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Appendix B to Operating License DPR, Environmental Technical Specifications for Salem Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/2019
Public Service Electric & Gas Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19031A152 (108)






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  • section Title 1.0 DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND NOTES 1.1 DEFINITIONS 1.1-1 1.2 ABBREVIATIONS 1.2~1 1.3 NOTES 1.3-1 2.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 2.1 THERMAL 2.1-1 2.1.1 Maximum AT Across Condenser . 2.1-1 2.1.2 Maximum Discharge Temperature 2.1-3 2.1.3 Rate of Change of Discharge Temperature .. 2.i~5:

2.2 CHEMICAL ...

2.2.1 Biocides 2.2-1 2.2.2 Suspended Solids 2.2-3 e 2.2.3 2.3 pH RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 2.2-5 2.3-1

. 2 *. 3.1 Specifications for Liquid Waste Effluents 2.3-2 2.3.2 Specifications for- Liquid Waste Sampling.

and Monitoring 2.3-3 2.3.3 Specifications for Gaseous Waste Effluents . 2.3-8 2.3.4 Specifications for Gaseous Waste Sampling and Monitoring 2.3-12 2.3.5 Specifications for Solid Waste Handling and Disposal 2.3-18 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEILLANCE 3.0-1 3.1 NON-RADIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE 3.1-1 3.1.1 Abiotic 3.1-1 Chlorine 3.1-1

. Dissolved Gases 3.1-2 Suspended Solids 3.1-3 Other *Chemicals .. 3~1-4 Erosion . . . 3.1-5 Meteorological Monitoring

  • 3.1-:-7

. 3.1.2 Biotic 3.1-8' e

  • General Ecological Survey Impingement of Organisms 3.1-8 3.1-15 1


.ORGANISMS . 4.2-1 4.2.1 General .4.2-1 4.2.2 Temperature Preference Studies 4.2-2 4.2~3 Temperature and Chemical Avoidance Studies 4.2-2.

4.2.4 Cold Shock Studies 4.2-4 4.3 Thermal Plume.Mapping 4.3-1 4.4 Intake Velocity Study 4.4-1 5.0 . "ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1 RESPONSIBILITY 5.1-1 ...*

5.2 ORGANIZATION .5.2-1 5.3 REVIEW AND AUDIT 5.3-1 5.3.1 Nuclear Review Board (NRB) 5.3-1 5.3.~

9 Station Operations Review Committee (SORC) 5.3-1 5.4 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IF A LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION IS EXCEEDED 5.4-1 5.5 PROCEDURES 5.5-1 5.6 PLANT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 5.6-1 5.6.1 Routine Reports 5.6~1. Annual Environmental Operating Report 5.6-1* Radioactive Effluents Release Report

  • 5.6-3 5.6.2 Nonroutine Reports . 5.6-3 . Nonroutine Environmental Operating Reports

  • 5~6-3 Nonroutine Radiological Environmental Opera~ing Reports 5.6-5 Nonroutine Radioactive Effluent Reports 5.6-6 5.6.3 Changes in Environmental Technical Specifications . 5.6-7 S.7 RECORDS RETENTION . *. 5.7-1 ii

e LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title 2.3-1 Radioactive Liquid Sampling and Analysis 2.3-2 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis 2.3-3 Average Energy per Disintegration 3.1-1 Water Quality Analysis Parameters 3.1-2 Summary of Aquatic, Terrestrial and Aerial Sampling Programs 3.2-1 Operational Environmental Radiological Monitoring Pz:ogram 3.2-2 Preoperational -x. and a Values 1

3.2-3 Sensitivity Levels for Environmental Sample Analyses s.6-1 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program 9 Summary

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Figure No. Title 3.1-1 Biological Sampling Stations in the Vicinity of Artificial Island 3.2-1 Locations of Radiological Sampling Stations within a 10 Mile Radius of the Site 5.2-1 Station Organization Chart 5.2-2 Mechanical Division Organization Chart e* 0 e *)

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1. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Temperature.of the river unaffected by localized waste heat discharge; temperature of the river outside the d~signated mixing zone.
2. AMPEROMETRIC TITRATION Sp~cif ic adaptation of polarographic principles which are used to measure the total residual chlorine or to differentiate between the free and combined available chlorine.

-- 3e CALIBRATION Use of* a known quantity of a measured parameter to determine the accuracy of the measuring instrument.

4. CHLORINE DEMAND The amount of chlorine required to oxidize substances*

in the water which reduce free chlorine.

5. COMBINED AVAILABLE CHLORINE RESIDUAL Residual consisting of mono-, di-, and trichloromines.


. ,... ~ ...


6. CONDENSER Shall include the three condenser shells utilized in the Circulating Water System for each unit.

The computer of condenser shell outlet water box.temperatures on those condenser.shells in service.

8. CONDENSER SHELL A single heat exchanger in the Circulating Water System which includes the inlet and outlet water .boxes and tube bundle.


9. CONTROL STATION D Sample location that is far enough away from the station
  • that it will not be affected by radiological emissions or *other station releases.
10. DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE The average temperature of the three 120 inch ID discharge lines for each unit. The temperatures are measured at a point approximately 560 feet downstream from the junction of the 84-inch ID discharge lines from the No. 13 (23) condenser shell, and approximately


100 feet downstream from the service water discharge l connections to the lines from the No. 11 (21) and 12 (22) condenser shells.  !

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t ., ~ r l l *. DISCHARGE VELOCITY The average of the velocities from the three.120-inch ID circulating water discharge pipes from each unit.

This number is calculated, based on discharge cross-sectional area and pump flow.

12. EMERGENCY NEED FOR POWER Any situation which would necessitate reduction or interruption of power to customers as a result of a power reduction at the Salem station.

13 .. ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES Samples of soil, air, water, biota, or biological material collected for the purposes of analysis.

14. ENVIRONMENTAL . SIGNIFICANCE Exceeding a report level, or when, in the opinion of the Station Superintendent, an event which causes an adverse impact on the environment has occurred.
15. FREE AVAILABLE CHLORINE RESIDUAL Residual consisting of hypochlorite ions {OCl), hypo-.

chlorous acid {HOCl), or molecular chlorine {Cl 2 ).

16. FUNCT.IONAL TEST Use of a simulated signal or check source to determine instrument operability *
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1.1-3 .'


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Identification of gamma emitting isotopes, using a multi-channel analyzer.

18. INDICATOR STATION Sample locatibnwhere any adverse environmental effects resulting from station operation could be perceived.
19. INSTRUMENT CHECK Visual inspection of a monitor readout.
20. INTAKE -TEMPERATURE The temperature of the circulating water as measured D at the inlet to the condenser shells; the temperature

.in the service water headers to the nuclear area and turbine area.

21. NORMAL OPERATION Steady state operation at any power level; includes operation with up to 10% of condenser tubes blocked.
22. RADIOLOGICAL REVIEW POINT The activity level of an environment~l.radiological
  • parameter that exceeds a preoperational value by a calculated amount, based on.the standard deviation of that parameter during the preoperational monitoring program.

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23. REPORT LEVEL The numerical level of an environmental parameter below which the environmental impact is considered reasonable based on available information.
24. SPECIAL STUDY PROGRAMS Environmental study programs designed to evaluate the impact of station operation on an environmental para-meter.
25. TOTAL AVAILABLE CHLORINE RESIDUAL Sum of free and combined available chlorine residuals *

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2. - JTU Jackson Turbidity Units
3. MDA Minimum Detectable Activity
4. Mean High Tide
5. MLT Mean Low Tide
6. MT Mean Tide 7 .. NPDES _ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 8 .. NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission l

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II 1.2-1




1. The Environmental Technical Specifications are limita-tions, conditions and requirements which are considered necessary for the protection of the environment. Safety Technical Specifications are imposed upon plant opera-tion in the interest of the health and safety of the public.

Compliance with the Safety Technical. Specifications shall have precedence over the Environmental Technical.

Specifications at all times.

2. Each Monitoring Requirement shall be performed within the specified time interval, unless otherwise noted,
  • with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed

-*- 25% of the monitoring interval.

This extension also applies to all sampling, instrument check, calibration and functional test frequencies.

These provisions provide allowable tolerances for performing monitoring activities beyond those specified in the nominal monitoring interval. These tolerances are necessary to provide operational flexibility because of scheduling, performance considerations and environmental influences *

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1.3-1 I'


2.2 CHEMICAL 2.2.1 BIOCIDES Objective To insure that the chlorine residual released from the Circulating Water and Service Water Systems is controlled and will not have an adverse effect on the natural aquatic environment of the receiving waters.


1. The concentration of free chlorine in the Circulating Water System and Service Water System shall not be greater than 1.0 mg/liter at the outlet of the final heat exchanger.

-- If this specification is exceeded, the chlorine addi-tion rate shall be reduced as necessary to operate within* the specification.

2. Circulating Water and Service Water pump intakes shall not be chlorinated more than 3 times per day. Chlori-nation periods shall not exceed 30 minutes. Chlorina-tion of more than 3 Circulating Water pump intakes at one time shall not be permitted.

Monitoring Requirement The outlet water boxes of. the condenser shells that are being chlorinated shall be continuously monitored for free chlorine residual during treatment. The Service Water System shall be monitored at the 30-inch supply header to the turbine generator area during treatment.

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The continuous monitoring (during treatment) shall be per-formed using a Wallace & Tiernan Series 50-236 free chiorine i) residual analyzer equipped with a strip chart recorder. The Circulating Water System and the Service Water System each have a separate free chlorine residual analyzer *

. The chlorine monitors shall be calibrated once per month with an amperometric titrator and using ASTI1 Methods*

D-1235 and D-142, to 0.01 ppm accuracy.

If the chlorine monitors are inoperable, free chlorine residual shall be determined by manual analysis of a grab sample taken during the chlorination cycle.

Bases The Water Quality Certificate issued by the Delaware River Basin Connnission for Salem Nuclear Generating Station

.e limits the free chlorine residual in circulating water discharged from the plant to maximum of 0.1 mg/liter. This 0

also conforms to EPA-NPDES requirements of 0.2 to 0.5

  • mg/liter.

Intermittent treatment of cooling circuits in fresh and brackish water environments with a biocide (chlorine, sodium hypochlorite) is a reliable 0 .

method for maintaining these circuits free from fouling.

It has been determined from past experience that treatment with chlorine at a concentration of 0.5 mg/liter free chlorine residual at the heat exchanger outlet (e.g.,

condenser) for 30 minutes three times a day is usually sufficient for maintaining system cleanliness although higher concentrations in the heat exchangers may be needed periodically. The discharge will be diluted sufficiently,

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. I 2.2-2 .I*


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however, to maintain the free chlorine residual discharged to the river at 0.1 mg/liter or less.

The circulating water will be chlorinated by controlled injection of sodium hypochlorite-into the intake water to the condensers~ Three of the twelve intakes are chlorinated at a time--as a group. The period of chlorination will be no greater than 20 minutes and will be done 3 times per day. The rate of sodium hypochlorite addition is controlled to maintain a 1.0 mg/liter free chlorine residual or less at the condenser outlet. *The discharge is diluted with unchlorinated water and the free chlorine residual of the discharge to the river will therefore be less than 0.1 mg/liter.

The service water system will be chlorinated at a frequency not to exceed 3 times a day for periods of no greater than 30 minutes, and not at the same time as the Circulating Water System. The free chlorine residual of 1.0 mg/liter, or less which will be maintained at the outlet of the final heat exchanger, will.therefore be* diluted to less than 0.1 mg/liter.

at the discharge to the river.

2.2.2 SUSPENDED SOLIDS Objective: To insure that suspended solids released from Non-Radioactive Chemical Waste Disposal System are controlled and will not have an adverse effect on the natural aquatic environment of the receiving waters.


Specification The average suspended solids concentration in the effluent from*the Non-Radioactive Chemical Liquid Waste Disposal System shall not exceed 25 mg/l~;er on an annual basis.

Monitoring Requirement A grab sample shall be taken once per day from the collect-ing basin discharge pipe and analyzed for. suspended solids using a method acceptable to EPA. The sample shall be 'taken at the in-line pH monitoring probe in the discharge pipe. Samples shall be taken during periods.of actual discharge and only on days when the collecting basin is

. discharged.

Bases 0

The non-radioactive chemical liquid waste basin is licensed to operate under permits issued for Industrial Waste Treatment Plants by the State of New Jersey. *. The suspended solids 1imitation is that which is required by the permits.

The filtration/gravimetric method is the present means recognized by EPA for the measurement of suspended solids.

However, Proposed Water Quality Information, Vol. II, October 1973, by EPA, page 88, states that "accuracy data

. II on actual samples cannot be obtained at this time.


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i I 2.2-4 f I



.2.2.J pH Objective To insure that the pH of the effluent released from the Non-Radioactive Chemical Waste.Disposal System is controlled and will not have an adverse effect on the natural aquatic environment of the receiving waters.

Specification The pH of the Non-Radioactive Chem~cal Liquid Waste Disposal System shall be within the range of 6.5 to 8.5 pH units.

If this specification is exceeded, the discharge shall be terminated until the pH is corrected to within Specification.

