ML19242E192 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 08/30/2019 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Proffitt J | |
References | |
Download: ML19242E192 (19) | |
3 Based on stakeholder interactions, the NRC staff is aware of industrys plans to request higher 4
fuel burnup limits along with the deployment of near-term ATF concepts. Additionally, the staff 5
expects that the extension of fuel burnup limits, and the economic drive to achieve those 6
burnups, will result in requests to increase fuel enrichments to greater than the current standard 7
of 5 weight percent U235. Therefore, the staff is proactively assessing the current knowledge 8
and experimental database associated with extending both burnup and enrichment for light 9
water reactor (LWR) fuels. This plan focuses on the strategy to prepare the NRC for review of 10 future licensing actions in which industry requests to go beyond current licensed limits with 11 burnups up to ~75 GWd/MTU rod-average and enrichments up to ~8 weight percent U235. Staff 12 will continue to engage with industry and the fuel vendors on these topics and adjust this 13 strategy as industry plans for higher burnup and increased enrichments evolve.
14 15 Overview of Preparatory Activities 16 17 As with other ATF activities related to advanced cladding and fuel materials, the staff has 18 grouped its burnup and enrichment preparatory activities into four tasks. The highlights of each 19 task are briefly described below; subsequent sections within this appendix describe these tasks 20 in greater detail.
21 22 Task 1: Regulatory Framework: In-Reactor Performance 23 Participate in coordinated PIRT exercises on in-reactor performance of fuels with 24 increased enrichment under a wide array of conditions, performance -based metrics, and 25 analytical criteria to ensure acceptable performance.
26 Perform a scoping study to (1) evaluate the applicability of existing regulations and 27 guidance for higher burnups and increased enrichment, (2) identify changes to, or the 28 need for, new regulations and guidance, and (3) identify any key policy issues.
29 Identify consensus standards that need to be updated for higher burnups and increased 30 enrichment and participate in the update process where appropriate.
31 Determine and clarify the regulatory criteria that need to be satisfied for higher burnup 32 fuels and fuels with increased enrichment and the regulatory options available to 33 applicants and vendors.
34 If needed, resolve policy issues and initiate rulemaking and guidance development 35 activities.
36 37
2 Task 2: Regulatory Framework: Fuel Cycle, Transportation, and Storage 38 39 10 CFR Part 70, Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Materials is performance 40 based; therefore, the staff does not anticipate identification of gaps or deficiencies in 41 these regulations for the licensing of enrichment facilities to produce increased 42 enrichment material or fuel fabrication facilities to fabricate increased enrichment fuel.
43 The staff has previously licensed plants that produce uranium fuel enriched to the levels 44 addressed in this plan.
45 10 CFR Part 71, Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material; and 46 10 CFR Part 72, Licensing Requirements for the independent Storage of Spent Nuclear 47 Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste, and Reactor-Related Greater Than Class C 48 Waste, are largely performance based; therefore, the staff does not anticipate 49 identification of gaps or deficiencies in these regulations.
50 Gaps in the review guidance may develop as the fuel cycle industry develops plans for 51 manufacturing, transporting, and storing higher burnup and increased enrichment fuel.
52 The NRC will monitor the fuel cycle industrys plans and identify and develop any 53 necessary regulatory guidance in a timely manner.
54 The NRC is engaging industry to understand the details and timing of its plans to 55 produce uranium hexafluoride (UF6) that is enriched above the current limit (5 weight 56 percent U235) and fabricate increased enrichment LWR fuel.
57 58 Task 3: Probabilistic Risk-Assessment Activities 59 60 Like the impacts of ATF cladding and fuel matrix concepts, higher burnups and increased 61 enrichments manifest in a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) via impacts on the plants 62 response to a postulated accident, in the form of changes to assumptions about sequence 63 timing, success criteria, and severe accident phenomenology. The PRA activities described in 64 the main body of this document (i.e., the activities originally crafted to address changes in plant 65 response to beyond-design-basis accidents associated with ATF) may adequately encompass 66 the PRA-related work needed to address the impacts of higher burnups and increased 67 enrichments. The specific timeframes and nature of the industry activities and associated NRC 68 deterministic technical basis development will dictate this. For instance, the pilot PRA model 69 work described in Section Error! Reference source not found. may be able to accommodate 70 the potential burnup and enrichment changes combined with the other cladding and fuel 71 response impacts associated with ATF. The degree of coverage provided by the pre-existing 72 planning will also depend on the degree to which burnup and enrichment changes impact other 73 agency uses of PRA information (such as in assessing environmental impacts associated with 74 postulated accidents). At this time, the staff is assessing whether higher burnup and increased 75 enrichments warrant any additional or different ATF-related PRA work, and the staff will adjust 76 its planning accordingly.
