.4                                               Location: 41660. =2500                       12/23 32*'

tir rotary, loggec Dy Fug-o for dP851.1974 Surf ace llevation: 443.7 I snotnole poeing material (8) Tmicaness Deo tn mello= stem avoee. loggeo ey $nannon & ailson for .P855, 472, W.2 fou ncation test to ng "Is t e-' a l { 8 ) Thicaness De:tn Sano & gravel; gars pay medium tc Coarse sand . . . . .. 10 10 mecisse cense to loose, tan & ray Sanc; cars rey to D-own, gravelly. fine to c: arse sand, medium sand . . . ... .. . 70 80 sligntly silty .. 5 5 Sand & gravel, cars grey to Loose, P ay. fine to mectum brown, comese sang, fine s4*0 */scatte ec ravel. . 10 '5 to coarse geavel . . . . . . 10 90 m ecium cense, fine to meetr Sano & gravel; trown, fine to sanc =iscatte-ee ravel .. 25 40 medium sano, ravel . 10 100 very cense, y ay & tan fiae to Sano; tro=n, meetum to coarse mecium sancy yavel or getvelly sand . ...... .. ... i0 110 sana. sii r tly silty 19 59 Sand & y avel Drown, mecium sano, fine gravel . 10 120 695 17-5 699.17.!5 (10 57.12) Location: 117450, d4500 12/28-31a1 tocatten: 916600, !$200 12/28 13M1 Oasing tievation: 433.19 i Surface 11evation: 453.3 Ca::e tool, s-911ec sy Stancery & aosteson of air enta y, logges by rug *o eor WPP$$, 1974, U530 for ${ C y:aay. 1950. 9-ownc ate

  • snotnole ooring monttoring & ;esiegic investigation so enote Mate *ial (8) inickness Oe:tn material (4) ?nicaness Oe:tn Sanc, gravelly & silty; meetum I

Sanc, gray, fine to meciam saac. cuart2 and nasalt ya ns to coarse tasalt f orms 6013 Sane, lignt tro.n, f tes to of tne coarse. & 25 5 3 of the meetum sanc . . . . .... . 80 80 fine rates; ranule & pecale Sana & ravel; tro n, fine to ravel is ta gely casalt ... 32 32 meetum sana . 25 105 Gravel & sanc. g-sy, su:* ounce:; I Gravelly clay; troen . .. . 3 108 asout ecually tasalt & emotic pe::les & ran ules ca-rying fire to coa-se sasaltic 699 17.!3A (IC.57.14) sanc & ICs siliceous sitt ... 4 36 Location: w 17300, 13200 12/25 33 1 Sanc. *tne to mecium, cua-tzese. Surface Elevation: 461.60 taaeisa.= nite, & layers of

 ;       air rotary, loggec Dy Fug o for ^=PD$$,1974,                          s111ce3us & 3asaltte granule snotnele coring                                                   & oe: le revel . .. ....                       4        40

< 3 avel & sanc; nas 13 tan silt; Mate *t al (8) 'nicanets Destn rouncee r anule & penale gravel of 63 esctte roca I Sand & revel; variegatec ray

         & crown, fine to mecium sand, fine geavels, preepinantly tasaltic . . . . . .

Sano variegated var & entte. fine

                                         .....              18        18 tyces & A0t tasalt ac: rcaniec Dy a:out 501 cuartz:se .nittsn. gray suo.

roun ces sectum sanc .. Sanc; nas revel & silt laye-s;

                                                                                                                      .      21        6' to meet m sano, casalt &                                              meetum to :sarse Itgnt. tan &

overt gesins .. . 62 80 gray cuart: & =asalt sanet Saec & revel; 3.own, fine to inciaces laye-s cf stit & reciun sana, gravel. . .. 35 115 secole g-avel tnat eacn forms soo.t 2 3 of tne zone ... .  ? $8 Sano; largely meatum sano, but 699 17.t38 (10 5P.20) naving mucn fine & see coa *se Location: u l6 M O, [}JC0 12/2S.33F2 sand, is r ay, cuar:2ose. & Surface Elevation: 461.3 succounceo; see laye-s of atr rota*y, loggec ty Fuyo for WP'$$ 1974, granule & peggie siliceous inctfiele Dorin9 gravel as well as see gray I matertal (8)

       $ano; variegated geny & . nite, fine to mecive sano, guart2 Thicaness Dectn silt . ..

Gravel & sanc; succounces granvie, secole, & cotole gravel tnat is ecus 11y Casaltic and emotic; aceut 50%

                                                                                                                             'I        II
         & nasalt g stns ... .....                          80        8w        of ,,g,,3,; , , ,, g 3 ,,

I Sand & gravel; variegatet gray & bro-n & enste, casalt & ovart: grains, yavel .. . Sano & gravel; trown, fine sana orecominantly avartz grains

                                               ...          10        90 o artrose, arvosic. & nasaltic sana             .            . .              8      105 gravel      ... ..                           . 29      119 77 I

RH0-LD-158 699 17.47 {06 131 699 17 70 Locat*on- 117333. 47318 12/26 35a1 gecatiom gl700C. =7000C 12/26 31:1 Casiag Ete.ation: 578.77 Cas ng Elevatica: 563.'8 Caole tool ito 313 ft.) & stasono cocin9 Casle tool, ers11es ny Rocca of Saca Oct111ag orilled in sa** ey Boyles leotnees 0" 111n9 Company foe GI Comcaay, '958. r owne. ate-Comoany & logges er Ledge *wooc of & for monitoring nerenote tocawell, 197-. tesenta geology & nyo-ology investigatton borenote material (1) Thicaness Desta utte*141 (1. 2,13) thiC ness Destn gitt , , ,,. .. 35 35 Silt & Coarse sand . . .. 3 38 Saney soil . ........ 5 5 Sitt & gravel . 7 45 Sane . .. ... ... 115 120 Sand & gravel 3 48 Sanc. very fine .. ... 5 125 Sana. coarse r evel ..  ! 50 Sano . . . . . .. . 7 132 Sand, revel & toulce.s .  ! 55 5490 & : lay . .. .... 8 140 Sano & coa'se ravel . II IO Sano & little clay . . 10 150 Sano & r evel . . ... 30 !00 Fine sano . . .. 5 155 Sanc. Orown e/4 good ceal of Sane . . ... . . 15 170 eic , ........ . 12 112 Sano & revel .... . 8 178 Sanc. ravel & clay . . 8 120 Cementeo revel .. . .. 14 192 Brown clay . . .. 10 130 Gray ca.wntec g*avel . . . 27 219 Blue snale- . . . . 10 180 152 Brown clay . .. . . 1 220 Sane & revel . . . . ... 12 3ro=p & olue : lay .. . 6 226 Sanc. gravel & clay .. 3 III 81ue clay. neavy . . . . . 39 265 Caliene & sanc . . . 30 18! 41ue ciay & a little sanoy 3 268 Sand, revel & clay .. 5 190 Sanoy alue :tay . .. 2 270 Stit & sand . . . . . . . 10 200 81ue clay & gravel . . . 5 275 Silt.sano. fine r avel 10 210 live clay & neavy revel . . 6 281 Blue snale, soft . . .. .. .. 10 220

             .          blue clay & revel, ve y                                                                                Blue snale, saac & ravel..                                                 10       230 narc         .                 ..                                          9                         290      Sane & r evel . . .                                 . .                    20       250 4eavel . . . . . .             ...                                  10                                   300      Gray clay-soft & sticay                             .               .      10       260 3 ravel & little Blue clay                               .                      9                        309      Gray :tay                     .                               .               9     269 llue & gray sancy :1ay .                ... .                                   6                        315      lasalt              .                                ...                   17       286 Little alue clay. revel nare can      . .                   .. .                   .         11                                   326 Gray ravel naro can . .                           ...                  16                                 342     699 17 93 lasalt, niaca                      ..  .                              11                                 353        Location: 417000. 930C0                                                12/25 3301 lasalt          ...                     .                 . 110                                         a63        Casing Ilevatten: s765 Tuf*aceous siltstone, senestone.                                                                                    Casle toot. eeilleo sy 5-ain o* *st:9 3 rilling
taystone, clay & sand, aud. Cecany for 31 Cesaay, '957 grouno=ater stone. L tuffaceous mud. monitoring sceenote stone .. . 67 536 lasalt .. ... 184 720 Mate *141 (1) *hicaness Deota tuf*aceous sagestone, clay. &

sancy siltstone . ... 19 739 Gravel, cobbles . . . II II 8asalt . .. . . . 8 857 Sano, revel & co:stes . 9 28 fuffstone, tu'*aceous siltstone. Large c:001es & coulcers . 5 29 clay, siltstane, sand . 85 942 Blaca casalt roca (strat o :r lasalt s. . . . 247 1.189 toulce ?) . 1 30

              '.so1111 ...tuf*, sancy : lay.                                                                                    Boulce-s.casalt..                      .                                       2      32 lasalt oculceas                                                                       3,
                  & sanc        ..           . ...      .                    101                                    !.290                                       .               .                              5 tasalt              .                       ....                                      2              1.292       lasalt 'eck.grayana*d.                     ..                         .        5      a2 Mars bloca casalt                      .                  ..                   5      a7 Slaca casalt roca naro                                          .              7       54 81act tasalt roca                                                              1       55 78

l l RHO-LD-158 l l l l 1 699 18-!!$ 0 57.19) 599-18-230 i'O.57 2?' l Location: sal 8400, (3300 12/28-3402 L:catsoa: sal 3000, !3000 ?2/25-3302 Sur' ace !1evation: 433.4 Surdace Elevation: a60.5 Air rotacy, logges by r ugro 'or .Pe55.1974, air -otary, logged ny Fagro for .7855, 1972, snotnole sortag snotnote soring Material ($1 'htenness *ecta - * -

                                                                                                                         ' (8)                   *hiciaess ;ecti Sana; tro=n . ........                                                                                                                                                    I
                                                                  . (veaee')                     Sane; vartegsw . . ., & .ntte,                                               j Sand; variegated ray & .ptte.                                                                    '1ae to coarse sana, fine to sectum sano, suart: &                                                                  oresominantly 3asalt, some j

i Dasalt v ains . ...... 28 28 quar z . .. . .. . 70 70 Sano & yavel; trown, fiae sand, !and & y svel; 3rown, fine to. cuartz yates, yavel .. 32 60 Sano & gravet; l'gnt nr:=n, 'ine mectue sano. 2recominantif guart: ystns ya,et 84 125 sano, soeie silt, yavel 30 90 699 ta-E7 (10-57 14) ~599 19-E9 (10 57-20) Location: %=17800. E7300 12/28-3404 tocation: s4190C0. 19400 12/23-27o1 Surface Elevation: 462.3 Surdace Elevation; 441.1 Air rotary, logges ey r gro u for APP 55,1974, Atr rotary, loggeo Sy Fugro for dP'55.1974 snotnote sor?ng snotnote moring Mateai :8) Micteess Oe:ta wate-ial t!) 'curess :ects Sravel; fine to coarse yavet, sano: ert=n . .. I 3 soM sand . .. . . 15 IS Sand & ; ravel; 3 ray, #'Pe IS Sane; sars psy, sectum saac, sectus sand, ravel . . 37 45 Sasalt . 55 60 Sanc, var'egatec ; ray & 3*own. sano; tro.vains a. fine sana 5 35 fine to sectum sanc .

                                                                                                                                                        ,              ,5 Sana & v avel; 11 gat tec=a...                 Fine                                            Sane & y avel; y ay, ftee to sanc f *ne to coarse ravel                                                                     meciwn sanc. y avel                 -

2,- g 3and & r avei; sars orc =a. *e Sanc & ;rsvel. Or$*n-;*11. f'*e ,,- sand, stit some c?ay, fine to sano, sare siit, yavel 2,. ~- coarse gravel 45 130

                                                                                             ,   699-19-47A 639-18-(3A (10 57-15)                                                                         Locatton: 119096, d46997                          12/25-2541 Location: sg18500, 12900                                             12/23-3301           Casing fievat?on: 517.18 Surface !!evation: 461.30                                                                 *acle tool etilet ny dates o' wat:n Or'1'ing Air rotary, iogget sy Fugro *or hPPSS 1974,                                                  Comoany for allhCO,1969, ;eologic *nvest'-

snotnote moring gation acreno;e Material (8) thicaness Oesta Mater *al ;1) *%tcuaess Oe:19 Sano; vartegated pay & .atte, Sans & silt ..... 33 33 fine to mectum sana, basalt & !and & stit. 3C% silt . 7 40 quartz F atns .... ... 17 77 Sand & silt, sandy . . . 5 45 Sand & gravel, variegated ray & Coarse sand . .. 5 50 srown, fine to sootwo sano, sano & silt, coarse sana . . 5 53 gravels . .. ..... 3 20 Sano & sitt . . . . .... 13 58 Sand & gravel; tro=n. fine to Sano & stit, gravel to 3 in.. secium sand, gravel . 35 115 los revel . . ...... 2 70 Sana & sitt, yavel to 3 'n., $1 avel, toon 5 in, concle at 599-18.t38 (TC-SP 16) T,2 ft. .... ... 5 75 Location: sgl7700, (2500 12/25-33C2 Stit 30% stit . . ... 5 to Sur' ace (levation: 163.20 Sano & stit, mostly sitt to 90 Air rotary, loggeo :iy Fagro for .PPS$.1974, Sana & sitt .. 20 l'O snotnote soring Sana & stit. ...30% stit . 5 '15 Sano & sitt . . . . 10 125 Material (8) 'Micaness Oestn Sano & silt, 80% stit.. . . 10 35 Sano & stit .... 9 '4a Sana; vartegate.2 gray & .ntte. ) Sand & silt, 90% stit. 21 165 fine to coarse sand, some fine Sano & stlt . ... . . 10 75 yavels . . . . 90 90

                                                                          ,                        Sane & sitt 50% silt . ...                            10          185 Sans; variegatec ray & .atte.                                       l                          3Cs stit, gravel to ! in.10%                ..          5         190 fine to meatun sana, 34salt &                                       j                        Sand & sitt ..               .....                    15          205 3uart2 Fains . . .                                       .4 Sand & stit (nit sanc 207 f t.)                       10          2'5 Sand & gravel; varaegateo ; ray &                                                              Gravel to 3 'n.       . .                       .       3         2'8 ere=n, fiae to coarse saed &

gravel . . . . . 30 120 79 I l ---- - _ - - - - - - - -

I RH0-LD-158 I II9 II*I8 699 19-51 . Location: 12/25 2541 .ccation: 119125. 87'36 ?2/25-27=1 Castag Elevation: 536.16 'asing D evattoe: 544.45 I # Caole tool. artlies ny tignas of wat:*i Or*11 tag Yaten

                                                                                  ' ' " ' 'Or I" m" ' ing 8 ? :' m   ' ""  ! a>"o Canoany for aAMCO.1969. geologic tnost -                                                                         aay    *cr Ma*.an*
  • y, 3 pston 3er,,oi.

957. youne. ate- :a tsr ag :ere c'e

                                                                                               * ' " ' '                               """ 5         "

Mate *141 (1) thickness 2:19 5 tit

  • 15 '5 751 sano 251 silt . ... . 10 !0 3,. ,,, i *
  • 17 32 601 sono 4C1 sitt ... .... 15 25 Siit 2 's 251 sano '51 stit . .. 5 30 3ravei 11 is 501 sano 50% st1t ... .. 163 193 3ravelElacx5asal' t ?0 55 20% st1t 30% vavel . .... 2 195 511t . 2 57 3asalt gravel.. . 9 55
 $g9.;9 53                                                                 3ravet-mises, sost!y :ssait                                       9       74
    '.oc a tion: 118953. d58250                       12/26-2SR1 3r ave l . .                     . .             .

Castag tievation: 573.25 N'MC830r'y'[8'; Cao'e tool, artiteo sy acosa of tacq Oriti ng i occasiona in. or 3 'n. of stit ,0 Comoany for M *:recany.1959. younovatte ..f ravel . . 38

                                                                                                . .             . ..                         3 iionitsr9ag sorenote                                               . ravel.stgns sf more tasalt                                       ,

95 O m ntes v a nl- ney nars 1! Mc 4 terial (1) intenness Mst, Cane'itaa ya.el ... . 5 115

                                                                                                                                          '5       130 Sano 4 stit ..             .          .         ,    40         40       C"',t'2 Sano st1:  Sino      L small
                                                                                             & small               v s.e' .

vsvel.sef*e* 135 Fine sano L stit 5 45 Sano, st.'. y avel . . ... 5 Sano 1 stit .. ' 10 83 5 140 Fine sano & stit . . .. 5 60 Coarse saac & stit. 150 155 *: Sand L stit, sa*o ts very fine 40 100 Itgntee :310e ... . 15 155 Fine sano & s11t . . . . . 15 t!5 18"8 si tt L ; ravel-1*; ate n OI4y. sana L gravel . 10 125 color . ... .. 10 165 Sano & P avel . ..... 16 lag Sano, stit, yavel. 11gnt 3rewn . 20 ?85 Sano. ; ravel, clay & soulsees . 6 155 Sano, s it L 7-avei . 15 20 0 Sand ;rsvel & soulcers .. 10 Sanc & stit .... 5 205 Sano 5 yavel: .ent fnts *tne -'55 Sano, silt some ;-svel-sof t 42 !a; yavel at 169 ft. .. . . 10 175 Sano & sitt. scre ysvel . 23 270 3ranite soulcer ... . 3 1;g Sand, stit & yavel . 30 30 0 Sano L secole rave' . .. 7 185 Cenentec sano L ytvel 35 335 Sano & yavel, cart 3rown in Sancy stit or clar . 5 340 color .......... . 5 190 Clay-gravel .. . 10 353 31ue. gray clay-getting more 31ue clay & sasalt y avel.. 1 251 alue . ........ 5 195 lasalt-soft . . 9 360 Blue clay ... ... 10 205 lasalt.nara . . . . 5 365 lasalt ... . .. 5 210 mars sasalt . 7 372 Itaca sasalt . ... ... 25 235 Soft sasalt . 1 373 3 ray sesalt .... .... . 3 243 Mars sasalt . . 15 388 Slaca sorous nasalt .. . .. 7 250 3 rey t staca sasalt .... 9 25 9 Soft slac roca; euc reen stat at 272 ft. .. . ... 13 272 31aca sasait: suo 3rown tint from 274-275 ft., suo at 255 *t. . Discu ..... . 18 290 Soft 3lacu *ocu . .. .. 5 295 marg 3asait . .. . 5 300 I 80 I I

L RH0-LD-153 l r L

    " 'd   .                id d =20 m . ii2 m                                           12ns.mi                           '"" C 8 )                           'a'c'a'55           3'ot'

[ Castng Elevation: 4 Osole tooi, en n e 37.25 0*1111eg "amoany for 3I Comoany.1961 3, % .re of Cannse,

                                                                                                            -      5 ra' . 9't rar. "a*
                                                                                                               **"8*   5 " 8dI* F 8I
  • 83 '3 Saac; om en. *ine sanc . . . .. 3 46 groun owater monitoring serenole Sane & r evel: va**egateo, ay &
                                                                                                               . nite, fine sana, some si t, Mate-tal (1)                            Thicaness Destn           coarse gravel                ..                              24          70 Sano & cocoles . . . . . . . . . .                                                     5          5 I'"' ' F "'I'          8""9 fin sanc.....

Sand gravei & cocoles . . .. 15 20 o* Mominaetly cus*tt. F uel Gray sans & or pet. :steles ... 10 20 coated =/stit . . ..... 30 100 Sano & revel, cocoles . . . . . . 15 45 Sand & revel, consies (gray 699-20-i5A 6 in.) . . . ... ... 5 50 Loc 12R8-2 SKI Sana 5 Favel cocoles (ray  ;,,,ation:


3 in, to 4 in.) 5 55 tool. orille: ty late * & Egan of Sace Sanc, revel, conoles . .. 10 65 Caele,11tng g, Comoany. 1976. gesun a. ate-er avel. Coooles 80 [ .. .. .. 15 monitom ng Dorenele Yellow sanc & Clay 3 in. . 5 85 Gray sand & Favel . . . 5 90 Mate *ial (1) Thicaness Deotn 40 recore . .. . .. 7 97 Sand & coolas . . ... . 8 105 105 coarse sand. 63 nais sanc. 6matec revel ......... 45 150 30s fine sana ........ 2 2 Coarse coca & sans .. 5 155 ementee r avel .. 20 175 10533c m,tae oecoles. 20% coarsein. 3M mop Hettu. No *ecora . ... .. 5 180 sano. ICs socie sana . .. 13 15 Gravel & loose sane . . . 5 185 loswee rud.60sNn Gravel & sanc . 7 192 20 ravel. 30s coarse sand ... 5

                                                                                                                  "' " F'* ' *  " " '

e a sans' ' *

  • gravel. 43 =ca*se sano '& 101 O n nte: revel .. 7 225 mu*um sanc ......... 40 60 Locse g*avel ... .. 10 235 20s we y 'in rod. 30% coseu Loose gravel, cotele revel 5 24 0 Sane & loose gravel . 5 245 ,u n c3Cs
                                                                                                                 ,,,    . ,,,,mecium sanc. 2M
                                                                                                                               ,,,,,,,                     ,                j9          79 Sanc & gravei                                     ...                   .               5     250      43 %go, 7,,g , 3;g ,,,

Sanc & loose gravel

                                                                   . ..                      5     255 Srown & tougn                                 .                               .       10      265 pgg, 3;g . acu uno                      .                     1         80    j
                                                                                                            'Os conclu . 10% :n
  • u r u d .

I 81ue & tougn . 1. 28* ' 819e & r ay lay . 20 300 20 u d e r u C . 23 *tre 81ue gravel .. . 305 ruO. 30% curu unc. 23 mecie sanc ....... . 10 90 llue ottomootec *oes . . .... .5 310 20s ocoles, a0% ravd. 4M 81ue necemo:ses roca :tay .. 10 320 saac * ** * *

  • 5 95 81ue clay tougn . . . 5 325 ,, ,,,, , , ,, ,,,,,,. 2 97 Rotten tasalt . 15 340 00s small seentes. 20s small lasalt . . . . . . 5 34 5 cocoles, 401 curu sane 10 81aca nasalt . . 12 357 fin und ..... ...... 3 100 50% mecium sana. 301 eine sane.

23 coar ... .

                                                                                                                                                                .             6       106 699-20-t11 (10-9-22)                                                                                    aos ,,ci ,se , sand,, g, 33     f,,, ,,3,.
  • Location: s420200. !!1400 12/28-2702 20% curu uno.105 smO1 Surface (levation: 444.5 ottoles 5 111 l Air rota*y. loggeo by Furo for ePess.1974, 50% curses'ano" 305 'ec1 As'ac.'

588tPol' 08""9 10% fine sano.10% small

                                                                                                                                               **               ~

Mate sal (8) Thicanets Depth $g'g", ,,3,;,", j;j ,,,, ,'nd. a Gravel, coDoles at Founo E,','*','""*

                                                                                                                         , ng ** * ***                                        6       ' 2 *'

elevat*on ........... 73 72 Sano & r avel; Fay. *1ne to coarse sanc. r avel ...... 699-20-t!P Sane & r evel; var egatec. y ay Location: 4200C8, 14715 12/28-29K2

                & enite fine sana, some stit.                                                                    Casing (levation: 867.04 coa *se F evel                                                     ..                            tota *y. erillec ey worc. Loveani & vacae* of
     $11ty revel; prown, sinor grown                                                                               8 tense ?rtiling Comoany foe 8N.4.                          1966, sand .                        . ... .......                                37       110            rounomate* eenitering borenote mate-141 (1)                         ?hicaness Desta

[ $99-20-E10 (10-5P-211 Location: s419600,110400 Sur' ace Elevation: 12/28-2701 Sano. r evel & cocoles . . . . . . Sana & ravei . ....... 15 a5 15 60 Air rota*y. legges by Fug*o 'or #855,1974, 5aac. revel & cocoles . . . . 20 80 snothole ooring Gravet. :sceles & sovideas . .. 10 90 Cocoles & souloers . . . . . . 9 99

  .                                                                                                           Saac. rsvel & sane clay                     ...                   6        105 Sanc & r avel           ..             .                       25          130 81

I RH0-LD-158 Clay . ...... Clay & v avei 14 6 144 19 1, 699 20.E,o!$

                                                                                  ,,c,,    m: =2:111 c4772                               12/2s.2sm5 I
    ;onotes. oculdees & yavel . . . .                        21
                                                                                  .a ing Elevat uonoles, soulders & p avel =/a g,s,,,,

g g,,j;,'e,n: ,,466.58 ,,,,, ,,g g g g y p,p ,, to e u5ders"& y avei ' ' ' - '8 "IE* 0* ' " ' "I '"# "

  • ecco,es e. .r, & reve, r~"~<" ~1c=-~9 cc ec u"
       =/ clay-sandy . . . . . ...                            9       190 Cocoles. soulceas & gravel . . . .                       50      240                     us te 141 (1)                          ?>1caness Deat-Sano, yavel & ccooles              .....                 25      275 Cocoles. counce's & gravel . .                                              Sano & gravel . . . .. . .                                85         85 27      3C2 Sancy clay =/ gravel g,3g, 97,,,j, geg3;,,.g go,jg,,,.                    .       g        93
                                    ..            ..         18      320 Sasalt .                                                                   g,3g g p ,,,3       , , , ,,,,,,                             3        93
                   ..            ....                        34      354
    . lay . .                                                                  W p%p%We                                                   27       120
                        . .. .                        .      16      370       Sea, revel Sancy :tay .                                                                                                                          16       136
                                    ..                       52      42.                           .

Basalt . . . 4 140 lasalt & clay .........

                              ..          .                   6      423       .u{,jic:
                                                                               ;,,        holes                              .            10       150 28       456       ;,,,,y, g,ggi,,, 3,,;g,.s                                  15       165 8asalt         . ..                                      10      466       Gravel & clay . .                                           7      172
ay, r evel & cocoles 23 195 699 20.[50 Clay & geavel 2 197 Location: 420040, f4750 12/25 28K3 . Con:les & tou1cers "asing Ilevation: 466.89 Aotary. 3riIled oy word LovdaP1 & Varne- of Pitene* Det11 tag Oca any f or 844 . 1966 699 20.E5,.

grounowate* monttseing cocenole Location: 420148. [4780 12/28 2846 Casing fievation: 467.69 mate *1al (1) Thickness Oecta Actary. ceillec ey goes. Lovcant & va*ae of eittnee O'*11tng O rsany ': S M . 1965. Sana & gravel ......... 90 90 g*oune= ate eoeit:e m s more9cle Sano, yavel, ccentes & Scalcees . 35 125 Sanc gravet. Oculcees & ccooles . 10 135 Mateest (') inienness Oeotn i Soulse-s, coceles & r avels . 39 174 ( Sculce-s. cocales & geavels Sano & gravel . 84 84 ersome clay . ..... . 6 120 Coceles & soulce s .. 36 120 011y =/geavels . . ...... 10 '90 Gravel, casoles & soulce-s 5 125

ocoles & gravel . . . ... 20 210 Se e clay.r svel.conoles . . . . 37 247 Ocooles & oovicers ....... 5 255 699 20.t2 (8w141)

Boulce s & concles . . . . . . . 46 301 Location: 420341, [2477 12/25 29M1 Clay . . ... .... 19 320 Surface Elevation: a65.9 Basalt .... . ..... . 30 350 Mua rotary (to 470 *t.' & stamonc ce**ng. 01ay =/ basalt .... .... 5 356 crillec sy ;.ongyea- Dr ting Comsany & Sasalt . . ... . 2 358 leggee of Fug-s f or Je!5.1974

ay . ..... ..... 61 419 geologic investigation coreaoli. eecrect lasalt ......... . 3 422 Mate *tal l8) inicanets Deatn 699 20.l54 Gravel; va-tegatec. gray to Location: N20070. [4766 12/25 2SK4 . nite, fine t: coarse gravel, -

ssing Elevation: 467.47 overtrite, acto igneous & totary. o* 1ted 3y uore. Lovoan1 & Warne- of essait clasts; crecominaetty 7 ttene Orilling Concany for 8M.1966. basaltic, s ee caliene coated r owne.atee monito*1mg morenole grawals . . . . . . 33 33

                                                                               $4ad; variegated. 7 y to enite.

Material (1) ?nicaness Destn medive to coa-se sano, assaltic

                                                                                 & quart: rains Sand & gravel           .......                          71         71 Sano.. revel & sone cocoles                ...             4        75 3,g . 7, , , , , ,, g , ,,, , ,, g p g ,

Sanc yavel & cocoles . . . . 19 94 o,ecomin e tly casaltic, s ee Sec ravei, conciei & noute r s . n 36 69

 .cooles & souloers .             . .. .                  25 105 130 3,jg2,,,,;g,;,,1g,,.;,;i- -

Srown clay . ...... . 13 143

                                                                                 & coecles, acie igneous &

l = ravel & ccooles 22 casaltic clasts. crecominant!y

                            . ... .                                165 Gravel & coecles. see clay                                                      acie igneous .                 . . . . . . .            64       133 15       180 Gravel. :: coles & clay . . . . . .

Clayey silt: 3rown, sligntly 15 195 olastic, ve y sof t see Gravel & conoles ..... .. 5 200 gravels . . . 22 1!! Concles & soulce's .... . 101 301 :layey g*svel; Deo n. scie

 *'ay .
 ..             .        .........                        1%       320           igneoug & 3asal* g*avel *o lasalt                           .                         1      3P            ggggi,g, gief ,,gye gilt                      , .

Gravel; variegatec :olo , Favel to cotales, acic igneous, ovar*. ite & 34s41t. O nce amounts of stt: & clay . 149 304 I' l 82 1 l l

RH0-LD-158 Gravel; Drown, g*avel to Gravel & little clay . ..... 13 93 cocoles, acts

  • geeous. Sasalt. *ocas. toulce-s & grave
  • 19 '12 oba**.2tte & Salal! . . . Basalt. *ocus. Coa'se teac &
  • Stity revel; 3*own soulce's .... 15 12' Gravel; no stit, clean. ..... Fine sanc. *ocus & sitt 8 135 preepinantly tasalt ./ acto pine mate
  • sanc; caves . 2 137 igneous & ouartzite clasts . . . Fine sanc & r evel . . . 5 142 Clayey gravel; ray clay. Gravel & fine sand . .. . 6 148 Dasalt, acts igneous & Gravel & coarse sanc . . . . . . 2 150 tuertzite, gravel to cochles . . Coarse sano & gravel . . . . . 5 155 Sancy clay; crown-gray, some Gravel & ocas . .. . 3 158 stit & gravel ......... 9 313
  • Stity revel; gray. revel to 3 canales, st1t ./same clay . J 699-20-39 Sancy gravel; 3rown, ravel to j Location: N2C472. W39076 12/27-30 0 conoles, acid igneous, sasalt 62 375 Cas mg Ilevation: 539.98
         & auartttte. sanc /some                                                                                                                       Casie tool, ort 11ec Dy matcp of daten Ort 111ag stit . . .      . . ..                   . .                                                                                                      Comoany foe GI :omoany.1960, roun c=ater Gravel; clean       .. . .                  ..                                                                                                       monitoring morenale Clayey stit; itgnt 3rown. some gravel & sand       ....             .            I                                                                                                       Mate *ial (1)                          thicreess Dest
  • Clayey silt; setwn & gray I green, some gravel ...../ 80 455 81o= sanc .. ...... 5  !

Clayey stit; saca crown. Loose sane . . . . . . ... 10 15 minor r avels Sancy r avel; dars r ay.orown.

                                       ...            .]                                                                                       les-n sa'io & st1t ...

Graw coa'se sano & stit, 10 25 revel & concles. Drecomi- 35 40 *t. clean ... 25 50 nantly tasalt c. s ee s*1t & Locse saea & stit, g*avel to

  • clay . ..... .... 15 470 3 tn.. Just a st'een of Congiame ste; itg t g*ay. g*avel . . . . . . . .... 5 55 r avel to es: oles.
  • ounces. Locse sanc & stit. 51 y svel . 10 65 cari gray to r eea g*ay, 'ine sanc & sitt . . . . .. . 10 75 mestum sano, soo*1y toe-se gray sand & silt 10 85 incurates . . . . 13 483 3 ray sano & stit . . . . .  ! 90 lasalt; saar ray. Ses16e Gray saac & stit & cootles  ! 95 graines. vesic.lar to nignty Gray sand & stit . . . . . 15 110 vestevlar at flo= too. Gravel, sano & cottle ... . 5 115 amgyaaloical, cease . . 16 507 4 ravel 6 in.. Stit & sand . . 20 135 lasalt; cars ray. *tne. Large ravels. Sand & silt . 15 150 r aines, scoriaceous to Coaese r avel, sanc & silt . 10 160 ntgnly vestculae. nignly Small gravel. same & sitt . 10 170 weetneres. clay fills Small revel & sano, ve*y fractures & joints . . . . . . . 33 540 Clean .... .... . 10 180 Sasalt; ears ray, *ine to small & large gravel & stit. . 10 190 sectus rstneo *are vestcles. Sano & gravel =/ silt . . . . . 10 20 0 oonse, fe fractures, plagio- targe gravel, saac & silt . . 5 2^5 clase latns ..... . . . 70 610 Ses11 & 1arge revel, silt tasalt; cara ray. meetum & sand . . . . . . . . 5 210 rainea. nignty vesicalar. Small revel, stit & sanc . 5 215 I fractured . ........ 2 612 Loose sano & stit .. ... 10 225

( Sanc & slit .... .... ?0 235 Tuff; itgnt Sanoy tuff; ray ray escaceous to entte. ....I Sanc imoet silt . . . . .... 5 240 mecium sand .. .. 511ty c!aystone; cars reea to

                                              . . . . (i 44                                   656                                                  Gravel & sanc & sitt
                                                                                                                                                    $anc, revel & sitt             ......
                                                                                                                                                                                            .. .                       45 5

285 290 care neown, sagular, tasalt fragments .. ... . .. j Gravel, sand & st1t Fine sano & stit . 25 10 315 325 Basalt; caet gray, fine gratned. Sano & stit ..... ..... 5 330 hignty vesicalae, n19P'y Blue clay, gravel streams . 15 325 fracturea. It gnt gray.reen San e . . . . . . . . ... . . 9 398 clay fills fractures & Green clay wi r avels . . . ... 16 410 jetnis . . . . . . ... 45 IO1 Green Clay e/r avel st? eats . 15 425 lay . .. .... .. 15 440 no *ecoro ........ . 5 445 699-20-20 81ue tlay engravel streams . . . 5 850 Location: e20389. w20390 12/27-27J1 51ue olaca clay .... .... 5 a!5 Casing Elevation: 505.18 Soft sanoy alue clay . . . . . . 15 470 ( Caole toc 1. oeilleo ey aumley of us;5 foe

  • G( *omoany 1948. Founomatte monttoring Stue sane. Some clay . .

Blue sano, some clay . . 5 9 475 888 89I torenole Gree 9 Clay utgravel ....... II Clay . . . . . ....... . $ $00 aqattrial '1) Thictaess Deatn Blue sandy clay w/ifavel leeses . . . . . . ...... 5 50 5 Blaca sand . . . . ..... 33 33 Sticay clay ot ravel . . . . . . . 5 510 Coarse 01act sane . . . . 12 45 Sof*e* clay .... ... 5 115 Fine glaca sanc .... . . 10 55 narc. Stilny clay errevel . . . 15 530 Fine staca sano & . nite sane Sticzy clay ...........  ! 53!

            & st1t . .   ...             .... .                   II                                   80 f                                                                                                                   83 L                                                                                                                                                          - - _

I RHO-LD-158 1 1 Sttcey stue clay . .. 30 565 699 22.[2 !!C.P-22: ticsy 31 e clay org-avel . . 10 575 . scat *:n: u l:0CO. [2'00 ?2/25-222* Loose saac .icisy; at $78 *t. Surdace !*evat en: a. ., ' iocse avantng entte sano air -otary. :ogges sy %g-s *or 4p853, 1974 ' casame :!ay . . . 5 580 snotnole scr'99 Ia9cy **ay . . ... .. 15 595 Sancy clay ./seme g avels . 5 600 *ater*al ist *nicaness Oestn Gravel & sancy clay ... . 5 6C5 weetne ec sasalt gravel & sand . 5 610 Sano: variegateo yay & .nete. 8asalt . . .. 22 632 fine to siecium sanc. cuartz

                                                                           & tasalt vains                                             7a          74 Sano & y avel: ;-ty'sn.ce =n.

699-20-82 fiae to :sarse sana, srecomi-Location: i 198a?. w82345 12/25-26=1 nantly suartz. vivels . 25 100

   *asing fievation: 614.31                                             lano & Travel; set =n. **ne sanc.

Zaole tool, ertiles by Scott for lenson. 1929, ancominan tly 2u4 *.2 ;*a tes.

                                                                                                                                      ,g       ,- 2,.

apestic . ate

  • sucoly moremote fp 1*avels o Mate-141 (1) hicaness Decth 699-22 55 1 ' ' 6 6 Loc at'on: 12H94 55 2 12/25 2 m Sanc*c'#*icosh*****'*'**'*
  • 24 30 Casing Uevatten: 6ia.20
  • 37 47 Caole tool. :r*11ec :y 5t yam if daten Orilliag n f,2,I * * **** H Company 'er WCO.1963, ;eo f egic tavesti-2 avei, coa,se :

Gravel, cemeetec . . 30 6

                                                                 $8 68 74 9 ate :c'no.

ar ave., loose. coa se .. 6 80 g g ,, , , , , n g,;,3,,, ,;g. favel.**ne, pea.sizec. . . 8 50t saea, 5C% silt .. 150 150 $ N . N , -aid searini; SC5 $a"8 'C5 5 C: I:5 $$411.. at *17 ft. .. . 23 149 E' * - * *

  • 5 in **

Sanc 3,. . 251 s"na, a ,. 51 ;*avel .. 5 150

                    . ..                    .       151 Grave' .                      .                          4      30a'
 *av. slue                   ..                 . 41       3a5      599-22 *0 lasalt, siac      ..& g*ay .        .        .       113       458         '. sea t t e :                                            12/25 2081
**ay, .ntte, sancy . .                          . 12       470        Casing 11evat*cn: 514.37 Sanc. . nite, sticay ..                 ...           11       481        Casle tool. :r'11ec by 5t'stion of Macea
1ay. 31ue, sancy . ... . 66 547 Orilling Carcany 'or 3Z
smoany.1962 Basalt slaca & r ay . . . . . . 308 855 grounc=ater won'ter'ag soetno te St. ale. Olve ... . . 31 885 Samostone 7 Snele. alue, sandy . .

89 3 mate **al (1) Thictness Oe:t'i

                                   ... .              31      924 Sasalt. Slaca, yay & *ee ...                         277     1,201       Fire necen sana                               . .            25          25 f'ay. yellow
                       . .. ..                          2   1.203       Fine If pt grown sand               .. ..                    30          55 inale. Stue. green & 3*own.                                              Fire trown sanc .. ..            .                           45       100 trace af sano in ucreamest                                           Fine 3rewn saec 1 5111                 . .                   22       122 46 *t.        .... ......                        107     1.310       lasalt, sostei aara; sate-tal.

lasalt, ray & Diact, wate" hac : a ast :olor it ;57 *t . 73 135 level 2 *0 f t. Below surf ace Gray clay w/seme san 0 3r *ock to eno of seitling . . . . . 128 1.a38 cutsteg ..... ... 10 105 Sanest:ne, fine-r ainec . . 12 1.450 3 ray clay w/ sana L gravel . 5 210 lasalt, gray & blaca . . . . . . 90 1.540 gesy clay ./some sano . . . 5 215 Saacstone. *tne-grainec . . 13 1.553 Gray clay w/some saic & ysvel . 20 225 lasalt gray & siaev aa7 2.000 Roca cut *tngs ./sze ;rsy :?ay

                                                                           & sana. 245-255                  ...               .      15       250 699 21-E2 (1C.57-22)                                                    Rect cutting                .          . ....                  5      255 Location: v120300. [2400                          12/28-28M2         lasalt enics.1 sinus pavet.

Sur<sce llevation: 473.1 9PSY C810" * * -

                                                                                                                                       !      250 atr rotary, togges ny Fugro for WP'!!.1974,                          8asalt cnics . .                    . ...,                   .0       270 snotnole Soring                                                   Brotai tasalt & aart :nunt of a yeen esterial                         .                   5      275 Material (8)                      7hicaness Cent'i        8asalt; real narc                                 ..          15      m Sasalt . .            . . . .              .                  20      310 Sane & gravel: variegated gray                                          8asalt & same :sicreo 3 ravel .                                5      315
   & 3rown, f*ne to coarse sane.                                        Sasalt, escium aars             .                     .       58         7.

Favel, sano crecastrantly basalt . . ..... .. . to 10 Sana var *egated gray & .ntte. Fine to mectum sand, basalt

    & overta vains        .....                       60          70 Sana L v avel; vartegatee y ay
   & .ntte & tro=n. fine to coarse sana, vavel ... ..                         20          90 Sano & vivel; 3rown, fine to neoius sana, yavel ..                    .         !$       !!!                       .


~ RH0-LD-158 ,-. 399 23.(2 (1C.5P.2al 539 2a.10 Location: -a22200. U 800 12/28-2501 . scat *en: 4226 M 1255 '2/25 I9C2 u Sur' ace D evatana: a73.5 Castag U evatica: 275.29 air -otary t ogges sy 8 agro *ar .P'55.1978 actary. :rtiles 3 .cre. '.svea915 iarme of snotnote no***g 8'tcae Oct11*ng " poany for 3 M . *196. " 7'it care s s Cettn Matee'el (8) i 4ste'tal (') 'h1CEPess O e

  • t'i
  • Sanc. variegatea ray & sco=n.

fiae to Csarse sed. 3 recant- 3 ravel, sa90 :303Ies.sculde*s 15 *! nantly Dasalt y ttns . . 77 77 3 ravel. :: coles.coulce's . . 65 30 - Sano & gravei; 3rs=r fine to Seoles, gr avet. dest:e-s 45 *! I coarse saea, svartt grains. S co:es, yavel. saac .. 15 90 L-- r evel . .. ........ 13 90 Otoies. 30ulce't gravel 25 *2! Sand & vivel; trown, fine sane. *s:cles, eculee's '83 precominantly suart: yates. Sancy sed a :!ay .. '!3 yavel . . . 25 125 Sancy neo.m :Tay .i r asels 0 70 I S cales & ; ravel .. . 20 '80 L g,9-23 7 12/IS-3;C1 5 D N' ' '# * *5 ruel, spe v: a

  • V, Loc ation:

Sur' ace Elevation:

                                                                                              - 488 8 E F"'I                                                                                                       .I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -5 ite a g usten                          Paar :'ai                                                    -                                    -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     !'7        2*~

r Caof. Or, ntooi. ere nea t ng Co,any f or3,> su,t, i979 youn . ate- r a e ' . c = = = $ ' * *a ' 8 '- $ p5 I .onttar.n, 3 re,oie roei. artvel. naa  :::oies/s= L toulse's c'af - 55 S ' ** 4att*141 (1) Th'Cuaess "Je* ti 3 ravel, cessies & toul'ce-s 23 293 3r =n sancy c:ay 'a I barse see . 5 5 lasalt 3 3. . gr p, j $ o . . .. 1 3 b sea gravel,. . . 5 15 !anc. v avel & : lay 29 3aj 3 rave. . .. . . to 25 34sait . 5 25. Very coarse sano 5 30 3 ravel . . 20 50 599 2a- M F sc o eity saec. ?O 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '2.25 2*C2
                                                                                                     , Loc at t om: 123593, 41259 Sano                             .                 .          .        6          66                           ,,,,, p ,,,g,ca:                                                  a75.02 acta y, :rillec sy .ces. isvea al L /a-ae- :f 8* tere
  • art 11 tag Smoany for $ M . ?966.

699-Za-1P y ouncoater monitor $ag 'screaoie Locatice: 123575. d1355 12/25-29:1 Casing Uevation: 474.55 =,ge.tal (1) ** caness Oe:ti actary. r*11ec ty Word. Lovoa'il 6 Varner Of Ptterer Orilling Comany 'or tv.,1966 and & v avels . . . . 50 60 pounc= ate

  • Scnitoring me e9 ole Sana. yavel 6 coasses . . 15 75 Sano, y avel, cocoles L soulse s 20 'C5 mate *141 (1) 7ht ek ness "e s t'i Sec. yavel & :: cotes t5 :20 3ravet, casoles. =culce s 23 143 I

Sana =/ gravel .......... 30 30 Seay clay n/vavels . 7 150 Sec & yavel /cceales . ... 15 25  ::ay ./y svels . 20 **0 Se d & yavel ... .... 25 70 3 ravel & :c: oles :0 '80 t Sano, gravel & c:: ales . . . . . . 72 la2 Gravel ./seme etay .. 10 '90 l Sancy 3rown :tay . . . . ... 8 150 3rivel & clay, sye :enetes . 5 195 Browi sancy clay =/ gravels . . . . 15 .165 3 ravel & clay I 13 20 5 Irown sandy clay . . . . .... . 5 170 $ pay : ay , , 17 225 tact in pavel at 1*C *t. .. 5 175 3 ravel & clay  ?! 240 Brown sincy clay 5 yavel ... 5 180 *:ay . .. . 2t 251 Clay & gravel .......... 40 220  ::ay L gravel .

  • 26 5 Clay . ... ... . . 7 22 7 tay & yavel esc:: ales... 5 270 Clay & gravel ... .. .. 13 240 3r, vel. cocoles 6 sculcers . 29 299 Seay clay =/ gravels . . . . . . . 15 255 Secy :tay . ... 17 316 Sano & gravel .... .. 15 2'O 3asalt . ..

315 l Gravel. soulce's & : states . . 27 297 } Sancy gray clay .. . 13 310 Very tr's laye* of tasalt. .... . .. 10 320 699 24 t5 Sancy gray clay ........ 19 339 Location: 123731. d1350 '2/28-29Ca tasalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 36 2 hstag !1evatton: a76.27 Saney :!af =/ gravels . . .... 13 375 totary. 37,11ea sy .ces. Loveant 6 /ar e- 37 l Sancy clay .... .. .... 75 450 attener Or4111r.g Cy cany

  • v 3 % . 966 l Clay slue gray ...... . 10 a60 youpe=4ter monit: ring sortaole Satal! . ..... . .. ... 35 495 Basalt (nare) .... .. 42 537 1

I l 85 I i

Il l l RHO-LD-158 l \ ! I' ( ' ate-tal (t) Mcaness ;ents 'p 't y &W


Se., yave & x ecers . . u , "" Firensan '"o=, t5a ns a'"l t &" rg"a v e l - 5 16 Sano. Favel & cssoles . . . . 50 75

                                                                                     $p, , ,,gg g g,) g,,
                                                                                                                                                         )         9 3 ravel. :socles & Soulce's . . . .

Sano, revel, cseeles & Soutee's . 20 0

                                                                                      $pg, ygg g g,;3,, g y,,p,,                                          9       20 Sano. F avel & csoofes . . .                               20        f35         Sano, rocas & y avei . . . .                             .          6     '25 Sang & pavel .....                         . .               5      140 S e a, escas & y av d & l'tC e a      120 Sana & pavet & cocotes . . .                                 2      142         $ ,la",      ,It,g y * ,,* ;*-g g ,;3; *
  • 2 132 Sandy :lar 6 yavels . . . . 3 150 Granite. *ocas, coulee *s &

See :tay & gravels . . . . .. . 15 165 sasalt . . . . ... 2 134 4ecore aref ear. procasly sand 140 clay & v avels Sanc. si t t & cocu s . . . .. 6

                                  . . . . . ..                    5      170         .ater sano & '1*tle p avei                                   .      a      fas 4.ctre anctear. 3rcoasly y svel.                                                ,,ge, sano 'ine = ate
  • sanc 3 147
coles & :oulce's . 'O '80 wes u sans .

5 ;52 Sravel. :: coles & sculcers . 34 214 9,$,, ,pg g .gm t 53 Sancy ::ay cyavels . . . 5 220 4 '57

     .ravet cocates & Mulceas                                     1      221         spe      g ,ocus gg,, 39,c,        ,,, ,.,.  ,ece.        . ....

s & sasa t t t 158 Fine slats saac & accus . 5 153

                                                                                  ' coarse sane & vavei                                       .          2     '65 699-24-17 iscation: 123554. 41357                               12/2*-29C5 Casing itevat'on: 475.54                                                     699 2a 46 totary, set t les :y .ord. &sveani & /arae* sf                                                        123963 45994                            12/25 2:M1 84tesee Ort 11 tag Camoaar *:e 5%I., 1966                                     '.hocatiom astag !!evatsoe: 871. 7 ysunc= ate- sonitoring soreac te                                               Canle tool. trif fes sy lac 7 sf lacs Or'??'ag Cocoany for SE ::mcaay. 9!8. vsa nc ate *
  • ate *,al :11 Mcares: 3ests 'W "'
  • 3" *1 Do"* o i '

Sanc. gravel & c:toles . . . 15 tg wa tertai ;11 *%5curess "est9 Sano & v ivel . . . . . . 50 75 l 5ane, v oel & :sentes . . 15 90 I 8 - ' - * ** M 20 1 3 ravel. :sse'es & soulse*s '5 '05 S"q.'ugiwag'of a a f ut;e Sanc y avel & ::: ales c!ay ,


120 ja

                                       .                       15                                        .....

San, & yave, , -t,. " >< e ar -

                              . . .                . .                  a5                                                                             y Sin.                                                         9      su                                      - -                                              l5 4ecor.&       pavoi. :.oies        .....
        ./yavels at 144 f t.


                                       . ..                      6     150 g,
                                                                                    ,~;;$; ap,,g ,;, ., .,,,,,-                                       40       .,5

14ney :Tay ./ gravels . .. . 20 170 sano . . . 5 "O

    *ocoles soulcers & yavel .                     ..          37      20 7         U""               -                                   ..       10       12.
    "' a y .   ...... . ..                               .       3     2!0          7 'n e s anu & attle             . . .sitt
                                                                                                                           .....                        5      125
    ..      ./gr svels . . .           . . .                   17      22,           Sans & stit                                    .                  10      135   ,

Cosoter souldeas & pavel One sana 10

                                               . . .             5     235 Sano ./ silt .

y5 Ossole & gravel, some : lay . . . I 240 . 10 . Coos tes & yssel . . . . . . . . . 3 243 Sano ./ p avel . . 5 ,6u{ Seay :ier . . . . Connies, pavo, see etsy ,

                                    .              .           19      252          :"'r
                                                                                    ;,r 8'k,3"'41 5
                                                                                                                                                               ,d5 18 a     2:0 295
                                                                                         ,,       ;.; g g , ,, g                    -
                                                                                                                                                      .j      :;53 Cocole,s.
a, . yave Soulcers s . . ./pavel. .
                                           .                     2     300 5

g 155 2,avei & s~y ea, lasalt itsee / clay il 3 3q2 5 g:"vo " r. a~ e ar ~=;;;4;;.;,ss,;,,3- -

                                                                                                                                                      't Saun & es,           .... . . .                                                                                                 .                   5     !!O Sano, yavel & clay           . . . . .                       ,     3g 3

Fine 2, averavel & sano

                                                                                                 . m a,.nar.          ,a ci e,              .           5     vil inv0 & une. toe d ay                              .               5     2M quacy ravel .                      ..           .. .                5     22!

699 2a-33 Sano, gravel & cseales .. 5 230 Location: 123809, d32315 12/27 20P1  % day yavel . . 5 225 Casing fievatica: 524.22 Gravel & :Tay; :saentec . to 2a5 Caole tool, erilled ny e mtey u of g5G5 aor mars cacies yavel & Cay .. 30 275 GE Canoany. 1944. younovater sonttoring 3 ravel & :?ay (%arel .. 10 255 serenote Fine gravel & sanc ... 10 295 ( Dee pavel & sano .ic:ay ... 5 300 material (1) *hicaness Cents Sanc & stit . .. . . 10 3:0 Sand . . . 10 320 Fine sand ..... . .. . . 17 17 Sane & neavy y avel. . .. 5 12 5 lasalt sand & little y avel .. . 8 2? Sand . . . . .... 15 340 Fine sane & casalt . . . . . .. . 2 27 Clay . .... . . . 5 38 5 F 'e 3 lack & .ntte sand & silt 21 95 Clay & sano !ue :sier . . 5 250 e se sano & sitt . . . .. . . 15 70 Sano.1*tt?e : lay. 31ue :sfor 1 355

sarts slact & . nite sano & Sano.:ittle :!ay 5 250 some ravel . . . .. . .  ! 75 Sea, gray . . .. ..

15 375

oarse sano & gravel . . . 2 77 Sana . . . . ..... 5 380 aocas & coarse sano .. . 9 36 Caarse sano .... 5 32 5 8assit. p antte & eccus .. . . a 90 Sana & ysvel: mars, cune-ted.. 10 395 4ecars anc' ear. may se f tne Blue sanay : lay alacs sanc
                                                                                                                            .               ..       M        415
                        ....                 . .               2        92 86 l

I j RH0-LD-158 l l l  ! l m e e s,. % .i.e. strea.s C-eie4 vivei . . 5 275 line saale in it . .. . 10 425 Sana, yavel & toyl:e.s 3 2'5 Sans stay ....... .... 5 430 Sane & yavel n'itt:e :tay 31 3'l Sener :tay . .. .. . 5 435 isne. stue . . ... . . 5 440


live clay .. ...... .. 10 450 69, g 2 12/25.?941 81.e c!ay eusa .sers n ..... 5 455 12!218. JCC80 Casing 51evatton: 629.56 Sco=n tier . . . . . . . . . Stue clay e/trewn streans.

                                                      ..        S       460 2

sease & sticay 20 480 Canle tool, er'Ites 39,g,y 730,32s y ,,gy3f,,gg,',ng 2I03 #g g ,y,

 .I tementsn cisy. sease & sticiy trownism clay (a inttle 7avel)

Clay & gravel ......... 5 5 5 485 490 495

                                                                                           ,,g i ,

Mater *al (13 9'ca"ess Oe:t' live clay . ... ... 35 530 9 ,, g gi,, :o 30 Sco n clay ......... . 20 550 g,ne se

                                                                                             ,,,s,,& ,,,,

c My *00 llwe clar

                       ...... ..                         . 55       505
                                         .         .            i       m           g g,y                         ,
a, .aa 45 2,a,v e i S : i astii vei.nttie ,.. . ...... ic in .,g , m, ;,,

esv, r avei . . . . 5 us c a,, .,: . 5 a 50 15a m ,an,6 ,,,ve ve., n ,,.,e.,,..e. I ve . .... i

                                                                                    ,,,.e c a,,

p,ne r, c i.stit

     . ave            e,te. .                  ....            n        550       .
                                                                                        ,,,, -                                                     u        .u C - ate. 7avei & san. .. ...               .              20       50                             i Sae. . . ...                          ..           .      5       ul          ,,,,,
                                                                                        ., , i e,;,,a;,a h;,      ..

a ,;c .; e ,,, .  : m San. & ravei . .... ... .n Sa,,tt& yavel . . . .

                                                                                                                                                   ,        n5 i,0.e, casait . ..... ...                                  5       c5          54, . 7 ave 1 6 ,0,i,e.,                                                m I

2 i.sait . ... .. 7 in 54,. . . . . . a m Sans & ; ravel . . . . 3 033 599 2!.t2 ' P .251 Sanc. y '2 245 L oc a tion: a.42a ?00. E'600 12/28-2141 Sama & ;.avei svet .&.towicers

                                                                                                                 .                                 t6       251 Sur face l'evatt              484.7                                       ::sy, saac & P avel               .                    .
  • MI 41, ret ry, io,en:;e2syr vo for.p55.194 I retnote in a, Material (5) Th'CtPess Ie2t9
                                                                                    $ n t, s ee . . . . . . .

Sana. vivei & siity :tay

                                                                                    $ ravel, sand & sitty : lay 3 ravel, sans & :tavey silt 014yty stit, saas & yssel.

