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Certificate of Compliance 5957,Revision 7,for Model BMI-1
Person / Time
Site: 07105957
Issue date: 11/18/1980
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19345C927 List:
NUDOCS 8012080631
Download: ML19345C931 (6)



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fn Form NRC418 U.S. NUCLEAR NEGULAToRY CoMMIS$1oN n2 31 CERTIFICATE OF CCMPLIANCE 3g g q,3 For Radioactwo Materials Packages 1.tal Certifica e Number 1.(b) Revision No.

I c) doetsfi ion No.

1.(d) Pages No. 1.le) Total No Pages

2. PRE AMBLE 2.fal This certificate is is6ued to satisfy Sections 173.393a.173.394. *73.395. and 173.396 of the cooertment of Transportation Mazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 170189 and 14 CFR 103) and Sections 146-19-toa and 146-19-10o of the cock aent of Transoortation aangerous Cargoes Regulatens (46 CFR 146-1a9). as amended.

2.tbl The neckaging and contents cescribed in item $ be4ow, meets the safety standards set forth in Subcert C of Titte to. Code of Federna Regulations. Part 71. ** Packaging of Radioactwo Materials for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Matenal under Certain Conditions.*]

This certificare does not reheve the consagnor from c'omotiance with any recuirement of the regulations of the U.S. Ceoartrnent of Transportation or einer acosicense regu story.agences. induding the government of any country througn or into which the neckage wdt be transported.

3. This certsficate is issued on the bases of a safety analyms report of the package desegn or aposication-3.lan Prepared oy (Name and address):

3.tbl Tips and identification of report or aoolication:

Battelle Columbus Laboratories Battelle Columbus Laboratories application 505 King Avenue dated June 11, 1980, as supplemented."

Columbus, OH 43201 cochet No.

71.c;o q7

a. CoNoiTIONS This certificate is conditional Laon the fulfilling of the recuorements of Suecart e of 10 CFR 71, as acolicable, and the conditions specified in item s ee.ow.

s Lescnoi.on ce pac =>,ing and autnonaed Contenu. uodes Numeer Pinae cass. einer Conditions. and References-(a) Packaging (1) Model No.:

BMI-l (2) Descr ption i

A steel-encased lead shielded shipping cask.

The basic cask body is a cylinder 33.37 inches in diameter by 73.37 inches high formed by two concentric stainless steel shells whose annular region is filled with lead.

The outer 1/2-inch thick shell has a 0.12-inch thick plate spot welded to it, providing a 0.06-inch thick air gap insulator.

" a inner shell is 15.5 inches inside diameter by 54 inches inside lengtli.

The cask lid is a stainless steel weldment having 7.75 inches of lead shielding. The cask lid is secured to the cask by twelve steel studs which are welded to the cask body.

Cask appurtenancies include a drain line with needle valve and plug, pressure gauge, and a pressure relief valve. The total cask weight, including maximum contents of 1,800 lbs, is 23,660 lbs.

(3) Drawings The cask is constructed in accordance with the following Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) Drawing Nos.: 0001, Rev. B; and 0003, Rev. B.

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Page 2 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-5957 5.

(a) Packaging (continued)

(4) Product Containers The various authorized product containers are constructed in accordance with the following Drawing Nos.:

(i) Inner can assembly as shown in BMI Drawing No. 00-000-421, Rev. C.

(ii) Basket Assembly as shown in BMI Drawing No. 0004, Rev. B.

(iii) Fermi Fuel Element copper casting assembly as shown in BMI Drawing No. 0049, Rev. to May 12, 1966.

(iv) Basket Assembly as shown in BMI Orawing No. 1020, Rev. B.

(v) Basket Assembly defined by BMI Drawing No. 0004, Rev. B, as modified by BMI Drawing No. 00-00-236, Rev. A.

(vi) Basket Assembly and storage can defined by BMI Drawing No.

00-000-391, Rev. C, and Atomic International Drawing No. AIHL, S80R 0019-01, Rev. A, respectively.

