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Exhibits: Operating Experience, Summary of Adjustments, Proposed Changes in Service Regulations, Effect of Proposed Increase - North Carolina Retail Operations, Retail Operations Cost Allocation Study
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1976
Carolina Power & Light Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18230A816 (74)


Exl)fbft II Carolina Poucr f I.fgkt Coitlpcny Opcratfng Expcrfcnco Test Year Ended June 30, 1976 S stan Total h rtfoned to H C Retell Total Total Mith Lfnc

~Do Total Pcr books >00 2 tt ~

Total NftI)

~Ad t t~ 0 0 >dd 2 dA~dt t t (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I. 0 teratln Revenues

2. Cross Operating Revenue 645 '86 '39
3. Coi)tract Sales Credit ~9065 212)
4. Set Opcrotfng Revenue 636,341,707 21 ~ 8110 138 65S> 152084$ 437,875,086 (1,497,66$ ) 436,377,421
5. Rcvcnuo AdJuat9xcnt to Year-End Plant 9 812 302 9 012 302 ~987~2 302 ~9~872 302
6. hdJnstcd Hct Opcratlng Revenue 636,341 ~ 707 31 ~ 683 ~ 440 668 ~ 0250147 437,87$ ,086 8,374,637 446,249,723 0 cretin Ex lenses Operstfon 6 Itafntenance Expenses 322,689,920 Contract Sales Crcdlt ~9~04 5232)
10. Vct 0 6 )I Expenses 313,644,688 (31,471,669) 282,173,019 207 '580568 (19,041,804) 188,716,764 0 6 II Expcnsc Ad)ustocnt to Year-End Plant 4 ~ 619> S16 4,619,816 4,619,816 4,619>816
12. Fuel Deferral ~14 ~832 001 112 230 991) 2 597 006 12 236 991 712 236 997)
13. AJJustcd Operation 6 Ilafntenance Expense 328,476,689 (39,086>850) 289,389,839 219,993,565 (26,6$ 6,9&5) 193,336,580
14. Ueproclstfon 55,782 '36 22 '26>000 78,108,236 37,189,919 14,239,876 $ 1,429,795
15. Taxes Other Than lncox)e 49, 163 ~ 147 7,075,297 56,23S,444 36038)0093 4 ~ 164,300 40,545,393 I fi. Intone Taxes - State 5,2$ 2,661 (478,931) 4,773,730 3,692,183 (1,342,247) 2 '49,936
17. Into>>c Taxes - Federal 37, 153,014 (3,871 ~ 764) 33,281 ~ 250 30,581,553 (10, 293,012) 20,288,541
18. Invest>ient Tox Credit 22,244 F 185 220244.ISS 14,743,935 14,743,935 I'rovlslon for Deferred Into)2)e Taxes 7,476,286 28,011,800 35,48&,086 4000'0& 20>085,927 24,094,235 20, Interest on custoi>cr Deposits 105 606 105 606 365 961 I~t5 94i1 21 ~ Total Operating Expcnscs 505,733,904 130975 ~ 552 519 ~ 7090456 346,736,497 197,859 34i6,934i,356
22. 0~1 1 l 8 1300607 803 17 ~ 707 ~ 888 148 ~ 315 G91 91,13S,589 8, 176,778 99,315,367

Davis Exhibit No. 1 Page 2 of 9 Ezhibit H (Continued)

. Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976 Test Year Apporn.oned To System North Carolina Total Retail Operations (2) (3)

Revenue Ad'ustmmnts Adjust for probable future revenues for plant in service at June 30, 1976 9,872,302 9,872,302 Adjust for annual effect of retail rate increases 55,561,782 43,314,974 Adjust for ~cather normalization 1,610,764 1,610,764 Adjust for initial and final bill proration (167, 251) (145, 169)

Adjust for annual effect of resale.e rate increase 29,845,271 Adjust fuel clause revenue to reflect addition of Brunswick (53, 279', 776) (34,518,582)

Adjust to eliminate fuel deferral (11,759,652) (11, 759, 652)

Total Revenue Adjustments 31,683,440 8,374, 637

Davis Exhibit lVo. 1 Page 3 of 9 Exhibit H (Continued)

Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976, Test Year Apportioned to System North Carolina To tal Retail Operations (2) (3)

S 0&M Exnense Ad'ustments Adjust for probable future expenses for plant in service at June 30, 1976 4,619,816 4,619,816 Adjust fuel expense to annualize addition of Brunswick (44, 047,500) (28 193 488)

Adjust other 0&M expenses to reflect addition of Br'unswick 6, 353,592 4,124,194 Adjust for test fuel Brunswick 2,155,823 1,399,371 Adjust purchased power expense to reflect addition of Brunswick (7,366,106) (4,694,263)

Adjust for HCUC audit 300,000 300, 000 Adjust for amortization of Craven County Plant Site 78,407 48,296 Adjust for amortization of Madison County Plant Site 187,816 115,689 Adjust for normalization of hydro generation 899,394 575, 675 Adjust for wages and fringe benefits at March,- 1977 5,471,044 4,008,770 Adjust or postage increase 147, 449 122,120 Adjust to eliminate fuel deferral (12,234,997) (12,234,997)

Adjust for nuclear property insurance 1,419,151 874,156

Page 4 of 9 Exhibit H (Continued)

Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976 Test Year Apportioned To System North Carolina Total Retail Operations (2) (3)

Adjust for research and development expense 1,979,102 1, 327,517 Adjust for add.'tional connect and disconnect charges 337,507 337,507 Adjust for weather normalim tion 612 652 612 652 Total 0&~1 Expense Adjustments (39,086,850) (26,656,985)

Depreciation Expense Ad ustments Adjust for plant in service at June 30, 1976 6,186,000 4, 151, 595 Adjust to include Brunswick Pil in plant in service 13,998,000 8, 622, 367 Adjust to. include other plant additions through March, 1977 2 142 000 1,465 914 Total De reciation Expense 22,326,000 14,239,876

1 s

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page .5 oi 9 Exhibit H (Continued)

Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976 Test Year Apportioned to System North Carolina Total Retail Operations (2) (3)

General Tax Ad'ustments Adjust for gross receipts tax on retail revenue adjustments 3,315,847 3,279,172 Adjust to annualize 1976 resale rates 1,726,521 Adjust for Brunswick fuel clause (2,754,790) (2,071,115)

Adjust for elimination of fuel deferral (705,579) (705,579)

Adjust property tax to plant in service at June 30, 1976 3,675,301 2,465,269 Adjust property tax to reflect addition of Brunswick 834,000 513, 720 Adjust for property tax on other plant 616,000 413,192 Adjust for increases in FURCA taxes 66,394 48,649 Adjust for payroll taxes on wage increase adjustment 301,603 220.992 Total General Tax Ad'ustments 7,075,297 4,164,300

a~s '

Page 6 of 9 Exhibit H (Continued)

Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976, Test Year Apportioned To System North Carolina To tal Retail Operations (3)

State Income Tax Ad'ustments Adjust for taz effect of revenue and ezpense adjustments 2,959, 081 1,0297985 Adjust for interest expense on plane at June 30, 1976 68, 364 45,856 I

Adjuse interest to capital structure at June 30, 1976 (675,116) (675,116)

Adjust tax on year-end depreciation and no~ization  :(1,015,000) (624,208)

Adjust for tax depreciation Brunswick 81 1,816 260) (1 118 764 Total State Income Taz Ad'ustments (478,931) (1,342,247)

Federal Income Tax Ad'ustmenes Adjust for tax effect of revenue

. and expense adjustments 22,252, 279 7,745,485 Adjust for interest expense on plant at June 30, 1976 514,101 344, 841 Adjust interest to capital structure at June 30, 1976 (5,076,869) (5,076,869)

Adjust taz on year-end depreciation and normali ation (7,903,000) (4, 893, 363)

Adjust for tax depreciation Brunswick /r'1 13 658.275 8.413 106)

To tal Federal Income Taz (3,871,764) (10,293,012)

Davis Emibit No. 1 Page 7 of 9 Exhibit H (Continued)

Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976, Test Year Apportioned To System North Carolina To eel Retail Operations (2) (3)

Provision for Defer ed Income Taxes Ad'ustments Adjust to eliminate fuel deferral 5,872,800 5,872,800 Adjust for income tax normalization 9,442,000 6,392,139'djust for Brunswick income tax normalization 12 697,000 7,820,988 Total Provision for Deferred Income Ta:ces Adjustment 280011, 800 20,085,927 mentss Total Ooeratin Expense Ad'ustments 13,975,552 197,859 Income for Return Effect of Revenue and Expense Adjust-17;707,888 8,176,778 Plant in Service Ad'ustments Adjust to include Brunswick ~~1 in plant in service 331,384,000 204,123,050 Adjust to include Other Plant additions through March, 1977 71 210,000 48 464 135 Total Plant in Service Ad ustments 402,594,000 252, 587, 185

l l

@ms' I <~ ~

Page 8 of 9 Exhibit H (Continued)

Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976 -Test Year Apportioned to System North Carolina Total Retail era"ions (2) (3)

Accumulated Depreciation Ad'ustments Adjust for plant in service at June 30, 1976 (6,186,000) (4, 151,595)

Adjust to reflect- addition of Bruriswick 81 (13,998,000) (8,622,367)

Adjust for plant additions through Mrch, 1977 (2,142,000) (1 465 913)

Total Accumulated Depreciation (22,326,000) (14,239,875)

Nuclear Fuel Ad ustments Adjust to correct posting error 211,565 1357416 Adjust nulcear fuel - Brunswick 20 841,000 13 339,701 Total Nuclear Fuel Ad'ustments 21,052,565 13,475,117 Working Capital Ad ustments Adjust cash allo~ance related to 0&M expense adjustments (3,965,093) (2,745,340)

Adjust cash working capital for accounts receivable 2,419,000 2,419,000 Adjust casn working capital for Brunswick tax accrual 871,000 536,511 Adjust material and supplies .to eliminate fuel stock deferral (1,273,209) (1,273,209)

1 Davis Exhibit No ~ 1 Page 9 of 9 Exhibit H (Continued)

Summary of Adjustments June 30, 1976 Test Year Apportioned to System North Carolina Total Retail 0 erations (2) (3)

Adjust material and supplies-fuel stock (Ii,279 386) (2,739,107)

I Total Working Capital Adjustments (6,227,688) (3,802,145) i ~

Total Rate Base Ad ustments 395,092.877 248,020,282

Davis E- t o.

EZHZHET B CAROLINA POWER & LEGHT COMAKER Proposed Charges The rates, fa es, tolls or other charges which the applicant seeks to place in effect are contained in the schedules and other documents immediately following, a list of wnich is as follows:

Schedule or Doc~ent Name Desi@nation Residential Service Schedule RES "1 Small General Service Schedule SGS-1 General Service Schedule GS"1 Large General Service Schedule LGS-1 Guaranteed Load Factor Service Schedule GLFS <<1 Rural Farm Service Schedule RFS-1 Church and School Service Schedule CSG-1 Church and School Service Schedule CSE-1 Apartment House- Service Schedule AHS-1 Shopping Center Service Schedule SCS-1 Sports Field Lighting Schedule SFLS-1 Municipal Pumping Service Schedule 168-1 Traffic Signal Service Schedule TSS-1 Area Lighting Service Schedule .V S-1 Pole Type Street Lighting Service Schedule SLP-1 Underground Street Lighting Service Schedule SLU-1 Underground Street Lighting Service Schedule SLUC-1 Street Lighting Service Schedule SLR"1 Construction Cost Rider No. 15C Tm-Phase Service. Rider No. 41 Service Regulations, Pages 2, 3, 4, and 5 1/1/77

Carolina Power.6 Light Company (North Carolina Only)

RESIDENTIAL SERVICE SCHEDULE RES" 1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule fs available vhen elcctzfc service fs us'ed for domestic purposes Ln and abouc a resi-dcntial dvellfng unit, including elcctzic sezvice used on a farm and in the preparation of the farm's products far market. A residentfal house served under this Schedule may be used as a boarding house, fzaceznfty house, tour'st home, oz like establishment, provided such residential house is one vhich ordinarfly would be used as a prfvace residence.

Service this Schedule is not available Eor 'processing (or handling) for market of farm products by others, for separately metered farm operacions, for individual motors Ln excess of 10 HP undex'zodu'ced (exccpc as provided belov), far commercial ox'ndustrial purposes, or fox ocher uses not specifically provided 'for by che provisions hezcfn, or fax breakdown, scandby, supplementary, or resale service.

APPLICABILITY This Schedule is applicable to all electric service of the same available type supplied to Customer' premises at one point of del'very through one kilovatt-hour meter.

TYPES OF ScRVICE The types of service to which chis Schedule Ls applicable are alternating current, 60 hertz, ci her single phase 2 oz 3 vires, or three phase 4 wires, at Company's standard voltages of 240 volts or less.

HONTHLY RATE Single Phase Service Summer (Billin Honchs Jul - October) Minter (Billfn Honths November - June)

$ 6.50 Basic Fac'litfcs Charge $ 6.50 Basic Facilfcies Charge 3.53c per kwh for all kwh 3.53c per kvh Eor the ffzsc 800 kwh 2.57c oer kvh for chc additional kwh Three Phase Service The bill computed fo< single phase service plus $ ).90.

Hultiplc Dvelling Units

'%hen more than one residential housekeeping unfc is served <<hrough che same meter, che kilowatt-naurs in each of the energy blocks vill be multiplied by chc number oi individual deballing unics served.

INDIVIDUALROTORS Sezvfce co individual mocors rated fox more than 10 HP will not normally be permitted undcx'hfs Schedule. However, in exceptional cases, motors as Targe as T5 HP may be served upon approval by che Engineering Department.

APPROVED FUEL CHARGE Thc Approved Fuel Charge applLcable ta zetail service vill apply ta all service supplied under this Schedule.

2 AYi'fEATS Bills aze duc vhen zendered and ax'e payable within 25 days fxam che dace of t'h e bill Tf any bilL ~

is not so paid, Company has chc right to suspend service Ln accox'dance vich Lts Service Regulations.

In addition, any bill noc paid on or before the exp'rac'on oi twenty-five (25) days from thc date oE the bill Ls sub)ect co an additional charge of, TZ pcx'ont'h as provided Ln Rule R12-9 oi che Rules and Regulacions of che Noxch Carolina UtLlfties Commission.