77 78 79
3 Task 4: Developing Independent Confirmatory Calculation Capabilities 80 81 Independent confirmatory calculations are one of the tools that the staff can use in its safety 82 review of topical reports and license amendment requests. Confirmatory calculations provide 83 the staff insight on the phenomenology and potential consequences of transient and accident 84 scenarios. In addition, sensitivity studies help to identify risk significant contributors to the 85 safety analyses and assist in focusing the staffs review.
86 87 The staffs approach to modifying and validating existing NRC codes and performing 88 confirmatory analysis for burnup and enrichment extension will be similar to the approach for 89 ATF described in Section Error! Reference source not found. in the ATF Project Plan. At this 90 time, the NRC plans to modify its codes that are developed to analyze fuel performance, 91 thermal hydraulics, neutronics, and severe accidents and source terms to support confirmatory 92 analysis of fuels with higher burnup and increased enrichment. See Section Error! Reference 93 source not found. and Appendix B of the ATF Project Plan for further details.
4 A.1 Task 1: Regulatory Framework: In-Reactor Performance 95 96 Higher fuel burnups and increased enrichments present new and unique technical issues that 97 current guidance, review plans, and regulatory criteria may not readily address. To prepare the 98 agency to conduct meaningful and timely licensing reviews of higher fuel burnup and/or 99 increased enrichment proposals, well-developed and vetted positions are needed on potential 100 policy issues that may arise during the review and licensing process. These positions must be 101 communicated to stakeholders clearly and early.
102 103 This task addresses the changes to the in-reactor regulatory framework that may be required to 104 support the implementation of higher fuel burnups and increased enrichments considering the 105 technical issues they present. Generally, the technical issues associated with higher fuel 106 burnups and increased enrichments respectively fall into two categories, fuel integrity (cladding 107 and/or fuel pellet) and nuclear criticality safety. ECCS performance embrittlement mechanisms 108 and fuel fragmentation, relocation, and dispersal (FFRD) are examples of fuel integrity technical 109 issues. Spent fuel pool criticality, and potential fast critical conditions during accident scenarios 110 are examples of the technical issues that fall under nuclear criticality safety. The regulatory 111 framework changes that may be necessary to address each technical issue are likely to be 112 different, and the staff anticipates that such changes will need to be made before either higher 113 fuel burnups or increased enrichments can be licensed for general use.
114 115 With regard to the regulations at Appendix A, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power 116 Plants, to 10 CFR Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, the 117 NRC staff has concluded that the general design criteria (GDC) discussed therein will not be 118 affected by higher burnups and increased enrichments. While higher burnups and increased 119 enrichments may impact the way compliance with regulatory requirements The degree to which 120 existing regulations and guidance need revision or new regulatory requirements and guidance 121 need to be established, depends on the level of departure from existing burnup and enrichment 122 limits. is demonstrated, the actual principal design and performance requirements provided by 123 the GDC remain applicable. Note that loading increased enrichment fuel designs in a specific 124 plant will ultimately need to meet relevant plant-specific criteria. This is especially important for 125 those reactors in the United States that were licensed before the issuance of the GDC (about 126 40 percent of the operating plants).
127 128 Beyond the GDC, higher burnups and the use of fuel with increased enrichment may affect the 129 regulations and guidance related to fuel design and performance and nuclear criticality safety 130 listed in Tables A.1 and A.2, below. The staff plans to map the technical issues and potential 131 failure issues to these requirements and guidance to determine the scope of changes that are 132 necessary.
