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Responds to NRC Re Deviations Noted in QA Program Insp Repts 99900382/80-01 & 71-9001/80-01.Corrective Actions:Fabrication Records for Prv Valves Requested from Supplier
Person / Time
Site: 07109001
Issue date: 04/22/1980
From: Hoommissen J
To: Potapovs U
Shared Package
ML19323G512 List:
REF-QA-99900382 NUDOCS 8006040032
Download: ML19323G514 (5)



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AND SERVICES GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY,175 CURTNER AVE., SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95125 DIVISION SPENT FUEL SERVICES OPERATION Docket No. 71-9001 April 22, 1980 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV Attn: Mr. Uldis Potapovs Chief, Vendor Inspection Branch 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76012




Your QA Program Inspection Report, dated March 24, 1980 relative to the NRC review of the IF-300 Spent Fuel Shipping Cask records, has been reviewed.

The report contains no proprietary information.

Attached are the written statements which you requested, containing (1) a description of the steps taken to correct the deviations, (2) a description of steps taken to prevent recurrence, and (3) the date the corrective actions will be completed.

If you require additional information, or if you have any questions relative to the attached responses, please contact L.E. Fischer or W.C. Wheadon.

Respectfully submitted, GENE L ELECT C COMPANY f(j).f CW %ws v


E. Van Hoomissen, Manager pent Fuel Services Operation

/bn Attachment cc:

B. Wolfe 800604003b

Docket Nos. 71009001/80-01 99900382/80-01 GENERAL ELECTRIC RESPONSES TO NRC QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT DATED MARCH 24, 1980 The following are responses to the Notice of Deviation contained in the subject report received by General Electric on March 28, 1980. The report documented findings of the inspection conducted by Mr. W.M. McNeill at the GE facility at Morris, Illinois relative to the IF-300 Spent Fuel Shipping Casks.

The The following respond to the deviations in the same order as reported.

GE response is given after each deviation.


"NRC Finding: General Electric IF-300 Shipping Cask Consolidated Safety Analysis Report (CSAR),Section XI, Appendix XI-1, 4.2.2 states in part:

' The fabrication record will contain all required test reports, material certifications, NDT results, weld and welder qualifications and similar affirmations of quality.

Also included will be in-process design changes, material deviation reports, receiving and in-process inspection reports, and audits.'

Contrary to the above, the following documents were not contained in the fabrication records.


Certification of the cask cavity pressure relief valves made by Target Rock as a 73J001, Revision J, valve as required by the Certificate of Compliance, 9001, Revi.sion 9 ;"

i GE Response a.

Fabrication records for the valves have been requested from the valve supplier (Target Rock).

Since both Rev. H and Rev. J valves are utilized, a request to the NRC uilt be made to change the Certificate of Compliance, condition number 17, to include both Rev. H and Rev. J of the Target Rock valve 73J001 as previously authorized in Revision 8 of the Certificate. At the same time, the IF-300 CSAR (NEDO-10084-2) vill be changed to clearly include Revision H o,' the valve.


All valves are nou procured to the requirements of the Spent Fuel Services Operation Quality Assurance plan (NEDO 20776) uhich uas approvad by the NRC on October Q. 1979.

The valve is classified as a safety-related item and as such requins complete material certification and traceability. Application of the QA plan require-ments vill prevent recurrence of the above deviation.

r Docket Nos. 71009001/80-01 99900382/80-01 Completion date: Certificate of Compliance change request to c.

be submitted by June 1,1980.

Records should be received from Target Rock by August 1, 1980.


" Certification of cask cavity and shielding tank globe valves and verification that the welding on these valves was in compliance with the requirements of the IF 300 Shipping Cask Consolidated Safety Analysis Report (SAR), specifications, and ASME Code;"

GE Response Corrected material certifications have been requested from the a.

valve manufacturer as vett as verification that the velding was The performed in compliance with specification requirements.

corrected material data vill identify the specific valve component to which the certification applies.

Application of the SFSO QA plan for future purchases uilt prevent b.

recurrence of the deviation.

Completion date: September 1, 1980.



" Certifications of energy absorbing members, heat number F30479 and locating key, heat number 13524.