Carolina PoY>>ez & Light Company

'(North Carolina Only)

SKQ.L GENERAL SERVICE SCHEDULE SGS-L This Schedule 's available for electric service (1) used by a commercial or industrial business and (2) for any other use not specifically excluded by the provisions hereof <<hen Company does not o<<n equip-ment, other than meters and meterirg equipments on Customer's side of the point of delivery.

This Schedule is not available (1) far breakdc<<n, stancby, or supple-..entary service unless used in can]unction with the app~~ cable Standby and Supplementary Service Rider for a continuous period of not less than one year, (2) for resale service, or (3) for service used only for domestic purposes in and about an inoividual c<<eilirg umt.

APPLICABV~ITY This Schedule is applicable to all electric service of the same available type supplied to Customer' premises at one point of de3've.g thrcugh ore kilc<<att-hou." meter.

nez OF SERsnCE The types af service to which this Schedule is applicable are alternating current, 60 hertz, single phase 2 or 3 wires, or tleee phase 3 or 4 wir s, at Company's standard voltages. hnen Custcmer desires t<<c or more types of service, <<h'ch types can be supplied frcm a sirgle phase 3 wire fpe or a three phase 4 wire type, without voltage transformation, only the one of these t<<o types necessary far Customer's re-quirements <<ill be supplied.

CONTRACT DW&iD The Contract Demand shall be. the KW af demand specified in the Service Agreement.


$ 6.50 Basic Facilities Charge

4. 95c per kwh for the fizst 600 k>>h*

2.68c pez kwh for the next 3000 k>>h 1.90c per kwh .'or the additionaL kwh

~en the kw of BilLing Demand exceeds 5 !a~, add in this block 120 kwh for each addi,tional kw oE such excess.

Minimum: In all azeas $ 6.50 plus $ 3.25 for each kw of Billing Demand in excess of 5 k>>, but, Eor three phase service, not less than the smaller of (1) the bill computed in accordance with the preceding provisions plus $ L.75 or (2) $ 16.00.

BILLING DEMAND The Billing Demand sha13. be the maximum 4";I zegistezed or computed, by or fzam Company's metering facilities, during a 15-minute interval within the current billing month. Ho>>ever, the Billing Demand shall not be Less than the gzeater of (1) 90Z aE the maxirum monthly 15-minute derand during the billing ronths of July through October of the preceding eleven billing months oz (2) 50Z of the max'-um monthly 15-minute demand during the billing months of November through June of the preceding eleven biLLing months or (3) 75Z of the Contract Demand untiL such time as the Billing Demand first equals or exceeds the effective Contract Demand.

APPROVED PUEL CP~KRGE The Approved Puel Charge applicable to retail sezv'ce wiLL apply to all serv'ce supplied under this Schedule.

PhYY-l S Bills aze due when rendered and are payable wi hin 15 days Ercm the date of the bil'. If any In is bill not so paid, Company has the zigh to suspend service in accordance with its Service Regulations.

addi ion, any bill not paid on or before the expiration oE twenty-five (25) days Ezom the date of the bill is sub]ect to an additional charge of LZ pe. month as prov'ded in Rule R12-9 of the Rules and Regu-lacions of the Noz h Carolina Utilities Ca~ission.

1 Cazolina Power 6 Light Company (North Cazolina Only)

CENERAL SERVICE SCHEDULE CS-1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available for electric service (1) used by a commercial or industrial business and (2) for any other use not specifically excluded by the provisions hereof when Company does not own equip-neat, other than meters and metering equipment, on Customer's side of the point oi delivery and when Customer contzacts for not less than 50 kw.

This Schedule is not available (1) for breakdown, standby, or supplementary service unless used in conjunction with the applicable Standby and Supplementary Service Rider for a continuous period of not less than one year, (2) for resale service, or (3) for short term or temporary service.

APPLICABILITY This Schedule is applicabla to all electric service of the same available type supplied to Customer' premises at one point of delivery through one kilcwattt-hour meter.

TYPE OF SERVICE The types of service to which this Schedule is applicable aze alternating current, 60 hertz, single phase 3 wires, or three phase 3 or 4 wires, at Company's standard voltages. When Customer desires two o more types of service, which types can be supplied from a single phase 3 wire type or a three phase 4 wire type, without voltage transformation, only che one of these two types necessary for Customer's requirements will be supplied.

CONTRACT DVQND The Contract Demand shall be the KW of demand specified in the Service Agreement.


$ 213.00 for the first 50 kw of Billing Demand 3.66 per kw 'or all additional kw of Billing Demand 1.85C per kwh for all kwh BILLINC DEMAND The Billing Demand shall be the maximum RW registered or computed, by or from Company's metering facilities, during a 15-minute interval within che curzenc billing month. However, the Billing Deman shall noc be less chan the greater of (1) 907. of the maximum monthly 15-minute demand during the billing months of July through October oi the preceding eleven billing mont oz s or ( ) . o the preceding eleven montthly 15-minute

-m nu demand during the billing months of November hzough June billing months or (3) 75K of the Contract Demand uncil such time as the Billing Demand f .s q exceeds the eiiective Contract De and, or (4) 50 KM.

APPROVED FUEL CIRCE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to retail service will apply to all service supplied under this Schedule.

PA~i TS Bills aze due when zendered and are payable wi.thin 15 days from the date of the bill. If any bill is not so paid, Company has the tight to suspend service in accordance with its Service Regulat'ons. In addicion, any bill not paid on or beiore che expiration of twenty-five (25) days from the date of the bill is subject to an additional charge oi 17 per month as provided in Rule R12-9 oi the Rules and Regulations of the North Carolina Utilities Commission.

CONTRACT PERIOD The Contract Period shall not be less than one year.

Carolina Power 6 Light Conpany (North Ca~lfna Ohly)


SCZEDULZ LCS-I AVAILABILI~c This Schedule is avaflablo for elastic service (I) used by a cot-ercfal oz fndustz~ does busfaess and not own equfp-(2) for say other uso aot specifically excluded by the provisions hereof when Coctpaay aoas, ocher than actors sad neterfag equfpnenc, an Custonor's side of the poiat of delivezy and whoa Custo?mer coatracts for aoc less thea 1000 kw This Schedule is aoc availablo (I) for breakdown, standby, or suppleneatsry sezv'co unless used in con]unction with tho appL'cable Standby aad Supplenoatary Sezvfce Rider for a congruous per'od of nos lese thea oae year, (2) fot resalo servfca, oz (3) for shors tern ot'myozazy service.

APPLICABILITY This Schedule is applicable to all electric service of tho sane available type supplied co Custcnar's prenfses ac one point of delivery through oae kilowatt-hour aeter.

T. Z OP SZRVICZ Tho types of service to which this Schedule is applicable aze altez atfag current, 60 heres, three phase 3 or 4 wires, ac Conpany's standard vol ages of 480 volts or higher. Rhea Custoner desizes two or nozo types of service, which types caa be supplied frcn a throe phase 4 wire type, without voltage tzaas-fornation, only tha ono of those t<<o types accessary ior Custoner's zequizeneats a&I be suppl'od.


The Contract Denand shall be tho XÃ oi demand specified in the Servfco Agzaenent.


$ 5,075.00 for the E'zst 1000 kw of Billing Denand 4.S5 par kw for all additioaal k<<of Billfag Demand 1.48c per kwh for aLI kwh BILLI?tC DEwWfD The Billing Denand shall be the nmxfnu?m FA registered or c .puted, by or fzo?m Conpany's netezfng facilft es, duz ng a L5-nfaute fatezvaL withia the cur eat anth. However, the BEILiag Denand shall noc be less thaa the greater of (I) 90K, oi the aax'~ ~nthly L5-nfnuta denand during the billing nonths of July through October of the pzecediag eleven billing onths or (2) 502, oi tho ~?n "onthly L5-nfnute denand during the billing maths oi Novenbez through Juno of the pzecediag eLevea billfag conchs oz (3) 757 oi che Concract Demand until much cine as the Billing De?mead ffzss equals oz exceeds the effective Contract Denaad? or (4) L,OOO E'A.

APPPX)vZD 'cCL CPJlRCZ The Appzoved Puef Charge applfcable to retail service <<ill apply to all service supplied under this Schedule.


'Aea the power factor ia the current billing math is less than S5, the aonthly bill will bo faczeased by a s~ equal to $ 0.25 nultfplied by tho difference bet<<een tho naxfxun reactive kflovolt-a~ezes (kvar) registered by a dmnd aeter suitable ioz neasurfng the denands used du. ng a 15-nfaute fatozval aad 62.. oi the nr~ kw denand registered fa the cuzzen biles'"g "oath.

? k~?

3il's are due when rendered aad aze payable withfn 15 days Ezw the dace oi the bfll. If aay bill 's not so pafd, Coapany has tho z'ght to suspend service in accordance with 'ts Serrice Regulat'ons. ia addftfon, aay bill not paid on ot beioze the expiration oi r<<enty-ffve (25) days iron the date oi tho bi' is sub]ect to aa additional charge oi I" per =onch ms provided fa Rule R12-9 of the Rules and Regulacioas oi tho North Cazolfna Utilities Connfssfon.

CONTRACT PWIOD che Contract Period shall not bo 'ess than one yeaz.

Carolina Pover 6 Light Coapany (North Carolina Only)

CUARANTEED LOAD FACTOR SERVICE SCHEDULE GLFS-I AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available Eor electric service used by a commercial or industrial business of vhen point Company does not ovn equipment, other than meters and aetering equipment, on Customer's side the of delivery and when Cuatoner contracts Eor not less than 10,000 kv.

This Schedule is not available (1) for breakdovn, standby, or supplementary service unless used in con)unction vith the applicable Stan'oby and Supplenentary Service Rider for a continuous period of noc less than five years, (2) Eor resale service, or (3) for service to a Customer when any part of the service is metered by Custoner and chazged Eor in vhole oz in part or when its, use is )ia'ted in any vay even though noc separately charged for.

AP PLICABILITY This Schedule is applicable to all electric service of the sane available type supplied to Customer's premises at one poinc of delivery through one kilovat -hour aeter.

TYPE OF SERVIC The types of service to vhich this Schedule is applicable are alteznating currenc, 60 herc", three phase 3 or 4 wires, ac Company's standard voltages of L.2,470 volts or higher.

CONTRAC i DB'4(D Tha Contract Deaand shall be the KH of demand specified in the Service Agreement.


Demand Chazge Sl.33,925.00 for the Eirsc 10,000 kv of Billing Demand

$ 13.37 pez kv for aL.1 additional kv of Billing Demand Energy Charge First 600 kvh per kv included tn Demand Charge 1.15c per k<<h for all additional kvh BILLING DHQDD The Billing Demand s hall be the naxtaun KH facilities, during a 15"minute interval vt htn t'eregistered or computed, by or Ezoa Company's metering current billing -..oath. Howevez, the Billing De end months of July through October of the preceding eleven billing months or


shall not be less than the greater of (1) 90Z of the maximum monthly 15-minute demand duztng the billing (2) 50Z. oof t.

g the billing months of Noveaber through June of the preceding eleven bt'ling months or (3) 75Z of the Contract Demand until such tine as the Billing Demand n:' aua mont h ly thee nax the efEective Contract Demand, oz (4) 10,000 Ku.

Eirsc aqua's or exceeds APPROVED FUEL CHARCE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to retail service vill apply to all service supplied under this Schedule.

POHER FACiOR ADJUST.KiaiT When the pover factor tn the current bil).ing month ts less than 95Z, the monthly bil.l will be S.

increased by a sua equal to $ 0,25 multiplied by the difference betveen the maximum raac ive ktlovolt-anpezes (kvar) registered by a deaand aeter suitable Eor measuring the demands used during a 15-minute interval and 33Z of the aaxtaua kv demand regtstered in the current billing aonth, PAY"Mf Bills are due when rendered and are payable within 15 days Ezoa the date of the bill. IE any bill In ts not so paid, Company has the right to suspend service in accordance with its Service Regulations.oi the bi'1 addition any bill not, patd on or before the expiration of twenty-five R'2-9 (25) days Eroa the date 1'l Regulat is sub]act to an additional charge of 1. per conch as provided in Ru'e 1

of the Rules


and ons of thc North Carolina Utilities Commission.

Carolina Paver 6 Light Company (Horth Carolina Only)


AVAIIAB LITv This Schedule is available when electric service is used on a farm and in the preparation of the farm's products for market, provided such service is not metered in conjunction with a zesidencc.

Service under this Schedule is not available for processing (or handling) Eor market.of fazm products produced by others, for separately metered seasonal farm operations of less than six months continuous and substantial use, for I".dividual motozs in excess of 10 HP (evccpt as provided belcw), for highly seasonal heating load 'in excess of 10 W connec ed, for commercial or industz'al puzposes, or for other uses not specifically provided for by the provisions herein, or 'for breakdown,'tandby, supplementary, or resale service.

This schedule is not available for new applications after February 19, 1976.

APPLICAB ILTia'his Schedule is applicable to all electric service of the same available type supplied to Customer' premises at one point of delivery through one kilcwatt-hour meter.

TYPES OF ScRVICE The types of service to which this Schedule is applicable are alternating current, 60 bert=, either single phase 2 or 3 wires, or three phase 4 cfires, ac Company's standard voltages of 240 volts or less.

HOtlTHLY RATE Single Phase Service

$ 6.50 Basic Facilitics Charge 3.87c per kwh for all kwh Three Phase Service The bill computed for single phase service plus $ 1.90.

INDIVIDUALuOTORS Service to individual motors rated for more than 10 HP will not normally be permitted under this Schedule. However, in exceptional cases, motors as large as 15 H? may be served upon appzoval by the Engineering Depar tmenc.

APPROVED FUEL CIRCE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to retail service will apply to all service supplied under this Schedule.

PAYi'~~VS Bills aze due when rendered and are payable within 15 days from the date oi the bill. If any bill is not so paid, Company has the righc to suspend service in accordance with its Service Regulations. In addition any bill not paid on or before the evpiration oE twenty-five (25) days from thc data oE the bill is subject to an additional charge of 17. per month as provided in Rule R12-9 oi the Rules and Regulations of- the llorth Carolina Utilitics Cozxaission.

CONTRACT PERIOD The Contract Period shall not be less than onc yeaz.

CELIERAL Service rendered under this Sc'hedule is subject to the provisions of the Sezvice Regulations of the Company on file with the state regulatory conzaission.