Monitoring Requirement The pH of e~fluents released from the collecting basin shall be monitored continuously at the pump discharge using an in-line pH probe with an accuracy of + 2%.

The collecting basin discharge valve is controlled by the continuously operating pH probe. The valve will not open unless collecting basin pH is within the range of 6.5 to 8.5 pH *units.


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2.2-5 I '* !1

No significant change in the background pH of the river water is expected due to the operation of the Salem Station.

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..*., ... .I 2.2-6  :-1


LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION Radioactive Effluents Objective: To define the limits and conditions for the controlled release of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents to the environs to ensure that these releases are as low as practicable. These releases should not result in radiation exposures in unrestricted areas greater than a few percent of natural background exposures. The concentrations of radioactive materials in effluents shall be within the limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20.

Tq ensure that the releases of radioactive material above background to unrestricted areas be as low as practicable as defined in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, the following design objectives apply:

For liquid wastes:

a. The annual dose above'background to the total body or an organ of an individual from all reactors at a site should not exceed 5 mrem in an unrestricted area.

b0 The annual total quantity of radioactive materials in liquid waste, excluding tritium and dissolved gases, discharged from each reactor should not exceed 5 Ci.

For gaseous wastes:

c. The annual total quantity of noble gases above background discharged from the site should result in an air dose due to gamma radiation of less than 10 mrad, and an air dose due to beta radiation of less 2.3-1

than 20 mrad, at any location near ground level could be occupied by individuals at or beyond the boundary of the site.

d. The annual total quantity of all radioiodines an4 radioactive material in particulate forms with half-lives greater than eight days, above background, from all reactors at a site should not result in an annual dose to any organ of an individual in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure in excess of 15 mrem.
e. The arinual total quantity of iodine-131 discharged from each reactor at a site should not exceed 1 Ci.

2.3.1 Specifications for Liquid Waste Effluents

a. The concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid waste effluents from all reactors at the site shall not exceed the values specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, for unrestricted areas.
b. The cumulative releas~ of radioactive materials in liquid waste effluents, excluding tritium and dissolved gases, shall not exceed 10 Ci/reactor/calendar quarter.
c. The cumulative release of radioactive materials in liquid waste effluents, excluding tritium and dissolved gases, shall not exceed 20 Ci/reactor in any 12 consecutive months.
d. During release of radioactive wastes, the effluent control monitor shall be set to alarm and to initiate the .automatic *closure of each waste isolation valve prior to exceeding the limits specified in 2.3.1.a above.
e. The operability of each automatic isolation valve in the liquid 2.3-2

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'radwaste discharge lines shall be demonstrated quarterly.

f. The equipment installed in the liquid radioactive waste system shall be maintained and shall be operated to process radioactive liquid wastes prior to their discharge when the projected cumulative release could exceed 1.25 Ci/reactor/calendar quarter, excluding tritium and .dissolved gases.
g. The maximum radioactivity to. be contained,in.any liquid radwaste tank that can be discharged directly to the environs shall not exceed 10 Ci, excluding tritium and dissolved gases.

h~ If the cumulative release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents, excluding tritium and dissolved gases, exceeds 2.5 Ci/reactor/calendar quarter, the licensee shall make. an investigation to identify the causes for such releases, define and initiate a program of action to .reduce such.releases to the design objective levels listed in Section 2.3, and report these actions to the NRC in accordance with Specification 5.6.2.c(l).

i. An unplanned or uncontrolled offsite release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents in excess of 0.5 curies requires notification.

This notification shall be in accordance with Specification 5.6.2.c(3).

Z.3.2 Specifications for Liquid.Waste Sampling and Monitoring

a. Plant records shall be maintained of the radioactive concentration and volume before dilution of liquid waste intended for discharge and the average dilution flow and length of time over which each discharge occurred. Sample analysis results and other reports shall be submitted as required by Section 5.6.1 of these Specifications.

2.3-3 .

Estimates of the sampling and analytical errors associated with each reported value shall be included.

  • Prior to release of each batch of liquid waste, a sample shall be taken from that batch and analyzed for the concentration of each significant gamma energy peak in accord~~e with Table 2.3-1 to demonstrate compliance with Specification 2.3.1 using the flow rate into which the waste is discharged during the period of discharge.
c. Sampling and analysis of liquid radioactive waste shall be performed in accordance with Table 2.3-1. Prior to taking samples from a monitoring tank, at least two tank volumes shall be recirculated.
d. The. radioactivity in liquid wastes shall be continuously monitored
  • and recorded during releases. Whenever these monitors are inoperable for a period not to exceed 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, two independent samples of each tank to be discharged shall be analyzed and two plant personnel shall independently check valving prior to the discharge. If these monitors are inoperable for a period exceeding 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, no release from a liquid waste tank shall be made and any release in progress shall be terminated.
e. The flow rate of liquid radioactive waste shall I

be continuously measured and recorded during release.

f. All liquid effluent radiation monitors shall be calibrated at least.

quarterly by means of a radioactive source which has been calibrated to a National Bureau of Standards source. Each monitor shall also have a functional test monthly and an instrument check prior to making a release.


g. The radioactivity in steam generator blowdown shall be continuously monitored and recorded. Whenever these monitors are inoperable, the blowdown flow shall be diverted to the waste management system and the direct release to the environment terminated.

Bases: The release of radioactive materialf!_in liquid waste effluents to unrestricted areas shall not exceed the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20 and should be as low as practicable in accordance with the

. requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a. These specifications provide reasonable assurance that the resulting annual dose to the total body or any organ of an individual in an unrestricted area will not exceed 5 mrem. At the same time, these specifications permit the flexibility of operation, compatible with considerations of health and safety, to assure that the public is provided a dependable source of power under unusual operating conditions which may temporarily result in releases higher than the design objective levels but still within the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20.

It is expected that by using this operational flexibility under unusual operating conditions, and exerting every effort to keep levels of radioactive material in liquid wastes as low as practicable, the annual releases will not exceed a small fraction of the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20" The design objectives have been developed based on operating experience taking into account a combination of variables including defective fuel, primary system leakage, primary to secondary system leakage, steam generator blowdown and the performance of the various waste treatment systems, and are consistent with Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.


Specification 2.3.1.a requires the licensee to limit the concentration of radioactive materials in liquid waste effluents released from the site to levels specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, for unrestricted areas. This specification provides assurance that no member of the general public will be exposed to liguid containing radioactive materials in excess of limits considered permissible under the Commission's Regulations.

Specifications 2.3.1.b and 2.3.1.c establish the upper limits for the release.

of radioactive materials in liquid effluents. The intent of these Specifica-tions is to permit the licensee the flexibility of operation to assure that the public is provided a dependable source of power under unusual operating conditions which may temporarily restilt in releases higher than the levels normally achievable when the plant and the liquid waste treatment systems are functioning as designed. Releases of up to these levels will result in concentrations of radioactive material in liquid waste effluents at small percentages of the limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20.

Consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, Design Criterion 64, Specifications 2.3.1.d and 2.3.1.e require operation of suitable equipment to control and monitor the releases of radioactive materials in liquid wastes during any period that these releases are taking place.

Specification 2.3.1.f requires that the licensee*maintain and operate the equipment installed in the liquid waste systems to reduce the release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents to as low as practicable consistent 2.3-6

with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a. Normal use and maintenance

-~ of installed equipment in the liquid waste system provides reasonable assurance that the quantity released will not exceed the design objective.

In order to keep rele~ses of radioactive materials as low as practicable, the specification requires operation of equipment whenever it appears that the projected cumulative discharge rate will exceed one-fourth of this design objective annual quantity during any calendar quarter.

Specification 2.3.1.g restricts the amount of radioactive material that could be inadvertently released to the environment to an amount that will not exceed the Technical Specification limit.

In addition to limiting conditions for operation listed under Specifications 2.3.1.b and 2.3.1.c, the.reporting requirements of Specification 2.3.1.h delineate that the licensee shall identify the cause whenever the cmnulative release of radioactive materials in liquid waste effluents exceeds one-half the design objective annual quantity during any calendar quarter and describe the proposed program of action to reduce such releases to design objective levels on a timely basis~ This report must be filed . *"-::*.

£ within 30 days following the calendar quarter in which the release occurred as required by Specification 5.6.2 of these Technical Specifications.

Specification 2.3.1.i provides for*reporting spillage or release events which, while below the limits of 10 CFR Part 20, could result in releases higher than the design objectives.

The sampling and monitoring requirements given under Specification 2.3.2 provide assurance that radioactive materials in liquid wastes are properly 2.3-7

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controlled and monitored in conformance with the requirements of Design Criteria 60 and 64. These requirements provide the*data for the licensee and the Connnission to evaluate the plant's performance relative to radioactive liquid wastes released to the environment. Reports on the quantities of radioactive materials released __ in liquid waste effluents are furnished to the Connnission according to Section 5.6.1 of these Technical Specifications. On the basis of such reports and any additional information the Connnission may obtain from the licensee or others, the Commission may from time to time require the licensee to take such action as the Connnission deems appropriate.

The points of release to the environment to be monitored in Section 2.3.2 include all the monitored release points as provided for in Table 2.3-3.

9.3 Specifications for Gaseous Waste Effluents The terms used in these Specifications are as follows:

subscripts v, refers to vent releases i, refers to individual noble gas nuclide

  • (Refer to Table 2.4-5 for the noble gas nuclides considered)


  • the total noble gas release rate (Ci/sec) m iQi sum of the individual noble gas radionuclides determined to be present by isotopic analysis K m the average total body dose factor due to gamma emission (rem/yr per Ci/sec)


  • the average skin dose £actor due to beta emissions (rad/yr per Ci/sec) 2oJ-8

..... -~ ~*:. *.

M *

  • the average air dose factor due to beta emissions (rad/yr per Ci/sec)


  • the average air dose factor due to gamma emissions (rad/yr per Ci/sec)

The values of -K, -* L, -M and -N are to be determined each time isotopic analysis is required as delineated in Specification 2.3.4. Determine the following using the results of the noble gas radionuclide analysis:

K 1:1 (1/<tr) liQiKi L .. Cll liQiLi M .. (l/Cl.r) l1QiMi N = (l/Cl.r) liQiNi Where. the values of K., 1 L*., 1 Mi and .Ni are provided in Table 2.3-5, and are site dependent gamma and beta dose factors: Q

  • the measured release rate. of the radioiodines and radioactive materials in particulate forms with half-lives greater than eight days.
a. (1) The release rate limit of noble gases from the site shall be such that 2.0 [<trvKv] < 1 and 0.33[ <tr,, (Lv + 1.lNV)

J ~1

  • e 2.3-9

(2) The release rate limit of all radioiodines and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days, released to the environs as part of the gaseous wastes from the site shall be such that: < 1

b. (1) The average release rate of noble gases from the site during any calendar quarter shall be such that:

< 1 and < 1 (2) The average release rate of noble gases from the site during any 12 consecutive months shall be: -< 1 . and < 1 (3) The average release rate per site of all radioiodines and radio-active materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days during any calendar quarter shall be such that 13 [i.s x 10 5 ci,,J ~1 (4) The average release rate per site of all radioiodines and radio-

  • active materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days during any period of 12 consecutive months shall 2.3-10

be such that: 2S ~-5 x l0 5 Q,,]  !. 1 (5) The amount of iodine-131 released during any calendar quarter shall not exceed 2 Ci/reactor. (6) The amount of iodine-131 released during any period of 12 consecutive months shall not exceed 4 Ci/reactor. C* Should any of the conditions of 2.3.3.c(l)-, (2) or (3) listed below exist, the licensee shall make an investigation to identify the causes of the release rates, define and initiate a program of action to reduce the release rates to design objective levels listed in Section 2.3 and report these actions to the NRC within 30 days from the end of the quarter during which the releases occurred. (1) If the average release rate of noble gases from the site during any calendar quarter is such that: > 1 or > 1 (2) If the average release rate per site of all radioiodines and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days during any calendar quarter is such that: > 1 2.3-11 (3) If the amount of iodine-131 released during any calendar quarter is greater than 0.5 Ci/reactor.

d. During the release of gaseous wastes from the primary system waste gas holdup system the_ effluent monitors listed in Table 2.3-4 shall be operating and set to alarm and to initiate the automatic closure of the waste gas discharge valve prior to exceeding the limits specified in 2.3.3.a above. The operability of each automatic isolation valve
  • shall be demonstrated quarterly.
e. The maximum activity to be contained in one waste gas storage tank shall not exceed 41,000 curies (considered as Xe-133)0
f. An unplanned or uncontrolled offsite release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents in excess of 5 curies of noble gas or 0.02 curie of radioiodine in gaseous form requires notification. This notif ica-tion shall be in accordance with ~ection 5.6.2.c(3).*

2.3.4 Specifications for Gaseous Waste Sampling and Monitoring

a. Plant records shall be maintained and reports of the sampling and analyses results shall be submitted in accordance with .Section 5.6 of these Specifications. Estimates of the sampling and analytical error associated with each reported value should be included.
b. Gaseous releases to the environment (Table 2. 3-4) , *except f ram the turbine building ventilation exhaust and as noted in Specification 2.3.4.c, shall be continuously monitored for gross radioactivity and the flow continuously measured and recorded. Whenever these monitors 2.3-12