5 134 Table A.1 Potentially Affected Regulations 135 Regulation (10 CFR)
Title Affected by:
Burnup Enrichment 20 Standards for Protection Against Radiation 50.34 Contents of Applications; Technical Information 50.46 Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors 50.67 Accident Source Term 50.68 Criticality Accident Requirements 50, Appendix K ECCS Evaluation Models 51 Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions (specifically, Tables S-3 and S-4) 100 Reactor Site Criteria 136 137
6 Table A.2 Potentially Affected Guidance 138 Guidance Document Title Affected by:
Burnup Enrichment NUREG-0630 Cladding Swelling and Rupture Models for LOCA Analysis NUREG-0800 Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants:
LWR Edition (Section 4.2, Fuel System Design in particular for burnup)
NUREG-1465 Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants NUREG-1555 Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants:
Environmental Standard Review Plan NUREG-2121 Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation, and Dispersal During the Loss-of-Coolant Accident NUREG/CR-7022 Vol. 1-2 FRAPCON-3.5 NUREG/CR-7023 Vol. 1-2 FRAPTRAN 1.5 NUREG/CR-7024 Material Property Correlations: Comparisons Between FRAPCON-3.5, FRAPTRAN 1.5, and MATPRO NUREG/CR-7219 Cladding Behavior During Postulated Loss-of-Coolant Accidents RG 1.183 Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors RG 1.195 Methods and Assumptions for Evaluating Radiological Consequences of Design Basis Accidents at Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors RG 1.203 Transient and Accident Analysis Methods DG 1327 Pressurized Water Reactor Control Rod Ejection and Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Drop Accidents 139 A.1.1 Additional Considerations 140 141 Aspects of higher burnup and increased enrichment fuel designs or the implementation strategy 142 could expand the scope, level of complexity, and schedule of the staffs review. Specifically, an 143 increase in fuel burnup and U235 enrichment could impact the scope of the staffs environmental 144 review and have implications for the license renewal generic environmental impact statement 145 (GEIS) associated with a plants licensing basis.
146 147
7 Higher fuel burnups and increased enrichments may affect the NRCs generic environmental 148 findings as documented in the GEIS. Licensees seeking to adopt higher fuel burnups and 149 increased enrichments beyond the current licensed limits will need to submit a license 150 amendment request, and this submittal will need to provide sufficient information as to the 151 potential environmental impacts of the request to facilitate the staffs review. Such information 152 should consider justification for the continued applicability of the existing generic basis as 153 presented in the GEIS. The NRC staff will need to undertake a review of the justification, and 154 this could be a source of additional complexity. To minimize this additional complexity, the staff 155 may need to reassess the current basis for Table S-3 and Table S-4 of 10 CFR Part 51 as 156 documented in the GEIS, how it may be impacted by higher burnup fuels and increased 157 enrichment, and the changes that may be necessary to generate an updated technical basis 158 and GEIS. The necessity of this effort will become clearer as NRC continues engagement with 159 industry and the fuel vendors.
160 161 A.1.2 Lead Test Assemblies 162 163 Lead Test Assembly (LTA) programs provide pool-side post-irradiation examination data 164 collection, irradiated material for subsequent hot-cell examination and research, and 165 demonstration of in-reactor performance. This characterization of irradiated material properties 166 and performance is essential for qualifying analytical codes and methods and developing the 167 safety design bases for higher burnup fuels and fuels with increased enrichments.
168 169 The NRC has recently published a letter to the Nuclear Energy Institute (ADAMS Accession 170 No. ML18100A045) that documents the agencys position concerning criteria for the insertion of 171 LTAs under 10 CFR 50.59 without additional NRC review and approval. LTA programs for 172 higher burnup and increased enrichment may fall outside the guidance in the letter and require 173 LARs, depending on the scope of the LTA campaign and the licensing basis of the reactor.
174 175 A.1.3 Licensing Strategy 176 177 The staff expect industry to take an incremental approach in moving to higher burnup and 178 increased enrichment. Therefore, the NRC staff envisions near-term and longer-term strategies 179 for moving forward with the licensing of higher burnup fuels and fuels with increased 180 enrichments. In the near-term, licensees will need to request exemptions to existing regulations 181 on a licensee-specific basis for the use of these technologies and demonstrate compliance with 182 safety requirements along with the exemption criteria. Should widespread adoption of these 183 technologies become apparent, the NRC will utilize the longer-term strategy of rulemaking to 184 update existing regulations to facilitate a more predictable licensing process.
185 186
8 A.1.4 Deliverables 187 188 Table A.3 Anticipated In-Reactor Deliverables*
189 Title Due Date Map of technical issues and failure mechanisms to regulations, and guidance documents.
6-9 months from completion of the PIRT exercise Develop or revise guidance to address any identified necessary changes.
18-24 months from completion of the PIRT exercise Develop rulemaking to address any identified necessary changes.
24-36 months from identification of required change 190
- The technical lead is the NRR Division of Safety Systems, Nuclear Performance and Code Review Branch 191
9 A.2 Task 2: Regulatory Framework: Fuel Cycle, Transportation, and Storage 192 193 The regulatory activities on ATF of higher burnup/increased enrichment present different 194 challenges at the various stages of the front and back end of the fuel cycle. The NRC 195 recognizes that these challenges have different timelines, with increased enrichment being the 196 near-term technical issue that must be addressed for successful deployment of ATF.