Supersedes Schedule RF-1N Effective for service rendered on and after January I, 1977 HCUC Docket Ho. F.-2, Sub 297

Cazolina Power & Light Company (North Carolina Only)

%1URCH AND SCHOOL SERVICE SCHEDULE CSG-1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available for electzic service used in a church plant concracting to pay for service for twelve months in each calendar year when Car.pany does not awn equipment, other than meters or metering equip ent, on Customez's side oE the point of delivery, This Schedule is also available for electric service used in educational and recreational buildings opezaced as an educational institution oE elerencazy or hig'h school level provided chat no part oi the school is used Eor boarding facilities co accamodare students or iaculcy me bezs.

This Schedule is not available foz service to other types oE schools, such as an industrial, vocational or czaining school, oz for service to a building which is wholly or partially used foz other purposes not specifically pzovided far by the provisions of this Schedule or for breakdown, standby oz supplementary sezvicc.

This Schedule is not available foz new applicarions after December 31, 1976.

APPLICABILIT'l This Schedule is applicable to aU. electric serv.'ce of Ae same available type suppl'ed to Custer,:er's premises at ore pain of del'very <<Waugh one k'lawatt-haur ~eter.

TH~ OP ~CE The types of service ta "hich this Schedule is applicable ars alternating current, 60 hertz, sires phase 2 or 3 <<ires, or ~Wee phase 3 or 4 wires, at Company's standard voltages. <Ken Customs. desires t<<o or rar types of serv'ce, <<hich types can be supplied from a sirgle phase 3 wire type or a Quee phase 4 aire type, without voltage transformation, only the ane of these two types necessary for Customer' requirements <<123. be suppl'd.


$ 6.50 Basic Facilities Charge

4. 95c pez kwh Eoz the first 600 kwh 3.80c pez k'<<h for che addicianal kwh APPROVED FUEL CIRCE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to ze ail service will apply to all service suppl'ed under this Schedule.

PAYi'KITS Bills are due when zerdered and aze payable within 15 days fram the date of the bill. If any bill is nor. so paid, Company has the right to suspend service in accordance with 'ts Service Rcgu'at'ons. In addirion, any bill rot paid an or before rhe expiration oi twenry-i'e (25) days !".am the date oi the bill is subject to an additional charge of 1" per month as pzav'ded in Rule R'2-9 of rhe Rules and Regulations of the North Carolina Utilicies Ca~ission.

COiiTRACT PERIOD The Contzac Period shall, not be less r'han one year.

Service rendered under this Schedule is subjec to he pzavisiors of the Sezvice Regulations of the Company on Ei'e with the state zegulatozy commission.

Supersedes Schedule CS-1F Effective for service rendered on and afcer January 1, 1977 NCUC Docket No. E-2, Sub 297

Carolina Power & Light Company (Horth Carolina Only)

CHURCH AND SCHOOL SERVICE SCHEDULE CSE-1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available when permanently installed electric space heating equipment is the only type of space heating equipment installed in either (1) all paz s of the church plant, (2) in the church sanctuary and pertinent rooms thereto, (3) in all parts of the church plant, except the parts contained in item (2), (4) in a newly constx'ucted church educational building with not less than fifty percent of the Eloor area of the existing church plant, excluding the parts contained in item (2), or (5) any separately metered church building comprising a pazt of the churcht plant.

This Schedule is also available fox electxic service used in educational and xccreational buildings opcxated as an educational. institution oE elementary or high school level, when perma-nently installed electric space heating equipment is the only type of equipment installed for space heating purposes and all installed cooking and water heating equipment is electrical provided thac no part oE the school is used for boarding Eacilities to accommodate students or= faculty:.embers.

7 This Schedule is not available Eor service to other types oE schools, such as an industrial, vocational or training school, or Eor service to a building which is wholly or partially used Eor other purposes not specifically provided Eor by the provisions of this Schedule or for breakdown, standby or supplementary service.

service This Schedule is noc available Eor new applications after December 31, 1976.

APPLICABIIZTv This Schedule is applicable to all electric of the same available type supp" ed to Customer's premises at one point of de3'very through one Rile<<at -hour meter.

C TLE OF S~xCZ We types of service to which this Schedule is app3~cable are alwrnating cu..ent, 60 hertz, single phase 3 wires, or tMee phase 3 or 4 wires, at Company's standard voltages. 'rfnen Customer desires t<<o types of sew<ca, which ypes can be supp)'ed from a three phase 4 wire ~~e, <<i Naut voltage transformation, only the tKee phase 4 wire t~e <<i32 be supp'~.ed.


$ 6.50 Basic Facilities Charge 4 '5c pex kwh for the first 600 kwh 3.08c pcr kwh for the additional kwh APPROVED FUEL CHARGE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to retail service will apply o all service suppl'ed under this schedule.

PA. lEMTS Bills are due when rendered and aze payable wi hin 15 days from the date of the bill. If any bill is not so pa'd, Company has the right to suspend service in accordance wi h its Service Regu-lations. In addition, any bill noc paid on or before the expiration oE twenty-five (25) days fzcm he date of the bill is subject to an additional charge oE 1Z pez month as provided in Fu3e R12-9 o the Rules and Regulations of the North Carolina Utilities Ccmmissicn.

CONTRACi PER10D The Contract Peziod shall not be lesshan one year.

GENERAL Service rendered under this Schedule is subject to t'e provisions of xhe Service Regulations of the Company. on Eile with the state regulatory commission.

Supersedes Schedule CS-2F Effective for scxvice rendered on and after January 1, 1977 HCUC Dockec Ho. E-2, Sub 297

Carolina Power 6 Light Company (North Cazolina Only)


. This Schedule is available for electric service when (1) used for heacing an entire building construct-ed primarily foz apex'tment units, (2) each individual apartment is sepax'ately metered, and (3) each com-mercial establishment within thc aperient building is either separately metered or metered in groups.

Electric service used for water heating, cooling, dcmescic cooking, and general house usage (i.c., hall and exit lights, elevators, lobby Lights) may be provided under this Schedule when metered in conjunction with the heating requirements. Only space heacing, wate. heacing and cooling service may be provided to com-mercial establishments through che meter serving the apartment building and then only when such services are provided for the entire building.

Service under this Schedule is avai.labia for separately metered laundry faciLities installed solely for thc use of thc apartment occupants when cotal electric space heacing sezvice is provided under this or any othez applicable schedule. In addition ta thc laundry equipment, only water heaters used exclusively for the laundry, space heacing oz the Laundry area and lighting may be served t'hrough the laundry mecer.

Service under this Schedule is not available (1) when another source of cocmerciaL enezgy is used w'th-in any portion of the building, (2) for other than laundry facilit'es, when the heating requirements o" one or morc apart=ants arc supplied through the individual ap-tmenc meter, (3) for other use not spec'fi-cally provided for by the provisions herein, or (4) fox bxeakdown, standby, supplementary or esale se rice.

This Schedule is not avaiLable Eoz new applications after February 19, 1976.

APPLICABILI:Y This Schedule is applicable to all electric service oE the same available type supplied to Customer' premises ac one point of delivery thzought one kilowatt>>hour meter.

TYPES OF SERVICE The types of service to which this Schedule is applicable are alternating current, 60 hart.", either single phase 3 wires, or thzee phase 4 wires, at Company's standard voltages of 240 voLts or Less.

HONTHLY RATE Single Phase Service

$ 6.50 Basic Facilities Charge 3.37C per kwh for all kwh, plus*

4>en thc kwh used Eor cooking aze billed under this Schedule, add $ 0.25 per dwe'Ling unit.

Three Phase Service The bill computed or single phase service plus $ 1.90.

APPROVED FbcL CFMCE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to retail sezvice will apply to all service supplied under this Schedule.

IHDIVIDUAL~TERS Separately metered individual apartments, ccmezciaL establ'shments oz other uses will be billed under the applicable race schedule.


Bills aze due when rendered and azc payable within 15 d ys from the date af the bill. If any bill is not so paid, Company has the r'ght to suspend service in accozdance with its Service Regulations. In addition, any bill nac paid on or before the expiration af twenty-five (25) days Exam the date of the bill is subject to an additional charge of L/ per month as provided in RuLe R12-9 of the Rules and Regulatians of thc Horth Carolina Utilities C~ission.

COi'fZRACT PERIOD The Contract Period shall noc bc less than one year.

Carolina Powez 6 Light Company (North Carolina Only)

SHOPPINC CENTER SERVICE SCHEDULE SCS-1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available for electric service used only by electric space heating and cooling equipment when boch are installed in a large shopping center where the ooeratoz'urnishes boch the heating and cooling requirements as a part of tenanc's rent; provided such electric service is supplied for the shopping center at a central location(s) rather than at each tenant's premises. Electric'ty supplied under this Schedule may be used for the operation of ai -handling equipment within the mall area when such air-handling equipment is an integral part of the heating and cooling equipment used specifically for the mall area. The center shall consist of five or more stores with individual tenants, each metered separately.

%hen the shopping center meets the conditions stated above, Company will supply multiple points of delivery which, in its opinion, are necessary, and this Schedule will be available to each such point where (1) both spaCe heating and space are served or (2) either space heating or space cooling is served and at least 25% of the capacity oi the tzansfor er installation is required to serve loads othe".

than those to which this Schedule is available.

This Schedule is not available to any portion of a shopping center where the space heating or coolina equipment uses an energy source other than electricity, for other uses not specifically provided for by the provisions herein or for breakdown, standby, supplementa g, or resale se=iice.

This Schedule is not available for new applications after Febzuazy 19, 1976.

APPLICABILITY This Schedule is applicable to all electric service of the same available type supplied to custc er's premises through onc kilowatt-hour meter ioz each point of delivery.

TYP OF SERVICE The types of so~ca to which this Schedule is apolicable are alternating current, 60 herta, three phase 3 or 4 wires, at Company's standard voltages of 480 volts or less.


$ 6.50 Basic Facilities Charge 3.29c per kwh for all kwh APPROVED ~~ C.ARSE The Approved Fuel. Charge applicable to retail service will apply to all service supplied unde". this Schedule.

INDIVIDUALHET RS Separately metered individual commercial establishments or o&e uses will be billed under the applicable rate scheduI.e.

PATENTS Bills are due when rendered and are payable within 15 days from the date of the bill. Ii any bill is not so paid, Company has the right to suspend service in accozdance with its Service ReguI.ations.

in addition, any bili. noc paid on or before the expiration of twenty-f've (25) days from the date of the bill is subject to an additional charge of 17. per month as provided in RuI.e R12-9 ot the Rules and Regulations of the North Carolina Utilities Cccmission.

CONTRACT PERIOD The Contract Period shall noc be less than one year.

GENERAL Service zendered under this Schedule is sub)cct to the provisions of the Service Regulat'ons of the Company on f'le with the state regulatory co~@i.ssion.

Supersedes Schedule SC-lN Effective on service rendered on and after January 1, 1977 NCUC Docket No. E-2, Sub 297

Carolina Povez 6 Light Company (North Carolina Only)

SPORTS FIELD LIGHTIHG SCHEDULE SPLS-1'his AVAILABILITY Schedule is available for electric service used for lighting specially dasfgned outdoor fields vhich are nozmally used foz football, baseball, softball, tennis,'aces and other organiaed compecitive spoz'ts ~

This Schedule is not available or breakdovn, standby, supplementary or zesale service.

APPLICABILITY This Schedule is applicable to all electrfc service of the same availablc type supplied to Custo er's premises at 'one point of 'de)ivery through one kilowatt-hour meter.

TYPE OF SERVICE The types of service to which this Schedule is applicable are alternating current, 60 hertz, either single phase 2 vires, or three phase 3 or 4 vires, ac Company's standard di.stribucfon voltage available Eoz the area or the volcage at vhich an installation was served on December 1, 1973.

EXTENSION OF FACILITIES Company wi.ll make the type of servfce agreed upon avaf.labia to Customer, provided Customer wf.ll pay to Company the total estimated cost of extending, or increasing, the capacity of Company's facilities locaced on Comoany's side oE the point of delivery, exclusive of the material cost of transformers and the encize cost of the meter instai.lation,.


$ 1.255 for the ff,rst 15 k;h or less pez kv oE demand 4.22c per kwh Eoz ail the additional kvh BILLI:lG DE~LARD The Billing Demand shall be the maximum kv registered oz compured, by or from Company's facilities, dur'ng a 15-minure interval within the current bflling ronth, but noc less han rhe maximum kv previously registered during the current season (period of continuous connection).

APPROVED 'rrEL GfARGE The Approved FueL Charge applicable to retai'ervf.ce will appLy to alL service supplied under th's Schedule.

BILLING The billing to will be continuous Eron the beginning to the end oE each complete season, or period of special use, and service will not be disconnected unt the end of each complete season or period of special use. IE the season or period of use is for lass than 30 consecutive days, Customer will be billed the esrimated cosc of connecting and disconnec ing service, which estimated cost shel'or. be less than $ 10.00.

PAYY UTS Bills are dua when rendered and aze payable v'thin 15 days from the date oE the bill. If any bill is not so paid, Company has the ripht to suspend sezvicc in accordance vith 'ts Service Regulations. In.

addition, any bill noc paid on or before the expiration oE twenty-five (25) days from the date oE the biLL is sub]act to an addirional charge of 1>> per -.orth as prov'ded in Rule ?J2-9 of the Pules and Regulac'ons oE the Hor h Carolina Ut'1.'t'es C ~fssfon.

CCliTRAC' PEP.IOD The Conrzacr. Period shelf, rot bc Less than ore month, unless Customer agrees to pay the es "mated cos-of connection and dfscornection, which estimared cost shaLL noc be less than SL0.00.

Service rendered under th's Schedule is sub)ec o he provisfons oE rhe Service Regular'ons of t'e Company on Sile with the srate zegu:acory co~mission.

Supersedes Schedule SF'1?

Effective Eor ser:ice rendezed on and after January 1, 1977 liCUC Docket Uo. E-2, Sub 297

Carolina Power 6 Light Company (Horth Carolina Only)

WINICIPAL PPiPLNC SERVICE SCHEDULE HPS-1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available Eor electric service used in pumping plants o<<>ed and operaced only by a municipality, incorporated sanitary district, or ocher gove~ental unit, for the purpose of supplying other than meters a retail water service oz sewage disposai service, <<hen Company docs not own equLpment, and metering equipmenc, on Customer's side of the point of delivery.

This Schedule is not available for breakdown, standby, supplerentazy or resale sevice.

This Schedule is noc available for new applicacions afcer Dececber 31, 1976.

APPLICABILITY This Schedule is applicable to all electric service of t'e same available type supplied to Customer's premises at one point of delivery chrough one kilowatt-hour meter.