--~----- -~ - - - are inoperable, grab samples shall be taken and analyzed daily for gross radioactivity. If these monitors are inoperable for more than seven days, these releases shall be terminated.

c. During the release of gaseous wastes from the primary system waste gas holdup system, the gross activity monitor, the iodine collection device, and the particulate collection device shall be operating.
d. All waste gas effluent monitors shall be calibrated at least quarterly by means of a known*radioactive source which has been calibrated to a National Bureau of Standards source. Each monitor shall have a functional test at least monthly and instrument check at least daily.
e. Sampling and analysis of radioactive material in gaseous waste, including particulate forms and radioiodines performed in accordance*

with Table 2.3-2. Bases: The release of radioactive materials in gaseous waste effluents to unrestricted areas shall not exceed the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20 and should be as low as practical in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a. These specifications provide reasonable assurance that the resulting annual air dose from the site due to gamma radiation will not exceed 10 mrad, and an annual air dose from the site due to beta radiation will not exceed 20 mrad from noble gases, that no individual in an unrestricted area will receive an annual dose greater than 15 mrem from fission product noble gases, and that the annual dose to any organ of an individual from radioiodines and radioactive material in particulate 2.3-13 form with half-lives greater than eight days will not exceed 15 mrem per e site. At the same time these specifications permit the flexibility of operation, compatible with considerati9Ils of health and safety, to assure that the public is provided with a dependable source of power under unusual operating condi~ions which niay temporarily result in releases higher than the design objective levels but still within the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR-Part 20. Even with this operational flexibility under unusual* op~rating conditions, if the licensee exerts every effort to keep levels of radioactive material in gaseous waste effluents as low as practicable, the annual releases will not exceed a small fraction of the concentration limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20. -- The design objectives have been developed based.on operating experience taking into account a combination of system variables including defective fuel, primary system leakage, primary to secondary system leakage, steam generator blowdown and the performance of the various waste treatment systems. Specification 2.3.3.a(l) limits the release rate of noble gases from the. site so that the corresponding annual gannna and beta dose rate above back-ground to an individual in an unrestricted area will not exceed 500 mrem to the total body or 3000 mrem to the skin in compliance with the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. For.Specification 2.3.3.a(l), gamma and beta dose factors for the individual noble gas radionuclides have been calculated for the plant gaseous release 2.3-14 points and are provided in Table 2.3-5. The expressions used to calculate these dose factors are based on dose models derived in Section 7 of Meteorology and Atomic Energy-1968 and model techniques provided in Draft Regulatory Guide l.AA. Dose calculations have been made to determine the site boundary location with the highest anticipated dose rate from noble gases using on-site meteorological data and the dose expressions provided in Draft Regulatory Guide l.AA. The dose expression considers the release point location, building wake effects, and the physical characteristics of the radionuclides. The off site location with the highest anticipated annual dose from released noble gases i~ 1280 meters in the North direction. The release rate Specifications for a radioiodine and radioactive material ~

  • in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days are dependent on existing radionuclide pathways to man, The pathways which were examined for these Specifications are: 1) individual inhalation of airborne radio-nuclides, 2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent* consumption by man, and 3) deposition onto grassy areas where milch animals graze with consumption of the .milk by man. Methods for estimating doses to the thyroid via these pathways are described in Draft Regulatory Guide l.AA. The off site location with the highest anticipated thyroid dose rate from radioiodines and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days was determined using on-site meteorological data and the expressions described in Draft Regulatory Guide LAA.

2.3-15 Specification 2.3.3.a(2) _limits the release rate of radioiodines and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days so that the corresponding annual thyroid dose via the most restrictive pathway is less than 1500 mrem *. For radioiodines and radioactive material in.particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days, the most restrictive location is a dairy . ~7 3 farm located 6600 meters in the NW direction (vent X/Q = 1.1x10 sec/m ). Specification 2.3.3.b establishes upper offsite levels for the releases of noble gases and radioiodines and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days at twice the design objective annual quantity during any calendar quarter, or four times the design objective annual quantity during any period of 12 consecutive months. In addition to identified whenever the release of gaseous effluents exceeds one-half the . design objective annual quantity during any calendar quarter and that the proposed program of action to reduce such release rates to the design objec-tives shall be described. Specification 2.3.3.d requires that suitable equipment to monitor and control the radioactive gaseous releases are operating during any period these releases are taking place. Specification 2.3.3.e limits the maximum quantity of radioactive gas that can be contained in a waste gas storage tank. The calculation of this 2.3-16 quantity should assume instantaneous ground release, a X/Q based 5 percent meteorology, the average gross energy is 0.19 Mev per disintergration (considering Xe-133 to be the principal emitter) and exposure occurring at the minimum site boundary radius using a semi-infinite cloud model. The calculated quantity will limit the offsite dose above background to 0.5 rem or less, consistent with Commission--guidelines.

  • specification 2.3.3.f provides for reporting release events which, while below the limits of 10 CFR Part 20, could result in releases higher than the design objectives.

The sampling and monitoring requirements given under Specification 2.3.4 provide assurance that radioactive materials released in gaseous waste effluents are properly controlled and monitored in conformance with the requirements of Design Criteria 60 and 64. These requirements provide the data for the licensee and the Commission to evaluate the plant's performance relative to radioactive waste effluents released to the environment. Reports on the quantities of radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents are furnished to the Commission on the basis of Section 5.6.1 of these Technical' Specifications. On the basis of such reports and any additional information the Commission may obtain from the licensee or others, the Commission may from time to time require the licensee to take such action as the Commission deems appropriate. The points of release to the environment to be monitored in Section 2.3.4 include all the monitored release points as provided for in Table 2.3-4. 2.3-17 Specification 2.3.4.b excludes monitoring the turbine building ventilation exhaust since this release is expected to be a negligible release point. Many PWR reactors do not have turbine building enclosures. To be consistent in this requirement for all PWR reactors, the monitoring of gaseous releases from turbine buildings is not required. 2.3.5 Specifications for Solid Waste Handling and Disposal ae Measurements shall be made to determine or estimate the total curie quantity and principle radionuclide composition of all radioactive solid waste shipp~d offsite.

b. Reports of the radioactive solid waste shipments, volumes, principle

. radionuclides, and total curie quantity, shall be submitted in accordance with Section 5.6.1. Bases: The requirements for solid radioactive waste handling and disposal given under Specification 2.3.5 provide assurance that solid radioactive materials stored at the plant and shipped offsite are packaged in conformance with 10 CFR Part 20, 10 CFR Part 71, and 49 CFR Parts 170-178. TABLE 2.3-1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS . Detectable Liquid Sampling Type of Concentrations Soo.1rcot Frequency Activity Analysis b1Ci/mlla b .. A. Monitor Tank Ri?leases Each Batch Principal Gamma Emitters . 5 x io-' One Batch/Month Dissolved Gases f 10-s Weekly Compositec Ba-La-140, l-131 10-6. Sr-89 5 x 10-s Monthly Compositec H~3 10-s Gross a 10-1 Quarterly Compositec Sr-90 5 x 10-s B. Primary Coolant . Weeki yd 1-131, 1-133 10-6 b C. Steam Generator Slowdown Principal Gamma Emitters s x10- 1 . Weeklye - Ba-La-140: 1-131 10-6 One Sample/r.1onth . Dissolved Gases f 10-s Sr-89 . 5 x 10-a .. Monthly Compositee H-3 10-5 - ... Gross ex 10-1 Quarterly Compositee Sr-90 .. 5 x 10-s

  • the detectability limits for activity analysis are based on the technical feasibility and on th~ p6teri~\~f~ignificance in the environment of the au-.ntities released. For some nuclides. lower detection limits. may be readily'lachievable, and

_ when nuelides are measured below the stated limits, they should also be reported. * * *

  • For certain mixtures of gamma emitters, it may not be possible to measure radionuclides in concentrations near their sensitivity limits when other nuclides are present in the sample in much greater concentratjons. Under these circum-stances, it will be more appropriate to calculate the concentrations of such radionuclides using measured ratios with those radionuclides* which are routinely identified and measured.

c A *composite sample is one in which the <::.Jantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged. . . dThc power level and. cleanup or purification flow rilte at the sample time shall also be reported.

  • To be representative of the average quantitii?s and concentrations of radioactive materials in liquid effluents, samples should be collect_cd in proportion to the rate of flow of the effluent streani. Prior to analyses, all samples taken for the composite should be thoroughly mixed in order for the composite sample to be representative of the. averilge effluent release. *

. For dissolved noble gils~s i~ water, assume a MPC of 4 x 10* µCi/ml of water. 1 5 2.3-19 ' 1 TABLE-2.3-2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Oc1ec1;ible Gneous *s1mp1ing Type of Concentra11on1 Soun:* Frequency Activity Analysis b1C1/m11* b A. Waste Gas Decay Tank Releases Each Tank Principal Gamma Emitters 10-* . H-3 10-6 c. B. Containment Purge Releases Each Purge *Principal GJmma Emitters 10-*. H-3 10-6 ~c C. Condenser Air Ejector Monthly Principal Gamma Emitters 10-" . H-3 10-6 10-cb.c D. Environmental Release Points Monthly .Principal Gamma Emitters

  • . (Gas Samples)

H-3 10-6 Weekly (Charcoal Sample) 1-131 10-12 . Monthly (Charcoal Sample) 1-133, 1-135 10-10 .. Weekly (Particulates) Principal Gamma Emitters (at least for Ba-La-140, 1-131) 10-11 Monthly Composited Sr-89 10-11 (Particulates) - .. Gross a

  • 10-11 Quarterly Composited Sr-90 10-* 1 (Particulates)
  • The above detectability limits for activity analysis are based on .technical feasibility and on the potential significance In the environment of the quantities released. For some nuclidcs, lower detection limits may be readily achievable, and when nuclides are measured below the stated limits, they should also be reported.
  • For certain mixtures of gamma emitters, it may not be possible to measure radionuclides at levels near their sensitiv-ity _limits when other nuclides arc present in the sample at much higher levels. Under these circumstances, it will be more appropriate to calculate the levels of such radionuclides using observed ratios with those radionuclides which are measurable. .
  • c Analyses shall also be performed following l!ach refueling, startup, or similar operational occurrence which could alter tho mixture of radionuclides. . .

CITo be representative of the averaga quantities and concentrations of radioactive materials in particulate form released In gaseous effluents, samples should be collected in proportion to the rate of flow of the effluent stream. 2.J-20

  • e

TABLE 2.3-3 PRESSURIZED WATER REACTOR LIQUID WASTE SYSTEM LOCATION OF PROCESS AND EFFLUENT MONITORS AND SAMPLERS REQUIRED BY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Grab M'!asurement High 1--~~--..~..-,.--~~.;.;;_;,;.;...~....;....._.~....-.......-...;cL~u~.* Radiation Auto Control to Continuous Sample Gross D1srnlvcd ls0to*p*c * ... Process Stre11m or Release Point Alarm Isolation Valve Monitor Stauon Activity I Gast!S Alpha H*3 Analysis Ltvel Al.'lrm Miscellaneous Waste Sample (Test) Tank x x x x x x x Chemical Wastc*Silmple (Test) Tank x x x x x x x Detergent Waste Collector Tank1 x *x x x x x x Primary Coolant System x x liquid Radwaste Discharge Pipe x x x x

(potentially radioactive) x x x x Component Cooling Systems x x

  • Turbine Building Sumps (Fl~r {)rains) x x x x x x 1

In most PW Rs the contents of the detergent waste collector tank are sampled, analyzed, and then filtered prior to release through the liquid radwaste discharge pipe. The detergent wilste system should be designed with either a split tank or two separate collection or sample (test) tanks to permit isolation of the tanks for mixing, sampling, ond an<1lysis prior to release.

  • b In some PW Rs processed liquid from the steam generator blowdown system is returned directly to the secondary system, and the need for continuous monitor*

ing at this rclea~e point is eliminated.