(vii) BMI-l Cask Basket Spacer for ALRR Converter Fuel; Ames Laboratory Research Reactor, Drawing No. RRM 245, Dated 4/3/77.

(viii) Basket Assembly as shown in Bhl Drawing No. 0004, Rev. 8, as modified by BMI Drawing No. 00-001-376, Rev. A, and fuel canister as shown in BMI Drawing No. 00-001-375, Rev. O.

(ix) Inner can assembly as shown in Union Carbide Corporation Drawing No. 101501, Rev. A.

(b) Conter.ts (1) Ty;.e and form of material (i) Intact irradiated MTR or BRR fuel assemblies containing not more than 200 grams U-235 per :::mbly prior to irradiation.

Uranium may be enriched to a maximom c3 w/c in the U-235 isotope. Active fuel length shall be 25 inches.

(ii) Intact irradiated Enrico Fermi Core. A fuel assembly containing not more than 4.77 kgs U-235 prior to irradiation. Uranium may be enriched to 25.6 w/o in the U-235 isotope.

(iii) Greater than Type A quantities of radioactive material which may irclude uranium enriched in the U-235 isotope, U-233, plutonium, as metal, oxides, or compounds which are thermally stable up to 600 F.

Plutonium in excess of twenty (20) curies per package must be in the form of metal, metal alloy, or reactor elements.


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Page 3 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-5957 (b) Contents (continued)

(1) Type and form of material (continued)

(iv) Greater than Type A quantities of byproduct material in special form (10 CFR 571.4(o)).

(v) Greater than Type A quantities of byproduct material in normal form as metal, oxides, or compounds which are thermally stable up to 600*F.

(vi) Irradiated Triga Type III fuel assemblies containing not more than 40 grams U-235 per assembly prior to irradiation. Uranium may be enriched to a maximum 20 w/o in the U-235 isotope.

Active fuel length shall be 15 inches for stainless steel clad assemblies and 14 inches for aluminum clad assemblies.

(vii) Irradiated S80R fuel elements 0.56-inch OD by 18.7 inches long by 0.010-inch wall thickness of Haste 11oy-N.

The fuel material is UZrH fully enriched in U-235.

(viii) Intact irradiated CP-5 fuel assemblies containing not more than 176 grams U-235 per assembly prior to irradiation.

Uranium may be enriched to a maximum 93 w/o in the U-235 isotope. Active fuel length shall be 28.5 inches.

(ix) Irradiated Pulstar Zircaloy clad fuel pins containing not more than 31 grams U-235 per pin prior to irradiation.

Uranium may be enriched to a maximum 6.0 w/o in the U-235 isotope.

Active fuel length r.nall be 24 inches.

(x) Solid nonfissile irradiated hardware which may contain encapsulated fission monitors.

(xi) Irradiated uranium oxide waste enriched in the U-235 isotope

(<90 w/o) which are thermally stable up to 800 F.

(xii) Irradiated uranium enriched in the U-235 isotope in special form capsules (10 CFR 671.4(o)).

(2) Maximum quantity of material per package The minimum cooling time of each fuel assembly and rod shall be 90 days, maximum decay heat generation per package not to exceed 1.5 kw, and the external dose rate not to exceed 10 mrem /hr 3 feet from the external surface of the cask and:

(i) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(i):

Twenty-four (24) fuel assemblies as contained in product containers specified in 5(a)(4)(ii) or 12 fuel assemblies as contained in -

product containers specified in 5(a)(4)(v).

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Page 4 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-5957 5.

(b) Contents (continued)

(2) Maximum quantity of material per package (continued)

(ii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(ii):

One (1) fuel assembly as contained in product container specified in 5(a)(4)(iii).

(iii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(iii):

480 grams U-235 or 480 grams Pu-239 or 800 grams U-235 as contained in product container specified in 5(a)(4)(1).

(iv) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(iv):

Gamma sources securely confir ed in the cask cavity to preclude secondary impacts during accident conditions of trarsport. Thermal heat generation rate shall be limited to 200 watts.