Il 2 7 5 2r m Ia 270 Sand; tre.a. "ae sand. sore :tayey sitt ./all presaminantly suarta, einer calors 7avel also ligmt amount sf nasalt rains .... 16 16 c 5 295 Sang & gegvel; gegy & enite gl,oloreo su s . . . . .yey gilt,&.. ggarge 73 vel var *egates. N ne ta : arse sanc . . . . ... .. 1 *96 sane, precomlaantly nasalt Sano, yavel & clayer SCt a 300 F at9s. Psvel ..... . I4 0 wec*wm FIvel, seed & C'ayey Sand; vartegated Tsy & enite, silt .. . .. . 7 30 7 ftae to sectum sano, precomi. Gravel. saea & ciayty silt . nantly :asalt y atas . . . . . 45 75 sasalt revel. nea si:e Sand & ; ravel; var'e9 ted yay y avel.all :01071 . .. a Ill

          & secen. *ise to meeium sane, I

fine sand . . . .... . a 315 eaarts & tasalt grains. Fine all :slort *esium to coarse to :: arse r evels .. .... 17 92 320 Sano & vivel; 3r:=a. f *ne to vavel ./ sand . .... . . 5 Sano & ysvel . . ... . 1 321 sect e s e a. crecominantly 3 ravel, saac & sitt ..... 3 324 overta, yave) ..... 43 135 we ctum to tsarse vsvel, saac I 699 25 55

           ' oc a t t on: 12!357. w$$192 Castag 11evatton: 576.55 12/25 22'.1
                                                                                         & stit . . . . .

3 ravel, sand & s?It .

                                                                                     =ectum 7 vel at? :sfors.

small reunt af tasalt. sano F silt . . . 1 I 2 325 32 5 330 I o 1 ravel, sano & sitt 2 332 04:le tool. srtiles sygrtoada 32 Comcany.1944 une=ateaaf USGS e"g monitorin yg , g 3,,g 7,,4 ,, screaoie nasalt, so o & stit . I 333

                                                                                                                                   .-                   1     334 matertal l1)                       Thtenness Oest9            3 mravel,spsame 6 Ittt4         stit . Fevel                        a
                                                                                                                                                              .a w I                                                             gO         .g
  • Ia ye y sand & secte Favel 2 San 4y '048 ** * * * ** '

3 ravel, ait C$lors some Fine saec & clay . . . . . . . . . 91 109 a 344 tasalt & silty sanc .. Fine pay sand & : tar ..... I 110

ayey sano, smalt ; ravel.

04 arse 73y sand & Clay ..... 25 13I small aroun t af Sasalt a 380 5 140 Gray saad & c!ay . . . . . .. . me cte ts coarse yavel, soae I Ftne p ay sano 6 clay ..... 70 210 nasalt & clayey saac  ! *!3 Sanoy :tay . . . ....... 10 220 clayey sand & vavet .. . 2 352 Grevel & sou1cers . ...... 3 223  : ayey sand. *ectum T svel Sand, gravel & Soulders ... 13 236 ./spe 34 salt .... .. I 360 loulcers . . . ......... 1 237  ; ravel, all colors 240  ;,,, ,,,, ,,,,. Soci e site. I 3 Sanc. Favel & Souldert .. .. g g,,;j sans & r evel .......... 5 2a5 imourt of tasalt . 2 35 2 Sano, revel & towiders ..... 14 259 to ree w s ... ..... .. 11 270 I 87 I l

I RH0-LD-158 ses visa sana *eatwo yavel. $romen assait acca esa ;ooo :eal att colors. very saali emova t of srown asa. time sater*al; taitteg of tasalt . ... .. . 3 365 9as Yncs of esa. lite sate *$ al . Irayism sant & y avel 6 a '!4 3 ravel. swe 34 salt & yay sand

                                  ...                    III 3ronta sasalt *Sct e/sF e ash ltke
                                            . 2       373        estertal, art 1:ec aarie . . .

Med1W8 yavel, clayey volcanic 7 '65

                                                                 $rosen pasalt recs e/ trace of asm & yay saac       .          ...            2       3?5         asa; sr*11es 9ers .


                                                                                                              . . .      3  ?68 "ettuatasaltl,avel,some                                           tasalt *oca; sail'ags are coarse grave see volcante asa. clayey yey sano ...                                           finer estes 2f rocs. 9 ave 2       377         an olive yee9 :sst                   .           . 2  170 me etum yavel, fine yay sane                                      lasalt rect. Sat'ings very
  & some sasalt     ....                    . 3       38 0       sp.

me atwa yavel. yey sand , .. . . . 4 174 gaggig egen , ore r2ttea e/sF e e/some pasalt ...... . 1 381 Sano & ysvel 4 ggn, yg g t tngg gar, gegwn , 2 176

                 .... .                  .               385 lasalt sca, satitags a*e sare . .                      2  !74 Sand & vavel */s trace of                                         34sait scu 943 gas sutoits 'n 't.

volcanic asm . .. 8 393 sessiste is eestae Sand & yevel .... .. 2 395 a sood seat of are.'ea sne, n ase . also var *eo : lors of coarse sand 4 '82 lasaft *oes; sett'en merce'.

  & y avel e/a Itttle clay . . .            . 20       all        satitags fartea & ve*y 'ittl,e saae 6 yavel ./a little clay . .                  5       420        coarse saterial, ao esa & tre Sano & vivel sia trace of                                            cserse is like sano                      .. .       3  185 volcan te ass . . . . .....                    5       a25     84sa t t roca ; na t t ings sno- 90 cr a avel e/ clay .... .....                                 430 Sand & yavel e/ clay, more saad I

10 440 asm & are fine & Diacu . . . . 2 187 lasalt & roca e/a trace af nare 3ano & r avel /a littte clay . 5 44 5 asa; natlings are staes . . . . 2 189

!ano, yavel & clay; tes:                                         lasalt & *ces; 3at11ags 3 lac & snow ysvol & sore : lay        .            .      15       46 0       very litt'e mars asn pieces                         1  190
                                                                 $4 salt escu est* ace af 9arS asn; saliings are mo*e Scoon 699.ll.43 (C3 14)                                                    & snow Sore 9ar1 as9 sieces                      . 3  *I3 Location: 125080, e79ft2                     12/2!.2:n1        lasalt - en e/some asn; yellow Cas:ng 11evation: 616.13                                          & to asn. see rotten Caole tool (to 336 ft.) & otaraced cor ang.                       sasa't. natitags are sco=n:

gralfeo my tocca sf 25G5 & -eacr*cusan of see alue-Fees as9 itae toyles leotnees 3**11*ag Croany for &c. Sate ial in 200 ft. samole . . 1 200 1980, youne.ater senitartag seremote & garc 3asalt acca. *otten nasalt geologic investigation screaof e r:ca 6 some mars ass; seiltngs cari. art 11eo asec . . . a 204

             *aterial (1, 2)               7micieets Oestn       Less ears sasalt aset &

5aney team more *otten 3asalt e/a

               .........                        15        15        mars & soft asn                                     4 kney :tay . ... .                                                                                  .       _ ..             205
  • alt:se, ortliet ma's
                                     ..         18        33     Se e 9ert nasalt, sostly 9aro &. .
                            ......               7        40        soft asm & clay.itte sate =141 Sand & yavel. Srillet nar1                                                                                               2  210 Sancy c!ay =/ trace af red asn; ao cattag on y svel . .                        3        43 34111pgs are yellow. mostly Sano & gravel, saiting are                                           yei;o= 6 enite 'wess of ass-l'te tigns slate ....... . .                        7        50 Coarse sans & sitt sailings                                          *ste*1al & some nasatt                      .       5  l'5 Sanoy clay . . . . ....                           . 5  220 are 3rown    ........ .                        5        55     Clay & asa of 3 colors **om sano, revel & sitt Sailings                                          . nite to cara yello =;

are y ay . . ... ... . 16 71 satlings are jetlowisn trewn . Sano, yavel & soulders. *tsed . 5 225 to a state 319e mud ... . . 9 80

lay & asn; larger s of clay, Sand. ysvel & soulsees. med asm is 11gnt en color & fetafy tan soft layers af sand . . . 5 85 Marc sailings are lignte* . 5 230 sano & yavel ... . .... I 86
                                                                 *cstly clay, a few **ae 'umos 5anc. gravel & soulco's ....                      a        90 of asm that are almost enite.

5 tit, same. grave: & Soulders satitngs are Itgntea . . . . 5 235 5 95 sano, yavel & sitt Clay artss11 ass teos, satit9gs

                         .......                 7       102        are Itgnt, core sarnole nas Sand. y avel & Souldees                           3       105 lasalt soulders . ..

sotto & sorte* tnan ositings . 5 240

                                     ..          5       110 Irosea sasalt roca        ... . .                 5       115     Clay    /s ye sma.ll pieces tronen nasalt & gravet . . . . . .                a       119
                                                                    ,, ,g.       p p ngs we ' gn t .                    5  Ia!

$rtmen 34:41% e/ Drown clay g.,,, , , g ,ine sano; icst!y or.o .. ..... It ore 4 d Broaen casalt *oca . . . . . 6

                                                                    ,4,,    , M,,nt a,n 3 ,m        os&some
                                                                                                          ,,e 3rsten tasai! *scs & 3rown                                            ,,,7   , , ,, 3 j , g,     g ,,3:, gana; Clay or ass    .-. .......
                                                                    ,, g ,,gg p, ;ggng , , ,                         ,  $  250

$rosen 34s41% PoC1 ..... . . 4 138

                                                                 ;;gy, ggn g a.nq gang; mostly p.q, 3)agx g . nits sand.

Insen tasalt coct e/ trace go,, gi,y g p ;t 3,n teos ; of asn.11te saterial . . . . 7 145

                                                                     ,,,3,ngs a*e 3es.n                                    215 Scomen tasalt recs e/ good :tal                                                                         . . .            5 of asn.:the saterial         ....              3       148 8 cosen 3asalt acca .     ....               . 5       !!a 88 I

(____ 5 e RHO-l.D-158 r i L Clay. asa & 8tne sand & 34 salt; lasalt roca & *a*1 asn; L., fime sans 's Slacs & enite, satitags 31acs.

  • cst?y asm 1s sost1 yelfou & a few unite Dasalt PoCa. some *ocs 9as DieCes s8al{e yellow asn SaIIs very *ine gas 3uCD*.es. *oCR s gita very gars 3rown c34 tin 9 olact sut inside of Sutoles 3essit snows gas Sueoles & some are reo. *3CE nas teams #ill'd are reu n cei ...... ... 5 25 0 ./*eo & yeite. nace esa . . . 8 330 Clay. nsn & f tae sana; large lasalt cocks & as'i: .to & 31act aars esa sieces.tnese are sasalt ecct =/small las suco'es.

nearly a sonestone. 3atitags some sars asn & some sof t tes=n r' are Brown. clay IWrits are ass tells, rect 'J11 af seams. lignte' :Slor, not so stWCn tatlings gart yay .... 2 332 L olaca & entte sano . . . . . 5 255

                                                                                                                    & m M aca ro u 9as
     . .a y . ase & sand; sanc is sines ett'i asn. asn sarte* than stay
                                                                                                     .,g,-m,3,,,,,,3,,3,,,g; It
                                                                                                     .g           ias pall gas Suco:es.
     ,lumes. 3atitags Itgat feito. . .                                         5       270           ,c ,,   o,u,3 ,, ,,,; ,,, ,            g,     3
     . fay, esa 6 sana; mars esa p unts.                                                                                         s es ee-y sof*

3ailings Itgst yellow ..... 10

                                                                                       .50           % ,,o,;
                                                                                                     ,,,           , f o,o,c,,3y ,,,te

Clay, asn & sanc; small tact. ett & ass .umos. Fay sane & tne small p unas of Sasalt ,,,

                                                                                                     ,,ti  .e,,s    a ,19 ngs, s,t.,D e l i,e ve *
                                                                                                              ; ,g 33 3,g gin c.,,,c,; , c s -es are .estneres or 9 ave seen                                                                g p g,      ,f,,,,

not sailings 11p t yellow . .. I 215 g3,g ,,, p.3 ,gy,,,,7y, Clay, asa & sano & 3asalt; asn is ,nig, is 3,3,3,,, ,33g, ye;;o. .nte, & yellow. 3rown. . nite & 117t 3,,,, ,,,g3 ,s sof te*; . ate-sina. sano is gray Sasalt is in ,eo . nite 34tliags 7ay . . 2 334 small Sietes. *uit 3F sery small 31aca & ec 34 salt & sta; -11 gas ou3cles & soft. Sailings ,oct ses fiet gas suc31es. are 3rown ... . . . .. 5 290 iae 34 salt *oca is solid, sti ase & saaalt; 'iarc as'i & s.5 ;1p t & Mars; :avec 'n at Sasalt. 34s41: is marser . .. 2 292 3;n ,; 9,,,) , , , 2 325 no samste.asile* stack in : lay . 1 293 g,,,;. , , ,,,, ,,,, , .6 452 lasalt & asa; esa caves 'n g,.gnt -ec asisitet from aoout 250 ft. .evel 3 ,g,.3,, , ,,, ,, , ,  ; 333 antil :annot tell no. nuen , g g.,g ,, y ,,,, , ,,,,,,, at tfits level, anout 501 Sf graces to tuffacetus

           .as'ies.sut samsle is tasalt                                   .      2      295 sil tstone .. ..... .          .                     7           460 Basalt & asa; ase & -ec tasalt -                                                             3reen silty :tay . . .                 ... .             5           466 roca n/ve*y small gas Sucales. .                                                        Fine green sano e/ clay . . .                 . .      la            480 natitags 9e= t1 :alor                       ....                      3      298        3reen c!ay . . .              ........                   9           489 ass & sano; dine asa pieces & *e8                                                            Basalt . . . .. .... .                                1:9             513
           & 31 acs sans : fist accears to '                                                       3 anes taff acecus stlist:re . . . .                     2            520 3e solCanic. 341'ings *ed ...                                         2       20,*      3 ret 9 clay . . .            ... . ...                  2            522 Joicante sano & asn; sest!y sano                                                            rtne ;,,gn, ge,ri ofenie.ite                           16             533 tsat ts cound & recaism 3rown.                                                          Coarse to sec1Jii sanc               .....             26             664 Sailings recatsn aro n . . . . .                                      5       305       3as al t . . . . . . .              ......            253             9U asm & ree -oca; *eo *oca /'ine                                                              Gray 14:1111 t#' stare                 ..           . 7           924 gas sucoles yelto= ass line                                                             Fine green sandstone                   .. ..            10            934 tnat aoove. 3ailings reo                                 .  .          5      310       s,,,n      jay , , , , , , ,               , ,,,          3           93; Red rect & asnt red oca                                                                      Coarse green saad            ........                    5           942 m/wery small gas svoeles.                                                                Clay .       . . ... .....                               2           M.s asa line acove. Sailings rea . .                                      5      315        *ec1wn gray sano . .                   ... ..          26             172 too rocx & asm; mostly reo rocx                                                              Green clay .                    . ......                 6           973 e/ gas 34toles. #ew Sieces $1ack'                                                        5&ful . . . . .... . . . .                               2           9M some asn Ii7it & 9ar$; Sallings                                                         ;}gy g gggg g;,y, g,,,q                ,,,,            gg         },agn more 3rown      . .. . .....                                           3      313        Ctayey sano       ......... .                            5        1.0C6 Red & 31act rocx & asn; red &                                                                  t ay, y,,n      , ,,,,,,,                              9        ;,;13 olaca escu ettfi small gas                                                              ;]gy, gegy ,          , ,,,,                     ,       g        },;;;

Sucoles. asm iert & cemented Fine gray Sand . . ...... 3 1.024 to tse rect; setttee fast . 2 320 31 acx c la y . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • 1.023 tee & slaca roca & asn; deloed tWff ... ... . $ 1.034 settles until cannot sail lasalt . . . . ..... . . A  !. 02*.

sole clean tatitags 3rown. srtilings veey fine ree & 31aCm Sired 4/har$ asm , . . , , 32 2 Rect & asn; artilings very fine. sostly blacs e/Scme fine asm. natitegs carne *; mart ass :aved in from 225 ft. level . ....... 1 323 Asn. 3asalt & rect; ash is large enunas, rect Foune very fine; 3atitags crown ... 2 325 asn. 3asalt & -oca; sostly asn. sane 'ine F ouno sasalt; sailings tro=a . .. 1 325 89

I! l RHO-LD-158

 $99 25-(19 Location:                                            12/28-Zais Sano 6 silt; tai :Tay nas seg gravel in it at 140 f t..

I Casing I'evation: 9.380 f ormation at ;a2 *t. suite Caole teol, :rilles ny Janesen 3r*111aij nara . . . ...... .. 5 '45 Comoany & toggeo sy dar-en sf tne 354 'or Sand. silt yavel; f nation Stasolef tela aanen.1921. semestic veter at !!O *: is a sale yeen l y color . .... .. . 10 155 81ue seale. yavel; 31ue seaf e-Material (18) Thicaness Death 165 ft. tore gravel & 'ess trale-ISO *t. ... . .. 35 190 St9a . . ....... .. 18 18 319e snate, gravel I in. .. 5 195 Gravel. comentes . . .... 67 85 6tue snale. gravel ;-lis in. . 10 205

Tay . . . .. .... .. 20 105 Clay & ysvel .. .. 5 210 Clay & ysvel . . 22 127 Sano & gravel ... . .. 15 225 3 ravel . . . ... .. . 23 155 Gravel .. .. . 12 237 Soulce's & y svel . 5 '61 81ue-gray :14y / gravel..... . .. 5 2a2
 " lay. slaca & alue .                ...                  35       196        rellow clay, voel; yellow Sano . . .           .. .....                       .       9      20 5            lay at Za2 ft. ........                            13         255 aoCt. 31 ACE         . ....                  ..           29       234        Clay, gravel ,         ..             .....               5        250 acca. slacs & snate             ......                      5      240        Sana. silt & ysvel ... ..                               40         300 Shale . . .. . .                                    . 17       257        Sano & gravel                  .......                    5        305 Roca, slac           .. ...                         . 151       40 8     , Cemented revel.                .......                    5        310 lasalt       . .. . ... ..                               63       a71        S and .  ...... ..... .                                   5        315 Clay & yavel           . ...                             16       48 7       Cemented sane & gravel . . . . . .                      30         345 Shale .             . .                                    3      496        5 t ue :Tay & gravel . . . . . . . .                      5        J50 acca .           ..            .               ..        39       135 lasalt        .

699 25 '!8 f g

                                                                                 ' scat on: 12566!. w14554                            '2/ 2 7-Z a*2 e.51ic$&ilde                      . .              25       564          -
                                                                                 '"9 I'                       3 103       667 3asal*' corous lasalt                                          .         10      577
  • for
                                                                                     ** I.a

q"m.any. 4

                                                                                                            ' 8my""m   St:ny1 y"64 scenenes MW >:any tomOe lasalt, scortaceous,
     .a t aring        . .                           15       692                       y g,,. g f y                      73,g,,,,,       g g.,

Shale stue . . . 19 711 Sancstone, y sy . .. . 9 720 , 3 lasalt. Orev9 Cec. .ater-oearing 35 755 3,,,j,*.*gg,. .,,;,9), 3,,,, aoout 12 *t. :o.n . . 19 22 699-26-El (1C-5b25) Location: 525900. (13C0 12/28-2*"I 699-25 '!C (OH.18) Sur' ace Elevation: 475.3 Location: 12/27-2a"3 41r stary, loggee ny Fugro for d'53, 1974 Oas'eg Elevatiost- 4a3 snotPole soring Caole tool (to 112 ft.) & starcna sring. orilfes sy lulteaa of aat:9 :omoany & Material (5) Thicuness Leotn wencricsson of loyles Brotre's Or111 tag sy 3 ravel; nasaltic, s'nor 0:encany & 'oggeo. aves'.111te 1980, geologic sf & 'oe N. tigat'on screaole auar.zate *raction . . . 10 10 Sano; sara gray. fine to " ate *ial (2} Thickness Oesta se11 A sand, sasaltic . . 41 5I Sano & y svel; itget srown. 5ftty sand, fine *o mecium, l f'ne ta :sarse sano, some s,,cangatar, suff . . . 2 2 sitt. yavel . . . .. . 39 90 511ty sancy yavel. sotn sana Sana & yavel; If gnt grayisi & gravel councec to sucrounced. seo.n. fine sano, silt. revel 25 125 variante :smoesttien revel. 40% !asalt. Juartt, tranites . . ..,... . 15 17 l 599-25 15A Stity revelly sand, sana 6scati on: 125665. 41:554 12/27-2a"1 coarse to very coarse . 3 20 Casing Elevation: 442.64 Stity saney yavel. :saese to Cable tool, arillee Sy 5.ain sf Mat:fi Ors 111ag veey coarsa sans & :soeles Cormany f or 2 Caricany,1954 younewate" dominant sites, trace monit:r'ag sorenole amounts of oniottee tiotite & *eC .. . 10 30

                  *aterial (1)                       Thteeness Oestn           511ty rave 11y sanc. :sarse..

sano cominant size. r e-e-Sanc . . . . . . . . . ... .  ! 5  :: coles taan acove trace Gravel . . . . . . . .. 71 76 amounts of sni:treo Carentec sano & yavel . . . .. 4 30 tiotite ana N a . . 8 38 Sano & ysvel ...... ... 9 59 Stity gravelty sano, veey Osnentea sand & yavel .. . 3 97 fine to fine sano seminant Sana & ysvel, size 5 to 1 in. 5 102 site. gravei 35 to 105 !asalt. Clay & *ine pavel . . . ... 18 120 auar.2. F anttes . ..... 12 fc troen :!ay & ysvel .. ... 5 125 Stity ysvelty sana, very f+ne Recun :t ay . . . . . . .. 10 125 to *ine sano somiaant stae. Brown :Tay & ravel . .. 5 140 sasalt ::ntent af ; ravel ine-ease to !Cs . . 15 si I 90 I

t RH0-t.D-158 1r..e ,,, 3,, t, sano. .er, e n. ,eno,e .o =o o,e s e:. s,.to MtPology, v21=. taas ( sano, saae 6 y svel ossaltic. antatteo stattte .. ... 5 'O sat" s . ... . .. .... 8e: ole to cocole grsvel, siseo 5 220 Stity y svelty sano, sano coarse to '4ae. :carse sano opinant litnology, 90 satria . . ig 239 site, y avel :omposed of to aecove*y . . . . ..... 1 240 casalt coooles . . . . . . . . 30 100 Sanoy secole to conste pavel. Sitty sancy yavel, : arse sano sines it tmology, sate * '*ne

                                 & cocotes seminant site ....                                                           2                   iC2              to veep fine saan. yeen .                      ..        I      248 Stity :tayey sano. coarse sano,                                                                                              very '$ne sans. *aint nor*.

3C1 sasalt, suscovite est. zontal secoing, fair incuration, y een [ sogeo tiotite 11gnt 10 112 Stitsone, f aint 9 erst:ntal

                                                                                                                                                                                              ... ..                  2      250

( orown Cay . . . set tr*11eo ...

                                                                  .. ...                                                 3                  115               eeoctng. gooo nou-ation.

Silty ve*y Fine sano, 3000 postiole asn at 252 't.. cross.oecotag, fair incurstion, sancy near 253 ft. care - 355 sasalt, sica. 31aca . . .  ! 120 trown ..... .. 3 253

                                                                                                                                                          8'I'        88 8888I' P8''

Stity sectJe sano mor,rontal to [ cross.oec:ec soor enouration. e ne ao set-Su . . . 18 f 58"8-

                                                                                                                                                                                                         . .           1     25a suo.eacular, casalt. suartz,                                                                                             # i"'o cr s s.n**ec*Fceo',"'f a te t nou.

feicsoar. sica yellowtsn 78U on suert2. sica. orowit . ........... 6 125 "eotum sano, wor $ ental to cross. H gnt yellowtsn scoon ... . 5 25g

                                                                                                                                                          $bintly resely mecium sano.

[ sessed. loose to poor incura. 11o'. angular, .e t t sortec. cross.oecces, unconss11 cateo, suert2. st!A. cuartt. sica, Cart yel!Owiss eroen .. .. . 5 132 neavies 11gnt feitow'sn 9eo1JR sano, sas3 *ve. f oose to oPo"n .. .. 3 2II Door '9Curation. angular. so *eCove*y 5 272 [~ ouart2. as e dtes, siCa. Meetum sano. Cross.cesceo, otet yel*0=Isn 3r0=n . . ... 17 Tag unconsoittates. tuart2. 90 recoveey 3 152 mica. Ityt yei owisn 3 in. sancy yavel, secoles to 3rown . ..... . . 7 273 cocotes: tse est of tre evn Conglome ate. Sf3; :aco, is : lay, clast*c. itgnt cuae9tation, sect s sMo estris peon'es to esente., gree 9 . .. . ...... 5 157

                                                                                                                                                           , 501 sasalt 50% emotics                                     3    275 lIay to Claystone, sessive.                                                                                                  wongle"e'te. 30er to ' sir plastte to gooo fnouration, 15' to !!4 f t, sassive to                                                                                                  inevratio'i. SectJn sono

[ sissem19ates CaCc3' olvertei ... ... . 10 162 satr18 Jeoo'es to c: coles, 501 sasalt 50% esottes . .. 10 255 Sanoy :'ayer siltsone, ' stat secole to :: cote ravet, cross secoing to 34ssive. . ell loose, so satria, yellow incurateo, sistemteates Caco;, trewn :ua t:ste. nyolite ot ereen ./ acote green coronyev. ysnittes . . . 3 259 cross.oess . ........ 10 172 'onglome' ate. ell :smented. Sanoy st1tsome. massive, good (Caco 3), sectei sano incuration, sisseminateo estris, secoles to :cooles.

                                   *aCc3, sart gr e y . . . . . . .                                                           5               177              50 75% oasalt. cart treen                     .        11      300 Stity rtne to ve y 'ine sano to                                                                                              Sanoy tong toneeste. . ell sanastone, sassive, coco                                                                                                    ceaenteo ;CaCc3), sectum incuration, suo.engular,                                                                                                     to fine tano, cc:oies to cuartz, sica sact gr a y'sn                                                                                                  secoles. 50 755 casalt, crown ./ stole green fracture                                                                                                vanittes, Guartz seco f es.

filltags . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 182 orownisn yellow . .. . . 12 312 8 ecole to soulser yavel, [ 511gatly stity sanostone, fine to sestum sano, cross.oeoseo, loose so satria, sizeo good to = ell inevrateo. suo. 11tnology ....... .. 7 319 angular, ouart2, sica, cart cnglomerate, goco to . ell r ayisa crown ......... 8 185 incursteo, fine to sectum Sancy yavel, sectue sano sano satria. se:otes to satria. secole to conote boulse's stnes i:t'alogy. gravel, sineo 11tmology, yellowisn 3rcen ... 2 221 yeen ...... ... .. I 186 7etole to tocole p avet, sectum sano, f air to good loose, 90 satr's. 21 ec fnouratton, yeen ...... I 137 Ittmology .... .... 1 322 [ ,ongtone-ste. sassive (?), poor to ;ooo incuration. so re,c,ove*y97,,,3, i,,,,, ,,

                                                                                                                                                                 ,,g,.s. siseo litnology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .      2 1

324 225 secoles to c:ooles. ve*y . Conglomerate. . ell ceae9tes sizea 11tnology, watum 5% uno satr * . sano astria, satr*n :sf or peo6Ies to etnoles. 5C% M 97 sasalt, . ell seveloceo F 9 ...... ao ',"Covery ... .. .. . 3 200 3,,, ,,,, ,, Pecole to : coele ravel, einea 3rpn *** ***

  • 5 33 0 litnology, ao satria . .. 11 211
                                % recovery             .. .. ..                                                                      a         215

[ 91

I RHO-LD-158

  • cnill ome-ste .e11 t ee9tts saggy .3ngte. ,ete. *e'r to M10 2 ). Sodium to fiae gooo encueston set'J9 sant satris sessies to sans satets, seco'es to estales. SC% 34 salt. . ell c: cotes, sang g 7 33,1 . ell sevolocec oestn e ring r'nds.

sars y een . ..... . . 3 333 co,unced, goca .estne** ag 4 411 r ncs, cart y ay'sn ses-n Petole to conste gra e1. s c i- $ansy seecte to sov'se* ceaemteo, sectum sano revel goor to r a te matris ;nasalt sans). tacurat*on. sectJa sand 75*80% 34s41% yasel, satria, sand s.o.anguI4' dart vee n . . . . . . .... 2 335 to s.o.rcuaces. ; ravel lasalt conole gravel. no sweroundet. /el'o=isa sa cria . ,.. ... 5 340 3ro n . . ., 38 44 9 $119tly 9 sitty sandy ylvel $4ndy s11tstone. . ell poor incuration. seetwo to incurstes, sassive, v ar . 3 452

  **me sana 1 stets ;e:o:es                                          Fine to sectum sano, ve*y to t:ooles. 5C% sasalt,                                              ooce incu r st'on, sassive, cara y ees .                        .... .          3    343         Jara yello.isn seo.n                         . 2  die

$ligntly sancy, gilty to rec 2very . . . 4 454 ysvel, soce incuration. M ate sano ve*y acer rise sano matria. Detales, incuration, 90 socarent 50% sasalt, angular. Cdir1 suo.eagular, psy dart yeen . . . ..... 2 345 3'o t yello isa 3rc.n. Sasalt cocola yavel, no sligntly revelty 453.5 to satets . . .. . 4 34 9 470.5 *t. . . ... . . .. . 15 473 Stity claystene gooc 'nou. Sittstone. goco taeuratten. , ration, stsseminates assive v ar . ... .. . 474 organic sa ttee, sassive. M aic saes. acer to fate ca*= olive yeen to ; ray ' at iacuest'on. so ac:arent 358 o=n to 361.5 f t.. aco te 3'C8'ng. J'I 5 'sn 3rC*n ..

  • I 481 green stesnge s) ... . 13 362 *1aystece goes incur ation.
$ancy siltstone good 'ncu.                                             eassive slue rue              .                  1 482 eation, faint norizontal                                          ~1ayer siltstane. = ell teactng, sissanientec                                               incur ates, sassive, very organic sattee, tro n                              5    367         sars yay     . . . .                            5  487
$11getly sancy siltstone. . .                                        "eatum sana, ve*y poor good incuestion, sassive.                                           insuration, no assare9t sissetnated organtc                                                 DeC8'ag sw3. angular. etca.

satter, ere=n . .. . 5 372 svarts neavies. sars yay . 4 49) Silty sano to sanast:ee. $11tstone, .eti incuratea, f ate to gooo tacuestion, sasstve, very sars ;ety .. 3 494 aort setal aae :r:ss. Fine to Mcium sand.

  • ate se:etag, ve*y fine ta to icco incurst*:n. *o fine sanc. suertz. sica, accarvet toccing, s.o.

fractures, se:.a .. .. 5 377 angular. cuartz, stes.

$11ty sana to sancstane.                                               'ieavies. 31.e yeen                      . 10  50 4 fair incuratton, massive                                          Clayey sancy siltstore,
,tro n .. .........                                    4    381
                                                                       ,ery .nouratec, sessive.
. lay anc asm, site-aating                                             dara ray, ssn #*om secs 49er'saimately 1/4 in.                                         5C4.4 to 5C4.7 't.                              8
                                                                                                 . .                      512 IntCs 'noritantal & Of*2ss*                                      Fine 03 sec1Ja sand.
  • ate Deccing. c310e range en1te to good 'ncuration, to scalereen . ...... 3 38 4 anuncant meav'es. sars fancy siltstone, fair to good gesy . . ..... . 4 516 incursston, sassive. Stitst:ae . ell incur atec, striagees of :Tay & calicae. Sassive, very sari ge ty . 3 519 yello =tsn trown, accears $ancy st!! stone gracat'onal.

to be a relic soil to fine sanast:ne, veey

    'iori roa      .             .        ...           9   293        . ell 'nourates, sassive.

to recovery . ... 4 397 very sart yay . . . . . 5 525 Sancy siltstone as 383 to sanostene **ne saac. <e y 393 *t. .,..... 1 39 8 . ell 'ncurates, masstve. One to sed 1Ja saad, soor veey sari gray . . . . 6 531 to ' air incuration. Sancy siltstane, fine sano, sassive, sisscinated .eil incurstec, sassive. arganics. . ell *ounced, very fart pay . . . . . . 5 537 avartz, inca, yello =tsn $anast:ne (fine sanal voca. arc =a . . ... . 4 402 t'onal 03 sandy s;Its 5pe, fine seed. 3cce indurstion, goCd *3 eell 'ec'.ested. Cross.44GCed. ell sarted. $ ' II

  • 8
    . ell *3vece2. Suert!.                                             ne o          I s4M 80", W
     *eldspar. *eavies. 3r' o=n                         5    40 7      induett'C9     rcss.4ette2 siss etnatec Jrga9?cs, very satt yay .                                 2  546 92 I


RH0-LD-158 ( se.,s,,tsts.e. .e., .n. . ,,sv e ,,, s ,,ts.sae .m ac e s.n. . 5 $C5 I [ rated. Sassive. 21:se91 nateo organtes, very 3ravelly siltstcae . . . 3ravelty st1tstore ./t' ace sans

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .      *5 OIO 525 sam yey . ...                                                                              . .                            !2       558         3ravelty siltstone . .                         .....                10       535 Clayes tiltstoae. .elt                                                                                                                             eine yavel ./stits*:ae tate see .                                   15       650 acurated sasstve, very                                                                                                                       3 ravel ./stitstsee in cars y ay      . .........                                                                                                14       572              trace m nts .                   .               .                5      585 5tity claystore. . ell *ncu.                                                                                                                      nne yavel                       .... .                  . .         30       545 rateo. tassive. stacs                                                                                                                           Sasalt                                                             37       722 at 532.3 ft. . . . . .                                                         as". . . .                                 11       583 Sanay yavel, f air to goed incuratton, eecium saad                                                                                                                        $99 25 47

[ estr's, secole is :3001e yavel. 505 sasalt, tasalt

                                                                                                                                                                                ;; cation: 525494. 45598 Casteg lievation: 551.84
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '2/25 2 W1
entent Heresses tti :sote tact er+11ec sy wat:9 af .aten Or*111ag sectn . ......... .. 19 602 smaany f r 1RaCO.1969. geoleg t: *nvesti.

Gravel, senotes to toulde's. gation screaole 10C5 sasalt. . ell -ou ces n . 2 5C4

              - 4tgnly estaereo sassit *1o=                                                                                                                                                           instertal (1)                     'm enness Oeotn too, reen ::ay & *aCo3 ft11 tag in fractures & .                                                                                                                   . Sana 6 stlt ...........                                              90         90 vesteles . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                          25      630       . Cementeo sand 6 sitt . . ....                                        15       105 Sano & stit. !% yavel to 3 ta.                               .        5      110 tementes sane & stit . . . . . . .                                    5      115 699 25 294 (Golce* ell till                                                                                                                        54ea 6 sitt. It small yavel                             ..            5      120 Location: 125402. 290C2                                                                                                  12/27 21LI             Sana i sitt ..... ...                                                 5      125 Casing (tevat'en: 517.11                                                                                                                       Sano L stit. *0% small vivel                            ..            5      110 Air rotary (ts 165 ft.) L eus actary, drit?ec                                                                                                  Sana 5 stit. 20% small revel                                          5      125

[ ty Caesan . ate ells & 'ogges sy Bur e'l & at tne.,ing sf ;olce, assectates 'cr 15!;0.

sarse sano. 10% ysvet to 2 *n. ...... . .. 5 140 1980. jealogtc investigation screao's Osarse sano 5 st1t . . . .. 5 145 Cameates saac & silt . .. .  !$ 160
                                         *ste** al (11)                                                                                           N :sress 3e:tn            Cemeated coarse saas & sitt                                   .        5     155 Sano 6 stit, y avel to 2 *n.                                          I     170 4estum sand        ....                                                                                              .        '5         15         gang g gilt, ::: ygvel ts j                       .eoir sane. sone ftae yavei                                                                                         ..       20         25             2 in.      ... ...... ..                                          5     175 aecium sand &vavel, stit trace of                                                sestu". .                                          30       115 Sand L silt. vavel ts 2 en .                                 .        5     ISO
                                                                                         . ..                                                                                Sano 6 sitt 'C5 sia11 ysvel                            .         -5          185 wooium to *ine sano ./some                                                                                                                         sano 5 sitt ...... ...                                             30       215

[ *ecte to *tae gravels . .

                          % ium sancy ravel                                               .......
                                                                                                                                              ..        15 10 130 140 Sano & stit. 20% ysvel Sana 5 stit. 30% ; ravel                      .

5 5 220 225 ees*um ts 'ine sano e/ sore lena L stit. 70% 7 vel *a sect.m ravel ......... 25 1,65 4 in.. loose . . .... 4 229 Csarse to fine r evel ...... 20 35 5tity :: arse ta fine gravel ... [ Csarse to 'ine gravel ./ trace sitt . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 190

                                                                                                                                                                             $99 25 51
                                                                                                                                                                                 *. scation: 125523. .!1010                                    12/25 23M1 Ocarse tS fine gravel                                                     ......                                                5     200               Casing Elevation: 575.a5 3ravelty stity : lay                                             .... ,                                                       40      240              Cante tant, ar111ec sy watc1 of dat:*t Orilling
                          $11gatly yavelly silty clay . . .                                                                                               5     :s5                   sneany f or ARPCo.1369, geologic investi.
                          *ecium to **ae r avel                                                     ......                                              35      220                  gation toreaole No recara       ............                                                                                                    5     235 g                          Same a inte vai 245 to 2:0 ft.                                                                                           . 60      34 5                                   =aterial (1                        n ic ueis Oe:tn 51 t yt t y :l a ye r grave l . . . . . .                                                                                     20      365 3ancy mecie is fiae ravel ...                                                                                                 10      375          Sand L silt                 ...........                             65         55

[ 4eatus to fine gravel ...... Coarse to fiae gravel ./ se:asional stitstaae intertecs . 25 5 400 40 5 Cementeo sano & sitt Csarse sano 1 % sea gravel Cementes sano & silt 52 11 2 117 11 9 120 561ty :sarse ts *He gravel 10 415 Sand 5 stit ..... . . .. 10 140 trave 11y st1tstsne . . . . . . . . 30 445 tementeo seo & silt . . . . .. 35 175

sarse to *ine pavel ./ trace ;eented sand 6 silt.15 stit . ......... .. 5 450 g in, yavel . . . . . . . . . . 5 130 111tv coarse to '9ne revel ... 5 455 Camenteo s anc & sit t . . . . . . . 5 185 3ravelly siltstone . . . . . . . . 10 465 Cemeteo sea t silt.15 Maium to fine revel .... 15 480  % in gravel . . . . . . . . . 5 190 111tv neolum to fiee vivel .. 10 490 Sana & silt.15 i in. gravel . . . 10 200

[ 11*ginly sitty sectum to f*ne y svel .......... 30 5 495 525 Sano 6 stit ........... Sana 6 st1t. gravel ts 3 in.. 251 gravel . . . . . . 30 5 230 225 Motum ts 81ae revel ...... . .. Saney me m ts *tne grave' ... 5 !30 Sana & stit. IC% sitt ...... 20  !!! 51tytty sancy yavelty $ane 5 sitt ... .. . .. 10 255 stitstane ... ....... 10 54 0 Osocles & clay . . . . . . . .. 1  !!6 trave 11y siltstane . . . . . . . . 5 545 5tity y avel . . . . ...... 5 550 3ravelly stl..tane . . . . . . . . M 570 3 ravel 6 tiltstsee enteeseos . 10 580 3ravelly siltstone .. . 20 500 93

               ---                 .x        _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _

Eli RH0-LD-158 599 eine & coarse sana ./vivei. Locatteru 12500C. s89000 12/25 21n1 tan ... . .. . . 10 25 ! Casing flevation: 553.08 Fine sana & ;-svel ./csarse Caole tool. art 11ee ey difess & Smiti of ascen 58"4 .. . . 15 270 Drilling Casca/ty f or ~4 Carcany,1962 Fine & c arse sa94 & yavel grouno.ater monitoring sorenote */ trace of etit. tan 5 27*

                                                                           ,sarse & *+ne .anc .istne matertal (1)                       Thtcrness Gesth            y avei. trace of silt, tan                                to   235 3 in. sinus yavel & sans; Fine t an s an o & s t 1 t . . . . . . .                5        5          trece of silt. tan . .                                      5  290 Fine sand & 511t. brewi tn                                              hae sana & ; ravel ./c: arse color                                                                    sane, tan                                                 15     05
                     ... .......                          5       10                               .               . .

511 t y *1 ne s ana. tro n . . . .. 15 25 "' 8 81t & rave t sm :tay, 5tity flee sand, very Itant an: acts fine +t . ants to tan . . ............ 5 30 Wase a cnange at 307 f t , 311ty fine sand, ttgntly focus line it ts goiag to sacted. very If gnt tan . . . . . 10 40 8381 -. - . . t 210 Stity fine sand .ita 2 in. .* gn: *an smale r Sinus yavel . . . . . . ... 5 s$ caerse sans . .. 3 313 Stity fine sana & sasalt Steen :Tay ./ trace sf :: arse gravet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 - - ... . 2 320 5 50 - Ve y tiantly packoo tass 1t II8 Ck CI81 */18 ttle lignt gravel ./trica sf :sarse & tan snaie : lay . ..... . . 10 330 fine sand, trace of stit, llaca clay ./little sna?e clay . 5 325 11gnt tro.n ... .. ... 20 70 liaca : lay ./sm saale . 15 33 8asalt yavel ./ fine sano. II* II8# *#8 " 8"81' ' trace of stit . . . 10 80

                                                                             =                    -              .          .          !0   060 1 in. Sinus yavel ./s m lasalt 3 avel ./ fine & coarse..                                              "*I' sana .itrace af sitt                                                                                                                    *65
                                      .. ..              5       35     m'us y avel*../s..... m aftere  .
                                                                                                                                       'O 5

lasalt wavel ./*ine & : arse 3 in y avel ./ fine sano &

                                                                                                                                .           375 sanalstit,sart             s s-n .                   5       90 Basalt yave' .ie: arse & *He trace of stit                .....                         5   330 sana, trace of a It. saru                                           .* ravel & sand, trace of silt, tre=n       . .          .        ...                5       95      . tan . ... . . .                                      .       5   345
 $asalt gravel, totsles                                                 *#0*'1 E IIIIf IA"4. tan . .                        .           5   390
    ./csarse & *tne sanc.
  • ravel & sano.
  • race sf stit 20 at:

trace sf silt sars tro-n . 5 100 waarse sano ./ fine sano, trace

 $asait yavel & cearse sand                                                 of stit        . . .                .                       9   419
    ./fiae sano & stit. Cart                                            IIC" CI87 */Iitt's vivel.                                     ;   423 bro.n . . . .                  .. .  .               9      109     Stue -lay       ..             .,. .                            2   430 Clay ./some sana & yavel,                                              Black s11t. trace of clay                        .              5   435 traen silt . . . . . . .. .                         16      125     314ct stity clay .                                      . 20    a!5 O!ay ./csarse & 'f ae sana &                                           f raca sitty :!ay & ssvae sand sitt        . ..            . .. ..                 12      137         & gravel . .         .........                              5   460 darsee -ravel ./some clay &                                            31aca stity clay. sang & y svel                        .      10    473 sand 5stit.3rs.n.. . . .                             3      140     Itaca sarcy stit ./ trice of 1 in. Sinus ;*svel . .

Gravei estrace af st1t & fine . 5 475

    & coarse saac .. .. .. .                             5      145     ilaca saac & silt: *atertal Gravel .strace of clay & st11                                               cnanges at 475      *t. to siue
    & sano . . . .                 ..                    5      150          sano tnea saca to bla:n Sano & stit & some rivel                . .             5      155         sana at aso     *t.       ......                          10    aa5 Dae itgnt yny sano /5 in.                                                                                s etnus yseel, trace of                                               aattensasalt:atttnyec.,stit
                                                                            & pits of slue sna                !ay                       5   490 stit . .       .... -          .              .      5      160     lasalt :atttngs & sano snat a in. sinus yavel & ; ray                                                  came in fesa ance* sace                  . .                5   a95 sana. trace sf stit            . . ..                5      165     lasait :att' ass & saac                            . .          5   500 3 in. 11Rus y avel & 11 gat iray sand, trace of silt .                           5      170 3 ravel & sand ./Itgnt silt.

Itgnt can 175 ( ........ 3 In. etnus yavel ./ trace of 5 sana & stit; '85 ts 190 ft.. samole is set =n ..... 15 190 flgntly sacuec gravel & sand

    ./4 Itttle stit             . .. ....                5      195 Sana & r avel /tence af silt ..                         5      200 i Ttgntly oscues sano & revel . . .                       5      205 l flgntly sected sana & ysvel.

l trace of stit .. . .. 10 215 Pea ysvel & sano .. . 15 230 Fine sano & ysvei ./ trace of sitt, tan in :stee . .. 10 240 One & coarse sano ./vavel

    & silt, tan        ....                 ...          5      245 I

94 I

l RH0-LD-158 699 27 4 Green Clay. Mart & stf CEy

                                                                                                                                                                    ./small yavels

(. .ocation: Casing tievatt:n:

sole tool :rtites sy letteaa of <at:n 12/28 19=1
                                                                                                                                                                 $rw :tay. 'iard L st*cky
                                                                                                                                                                    ./small gravels . . . .....
                                                                                                                                                                                                . . .....                          5 5

360 365 Cr'11 tag Comoany for 8 % 1979. yound. $rowi :tay, soft ./ s all wate' 9enitoring screaole pavels ...........* 10 III Brown & areen sof* clay 4terial (1) intcaness Oests ./sma1I yavel . .. . . M 285 (17% gely scf CI ay . . . . . . . 25 4U

  $ang & y avel        .                                             ,...                                          119                    119                    f an clay ./some yavels *.o g in.    ..... . ......                                        5       415 fan clay ./s:me yavels to 699 27 4                                                                                                                                                          g in . very, very sarcy                     . . . .            5       420 Location: 127027 4251                                                                                       12/28 19(1                                    f e clay, very sancy, no Casing !1evation: 465.57                                                                                                                                     yavels           ..... .....                                   5       425 Cacie tool, crittes sy *c0cnold L $.ain of                                                                                                                Fine 3reen sans & silt . . .                                      2       827
          *ates Ortiting Comoany *or 12 Comoany. '960.                                                                                                           pine crown suo L ssit.

younovate monttartag ceremote pavels to in. . ..... 13 440 Fine 3rewi sand & silt, gravels Mate-tal (1) ThtChness Oeoti to 3/4 *n. . ..... . . . I 44 2 Fine tro=n sano ./neavy Ff ne crown sand L sitt. Favels gravel us to 4 in. . ... 15 15 to 3/4 in.. Inconsistent streats of soft sticky tan clay . . . 3 145 ste*t al is f *ae acu [ $and & Favels to 2 in.; 20 22 ft.

                                                          ......                                                       2                                 17      tecore anc! ear; *ine sco.n sang &.

silt. yavels to 3/4 in.. sr sof t large yavels to 5 in. . 3 25 sttesy tan :tay . . . . . . . 13 485 Sancy 7sveis to 3 in. .... 5 30 Sticsy ofwe c!ay . . . . . . . . 3 453 sano L smalle* Favels 3 2 in. 6 35 3reen sancy -tay . . 2 46 0 sarse sans & stit . . .. 45 [ ;carse sano t silt. *inee *c. 34ps & y avel ao to 2 in.

                                                                                                                    ,0 30 1

55 55 glue c!ay . ... stue :tay some pavels to % 'n.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                . .              15 9

476 445 Ciens sans & pavel .. 5 90 51oe 7,,,cla,y,,, scf tee aow. 90 , , , 3 ago Sans 5 yavels. *an in lenses live c!ay, ma-s & sof t streams . . 5 495 f sanc for 2 or 3 ft. tren llue :tay mars ... ..... 10 $C5 grave 5 *se 2 or 3 *t.. dare sticay clay . . . ..... 5 !D sonet wes two r evet is tiean . 10 !00 stue clay . ........ . 15 !25 Sano & vivels sater'al 3ars stue -'ay . . . . . . 5 5% tecom'eg smallee . . . 3 103 Oart 319e :tay. mars sticty . . 5 535

  • een p avels to 1% in. & Oart stue clay. yeenisi tint . 5 540

[ sano; stresseo or leesec

        ./ Clean grlvels & sands . ..                                                                                20                           123 Cart oli.e : lay; t'iis clay (527*560 *t! *ves *1 streens
   !ano & gravels to 1 in. .. ..                                                                                     17                           140               at se*ng mars & stteny or fine 3rc n sans, see sitt                                                              .                          15                           155                sof t 6 a littie att sancy.

Soft sandy Drown c!ay ......

  • III the'e is 9a catte'i f or t*4 5ee grant to sancy 31ve clay . . 1 160

[ sceen clay, some gravels to g in. ...... ... . 5 165 struss in tsiczness :r 'or now sany Nt they last . . Oart clue clay ./u salt rect 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           !60 565 treeg :!ay . . . . . . . . .                                                           .                             5                           170           lasalt . . ...... . .                                          12        57' Geer c?ay & pall gravel                                                                ..                          20                            190 f   Sano                                                                                                                                                           699-25 23 (Gol:er 401449) clay &anses.

jrsvelsvery to 1Itgn in.'t ( f ormatton not cemented tocatien: s27395. d23254 casing tievitten: 523.36 12/27 22'i 200 223 ft. ...... .. ,5 245 atr rotary (to 146 f*.) & *ue otary. rtliec Ciay ./small gravel ..... . .5 250 yC 3reen clay n/ gravel n.,g,arman ester Te :tay some gravels to % in.

                                                  .......                                                              18                             258
                                                                                                                                                                            ,, ,,,,,,ates       *orelisM 3CO. 5 togges  1980.sygedacre:*t ogic of

[ !an clay.nars ..........

   !m clay, carter . ........
                                                                                               .                         2 5

5 275 2*O 70 m t y t*p ser M Tan c!*y. ./ gravels ... ... 25 305 . ate-tal 01) Thienness Oeoti Coarse om sano /gravets 5 5 to g in.. clay f eeses ..... 3 3C8 Fine sand., trace st1t

                                                                                                                                                                  ,,,,y,;, ine sano, trace stit Coarse sano wjesvels to                                                                                                                                           g 7,,g ,                ,,,,,, . ,                             $        50 g in,. tan c.a? tenses . . . . .                                                                                7                               315      ,,aty ,   ,y.,,                   gr,ce 3 .a,
    *carse sano */1ra' 's to 1 in.. tan clay ' Jises . . . . .                                                                                5                              320         7  ,,1    , ,       ,,,,                    , ,              'o         n Meetum to *ine aand .                          . .              20         40 accora unclear. coarse sand                                                                                                                                   Cearse to fine sana 5 vivel . . .                                          45

[ 5

         ./vavel, tan c!ay tenses.                                                                                                                                ca rg, sang g gearse to etne sanciee from 322 327 *t.                                                      ...                                5                              32,.                                                                       g 7 ,e , , ,                     ,,,, .                                   50 same stuf* only Stue 'n color ..                                                                                     2                              327 lcarse sana L :carse to fine sano 5 ya. sis to 1 in,                                                                                                                                         y svel, trace sitt                  ...                        5        55
         ./ b lue c i ar l ees es . . . . . . .                                                                           3                              330 Coarse sano & :carse to fine .

f green sane & pall revel, mare . 5 235 7,,g,,, , ,, , $ go Green sano L small yavel 340 (" 3reen sano & pali gravel.

                                                                                    ....                                  5 coarse sans 6 coarse to *ine yavel. trace sil                ....                    .      5        65 getting sof ter . . .                                                          ..                                5                              345 Coarse to sectan sano. trace
      $and 6 gravels to 1 in.                                                 ... .                                     10                                355         ysv0                       . .                               10         *$


E RH0-LD-158

 ..cie to ,,a.

st It . .

                     .. .. ..                        15      10
                                                                     , arse .. ...e ,sv.,

c!afey st1 .. 5 515 3

 *carse to F*ne sand & *edium                                        .sarse is fire grael. rsee to 'tne y eo l . .        .. . .                   5     95          silt t :'ay                                              5     !20
 *sarse is f'ae saad & ysvel.                                        D use :s **ae yavel....& c'ayey trace stit .     ..    . .. .                      !    700          si;t        . .                  ... .                 10      530 Coarse ts *'ae sano, trace gravel & stit . ..... .                            5    ,,5
                                                            ~        3rsey,gi,sano
                                                                                 ,,, L,i::at tse , to, ,e ',tne:3,y             3o      gg; Coarse to fine sand, trace                                          Gravelty :sarse to 'tne saac yavel.......                  ,..             . 10     115          & sitt, trace :Tay                     . . . .            5    565 Coarse to 'tae sand & gravel.                                       Stity esarse same L *esium to '19e tr:Ce silt .        ... .....                    15     120          y avel, trace :!ay . ..                                   5    570 Coarse to fine sand & yivel                      . 5    135      .,o 3, to ytre sana & sitt trate Gravelly esarse to ' tee sand . .                     5    140          :!ay . . . ..... ...                                      5    575 Coarse :s fiae sara.                                                3ravef ly aestum to ne sand some rivel             .. . .                      5    145          & stit. tesce :*ay                                         5   580 Coarse :s
  • ne y svel . 55 200 ;ra,eit y wais :s dice sano Coarse to '+ae y avel, comested. & stit. ssee clay . . 5 585
    ./calette or aragonite . .                .      15     215      3raveily webs :s "ae saec herse to 'tne p avel. some sand                                         6 sitt, some : lay: & si'ts:see                           5    590
    % silt trace clay . .. ...                         5    220      ve stum :s f ne saa 6 sitt some Sancy stit, som clay & vavel .                      10     230          y e,e l & c!ay: L stits:ene                                5   595 Fine sand & stit trace c!ay &                                       3 rave 11y note :s eine sans v4 e?    .............                             5    225          & stit, some : lay                     . .               5     500 Fine 943 L stit, trace cf ar . . .                    5    2a0      3 rave 11, we um ts 8 ae saec 4 Fine se e L stit, some : lay ..                     10     250          st it,'some ::ay: t siits:sne                          10      510 Fine 5493 6 st?t. some clay; &                                      3ravelty sesi e :: *tne sanc 6 stity ::4y . . ... . . .                         10     250          si t *. some :t ay .. .                                    5   515 Garse is "ee sano L stit. son                                       u vse to d'ae sans & *es %m clay. trace yavel; & silty                                           :s **ae aravet so m clay   ... ..... ...                               5    255          sitt 6 :I. a y       ...                   .               5   620
 *eate :s Hae sand, some stit                                        Qarse to 'tae saac L wate to trace :'ay: L sitty : lay                      . 5    273          fine yavel. ssee sitt, haese :s 'tae sana L fiae                                               : rice ::ay              ..                                5   625 yave:. trsee ::ay 6 sitt                        20     200      avsee :s e.e sano 6 se:n.m Coarse :s '19e sans L f'ne                                              :s m, y sve; some sitt.

revel. tre tilt, trece :?ay 10 3?O trace : lay: & stitf clay 5 50 Coarse :s testum sano t e'ae v ivel & sittstsee 5 535 fine v sve' . . .

                                           .           5    315       h arse saec & soci e :s Coarse is secte saac & :sarse to.                                       f*ne r ivel                  .                         40      675
  • tee p avel .... 10 225 Qarse sino L :sarse "a.

herse :s sectum s3ac & coarse is.. f u e y svel & tilts:see 5 540 fine rivel. trace sitt & clay , s1 370 Stitstone t ee: tan :s fine Darse to sectum saac, see stit yavel . . . . . . . . . 5 645 i i & vave' trace :Tay . . . . 5 375 n use ts ?ue sano & < tee harse to f*ne sana L sitt. y svet; & stitstsee ':eatatec) 40 725 some yavet. trace clay .. . 5 28 0 a, :s rene sano 6 f ue herse to fine sanc. s ee sitt 5 385 yavel 5 700 Coarse to fine sano trace stit 10 395 lasait . 25 755 seatum to Nne sano trece stit .  ! 400 3ravelly coarse to fine sand. trace stit L clay ... . . 5 405 599 23 27 l3cice' ael! *14) herse :s 'tae sano & fine y gvel, (cCation: 125274. 25657  !!/27 2'Ai trace sitt 6 clay . . 5 a10 h sing Elevation: 522.?0 Darse sand & fine p avel.. ... 5 415 Air *stary 6 tud 'stary. Ort ? f M sy hmaa 3erse sano & fine pavel. .at e n its L 'oggea sy u seecst. 41'keesag trace stit . .... .... 20 435 & "dley of 30lce* 2:50CioteS 'or 'E300. herse :s fine sand, some 1979. 1 M iogic 'evest?qatton screaoie gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 5 44 0 l meatwo :s ' tee sand . . 5 sa5 M te*1al (11) Dit ennes s Oest* Coarse :o eine sana .. ... 20 46 5 Coarse is fine p avel & Fiae to w eium sans . 25 25 clayey sitt . . ....... 5 a70 h"' 18 "Ch* F8"I - - 'O 2f Stity coarse to fine sand. trace ** t8 Socie sand . . . 20  !! clay & ysvel; & stit, trace 8 "8 '"* 7 '" 1 I.r"a've*Dy'tnetoSutesano

                                                                                                                  .                  5     50 clay              . .......                         5   475 5tity esarse is 'he sand, trace                                          graces ts gravel at 55 f t.                     .          5     5!

