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General Atomics Triga Mark I and Mark F Annual Reports for 2015
Person / Time
Site: General Atomics
Issue date: 03/24/2016
From: Asmussen K
General Atomic Co
To: Vaaler M
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML18303A151 (13)


+ t:ISNERAI. ATOl#IIICS VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE Document Control Desk A TI'N: Ms. Marlayna Vaaler, Project Manager Reactor Decommissioning Branch Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery & Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, Mailstop 8 F8 11545 Rockvilfe Pike Rockvilfe, Maryland 20852-2738


Docket No. 50-89, Facility License R-38, and Docket No. 50-163, Facility License R-67; March 24, 2016 38/67-4721 Revised Aprll 4, ~

38/67-4721A Submittal of General Atomics TRIGA* Mark I and Mark F Annuat Reports for Calendar Year 2015 (3 Copies each)


General Atomics Letter No. 38/67-4721 t dated March 24. 2016.

Dear Ms. Vaaler:

By letter dated March 24, 2016 (Ref.), General Atomics (GA) intended to submit calendar year 2015 annual reports for its Mark I and Mark F TRIGA reactors. Unfortunately. the reports submitted with the referenced letter were inadvertently for calendar year 2014, rather than for calendar year 2015. Consequently, the referenced letter was revised and re-sent as this letter numbered 38/67-4721A. Thus. enclosed herein are the subject annual reports for calendar year 2015 as required by the appUeable Technical Specifications of GNs Mark I (License R-38) and Mark F (License R-67) TRIGA411 research reactors. These reports cover operations for the calendar year 2015. The sections of these reports are numbered consistent with the items of information referred to in Section 7.6d of the Technical Specifications for the Mark I TRtGA*

reactor and in 8.6d of the Technical Specmcaticns for the Mark F TRIGA* reactor.

Should you need additional Information concerning the above. please contact me at (858) 455*

2823 or by email or Mr. John Greenwood at (858) 455-4526 or at

Very truly yourst k~1'G'.~

Keith E. Asmussen. Ph.D., Director Licensing. Safety and Nuclear Compliance


1) TRIGA*Mark I Reactor/Annual Report/Calendar Year 2015, dated March, 2016 (3 Copies)
2) TRIGAeMark F Reactor/Annual ReporVCalendar Year 2015, dated March, 2016 (3 Copies) cc: Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr. (NRC) asso GENERAL ATOMICS COURT. SAN OEGO.CA92121-11 n PO BOX 85608. SAN OlEGO, CA 92186*5608 (858) 455..:JOOO


l':ISN/SIUU. ArtMIICS TRIGA Mark I Reactor ANNUAL REPORT CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Prepared to satisfy the requirements of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Facility License R*38 Docket No. 50-89 MARCH2016



1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1

SUMM.ARY OF FACILITY' ACTIVITIES *****, ************************************************************************* 1 2.1 Oecommissfor,fng Acllvtties........................................................................................... 1 2.2 Facility Status.***..***....**.***..***...*.**..*..........*..*..............*****.****..*.*****..*....*.*..******.....**.**** 1 2.3 Deeo:mmissionlng Schedule........................................................................................... 1 2.4 Radioactive Material Shipments....................................................................................... 1


MAINTENANCE OPERA TIONS *******************************************************.********************************** 1




RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS RELEASED TO THE ENVIRONS......................................... 2

6. ENVIRONMENT AL SURVEYS............................................................................................. 2


OF RADIATION EXPOSURES AND RADIOLOGICAL SURVEYS.................. 3 7.1 General Atomics Staff Whole Body Expo,sures.............................................................. 3 7.2 Non.General Atomics Staff Whole Body Exposures..................................................... 3 7.3 Routine Wipe Surveys of Mark I Reactor Facility.......................................................... 3 7.4 Routine Radiation Measurements of Mark I Reactor Facility......................................... 4 ii


INTRODUCTION This report documents operation of the General Atomics (GA) TRIGA1 Mark r Non-Power Reactor for the period January 1. 2015 through December 31, 2015. The TRIGA Mark I Reactor, possessed by GA at Its San Diego. Callfomfa facilities as authorized under License No.

R-38 (Amendment No. 36) granted by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Docket No. 50-

89) was not operated during the reporting period.

This report is being prepared and submitted to satisfy the requirements of Section 7.6(d) of the R*38 Technical Specifications, as amended. This report is presented in six parts, consistent with the information required by the applicable Technical Specifications.



OF FACILITY ACTIVITIES 2.1 Decommissioning Activities During Calendar Year (CY) 2015, the TRIGA Mark r Reactor was in Decommissioning Status.

