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Certificate of Compliance 5957,Rev 14,for Model BMI-1. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07105957
Issue date: 02/29/1988
From: Mcdonald C
Shared Package
ML20151Y219 List:
NUDOCS 8805040397
Download: ML20151Y232 (7)


__ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ .

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..-------_----------__-----------------_--------------- f I sac rones ew CERT 1FICATE OF COMPl. LANCE u.s. MucwUt REGULATORY Commmemon I can I 8: G" F1 FOR RATHOACTTVE MATERIALS PACKAGES k N 88mern c PACNME CEJrTWICATEB4 PAAGREJE & PAGE tAAsiLR su TUTAL DAAABER PAGS l 1 a QRTYOTE DS.ASER 5957 14 USA /5957/8( )F 1 6 l l

l t mannt win - rm m. cme a

I ni. e.wic e . d io c y .-*.,-ng and a nes o. creed e n.n s t-so . me=> v= aps caea.=awy s==r sar* g i M W W eut 71. Magog and Traturamen M Mioactne beenmL" I et The c.ecame ooe not rete e tie ce trorn co.mkwics with any regurermww of trui reguentions of tw UA Dwartment of Transpcrtarum or other /

l apphcable re ma.anry agencasa, anctudog the governrnent of any couitry ttrough or uito whsdt the r-* =<== win be traruported. iI 1

i I 1

o l 2 T*=sg*y4ey c= T* a^se or ^ sutiv aaat's's=%'h' vo'-go,a Tgo il I

l Cintichem Inc. Battelle Columbus Laboratories application ll l P.O. Box 816 dated June 20, 1985. I I

I Tuxedo, NY 10987 I I ,

P C .m e,

. 71-5957 I I J accurT.eDamm

! ' Pc ca .c s.or=% wemmg mo re io crn e-t Ti. m. e7-iIr. -

.c=cmed t=*ow.

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j (a) Packaging <;[ l j

,i , I l

(1) Mode,7+ N,o. : . BMI-14 j 5 A I i

I I V/ O ('s 1 // ./

[ /s Z I (2) Description --

Ais1 ~


( .% - -e C I I

l l ., e o i A stfel-encased : lead / shielded shippiqd cisM. The basic. cask body is a l l cylinder 33.37 inchei in ;37: inches high-femed by two l l

concentric stainless. hee,dtametertby)ifannulaf l shells whos region Is filled with l I


welde'dntbth'ick air gap insula' tor.The'outdr 1/2'incM tMctT9pehas a,0,12 I

to iti providing<a]pld6.-i I I The I inner.4 ell 'is 15.5 inches hs# 6ameter bf'44 inche9 inside length.

h 7 l

l The cask lid itIirytainleits{itte " Tdten Aaving 7,75-inches of lead I shielding. The' cask Md'iYleure 4~ cask by ta lve steel studs I i which"arp welded to the cask'b'6dyN. Tle ~ kispd3ridedwithadrain i I line with,reedle valve anii plugedfesi gauge 'acd a pressure 1 I

I relief vfW The total caulwefght, includi , ximum contents of 1,800 lbs, ,660 lbs. l l

(3) Drawings yk ..

I I The cask is constructed in accordance with the follcwing Battelle I Memorial Institute (BMI) Drawing Nos.: 43-6704-0001, Rev. .,, and j 41-4409-0003, Rev. B. i l l i





i 7 l I

l C I








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1 Page 2 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No.14 - Docket No. 71-5957 l l l '

l 5 I

l 5. (a) Packaging (continued)

I l>i H

l (a) (4) Product Containers The various authorized product containers are constructed in accordance l i l with the following Drawing Nos.: p i g

I iM (i) Inner can assembly as shown in BM: Drawing No. 00-000-421, ja i N

l Rev. C. , j g (ii) Basket, Assenbly a's showhin:BMI;d 7

Drawing Nos. BCL-000-500,

-0048. Rev. A.!I l Rev .- A';.,8Ct'-000-501, Rev. A; an g

  • J y p I (iii) Femi Fuel Element copper casting assemb'ly as shown in BMI I l l  ; Drawing No. K5928-5 0049D, Rev. to May 12j ,1966. l i

l (11)) BasketAssemblyasshowninBMIDrawingNh1020,Rev.Bor g g f,~ GA Drawfhg.No. 9590001, Rev. A.c; Failed fuel assemblies must I I 4' be seal welded in aluminum or stainless steel tubes with I ~

wall and ~end cap thicknesses of,at-least 0.015 inch.