TYPE OF SERVICE'he Schedule Ls applicable are alternating cuzzenc, 60 hart=, single types of service to which this standard voltages. '4hen Customer desires > o phase 2 oz 3 wires, or three phase 3 or 4 wizes, at Company's phase 3 wire type oz a three phase '.

or more types of service, which types can be supplied from a single wire type, without voltage tzansfor ation, only the one oz these two types necessary for Customer's re-quirements will be supplied.

COiiACT DEw~uD The Contract Demand shall be the KV of demand speciEied Ln the Service Agreement.

M~qTHLY RATE 4.40c pez kwh Eor the first 500 kwh*

2.80c per kwh foz next 2000 kwh or 100 kwh/kw 2.00c per kwh for all additional kwh

  • Men the Billing Demand exceeds 5 kw, add 100 kwh foz each k>> ot such excess.

.'Enimum: $ 6.50 plus $ 3.00 for each k>> oE Billing Demand Ln excess of 4.0 kw.


The Billing Demand shall be the maximum KJ registered or computed, by or Ezom Company's aeter'ng fac'lities, during a 15-minute inteval within the cuzzent billinq month. However, the BillLng De and shall not be less than the greater of (1) 902 of the maximum monthly 15-minute deamnd during the billing

~nths of July through October of the preceding eleven billing months oz (2) 50/ of the maximka monthly 15-minute demand during the bill'ng months of Hovember through June of t'e preceding eleven billLng months or (3). 75Z of the Contract Demnd uncil such time as t'e Billing Derand f'zs" equals oz exceeds the ef fective Concract Demand.

APPROVi;D RZL CHARCE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to retail service vill appLy to all scvicc supplied under this Schedule..

FIRE PK'PS Demand charges for equipment used exclusively Eor fire pumps oz similar erne gency service shall be waived for billing purposes provided Customer advises Company within 4S hours after the operation of such equipmcnc for Eire oz other emergency sevice. Customer may operate suc'h equipment for test puzposes during prearranged periods satisfactory to Company, and the demands created by such prearranged test operations will be ignored Eor billing purposes.

Customer shall pay to Company cost of local Eacilities, incLuding tzansfoz=.ezs, oz the pro rata portion of total cast of Eac'lities provided to supply service Eor emergency equipment.

PAX~NTS Bills aze due when rendered and azc payable within 15 days fzom the date of the bLll. If any bill Ls not so paid, Company has the z'Lght to suspend service Ln accozdance with Lts Service Regulations. In addition, any bill not paid on or betorc the expization oE ">>enty-Eive (25) days Etiam the dace oi the bill Ls subject to an addit'anal charge of Ll'er month as pzcvided Ln Rule R12-9 of the Rules and Regu-lations of the Horth Carolina Utilities Commission.

Carolina Power & Light Company (North Carolina Only) TRAFFIC SICNAL SER,VIC" SCHEDVLE TSS-1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available Eor electz'c service supplied for the operation and illumination of traffic signals installed along public and private highvays where Conpany has an existiag secondary distzfbution line.

INSTALLATION The Company, for each signal or group of signals opezatfag from oae controller, will nake its connection to Customer's service wire at a poinc one foot below the lowest suppoxt, carzyfag existing L20/240 volt conductors, or the equivalent, on the nearest pole. Customer will Eurnish, fns all, aad naintain all service vixes, fixtures, and other necessary equipment, including lanps aad lamp renewals, foz the installation aad operation of all traffic signals.

TYPE OF SERVICE Alternating current, 60 hert", single phase, 2 wixes, 120 volts nominal, DEFINITIONS A One-vay Sfgnal is a si.gnal with only one face which can be seen from only one approach.

A Multi-Dizectoa Signal is a signal with nore than one face each of which can be seen from only one approach.


MOLLY RATE PER SICNAL Hfth Lamps oE 70 Natts or less (1) '<<fth Lamps oi 150 Vatts or less TYPE OF SICNAL Ooeratia Eor a Maxinun Dav oi Ooeratin for a Maxinun Dav oE 16 Hours 24 Hours 16 Hours 24 Hours Blinker Sfgaal with On e Lamp ~ ~ ~ $ 0.85 $ 1.15 $ 1. 75 $ 2.25 Oae-vay Sfgnal with One Lamp . $ 0.90 $ 1. 15 $ 2. 15 $ 2.95 Tvo Lamps ~ ~ 1.30 1.70 3.00 3.95 Three Lamps l. 45 1.85 3. 10 4.20 4.20 5.55 Four Lamps 1. 75 2.25 (1) @hen a customer elects to install a lanp of 120 vatts or less, fn lieu of 70 vatts or less, in the red cycle of a One-way Sfgaal with two ot mote lanps, then the rates !or all One-way Signals with tvo, three or four lamps <<ill be i.ncreased by $ 0.40 and $ 0.45, resoectively, !ox 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> and 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of operation.

Mul.ti-Direction Signal The zate for a Multi-Directioa Sfgaal is the sun of the apolicable Oae-way Signal rate Eor each face of the Multi-Dizector Signal.

Minimum: The amount computed under the above rates but not less than $ 6.50.

APPROVED FUEL CHARCE The Approved Fuel Charge applfcable to retail serv'ce vilL apply to all service supplied under this Schedule.

PAYMENTS Bills are due '<<hea tendered aad are payable vfthfn 15 days fzon the date of the bill. If any bf)'s not so paid, Company has the zfght to suspend service fa accordance with its Service Regulations. Ia addition, any bill. aot paid on or beiore the expfracfon of tveaty-i'e (25) days Eton the date of the bill is subject to an additfcaal chazge of 1,". per moath as provided ia Rule RL2-9 oi the Rules and Regulations of the North Carolfna Ut'L'es Commission.

CONTACT PERIOD The Contract Pezfod shaLL aot be less thea one year.

Carolina Power & Light Company (North Carolina Only)

AREA LIGHTINC SERVICE SCHEDUl E ALS-1 AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available or service supplied in the lighting of outdoor areas, prfvate stzeets and private driveways by means of rczcury vapoz or sodium vapor lighting units. Lightfng unf.ts will be bracket mounted on Company-owned poles and the mercury vapor lamps will be color corrected.

This Schedule is not available for the lighting of dedicated streets or highways.

P RPPC" Prior co 'nstalling area light'ng facilities, customer and Company must execute Company's form entitled Applfcatfon for Azea Lfghtfnc Servfce. The service supplied by Company will f elude the instal-lation and operation, according to Company standazds and requirements, of the area lighting units and will include the furnishing of electricity required Eor the illumination of the Temps from dusk to dawn.

Company will perform as soon as pzacticable, during regular working hours, the necessary maintenance to restore illumination after customer has notified Company that a lamp is not burning. The nominal lumen rating of the lighting units listed under the Honthly Rate indicates the class of lamp.

HO'.GHLY RATE PER LICHTING UNIT Basfc Rate The basic zate does not include the monthly charges foz additional fac'litfes as set Earth below or the contrfbutfons requized under this Schedu3.e.

Lf htin Units Overhead Sezvfce Underground Service Wood Pole Wood Pole Hetal Pole One Unit Two Units One Unit Two Units One Unit Two Units Por Polo Pcr Pole Por Polo Pcr Pole Per Pole Pe" Pole Hercurv Vapor Units 7000 lumen se i-enclosed $ 5.50 $ 4.55 $ 10.35 $ 6. 75 $ 13 ~ 30 $ 8.40 7000 lumen enclosed 6.75 5.10 11.65 7.70 14.60 9.35 7000 lu"en post type N/A iV/A 14P60 iV/A 14. 60 N/A 21000 lumen enc3.osed 8. 85 7. 25 14.40 10. 15 18.00 11 80


21000 lumen El.ood 11.3.0 9 ~ 5 P* 16,70 12.50* 20.25 14.05*

60000 lu .en enclosed 15.00 13.05 21.15 16.30 24 '5 17.95 60000 lumen E3.ood 17.60 15 '5+ 23.80 18. 90* 27.35 20.55*

Sodium Vapor Uni.ts 12000 lumen semi-enclosed 8. 95 7. 40 15. 70 10. 80. 23.. 05 14.10 12000 lumen enclosed 9.40 7.85 16.05 11. 15 21.35 14.45 12000 lur..en post type H/A H/A 18. 80 N/A 18.80 H/A 27000 l.umen flood 13'05 ll.05 + 20.40 14.85+ 25.25 17. 6!7+

35000 lumen enclosed 13.. 35 9. 55 16.80 12.25 20.30 14 20


50000 lumen enclosed 14.45 12.25 20.70 15.45 24.25 17,40 50000 luren Elood . 15. 40 13.05* 22.10 3.6. 55 26.95 19. 36

  • Up to four (4) 21000 lumen, 27000 lumen, 50000 lumen, or 60000 lumen flood lighting units may be in-stalled an onc po3c. The Honthly Rate pcr Lighting Unit will be as shown for the two units per po'e.

Additional Reouf zed Facilftfes If the providing of lf, htfng service requires the installatfon of poles other than those on which lighting units aze installed, an extension of Company's prfmazy conductors, the fnstallat'on oE a distzfbutfon tzansformcr used only Eor thc lighting service, or the installacfon of secondary undezgzound conductors fn excess ot the Eootage stated below, the following monthly charges wil.l be added to the basfc charges.

(1) For each such wood, pol.e $ 1. 70 (2) For d'stribution cransfozmer and/or prima.g conductors:

Agreements prior to Hatch 1, 1973, 1.25 percent of the estimated fns alled cost.

Agreements on and aEtcr Harch 1, 1973, 2.0 percent of the estimated installed cost.

Carolina Power 6 Light Company (North Carolina Only)



.This Schedule is available for service supplied in the lighting of dedicated public st."ets,, highways, municipally owned and operated public parkirag lots, and municipally owned and operated public parks by means of incandescent mercury vapor and sodium vapor 3igh'ng units mounted on Company owned poles. Tais Schedule is also avaim~ble for cont'nuous service to other insta13.ations <<hich <<ere being served on Apr'1 1, 1973 under the superseded Schecule SL-1G.

This Schedule is not available 'n areas <<here the primary and secondary dist. 'bution system is installed underground or in residential areas where the primary and secordary distribution system is insta>>ed overhead along rear proper'.y 3ines. 'Dd.s Schedule also is rot available for the lighting of outdoor areas, pr'vate streets or private drive<<ays, unless service was being furnished on April 1, 1973 under Company's superseded Schedule SL-lG.

~VICE The service supplied by Company will include the installation of a street lighting system, accordirg to Company's standards and requ'rements, <<hich wi3Z be owned, maintained and cperated by Company, including the furnishirg of thc electr'city required. for the Cllu&nation of the 'amps f."om case to dawn. YPnen a metal pole is installed the customer will make a non."efundable contr'bution equal to the total installed cost of the metal pole in excess of $ 75.00 for each pole. The nomireal lumen ratiregs of 3'ghting units 3isted under 'he linn hly Rate indicate the class of lamp.

HONTHLY RATE PER LICHTINC UNIT Basic Rate The basic rate does not include the monthly charges for addit'oaal facilicies or for less than tea units or the coa ribut'oa, Lightiag Ser lice Regulat'oas, if any, required under this Schedule and uader the Street Hoathly Incandescent Lizhtia Units ~Char e 2500 lumen opea unit - bracket =punted $ 2.55

- oa mast arm or center suspeasioa 3.10 6000 lumen enclosed unit 4.65 10000 lm"ea enclosed unit 6. 35 Yurcu Vapor LCahtiac Un's 7000 lumen semi-enclosed mit 4.65 7000 lumen enclosed unit 5.15 21000 i~a encLosed uaic 6.95 60000 li~a enclosed uait 13.25 Sodium Vapor Liahtia Units 12000 lu ea ec i-enclosed unit 6. 25 12000 lumen eaclosed uait 6. 60 35000 lumen enc'osed unit 9e 25 50000 i~ca eaclosed unit 11.55 Additions'aciL~ "es If providing the 3'ghting service requeires an extension of Ccmparg's primary concuctors, wuires he irateation of a distribution ':.ansfcrmer used only for lighting service, . quires the use of other han Ccmpany's stancard brackets or mast arms requires the installation of ore or more poles, cr if a metal pole is i."mw>>ed a Customer' request, the fo31cwing monthly charges wi3'e added to the basic charges.

(1) For each special street lighting wood pole $ 1.00 (2) For each special st:eet Lighting metal pole (see SERVICE provis'oa) 1.60 (3) For each system street lightiag metal pole (see SERVICE provision) 0.60 (4) For a dist~bution trarasformer and/or primary conductors - 2.0$ of estimated installed cost of ~he required facilit'es.

(5) For a bracket or mast arm in excess of sex feet, nn a metal pole or 16 feet on a wood po3e - 2.V of'he estimated additional insta" ed cost of all required fac'3'ies.

Carolina Power & Light Company (North Carolina Only)

UNDERGROUND STREET LIGHTING SERVICE SCHEDULE SLU-L AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available for'ervice supplied in the lighting of dedicated public streets, highvays, municipally ovned and operated public parking Lots, and municipally owned and operated public parks by means of mercury vapor and sodium vapor lighting units. This Schedule is also available for continuous service to other installations which were being served on April 1, 1973, under the superseded Schedule SL<<2C.

The lighting units normally will be brackec mounted on Company-o<ned standard retal poles; hovever, vood poles aze available.

This Schedule is not ava'lable foz the lighting of outdoor areas, private streers, or private drivevays, unless service vas being furnished on April 1> 1973, under Company's superseded ScheduLe SL-2C.

S RVICE The service supplied by Company vill include the installation oE an underground street lighting system, according to Company'.s standards and requirements, which will be owned, maintained and operated by Company, including the Eurnishing of the electricity required Eor the illumination oi the laaps from dusk to dam.

The nominal lumen racings of Lighting units listed under the Honthly Rate indicate the class of lamp.

HONTHLY RATE PER LIGHTING UNIT Basic Rate The basic rate does noc include che monchly credit for )oint installation or the monthly charge for additional facilities or the monthly charge ior less chan ten unics or the contribution, iE any, required under this Schedule and the Streec Lighting Service Regulations.