The shielding material, heat number 331 did not have the physical testing records which are part of the material certification.

The above material certifications were re-quired by D-1 Specification and procurement documents;"

GE Response Certifications for material heat numbers F30479 and 13524 have been

- a.

requested from Stearns-Roger.


Certification (including the physical testing records) for shielding material heat number 331, has been requested from Eldorado.

Application of the SFSO QA plan for future purchases uilt prevent c.

recurrence of the deviation.


Congletion date: August 1, 1980.


" Qualification of a nondestructive inspector identified with the ' Tulip' stamp as required by the SAR, Appendix XI-1, section 3.1.2.(i);"

GE Response The Stearns-Roger Manufacturing Data Package vas incomplete during c.

the February 25-29, 1980 review.

Certification that the inspector cas qualified was in the data package; hauever, the documentation failed to shou the relationship between the ' Tulip' stamp and the inspector's name.

Stecrns-Roger has been requested to provide the missir.g data.

. Docktt N:s. 71009001/80-01 99900382/80-01 4


Application of the SFSO QA plan for future purchases vill prevent recurrence of the deviation.

Completion date: August 1, 1980.



" Documented acceptance of the radiographic rejection of the spun casting used for some inner shells as required by the SAR, Appendix XI-l, section 3.1.2.(m);"

GE Response The D-1 Specification required that the material be radiographed and a.

meet the requirements of ASTM standard E-71-64.

The material certi-fication, dated November 22, 1972, stated that the spun castings, heat 142789, did not meet the Specification requirements.

Stearns-Roger apparently failed to properly document the ve,iection.

Before the material uas used in cask fabrication, houever, engineering evaluations were made by Stearns-Roger and by General Electric.

It was concluded that the material could be used to fabricate inner shells for the IF-301 and IF-302 if the castings passed a hydrostatic test per Stearns-hoger procedure SR-PP-200.

Shop Route 51775, no. 661 verifies that the testa vere successfully completed.

Data to support the hydrostatic test in lieu of the radiograph test are on file at Morris. A Memo to File has been prepared which gives approvai lo use the m::terial to fabricate casks IF-301 and IF-302.

The memo was signed by the General Electric employees who were responsible for original cask design and fabrication.


Future casks uilt be fabricated according to the requirements con-tained in the SFSO QA plan.

Adherence to this plan vill prevent recurrence of the above deviation.


Completion date: August 1, 1980.


" Approval by General Electric of an in-process design change on the inner shell. The inner shell material was changed from a spun casting to a rolled and welded fabrication. Approval of such changes is required ty the SAR and the specification.

(See Details Section B.4.C.)"

GE Response c.

The IF-300 CSAR (NEDO-10084-2) Table V-1, page 5-4, states that the inner shell may be made from ASTM A296-65-CG-8M (C7 SST modified) or AISI 200 Type 216 SST rolled plate.

The inner and outer shell

'Eauing, M-41, also allous the inner shell to be made from either material.

In addition, Stearns-Roger was authorised to use the 216 SST material on 8-1-73 as shown on transmittal letter GESR D001.

The SFSO QA plan assures that appropriate E cumentation of such changes b.

is completed.


Refer to GESR D001, August 1,-1973.

This information is available for revieu'at Morris.

g-Docket Nos. 71009001/80-01

' 99900382/80-01 B.

"NRC Finding:

General Electric IF 300 Shipping Cask Consolidated Safety Analysis Report,Section XI, states:

'The cask cavity, closure, closure seal, piping ar.d valves will be hydrostatically tested to 600 psig at room temperature.'

Contrary to the above, cask serial number 301 was hydrostatically tested to 400 psig.

(See details section B.4.C.);"

GE Response This item was not specifically discussed durin; the exit intervieu.


Cask 301 uas hydrostatically tested to 600 psig at the GE facility in Morris during August of 1973, according to documentation on file at Morris.

The test pressure vas held for 16 houra.

During February 1974 a second 600 psig hydro test was performed for 15 min tes.


The SFSO QA plan assures that appropriate documentation of required testing is completed.

Documentation of these tests is available for revieu at Morris.


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