. S.:implo Station" Nol.Jle Gas I Mea,ure!T'ent Particulate H-3 Alp."* Waste Gas Storage Tanks x x x x x x x x x Condenser Air Ejector x x x x x x x ' x Vent Header System* x x x x x x x x Building Ventilation Systems *.. Reactor Containment Building (whenever there is flow) x x x x x x x x x . I\) Auxiliary Building* x x* x x x x x x \N ~ Fuel Handling & Storage Building* x x x x x x x x . I\) Rildwaste Building* x x x ... x x x x x Steam Generator Blowdown Tank Vent or .* . * .. Condenser Ventb x "

  • x x x x x x x Turbine Gland Seal Condenser x x x x x x x x Mechanical Vacuum Pump x x x x x x x x Waste Evaporator Condenser Ventc x x* x x x x x x 1

If any or all of the process streams or building ventilation systems are ro~ted to a single relcilse point. the need for a continuous.monitor at the individual dis-charge point to the inain exhaust duct is eliminated. One continuous monitor nt the fin~1I rclcnsc point is sufficient. 11

  • 1n some PW Rs the steam generator blowdown t<ink vent is routed to the main turbine conclt!nscr, and the need for a continuous monitor at this release point is

~limi:1Jted, c For l'W"s in which the w;;stc: cvaporntor condenser is vented directly to the atmosphcrl!. TABLE 2.3-5 e GAMMA AND BETA DOSE FACTORS FOR SALEM, UNITS 1 AND 2 -6 sec/m3 X/Q "" 1.2 x 10 Dose Factors for Vent Kiv Liv Miv Niv Total Body Skin Beta Air Gamma Air Noble Gas (rem/yr) (rem/yr} ~rad/yr) {rad/;:tr} Radionuclide (Ci/sec) (Ci/sec} (Ci/sec) (Ci/sec} Kr-83m 8.6 x 10 -5 0 0.043 0.35 N

  • \.tJ Kr-85m 0.97 1.8 1.0 2.4 i

\.tJ Kr-85 0~012 1.6 0.012 2.3 Kr-87 3.0 12 3.1 12 Kr-88 7.4 2.8 7.8 3.5 Kr-89 1.3 12 1.4 13 Xe-13lm 0.34 0.57 0.43 1.3 Xe-133m 0.26 1.2 0.36 1.8 . Xe-133 0.31 0.37 0.38 1.3 Xe-135m 1.2 0.85 1.3 0.89 Xe-135 1.4 2.2 1.5 2.9 Xe-137 0.18 15 0.19 15 xe~l38 2.9 5.0 3.0 5.7 ~ ...... - - .-.. ..,,....~-*-'~ .. , ..... ,.. . ....... _........ -.~.... --... >*--.-;1 .......... ,._.,...,_.~---**-******~ ....... ~ ................... -*. ,. ..,. \ l I 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEILLANCE The objective of the Environmental Surveillance Program is to determine the effects of plant operation on the ecosystem. The program is designed to accomplish this objective through periodic sampling and analyses of key parameters iri the vicinity of the Salem Nuclear Generation Station. The key parameters selected for monitoring are those .that could reasonably be expected to be affected by plant operation. Comparison of surveillance data with preoperational "base-line" levels will reveal changes and trends that could be attributed to plant operation. As operating experience and surveillance data are obtained, the .-e Environmental Surveillance Program will be modified to reduce or eliminate surveillance of those parameters that have not been significantly affected by plant operation. \ "1" '(" . I 3,0-1 * .... I~ -* . .-~ / 3.1 NON RADIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE 3.1.1* ABIOTIC Chlorine Objective

  • to determine the concentration of free residual chlorine in the station effluent water in an. effort to maintain an optimum chlorination program for preventiqn of heat exchanger fouling while minimizing the environmental impact on the receiving waters.

Specification Grab samples shall be taken monthly (weather per-mitting) during a chlorination cycle and analyzed for free residual chlorine. The samples shall be taken in the vicinity of the circulating water discharge, from the station intake water and from a point that is outside and downstream of the discharge water mixing zone. Reporting Requirement In the event the analysis of the sample taken from the point outside and downstream of the discharge water mixing zone indicates that the free residual chlorine at that point exceeds the ambient free residual chlorine level in the river by O.Lmg/liter, a report shall be made in accordance with Speci~ fication 5.6.2. Bases \ This monitoring program will provide data on the e 3.1-1 _'I~ chlorine demand of the receiving water as well as *D the concentration of fouling organisms present. These parameters are subject to seasonal variation and will aid in maintaining an optimum.chlorination program for prevention of heat exchanger fouling. The Water Quality Certificate ..issued by the Delaware River Basin Commission limits the residual Chlorine in the station effluent to 0.1 mg/liter. . Dissolved Gases

    • Objective To ascertain that the dissolved oxygen level is not depressed to the extent that it may be harinful to the indigenous population of the receiving waters as a result of station operation.

D Specification The dissolved oxygen levels shall be monitored once per month (weather permitting) utilizing the Winkler titration method in accordance with APHA specif i-cation 218B 13th edition. Grab samples shall be taken at the intake structure, the outfall of the discharge and a point outside and downstream of the mixing zone. The samples shall be taken at depths of 10 feet, 8 feet, and 18 feet, respectively. The standard deviation is expected to be within .+/-. 0.1 mg/l. Reporting Requirement If dissolved oxygen level is found to be less than 6 mg/l at the discharge, a comparison study of the intake, discharge and downstream dissolved oxygen levels* shall be conducted to determine if the oxygen ~) .. :* *.~r. . ~." ... **-* 3,1-2 . ~ ' .... ' "' .. depression has been caused by station.operation. If it is so determined, a report shall be made in accordance with Specification 5.&.2. Bases Monthly analyses of dissolved oxygen will aid in differentiating between normal seasonal fluctuations and changes due to station operation. The 6 mg/liter limitation is required by the Water

  • Quality Certificate issued by the Delaware River Basin Commission. Suspended Solids Objective To determine the effect of plant operation on suspended solids in the.receiving waters. Specification Suspended solids shall be monitored once per month (weather permitting). Grab samples shall be taken at the intake structure, the outfall of the discharge and at a point outside and downstream of the mixing zone. The samples shall be taken at depths of 10 feet, 8 feet, and 18 feet, re'spectively. These samples shall be analyzed for suspended solids by means of a method acceptable to EPA. Dissolved . solids shall not be monitored. Reporting Requirement Reporting levels shall be developed after the initial phases of plant operation. Post-operational data will

    • .. be related to preoperational data to yield norms from 3.1-3

'I which report levels will be established. An initial evaluation of the reporting levels will be provided in the first annual report. Bases Monthly analyses of total solids will aid in differentiating between normal seasonal fluctua_tions, changes due to tide, wind and' current, arid those due to station operation. The filtrati-0n/gravimetric method is the present means recognized by EPA for the measurement of suspended solids. However, Proposed Water quality Information, Vol. II, October 1973, EPA, page 88 states that "accuracy data on actual samples cannot be obtained at this time." Dissolved solids will not be measured since none of the applicable Regulatory agencies have issued guide-lines for this parameter for the Delaware River  ;) zone in the vicinity of the Station site. Other Chemicals Objective To determine the effects of plant operation on quality of the receiving waters. Specification Grab samples shall be taken once per month (w~ather permitting) and analyzed for the parameters listed in Table 3.1-1. The samples shall be taken at the intake structure, the outfall of the discharge and at a point outside and downstream of the mixing zone. The samples shall be taken at depths of 10 feet, 8 feet~ and 18 feet, respectively. These samples ~* .. , 3.1-4 shall be analyzed for the parameters listed in Table 3.1-1 by a method acceptable to EPA. Reporting Requirement Reporting levels will be developed after the initial phases of plant operation. Post-operational data will be related to preoperational data to yield norms from which report levels*will be established. Bases This monitoring program will serve to determine the effect of station operation on the quality of the receiving water. An evaluation of the program, after six months of full power operation, will be performed and those parameters which can be shown to be not significantly affected by station operation will be eliminated-from the monitoring program subsequent to NRC staff review and approval. This program is in conformance with NPDES requirements. The utilization of tests prescribed by EPA will insure the employment 'of current, state-of-the-art methods and accuracies. Erosion Objective To monitor the impact of station operation on erosion of the river bottom in the vincinity of the station discharge.

    • 1 i'

f '*:, .I Specification Bathymetric Surveys of the river bottom in the vicinity of the discharge outfall shall be made semi-annually. Surveys will be conducted within 25 x 50 foot grids utilizing an acoustic echo sounder (fathometer) and an electronic positioning system. The survey area will be approximately ~~~ square feet in size and will encompass approximately ~~~ grids. The fathometer has an accuracy of +/- 1% of depth and the electronic positioning system has an accuracy of + 3 meters

  • Reporting Requirement The results and evaluations of the depth soundings shall be reported in accordance with Specification 5.6.1.

Bases -- Model studies of the discharge indicate that erosion of the unconsolidated sediments on the bottom can be expected to be minimal. being conducted to verif~ This program is the model study and will be modified as required with appropriate approval after Regulatory staff review if the depth soundings indicate there is no significant erosion due to plant operation. 3.1-6 ~ .J .*' i

    • e Meteorological Monitoring Objective The objective of meteorological monitoring is to adequately measure and document meteorological conditions at the site.

Specification The meteorological monitoring system shall conform to the recommendations in Regulatory Guide 1.23, Onsite Meteorological Programs, dated February 17,. 1972, and include instruments to sense wind speed and direction, air temperature and vertical air temperature difference at heights above ground that are representative of atmospheric conditions 1-9 that exist at all gaseous effluent release points. Reporting Requirements* Meteorological data shall be summarized and reported in a format consistent with the*recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.21, Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 1, dated June, 1974 and Regulatory Guide 1.23, Onsite Meteorological Programs, dated February 17, 1972, and observations in a form consistent with National Weather Service procedures. Sunnnaries of data and observations shall be available to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission upon request. If the outage .. 3.1-7 , ** t *~ r, .r. - i time of any of the meteorological instruments exceeds seven consecutive days, the total outage time and dates of outage, the cause of the outage, and the instrument(s) involved shall be reported within 30 days of the initial time of the outage to**the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Reactor Licensing. Any modifications to the meteoro~ogical monitoring program as described above shall have the written approval of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division

  • of Reactor Licensing, prior to initiation of the modification.

Bases The collection of meteorological data at the plant site will.provide information which may be used to develop atmospheric diffusion p~rameters to estimate ) potential radiation doses to the public resulting from actual routine or accidental releases of

  • radioactive materials to the atmosphere. A*

meteorological data collection*program as described above is necessary to meet the requirements of sub-paragraph 50.36a (a) (2) of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, and 10 CFR Part 51. 3.1.2 BIOTIC General Ecological Survey The primary objective of this survey is to determine the effect of plant operation on the ecology and environment of the Delaware River Estuary and .environs. *The preoperational biological monitoring -~)

  • e . *~ *": - ... --*

3.1-8 was initiated in 1968 and monitoring will be continued for 5 years after ~* Unit No. 2 becomes operational. The program shall be discontinued only after approval by NRC staff. These studies will serve as a basis for assessment of the effects of plant operation on the ecology. Study Plan The study area includes the Delaware River Estuary and some tributaries within an approximate 10-mile radius of the station. The biological .Parameters monitored are listed in Table 3.1-2 and the general sampling locations are shown in ~igure 3.1-1. Physiochemical parameters will be monitored in the various sampling programs and will typically include dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, pH, and water transparency. Specification

1. Aquatic Studies
a. Phytoplankton Replicate phytoplankton samples shall be taken with a Van Dorn*

sampler. Surface and near bottom samples shall be collected

  • biweekly (weather permitting) within the study area illustrated in Figure 3.1-1.

These samples shall be examined quantitatively for chlorophyll !!_ (1) using the spectrophotometric method of Lorenzen

  • The standard error of cholorophyll !!_analysis at the 5 ug level is + 0.18 ug for the mean of two determinations( 2 ~ 3 ).

3.1-9 D Generic identifications and enumerations shall be conducted. Distributions exhibited by the

  • dominant taxa shall be emphasized.

A productivity study shall be performed bimonthly (weather permitting) at appropriate control and thermally affected stations along with chlorophyll  !!:_ analysis. Dissolved oxygen concentrations shall be determined. The azide modification of the Winklet" ; -* method(4) ~hall be used to d~t~rini~~ dissolved oxygen levels in both lig~t and dark bottles . as well as in control samples. The precision of oxygen determination based on replicate 0.01 mg oxygen/liter. 0.

b. Ichthyoplankton Ichthyoplankton samples shall be collected monthly (weather permitting) within the study area illustrated in Figure 3.1-1. Surface and.near-bottom samples shall be collected at all stations. In addition, mid-water samples shall be collected at offshore stations where depth exceeds 20 ft. Replicate samples shall be taken at selected stations.

All samples shall be collected with metered 1/2 m plankton nets (0.5-mm mesh) towed at a constant' speed sufficient to keep the upper net at the surface. Bottom nets will be equipped with depressors to facilitate sampling  !) near bottom.

  • ir ** -** * - - * - **** -

3.1-10 Ichthyoplankton shall be identified and enumerated. Identification will be to species or to the lowest taxonomic level which

  • . specimen conditio~ permits. Results shall be expressed as number of organisms per cubic meter.
c. Zooplankton - Microplankton Microplankton samples shall be collected 2 ft-below the surface and just above the bottom with a plankton pump. filter system using No. 20 nets (0.08 mm mesh) within the study area illustrated _in Figure 3.1-1.

Additionally, integrated (surface to bottom) samples will be taken near the intake and at two stations on a transect extending 1.5 miles offshore. The sampler design is _, modified from one described by Icanberry and Richardson(S). It consists of a reinforced suction hose coupled to an air-tight Flexiglas cylinder. Water is pulled through the hose and cylinder by a portable gasoline centrifugal pump. The volume of water filtered shall be measured inboard of the cylinder by a flowmeter. Samples shall be collected monthly (weather permitting) at all stations. Additional. samples shall be collected at 4-hour intervals over a 12-hour period once per month (weather permitting) on the three-station transect extending west from the plant site. 3,1-11_ Replicate subsamples shall be counted in a counting cell with a compound microscope. Results will be presented as numbers of organisms per cubic meter. Most zooplankters shall be identified to species. Poorly preserved or immature speciments shall be identified to the lowest taxonomic level which their condition permits. Although all zooplankton organisms collected shall be identified, the emphasis in reports shall be on dominant species.

d. Zooplankton - Macroplankton Macroplankton analyses shall be performed on samples taken under Specification (Ichthyoplankton), and in accordance with Specification (Zooplankton - Microplankton).
e. Benthos Benthos collections shall be made monthly to bimonthly (weather permitting) within the study area illustrated in Figure 3.1-1.