485 Fine 's seium vani ,0

                                                                                                                                           .5 clay & ysvei; & siltstone . . .                   10 Fine sano, scme silt; &                                              M ne sand             . . . ..                             35 silts sre                                                        !'"8F                            F'"I                      U       h,y
 .ve ctwo :s u ne yant &

5 490

                                                                      *revelty ""'*8*'0"".

sarid . . . 5 5

                                                                                                                                  .       7.20 clayey stit      . . ... .....                   10     50 0     pinesanone w otum ra n i                                  5    12 .

b arse is #1ae saac & fine gravel; .

     & clayey sitt          .. . .                       5   50 5     Une 's weie vant..                          . .                5   p3 Coarse :s 8*ne v ivel & sane.                                       [Hium sancy vant                  .

l ,25 some svit & :!ay . .. . 5 510 ['8,,,;,' ,

                                                                                                                                 .g 96 I

E l

{ RHO-LD-158 ( rine to .eo w yavei Sanos y avel . . . .. ...

                                                                                                                                                                        ... . ..                15 10 1e5 175      !'!ue 4 '     clar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          *1    -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '2       31 33' Gr a v e l . . . . .                                                                                     .. . .. .                                     5      ?80     One'"'aysano.

r . .. 3 383 Sanoy revet ......... . 10 190

  • ray saac & st h ... .. 10 350 iravelfy saae ... . . .. . 5 195 sarse sesvel. ve*y 'it*!e no recovery .......... 65 250 sitt & sano .... . .. 10 36 0
                                           $nt, fine yavei                                                                                         ........                                       5    255      ,cerse voe' $ see . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                -                                                        -         J       2" usotum y avel .isome sitt ..                                                                                                            .            10     275      Blue clay, small revel                                    ..      18       39.

Caerse ta fine sana . . ... . 20 295 C *1 * * * *** I "00 f.r'*a*y c' lay

  • 33 a33 me atum to fine ravel . ... .. 20 315 . ....... . .

me dium ta fine sano .. ..... 10 325 live -lay 6 sman yavet . . . . . 2 43; troen clay . .... . .. 12 44. 699 28 40 3 ray 6 y n n clay 5 y avel .. 8 415 Location: 127696. 440297 12/2F 1901 Clay & 'ine ray sano ...  ! 460 Casing Elevation: 559.44 D u sa w , yave . . . . . .. 5 W Coote tool. art 11e1 sy 3ents of & 'o, sano. F ave h -!.y . . 5 470 H Comoany. 1956. F ounowater monitoriag ( Doreaole 699 23-49 Location: 127865. 449037 12/25-2381

  • ate-ial (1) *Mennes s Geotn C4 stag Elevation: 571.45 Caole tool, se 11eo sy Itgnam L dat:% of Mat:9 Sand . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 Ort 11teg Carcany for unco.1969. youse. ate
  • So 'ecord, procanly sano . . 10 35 monit:r ng .ett a

Sano tittle stit .... .. 10 45 Csarse sana. Itttle st't . . . . . 5 50 %te-tal (1) *M enness Oesta Csarse saac ...... . ... 15 45 Caerse sana, 11ttle st1t . 10 75 Sano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 CJarse sano .. . . 5 80 Stity sand . . . . . 2 I [ 4o *eCar3. 3r$$aQ1y 03 arse sand ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                $C1 gilt, {C1 ggro                 .                  ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '8        25
                                                                                                                                                                          . ...                  5        85    751 stit. 251 sand .           .                                   5        a0 Sand. Ittile sitt                                                                                       ... . . .                                     5        90    251 stit. ?!s sano             .... ..                             5        45
                                           *sarse some ravel .                                                                                                                 .            5       95    5C% stit. SCs sano.
                                          *4 arse sand                                                                       ... .                                                   . .         5      '00        t/2 in eases 2f M *ecar$. procaoly                                                                                                                                                      brown : lay 17 f t.

C3 arse sand .. . .. . . 7 107 to 37 1/2 *t. ,. ..... 45 90 Coarse yavel. Itttie sano . 3 M0 251 sano ?!s stit . . . . . . . 5 95 Coarse y svel . .. . $ 115 50s sano. SCs stit: 3 in. 3 ravel. : contes .. .. 5 120 tense :ro=a tiny 122 f t. .. 30 125 Genvel. souloers . .... . . 5 125 751 sano. 251 stit . . . .. 5 130 3 revel 5 touloers. 50s sano. SCs stit . . . .. . 5 135 some stit .. ... . . . 5 130 251 yavet. 5C% sans. Caccles. gravel, sano. 25s s:lt . . . . . . . . to tal ttttie silt ... . . 10 140 Coarse sana L st1t . . . 15 150 3 ravel & : scales . . 12 152 Sano L stit ..... 15 175 [ Soulcers . 90 recors ... ........

                                                                                                                               ..                                          . . ...                5 3

157 160 Sano & stit. creates ... Sana t stit .. .. . 40 15 215 230 Cattles, y avel. Sano & stit, small ravel Itttle stit ... ... . . 5 165 151 to 1 1/2 in. .... . 5 235 Cocoles, gravel ......... 10 175 Sano & stit, small yavel Cootles, y avel & stit . . ( Smalt & caerse revel.stit . . . . small & coarse ravel

                                                                                                                                                                                     ..           5 5

180 185 lit to 1/2 in. Sano L stit, small p avel 251. sne 'arge ste:e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ....                          ..        5      240 up ts a in.                                                                             ...                                               $      190
                                                                                                                                                                              ..                                   4 in.     ..... ...                                              5      245 Small & coarse pavel uo                                                                                                                                              Sano & stit, small ravel                     ....                  5      250 to 4 in, & fine sano . .                                                                                                    ..           5     195     Caooles to 6 in., assortes Sano 5 yavel, litt!e sitt . .                                                                                                                         5     200         yavels, sane stit .                                   .         4      254 Caooles, gravel & sand . . .                                                                                                                  .       7     207
                                            *ctotes, y avel &                                                                                                                                                     699 23 524 fine sano ........ ..                                                                                                                    3    210          Location: 428315. 51563                                      12/25-2301 Fine & coarse sand . .                                                                                                         .. ..                  5     215          Castag !!evation: 584.57 5 mall L coarse revel                                                                                                                                                    Caole tool. set tles my taece sf *acen Oct114ag
                                                         & sane . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                                     .       5     220             Cmeany for ;E Camoany. 358. younovater Gravel, sana: 11ttle stit                                                                                                             . .           10      230             nontt: ring screaoie Gravel as to 5 in.. sano.

titt?e tilt .......... 235 Coostes, sane. Itttle stit . 5 5 240 ster al (11 hickness :ects [ Gravel, sano & sitt . .... . 15 255 !and . . . ....... .. . 90 90 501 silt 5CE sans & ysvel . . . 5 250 to Mcors; procaoly sano . . . . . 35 125 501 Sans; stit & vavel . .. . 5 255 Sano . . . . .. .... !0 135 Sand. little stit ........ 15 280 Csarse sana ..... .... to ?45 to recors crocaaly sano . . .. 5 215 $*n0 - - . ... . SS 230 Fine sane ........ . . 5 290 Caarse sana ..... ... 15 2a5 too sano, little gravel . .... 10 300 Sand L f' e Fevel .. .. . 5 250 Coarse -ravel & sans; Sano . .. .. ... 5 25 5 vsvel20t.4in. 2ravei . ......... 5 :50 at 302 ft. .. ... . 12 112 Sano . . . . ....... I 252 3 ravel . . . .. .. . A 254 [ 97

f. - - - - -
                                                                                                                                                    . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _                      _m

E RHO-LD-158

nt.. ,a..,

3 ravel . 6 5 275

                                                                                        .te..e,        .,              ~     0. , n I

C reates y avei . 10 235 . . . . . . .. 255 255 3 revel . ... . 3  !!8 ameateo sano & y avei ?O 275

 !amenteo 7 vel                       .                 2      290      Sano 5 yavel         ..                        . 20       295 3 ravel .        ..           .                        1      291      Sano            .                              . 85        380 Conentes y avel         .            .                 a      295      Fine sano                                            20       400 Sano & yavel            .            .          . 15      310       3ro.n clay                              ..            5       405 Sand 6 *tne env                          ..            5      315      Seo.n sana :iar ..                                     5      410 Sana 6 yavel .el.. ... ...                             5      320      tro=n sano, some :tay                                *0        a20 Sans. *oca; ceaeated sane.                                             Sans         ..         .                   .        39       453 roca anc ; revel        .                    .. 20      340      Clay ....                                          109         550 land, & y svel . .                   .                 5      34 5      Stue saney :?ay                        .            70        620 81aca sand & yavel                   .          .      5      350       31ua sancstone                                      50        570 Sano 6 vivel            .            .          .      5      355      to eco-t          .                                  25        595 Sano :tay & -                        ..                5      260      3rown : lay .                                          5       ,00 F*nesano6c!        ay , ravel.                         5      365      !ana .               .                         .       5      705 io recoro .             . .. .                  .      5      370      3 ray sanc           .         . .          .          5       710 Sano c!ay L yavel                 .. . .               5      375       51aca saac       .                                  25        735 Sano. v avel L clay            . . . .                ?0      385     .sasalt            .                            .       5       740 to ecore      .                   ..            .. 5      390 3rnwel & clay              ......                     10      400 C!ay & v avel               . ... .                . 5     40 5      699-25.!5 Canentes vivet ..t c!ay . .             ..             5      410         Location: 92301?. 55005                         '2/26 2201 Ce% ntes :!ay 5 y avei .                 .              5     415         casing Elevatton: 675.50 51we : lay & ; ravel                                  30      445         Casle tool, srtiteo sy 31gnam o' *st:n
   ?ay & ;ra el       .            .          ..        5      450           Ortiting :s=cany 'se ab 00. 1969. ;eolog'c Sandy Slue :tay               .         . .          ?O      460           investigat'on coreaole live : lay                                            15      475 vel'o. :tay                    ..                     15      490                      =aterial (1:                   "hicaness "toti
 'elto= : lay. :aretag slue               ..             5     495 Stue sanoy :Tay                                       30      525      Clay ..                 . .                            5           5 Sanoy ,: lay 71            .                           5      530      F'ne sand .... .                                       5         to Sanoy ::ay                                            'O      540      SOS sand. 50% sitt                                   65          75 io ecors                       .                .      5      !a5      2!1 sano. ?!s silt                                     5         80 Fine sano     ..              .             . .        3      548      50% sanc. 50s stit .                                 30       110 Clay & yavel         .               ..               12      560      251 yavel. 75s ::a-se Sancy (c ?ayN           ..               .             5      565         sano: 112 117 ft.. ces
 !ancy clay                 ..                         15      580         gravel. 755 :carse sana              .              7      117
tay . .. . 5 585 Sano . . . . . . . .. .. . 3 120 3 ravel .... . 1  !!6 755 silt. 255 sano . . 5 125 Clay 6 ysvel .... .. 4 590 25% silt. 155 sana . . 5 130 Sanc & y avel: 595 601 *t. 755 $11t, 251 sand . 5 135 taye's of p avel & clay . 10 500 50s sand. 50% stit 70 205 Stue :Tay & gravel . 5 605 50s sand. 50% stit. naes . 20 225 519e clay 6 saneyt ?) 5 610 50% sand. 50% sitt .. 33 258 San 6y alwe clay . .. . 5 615 SanC ....... I 259 Sancy c!ay . . . .. 5 620 3ro=n clay ... I 253
ay, ysvel & sano . 15 535 Sana . ..... . . 5 265 3 ravel, ssne sano .. ... 1 536 251 yavel & small co:eles , t 266 lanentes slue clay 1 ysvel . 14 650 75% large y avel. 255 silt . 1 267 Layers of sano & 751 yavel and :c:eles.

ce= nted y avel ... . . 5 655 25s sand 6 sitt .. . . 1 253 Sanc 6 ysvel . .. . 5 66U Brc=n : lay: 560-666 ft gravel & .ater . .. . 5 565 599-29 75 Sancy crown c.ay . . .. . 5 570 Location: 429379. 47772? 12/2! 1391 3rown :tay . .... . 5 675 *asteg !!evatton: 547 21 l Sandy .ater . ...... . 5 640 Cante tool, srtileo sy aticon L Imiti of <acin a l N stly *ine sana: rt11 tag Osnoany. '962. youne ate

  • saray clay . .. .. 5 685 screaole lasalt . ,. .. . . 10 695 secarg an clear. Mater *al 'll Dictness Oeoti oroosely nasalt .. . 10 705 lasalt . .. ... ... 5 710 Fine srown sana 25 25 go recoes, oroteoly 3as41: .. . 5 715 Fine orown sano ej#ine gravel .. . 5 30 599-28-32S 1/4 in. Favel & 'ine orown saac . . . . . 10 40 Location: 12/25-2002 p,ne ,,na .jlett?e :: arse casing !1evation: a.685 15 55 Caole tool, srillea sy Uct of <ates Orilling $,1t.

sanafine5 sano stit, tan . ..1e e/11t: Osecany. '978. younawater monitsr'a9  :: arse r evel, tan , 10 65 corenole Fine sancy silt. tan 70 75 Ftne sana & sitt. sr:=n 40 l'5 Fine sand & sitt 'O 125 98 E

RHO-LD-158 L J in. staus :enentes yavel I'ne ysy saac estray

           & sanay sitt, tan                                                                        .                  . 5 130            revel, trace of Fine sancy stit &                                                                                                                  stit. 3rs=n . . . . . . . . .                        5 33 yavei tan                                                   .....                                       .. 5 135         U ne pay sano ./ trace of 3 in, yavel & tearse                                                                                                               ; ravel & stit. 3rs.a . . . .. .                     5 320 sanc .titttle stit.                                                                                                          2 in. sin su y svel ./ sand saru aro n .                                                ......                                      .. 5 1a0            & trace of stit trsen . . . . .                      5 325 2 fn. sinus yavel &                                                                                                             2 in. sinus v svel ./sanc
ssese sama ./ttttie & trace of stit . . . . . . . 5 33 0 tilt mart sro n . . .. 5 145 2 in. sinus yavel =/sans 2 in. sin su comentes ysvel & trace of stit trewn . . . 5 335
            ./ coarse sane, tan . . . . . . .                                                                              5 150         2 in. sinus yavel =/ sand 2 in. einus possible sasalt                                                                                                        & trace of sitt           . . . . .. . .            la 3a9 yavel ./ coa *se sans . . .                                                                             . . 5 155         5tity :!ay .ilittle yavel .                      . . 2 353 2 in. sinus yavel i*tne                                                                                                         Nne & sestum sanc estrace 5 :sarse sano. Ittt?e                                                                                                           of ' in, sinus gravel &

( silt, tan ....... . 5 160 seerns of nars stit.

 -(      3 in. Unus ysvel .If tne                                                                                                           yeentsn :31er . . . .            . . .               2 35!
            & :sarse sano, htt:e stit, tan ...........
                                                                                                                                         $11ty sano ./; ravel, stiky . . .                    . 5 360 5 165         Saney stit ., trice of Coarse & fine sano ./3/4 in.                                                                                                .      y avel, trewn          .       . . . ..              5 365 sinus revel, trace of stit, tan Sand & silt ./same l      Fine sano 6 stit /3 in.
                                                               ...........                                                10 175            y avel, sco=n Stity :tay, same
                                                                                                                                                                   . . . . ... .                12 377 slau s r eve l . . . . . .                                                                           ..       10 185            y avel sco.n              . . . . . .                3 380 fine sano & sitt ./3 in.                                                                                                        5tity :tay ./ trace af sinus T svet, tan                                                                                              5 ,'

[ 2 in. sinus ysvel ./csarse. sano tan Stity :tay, tan. . . 5 20 385 205 ( &

  • tee sane & sitt, tan . . 5 195 5 tit / clay. 11;at tan 5 410 2 in. *$aus ravel dtne Sancy stit. tan . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                          .      9 419 sano & silt. lignt tan .                                                                                       5 20 0 2 in. sinus gravel
         *tne o ca saco ./1 fr2 in.                                                                                                         effine sano. trace sinus y avel & 20a*1e                                                                                                           of stit, tan . .

sano, tan, trace of stit 2,0 . . 1 A20 10 O ne sica sana .,1 1/2 in. 2 in. siaus rivel

                                                                                                                                            ./seme 'tne 5 :sarse sinus ravel & coarse                                                                                                            sano. trace of stlt . . . .                          5 225 sanc. tan                                          ....... . .                                                5 215         2  *n. sinus yavel Fiae sica sane ./1 1/2 in.                                                                                                         ./ trace of stit . . . .                         . 5 a30 sinus raiol &                                                                                                               2 in. Staus yavel ./ trace tearse sano                                                 ......                                      . . 5 220            sf stit, tan . . . . .               ... .          10 aa0 One sica sano e/1 in.                                                                                                           Stity tan c?ar /some etnus gravel &                                                                                                                  caerse sano . . . .                                  5
                                                                                                                                                                                          . .      24 5 coarse sano ..                                                                                 ... ..         5 225         Stity 31acu : lay . .             . . ..                5 250 Fine siCa sand */1 in.                                                                                                          Stity Slacs Clay e/so.te

( sinus jesvel & 00erse sand, tan ....... .. 5 230 sarle sang . . .

                                                                                                                                         $11t Stue snale clay .            . .

7 3 457 460 2 in. sinus yavel & ana 519e snale :!ar ./some

             ./19ttle stit, tan . . ..                                                                                     5 235            coarse sano &

2 in. einus ; ravel & sana Det ravel . . . 10 a70 ( ./soas si tt, tan 2 in. S nus pavel g p , g es,es,

                                                                                                         .. . ..           5 240         51.4 :!ay & sea rivel .. .. . .

31ue c!ay & saale ./ssme sea ; ravel 20 490

                                                                                                                                                                   . . . .   . .                 5 195 sano. tan, trace                                                                                                             5tlty tan tay . dine sanc , . . .                       9 50a of stit . ....                                                                                  .. .            5 2a5         Fiae Itgnt tan sano . . . . . .                        15 520 2 in. sinus p avel & : arse                                                                                                     Fine sand & yavet estrace sana ./11ttle tilt . . . . . . .                                                                              15 250            af stit, tan .

Une sano =/stit, trace of

                                                                                                                                                                      . . . .                    5 525 1 in, unus vivel & :oarse sana ./11ttle stit . . .                                                                                .. 5 255            sea r evel. 3ro=n . . . . .                          5 130 2 in, etnus yavel ./sma                                                                                                         N ne sand ./sme stit, tan, coarse & fine sano, tan                                                                               .        10 275           50"'FC*n sano                            .. .      !$ 545 2 in, u nus yavel ./                                                                                                            Fine sano & see sitt.
carse & fine sane. */some tro=n rivel . . . 5 !!O trace sf stit, tan , . . 5 23o , Une sano 6 see stit 2 in. C aus yavel */58"' 7avel . ... .  ! !!!
            ./ coarse & fine saac.                                                                                                       One sane & see stit trace of sitt. Ses=n . . . . .                                                                                 5 255            */ gravel 3re=n           . .        . . .          11 566 2 in. sinus yavel                                                                                                               live saale tiny /1 in.

esfine & tearse saco einus ravel

            & stit sec=a ....                                                                                    .. . 10 295            (volcante taf'?)             .       .            . a 170 2 tn. steus vsvel =4 fine.                                                                                                      $1ue c:ay /1 in.
            & 03arsa sano, stit                                                                                           10                etaus ;rsvel . . . .

( Fine pay sand ./a Itttle 2 tn, sinus

                                                                                                         .... .              305
                                                                                                                                         $1ue aye* Clay rsv 9e "Ie :el; af sna      tay       . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                   !a6 523 yavel, trace of                                                                                                              lasalt .it sce of snale stit. 3rown'                                                          .. ......                                5 310            :tay; see asce at 548            *t.       . .       2 fic lasalt I                                                                                                                                                                                                to
                                                                                                                                                                   .                      . .      500 l

l 99

E RH0-LD-158 699 30 16 (Golse. . ell '87)

        '.3c a tion: 130440 16255
                                                                                   $99 30 255 '3cice .e: . *13A!

Lacation: E9772. 4:752 :2/27d5M2 I t n: 433.:8 Casing !!evation: 540.54 Eas tng I'evatr:g t led 3y Carman dater dells g ate antary, %G 'Stary. Sr f 11ed 3y !ar*en . ate .el f s & lo9ged of arnold of 3 older assoc *ates 'cr logged 3y arneh 3f 3cicer associates # 37

           *ESCO.1960. geologic 'nvestigation                                           1E300 '980 geologic *nvast' gat on toremote teremote Mater *al (111                  m icreess Jeot9 Mate-talfil)                            mienness Deo t'i 4edte to fine sanc. see silt                          20       20 Sesium to 'tae sand & coarse                                                  *ectum to fine sans                                   10       30 revel, trace stit . .                                                     Med1 # to fine sed, t' ace 10        to "edte is :sarse yavel,                                                           coarse gravel ... .                                 5       35 trace stit                                     ..         5       15      "edi* to ' ire saac. t-sce Etne sano 4 9edium to                                                            medium 7 vei                                        $       a0 tearse grave t. trace stit                 .              5       20      weetum to fire sano                        .          10       !O F'ne saac & silt, trac e                                                      Sectum to fine sana, trace sitt sectum to coarse pavel                   . . .            5        25 L meetus yavei .                            .      10      50 Fine sand & sitt, trace fine                                                  *ecium to fine sanc trace to seoium gravel . . .                                                   . stit & gravel             . .                         5      65
                                                . ..              5       30
    'ine to : arse yavel, trace                                                  .weotum to fine sana & tearse fine sana & stlt . .... .                                 5       35 gravel, trace sitt                        .        20       55 Fine ta soci e sand t mecium                                                  wecium to fine sanc. some 7avel, to coarse yavel, trace                                                        trace sitt          ...                            10       95 silt          --              .. . .                      5        a0      *ecium to fire sard & *e:tum w e atum ta :sarse y avet,                                                        to 'ine r avel                                     ?O     105 some fine ta sect a sand                    .             5       4$       meci e to fine saan. - ace Fine to meetum sana L                                                             yavel . .           .                               5     110
       *ectum to :: arse 7avel                                   5        50      *es'um to fine sana .                                  5     1t5 "e te to esarse yavel,                                                         w u tum to fine same i sectum trace 'tne sand                             . .           5       55          to fine r ivel, trace silt                          5     120 Fire to seCtJB sano, trace                                                     Fine sanC 4 9e1 # to c3a'se 4

Sestum gravel .... . 5 50 gravel, trace stit . 15 135 st,e :3 ,,3.Jn sanc & *edium Fine sans & Seo's to ::a-se

       '3 :sarse grave t                . ,               ,    11        71          ;rtvel ..           ...                             5     !ao 4estwa to 'ine sand & me:sm
                                                                                     *8 **'
  • I'I 20 160 699 30-2f A (Golce . ell #13) Sandy mute to 'He yam. 10 U0 Locat*on: 129653, 42a770 12/27-1!N1 '" I'" I8 ""' 58"8 5 8'""

Castng !!evation: 544.37 air rotary lto 200 't.) 5 sud retary, :r111eo , to coarse r avel 15 185 sy Carman .atee '.elis & legges ty Werecnt .carse to fire ravei trace

          & dt!kening of 3cicee associates 'or 1E500                                 coarse to fine sana                                75     250 1980. ;nt:gic investigation ecrerole                                    Coarse to fire revel, trace coarse to f*ae waterial ill)                         nicaness Oeoth               sanc.& stit             . .        . .              5     255 carse to fine revel. some tilt, trace :: arse to Fine s e a     . ..                         ....            25        25 Fine to c: arse sana             ..            . .           5        30          fine sano               ... ..                      5     270 Fine to :: arse sed ./*inor                                                    Coarse to fine g'avel. trace pe:cles           ...                    ....            35        65          coarse to fine sand . .                             5     275 Seay fine vsvel               .          .....               5        70         carse ta ' fee sana L sitt, some Sancy 'tw to sects gravel                      . ..          5        75          coarse to f+ne ravet.

Secy fire to coarse ravel . .. 5 30 trace clay . . . 5 230 Fine to coarse gravel ... 10 90 Coarse to fine y avel, some Sanoy 'ine to coarse revel .. 5 95 coarse to fine sana, some

   =toim yavel                . ........                         t      100          stit, trace clay                                    5     235 1   Sedy 'ine to coarse gravel                     ...           5       105       Coarse to fine ysvel. some 3ravelly fine to secte sano . . .                            5       110          coarse sana             . .                      105      39 0 l

Secy ; ravel . . . .... . 10 120 Ocarse to fire yavel. scme Fine to secf Jn sano ....... 5 ;5 coarse sane. trace stit ?O 400 Sanay fine to esa-se Fevel .. 50  ;'5 Coarse t: #iee revel. Sandy 't ne to Se11 A gravel ... 35 213 some :carse to fine Gravel ./ trice sand .. .. .. 15 230 sand & sitt . . 10 410 Gravel . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 2a5 Coarse to fine vivet. Gravel ./some sand ...... 5 250 some esarse sana trace stle 23 423 5 ti t y s ano . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 250 Fine sana & stit ./some clay . . . 5 235 51t yit!y gravetty sar.c & sitt 2 (3ol e . ell 473)

      ./some c!ay ... ......                                   10       275       599-30.
                                                                                     ,,,,      e!CW 9832' d a?!O Fine sano L silt =/ sane c?ay . ..                            5      220                                      H Gravelly c: arse sana /some sllt .                          10       290          h ng [*evation*2            ,.3 9,J. ,3g,77 3        ;.3g ,,39, 4            g 3q,, egg etre to socium ;rsvel                    . . ..             33       323             ci.11 tH sy .a i f ace 'r* 1ng Many & 'w sy *.aorecrt, di1kenteg L *acLece of solce-Associates #3r NE500. 1980 jeal:g.c investi.

l gation ooreeo\e I l t 100 I I

RH0-LD-158 8etely sancste e - . .... 2 357 1s t ea. a1 ( 11,. .=$ cues s Dest" $,ng, 3 3,3, 9 ,. ate ... 4 261 I I C#1* ,,9 ",# # Ftee tc sectum sa9e . . 25 25 ** 7 373 9eatum to coarse sans. ~'* s ec .. . .. - 2'1 '" 40 trate fin. y a,e1

  ~.- to coa,,e sa,. .          .
                                       .....            15
                                                                                  ~--                                                            ...........
                                                                                                                                                            * *                                  :      m trace fine ts sectum                                                        f""8,3I
                                                                                    ,,                                              ;;                    ,,, ,t e          '.'..".              7      42*

gravel . ........... 5 45 y,3 if g ,, , ,,,,,, a 425 4eatum to coarse sans .... . 10 55 423 511ty sarast:ee . . ..... 2 4ectum to coarse sand, trate Med1 A sanCst:q . ... ... 36 464 eedtum pavel ..... .. 10 65 secy W. . .. . 1 465 Fine to coarse revel, trace sitty gana;;one .., ... 9 47a coarse sand ,0 75 511 tstene . . .. .. 2 476 Fine to :: arse pavel. some Sandstone ..... . .... I 477 seate to coarse saac . ... 5 30 Sanoy siltstore . .... 22 a99

  *ecium to coarse sana &
  • tee Stity sancstone ...... 4 eg3 to coarse pavel . . . . . 15 15 y $W.ston .. .. ...

we atum to coarse sand & fine 511 tstane ...... .. ... 9 .51g 100 to meatum gravel . . . . . . . . 9eolum to coarse sand, some 5 m sandy s *s u u . . . . . .

                                                                                                                                                   .                                              1      E, S tity sanastant                                                     .. ......                                 5      $20 fine to socium gravel            ...*               5        105 Secy nMy -pglarite                                                                       ....                  5      '25 Fine to coarse yavoi. trace                                                                                                                                              ...                   5      530 esarse sano ..                                .    .0        115            S 5,n  ea,st          33 m .e :e.                                        .....

ngleerste . . . . 3 533 5ectum to coarse sano ... . 5 120 5 ,3,gg ,, ,,,, ,,,,,, a $37 Fine to sootum ysselly Sara noc h .pglerate . . . . 3 130 sesium to : arte saas .. 5 125 .. ..... 4 342 a!ne to meste revetty ,+ne S 5 j a,ncy gy gs,tl g ts.tcae g ,, ,, ,, , 7 g$1 to coarse same. **sce stit 5 130 Sanay siltstane ...... . 2  !$3 Fine to : u rse vivelty ** e 511 y sanestsee ./1ccattted to :sarse sanc.

  • ice silt . . 5 135 Tenses :f sarcy siltstece .. 11 564 I Fine to :carse saed & "ee 511ty sanest:ce . . ..... 11 575 to :carse yavel, trace Fire sancy stitstore . . ... 1 !76 silt .. . . 5 140 Same as inte val 564 to Fine ts :carse vsveily "M 575 *t. .. . ' . . .. .. . 5 !al to coarse sano. trace silt . 5 145 Ff ee s ancy st1 tstore . . . . . . . A 545 Fine to :: arse yavel, see 'ine s ecstane . ... .. 5 !91 l' sano. trace st1 t . . . . . . . . $ ,50
                                                                    .                                                                          ...........                                       19       $;0 Fine to coarse pavel, see                                       , tst:re .***y ........... 4 614 sano, trace st it . . . . ... 5 4!5 eine to meets sancy eine to coarse pavel & fig git tgggy ,,, ,, ,,,, 17 g31 to :sarse sand .. ... 5 160 we ets :s 'ine sarcy l Fine to coarse yavel, see stitgtp , picing to

                                                                     ,65                  & '-on silty sancst:ee                                                                                                  l sane. trace sitt ......                             $       .                                                                                                        .             .       3      534 mecie to coarse grsvelty                                                         Stity sanast:re ........                                                                                       5      640    l mea 1e see          ... .....                       5       170             Secy conglerate                                                              ..... .                         29       569
    .w edis sand & sedic to                                                          io recsvery                                                   ... .......                                      5      $74 03 arse revel       ..           .....              5       III             $4nd Detole :cng1p erste . . . . .                                                                             4      678 Mecie sand, see "ne                                                             5titstaae .                                                              ...                  . .              6      684 to :: arse y ssel                                    5       ,80 5titstone. trace sana 6 mecis sano & '14 to                                                                   fine psvel                                                 . ... ....                                     5     690 20         200
carse ravel . .. ... Sasalt . . . . . . ... 21 711 No recovey ..... .... 5 g8 5 3,3,j g 3,, gg , , , ,,, , g 779 Pecole yavel .... ..... 3 -

3asalt . ........... 21 740 [ Secy seoote yavel . ..... 30 238 so recovery ... ....... 1 239 ( Fine s ancy siltstoao . . .... 9 248 69'J.30 47 511ty fiae sanastue .scation:

                                                                                          .                                                    429547. d46998                                   12/25.*441 e/tocally alternating                                                           Casing Elevation: 571.30 tiltstane & san 0st3pe           . ...

f Caole t001, drilleo 3y dat:n of 4atch 3rd 11ng 9001 @ sand . ....... . 6

                                                                                                      ;,,ggny eg, aggg=. 1969 Sanoy secole tonglerate                 . ..             4       259                             ,,,,,g,,,,,,,                                         3,,e ,j, . geologic Fine sandy siltstone . .                      ..       13         272 Fine sanastoes .           ..... ..                      8        290                                                                     ,,,p7,,         ;g                             g m ,,        g5 to recovey           ...             .....               2        282 4

[ Fim sancstore . . . . . . . . . . 296 238 Sand 5 8 ( No rec very . ...... .. I Sandhs151 ... 70 N Fire sanastcee . . ....... No recovery ..... ..... j 7!z sano & 25% sitt 5Cs sano & 50% stlt 5 S 30 38 4 298 Sandy Fav al . . . . . . . . . . . Large vsvel . ..... 1 39 sancy n eole cc:0 1e 50s sana & 50% silt . .... 51 *ao 26 4 conglaneate . . . . . .... Sea & stit. It small revel . 5 145 Stitstore .......***** ' 32- Sano & stit. 11 smali v ivel .. 5 *!O Sedy secole Congipeste ... 2 Sanc & slit . .. . g '!9

                                                                +        329 meate sano ...........                                                         tro=n :1ay .                                                  .      .            . ....                        1     '60 Sanay noote canole                                                           San: & 511:                                                    .....                      . .                    5     165
ngl e r ate . . . . . . ... 23 15 2 g,, 3 g o g, ;g yg, i Fine sancy st1tstane 2 3!4 *. *"


                                         .....                                              ,o                  1 U2 in*                                                                                     

Secy noole :engimeste .. . I 355 101 [

l E RH0-LD-158

   $4no & sitt.

SC% ravel small . . . . 5C% saac. 50% si't. some gr ave: . . I

   $4Ao $ stit. 60% ; ravel
                                                  .                 5      175                                                    .              !     2a!

SC5 saac. 5Ct s*1t 20 25! to ' I/2 *n. . S cose .. $  ?$1 $;% sano. 40% st t 5 27 Sans & silt. 3C1 yavel 5C% sara. 50% si's

                                                                                                                                                !      27!

to 2/4 *s. . ... . g 130 755 saro. 255 seit 5 230

   !ano 5 sitt, 3c5 p svel                                                           50% vsvel. 251 sano, to 3 in.      ........ ..                                 10       200           255 stit           .                                    5      255 sano & stit, gravel coarse                                    's       t's leown ::ay . ..                .. , ,                           9      22 7 Coarse sano. 60% yavel                                                             6 H. 31.4 Mo:cer a ll ell) to 1/1/2 in.        . . .                       .           3      230            Locatioa: 930888. 8221                               12/25.!831 Sano & silt, one                                                                      Casing 51evation: 475.37 cocole 5 in.               .                                5      235            ate *otary 'to 125 f t. ' s m ud rotary, or111ec feveral :sentes ..                                              5      240               oy Caaman .ater ,et ts t 'cggeo :y =ansea t O penteo sano & stit                .          .                5      245               3ur e11 of 3alce* assoc *stes ':r 91500. ?980, Sano 6 sitt, cocoles                                                                     geologic tavestigat'en moreactes to 5 in.      .        . .                .                 5      251 wa t e-i a l ' 111                   inicaness Oesti 599 30 51 Locat'on:      12999.,. d!C997                          12!?5 141:1
  • Fine to sette same
  • 10 'O
                                                                                   .FMe  **

to curu n M' race &mM tilt 401 t'co . 3 to 3y t:M of *at:9 Ors 11tng trece stit . 40 50 Camoany 'or AAM00,1959 geologic Fue to

  • invest
  • gat'on Doreaole trac 55 l g g , .,e y, silt, , ,,;,; g
                                                                                                                                     **        15 F an t, trace stit .
  • ster at l11 Titcraess Oestm . . 5 70

' 'De to coarte sans b :sarse Sano 6 stit .... . 20 20 gravel, trace s'It . ...... 5  ?! C eenteo sano L silt 'O 30 Fine to coarse saec & ysvel,

  $ana L si't .....                             .              'O          40           trace to some stit .                  . ..            !O       125 C reates sano L stit                                            5        af        Fine to coarse ;ravet, se e sand.

Sanc t s: t .... 'O 55* trace silt . ... 15 140 Oceate1 sano 6 s11: 5 50 .ran Hf Pe *: M 'e sanc. l Isa: L st t . ... to 70 some silt 10  :!3 l l restes sano L silt . . . . 5 Fiae to coarse vivet, sye sano Sanc & s:it .. . . . 50 t' 5 i silt . . . .. ... 5 155

  • Small vsvel . . . . . 2 157 81re to coarse ;rsve' t stit.

Coarse saic & sitt, some sano 1 c'ay 10 165 y svel to 2 in. ... .. 5 162 Clayey silt, see ;ravei Sana 1 silt. 25 small gravel . 3 155 & sano . . .. 10 175 ca se ; revel .... .. 15 120 ?ayey sittst:ne, s ee vivs! Osa-se saac 5 stit .. . 5 '85 L sano . . . . . . .. 15 190

  ;carse sano & sitt.                                                               Clayty stit, trace ;esvel.

21 icose.

  • mall ravel . . 10 195 some sano . . 5 195 Ce entes c: arse sana & silt . 15 211 Stity fine to sect e ravet, Sano 6 siit. trace ::ay . . . . 5 200 l 5Cs :: arse vsvel .. .... 34 245 Ocarse sans 6 "ae to secte l Sano L silt, 5Cs yavel revel, trace sitt . . . 40 2a0 to 3 tn.
                    .... .                     .                 5      250         Sansy *1ae to :Darse ;rsvet.

Cemented sano & stit .. to 250 trace stit . . 5 2a5 l :amenteo sano 5 stit, $11ty *tne to :: arse ;*svel, small ravel . . . . 10 270 some sand $ 2$C Opsateo sano 1 sitt, $ancy silt, s ee :?ay, trace cocoles, gravel 4 in. .. 5 275 gravel . . .. . 5 255 Sancy stit, same :!ay 5 250 699 30 55 :layey fine to coarse sars Location: 130021. 455000 12/25 15L! & stit . . . .. . . 5 255 Castag Elevation: 634.21 Clayey sitt, some sano . . 10 275 aole tool, crit tec sy 31gnam of dat:n Fine to coarse sara 5 stit, Ort 11 tag Comcany 'or aAnCO, 1969. geologic some : lay . ..... 10 225 investigatton tore

  • ole 111ty 'tne to meste vsvel L 'ine to coarse sana trace :!ay 5 290
                  *aterial (1)                           7htciness 3ents            Fue to seotum sano & st't trace clay L ysvel .                        ..        15       3C5 sano . . ..... . ..                                            5          5       Fine to :3erse sano 6 diae 50% sano, fct . .                 .               . 30         25            to cesium p ave s , trace sitt                  . 45       250 7tt sano, 255 sitt .                   .. .                    5        40        Fine to coarse sano & f'ne to 5C% sano. 50% silt                                          45          35            socium y sve;. trace sitt, 2!1 sanc. 755 sitt                     .. .                  to         H             & siltstone .                                           5      2!5 50% sano. 5C% sitt            .                   .         30        125         5titstone; sesium to : arse sana 755 stit, 251 same            . .. .                           !      120             & sano 6 fine yavel .                       .         10       265 5C% sano. 5C% si t t .                 .          .            5      :25         511tstore      .          ..... . .                       15       280 755 :carse sane, 211                                                              Fine to : arse sano & siit,
     'ine sana L sitt           ..             .                 5      '80             trace r ivei              .                     . 15       395 5C% sano, 5C% tilt            ..                           *00        240 102 I


I 1 g ano-to-iss 1 I ,,n. to s... . ,e to s..,s,,t, , . ,o =,.,se medium yavel, trace silt 30 425 gravel . . .. 25 315 StIty fine to coarse saad F!ne to :ca-se yavv. scee

      & gravel . . . . . . . . .                   ..          5      430           s aac & s t         .              .                       15       330 I   Saney sitt, s ee r evel              .          .          20      450        $ency eine g3        3,,3e ;,,,,,. . . .    ,

j 1ansy sitt trace yavel; trace sitt . ... .. . 10 340

       & stitstone             .. ..  ..                      55      50!        Fi,w to :oarse yavet. trace l

Siltstone, trace yavel .. .. 20 525 sane & stle ......... 130 520 540 rine szetosano coa',se traceravel c:ay i sitt. i Fine sane & silt . . . . . . ... 15 Fine to sectum revel, see stit. .. . 15 535 trace coarse sano .... . 5 545 Stitstore, scree sano, trace Siltstone 6 P'ne to meitum clay; ff ne to coarse gravel, gravel, trace sana 25 570 some sana . ... . ... 5 540 tasalt . . .. 25 595 Fine to coarse ravel, see sano;

                                                                                    & stitstone .....                                                     !!O

.I 699 31 11 (Goleer . ell #501 Fine to :carse pavel see sano; & stit, some

                                                                                                                                  ...            10 Location: 131253, e11373                              12/27-13K1             sand, trace :!ay .                       . ..                10       560
       ;asing Eievat'on: 441.72                                                  lasalt .                                                        45       SC5 I

4tr retary lto t63 f t.) & mud estery cet11eo my 04* man ater delis 6 togges my Bureell & 699 31 23 (solee . ell #121 Manson of Goleer associates foe *ESCO.1980 Loc at*on: 431490. 2317a 12/27.15L1 ' geologic 'nvestigst en moreaole Casteg !!avatten: 5a0.54 air estary t to '40 f t. 3rt11ef ty Car =aa & I Mate *1al (11)

    $4ncy fine to coarse yavel ..

Coarse gravel, trace inac L sitt sancy fine to :carse ravel . 7%t:neess Oectn 10 30 5 10 15 45 Bynu m of "arman mate .el's & '.:agyear Crilling "cmeany 5 toggec ty F'ntley, Lubre nt t 4 can of 3olce assoc stes 'or 4E5;;.1979 ;eologic 'avesttgatten :oreaole I Fine to coarse gravel. = ate

  • al (11) *%1caness Oestn tra:e sano . .. .. 5 50 Fine to :carse p avel some =eown sana .e ssee rivel .,. ;0 30 sana . . . ..... 5 55 3 ravel ./sce ae
  • to : arse wecium to coarse sand sand . . . 10 a0
        & *ine to coarse ravel .                               10        55      se y coarse vivei            .,s e e saec                        10        50 I

medfp to coarse sand, trace le*y :carse v s.el escocese gr ave l ... . .. 10 75 sano . . . . . 3 53 Sandy fine to coarse revel . 10 85 3 rave 11y :carss sand . 7 50 4eatum to coarse sanc. trace wectum to f*ne saec . .. ... 20 50 yavel & slit ......... 5 90 sesoty medtus to fine sand ... 5 L Meetus to coarse sand 1 *f ne .waM to fine sano .isce to coarse gravel, trace sitt 5 95 secoles . .. ... 5 90 Fine to coarse r avel some wecte to fine sano . 5 95 sano, trace silt . . ... 15 Ito avel . . 10 105 meeNm to coarsa sand, some 3carse ravel r.isee sano ,. 10 115 yavel, trace sitt . ..... 5 115 $4ncy gravel . . . . ;0 125 Fine v: coarse gr avel. some sand. so recoveey. or:esoly g svels . !5 lac Fine to scarse y avei I trace stit . . sectum to coarse sard trace

                                 ..                  .            5    120 Gravel . . .               . .
                                                                                                                                           .      to 15 150 165 yavel & stit. . . . .                ...                  5     125                            . ..                   .            .        5      170 Fine to coarse sand L y avel,                                                F*ne{avel 3 rave .. .          .. .                   ..                  35       205 trace sitt      ....... ..                               5     130       :!4yey sitt. scatte*ec ; ravel                     .            10       215 Fine to coarse revel, trace                                                 C!ayer silt                                                      38       253 I       sand . .     . .......

Fine to coarse sana 5 y svel . 10 5 135 tal

                                                                                  *eams to
  • ire revel ./some sana & st1t 45 299 Fine to :o.rse sans & trace I

yavel . . . ... .. 5 150 699 31 31 Fine to coarse sand & yavel .. 5 155 Location: 930507. 30678 12/27.16=1 Fine to coarse gravel. Casing Elevation $29.32 trace sano . . . . . .. 5 160 Caole tool. crillea oy seat: of n for Fine sand & silt, trace pavel GI :omoany,1956. younewata* sonitor'ag

                                                                        ,65 I
         & cisy . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          5    6               3,,,nni, Fine pavel some sane & sitt, tr ac e c l a y . . . . . . . . . . .                     5    170                       waterial ;1)                               *M evress Cent' Fine silt & sand. see gravel.

trace clay .......... 5 1*$ pin, sano .. . . :0 10 Fine to coarse sand 6 stit. Scavel. sand ..  ! 15 I trace clay . ..... . 15 190 Fine slaca sane.genvel . 25 40 Fine to coarse sand & slit, trace to rec:rg . ... . . 'O 50 clay; & siltstoes ....... 5 195 cocoles 6 yavel . .. . 'O 50 511tstone. frace sand . ... 10 205 touleers.cocoles.y svel . 'O 70 Coarse sana & *ine to coarse ;oonies 6 yavel ..  ! 75 I gravet. trace tilt . . . . .. 40 245 Fine & coarse sano . .. 7 82 Sancy fine to coarse yavel. 35 Small 6 :carse vsvei 3 trace silt ..... .. 45 290 I 103

I I l RH0-LD-158 Coooles & y avel ... .. 15 '00 !aac, yave . L telt i

                                                                                                                            . .       5       538 5 mall & coarse revel             .. . .                     5    105       Sang, ;rs,et & snate                                       2       640 Soulde's .        .....                   ...                7    112       Sano, alwe saale                                           I       SEI Souloers-cotoies . . . . . . .                               5    120 "cooles gravel. Itttte stit . . .                          15     135 Souise s . . ..*                                             7    142       699 31 53A Location: 13111*. e!2177                             12/25 1!;*.

5;uloees, y gegl, Casing 51evatiew: 7r4.14 11tste stit ...... .. 5- 153 Caole tool. =rtilee 3r Jurne of Macen Or*11 tag

  • cooles. Favel, stit .. $ 155 Caerse r evel & sano . . . . 5 i60 Mey f or E M any.1958 y=sunewate-90 ecore ..... .... . 3 t63 vttorarg soremo te
  • ocoles, gravel, fine sano 9 172 Caooles, gravel, sano.
                                                                                           .w atee'at 'll                        N earess Oe:ts Itttle stit ... . ,..                                    3    175 80ulee's . . . . . . . . . . . . .                           2    177        !ano            . . ........                             36          36

!acoles, y avel, saae & st1t . . . 3 180 SH ty sano . . ..... 44 20

  • toles, yavel & silt . . . .. 5 185 H ae s aco . . .. . ;0 90 Sano.y avel 5 '90 388*sC"' 'I47 * .
  • M 123 Cace!as. gravel . . . . .
                                                  ..      10     200       U ne s aac       .                  .             ..      =         1!C Sano. P avel, & st1t ......                                12     212 See & gesol.                              . ..           10        ;50 Sano, stit & clay .....                                      8    2;g       %cie sano           . . .                      . .          3       163 Stit. clay & small vant                       . .          15     735       See         . .                 .. ....                     2       16f Sano 6 stit       .....                   ....               5    240       MMie sano           .. ........                             a       169 Sano. eecy Itttle sitt . .                     ...           5    245 Mate sea.t* ace of clay                   .. .              I       170 stay sano very little clay                         .       10     255       Ocarse sano         .....                 .. .,             5       17!

51we : lay .. .. . 5 250 *eci e sano .. . . . 7 132 Creates mMie sano . . . .. . 8  !?O 819e tier & ^ne sano . .... I 255 Clay, sanostone & stit . . . 10 2?5 F ew v an t & 3 M i e sano . . . 5 155 Sano & yavel .. .. .. 1  !!O M -ecore . . . 5 201 Sano, st:t & gravel 15 ?95 ."eole sano ...... . 19 219

                                                                            ' race pant mecie saec .                      ...          1       220 3 ravel. sano & s11t           ..              .              5    300 Mais sed                                                   4 3 ravel, ao to 5 ft.                                       10      310                              . . . .. .                                  224 ocoles SMte saac .

3 ravel, c'ay & sano .. .... 10 320 .. . I 225 seaa lit *le tilt . .. 5 32 5

                                                                            'O N O"I * *--                        *....                I       270 Ie o. I'ttle sitt. yavel                  .. .

5 330 ste / clay. 9His 1&no . .. 27  !!7 Sano. little stit .. .... 5 335  ; race 3f " lay, sano . . ... 3 250 3rsvel & sano 10 345 . . *0

                                                                                                                                     .         270 Sano.stlt
              . . . . .                       .              5    350       f.
                                                                            ' race ant....of clay. saac              & gravel
                                                                                                            . . ...     .            13        233 Sano gravel                                                                 .n ns hue clay . m as.
                  ...... ..                                10     360 sano & gravel                                           I       25a Sano. Itttle stit                 ...                 .      5    365
                                                                            ,eme9teo   sano 13        297 tano & ysset         .. ..                                   5    370 Cong1reate 'cemeates gravel) . .

3 ray :!ay. little yavel . . 5 375 13 310 Sano & st!t . . . . 15 390 'O N 8"8 l8"ecaoly Congl@ Fate) . . . . 3 313 Mae pay sano . . . . 5 395

                                                                            'O N C" 3ravei, sano . . . .                               .       12     a07                    W S84817 o ne & caerse sano             .                      .      3    410       , carg1meratel . .......                                   2       315 Fine sano         ..                                       15     425 Janoag *o creat vani                     . ..              5       320 3 ray :!ay               ..
                                               .           10     435       'sye's
                                                                            -       Of :englomerate Clay. ** tite ; ravel                                        5    44 0
                                                                               & cement yssel ...             ....                     5       ;25 stay :tay                   ... .                            5    445       I'"O & 3"s"I              ** *-                  ..        4
  • 3%
*1ay . . .
                  ....                .                    15     460       Layws af sano & ya n i Clay.I t tt le grave l . . . . .
                                                      . 15     475          & :ementes yavel . .              .....                 5       335 3rown : lay . . .                                             5    a80      Some CACO  3      --mestly yavel          .          . 5       340 to e m o          .....
                                                       . 5    485       *rael & sano              . ... .. .                       4       344 3rcen : lay                                                10     495       Ce'nente's !aye-s.

3rsy c!ay .. ... .. 10 505 sano & yani . .. .. . 5 345 5tity yay clay .. . ... 15 520

                                                                            ,ementeo .aye-s. sand & Pave' 3rown sitty c!ay .             ..                          10      $30         contains some cecotes                      . .          5       350 t,enenteo    layers, sano 1 ysvel . .

4 354 3rsy :Tay & small revel . 10 540 erant & cecoles .. ... g 36 0 Sano & sitt ..... .. 5 545 Soft sanastsne .. .. 5 550 3 ravel, a f ew :ccoles. 3rowa stity :tay . . . . ... 15 565 some cemeat*ng . . . . . . . 3 ?63 Sano, y avel & sasalt; Meav*ng sano, yavel, encuqa

lay to maae oe '*easili*y 'o=
  • v5 femat*on 9as a Feen calor ....... . 8 57 3 Sano, gravel. littte :?ay . .. 5 370 Fine saro, yavel. Sano gravel & c'ay .... . 30 4C0
stoles ao to 5 in. ... .. 2 575 Cementes vini .. .... 25 425 Coarse sano. ; ravel, ceccles 5 550 Clay, sano & ysvel . .. 5 430
 ;ancies, yavel & sane.                                                      81ue clay       . . . . .                     . ..      52        482
    =/11ttie c!ay or stit                               . 5    585       llacs :tay         .               . ... ..                5      a87 to recoro ..........                                         2    587                                                                              '

Coooles, ra n t & saac . . . . . . 5 593 r om ation is like c r eat; cocoles, y avel. & sano . 6 599 C!ay . ..... ... ... 21 $20 Clay, sano, small ravel . . 13 633 104 I I

RH0-LD-158 [ 699 31 138 Cereateo sted .. .. .... 10 83! Location: 131150, d!2954 12/25 15;2 Ce*eates sano ./ pave ? . . . . . , 5 48 0 [. Casing !?evatten: 707.33 Canle tool settled ty ' aect af *aden Or*11 tag

                                                                                                                       $ancy clay . . . .                             .        ... .                5     845
                                                   .                                                                   Sancy clay & y avel                              . ......                     5    850 Coneany f or GE Cercany.1959. grovemate
  • eonitoring sorenale 699 32 15 (Got:e* 4e11 o!6)
                                                                                             !%1ckeess .esta f.ocatten: 932062; .17'82                                              12/27 1&E1 Mate *1al (1)                                                                              ;, p ,9 g j ,,, g gn . 452.54
                  $and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                              30
                                                                                                             .0            Ate *ctary, cr*11es 3y Carme date* .et?s &
                  $ tit & sand .......        ...                                                 10         40                toies ;tyggo, gg,fg,     Arnola         g,etagsg       sf Soteer       assectates *er investigat*cn to recare ............                                                          30         70                gyna g Caneateo sand        ..........                                                 23         93 Csweteo clay & s and . . . . . . .                                              27       120 Little clay.ftne sand          .. ...                                           20       140                         wate tal ill)                                        *M en eess :enta land . . . . . . . . .            .. ..                                         10       150 Seavel . . . . . .           .......                                            10       j60 Fine u seie sec.

Fine pavel & sand . . . . . p,,,trg ace,g g pstg igt . . . . . . . . . . . 10 10 [ Sand . . . . . ....... .

                   $ana & gravel . some :stalestsee .
                   $ano & . lay
                                                                                          ..      20 35 15
                                                                                                           .80 215 230 Fine sea & veon,m to enarse gravet, swa stit trace
                                                                                                                                                                        , ,,,,,                   ;g        yn 30       250
                  '8ect s sand
                                     ...........                                                  10       270       *pq,, g           ,,,,,,,,,,,,

g q,q,@ s ed & f1*e t3 g 3g Gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congi peration . . . . . . ..* y  % coarse ysvet, trace sitt . . 5 ao cementes gravel ......... 6 312 Fine to secte sana & see Cong1cureration . . . . . fire to *ecie ytvel .. .. 5 45

                                                                ....                                5      318 weavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                              10       32 3      FW sec & s*!t. *.scs One DoW'Ce..saed & y lveI*                                                                              medium ylvel .. ......                                                 10       55 p g ,, g3 ,,g.W s a"2. s0*e

[ laye*s of :e entet v svel .m 34q Cs=entea seed & pavel layers .. .2 35'2 mec to :su  ;.ani . .. 5 W

                   $4no & ysvel some ce w tes                                             ..       10      .62        Fi e u escu ps O. see Sano & ysvet Ittile clay ....                                                            365 f t ne t                                                      ..      10        *0 3
                                                                                                                      , % ,,o no ,ctum       ,,s,aec                  g g,.
                   $ana Ljravel layers of clay                                                . 30       395 3pCy . 4y layvs e g,,ug,co, ru,g g ,Pa                                   .. ..                5      *!

cowtes yave. ... . 8 '03 gg,9v gd.,,g . $, Caneatec y avel ... .... 7 10 2 cav u m ve' ..... 6 51

                   $ano & vavel some :eaientec                                                .      I      418 Sea clay & gravel cementes                                 ...                  12       430         699 32 22 Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                1      431             Location: 13:003, 421995                                             12/27 1531

[ a on: 130535. w65357 12/26 17K1 Casing (*evatt en: 517.55 Canle tool, :rtitec sy ecoca of Sacs Orilltag

                                                                                                                                                            . you m ata= w t:M eg Casing 11evation: 533.39                                                                                  E *"'
                                                                                                                               #"*    '" { '.

