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Summary of Meeting to Discuss Regulatory Improvement for Advanced Reactors
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/14/2019
From: William Reckley
To: John Segala
Reckley W, NRO/DSRA/ARPB, 415-7490
Download: ML19071A285 (10)


March 14, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: John P. Segala, Chief Advanced Reactor and Policy Branch Division of Safety Systems, Risk Assessment and Advanced Reactors Office of New Reactors FROM: William Reckley, Senior Project Manager /RA/

Advanced Reactor and Policy Branch Division of Safety Systems, Risk Assessment and Advanced Reactors Office of New Reactors



OF FEBRUARY 7, 2019, PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS REGULATORY IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADVANCED REACTORS On February 7, 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a Category 2 public meeting with stakeholders, including the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), to discuss ongoing initiatives within the industry and NRC related to the development and licensing of non-light water reactors (non-LWRs) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML19023A538). The majority of the meeting was focused on discussions of civil/structural issues, including the possible use of seismic isolators as part of the design and licensing of advanced reactors. Enclosure 1 contains a list of meeting attendees and participants who joined via webinar. The slides and meeting handouts are available in ADAMS Accession No. ML19045A620.

NRC staff from the Office of New Reactors (NRO) provided a presentation on NRC activities related to improving the efficiency of environmental reviews for future nuclear power plants.

Future discussions will include the staffs plans to prepare interim staff guidance to address advanced reactor designs and industry suggestions to explore additional improvements, such as preparing generic environmental impact statements.

Mr. Jason Redd of Southern Company introduced the focus area of the meeting, which was civil/structural issues and related regulatory interfaces for the advanced reactor community.

Mr. Redd identified a number of items and included an ask of either the NRC or industry to ensure the interactions would maintain a positive momentum following the meeting. The items, asks, and planned activities are summarized below:

CONTACT: William Reckley, NRO/DSRA 301-415-7490

J. Segala 2 Table 1: Follow-up Activities From February 7, 2019 Stakeholder Meeting Civil/Structural Item Ask Activities Going Forward General Technical and regulatory issues related The February 7th stakeholder meeting to the civil/structural design features for provided a starting point and future advanced reactors requires coordination stakeholder meetings can be used to between the NRC, industry, standards help coordination - but it is more likely development organizations (SDOs), and that meetings dedicated to civil/structural individual developers. NRC and industry issues will be needed. For NRC, the should have points of contact and overall coordination will remain within the plans or roadmaps to help ensure advanced reactor program with an activities are being coordinated. assigned project manager (to be named in the near future) to organize participation from appropriate technical staff in various offices. A mapping of issues to points of contacts within industry organizations and SDOs will be developed.

Licensing NRC continue towards approval and Staff continues efforts to issue draft Modernization issuance of DG-1353 to address DG-1353 for public comment and determination of licensing basis events, prepare a related Commission paper to safety classification, and defense in affirm approach and resolve policy depth issues. Updates to be provided via NRC web page and future meetings. The staff will work to coordinate NRC and industry activities related to technology-inclusive, risk-informed, and performance-based guidance for seismic safety with other advanced reactor guidance.

Design Details in NRC clarify the level of detail expected in Staff plans to interface with advanced Licensing applications and ensure mutual reactor community to develop and/or Documents understanding of terms such as typical endorse guidance addressing level of and representative detail in applications. This activity expected to begin in mid-2019 and result in a follow-on regulatory guide to DG-1353. Updates to be provided via NRC web page and future meetings.

Changes During NRC establish predictable change Staff interacting with licensees with Construction processes to align requirements for prior plants under construction and plans to approval of changes with the potential address issue within planned Part 50/52 impact on public health and safety rulemaking. Item also likely to be addressed within development of a technology-inclusive framework as required by the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act.

Updates to be provided via NRC web page and future meetings.

NRC Staff Industry work with NRC staff to ensure Staff agreeable to identifying specific Training on Novel opportunities for training, exposure, and training needs and opportunities through Features and experience with proposed novel features interactions with labs; universities; Innovative and innovative features. societies and trade organizations; and Approaches specific developers, licensees, or applicants.

J. Segala 3 Seismic Isolation Near-term engagements on development Staff to make NUREG/CR reports of seismic isolation analysis available to public (see later in this methodology and acceptance criteria summary), continue engagements through SDOs (ASCE for example), and work with DOE and the external advanced reactor community on endorsement/preparation of guidance (regulatory guide for example) to support possible use of seismic isolators.

Modular NRC policy re-affirmation on level of Staff plans to continue ongoing Construction and detail necessary to make finding of discussions with LWRs and interface Factory reasonable assurance of adequate with advanced reactor community to Fabrication protection; agreement on role of develop and/or endorse guidance tolerances and treatment in licensing addressing level of detail in applications.

documents, and lessons learned from This activity expected to begin in mid-SERs involving modular construction 2019 and result in a follow-on regulatory guide to DG-1353. Updates to be provided via NRC web page and future meetings.

Concrete and What are NRC staffs current and Staff has sponsored some research in Steel (high planned activities in the area of concrete the area of environmental (temperature, temperatures) and structural steel exposed to high- irradiation) effects on concrete and steel.

temperature environments Importance for specific technologies or designs would determine needed justificationsand possibly additional research and developmenton the part of industry, DOE, or others.

Concrete What are NRC plans for endorsement of Staff continues participation in SDOs and Reinforcement ACI 318-11, Section 12.6 will consider addressing within existing with Headed regulatory guidance framework for Reinforcement concrete structures if requested to endorse.

Steel Plate and What are NRC plans for endorsement of Staff plans to complete its ongoing Concrete AISC N690-18 review of the N690 standard and Composite (SC) proceed to the drafting of a regulatory Construction guide (DG-1304) with the staff position on N690-18.