Based on variability observed in preoperational samples, three replicates shall be taken at each station. Samples shall be collected with a Ponar grab sampler which samples an area 0.05 m2 to a depth of approximately 15 cm. Most 3.1-12 benthic organisms shall be identified to

  • species. For specimens damaged in sampling, identification shall be to the lowest possible taxonomic level. The organisms shall be counted, dried, and weighed.

£. Blue Crab Commercial crabbers shall be censused throughout the crabbing season (usually May through November) by means of daily questionnaires which ask data on the number of pots checked, number of bushels of hard crab, and number of individual moulting crab taken. The numbers of soft crab, mating crab, and egg-bearing female crab

  • observed in pot catches are also noted~

"Additionally data on blue crab shall be collected monthly by interviewing and accompanying selected crabbers during their operations. Crab are also collected in the course of the fisheries sampling programs.

g. Fish Fishes will be sampled by seine, trawl, and *I gill net within the area illustrated in Figure 3.1-1. Sites shall be sampled on a biweekly to quarterly schedule .(weather permitting) throughout the year. Appropriate stations and zones shall be sampled during daylight and at night. Trawl hauls in the

. -*.  :\ *-:*-, .i 3.1-13 0 river zones shall be of 10-minute duration with a 16-f t semi-balloon otter trawl and in the creeks they shall be of 5-minute duration with a 9-f t semi-balloon otter trawl. Trawl hauls shall be made at a uniform speed, traveling with the tide. Seine collectipns shall be made parallel to the shore line. Seines shall be used in combination and may include a 1/4-inch mesh, 25-ft bag seine; a 1/4-inch mesh, 10-ft flat seine; a 1/8-inch mesh, 10-f t flat seine; and a 1/2-inch mesh, 225-ft seine. Fishes shall be identified and species, and representative subsamples shall be measured for length. () .e Gill nets shall be fished in the spring to sample populations of anadromous fishes. Gill n~t gangs of stretched mesh sizes 5 1/2 inches and 3 1/8 inches shall be drifted after being set perpendicular to the current. Specimens shall be identified* to species, sexed, measured, and weighed.

2. Terrestrial Studies Studies of the Terrestrial Environment shall include:
1. Monitoring of nesting by the diamondback terrapin on Sunken Ship Cove Beach and in regions outside the thermal plume.

() 3.1-14 I i

2. A monthly (weather permitting) bird survey in the area of Artificial Island.
2. Monitoring of occurrence and nesting of the osprey and southern bald eagle within a general 5-mile radius of the station.

Reporting Requirement .Reporting levels shall be developed after one year of full power operation of Unit 2. Post-operational data will be related to preoperational norms from which report levels will be established. Bases Al~ biological parameters sampled will provide background data for determining the environmental effects of station operation. Results of the operational studies will be compared with preoperational studies by statistical methods. The various sampling locations were selected on the basis of their representa-tive distribution throughout the region.

  • As the data from these sites are analyzed, it will be determined whether additional sites are needed or old sites can be eliminated. The frequency of sampling has been established in much the same manner. Impingement of Organisms Objective The principal objectives of the impingement study are to: (1) determine the species composition, and (2) quantify the nmnbers of fishes and other organisms which become impinged on the circulating and service water intake screens. 3.1-15 r ~ Specification Impingement organisms shall be sampled for three 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> pe~iods per week. The total weight of the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> sample shall be determined. All fishes and other organisms shall be identified by species. If the sample is greater than 100 lbs, two random subsamples __ of 50 lbs each shall be taken from each sampling period. All specimens in the two subsamples shall be identified by species and each series weighed and used to compute total weight per species for each sample. All fish of a given species shall be used to compute modal length, maximum length, and modal weight. If greater than 100 fish are collected during a sample, a random subsample of at least 100 fish shall be used for the above listed measurements. Estimates of the total number of each species impinged per 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> sampling period shall be computed. Number of circulation pumps in operation during sampling shall be recorded. After one year of full power operation of Unit 2, the impingement data shall be analyzed. Suggested changes in sampling frequency shall be submitted for review and approval by the staff prior to implementation. Reporting Requirement Monthly results from this study shall be submitted to the NRC within 10 days after the end of the month. Report of each sample period shall contain the following information: the date of sample, the species collected, the number impinged in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for each species, the modal length for each species~ the maximum length for each species, the modal weight for each species, and the number of pumps operating during sample collection. A summary of the 3.1-16 t. ..I ti i l) ~ impingement study shall be included in the annual environmental report. Bases This survey and subsequent data analyses will aid in verification of the effectiveness of the intake design in minimizing impingement of organisms. Entrainment of Plankton Organisms

  • Objective The objective of the entrainment study is to determine the effects of

~ operation of the Circulating Water System on planktonic organisms. Specifications In order to obtain estimates of numbers of organisms passing through the circulating water system, a sampling program shall be implemented. The first phase of the program consists of sampling the plankton during the initial start-up of the Circulating Water System *. Ambient temperature water shall be circulated through the various components of the system *. \ 3.1.17 ~ lt Since there will be no heat added to the water at this time,.mortalities lt ii due solely to mechanical damage and pre~sure may be assessed. During 'i 1* r the second phase, sampling shall be continued with varying heat load t i rejection to the Circulating Water System under different station I; operating conditions. This will provide an estimate of organtsm li I -mortality related to the various operating modes of the Circulating ~ t

  • Water Sys tern. f

~ Intake samples shall be taken immediately before the intake structure; .i discharge samples shall be taken through sampling ports. During .the l i testing and start-up phases of plant operation, sampling shall be regulated by the station operating schedule. After the plant begins commercial operation sampling shall be done monthly. Samples from the same water mass shall be obtained from the intake . l i and discharge by coordinating their collection with circulating water. . ii . passage time. Whenever possible entrainment sampling will be .! - .t ' . I coordinated with the collection of river samples on the transect  ! extending westward from the site.  ! t-i I! r 3.1.18 $) l e* Physicochemical parameters to be monitored at sampling will, whenever possible, include water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and pH. Phytoplankton Studies Replicate samples shall be taken with a Van Dorn samplero Surface, mid-depth, and bottom samples shall be collected monthly during a 24-hour period at 4-hour*intervals from in front of the *intake trash racks. Discharge samples shall be collected through sampling ports. Phytoplankton samples shall be analyzed quantitatively for chlorophyll  !!_ using the techniques presented in Specification Additionally systematic .<) r studies shall be done to determine dominant taxa. Microzooplankton Studies Surf ace, near-bottom and integrated (near-bottom to surf ace) samples shall be collected monthly during a 24-hour period at 4-hour intervals. These samples shall be taken at the intake with the filter-pump system described in Specification 3 .1. 2 .1.1. c and at the discharge through sampling ports. Samples will be immediately stained with neutral red to enable.separation of live and dead zooplankton. A dead organism count and specimen identification to the lowest possible taxon shall be done in the laboratory. An additional discharge sample shall be collected, stained with neutral red, and maintained rJ I 3.1-19 in a water bath at ambient river temperature. This sample shall be periodically monitored over a 12-hour period to determine latent mortality. Ichthyoplankton and Macrozooplankton Studies Ichthyoplankton shall be sampled at the intake and *.. discharge biweekly during the appropriate season as determined by preoperational* studies. Samples shall be taken over 24-hour periods at 4-hour intervals. Replicate samples shall be collected at the intake with a high capacity pump sampler if present* experimental efforts prove its suitability for sampling. If this pump sampler does not prove acceptable, metered .e plankton nets will be fi.shec;l at surface, mid-depth, and near bottom in fron of the intake structure. Samples.of discharge.water shall be taken through sampling ports. Specimens collected shall be identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, and densities shall be calculated. Immediate mortality shall be determined for intake and discharge samples based on the following criteria: Live: Swimming vigorously, no apparent orientation problems, behavior normal. Stunned: Swimming erratically, struggling and swimming on side, some twitching but motile. Dead: No vital life signs, body or opercular move-ment, no response to gentle probing * ., .....* -~ 3.1-20 ,.

  • o Specimens determined to be alive or stunned shall be held separately for 12 to 24-hour periods at ambient river temperature to determine latent mortality.

Reporting Requirement Report levels shall be developed from the data collected during the first year of operation. Bases This study and subsequent data analyses will aid in determining whether passage through the Circulating Water System will have a deleterious effect on planktonic organisms. References 0 1 *. Lorenzen, C.J. 1967 *. Determination of chlorophyll and phaeo-pigments spectrophotometric equations * . Limnol. and Oceanogr. 12:343~346.

2. Strickland, J. D. H., and T. R. Parsons. 1968.

A manual of seawater analysis. Bull. 125, Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 203 pp.

3. Strickland, J. D. H., and T. R. Parsons. 1968. A practical handbook of seawater analysis*. Bull. 167, Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 311 p;
4. American Public Health Association, et al. 1974.

Standard Methods *for the Examination of.Water and -Waste Water. American Public Health Association. 874 pp. () --.-* . -*- -*-* ..... **---1 3.1-21 _* -1 \ L I I \ S. Icanberry, J. W., and R. W. Richardson. 1973.* Quantitative sampling of live zooplankton with a filter-pump system.!. and Oceanogr. 18(2): 333-335. 3.1-22 . -***: TABLE 3.1-1 WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS PARAMETERS PPM, as Parameter PPM, as Parameter Solids, Non-Filterable (Diss.) Nitrate (N0 ) 3 Solids, Filterable (Susp.) Conductivity {µmhos) Solids, Total Volatile Turbidity (JTU) ' Reducing Substances H S Calcium (Ca) .Caco 2 3 Caco Chemical Oxygen Demand COD. Magnesium (Mg) 3 Sodium (Na) Caco Total Organic Carbon c 3 Caco Chlorine Demand, 30 Sec. Cl Potassium (K) 3 Fe Chlorine Residual, Free Cl Iron, Total (Fe) .w_, Copper, Total {Cu) Cu Chlorine Residual, Combined Cl N I Mn Chlorine Demand, 3 Min. Cl w Manganese (Mn)

Chromium {Cr) ':Cr Phenol

  • . Ammonia (NH ) *. 3.

3 Kjeldahl Nitrogen N *. Sulfides s CaC0 ~. Dissolved Oxygen 02 Chloride (Cl) 3 NaCl Phenophathalein Alkalinity caco3 Chloride (Cl) Caco Methyl Orange Alkalinity CaC0 Sulfate (so ) 3 3 4 Sulfate {so ) so pH 4 4 Silica (Si0 ) Si0 Phosphate (P0 ) 2 2 4 ....... -~ l I) TABLE 3.1-2


OF AQUATIC, TERRESTRIAL AND AERIAL SAMPLING PROGRAM Area Sampled Relative Sample ~ Sampling Freguencz* to Station (Mile 0)

Aquatic .*~ South Phytoplankton Water bottles* and other .Biweekly to quarterly to 7 .5 miles;* to 5.0 miles gear as appropriate Zooplankton Metered filter pump Monthly 7.5 5.0 system fitted to plankton net Benthos Ponar grab Monthly to bimonthly 4.5 5.0 Blue Crab Trawl haul, Biweekly to quarterly 8.S 9.0


F isheries cmmnercial crabbers Seines (Estuary)

Trawls (Estuary)

Trawls (Creek)

Biweekly to monthly Biweekly to monthly Biweekly to monthly 6.5 8.5 5.0 4.0 9.0 2.0 Gill nets (Estuary) Biweekly to quarterly 8.5 9.0 Seines (Creek) Biweekly to quarterly 5.0 o.o Ichthyoplankton Metered plankton net Biweekly to monthly . 7.5 5.0 Terrestrial and Aerial 11rds Visual observations Biweekly to quarterly Within 3-5 mile radius of site Mammals Visual observations Biweekly to quarterly Within 3-5 mile radius of site

  • In the appropriate season.
  • ~- \


.. i 3.1-24



fisheries trawl zcnes.

==+: stations.

fisheries seine Q: Sampllng locations:


  • benthos I
  • lchthyopl2nkton P
  • phytoplankton Z
  • zooplankton Creek Mileage Designations (east of shipping channel) consider Salem discharge location as Mile O.

0 1.0 SCALI ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .---1

. MILiis**

PUBLI c SERVI cE EL EctRf C)~No<:*t;:Ast~t:.oMPAiff ~'E~::-:. Biological Sampling Stations in the

  • * * . , . .* * :.:, * *.. ' '. '.." _', ,*, Vicinity of Artificial Island SALEM NUCLEAR* GENERATING STATION .....___.;._ _ _ _._ _ ___.;._F_l_G.- .. _.;..:L-_-___,

. ' 1 1

  • .3.l-25

3.2 RADIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE Objective An environmental radiological monitoring program shall be conducted to assist in verifying that radioactive effluent releases are within allowable limits and that plant operations have no detrimental effects on the environment.