Caote tool, drit tes 3y 1 stem f dat:9 Or111tng Caneany f or ".E .ameany. 957. younewater wat W W Nem Mti monitoring sore ole

                                                                                                                        $11t & gned ..........                                                       5        5 wa terial (1)                                                *htenness 3estn            816cm sano & raol .. ....

s t act s aae . . . . . . . . . . . . g.. M 3C Sane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 3ano & pavel . ... .... 120 150

                  $anc.stIt                                                                                             y ,g,g ,, ,,,,,,,,,                                                        ;3      ;g
                                 ............                                                    187       192           g,g g g gg
                  $ard. coarse. little st1t . . . . .                                             .3       205
                                                                                                                                          ,,,,,,,,,,,                                              ;;      g7g
                  $and. fire. tittte s11t . . . .                                            .      5      210 3 e d & v ivel to 1/2 in.                    ....                               13       223 14eo.c14y & fine yavel            .....                                           1      230           699 32 25 (Goleer delt eas)

Sana.stit ............ Location: 131647, d25279 12/27.!5J1 5 235

                  .carse sand & ysvel . . . . . . .                                                 6      241 Casing Elevation: 520.!9 Sanc.stit ............                                                          ,4       !a5              Air37rota,ry   (ts !50 't.) & suo retary, art 11e1 Clean coarse sand.yavel . . . . .                                               .0       .55                      ; , , ,,zy ,gg,g 3,q ,a 3, g ,g3g 3f Clean gravel 1/4 to                                                                                          soleer associates for it!;0.1980. geologic 1 1/2 in. ...........                                                                                      investigation toreole 15       270
leen y avel 1/2 to 1 1/4 in. ........... 15 295 mate *tal *11) Thicncess estm Clean ysvel 1/4 to 3 in. .... 5 290 Cseentes yavel 1/4 to F ine s ana & st 1 t . . . . . . . . . 10 10 1 1/2 in. ........... 20 310 Fine see ..J......... 28 25 9,,,, ga ri n, sang g ,,qi,13 3 ravel. sano & st1t ....... 10 320 I8"O.Il!II 13 3 in.

FINI fine r evel, trace stit

                                                                                                                         $ rave 11y :3 arse t3 fine sand,
                                                                                                                                                                                   ....              5       40
                                    ...........                                                   15       335
                  $ana, oit, & fine pani                                                                                    see t1t ..                                                               5       45
                                                               ....                               20       355           coars e .s, y, , ,,. , . ,.                       ,e . , ., , . . .
                  .ementes yavel          .........                                                 5      360 to *ine p avel
                  $anc. sitt y avel . . . . . . . .
                  $ano & silt ...........

30 8 390 298 g ,,y g g, . trace pi n, 7,,g sitt, . . . 15 60 vellow clay ........... trace sil Yellow c.ay ./yevel 2 400  ;,,rg , g3% ,t7,,g . . .,. g7,c, ....... 5 65 particles ....... 5 70

                                    ...........                                                   25       425           ,,,sa,nc & stit, , ga fin, gri,,j, grie, . . .

sana & silt ... ...... 5 7! 105

I RH0 '. -158 Co. n . .o f, ,s.e,. .n.. C .,e silt . . . . . . . . . 5 80 ;ng1,.osit., n. g. . sce e g. laney stity meote to fiae n yave ......... . 5 8, L s11 ts uee. . . . . . . . . . m

 ,carse tG ff M sana L ger lancy 5,qcy siltstoee, gg ;3;;p,;tr,ac.e g         prevel        ..          5    450 y 3,3g trace sitt . . . . .

Gravelly coarse to f t's sand.

                                           ...       15    100            & stit
  • 1 **
                                                                                                                              -          a Sandy 51Its'rat3      ;& 1e's'n[t
  • trees stit . .. .. 5 105 see 25 485 Coarse to fine e , & fine g3,73, ,,tilt, f,,,trace clay . . ..

gravel. < W st1t . . . . .. 5 110 &saneysiltsk,s,n,e,.,.,t7,C,,,n,;

                                                                                                        . .    '...             5     490 Ca"           fine p avel, trace sano                                  Coarse to fine sand & 'f ae yavel;
     . silt.........                  ....           5    115 saney siltstcee. . . . . . . . .

Sandy siltstene; & f *ee sans & 5 495

,osese to fine sand & secte to f tee gravel, trace silt . 5 120 stit, trace c!sy n y svel ... 100 195 l
 *carse to f *ee saae t vecte to                                       Sandy s11: stone 5 f*ae ;rsvet                   . 15      610     ;
     ' tee pavel, trace stit                                           63 arse is Seo' e sano & csan e
     & c!ay . .... ... ...                            5    125         , M fire invel               .. .                     10      $20 Coarse to ***e saac & sect e is
  • cane *o tecie saac & coarse ,
     'ine gravel          ......                      5    130            to fine gravel; & st1tstoce;                                       1 Coane to f aae sano 5 y ivel . . .                   5    135
                                                                          & clay. se e sitt        ...              ..          5    625 Coarse ts 'ine sane & neo,,                                        ...,carse to *ecte sano & fine ts fine pavel        ... ....                    5    140            vanl; & sil's*see            . . .            . 10      635 3ravelly coarse to '9*e sand                        15    155         Csarse to 'f ee sand, trace Coarse sand & c:aese to                                                  stit; & siltstone        .   . .....               10      645 fiae revel      . . ....                      . 40    Igg         Coarse to fen . sans, trsca Coarse to Secte vsvel, trace                                             sit t & clay; & siltst:ne .              ..        50      595
 , 'iae pavel        ...... ...                      10    205 lasalt      . . . ...... .                            20      715
 .oarse sans 5 coarse to fdee pavel, trace sitt & c'ay ..                      5    210                                                                               !

Coarse to fire sare t see e to 6 4 32 32A Golcea deM 470 fine gravel see stit & c:ay 5 1.ocatten: 531873, d31st9 12/27 1*J1

                                                   .       215 5t!ty c:aese ts ' e staa g                                               Castng 5:evation: 520.53
     *ecie to fine yavel. soes                                            totary, ritteo sy *arman date etts L 'ogges ciay .   .......... .                            5    y"6               3F *tlken'a9 L 5ere11 of 3otee- assectates
 *carse to fire saac & sitt,                                                 ' 07 9E!00. 1980 geologic 'avesttgation nye clay, trace p avel                        . 5    225 3*""'I' w e ete to f tee sano L sitt, se e clay. trace y svet                   .. 5    230                       wa teeial (11)                     ?nicaness Deet.i Coarse to fine sano 6 sitt, s ee clay, trace r evel                   . 15    2a5            ne to Sesie sand & sitt . .                           5       5
arse ta ffee saac & sitt. N"'

tr:Ce CIay; & CIey ...... 10 255 to 'ec'.s s and.

                                                                          & gun'              ... . trace
                                                                                                      ...      sit t            5      10 Coarse 13 *ine sano & silt, some                                      h ne *3 sect e sang, clay, traCa gravel           . ....                5  250            trace sil ........                            .       5      15 M ae to Sect e saae & w i e is Coarse      to ftee vace clay         sarc.lsome
                   & grave       .       silt.
                                           ..         10   270            coarse Pavel, trace tilt              .            20        35 Coarse ta 'tae sano a fiae                                            N ne to eeo+ e gravel, F avel . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      trace sitt      ........                               5      40 5  275 Coarse *a fine sand; & fine                                           Fiae *o c: arse sand L yavel, sana L silt, trace clay           ....             5  230            trace silt       ......                   ..          5      45 Silty enarse to fine sana                                             Nne to esarse sano 1 secte to
     & sesium to **ne pavel.                                              coarse yavel, trace sit t                     . 15        50 see clay        ..........                       10   290         One to coarse gravet.

Coarse to f tae sano L silt, trace sitt . ........ . 5 65 some clay n yavel . . . . . . . 15 305 M M 'o Socie sana L **ae to 5tity coarse to "tae sano & fire coarse pavel, trace stit . 5 70 yavel, trace clay ...... 10 315 DM to coarse sano & 3 ravel, Caerse saac & silt, se e clay, trsce stit .... .. 5 75 trace vavet . ... . 15 330 we a9e ta Mae sane t H ae to Coarse to fine sapo 6 rine coarse Pavel, trace si! .. 5 ac Mne *o narse gnwi. see sana. F avel . . . . . . . . . . . .

 ;carse to fine sana & seoge 5  33 5 trace stit . . . . . . .. .                        10        90 to **ne p svel       .....                    . 10   34 5        One to coarse sano & vavel, Caerse to flee saae n ysvel                   .      15   360            u ste tilt . . ...                        .           5      95 Coarse to fine sano                                                   M ne .o sec t e s ano 5 ** re to
     & yavel, trace stit .          .....             10   370            carse ravel, some sitt .                      . 10      105 Coarse to fine sano & ysvel.                                          Mae *o nane saac & Hae to.

trace sitt & clay ....... 5 375 secte ;ravei, tnce stit ... I 110 Caarse is 'ine sano & socie U"e to 'ecie sans & ** ae to utne Pavel, unce sitt ... 5 115 to 'tas .. 20 395 Fine to esarse pavel, Coarseto) revel...... tne sano & Sedi e to 'ine pavel, trace silt .. 10 405 tr ace sano . . . . . . . . 10 125 Coarse to fiae sand a f tae " acte s name vant. trace sana Favel . . . . . . .. . Caerse ta 'ine sand, trace revel;

                                                .. 20   425 Ff"' 'O E38"8 F8"I.

10 5 135 140

      & clay.
  • race silt . . . .. 10 435 106 I

RHO-LD-158 F,ne o coan e ya.ei. trace ,,,. 3, .o , [

      '                                              5      

o W o c;a ,; y;w;i; - - - g y;i , g .; gay :2'25 tet

       .,see iec . . . . . . . . . . .                                                   e ti       ,.0 c,,,, .,,,, ,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,
   ,,"* " 0%" !"'":

s :D uo .Or' n, m tor ",ng: ~oo,e,r. oie m a. i m - aa-e.1 , to coarse g avei ..... i 17s Fine to coarsa yavel. Mate *ial (1) *hickness Oe:t9 tr ac e sano . . . . . . . . . . . 5 180 Fine to coarse pavel ...... 5 185 Sano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 Fine to coarse yavel. Coarse sand & pea ynnel . . . . . 20 45 trace sano . . . . . . . . .. 5 190 No recora ............ 5 50

carse sand & f tae to mec1we 511t . . . . . . . . . . .... 5 !5 gravel . . . . ........ 5 195 Sano & silt ........ .. }0 15 Coarse sand & fine to coarse Cocoles . ........ ... .3 <5 y svel . . . . . . . . . . 75 270 S ea & p avel .......... 5 to
caese sano & *ine to coarse Coarse. sand & ses p avel .... 5  !$

[ yavel, trace sitt L tlay

   'ine to coarse sano & Pavel.

some sitt. trace clay .....

                                           ..      20 20 290 310 Sano & 3 ravel Gravel . . . . . . . . . . .

35 5 120 125 Fine to coarse saw & *ine to medte gravel, scre sit t. . 699 32 43 trace clay . . . . . e..... 5 315 Location: 132123. 42(a9 12/25 1331 Fine to coarse sand & ae to Casing Devation: 515.52 medi e gravel . ....... 30 345 Caole tool, orilleo sy 5temas of date

    *carse sand & fine to secte                                                Or*111ag tomoany,1968. 3mac.atee gravel .     ...... . ..                      5      350                senitoring sorr,te Ffne to coarse sand & fine

[ y avel, trace sitt & clay Fine to coarse sand & 'ine to sectue gravel, trace

                                           ...       5      355 5 eo & sitt wate-sal !!)

7hicaress :ect-20 20 tilt & clay ....... . . 5 360 5eo . . . ... ..... 5  !! Sancy neote to 'ine ravel, ees y avel . . ... .. . 10 35 some sitt, trace clay ... . 5 36 5 Coarse sano ./rsvel . . . . . 30  !! Fine to median saad & P avel. Ocarse sano .,ses rivet . ... 15 10 some sitt, trace clay .... 5 370 to .ecces ..... ..  ! 35 Fine to coarse vivel. Cocoles or snail Snice-s ..  ! 30 some sana ........... 5 375  : stoles ..... . . 5 15 Fine to coarse vivel, sane Sec & ysve- ....... .. 22 27 s and , tr ac e s t l t . . . . . . . . 5 380 E F'ne to coarse pa et. sane sand & stit, trace clay .... 5 385 599 32 494 l Fine to media sand & Pavel Location: 931983. 44959 12/25 143; some stit, trace clay .. .. . 5 390 :ssing 5'evation: 713.47 4ects to coarse sand 6 fine Oaote tool, tr*11ec ty Sig9am of wato

    , to coarse p avel . . . . . . . .              20      410                Orilling *ompany for 4ANCO.1969. ges;og*c
    .ravelly fiae to coarse                                                     investigation screaole sano . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               5     415 Fine to coarse yavel,                                                                este-tal (1)                                        7hicuaess Oeotn some sand    ...........                        5     a20 Fine to eedic gravel         ......             10       430         50% sand. Z% sit t . .                                  ....               5         5 Fine to coarse sand & fine to                                        71% s ano. 25% s it t . . . . . . . .                                      5        10 sedi a gravet, trace stit                                        3Cs sano. 20% st1t                                       ..           . 5        ;!
       & clay . . . . . . . .            ....       50      440          50% sand. 5C1 stit.

Fine to coarse pavel, trace 6 in. 1ayer of gravel sand . . . . . . . . . .. . 25 SC5 at 18 ft. ........ .  !! *0 5titstone, trace sand .... .. 10 515 40% s ane. 50% sil t . . . . . . . . 5 75 Siltstone, trace sand & 50% sano, aC5 sil t . . . . . . . . 5 30 gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 $25 50% sane. SC5 silt . . ... 105 185 Shtstone, trace sand ..... . 15 540 60% sano. 40% stit. 5titstone, trace sand. some litt e gravt1 ... .. .. 5 19c sesvel . . . . . . . . . ... 5 545 605 sand. aC5 sitt . ...... 5 195 5titstone. trace sand .... . 5 550 50% sec. 50% sitt . ...... 10 ;05 511tstone, trace sano, some 25% sano. ?!% silt . ......  ! 20 ysvel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 580 1C% sano. !C% st1t . ...... 20 2:0 Fine to mettua geswel. same 2S% sano. 7!% stit . . . . . . . . 5 225 sano, trace silt . . . . . . . . 10 590 90% saro. 20% st i t . . . . . . . .  ! 2ac Fine to sectwe Favel, same sane. 9C% sane. .'0% sitt . . . . . . . . 5 245 trace silti & silts *one . . . 10 500 50% sano. !C% vavel . . . . . .  !  !!O Fine to sects gravel, some sano;

        & sittstone ..........                       35       635 Fine to mecis yavel. saae s and , tr ac e s i t t . . . . . . . .      25       660 511tstone: & fine to Sects yavel, some sano.
  • race tilt . 60 720 lasalt . ............. 60 780 107

I. RHO-l.0-158 599 32 498 Cementeo gravel; saw s tad I

    '.sc at
  • on : 12/25-1432 of *:esatt:a is nef:re
sstag !?evation: eut tens ce*ntes . . 5 255 Caole tool. :rilieo sy wat:n of *atts Or*11 tag O c e9ted : scales; :n se e..

Croany f or a#wCO. 970. 3roune.ater targer conoles, tney area't monitor'ag createo as 9uen as e gravel . . . ........ 5 20 44tertal (1) ?hictness *esta Sco=n soll e/gravet .. ... 10 250 3 ravel. little clay . . . 15 295 Sand . . . . . ..... 10 ;c Sana & gravel ... . ... 5 300 Sano & stlt ........... 10 20 Sand & gravel ... .. . . 50 35 0 Mars sand & sit t . . . . . . .. 15 35 3 ravel & sano; mard sacn ed . 30 350 54ce . . . . .... ... . 10 45 Sana L gravel; 9 ara sacaeo . . . . 10 390 Sano & st1t .. ... .. 125 170 !ar.c & gravel .... . . 13 403 Sand & silt; ;1 genvel Yellow Olay . . .. 7 a10 to 2 in. .... . .. 5 175 31ue :Tay .... . .. aa asa 5ana & stit; 3 fn. tense Sana L clay ... .. . . 12 170 of Clay at 207 ft. .... 50 225 Sand & clay; fine sil*y Cenented sand L sitt . . . ... 5 230 sand at a70 *t. . Sand 6 stit ...... .... 5 235 a 'ittle clay . . .. 5 a75 Sand & stit; 501 gravel ' Fine silsy sano . ... 10 aff to a in. ..... ..... 5 240 * $11ty Sand . ........ 7 492 Ce ented cossles . . . . .... 9 249 Silty sand /s all gravel .. 9 501 Ceented gra.el to 3 in. .... 2 251 Cepenteo genvel ....... . 2 253 Ceaented sano & 699-32 7CA sitt & travel ... . . . 12 25 5 Location: .4320!$. 70345 12/25-ISG1 Sano & st1t ..... . .. 20 225 Casing !*evat*:n: 566 Sand & stit; gravel Canle loot, s-illeo sy 5.a'n s' daten *r*11ias to 1 1/2 in. ......... 5 290 Croacy *:e 3E tamoany. ;757. acanooned Sand 5 silt; gravel noremote to a in. .......... 2 292 Comenteo sand L silt; Thicaness Oesti small gravel . . . wa te *s1 (1)

                                      .....               5     297 Saad L stit; gravel            .       ....            2      299        Fine sanc & silt          .            .. .           !!         !!

Sano L stit ......... .  ! 300 Sand & stit ... ... 15 30 Sana 6 sitt; small gravel .... 7 307 Fine sand 1 silt . . . . 5 35 Sano L sitt . .. .... 2 309 Fine sanc.sil t. some small gravel .. . 30 55 599 32 42 Fine sand.sitt . . . ... 15 50 Location: 431974 w61980 12/25 ;6El Sano-stit ... .. . .. 15 95 Casing Elevat* on. 707.09 Fine sano L silt . .... a0 135 Cacie 20o1, cettted ny Sage if Saci Ort 111ag Seed.st1t ...... .... 5 140 Comoany for GE Croany 1960. grounewste- Fine sano.s11t t Clay .. 40 130 monitorteg sore

  • ole Sand. stit & gravel.

1/a-1 in. .... . . 5 *35 Material (1) Thtcaness Oeots Get'*l. 1/a-1 in. .. .. 5 ;30 Cart 3rown sano mars sacaec . . 5 195 Fine sano .... ....... a0 40 can srown saco & s all to recorg probacly gravel, softer . .... ... 5 200 fine sano .. ........ 15  !! Dan 3rown sand, silt Fine sano ....... ... 35 140 Dan& 3crow,sanc. ravel softsilt, ..... ... 5 205 Mara gravel ........... 5 ;s5 dare saczeo sand . .. . . 15 165 :lar & 3rav'1 -. .. . 10 215

                             *ust                                          Sano & gravel. 9 art pact ed . .                 . 5       2*0 Mard    3acuesbred g lit-le         sand.C lay                                                8 f    fn it      . ......... ..                          20      130         I'"n ar*1F 1 pacted  a' a...I *.....


  • 10 230 Fine nero Oscaed sand; Sand-gravel. gravel I

seems to inve a little :entent increastag, trewn : t a y in i t . . . .... 10 190 1/a-2 in. ... .. . .. 5 235 Fine 9acteo sand; still ***- **** 5 Ia0 nar3 Pacs ./s If!!!e Ia"0d &I IFI'e'I grav l. I .... 5 2a5 l 3rown t ay or sit t in it . . . . 10 200 ..ean c an e saac . .'n.

                                                                                                            ... ..                5       250 dare pacted sand 6 :Tay;                                                  Sana & gravel       .. .. . ..                         5         !!

tnte sans nas more sco=n .mntea sand 5 genvel . . . 3 2!8

                                                                                               .........                          7       255 i   stay in it . . . . . . . . . . .                    15      215         j*ameateosano Fine sand         ............                          3     223         * "nge sano, softe- .              ....                5       270 Ceentes gravel; at scout                                                  !anc & gravel ....                     . ..           10       210                                 1 223 ft. sit some mars                                                   Ceaentes sana L ; ravel .              ....           10       29c gravel & conoles. seems                                                 Sanc n sitt & gravel to se :emented =/a crown                                                   sarticles     .... ...                              5       295 sateesal; tro=n c?ay             .....              22       245        No recoro     .               .......                  5       3C0 Comentea gravel; more sease
   .ita clay. sme=nst large*

gravet. ceented tn stue itke esteetal . gray or

                                   ......              11       250 I

108 l l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __l

I RH0-LD-158 699-32. ?C8 7 [*] ~* tay '. .. *'** * '

  • Locat*on: 132085. 47024! 12/25 1352 t .'

I 3

          *asing !1evation: 566.51                                                    ata e     ab.


ap eenip :y 5.a .r y .at:, 2,<i ~, ;o',;J. :: :: .:  : i g;
             . oreeany tsoi,ce     M .rcany.          95e. g*oune. ate"                 Sand 6 gravel        ... . .. ..                              2     a!5 monitor'ng toreacie                                                      3oulders .         ..... .. .   .                             5     a61 wa tteial (1.,                                                 Cocoles, yavel, sand                     . . . .           46       5C7 Tht ca ness ..est*t I                                                                                  Gravd 4 to 5 in.. sed                            .         ;0       517 C:ootes. ; ravel & sand                  . ...             13       530
       & el.'simecoEcles
                                          .. .                                1
                                                                                      $ man yavel & sanc               ....                        7      537 Sano & p avel         ...... . . .                          la        2a       pne      see, ym1 as to 2 in.                        . 13       58 0 g ,, , ,, g ,g , ,f,,,,,,,                                                     . ravel, sanc . . . . . . . . .                 . .          5      !!5 of small pavel .                   .....                 48 y,      O ne saco L stit . . .                   ..                  5      !60 N ae s anc & si t t . . . .                                                    M ae sano      ........ . .                                10       570

.I C e entea saad L small y avel Sano, silt t clay .. .....

                                                            . 112 la 21 134 199 219 14y. scoe smaM ravel lasalt .       .           .

2 3 ]3s

       *cented saac. stit & ysvel                       ..         13       232 I

C rented sane L p avel

           ./lare-s of clean                                                          599-32 77 f arge revel *o a in.             .....                 13       245           Location: 131812, .77032                              12/25 12E1 Ccentes sane           ..........                           35       250           Oastng 11evat on: 653.?a Cementes sed & small gravel . . .                           15       295           Caote tool, sr*11ed by fore of USGS *v M Sara & yavel             ......                            15       310 Comoan{e.1951.grounc. ate *monitseing I

Sano L large gravel to 3 'n. . 5 115 boreo Sano L stit ........... 5 120 Ocentec sano L sitt . .. . 10 330 "ata**aI (Il Ih'C8ma55 0'Ct' Orented sana L call ysvel . . 5 335 O pentes sand $ gesvei . .. 5 3a0 .cssoit L a! cst 1/ send

                                                                                                                           . . ..                  5         5 gaeg L 311;, pg g t                                                           Sano t d ay ... ... . .

I 3 9 yavel. softer . .... 10 3!O Sano; sano L little clay . . a *2 Sano. Pavel. clav

                   ,                                                                      a itsde sot         ....... .                            a        17 a$,n: 132181, w?2*al                              12/25-13t1
          .as:*g I'evation: 568.15
                                                                                      $'[:d.[1 I                                                                                  5 Je,,,s,ee,             [3. . ,1 ,, t
  • 3 20
          ;4:le -:ci.,:e*11eo 3y 3 eat: of & 'or M                                                   1Ette';es;ei                      .
              .rwy          957. youne. ate- nonit:r ag                               Spa. nsM vavel &

8"*d a a tittte : lay ......... 5 25

                                                                                      $and & d ay; sara .estat s e
                       % te-'41 (1}                         .. Met ress  s 3 t't                                                                 ;g gf j, ; 3 3, ;9,7 ,


                                                                                                                    ,,,,, ,                                 yg Same & a 11ttle c?ay; Sano . . .         ...               .....                 as d             su o ./a m tse Sard. Itttie Silt           . ... ..                        72       y             of j,n a. g gy , ,,,,,,,,                              ;g         rg
        !Cs sand. 0% silt . . .                 .            . 30       .50       go rg, g y , g 7 ,,,3         , , ,          ,, ,             g       $$

sana ,e y 'ittle sitt ..... 5 .55 Coarse saco & a little I so recero .. ...... .. 5 150 ,,gie, ;;,7 , ,, , 3 g; 5Ct silt. 5C% sana ... .. 25 .35 gua,pe,,, 4

                                                                                                                    , , , , ,                               55 sea                                                                           nne swa 6 May .

FM 5 g ,*gi;;1; ma" , ,,o .. .. 15 30 S ee b :tay ..... .. . .. s0 120 Sand & coarse gravel . . . . . . . 5 .95 Saro & clay; sarcy :?ay .. .. 5 125

Sane. stit & gravel . ..... 5 200 Clay & ve y fiee sane; Sec & silt ....... . .. 42 2a2 sway clay .... .. 5 '30 5,ano, cocoles t gravel ... . S 250 01ay & sanc; sancy clay . . 5 126
        ,sooles. gravel & sano . . . . . .                            5     255        s e c 4 y avel             ......                            6      1a2 eravel & sand ... .....                                       5     250        Sand. y ayel & c!ay                 . . . ..              (1       202 Conot es. ; ravel, fine                                                        "rsvel. sano t :t ay to sand.

sand; ceme9t yavel gegygg g -!gy ,,, , g g;g from 275-279 f t. 20 230 .I S ec. T svel & Clay

                                                                                                                            ..              .       3     215 Gravel uo to a in. fine sand . .                              5      2!5       Sanc. clay & a litt!e Gravel. Sand & silt . .....                                 10       295           yavel; more day &

Dne & coarse sano, gravel . .. 5 300 ,,4, , p g. ;, ymi , , ;4  ;;9 S ed & yavel ao to a in. ... 15 3l5 S ec. y avel & Olay . . . 13 2a2 Sano & gravel . . .. . .. 15 39 Sano, y m 1 L clay to -I Sang. yavel & cocotes . . . . . . Sano & gravel. little silt . . . . 10 5 3a0 345 pml, sans & day u

                                                                                                                                                  ,5 a


                                                                                                                                                           <52 5.a. teoces, yavei, litt!e silt        . ........                           10       35 5'ne$ea5a":CaF~i sano L a little vsvel I    Ccooles. pavel, sand L sitt .                    ..          12      367                               ... . . .                            5      258 Gravel & sand .........                                        2     379        Sanc. gravel & a 11ttle clay .                  ..        .5       253 Sand, stone ........ ..                                       $     373         and. FM            a             Clay; One sand ....... ....                                        10      385           entte sand, yavel & traces D ee sano 5 call gravel                  ....               15      ac0           of day           . ....                      . .          7     290 Coarse yavel. *ine sand . . . .

I 5 aC5 . Sand, yavel. little stit ..., 7 412 Clay; .tgnt pay clay at 212 ft. .......... 8 420 tan : lay . . ......... 10 430 I 109 I

I RHO-LD-158 699 33 6 (Goleer nell 852) mis to *+ne gravel, see Location: 'i32508, a6139 12/23 1801 sand. :-sce fay i stit Casing Elevaticn: 503.31 (ce*enteal ...... 10 38 0 Air rotary (to 123 f t.) t mud ectary. :r+11eo Coarse to '9ne sand t silt, ty Carman mate

  • dells & lo to ey L.neecnt some p avel & :tay . . . 5 33 !

Coa'se to fiae saec & silt, of 3oloer Associates f r (J0.1980 some clay. trace y svel 5 390 geologic tavestigatte torenote .

                                                                           =cci s to 'iae y avel. see mate *1al (11)                     *hienness Geoth             sand & stit trace Tay .                     . .             5          395 me ote to "ne yavel, see 4eci e sano ..........                                  5         5          sand I:tme"teo)           ...                . .           15          230 Mecie to coarse sano & fine                                               "edi#   to '1  *e 6p' :ayavel.       tr e sano, to soote gravel . . .                     ..         5       10
  • rice st1t ' :eaented 5 135 Mne L coa-se ; ravel, some ve ois to "ae pavel some s an o . . . . . . ... .. 15 25 st ' t :emeatec) ..... 5 440 "eoie sano, trace yavel . 30 45 M i e to **"e r ivet, se e sand ;cenenteo) 20 460 "eote sano, some yavel . . 5 50 .. . .
 *ecie s ano, trace yavel ....                           5       55        Socie to fire vivel, see saac'.
 "eoic to ccarte sano & *ine to                                               trace sitt & clay . ... .                                   5          465 eeoi s gravel .........                              5       60        Ocarse to 'ine sano 5 'f ae Fine to coarse pavel.                                                        gravel, some tilt, vace :tay                                5          270 trace sand    .        ........                      5       65      - 4ec t um to 'i ne s ano L s ti t.

Meets to coarse s teo & fine some clay, trace ysvel . . 10 480 to eedte gravet ....... 15 80 Silt, tence sand L clay . 5 a85

 **cie sand, trace pavel                  . .            5        85       Sf1t some saro, trace :!ay                             . 10               495
 *eci e sano      ....... . .                             5       90       Stit see sard & . lay                                   .      5          500 4ecie sand trace gravel               ..                5        95       Sitt some :tay. trace sano                                     5          535 Ff m to coarse sano, trace                                                :tayey salt, trace saac .                                     ;0          515 gravel & sitt ... ..                                 5     100        Nee to :ca*se sano 4 sit t.

FW to :carse sand & yavel. trace :'ay . . . . 5 !20 trace stit . ... .... 5 105 511tstsee, some sand. Fine to coa *se sano, some trace : lay .. . 20 540 gravel. trace sitt . .. 10 115 "eoie to :34*se sand, trace Fine to coarse sano & pavel, sil t . . ...... ...... 10 550 trace stit . . .. .... 5 120 *eci e to :can e sano, trice sC t Ff ne to coarse pavel, some sano. & siltst:ne . . 5 !55 trace silt . .... ..... 5 125 Nee to meo*um saac sre s*1t ~ Fine to coarse sano 5 gravel. (cemeatec) .. 15 570 trace sil .... .... 5 130 lasalt . . .. .. 21 591

  *rtwelly a         medie to Coarse sano, tric e s11 t . . . . .        .....               10      1a0 54poy fine to :carse pavel                   ..       10      150        599-33 la (Goto r ne11 830)                                             .
 "edia to coarse sano, trace                                                  Location: 13M 29. 414322                                   12/27 13E1 y avel . . .       .......                         10      160 Casieg (levatun: a73.23 weets to coare's sand             .. .                  5     155 Air 'otary to 120 *t.) & mua -otary, or+11ec 4ecte to coarse sano, trace                                                    !cideray   Carman       date-gravel     ............                            10      175 a          ssociates          for deils NE100. t *oegeo  ;980.ov;ec':gic Sur-ell :f Fine sand & silt, see clay               .               5    180              investigatton ceremote Ocarse to fine sand & siit, same c!ay        ..........                           5     185                       *sterial ill)                           *hieteess Cents Mocte to fine sand L silt, I'"' to sec'um sano, trace trace clay (s11: stone in aset) .                  10      195            Uj*                                                         ,0            ,0 Fine sand 5 sitt. trace :tay                                                              - -          **- *                              +             +

(stitstone in oart) .. ... 5 200 Mne to coane saac & 'ine to us ou to fine sand & silt, wie gnub tnce sitt . 10 m

                                                                           ""' I* 088"'                      v  'C"'

trace clay . ...... Coarse to 'ine sand & sitt, trace

                                                    .      5     205 sand     .         P.I
                                                                                                     . . .             . . . .             10            20 Mne to coane sand L gnnt .                               .      10           20 I

cla(; & seote sil trace to fine sand & ciay Fine to :carse sano, t-sce (siltstone in par *) .. .. 10 215 9""I** *****-. I 45 Coarse to 'ine pavel. Une *o Sedia sano. tnce some sano . ........ 50 255 sdt.......... 5 50 511ty sancy :carse to 'ine Mne M coane sand & Dne to we gnM. tnce sm . 3 65 Fant. some clar ....... 5 270 eine to necium sano, trace Genve;1y ' ire sano & stit. trace clay .. .. 5 275 sdt.. .... . . 5 70 511t & :!ay, trace sand ..... 40 315 Oneto:canesano4 gravel . 5 75

  *eci e to 'ine pavel. some r W to mium gnol.

sano, trace :!ay t silt .. . 5 320 trace sand .. . . . . . . 5 30 Meofum to *1ne ytvel, some Utrace

                                                                                "' I8 pavel
                                                                                       * '# 58"C'. . . .
                                                                                                      .                 . . .               ,5
                                                                                                                                            .            95 sano (comentec)       ........                   30        350 eine to :carse pavel. some sand .

l 4ectum to fine p avel some 5 100 sand, trace stlt & : lay Fine to ::ene sano, (comenteel . ...... . 5 355 trace yavel . . . . . . .  ! *05 Coane to 'ine pavet. some sand Fine to : cane sand L grawl . 5 110 (cemented) . . . 15 370 110


                            'tne to coarse gravel, trace s

s ano . . . . . . .. . .. 25 135

  • ste-'s t ;1)
                                                                                                                          .                                                                  ?hteseess Oe:ta ectum we & *ies to sectwo
                                      ;Pavel, trace silt .            . ...               5      40       5 tit . . . .                         . ... ....                                            15      15 Fire sand & stit, trace ; ravel                                                3 rave 11y s wa                                           ..... ..                          10      25

[ & clay . . . . Fine saac & s tit, some :'ay.

                                                              ..... . .                 10     150        SanCy avel . .

3 ravel {/ meofe sana . . . . . 30 Z 105 n! trace gr avel . . . . . . . . 10 !50 Sancy gravel . . ... . F9Pe land & lilt, sore ;?ay 5 :20

                                                                                 ..       5    155        !andy 03 Coly iravel . ..                                                                   10    13C Fine send & silt. :Pe
  • 3ravelly sanc . . . 15 145 traca gravel . . . . . .. 5 175 "cDoy sardy Iravel . . . . . . . 30 III I'ne sang & silt, 367 .! a y ... 16  !!5 3r87elly C!ay . . .... . . 30 20!

Fine t3 coarse gesvel ,ome hayey3avel . ........ 10 215 saPd. trace s11* . . . .. .. 55 2!O 4 ravel . . . . . .... ... 50 275 Fine to C3 arse sen0 & 3 ravel. Sligntly sancy gravel ...... 5 2fC trace stit . . . . . . . . . . . Fine to coarse gravel. some sanc. 5 2!5 Slirt!y sancy & :!ayey gravel 5 3!! 51ts'stly sancy gravel ... . 5 290 trace silt . . . . . . ... 30 255 3rhel ......... ... 35 321 Fine to coarse gravel. some sane. 01ayey avel . . .... 10 M5 trace silt & c!ay ....... 5 290 Sancy:{.a Fine *o c arse gesvel, some l3 ravel . ...yey gravel. ...... ;0 3a5

                                                                                                                                                                  .... . .                           30    125 sano, trace sitt . . . . . . . .                  35     325       3rpeIIy Clay . .

IInt to C Arse gravel & sand. . .. 5 430 see sitt III1nt'y IraveIIy Clay . . . . . 5 435

                                                      .... ......                       10     M5        3 rave 11y c!ay . . ........                                                                  5   240 Fine to neatum sare                 ... ..                  15     250       3 ravel . . . .                                          ... .                              10    s50 Fine to seoie sano & stit.                                                   3ravelly sano                  . ......                                                       I   455 some clay. trsce gr uel                           15     365
                                                                                                         $Ugnt'y geneUy see

[ Fine to media saea & stit, trsee 3 ravel & OIay ....... 5 370 Sana . . . gp gnt?y gravelly seed

                                                                                                                                                                                           .         10 5

485 270 Fine to coarse saad & silt. 5 aII some : lay. . . . . . 3 rave 11y sana . . . 25  !%

                                                                   ......               .5     385 Sancy clay .           . . .                                                                ;0    5:0 F!ne to coarse sand & stit*                                                  3 eave!1y clay trace clay . . . . .            .....               5    390
                                                                                                                                                                  .         .                          5   !!!

Sancy 'tne to coarse ;-avet. :tay . . . . . ....  ! !60

                                      !? ace s*11        ....               ...
                                                                                        .. 405 3,3 ,ny . jay          , , ,                                               ,,               ;3    $;0 Fine to c: arse gesvel, see saac.                                            3F3velly CDPg1 cme-g*e                                             .. .                     30    500 trace stit . ..... .. ..                         ,
                                                                                        .5     440 Con;1rerste e/siltstcae                                                                                   I Fine to c: arse sano, see gravel.                                               ints eetets     . . ..                                              . .                    5   505
                                                                                                         .y g y p 3g, ,                                                                                            l trace st1t ........ .                             ,0
                                                                                        .      a!O
                                                                                                                                        , ,,                                    , ,                    0   51!     l 34 salt                                                                                     20    525 Fine to coarse sana & sitt. trace                                                                                                     .             ..

3 ravel & : lay .... . .. 10 460 F'M arse sana & sitt. to.c.:ay . some .. ......... . 5 a65 599-33 30 i ofce ,. ell 875'- [ eine to :sarse saac & stit. trace 3eavel & :!ay ..... Fine to casese sana & **ae in 5 470 6:catten: 5331u . 429955 Casing 11 pat *en-Air *otary er111ec ty Carman date- dells & 522.48 secte genvei, trace sitt . 5 475 3 geo 3y anels of 3clee- Associates *:r  ! F!ne to coarse sand

                            $11ty fire to c: arse sano.
                                                                ...              ..       5    480             EjCO.

3er .oi ,1980 jealogic invest *;ation trace gravel & : lay .. .. 25 505 Fine to sects sane & st% .at,f,al (11) Sterness Oect'i spe tIay ... .. 4 I Il0 Fine to geg?um saac, trace

                            $11ty fine is :: arse sand.

trace gesvel & :!ay .. ,0 520 stit & ie tum gravel . . . . 10 10

                                                                                                         ,,a,ye to , sana & Seatum

[- eine a coarse sanc & fine gravel. sye silt, trace clay . . 5 525 to "ne gravel, trace s11t . 5 ;5 Fine to coarse sane & *ine gin, go e,,,,,g,3 ,y, g7,c, gravel, se e stit, trace fine sana & tilt . . . . . .. 5 20 clay; & clayey tilt Fine

                                                                                                            ., yis,, coarse                        s,,andst1t                & :aa . . se
                                                                   .                      5    530 Fine to :carse sanc & F1ee . .                                                            g,3,                         .,.ce                                               5     2!

travel, some slit trace Clay ,

                                                                                        .0     ISO gecium to rine sano, trace stity fine to cosrse sano, stit & ieat e gravel .                                                  ...              10      35 trace iravel & Clay             .....             10     I!O we ets to coarse sane, trace Sasalt . . . . . . . . .                     . ...          M      III sitt & eedtum to tsarse gegvel ,        , . .. ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       $     40

[ Fine t3 Coarse sanc & Tecium to "ne gravel. trace sil! . . . 599 33 21A (Golder dell 8101 5 45 Loca tion: 532745. d21415 42/27-15d1 sootum ts ** ne sana & weotun Oasing t'evat* on: 500.23 u fine ar 10  !$ Air retary (to 155 f t.) & sud -etary, trilled FinesanoI*avel.tracestlt... ecu 'ine 3 ,, grn ,1, [ sy Carnan wate- dells & !agged 3y L sarec*it & atikoitag of 3ctave assoc *ates 'sr st3:0,

                                            ;p00 geologic investigat*on torenote Fine to cause ;*avel.
  • ace fire te esuse sano .
                                                                                                                                                                                           .           5 5

60 65 [ [ 111 b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - . _ -

l RH0-LD-158 I i Fine to Socium genvel, trace fine to C3erse sanc .. 5 70 I1 Fine ta 03 arse gravelly #ine sand & silt .. . . . ... 5 75 F're to C3 arse gravel, t? ace ' i fine to c: arse saca i si't . . 5 20 ! Fine to sects yavel, sarre fies to coa *se sana .... . 5 85 Fine to esarse gesvel, tra:e coarse sase .. .. ...... 5 90 Fine sand & stit, trace 'ine rivel . . . . . ..... 5 95 Fine to .ste grave 11y fire sana L silt . . . . . 5 100 Fine is esarse pave! same meatum to :: arse sana . .. 5 *05 wo oic to carse saaay tire to :carse vivel . . . . . . 5 1:0 9eate to :: arse sand 6 nect s to fine gravel ..  ! 11! to recovery ...... ... 5 120 me dium to "ae sane, trace i seate to :sarse gravel . 5 125 gesie to fire sano & Secium to fine pavel . 10 135 4ec*:.m 13 'ine san 3 & fine ; ravel . .. . 3 140

        *ecac to 't e saat t f +ne to coarse ravel              .          .           10       .50 Fine to ::aese pave t, trace w i e to 'ine sana .                         .                           5      '55 539 3348
             '.ec a ti on: 123:30. 3317?                             12/27-1!51
asmg !*evation: 5:5 lasle tool, tr*11ea ny lecca e' J533 'or it Oscany.1948, 3munc= ate
  • montt:r1ng teetaole
                         " ate" al '!)                           Thtcaress Oests Fir.e ;rty sano. ee y sof t                   .               15         15
       -iane & : lay; fire pay sard.

very sof t .. . . 5 20 Fiw yay sano. <eey sof;.. . 13 33 Sano . . .... .. .. 9 22 Sana 1 yasei; strucs yavel

              & Doulcers at 12 f t.              . . .                    1       43 01ff eetat :olores ysvel
              & 30 ulcers .         . ..                    .             8       47 Gravel & Ooul:e's                ... ...                       20        57 Souicers . .                  .         ...                    19        B6 Coarse sand                             .. ..                    a       70 Souloers         ..........     .                                7       97 3ano, gravel & soulcers                 ... .                  13       110 Soutoers         . . . ..                  c...                  2      !!!
       . Ersy sand               . .                .. .                  5      117 toutee=s 6 y svel            ...              ...               2      11 9 Suu t aem       ......                    .. .                  2      12:

Sanc. yavel L soulcers . 7 1:2 acuice*1 . .. .. 2 120 I f 112 4

                                                                                      ,_   /         a . ,



I 1 PHO-LD-158 i I I *

                                                                                            .oc t onj 122794. a42256                                                                         12/25 12M?                                                 ,"e       ,
                                                                                            .ac % ev am .                                                                                                                                                                                                        T25 !!<

r,,,,. .. Caole ::cl. :r'ites sy wit:9 o' *at:n Or mg (, y g,,ev a., . .,, ;y,3,g 3, r e n 3 ,. 14.g

                                                                                                . arc any, 1964. ;rowneaste* sont ter* ng                                                                                                                 ;y,,37 g ;c;g,; y , . 9 % ,7f g,,

30""O h - du, 380. geot:qt: 4 aves *gati;n :creacle water'al ';) Thicuness *ec t'i ,,. g . g . 2 ' 'h*:tness :ests Sand . . . . . . 5 5 g , ,,,, , ,, , , , - , $ $ S an.: & silt . . . . . . 5 , 10  ;,,,,ji, . ire to sect e sano 10 15 II"O +** IO Sligntly gravelty *ime to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,,e9;,                                                         3                            ;g Coars9.

to u 2sarc in. & 2 ravel

                                                                                                                                     .                       ..                               ,0
                                                                                                                                                                                              .              3C pg,                ,,,,3,,a                                               go                           $$
                                                                                         .                            sanc . . .                     .. ..                                      5            a3
                                                                                         . cars 4 no & ;nvel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         % nya
  • 5 'O
                                                                                                                       * -              *            * ***                                      5            40                          ~ "' "*                               * *                               "                            IC Coa',rse sanc & grsvel                                  .                                              5              5 54n:y ; ravel. :::eles Sand & stit                                 . . ..                                                     %             .0 3 3,y;gp3                                                  3                            9g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         % ecyc .                                                                                            MC Saec & silt. ;rivel                                                                                                                                                                                                .      10 to 2 In. ...-                                                                                    20             70
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         $ ppg,3q.,,,,,.g,3 Coarse sanc & stit .                                        ..                                       15             35                                     to sou Ne- - eve.              e                              2.                         g-*

Coarse sano &, stit, I'"U

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         #'Y 'f * ' 'C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               'd'W" **"*; . .

5 5

                                                                                                                                                     ' '                                        5            90 Se San , & su s at.o, me es,1 si ~                 .    $                                                  2            92                          SH g'it'.s uncy :: se*0y geneale
= =coe ; ve - - -

a-O 1sec & stit ... . $ M,C5

                                                                                                                                                                                                           .                             Sancy :e: ele                   t    "a :::c,.ie       ir!ve,;

me 0 4y* ,, , y ,9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,,       y 3 4nc,,,&                 g jrave,,l.

gy ,; so.a meet.m sanc 3a . g m. 3

                                                                                                                       ...      ,.                                                             g                                       S titj very *me to ** *e s a c .

_ . . . . . p

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .0 n

40 g, 4 "'en es b 2*n' vel"*. * * ' . * . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ..,                           Sarcy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         $            ppg n,e:o,,ie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,      ng, 3.g  to :c:::e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      , g ;rtvel 10                        .20
                                                                                          ..ean gravC . .

Sara & genvel to 2 in. .

                                                                                                                                                                        .                        5 a         f.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           .6 4 3,,;;,,;y,g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ;p p , 3,337 ;, 3 3 3ey ,,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,     ,3                        ;9; gravel. :essitiv               :t e-tes
                                                                                         $19 33 56                                                                                                                                                    ./:a D :se
                                                                                            . scation:                                                                                      12/25-;50;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         $43ey ;c e;, :3 3ey;;,, ;7i,.-                                               ,                      ;;c Cas ng 51evat* cn: 717.03                                                                                                                   SS ;ntly stacy se:mie to cante tool, art 11ec ty Jurte of Macea 3rd ling                                                                                                          3ouicer ; ravel                                              42                        2a2
                                                                                                 !amoany *or il "reany ;358. grounc= ate-                                                                                                --

mentt:rmg tortaole 699 4 20 %' e C @

                                                                                                                           *ste-$at                                   Thien aess ests                                                                 ' c:ati on: 12252*. 4*494
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .                                                          ;2/27 154 Casing Elevatf:n: 500.74
                                                                                         *ecssit, sano                                                    ....                                   5              5                                     Atr retary, se'"es sy Caman date *e!'s &

Sand .. .. If0 ;55 oggec sy ..*retat of Ioi ee ass:ciates *er we e p sano I

                                                                                                                               .. .                                                              5         170                                             9ESCO. 38; ;eologie +nves:1;a:*:n strenote v ecie sano & gravel . ..                                                      .                       5         175
                                                                                          !aarse sand                                         ..              . .
                                                                                                                                                                                               ,15         190 wa ttri 's Flee saas .                                                  . . .                                     0

e 11) Necess ects u,qtgg garg rtee sane f

                                                                                                                                                                                               $5          '2]

2- qq e,;gy,,) , 3 7;g ,g ], g , j t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       &/or otse *ines . . .

I 25 ~5 w este saart . 10 255 gin, t3 ,,,, , g,,,,i g 35 we ctum & *ine gravel 5 270 AC 'O Sanoy fine:3; ravel,y, weattsu sano .. . .. 5 275 g ancy ,4,, ,,q g,,,,. ; ,; go Sano & 3 ravel . 10 225 Care tec gravet 20 .C5 Stity siney meet y gen al ;0 so

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *ecte sano . .                                  . . .                    '.0                       100 0000les & fravel .                                                                                    10          31.                            .ectuin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *                  ; ravel ..                  .                           5                      ::!    -

Cane 9ted lesvel & 03DM 'l . I 4,q1;n gge,q , ,,,, " gg *;g CatDies & gravel . . . . 30 0 sen,,;1f ec1wn sand . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ;a5 Gravel, sand & d ay                                                                                     5         q5

25 gin, to 3,,se gravel 35 '30 3rsvel & sana . . ... 5 26 0 g ,,c3y .; . Sana & -revel . . . . . . a0 400

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .                 5                       '55 Sandy clay (yellew)                                                                                               405 Dne to :carse 3-avel....                        .                           5                      130
                                                                                                                                               . . .                                              5                                         ::ayey ulty *tre to 819e clay .. .                                                     ..                                  I          810                                       coarse gravet . . .                                          10                        000 Sandy stue
  • lay . .. . 5 'If 3ravelty !ayey stit 5 205
                                                                                           $1we clay .                                     ....                   ..                            23           'A0                           EIayey siltstane. trace very #*Re sarG                                                                         ?!?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .         .        5 01ayey siltstone                            .                     . 15                        2:!

C'ayty silty *f ne to ' coarse irsvel . . . *0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .                         225
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           'He to soci e ;rsvei.                                      .             45                        ;20 line to v11um ;*sve!

I interte::e: .ictayey silt Fine is u ct e ;ravei Olayey grave 11y sti: . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            'f ae to 11ects genvet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..            10 25 20 2c0 225 245 200 I

t m

RH0-LD-158 O ne to aeff e ; avel. 599 3a.29a inte :esces .<::ayey st.* _

  • 0 410 'C 3 " '3#09#' '23996 ;2/2 N !:;

Sancy 'f ee gr avel. nteesecced

  .ec'ayey sti:               . ...                  .          10      420           $8'"9I'? vat *en: SUJ Fine gasvelly ve y **ne to                                                               88
                                                                                               . groume. h ardie1          21 4C=ag ate- Sien+t:r           Sf:oceno:e
                                                                                                                                               & " r M :rtoaaf.

fiae sano 'ste :ee:eo a/ clayey silt ... . . 5 421 to rec:rc ... . .. . . . 15 u0 wate-*al ft) Sicacess Oe:tn Fine to root s ;ravet "'C8'8 125 s/scatteces sittstene . . . .  ! us - -...... . Boulde's 2 f't. thtes: *:r9at $ on 125 Fiae to sects gravel . . . . . . 5 450 Sandy "-e to nec+e gravel 20 ago ts sace ao of seutsees. Fine gravelly sand . . . . . . . . 20 500 10 !"%99 "' F'ee sancy gravel 50 7""'*

                                                                                                .IO "'C' '8 '8I'
                                      .                  .              550           ""*it
  • 3'I ' 8 "' I ' Od
  • 4e recovery . . . 5 :5 5t!tst:ae ;0 into t*e est ocui:e .
                        ......                                           US           am ast g 'sts of w e Fine sancy genvel =/stits::ce                                                                  "I     32I*3 14 tate :ess ......... .

3ravelty 'tre to w t c sa90 . 30 195 500 [ *"I I 28 * ' U8 * *

  • 8 129
                                                     . .           5
                                                                                   .        ge: M '.              . . . .                            3       ;22 Ftee sancy gravet                                     . .        15      615        Sara L gravel                                                     $
  • 54 3asajt . 30 Sa! g g g,,
                                                                                                    .. ... ...                                       a       3,3
                                                             .                     3 ravel L sand; afte- sat 1**g 699 3a.19 'iolcee . ell e55)                                                           at ;!O 't.,           iole Oswed 19
  '. ocati o't: 123920. 419;;5                                 12/27 1a02             9 't..      tStra . 'ist :asait Castag ilevatt:n: 5C6.65                                                           at la9 't . sole :avec air 9tary. Sri!1ed by Caman date* aelis L                                          3e':re ! ::aic test                                           ;2       ;!3 Icqqe1 3v ar*o133f 3cicer 3ssoc*stes 8:e                                    3rivel 1 said                  . .                     .          4       ;14 1!!* 380. geWeg'c "tvesttgn::ca                                             Sanc. gravet, :r ittag       a
oreacie out old :sve . . ....  ;  ;!5 Fine to :carse sanc & gravel 5 150
                *ata *al ';1'                           Thicaress Oest's           3.esvbl L san 8            . .                                    2      152 revel & sand                               . . .                       155 wec e *: *iae sano                                               10        10       No rec:rs; 'owne scee wes .m u 'tre sano trace                                                               241' ot eces of .ccc salt     .. .....                                           ;0        20          a: *56      *t..      % st aave F're :o socium sans t 't re to                                                         nit nasalt arc tt 'es
arse gravel, t sca sitt . 5 25 on a stant, otoe is ri re .. w o.rt sane & f're u Sent 3 't. f e sott:m seate gravel trace sitt LO 25 8f ' ole .. . .. 2 167 F'ae to :carse gravel trace stit ... 5 a0 "esNm to coarse gravel, trace 699 3a.398
    *i me s anc      . ... .                          .            5       45         Locat'on: 13a0aa. d28951                                     12 C -;$02 wectum u **ne sana L *ec tum                                                          Casteg !!evati:n: 535.50 to :carse gravel. traca                                                           Caole tool :r*1:e1 sy tocca sf L *:r 2 sti t . .           ..                        . .              5       50            :omcacy. ;S53 grounc= ate monit:rs.g
*edtum :o :Saase sano, some                                                              bore" ole Seoum to :carse gravel                   .                   13        60 Fine to :came gravel, scme                                                                           wate*'al (1)                            ?hicuress :est3 fiaa to tecie sand, trace s' t     ..             ..            . .                       5      65      Fine gray sano, ney sof t                                  .     !$         25 9ectum to fine sane trace                                                          Sand . . .. .          .                                         ;7         a2 stlt      .         . . ...                           .         5      70      3 ravel 1 sou cers                                               33          5 Fine u coarse gravel, some                                                         Soulce-s . . .                                                    6         31 ene sacc trace sitt                                    .        5       75      3 ravel 1 oculee s                    .               .         33       ;14 Ff ee sacey fine to cearse                                                          3es *oca          ..                         .                    t      git gravel, trace tilt . .                                 .        5       30 Fine o socium sand & 'f ne                                                         699 3a alA to :carse gravel trace                                                            Locatton: .571                                               12/25 1241 sitt ,               . .              . . . . .               ;5        15        Castng !!evation:

Fine o carse gravel. . . . 5 100 tecca of lacn 0**11 tag F'ne to sec te sano 6 '?ne Caole Companytool, f:r.11eo or at<CO. 37.370, soanconec oceeasie to coarse gesvel, trace stit . . . . . 10 110 *atertal 'll 'ht:naess Sects Fine o secte sand, some a coarse gravel . . . . 10 ;20 Sand L st t .. . . . 25 25

  • eats o coarse graveIIy Sano L sitt & :: coles 5 20 fine to eecie sare 10 120 Sand L sitt . . . . . . 31 51 Fiat u secte saec & . . . . Ocooles, ve*y little same . 9 0 secte to :carse gravel . . . 5 135 Occoles. ; ravel & saac .. 22 92 4ecie o : arse gravelty Sane & ; ravel ... 53 145 fine *o Secte sana . . . . 5 140 Sano L silt . .. . 5  !!O we ate t: coarse gravel.. Boulcers ... . 5  ;!!

some S ee u *ec tum sand . 5 tal Sano L ; ravel a ;53 touicers . .. 3 ;52 3 ravel :r soulce s . . 1 :53 114

l k r~ l RH0-LD-158 e i L

     $99. M 4 15                                                                        3 ray & slica sand. :?ayey
         .oc ati on: 134200. 41209                            12/25 1222                             *e st*t.,0 sC: p *::'ayey 5

65 g

ssias I evation: 570.!9 4 4y sand. 31a(n L . nite san g

Caole tsoi. : rilled 37 se dda of laci OrHH*g

              ; ore c y *or Aaxt0, 1970. ground. ate-                                   Olayty si't. gray 131 act sans 4      ..

sonttor'ag Screroie 'O "C8"' 3"0 88'1 clayey silt. Psy

  • ate-*al (1) *'n ct M s s ***tn 1 3Iac8 ssne - - I Clayey stit. gesy & 31act saad  ! *i.$

1s s yd L sitt . .... .. .. 61 51 01ayey sdt, gray L e'*e sand; sed 6 gnvel SO .at jeay ire n ette tsae2. snesi pg

                                                                                                    ;nvei        -tayey         t                  5     ,1, p     Seed & sitt & toulders at "C0"* sceasty ray r          1 4 *t.. Mit Soulse's 'n                                                      '8 locse saad at 148.5 f t.              .. .              S       ,89
                                                                          .                 1 .n'te sans. clayey                                         .,,

160 2 g laulce's . . .. . . 11 tilt .. 3 ray & .ntte saea. CIaffy sill . .*C gg,, pag 2ny sa : L tan st'; two 20 140 Location: 432554. 41773

                           ' " * "
  • 0 12/25-1283 I*IU'*'38""' $ s. :


           *, ,                                                                          31$        ..Mt        and.

tan st.t. Suc. 44te*131 ft) ihicxaess Oe:tm 50% 3asalt & ssatt geave . 5 m

                                                                                         ,sarsesaw&ysvel:,tre]4 si!* 1 35 34 salt                 ..                   i    20f I       sea            ..                -           - -
                                                                 ,5 5

so rec:n .. . . . 2 22-Sand "'Jei sitt 5 gravel


il 15 d..i 0 "g,i;m' 5 Ca"* sed-

                                                                                                             **g                                    5     Zu
                                                                                         ;, ,,, , , g ,g ,     g see       i vi.en swa :ms,aa; 15c <t. to .75 <t. ar ye e                                                        !" y i... n,  $t ;,;,;.       ,.