y7 - ; s. -

)'I l ,

y !p y

'(v) Basket'Asseebly BMI: Drawing No. BCL-000-500, l i Rev. A, as modified by-BMI Drawing Nos, 00-000-236, Rev. C. !g g i l , and BCL-000-502',.Rev. B. ,' T ^ l) H I l ,'

,  ;"-[ ~

in 1 1 _(vi) Basket' Assemtily andls'torage'can defined by BMI Drawing No, fl 00-000-391, Revl!C,landfAtomic International ~ Drawing No. A!HL, ll l S8DR0019-01(Rev._A,1respectively. ly s .

l g, ,

g I (vii) ' Inner can a'ssenthly as shown ,in, Union Carbide Corporation l 1 Orawing No. 101501,;Rev;;A. " // ,y ili 3

I 'ij -

l (b) Contents @' l l (1) Type and fom of maNriaD_ ,4 L -n '

l l ;4 ;W *fk l I

I I (i) Intact irradiated MTR- or BRR-type fuel assemblies containing not more than 200 grams U-235 per assembly prior to irradiation. l l Uranium may be enriched to a maximum 93.5 w/o in the U-235 isotope. Active fuel length shall be approximately 25 ilsl!g ,

g g inches. I I I I (ii) Intact irradiated Enrico Femi Core. A fuel assembly containing l not more than 4.77 kgs U-235 prior to irradiation. Uranium y l may be enriched to 25.6 w/o in the U-235 isotope. g g ,

g I '


I i 1 I ,

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, 1 g

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,t-------- ----------- ----- ------------------------===y I i l l CoNDmoNS (continucd) ,I (

I ;I .

I )  !

I Page 3 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No. 14 - Docket No. 71-5957 ll ll 1 i I i l

l 5. (b)(1) Contents (continued) '

I @1 q (iii) Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may ,

I include uranium enriched in the U-235 isotope U-233, plutonium, l as metal, oxides, or compounds which are thermally stable up to @j 600*F. Plutonium in excess of twenty (20) curies per package y l must be in the form of metal, metal alloy, or reactor elements, p g l u > l i (iv) Greater than Type A quantity of byproduct material meeting the I l 1 requirements of special form radioactive material. I I '



(v) Greater than Type A' quantity of byproduct material in nonnal form l l as metal; oxides, or compounds which are thennally stable up to ,

600'F.,i '

{p l l - ty


(vi) Irradiated Triga Type fuel assemblies described in Section 6.6 of h theapplication(pp.6-23through6-24(c)).  ;;  !

'g I

l *J s

.- k .. 3 ,~

)g g

g (vii) I' radiated Ir S8DR fuel elements 0.56-inch'00 by 18.7 inches long by 1

0.010-inch walt (thickness of Hastelloy-N. The fuei: material is lI )

UZrH fully enriched in' U-235i i . ,

I ,! ,

i)l I (viii), Intact irradiated CP-5Jfuel. assemblies containing not more than "T76 grams U-235.per. assembly prior to irradiation. - Uranium may j:p l be enriched to 'a maximumi93iw/ocin the U-235 isotope. Active I g

e fuel length'shall be4 28'. 5 'i nche s . I I . 1 -:iiti!?' .

I I (ix) Solidnonfissile.frradiatedihardwarewhichmaycontainencapsulated  ?

l fission monitors. ~ .j~ ,


! (x) Irradiated uraniuin oxide waste'ende' ed in the U-?35 isotope up I to a' noininal 93 w/o which 'are thermally stable up to 800*F.

I 'j^ .,s j;l l (xi) Irradiated) uranium enriched in the U-23Ssi'sotope meeting the i l requirements ofjspecial form radioactive material, i WQW

~ '

g i ,

g (2) Maximum quantity of material per package i l l I la 1 The minimum cooling time of each fuel assembly and rod is 90 days, l maximum decay heat generation per package not to exceed 1.5 kw, and j!y  !

l the external dose rate not to exceed 10 mrem /hr 3 feet from the '

l g

I 1

external surface of the cask and:

(i) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(i):

))u II b l l

l a l I j I Twenty-four (24) fuel assemblies as contained in product containers $

l specified in 5(a)(4)(ii) or 12 fuel assemblies as contained in !n l

g product containers specified in 5(a)(4)(v).