There were no decommissioning activities performed during this period specifically in the Mark I Reactor.

2.2 Facility Status The Mkl reactor was In DECON status during CY 2015. There have been no changes since the last reporting period.

2.3 Decommissioning Schedule Decommissioning of the Mark I Reactor will continue upon completion of the characterization of the Mark F reactor Uner, bfological shield, and soil behind the shield and beneath the floor of the reactor pit. In this way, efforts between the two reactors can be coordinated to better utilize personnel. equipment. and material.

2.4 Radioactive Material Shipments During 2015 one (1) radioactive shipment or transfer was made from the Mkl facility.

On July 31, 2015, one DOT Type A Package. sealed sourcesi fifty-five (55) gallon drum was shipped from the GA site to Phllotechnics with a final destination of Waste Control Specialists (WCS), Andrews. TX. The package contained 53.65 MBq (1.45mCi) of solid oxide Co-60. Note that this shipment contained three (3) sealed sources. onfy one of which was associated with the Mkt reactor.


MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS All maintenance aclMtles performed during the reporting period generally fall into three categories: (i) routine preventive maintenance, (ii) rouHne calibration activities, and (iii) acllvitres associated with replacement of order components and systems due to age. All maintenance activities are recorded in the TRIGA Reactor Facility Decommissioning Logbook.

Facility Maintenance Checklists are compreted on a regular schedule, at weekly, quarterly, and annual frequencies. All maintenance operations performed on the.TRIGA Mark I Reactor Faclllty were minor in nature. There were no major maintenance operations performed during the reporting period.

1 TRIGA is a registered trademark of General Atomics 1


10CFR50.59 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL EXPERIMENTS No applications for Facility Modification under the provisions of 10CFR50.59 were submitted for the R-38 facility during the CY2015 reporting period.

There were no Special Experiments submitted for the R*38 facility during CY2015.


RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS RELEASED TO THE ENVIRONS During CY2015, no lfqufd radlonuclfde effluent was released into the GA main site sanitary sewer system. Table 5.1 lists data on the radiological gaseous and parUculate effluent released to unrestricted areas from the TRIGA facifities. TM1 indicates the Mkl and TMF the MkF facility.

MFP indicates Mixed Fission Products. All airborne releases were well within the aUowable State of California and NRC (10CFR20) llmlts.

  • Table 5.1: Gas and Partrculate Effluents Januarv}l., 201s:throughJune_ 30;;2015.



Release Polnt Effluent Rate Area m3/mln pCf/m3 Total *a Released C2J (ID)


(ft/min). _Jft2L TR1GAlRnito~;r:ac111ty.::Cbund1na:211*1"'

TMl MFP 1100 1A6 45.4S 0.007 8.33E*8 TMF MFP 1367 1.S 58.02 0.009 1.37E*7 TOTAL 2.20E-7 TMF IODINES 1367 1.5 58.02 o.oso1*1 7.60E*7 Juty;1, 2015,ttiro.ijiih ~.~r\\3l, 20U I

Flow Stack Release Point Effluent RaJe Area m3/min pCi/mJ Total Cf Rere~d f2>



(ft/min) ft2

.. (. ) --

TRIGAReactor,F,actBi.yi'(bulldlnj*:zu 111 TM1 MFP 1033 1.46 42.68 o.oos S.59E*8 TMF MFP 1344 1.S 57.05 o.oos 7.47E-8 TOTAL 1.31£.. 7 TMF IODINES 1344 1.5 57.05 o.oso<4>

7.47E-7 (1) Measured

  • Airborne effluents from selected facilities are monitored. The samples are collected weeklv and ana Jvted using low*level alpha/beta counting systems. The avara1a concentration (pct/m1) over the six month period Ii. obtained for eac.h retease point (alpha and beta concentrations are added).

(2) O Released* [182 operating days) (24 hr/day) f60 min/hr) t1e-6 uCVpCI) (le-6 Cl/uCI) (llm1/mln) (average pCl/m1) Nate:

Operattna days may be different based on dates the ventilation system Is shut down.

(l) Flow Ra~e X Stack Area INota: 0.0283 mi = 1 tti).

14) MDA f'or GA Instrumentation.

ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS During CY2015, the Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) for the TRIGA Reactors Facility remained essentially unchanged from the prior year. The appllcabfe EMP includes the folfowing monitoring equipment and actions:



CENEIUU AFOllllll:5 o

Three (3) stack air samplers srtuated on the roof of the TRIGA Reactor Facility and three (3) environmental air samplers situated at or adjacent to the GA site perimeter in accordance with the GA Special Nuclear Material License {SNM-696).

o Dally liquid effluent monitoring from the GA Main Sewerage Outfall Pump House. for gross alpha and beta radioactivity concentrations.

o External radiation monitoring of the TRIGA Reactor Facility using sixteen (16) passive area dosimeters. as well as radiation meter surveys conducted periodically.

o Since there were no planned decommissioning activities the use of the Continuous Air Monitor (CAM) was still discontinued. Jt will be placed In use any Ume in the future when there are aggressive decommissioning activities with a potential for generating airborne contamlnaUon.



OF RADIATION EXPOSURES AND RADIOLOGICAL SURVEYS The following data summarizes measured personnel occupational radiation exposures and radiological surveys of the TRIGA Reactors Facility during CY 2015. Personnel who are listed on the TRIGA Reactors Faclllty Work Authorization (WA #600~ 14 and as of August 21. 2015 WA

  1. 600~15) and specific Radiological Work Permits (RWPs) were monitored for radiation exposure; these individuals Included 16 General Atomics Staff and 24 Non-General Atomics Staff employees. The following exposures were primarily as a result of remedlation of the Mk F pit and to a lesser degree Mk F shipment aativities.

7.1 General Atomics StaffWhole Body Exposures 2 Number of Individuals monitored:

High Exposure:

Low Exposure:

Average Exposure:

7.2 Non-General Atomics Staff Whole Body Exposures 3

  • Number of individuals monitored:

High Exposure:

Low Exposure:

Average Exposure:

7.3 Routine Wipe Surveys of Mark I Reactor Facility High Wfpe:

49.6 Low Wipe:

< 1 Average Wipe:

4.3 16 0.005REM 0.000 REM

<0.001 REM 24 0.010 REM O.OOOREM 0.002REM dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100cm2 2 Includes reactor facmty staff and facility support staff authorized to work at the TRtGA Reactor Facility.

These personnel may also work routinely at other GA radiation facilities; therefore, thfs dose represents cumu/aUve e>eposure at all GA facilities.

3 Includes non-GA sub-contractor personnel who were granted periodic access to the TRIGA Reactor Facility for the pedormance of work. These personnel may also work routinely at other GA radiation facilities; therefore. this dose represents cumulative exposure at all GA facUHles 3

7.4 Routine Radiation Measurements of Mark I Reactor Facility High Measurement:

1.6 mR/hr Low Measurement:

< 0.2 mR/hr Average Level:

< 0.2 mR/hr 4


IISNSIUU. ATOMICS TRIGA Mark F Reactor ANNUAL REPORT CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Prepared to satisfy the requirements of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Facility License R-67 Docket No. 50-163 MARCH2016



INT'RODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1



OF FACILITY' ACTIVITIES **************************************************************************** 1 2.1 O~mmlsslonlng Status...*.*.,.*...................*..............................................................*... 1 2.2 Facility Status *,............................................................................................................... 1 2.3 Decommissioning Schedule............................................................................................ 1 2.4 Radioactive Material Shipments........................................................................................... 1


MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS ************************************.********.***..**********.*.**.**.***************** 2




RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS RELEASE TO THE ENVIRONS......................................... 2


ENVIRONMENT AL SURVEYS.............................................................., **************************** 3



OF RADIATION EXPOSURES AND RADIOLOGICAL SURVEYS............... 3 7.1 General Atomics Staff Whole Body Exposures............................................................. 4 7.2 Non-General Atomics Staff Whole Body Exposures...................................................... 4 7.3 Routine Wipe Surveys Of Mark F Reactor Facility..........................................................4 7.4 Routine Radiation Measurements Of Mark F Reactor Facility........................................ 4 n


INTRODUCTION This report documents operation of the General Atomics (GA) TRIGAe1 Mark F non-power reactor for the period January 1, 2015 through December 31. 2015. The TRIGA Mark F Reactor possessed by GA under License No. R-67 (Amendment No. 45) granted by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Docket No. 50-163). at its San Diego. California facilities, was not operated for the duration of the reporting period.

This report is being prepared and submitted to satisfy the requirements of Section 8.6(d) of the R-67 Technical Specffications. as amended. This report is presented fn srx parts. consistent with the infonnation required by the applicable Technical Specifications.



OF FACILITY ACTIVITIES 2.1 Decommissioning Status During Calendar Year (CY) 2015, the TRIGA Mark F Reactor was in a Decommissioning status.