197 198 For the front end of the fuel cycle, which includes fuel assembly fabrication and transportation of 199 feed material and fresh fuel assemblies, increased enrichment may present additional technical 200 and regulatory issues; however current guidance, review plans, and regulatory criteria are 201 adequate to address these issues. To prepare the agency to conduct near-term timely licensing 202 and certification reviews of increased enrichment levels for ATF, discussion of 203 licensing/certification strategies and approaches between applicants and NRC will be 204 undertaken to address any potential technical or policy issues that may arise. Any issues the 205 NRC identifies will be communicated to stakeholders promptly.
206 207 For the back end of the fuel cycle, which includes transportation and storage of spent fuel at 208 higher burnups/increased enrichments, the NRC will continue to monitor industrys initiatives 209 and licensing actions for reactor operation, and assess whether revisions to current guidance, 210 review plans and regulatory criteria may be warranted. The NRC recognizes that licensing and 211 certification actions related to the transportation and storage of such spent fuel will not occur in 212 the near term. The NRC will engage with industry as plans on the back end of the fuel cycle are 213 developed and will update this plan to reflect those actions. Therefore, the rest of the 214 discussion in the plan will focus on near-term issues related to increased enrichment of ATF.
215 216 This task contemplates the changes to the regulatory framework that may be required to 217 support the implementation of increased enrichment for ATF considering the technical or 218 regulatory issues they present. When considering the safe transportation of material for the 219 front end of the fuel cycle, the notable technical issue associated with increased enrichments 220 pertains to nuclear criticality safety for UF6 transportation and fresh fuel assemblies. Fuel 221 assemblies (both fresh and irradiated) that rely on the fuel assembly structural performance to 222 remain intact after evaluation of accident conditions and the criticality evaluation of a single UF6 223 package without using the exception in 10 CFR 71.55(g) are examples of the technical issues 224 that fall under fuel integrity and nuclear criticality safety, respectively. Benchmarking criticality 225 analyses for increased enrichment fuel and burnup credit analyses for spent fuel storage and 226 transport are also examples of the technical issues that fall under nuclear criticality safety. The 227 regulatory framework changes that may be necessary to address each technical issue are likely 228 to be different, however the staff does not anticipate that such changes will need to be made 229 before either higher fuel burnup or increased enrichment can be licensed/certified for general 230 use in reactor.
231 232 233
10 A.2.1 Regulatory Infrastructure Analysis 234 235 The regulatory requirements in 10 CFR Part 70, 10 CFR Part 71 and 10 CFR Part 72 govern the 236 use of radioactive material for fuel enrichment and fabrication facilities, transportation, and spent 237 fuel storage. For increased enrichment in UF6 feed material and fresh fuel assemblies, changes 238 to the regulations are not necessary to accommodate industry plans; however, licensing and 239 certification challenges may exist. The criticality regulations in 10 CFR 71.55(g) grant an 240 exception from the consideration of moderation intrusion for the transportation of UF6 enriched 241 to 5 weight percent or less. Transportation of UF6 enriched to greater than 5 weight percent will 242 require the design and certification of new packages, the modification of currently approved 243 packages, or an exemption from the regulations that require evaluation of a single package with 244 optimum moderation for enrichments greater than 5 weight percent.
245 246 Table A.4 identifies the current guidance documents for the review of fuel facility licensing, 247 transportation package certification, and spent fuel storage licensing and certification and 248 identifies whether the guidance document is affected by industry plans to use higher enriched, 249 higher burnup fuel.
250 251 Table A.4 NRC Fuel Cycle Review Guidance 252 Review Guidance Document Title Affected By Burnup Enrichment NUREG-16091 Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Radioactive Material NUREG-16171 Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel NUREG-1520 Standard Review Plan for Fuel Cycle Facilities License Applications NUREG-2214 Managing Aging Processes In Storage (MAPS) Report NUREG-2215 Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems and Facilities NUREG-2224 Dry Storage and Transportation of High Burnup Spent Nuclear Fuel Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Interim staff guidance2 ons/isg/spent-fuel.html3 253 1 Note that NUREG-1607 and NUREG-1617 are being combined into a single standard review plan, NUREG-2216, Standard Review Plan for Transportation Package Approval, which is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2020.
2 After completion of NUREG-2215 and NUREG-2216, all existing Interim Staff Guidance documents issued by the Division of Spent Fuel Management will be retired.