1. Environmental samples shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with Table 3.2-1. The sample locations are shown on Figure 3.2-1.
2. Reports shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Specification 5.6.
3. During the seasons that animals producing milk for human consumption are on pasture, samples of fresh milk shall be obtained from these animals at the locations and frequencies shown in Table 3.2-1, and analyzed for their radioiodine content (calculated as I-131). *Analyses shall be performed within eight days of sampling. Suitable analytical procedures shall be used to determine the radioiodine concentration to a sensitivity of 0.5 picocuries per liter of milk at the time of sampling. For activity levels at or above 0.5 picocuries per liter, the determinate error of the analysis shall be within + 25%. Results shall be reported, with associated calculated error, as picocurie~ of I-131 per liter of milk at the time of sampling.


""'( ;**.* *r. -



... l

4. A census of milk animals within a 1-mine radius from the plant site or within the 15 mrem/yr isodose line, whichever is larger, shall be conducted at the beginning and at the middle of each grazing season by using a door to door or equivalent counting technique to determine their location and number with respect to the site. A census shall be conducted within a 5-mile radius for cows and a 15-mile radius for goats, with enumeration by using referenced information from county agricultural agents or other reliable sources.

If it is learned from this census that milk animals are present at a location which yields a calculated infant thyroid dose greaier than any other sampled locations, the new location shall be added to the surveillance program, as soon as practicable. The infant thyroid dose shall be calculated using the equations and assumptions presented in Regulatory Guide 1.42, Interim Licensing Policy on As Low As Practicable for Gaseous Radioiodine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors, Revision 1, dated March 1974. Following the addition of any new location, a sampling location yielding a lower calculated dose may then be dropped from the surveillance program at the end of the grazing season during which the census was conducted.

Any locations from which milk can no longer be obtained may be dropped from the surveillance program upon written notification to the Commission that milk animals are no longer present at the location,-

sufficient quantity cannot be obtained or that there exists a lack of cooperation in obtaining samples.


If the calculated dose to a child's thyroid at any locat~on where there is an animal producing milk for human conslDDption exceeds 15 mrem/yr, milk sampling shall be done weekly with a I-131 analysis being performed on each sample.

S. Deviations shall be permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, or malfunctions of automatic sampling equipment. In the case of the latter, corrective action shall be completed prior to the end of the next sampling period, if possible. Any location from which environmental monitoring program samples can no longer be reasonably obtained may be dropped from the surveillance program upon written notification to the NRC of the reasons for this action. Any location which is dropped shall be replaced by a suitable alternate location.

6. Preoperational environmental.radiological monitoring program data has*

been utilized to establish normal (baseline) levels for several critical environmental parameters. These normal (baseline) levels are hereinafter referred to as Radiological Review Points (RRP) and are determined from the equation:

where x = mean value of radiological parameter 1, based upon preopera-1 tional environmental radiological monitoring program data; a

  • standard deviation of radiological paramet*er i, based upon 1


preoperational environmental radiological monitoring program data.

3.1 ""' statistical "z" parameter associated with a confidence level of 99.9%.

It shall be deemed that an RRP has not been exceeded if there is a 99.9% probability that a particular radiological value belongs to normal background or control station population distribution.

Environmental radiological data that are deemed to exceed an RRP shall be confirmed by:

a. Re-analysis of the same sample, or
b. Analysis of a different aliquot of the same sample (if possible), or
c. Analysis of a new sample that can be considered representative of the original sample.

All data exceeding an RRP shall be investigated, evaluated and included in accordance with Plant Reporting Requirements 5.6.1 and 5.6.2.

Reporting Requirement An annual report shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Specification 5.6.1.

Non-routine reports shall be submitted, as required, in accordance with Specification 5.6.2.

Bases The magnitude and fluctuation of radioactivity levels in the environment

.*9 3.2-4

t l


.,t surrounding the plant have been determined during implement~tion of the f t

preoperational environmental radiation monitoring program. As discussed in t Specification 3.2.6, Radiological Review Points are based on the magnitude and_ fluctuation of radioactivity levels obs~:ved during the preoperational program. The data has been treated, for calculational purposes, as being statistically normally distributed. The confidence level chosen was the 99.9 percentile. This value has been chosen since it is high enough to 1*



preclude the incidence of erroneous measurements but low enough to be a sensitive indicator of change. This information serves as a solid baseline  ;

  • i I

for evaluating any changes in environmental radioactivity levels during '

. f plant operation. The operational environmental radiation 'monitoring '

program was derived using the preoperational environmental radiation monitoring program as a basis.

The monitoring program utilizes a series of sampling locations which were determined by consideration of the spatial distribution of station effluents, including areas where concentrations of effluents in the environment.are expected to be greatest, site meteorology, population distribution and ease-of access to the sampling stations. The selection of sampling media was based on an evaluation of potential critical pathways of radiation exposure to man.

Concurrent sampling at control and indicator stations permits plant-produced radionuclides to be distinguished from other sources of radionuclides.


TAIL& J.2-1


- lllPllSUU CllU.!CTION llET1lllD nn ' n!Qll!llCT OP AICALTSIS PATllllAT STATION CC1>! LllCATI01' ' PREQU!HC!

1. AIUOllR CompoeiCe Sr 89
  • 11111 3., ia1 SI of ,,...c capo.tee Sr 90 perforud quarcerly (a). Ul - o1Ce A

T l

c m 5.1 u

  • of ,,...c Concinuoue 1;,,, ,,.1.... air ODpler. Sample coll*cted ero.o 'beto analydo OD each V11ekly

- 1

  • don* weekly '

nery vult .~loog vith Ulcer a cboq*

L Capo*U:1o11 C - *can quarcerly A m 1. 7 u* 1111! of .....c I

I 3113 110 - II! of *totiOD 1ft1 4.1 ia1 &1111 of ,,.,.c 11111 3.9 . i SI of ,,enc (lo) l 0

D l A 11ilver zeolite flow-through Iodine 131 mialyoe11 are performed .,.,ekly

  • I 16!1 4.1 u l!lllll of ,,...c careridge is connected t.o air parciculate air sampler and is collected weekly m IJ; a. 7 a1 llllE of vent
  • i:s1 OD oit*

3B3 110 a1 llE of vent e n. !!!m.

1(111 3.9 a1 n of ,,enc 16!1 4.1 a1 111111 of vent 3G1 16.6 aile* NE of vent 20 soil plugs to a deptb,of . ~ *pectrometry performed on each 6" over an area of 25 ft .. are sample 011 collection 3B3 110 a1 R! Of *tatiDD composited and sealed in a plastic bag at each location* A sample vill Sr-90 analyses oa one sample from each m 5.8 a1 II of vent be collected fr0111 each location location oa. collect.ion m IJ; 8. 7 a1 llllE *of vent oa.ce every 3 year*

5111 3.5' a1 I of ,,.,.t m 5 a1 11111 of ,,...t m 4.-4 ai 11111! of nut Ul.. Oii o1Ce

~U NllplH arc tnlten in accordance vith prceodurca outliDod 1D llASL-300 (Rn. 5/73) 3.2-6


-* ..... ~.'

tAILi ], 2-1 (Cont.)



  • FllE ENCY or ANALYSIS 1CIDl J.t Id SI of Yllllt HU 4.1 Id 111111 of Yllllt zn 11.7 Id 1111! of "llllt un IUddletovn, Del; 9.11 ailu II of vent m 5.11 a1 II Of Vllllt 2 doeilletere will be collected C - daae-quarterly fraa uch location quarterly 3C1 16.6 llilH  !IE Of Vllllt 3Bl l2 Id !IE of vent 2B1 31 ai llllE of vent 6S1 .2 Idles ESE of vent 6SZ Station persollllel gate (determined after coa-atructian) 14Dl 3.9 llli 11!111 of vent 14S1 liver Bank (to be At least oae dosimeter*collected determined after caa-atructian) }

from th:l.a location quarterly 0

Approximately 650 ft Sil of vent (a) S u

... llCl 2-1/2 ai WSll of vent. TVo gallon sample ta be collected

. J:llD1lthly providing winter. icing Gamma ecan monthly B-3, Sr-89 and Sr-90 analyses of quarterly composites .

r c:oaditions allow .sample callee tian "c

I 7El 1 ai V of Mad Horse Creek; 4.5 m1 SE of vent (b) c I. 451 ..,. aite 0

u II '?VD gallon grab ample 1e collected ea-a *can - QC B-3 analyaea are done D aoath~y ....thl)'

(c) D I.

1 Salem Water Co.;

lllil! of vent Bai1 SO ..U aliquot 19 taken regularly and compoaited to a lllDDthly umple Croaa be~ monthly Gamma *can - QC B-3 1100nthly Sr 89 and Sr 90 aaalymea I:

  • c I 2r3 (ttuted) Salm Water Co.;

llllE of vant B Id J of aro 11allona OD. quart.erly compo*itea




Wt.I J,Z-1 (Coflt,)


  • n.!QUDICT or e


      • !Q!!ATIC m 1 a1 V of Mad Bane CrHlr.;

I I 4.5 a1 SI! of Vant T

0 12C1 1W Z-1/Z a1 VSV of *ll"t Outfall aru; 650' SV of A batlthoa uapla conalatlng of benthic organing and aaeociated eedi.alent 1a t*


ca- *pectroaatry of **ch eampl*

  • --1-annually; Sr-89 and Sr 90
  • -1-annually

..... t

n. ~STIOH 1512 4,1 a1 !IV of ,...,t Pour 1allo11 grab umpla of <;....,. acan monthly; Sr-89 and Sr-90 frHh milk is collected 110nthl.y; 1-131 monthly I-131 (e) I! 211 5 a1 m of vant from each farm monthly. if calculated dose. exceeds 15 mrem 1 Collected if calculated to child's thyroid L m 6.5 a1 ! of vent doee exceeds 15 mre:m to child's It tbyroid.

14'1 5.5 a1 11!111 of vent 3Cl 16, 6 ailea !IE of vent


(b) , 1Ul Outfall area; 650' SW of Tvo ltey samples of fish G-a acan of edibla 1 ,,..,t are eealed in plastic portion on collection s bag or jar and frozen I! 12C1 Z-1/2 a1 WSW of vent *emi-annually or when 1n aeaaon (c) C 11.U Outfall aru; 650' SW of Tvo key samples of crab G-.. *can of edibl" I. v..,t are 1ealed in a plastic portion on collection A bag or jar and frozen I *mi-annually or when 1Jl aea1on 12C1 ~- llant. oppo1f;ta Ai'til:t.cW Ioland, Z-1/Z a1 WSW of


<*> nims lGl 10.Z ailu II of vent Samplea are collected during the normal har-lad.ioiodine determination of green leafy vegetablea R zu 4,45 a$. RliE of vent vest season, sealed iD plastic, and frozen if on collection ilGEUnOll m 6.5 ailaa !, of ve11t perishable. Sufficient C - scan on collection sample 1* collected to

..... ~_, .. _...,aa.tallUeru. yield 500 gr=s of dry

. . _ . . . .. * - - - . . .i - .. - - - veigb.t and done annually J}

(*) c Stat1011 Yicin.ity east Hualr.rata are skinned C : - *can on edible A aida of Htuary and frozen 1esi-annually portion only on col-II lac tion I V..t aida of eatuary, 3-5 a1 froa vent VitbiA 10 a1 of Station Beef portion of cow uooo Sampled and frozen Sai-annually QC

  • Quart*rlJ' COllPDdta


  • loce.cion 11ven &t ti-.

of collection


  • Thia -1* 19 wbjact to availability of alau1htarad cow 3.2-8

TABLE J.2-2 Provide a Table listing Preoperational Xi and a" values for all radionuclides to be measured for media in Table 3.2-1 J.2-9


  • Air Particulates Gross beta 5 x 10-15 lJCi/ml 14 Ganuna scan 1 x 10- " "

Sr 89 5 x 10- 15 " "

15 Sr 90 1 x 10- " II Air Iodine I 131 4 x 10-14 n n

. -7 Soil .Gamma scan 1 x 10 .. µCi/g-dry Sr 90 5 x 10- 8 Thermo luminescent Gamma approx. 5mrem/yr Dosimeters Surface water Gamma scan 1 x 10-9 µCi/ml Tritium *2 x 10-1 " II Sr 89 5 x 10-9 " II Sr 90 1 x 10-9 " II e Ground water Gamma scan Tritium 1 x 10-9 2 x 10-7 .


. -9 Drinking water .Gross beta l x 10 " II Gamma scan 1 x 10-9. " .

