RO 80-04:on 800506,two Switches Which Supply Dc Power to Each Train of Overpressurization Sys Were Discovered in Off Position.Cause Not Stated.Switches Placed in on PositionML19309H498 |
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Sterling |
Issue date: |
05/07/1980 |
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References |
NUDOCS 8005130396 |
Download: ML19309H498 (1) |
MONTHYEARML19309H4981980-05-0707 May 1980 RO 80-04:on 800506,two Switches Which Supply Dc Power to Each Train of Overpressurization Sys Were Discovered in Off Position.Cause Not Stated.Switches Placed in on Position 1980-05-07
[Table view] Category:LER)
MONTHYEARML19309H4981980-05-0707 May 1980 RO 80-04:on 800506,two Switches Which Supply Dc Power to Each Train of Overpressurization Sys Were Discovered in Off Position.Cause Not Stated.Switches Placed in on Position 1980-05-07
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML17053D1691982-03-0101 March 1982 Annual Financial Rept 1981 ML19338F7681980-09-15015 September 1980 Interim Deficiency Rept Re Centrifugal Charging Pump Operation Following Secondary Side High Energy Line Rupture.Design Changes Being Evaluated.Final Rept Will Be Provided in First Quarter 1981 ML19318D0931980-06-30030 June 1980 Discusses 800620 Rept of Potential Deficiency Re Excessive Pressure in Feedwater Lines Following Postulated High Energy Line Break.Excessive Pressure Does Not Constitute Deficiency Per 10CFR50.55e ML19343A4591980-06-30030 June 1980 Deficiency Rept Re Excessive Pressures in Feedwater Lines Following Postulated High Energy Line Break.Pressure Can Be Reduced by Relocating Feedwater Check Valves.Util No Longer Considers Matter Reportable Under 10CFR50.55e ML19330B2891980-06-30030 June 1980 Deficiency Rept Re Postulated Feedwater Line Piping Break. Excessive Peak Pressure Calculations Performed by Bechtel Considered Part of Normal Design Evolution.Does Not Consider Matter Reportable Per 10CFR50.55(e) ML19323H2781980-06-0606 June 1980 Interim Deficiency Rept Re Centrifugal Charging Pump Operation Following Secondary Side Line Rupture Discussed in 800508 Telcon.Evaluation of Transient Described in Westinghouse 800508 Ltr Will Be Provided Pending Completion ML19323G1521980-05-19019 May 1980 Part 21 Rept Re Pipe Support Sway Struts W/Loose Bushings. During Seismic Event,Piping Could Be Overstressed.Struts Have Been Reworked to Correct Deficiency ML19309H4981980-05-0707 May 1980 RO 80-04:on 800506,two Switches Which Supply Dc Power to Each Train of Overpressurization Sys Were Discovered in Off Position.Cause Not Stated.Switches Placed in on Position ML19309G6261980-03-20020 March 1980 Deficiency Report Re Undetectable Failure in Engineered Safety Features Actuation Sys.Licensee Investigating Hardware Changes Which May Preclude Need for Tests Described in 800215 Ltr ML19260D5691980-02-0505 February 1980 Supplemental Deficiency Rept Re Control Sys Subj to Adverse Environ.Safety Analyses & Adequacy of Protective Functions Performed by safety-grade Equipment Could Be Affected.Cause Unstated.Pressure Controllers Procured ML20057B5021980-01-0707 January 1980 Partially Withheld Commission Paper Presenting Positions on Issue for Review,To Discuss Alternatives for Commission Action & Provide Recommendations ML19305B9561979-12-0606 December 1979 Deficiency Rept:On 791107,util Informed NRC of Undetectable Failure in Engineered Safety Features Actuation Sys. Corrective Action to Detect Failure by Testing Sequence Will Be Incorporated Into Plant Procedures.Westinghouse Ltr Encl ML19260C9511979-11-28028 November 1979 Final Deficiency Rept Re Gulf & Western Preassembled formation.Safety-related Preassembly Formations Will Be Reworked & Rejectable Indications in Welds Will Be Corrected ML19209A5191979-09-28028 September 1979 First Deficiency Rept Re Qualification of Steam Generator & Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valve Control Sys & Main Feedwater & Automatic Rod Control Sys.Next Rept Will Be Submitted in Approx Three Months ML19268C0341979-08-0909 August 1979 Rept on Investigation of Weld Imperfections in ASME SA-312 Double Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for Compliance W/Nrc IE Bulletin 79-03. ML19248C2671979-07-31031 July 1979 Rept on Pipe-Support Base Plate Designs Using Concrete Expansion Anchor Bolts. 1982-03-01
[Table view] |
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