3 In particular, SFST-ISG-8, Revision 3, Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Analysis of PWR Spent Fuel in Transport and Storage Casks, is affected by both higher burnup and increased enrichment.
11 These review guidance documents draw on industry experience in the fabrication, 254 transportation, and storage of Zrclad-UO2 fuel with up to 5 weight percent enrichment and 255 burnup up to approximately 62 GWd/MTU rod average. The NRC may need to supplement its 256 guidance to address safety related-issues associated with increased enrichments and higher 257 burnups. When staff believes that supplemental information or guidance would facilitate the 258 preparation and review of applications involving the enrichment, fabrication, transportation, and 259 storage of higher burnup and/or increased enrichment fuel, it will discuss this with stakeholders 260 and take action where practical.
261 262 A.2.2 Facility, Transportation, and Storage Reviews 263 264 The regulatory reviews to support the development and deployment of increased enrichment 265 fuel will occur in several fuel cycle areas over the near term to support production (enrichment 266 and fuel fabrication) and transportation of UF6 feed material and fresh fuel assemblies. The 267 sections below discuss these various reviews.
268 269 A.2.2.1 Uranium Enrichment and Fuel Fabrication Facility Reviews 270 271 The uranium enrichment facilities that produce enriched uranium as well as fabrication 272 operations that would produce conventional fuel (e.g., Zr-clad UO2) with increased enrichment 273 will conduct operations that are similar to currently licensed operations. These licensees will 274 have to submit amendments to produce or use uranium with increased enrichment. Fuel 275 fabrication operations that use new processes for producing a different type of fuel material 276 (e.g., uranium alloy or U3Si2) are expected to submit amendments to address both increased 277 enrichment as well as the new processes.
278 279 The staff is currently engaged with licensees of fuel cycle facilities to understand the status of 280 their plans and the anticipated timing of their license amendment submittals.
281 282 A.2.2.2 Unirradiated Fuel Transportation Package and Storage Cask Reviews 283 284 As industry prepares for the batch loading of higher burnup and increased enrichment fuel, the 285 staff expects to receive requests for the approval of transportation packages that allow large-286 scale (i.e., batch) shipment of uranium feed material (currently UF6) and unirradiated fuel 287 assemblies. The staff will review these requests against the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 288 and will use NUREG-1609 and pertinent interim staff guidance for the safety reviews. The NRC 289 staff will support PIRT efforts that focus on the identification and evaluation of material 290 properties used in the safety analyses of transportation packages with higher burnup and 291 increased enrichment. These PIRT efforts are expected to help the staff develop additional 292 regulatory guidance for transportation of fuel with increased enrichment, if required.
293 294 The staff is currently engaged with fuel cycle facility certificate holders to understand the status 295 of their plans and the anticipated timing of their certificate amendment submittals.
296 297
12 A.2.2.3 Irradiated Fuel Transportation Package and Spent Fuel Storage Reviews 298 299 The back end of the fuel cyclespent fuel storage and transportpresents some challenges 300 that are similar to the front end. For example, benchmarking criticality safety is still an issue for 301 the back end for enrichments between 5 and 8 weight percent, but additional challenges may 302 exist depending on the licensing/certification strategy. Other areas where challenges may exist 303 include, performance of the cladding material during vacuum drying, aging while in dry cask 304 storage, fatigue data for transportation, and benchmarking the isotopic depletion analyses for 305 use in the shielding analyses for higher burnup fuels and for use in burnup credit criticality 306 analyses.
307 308 The staff is currently engaged with fuel cycle facility certificate holders to understand the status 309 of their plans and the anticipated timing of their certificate amendment submittals.
310 311 A.2.2.4 Potential Challenges 312 313 NRC staff has identified technical challenges for transportation of unirradiated fuel and spent 314 fuel with higher burnup and increased enrichment.
315 316 A. Challenges for Transportation of Unirradiated Fuel 317 318 In addition to challenges for approval of transport of UF6 at increased enrichments (greater than 319 5 weight percent), it should be noted that American National Standards Institute (ANSI) N14.1, 320 Nuclear Materials Uranium Hexafluoride - Packagings For Transport, only applies to 321 enrichments up to 5 weight percent 235U for the 30B and 30C cylinders. DOT regulations in 49 322 CFR 173.420 state that UF6 packagings (whether fissile, fissile excepted, or non-fissile) must be 323 designed, fabricated, inspected, tested and marked in accordance with American National 324 Standard N14.1 that was in effect at the time the packaging was manufactured. In addition to 325 an NRC approval for shipment in a packaging using a 30B or 30C cylinder, a special permit 326 from DOT will be needed.