3 ei:

           '32 <* ' *sucs 9ere sa-d 19an
           *                                                                                                             <e*y' yave",  l     pac    ars *- e :sarse                                              -5.C1      3asalt
                                                                                               *t*'e see.      25tc94:s.

sd t 2 225 Me aP;. sil ty . . to seef .. . .* 3rtvel. Sasalt c3t:s. 50%. 3 sand L silt; gravel

        "sandCM  & 'ra"ve?"*'#                                   7       i82 n ,sa ,3s yaven e,.t.

i . . . 3y g pg, p .ge,g;,gs .. . 2:s sand :m ao sa tM g,,,,t, 3,,,3; pigg, $cg... cWestan af ter sase blacu & .ntte) C;"y1/9 ,. , .-y u te e s m. Siac, ri,e srd 1 tu

                                                                                              ' en i".v 31act         e 'sand t ntte     . =" .


                                                                                              !C: 3asait, very 'ittte st't . .                       4    280 Blacu n .ntte sand. very n: 133872. -51222                        12/25-la01                    Htt?e rivel. set Black & este sand, s1i;.
                                                                                                                                             .       4    tu
astng Ilevation: 736.76 cante tool, crilled my 3entz of & 'er 3E y , 'g 't ' ed.
                                                                                                                                '                    5
                                                                                                                                                          '!O Como 30 " "O ar{*. 956. yound. ate
  • Sanits**ng
                                                                                               !ats sf sitt & cattese                        .       8    253 eine slacx & . nite sand.

I'II I CIIIC"' * ' Z 5 4sterial (1) Thi ck *e s s Oettn *

                                                                                          'i m 31acx & . nite sand.

Cune sand 5 3:541% & =atte 3ea sitt ysvel and silt, i sand, sure sand 3asalt 250-275 't. Taye s :f 31acs i 4 es te sand ./ f ots & ntta sand, sitt 4 y svel of silt ..... . . .. 25 25 so to egg size; 31aca L ) 81act & . nite sand. anste sand 3asalt enics.

             .tve*y small amount                                                               stit b :sitcae . .                                  10      270  l of coa *se travel            ...           .            1          25         Sasalt tates, small 11act t . nite sand . . ..                                   1           27            yavel & silt             . .                   .       3    273 Bl ack & ntte sand & yavel;                                                        Sasalt miss. Den ysvel, fine Slack & nite sand                                                            31sca L .ntte sand
             ./dutta a #e. ccan e                                                              L sitt       . ..                 .                     2   275 yavels & some stit                .. ..                 3           30        31ack & .ntte sand                     . . .                3   273  ,

llacs & .ntte sand Fine 31act i .eite sand '.30%). l 6 itttie y svel ... .... 5 25 stit. 3asalt stos, sea to i 31sts & . nite sand egg size gravel and scre '

             & Clayey silt ...                        ...            4           49             CaliC*e     ......                             .       I    III Clayey sitt & tlact                                                               N re :tay, ::re sarole                                      2   227 L nite s.,fid        ..          ..           .        4           $3        Meavy lay L 3asal* D1 s; 3 ray & 3Iact sand L r3 vel;                                                           235-Z?9 1/2      *t. lNrt -lay                         3    !?O at 53 **. yay L 3 act                                                         99 ./21 fire 31act &

sand, f?ee y avel enite sand-silt.

              & Clayty s1It           .        . ...               11            54             1/21 :: arse sted                                      3    293 115

RH0-LD-158 f Fine slics t . nite stit

    & sand 39 1/2% .it'l                                          6I9*24*33                                                           -

1/2% ; ravel . . .... 295 .ocatisn: 132:04. .E5*07 12/25-;0N;

                                              . 2 50%  ne s t aca L .ni te s il t                                   "asing I'evat sa: 522.!?
    & sano 20% course sans                                           24814 ::01, :r'?*ec Oy 3e9t: Of & '3e 3E 3    298              02noany, ISf6, 3*:unewate* sonitor*mg Blacs;rivel t

t .atte .sana

                     . . .L .s. It, 30rencie a $n. Souloer L gravel .              .        2    300 Blaca L .ntte sand 5 stit,                                                       wa te**ai      !?                *e tx*ess Oe:t-soulcers & gravel . . . .        .             2    30 2 a in. of gravel, sted                                           Sancy f oam .                                          12         12 Sand & st?! . . ..                                     20         22 casalt :ntes & silt          ...          . 3    3C5 Fire sand, silt ) :Tay 11         43 Gravel, sanc 3asalt atos Stact t . nite sand, si*t, L stit sincer      ..            . ..          5    313 heavy 3rsvet, stit.                                                 L
  • y I1tt'e 1*8 vel 12  !!

sancy 3t ace . . . . .. 5 315  !!ack & mtte sand, 3 ravel L sancy silt Stace- ., 10 225 1* Int E 5'It .. .  ! 50 we ste grave', tasalt, slac Saro. i*avel. I st't 3 53

    & ni te s ano . .                      ..      3    3:0      Sanc, :!ay & seme ; ravel                              10         ?3 3 ravel, sasals, 31acx                                          Saro & 3rivel .isame :'ay                                2        75 4 . nite sans . . . . .                .       2    132      Sanc. 1*b el, ou!:e's Sectum gravel, 3asalt           .                 1    333          L s:se :Tay           ....                         ;5         90 4ectum to coarse gravel,                                        D art 3rown :!ay gray sanc, atte L                                               sculcers 5 stI*Sasalt                   .          ;5      105 3!aca sanc, 3asalt                             2    325
  • lay L cou ce's 1

13 Ils

 !aarse gravel & sanc .                            3    338      Sanc, sit t, & :!ay                .                     7     125 Coarse gravel, sasalt,                                          Sanc, 5:1t : lay ;rnwel gray sanS                ..                   1    333          & Sculce*s . .                                     ".0     13$

a ua-t:1te, sects :asalt. S and. s d t, L :' ay '. . 7 1:2

     -*avel, ;rsvel                                       Saec stit, ;*sve! i scui:e's                           10      !!2 I gray suicasana .                 . .         1   340      54"c, travel, Scu':e's L :tay                          15      !!?

Sanc, in n ' L s:n'e sitt 3 175 Moots to esarse Ienul' Sanc,

  • evel n *ecas *a
                                                                                                                        "       "* n Sasait grey sand .. .                          4    344 3     ;3a 3rsvel, sasal L c:ay sitt ,                       !    345      I I;" 5 8"#Y I""'If. & sany ;nvel Coarse inve' 6 :ssait                             2    347
                                                                                  'I wCstIV ::a'se **tve?,

some sea *,,m ( asalt, S re s:lt, saec, gaso.. 5 ~0 'S - - - 10 21' less :!ayey silt . 3 350 aNy Inn oca L s n stit san e gesvel, tasalt, 3 2! {' cane sans,,goni, gray sano & :!ayey stit . 3 353 OC I 8'It 3 223 C: arse tasalt

  • cas; Sa'nc,'stit L genvel- - 35 253
    ,: arse ' acus sasaf*

c:cus, all calcrs ; ravel, "# Stad, ' 08?ne Inn trant 22 3 256 3C8 34 salt ; rave' . ... 2 255 e ne sanc,'sH L sd t ;n n i

t. s:=e 3 3;;
 'f ae geny saac. 21 act                                          .h ue sanc, silt, gravel                                4
     & e tte stic; also                                                                                                         315 190*WR gravel, e sand, s M s111, Sasalt ; ravel                                 2    357
                                                                     $C*  # I"'"I                                      2     217 weeto gravel, 3asalt gravel,                                     31aca L .atte sa9c, C8                                                 11      32 3
     ; ray sano, slac &                                           Sand,"1'     2P8',e' gravel    s:'t5 Ul t

i same e t t e s aac . . . . . .. 2 359 clay, art 3rc.n 9 33 7 "edtJII 3asalt gravel & . I'"* gray eater sanc; *estsu 'U t;'in!^,I

                                                                         * * '             3"    3'**"                    3     340 gravel all colors .. .
carse 3asalt genvei, s:pe
                                            .       1    360
                                                                                    stit -

S ano.g r av e l' 5 5 346 gray .ater sano .. . . 5 36 5 Sanc, 5C5 saw. int,ct. &susCtt, 347 Coarse gnni, Sasalt eccxs. & ..Z gran t . . . 3 355

     ; ray .ater sana ar suicusari     ....... . ..                     5    370       Sanc, gravel 1 sitt, & :!ay                   .         3     352 Lots :f eccks & Sasalt ncrs.                                      Gravel 50%, :?ay 20%,

meatum ;rsvel, 34 salt gravel, sanc ;0%, 'i;nt :rown - a '62 saae gray sano . . . . . . 2 372 3 ravel 40%, sano 10%, Gravel & f tae saco; .ater tiar 20%, care trewn a

                                                                                                                         **      3.,

gravel fine to 3 in., 3 ravel aC%, sanc 4; , fine to coarse sano. :Tay 20%, :ars :rewn . 3 3,5 some :T ay & sitt . . . . .. . 3 330 Coarse fesvel 50%, Fine to :: arse gravel, sana -Cs, st:t ;;% ,


fine to coarse saee, SC% ;nvel, 20% saae. clay L silt; 380- 81 *t. ;0% st;t & c!ay . *, ,


[ core sartie snowed 30% 1*avel, f1 saec, "3% stit & t lay t l fine gray sand . 5 38 5 . - 15 20; _a ravel !C%, s&.'c 20%, silt I Clay 20% . . . 4 4C5 I 116 I

( RH0-LD-158 ( 3 ravel 25%, sano SC1 Cearse to "ne genve'. ( stit t : ay ;!% 75% sanc. 15% stit.

                                                      . . ...                        5            all              : ace sanc
arse to "ae gravC.
                                                                                                                                                 . .            .                    I         .I 10% gesvet                 .. . .                    .             11             a22              tra:e sano L s**t                                                  5        M 90% clay 10% gesvel                                .... .                   3            425          Ocarse to fiae sand 1;Cs : lay . .. .                                     . ...                 1            425              L gravel .          . . . .                                        5        35

(  ::ay, !1 gat arown ... 11.e clay ......... .. Sano :r asn ........... 43 7 a 433 476 48C Coarse to ne sano L 3rsvel... tr ac e s11 % . . . . 10 II Sancy coarse to fine geavel. Sasalt & sand . . .. . ... 5 445 trac e si t t . . . . . . . . . 5 1C0 Sene, sin, or clay. v ooise to fiae saac, s e e L small tasalt geavel .... 18 503 gravel . . ,  ! 105 [ 1.ignt 3rown asm er : lay . 2 505 n y gn gg, , ,, ,,3,,

         .                      3rown asm or clay                                                                             silt .. . . . . .                                     10      115 L small gesvel .                           .... .                    5           510 trac e.3y,, g ,,a g gn,p ,

3,y , IJ gat 3re=a *tae sano. trace sitt .. . . ... . 5 *20 asm r c?ay L small Sancy :carse to ** ee 3 ave' 10 1:3 [ gravel . . . leo.n asn

                                                                                    .5 1

525 527 e . y .3 g3,,3, g,, q t , 37 , g,,, , , ,,, gg 50 IS% gety sano L 5% sitt ... 10 537 pin, c, , , ,:3 :3,rs, geny,1, t. ice Sand gravel. L silt . . . ... 2 I29 g gy g g g t ;, , ,,, [g 160 6C% sand. 3C% geavel. s t 10% silt . . ........ 4 543 ' P ne,c,aac L stit, some gravet. ;g ,3 [ 'C5 Sy'[*J** ** 3"dI ****** g q* 7 g7  ;,, ,,,,, Ff ee to coa-se geavel, same 5*% j . . S ' j l saro, trace sitt . . . . . 5 175

J"II **
           $w;. . lay. sr e asa.


                                                                *         **          a            $51 n tra"' ce sar'd8     . . 8 " 1" .3"          .. I '.            45       220 g6r*        7 9 g, ;3 g3 g7g, ),,,,9,                  gy,

[ , L !C% sanc . . . 4 ravel, saac L sti,.

                                                                       ...           1g 1           g66
                                                                                                   .575 sand.
  • Bee stI* . . .

11y a & st*v

                                                                                                                                                                              . 10 20 230 250
           $C1 sand. 5C% stit .                              .....                     9 50% sano, 40% stit; samle
                     ,n :ar sett:ec 3ut is
                                                                                                               ""      f E ""' [8 C88"'
                                                                                                               #, 9 " " * * ' 5'              - - -                           -

we 8 I II * * [ ' SC% SC1 si.t t, e/ a

                      *nta aye* Of , SC% saac aC5 siit 5

4 830

                                                                                                    .534 Ftne sana L " ae to coarse "r

i aM I . s ***e s *

  • t . ..
  • D C8'
  • I 290 5C% gravel. 30% saw. 20% sitt . . 5 589 sand & silt3". . # . *. M ...C' .
                                                                                                                                                                                     ..       .0 455 sand 3C1 stit. 55 gravel                                   ..           1            190        Fine to :carse gravel, trace 50% sand. 50% stlt . . .....                                                             603                                                                             40

[ $C% *1ee sane. SC% sr - silt 50% :: arse sano. 50% stlt .... 13 9 2 512 514 sand . . . . . ... .. Fine to :sarse sand, gravel. tnc e s t i t . . . . . . . . . 10 240 3!3 45% ***e sand. Nee to coarse gesvel, trice 5Cs t ocalate brewn sano, stit L clav . ......' 5 25 5 stit :r isn. 5% gravel . . . . . 20 634 Fine is coarse g vel, see stit. [ 50%

  • tee sane. 30% stit 50% sana. 5C% stit . . . .

755 sanc.15% stit.1C% gesvel 1 5 535 637 642 trace sand & :Tay 3rsve11y fine sand & stit.

                                                                                                                                                       . ... .                          5     360
                                                                               .                                     trace :T ay . . . . .                         ..                   5     36 5 SC1 sano. 3C% gravel. 20% sitt . .                                          7            649        Une to coarse gravel. see lasalt                      .          . ...                    ..         39            588             sano, traca st1t . .                  .....                        5     370 Eravelty fine sano L stlt, traCa

[ 599 35 3 i3claer . ell '53) clay . . . . . . Dee sand & silt, see gravet.

                                                                                                                                                       .....                            5      375
                         '.oc a tion : 135004, d3062                                 12/21 1701                       trace clay . . . ... .                                          35       410 Castag !!evatten: 486.06                                                               Dne sano L stit, see : lay ...                                          5     a15 Air -otary (to 125 f t.) & si.o rotary. er* tied                                       Nne sano L stit, seme :!ay,

[ by !arman datee eells & Iogged 3y '. Arec9t L lureell Jf iolder assCC*ates fer stSCO, trace gravel; L stltstaae lasalt . ... .... .

                                                                                                                                                                        .             45 20 a60 44 0 1980. geologic 'nvest*gatton cortnole Mate-tal (11)                         *hteteess Oeotn                 599 35 9
                                                                                                                     '.oc ati on: 134700. 49175                                     12/2!.791

[ "eois to fine sand, trace stlt Coarse to fine sand L gravel 20 5 20 25 Castag 11evatten 199.33 Canle tool cr*11ec ty Stance y L too+eson of Ccarse gravel . ........ 5 30 a5&$ *or ".E Comcaay. 95C ;rou nc= ate-Caerse to **ne ;rsvel, some wenitoring L geologic *rvestigat*en tortaof e saad trace svit . . . . . . 5 35 [ '%icuness ects

                                                                                                                                   " star
  • al ;4) 3ravelIf :sarse to fine sand.

trace stle . . ....... 5 40 4 a Sanc. **ne is Sect e . ... Coarse al a5 gesvelto. ".ae........... sano, trace l 5 a5 Sand & travel . . .. . . we ofe sano .. . . ....... 4 49 Coarse to medte sand. 54 tr ace grav e l . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 Sand L gesvel ....... ... 15 [. Csarse to fine sand & graal . . . 5 55 Sand . . . . . . . . Sano e/ciay & stit . ...

                                                                                                                                                                    ....               13 11 77 l!

Coarse to ** ne gravel, seme . 23 115 sano, trace st1t . . . . ... 5 50 !anoLgesvel .. . .. .. . 3 revel *y seatum ta "ae sano & S ancy. Jgnt tan silt ..... 1 11* Sana L gesvel 16 *33 [ silt, se e :!ay . .... . 10 70 117

RH0-LD-158 I $11t & Clay ... . a 137 O ne to gearse sang g steg ;g $4pd esgrsvel . . 11 148 sec %m gravel, trace $ana, iecisa g ntred ... . 17 165 sitt t :!ay . . 5 365 111t & gety clay . 11 175 Fue to :carse sand see Travel trace :lay . . .. 5 370 Dne to :carse sano, sye s*1*. 699 35 16 (Golce* dell #29) trace gravel & :?ay . .  ! 375 Locaticn: 1348 % . d15715 12/27-1121 Fine to na-se sana. some gravet & sitt . . . . 5 ;go Casing Elevation: a!7.33 air rotary (to 103 't.) L mud -otary. srtited Nne to :carse sarc. see ty Carman deter mells 6 legged oy Surrell gravel, trace sit t . . . 40 420 of iclear associates r:r 1ES 0, geologic Nne to coarse sana & investigation moremote gravel. trace st1: . .  !! 235 Twicaness Oeoth D ae to =ane grave', Mater *al (111 trace sanc . . 30 16 5 D ne to mectum sand astrace stit 15 15 4 " ~3 M **5e 178 vel. S N ,5 ... One to coarse gravel s/trsce sano.

  • race sd . . . .. . -~

20 Dne to carse saed t ; ravel. sand . . . . .. 5 some sC t. trace : ay . 5 475 Nne to coarse sand ./ trace Nne *o *carse saac, some 10 30 gravel . . . . ....... . Mne to coarse gravel =/ trace gravel L stit. trace :taf . 5 480 10 40 Dae to :sarse sano & gravel. sand . . . .... . some sH t. trice -l ay . . 15 495 M me to coarse sana, some Mae to "carse sano L ; rave 1

   ;ravet, trace sit t . .                       .          15         55 some st?: . . . . .                                      5    5C0 Fine to narse gravet, see sand,                                                 M ae *.o c0 arse gravei.

trace sit t . .... ... 5 50 some sana. trace si't . 20 $20 Dne to coa *se sand L gravet, Coarse saac. swe gesvel . 5 525 some stit. traen :'ay 5 55 GraveMy = arse sand . .  ! 530 Pne to coarse s,c . some gravet. GraveMy ca se sane. **nce sCt 5 525 trace s11t . . ...  ! 70 M ae to Marse gesvel. Fine to :carse t. . gesvel. some sanc . . . 10 !a! trace silt & clay ..... 10 80 54s at t . . . 20  !!!

*edi e sand, tries gravel n silt 10        90 Dne to :carse gravel trace sano        . ..              ..                           5      35        699-35-134 '30::e- deil e9)

Nne to :carse sand & fine to Location: 12/27-101 sechs gravel, trace silt  ! 100 Casing D evat :n: a73.92 Fiae to :carse sane L gravet. air rotary / to 124 *t.) 6 suc retarv, set 11ed ty Syne :f Camen 4 ate- detts & loyles trace sitt .. . .. 3 103 Bretners Ore t'ng Comoany & togeec sy One to coane gravel. Fincley. L arvin 6 di'k ening of ,'o1:e-trace sand .... .. 22 125 Mee to coarse gravet. as soc:stes 'or 1E!;0. ;S79. geologic trace sand; & *tne to sec+p investigation moreacie sana L stit: trace :tay 15 140 water *al (11) Thickaess *ectn A ne to :carse sano 1 sitt. trace clay & gravel .. 15 155 40 *ecord .... .... . 10 10 Fine to coa se saec L sit t. travel & :sooles . 10 20 trace clay . .. ... .. 5 160 . . One to coarse sane & set, trace Sancy gravel . 5 25 165 to recovery .. .. 5 20 clay & gesvel . ..... . 5 . N ne to coarse sand & silt. Sancy gravel . . . . . 50 50 trace clay . . . . . .. 5 170 Sitsnt?y t!ayey sancy gravel .. 10 30 h ne to sectum gravel. Sanoy gravel . . . . .. . 5 95 trace sano . . . . . . 10 180 :tayey gravel . ... .. 5 100 Fine to :carse gravel, trace  !!ayey sandy gravel. .. . 15 115 sano . . . . . ... 60 240 $11gntly sancy 1 :Tayey gravel . . 5 120 Sancy elayey gravel 4 124 Fine to :carse gravet. sye . . .. sanc. trace sitt . ...... 20 250 $11gntly :tayer. stigntly Fine to coarse sana L fi e to sancy 1 ravel . . . .. ... 5 130 medtum gravel trace tilt . . 15 275 111gnt:y :!ayty. sancy gravel . 5 125 Ctayey sancy travel ... 15  !!O Fine to coarse saro L sitt. Sitgr. tty sancy ;rivelty : lay 4 15a trace gravel .. .... . 5 280 Otayey sti ./some ; ravel 4 150

 $ancy 'ine to meats gravel,                                                                                                                       ;55 511ty !ay . . . . ...                                      15 tr ac e si t t . . . . . . . .                 ..           5     215 11t;ntty ;ravelly sitty tlay                                 5    190 Fine to sedium gravel. se e                                                                                                          .

290 3 ravel;y s:1ty :!ay .... 15 205 sanc. trace sitt . . . . 5 Silty :?ayey ; ravel .. . . . 5 210 One to carse sano L *Me to MedNn to :: arse ;rsvel 2 24 sectum gravel, trace st't . . 50 240 . . Fine to coan e sand 6 '*ne to 511ty clayey ; ravel .. 10 250 sodius ;Pavel

  • race silt irive' some sand . . . 10 if0 L clay ............ 5 345 kivel, some sanc . 5 250 Mne to coarse sand & stit, & gravel . . ..... 5 255 Stity some gravel . . 5 270 same gravel. trace :!ay . .. 10 355 Coarse to fine sano 10  !!!

GraveMy f tee to coarse sano .. .

      & stit, trace c!ay .              .            ,.           5     260       50 recovery                                               15     JC5 118

l i l RHO-LD-158 Coarse sanay gravel ... . . 15 N0 Nee to mecium sana 5 ne Clayey s :t . . .. . . W 370 to sect e gravet . 5 225 Clayey silt ./some sand .... 15 285 Fine to me v sanc. trace Sancy *edi c gravel ./some grtvel . 20 255 sana . . . . .... .. 15 405 Fine to medtum sane. 5::re Stity meat e geavel ./some gravel .... . . 5 30 clay . . . . . .. ... 5 a10 Stity fine is sectum sans..  ! 255 3raveily st1t ./some :tay . . 5 415 Sancy sitt ..... ... 20 235 P $11ty gravel . . . . ...... 5 a20 Sanay fine *o mec%m ; ravel. Coarse sancy st1t . .. .. 5 425 trace stit . . .  !! 200 Stity scarse sancy gravel ... 15 4'O Silt. same mecte to coarse Clayey silt .. . ..... 93 533 sano. tra:e **re gravel . 5 005 Basalt . . . . ... 23 556 Silt 6 'ine to coarse sano. trace *'ae gravel . 10 215 Silt. trate sano . *C

                                                                                                                                                                 .       225 699 35-21 'Goleer all e5-6)                                                              Silt                                          .                     20      N5 Loc at'on:                                                  12/27-2L53            Stit trace sana                                            .        20      375 Casing E'evatt:n: 511.7                                                         Stit . . . .                                                        10      28!

Air retary. 'to 250 ft.) L mud eitary. 3r'Ilec iravelty st1t. . .. . . 5 290 ny Carmen date* = ells & logged 3y .ngram of wed%m to coarse see L Soleer Associates 'or sESCO. 1981. geologte fire gravet ..... 20 210 investigation torenote 4eci e to :: arse sand L fine - avet, trace ::lt 5 ai! Matertal (11) 'htchness Oe:tn 511t& fine 3-vel . .... Stit & some tectam to

                                                                                                                                                         .        ;0     425 I   Fine to :carse sano 6 'ine to neote gnol Saney 'ine ta secte gravel Ftne to :: arse sana L ae 5

5 10 5 c: arse sare Silty 'tne :s :: arse sanc Silt. some 'ine to *ec*us sano .. 15 5 5 220 245 450 to seeium ;* vel . . . . . 5 a 5 tit. trace " ae sanc 20 270 Medie 13 coane sand & *ine Silt. trace Clay ... . . 20 490 to sec's gravel . .. .. 5 25 511t. s ee sano. trace : lay 5 a95 Fine to :carse sand & 'ine 511:. trace :!ay 5 !CO gr a.e l ..... . 10 35 we c'e is :: arse saac. see  ::g Fine to ::eese sand & fiae sitt . . , .. . 5 saacy *tae :s sesie ;-avel I

s mec Nm g*avel . . .. 5 20 .. $! 57 The to Pects sand .. ... 5 45 3asalt . . . . Za5 3;5 Fine sana, trace tilt ... .. 5 50 Fine to mecte sano & fine G grani . . ...... 5 55 69g.35,-27;,,, ,,,, B 4) 12/27-10!;

Fue .o mecte ; ravel some . 4:4672. .,27,237 wasing Elevat* on:

                           ..... ....                                    .o                                                    .3 .07 sano,.


                                                                                    $,$           Canie tool (to $33 ft.: L si nnena car'ng.

to ec rav '1. Me :MUec Sy ligasm of

  • sten Or* !tng tomaany 20 90
                                                                                                     & Boytes Scotrees Ore tirg comoany 'or a

5a yfine.c'seciMgravel'.. A 5 95 , III3' I'C O9'C I I '?d"SI 9 It I Fine to *eC1wfr sana L fine gravel . . . .......... 5 *00 ,,g,7.,; ,1. 21 'hter ess Oe tn 4ecie to coarse suo 6 fine gravel . .... 5 ;05 Fine to coarse saad, some 3, ,,,,,, , , , 3 3 1,. ,. llack sand .. .. Ja 44 fine gravel ... " I

                                               ..          ...           I. w                 ,M old
n 85 anveny <tae :s :ane san .. 5 .. 9 I 18"I

Gravelly necium to coarse I

                                                                                                                           ,             .                           5        %

FJe"to , eau gnv;i: *: .: i 130 ' =" i"a l 5 c= = 1 5 P5 20 meate to : marse sano & '1"98 1- - - 3 d ** * **** u fine gravel .... la0 I'"8Y.'s , ,30 3 '"9 " (c* lay 1 . 10 Fine to secte gravel. .5 p0 some sed ........... 10  !!0 Brown sancy silt . 11 gal Fins to coarse sand 6 fine Stue : lay; nars 4,9

                                                                                                                                                                           ;g gravel .          ...                .....                  10      160         D "9'Id ****
  • M Sano, tne := :nne gnvei :s5 W,:g' 2"".: . - -

1; jg I

                                                           ...               5 Fine a coarse gravel, some                                                               5tue Clay sanc. L 3 ravel                                              5    2M 5     '*0 3 "8'                                                                  5,   325 Ft to               eheavb.some
                                                                '            5     175 CI'Y'some 5 aca sand        3" "Ialue*
  • 0;ay .
                                                                                                                                                                   ..      335 FN s': oars' ' ravel'.                  so'e                                             I U                                  !'Y g
                                                                                                         -t ' gn' "v'e i'I".'                                              Ns I                                                                                                    ecor,e ... .
                                                                           ,a                      i n                                                             :D
                                                                                               ,o                                                     .            n       1e5 Seay fine :. enne gnni                               ...            n        205         me c:ay. sman gnvei..                         ...                      i    270
      *ectum to c: arse sand 1                                                                 Stue :14y. sane.
              'ine :s neot e -revel                    .                     5     210              & small ; ravel              .           .              .       15     285 Sancy fine to secIum                                                                     Mars. sticky olwe :!ay                            . .                20     aOS gravel        ..                   ......                    10      2M          dars, st'env, 31we :!ay.

Sanay **ee :s coarse gravel .. 3 220 scoe s:nall ; ravel 20 225 119 I

RH0-LD-158 3 ray.84Iue !!ay. 'Isr1 L st1Cgy 3 ray-31ue t!ay, s*

  • Cayders 20 25 44!

a2: we c*e to 'ine sanc sW si't. tesce :!ay , g g ,- I

   $rown & gety c? ay            .. . ..                       10        890          *eo s *s ee sar . some 3 ray clay. 6ars t st:cty                                   15        105              st it . :-sce pavel L : ny                                    5    ..-.y 3rown ::ay, some Disca sand                       ..         !$       $20          *We to 'in s anc. *-sce                                *          -,    . , ,

I!.e :!ay & ysvel . .. .. 10 130 ysvel . . .. '-- Siwe c;ay. gravel & :sectes . . 40 570 we ci e ts ae fatvel. , Blue c?ay, some ravel . . . . 10 180 trace sitt & Clay . . 75 ..,

   $1ue : lay. F ave & c30cles                   ...           20        SOC          *ecium *3 't ne sano t gravel.

Gravel, c36cles. L SIke !ay . . . 2 60 2 trace sil*. L Clay ... - II -I 30ulde' ............. 2 SCa 4eci e 13 fi"e saPC S #'"e travel ec  ; 6( 5 yavel, trace sit t L c? ay ,

                                                                                                                                                      .5      ,

live:Iay, colas.&31uetiar. sanc. gravel. Mecium o 'ine sana L sarse t cocoles .... . . 10 515 to f*ne yavel trace IIue ::ay. 3resen Sasalt; silt t !ay . . . M O, nit seemea sasalt at Fine sanc L ysvel, see s It. 615 f t. : :nina. :utting trace :? ay . . .. .. y g~ sac = tasalt stecas . .. . 10 525 Fi ne sand L necie *3 'i ae Iresen tasalt . . . . 3 533 some sitt, t' ace :tay . Ps.' . . 3.,- lasalt . . ...... .. . 123 756 *ecie ,t: ""e st1: n :'ay saac, trace 2,s ,,,- Interoec: tuf'sceous .,,,,,.3 sin, sana, trae, sitt sancstone & Clay ...... 52 908 830 25 lasalt ... . . ... 154 , g2 ,,&y :!ay;

                                                                                             ,,,,, &g,,,,  stitst:r,e      .
                                                                                                                  ,, g g g.,7; Interoec; tuff                 .... .                       24            .6 lasalt . . . . . . . .                     ...             .5      ;.;31
                                                                      .v-g 3 33
                                                                                       , e .3 en.,.e s,u,o,g,
                                                                                                                                       ,              a5      !35 Intersec: tuf', tuf* ace:us sancatene. :!ay 6                                                                   yjg yivei                 ... .                       . 50      195 g g f .o " N same L ytvet                                      ;0      125 cecole :ongicre-ste                                     ,93
                                                                      ;.--365          weoie to fine saec, lasalt .        ...                       . .
                                                              .b                                                                                              5%

Inte-ees; tuff & sanc . . A ..*03 g trace g , g3 si

                                                                                                       ,ttgt sanc
tay L . . . 5 v avel.

trsce silt & clay . . 5 525 699-35-23 'Goteer .elt #74) 3asal*' . . 50 5!! ucst on: 134519. 4 3*!3

      ;astag rievation: !34.36                                                         699.:5 46 a:e otary
  • to ;a0 't.} L 1:ua *:tary. Tr'11e1 .oc ati on: 134560, a6!!!8 T25-91 sv Carman date .eils & 'eggea 3v ar o 3 2f
          -                                                                                Castng itevation: *25.55 41ce* ass:c.ates 'cr 1!!L. 983.1ecic9tc                                          Caole :01 :r*:'e: :y Mat;n 3f dat:9 $r9I,ing invest *gation Screaote                                                             Ocecany 'or 32 ::maany,1957. Fourc.ater menit:rtng Screaole wa terial (111                        "M c1*e s s 3ects wate**al :1!                           11 k ess O'StM tin sand 5 sitt . . . .                 ...                    5            5 wie to *ine sano L secte                                                             Sand         .. ...                         .                  10        ,0 to :: arse yavel, trace sitt                       . 10            15        S ano-pavel          .. .                   . .
                                                                                                                                                                 .'O w e ate to *4es sand, trace                                                          3 ravel-;oose                                                  }0
                                                                                                                     ..                          .     *0        40 yavel .                         ..                       10            2I        3r av e l-s atic             .. ..                                I      2I we ate ts fiae sana..          .                   .          15           4         Sanc-st1t         ..                 .. ..                   2.*0      2!!

e Sano-*1:eo *ocu or ysvel  !  !!C w yatum svetto ".ine...sand, trace 45

                                               .          .       5 gana.ysvel           .               ... ..                    30      290 Mec um saac L necie to :carse a

Sand-pavel. clay . .. 5 295 genvel, trace sitt . . . ... 5 50 Sana.gri,ei .. .  ! 300 i weetum to "ne sano L *ecium to Cameates v svel . . . 30 330 coarse v svel, trace silt .. 25 75

eaentee v ivet L sana .. 5 335 we cie to *ine sano, trace ysvel 63 298 L st1t . . ... . . 5 30 .S l a vel . .

911a sancy clay . . ;2 *D 4edt e *O fine sand & C3a'se 31ue sarIQy : lay .. ... II III to "ae pavel, trace sitt .. 5 115 Staca sancy :1ay ./e ca . ..  ! 830 Meetum to coarse y svel, some Slact sancy :tay. tearse sand 10 **0 sand, trace sitt . . 5 120 31acs sano t silt .. .. 5 445 Nedtum to fine sand, t*1Ce 31 ACE sanc & silt *ye11sw *1ay . I IIC ysvel & silt .. ..... 10 130 Yellow clay n/geavei sarticles . 2 452 N i e to fine sano & yavel, trace sit t . ..... 5 125

    *ectum to 'ine sano 6 :carse to st ae givel              .....                           5       140 we cie to coarse vivet.

trace stit n !ay . .. 5 145 Coarse to f'ne gavel . 70 215 Coarse to fine ravel, trace silt & Clay . . . .. . 10 225 vedi e to 'ine sand. trace ravet, silt & :!ay ... . 10 235 4ecie to 'ine sanc. trace i silt & c!ay . 5 *a0 l 120

L. r-i A RH0-LC-158 r L 199-;!JO h t . sc a ca: U4523. 67923 12/25

  • 1  !?iyer spe ,s l . ; ty saac 5 e:.f. y rve'
                                          *astag !"evatten: 593. 2                                                                                                                     5 :asa!!                                           .                              2            00
as'e tool. craltec gy to. :f J533 'er 3E ay,y silt, :ess y awe' 5
                                              . arc any.13tt. younc. ate- mont t:r*"9                                                                                                  'ess sasalt, s: e ** as E                                              :c'eaC'e                                                                                                                                 ; ray sano                        .                .                              1            00 5 L                                                      = ate-'ai 'll                                                            *hicaFess 2e:t3 01ayey s:it. 3asalt y avel.

wecium gravel-stl :st:es

                                                                                                                                                                                       &  ae P sy s aac .                                                               5           3:0
                                      ?coss11 . .... .                                                                                          !                            5     Otay,y sitt. y 51aca & .ntte saad. cam                                                       ..                   15                     20                     sect s yive.oy tarc.                                               .               3           313 Lats 2f 3 14:t sard. Ped 1 #                                                                                                                 ;!ayey sitt. 'i*e ;rty same                                                                               '

y avel. Ioam Sue . 5 25 L sP e Sec*um gravel Lsts af 3:acs saac. & 'ittle :asalt .. 2 E! sm.1 3 23 *ere nec'um yavel :tayey 3'aca L . aiterive'. ' sam saa: L Toan iue muo , 21 54 -af saec 313cu 6 .n'ta sanc. s.mait s:'t.**neIt

                                                                                                                                                                                       & so+e :asa                                                                        3           E3 smcunt ' vave; L ' cam *uc                                                                              5             5C                *ec a .- y tve t . ::ayey s:'t 3rty sa"o L tan stit *uo .                                                                         17                       77                   L **ae ;*sy san:                                                                   2           220 I

Fine to meciam ;rsy sand. 3rsy sanc & *ec'.m rivel. 1 321 tan s* I t 1sc . . . ..... 88 165 *ec Nm y ey sarc & N ae saac & sy e :tay . 5 170 meci a -rivei ... .  ; 222 l 8'ne sarc L mo*e !!ay 2 172 "'ayey s:It. sedie ; ravel O ne saco L tots 3# t!ay 3 '75 5 scee ysy san: 3 225 I r'ne saac L 'ess :!ay .'9 a c'ee y ty same L aeavy C ay s,c .. . 24 203 ggg,.g .g l 3rty sa"C L C arey silt. 15 213 . , , .-g,-- I . g gg.g, ,

                                       *ect.m ysvelto.eesarse s smals,asa.:                                                                                                                     .asing . gn..e,
                                                                                                                                                                                       ,gg,g                 .               v a.ttE .55 amount                                                                                                                                                                     .aa :

I of yay sana 5 eayer set *!"; .- .:' c. . .** : ? ' **  :, ,** ,:" ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -            a 5 sr talem vae.1                                                                                            5      223
                                                                                                                                                                                            'er 3             e*'"ot   'i'  '   '  3    """"
  • t '*" ' *  : 9 l
                                       .N a     y saac. tinyey s1It L sye *lec1 # 3asalt l                                                                                                                                                                                                               *att**tl                                         *ht*xaess            eats
                                            .ravei .                                                                 . .                               2      2..                                                                  .

I Clayey sitt. Pty saac

                                       ,,5 some sasalt .
                                       ..ay n sye.sasalt rivel
                                       , lay & 3asa 5

5 5 220 2,35 40

                                                                                                                                                                                    .gggg,, g gggg, gy, .?g,,)


                                                                                                                                                                                        '.. ytvel sand. Pe sano.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     , *                .g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,5 g


                                        *:ayev stit. ..F avel                                                                                                                                                              -                      .                     .                . 5
  • sitt, saac .  ! 20 I

L ; ray sana . ... 3 2a5 . . 3rty sanc. 9ec? # v3 vel. JMW . sanc. ess si?! . 4 M some 3asalt & ve*y ara'elv & sarc 12 57 111tte ::ayey sitt enve l, sdt & sarc.. . 3 g 19 257 uge, m., y a,p , Sano t silt . . 10  ;

                                            =/some 3aseIt. c?ayey                                                                                                                   ,

t M .15 in t s yiy i.e . . . t 25a Wr55*"a - - - 5 a0

                                        *Cre cIayey sitt. F ay sane.                                                                                                                ..ay, ey "w                         saq. %

5 "* 9ect A

  • ravel ... . i e59 y ,s. .**Tall,3asal
                                                                                                                                                                                               .                       ** N-sa 0.,Os                                                    *"

CIayty sif t. 9eciJ'l to C3dese 2 ' .... sancy y a silt 5 ytvel. ; ray sano ... . 1 270 I"II I 5 4ectum !aad y g Lg,. 01;' ,j,, g g' E-ytve ,gravel. clayeysee $11. 3,asalt m..ay

                                                                                                                                                                                    ..              6 volcan':snot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .              .               5 2,,'                                                               saac                                    5            *2' L ; ray sand                                   ..                                                           2                   '

3 ravel, sitt & sand 5 [50 we cte to tearse pavel 3 rive:. 3 't. :tay

                                            .etasalt. yay sand                                                                                                                          & F avel 2 in.                         .. .. .                                     5            ;!!

I L "layty s11: ... . 3 275 Srive' sano. 'ots sf sit t . 5 150 Mecium y tvel. yay sarc & 3Pavel L sanc . . . . 5 155 taving in tlayey stit 2 277 3 ravel & sanc trace af salt 6 17: 4ectum ; ravel L ysy sand. .  ! 032 3rivel & saac . . 4 ;75 we c's yavel, scre coarse 3 ravel I sarc. tan stit. 7 ;gs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .t.t y avet L y ay same . . .                                                                                                               3rsvet, sana L ysy-tan si I

2 294 5 !ao 4ecium y svel. Sasalt 3 ravel, sanc & tan sti: 20 2:

                                             & pay saec      .                                                             .                             1          2t$             3 ravel ao to a 'n..

we ctum ps,e1 y ay sano sano L stit . 5 225 l &:layeysi!t . . . 2 227 3 ravel ao to ;3 *n.. I 3rty sanc. 34sait 1 ytvel  ; 213 aarc & si't  ! 2:0 I

                                         *ect s tasalt y avel.                                                                                                                       i nvei, sano L se t                                               .                 25             ;c5
                                              ;rty sanc           .                                               ..                                     3             ,91 6             3 ravel, sanc. stit                                           .                     ;3             g55 3 ray sano 5 v ivel                                                ......                                       2            292            3rivel saec, stit                              . .                                    7            27:

l 3 ray safid & Tec1 # y lvel. 3 ravel. sarc. Iess sitt 7 2*? I s ee sasalt .... . . . 2 295 2tayey stit. little sectus - 3 298

1ess y ave!.. . . 3 201 01ayer st1% % vect s y avel . 1 00 2 121

1 1 Il1 l RHO-LD-158 I,. 599 26-i3 ' h

  • ce * .e ' t #1001 8'M *: *2a'se saac L ee u
     '. scat on: 125! 4 . 102329                     'Zil5-781
                                                     .                      "2 M 1"'e ' m s'
  • 5 50 Oastag gle,stien: 26!.54 - 08*1e sarc L ' "e es:.3 air *Clary. 3rItc 3y Ca** an a:er se 9 s & ,1*89 . t* t:e s *1 t I . 5 $5 Iogeet 3y 'sc.900 3 8 30 cee ass:C*ates ***

1 ' N I g 4th0, *.980, }eo f 0gtC investigatten sano. / ** # *4s:C"

  • s:e  : 3"'. . 5 70 torenote Saa / *e *.c S ec 's g ra v e t ,

sc+e si t t . . . *5  !! 9 ate *'ai ill micaaess ;e:tn " w sano i stit trace ;ra.e1 .5 30 Fire to 34*1e see L re Flae sanc .. .  ;!  ;$ *J Sed 1# ;rtvel, t?tte 51It < 10  ;"O Ftne te coarse gravet, s:me Sancy '*ee *c ::a-se ; ivel, 8ec'# :D :sarse sard . 5 20 If8Ce silt -- . 10 110 8'ne c :: arse ; rive t, s:me 2+ne to Marse sanc L ;*4.e1

      ** m u :sa*se s aec                              5        25          *nce sti'                     . ..                 .       5      n!
  * *ae u :: arse gesvel, seme                                         'eC'e u na*se sanc L '"e "3a'se sa9a .                                   *5
                                                     .          20     .

Marse ;*sve: 5 120

  • sane sano L 'tae u narse saaese s e ;*ive , some gravel . . . . . . 5 25 sane, tes:e si'*  ! 125
  • cane sang & P'ae :s ,edia 3 &Pse *.s ** *e s &*c. sPe gravei . .. 20 35 9"" ' . tF 8C ' 11I: - - . 5 130
  *ecium u :: arse ; rivet,                                            .: arse :s **ae saac & ; rivet
                                                                       .                                                             20       ;!O some sec te sanc . . . .                    .     !       90      :sa-se o m ;nve t, ne Fiae "J *: ese ) Pave'. sOme                                         ..II*C             -
  • 20 IIO seq ? A *.3 03aese s W4 * *+  ! 175 30 120  ;:*
                                                                       . arse07*1: IIII't ae gravel, :ra:e F'me u 9ecie sed L '9 ee
     = arse irsvel. : race si't                        !      ;25           58'8          -               -                            !      l'0 Fine s : sane saac. same                                             .: sane s d', gesve                                           ;g       ;g5 stit . .                  ..            .        !      .;c      .:ane            ** ae ;nve). , in:e Silt, some 'f ae :n eeo,p                                                 sC: L :Tay               .                               '.!      2;;

sano .. 5 :5 ,:a se a ** ne ; rave ,

                                                       !                    saec L s 1t tri:e :'ay                                   ;0       2:0 I  Stit. trace ' fat saec                                      ;20 l
  $1It, scme **Pe sanc                          ,    '?       ;g;      jeg,e: y ***e          saed L sitt, l  Silt, stee ** ae s ar:, trice                                             sy , .'ay                          ..              . 15       2:!

sect e ;rsve. . *0 ;5: :sa-se u 3%e ;rsvet, s:me

  $ tit, some #1re same .                            .5       ;f5           se: L pit, trace C ay                                    10       245 7' e sano, scme sil:,

trace clay . . 10 175 Secy s::t(r ::g.t

                                                                            ;.i,ei.          arseg- :s. *y* *e                       ;3       ge$

F'ae sana, trace stit... . . . 10 .35 s e :y si;ty :carse is 'iae 81ne sano L Swum g avet, gnvet. L N saac . . 15 270 trice sit t . . . !O 2:5 Sancy s:1:y c: arse is e

  'ine sec, some tee v                                                      ;,a,el                             .               .       5      2'!

gravel trace s :t . 5 !a lasalt . . 25 200 Fine saac .... . . 5 245 Ff ee sand, trace stlt . . 5 250 699 *6-2  % t:e* .ep e n t) 8t ne sanc. seme 511: . 10 250 .: cat:en 13!593. 2004 12/28-3L1

  !!!!. some 'tae sano              .            .      5     255           n o eg tievat en- 443.33 Silt .                        ...           .      50       ::5           Air actsry. trlec sy aaman date* at:1s i 3asalt                                             50       375               'ogges :y se:stt i                             3 3 3c;:e*

Assoc stas ':e 5t$00. *.980. gesio11: inves:"'st c't :re*cle 699-26 1 W ice

  • nell 8541 l Locatten: 135375. 1343 12/ 3-4C. y.,,,,; %tenness Oe:tn 04st ng I'evat on: 445.34 J

air astary (u ;46 't.' L Sud retary. 27'11ec , m um sans, trace I sy Carman dater nells t 'oggec Sy ..;cr=:9 of rtne. n..;.sval .. . 5 5 l Soice* Assect ates 'sr 4t!!",.1980, geoicgic Fire u = arse ;*svel. scee l inves:tgat*:n scre* ole Fae is ::arte sano . 5 *0 Fire to c: arse sano & *tre is M ta**al l11) *%icuress Oect" csarse genvei .. 5 15 Fire u esarse sancy. 'iae u t'me sanc. some ::lt, trice coarse gravei .. 5 20 lesvel . .. 5 5 s'm :s :carse gravel, s:me

 *ecte u :: arse sano i *iN                                                  *1ne u c: arse saes .                                       !       25 ts ::eese gravel           ...                     5       . 0       p re to c:ane sana L 'ue ::
 "ed1 A *.s c: Ars e sF 3 L *es
  • um :3 arse ;rsvel . 5 30 to *e } P tve i . tr ice s t '. ! . . I  !! ring 3 ngege gegve M .f, F*ae Ff ee :o = arse sano L gravel. .o narse saaa ... I ;5 trace sitt . .. . 5 20 eire u .carse sanc L " ae c
 *eows to ::ane sana L 'tae                                                  esarse ;*ive;                              .. .             5       20 m sectum ;rsvei. : rice si!:                    10        20         rtn u :: arse sanc, trace 'tae Fine u :: arse sans L grave?,                                               u :carse ;*avel                      ...'           .       5        a5 some st!! ..                   ..                 5        25        r.n 13 sane, some *'ae
 *aarse see L ae u *ed'um .                                                  o .sa se gravei                    ..                   10         !!

jesvel trace st!t . :0  !! s c: arse sanc. sete ae is ::sese ; ravel . $ 50 122

r l l L F t g RH0-LD-158 L F L ae. sanar si':-  :: arse saro i=-e t-a:s :tsy . .. *5

                                                    .                           5     e' f              me:t e ;rivel .....                !    125 Fine, saecy stit trace                                                                                                     .
ay, s v e pavet 30 weetum is :sarse sans L **ae Fue, sancy silt. ** ace :tay .


s .es. m ;. ,e:
                                                                                                    .                 ..                   !     .20 f                                                       5                   35         w est    e :: .sarse sacey 'tae l Fine to meet e 1-avel, soae                                                               s sect s y avet L    **ae :s paese saco .                  ..           5                   10
                                                                                                                  ...             ..       5    *25 etre u :sarse sancy. *'ae to                                                         wea1vn to :: arse sano & ne to :: arse pavel . . . .                          5    140
sarse r ive .. . . *0
                                                    .                '.00             Ff ee to seawn gesvel'y 'he Fire to *ecNm ysvel. s:me fine is coarse saec ..                                           ,                   to coarse sand . ......                        10      150
                                                .      5             .05              ,,ectum to :carse sancy 'f ee to Fine to :carse sano 6 '9ee to                                                           secte yivel coarsa ysvel                                                                                                  .... ..               10      150
                           ..         - .              5             *10 Coarse sancy ae to Tects Fue :s :seese sana n ;rivel                    .
                                                    .                .20                 ygve; , , , . , , , . . , .

eue u :: arse gave2 see 5 65 vecte to :: arse sancy 'iae f t ae ta !* arse sacC $ 125 to macigg psvel .... eine u :sarse ysve;. :Ps:? '0

                                                                                                                                         .       .75 fue u =aese sanc                                10 Fine to :: arse saed n 'f ae 125 F'ae .o us-se vssel, seme to meci e revel . . . . . .                       5    130 Fine to :: arse sand, see f*ne u :sarse sane                          .      5             140 Fine .o :carse ; eve'. : rice                                                          fine to ,eet e yevet            . ...             5    '55 Fine to seotun 3 rive:'y fine u usese sarc                                  $             115                 sectwo to :sarse sanc           ... .             5    190 Fue :o c: arse trave'. swe                                                          Fine to : arse sano 5 'f ae
    '*9e    s tec' s sarc                              $             *IO                 to Sectum pavel . .

Fine to meci e sa-cy, ** e

                                                                                                                                  ..       I    195 to :: arse ysee! .

meste to cearse sard. trace 10 160 ftne p svet ..... .. . 5 200 F*ee :o Fine :s :sarse saec, sre [ Fine :3 ca*se grave'. s:"e

    'iae to :ca se s aac .

5 17!

                                                                                         'iee revel       ..             ..          .     !   2"5 Fue is :ca se sara & 'tae t3.

10 Fine to vea*e sarcy stit. c:a se ;-a e1 trace clay . . ... . *0

                                                                                                                                        .      215
                        ...                            5             ISO              s tit, spe ** e is ec t e Ftee to ca-se rivel, trace fine is -e:* e sanc                                                                  sand trace :!ay . ...                             !   2*O
                                .            ..        5             185 etre is :sa se vsve',s:ve w

este to :: arse sano & *ue He u ::a-se saac 10 195 is :sarse vsvel ... 15 225 F1,'e :: ::a*se vivel. trace .

                                                                                      *ecie is :: arse saac. sre f te,e to ::a-se saac                                                                fire is me tum ;ravet           ....              I   240
                                   ..                  5             200              rf ee is sec*um ;Psvei, sore

[ Fue to Sec'we ; rave!Iy. fine to medic saco . Fine sans & stit, trace

                                ..                   15              215 mestum *3 Ocarse sanc Fine :n ,,et., pavel, some
sarse :aes
                                                                                                                         ....              5   2a!

Clay . .......... 5 250

                                                                                                          .........                        5   15*

Fine sanc 5 stlt !?a:t O' Fane :: sestum pavel, see

lay 6 siltstone ::atti qs 034rse sano ....... 5 255
                                          .          la              254              we ctum to *sarse sarcy '?ne Fiae saac L stit. trace                                                                p avel .

clay ......... 5 270

                                                                                                                ........                '.0    255 t ur F'*e sand I stit, telce                                                             gec.g ;n    to :sarie
                                                                                                ;gege  ygvelsarcy
                                                                                                               . . '9ae ,...
Tay & nettae-ed basal: ?. . . 23 298 Fine ps.eity #1 e to :: arse 5 270 Sassit . .. . . .* 10 208 sand . ..... ... 5 275 5 ti:y **me to secte sane.

699 26 10 (3cicer ell *115) t-ace :: y ... . . . I 230 2:ayey sit , rste "u, :s L::st:sa: 126294. 410251 seats saac

    *asug I'evation: !25.79                                                                                  ........

Clayey stit trace 'ine saco . . . 5 135 Air a:tary. :rtiled ny 2ar ea . ate . ells & 5 290 [ logges sy *actoes & Mace ae of 3 clear assectates for it! 0,1981. geslogic investigation Screaole ttee sand, trace stit .. ... eine u ment e sanc trsce stit . . . . . . . ... .. ;0 5 295 205 Fine to soci'te saac ... . ;0 215 wa ter'al (11) F'ne to v c se ;ravelty di re e

                                                "Mes ness 2eot's                         to sect e sans , . .            . ...             5   220 Fine is sectum sano, scene Fiae to medtu's sano . ..                      . 15                      15
                                                                                         *1ae is :: arse vivel Fue to :narse pavel some                                                             F!ae u soci e saco
                                                                                                                         .           . 5   125
                                                                                                                     .. .               10     225 SedfWe to sarse sana                  ...          5                    20        Fine :s :stese sano, some Fine is :: arse sans L 'tae to                                                          fine pave!       .... .. .                            !a0

[ 5

sarse v ivel .... .. *!
                                                     .                      25        Fine to :sarse sane see 'Se wo o'un u esarse sand, see.

fine to :carse gravel . . . to sectum vsvei . . . . 5 245 5 40 Fine to :sarse saac, see Ftne ta coarse sano & *tne ieo*wn :s usrse vivel to coarse ytvel . . . . .

                                                                                                                            . .         10     15!
                                             .      10                      50        Fine is coarse saac, some Fine ta coarsa sancy f'ne

[ to c: arse p avel . . . . . . . . vectum :s :: arse sanc t fine is tec* e psvel ..... 15 25 100 55 fine :n.:sarse pavel eine to :sarse sano Fine to carse pave 11y 'He

                                                                                                                                        ;0 5

265 270 Fine to secte sero : race to tserse sanc . . . . . ... 5 275 eine is :: arse saac, trace ftse vsvel ... . . 10 110 fine y svei [ 280 Fue to cearse sane .. .. . 5

                              .... ..               "O                :20 123 l

1 _ - -____ -_____ _-____. l

RHO-LD-158 81Pe to Osarse grave'ly #iee 'ay ./ syme ylve' . . 10 4:! to :sarse sono . .. ..  ! 085 3aa c ./:?ay & s:*e ;rt.e' 5 af: 311ty "9e to mecie saed . 5 290 stity : lay ./scee vivet  : at: Stity "ae u :: arse saac .  ! 295 lasalt . Is :03 311t. trace 'tae :s :: arse sand 5 :'ay . . 5 a00 599 5 21 ..ct:e* . .en eas, pig to ,er, spy' gy, .sc3:1on: 125*S0; .206:5 12/27.;0R1 sit e , , , , $ 40$ Flae to sarse sano, trace .asus Devat*on: I aE6.{a2~ *" **I'* **"I L ftee gravel . ... .. 5 at: ^]og**u*8'Yady e 5.~,"4 27

                                                                                                                          -' io!:e assac ates 'er Flae to :sarse sano, trace                                                                    C 3. MS.. ;eo'cgte *ans ;att:n silt .         . .. .....                                       5    415
                                                                                             **'"*I' F t ee to meci e s anc                . .  .                         5    420 F i ne :s *ec t Jit sang, same
    'iMe to 9et' e y svei ..                                 .      5    42!                             III     3'                           "'II       IMU
90      3 :carse ;rtveIIf #tae                                                     .!w sana L si.t. Pace to *aese sana .                                                 5    430 Fiae to coarse saac, sye ** *e
                                                                                          8'# F'd,                - -                           3            I 12 : arse ;rgvel          ..... ..                            10      u0              " 'O UI"I IIdI
  • IC"
                                                                                          'S ee s :: arse sa-3                                    $          ;0 F'ne to :saru vivel L "ne                                                           .pg u :sa-se ; nvel                                           !          ;5 to na se sand . ... ....                                        5     445 Fiae to ::ane sanoy "ae ::
                                                                                     -i m u c:a n e ys a '                 *-ace
marse ysvel .. . 5 450 narse sanc . . .  ! 20 I!*e to carse yrsvel.. 15 s55 Dee to coarse ;nvel; nce
'fas ;* ave'                   ..... . .

5 470 :sarse sans L st?t . . 5 25 Fue to :sarse ;*svel's stit 10 AEC ti m *.a -ca' u ; avel t* ace Stit, some ee :s :sarse

a*u sanc .. . ;5 20
     *r          .... ....                                        "3
                                                                  .       490                  IO M8'I' I Af        .5 " *8 U  ^

Sedi# jelvel. IPSCe s' t *5  !!