Honthly Charge One Li htin Unit Pcz Pole Mood Pole Natal Pole 7000 lumen semi-enclosed unit $ 7. 50 8.40 7000 lumen enclosed unit 7.95 8.85 7000 luaen post type unit 8.85 8.85 21000 lumen enclosed unit 10.35 12.15 60000 lumen enclosed unit N/A 16. 95 Sodium Vaoor 12000 lumen semi-enclosed unit 14.O5 17. 35 12000 lumen enclosed unit 14.40 17. 70 12000 luaen post ype unit 17.00 17.00 35000 luaen enclosed unic 19.75 22.65 50000 luaen enclosed unit N/A 24.45 Two Li htin Units ?er Pole Nercurv Vaoor 7000 lumen semi-enclosed - per lighting unit 5.60 6.05 7000 lumen enclosed - pez lighting unic 6.05 6.55 21000 lumen enclosed - per li,ghting unit 8.35 9.25 60000 lumen enclosed - per lighting unit '.l/A 13.95 Sodium Vaoor 12000 lumen seai-enc'osed - per lighting unit 10.00 13. 30 12000 lumen enc'osed - per lighting unit 10.35 13.65 35000 Lumen enclosed " per lighting unit 14.00 15. 45 50000 luaen enclosed - per lighting unit N/A 17 ~ 5O Credit for Joint Installation The following credit vill apply !oz each street Lighting pole where seventy-five percent (75Z) or -.ore of the span of street lighting cable is installed at the sane time and in thc same trench as the underground distribution system:

CENEitAL Service rendered under this Schedule is sub)cct to the provisions of Conpany's Street Lighting Service Regulations filed Mith the state regulatory cocmission.

Supersedes Schedule SL-2J Effective for service rendered on and after January 1, 1977, NCUC Docket No. E-2, Sub 297

Carolina Pover & J.ighc Company (North Carolina Only)


AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available foz service supplied in che lighting of dedicated public streecs, municipally avned and operated public parking lots, and municipally owned and operated public parks by ~cans of mercury vapor and sodium vapor lighting mits. The lighting amies normally vill be brackec mounced on Co~any-awned standard wta} poles; however, vcod poles aze available.

l This Schedule private driveways.

SERVICE is not available for thc lighting oE highvays, outdoor areas, private streets, oz The service supplied by Company will include the inst llation of an underground street lighting system, according ta Company's scandazds and zequixemencs, which will be owned, maintained and operated by Company, including the furnishing of the eleccricicy required Eoz che illuminacion oE che lamps Exon dusk to dawn. The nominal luran zatings of lighting units listed undez che Nonthly Rate indicate he class of lamp.

~SNTHLY RATE PER LIGHTLNG UNIT Basic Rate The basic rate does not include he monthly chazges Eor additional facilities oz for less than cen mits or che contr'bucion zequired under this Schedule and under che Stzeet Lighting Sezvicc Regulatians.

Nonchly Charge One Li hcin Unit Per Pole Mood Pole Hetal Pale Nercurv Vaonr 7000 lumen semi-enclosed unit $ 5.65 $ 6.25 7000 lumen enclose 'nic 6.15 6.65 7000 lumen post type unit 6.65 6.65 21000 lumen enclosed unic 7.95 8 '0 60000 lumen enclosed unit N/A 14.80 Sodium Vanor 1200C lumen semi-enclosed unit 7. 25 7. 85 12000 lumen, enclosed unit 7.60 8. 20 12000 lumen post type unic 8.20 8.20 35000 lumen enclosed unit 10.20 10.80 50000 lumen enclosed unit N/A 13.15 Two Li htin Unics Per Pole Hercur'aooz'000 lumen semi-enclosed- per lighting unit 5. 20 5.50 7000 lumen enclosed per lighting unit 5.65 5.95 21000 lumen enclosed per lighting unic 7.45 7.75 60000 lumen enclosed pe r 'gh ting un ic N/A 14.05 Sadium Vanor 12000 lumen semi-enclosed- per lighting unic 6.75 7.05 12000 lumen enclased per lighting unit 7 '0 7.40 35000. lumen enclosed pe r ligh ting uni c 9.75 10.05 50000 )umcn enclosed per lighcing unic N/A 12.35

(3) Natural Conditions In the event that rock, unstable soil, or other conditions require the use of materials and methods of installation other than Company's normal matezials and methods, customer will contribute the additional cost incurred thereby.

(4) Existing Pavement If thc underground cable is to be installed under an existing paved azea, customer will contribute thc estimated additional cost of installing cables under paved areas, however, the customer may cut and replace the pavement in lieu of making the contzibution.

(5) Conversion of Ovcrhcad Street Lighting Sezvice supplied undez he Ymnthly Rate or the contributions set fozth above do not include the conversion of existing overhead street lighting circuits to underground. Should the customer desire such a conversion under this Schedule, customer will pay to Company, in addition to the applicable contributions above, the estimated net investment depreciated, plus removal cost, less salvage value of the overhead conductors being removed.

APPROVED FUEL CHARGE The Approved Fuel Charge applicable to retail service weal apply to all service supplied unde" this schedule.

PAYHENTS Bills aze due when zcndcrcd and are payable within 15 days from the date of the bill. If any bill is not so paid, Company has the rig'ht to suspend service in accordance with its Sezvice Regula t 'ns.

In addition, any bill not paid on or before the expiration of twenty-five (25) days from the date of the bill is sub)ect to an additional charge of 1X per month as provided in Rule R12-9 of the Rules and Regulations of the North Carol'"a Utilities Commission.

CONTRACT PERIOD The Contract Period shal'ot be less than 10 yeazs.


Service zendered under this Schedule is sub)act to the pzovisions of Company's Street Lighting gem<ca Regulations filed with the state regulatory commission.

Supersedes Schedule SL-3J Effective foz service rendezed on and after January 1, 1977 NCUC Docket No. E-2, Sub 297 CaroLbm Power Cc Light Co~any (North Carolina Only)

STR~r. LIGHTINC SERVICE SCHEDULE SLR-1 (Residential Subdivisions)

AVAILABILITY This Schedule is available for service supplLed in the lighting of residential dedicated public streets by means of x.ercury vapor lighting units insta1led within residential subdivisions, consisting of single or duplev dweUcng units, located outside the corporate U.mits of a mu&cipal~ ty at the ti."..e of the inswl-lation.

This Schedule 's not available to supply service for the lightir~ of parkirg lots, shopping centers, oMer publib or ccmmerc'al areas within the residential subdivision, or areas not spec "ically prov'ded for by the provisions herein.

SERVICE The service supplied by Company wiU. irclude the installation of a street lightirg system, according to Company's standards ~ requiremenw, which will be awned, naintained and operated by Company includir~

the furnishing of the electricity required for the i3'umiratian of the 3.amps fram dusk to da w. Lighting units will be located by Conaany to provide the most used.form lighting possible in Ne residential area.

The nominal lumen ra 'ngs of the ~Dghtirg units furnished under the Hanthly Rate indicate the class of lamp.

>DNTHLY HATE The follaairg amount %11 be added to each monthly bill rendered for residential elec Mc eence wi~x-in the subdivision:


7000 lumen, bracket mounted, enclosed luminaixe on approved type wood pole <<3. street light pex 10 customers or ma]or fraction thereof - - - - - $ 0.70 per customer.

7000 lumen, bracket mounted, enclosed luminaire on approved type wood pole - 1 street light per 5 customers or wjoz fzaction thereof - << - - - $ 1.40 pez customer.


7000 lumen, bracket mounted, enclosed luminaize on an approved type wood pole - 1 street light pez 10 customers or ma)oz fraction thereof - - - - - $ 0.SO per customer.

7000 lumen, bracket mounted, enclosed lminaizc on a standard mexal poLe - 1 street light per 10 cussomezs oz ma)or fx'action thereof ----- $ 0.90 per customer.

7000 1umen, bzackec mounted, enclosed luminaize on an appxoved type wood pole - 1 street light per 5 custome'zs ox major fraction thereof ----- $ 1.60 per customer.

7000 lumen, bzackec mounted, encLosed luninaize on standard metal pole - 1 street light pe. 6 cusxomezs or ma5oz fzaccion xhezeai ----- $ 1.55 per customer.

7000 1umen approved post mounted type luminaize - 1 szzeez 1ight per 6 customers or ma~car fzaction thereof ----- $ 1.55 pez. custcmez.


l. If any of the "foU.cwi."g conditions exist, the developer of he subd'vision wi>> be requcred ta obtain fram the murd.cipal gaver." agency 'ts w. 'ten approval of the street light~as seWce being pro-vided under this Schedule arA the nunber and 'ocation of the lights ta be installed:

a..he subdivision abuts a boundary af the mu&cipality.

b. It is known that the subdivision wi32 be annexed into he mnicipality.
c. The municipa3. governing agency has enacted a subdivision central ordina.".ce wh'ch app3'es to the subdivision cr any portion thereof.
2. If the subdivision is subsequently annexed, a..d the municipaL'ty accepts he stree ing under a street lighting se-.dce contract cn the rate for the equ'valent lighting uni, the follcwing wi'1 a ply:

ORBAL"-G DISTPIEUTIOH - If ce nunic'pality accepts the street lighting se. rice under Pale cype Street Lighting Service Schedule SL-l, no monthly cus oner charge wil3. be applied to the subdivisicn rosidents.

Carolina Power & Light Company (North Carolina Only)

CONSTRUCTION COST RIDER NO. 15C AVAILABILITY This Rider is applicable to and becomes a part of all schedules for metered service under Service Agreements for one year oz more when the construction cost exceeds the revenue credit, except that this Rider is not applicable to shozt term or temporary service, or to single phase residential oz small commez'cial service.

CONSTRUCTION COST The construction cost is the estimated cost of extending Company-'s Eacilitias, exclusive of the cost of the transformers and the installed cost of meters and metering equipmant, and Company and Customer shall each participate as follows:

1~ Company will, at Customer's option, finance the construction cost up to an amount equal to 300 per cant of the revenue credit as hereinafter def'ined.

2. Customer shall finance any construction cosc in excess of 300 per cent of the revenue credit and when Custo er is taking service under a Service Agreemenc having an initiaL term of ten years, such excess shaLL be refundable in annual instaLLments after Customer has taken service, under the original Service Agreement, foz a period of 60 consecutive billing months. Each such annual installment shall be in an amount equal to charges 10 per cent of the bills paid (exclusive oE Seasonal Service charges and the additional provided for by this Rider) for the twelve billing months oE the current contract year, provided that the aggregate oE such installments shall not exceed the excess costs financed by Customer, and that any portion of the excess costs not refunded a- the expiration of the initial term oE the original Service Apreement shall not thereafter be refunded.

REVENUE CREDIT The revenue credit is the amount equal to 20 per cent multiplied by the number of years in the initial term of the Service Agreement, up to but not more than five yeazs, times the difference between (a) the estimated annual revenue plus $ 100 and (b) the estimated annual kilowatt-hours multiplied by 0.85c per kwh. The estimated annual revenue s'hall be detezaXned from the 'Nonthly Rate" set forth in the applicable zate schedule. In the case of a seasonal or intermittent Cus omar, the $ 100 will not be added to the es imated annual revenue.

BILLING The monthly bill, foz the 'nitial term of the Service Agreement, but Eoz not more than 60 consecu-tive monthly bills, shall be the amount computed under tha applicabLe rate schedule and riders plus

$ ., which is the sum of hc following amounts, taken to the nearest dollar:

1. An amount equal to 1.0 per cent oE the construction cost in excess of 200 per cent of the zcvenue credit or $ per month.
2. An amount equal to 0.5 per cent oi the construct'on cosc financed by Company in excess oE 200 per cent oE the zevenue credit or $ per month.

After 60 consecutive monthly bills Customer shall be billed in accordance with the applicable schedule and riders without giving effect to "Billing" under this Rider.

CONTRACT P'ERIOD The contrac period shall not be Less than one year.

Supersedes Construe 'on Cost R'der No. 15B EEEect va as to construction on and af er January 1, 1977 NCUC Docket No. E-2, Sub 297

Carolina Power 6 Light Company (North Carolina Only)

TWO-PHASE SERVICE RIDER NO. 41 AVAILABILITY This Rider is available in conjunction with the Small General Service Schedule for a Customer whose electric service requirements include two-phase electric service for equioment which will operate only on this type service.

This Rider will apply only to those customers presently receiving two-phase electric service and is not available to other customers. Should a customer served under th's Rider terminate service, the Rider shall not be available thereaf ter.

The provisions of the Small General Service Schedule are modified only as shown herein.

TYPE OF SERVICE The types of service to which this Schedule is applicable are alter-nating current, 60 hertz, single phase 2 or 3 wires, two-phase 4 wires (non-standard), or three phase 3 or 4 wires, at Company's standard voltages. When Customer desires two or more types of service, which types can be supplied from a single phase 3 wire type or a three phase 4 wire type, without voltage transformation, only the one of these two types necessary for Customer' requirements will be supplied.

Superseding Schedule 'Vl-2 Effective, on service rendered on and after January 1, 1977 NCUC Docket No. E-2, Sub 297

Any suspension of the delivery ot electricity by Company or termination of the Agreement upon any authorized grounds shall in no wise operate to relieve Customer of his Lfability to pay Eor electriciry sup-plied, nor shall it relieve Customer (1) of his 'liability for the payment oE mfnt~m monthly charges during if the period of suspension, nor (2) of his liability Eor damges, the Agreement has been tezmfnated, in the amounc oE the minfmum monthly charges vnfch would have been payable during the unexpired term oi the Agzcemcnt. whenever the supply of elecrzicity is suspended for any authori"ed reason, Company vill make a charge of $ S.OO fox the restoration of service.

2. coNDITIorls 0F sERvlcE (a) Company is not oblf gated to supply electricity to Custo=or unless and until: (1) Company's foxm of Application Eor Supply of Electricity is executed by Customer and accepted by Company; (2) in cases where ft is necessary to cross private property to deliver electricity to Custor er, the Cusromez conveys or causes to be conveyed to Company, without cost to Company, a right-of-way ease..ent, satisfactory to Company, across such prfvacc property Eor thc construction, maintenance, and operation of Company's lines and facilf tiesp necessary to the delivery of elcctxicity by Company to Customer: provided, hovever, in the absence oE a formal conveyance, Company, nevertheless, shall be vesced vith an easement over Customer's premises author-i"ing it to do all things necessary to the construction, maintenance, and operation of fts lines and facilities for such purpose; (3) any inspection certificates ox permits that may be required by lav in the local area are furnished to Company.

(b) If Company installs a substation or othe". facilities for service to Customer, any availablc capaci-ty of such facilities not needed to supply Cuscomer may be used by Company to supply othexs.