Tritium 2 x 10-1 II II Sr 89 5 ~ 10-9 " II Sr 90 1 x 10-9 II II Benthos Gamma scan 1 x 10-1 µCi/g-dry Sr 89 5 x 10-1 II II Sr 90 1 x 10-1 II II Fish Gamma scan -ax 10-8 lJCi/g-wet 3.2-10

. \

TABLE 3.2-3 (Cont'd)


  • Milk Gamma scan 1 x 10-8 µCi/ml Sr 89 s X 10-9 II II SZ' 90 1 X 10-9 II II

-10 11 II I 131 sx 10 8

Fruits and Vegetables Gamma scan 5 x 10- µCi/g-wet I 131 5 X 10-8 II II Meat Gamma scan 8 X 10-8 II II Game Gamma scan 8 x 10-8 II II

  • The sensitivity of the gamma scan analysis are for Cs 134 and Cs 137 3.2-11


4.0 SPECIAL SURVEILLANCE AND STUDY ACTIVITIES 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL ENTRAINMENT STUDIES Objective To estimate the effect of rapid temperature and pressure changes in the Circulating Water System on ichthyoplankton and zooplankton.

Specification Responses to short duration increases in temperature and pressure which closely approximate those in the Circulating Water Systems will be determined for the more common entrainable organisms in the vicinity of Artificial Island.

-* The following species of fishes and crustaceans will be tested (contingent upon their availability): white. perch~ americana; striped bass, Morone saxatilis; alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus; blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis; scud, Gammarus sp.; opossum shripm, Neomysis americana; sand shrimp;, Crangon septemspinosa; and* grass'shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio. Other apecies will be tested as they are available

.* ~r-~Y-~:.-. *:

and as scheduling permits. .Size range* of test organiSII!s.., . will be between 2 and 50 mm (0.07 and 1.96 inches) total length.

Organisms will be considered .acclimated to prevailing conditions at their point of capture and will be held under similar conditions for periods up to about one week prior to* testing * . L*arval fishes will be hatched in the laboratory under conditions similar to those in the spawning areas.

Tests will be conducted in a rigid transparent PVC apparatus in which the effects of temperature and pressure can be evaluated independently

    • .* . .., .. ,. ~

. **~



I ____  !.._

and concurrently. Temperature will be measured with a standardized mercury thermometer (precision, O. 5 C) within the tes*t chamber and pressure with a Robertshaw test gauge (precision, 1/2 mm Hg) connected to the atmosphere in the test chamber.

Other variables monitored will-include salini~y, pH, and oxygen content. Salinity of the water will be measured with a salinometer

  • (precision, 0.1 ppt) prior to testing. Determination of pH will be*

made with a pH meter (precision, 0.1 pH unit) before testing. Oxygen content of the water will be verified with an oxygen meter (precision, 0.1 mg 02/l) prior to testing.

Water used in testing will be taken from Appoquinimink Creek at high tide. This approximates the water quality of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island at high tide.

Test organisms will be exposed to various combinations of test condi-tions. Acclimation temperature will vary seasonally within the range s0 to 30° C (41-86°F). Tes~ salinities will be appropriate levels within the range 0 to 12 ppt, pH between 7.0 and 8.0, and oxygen content near air saturation. Temperature increases for test organisms will be from 7.5° to 15°c (13.5-27°F) above ambient (acclimation). Test organisms will be exposed to pressures from'69 to 180 mm Hg absolute

(-1.4-20.1 psig) in a sequence simulating passage through the condenser cooling system.

A general control group will be placed in a holding container. A handling control will receive standard handling in the apparatus, but will not be exposed to changes in either temperature or pressure.

Test. organisms will be exposed to one of three experimental conditions:

pressure changes only, temperature changes only, or both temperature and pressure changes concurrently. Observations will be made on the test organisms during and immediately after testing and at appropriate




  • 1*


..*I intervals through a 96-hour period to determine immediate and long-term effects.

These studies will be conducted for a period of 1 year after Unit 1 becomes operational.

Reporting Requirements Results of these studies shall be reported *in accordance with Specification 5.6.1.

Bases These studies and subsequent data analyses will aid in determining whether the temperature and pressure conditions 'in the Circulating Water System will have a deleterious effect on entrainable organisms.

I 4.1-3

4.2 THERMAL AND CHEMICAL RESPONSES OF ESTUARINE ORGANISMS Objective The principal objectives *of these studies are to determine:

(1) temperature preference, (2) temperature and chemical avoidance, and (3) cold shock temperatures for the various common fishes and macroinvertebrates in this region of the Delaware River estuary.

Spec if ica tion 4.2.1 GENERAL All studies will be conducted throughout the year under near air-saturated levels of dissolved oxygen at appropriate salinities within a range of O.O to 12.0 ppt and acclimation temperatures within a range of

  • e 5° to 30°c (41-86°F). Levels of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, light, and pH, as well as size of test specimens will be measured and recorded for all tests in all studies *. Water for all studies will be taken from Appoquinimink Creek, a tributary of the I Delaware River, at high tide. This source approximates the wa.ter quality of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island at high tide.

Species to be tested in all studies will include the bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli; the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia; the white perch, Merone americana; and the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio.

Other fishes and macroinvertebrates will also be tested depending upon availability. Specimens to be tested will be acclimated to.the*

approximate temperatures and salinity at which they were captured for

.a period of 24 to 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> prior to testing.

These studies will be conducted for a period of one year after Unit 1 becomes operational *


.~ i :


4.2.2 TEMPERATURE PREFERENCE STUDIES Temperature preferences will be determined in a horizontal temperature gradient in a trough approximately 13 ft long, 6 inches wide, and 1 ft.

deep, having a stainless steel bottom in the central 12 ft. The trough will be partially enclosed with polyethylene sheeting for light control.

Tests will be generally conducted at a lightning*of either 4 or 40 foot-candles at the surface of the water. Light level will be measured "with a foot-candle meter whose precision is 2 foot-candles.

Initially the trough will be filled with water of the acclimation salinity and temperature of the test specimens to a depth which will permit horizontal but restrict vertical movement. Specimens will then be randomly placed in the trough and allowed to remain for several hours prior to the establishment of a thermal gradient. The horizontal

. *0 thermal gradient may extend to 10 C above and below the acclimation temperature. Observations will be made at 5 or lO~minute intervals, 19* depending on specimen activity. The temperature at the position of each specimen will be recorded using thermistors (placed at~

intervals along the trough) which are_~l!~c.ted--to- a--r-emperature readout.*.

--*---*--!£he precisi"on*Oftlie--*readout

  • -------o-is O. 5 F *. The test will be concluded l
  • when the specimens select the same temperature for four successive obersavation times.

4.2.3 TEMPERATURE AND CHEMICAL AVOIDANCE STUDIES The avoidance design to be employed in these .studies is a modification of the design employed first by Shelford and Allee (l). In this modified design a control and a replicate are determined simultaneously.

The apparatus is constructed such that, in thermal tests, water of d~ffering temperatures flows into the opposing ends of a divided trough and then drains at the center. In chemical tests, various concentrations

~.- ./

of the compound are substituted for the temperature increase.

-* 1 Due to f.)

  • I!

the sharp gradient at the center drain the apparatus is effectively divided into quadrants. The water temperature (or chemical composition) is the-same in diagonally opposed quadrants, but different in those directly opposed. One set of .diagonally opposed quadrants is designated as experimental, the other set as control. Temperatures in the directly opposed quadrants are increased in step gr-adients, with the experimental quadrants being 3° to* 5° F higher than the control quadrants. In the chemical tests, only the chemical concentration in the experimental quadrants is increased. Equal numbers of specimens are placed in each quadrant. The length of .time spent by each specimen in each respective quadrant is continuously measured over a 5 to 15-minute test period.

'Ihis results in a frequency distribution which is then analyzed statistically to determine the significance of the response to the chemical concentration or temperature increase. Tests begin at ambient temperature and continue through the step gradient until a significant avoida~ce response is given in both subtroughs. Responses to chlorine.(both free and combined states) will be determined. Responses to other chemical compounds will be determined as needed or reconnnended.

Oxygen and pH will be monitored throughout all tests. The precision of the oxygen measurements is 0.1 mg/l; that of pH is 0.1 pH unit.

Free and combined chlorine residuals will be determined by amperometric titration or an equivalent methods. The precision of these measurements is 0.01 ppm and the limit of detectability is 0.02 ppm chlorine. The*

thermal conditions in temperature tests will be monitored by a multi-channel temperature recorder connected to thermocouples at 6-inch intervals *. The precision of the te~perature measurements is 0.5°F. If more suitable instrumentation becomes available, it may be employed.

'Ihe trough is enclosed for light level regulation as well as to permit movement around the trough area. Due to the increase in specimen

  • activity which accompanies temperature increases, observations for temperature tests will be made via closed-circuit television
  • c<.,.0 --* ***,*o -**

... ****** 1 I

4.2-3 . .f*--1


0 4.2.4 COLD SHOCK STUDIES Responses to sudden decreases in temperature will be determined over test periods of 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br />. Test organisms will be exposed to instantaneous change from ambient temperatures to levels which permit estimation of the median lethal temperature decrease. Mot"tality .will be defined as a total cessation of gill movement and when prodding with a glass rod elicits no response.

Reporting Requirements Results of these experimental programs will be reported in accordance with Specification 5.6.1.

Bases ---*

- The results of t~_~_ies _will aid *in estillla.ting the effects of ()

--- th~. thermal p!Ume on the motile organisms in the recieving waters.


1. Shelford, V. E., and W. c. Allee. 1913. The Reactions of fishes to Gradients of Dissolved Atmospheric Gases. Jour. Exptl.

Zool. 14: 207-266

  • f)

-**** 4.2-4

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i_

. ~**1


-* 4.3 Objective THERMAL PLUME MAPPING To insure a minimal environmental impact to aquatic life due to the thermal discharge resulting from station "operation.

Specification A field survey will be performed throughout a complete tidal cycle to determine the characteristics of the thermal plume. This survey will be performed within the first year foilowing the simultaneous full power operation of Units 1 and 2.

Reporting Requirement The thermal plume survey results will be reported in accordance with Specification 5.6.1.

Bases Extensive model work has been performed by Pritchard-Carpenter, Con-sultants (see Dispersion and Cooling of Waste Heat Released into the Delaware River Estuary, a study performed for Salem Nuclear Generating Station utilizing the U. S. Army Corps of Enginee_rs' model at Vicks-burg, Mississippi, Salem FSAR, Appendix A.4), to determine the best discharge location and configuration for minimum thermel impact and recirculation. Attempts have been made by PSE&G to continually monitor river temperature. The current in the river, river traffic and theft of buoys has necessitated a review of the need for continual thermal mon~toring. It,is the opinion of Pritchard-Carpenter, Consultants, that continuous thermal monitoring .i.s of no value. Pilfered and damaged equipment, together with system malfunctions, makes. continuous monitoring impr.actical. It is believed that a single set of .accurate data is ample for model verification.


    • pr
  • 4.3-1

t.4 Intake Velocity Study e Objective To measure the intake velocity in the vicinity of the traveling screens for both the cooling and service water intakes.

Specification A one time study shall be performed to measure the intake velocity in the vicinity of the traveling screens for both 'the cooling and service water intakes. Measurements shall be taken at 10 points in front of each screen during both high and low tidal conditions. All pumps shall be operating nornially during the period of measurement.

This study shall be performed within the first year following the simultaneous full power operation of Units 1 and 2.

Reporting Requirement The intake velocity study ~esults shali be reported in accordance with Specification 5.6.1.

Bases The results of this study will aid in estimating the effects of intake velocity on entraimnent and impingement levels reported.



..... 'I *- .T

s.o ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS S.1 RESPONSIBILITY S.1.1 The *implementation of the surveillance programs, including sampling, sample analysis, evaluation of results and the preparation of required reports is the responsibility of the,Nuc1ear*Licensing and Environmental Studies Group in the Mechanical Division of the Engineering Department. This group is responsible for the assignment of personnel to the above functions, for assurance that appropriate written procedures, as described in Section S.S.l, are utilized in the surveillance program activities and for assuring the quality of surveillance program results, as described in Section S.S.3.

S.1.2 The Station Superintendent or his delegated alternate is responsible for operating the plant in compliance with the limiting conditions for operation as specified in the Evnironmental Technical Specifications. His responsibility includes assurance that plant activities are conducted in such a manner as to provide continuing protection to the environment and that personnel performing such activities use appropriate written procedures as described in Section S.S.

5.1-1 1~


.--. .1




5.2 ORGANIZATION 5.2.1 Figure 5.2-1 identifies the corporate relationship between the Nuclear Licensing & Environmental Studies Group and *the Station Superintendent. Figure 5.2-2 identifies the organizatiori"of the Mechanical Division of the Engineering Department and Figure 5.2-3 identifies the Production Department Station Organization.

5.2.2 The Nuclear Review Board (NRB) and Station Operations Review Committee (SORC) are shown in Figure 5.2-1.

They are advisory groups to the Vice President -

Production and Station Superintendent, respectively.

These groups perform the independent review and audit activities for these Environmental Techanical Specifications. The SORC is composed of Station supervisory personnel and the NRB is composed of management and technical support personnel from the general office staff. The Station Superintendent is a member of the NRB. There is no direct relationship between the two groups except that the NRB is charged with the responsibility to review SORC activities.

Detailed descriptions of these organizations are presented in the Salem FSAR, Chapter 12, "Conduct of Operations".




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The NRB shall have the following responsibilities concerning the environniental impact of the plant:

1. The NRB shall review:
a. Proposed Environmental Technical Specification changes or license amendments.
b. Violations of Environmental Technical Specifica-
  • tions.
c. Environmental Monitoring Program and Evaluations *

.d. Routine and non-routine reports required by

_the Environmental Technical Specifications.