327 328 Benchmarking criticality analyses for fissile material enriched to greater than 5 weight percent 329 235U presents a challenge due to the limited number of critical experiments in that range.
330 Applicants for package approval could overcome this challenge by performing:
331 332 new critical experiments to validate criticality calculations for 5-8 wt% enriched uranium, 333 relying on sensitivity/uncertainty analysis methods to develop new critical experiments, 334 relying on sensitivity/uncertainty analysis methods to determine that existing 335 experiments are applicable to 5-8 wt% enriched uranium, or 336 reduce the allowable maximum k-effective to account for uncertainties in criticality code 337 performance due to lack of applicable critical experiments for benchmarking.
338 339 340
13 A. Challenges for Transportation and Storage of Spent Fuel 341 342 In addition to the benchmarking challenge listed above, other challenges exist for the storage 343 and transportation of spent fuel. Evaluation of material performance during vacuum drying, 344 aging while in storage, and cladding material properties are needed to evaluate structural 345 performance during normal storage, transport, and accident conditions.
346 347 Aging effects during long-term, dry cask storage include evaluation of impacts of potential 348 operable age-related phenomena on cladding performance. Those mechanisms described in 349 NUREG-2214 that may be affected by higher burnup and increased enrichment include creep, 350 hydrogen absorption, oxidation, delayed hydride cracking, and irradiation hardening. In 351 addition, the impacts of both potential higher end-of-life rod internal pressures on the credibility 352 of age-related phenomena, and the increased pellet swelling on the mechanical performance of 353 the cladding should be evaluated. There is also a need for experimental confirmation to 354 determine whether unknown age-related phenomena impact the spent fuel during storage and 355 transport after storage.
356 357 In addition to cladding material properties discussed above for unirradiated fuel, fatigue 358 performance data will be needed to evaluate vibration normally incident to transport as required 359 in 10 CFR 71.71(c)(5).
360 361 A transportation package or storage cask that is evaluated containing spent fuel will have the 362 same benchmarking concerns listed above for unirradiated material. If a package/cask is 363 evaluated for burnup credit, instead of fresh fuel, the isotopic depletion analyses will need to be 364 validated for the increased enrichment and burnup levels. In addition to validating the criticality 365 analysis, the accuracy of depletion calculations to calculate the source term for the shielding 366 analyses should be evaluated for burnups greater than 62 GWd/MTU rod average.
367 368 However, these challenges would not preclude an effective and efficient staff review.
369 370 A.2.2.5 Anticipated Regulatory Actions 371 372 Near -term regulatory actions consist of the reviews of fuel cycle facilities license amendments.
373 There are other regulatory actions needed to support increased enrichment and higher burnup; 374 however, only one fuel cycle facility have shared plans to submit a license amendment. Other 375 expected regulatory actions will be identified in future revisions of the plan after industry plans 376 become clearer.
377 378 379
14 A.3 Task 3: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Activities 380 381 The NRC uses PRAs to estimate risk: to investigate what can go wrong, how likely it is, and 382 what the consequences could be. The results of PRAs provide the NRC with insights into the 383 strengths and weaknesses of the design and operation of a nuclear power plant. PRAs cover a 384 wide range of NRC regulatory activities, including many risk-informed licensing and oversight 385 activities (e.g., risk-informed technical specification initiatives, the significance determination 386 process portion of the Reactor Oversight Process). These activities make use of both 387 plant-specific licensee PRA models and plant-specific NRC PRA models. The NRC uses the 388 former models predominantly for licensing and operational activities and the latter models 389 predominantly for oversight activities. A key tenet of risk-informed decision-making is that these 390 models reflect the as-designed, as-operated plant. For this reason, these models should be 391 updated to reflect significant plant modifications. The introduction into the reactor core of fuels 392 intended for higher burnups and fuels with increased enrichments may affect these models, 393 particularly once the reactor core composition significantly influences the plants response to a 394 postulated accident (e.g., higher initial decay heat from increased unrainum-235 enrichment).
395 396 Developing capabilities to support risk-informed regulatory activities following the 397 implementation of higher fuel burnups and increased enrichments could require significant NRC 398 resource. Information about the industrys intended approach is needed to create a meaningful 399 plan. Early NRC interactions with the industry and vendors regarding higher burnup and 400 increased enrichment activities, such as fuel technology update meetings and early 401 preapplication meetings, will be used to encourage an approach that is consistent with 402 regulatory requirements and staff guidance. Just as with the ATF project plan, this project plan 403 recognizes that the staffs PRA-related preparatory work involves two separate, but closely 404 related, aspects:
405 406 (1)
The staff needs to prepare for, and review, PRA-related information submitted as part of 407 the licensing process for the batch loading of fuels with increased enrichments and 408 higher burnups as well as the incorporation of these technologies into the licensing 409 basis.