(c) Company may zefuse to furnish electric service to any Applicant, oz Customex, vho at the time is indebted to Company foz electric sezvfce previously suppLied to such Applicant or Custccer, oz any other member of his household, oz business, in any area served by Company, except rhat an applicant for residential service shall not be denied service fox failure to pay such bills Eor classes oE nonxesidential sezvfcc.

(d) Xf elect&city is suppL>>ed by L>>nes which cross the lands of the Un>>ted States of A.".er>>ca, a state, or any agency or subdivision of the United States of Amer>>ca or of a smw, Company shall have the right, upon 30 days'r'tten notice to c'scontfnuo the supply of elect.'c'ty to any Customer or Customers re-ceiving electricf ty from such Uncs, ii and when (1) Ccmpany is requ>> red by governmental authority to>> ncu expense in the relocation or the reconst ac 'on underground of any port'on of said lines, unless Ccmpany is reimbursed for such expense by the Custcmer or Custcx:ers served thereErom, or (2) the r>>ght of Compaz~

to maintain and operate said lines shall be mrrated, revoked, or denied by governmental authority ~for any reason.


'Ahen Company first suppL>>es electricity under any applicable Schedule to a Customer who has a load of 25 kw or less at a specified premises, the Cus orner shaLs pay the Ccmpany a ser r'ce charge of $ S.OO, <<hich shall 'oe 'n addition to all other charges urder Ne Service Agreement. Ms service charge shel'ecome a part of the firs- bill ren>> thezeai e" to Custcmer for elec ".'city suppL>>ed at such greases ua>>ess it be paid in advance of the rendition of such bf1~ .

4~ RcCRiKD CHECK CHARC'E In conformity vfrh an Order of the Porch Carolina Ut'1'ties Commission, Company vill make a charge of

$ 5.00 for checks tendered on a Customer's account and zetuzned Eor insuixfcient Eunds. Such charge shall apply regardless oi when the check is rendered.

5~ DEPOSITS The collection of Custcmez deposits shalL be as provided in Chapte 12 oi xhe Rules and Regulations oi the North Carolina Utilities Cccmission establishing uniiozm rules Eoz all public utilities Eoz the col-lecrion ox Custome" deposits.

6~ USP. OF cLECTRICITY Electricity shall be supplied dix'ectly to Customer by Company and shall be used by Customer only Eoz rhe purposes speci.fied in, 'and in accordance with, the Agreement. Electric'ty supplied by Company shall be Eoz Customer's use only and may not bc sold dirac lv on a metered oz urmetezed basis by Custcmer to lessees, tenants oz others and under no circumstances may Customer or ocher parson oz concern install or maintain any meter for the puxpose oi metering electricity suppLied w'th the object oi zenderfng a bil'herefor unless authozi=ed by the Company's Schedule attached ro and made a part of the Agreement.

A Customer vho desires elecxziciry Eoz more than one classification oi use on the same premises shall execute a separate Agreement Eoz each separate classification, Cusromez's vizfng being so ax'ranged that electricity Eoz each separate classification can be metered separately. Vnen a Customer conducts a business in his residence, Eoz vhich business electricity is used, Company vill. supply all electricity throuah one

~eter under the Schedule applicable ro the classification Eox'fs business use, unless Customer's vizfng is so azzangcd that his residential use and his business use can be separately cerezed, fn vhfch evenr. xhe appropriate Schedule vill be applied to each such use.

Form 1303-B Page 2 (North Carolina Only) Rev. LIL/77

I In the evenc Customer utilizes a form of load control, such controls shall not cause a demand to be placed on Company's facilities which, in Company's opinion, unreasonably exceeds the integrated metered demand. Company reserves the right to deeerminc the maximum fifteen-minute demand on a rolling time interval rather than the time interval of thc metering facility in order to reflect ehe effect of any such contzolled deaand. The rollfng e'-e interval may or any noc coincide vith a time interval, if any, being supplied to Cusroaer.

Customer shall not without the written assent of Company connect his installatfon to lines vhich cross over oz under any public or semi.-oublic space in order eo supply electricity purchased through one aeter to his adjacent properties. Such wri.tten assent aay be given only in instances vhere such adjacent propertfes are operated as one integral unit under the same name and proprietorship and for carrying on parts of the same business, and where a separate type of business is roc involved.

7~ CONTRACT DEHAiiD (a) The Contract Deaand shall be t'e kw of demand specified in the Service Agreement. In cases vheze any change is required in Coapany's facilities due to the aceual demand exceeding the Contract Demand o due to the Custoaer requesting an increase in available capac'ey, Company aay requize Customer to execute a nev Agreemene oz amend an'ng Agree"cne, thereby establishing a nev Conrzact Demand. If Company i.s unable to supply such actual or zequeseed inczease, then upon vri,teen zequest, Custoaer vill noe exceed ehe existing Contzact Demand or such amoune in excess thereof as Company determines it is able to provide.

(b) If Customer desires to reduce ehe effeceive Contzact Demand at any time prior to ehe time the Billing Demand of the applfcable schedule Eizst equals oz exceeds thc Contract Deaand, Company may agree to reduce the Contract Demand to the number of kilowatts specified in wri.eing by Customer pzovided Cusroaer pays ro Company a sua of money equal to the estimated cost (afrez deducting the then value of usable materials and facilit'es and ehe salvage value of nonusuable materials and facilit'es) of installing and reaov'ng the e facilities in place Eor serving ehe cuseomez, plus any money spenc by Company <<Sich would not have been r".nt if Customer had originaLly requested the reduced Contract Demand. The agreed upon reducrion shall be effect've with the beginning of the next ensuing bi.lling period.

The Coapany reserves ehe rfght to reduce its Eacilities to thc capacity adequate to serve ehe Customer's maximum 15-minute deaand of the preceding twelve billing months and to mead the Service Agrcemenc to such maxi~a demand. If customer desires rhat Company not change fac'lieies, Company aay agree to do so provided customer executes a Sezvice Agzeement for the amount such fac'lities vere installed eo serve.

(c) If Customer increases his load viehout adequate notice eo Company, and vi,thout zecefving Company's consene, and such unauthorized increase causes loss of oz damage to Company's faci li ies, the cost of making good such loss or repairing such damage shall be paf.d by Customer.

8~ 1CM POWe.R FACTOR ADJUS a.~T Custome sha'1 at all times maintain a paver faceor at the point of delfvery as nearly 100 pez cent as practicable; however, i,f Customer's pover Eac or determined at the time of maximum demand (determined in ac-cordance the applicable Schedule) is found to be less chan 80 per cent lagging, Company vill increase the demand used for bflling purposes by the number, of kilowatts equa.f. eo 20 per canc of the difEerence be-tveen (1) the aaximum number of react've kilovolt-a .pezes (kilovars) determined foz the per'od oE maximum demand and (2) 7S per cent of the de~nd as determined for the month in accordance the provisions of the applicable Schedule.

9~ BILLING (a) Company's aetcrs will be read as nearly as practicable at regular fntervals o not less than 27 days and not more than 33 days. (By special order of the regulatory agencies bi-monthly reading is per..i.t-tcd undez certain condf.tfons.)

(b) If Coapany is unable to read Customez's aeter for any reason, his use may'be estiaaeed by Co .pany on the basis of his use during the next preceding billing period fo" which readings were obtained, unless some unusual condition fs known eo exise. A bill rendered on the basis of such estimate shall be as valid as if made Eroa actual meecr zeadings.

(c) The tera 'month" or 'monthly" as used Ln Company's Schedules and Riders refers to ehe Lnrerval transpiring between he previous aeter zeading dace and the current reading date ard bL's shall be rendered accordingly, except that Lf rhe per'od covered by an initiaL or EinaL bill or due to rcrout'ng of meter zeading schedule is morc or less than 27-33 days, the bill vill be prorated based on a 30-day billing month.

10. METER STOPPAGE OR FRROR In the evcne a meter fails to register accurately within the allowable limits established by the stare regulatory body having jurisdiction, Company vill adjust the measured usage foz the period of time the meter vas shown to be Ln er"or, noe exceeding 60 days, jusc prior eo ehe removal oE such ...eter from service.

Company shall refund oz czedie eo Customer or Customer shall pay to Conpany t'e difference between the amount billed and the estimated amount which would have been bil)cd had the aeter not exceeded the allo~able Linits.

No part of any miniaua service charge shall be refunded.

Form 1303-8 Page 3 (North Carolina Only) Rcv. 1/1/77



The point of delivery is the point <<here Ccmpany's se.-Ace conductors aze, or are to be, corrected to Cuseozlr's conductors . Custcmer sh~~ do al1 things necessary to bring his se.-Ace con4uctors to such pof.rt of de3ivery for connection to the Company's service conductors, and he shal3. maintain his said conductors in good order at M Axes . Unless otherwise stipulated in the Agreement, the poirt of delivery shall be lo-cated as followsz (a) In cases of a connecticn of Company's overhead service conductors to Customer's overhead se~ice conductors, such point of delivery snail be on the outside oi'he wall of's bu'ld'ng <<here Company's service conductors may be conveniently extended and a.".chored; (b) In cases of correction of Ccmpany's overhead service cor<<fuctors to Custcme.'s urderground se. rice conductors, such uoint of delivery sha" be at a place on Ccmpany's nearest pole aoprcx'~ately one foot lcw the Company's conductors from <<hich Custcmer 's to be suopl'ed;.

(c) In cases of connection of Compa~'s urdergrourd se.-dce conductors to Customer's service con-ductors, such point of delivery shall be at a place on the outside <<all of Custcmer's building to which Company's conductors may be conveniently extended and tezminated; (4) In cases where a grourd type substa.ion is irstaQH by Company to supply electricity to Customer, the point of de3ivery shall be at a place to be designated by Comoany on its substation structure.

(e) In cases <<here a service entrance pane3. box is insta3led by Cc.-..pany an the exterior of the outside

<<a11 of Customer's dwelling for the purpose of supplying electr'city ur"er Company's All "-~ectric Res'den-tial Service Schedule, the point of de~'very sha33. be the point <<here Customer's ccnductors are connected to Caapany's con"uctors in, such panel box.

(f) In cases where elect".'c wiring is installed by Ccmpany in residences or apartment 'cuildirgs with service entrances of 400 aper s or largez by connection f."om Ccmoany's overhead seWce corductors, >>or the purpose of supplying electricity under Ccmpar~'s All Hectric Residential Se. lice Schedule, the point of delivery shQ1 be the point <<here Company's conduc ors are connected to the main s<<itch owned by Custom-er or the point <<here Customer's corductors are connected to the meter trough provided for multiple dwell-ing units if there is not a main switch for a3~ 4<<el3'ng uniw.

Where special circuastances rerder stated, then it it impracticable for the point of de>~very to be located as above sh~ be at a p3.ace selected. or approved by Ccmpa~ ard when so dane the Custcmer sha3'ring his service conductors to and maintain them at such p3.ace.

12 ~ INSTALLATIONS (a) By Companyz Company shall install, mw, operate, and maineain all Lines and equipmene Locaeed on ies side of the point of delivezy. Ie shall also fuznish and inseaLL che necessary meter, and meeez erans-fozmezs where necessary, foe measuring ehe electric ey used, ehough such me er vill usuall be located on

.eeer Cuseomer's side of he point of delivery.

hhen a Customer requests Ccmpany to supply electricity to a single premises 'n a spec'al ma"~er requir-ing faci3i.ties over and above those nom~~y provided by Company, such addi 'onal faci&ties <<i&~ be pro-vided, if Compar~ finds it practicable, under the folic:dng cor"'tiora:

(1) The facilities will be of a <<i".<<L ard type normally used by or accep>>able to Company and will be insta11ed *t a p3.ace and in a manner satisfactory to Company.

(2) Customer <<ill pay to Company a monthly Facilities Charge equal to 2.0 per cent {1.5 percent 'or agreements prior to inarch 1, 1973) oi ehe estimated installed cost, of al'acV'ties, includ:ng meterirg required in add'tion to ".ose Company would have proviced, bue not less than S25 per month for add'onal facilities not involving toeaii"ed metering or SlCO per moreh for adc'loral fac'lit'es involving eoealised metering. The installed cos>> of al'ac"'>>ties wi>> be based on current pr'ces including ne<<materials and equipment.

If the e~e equ p-Company increases inves ..ene, ocher than repLacc=ene oE exiseing equipmene eau'3) o suppLy Cuseo=er's speciaL eiece"ic requ':e-mene oE equal capacity and kind, in facflieics necessazy menes (incLuding conve sfon of ehe pr~.erg voleage eo a higher vol age), ehe;onehly charge foe rovidin ehe addieional facilieies wiLL be ad)useed ae ehae time. The Cuseomer mey eerminaee ehe eddieionaL facilf.ties in accordance ehe appL'cabLe eer 'nae'on pzovis'ons oz coneiaue ehe addi ionaL facilieies under ehe changed condf.eions.

Fozm L303-B Page 4 (North Caroiina Only) Rev. 1/I/77

(4) When an industrial Customer desires morc than one point of delivery at one or maze voltages with a aeter installation, acceptable to Company, to obtain thc tocal kilovatt hours and simultaneous kilo-watts oE demand, Company will furnish such service provided Customer vill contract fozr (i) A total minimum Billing Demand of. not less than 2000 kilovatts.

(ii) A minimum Billing Demand at each point oE delivery of not lass than 500 kilovatts.

(iii) Delivery voltages of not less than 480 volts.

Only those points of delivery located external to Custamez's plant structure may be included in a totalized metering system azzangemcnt. En case of a primary meter installation, the installed cost of metering equipment vill noc be included as addicional facilities nor vill the metering equipment be compensated for linc or transformation losses.

(5) Company shall noc be required o make such installacion of Eacilicies in addition to those normally provided until Cuscomer has signed such agree=ents, including provisions for te~ination, as may be re-quired by Company.

(b) Bv Customer: Customer shall install, oww, opezatc, and maintain all lines, service conductors, and equipment, exclusive of Company's meter, mater tzansfor ezs and meter base on Customer's side of the point of delivery, and Customer vill be hc owner and have exclusive control thcreoE as well also as of all elec-it tricity after passes the point of delivery. Customcz shall. so arrange his wiring that all electricity for one type of usc can be supplied at one point of delivezy and ..easured by a single meter. Fxcept under special cIrcumstances, che Company's meter vill be located an Customer's side of the point of delivery/ and when it is to be so located the Customer must make suitable pzovision in his vir'ng for the convenient in vill stallation oE the type oE meter Company use, and at a place suitable to Company. Customer's service entrance conductors shall not be installed vithin hollow vali.s unl.ess the conductors are in conduit. Service entrance conductors not installed in conduit must be zeadily visible on the source side of Company's meter.

