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Reporting Abnormal Occurrence No. 50-278-74-33 at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station for Failure of Main Steam Line High Flow Switch dPIS-3-2-116C to Trip During Surveillance Test
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1976
From: Ullrich W
Philadelphia Electric Co
To: O'Reilly J
NRC Region 1
LER 1974-033
Download: ML19095A739 (1)




4l""t R PtMc_-ottom Atomic iower Station 0

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Vnited States Atomic Energy Cornmiasion Di~~ctorate of R~gulato~y Operations 631 Park Aveou~

King of Pruasi~, Ponn5ylvania 19406


\Abno'i'." 01:curr-en~e 24-Hour Notification Confirming,Vo T. Ullrich'a phone conversation -with Mro Walt llirnnack 11 AoE.C. Region!

Regulatory OpeTation~ Office on December 5 11 1974.

Ref ere nee: . License Number DPR-56

~echnical Specification


Table J.2.A Rep-ort Jfo.: 50-278-74-33 Report D.llte: DmcCl!mber S>> 1974 Occu~r~nce Date: December 4. 197~

Facility: Pti!.ach Bottom Ato~ic Pover Station Deltap P~nnaylvan~a 17314 Identification of Occurrencet Failure of Main Steam .Linm High Flot.1 SY!tch dPIS-J-2-116C to tri'E) du.:ing ,!&

aurveillance test.

Conditions Prior to Occur~enee:

Unit 3 at 75% ~ r .

Description of Occurrenc:

Du~in.g ~ routine surv~illanca test, dPIS-3-2-ll6C f&iled to trip.

Designation of Apparent Cau@e of Occurrence:

Probably a slight rnecrumical binding. The bind*ing clea.i"ed during examiru.t~on ot tho svitch linkageo Anslysis of Occur:reru:e:

Thmr are no implications since ite com-panion ITTri.tch in a one-of-th~- logic w.s operabl~ and voul.d havia cripped at the prescribed setpointa Corr~tiv~ Actiofi:

Folloving the failure to t~ipp th~ face and scale WC!J!re r!ZrnlOv~d from the instrum~nt in order to ~acch the linkage during an operation to tLy to determine the type of f allure. The St:titch was again tested and 11;hia eim~ ar-..d each ~mcceediog time it

\rorked proper1y~ le tr.a~ ch2n reasse~bled>> tested and continued to vork succecsfull:

Failure Datn:

Previous occurrences on thee~ type m:ritches h.~ve been ~eported as dPtS-2-2-1190 o~ 9/7/7lt S0-277-74-28, 50-277-74-48 5 and 50-278-74-20.

Very truly!yours.


U. T. Ullrich. Supe~intand~at Pasch.Sott~ Atomic Po-d~r Station

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