410 411 (2)
The staff needs to develop PRA-related capabilities to do the following effectively:
412 413 Review risk-informed licensing applications and ensure that applicants are using 414 acceptable PRA models once higher fuel burnups and increased enrichments are 415 implemented.
416 Perform risk-informed oversight evaluations (e.g., significance determination 417 process) once higher fuel burnups and increased enrichments are implemented.
418 419 Item 1 is highly dependent on the approach taken by each vendor or licensee, or both, in its 420 licensing application, while item 2 is somewhat independent of the licensing approach.
421 Therefore, this project plan currently focuses more attention on item 2.
422 423
15 In the near-term, increases in fuel burnup and enrichment limits are expected to be only 424 marginally greater than current limits, and this may have only a limited or no impact on PRA 425 modeling. However, in the long term, increases in fuel burnup and enrichment limits are 426 expected to be appreciably greater than current limits, and this may have a more significant 427 impact on PRA modeling.
428 429 PRA activities for higher burnups and increased enrichments will be analogous to the activities 430 for ATF described in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this document. In 431 particular, NRC staff must ensure that licensees PRAs continue to use acceptable models and 432 assumptions as part of the implementation of higher burnup fuels and fuels with increased 433 enrichments and update the NRCs models (as necessary) to reflect any plant modifications 434 made to accommodate these new technologies. Also analogous to the activities for ATF, it is 435 envisioned that much of the analytical investigation needed to assess PRA-related impacts and 436 support PRA-related changes in the agencys SPAR models due to higher burnups and 437 increased enrichments can use the independent confirmatory calculational capabilities currently 438 being developed by the NRC. These capabilities are discussed in Section A.4 of this project 439 plan. See Section Error! Reference source not found. of this document for further information 440 on the analogous PRA activities NRC will take in response to higher burnups and increased 441 enrichments.
442 443 Engagement on PRA-related topics both among the NRC staff and with external stakeholders is 444 important at all stages. Effective interaction will foster a common understanding of the 445 acceptability of PRA methods used to model plant modifications and the impact that will 446 ultimately be realized when these modifications are integrated into PRAs and risk-informed 447 processes. Effective interaction can also ensure that information required to develop PRA 448 modeling assumptions related to plant modifications is properly coordinated with the 449 deterministic review. In this case, relevance of PRAs has been identified early in the process, 450 and time is available to address the PRA-related needs in a thoughtful and symbiotic manner.
451 452 For the purpose of identifying PRA-related milestones, the following key assumptions are 453 necessary:
454 455 The timing of PRA-related efforts will be cross-coordinated with those of the previously 456 identified partner areas (e.g., severe accident analysis) to allow the leveraging of 457 deterministic work to make the PRA-related efforts efficient.
458 Near-term TR/LAR reviews will start in 2020, with long-term licensing reviews occurring 459 no earlier than 2023.
460 This plan does not account for rulemaking initiatives that might be requested to facilitate 461 rapid adoption of increased enrichments (e.g., modifications to 10 CFR 50.68, Criticality 462 Accident Requirements).
463 464 The PRA-related milestones for higher burnups and increased enrichment activities are listed 465 below in Table A.6. It should be noted that it may be feasible to merge the work outlined in 466
16 Table A.6 with the existing ATF PRA-related milestones found in Table 9.1, depending on the 467 nature and timing of the higher burnup and increased enrichment activities relative to that of the 468 ATF activities.
469 470 Table A.6 PRA Activities for Higher Burnups and Increased EnrichmentsMilestones 471 Milestone Input Needed Lead Time/
Duration Needed By 1
Participate in internal and external discussions and knowledge development related to higher burnups and increased enrichments (e.g., internal working group meetings, public meetings)
N/A Ongoing N/A 2
Complete licensing reviews, including potential TRs or industry guidance, related to the risk-informed aspects of licensing higher burnup fuels and increased enrichments More information regarding the specific licensing approach TBD TBD 3
Complete a SPAR pilot of a BWR and PWR subject plant for higher burnups and increased enrichments to assess CDF/LERF impacts, gain risk insights, and identify potential improvements to guidance Deterministic knowledge base being developed under other tasks (e.g., independent confirmatory code analysis) 6 months 1 year before the first long-term core load4 of higher burnup fuels and fuels with increased enrichment 4
Update guidance (as necessary) to support licensing and oversight functions for plants making modifications (if any) to accommodate higher burnups and increased enrichments Completion of the items above 1 year Before the core load 5
Update agency PRA models to reflect changes to the as-built, as-operated plant (if any) for relevant plants/models Details of the plant modifications 1 year5 As needed to support the agencys risk evaluations 472 4 Here, core load means the replacement of a large proportion (e.g., 50 percent or more) of the core.