The major tasks accomplished during this reporting period were:

Removal of hazardous material contaminants (Pb and Cd) from the walls and floor of the reactor pit and fuel storage canal. The contaminants were present in the surface layer of epoxy/gunite.

  • Collection of twenty (20) core samples from within the reactor pit and fuel storage canal.

2.2 Facility Status The MkF reactor was in OECON status during CY 2015. The reactor pit/canal was remediated of hazardous contaminants (Pb and Cd) and core samples extracted.

2.3 Decommissioning Schedule Removal of the Epocast coating and about % " of gunite from the walls and floor of the pit and fuel storage canal was conducted during AprU-May 2015. FoUowlng completlon of this task, eight (8) core samples were collected from the MkF pit walls and floor during July-August 2015.

Sample results showed measurable quan1ltles of Co-60, Eu-152 and Eu154.

StatJstlcal analyses Indicated an addftlonat twelve (12) core samples would allow fuU characterization of the volume of material requiring remediation. These addltlonal samples were acquired in December 2015. The plan and schedule for completion of the decommissioning of the Mk F is dependent on the results of the characterization of the gunite. steel, concrete and soil contained wlth!n the core samples. Characterization of the depth and amount of contamination is expected to be complete in ear1y 2016. This will determine the volume of material requiring removal and aHow a statement of work to be written for structural analysts and excavation.

2.4 Radioactive Material Shipments During 2015 two (2) separate radioactive shipments or transfers were made from the Mk F faclllty to different facllJties.

On June 24, 2015, two excepted package-llmlted quantity wooden crates containing spent fon exchange resins were shipped from GA to Energy Solutions Bear Creek. PhUotechnics acted as broker. The packages together contained 4.0 mCi solfd oxide Co-60 and Cs-137. In addition. one row specific activity (LSA-11) fifty.five (55) gallon drum containing lead/steel was 1 TRIGA fs a registered trademark of General Atomics 1

shipped to the same facility. The drum contained 25.0 mCi solid oxide Co-60.

On July 31, 2015 a shipment of mixed waste, dry active waste. HEPA filters and seated sources was made to three separate processing facilities. The shipment was brokered by Phllotec:hnics.

Specifics of the shipment components are as follows:

One Low Specific Activity (LSA II) fifty-five (55) gallon drum contalning mixed waste shipped to Perma-Fix of Fforida. The drum contained 61.1 mCi solid oxide Cd* 113m.

Co-60. Cs-137 and Eu-152.

One Type A Package fifty-five (55) gallon drum containing sealed sources shipped to Waste Control Speclallsts. Andrews, TX. The package contained 1.45 mCI sold oxide Co-60. Note that one of the sources in this shipment was associated with the Mkl reactor.

One non-DOT regulated fiber box containing HEPA filters shipped to Energy Solutions Bear Creek. The package contained 0.07 mCi solid oxide Cd-113m, Co-60. Cs-137 and Eu-152.

Seven non-DOT regulated fifty-five (55) galron drums containing dry actJve waste shipped to Energy Solutions Bear Creek. The drums together contained 1.38 mCi solid oxide Cd113m. Co-60, Cs*137 and Eu-152.

One Low Specific Activity (LSA I) fifty-five (55) gallon drum containing dry active waste shfpped to Energy Solutions. Bear Creek. The drum contained 16.87 mCi solid oxide Cd 113m, Co-60, Cs-137 and Eu-152.


MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS All maintenance activities, perfonned during the reporting period. generally fall into three categories: (i) routine preventive maintenance. (ii) routine calibration activities. and (iii) activities associated with replacement of older components and systems due to age. All maintenance activities are recorded in the TRF Decommissioning Logbook. FacUlty Maintenance Checklists are completed on a regular schedule at weekly, quarterly. and annual frequencies.

All maintenance operations pelfonned on the TRIGA Mark F Reactor Facility were minor in nature.

There were no major maintenance operations perfonned during the reporting period.


10CFR50.S9 FACILITY MODIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL EXPERIMENTS No applfcatfons for Facility Modification under the provisions of 1 OCFRS0.59 were submitted for the R-67 facillty during the CY2015 reporting period.

There were no Special Experiments submitted for the R-67 facility during CY2015.


RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS RELEASE TO THE ENVIRONS During CY2015, no liquid radionuclide effluent was released into the GA main site sanitary sewer system. Table 5.1 lists data on the radiological gaseous and particulate effluent rereased to unrestricted areas from the TRIGA facilities. TM1 indicates the Mkl and TMF the MkF facility.

MFP indicates Mixed Fission Products. All airborne releases were well within the alfowabre State of Cslifomia and NRC ( 1 OCFR20) limits.