 $15:avei sy e 9e sane L *ine
                                                                                      .**' '8  ' S ;" ' P/- ""

ysvei tetce :'ay 10 500 Iiit, see ' -e saro. Once

  • m uarse saac. 'nce s -
                                                                                                                                       .           !         Sc e 9e is : arse sacey **ae                     -
?ay . . 25 525 F ' ee u w.* s ancy s ? !:. *W e gn"1 -*3:e 5:  ! 55 tri:e :!ay . ...... ..  ! f30 IW U Pl# * "" M 1 D se san:j se t. :n ce :!ay .. 10 540 ca*se sanc . . 5 70
                                                                                      'fg u *sa-se same, some 5tt:f 'ine sana               .                               . 10      !!O
 $asalt .                 .                    .  ..               53     503             #'" *3  -    Sect e yavel .                              5         ?!

Fiae u Secte invel'y re

                                                                                           *4 = arse sanc .                                        5         30 59g. E.17 ($o:ce* .e'l 851                                                            D et u ::aase vsvel;. : sce
     .scr.t sa : 12643. 17029                                    '2/27 1;c                 "Pe to :carse sara L s:1:                               !         35
ss ag C evatton: u0.a4 *ece sano, trace ::a-se air eta y ::s ;97 *t.; L sua *:ta*y, :r+11ec y tvel 5 10 sy :araan ;* arman .atee . ells t ':cgeo ty *ecte s an:. scme soc *um to Werec-t of Io!ce* asssetates *er mE3:0,  :: arse vivel ;0  ;;0
        '579. geo t:g,c avest:;atten sereno:e
                                                                                      'tae ts :: arse grave'. : rice
cane sano L s 1: .. *0
                                                                                                                                                .           .;0
  • ate **al *hicuress ests F'ae to name saec L '9e u mecte vsve'. : sce s:': *0
                                                                                                                                                .           ;20 de y fue sano                 ..                                     5       5 F'ae :s ame ;rsvel, some sano                                     50        15 F
  • re u veo's s asc !0 55 599 36-27 'Golcee .e t 701 3ravefly saas 5 0 Location: 125913. .'25531 ;2/0".7;;

Secy ;rso' . . . 25 95 Casing !*evat'en: 532.30 d ery 't w to " ne s ano  ! 10c air actary (to ;10 *t.s & %c -etary. :r liec

 $rcy yavei                           . .                          !!      115                by 0arman date* .e'Is % 'Ogge1 sy di'it ea'ng L Iur* ell of 3cicer assoc stes *-r Stity ; rive My :tay                          .                     5    120                                                                      1EICO.

3tity :tay ... . 5 125 ;980. ; eof agte investi;a

  • sn screaoie io ecevery . 5 100 stity :Tay .. . 5 ;35 54 tee al 11) ~'ii eess :ests 5F4y Iayty s1It . . . 5 ".40 stity see .. . 5 145 *ecte to ne saec L :: arse Saecy. "re gravel 40  !!$ gravel. : race stit 5 5 Osarse saray vivel. . . 5 *?O
                                                                           .            Fine :s esame ; ravel see sano, trace s:1:                                                  :D
sarse sanc . .. . 5 195  !!

Ocarse sara ./some yavel . 5 200 f'ne to mecie sanc. tr ace 205 ysvel ;0 40 Coarse sara .is:'t L pavel 5 . .

cane to fiae ysvel ... 50 25 5 !ancy ' ae to :sa se ;*sve3..  ;* 50 11tgn:1y sancy g n ve! $5 2:0 F*ne to :sarse yave t. s:me sano .ssore :!ay .... 5 315 sana . . . .  ! 55
  $tity ::ay L saac                        ...                      !!      370         D ee to esam e ytvel, sere
avey ysvei . .. .  ! 375 sanc trace st . . . 5 50
   $1:ptty ::ayey ysvel                                                2    177         'f re to :carse ytve!. tesce 13      295             sano      . .             . .. .                      30          90 3 ravel                   .              .              ..

sana .e seme ysn' . 5 a00 29ee to coarse saec L ;n ve'. Sane L ::sy .s y ve . . ;5 415 trace stit . . 5 is 124 I

l. L F L RHO-LD-158 r r k rue ts : cane sana, trice , , ,e ., , ec , , y , , , , * . . y , y lveI . s .... 5 100 sanC & st*t ag ag a Fine i3 Ses*e sano,

  • race tw : ,g. ,..,,p*..g,
  • 3 ravel 6 stit . . .  ;*  ;;0 sanc s sis Fine to coarse gravet, so e sed 20 120 3,salg .

y ici Fine to :: arse sand L ysve; . 5 1:1

  'f ae to Sectum sana, trace gravel . ...... . . . .                                    5     ;40                        599-26 467 Fire to c: arse sand n yavel .                         .       5     145                                    6 cat'on: s26195. .a!6;2                                  ;2/25 12=;

Fine to coarse sand & gravet. Casing 11evat'On: 05.25 tr ac e st i t . . . . . . . . . .  ;$ ;50 Fine ts :carse y tvel, s e e sano . wu s,;. d antary. t,r*11ec ey:anv'v

                                                                                                                                                     .ces & tame-            sf

[ Fine to coarse yavel, some sand. trace silt . .... . 10 10 170

                                                                                                                                ,7;r;ung g g re ,g,. yn..p.3,* e , . , , . ,

pv 1966* a* vel : Sec ussano. y fine v ivel see... stit. 20 210

  • ate **at ';' Necess -e, trace :T ay . . . . . . . . 5 2;5  ; ,e & ;ri n ts . .
                                                                                                                                                                          ,          -r

[ Fine sec. see stit 1 ;ravet. trace tiny . . . . . . . . . 5 220 Sace. FavC s L soi e r ey Sano, ysv0 L sy . .n 25 d m. Fine sand, sre silt 4 yevel . 15 225 :sco;es. :od :e-s & ;-sn t. . 37  !!2

   *ine sanc. some silt, trace                                                                    03ccles soul:e s. Pavet. :'ay                                              2    36 0 3rivel               ....                      .           5     240                       0:ay sahc & ; ravel                        .                 .          72      4:2

[ Fine to coarse pavel, soee sano i stit ......... Fine to t: arse gesvel, trice 5 245 tasal 5 :?ay 3asalt touice-s .ic'ay 3rava! L :::otes .ict a<

                                                                                                                                                            .             ;5 3    425 25:

a65 sand & st1: . .. . . . . 50 295 3ravet t ::::les ./**.tte ::ay .; 276 Sandy silty '4M to coarse 3 ravel ::: 'es .ic:sy .3 495 [ gravel . ... Fiee t2 *ect o revel, tri:e stit 5 sana ...... . 15 5 2C0 2;5

ssoies L ;-ave:

lasalt . . 22

                                                                                                                                                                          ;4 2    Ji-g;;

522 Fine to Sec*p yavet, sue stit, trace silt . . . . ;0 225 Sancy stity *19e to meci um 599-26 443 [ gravel . .... rene sano, some stit. trace gravel . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                   !    230 215 Location: 1:5224. 45607 Oasing IIevet :a: **4.56
                                                                                                              %c estary :r ee :y .ces t ya, e, of 12/27 1242 3ravell/ 'ine sand, some sit t                               10     255                                               8*t:3er Or:*ng Organy *:e gy.L, ;966 Fire to secthfs yavel, trace                                                                                          trouncwate* en't:r a ng tersecte

[ sana t sitt ..... .. 511ty *ine sand. trace gravel

    *f re to *ecium ytvel, see
                                                                 ;0 5

265 370

  • ate-*al ;) ?h tek aess Oestm sane & stit ...... 5 375 Sea L gravet . . go pc Fire is nest o vivel, sec.,. . . . Sand 6 v ivel .r 'ay . . ;30 2*0 tand 6 trace stit 30 Sec-ysvel-:t av spe :::sies ;5 ges


                                   .... .                           5                                                                                          .

Sancy 511ty fine to sectum  ::cties t 2cui:e-s ;0 2;g y avel . . . . . . . ....  ! :35 3 ravel :: cotes b ::u!:e-s . 2  ;;7

    'ine to medium sand. snee st1t                          .     *!     200                       :::stes b ::vice s                               .                     40      $st Fine sano, see stit, trace : lay                              .;!    als                       :iay 1 ; ravel & saac                                                  ;5 3ravelty *ine sano, some stit,                                                                  : ay L van 1                           .
                                                                                                                                                 .                 .      ;0      @j 33

[ trace clay . .... Fine to sectum sand, some..t trace clay L gravel si t,

                                                   .   . .        ;0 5

42! a20 0'ay sana L ysvet leu ce-s & ; rive' Soulcers .iciay . .... .

                                                                                                                                                            ..            45 2;
0 43; as2 rine sand, some stit, trace 'ay 35 265 Fine sand. s ee tilt, trace clay & yavel .... . . . . 470 699-36 464

[ 5 F*ne sand, se e sitt, trace clay 5 475  :.scation: 136273. 4!8:3 ;2/25-1 =3 Fine sanc. Some stit. trace Oas'ng !!evatt:n: 7:5.;3 clay 6 gravel ......... 5 ago *ua otary, cr lied my .or1 isucin! &*7ar-e-Stity 'ine 13 medium sano, of 8 ?t:ner 3r*1'4g*y 8:e 3N.i., 1966 trace :Tay .......... 5 445 youne=ater men't:r *g serenote [ fine to :carse see & stit . . . . Fine to :carse sano, tince clay 511ty *ine to coarse sana, 5 5 490 495 water *al ;) *hicaress teotn trace ::ay . .. . . . . ;0 105 Sano 6 ysvel ... .. . 75 5 Siltstone ............ 10 5;! !ano, y ivel & :!sy . .. :05 ge: aana, y ave 1 .iclay [ rine to nea*um sand L stit. some :tay .......... Fine to ::aese sano, trsce tilt 5 5

                                                                          !20 525
                                                                                                                  & *ew ::: ales Soutce-s, : entes 2 *t soul:ees 1 :occles .


                                                                                                                                                                                    ;00 2C5 Fine to coarse sano. trace                                                                       toulcers t :::s:es
                                                                                                                                                                ..            5 y svel . ..........                                       15      540                                                                    .             ,,          $3      :53 Fim :s sectwa gravei. trace                                                                      I'"8* F8"I C'87                           *.....                   28       *S2 see L stit .... ... .                                       5    545 FW :n Seattan ysvel, some sars, trace siit: L silistsee                                     5     550 Fiae saro, s:se sitt. trace
!ay L gesvel 20 170

[ 125 [ _ ---

1 RH0-LD-158 $39 36 463

  .2 cation: 4463;3, .4!!!9                            '.2/25 12=4
                                                                               .:aese S arc same                                                  .

3, j, I 4s199 !!evit':n: *04.23 . sam e sans

  *uo etary, :r 1:ec sy .oet, .:ucan t 6 f ar e*                               #iae sanc of 8'tese- 3r s'iag : orc aay 'se 3*. 1956.                             Sand i sitt 0,
                                                                                                                                                         .q younewater wentt:riag screacte                                                                                                 *
                                                                               ,30      " #2 . .
                                                                                  'ne sana                        . .                          2s 3      **45 water'al ;1)                       *v esness Oests               N ee sanc & one -: cote .                                          5      i,fj 5 tit . ..                                .  ..                    5      ...

Sano t pavel .. ... 15 Mars silt ./ sand 5 Sand & gravel ./ fem :: coles 30 Sano L ; ravel

                                                         !!         30         Sanc & silt . . .

3'1t L re sard

                                                                                                                                               ,0 t
                                                                                                                                               .0        r2 Sano 1 ysvel ./:1ay .
                                       . . .             45         ~5
                                                                                  ,                                                                      y  3
coles L souteers 225 5

200 20 5

                                                                      stresas Fine 9 ravel 5
                                                                                                                                                         .g so ucars        ..

312 Silt . 5 g; t t :Iny 20 ...

                                                                               .Si: 6 saac                     . .                             *0
                                                                                                                                                .        I25 699 36.J1A                                                                      5'It 5 :'ay                                                     10        US Locatten: 1?6265, w6C7:4
ss:ng I*evat on: 748..;

12/25 9L- M ay & sil

                                                                             . 5ftt & c'ay 5

5 g j Canle tool, *11ec ey tow of 250! *:r ~4 . jar 1 s*naus sanc & c,ay Zy: Comoany, ;748. grounc. ate

  • somit:r'eg asna 1 o ay . . . .l
                                                                                                                                                         ;n. .

ceremote Sano t stit . 5 . Sand b :!ay 20 E Mate *'al (11 *h caress Oe:tn Sec & silt . . I St1t n :'aY . 15 h. . . S t a= s ee .. 5 5 ,lee vsve: ,$

                                                                                                                                                         ;,g' '

Sanc & sasait esve' . . ;5 23 , ay a vani. 5asalt y avel l 3;sc4 andl .... - 10

   & .ntte sand. 1 au:              ..                     7        ::         **sec ;rsvel 6 !ay                                     .
                                                                                                                                               ,5        Q:n 34 salt sand L muc           ..      ..                   15         45         Sanc                                                            .0 3,,.

Stac L .ntte sane. 6 muc . 05 20 F ' ae s aac . . $ ... It aca L . nite sand, 0:: les . 5, L tots cf mua ...... 233 AC *20

                                                                  .             lano k -!sy S t acu & .n t te s arc, mu d & :? ay .

31acs 5 . nite sanc. s. mall 30 200 Ye1*o :!ay . 6. 10 't. 81 319e clay . . . .  ?! 82f yavel, sua & :!ay . . . 5 205 51acu sane L : lay 5 "O 31aca L . nite sano. 3:acs sano . . 3 148 fess sua L clay . ... 5 213 3 be c?ay 12 4E 31act & . nite sano, . 4e recari .. . .. 10 a70 more sua L : lay .. . ... 15 225 514e :!ay. t ysvel. 25 ait liack & . nite sand, Marc, :e-eates :ssait ;ravei some roca. Sud & clay . . I 220 ./titt;e : lay . . . ".3 50 5 31aca L .ntte sana, sue & clay . 1 238 Caaeetec psvei; ':r-atten Fire slact & .aite saine as a:ove nisate sana, n tess mue . . 7 245 olue ::ay . . 15 820 Ffne 31aca L .ntte sand. Fine saac . . 5  !!! 1 9ere Mud . ...... . 15 250 3a ,, cars . . . . .. 5 530 Fine ent te saed. 'ots 3f Sue, . art 3 acted ;*svel . 10 340

   & trace 3f 31act sand .. ..                            30      290           Wars :tagetec ysvel                                ..               I      545 Flee .ntte sana,                                                                 lasait ecca .
                                                                                                                                   .             .5        560 t tn ica :'sy sua . . . . . . . .                       5     300           *ar:e* :asalt                                  .                    5      553 F'ne nita sano. E iots Of wue.
    & trs:e sf slaca sand               . ..              24      32 4              .

4eatum geswel 599 36 93 L c: arse ette sano . .  ; 225 ,3catton: 121 !.9"1 3rsvel, sanc 1 sitt . 44 369 Casinq I'evation: Small *ects 0'0 i' "08 I ' " ** 8? 644.?"'"*" ** , * sana L nud v ivel . . 1 37c Janse Or

  • M ag :s-s any 'y as. .mac""asy. .

3 rive) L . nite sano .. 13 333 1962. younc=a:e- semit: ring sorteoie 3 rivet.' ice s :: arse-all

31ers & sanc.f'ne to ,,,,,,,; 7..
                                                                                                               '-                       *h caness Oe t' Coarse Slact L .ntte                . ..                7      290 3ry *,a1 fine s,.        ,

Silt & #4me sand , . . . 20 2I 699 36 613 Stit & 'tae saac, more L ocat *:n: 136463. 6C685 12/25 9L2 sano an s11: , 3, 04 sing I'evat* on: 749.25 Brown saac . Cacie tsol. gr 11ec :y lacn af f aen *rs'ltag Sit 5 b

omeaay 'or 3Z Jr' easy,1359, ;rownewate, Saact & ./maisun,,;,;e.
                                                                                             ;-svei. .... 5 . *n.                        .        ' .. '      50 man:t:riag 3cremole                                                       I"0"" II  I AN ysvel *3 2 3 'n.                          . .               ,0          D watee al 'll                       'htekeets *ec t3               Sana 1 y svei : 3 in.                         . .               .10         20 s
                                                                                  *ulti-c:icnc samey s;. ,,.y S anc . . . .               . . ...                      ;0          10              c!ay u seo .,ysvel                                  .          5        55 sine v ivel ...                                          25         35           40 *e :rc :WC *as sarciec..                             .          5        ?0 F+,e pavel ; sit t;             ..            ..            5        40 126 I:

I l 1 l l RHO-LD-158 I 4-5 +9 sf sans *n tott:m cart ;rty sCty :!sy; s*t of ::rt sar-t1 se:une I art ;rs, s :j i: :;; <: . 4;3 't.. :rown sano & :rcis ;oce  ! 2.!

       ;-twei ao : 49                            . . 20      1M         <ars :eec te: ;,sve , 33:

leewn stity 5 saacy -tay  ! US 9 s.: -aye st 413 * . .  ! 420

   !aecy -?ay n 3-svei                                                      3tt: y 3;,e : ay ,;esvet                    !  22!

Jo 13 a in. . .. . . . . 5 120 glyg g gr9,q ;?gy 437 I

                                                                                                             ,          3 3 Fay sanc & ;Pavel t31            '9         . .       5     125        3rlveI. O re*te: ;*tvel                     ?  422
   $ malt ; ravel & art =n saed . . .                      5     !30        Silt & sana         . . .                   3  225
   !Jarse ;rty sand, sa'e ;-svel                            !    1;!        Cat *1Pgs 4 e 9ulti-Calore:.

H: some 'ar;e :::o'es 'n gesy vestly sare ;esy. -at <e y sanc it 135-1 0 *: . . . . 5 140 f'"e; :rt11s % e a s:!'s I P ee srown sarc . . . . 10  !! tate *al, sut mot :enttely 4 .t;nt stit. sanc. ; ravel a sasa;t 7 442 L :::Sle-core tarvel itt ,ay

                                                                              .                             .          1  443 a Scu;ce at *.54 8:                                 5    ;!!        Catt'9;s see a 9ui*t-c:1:re:.
    !!'t. sare. t ; rivet ao to                                                 Tst*y fa t
                                                                                ** e; :r l's;rsv.      :.tsabe
                                                                                                            <ery 3 4 *n. . scene ::re sar-el                                                           Ne a scout 155    't.    ... . .                         !    !!O
  • ate ai sut act
    !and t gravei 3 5 in.           .                       5    ;!!            :e'intte'y sasa!:                  . 5  44 9 Sana L ; rivet so to a tn.                              5    170      ' Stue stity :tay                            ;  450 Silt, sano ; avel 6 sre                                               . Gray sitty : ay                          ;a   364 C3CBles                            .                5    17!        'aray . . . .                          . I  15!
    "emeatec P3 vel..      .....                 .          !    130        Stity s:tesy ::ay is:ee Sanc ;*sv;el. 'em :::etes              .             *0      190            ; rive?                              *0
                                                                                                                     . 4?!

Sano t genvel .!  ;;5 No ecces ..  ! 220 to -e :es . . 5  :^0 St'ety silty :!ay 5 435 i'It. saac L ; avel. 3rty sitcay s'lty :'ay  ? 4;0 s:me :e+e-*e: . 5 205 liae saac -:cx :r ::ay. fa'r*y sa-: :eaeates ;rsvel. .  ! 2:0 9ars t afe- 1 4;1

    .:cse stit, s.rc. & resti                             *0
                                                          .      200        9a-: 3 he ;ete9 saac.
    **i-tie:reatedsdt.                                                          :rtliec ?'<e sanc -oce               *!
                                                                                                                     .    !C6 saec. 6 ;rsvet ..                                    !    225       !?ac< saac .              .                4  I;;
    '.';at :r:wn :t-eateo                                                   3 ? a:a sa-c & :'.e :? ay                  5  !!!

I ;rsve'. 9cet stee 9; *

                                                                            . ;9t       e-r :* sf .isre ;r t         ;!   !;0 Pata*'ai tMan :e#       3  e...                      5   220        f e ' I JW "I4y ':e:syec -ecs L
    *atr?y *ard :reatec ; ravel                           10      240           ;rsve'; :'ay s se y stt:<y             5  52!

Creates ; rave? .. . 10 250 3 ray sara. city . . .  ! $40 Createc gravel; *cmaticas 3 ray sanc. 11tt'e stit .  ! !45 9 ave mars !aye-s . I

                                                  .          5    255       io rec:rt. ors:a::j is secve               2  547
    .rentes ; ravel             .                     . 25      290       !aec. *ect; s:r'et9 t ag mar:

io ee:Or: ......... . 3 I32 4E I4I #ta - . 3  !!) 4t* acie in #3matien, s'icws 3rty sand er;*3vei 6 :ssait Ro !"C'etse :r ec? east '9 cut:*ngs; Icot ' 4 e *asalt

        . ate- statte .                     .                A    237           cutt'ng mac at; sy saso.
e ertes ;rivel . . 18 225 3r* tis are emewsm 5 !55
    .:ose st!!. saec & genvei                                5    3!O       Cereatec ; sve'                 .        25   530 femeated gravel                        .             40      310       fr =n st'ty :'ay                .          !  !!!
     .i;nt ;rsy ::ay         ...                             2    292       Stity ::ay .is c e ;-svel                  !  5'e r

3rsy :tay ./;esvel . . . . 3 :95 Stity sancy :'ay ;0 50 0

c:! ray :t ay: Lrilling e; 94r1 t ar;e .  ! 200
     ;.f;nt ;-ay c!ay same ;rsvel                             5   405
     .t;nt ;rty sticty. stit' t 'e=

gravel & : scale; ist -esi st czy :Tay at 408 *t.. sett:y i tou;9 to :rtil 5 410 I 1 I 127

RH0-LD-158 tro- sanc 5 c1t 5 5:s 599.:7.4 ::c!:e. .e .;;;, 3 m n saec . - - I 513 *.? Sanc. oca; te as ' q.t. .ac

                                                        ;3g.a; t' gon.:

n 02 343,3 sasal at 612 't. . 3 513 air -eta *y. is *C* 8: : & stamoao ::*'ng. Sanc, roca; r*'!s ,as :rit t ec sy 4 an .4* e* ae'* s L 3f spicec mad is nasalt 2 515 3r'Ittag :p oeny & ':gges my *ac eco i . Silty sancy clay .. . 5 520 Baecf sf icise- assoc stes 'ar ME*C3, '.191 3rc=n sand, some :ea ;-avel . 5 625 loci:g c 'avestigattan sc eacle 3rown sanc. sp e 3rivei, gravel *siety *

  • c.s , ...
                                       ;$  gao                       =st ;;;:                       y e,n,53 ;,3 g,,

Irown sane t ; rivet, same silt . 5 545 3ec*a si' t sarc. ;* ve t. st ay 5 550 **ae sano . . . 5  ! Sane L stit, gesvel . .. 5 5!5 F'ae to :: arse gesve' sre Sanc. stit, clay 5 ;rs,et;  :: arse saac ... 20  :!

 , ' arc & sof t s: enns         .   . 10  665      *ec e to :: arse saac L ' ire dra.e / Si *y sanc                                     :: :: arse ; rive; . . . ,                     .     ;g       35
can aaet y : wart:. Sect.m :: :sa se saac, spe scae 'i:a) . . 5 570 ** e ;0 :5 Scre 3* ve' sanc. w ec u .t:3 ::3ars, arse sa,q,
                                                                              ;rsve!sye                .

3Wa** E 19Ca . ... 13 84 0 84*e irIve $ iC S ticsy *ece'sn 3rown silt, weets is :: arse saa:. sye sane t ; ravel .. . . 6 68 5 ' fat is *ec' s ;eavel .. 5  !! Slacx 'Jasai t. sarc 'sr==at sn . ;a 700 *ecte to :: arse saac & ** ee to :: arse ;ravei . 5 50 Fiae *: ::a-se ;*svel. sre

aese saac . 5 55 F'ae *: .: *se ;-evel. en:e
                                                        't e sa.c                                             !        *:

F'ae is :: arse gravel, see

                                                       'ine saec .                                            5         5 F'ae saac 5 "ee to :: arse
                                                       ;rsve'                         ~                       $       to
                                                    -e     is ::a*se ;r evel . sre
                                                       ' ire ii-:                           . .               5       a5 7'ae is : arse ; svei                                    ;0       95 F'ne :: :: arse ; ravel, s me diae saae . . .                      . . .             !      ;*0 F'ne sana L '"e            is :aase grave'          .             ...           ..        7      ;o7
                                                    *ecie is :carse ; rave'                       .

g 5 44N :e:s:e ::eg1 re-ste 27  !"!2 Sitty sancstone . . . 20 ;33 Fine *.3 Sec1 # saPos*3Pe . 3 ;36

                                                    $ t t y "ee :s sec.e sapest:ee                 .                    .      ;      ;37 Fine is see's sasey st ' ts tsee                        . .               2      ;39 7'ae is sec* e sanest:ee                                  !      .94 F'ae to weciam sancy 511tst:ee                 .         .                 ;      ;g5
                                                    ne to 9ecie saacst:re                            .      3      ;98 U Pe t3 *e tum sancy siltst3ee                 . ..                        A      202 F'ae :s secte sanastsee                                   2       04 S tity ' tee :a ecie sancst:pe       . . ,                       .         .      20 5 F' ne :: Sect e sancy si t tst:ee                   .                       2      00 7 F+ae to mesie teacstsae                                   1      208 i                                                    'ine is mec* e sancy

[ st!!st:ne . . . . . 3 21;

                                                    .*e sarcy, c!ayey silts::ae                   .        23      2**

Basal: 45  :*? It l l l l l l l 128

i l L, F L r RHO-LD-158 Ls

    $99-27-;5 '3ctee . ell #151                                                 :: arse is     '4 e saco L st * *. so e                                    ,
       'scation: 5:63;;. 4:5491
       .                                                   ;2/27-11C                Irsvel. :-sce :? ay . .                            .                    .    .-.

Casing Elevat*on: 420.28  :: arse *c **ne saa: 6

                                                                                    ;esvel & :!af; & s ,si                :.
  • race ,

Air *otary ' to ;45 *: , & su e *::ary :, 'tes ts::q .5 ,2,. F sy *arman date .eit s 6 'c;;es sv '.acrec9t & ' **ct e *3 *i*e sP c 4 s' *. :' ace , , I inv0 L r ay; 5 sd'st:M 6,, L astheaia1 3' kise- asssc*ates 'or it! O. . -

          ;S80. tecicg+c 'nvesti;at'en 3eremote                                   can e u ne saa: L st * . ** ice grave! & :!ay; i sdtst:*e                                          ,,        ,,,

w a ter .i ;11) *hterness *estm Ocarse to ne sano 6 st it, s:me

                                                                                    ; ravel, trsce : ay; &
                                                                          !                                                                                  !   27 S,tity r ne pavel   sano . . .... . .

10 5 15 siltst:ee . . . .. . Ocarse to '%e sanc 1:me tilt. 3 rave r ty 'ine ta mecie sand . 10 25

  • race ;nvC; 1 se n :re ,5
                                                                                                                                                       .         59, Fire n secgi gra,e1                         .             5         2c      Osarse is ** re saac L 1'ecte to Sancy           is wee A ;*svet                           5         25          'i w ;-ave j *, s:*e si ' *, ** ace r i , ,ne
a gy sg , a s.)  :!ay; & 3 .uae . .
                                                                                                                                                       .0        ,,,

Sancy ** ne ; rave' .. 5 45 Ocaese : ae sa c & 'esie is lancy *iae ta secte gravel 5 50 **ee ;esvei 6 :es:e sG :st:ee  !!

                                                                                                                                                                 .6s, 1 ravel. 9iner sana L st's               .                5         $$      :: arse 's **ae sanc & gravC L Saecy ae is secM ; ravel                        .     ;5          70          trace silts: ae                  . ..              .               50        220 3rsve11y ae to *ecie saac                             15         35       Sasalt                                      .                          ..        420 3ancy **me is sec'.m 1 svel                    .          5         30 3ravelly "ine to sect e sano                      .       5         95      599-37-2: IGctee                .e"        f!3; Sancy ftse *: sedie ;-avel                  .           10       105            .:ca: :r $27:37 2M6a                                           ;;/27131 3rsvelty ,ectus sana .                                           .10                                                75,Z1
ayey stit estrace sana - . 15 125 *ast y Cevat c.n:

I atr :tyy, :r 'ec ey 4 man .a:er .e"s & Jraveity :!syer stit 15 lac l so e: very  ! ;a5

                                                                                           ;;e: :f 3.r ,?               :* khe* ass:c stes
    'e1* e t3 ** *e ;*avei .                                                             #:r 4E!O. ;380 ;eo'c;': nvesti;s :a I
                                        .                   15       ;5:
ortae:e carse ts ae ; svei .. .  !  !!5 Sacay :: arse :s ae ; ravel 5 170 v it e.. i t ;n men ne ss ge:--
*carse is "t ae trave! .. 5 175 l *
  • re s aec. sre s : : 1 I

meet m : .:ane ;-sve' .

    $99-37-26 ( h t:e= .e t ' da?'                                                   scme .::e:es                                                             $


                                                                                                                                                                       $             j
       . cat *an: 126!:8, .:5337                           12/ 7- P1            ne u :: arse ; sv0, so+e
        *ast eg I'evat*:a: !42.37                                                    ae u :: arse sa-o                                                 ;0 l       Air -otary 'to "05     .    't.; L sue stary, ar*17ec                                                                                                         if l           ny Carmian dater sells & 'ogaec sy ddheen9 rire a ::vs. ; svp                                   ,                        $      n F'ee :o ::a-se 3rsve'. some I           sf kicer assectates *:e idCQ. ;980 gestogic investiga:1on toreaoie
  • ster
  • al !!!) *%ica ess es tat fine to :ssete sano .
                                                                                 at to :: arse saa: 1  e to sea e ;-avel rise = ,,c3s ;.3,p,sy,
                                                                                                                                                        '. 5
                                                                                                                                                                     ;5 20
    'ec t e    *.0 #*ie saed, sF e stit . .

f!Pe :3 *10 se saF4 . 5 45

    'e31e t0 'fae sard. *rsCe stit 5           5 f tee u Sant SEC                                                              5     i:
                                                       . 15          20       F'ne to :: arse sanc. :-sce
sarse :: ** ne gravel, swa **.e g.s,e: g s.:t . .. 5  !!

sara. trace s11: . . .  ! 25 ca re :a m v ; rave

  • y # e, l *saese *o re sano, sone u :sarse s e e .. . ,

l trave!, trace sti 5 50

                                     .. ...                   5         20 sarse :s fiae 3*svel, some                                                 eine .s c:a se ses 6 'iee :s.
carse saac .. . . 5 55 sand. tesCe s1It . .. . . . 5 25  :*gege ;.gvgi, sCne 04ane 3 ae sard & ;Pavel, rice's.e:3 2 ..gege sang g tr Ce sitt . ... 5 40 Flee tg ::ges, gang, ;rg:e
                                                                                                                              , , ,                                  73 04a*1e *o ne sand. trace                                                       ne irsvel 1 ravel % stil .........                                        45
                                                                                                            . ..                        .                     5      ?!

5 Ffne g :ggege ; gvet, s:pe Ocarse : ee sand & 3rsvel,

  • sce sti: 30  !$

fine u :: arse sasc.

    *aarse to ae saac, some                                                       trice 5. i t .                    ..                                      $      3 eine in :carse saecy. <* ne gravel trace s*?t. . .                                5         50           to :: arse ; ravel tesce
    'sarse :s ** ae 3rsve' . trace I        sano 6 sit t ....                                   ;0                                                                    ..                           5
                                             .. .                       90       sea t, .si t t::.oarse
                                                                                                    . sars.                                                          !!

Ocarse to 'ine sand & genvet, fece in czarse grave', tnce sitt . . . 5 95 r see 3f st a : g ye Coane te ** ae ; ravel trace.. Fine u w wn gesve v, saco L silt . . . . ;0 105 mNs :: usese saa'a 5 18

arse to at gravel
                                          .....             15        130        Fiae D *24rse ;*sve ??y.
arse is ne ;rsvel. :nce secu u : arse san:  ! *:

sitt & sana . . ...

                                                                      ;55                                                                                         .
                                                    . .        5 F'ee u ::a-se sana n ae 044rse to '? ae 3rsvel, sore                                                       n centum gravel, sana L sitt. :nce : ay                              25        190 Ocarse is **ae sano, some stit.

ince stit  ! *08 Fine *s ::a-se saac. *rses

  • tet .? ay & gesvel ... . !O IOO #9ae 3rsvel .
                                                                                                                                                               !  .0
     *ca rs e :s *
  • ne s ame 6 s t i t, time u ::a-se saac nme trece :!ay L 1rsvel .. 5 MS :s m'i.m ;nvel, l 4 arse is ***e sand % 3eavel. :PsCe :# s1I t I see st?:. se ::ay . . . . 10 215 129 I

i i 1 1 RH0-LD-158 , 599 37.I! '3clee- dell a75: Sanc. silt & small & :: arse

   .ccatten 137:05. 2a45;                                   '.2 ' 27. '.0F ;             ;rsvei .               . . .                   .         2      255 Castag !!avat:en: 501.27                                                          :sarse sanc.           **tle st't .                         ::      275 Air -otary :r Meo :y lamaa date .e'Is t                                           *aarse sano i ysve: . .                                      !       !C
        'oggeo :y 4*sio 2f 3oice- ass:cta:es                                         ne sanc.c: arse ravel                                      5      225 for 9E 00.1980. ;esteg*c tavestigat en                                       SIue !ay                           .                        10     295 soreao;e                                                                     Sano & pave'               .        .                        5      300 Sanc.very ttie rivei                            .          5      205 Sate- al Illi                           *h*:aness :esta               50% sano 50% vavel                          ...             10     :15 Sand L small & carse ; rave'                         .      23      229

'I ne s ar,c & s il t. sor e f' ae 31se clay .. . 17 35 5

                               ..                              5              5      fro =n clay . ..                       .             .      20     375 rice to meetum

ave' ** e Stue c?ay ... . . 5 220 tc :carse pavel . . ;0 15 !and. silt & clay . . . 5 225 t+et *c :: arse psvel, sc=e Blact sana on ; ravel 15 400

    '"e to ::aese sarc                                         !              20     3rsy :tay .. .                                               5     205

'*ee o :: arse vive' trace U ;9t 3rny clay .. .... 15 420

    ** ae to :ca*se sarc                            ..         5              25     3r:=n c!ay . . .                                     .       5     825 r i o, = : a,3, yes,,; . trice                                                       Sanc & yavel               ..                  .             3     433
arse to 'ue saco 10 35 Sanc. h ttle ;rsvel . . . 2 225 I*ae u c33-se ysvel, trace Sano, yavel & coles . . . . 10 a45
arse to rise saco L si't  ! 40 Sanc. silt, lit. e ; ravel &

Ocarse sano, same ** e vivei 5 45  ::: ales . .. ....... 5 450

'ine te :: arse sanc                                           5              50     Sanc. stit, y avel, conotes &

Fine to esarse sano, tra *  : lay . . . . . . . 5 455 si' t . . 5 55 !anc. stit, ysvel. 34541t & Fue u ecarse sano, t sce . . 5 46 3

carse yevel . 5 50 c: coles Sanc. y tvel L..:: 33ies . . . 5 a65 re., y :33r3, gang, :ccoles, F avel, sanc 1 tilt 5 470 some 't as yavel ;0 !a Gray ciay . . . .., 10 130 Fine is :: arse sano, t-sce 00 arse grave' L sa-s . 7 187 81st ylvel . ... 5 *5 $ravei, sang L :!ay , 3 193 rer, .e :carse s ane t **re u
           .                                                                         &ravet, saac L p t                                           5     500
carse pavel .. *!
                                                             .                 10    3 ravel, sano L :asa;t             .                         9     500 r . -e .3 .sarse sancy.
  • tee lasalt . 3 $;;

ts :: arse ; ravel, trace stlt . '.0 *0C

  • ec t s : :narse sanc . 5 .'.05 599 37 424 Fiae to :carse ; rave:ty. *eowm 'ocation: 137*13. wa1983
                                                                                        .                                                      12/05 11F; ts :24*se sarc.                                                                   Casing !!evatten: 525.75 trsee sit t                                                ;0          115         Caole tool, :r.11eo :y *c crate t 5.a'n :#
 *ecv o :sarse saro L..                                                                     Nat:9    Or +1 t',ag ::ec any *:e LE ::mcaay 1960
     '*ae u c: arse pave 3                                                                  Founcwatae oniter ag :eetacle tesce st1t                    ....                .       ;0          ;25 wec*e u :: arse sincy. **ne                                                                           wa te** al '1)                     *h':t aes s *ests to esarse yavet, trace pit                     ..                             5         120     t're trewn sans t st!t .                          ,          $         $

weau = :sarse sancy. 'ine Osarse- now some p avels u :: arse ;rivel 5 ;35 (1% +1 san! . $ ;0

                                                                                     ;carse saac & neavy yivei 599 37.*3                                                                              ;4 *n. m.2)          .         . ,               ,     ;0        g3
      .ocat on: 137063. 4287a                                 12/25 1241             :sarse sono L " e ysvel                           ..         2       22 Casing (*evation: 590.;7                                                       Oca-se sana L :::otes                      .                 2       2a
aste teol. :rit tes :y lent: of L *:e sg F'ne 3rown sard a stit 7; 15 "creany 1955. younevatee ionitoring 3 ravel .. . .. 7 102 screacte Caarse sana L pavel. ,1 'n. man) . 13  ;;5 Ocarse sanc & ; ravel 44te** al (1) *hittness foti 's Ianl'"I .. ... . 5 120 desvy revel L ,::co l es . . . . .  ! 125 rene sano . .... 10 ;0 Sano & Pavit cameatec sate"al Itaca same L some yavel . .. 10 20 sm a l l e* .' ...  ! 10 51aca sett . . . . . . . . 10 20 amentes sana 6 yavel . . . 2 122 31aca sana 'tttle pavei . 10 40 Sanc. s1!! L pavel ; in. Sam 5 *40 Fine 31aca sano . , . . 20 50 Sanc. slit & 3rsvel. . 'n. was.

F*ne sana titt!e stit .. 70 120 y avel *'ean 'n streams .. . ;a; 7!t sane 211 st1t .. . 15 ;ag Sape, stit L ; ravels .; ,. 9an) 29  ;*C 51 act sana . . . . . .. .. 5 '.5 0 Iand 4 Psv'Is */clar strelas;

   ?!1 sano 251 s11:         . .. . ..                            20          170        sof t seevn -!ay; 5 *n. 2 't.

SC5 sanc 50s stit .. . 10 ;so 13 ' 081 ** :" *n *'Jnn/ sand sano 6 stit .. . .. ;0 190 streaus 'mostif :tayt 5 17' Streams :f scft ar =n :tay . Caarse vsvel . . .. ... 5 195

n. 2 ft. taten; :: reams 3ravei & :: coles . . . . . . ..  ?! 2:0 5 loulce-s & ;esvel . .. .. 20 240 'in' 3"c*n *Jeny same; mors Fine st aca sano . . ...... 5 2a5 L t arter Psveis nc= . 5 ;30 F*ae slaca sanc & ::arte sano . 10 255 00 coles & v avel . . . ... 3 253 130 I

I L t y RH040-158 l t land. 5 20!

       .. ,&  , ,.n1-sve? c a,e/c'ay 5 . .. stre,a.ns;
                                            ,.                                         ,40 . n. *ec:rs.

s ~ &utwa sarciec ~ ,s.e.,. .. 5 2= otes; streams 2f *1ne orown *nnt. Cay; s*nans sanc & eunning sano . . . . ;0  ;?0 s'?t . . ............ 10 220

  'ine sano L 3 rave! . . . . . .                       .       5       19?            $*nass sf *tay & c'een sand . .                                                                                          ;0        230 fine sano & 3envet !aart) ...                                 5       2^0            No *ec:rs. sut samoled                                                                                        ..         ;0        !a0 O ne unny sand L 3envel 'l tn.                                                       jravet        t: 2                            's.. c:;.e                              ean same ...

r sano. 10 250

       ,,,                                                              ,.             . n n i to .                                       n..

in ,3sini: : : : : : *: : : : * ,, 5 Hi c=*r5'" suo . . . .... m 270 Dne trewn sano t gravel . . . . . 2 227 NN saec & smaU ;nul. 305 ( O ne teown sans & ses gravel 13 3 in. . ....

   $treams af ve*y sardy :'ay.
                                                    ..          3       220
                                                                                            "8 *
  • I'"8 I I""I Sanc&inve!,2in.maal
                                                                                                                                                                                                     **           5 0

275 2!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ...             5       290 I3                                                                                    '#

fine,* 3, crown Sand L ; ravel to

                                                             *            ,a San
                                                                                           *"?. ean
                                                                                            .             s                  "an"o                     'I"*". . .        '      .'                                5      295
                                                                                      ;;,o,5, ,g n,                          g vel 4y;; i,"3y,

(- 'yme see & small gravel . . re saro L 1 ravels . ...... ne sano & 3 rave's as to ,. *n. 23 5 ta5 252 275

,,n ,pe g g; rig;, ., s .n. ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,     {'O 5

y'2' 345 e re san & inni . . . . . . . . u 25

                                                                                     -                                                   5""' $i                                     "'* "r
,,1" e , ";"', ,; ;53,;,;i:,;1;*
  • 5=a i int & wan innis 14not er no=; sano, stit & small
                                                 ...            3       291
                                                                                                                                                                                                        -      1a
  • rave 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . *"* L

[ , 3anc. sdt & small gravel .. 15 3 294 310



                                                                                      $,34,,,tgg1,;,;,.* * * **
  • si t t3 " *" l * * * * * * * *"58 ' '


   !and L small ; revel . .. ...                             10         320
                                                                                                                                                                                    . .          ...           36            5 Sano & silty smalt gravet ts                                                       !n=n saNy L ay ,                                                                         .             .                   5       400 to                                                  5       328-
                                                                                      *"'#       't*#                       **                                                               ****              10        810 Sa'eL'stityimitiit' vet'to        a                                                jesy:!aysti:wy                                                                                                    .        I       815

[ 1 in.' sancier now .. . Sano & stity small grsvel to 2 223 . n y d ay. n'y

                                                                                           *ct s g
                                                                                                                                                            *a"                     ;'sy 90m.
                                                                                                     . ays/.
                                                                                                                                                                              .              ..                ,5        220 1 in. ........ ..                                    l'         34!                                                             .                                                                      .0        42c Sa9e & smal! y'avel . ..
  • 252 "I * * - * *** * ** I Sano & sitt L small gasveis *O 282 8"I I; Y * ***

II 13 "I3 3 acs t1.e saac L Samo.,stIt

        .    , . ..... & smalt 3rsvels t3.
                                                             .          S o.
                                                                                     .IIwe,st'              sy C,8?

ay s

                                                                                                                                                                                                               . ,I S*$
aase 3rc=n sand . . ... 2 a00


'ay ./sano . . .. .. 15 415 51se. *an , s m af d ay . 5 185 IIwe d ay . ... .. ... 25 440 ]o
  • ec en sut s a-o t o . . . . . t 5 490
                                                                                     .ses ;reen, sticay maro. :!ay .                                                                                           ,0

[ 599 37-429 Smal! Invel, saec L Cay Lar;e ;ravet, see L :?ay ....

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ;0 15 500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         !Z 525 3 cation- 137000             !?99                 12.'2!-1172                                        I'" '

3.asing !!evat'en: $ 6.,7 ""f.* ac*tsano 5 ;r'svets .I". 88"8'. . . 5 !4C

        *aale tool. 3rdled 3y datcn & *c0ena?1 of                                     Saas                    tilt,: 1 tore sana L W e5si.

[ det:3 *rdliag Oc cany der 32 hacey.1960 grounowate- test see*ng ,and

                                                                                       .          L sC t . . .                                                                               ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ..         10 5

Cearse sana L s:it . ... .. 5 56 0 "atert al (1) *%9 Caress Oesta Sara & sd t & c?ay . . 5 565 Sano & :tay . . . .. 5 570 to ate:re out saa'cie2 [ !and & sd t ..... .....

    *sarse sand L sitt . . . .

Coarse gravel ts 4 in, eteen . . . 5 I 5 10 5 garLsanc .

                                                                                      ..ay ./sare & g n n i.

10 5 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         !;0 15 lear gravel, snail to a 99                     ..          5         20         {'ay. 88                   . . .                                                              . .          ...             5       535 3eo & st1t ....... ..                                     45            5!         ;;es"e      san"8                                                                             . .                          5       500
   !and L silt If*ner? .......                                10                       .a                      o.
  • art er 03 ' or . . . . 605

[ 73 5 Osmentes sand & sd t . . . 20 95 3asalt .. .. . 22 527 t ron en ravel. J & 4 in. .  ! 100 3rsvei st1t .. . ....... 2 102 3rnwel. sand 6 sitt ao to 4 in. 11 113 59,9-q20 3 ravel, sano & su t to 4 in.. g3 cat g ,2/2f ,.., M [  :: cole grant . . . ..... Gravel, sand L $11t large;

        ,,,,o e gesve . . .. ....

7 120

                                                                                            .asing ..evation:

Mr *: tan. :r*Deo sy a fog;eo my. ' eoge-wooo *cua ce"Mso :peany n2r AAFCO 1976 ;rouao. 636 01ean ; svel so to 2 in. . 9 *20

                                                                                               "'t'-                  **' - C"*"9 3rnwel ./sano. silt .. ....                               15         145 watee at

[ Gravel ssano. sitt; sere sut . . to rec:re sut samoleo . . . . . .

conies. 2nver, c an e una i 10 5


                                                                         ;50 n,nd;'y.; p g                                                                                   -
                                                                                                                                                                                                        .at:aress tj e:t3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .j int....... sd e & c ay, itn au ><. .

                                        ...                   ,0
                                                               .         170          n , ., ,,,, , , ,, ,,,;,. : :
                                                                                            .n"     ,                                                                                                          ,,          ,s a ay s ,ocs.
    !anc. St,. ,. t c..sysana.. .

3 a



                                                                                       ,'9e suo D% se e L sti* *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 !         .0 eeal naro. clean gravel . .                  ...               I     1'7 8'                                                    ,**e
                                                                                                                                                                                       ** *
  • 20 filt L ve y sano 5 45
    ,$ano. stit 1 c'ay . . ....                                    2     ISO see k s 35          M
    .arge gravel, sano L stit                 ...                  5     ,35
                                                                         .            D$gre. g gry ,C,.'s*tard.

Some :.ay st eens. .arge gesvet. ......  ! 38- [ sano n s0 t .... .... 15 200 131


5 tit. ve*y diae sano, streans
f :'ay 5 t' t. ** ae sano, smat.. yivel
                                             ...             'O           )!

599 23 0 ' 3ai n e. .e ll .55 )

                                                                                     .sc a t t :ft : 4:7 !0. 1275                           ;2/ 5-9 1 I

191t. f'ae is ,ec* c sane. 5 100 :ss. 9 5 ,,i:.'a: c 469.63 yavel , 41, .: gr,, t: ,;7 et 5 s,c -:ta y, :r * * *e1 Sano.c:sese ;rsve'

                                                             *0 5      ...


                                                                                        *y l aman .a:e ae"s t ':q;eo 3y ' .bre: t i          .

Fine sana /stit t :carse pavel !20 dansen :f iolce* a sectates s 'ee 11:500. 1980 Flae saac ./ st't & sea'um to 1 1eologic '9ves:*ga:isn :cetacle coarse revel .. .... 15 135 water *al 11; 'iteneens Oe:ta 40 retur9 ..... ..... 15  !!O 4ecte to #ine sand ./ gravel . 10 *50

                                                                      .           Fine 10 Seele sand, trace me die to diae sanc etgravel                                                        sit t .      .                                            5             5
     & sitt          ...              ..            .        15       *?5         P ee to sect:.m sane. : race h oe sano .e sit t & *ecium pavel .                         20       *95
                                                                      .              ;*ivet t silt              .          .                   5          10 very *ine sare ./ sG t L yCuPo+;o Psvel r'ne sano L f+-e to :: arse 3 rave! /very <* *e is ecium
                                      ..                     II          IO          y svel. ::Pe        s*       .         .                I          II F!ae to :: arse sane t ;rsvet, sanc & silt                      .                        5      215            g, ge, g. i t .                                         35           50 v e*y ** ae :s sea Ni s and                                                                             .

511ty **ae to :carse sanc &. ..

     ./ silt & Pavel           .....                         10       225            yavel .          .         . .. . . .                   10          50
 /e y 'iae *.s sec a p s ano
     .< small to vect s ysvel .                              10       225 Fiae to :sarse saac & ysvel.

some to : race silt . . .... 30 140 3 ravel /mec Lm sano . . . . . 5 240 Coarse to *ine pavel, tn ce 3ravet ./very '9 me to Sest um sang, s11 L :!3y ... . 30 '.70 same & stlt . . I 28I 3 rave 11y 'fae sano & s:It.

  • Sore ele say ;o ts 252 ft tut tne 'e::"! 's scee : lay . . . . . .  ! 175 rire sanc & sitt. tre ;rsvel 6
    #C'ese sf *e* '35 #t.                                                            :!ay . ........ ...                                       5      '!C Fine sano L silt, see invel L
!ay :sive ::ay :f *:=e-699 37 420 P ,p t e t . ... . 25  :*!
     .: cat en:                                             12.'25 11F4           3 rave d y **ae sarc L silt fast 99 I'evatt u: .636                                                         scee : sv . ..                        ....              10       215 41- -ota y. :rtilec by Acaa Orit'iag &                                       ** *e saact ' stit, sre Psvt1 &

e.elo v ent O rcaay t 'og;eo ty -ca;e s'  ::ay . . .. 9 223 L ':e ah00.

  • 975. . 9ycM -ogic
  • avest ;at*:" lasa!! . 37 270 3creaole
                   , ate.,ai                             m es ,ess :e,:-          m-:80 w:e                    en*
                                                                                     .:c att en:
 %:g 1";$ ",a"'                                             11 2

d i'f:: W."3- a :a-,e .ce es

  • P,,er,e ,an.;. ..

s s. ...

                         ,a        ". ". . .
                                                              .e.         ,5 0
                                                                                        ,ac .bn:
                                                                                               . s0. 7.7;eet=,tc
                                                                                                              - u = f.nvest  m a- ist  = =cea s 's-ima11 :: sies. mecte pavet,                                                            38"**,*
     ** ee sano 5 st                      ...                   5      100
  ,sarse pavei, ,';tme ,.a meetum
                                                                                                  ,,,,,, g .                           .,,,,,,,,,  .gg, sano ..                   ....                 .          !      105 et se :s secte sano ./meoNm to                                                   N ne saac .                           ..          .        ,5 2
carse pavel .. 5  ::0 Fire sand & *ec*e rivel 5 .

Fine ta secte yavel.. .. .. 5 115 re ae a :: arse sar.c. sore Fine to sectum pavel ./f tae :carse Pavei . .. ,5 sand . . . . ..... .. 25 140 "*a e :o : arse saac 5 *e n ,.e y av e i ., e i ee a . e.. .te

                                                                                  " e.=sa,o=aru                         ..
      ,,,,                                                             :45 5 ,vivel
                                                                                                      = v Fivei                              a?       a,,

o secte sano

                                       .         . .            5 N "e s a"C
                                    .... ..                   10       155                         - --                                        -
1, Ftne ei ,e t.s sects sano ./f**e 84ee sa-o & *ec'.m ;esvel- 5 .4.

Pavel . . . . .. .. 10 ;55 nm :s carse van'. :-sce we e f e uccles .<medie to

  • ne sanc . 2,.,

m eine y svel ..... ... 5 170 Pne saco & *tae Is :sarse eegie & *ine :: coles . 21 191 Ps'ei **

                                                                                                                                             ,5       ,g5 3 ravel, s:me ;'-e sano                                   ..
                                                                                                                                                      ;5v, Pae saco L d'ae u :ssese psvet ..                                               25        !!!

Ftme sana L ae u :: arse pavel, trace si t' . . . 1  !?O stt some saac L grsve t 5 {2j Sil . seme sanc 5 .o sitt . . . !O  !!O 3asal: 90 220 e 132

( RH0-LD-158 ( t 199 ;5 2 '3etse- 4eit e102! F*e u :: arse sancf. "-e u

          ;; cat *:n:                                                                          :sarse ; rive'                                                          . .                    5                         15 ss'ag !*evataen:                                                              F'9e :s :: arse ; svet.            .. i:re ***e a'r *ttary. **s ;28 *t                     & stiecao :er.rg,                          s carse sarc ... . .                                                                          5                     10C
r * * ! ec : .et's 5 0'imcro flee u -:a'se sa,ac L *'me u
              ;r t *
  • ag .r la-ca .ateesroany L. ':qges :p *ac eos t :sarse irsve? .. ...  ! .:5 lau-cf of 3otce, associates *cr 'it**0. ;980 F're to =a*se gravel, sere *iae teolog*: investf gsttee serenole ts = arse saac .. '.!  ;;0 8'ee is carse san:y. *t*e :s.
                            "ateriaI(111                        'h1Cteess Oest9                coa'se gravel                  ... .. .                                                        !                        ;*$

8tre s = arse gravel, seee

       ae sano             ... .                . .                  15        15            89ae :s : arse sera .. ...                                                                   15                         140
       ae saac 5 "ae s :carse                                                            Fine u narse sano L **ee s

[ 3*tvel... ......... 10 25 esarse gravel . .. .... 5 ;as

       *'ae s :sarse gravet, s ee                                                          'iae u ::aese ; rivet trace
arse saac . . .. . 45 'O *ine :s =aase sarc .. 5  !!c
       **c' e is :sarse sana L *" ,                                                        F'ee sano a sF t. trace '9 e to :: arse ; rive;                            .             30      !00             ;*avel & :'ay                                                    .                    .         !                       ;!!

[ ae u :: arse 3* eve'. race f "e to :carse sano .... Stit. see ne sua & :carse sano. trace :tay . 160 10 110 . 5 Pfee u : sarsa gravet. see 5 tit, see

  • tee sana.
          **ne is esarse saec                 .              .          5      115             trace ::ay            .- ...                                                                 20                         '30 F'ae to c: arse sano 5 U ne to                                                      Fine :s :: arse ; ravel, sse'e-c: arse ;ravei                                                                      hne u narse saac

[ 8'ae is :: arse jesvel, trice

                                        . . ..                   .       5     120 Fine to :: arse sans a *'ne ts....
                                                                                                                                                                                            'O                          90
           ' He is esarse saac                ......                   10       :20            :sarse ;rivel         . ..                                               . . .                                          395 I*ae s *:arte saedy 's *e                                                        Fine *o Ocarse gravet, sorg *+ee                                                                                                             j to u sese vs.e1 . .                               .           5      ;25           :s :ssrse sano                                                                    .             5                     ***
       #'*e *s :: arse ir svel .
  • rice Dae *o :satase ;rsvel, := ace

[ #*re :s :* arse sar 8,csie 3rsve ./? cal ;:ees :f

                                                         .               3      !!!           *iae .S c:ars r s , o      3,,3,    e san 6;,,,,;,                                    7,;,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "'a sascy :e:ste yavel                                    .     ;*       :s2            fine :s :sarse saac L clav                                                                                          *so Sa,ncy :e:cie ongi p e a:e.. ..                                         ;59        Fine :s ,eSte same ..

I'O 17 5 P' f Si ty sancst:ee

        **svC .y *iae to sesium
                                        . .           . ..               1      ;;0        Fine :s ** cia saacy. **ee is

( sancst:re . . 12 ;33 r,ve,st

                                                                                              ,       e, ,,pav   e, 33 ,; ,,,.,                                  , c,,,
                                                                                                                                                                ,                             0                    '5s--

F' e sancy stitst:ee . ... 3 ;31 **ne :s M:*um saas .. .  ::-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       +aa 5tity ' "e is sect e                                                               r ir, .3    ,g., ,p, g n y g sancs:see .                 .                     .          I      192           sectum ;rtvei                   .                                                               5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -*5 Fine sancy stitstsae . .                                                gia        rio, go m 3, 7,,p , ,,,,,,

[ Sasalt . ..

                                                          .            22 53       257           f'ne is $ecium saa: .