2. The NRB shall, at least once each year, conduct (or cause to have conducted) and evaluate audits of:
a. Pfant operation to assure Environmental Technical Specification compliance.
b. Monitoring program sampling practices to assure they adhere to prograni schedule and appropriate procedures.


  • The SORC shall have the following responsibilities concerning the environmental impact of the plant:
a. Review plant procedures which have a potential impact on the environment.
b. Review proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications
  • 5.3-1

. .~-***-1 r*

c. Review environmental monitoring program results and evaluations.
d. Review routine and non-routine reports required by Section 5.6 prior to their submittal to the Commission.
e. Investigate all violations of Environmental Technical Specifications and recommend corrective action to prevent recurrence.

0 r)


5.4 ACTION *TO BE TAK.EN IF A LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION IS EXCEEDED 5.4.1 Remedial action as permitted by the Environmental Technical Specification shall""be taken until the condition can be met.

5.4.2 Exceeding a limiting condition for operation shall be investigated by the Station Operation Review Committee.

5.4.3 A report for each occurrence shall be prepared and submitted as specified in Section 5.6.2. *

.e l



. '\


5.5 PROCEDURES 5.5.1 Detailed written procedures, including applicable check lists and instructions, shall be prepared and followed for all activities involved in carrying out the Environmental Technicat Specifications.

Procedures for the environmental surveillance and special study programs described in Sections 3 and 4 shall be l;-*epared by personnel responsible for the P.articular monitoring program. Procedures shall

:  ;.;:tmpling, data recording and storage, instrument calibration, measurements and analyses, and actions to be taken when limits are approached or e~ceeded. Testing frequency of any *alanns shall be included. These frequencies shall be determined from e%perience with similar instruments in similar en.virornnents and from manufacturers' technical l!H~P.uals .

In addition to the procedures specified in Section s.s.1, the plant operating proeedures shall include provisions to ensure the plant and all its systems and components are operated in compliance with the limiting conditions for operation established as part of the Environmental Technical Specifications.

S.5.3 Procedures will be established to assure q~ality results. Procedures will include:

a. Audits to assure organizations performing program activities are following policy directives and are using the appropriate written instructions.
    • - ...
  • 1

.1 5.5-1 r.****1 I


b. A corrective action plan that identifies, controls and corrects deficien~ies.
c. A plan to investigate anomalous or suspect results.

0 r) 5.5-2

. .~ . :i: '


  • PLANT REPORTING*REQUIREMENTS 5.6.1 ROUTINE REPORTS 5.6.1.l Annual Environmental Operating Report .*
1. Nonradiological Report A report on the environmental surveillance programs for the previous 12 months of operation shall be submitted to the Director of the Regio~al Inspection and Enforcement Off ice (with copy to the Director of Licensing) as a separate document within 90 days after January 1 of each year. The period of the first report shall begin with the date of initial criticality.

The report shall include summaries, interpreta-tions, and .statistical evaluation of the results of the nonradiological environmental surveillance activities (Section 3.0) and the environmental monitoring programs required by limiting conditions for operation (Section 2.0) for the report period, including a comparison with preoperational studies~ operational controls (as appropriate),

and previous environmental surveillance reports and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment. If harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are detected by the monitoring, the licensee shall provide an analysis of the problem and a* proposed course of action to alleviate the problem.*


2. Radiological Report
a. A report on the radiological environmental.surveillance programs for the previous 12 months of operation shall be submitted to the
  • D~rector of the Regional Inspection and Enforcement Office (with copy to the Director of Reactor Licensing) as a separate document*

within 90 days after January 1 of each year. The period of the.

first report shall begin with the date of initial criticality.

The reports shall include summaries, interpretations, and statis-tical evaluation of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report period, including a compar-

.ison with preoperational studies, operational controls (as appro-priate), and previous environmental surveillance reports and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment. If harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are detected by the monitoring, the licensee shall provide an analysis of the problem and a.proposed course of action to alleviate the problem.

b. Results of all radiological environmental samples taken shall be summarized on an annual basis following the format of Table 5.6-1.

In the event that some results are not available within the 90 day period, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be sub-mitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

5.6-2 Radioactive Effluents Relc2se Repcrt

1. A report on the radioactive discharges released from the site during the previous 6 months of operation shall be submitted to the Director of .

the Regional Inspection and Enforcement Office (with copy to the Director of Licensing) within 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year.

The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the plant as outlined in Ref er-ence 1, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix*B thereof.

2. The report shall include a summary of th~,ineteo rological conditions concurrent with the release of gaseous effluents during each quarter as

.e outlined in Reference 1, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof. Calculated offsite dose to humans resulting from the release of effluents and their subsequent dispersion in the atmosphere shall be reported as recommended in Reference 1.

5.6.2 NONROUTINE REPORTS Nonroutine Environmental Operating Reports A report shall be submitted in the* event that (a) a

-limiting condition* for operation is exceeded (as specified in Section 2.0, "Limiting Conditions for Operation"), (b) a report level is reached (as .

speci~ied in Section 3.0, "Environmental Surveillance"),


.j 5.6-3

or {c) an unusual or important event occurs that



causes a significant environmental impact, that affects potential environmental impact from plant operation, or that has high public or potential public interest concerning environmental impact from plant operation.

Reports shall be submitted und~~ one of the report schedules described below.

1. Prompt Report.* Those events requiring prompt reports within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by telephone, telegraph, or facsimile transmission to the Director of the Regional Inspection and Enforcement Off ice and within 10 days by a written report to the Director of the Regional Inspection and Enforcement Office (with copy to the Director of Licensing).
2. 30-Day Report.* Those events not requiring prompt report shall be reported within 30 days by a written report to the Director of ,the Regional

\*.".a ** Inspection and Enfor~ement Office (with copy to the Director of Licensing).

  • Written 10-day and 30-day reports and, to the extent possible, the preliminary telephone, telegraph, or facsimile reports shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the occurrence, including extent and magnitude of the impact, (b) describe the cause of the occurrence, and (c) indicate the corrective action (including any significant changes made in procedures) taken to preclude repetition of the occurrence and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems.

Note: The significance of an unusual or apparently important event with regard to environmental impact may not be obvious or fully appreciated at the time of occurrence. In such cases, the NRC shall be informed promptly of changes in the assessment of the significance of the event and a corrected report shall be submitted as expeditiously as possible.

e rJ 5,6-4

  • - - _!J_ __ _ -* Nonroutine Radiological.Environmental Operating Report

1. Anomalous Measurement Report If, during any six-month report period, a confirmed measured level of radioactivity in any environmental medium exceeds ten times the control station value, a written report shall be submitted to the Director of the Regional Inspection and Enforcement Office (with copy to the Director of Licensing) within 10 days after confirmation. This report shall include an evaluation of any release conditions~ environmental factors, or other aspects necessary to explain the anomalous result.
2. Milk Pathway Measurements**
a. If milk samples collected over a calendar quarter show average I-131 concentrations of 4.8 picocuries per liter or greater, a written report and a plan shall be submitted within 30 days advising the Commission of the proposed action to ensure the plant-related annual doses will be within the design objective of 15 mrem/yr to the thyroid of any member of the general public.
3. Fresh Leafy Vegetable and Inhalation Pathway Measurements**
a. If green leafy vegetable samples collected over a calendar quarter show average I-131 concentrations of 220 picocuries per kilogram or greater, a written report and a plan shall be submitted within 30 days advising the Commission of the proposed action to ensure the plant-related annual doses will be within the design objective of 15 mrem/yr to the thyroid of any member of the general public.

k*Milk pathway measurements apply when this pathway is controlling with respect to atmospheric radioiodine .releases. If the milk pathway is not controlling then the Orting requirements for the fresh leafyvegetable and inhalation pathway are in

  • ect.
  • 5.6-5

... *1

b. If air samples collected over a calendar quarter show average concentrations of I-131 of 2 picocuries per cubic meter or greater, a written report and a plan shall be submitted within 30 days advising the Commission of the proposed action to ensure the plant related annual doses will be within the design objective of 15 mrem/yr to the thyroid of any member of the general public.
c. If statistically significant variations of offsite environmental radionuclide concentrations with time are observed, a comparison of these results with effluent releases shall be provided in the Annual Operating Report. Nonroutine Radioactive Effluent Reports

1. PWR Liquid Radioactive Wastes Report. If the cumulative releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents, excluding tritium and dissolved gases, should exceed one-half the design objective annual quantity during any calendar quarter, the licensee shall make an investigation to identify the causes of such releases and define and initiate a program of action to reduce such releases to the design objective levels. A written report of these actions shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days from the end of the quarter during which the release occurred.
2. PWR Gaseous Radioactive Wastes Report. Should the conditions (a),

(b), and (c) listed below exist, the licensee shall make an investi-gation to identify the causes of the releas_e rates and define and initiate a program of action to reduce the release rates to design objective 5.6-6

levels. A written report of these actions shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days from the end of the quarter during w~ich the releases occurred.

a. If the average release rate _of noble gases for the site during any calendar quarter exceeds one-half the design objective annual quantity.
b. If the average release rate per site of all radioiodines and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days during any calendar quarter exceeds one-half the design objective annual quantity.
c. If the amount of iodine-131 released during any calendar quarter is greater than 0.5 Ci/reactor.
3. PWR Unplanned or Uncontrolled Release Report. Any unplanned or uncontrolled offsite release of radioactive materials in excess of 0.5 curie in liquid or in excess of 5 curies of noble gases or 0.02 curie of radioiodines in gaseous form requires notification. This notification-must be made by a written report within 30 days to the NRC. The report shall describe the event, identify the causes of the unplanned or uncontrolled release and report actions taken to prevent recurrence.

Changes in Environmental Technical Specifications 6.3.l A report shall be made to the Commission prior to implementation of* a change in plant design, in plant operation, or in procedures described in Section 5.5 if the change would have a significant effect on the ~nvironment or 5.6-7 - I

.. i

involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and evaluated by the Commission. The report shall inclu~e a description and evaluation of the changes and a supporting benefit-cost analysis.

.6.3.2 Request for changes in environmental technical specifications shall be submitted to the Director, Division of Reacto-r Licensing, for review and authorization. The request shall include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the proposed change and a supporting benefit-cost analysis.

.6.3.3 Changes or additions to permits and certificates required by Federal, State, local, and regional authorities for the protection of the environment will be reported. When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they wiil also be submitted to the Director, Division of Reactor Licensing, USNRC, for information. The submittal will include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the change.


  • Regulatory Guide 1.21, Measuring, Evaluating and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 1, June 1974.

5.6-8 I

. ~*

TABL£ 5.6-1


Hame of Facility - - - - - - - - - - Docket No. - - - - -

J.ocation of Facility (County, State)

Reporting Period Analysis and Lower Limit Number of Helium or Pathway Total Number of All Indicator Locatio~s Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Locations Nonroutlne Sampled of Analyses Detection a/ Mean b/ Name Mean b/ Mean b/ Reported (Unit of Measurement) Performed (LLD) - Range-.!!_/ Distance and Direction Range-,!?/ Range-!!_/ Measurement* ~/

Air Particulates (pCl/1113) B 416 0.003. 0.08 (200/:312) Middletown (5/52) 0.08 (8/100 l (0.05-2.0) 5 miles 340* (0,08 - 2.0) (0.05-1.40) y JZ ll7Ce 0.003 0.05 (4/24) Smithville O.OB (2/4) <U.1> 4 (0.03-0.13) . 2.5 miles 160* (0,03 - 0.13)

  • "' 140118 0.003 Podunk o.os (2/4) 0.02 (1/8) 0.03 (2/24) 1

"°' ..

(0,'01;,,.0,'08) l,O miles 2?0. (0.01 - 0.08) 89Sr ,0 0.002 <LLD <LLD 0 90sr 40 0.0003. <LLD_ <LLD 0

  • ts1a y ' a

,Clfq (try ftlght) 137C11 80 <LU> <LLD 90 (1/4) 0 134C11 80 111:1.m <LLD <LLD 0 60Co 80 no Of\) lllver Mlle 35 See Column 4 <LLD 0 (90-200) 'Podunk River

!.f Noml.ual Lover Lilldt of Detection (iLD) as deflnea in HASL-300 (ilev. 8173>, 'PP* D-os-01 1 *02, 03.

~f Mean an4 range based upon detectable. measurements only, 'Fraction of cletectable measurements at apecif ied locations l* lndlcate4 ln parenth*****

~I Noor*outlne reported measurements are defined in Section 5,'6,2b.

~1 Note: The r.x;imple dntn arc provided for illustrative p1iripo!lcS only,

5.7 RECORDS RETENTION 5.7.1 Recards and logs relative to the following areas shall be made and retained for- the life of the plant:

  • a. Records and drawings de.tailing plant qesign changes and modifications.made to system and equipment as _described in Section 5.6.3.
b. Records of all data from environmental monitoring, surveillance, and special surveillance a~d study activities required by these environmental technical specifications
  • 5.7.2 . All other records and logs relating to the environ-mental technical specifications shall be .retained for five years following logging or recording.



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