Advanced What are NRC plans for endorsement of Staff continues participation in SDOs and Concrete developments in advanced concrete will consider addressing within regulatory Materials materials guidance framework for concrete (including high structures if requested to endorse.

strength and fiber reinforced concretes)

NRC staff members Jose Pires (RES) and Jimmy Xu (NRO) provided a summary of NRC activities related to seismic isolation, steel plate composite construction, and risk-informed performance-based approaches to seismic safety. The presentation mentioned several reports that the NRC staff expected to be published in the near future. The first report, NUREG/CR-7253, Technical Considerations for Seismic Isolation of Nuclear Facilities, was made available on the NRCs webpage following the meeting (ADAMS Accession No. ML19050A422). The other reports mentioned (NUREG/CR-7254 on Sliding Bearings and NUREG/CR-7255 on Elastomeric Bearings) are expected to be made available on the NRC website within several weeks of this meeting summary.

J. Segala 4 Mr. Marc Nichol of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) provided a presentation on new plant cost reduction and regulatory interactions. Challenges to the development and licensing of advanced reactors include the probable use of advanced manufacturing techniques.

Coincidentally, there was an NRC public meeting on advanced manufacturing held on the morning of February 7, which is summarized in a memorandum dated February 13, 2019 (ADAMS Accession No. ML19038A468).

Dr. Chandu Bolisetti of Idaho National Laboratory described activities to support design optimization for safety and cost using MASTODON computer simulation tools for evaluating seismic risks.

Dr. A Whittaker of the University at Buffalo summarized cost breakdowns for new build nuclear plants, highlighting the high contributions related to civil/structural design and construction.

Dr. Whittaker provided background on the use of seismic isolation in nuclear designs and other applications as well as summarizing current activities related to American Society of Civil Engineers standards and design and analysis projects supported by advanced reactor developers, Electric Power Research Institute, and Department of Energy.

Marty Stutzke of the NRC staff supported a discussion on the possible development of generic seismic hazard curves to support the design process. The discussion of addressing external hazards (with focus on seismic hazard) during the design process was followed by a general discussion of civil/structural issues and insights from recent licensing and construction activities offered by Sujit Samaddar of the NRC staff.

The meeting ended with a discussion of other topics and future meetings. The date of the next meeting is scheduled for March 28, 2018. Agenda topics for the next meeting include NRC response to the Nuclear Energy Innovations and Modernization Act, the development of guidance of mechanistic source terms, and the possible revision of guidance related to population densities and the siting of nuclear power plants.


1. List of attendees

ML19071A285 NRO-002 OFFICE NRO/DSRA NRO/DRSA NAME WReckley JSegala DATE 03/12/2019 03/14/2019

Attendance List - Attended at least part of meeting in person Name Organization Jim Hammelman NRC/NMSS Olivier Lareynie NRC/NMSS Manas Chakravorty NRC/NRO Amy Cubbage NRC/NRO Jack Cushiing NRC/NRO Michelle Hart NRC/NRO Ata Istar NRC/NRO Maryann Khan NRC/NRO Stu Magruder NRC/NRO John Monninger NRC/NRO Cliff Munson NRC/NRO Alissa Neuhausen NRC/NRO Donald Palmrose NRC/NRO Sunwoo Park NRC/NRO Pravin Patel NRC/NRO Hanh Phan NRC/NRO Bill Reckley NRC/NRO Robert Roche-Rivera NRC/NRO Sujit Samaddar NRC/NRO John Segala NRC/NRO Martin Stutzke NRC/NRO George Tartal NRC/NRO Vaughn Thomas NRC/NRO Boyce Travis NRC/NRO Jim Xu NRC/NRO Ismael Garcia NRC/NRR George Thomas NRC/NRR Brian Wittick NRC/NRR Michelle Sampsn NRC/NSIR Bill Orders NRC/OCMAC Jinsuo Nie NRC/RES Jose Pires NRC/RES Frederick Sock NRC/RES Enclosure 1

Spencer Nelson Clearpath Nilesh Chokshi Consultant Prasad Kadambi Consultant Jana Bergman Curtiss-Wright Tom Miller DOE/NE Farshid Shahrokhi Framatome Alan Beard GE-H Chandu Bolisetti INL Darrell Gardner Kairos Stephen Burdick Morgan Lewis Kati Austgen NEI Marc Nichol NEI Bo Saulsbury PNNL Amir Afzali Southern Co Jason Redd Southern Co Andrew Whittaker University at Buffalo Jill Monahan Westinghouse 2

Attendance List - Webinar Attendees Name Organization George Abatt Becht Randy Belles ORNL David Blee USNIC John Brellenthin TVA Matthew Brenner Bechtel Tim Cahill Bechtel Kevin Casey TVA Michelle Catts GE-H Gordon Clefton INL William Corwin AdRxMatls Arlon Costa NRC/NRO Dayna Dority NRC/NRO Neil Haggerty EXCEL Michelle Hayes NRC/NRO William Horak BNL Alex Huning ORNL Bhagwat Jain NRC/NRO Tanya Kirby GE-H Juan Lopez NRC/NRR Sanj Malushte Bechtel Jan Mazza NRC/NRO William McGlinn ICF Nicholas McMurray NRC/NRO Brian Meadors GE-H Farhang Ostadan Bechtel Anil Patnaik Univ of Akron Alex Popova Oklo Pranab Samanta BNL Dogan Seber NRC/RES Sam Sham ANL Charles Sills Eurasiacenter Patrick Snouffer Bechtel Luben Todorovski GE-H 3

John Tomon NRC/RES Nanette Valliere NRC/OCMSB Andrew Zach US Senate 4