F ue :s sectwa same L " ne :s 20 ng

        $99 28.) '3s t :e .e' et 3)                                                           sectwn ysve:                                            .                         .             5                     120 Locatt sn: 137*!4. 48541                                   ;2/23 7t;            F're :s sect e gravel, smee
           ~ast ag !*evat'on: 103.53                                                          'f ae to mesium suo                                                                           20                       se-4t* ectary. :rttic sy :arvan date .e:Is L                                       ' He :s mest e sama 5                      U
                'Oggeo :y Me:si: 4 *acLeos of 3oteee                                       511ty. *iae sans                                            ...                                    5                      355 assac?ates *:r it! 0. ;96C. ;eo ogic                                       'ine ts Sect o sana                                                                              13                         ee               i
                *nvesta;stton sare. ate                                                    511ty, fine is we:1e sano                                                             .          20                       M                  l Ftae is mest e sano                                                                              :5                           **             !
  • ate *tal 'll' 4 tetress Oe:tn 8'ne. sancy stig ,,  ;; *3 3 l tr a 25 44 $

rene u ,,gtye gang, ge,, Fine, sancy

                                                                                           $ t t . , ,,,e  s.,, stit.,ng,ce :tay . . .

fine :s vec?e ;ravet ... 5 5 trace :tay . .. 5c agg 8'ae is :: arse gravel. trace lasalt . .. 50 545 mte is naase sane . .. ;0 ;5 F

  • ae s :sa rse ; rive t , some
            **ae .s :: arse sanc                           ...          10         25 599 34 11 (Gol:er .el! ean veciun to coarse saro, same                                                            .scastsa: 137541. 41450s                                                                    12/2'.1:!;

fine :s c arse gravel . . . 10 25

                                                                                               *asta; !*evati:n: 452.50
        *ectum ts :sarse sancy fine                                                            ata -ota*y its ;!J *t. , L 9t.c *stary, set t'ec

( :s :carse 3rnwel . . . . rue .o :carse ira,ei;y,

                                                           . .          ;0         25 sy *arean Of ar ian date* e:1s L 2'sicas 3r loy 41 & *9. #'aciew L Lace?:les                                                  9 3fBrot      e-s r.'11rg yepy & : ggeo 3y 3cice*

Socie 2 uarse sano . .. . 5 50 F?ne :s :: arse saac trace ' tee asssetates *:e 'E500. 1979. ;eolog*:

s secte jrsvet . ... 5 gg investigation seesacie

[ Fiae s :sarse sano F'ne :s = arse sano. trace

            **ae u sootum gravel . ....
                                                . ....                  ;0         55 w ate** a: ';;                                                              Y eu ess Oe::9 5        70 Fu                                                                                 40 *ecar1       .         . ..                                                           .       10                           *0 e =tsarse   = arse    sare. s:me *".      ... e                   7:       Sanay :: sty grave'                                                   . .                        ;5                               !
s 1 ravel 5 Sancy grave' L n:sles ;0 23 s'ne u :$ arse sare. race f*ae ..

[ :s :3 arse gravel . reae *3 *ect.m ylveliv fire

                                            .......                        !       =0 landY SaPGy Irave
  • 1 ravel Mu'l */' eases fOsard 20 15
  • arse s aPG . . ' . .... I 33 IIlint'y saPCy ;rsvei ...... I !O F'ae u :carse sand n **ne Sancy y avd . . . . .. .. 5 gg carse gravet . . . $ }0 5IIty F l*eIIy san: . . I' $$



 $!1ty 3rtveIIy sand to silty                                                                     Dayey s1* ty #'ae sare                                              5      m sanc/ iravel . .                                           .           I                     IIi *gnt?y 3rsvelIf O'ayey stf
 $aacy 3*3 vel ..                                      .                  18          +10             #.Pe saco .                                                   20        AII
  • 17 : ' *s }elvelly **ay I 120 Iayty s1 * */ ne sand et t* tCe
t ay ... . . !C '20 gravel . .
                                                                                                                                                                    ;0        a?!

C*ayey jelve' . ., 20 *IO $4ncy st1*y :Iay . . . . 25 C

 *ect e gravel ./sme sitty *ine                                                                   Sancy sitty clay /trtCe leavei                                    10       00 sand . . . ... ..                                           .        53          213         01ayer stity 'ine ;reve'                     .                      5       165
 $11ty sandy jrtvel . .......                                               5         213         $ti;nt:y gravelly stitf :tay .                            .         5       A*0 landy s1It .#some c'ay .                          ...                    .5          233         $ligitly gravelly :?ay                               .              5       47!

Sancy geavel ./s ve sitt . . . . 5 228 gen,;;y e gy ,. 20 s;5

 $tity saac ./some : lay L 'iet                                                                   Sasalt .                                                          25        !21 gesvel . . .                 .....                                   10          2a8 Otayey stlt n/some *fne sanc .                                              5        25 3 14:y gravel isme ::ay ,                                        .         15         258         599- 8 342 '3etee               .e?       s26 4ea'e ravel soae ** *e sano                                              25          293            .3catt:n: 5:52:1. 4:4126                                     12/27-i.

1:lt ./ I '*e saac & sma;1 snse:s Castag lievat se: !29.19 sf sasalt . .. . ... 19 312 Ate ~stary 'ts ;20 *:. L <tuc -ot aey. Or* ' ? ec lisyey sitt ./small snares af :y : aman ea:n .et ? s t 'eggec ty ' 4 'e St . 3asal* .. . .. 13 I2I 3f 301:e* Ass:CiStes ' 3r 411CO.19IO.

                                                                                                          ;eoleg c 'nves ';a: or : ort o e 699.;8-19 Gol:e* elt 427)
     .sc a ti on: 138237, di!!ca                                         12/27 11F1
  • ate *'ai lli **caaets Oe:ti Casino !!evation: 462.;3 air otary .to 130 *t.! L sud *ctary. 3rt1'ed Fine is sect.m sard. !?nce stit . 5 5 ty :arman data- 4 ells 6 *egges :y dilue"'"9 5'?t. trice saac . . . . .  ! '.0 of 3cicer assoc ates ':r 1EI:0. 17?O. *ecte to ee ;-ave'. s me sanc 10 20
         ;eologic 'nvest';ation : ore 90'e                                                        0: arse is "*e saes, see Om;-avet. arse :::rs:e
                                                                                                                     ** ae s::t saac. L :sarse to
                                                                                                                                        ......                         5        25 w

ater ai (11) *h ciness .,es tn

                                                                           ,,            ,             *!ae ;rw ei               . ..                                10          25 to ee:rs ...                          ..                  ..             **
3 :s ae saac & 'i ae ;*tvei .

3 rave'?y s: ty 7'ne saac 5 . :sare.11.*g 37 :rarsete* st':s Sancy st

  • ty :: arse *s "tae ., ' ae d e s:e s ew e . . . ..  ! 20
      ;*3 vel                                                                            I,*
arse t: at sa : L *-svel 5 25
  $ancf :: arse ts **ae 1rivel                                             20            25        ;carse :s 'iae sara L h ee 5? e t'y s'1ty saacy :carse ::                                                                       gravel .                  . .                . .                 5        50
  • be geavel . 5 50  :,,73, :a ., grg,,;, t. ace 3ravet!v "ae sano , . 5 55 saaa .. . . . . . 5 55 F+ae saia . . . ... .. 10 55 lcarse to '*ne sanc 5 gravel.

3;tgntif st1ty saney :sarse to sere sitt . . . . ..... 10 55 88 ae gegvel ... . . . 5 D aarse 13 #'*e sand E 3rsvel 10 'I 3 t;nt'f ::coty sitty sancy ssese :s ae sanc trace cDarse :3 'tae j'lvel . . I ,I gesvel . . . . . . . . . . 5 20 3 rave"y ectum :s "tae sand .  ! 20  :: arse ts ** e sane L ;ravet. Stity mecir to 'tae sanc .. 5 35 90 trace st!t . . ... .. 10 70 to -ecsr1 .. . . 5

arse to faae sane L este travelty meste :s 'iae sano 25 115 :s 'f re gewei. trice silt . .  !  !!

so -ee:re . .. 10 125 Ocarse is 'tre sanc L travel 5 100 5tity sancy :sarse to fiae .. . aarse to fine sane L "re gravet . . .... 5 .20 gravel . . . . .. .  ! '.05

  $1tpt?y grave!1y :Tafey $11*                               ..             20          150         Coarse :s ff ae sano & Secte irtveIIf Clayey silt                      .               ..                I        III I     110
  $11gnt?y :!ayey silt / *edte                                                                          to**mejrtvel......                                     .

is to ae gr avel . . . . . . . 5  !$0

3 g. inetrace ri,et, sanositt & *ecium . 5  ;;$

weetum s .

  • ae ; ravel ./ trace Coarse :s 'ine sano 1 gesvel.

01ay L stit . ... . . I III  :?sCe sll! . . ... . I 120 we cte *3 ' ire jesvel ... . 90 255 *edie :s 'ine sane.

  • race
     !ayty s11ty 9edie 13 ** ne                                                                          gravel, sitt & Clay ..                                 .      10       **0 gravel . . . . . . . . .                                      .         6        251         weate ta et,e sana L $11t.
   $19 gnt'y *layty,1 tilty 1911#                                                                        sC9e 01ay                 ....                   .               I     13I to *ine graves                            .            .                4        6 65 meo e Sooium :s 'ine lesvel..                       . .                        45           310             som, .: .o,'y.ireL saac
                                                                                                                            *r*anie  5 sit    t.


4yey fine gravel . . . .... 10 320 :ni s .. ... 'O *A5 1;tgnt?y sancy ::ayty fine vesium to **ne sarc L st t.

gravel . . . . . . .. . 5 22 5 trace :tay .  !  !!O Iravet*y sandy :!ay .

                                               - .. .                           I        320
                                                                                                     *eciuft :o re sand.     . . IC*e s11 .

SI1gatly getvel'f sancy -tay 20 360 7,c, g ,y , , , ,,,,,. g ;g5 11tsnt?g :tayey sarcy "*e weste to *ine sano. trace sit t . 5 ;50 jravel ... .. . . . I III .. . I III lIeyty JetweIIy #ine sand I 370 Jarse ;3

                                                                                                     ;3,73,      *3 .#8ae tre sansand3      *? tCe iligntly jelvelly sancy CIay                                                 I        III              g.'t & gravel                   .. . .                        *O
                                                                                                                                                                        .        III
   $1t;ntiy ;rivelly : lay ./ -tce                                                                   stee sanc L si'           tence :tay                               !!       '.?O sana .                   ..               . ..                          5        ,80 gi;g, ,ectan s re sanc.
                                                  ..                             5       385
tayey 11 ty!rsveity f*Pe sans taye/. trace trace :tay . ... 35 225 gr avel ... . . . . I 90 134 I

l t r l L RH0-LD-158 e L r l

     .w ediJn !* #'re sani. sre silt.                                                                      3rsy sano 4 --                                                                                 1      484 L        etre:

n ,eto v

  • ane ..... 5 200 3asait inveI:nvel *eci e aaec n-3. ire i .e. . . .,i:n st-ea., g :n.,

trtte *!ay .... ;5 245 sano smtag n ance* sree:

      'e3*e to #'ae stad & slit.                                                                              314C1 4 jny mine$                                                    ......                 !      45 trace : ay                                                                              250
                                                       ..                ...             5                 weev nars sasalt ; evel                                                                        !      450 E      wedic to **ae sand, tre stit.

Sano & :asalt travel 4 394 trace :ta 260 *are sasait 3rtvel  ; 4ec M ts :ne

  • ysand . . . .&.stit,... 10 4?!

i go r,:gr3 , . .. 3 !O3 trace :!ay .... .  !! 27! *ars :asalt gravel. some sand 2  !!$ Ocarse to *ine sane & ""e to ec:es .. 11  !;5 ,._ gravet, trace s:'t & :!ay . . 10 235 Ocarse to 'He sanc & *1ne 3 ravel t sanc. arc sasalt . . a 120 l to attert 5 125 L 3ravet . ......... 15 300 tasalt -eci 4  !:0 carse to *e sanc & medi e to. darc :asalt 5 !35

         'ine ; rive!                                  .          ..            ..      25       225
      *carse sand & coarse- ts ** r..                                                                      gg9.;g.--

{ jranl Iasalt . {0 355

                                                                                                               .xati n: 138:40. 70225                                                                  ;2/25 *11

{ ... . . 65 375 Cas'ag IIevat* 3n: *;0.57 Casle t:ol. Pal *ec :y 5.a 4 9 date't **'t'ag 699-28-45 :omoany 8:r 2 lv'o ey. ;357 3rounc=ste* Lxation: 137955. 649?S ;2/25-83; tontt:r'ng screacle

         !asing I'evat'en: 7!3.33                                                                                                                                                                  ,
         !ac;e tsoi. :r*1'es ny 04. son 'er 2 Car'cany.                                                                     Sate *'s                                          m 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                   . etness .,ece
              ;359. Ireuac ate- itenitor ag screacte Sanc .                                                              . .              .         a          a w a ter's1 II                                                *htenness !e c t.,          aH gni Saacs         .L;-sn;                                               .                   .
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,0 5        jj 3raveMy saac                                     .            .          .       ;0         ;0      !'it :sarse sano                                                                              .5        !!

Sancy sit t ..... . .  ;! 25 I'**# I E to rec:e:. tut sa-o;eo Sa,c, ,,,e . 9 0 la sa


ci . t

  • 3 5tity sano 15 I'"'* " O Sancy s*it
                                                    ..                          .       31 20       135       38***5'        I.3"". .I 3

I[ 5. Sittf sano . :0 16! fan: s*a;. ;-i n i .. ... 5  ?,0 Stity sane. wars :acaec .  ! 70 1.e:-csarse & -lun 2 ,2 w ,,c:,- . . .  ;$ 185 - e e sano . .. 3 .! s t' ty ,pa ,,, ;99 Sano stit ....... . .. 40  ;;!

      % .,c n
  • 75 2;S #8* *" I * =I Sed ... . . 15 234 saac silt '". 8 3 '. C' '8 3
                                                                                                                                  .                                            .                   . 50       ;35 I

waro sacnes silt $8"eU syt ... ; sol . t'smaH

                                                              .. . .                     5       240                                                                                     .         .    !!       200 to rec:ro             .                              . .                  .        5       14e       44m                                                                 .                        15       015
      $4nsf stit                                    .                    ..             15       25j       5ec-st
  • son ac u c!ay 3rowa sano ... . . 3 254 -, Pan sec ..... .. 10 225 s e er s ot. sof t neues sea Y ' " ' " i"
                                                                                                           ;e*aM gnn! L e"tay
                                                                                                                                                                                   -        - -           5 iM t sitt . .                                        .         ..                  2       256
                                                                                                           .                                                                       .               .    ,0
                                                                                                                                                                                                        .        5 40 54say st1t .. ..                                                                  is       2s2       0 81                                                             . . . .                       5      235 C ay-inni--

Ce=eatec govel 2 !sa ... . 5 2!3 Sanoy gravei . . . ;l 295 Sec-sdt invel. ,0

                                                                                                                                                                                                        .        250 to *ecore . . ....                                                         .      ;5       311            8         I I'r"an*j"W"ean gnni
                                                                                                                                                                               ***** -                  M        N S e cy gravel                                       .                     .       2a       33<
                                                                                                           '                                                                   .....               .      5      27!

go v::rs . . . . 10 3a5 8 I I30 Sana L gravei . . .  ! 3!O l'."ee*1"3dU*9t'"t**'t'.*. sana L go vel . . .  !  !! g ,ec*rd 5 ** * $ Sancy, silty}rivel' .. . 10 3'85 55 Sand-gravel * *** .. .... ;3 2C5 10 recars ..... ... 6 371  ! 2:0 teney seter anni *

  • a 5 IUI'9"!.nt a Mtt'e Nu sHt 5'no-st t. in ni-etay . 5 3;5 to edoec .... . ,. 7 3"82 sea, sHt L 2nul . . 5 20 desving saro. gravel ... . 3 385 !ano, sHt & gn ni M, aro y ,eccM 7 '92 "'I - ** *
  • I ,,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -' I scom :tay We';nni                                                         *l l                                                                                         3       is5       3 *"8 '" t 5 2""i                                                   - -              -         5      :M l      to ecers        .. . ..                                                            8                      8
  • 0 280 a03
  • l.'. "en : a*1""'

I 3rewn :!ay ... .. 3 cane sano . . -! ,3{ 31ue .i.4F

               .      ..                                      ......                     a 40,6 4.0       Fine clean sano . ..                                                                           5      .!.

to ecors ,..enn seno .

                                                    ..                                  10       4.                                                                                      .         .      5      g!!

! Ilue :tay . . . 5 425 S ano ... 5 .50 l Mo ec:M .. ..... . 12 437 j*anc-paU . inn 1 .. ... 5 {pU Sancy :'ay ; ravel at 443 't.) . 12 44 9 "C*****'C -*

  • I 1 rave' S 31aca sar". . ..... 1 250 Sano-seM ar ory
  • u e .  ! 375 Gravel & colores sanc: sana Sano-st't ve y *%e . . ;0 If!
         ;ny.         . . ..                                                    .        s       255       Sea-Snni                                                                      .. .             !      :90


     ,2ny una
     . ray sard, some ; rive' 2 in.
                                                .             ... . .                    s       460 S

Q ,g, i ,;g , - l is yen , ,,n, g , 3; n;;;, ,,,, s12e . . . .. . 3 463 p'.. in* :3 3 ray sano 1 gravel .. ... 7 470 3 ray *tre sancy gravel . . . 5 a75 f } 135 1 I

l RH0-LD-158 1 1 1 l l 599 39.(2 tioice .el: e531 '

  • pe s an c & *
  • e :
    .: cat'on: 139123. !*094                          2/':!d:;               = sese ; n.e'                                               .5
ssteg Ilevation: 44.39 5elve' s:*e #'

ess: *! i sie *ctary.

  • rilled av :sema9 eate* de!*s & Fiat sal *2 4 '* ee u
       ?Cgged sy dante 9 L Iur*eli :# 3cI:e*                                 = arse y lve'                                      *!

assoc:stes for it!;: ;350 gec;cg*c Ftre sano 5 ** e u :: arse

       'avesttistion tortio;e                                                Jrave', trace st't             .                      5    ;?O 311t. sore sro & ;cive t                                 i     175
  • ate al ;;) *hiciaess :ests Stit. ssee san: .  ! ZC III: . 50 *!O Fine sano, some sitt, trace 5asa - 90 340 gravel . . . . .. . .. 5 5 P'ae is esarse yavel, some sano, trace sit t . . ;0 15 699-39 " .Gc 7:e .e" C.0; F!ee to :ca se sans & ;rsve;.. .acat'an: 1:3974. 17; 12/2!.433 traca sitt .... ;0 25 :ssing I*evat en: ;67.!?

Fiae ta :: arse 3rsvel. seme ai- tury to 17 *: 5 :ts cac c ;. sano. :rsce stit . . 5 20 :e*t es :y a an .ater .e"s t :t s ce: Sancy ** e = : arse arsvei, Or, 'I'n; :: o ry 1 :7;e: :y *se:.e : L trace sitt . .. . .. . 5 35 laeo' :f 3c::e ass::t stes *:r .!";0.

 'lae to :carse saac 6 ; ave'.                                                  ;730 ;eslogic wes: 1a :, :cre-::e
rice silt . . .. ..  ! 20 F
  • ae ta coarse ysvel, so+e wate 'a' n: ** :taess Oe:ta sano, trace sil ......  ! a5 Sandy 'ine to : carte revel.
                                                                        '"e      u mes'.:n s aac                                  !          !

trace stit .... . 55 **ae s =a-se ;esve : sce cine to carse vsvel, s:ee ' -e u n a se s ee .  ! *0 sano. : race s:tt . . .  ! 50 r e *a na se sanc . *e 4 F'ee to :saese Pavet. :* sce w aase sae:

  • sama & s!' t ......... ;0 70 ee :3 =ars e ;*sve", s re Ff ee to *esie sanc &
  • tee to nne u ::a se sa-s  ;;  !!

l esa-se yavel, trace s'It ... 5 75 r ., a ::,r3, sang, g . ., :3 l Fire :s : a*se sand 6 ;esvel. .:aesa 3rsvel .. .  :  ! I trace silt . . 10 95 8'a, u na se saa:y. ** ae = l 8'ae to coarse ;rsvel. :rsce . =arte pue'  :! 5; sare . . . 30 .15 8 -e u na-te ;-svel .  ! $! 8'9e to : arse vs.e'.. ... .  ! 20 8' e u :sa-se san: 5 e u Fire to :: arse ;esvel : race n a se ;rs.e '.! !O sanc & si't . ..... .. 5 125 r'*e u :sa-se psve t , t ::e Fiae sano & st11. trace gesvel & =a- ;3 ;5

'ay: *n'te asn ..  ! ;20 r..','ee :u Su..;,se 3 ,oses .

L **me .s t'ee sano 1 silt, trace ysvel &  :: arse ysve'  !  ;;; c'ay . . . .. . 5 ;2! 4 *eu ve / 5 '.06 3rtve11y 8'ee saac & stit. **-e u e:' e se  :... 6 '* e trice CIey . ... . . . . , .  ;!  ;!' "3 *3aese pave' . II  ;;4 f t ty '4ae sans 5 "ae to ::a se 1o -e sve y . .. 3 *27 y avel, trace :!ay 5 ;5! 'l-e = se:*e s er:/ ** e a Fine to Seav ynei, trace = arse ysvel 2: 15; san: L st!! ...... . ;0 ;55 4o en ve y 2 ;53 3 rave 11y " ne sanc & sitt. *ec t e u ::a se ;-s v e t some :!ay .... *0

                                                      .       175           ./'ocsi ::ees 2f  ae ts 3ravelty 'tne saac & silt, sore                                           Pecie sancy ysvei                                 ;I       ;75 c!ay; .ntte asp          ...                     10      IS!       to e=very                                                2    175 lasalt     ..           ...              . .        50      245       we:t e to = arse ; svel..                                2     ;!O to -t=ve y
                                                                                                                * . .            2    ;82 w

ee' s :s = arie ;rsve: ., s:sl 599.:9.; (3cice .elt ,99)  ::ees af saec & ysvel . 2 ;34

    *scation: 538M. *? 0
    .                                                ;2/2343;           so     ,=ve y        .                                   .     .35
    !ast eg I'evitten;       a76.59                                     wecie :s carse ;rivel..                                  .     .6 sir stary, ar:11eo sy Came aate se'is 6
       'eggeo :y *ac*  . esc :f ioicer asssc*ates *:r                   $1'yt'y silty sares::re it;'O.1960. ;eologic 'avest1f at*cn                                  .e ai te-9 sting 'aye s 2f s aac.

sore *o e s::ne & sancy silisteve  ;: 71 5';ty. ne u me:ie sartsnee wate-'al *hteneess Oe:t*! to at u *ec ts st ' ts=ce

                                                                            .i 3 cal = *es of s*1gntly 7 ' ae s ana . . ....                        .        '5        15         s:lty sancsnae         .                    .     :s      ::!

ttne s ,o 6 3eci e gravel .  ! 20 Sancy s:!ts u e . - 5 220 7're coarse saac, some Saroy siis::-e */some :!ay . 3 !3

arse ysvei ... *!
                                                       .         25     3asa;-                                                al      207 we ate :a :: arse sane L ** e u =a se vive;                          .           30      *05 Fire sanc & sects vivel..               .               !     1:0
 '*ee sano .                      ..                     5     .;5 fing gang g ggc:gn pgvel                     ..         5     ;.7 Fiae .s =a-se pavei. :rsce
    #ime sano                     ... .                20      *aC 136

RH0-LD-158 I 599 39.'

      .ccat'en: 'Go t eer .e ".6EIO
                     %291*0,                       12/29 ?C'.

599-39.;2 (Golce .ei! *59)

                                                                             ':caticn: 1335i9, 221a7                                  12/27-;"C
     *ss ng !*evat?ca: 492.;*


                                                                             .Oasing **evatten: 27f.33                                                                            ,

air astary. 3r*

  • Tec :y "ama: . ate' . ells & l ic19ec y me:s*:: : 1 3c':e a ssseta:es 'or air rotary ,ts ;a 't. , & sud -etar y, se'; *ec '

SU*0, ;960. ges togic tevest gation ny :arman . ate eUs t *o;;ec sy ar cf: s' soremo t e 3olce* ass: cia:es 'er SE!;0,1980. Se:' cite tavestigation :crossle I r! , u ,,c, ,

                 =ateri al ';;)

8'ae u *eo wm, gravel *y, fiae sano . 73,,i,.. gy,

                                              ?n excess Oe:tn 5         5
                                                                         *ec,,ium to **-e wate**al ;11 Ffee sane, trice s'it sara & :carse :s Th$cnness Oestm 5             5
                                                                                ,, y ,,,,                                              ;g              ;$
     ee is :: arse sars .                                                                            ,,,

I 25 30 fiae 2 *sarse sar:y, ae we ctum :s :sarse ;rsvel . . *0 If O 'ec' e ;ravet .. w e ct e is *fne sand, IrlCe

 ' he *o west e ; i.e1. se e 5       35             ; ravel . .                       .                          5           20 v

socie :s :sarse see . 10 a5 ecte ysve!:sL'+re.saro. st'  :-see Fine z *ecie ;rs.el, see ...  ! 21 I f

  • ae :s ::aese s ans . wesf um :s '* ne sanc . ... 5 20
                                              .       5       50         w eatum :s 'ine sanc some.

F'ae :s :sa-se saro L "ae is ys.el,

  • ace sit : . . . . 10 !O sec t e 5 Fine u n;rsve; aase s eas, 55
                                                                         *eate is 'He sanc & socie to some ae psvel ...                                                     :: arse ;rsve!, trice stit                           .      5            !5 5       50         *ecie s ::a-se ;-avel, sre Fue 3 sere ;rsve! L Serum I     to c: arse sanc rue :s sarse saro. : :e
     *tre ; rave; s're :s :carse s aac, 10 5       55 75         w saac, tes:e stit . ... . .
                                                                         *ecte :s :: arse sand & y svel,
rste stit .

eev :s :: arse rivel..

                                                                        re saac L team :s :carse
                                                                                                               . .                     10 5

5 50 55 75 some 'he ; rave: I 5 S0 ;rsvei .. .. 5 50

 me to :: arse saa:. some                                             *eciun :s :: arse sara & ysvet.
    *1ae ts tec sm ; sve'                          10         90            trace stit .

Fine :s mere yavel. s:ve w ec*um :o :: arse saca 5 yavel 10 90 ftee s :sarse san: . 10  ;*0 5 95 3 rive 11y mecie ts ^ e sand ;05 F f ee *: ::a-se sar: 5 'i e *eems u *'re saac & socium I is sec wm v s,e' . . 5 100 r e o, u ,ee. , 73,,i, :,,:, ts :aa se vs,e' . ..  !! 120

    **ne    : :carse saas                                               3,,,,i;y wectum is ' tee sand                                    5          125 t u, :s : ,,se vive t , &
  • t ae 15 115 8're sano & stit. : race :Tay . . 10 ;45
s sectun sanc 5 tit, some sana, :rs:e :tay  !  !!O
                          ..                         5      L:0         *l*e    same & sitt, trace ::ay .

rf ae ts Osarse ylvel, some 8 10  !!; I ** ae u *e:4.m san"

 *tae is cosase vivel, :ssee
    **ne :s :: arse sec 8'ae :s :sarse vive', some fine :s :: arse san: .

10 5 5 125 130 4e sand E *ec' e :: :* arse y svel, trace silt t :tay carse :s 'ine sana 5 yavel, trice stit & clay .. ...

                                                                        'fre sanc & coarse :s 'iae 5

5 165 170 140 p svel, trace sitt t :?ay I 5itt, trace Ptae sara 5 :'ay . . . 5 la5 w e:tum :s '4ne rivel, some sane,

                                                                                                                           .             5         175 5 tit. trace :tay                                   3      152             trace silt & clay 3asalt            .                              *07      250
                                                                                                     .                 .                5          ;!O Osarse is **ne yavel ......                                     5          !!!

w ecte is fire gravei, sar'e sana 10 ;95

                                                                        *sarse :s fine pavel                                          10           105 599-39.*2 !3ol:e* .eM 921                                                                                .                     .

I .xatv: 138605, .1223; asing !*evatt:n: 531. 6 12/27 1231 atr -stary, :P'1'ec :y etlitus of 44aa Or9I1189

        &aeveformeat Osmoey n 'ogges by *o-e of
arse :s 'iee pavel. : race sara . . . . .

Fine saac & 'ine to enarse ysvel. *rsce :tay . .. .

                                                                        "sarse :s **ne sana L ; rave!

5 5 5 210 215 200 Gotee- ass:c*ates *:r SE300, 1979, geologic :sarse sand & ::a-se :s 'ine investigation :oreac?e pavel . . . . .. . .. 10 000 w Matee al (*1) ectum :s 'ine sano L secte Thieteess Oesti :s :: arse yavel, trace :!ay .  ! 225 w F

  • ae saco 6 s ti: ecie :s :carse pavel, some
                                ..       .           3         3 sana
 *ssoles, seulsers, sec t ;ravet                                                              . ..                                      5          240 I

19 92 31aca, seate is coarse sano a weca e :s :sarse y tvel, trace 96 Sanc & clay .. ... 5 45 Sans & vavet . 9 105

                                                                        !sarse sanc 6 vectum :s 'iee Irw. cs4*se. nott'ec sand.                  . 21       126             ysvel trace sitt t c!ay .                                   5          250 3 ravel e/ yay sed .        . .             .       I      143         w eciun :s :: arse ytvel. *sce Sand sigesvei                                      10      iia I

saa0 L stlt .  ! 2II 137 I


  • ea u to :aarse grave'. trace 639-39 9 sano .. . . '.0 253 s'ae sano L mec*e to :carse
                                                                               . scat :n: 'i39:es, .73 !!                             12/2!.13 grave' trace sit t t clay                   ..         5      2'O Etewar :e: U3.32
  • ects :s 'ine ; ravel. race cag;e :3ei, :r,I:ee y af tey 3r J533 *:e 3E sanc . . . . . . . C:moany.1948. grunc= ate- Sonit:r'es
                                       ....              5      275               gere ote we d's to ee gravel             .            ..         5      220 Sectum to "ne ;-avel trace sans . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       15       295 wate-t al (;)                        *%terness Oe:tn
  • ecium to :: arse sarc n :sarse
n **ne ;ravet. trace stit P ae sand & silt . . 13 12
arse to ee ; ravel
                                                 .       5      3C0        p ., s no           ,.                  .                     7        20
                                    ... .                5      205 Ocarse to *be gravel, trace                                                 las.It. ;rsvel L sanc                                 .       I        25 5493         .             . .              ..         I      31.,d      tasait L scme ira,et                                           3       23 jasalt & graver w

ee v :o :sarse gravel. trace sana 6 st!t . . . Basait. ; rave: L :ent

                                                                                                           .                     .       I 3


                                          ..             5      315 weci e to :: arse gravel, s e e                                             3asat: 6 eens .              ..                               2        M stit trace -t y .          . .          ..             5      220 3as41t. cess L ::me ;-aitte                                   4        al
  • ecium :s *$ ne sanc & fine Itaca sanc & leswet . . 7 50
  ;-svel, some stit, trace :!ay                          5
                                                                           !asalt. ; rave! L sa-c                                         3       53 Fhe saed. trace st;t & clay . .                         20 3asal:. gravel, sano L scF'e 345 stre sant. trace silt, c!ay &                                                   . ca s                ..               . .                9        67 gravel    ..        . . . . . ..                     10       355
                                                                          , etre staca sand .. ..                             ..       ;I         73 e're sano, trace st!t & clay                                     250        31act sana. sexs & :ssait                         .           9        37 Fue sana 6 si't. : ace c!ay . .                         50 5
                                                                           ;;,y g .' ee sarc                  ,               ..         5        92
                                                 .              220 rine sano 6 stit, trace c?ay &                                              5 tit L sanc ...                                              8      10' grave'; & s.'tst:ee . . ..                             5      425 Ocarse saac & sitt              .                           25       125 8'ee sano & sit:. trace 3-avet'                                             stit L fiae saca .                  ..                      10       13!

se e ::4y; & silts: ce . . . . 430 silt

  • 6 41 5 ,p er,' ae,.,,s.ans
:, & same
                                                                                                    ,:.e,         cl ay .

ne saro L st!:. ssme :Tay; &

1:s::ae . . . .. 5 435 nas :naage: ::':e . 8 149

ne sarc & si':. some ?ay. F Me sans, stit t :?ay . 9 .!2 r:Ce ; avel; & stItst:re 3 ravel. :asalt, sanc st.:

                                          ...          *0       445 8 %e safd & .111. trace gravel &

L c!av ... 2 150

!ay; L siltstaae 25 270 3cgvel,' Sas git. silt E ' ay . 2 IN U ne sanc & s.!t. see ::ay. h ae sa-: L ;rsitt 3 15:

tra:e ; eve t , & stitst:ae ;0 Sans L ;rsvel .. 5 l'O

                                          ...                   480        5 re, , et g eine sanc & stit. :* ace ::ay; &                                             3asait. ; rave;rs,et
                                                                                                           .                           13       123 st ? ts t:ae                                                                                    L sano                         .       '      187 5      285         *carse sano. - cas & ; ravel..

ren, g,sve: . 10 195 3 135 3 eave;. :-tce ::ay Saec. grave' L :cas . . . . 20 225

                             .                           5      iC0        stre L :: arse same L ; ravel lasalt               .        ..                        20       !20         *:ay, sana & ; svel
                                                                                                                                       *O       225
                                                                                                                      ....             15       :!O 3ravet.       cts L sana . . . .                           *0
                                                                                                                                       .        250 599-39-39                                                                    Cretet sanc. :cus & ;rsvel                           .       5      255
  .3c ata en: 139eAA. v38151                          12/27 7C'            Fine sanc. -oca. Irivel L asang Itevattan: 526.55                                                    sout:e s                            ...  .                2      257 P ne saac. ;ravet...L cus                                           2'O
  ;4ete :al. :rtitec ey 8oada of lac.n Or*'liag                                                                               .          2 Camoany.1970. grounewate- tientt:r'a1                                  F*ne . ate- saac L 3 ravel .                         .       3      273 3ertecie                                                                 sarse sanc t ;-avet                             .        U       295 wate *at .;)                        M en eess OutM            599-39-42
                                                                                ,, cat on: 5225:0 82100                               12/25 0 31 Ioo sotl          ... .... ..

Castag Efevatten: 3rsvel, sanc. sitt . .... A I 04 die tooI. :P1IIe DT 589"I af "A '"I Sano & travel . . . .... .. 55 50 *artany *:e 40CI.el . 193C. ;eolcgic Concle gravel sery fittle invest?gatten tore' ole

  *'re ; ravel or sand . .....                           !        03 lacoles :co large to ;o 'n
  • ate
  • al !1} Th'enress Oc t

5 n. :ssing, very little wate *al setween . . 3 f8 2C% :carse sana. 40% aeot.m 00: ales I irtvel , . . .. .. 2 ,70 sano 20% **ne saac. amoular. Ocarse ;rsvel & sand . . ... I 'I 3r wn. enite, 314:n.10% stlt grewn lcooles, too 'ar;e *.o go in .... 3 I 5 in. :ss:%. se y ::ttle AC3 !arge se:oies. 2C5 smal! sate a: setween Enet a ... secoles, ;C1 te .um ::: Dies.

                                                       .,I,     ,%              suorcunces. 31act. 3r}y.

Sand & Irswet , , ..... L 3 ravel 3r;,n, 20% sang. geguise. Sancy :!a{ay 4tngola :. .

                                                         -      Q*-             3r1wn, 31 ACE. ;rly. JeII O".
Tay . . a0 . nite . ...... . .2 Gray :tay .
                             . .              ..       20
                                                                ;N 20% !ar;e :e: !es. :Cs smalt 6s Sancy r =n : lay           . ..            ..            .5      200             :e:eles.,e'.0%      secte     ::: ales.
                                                                                ,,,,,,ne , 31 ,         , ; ray,       ::%

03 arse san 3 10% #'ae Ia"C. angul ar. 3rown 31 aCI. *Afte, fe!10w. .0% stIt Or:**

  • 3ou ser .

g- ( 138 I

I i RHO-LD-158 499 37-;03

              .ocat:on:                                              12/25-481                               .
              !as ug !!evation:

Air -otary. or*11e6 ty 40u4 Or111hg & Develo: pent ;omaan of 8% 'or 47MC3 y4976. & 'oggeo 3y "c3 nan nycrologic investigatton morenote wate-*al (1) %icaness "ests Fine sana 5 stit . . . . . . . . . 17 17

            *alfc*e L 3rsvel . ..... .                                  3        20 Fi w sane L 3 ravel to Ig is.                         . 5        25 Fine to :carse sanc & gravel to 2 *n.          .........                               5        2C Ftne to nects sand & gravel to '.   +9        ...........                             5        35 Fine to mecie sade t travel to li *s. ...........

i 10 a5

            '4e to weste sand to 1 in.                         ..      35        60 Fine to sectsu sand 4 gravel to !% *n. ...........                                     5        90 Fine to sects sano & gravel to i in.       .      . ......                            5      12 905 ** ao to sesu sano 23                                                                            -

ses ; ravel . . . ....... 5 105 j 50% 'f ae to meets sane. ACs 1

              -e         to 2 '9    .......                             5      110 f            2d 'svel ine to coa'se sanc. 30s I              ;-avet to 2 in.       ..... .                             5      115 SCE * ** to :carse sano 23 sea gravel . .        . ......                            5      123 C*ay .         .. .........                                 5      *25 Stity c!ay. *e= small ;*avels                         . 5      !20 311t/ :lay . .. ...... .                                    3      .;S deat*ereG oasalt                          . ....            2      14C 3asalt .            ... ......                             21      '.61

( ( l l ( - l (- 139 l......... _ . _ _ _ _ - _ - - -

s de RH0-LD-158 499-4-I Blacs tasa::. -ect

                                .: cst'en: 139347. 57;                                  *2/
                                                                                        . N S1                          ,,, y s3f       -3ve-3"; 3ctee m ,Pe
                                *as:ng !*evatt:n: 427.*7                                                                    ane sce: es'
  • y o icf:

04ste ::cl. :r ties sy *rtatwa* 134.-: sF-

  • g ,s,4c; *t = c *:. ;2 420 Jansen 3ri t'9ng *er'cany 'er 11 *:r c any. .

1961. youn:= ate- 9ani::r* 7 :oceao e 509 40 2 'soi ee .e ? ? +99) - ~

                                                ' fate *al ;)                       *hicupets Oe:t*t                       . Ca:'Co: 140!O3, .2893                          12/33 *3C'.       '

Ca: n; !*ev arc cn: a44.*? *

                            !ane 6 yave' .o : 3 ia.. Sig                                          -

at, -otary. :r 'I t s ny Maa etter ae'Is t escole a 'est 5 s 9alf :c=e 5 5 g oggeo sy =acz ex :f lo!:c.* assec* stes 'sr

                            $4nd. F avel 1 :: tele                     .                  20          25                       g!!C;, .950. ;eo :g c a vestiga: en
                           $ tit, sane, yavei & cs:ste                                                                        cereno e 4 to 5 *t.              .                                   !         00    _

1e *?c0?d . .. ;0 40 water al 'M "hi Ca ne ss 3eS * *I

                            $4ec. vivel, 03CSIe . . .                               .       !         4!             --s                                                                          .

Jane, y avel. neste t arge) . 'O 55 33,3, 5 ,, n,:.m ytvel 5 5 3alled Sect to 25 ft., tene :: ggese ; rive / ,/.rsce

                                *,:" 'ted sec t e u u sese i anc                             20 '        25 apo-ftvel; *3rt3                                              5         30 F t re *. .: arse v3ve' irsvei; :: red                                                            25
                                                                              . .           5                              scre u,Aaaanc                            ?.       55           s0
                            !anc. r svei, cores . .                                         !         4*             me coe :: :sarse sare.

3'J;ted saca to 25 ft.. scFe sec t ar' ylve' . 13 *00

                                *ecr*1les                                                                            e ra .o u ses t ysve l, some
                            'rsvet. ::ctes; c: red . .                     ....             5         40                   swue u : arse saco                                 ;5        ..t to ec:r: esce:t **'as s: site-ed
                                                                                                                     .ee.e s ano L  ae *s sou cars 'r:m 45 ts 55 *:.'

t 17 57 . 373, rg,c :o ;t5 .

                            !anc & ya.e1 ;s to 5 & $ in.

7 13 'O =ec'e s ana. :*n e :r eve -_ '.0  ;!!

  • s !r:=n sana & 4 a. Pave 4 '5  ;< ., . 3 , <49 sm sc ,  ;?e s
                            *cre sans. IC: Pavel                                    .       4         30              r.,e       g ,, if s em 5 a .e ,a i

lanc 6 ya.el .o ts a 99. 5  !! :sar:e ; rave; 55  ?! i Bre-n 'cose sa*: 6 ys.el 5 79 s i ne . nr ri sanc, s: re '"e led e sar: 6 vivel . 75 a .:,ege y,,gi,, ;g gg; ( , 11 -ec:* P wa sano & ;rivel 8 y o ne .: ,e: . 0 g am e g e ce :s

                                                                                                                           =a -se etvel                                       10        "?O P:=n :emeate: saac                    .                        .           20              r i r, a de'e s arc. :-ace "eweates gravel                    ....                          !       12!                    3e.: t p pg,t   i                                     !      295
                           !anc L si.ty ::ay =/genvel                                     ;0        125 hee u were saac. see stit                                 5       200 Silts sana & aars laye-s .                                       5       ;a0               ggi t , rge, gt3e ,                                                 ;!

d 5 ias st:!ay; cayat:'ay54 6  ;! *!5 tptaeet ave!is ... .

                                                                                                                      $ n g,                                                            2:0 Saecy                       .                                                              $ n t, .fa:s      sara 6 ::ay 7,9 et,y                                   ;c 5

a tH n laye* sf 'tre saac 5 ;50 lasa?' s.

                           ' ar ic        a ,5
                                                                         -sen ire =cy :'ay /'ar3.e $* sue 9n :!ay .esie es sf se:an165         5 ro s . . . .. ..                            .                6       ;7; So:ce     .ti' *;09)
                            *ane-tec v ivel                . .. . .                       29        p0               699.  . cato.4C.4
n: 531870. .!!n *
                                                                                                                                                                            . /!!.ic; tec=n sare t some gravel                           .


                                                                                                    .25                      3 33,9 g . ,,,g. p . s7, s fra L ruel                      ....                                     2:0 Iare 5 yavel. sostly sans .                                      e

{35 air7,m$,1 ary. 3y ,r*':ec s,y "aa w .a',e*

                                                                                                                                             ,t,,tt , 3c7 ,, 3,               .e'is,L ,


                           .ano L -ocx
                                                    . .. . . .                      .     .,        .s5                       3g;ag, ;9gg, ;,,:egi            .,,,g:.;,3 ,,

Sancst:ne .e y svel . . . .  ! 2!O teremo t e Stity sancy ::ay . . . .  !  !!5 to ecoro .. ..... . 5 250 aancy :!ay . .... . 255

  • ate- at ;;; *e curess :enta Sitty sancy c!ay /small yavel.. . ;0 275 r,pe u ses' e sarc & ***e
                     ~     frown L ys) silty :tay . ..                                    *C
                                                                                          .         235                    to warse ;ravei . .                        .         !          t irty 5:1 cay clay . . . .                                      10        295              r .e :3 ::,rge ;,3,et, trice 3ars gray :'ay ./ gravel . .                                     5       000                    f'ne is :carse sasc                     .         10           ;!

3are ya, sticzy c?ay & gravet . 5 2C5 riae to uarte ;rsve!. some Dars yey sitty : lay n gravel  ;; 3;6 fiae u :: arse sarc . 15 20 l lasa.:. *sr'1'eo :own to P ae to sarse vive'I f f t e 2;) ft . 2 't. ta sasatt' 4 l . 220 = narse sano . . ;0 40 3asa;t u t crevice et 344 't . 20  !!c rise *o :: arse sara, s:ce '"e lasait -tet 's in 'aye-s of .a iiea:m ysve: . ;0 80 9ars 1 soft. inteesec motee riae u :: arse saac. tesce '"e I tetmeta.35! *t. L 360 ft., :s ::aese vivei . . 5  !! l Iast 'co:

  • ell sof t? :Iay re nt u :: arse sand. s3Pe ***e uteesec: 'atee:eo setetta u s e e vive. . . .  ! SC 264-265 *t. .... . . .  ;! 355 r!n u c arse rivet. trace
         , ~ ~ .           51aca -oca. 3rotea. mas mar:                                                                    84re u :: arse sara . .                              !        5!

L s:ft n ets . . . . . 3 258 re.e .: .sarse sasc & '"e llect :ua::. aas mars & soft u warse Pavel . ;0 *! y . ssets . . . ......... 2 270 rine :3 ::,rse san:y, e .e 51aca sca, s:til naving sof t to se: sun give? . . 1 30 1 ayees ' .. . . . . .  ! 375 r i o, .a coarse sant trace

                         . heu ;rsy sasalt .                        .               . 13        :33                    fine pavei                                           !        ;5 140 I

s [ RHO-LD-158 [

                            ,1, . coa ,e san , .1 , u testum grgvel                                                            ._                                 s.t,n,,,                                 .e., , ,an,                    ,     ;,c Fine
                                                          ...                    .             $        ..w 3; g ;g.. ,s d,,ve            Q sana m,                             20       JU
                                    *.C  toa'se irtvel. sore                                   g                                          gg,gy g'ard . .... . .....

8 415 f1*e to :: arse sted .. ... . ,,5 3ecy stit. ;reena$n 3rcen to Flae to :carse saacy 'tne to 2'g.e *! 4M ayeresili, 'snmAe.getta e... u arse 3rsve ....... $ ... Ff ao to narse saan.

  • ace flae . 45 *?!

[ u waie ; ravel . . . . . . . Das to :carse ;eavetty, f*ne to 5

                                                                                                        .;5 Sancy pit . .


                                                                                                                                          $tity sana . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                      .. .....                   'O 5

5 445 490 495 coarse saee . ........ $ . 2$ F!ne :n coerse gravel, some fine to cea*se sana ...... 20 145 $99 4n.;;3 3ig,, ,,jg ,3) Fine w tearse gravel. sore [ f t ee 2 ::

                            $ ti t, some ,ars  *ne e    s ano L s t ! t . . .

sana. l .3 .cc at

  • on.: 09754 n;7,
                                                                                                                                                       ,3, .,99        g ,,,gy p . .

117 34 '2/27.;231

                                *ncr : lay                .. . . .                                                                                           ,..tary 7,, (toy ,4*48       't.)g&4,3 j .,,,3        siamene..u**eg.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ;, 3 .; g asa;t . .                . .                    ...           .

3, p ,,,,,e t

  • me: aay 6 . e r # *t eerc ****'

lit 2 xcary & 'cg;e: sy -o=e :f k':e* [ 6y-4012A

                               .ocation:                                                  ,2/27. 2*1                                                       Associates 'o* NE320. 1979. ;eologic Castng Elevatton:
                                                                                                                                                           *nvestigation screacte "aof e tsol. 3r**ies :p
  • arf en o' *atta 2r*111"9 *atetal (11)  %$ckeess Sectn kmcany & 'og;es ny Newan of L f:e RMC.

[ 1975. 3rm.rewataa icaster*eg tortaole

                                             # 4ter'al ,,,}

Sec see stit 1 ray :: coles & toulces e/ sand

                                                                                                                                                                                  ..... ...                        3         3
                                                             .                      .htcaPess .eStn g ;pi,,1       , , ,,,,,, ,                              33          a3 fancy ;*avei . . . .                                                           ,3
                                                                                                                                        *arn 3rsy. coarse to rects 25 519;9t?y gravelly saae . .


                                                                                                           .0                                          see..............                                           6        89

[ Ve y narse sanc Stity sanc 23 2


58 65 iny u dact sanc ./;ravd iny ;rivei e/same. sre =:c:es . 3ro e'sn saac ./ftu. tai ::co;es

                                                                                                                                                                                                      ...       13 3

7? 30 4

                            $1igetty ; rive"y stity saae .                           .      25             90                            3 ray :sarse :o::ies & stit ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ;3 54 ersveMy stitj sant .. , . .                                                                                                                                                                     77 3           13                           3r:=a sand . . . . .. . ...
                            $1tgnt?y ;esvel'y sOty sare . . .                                                                                                                                                      2       99 2           75                                                                                                      ;

[ - Stity na-se sanc 8eccie grave! sa

                                                                              ...           14 15 6        .d,..

Iray gravel .. tre.en d ay ./ ' t t ? e ;r av e ; . Irc=a ravel & sana ,ciar 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                            .      5 UO Z6 12C liltfe 7eco ;rcy    riveiyavel . . .                 ...

Utt e ;nvet .... .... 5 112

                            $Ugntt y :ementea c: arse see . .

0.5 ygg u ,,g.e ined sye d ay . 5' US

                                                                                                        }28                              gny,t g ,,,                                                               3

[ 22 we etse sano ...... ... 3 41 S ecy secole gravel . .. . . 2 .a3 3r,,, 9,.svei e/ sana ....... 1 ;23 g,,,,f

                            .carse saad & gravel ' ate tecced .                                2        145                                            .r,,n ;.  , 3,,p,g,,,pe;   g gy ,,i;

\ "esie to narse sano ... . . $ .50 l ecy gravei . ,.. .... 2 2 gy,,i .) .3 3esole ;ntel g5 2aarse~:r:wn  ;* ve,i to *,tac

                                                                 ......                        3 gn,, , ,, ,,.e;             ; ;,.y       pg

[- ,4nfre *Iy PH t # sap 1. ..... tgatIf sveIIy sandy st1% . . ,~g7 3 3.8 ,fg.g.,1; ,p y ;...;,,;;

                           -{ayeyst{t' u.

jggg 3p g,g,, gggg '. . 15 *at

                            $ancy tq t . . . . . . . . . . .                                            *!                                p:uly
                                                                                                                                           .                     invel            ...

10 .. .! j63 1- 3;tgntfy travel'y st1ty sano . . . 15 195 98"C'"7 ** * ** ** 2 ;65

                            $1Ity sancs jrivet. IPCn sta1 Ped .                                 5       20C                                .aColy invd                      . . . . . ..                           2     ;p
                            $1tg6Cly ;r3velly sitty sang . .                                    9       208                               $Ugnt y sdty % - "Py ....                                                !     ., 2 '

Stigntly gravel?y sec . . . . . . 2 210 IIIgra:tng I"I17 II807 II**.I ts :'aystsee'0FII8"' 3ancy ;rtvel ......... 3 212 . . .. 4 m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . 6 5 0 ty sancy 3rr<el . . . . . . . .                                 2        ". 5
                                                                                                                                          ,.aystere /sd tst:re %t eseccee 51*;nt?y ;ravelly st1*/y sans . . .                               ,5                                                       ;ncing *o st!*sune /*!ay

[' Q arse sana ... ..... . Stity sand to sancy stit . . . 4 6 229

                                                                                                     - 224 22t                                 .
                                                                                                                                            .ntqt tater:ecs . .......
                                                                                                                                                              . ts t:netH:H         daystsee &
                                                                                                                                                                                                         .         5     ;3; S ancy si t t . . .            ... . . .                            5        235                                           s                    ..                           .      .$       ,!6 1

5 0.ty sand se sandy sit t . . . . "! 240 3 Stity saea . . . . . . . . . . . 25 .n. $ 3*NI int e-"sec'#"o ce ."9. * ". '". . . . 6 .92 Fine to narse sano ....... 7 272 seg1 re n* e . . . 2 Pa 2ravdly sootwo sano . . . . . . . 3 275 so neve*y .... . . . .. 2

                                                                                                                                            !!1ty sancy :orgtret ste . . .                                               i?$
                            $ nd                                                             10               '                                                                                             .      4     .00
                            $!!getly hrs ~ vet $y sIEt $                   $'          I        1-       2*56 2                                 jecceso N a H gnvd                                                . 3     g

_ _111aatty gravelty s?lty 5.:e . . . 16 302

                                                                                                                                           .: ngl ye ste . . . . . . . . .                                  .      7     p.

T-Gra eity st1ty sana .... . . 3 205

                                                                                                                               ' #e: ole.ccole ::rg!we-ste . . . .                                                 a     6.6 fl'gntly ; rave'iy stity sano . . .                                 5'       310                                .nveMy cocely ungire su
                                                                                                                                            *                                                               .    ,3 p5 5 0 ty saac . . . . . . . . . . . .                                 5         315                               y nc:very                    . . .. .... .                            .2     f!
                                                                                                         ;35                              ' ""Y " "'I ,*"I                    *               '"*
  • I
            .                IUgatly!ravell*estitysand...

ancy $11 ............ 20 5 3a0 30tst:re .. ..". . . 3 'd. . W gnt!y tinyey st1t. ;rayisn y'lty::aystaae . .. . la !a6 tr?.n . ........... 5 IdIl .... 2 48 3,a 5 Stity,' Y'Y'seasy sancsuae laystee . 2 250

                     ,      $1tstlytlayeystit,sars316e                                 .      .5          .60                              $ttty sano .isaaay silt
              , ,         , f t t gatly :'ayey stit. gray's"                                                                                            %te- ecs                   ...... ..                     10      250
                                $r Tan     .... ..... . .
                                                                                                ,         ,05 f*ed NA sand, dean . . .

g r,3vyy ,. . ... ., { .]$!

                                                                      ....*               . 'O            30I 141

n - f


I RH0-LD-158 . s o t, i r:si x . .e nte-te:i s< m 4e ;,ve , trice sa., ;M

                                                                                                                             .                    5 sa90y si'!stPt ..                                      .'     !!6        *e:Nm ;rsvel. :*tce st!! . . .                                   5      ;2!

to 'ecove*y . . . . .... 7 277 ogtp ;egvel, .3ge 33 I*'ty sarc ./'cCa?*!e" 17tvels a L g.ft . 5 *0 II' wegi p gegvg', :.gge st * * , . . $ 12! Sanoy genvelt y :rg t re-ste 1 2t!  ::erse ;,,,,: g 5,.a, :.s:e sitt . 5  ;;0 94 'esset y ....... . 1 256 v,o. , i ps g ;.sve', t.iee att . s ;as Sancy }ravelf y :ygtreeste . 10 296 we ot e sano; saae ; rive' 6 s*?t . 10  ;!5 Sitset y ::cely ;*svel'1 :ssese sars see 3*sve;. trace tsagi r e-ste . ... . 5 20 1 stit . . . . . ......... 5 160

   !ancy :scoty se: sty cong1 r e* :e                       10       3::        *est e ravet, trace s' sanc &

io recove*y . . . . L 212 stit . . . . . .. .. . . 5 115 Selvelly ::egi m e* ate .... 5 317 Stit 6 scee 'Me gravel, trace io recovery ... ... . . 3 220 of sano .. .. . . 15 *t0 8esole esegi v e ste .. .... 4 22a $ancy c:ane :: .***e grave'. 511ty Ctaystsee . ... .. 4 329 .,yggg gf ggig gg

     ,                                                                                                       ,,,,,,,,,                                  230
   ..systsee 3rsetag to g* velty                                                 g o : ,,gpe 4 4 ., :: yeif sand . .         ..            .       . ..            2      330            ;* ve1 trace saac . . .                                    20       250 3aed . .                       .        . .                I       ?:2        we etwa sare, some stit L ** re io escovery              ......                  ..        2      .:a            gravel       .. ......                                .       5     255 Same as *nte*vst 330 322 ft.                     .         2       325 Conglw erste             .         .       ...             5      241 9e *ecove*y                 .                               I     250        699 20 120 (3cl:e- ee " n !)