I l@ I l I I I I ,1 l

I I il;l I !I l

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I l~

CONDITIONS (contenutd) '5 lI !nD l' I

Page 4 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No.14 - Docket No. 71-5957 l

i )>

1 il l 5. (b)(2) Contents (continued) l l l i q (ii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(ii):  !)

B l

8 I One (1) fuel assembly as contained ir product container specified 8 l in 5(a)(4)(iii).

l (iii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(iii):  !

N I 'l I 480 grams U-233 or 480 arams Pu-239 or 800 grams U-235 as contained l in product fontainere specified in 5(a)(4)(1). l l (iv) Fortheconbehtsdescribedin5(b)(1)(iV); l l t sS I l

i Gama. sources securely confined in the cask cavity to preclude b >

secondary impacts during accident conditions of transport. I I I

l T,hepalcheatgenerationrateislimitedto200 watts. j l (v) JFor the conte s'describedin5(b)(1.)(j)[  !

l , s ,1 i

l Containedinproductcontainers.specifiedin5(a)(4)(1)and


j ,

I limited to 200 thennal watts.

l (vi) Forthecontentshescribedin5(b)(1)(vi). j l g

- .~~q  : i i g Thirty-eight -(38) fuel assemblies as contained in product containers i i I specified in 5(a)(4)(iv)1 Fuel assemblies with an initial enrichment i 8

I (U-235 in U)'of greataq thani70 w/o U-235 are limited to 19 l

assemblies per product container'.-' Shipments of less than 19 assemblies with a, U-235 enrichment greater than 70 w/o may be


I y !n a

combined with assembiies of,70 w/o-U-235 or less provided: b q x/38 + y/19 < 1; x = no'.1assy's s 70 w/o Va235, y = no. assy's !I ,

70 w/o U;233. i I -

l 7 N >

l (vii) Forthecontentidescribedins5(b)(1)(vii): '

l g

7  ? 7; < y ,

q Twenty-four (24) fuel elements per can and six sealed cans per jn I

i basket as described in 5(a)(4)(vi). Each of the six cans may b I contain up to 818 g U-235 and 158 g hydrogen. The cask is limited b l

to 4.908 kg U-235. j '

l (viii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(viii): )


't i Twelve (12) fuel assemblies. lI i lIl I i I

l l3 i 1 I il I il l lI E II I i'5 i l  ;

!I I 1


> l R, ,

___________________________---___________m-mumm l 1


--- --- --- --==------------ -------- ----------- yl

.I CoNDtTIONS (continued) l1 i I I

I I Page 5 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No. 14 - Docket No. 71-5957 I I

I i

I 1

l 5. (b) Contents (continued)

I i I (ix) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(ix): i i I I Thermal heat generation rate is limited to 200 watts. I I

l (x) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(x): l l l

l '

s Twenty-fcur (24) containers each limited to 352 grams U-235 is I 1 I contained in producticontainers _ specified in 5(a)(4)(vii). The 1 0 decay heat percqontainer is. Hmited'to 20 watts. The containers I l' must be leak tdsted in accordance with' Union Carbide Corporation I

letter dated November \ 17, 1980. l

' I/ j,'-

f ' '

g l r I (xi) Forthe)'contentsdescribedin5(b)(1)(xi): /.

~A I p

g T ,y'y-four t (24) capsules each limited to 100 s U-235. l l

,8  !.Q 1% [p/ l l (c) Fisstig Class N\- ^L~-

.c / r and'III 8. I


,i f a 1 i ^ For;the(\ contents specifiedlin 5(b)(1)(iii) l l l (1) tCiass I c j 8 I '

4% '

' 5(b)(2)(iii)~. I I

- a . g. M _ _ andilimited:in


j -

! (2) ~' Maximuin number ofN.f r; Foy)the. contents specifieFin 5(b)(  !

i packages-pershipmerit!1 (b(1)(fi),5(b)(1)(vi),:5(b)(1)(vii), I I as Fissite'Clais IIIj } { ;5(b)(l)(viii),,5(b)(1)(ix), and 5(b)(1)(xi); II s

I W ,

^3' 7 "l'"4 gat 1d

. limited inc5(b)(2)(1), 5(b)(2)(ii),.5(b)(2)(vi)p I I .

sf <


I, 1, <

}- _

~ 'Ei(b)(2)(ix),$7 y , .. ; and 5(b)(2)(xi):