Tabfe 5.1: Gas and Particulate Effluents

.January 1, 2015 ~rough June::ao,.zoi.5 Release Paint Effluent Flow Rate Stile~

rrhmln pCl/m1 Totaro Released CJI (ID)


.. 2 (I)


TRIGA Reactor iacUlty liutriiin1'21) w 1M1 MFP 1100 1.46 45.45 0.007 8.33£-8 TMF MFP 1367 1.5 58.02 0.009 1.37£-7 TOTAl 2.20E*7 TMF IODINES 1367 l.S 58.02 o.oso<



.. July 1, 2015,throulh December 31, 2015 Release Polnt effluent Flow Rate Staclc m3/mln pO/.J Total Cl Released 12, (ID}


Area (ft2) cs*

m TRIGA Reactor.fadl1ty.(tiuttdin1 'zi) 111 TMl MFP 1033 1.46 42.68 o.oos S.59E-8 TMF MFP 1344 1.5 S7.0S 0.005 7.47E-8 TOTAL 1.31E-7 TMF IODINES 1344 1.S 57.05 o.oso<4I 7.47E*7 (1) Measured - Airborne effluents from selected faclRtles are monitored. The samples are cof11cted weekly and analyzed uslng low-level alpha/beta counting systems. The average concentration (pCl/m") over the sbc month period Is obtalntd for each release polnt (alpha and beta concentr.atlons are added).

(2) Cl Released= (182 operating days) (24 hr/day) (60 min/hr) (1e*6 uCl/pCI) (le-G 0/uCI) (#m1/mln) (ave(age pO/m'I Note:

Operating days may be different based on dates the ventilation system ls shut down.

(3) Flow Rate X Stack Area (Note: 0.0283 m* = 1 ft').

(4) MOA for GA lnstrumentetlon.


ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS During CY2015, the Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) for the TRF remained essentially unchanged from the prior year. The applicable EMP includes the following monitoring equipment and actions:

o Three (3) stack air sampfers situated on the roof of the TRIGA Reactor Facility and three (3) environmental air samplers situated at or adjacent to the GA site perimeter in accordance with the GA Special Nuclear Material License (SNM-696).

o Daily liquid effluent monitoring from the GA Main Sewerage Outfall Pump House. for gross alpha and beta radioactivity concentrations.

o External radiation monitoring of the TRIGA Reactor Facility using sixteen {16) passive area dosimeters. as well as radiation meter surveys conducted perlodically.

o A Continuous Air Monitor (CAM), situated in the Mark F Reactor Room (21/107),

continuously samples room air for airborne radioactivity. CAM air filters are collected each week and analyzed for radioactivity.



OF RADIATION EXPOSURES AND RADIOLOGICAL SURVEYS The foUowing data summarizes measured personnel occupational radlaUon exposures and radlologlcal surveys of the TRIGA Reactors Facility during CY 2015. Personnel who are listed on theTRIGA Reactors Facility Work Authorization (WA#600-14and as of August 21. 2015WA

  1. 600-15) and specific Radlofogfcal Work Permits (RWPs) were monitored for radiation 3

exposure: these individuals incruded 16 General Atomics Staff and 24 Non-Generar Atomics Staff employees. The following exposures were primarily as a result of the remediation of the Mk F pit and, to a lesser extent, Mk F radloacUve shipment activities.

7.1 General Atomics Staff Whole Body Exposures 1 Number of individuals monitored:

High Exposure:

Low Exposure:

Average Exposure:

16 0.005 REM O.OOOREM

<0.001 REM 7.2 Non.. General Atomics Staff Whole Body Exposures s Number of individuals monitored:

High Exposure:

Low Exposure:

Average Exposure:

24 0.010REM O.OOOREM 0.002 REM 7.3 Routine Wipe Surveys Of Mark F Reactor Facility High Wipe:

Low Wipe:

Average Wipe:


< 1.0 9.3 dpm/100cm2 dpm/100cm2 dpm/100cm2 7.4 Routine Radiation Measurements Of Mark F Reactor Faclllty High Measurement Low Measurement:

Average Level:



<0.2 mRlhr mR/hr mR/hr 2 Includes reactor facility staff and facility support staff authorized to work at the TRIGA Reactor Facnlty.

These persoMel may also work routinely at other GA radiation faclllties; therefore, this dose represents cumulative exposure at all GA facllltles.

3 Includes non-GA personnel who were granted periodic access to ttee facility for the performance of work.

These personnel may also work routinely at other GA radiation facRities; therefore, this dose represents cumulative exposure at all GA facilities.