Claystsee . ...... . a 354 .: cat *ca: *2/27 1233 Stity sacostere & saacy asing !*evat'en: 513.23 tiltstaae .. . . 18 372 ate -etary rec sy *ar=ta ester eetis t 90 recove v . . . a 375 .o e1 sy lue e " :* ici:e* ass:ciates f3r

ayer st!ts:ee . . .. 7 333 it.g* 1980 'cwe:at en test sca'ag 8t*3I* Pgfr eette 292 3riv,) : , , ,

1 5 397

  • a t e * ' s ,.
                                                                                                                   ...                  .O : tress .ettn s

to ec:ve y ... . ;I AC8 8'ae sanoy siltstore . . . p 417 F'P8 ts *: arse saec 6 ***e to

   !!ayst:ee . ..                           .          .       5     422           coarse ;*nvel                    .       . .               25          !!

to e:sveev ....... 5 22; Nu ts ::ane sare. s:ee ; rive' 5 40 Sare as ate val 417.42: *:  !! 43 8'ne to :ene saac .. . . 50 90 0:ays:sae ; :es to st:ty F'Pe to eseM e sa*c & " *e is

'avst: e . a 44 2  :: arse ; rave' 'O  ;*0 to ec:.e y./ asm ... .457 ' t ee ts Mc'+5 is c .. M ;20
e: ...*: 446
    *:ays::ne                                          .     ;5      46;        O ne s : arse saac & '"e                       s trec: a; 3C1 :?ays & ;"% angatar                                                  sarse ;nvel                        ..                    10       120 sasalt :!asts                         . .              5     466        .im ts sarse saac. sre *tg :s 5ssait . . .                      ..                     20       &?6          'ed ' # 1 ";                 *                - <          'O       O Ftee ts es" arse sara .                          ..           1:       1!!

4e9 40.;2 'Golcee e*1 *191 Fue to :: arse ; ravel . . I 160 Ffae is coarse sarc & **ae is. .

       .sc aticn: 129872. .;;!!8                           12/27 12M               : arse gravel                            .           .        5     155 Castag Itevattsn: 512.29                                                 Fine ts secte sarc .. . . .                                      5     ;70 air stary. tr*11eo :y 4m an date* . ells &                               sine is mecte saas t st'* . . .                               20       ;90 tc ec :y larrell :f iolcee associates *:e it.p:.1950. gestegic iavestt1H un seceaste                           Fine to ::aese saas. see sitt.

s e e 3-avel .. 10 200

                     *atee'ai ..;)                     7M ca nes s Oestm 599 40 12! :3o:ce- det! *s7)
   =ect e ;rivel ./ssee sand . .                              5           5        L: cat'sn:                                                12/;7.;234
saese ;rivel; trice : san e sand . 5 10 Casiaq Elevatten: 518. t
   *ecium ; ravel           ... ..                  .         !         ;5          Air .stary, :r?ed ty Camp date                           .e's t weci e t *tae r ivel, trace                                                         toggee :y tur-ell af ioice* assec*ates *:e of sitt .                  .. . ....                    5        20             it!:0. ;3to.
  • w ca:* a cn :est sar**g Osarse to **ee gravel, t-ace of silt . . . ... ... 10 20
  • ate-tat G;l *M eu m ss Oe:tn Fi m ;rivel, trace af m ium gravel .. . . . 5 25 Fine to socium sama .. . . . I 5 8'ae 3rsvel ........... 5 20 Ff ee to coarse sano & *iae is reae gravet. trste ** wctum coarse ; revel . . !O 15 3rasel . . . . .. 5 25 Fire to :carse saac .. . . M '5 rine ;rivel. some g se sano . *5 60 3 rave ny fine is essete sano . ;0  !!

we atum grivet, s w .sarse sana . 5 55 7 tee to : arse sano 1 ee is "earte saed. trace 3rsvel ... 5 ID c: arse gravel . 10 )$

sarse sane, see :: arse travel . 5 *5 trave 11y **ne is :tarse sar: . . 20  ;;!

Cearse saco L seoNo gravel ... 5 30 ygne :o :sarse sarc & **ne is 4ectwa ; ravel ..... . . 5 95 coarse irsvel ... . . 25 !a0 we ite ;ravet. :rsce sitt .  ! 90 F'na is :: arse gravel . .. . 5 145 vooie 3*ivel. : sce sana 5 15 iravelty '.9ae :) Mc Nn saca . . 5  !!O

ay. scee ;-: vel . .. . . 5 *00 F e ,e : 3 ,e .e sane, see
  • ice Stity *Iay, t?tce ;-avel . . . . 5 105 12 :carse ;*sve' . . . . . ;0 150 4
    *: arse saac, some iravel. trace                                             Fine to c: arse sano & ae                    a i      :!ay .        . ... ....                        .      5      11*           :sarse gravel ..                                              !
                                                                                                                                  .                     155 l  !aarse sane & 9e1 Nn travet                   .            5       115       F*m ts :sarse saec                      .            .           !     ;70 l42 I

RHO-LD-158 neesanaLset . .. . :0 19e 5,9 40.;:4 : sot:e .tii es:-) siae taae L ", u 4we ira.ei ice i n . . . . 5 15

                                                                                  .se as4 3n:                                             2/27 .:n we ci r to :carse ;eavel, se**                                                   : w , r evat.:,: 5;3.n sano                            .. ..                    I      2*C Air retary :r ilee sy arasa dete .eDs L
               -                                                                      toggea Oy .i% esa; :f Iol:e assect ates ':e
                                                                                      %(* 0. ;96C. 8:wecat*:n test scr*91 199 40.;2e ' Sol:ee sell 8I8)                                                                  w a ter* al '1;'
     .                                                     12/27 ;21!                                                             o ca te s s 'e:t*

Casing Cevat*:n: !2;.31 Air 'stary. 3r11193 ty !a maa este* dells & w,$5, s s're saac, seae ;*svel 5 5 to Cagese t3 fire gravel . .... I ;0 4 gec0, sy '. A*,

                  .      'setat    sf 3ct:e-cation         test assect ton ~9 ates 's"          :caese is 'iee saea, ss** 1rsvel                             !       ;!
                                                                               *sarse is diae ;, s ee sane .                           5       20 wate**al (1;)                                                Csarse to **me gravet                . . .                 ;0        20
                                                       *micsaets Sect 9        Osese is 'f ae sed                .... .                     5       25 w es t.m ts '* ae sa e, some silt                          *0         ;0 r     to 4ee saac & 03 arse
sa.o,se..% .gesvo ;a
 *sarse is '*ae saec L :: arse                                                                                                 ,.                   45 to **ee gesvel, s re sitt                              ,                  .,g , t3         .,,ga.c                                   40        !$
                                                            .5         25      ;;gge 3 n e gara L c: ,se Osarse ta *tae sand & : arse is                                                  to rene ;,                                              ;0 fiae gravel . . .. . . .            .                    5        l0      ;,,,,, n . 3,ei               ,.,.              ..                   15
 ,oarse to "ae saac L :: arse to. .
 .                                                                                               ae saac L s*1t.

f'ae gravel, s:*e s !t gy ,;7,,,1 , ;g  ;;5

                                             . .              5        35 Osarse is 'tae sara L coarse                                                  vecia t: N ae same, se e s*1t .                            .!

to fiae gesvel . .... 10 45 *eo's to 't re san:. sc*e st ? *, Cosase to f*-e sars . . . . 40  !! some travet ... . .. p carse to '*-e sar: L :: arse we tum to ** at sa*a. se*e st't .5 y!5 to " ae ;esvel . ... .. . 15 ;00  :: arse *s M ae saad & : a se fine sana L stit. L sitt/ :'ay . 5  ;*5 t avel ... .. p! D ne sans & s'It. sye e:9p *eC ' .m"me to piae saas L **It p!

                                                                                                                                          .       .90 13 f**e j'aveis L stItf OI 4y                      . 5      110       **c # to N ee saac & stit.

Fine sand & s*tt .. . 10 ;20 sM e IFI'el ..

 *carse to " ee irsvelly ::aese is 'iee sea . ..                                  .      5      125 Csarse ta f ue sane L r arse                                                  699 40.;3 (Sciee .e11 *U to N ae gesvel          ..               .

5  ;;0 ': cat *:n: 4295I9. ***I?* 12/*7 6 0.* Coarse te "ae saac 5 :sarse ts .*asu*g C eva i:a: 507.!$

     'iae getvel . sFe tilt                      .          10       140          ec tary .t3109 f t.              L 3's"9ce: ::Pe. :**
  • l et *y Csaase to "ee saes & :sarse to. acwa OM1het & eveicoreat "ca'osay & :accas 819e gravel .. 21 155 P* l *9 :l** a*/ 5 ' O lef :P *C*e. .i D e9' P1 "Jeese *3 ** *e jPsvellf *sarse L L.:rM9t :f 3Che* ss:c*s* H 9I C O.
      *3 fiae sand . . .                . . .               ;0       la$              IIII. is1Icq 0 'Pyestiitt**a tCPe*C e
 *1ayey stit, some " e saac                             . 2!       200
                                                                                                =at e *al G ;)                    *hicaness :ecti 599 40.;23 ;3oice* .411 8891
     ;.: cst en:                                           12/: -1255
                                                                               *: coles & tegic:-s .esan: L
sstag C evat*cn: ! 3.23 ;r3,,1 ,. :a 20 Ate antarf. :ri'ec :y aman eate* *el's L 31aca note see .. *4 M
c :f is1:e associates '3' 3rsve) L same i:o:Sles . . 5  ;"C gt!.ges ny armot:
0. ;980. f:u ncatten test sc**r9 Soft ar =e :*ayst:ee ./saac.

stit & 3 avet . 2 12

                 *sterial (111                         7htetPets Oest9         Sapey travel ./:c:ssi:na ;*svel                            25      12!
31,s ,fsye ;.iv,1 24 152 Claystare ./ssee st't .

I Fine samd . . . ... . . we oi s to " ae saec & *eci m u 5 5 St1tstaae ./ trace :Tay & saac eiae sapes ./tri:e ::ay

                                                                                                                             . .            3 3
                                                                                                                                                  ;68 to :: arse 3rsvel . .......                            10         ,3 5titstsq
                                                                                                                                  .         5     U3 we eie to 'ine sano & *es'um                                                                   ..                         .                5     U1 gravel ..                                                                 Sancstore        ..           .         .                    5     !!3
                          . . .. . . .                      20         35
cgireeste w e et , to fire sana ..... 30 55 . 1 134 we ets to "ee saac. see stlt . . 10 75 w

w w c: arse sare . . . . 2 116 Ocegl ee-ste . . . . . . . . . we etum ts "ae saec .. . *C

                                                            .          15 01aystone to stity :'ayst:ee 43        *9 we ot e to : arse saac                                                90                                                                   !     224 we ets to ** w saac L Secte
                                    .               . .       5 Sancst:ae . .                            .      .            3     227
                                                                     .,        Sancy si'tst:*e ts :ssese 1*sve! . . .. . .                            .5       ..-

sanost:w .- 2ac

                                                                                                                                          .a mssium e         13 H ee sard & regium                                                               ...                                               256 t3 03 arse ]rsvel, spe s11t                              I                *3pglygegge             .         .                        la      275 1

we dtsn 13 **re saed. 50'e stIt . I *** w *es:ve y . .. 5  !!!

                                                                               ! angst:ae .                                               *0 we aic ts ** =e sare. See                                                       angi r e-ste . .
                                                                                                                             . .                  291 sec. p                                                                                                         . . .                 .5      296 e'ee       sana;esvei L reO# to :narse    . . .... .                5      120 to ecoveey                               .                 10      :C5 ges el . .        . . .**                      . .     'd
angtye ste . . .

g iancstsee G5 e*I Fiae saPd L 'ed* # I3 C3 Fle U ayst0Pe travet< s:me si:t .. . 5 145

                                                                                                    ..                       .            U'      I60 3engg :,e                                                  ;a      na riae saac & eo1.19 ts : arse                                                                       ,        ,

gravei . . . .... . I h ae saac L si t .. . . h.. .36 1 143

I PH0-LD-158 so recco v . . . . .

  **ses coag'zas ste :!ays:sa, 5

38' 290

                                                                                          "'0 ' W'" to     *e 1 l=e1
                                                                                          '" M M  " 1"" I */t*tte
                                                                                                                                                        .       5     23!

I Sancstcee .. . . 2 392 88"C . . . . 5 2% 3 rave? .. . .. 1 393 3h i*t.'Y l'. / T M *a ***e Sanostcae ...... . .  ;^ 403 "I -- .-- - U EU to *ecso y ..... . . . O aC5 51{"y t seav :o ** *e 3rivel- . . 5 3Cf Sancstsee istitstsee :ama . y a;a 5 t ity Mc e as ** *e ;-sot Caagicrie ste . . ... A 4:3 ./ s t i t a t:ee * *te-:e:s . . 5 313 Inter e :ec s?f tstone L Silty :'ayey *ee v s ' fee sanastone . .. ..... 10 421 1 "' ' ' - - - 1* Sand . ... .... . . 423 10 - "0 33

aystsee - silty claystsee
                                         .                             1 I'esvelig
                                                                                            'It/ C'81'1  c!ay     .
                                                                                                                1 V 18 #'
                                                          .         34         462 Asn           ....                     . . .                          1       462            grant . .            ..               . .                .       5     335 L f'sce:us? :tays::ae                               . .               ;       463        Clayey stity *eci e is 'ime
  ;*systere ... ..                               . .                !$         273            7"" I         *                              **               U        ,',-
  !are . ..                         .. .                      .        ;       473        Sit;nt y sitty Se:*-             1e    *: **ae
ay igesvoi 1 373 gesvel . . . . 5 :50
ayst:re .. . . . 5 878 II11 'tII stity ecas :o ***e Sana . .. .. . ..  ? 45 travel /:nce saac .. . . 5 35!

Iasalt . . . . . ;9 504 "ecie to Pe irave' *' trace sitt . . . .. .. . . 10 36! 499 40-20 (Solce* ee 1 *251 Sligntly sit ty *ecie :s '.'ee let**l . . . . . . . . . . 10 373

     .ccat en: 1399aC, .17695                                     1 !**.;;;;              51'gatty sancy lrave!'y :Tay                                . 31       1C5 astag Devatten: 475.33                                                             Sancy c'ay . . . .                                     .            9      al!

Air estacy (to 37 't., 15 3:0 sy !armaa s a t er .e tta'snuo L ' o;;e -etary.

y 41 :r',1',es se,,g Sancv!-eveMy:!ay Sit;nt f saecy :'ay
                                                                                                                                                      .       5      835 3ar ell # Icice- assee ates ':r SC 3.17M.                                         Sancy graveMy : ay                                                  5     44 Jeclogic 'nvest' gat :n :c-eao',                                                  311;nt!y saray gesvelty :Tay .                                      5     44!

I*t7 t'y sancy .Iay . 5 85

                 *ste**al ';;'                               **':veess :estn             Sancy etty . ..                                         .            5     453 Sancy graveMy :Tay                                                   5     360 Csarse to ae sara                   .                            ;!            15     014yey '*ae ; svei                                      .          17      473 Stity ::a se :s fine sa-c                                            !           23     3rsvel'y :*ay                       ..                                     2*!
sarse is 'tre gravet vt sce wec'.m :c ae ; avel
                                                                                                                                                              !     48C s111 .   .                  .              .                  31             34     4ec%.m to **ee ;rivel ./t-sce
 $4ney sitt                ..              ....                       ?           11         ::ay ..                                                          5     285 Sancy *ecie ta f tee ;rsvei                                                             "ec %m ::.."re ;nvei                                                 5     413
    ./ trace sitt . . . . . . . .                                  38             35     34sait                                                            20       51*
 $11gnt1, sancy secte ts 'tae                                                                                         .                              .

jrevel ./t-ace sitt ... .  !! 100 $99 40 21 k ? :e* ne n e?"' 51t e tly saacy Sedie to ae ,,:c a ti on : sacC93. 42 4:1 ;2.27..0A1

     ; ravel . .                  .. ...                              !        105          !asing I'evat sa: 271.25 wecte is 'ine gravel                  .. .                           !        110          A e stary, :r 1 ec :y :arman .ater .eM s 5
 *ectum is 'ine gravel ./ trace                                                                  togges :y remo's of ht:e- Ass:c'ites ':e silt .. ......                                      .         10          1:0               SEK:. ;?83. ;eologi: a v es: gat :n vectum to fiae gravel .etrace                                                                   toreacte saed .    ......... .                                    .     ;5          135
 *ecie s Hae grave! ./t sce.                                                                               wate- a; *11         .                    98cs ess     "e:t*

sitt . . . .. . . . 5 140 3ravelty sitt . .. . . 15  !!5 :sarse u re saac. sce 511ty medic to ne tesvel . 5 150 Mc v c nam e ;n ni.,. a nee invei .itnce ,

                                                                                         , t "" 5:nne
                                                                                         . . ae :
                                                                                                       "t        inve, .
                                                                               .,3                                                                           .        .C 5 deb; sak;;e;4Wd hie'                                      '                 -

m m v .s " i"a "r. gravet ./ trace sitt um to "ee invei .it ice 5 .,0 J. 'c'.y7g,,,,,,,,

                                                                                                  ' e = n e",e w ".                                        ..
                                                                                                                                                             ;        3e, g

J' sis <i4i4vF::

 *ects u **ne grsvel / trace
                                                             .     '5          is!       *
  • u n '"' $ 2 * -

mv s cane inve5.'c' 5 ,3

                                                                                                                                                                      . 3 5        '90       *ects is :sese sar: .                                       .        5       55 51 g thsiityEe$teta                       ENet                                                            8
                                                                                         *K ", I.,',"j s ano L mv iran i ./ trace sara                                 .            5        . 9,.                                                                          5       5c w

eate :s ene 3rin' . 30 205 "'C M i we atum to fine gravel ./ trace Mane sant. '"' 3 !*sce

                                                                                                                  " 3 " s:      I'  F:" .                  . 0        . 0 l    saco     ...s             .. .. ...                               5        ,,0
                                                                               ..        Sec v =, ::an          e sano L Seci e
                                                                                                         ..'C' ' , . . *-

51t;nt!y siity neolum to ae I'8" - ' 5 *5 1""I -

  • 2M ""
  • 2 8 "5 ' ' *"8 I ' #

P*' .

                                                                               '"            ts narse ;nve-                     ..                           5        50
 .""     'C '.! tu *nein x '

5 m > = s ee 5 m v w *. ee n-". ,, , 5,.

                                                                                         ,,,, , ,,,,,ve..,,,
    .,inc a se. .                ... . ..                            5         255                                          .                                .

e 4 ,ts '4,e invei .itnce - .- gj. ,-- :na se satic w

  • M :s' rime ;rsvh ' . .. 5 5

jy =ec u = re ; no i . :r ste 5 9C w =a n e sar: .. 5 Lg ec um is .ae g*svet eet sce stit . . 5 Itc m i e s **ne sarc 5 m t e

                                                                                             .    :Carse sL*C               ..                               5      ..w laa I


s [ RH0-LD-158 [ 599-40 32 .3olse een 845) 599-40 134

    .             129527. d2:434                          ;2/2N!31                                   . xat: en:     4:04",4.      232:5                     ;*?2h!31
    ;4steg !*evat*:n: 523.79                                                                         Castag !!eva:*:n: !;3. t 41* etary 'ta 11! f t.1 & m               u e otary :r*!'ee                                      Cao!e tect, ril?ec sy :Sausse :d .5;5 'or 3E         '

ed b Comcacy 1949. gruec=4:e* 9enitor'ag ty af aman 30;:eraate- nelis &8:r associates icggCO

4. Lao e: 9t y.980 to enole geologic investigat'on screacle
                  # ate *9al (11) wate-141 11                        *Micueets 'e:t*

ThtCRness e*tR Sane & Soulce s .. .. 12 12

 *ecie ts *be sano                ...                .       5                            5       Sans, genve! & toul:e-s                           .           I            13 Ocane to "ee sane L ie1'um                                                                       Sanc & soulce's              ..                               1            l'

[ to '9ae ;rsve' trace stit . . . 5 0 !anc ;-avel L :ou':e s .. *s

                                                                                                                                                              .              22 S *rste o ty enam e to '. ire sano.                                                                   Soulee-s. saa: L ;rsvel               .                       3            20 Ocarse s;rsvel
                           .         ......                  5                     *5
                                                                                    .             3ravei & sand ..                      .                    U               U ana & csam e s 'ine                                                                   3rsvel, san: L s"t . .                                      23             15 gravel trace silt                    ...                 5                       20           =esi e gravet. :' ace t .a*:s
 !asay :sarse ta *ine ; revel


                                              ...            5                      25               sana, can ocunt of stlt                                    4          100 laarse :s 'tae sano & tee                                                                        we cie & :: arse ; ave'. stact to "ne -revel                                                                                    L .ntte saac 5 r Omarse                    :oebe fine gravel, trice sn t .

t secse. u to . . . 'um

                                         . ..                5                       20
                                                                                                . "on me wri graveI.aysome        stace- :sarse
                                                                                                                                                    .           2          '32 20                       50              ; & ve y v al' count Osane to ' ire sano n 3 svel .                      .      10                     60                if 31aca L .ai*e saac                                         4       ;C6

[ 00 arse to *'ae sanc & *ectum =ecies ; ravel L in y silty saac 4 110 to *fne .. 10 70 westfy saac & :'ay ./seme gravet

osese :s **ne travel, sarctrace snt
                                & gesvet,                                                                                                                          5       !!!

westty ::ay ./sr e saec 5 1:0

acs stit . . .. .. .. 10 30 :taf L asi . . . 20  !!

Sf'ty :: arse to *tae sanc. some tay, ass L saac l0

    ;rsvei . .                                                                                    ;i sf

[ 5 35 i.!O

                                ... .                                                                            . ...                                             3         33 Coarse :: **ee sana 1 meetum to.                                                                 3rty :t ay. 9c sara                                              2       '35
    " ae                   :nce sti: ,                      ;0                       75           it.e ;reea 'sy .... ..

Janey ::;rsvet. arse :s

  • ae gra.e1  ! 100 10 195
                                               . .                                                3 ray : lay & sare smait gesve'                               13         209
arse is ^ e sanc 1 evel . . 10 110 Icavel. tout :e s. saac 5 : lay 20 229 Coarse sancy vec'um s;f!ae Smalf 14  ?!2 gesvei . . . ...... . l' *20 irsvel;-avel t :'ay *n ; ray :?ay .

2 2!'

sa-se to d'ae san L tedium :s Saac 6 ; ravel 24  !*!
    *ine jravel L 3Culde-s . .                              10          *30                       Issait
ese :s 4at sand & sestum is
                                                                                                              . ..                  .                              5       II3 fiae gravel. *rsce stit & clay .                         !          135 we ctum ts *19e sana & silt, see                                                                 599-40-3*S clay, :*sce ; ravel; & clay.                                                                     Loc att en:                                            ,,T a          R2 sye sil              . ......                    .      20          I!!                          Castag !?tvatten: 511 "ecie to '+*e sana &                silt
  • L same : lay . ..... 30 195 Airny*:tary,
                                                                                                            *cegeOr*11ec sf L f u tv % 3:ua .3 5.>ayca1? %g:og,'.11ed    c
 *ecie to "ne saco 1 siit.                                                                              " "5DI"'8" 38"'*;'

see :!ay. :nce ; svel 20 225 Silty tec+e to ' ae saea trace ,,,,,q; 7 3,c,,,,,  ;,,,, es'l Io'TideYiin.' '

nc.e c',ay 5 invei ... ns an inai ' "'e :s "'

5"a - - - - - 20

an  : , e swa i im.
                                                     .       5 Sa " i" ai '"'e := ::                          -

P a m ince :tay 5 invei ...... :0 245 Sai i"a' /*sa :=

aan e to. a- ,,
            . m  ayeice    se a & no t.                                                                                         -                 -             -
    .nce                                                               2,.,

ne sua &

                                            .. .             5                       .

su'"n, mia i a:e:ane sea ;nvei .. ,c ino.ny in.....  ::an, e : .. hnvei.. .. s

                                                                       .v. ..
                                                                                                     -/*' e to wecie invei ., m m :: ,iee
a n e sw a a m ium :o ine 5"c - - - - -

invei . . ... ..... 10 255 eeais := n ee s wa .<wa n

oane sea s me :: <ene amount of n .... . 5 60 invei. :
.ane ian.nce int itociar
                       . eeeium       rene
                                               ...           5          v0                        :aaneinvel.vei.       /a at e := f*ee sua         ...                    ... .                :D             70 invei . . . .               ........                    :5           2ss                      " ,:2 ,eeu swe .<wan
cane inn i === to fiae .ount inni .... :0 t0 gravel.
  • ace sitt & :iay ...  ! 290 'f ae to sechri sed er wan Ocarse same L " ee travel ... 10 200 amount Sectum 1*tvel  !  !!

Osarse sano 1 iec's is "ne Osarse gravel e/*ecu is [ gesvet trace st's 1 :1ay sam e sano L mec w ta 7'ae 3rsvel . . 54 salt

                                               ..           10 12 310 222
                                                                                                     <1re sane       .. . ..

wo otus gesvel ./mec u :s 'tre sand . . ..... . ...

                                                                                                                                                     .        ;0 35 100
             .             . .... ..                        II            UO                      dectum :3 #iae saac.                         .                5           !;f Small :: cotes. :: arse ;-eve;
                                                                                                      & see um sara ... .....                                    I          1:0
                                                                                                   $ mal; ::: les. :: arse ;esve: L muG    . ..             .              . ...             .g            :;
                                                                                                   ..ay     . ...                     . . ...                   w           .fw 145

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ i

I RH0-LD-158 .nac.m

  ' oc at*:n:,
reva:4,n. i;.
                                                       -        503
                                                                                ! s act,v,in t ?!t taac
e. t i 53 u c. u,c 4.

2 250 5. l

  ... e u.i, 2.,e e, :v ...,, ,,
                                                    .au,,:..,...,             ,., ,5;,;.
                                                                                        ; g. :5df * ,"' '                                  ,           g g y. g . 2 . aye ,ics c t,ves.                                           ]01 sana.0%stit,sanc's
                                                                                                                          , ,                   ,gg g

a * # ' ** *

  • I II wa terial (1) ?nt:iness est*

20% clay & 3Cs sand .nics Sane & teuleen .... g g is 'iaer . . .. .. . . 27 200 Sand, y svel & tout:e's 25 43 2C5 silt & 30% s ea . .. . ;2 312 3rsvel e/ sand . 7 50 151 stit. 3C5 ;eavel & 5!% 3ravet & sarc .... . . 27 77 sanc. sana 's '$ne in :carse 5 212 Same, y svel ./cfay . o 37 20% stit. :C% sand. 5C% ; rave!

  • ementes saac & y avel. . . ;c 97 L aco:e's; ylve' & :cui:e-s Soulce's . . . . . .. 3 ;oo stac *:getrea .ia '*;nt

!ano yavel . ;6 115

                                                                                 =1 ort W: 3r :'ay, e 'e=
  • 3 ray /trowa : lay .. 29 145
                                                                                 ; ravel a *
  • e ::a:* ag  !~!

3rown sana ciay 1 3 s d t, aC5 sare. !3

                                           ,,,           33          173 Silt, saac & ::ay              .                          22          200         jravel; saec *s mes:!y Iano & sO :          ..            .            ..          5         2Cf           '  ' ' '"7 ' ' P t : 3   1 8".

Sand y avel .. .... . 15 22g ysvet is ;01 nasa' 6 K1 Sand ;*ivel ./ clay . 818'*5 'e 3rowa :?ay & yavel

                                               ..        24          244         over ; in."7 itte         y s'el
                                                                                                         ...... .                          !    330
                              . . .               .      11          255 3 ravel . . . .            .             . ..              !          250 13 sd t, SC1 Fevel, 3Cs Sand r avel                        ..           .         23          2!3         sand; ylvei is :en yavel 3asalt                                                     ;                      L s ame a s 'i ae                                         2    222
                                                                     ' 33 20% stit, aC1 yavet. 33....

599 40 52 sand; ;ravei 's 'ar;e- &

  .:ca:1:n: '4403:0. 6*.!0C                            ;2/          ::ge: e ./,e y
  ~4s eg !'evat'sa; 727.?d                                                       :'Snt :olo*e: st1 :* :tay .                  . .       10      342 er SE            25% sano. 5C% P avel. ;!s s *t; wa0Ie meany. t001, 948,
                    '"t1Iec      3y 400:4 younc.4:e.               Of ;515,.'g seni:3    n                         pave' 's :en ya,e t .                 . .                 I    244 senacle                                                                  50% ; ravel. 20% saac, ;C% sitt.

Pavel ett'ag 'ar;e- . . . . . Il 255

  • at e-t a a..1 6 *hteisess *ects SCs ;rs,e;r. 253 sarc. *!% st;.

Travel scstly ae . . . . . 5 :6C .Co 1011 . . . . . 3 } $C% ysvel, !!1 sanc, '.51 stit; Sarc, y aval & sil: .,, .. , 7 10 yavel :: arse . .,,, , g ;gg Sanc yave!. scal:e s & st1t . 2 12 3C% ;rsvel, 23 silt. !M saae; Sanc. gavel & sti: .. ... 13 25 sano 1s **ae L :smes is aces 10% li s t, aC1 saec & !C1 yavel . 6 31 3r'Illng . . . . . . . . . . a 370 !!1 Pe Pavel, !!% sit & 23 yavel, 23 st?:, 53 sua 50% sana . .... , a 35 .ni:n s t e gnt :s:3r & Sano L sitt .. . . . 5 40 mest'y 'ine . . . a 374 13 stit. K1 saro, mostif $51 :'ay, ;!1 :sarse saad . . . . 1 375

sars e . . . . . . . . 19 gg ;CC1 :'ay. :* ga :re.n .,?tgst

!!1 s tit, !!5 s ane. ;ety *,. y ay & : art 3rown streaus . . 7 :34

cler, mostly :sarse . 1; 70 25% sitt & 7!1 *ano, sare stilt :cersa t gray . . 15 85 in.4.!as 3AL.N ccat en: ;2,;!.21 20% silt 6 7C1 saac n'en *s :asing !!evat*:n:

ms:Ty ::aese ...... .. ;c . 40% sitt t 60s sana .ntes 95

                                                                                 *ua -:tary. :r ?!ec sy rin tey t ag 2 geny i s f i ne * . . . . . . .                             ;0                          & 95ec :y .* M e of L ':e % !)EL
                                        ...                          105 255 s11t & 555 sano                                                   ;;3
                                                                                     ; W e ' eves n at :n tereole
                              . .          .              3 JC1 sitt & 7C% se c, sana.
sseser . . .. . .. 12 125 *ste- al .21 wtestess : ectr 351 sti: L $51 sane, sano new 5 130 211 stit & ?!1 sano, sand Dune sano . . 5 5 fine L p ay 25 155 I""8F O' 8 *: C I: F8"' - . 10  !!

2C: st?t & 73 saae, some Sancy secole u n"eole ysve? 5  :.

carse* sans esf ane sana . 10 Igg jrtve "y ** ** ~3 aM* e s anc !9 30

!!1 sti: & $55 sana, sano . :c te  : nut:e irave' . . ;5 M c:ars e . . . . . . . . . 5 170 II'9"* / F 'I?7 UIt/ "' 23 sti: & 3C1 sana, sand sans .  ;;  ;;3 50% fine & !C5 coarse .. 25 195 5 0:y **ae snac . . *0

                                                                                                                                         .       ;;3 4C% sil 6 5C% sano, sand                                                        S e :y :e:cle is n:Cle ye<e!                                 3    ;2; mstly 'ine        ... ...                                3         ;;3        SD;rt:/ yave"y **-e :s Ocarse sanc & ses v svet.!C%,                                                      no ' .m s an c                              ,          20 20%  'd ae sand & 23 sil:                               a          207       30*/ ' '         "C                                              ' '3 3C1 sarc & 23 til: .. . ..                                 !          215 I"e l'/ si t ty '* e saa:

smait stit :r :'ay te-se . . . 1

                                                                                                                                                 ;!a 355 sit: L 65% sanc.f'ne                    .             15          220 Sa e as
  • ate-,a1 .*18 :: ;!' 3:.

4  ;!! 215 stit t ?!5 saac . . .. ;0 2a0 tity saacy =:sie psve' . ;0 ;sa 20% st*: L 33 sanc. sano Sit:y sarcy :e:o'e O O t:!e

arser 7 247

Sano L sitt. .. .. ... 1 248 F O *

  • 4 -

l 146 I I

l RH0-LD-158 I 1 froy se:cte to :sec*e gravei 5  ;'? 599 a; la

     !arcy      :essie                                                                     ;3c3t.3,:                                        ::.;; es sfrail    santo"teles
                               =ce te ;*sve'. ...                   5
  • gging r ,,gg. ge ;

saae as 'eterval 172 ts ;" * .  ;; ;93

                                                                                              ,et, ::31, se,; e :y 3.,, .p.           3, , a t:'i ersve ty *ecie see ..                        .. .            '!       208                 ;r.11,n; :: o p f <:* s g , ;379, ;r:,ac. ate-l I     secy seco .e
  • sout de* ; : vel 5 9 ' t y 'i '% s af o 599-a0-444 'tR'- '5) 2;2 213 montt:r*Pg scrt 3;e wa te-ia! l' *i'eneess Oe:

l 12/25-222 wo oie :: '4ee sana .. 5  ! Locati on: Secy :scote ;ravet. :c:rty "asing elevat*on: sortec . .. . 19 1 Caste :soi 'ts n a 't: & Sac etary. s etes 5 00

r lin :y Saisotegeis sf dat s Spey Ocarse;ravet.;rsvel soor'(y sco* :3: ec ;0 C
           'rliag        :meary & *:aen sf =c0caaid                                  Sancy gravel :ocaiy s:rtes                            13         50 3r'1'ing ":So ary & 'o;;e1 sy '- i1Me sf                                    S aac & :! ay ;* s <e '                        .        !        !!
           & 'er aces.e n ,193;. ;ee :cgic investi;at?:n                               Sancy ; avet. ::cvy s:etas                              5        50 seremo!e                                                                    v e cium u  e sare. ; sy                     .        !        55 Sa-cy smal? :e::le ; e.C                                $        *O j                      *ste-*al '2)                          *miciaess :esta            ves e is 'ine saac                                      !        ?!

f we :t e to c: arse ;ravetty I liity, ieoNm s c:aese sard Silty grave:ty :: arse to 5 5 . sanc. m.f* . . .. . 5 !O

sarse see to saacy ;**  ;*svet 3 !3 secte saac . .. . ;3 15
     !ilty. **ne u mecie sass                                      5         23 Siirt y rsve My. sil:y.                                                           Si9 a1 5 :3c?ce* e n en:
        ,,e t, s e e            ,             ,             ,
                                                                 ;c          ;c            Lscatisn: 14 620. .ai-:                          12/"!-9 ;

lilty. ser a u *'ae sare ,  ! 25 las ; e'evatt:n: 4 3. 30 I Stity. M se: F1-e. s arcy s 1: 25 5 50 55 as* 1:a*y. :r- Mr; D !a aa . ate M 1s t

                                                                                               '07"" y 5en et' " IC ** 2133"'8 'S '0"
                                                                                                                              S:'it 'C" : 'e"C'e l     Stity. ' re san:                  .             .             5                           MIC. '3EO-    180;;i' 1     511 7 tty 3rs.e My. silty.
        ' tee see        .                           .           ;0          50                         wa:a   a,  ..
                                                                                                                                     ,h t:t ess  .e:"

Sarcy, sit ty gra.e ,, . . ;0 to .

                                                                                       *i e u t u' s sae- .                                   5          i Sit,,qv r t!ygyg Iravel'y. s ',:y.,                             3         ;$        r i m, .: .ggeg, ;,3,,t. s**e iraveMy. sitty secte saac                                   20       ;;5              ** e 4 :4-se s are .                              N          ;!

Sit ty, sancy. :::s'e :: :cul:e

  • fine u .:a se saac i e
        ;rsvel :eme-tec '24        .                                                       2 : arse ; a.e1 . .                                5         20
"!2 . 8t. . 5  ;$0 # 4 *e t: :* arse ;reve'. t?sCa Fi*e. sarcy siit. *e 2 '34-Se s!"C I II
Orssi'24te3 ,

a5 '05 8(me in Marse ;*svC . s:*e 3*t rt:y saacy, sgatty f'ae 2 ::aese saac .  ! Z I s11ty :carse ;-avet Secy. s ? ty. = arse ;rsvel.. 8'ae sea. 'octe

     !arcy, si;:y. =: ale gravel...
     *emen t es s e y . sil ty.

a5 15 12 22

                                                                          !!O 255 273 200
                                                                                       *e :3 t:a*S e S r:/ . ^ e =
a'se ; envoi M Ca'se sans
                                                                                       'iae s :a se ; sve?, t a e hae is narse ;-sve i ty, ae 5

5 25 40 s na-se s anc .  ! I

s: ele ;*svet .. . is 313 M 25 Saecy. :'ayey $11: . . 5 323
       ?ayey, silty. :ementes                                                          8'aeu wisMna   ;*mvel e see L . m
                                                                                                                   .                         15         50 3rsvel . srs=a .                    .        .           29       25 2         8'**     u carse se c/. '**e
     $4ecy. ;rsve"y :?ay, tan                        .            ;a      366              to Seo e ;*tvel . ..                                !        55 Sancy, stity, st+ rt!y,                                                           M r* to na'se same t  w I                                                                                         'o 'eci m u ;-t <el c'ayey, c:ecie ; ravel .                         ..      5;       11 7              -                                                 5
     !!i,e-;*een :18y                .        .                   a2      a59          N'e U Ma'se Wy.

Sive. peen :!ay. some **ae *c c: arse ; ravel 3 30 yet a= str agers . 32 a9; " ae 2 *ec h m 1***e ' . 53're 3 rena t ' ay . . ... . 7 a9g 81re is :: arse se: . ;5 35 Ciayer ;rsvel :s ;revelly hw *.s tute saco, tesce

!ay .. . .. 17  !!! M ts **s t um 1's v e : 5 20 te*y :: arse, sasalt gravel . 5 !23 *i ae := c o a rs e s aac 5 *
  • ae I IM 3ravelf y sioe-9reen : ay 3rdy. s11 ty, s :f g'itly
                                                     ...           5       525 gy ]']e]8f,[y,*,                        *
  • g ,, ;  ;;,7,, ;,,,,, ;3
                                                                                                 ,,3g I
ayty. :: Cie ;rsvel . . 2. --

g g 9 m gpg ei y stue-q*een .. .. . 34 5

                                                                                           ., ..,,,, ;.,,,; , , ,                                     ..g Secy. ;ravelty stue-green                                      ,                  eg7, ., 3 ,,,, , ,e g ,.,,


     , E 'I                  * **                                   '

y u :Sarse ;*sve!  ! 120

r. Pave .:y, 3rsy - ayo et 5**** . ear i T e' - l 3c3 rin,4.,u.* Oarse sa*3.narse irive . --ice i

3asalt ... 50 ,,. ,, 15 *!!

                                                                                        ,,,,        n ,,,, ,,.;y, u = a-se ;rsis'                                    !      10 I

I 147 I

I RF0-LD-158 Flee :s :carse ;rsvei, sp e

   ' tee 2 :carse sano.
  • e t: u arse se :. s: e Sec'e 2 :3 arse ; s.e'  ! 25 I

t' ice s1I t . . .. . 'I

                                                         .      I!!          *e * ' L*' ** Oa*Te I3f C. I' ice II* t some s ans, t-sce **,                                                       " e to *M*e ; ravel                       .                !      !O
s socie ;* vei n :!ay . 5 150 *ec*e u =aese saa: ..  ;* C st1t. s&e sano, trace :'ay .. 55 225 'he u sectsa ;a ve'y. ae lassit .. . . a4 2*3 t: uarse sar:  ! 55
                                                                             *:ane tsac L "ae u sec
  • e ;-e ve ' . 5 'O 699 21 10 (Soteer de:* *!1 71 e u ::arte saec s:ee L: cat'on 14;403. 96;a  ;*/29.P1
ssing (*evati:n: !O2.22 n g a ,ect e 3rsvei 5 *!
                                                                             *ecie u ::a se see, scee air stary, gr*11es ny wars, :f acua :**'19eq L                                f
  • e u mec on ;rsve ' 5 10 evelere-: Coreaay & 'oege1 sy ao!ey n' #4% .: secte ;envelty.

So1ce ass:ct ates *:r 4EI.O.1979. ;eo cg1e 'ine u :: arse saas ... 5  !! inves Igat13n Scre* ole Sec's u :: arse saec & ae

                                                                                *: -ecie ;ravei . .                                         5     90 wat e-t al 11)                      *htencess Oe::n           r..e .. :3 rse s,na g ,ec e :3 uaru ; avel                                   ..            5    if wette saec                                                  1        1 wes' s to :: arse saco F1ee u sec<e sea. trace
                                                   .       5      13           <'re gravei         . ..                                    !   ;"O

$aacy :e:cle gravel 20 23 7'ae a secte gesve'. trace =ect e stao .. . . ;0 53 *ect e u :carse s r c  !  ::t Osarse 3rivelty saed . . .. 5 58 *ec'e u narse ; rave'. s ee laacy ; ravel . . . . 3 56 =a se saes *

                                                                                                          ...                            *0    .!

=ecte to coarse saw usee r e., a :: .se ;reve ,r se,e 3rsvel . 7 ~3 see:.m a :: arse saa: 5 ;20

  • ectWe sanc . . . . '.0 33 I' ae :: 9ec'e ;riveI. s:Fe l
  • eQ 41 t3
  • t ae 7 3 v e i . *e ' .*'

to ne grave ./ sre .:a*se

                                                                               *e     u :: arse sant ..                                  !   .25 sa'd .

F'me u :: arse travel & *tae 3ravelty secte to :: arse sanc 19

                                                                ;;8 ta :carse see                  ..                           !  130
                                                                            *ecia u :ca-se ;ravet, see wecie to *Ine tro .                        ..            "0      ;;S
                                                                               '1 * :s meci e sano Sancy sitt /sye clay .
                                                                                                                 .                         !  125 3 rave M y mest e same 5

5 '23 riae u ::a-se saac 5 "re :: na se ;-svel .. 5 ;a0 T'ae saad . . .... .  ! 123 *eci e u :: arse ;rsvel. : a:e etre gravel; saacy ; ravel 10 !a3 '"e  : me:*e sana , I'ne sted . 5 125

                                  ..                       5    145         T ' ae :: . 49 e ;ea.el, trsce Taecy ; ravel .                    ..                       5    !!3            *t , : mee e sans .                                            ;5:


  • ec*e grsve! .. T 150 Fine :: Sn? e s arCf. ** at to west m saac . . . . 3 158  :: arse gravei
  • carse ; avel 10 150

$tity tec+e sand ..

                     ..           .                .       3    176         F<re u ::sese ;-sve' sre
                                             . .            3   179             m t                                                   10    170 wecte :: " ae ; avel                   .         .          a    ;32         ti,e :3 ,aect    se:t e sarcre e sancy.         .      to
  • ecte t3 9e sano !O 193  ::a-se gravel .. $ 17$

forov . a 197 r,m u teste saa:y. " e to Sancysitt ; ravel . a 201 Fine saac

arse ; rivet rice :?ay  ! 130 Olayey tilt
                        . ..                 ..            5    206         re e :s secss, n e :3.

I 20 7  ::aese ; rive  ! 125 wecie is 't ne saac.. . 3 210 Fire u , eave sag SaMCy slit inte ecce2 e/*Iayey . 20 205 Kiw ; eget sn sang, t 3 e ssit . . .. .. . 52 2'2 sect e is ::ane ;-svel  ! lasalt . . .. . . 21 293 Fine u meste se:f, : sce

                                                                                                                             . .              210 secte u ::ane ; avel                                       5   21!

699 41.;S f301 e aell f;08) ee :s ea t e sanc & *ea's

                                                                               .o narse ;rsvel                                            5   0:0 iscat* oe: 141053. 640                            121:5 582             v,a,e .3 Myse ;rsve:, so,e Ossvg elevatism 512.78                                                     *i e a secte saco .

Atr -etary, :r*1S ag ty arnan .ater e'ts & 20 :s0 r ene u ,ea e seg g .ies e toq;ec :y 9e:eett :f 3cicer associates *:r 3 u gese ;rs,el :sg 5 geoingte nvestigatten :oreaole Ftee is mecie sano, some secte ;rsve! . . .. 5  !!O 4.te- al *1! . *h m aess Oest9 .3 sees e s p :, t ,,ct e t ' ae :o s ec a s s a-c. . . to :: arse ;rsve' . 15 255 5 5 rg , .3 ,nie s ame. me cuse u coa-se ; rive' 5:*e trace

    *ine :s c: arse s aac .                                 5      10       r% u ,sil:            . .
                                                                                           ,s s e s ee,
                                                                                                                                        ;!    230 Ffee u : aase s ecy. **ee                                                      some sil coarse ;*sve'           ...                  .        10       20
                                                                                                  .          .          .           . 5   2!!

stit see :'ay. : race Fire to :: arse ;ravet. trace *1ne sea ... ... . 5 ?0 seste = :sarse svo 5 25 stit, sz e " ne sano & :'ay ;0 Fine u ::arte ;-avei. so e . . 200 Ft w, sancy silt. sc*e ;'ay . 5 205 socie u cacese sans . 5 30 $11t. see "ae sea & :'ay we ste :s coarse sancy. 'i-e ..  !! 220 Sitt, some :!ay ... . . 50 320 m :ca-se gesvei.... 5 35 lasalt eecas u coarse sed L ae . ... 50 2:0 u :: arse gravel . I 20 1 18 I I

m c h m RH0-LD-158 I l sis 4;.:0 w:e .eM en:

                   '.oc itt oa: u;:s?. . ant                                                                                                                      **~*

s99.a;.2 Castag I*evat*en: 235.07 '.oc a tt en : utt!2. .Z:375 ;2/27.;p; AtP 'Stary (t3 ;00 8t.: 6 9u3 gg gry, ;-= '

  • e; st 9 feva 9: 56.!C ay!a"aneatereeIIs&logje 3y ei'aenteg e 00I. *"I
                                                                                                                                                                                                *dh.M 49. ,.923 ' ei 3y 3# ley 2f 4 3$ #0* "al 3f "*ciaer Ass 0C* ates 'Cr ita!O. *.930,                                                                                                                                                                 pgure. ate * *Cntt:P rg lt3 :gic I     tevestigation 30Peacie                                                                                                                                     3CT04 j

I F*ne sae: 6 stit . to samole S t i ty sare . . . . . .

  • ate tal (;;;

N ciaess Oe:t,

  • cus & scui:e-s lasalt *0cus & sou tee*s lasalt & :suise's wate al .'

N emess Oe::a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ;0 9


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ;9 20 I            $arcy :3 Coly :ca*se vsvel .                                                                                                              ..         21              si)     lasalt eccus 5 scuige-s . .                                       . 10         20
               !aecy stity usese yavel                                                                       ..                                                     20              s0 3asalt. -ecus L sou ce s t
               $D;9tly pavel;f s..ty ee e                                                                                                                                                       * * *e s f ac t saec                    .                            3         23 i                   saac                  . .. ..                                                                                                                                    u       !asalt L sta:t sae:; :asa:*.

f 3r avey si? ty ** ee saac . y y

  • cas & :ou:ce-s & **ee t - slaca sare 6 29 I .0 5; ptly si t . . mtum g-avel sancy 10 E0 F' M 3I8CR L *ntte sar:-
               *ecte yavel                       .                                                            .                                                     ;0            ;;0           tas,41*. *scus t n C e s 51tytty sar ev wie yavel                                                                                                                             ;0            .:0           5 1 " 318 " 58"C                                              .      4        43 I               aaecy Sestum ; ravel                                                  ... ..                                                                         ;0            140       lasalt. *ecas & 't e sans                                 .             20         53 l               31*ptly saacy *ec%m yave!                                                                                                                      .       5           ;a5       ersvel &
  • cus: 3:sait. *ocus.

I *ect e ;* vel .. .... ;0 ;sg & ' tee sanc . . 2 55 Saecy trium ysvel ., trace st:t  ! ;60 $aec. -:cas & :cuise's t :ssait ;0 75 Sano: eoism ; svet . 5 155

                                                                                                                                                                                            .sarse sa9c. *scus b :asait;
               *ecie ;r                                                                                                                                                g          ;;0            saac. rects. :out:e-s t Sancy w .ivel            .m y./ ivet= cetes                                                                                                          ;0            ;g0       , tasalt b :: arse w                                                    ;0         55
                                                                                                                                                                      !           .ns       ***'el                   5 *:C's                                        10         75 I
               *ectum ;rsvel .it sce sa*c . .                                                                                                                                                                                                           . .
               *ect e p avet; :t eate: at ;35                                                                                                                       ;e            565       *
  • ee s arc. ne ;* sve t , saa: t
               $1tg9t?y saa:y Secium ysvel                                                                                                                          ;0            2;g            silt                                 .                              $       ,:!

3raveMy io 220 . 9 ,;: Sitgntly sancy. gravey st1t

                                                            . .                                                .                                                       5 5'ac
                                                                                                                                                                                             .: arse5 sanc.            v ive,' y svo..t .:asalt         .           ;0       ;;0
                                                                                                                                                              .        !          225 ar aveMy sitt                                                                                                                                           !          ;;0 I           Sancy stit . . .

Iancy ysvelfy tilt

               !ancy stity sectum :s 'ine gravel .. .
                                                                                                                                                              . 2h ne 5h 5$

599-41-21 ,3a t :t a .eit ef;' Location: 14:542. 28;8; Cast ag e'evat':n: 263.!? at r esta*y. :-. ! Mng 3y C ara an eate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .e"s f, 1**gnt?y                sancy stity seci um ts                                                                                                                                        071e: 3y Ser *el! Of 3alce- Ass:c.ates 8:e I
                   ' ee pavel ..                                                                 ..                                                                    5          270 111ty ses*e to **re rive!                                                                                                                               3          275               SE*;0. 'iSC. ie:;og'c '9ees: ;st cn :e e-c'e
               !!';nt'v stity sectum to f 4 e pavel . . . . .                                      . .. ..                                                                                       5          230                                         *atea.a1                          ucs.ess :e:t-31'intly silty & sacey aestum 13 *tre gravel . . . . .                                                                                                                        ;0            290       7 8 ae :D Secte saec. t*sca I           11tg9t:y sancy. stity sects to fire y avel . . .
               $11gnt!y saney L stity sec Lm
s ** me yavel ... .
               $1tg9 tty sancy. stity *ectum
                                                                                                                                                                     ;0 300 n0 ysvei Fine u se:v s a-c 5 ae
s naese ;rsve t ,

trace si;t Fire e u a-se ;rsve!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -                     5 "j

5 j;~ ) t2 ** ae le avel, caceatet . .  ;! 32' #1"e 2 234"5e I vel. save g Sits 9t'y st'ty tecium :s

  • tee coarse sanc 5 "

iravel estrlce sanc .... $ 300 Fire "3 Sect m pave **j,

                *ec? e *3 '*9e pavel ..                                                                                                                              ;0            240          Pec t uli c na-se sano                                               5         20
               *ects *.3 #ine gravel e/trae                                                                                                                                                 U N sarc                                    ...                          5         "'t
,                   st1t . . . . ...... ..                                                                                                                             5           34 5     Fine to coarse sar: & **ce i              11tgntly silty mim ta fine                                                                                                                                                        to Sec's vsve? ...                                                  5         20 pavel, cementec . .                                                            .                                                           .       5           3'O      Fi m u : arse saac 6 ***e 4ect s !s f**e p svel                                                              .. ..                                                                !          2c5           'o sa se p sve                         ..                          ;e         e5 31tgettf sitty socium to C ae                                                                                                                                                #*M 2 'ec
  • e i' av ei ff.

y svel " 5 8P I s;'t  ! 60

                                                   ..                                                                                                                   5          260                                                                      .

I iiity meetum to 'iae p avel.. 5 265 w ie sanc. s:re CI4yey 9ect s 13 #*ne p avel 5 370 SeC' A irsvel ;0 70

               !ancy vivelly : lay                                        .                                                              ..                          ;0            28 0     NM :o =aru saa:y.

Sancy :!ay . .... .. .. 5 285 NM = narse pavel. 1;tytty vsvelty & sancy :Tay  ! 390 trice sil:  ;; 30

             ' $*i latly ylve My Clay . ..                                                                                                                              !                   *ecium sa93. Some mec.e u I
                                                                                                                                                               .                   296 lit rttyi         y tvelty. Sancy clay                                                                                                     ..           5          2C0           08'58 y* vel                                  ...                   5         55 II' p t!y sancy C ay                                                               ... .                                                             10            410      MM D U4*Te s4*0 I #'"e 51tytly yavell . sasy : lay                                                                                                                             5          a;5           *a
                                                                                                                                                                                                  . tec te ;enee                           ..                       $         g3 511gnt?ysancyefay . .....                                                                                                                               5          a20      "eC'W" ~3 M irSe 58"3 L 3raveMy :!ay ... ...                                                                                                                                    5          428            'e 2 *e 1w" irtvel.

I C*4yey tectum to 'ine pavel . 20 a!! trace sil . . . 5 95 sit yt!v :layey 9ectum to ** re "ec hm :s n aase s an:y , ** ee ysvel . .. . .  ! 260 D

  • N" **'vei -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .        5       ;;0 Clayey aectum to ***e yavei                                                                                                                .            5          265      wecte sarc, t-sce *. e u 3asa!'                 . .                      ..                                                                                                    32           ap           Secte pave!                                                          5       ::3 I

I 149

I RH0-LD-158 599 21 31 (Sol:e* .e t ? 844' .

  '.o c ati sa: 94;;20 .:07n                      ;2/27
  • 1 * ' , ' ' ,#' -" -*'' 18 8'""

Casing Devation: 5C4.53 g, **

                                                                                                                                      .2        :

[:M 4tr ret ry Its ;40 *t. , & mue et ry. tr',P et ,3,3,j.,[7 - - - *{ .; of :,,ae Gol:e-,a:e .en ates s i to,:c 3(180.me4g g),jiy%""j'7,,,;,,,*,,, Ansset geologic tavestigatten screole

                                     'sr its    .                                                                                         f  g
                                                                      $1tgntly gravelty fine :

watee'ai ,11' Mica ness Oestm . sec t e s ana .. .....

                                                                                                                                         }. k'.jt3 ertvelly    Tudstsee .....

Medie is f t1 sand 6 silt . . 5 5 !ame as interval 231 232 ft. 11 244 Csarse fine sanc 6 gravet.  %*,'{,,,;;j,*,;yg,'**** I . se to ,,, s ano, trace s,ii . 5 15 - ' = "aa - .. - 5 go Coarse to 'ine sana & gravel. Sandy se:Oy :engtre-ste . .. 2 .52

ra:e stit . . .... .. 35 10 Nm *a note sana . 3 .!!

Ocarse is secte ; ravel. : sce Sanay gnvel & graveM. y en's sano n stit .. .. . 10 60 sanc . . . . . . . . .. 4 gf9 e :s name sana Ocarse to fine sea t ;rsvel, y'"81

                                                                                                                             ..         4      53 trace silt .    .      ..               ..       10        70       *         "*'I ' I"I             *          ** *
  • I#

Coarse ts *t re gravet, s:ce Sancy siltstone . . 5 2*0 sano, trace sit t . . . .. 10 80 Stity **ne sancstsee . . 1 20 Coarse :s 'ine sanc & 3 ravel. Siltstane ..... . ... 4 2'a tr ace s si t . . . .. .. 20 100 Sancy siltstsee . .  ? 257 mooie to fire sea, trace litty ee to mes*am sancstcee . 2 !9 sitt & 3raval ... .... 5 105 Silty saacst:re 10 299 Ocarse to fire sand & gravet. 40 'e::r1 . .. . .  ; 200 trace s11: .. 5 110 "uccy travel . 2 202

  • ect e is ** *e sa?d. : Pace Saacy stits:see 1 31 til & travel . ... 5  ::5 Stity sane .. . :2 322 wec*e :s *i ae saro, s:me si t t. Siity 'iae sancst:ee . . 3 225
sce gravei & : lay . 10 125 *tne :s Pes's.m sart . .. 2 22' riae saco L st't, trace :tay &... " N s teci e saacst:ae . 2 :29 gravel . . . . . .. 20 !al "ecie svo .  ! 234

'ine saco & s11!, sone :tay . 10 155 "uc y " e saac . .. .. 5 320 Fine sana 6 silt trses ::ay . 90 235 "uccy me1*e : ::aese sanest:ee . 2 ~4 2 rine sanc & tilt. s:ee :1ay 5 240 "ue:y *he sarest:ae . **

                                                                                                                                      .      !!6 meste to c3 arse geavel, : sce                                       Sandy se: Die : sag':Pe-ste                                        . 367 sana & d ay        .                            *0       210      *ed1 e is ::a'st sar s:sne .                                .      1    ;68 3asalt .            ....                            25       335      Sanoy sesole : nag'ome-ste.}}