(v) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(v):

Contained in product containers specified in 5(a)(4)(i) and limited as follows:

10 CFR 71 Transport Grouc Quantity Curies I

1,000 II 8,120 Mixed Fission Products Unlimited III 4,960 IV 11,070 V

8,120 VI and VII 800,000 (vi) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(vi):

Thirty-eight (38) fuel assemblies as contained in product containers specified in 5(a)(4)(iv).


(vii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(vii):

Twenty-four (24) fuel elements p'er can and six sealed cans per basket as described in 5(a)(4)(vi).

Each of the six cans may contain up to 818 g U-235 and 158 g hydrogen.

The cask is limited to 4.908 kg U-235.

(viii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(viii):

Twelve (12) fuel assemblies.




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Page 5 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-5957 5.

(b) Contents (continued)

(2) Maximum quantity of material per package (continued)

(ix) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(ix):

Twelve (12) canisters containing 21 fuel pins each, contained within the canister and fuel basket specified in 5(a)(4)(viii).

(Dummy fuel canisters, non-buoyant, shall occupy empty basket positions.)

(x) For the contents described ir 5(b)(1)(x):

Thermal heat generation rate shall be limited to 200 watts.

(xi) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(xi):

Twenty-four (24) containers each limited to 352 grams U-235 as contained in product containers specified in 5(a)(4)(ix).

The decay heat per container is limited to 20 watts.

The containers shall be leak tested in accordance with Union Carbide Corporation letter dated November 17, 1980.

(xii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(xii):

Twenty-four (24) capsules each limited to 100 grams U-235.

(c) Fissile Class I and III (1) Class I For the contents specified in 5(b)(1)(iii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(iii).

(2) Maximum number of For the contents specified in 5(b)(1)(i),

5(b)(ii),5(b)(1)(vi),5(b)(1)(vii),5(b)(1)(viii),l packages per shipment 5(b)(1)(ix), 5(b)(1)(xi), and 5(b)(1)(xii); and as Fissile Class III limited in 5(b)(2)(i), 5(b)(2)(ii)', 5(b)(2)(vi),


5(b)(2)(xi), and 5(b)(2)(xii):

l One (1) package.


For Item 5(b)(1)(iii), mixtures of fissile material are authorized, provided the following equation is satisfied:


Z 4d0 E6 E66

< 1, where X = Grams U-233 to be shippe?

Y = Grams Pu-239 to be shippt:d Z = Grams U-235 to be shipped 7.

.Except for contents described in 5(b)(1)(ii) and 5(b)(1)(iv); and limited in 5(b)(2)(ii) and 5(b)(2)(iv), the cask shall be shipped dry.



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Page 6 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-5957 8.

If the cask contents of 5(b)(1)(ii) or 5(b)(1)(iv) are shipped wet, the 1Icensee shall confirm that the pressure relief valve is operable (set pressure - 75 psig).

When needed, sufficient antifreeze in the cask shall be used to prevent damage of any component of the package by freezing.


Loading and unloading operations of the contents described in 5(b)(1)(iii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(iii) shall preclude contact of water with the contents.


The presence and effectiveness of the Boral poison plate in the Basket Assemblies as shown in BMI Drawing Nos. 0004, Rev. B, and 00-000-236, Rev. A, shall be verified by neutron measurements prior to first use and records maintained of such verification.

Verification of the presence of the Boral shall be made in each subsequent use.


Contents 5(b)(1)(i) and 5(b)(1)(xi) may be mixed provided the sum of the product containers and fuel assemblies does not exceed 24.


Contents shall be securely confined in the cask cavity to preclude secondary impacts during accident conditions of transport.


Prior to each use, adequac" of containment vessel shall be demonstrated by perform-ance of the leak test described in Section of the application.


Gaskets and seals (cask and fuel canister) shall be replaced at least every 12 months or earlier if visible degradation occurs.


The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12(tf).


Expiration date: July 31, 1985.

REFERENCES Battelle Columbus Laboratories application dated June 11, 1980.

Supplement dated: August 25, 1980.



Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety NOV 181980 Date:

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