5 This would occur after approval of the associated licensing action.
17 Table A.7 PRA Activities for Higher Burnups and Increased EnrichmentsDeliverables*
473 Title Lead Time Safety Evaluation contributions for TRs and LARs related to using fuels with higher burnups and increased enrichments TBD Report that documents results and recommendations from a SPAR pilot study 1 year before the first long-term core load of higher burnup fuels and fuels with increased enrichments Updated guidance (e.g., risk-assessment standardization project guidance changes) to support licensing and oversight functions for plants making modifications (if any) to accommodate higher burnups and increased enrichments Varies depending on the documents that require modifications Updated agency PRA models to reflect changes to the as-built, as-operated plant (if any) for relevant plants/models As needed to support the agencys risk evaluations 474
- The technical lead is the NRR Division of Risk Analysis, Probabilistic Risk Assessment Oversight Branch.
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18 A.4 Task 4: Developing Independent Confirmatory Calculation Capabilities 477 478 Independent confirmatory calculations are one of the tools that the staff can use in its safety 479 review of topical reports and license amendment requests. Confirmatory calculations provide 480 the staff insight on the phenomenology and potential consequences of transient and accident 481 scenarios. In addition, sensitivity studies help to identify risk significant contributors to the 482 safety analyses and assist in focusing the staffs review.
483 484 RG 1.70, Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants 485 (LWR Edition), identifies the standard format and content of safety analysis reports for nuclear 486 power plants, and NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan for the Safety Analysis Reports for 487 Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition, (SRP) identifies the criteria that the staff should use to 488 review licensee safety analyses. The NRC plans to continue to develop independent 489 confirmatory analysis tools that support robust safety evaluations and provide insights into 490 safety significant factors for burnup and enrichment extension. Vendor codes used to support 491 analysis of fuel above existing burnup and enrichment limits will likely be based on smaller data 492 sets than the data sets available for Zr-UO2 fuel below existing limits. This will result in greater 493 uncertainty in the results of the safety analyses and the margins to the specified acceptable fuel 494 design limits. For these reasons, confirmatory calculation capabilities will be critical for 495 generating confidence in the safety assessment of burnup and enrichment extension against all 496 applicable regulatory requirements (see Section A.2 for more details). A confirmatory code can 497 be used to independently quantify the impact of modeling uncertainties and support more 498 efficient reviews with the potential for fewer requests for additional information. Finally, the 499 experience and insights gained by developing an in-house code can be leveraged in reviews of 500 externally developed models and methods, thus making reviews more efficient and effective.
501 502 The staff identified four technical disciplines needing calculation capability development to 503 support TR/LAR safety reviews for burnup and enrichment extension: (1) fuel performance, 504 (2) thermal hydraulics, (3) neutronics, and (4) severe accidents. The NRC has developed a 505 suite of codes to analyze these disciplines, and they have been used successfully to support 506 regulatory decision-making. Further development of these codes is appropriate to ensure that 507 the NRC has the capability to analyze Zr-UO2 fuel above existing regulatory burnup and 508 enrichment limits. Having tools that the staff can use to analyze fuel with higher burnup and 509 increased enrichment will be particularly important because applicants will use computational 510 tools to demonstrate that they have met fuel safety acceptance criteria and because, in some 511 cases, the properties and models for fuel at higher burnup and increased enrichment within the 512 computational tools will be based on limited experimental data.
513 514 Code development activities for higher burnup and increased enrichment will be integrated and 515 sequenced, as appropriate, with activities for ATF described in Section Error! Reference 516 source not found. of the ATF Project Plan. In particular, the NRC will participate in PIRT 517 exercises for increased enrichment, perform scoping studies to identify code architecture and 518 model updates needed, modify the codes based on outcomes of the increased enrichment PIRT 519 and scoping studies, and perform assessments against available experimental data. Section 520
19 Error! Reference source not found. of the ATF Project Plan describes the approach NRC will 521 take to update its codes to support confirmatory analysis for higher burnup and increased 522 enrichment limits.