ML20010E297 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07100440, 07109056 |
Issue date: | 02/04/1976 |
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Shared Package | |
ML20010E295 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8109030300 | |
Download: ML20010E297 (2) | |
Famesi fcR 4;,
U2. NUCLE AR REGUL ATORY COvviss10N gg.731 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE se CFR 71 p, n,5,o.ct,v, cate,.a:s P3ciaes Certsfacete Arver' Revison No.
- 1. (c) Pack >ge ident'ification' No.
1.(d ) Pages No 1.iet Tctai No Pa;es 9056 0
USA /9056/B 1
- 2. MtE Aht?t E 2.tal This cwtJ ca'e. issued to satir*y Se:1 ens 173 393a 173 334,173.335. erv* 173 396 of the Deca tment of Tra sac a :n aa:a e _s haasse ms Renw!ations 149 0F A 170129 and 14 CF R 103) anc Secteons 146 10s wid 146--19-100 cf tee Oe;e : e*: :t e
Tramooriat.un Danserous Car;ees Aeguistens 446 CF R 146-149), as amence:
w The poeseging and corrients descrit,ed in item 5 belov.. rneets the safety s anda es set forth en Subpa-C c' T tre 10 0: e :'
Federat Regva'ioes. Part 71. " Packaging of Radioactive Cert.amn Corms.t.ons.*
Vate<.ais for Transpert and Transportation cf ?/ste* a Unca-2.icJ This ce tif.cate coes not ret. eve the cor segnor from comphence ith aay tecwiremeat of the reguistiens of tr e U i ce:n : : :'
Trever.ortation or cther apol. cat'e re;iwlatory agencies. enciwcing tne go.cenmea. cf any count y throwe er im: e. * " e :a :..
4.ela tae transocried.
1 This certiscate is isswers on the basis of a safety analvsrs report of the package or applicatior--
1(a) Prapered by (Name and adduss) 3.(b)
Tsue end scentification of report or scoiication Source Production & Equiprent Source Production & Equipment Co.cany at:iitaticn Cocpa r.y dated July 23, 1975, as suoplemented.
625 0xlev Street Kennar. Loui si ar.a 70067 3 tc; occ et No. 71-9056
- 4. coe.omc.s Tn. ce.:.f.cate.s cone iionai upon in, f ificieg of tu re:iwire-e.ts of sma-t o ef 10 es R 71..: a or. cad >e. anc tre c: 2: : s sa: * <:
- i nem s i.e:co.
L Cess.orwin e t 9.% ~2 a *- Atn:rires Ce a te" M. ace. N s t e'. ue C'es.. C" ce C: :.! :as_ ars: Acft enc.
(a) Packaging (1) Mcdel f;o. - SPEC 2-T (2)
Description A steel encased, uranium shielded Ga-,a Ray Projector.
P ri a ry conponents cor.sist of an outer steel shell, intertal bracing, detietEd uranium shield, rnd a Zircalloy "5' tube.
The contents are securali positici in the Zircalloy "5" tube by a source cable Ic..i ~
I device and shipping olug.
The unit reserbles a rectangular bc) 12.5 l
long by 4.a" high by 4.4" wide with a gross weight of 40 pounds.
Drawings The packaging is constructed in accordance with Source Production &
Equipment Cor?any drawing of the Model SPEC 2-I submitted in the January C,1976 supplenent.
l 810903o300 010817 PDR ADOCK 07100440 Apper.dn. c C
Page 2 - Certificate No. 9056 - Revision No. 0 - Docket No. 71-9056 5.
(b) Contents (1) Type and fom of material Iridium-192 as sealed sources which meet the requirements of special form as defined in i 71.4(o) of 10 CFR Part 71.
(2) Maximum quantity of material per package 200 Curies (Nominal) 6.
The source shall be secured in the shielded position of the pack-aging by the shipping plug, source assembly, and locking device.
The shipping plug and source assembly used must be fabricated of materials capable of resisting a 14750F fire environment for ox-half hour and maintaining their positioning function.
The source assembly ball stop must engage the locking device.
The flexible ccble of the source assembly and shipping plug cas:
be of sufficient length and diameter to provide positive positioning of the source in the shielded position.
The nameplates shall be fabricated of materii s c. patie of resisting the fire test of 10 CFF. Part 71 and r: air.taining their legibility.
The packaging authorized by this Certificate rf Compliance is hereby aporoved for use under the general license provisicns of Paragraph 71.12(b) of 10 CFR Part 71.
Expiration date: February 28, 1981.
REFERENCES Source Production & Equipment Company application dated July 28, 1975.
Swlement dated January 8,1976.
W $W Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety l
FEB 4 5 76 Date Animndix G
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