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Chapter 9 to Univ of Tx Triga Mark 1 RSAR, Organization.
Person / Time
Site: 05000192
Issue date: 01/31/1981
NUDOCS 8103030706
Download: ML19341C536 (4)





9.1.1 Nuclear Engineer'.ng Teaching Laboratory. The TRIGA reactor installed at The University of Texas Austin campus is administered by the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Program through the Mechanical Engineering Department and College of Engineering. A schematic of the adninistrative structure is presented in Figure 9-1.

9.1.2 Radiction Safety Committee. The Radiation Safety Committee is established through the Office of the President of The University of Texas at Austin. The President shall appoint three members to the Committee from the faculty and/or staff of the Science and Engi-neering Departments. One of these members is appointed as Chairperson of the Committee by the President.

The Committee has the broad responsibility for all policies and practices regarding the license, purchase, shipment , use, monitoring, disposal, and transfer of radioisotopes or sources of high energy radiation at The University of Texas at Austin. The Committee will meet at least once each regular semester on a called basis. Two members shall constitute a quorum.

The Radiation Safety Committee shall be consulted by the University Safety Office concerning any action that affects the administration of the Radiatioa Safety Program.

9.1.3 Radiation Safety Officer. A Radiation Safety Officer acts as the delegated authority of the Radiation Safety Committee in the day to day implementation of policies and practices regarding the safe use of radio-isotopes and sources of radiation as determined by the Radiation Safety Committee. The Radiation Safety Program is administered through the 9-1

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College of Engineering I

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Figure 9-1 i

Administrative Structure of Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory I

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University Safety Office and University Safety Engineer. The responsibili-ties of the Radiation Safety Officer are outlined in the University of Texas at Austin Manual of Radiation Safety.

  • 9.1.4 Reactor Committee. A Reactor Committee responsible to the Dean of the College of Engineering v'th at least three members knowledgeable in fields which relate to nuclear safety shall review, evaluate, and approve safety standards associated with operation of the TRIGA reactor facility. Jurisdiction of the Committee shall include all nuclear opera-tions in the facility and general safety standards. The Radiation Safety Officer shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.

Operations of the Reactor Committee shall be in accordance with a written charter and shall audit reactor operations at least quarterly.

Provisions of the Committee Charter and respnnsibilities are outlined by the University of Texas TRIGA Reactor Technical Specifications.

9.1.5 Laboratory or Reactor Supervisor. The operation of the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory is governed by a Laboratory or Reactor Supervisor, who shall be qualified aa USNRC licensed Senior Operator for the University of Texas at Austin TRIGA Reactor facility. Responsibilities of the supervisor include reactor operation, equipment maintenance, experi-ment operation, and instruction of persons with access to laboratory areas.

9.2 OPERATING REQUIREMEhTS 9.2.1 Licenses. A radioactive materials license from the Texas Department of Health Division of Occupational Health and Radiation Ccatrol (TDH-645) is maintained by the University of Texas at Austin Radiacion Safety Officer.

Authorizations for various University organizations to possess radioactive materials or radiation sources are obtained through agreement with the University Safety Of fice. Through an authorization (no. 48) with the University Safety Office the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Program maintains 9-3 l

several radiation sources and various radioactive materials. Acquisition, disposal and monitoring use of radioactive materials or radiation sources i is accomplished through the Radiation Safety Officer and University Safety Office.

Additional special licenses for the possession and use of special nuclear materials are obtained by the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to maintain certain specific experimental facilities. A special Nuclear Material license (SNM-180) allows the possession and operation of a homogeneous suberitical uranium-235. reactor assembly. Operation of the TRIGA reactor is also provided for by a USNRC license (R-92). The production of radioactive materials by the reactor facility is governed by both the USNRC reactor operation license and the TDH radioactive material license depending on various conditions of the material.

9.2.2 Procedures. Many of the routine and some non-routine functions per-e formed by laboratory staff are recorded in written procedures. These func-tions consist of three types, operation, calibration and surveillance.

With these procedures quality and continuity of a particular function is pro-vided in repeated applications. Procedures required to be in effect are to be specified by the University of Texas TRIGA Reactor Technical Specifications and reviewed by the Reactor Supervisor and Reactor Committee.

9.2.3 Other Requirements. Several additional requirements by administrative or license conditions specify the maintenance of records and preparation of reports. Two special requirements of particular importance to the possession and use of special nuclear material and potential by-products are the Physical l Security Plan and Emergency Plan. Both these plans are periodically reviewed by staff personnel and examined by the Reactor Committee.


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