And where a socket type meter is to be used, Company, upon appl.ication Ezcm Cu" tor cz, vill furnish to Customer (buc retainirg ownership) a meter base vnich vill be installed by at his expense in his wiring to acco .+date the meter.

Customer shaH. not ut"' any equ'pr;.ent, appliance, or device which tends to affect adversely Ccmaany's suaply of ser."ce to, or ze use of ser rice by, Gus~<mar ar others. Custcmer shaU. not instaQ gaseous d's-charge ~'ghting with a power factor of less '<<'zan 90 per cent lagg'."g. %hen po~~r.hase serrice is uppl'ed by Ccmaany, C-stcmer shaH. control his use so that his load <<iH. be r;.aintai.".ed in electrics'ala.".ce between ke phases ai Oe point of deb've~. Customer shaH 'nstaH. and mainta'n devices adequate to protect his equiament against irregularities on Company's system, includ'ng dev'ces to protect agairst single ph*sirg ~

(c) Access To?remisesr he duly au zorised agents of Ccmpany shai1 have the night cf ingress and egress

~ the premises oz'us cmer at ail reasonable hours "or re pxrpose of reading me<ms, inspecting Company's wiring ard apparatus, cha."air~, exchanging, or re."M~ng its property an:he premises cf Customer and o re-move such property a~t he Zi.",.e of or at ang time afar suspersicn of se. Pce or tered."aticn af Agreement.

(d)  ?."otecticnr Custcmer shar r protec'o~any's <<iong and apparatus on Custcmer's premises and shall perm% no one buc Campa",~'s agents to har~re sa=.e. Ls he event of any less cf or dame"e to such prcperty of Ccmpany caused by or a~sing ou- of carelessness, neglect, or misuse by Customer, h's employees or agen.s, he cost of making good such loss or repai~."~ such damage shaM be paid 'by Gusto:m.".

13 ~ CQVii T?IUAllCS OF S~VlCE A!,Ll LTASjLZTY T:"~w~CR Company does not guarantee continuous se~ice but shaH. use reasonable di'cogence at a~~ M.mes o arov da an unintezruated supply of e'ectr'city and having used reasar able d'" gence shaH. not be liable to C s-cmer for damage, "or failure in, or 'ar inte~ptions or suspensions of, the same.

Company rase. ies thc right to suspend seance without liabiU.ty an its pa".t at such and for such pericds and in such manner as it may deem advisable (a) for the purpcse of making necessary ad'ustments c, chars es in, or reaairs on it li esp subsMtiansp and ."ci"" <es ard (b) <n cases where, 'n 's oainron, ".a continuance oi serrice to Customer's pre.",'ses <<auld endarger aersons ar property.

Xn the event af an ad.;ezse conditicn or disbar'aance or. the system of the Compar~, or on any other system directly or indi. ctly 'aterconnected <<1th it <<hich requ'res autcma'c ar manua'te~ation of ".e suaaly of electrici y ro sc;..e customers or areas 'n order to QC'he extent cr damage of the advezse con"'ticn cr disturbance or to preven da.age to generating oz transmission fac'L~:les, cr to exped'e res:ora'on of service, re Comaany may, 'thout incurring liabil'ty, 'nterrupt se-.rice to customers or areas and:ake such other action as apaears reasonably necessa;/'.

Form 1303-B Page 5 (North Carol'na Grdy) Rev. 1/1/77

Davis Exhibit No. 3 Page 1 of 3 CAROLINA PONER & LIGHT COMPANY Proposed Changes in S ervice Regula tions Docket E-2, Sub 297

l. CONDITIONS O'F SERVICE, Provision 2, is revised to add in (c) the following:

(c) Company may refuse to furnish electric service to any Applicant, or Customer, who at the time is Company for electric service previously supplied to such Applicant or Customer, or any other member

~ (~e, of his household, or business, in any area, served by Company, except Joe an appLicaet Joe cukden4M service zhaLL no4 be. deru.ed advice W pay such, b LQ foe c6usu os nonrcuideetiM aecv~ce,.

Reason for Change: The indicated phrase has been added to this provision to exclude the denial of residential service for failure of the Applicant to pay for classes of nonresidential service. This change is in accordance with Rule R12-3 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations.

2 ~ SERVICE CHARGE, Provision 3, is revised as follows:

t&en Company first supplies electricity under any applicable Schedule to a Customer who has a load of 25 kw or less at a specified premises, the Customer shall pay the Company a service charge of $ 5.00, which shall be in addition to all other charges under the 'Service Agreement. This service charge shall become a part of the first bill rendered thereafter to Customer for electricity supplied at such premises unless it be paid in advance of the rendition of such bill.

Reason for Change: The service charge has been increased from $ 2.00 to

$ 5.00 to bring the charge in line with present day cost to connect a new account.

USE OF ELECTRICITY, Provision 6, is revised to insert a new paragraph between the present third and fourth paragraphs:

In We eveM custom&,

ahaLL noC came, a,

~ze a, (oem o( Load coruAoL, buck coetholb demand W be, pLaced on Company'a $ ariL~M, in Company'a op~su.on, umeuonabLy exceed Ne in.Cegrcated mWned demand.

Company cMnvu De, ru'.gkt 4o dWervnine, &e. maximum P.(keen-minMe, denland on a wolfing ~ie ietnvaL tcatkm Man Ne Wne zetercvaL o( Ae, fary The, in ocdn W ce(Le& We, e$ $ eM o(

~ng ~e z&mvaL may oi may noC cd mme, ~

any such congcoLLed demand.

a ~e, zntmvaL, i( any, being supp',ed Co uuCenm, Reason for Change: In Provision 6, a paragraph has been added between the existing third and fourth paragraphs. The purpose is to clearly state in these regulations that the Company reserves the right to bill the Customer on the maximum fifteen-minute demand which may or may not coincide with the time interval, if any, being supplied the Customer.

This is to provide notice to the Customer that "peak splitting", when the maximum demand is divided between metering intervals but not reduced in magnitude, is not permitted.

Davis Exhibit No. 3 Page 2 of 3 BILLING, Provision 9, is revised as follows:

(c) The term "Month" or "Monthly" as used in Company's Schedules and Riders refers to the interval transpiring between the previous meter readl,ng date and the current reading date and bills shall be rendered accordingly, except that if the period covered by an i~utL o< pnaL KK o< due N c~ating o$ mme>>. dreading aeheduLe w >noae oc Lua Wan 27-33 days, Ae be% u>~ be. pm~ed bshed on a, C~g-dag b~ng moLth.

Reason for Change: Provision 9 (c) has been revised to allow proration based on a thirty-day billing month for an initial or final bill or due to rerouting of meter reading schedule. This method more accurately reflects the proportional cost which the Customer should pay when he only uses service for a partial billing period.

I 5. INSTALLATIONS, follows:

Provision 12, is revised by the addition of (a) (3) os as (3j I(


See Company inc>t,casu e~Wng eqmpnent

~ znvu4ne&, Dan replace>neet otI equipment o( equaL capably and tu.nd, in (acigi-tish neceamy Co supply Cuban's hpeeinL eLe~c cequLneme~ L (ncluNng conv~~on o$ Ae prummy voyage W a highe>>. voltage,), We mon@@ edge (oc providing Ae add~onaL (aciLctiu eML be adjmCed M %at: ~e.

The Cmiomn >nay .ternate Ne adcRtionaL (aciL&iu L n accordance ~h Ae appG.cable .te>t>nina&on ~ovwmm oe co~nue Ae ad~naL (aciL<We un'e changed con~or@ .

Also, present paragraphs (a) (3) and (a) (4) are changed to paragraphs (a) (4) and (a) (5), respectively.

Reason for Changes: A provision has been added as 12 (a) (3) to clarify that charges which affect additional facilities will also affect the charges for those additional facilities. Although this is the current practice, it is believed a clarification needs to be in the Service Regulations to prevent misunderstanding by the Customer. Since such facilities are installed for the benefit of the Customer requesting them and are in addition to those necessary to provide normal service, it is necessary for Customers receiving such service to pay the additional cost associated with such facilities, both now and in the future, to prevent other Customers from having to bear these costs.

INSTALLATIONS, Provision 12, paragraph (b) is revised as follows:

lines, service conductors, and equipment, exclusive of Company's meter, meter transformers and meter base on Customers side of the point of delivery, and Customer will be the owner and have exclusive control thereof as well also as of all electricity after it passes the point of delivery.

Customer shall so arrange his wiring that all electricity for one type of use can be supplied at one point of delivery and measured by a single meter. Except under special circumstances, the Company's meter will be located on Customer's side of the point of delivery, and when it is to be so located the Customer must make suitable provision in his wiring for the convenient installation of the type of meter Company will use, and at a place suitable to Company. CuhkomW'a hetcvice eeftmnce eondu&oM hhalL noC be, imbed eu".Mn holLoa> eaLQ unius Xhe conductorce a>te zn cond~

Swv~ce enhance conductor@ noC ae5~ed in cond~ mme be. ceacKCy visible on Ae aoMee aide o$ Company'a mWM.

Davis Ezhibit No. 3 Page 3 of 3 Reason for Change: Xn Provision 12 (b), the first paragraph has been revised to require service entrance conductors within hollow walls to be installed in conduit. A11 conductors not installed in conduit must be readily visible on the source side of Company's meter. This provision is to improve the safety and security of the service entrance by reducing the possibility of tampering with the service conductors.

Davis Exhibit No.

Page l,of 5 Exhibit I Carolina Power & Light Company Effect of Proposed Increase North Carolina Retail Operations June 30, 1976 Line Present Proposed Requested No. Ra tes Increase Rates (2) (3) (4) 0 eratin Revenues

z. Net Operating Revenues 446,249, 723 69,238,676 515,488,399 g 3. 0 eratin Revenue Deductions Net Operation & ~ihintenance 193,336,580 193,336,580 g Depreciation 51,429,795 51,429,795
6. Taxes Other Than Income 40,545,393 4,154,321 44,699,714 Income Taxes - State 2,349,936 3,905>061 6,254,997 Income Taxes Federal 20,288,541 29>366,061 49,654,602 Investment Tax Credit Net 14,743,935 14,743,935 Deferred Income Taxes Net 24,094,235 24,094,235 Interest on Customer Deposits 145 941 145 941 Total Revenue Deductions 346,934,356 37,425,443 384,359,799 Net Operating Income for Return 99,315,367 31,813,233 131,128,600

'14. Ori inal Cost Net Investment Electric Plant in Service 1,495,418,344 1,495,418,344 Net Nuclear Fuel 26,652,080 26,652,080 Less: Accumulated Deprecia tion 238 713 062 238 713 062 Net Electric Plant 1,283,357,362 1, 283, 357,362 19 Allowance for Workin Capital


Materials and Supplies 50,393,435 50,393,435

21. Cash Allowance 34,854,984 34,854,984
22. Less: Accrued Taxes 12,794,190 12>794,190 Customer Deposits 3 130 992 3 130 992
23. Total Working Capital Allowance 69,323>237 69,323,237
24. Total Original Cost Net Investment 1,352,680,599 1, 352, 680,599
25. Fair Value Rate Base 1,553,780,458 1,553,780,458
26. Return on Fair Value Rate Base 6,392 8,439

Davis Exhibit No. 4 Page 2 of 5 Exhibit I (Continued)

Carolina Power 6 Light Company North Carolina Retail Operations June 30, 1976 Embedded Cost Net Fair Value Ratio'g or Return on Operating Rate Base Common E uit Income (2) (3) (4) (5)

CAPITALXZATXON PRESENT RATES - FAIR VALUE RATE BASE Long-Term Debt 627, 535,584 40. 387 7. 720 48,445,747 Preferred Stock 190, 768, 545 12.278 8. 013 15,286,284 Conuron Equity (including 1971 job development credits) 673,996,996 43.378 5,279 35,583,336 Deferred Income Taxes 61 479 333 3.957 0.000 Total Capitalization 1, 553, 780, 458 100. 000 6.392 99,315,367 CAP ITALXZATION RE VESTED RATES " FAIR VALUE RATE BASE .

Long-Term Debt 627,535,584 40. 387 7. 720 48,445,747 Preferred Stock 190,768,545 12.278 8.013 15,286,284 Common Equity (including 1971 job development credits) 673,996,996 43.378 10.000 67,396,569 Deferred Income Taxes 61 479 333 3. 957 0.000 Total Capitalization 1,553,780,458 100.000 8.439 131,128,600

Exhibit I (Con inucd)

Carolina Poucr f Light Conpany berth Carolina Retail Op rations Total Return on Book Coczmn Equity Test Tear Ended Junc 30, 1976 Present Rates Prooosed Rates Total qt . C. Retail hct Overall Rt C. Retail Overall Rate Original Cost Rate Operating R"te Lir.e

~Dl 1 Co"pany Caoitalization Ratio Original Cost Mct Invests>cnt Rate Earned Operating Incone 2 0 Ntl *1 t ~lf 0 1 Recuircd (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11)

$ 8 8 2 8

l. Long tern Debt 1>105,361,294 46.392 627,535,584 7.720 48,445,747 3,581 627,535,584 7.720 48,445 '47 3.581 336,018,400 14.103 190>76S 545 8 013 15 '86,284 1.130 190,768>545 8 013 15>286>284 1.130
2. Pr'efcrrcd Stock
3. Co~a Equity:

Co .wn Stock 632,455>781 Retained Earnings 171,630,129 Dcferrcd Invest>>ant Tax Credit (1971 Rcv. Act) 2!I 030 033 34.960 7. 525 35,5S3,336 2,631 472>897> 137 14 252 67>396> 569 4 983

7. Total Conc>an Equity 832,975,941 472>897> 137
8. Interest Free Capital:
4. 545 61,479,333 0.000 0.000 61,479,333 0.000 0.000
9. Deferred Taxes 108, 282> 642 Oo 4 9.69'u (D

100.000 1>352,680,599 99>315>367 7.342 1>352,680,599 131,128>600

10. Total Capitalization 2,382,63S,277 0 Y

ti O'

Exhibit I (Continued)

Carolina Poucr 6 Light Cos2pany Svstcn Total A rortioned to N. C. Retail Line Total Mich Total Mith Table No. 2 Ori inal Cost Net Investmnt Total ANBust~ints Ad!ussr ant s Total Adjust.<<ants ~dd <<.: ~