. ~ ,;

l l ' /[, " 90'nN(1) pac age. (O l  ;

I 6. For Item 5(b)(1)(1 i , mixtures of fissile materi[i, S authorized, provided the followingequationissagsfied: .Jf; l l l $f y %{

, 3

! l l g '

+ +

f 1, where l l I I I I X = Grams U-233 to be shipped Y = Grams Pu-239 to be shipped l l Z = Grams U-235 to be shipped g g

i i i I 7. Except for contents described in 5(b)(1)(ii) and 5(b)(1)(iv); and limited in I 5(b)(2)(ii) and 5(b)(2)(iv), the cask must be shipped dry. l 1

1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ll i

1 l- - -


l u!==_=_======-====----========================--==========i9il 1

l l

N l CONDmoNS (continuCd) l 'I i

I Page 6 - Certificate No. 5957 - Revision No.14 - Docket No. 71-5957 lIh l i I jI I l

I 1 l 8. If the cask contents of 5(b)(1)(ii) or 5(b)(1)(iv) are shipped wet, the licensee ,

g must confim that the pressure relief valve is operable (set pressure - 75 psig). g I I When needed, sufficient antifreeze in the cask must be used to prevent damage of p l 1 any component of the package by freezina. I I I 1

f 9.

Loadingandunloading)prationsofthecontentsdescribedin5(b)(1)(iii)and l i

limited in 5(b)(2)(iii must preclude contact of water with the contents. y i I i 10. The presence and effectiveness of the Boral poison plate in the Basket AssembliesI I as shown in BMI Drawing Nos. BCt;-000-500,cRev. A; 0048, Rev. A; and 00-000-236, i I Rev. C, must be verified by.heutron measurements prior to first use and records l


l maintained of such,verifica' tion. Verification of the presence of the Boral must I g

s be made in each subseqEent use. 'v s '

I ,

I , I  !

I 11. s}(T I I Contents containers 5(b)(}Jf'uelassembliesdoesnotexceed24.f) and and

  • s 5(b)(1)(x) may be

~ mixed I p i ,


x M .; I )

l 12. Contents nufSbe Secur'aly, confined in the cask caYity to preclude secondary l l impacts dtfeiing accident."conditions of transport'.( I)l


!I I 7% . of contain, ment vessel must be demoestrated by per-Prior to/ ,each use, adequacy 7, .

1 4


l fomance%f the leak test described in Sectionf 7.-l.1.1 of the application.

I ,

, a, \.

~- ..= x s'. }.'


l 14. Gas hts and seal.s-(cask;asd fuel caniste"r')-mus't be. replaced at least every 12 )

months or searlier.fif' visibik' degradation occurs. , '

!)h i

i I 15.

W .

,"N; iji{ '

The package-authoriz6d by thisi c{elrtificate is hereby ' approved for use under I

I l l l general lfcese providbns ,f ofj0

, CFR JK12. .

l 16. Expiration ciate: August N , 1990.

  • l ,[' @'

y) y//

I .; . . n s I

. REFERENCES .O' I I Vp I I Battelle Columbus Laboratorie,s consolidated applicatio$[ 20, 1985. dated June I I

I v I

( J i s  %

g Cintichem Inc. supplement date De@bergi47fl987f I I i l I FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I I - ,@b i

<h Charles E. MacDonald, Chief

$ i 1 jI I Transportation Branch I Division of Safeguards and ll l

Transportation, NMSS l ll l Date: FEB 2 91988 ll g

i 'I I I I I I l I i I il I

l-_--_----_---- . - - - -

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e / '%' 7, UNITED STATES


  • %...../

Transportation Branch Approval Record Model BMI-l Package Docket. No. 71-5957 Revision No. 14 By application dated December 14, 1987, Cintichem Inc. requested that Certificate of Compliance No. 5957 be amended to authorize increasing the enrichment in the Uranium-235 isotope of the MTR and BRR fuel assemblies from a maximum 93.0 w/o, presently approved as contents, to a maximum enrichment of 93.5 w/o.

The staff conducted a nuclear criticality safety analysis and detemined that the increased enrichment would increase the fissionable mass by approximately 0.5 percent, and the X,ff by 0.002.

As the original criticality analysis was detemined with an error in X,ff of 10.005, the requested increase in enrichment is acceptable.

The change discussed above will not affect the ability of the package to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

Nb WM Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Date: FEB 2 91988 l

9 1

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