(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

l. Electric Plant in Service 1,852,851,887 402,594,000 2,255,445,887 1,242,831,159 252,587>185 1,495,418,344
2. Accunulated Provision For Depreciation (326,046,895) (22,326,000)'348,372,895) (224,473,187) (14,239,875) (238,713,062)
3. Net Electric Plant in Scrvicc 1 526>804>992 380 268 000 1 907>072 ~ 992 1,018,357>972 238>347>310 1,256,705,282 bet Nuclear Fuel 20,586,749 21,052,565 41>639,314 13,176>963 13>475,)17 26,652,080
5. Morking Capital:
6. Natcrials and Supplies 86,295,131 (5>552,595) 80,742>536 54>405,751 (4,012>316) 50,393,435 Cash Morking Capital Allo>>ance 29 4S7 093 ~675 093 28 822 000 18 719 631 210 171 IB 929 802
8. Total Nct Invcstnent 1>663>173 '65 395>092>877 2,058,266,842 1,104,660,317 248,020,282 1,352,680,599 Table No. 3 Re lacenent Cost Net investdwnt
9. Electric Plant in Service 3,371>409,038 402,594,000 3>774,003,038 2,272,682>280 252,587,185 2,525,269,465
10. Accumulated Provision for Depreciation '965,982,934) (16,140,000) (982>122>934) (655,176,325) (10,088,280) (665,264,605)
11. Nct Electric Plant in Service 2 405 ~ 426 104 386 454 000 2 ~ 791>880> 104 1>617,505>955 242,498,905 1>860,004>860 00
12. bct Nuclear'uel 20>586,749 21>052,565 41,639,314 13>176,963 13>475,117 26,652>080
13. 'Morking Capital:

o V (4,012,316) 50>393,435 th

14. Hatcrials and Supplies 86> 295 131 (5>552> 595) 80>742 ~ 536 54>405>751
15. Cash Morking Capital ft Allouance 29 487 093 ~675 093 2& 812 000 18 719 631 210 171 18 929 602
16. Total Nct Invcstcdcnt 2 541 795>077 401 '78>877 2 943>073>954 1,703,808>300 252>171,877 1,955,980,177 O

g i


Exhibit 1 (Continued)

Carolina Poucr 6 Light Company Svstca> Total Ao ortioncd to N. C. Retail Line Table So. 1 Total With Total Mith Va. Fair Value Rate Base Total Add

  • t* ~dd
  • t* Total Ad 1 * ~hd (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1. Electric Plant in Service 2>359,037,604 402,594>GOO 2,761,631,604 1,586,114,866 252,587,185 1,838,702>051
2. Accura>lated Provision For Depreciation (539,358,908) (20,264,000) (559,622,90S) (368,040,899) (12,856,011) (380,896,910)
3. Set Electric Plant in Service 1,819>678,696 382,330,000 2,202,008,696 1>218>073 ~ 967 239 ~ 731 174 1 457>805 141
4. hct nuclear Fuel 20>586,749 21,052,565 41>639,314 13,176,963 13,475,117 26,652,080
5. 'Morhing Capital:
6. Haterials and Supplies 86 295>131 (5>552 ~ 595) 80>742>536 54>405 ~ 751 (4>012 ~ 316) 50>393 ~ 435 Cash ltorking Capital Al)ouance 29 A87 093 ~675 093 28 812 000 10 719 631 210 171 18 9 9 802
8. Total Rate Base 1,956,047,669 397,154,877 2,353,202,546 1> 304> 376> 312 249,404, 146 1, 553, 780,458

Davis Exhibit No. 5 Page 1 of 2 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Retail Operations Cost Allocation Study June 30, 1976 Summary of Rate of Return Present Rates Proposed Rates Annualized Annualized Rate of  % Variation Rate of  % Variation Class Return From Retail Return From Retail Residential 6. 405 (10. 470) 8. 510 (10.355)

Small General Service 8. 051 12. 538 10.488 10,481 Large General Service 7. 625 6. 584 10. 181 7.247 Lighting 7. 635 6.724 9. 809 3.329 Total Retail 7. 154 9.493

11/27/7o PAGE 3- 1 CARCL INA PGK R C LIGhT COhiPANY LOG NUNBER RcOd kcTAIL OPERATICNS COST ALLGCal ION STODGY LI JUNL 30m 1976 l SYSTEH dASIS CP FCR PGwck SuPPLY 4 SUHNARY bY RFTAIL CLASS CONS TOTAL SN GENe LG GchL RETAIL kESIOENT laL DERV SHI,V LIGHTING NET OPERATING REVENUES REVOO 677337924 261435lo2 65959914 3172o0959~ 126b1666 OPCRATIh G EXPENSES TOI ttET OPEPATIOh! C MAItlTENANCE ONOO 267027461 1'022c 552 3295o076. 139294724 45501G9e OEPREC Ial ION OPECO 57734490. 250900 lo. 73vb 394. 24176994 11 906c TaxEs ulKER THah It CGNE OTOO 48882015 20010OO6 6272733 21c.G4888 993729.

STATE INCONE TaxES SI TOO 1P475208 357233o 1442752 a267607 l92ilw.

FcbckaL INCa HE TAXES PROV FGk CEFERREO TAXES FITOG 78762~22 '459VS17 ~ 11253779 41498969 1409a57 ~

OFTLGO 15925270m 81273c3 2217837+ 4946497~ 633613 ~

INVcSThtENT TAX CREDIT ITCGO l797~974 7934075 2288595 7351191 401112.

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES EXPOO 516781641 ~ 1995oG7bo. 6374016o 2~4140871 ~ 9340019 OPERAT lhG INCONE RETGO lo0556083 ol874377. 22219749 731200b8 3341869 AVERAGE RDTE BASE T02 ELECTRIC PLahT IN SERVICE POG lb G6778309 ~ 79bs62152 ~ 2296 14339 ~ 740054483. +0+47334 (ACCUSE PROV FOR OcPRECIATION) GPRCO -26 t3o9737 -lc435COV". -34395749 ~ -9oy03912. -aS 19983 ~

t(Ef PLANT lN YCRVICE NPOO 1542406572 672112060. 19i4 16590 643250571. 3lo27352 NET NUCLEAR FUcL hUCCO 324+1208 104527I4 3290198 18398637 299659 NATERIAL ANO SUPPLIES PREPAID I TcNS KC30 WC75 66483o53 2551 393


~ '526007219olb 341"7203 da9837 1285050 19805m

'7509895 ~

'630133 CASH MQRKING CAPITAL KC90 44082858 5172324 ~ 20oOG924 ~ 7997a5.

VJ ha TCTaL RATE BaSE RTBGO 1691224782+ 727079251 '11859370 71a218028 ~ 34068133~ 0 RATE OF RETURN AOJ RTRTOO 9~493 8.510 10 468 10 181 9 b09 i' w4 0

Davis Exhibit No. 6 Page 1 of 5 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Data Required by NCUC Form E-l, Section A, Paragraph 2 Effect of Proposed Increase - North Carolina Retail Operations March 31, 1977 -- 6 Months Actual, 6 Months Estimated 000's Omitted Line N.C. Retail Effect of Requested No. Ad usted Increase Rates (2) (3) (4) 1~ Oo erat in Revenues 2~ Adjusted Net Operating Revenue 450,499 70,154 520,653 3~ 0 eratin E. enses

4. Adjusted Net Oper. & Maint. Expenses 213,572 2133572 5 ~ Depreciation 5 2 $ 5 25 52 $ 525
6. Taxes Other Than Income 449003 4 $ 209 48,212
7. Income Taxes - State 3,467 3,957 7,424
8. Income Taxes Federal 103025 29, 754 39,779
9. Investment Tax Credit 14,334 14,334
10. Provision for Deferred Income Tax 19,750 19, 750
11. Interest on Customer Deposits 150 150
12. Total Operating Expenses 357,826 376920 395, 746
13. 0 eratin Income For Return 92,673 32,234 124,907
14. Ori inal Cost Net Investment
15. Electric Plant in Service 1,49S,418 1,495,418
16. Less Accum. Prov. For Depreciation 268 916 268 916
17. Net Electric Plant in Service 1,226,502 1,226,502
18. Net Nuclear Fuel 19$ 214 19,214
19. Working Capital
20. Materials & Supplies 43, 752 43,752
21. Cash Working Capital Allowance
22. 1/8 (0 & M Less Purch. Power) 25,889 25,889
23. Minimum Bank Balances 6,339 6,339
24. Prepayments 1,186 1,186
25. Less: Tax Accruals 17,137 17,137
26. Customer Deposits 3 173 3 173
27. Total Working Capital Allowance 569856 56,856
28. Total Original Cost Net Investment 1,302,572 1,302,572
29. RaLe of Return 7. 11% 9.59%

CAROLINA POWER & LICtlT COHPAtIY Data Required by NCUC Pons E-l, Section h, Paragraph 2 Harch 31, 1977 - 6 Months Actual, 6 Months Escinated 000's 0>alt to'd S stcds Total A ortioned to N~ C. Retail Line Total With Allocation Total With No. Total-I/ d~d- d ~dd Factor Total ~dd *d ~hd d (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 0 cretin Revenues Cross Operating Revenue 663>181 663>181 Contract Sales Credit ~9020 ~9200

4. 'et Operacing Revenue 654,161 654,161 Direct 440,493 440,493 Revenue Ad)ustnent to Year-End Plant ~10 006 ~10 006 Direcc ~10 006 ~10 006 Adjusted Net Operating Revenue 654,161 10,006 667>,167 440>493 10>006 450>499
7. 0 eratin Ex cnses
8. Operation & Maintenance Expenses 317, 101 I > 684 318,785 9~ Contract Sales Credit ~9020 ~9020
10. Net 0 & M Expenses 308,081 I ~ 684 309 '65 6/30/76 06H 207 >214 1,128 208,342 0 6 H Expense hd)usta>cnt to Year-End Plant ~5230 ~5230 Direct ~5230 5 230
12. Ad)usted Net Operation & Haincenancc Expense 308,081 6>914 314,995 207,214 6>358 213 '72 13 Depreciation 71>958 6>826 78>784 6/30/76 Depreciation 47,974 4,551 52,525 Taxos Ocher Than Incone 52>389 6,865 59,254 6/30/76 T.O.T.I. 38>768 5 >235 44,003

'5, Incone Taxes - State 5>694 (887) 4,807 6/30/76 8 I.T 4,002 (535) 3,467

16. Inco>dc Taxes - Federal 21>298 (6,670) 14,628 Tax Calculation 14,052 (4,027) 10,025 17 Invest>cent Tax Credit 21 '25 21,625 6/30/76 Def. Inv.

14,334 Tax Credit 14,334

'v cl


D D Provision for Deferred Incone Taxes 33>845 2,992 36,837 6/30/76 Def. Taxes 18,146 I, 604 19,750 Ol C

>> v


19. Interest on Custocder Deposits 220 220 Direct 150 150 o x~

~ %~

20 Total Operacing Expenses 515,110 16,040 531 '50 34>4 >640 13, 186 357 F 826 Vl Cf

21. 0 cretin Inco>>c for Return 139>051 (6>034) 133,017 95,853 (3,180) 92,673 I/ Operating results include effect of full annualixation of addicion of Brunsuick dl Nuclear Unit.

2/ hd)ustne>n> reflect revenues and expenses related to year-end plant.

9 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COHPAIPf Data Rcqufrcd by NCUC For>a E-l, Section A, Paragraph 2 Origfnal Cost Net Invcst3sent - March 31 ~ 1977 -- 6 Honths Actual, 6 Honths Estfsiated 000's Otefttcd S s ten To ta 1 A ortioned to N. C. Retail Total With Allocation Total With T t 2 ~Ad * ~AB t Factor T 9 2 ~dd ~dd t t (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Ori inal Cost Net Invest>dtent Electric Plant in Service 2,255,446 2,255,446 6/30/76 I'lant in Service 1,495,418 1,495,418 Less Accudn>lated Provision for Deprecfation 383 990 ~6826 390 836 6/30/76 Resorvc for Dopr. 266 363 ~4551 268 926 Net Electric Plant fn Service 1,871,456 (6,826) 1,8646>630 1,231,053 (4,551) 1,226,502 Net th>clear Fuel 30,019 30>019 6/30/76 Nuclear Fuel 19,214 19,214

'Working Capital:

Matcrfels & Supplies 67>415 67>415 Calcu let fon 43,752 43,752 Cash 'Working Capital Allovance 1/8 0&H Less Purchased Poucr 37,449 38,313 3/31/77 0 & M 25,094 795 25,889 Hfnfeu>> Bank Balances 9,450 9,450 6/30/76 Hin. Bank Balances 6,339 6,339

'v c>

>9 66 Prepayddtents 2>450 2,450 6/30/76 Prcpafd Itc2ss 1,186 1,186 e 9 83 4k Lese: Tax Accruels 25>549 25>549 6/30/76 Tax Acczuals 17,137 17,137 292 0

Custoecr Deposits ~4076 ~4076 6/20/76 Custoetcr Deposits ~3173 ~3173 Adt O't Total 'Working Capital Allovance 87>139 88,003 56,061 795 56,856 Total Orf fnal Cost Net Investnent 1,988,614 (5>962) 1,982>652 1,306>328 (3 '56) 1,302,572

CAROLINA HNER & LICHT COHPAIII Date Required by NCUC For>s E-l, Scctfon A, Paragraph 2 North Carolfna Retail Operations Total Return on 8ook Co>dx>on Equity Harch 31, 1977 6 Honths Actual, 6 Honths Estimated 000's Omitted Present Rates Pro used Rates Total N. C. Retail Net Overel I N. C. Retail Net Overall Linc Company Original Cost Rate Operating Rate Original Cost Rate Operating Rate No ~61 I I* I I Ratfo Nct Investment Earned I Earned Net Investmcnt ~RI I Income ~RI 6 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

$ 2 $ $ $ $ 2

l. Long Ters> Debt 1)105>403 45.31 590,195 7.720 45,563 3.498 S90>195 7.720 45,563 3.498 Preferred Stock 336,018 13.77 179,364 8.013 14,372 1.103 179,364 8.013 14,372 1.103 Co>2>2>on Equity
4. Common Stock 636,009 Retained Earnings 201,365 Investmcnt Tax Credit ~45 464
7. Total Cos>>on Equity 886,836 36.19 471,401 6.945 32>738 2 '13 471,401 13.783 64,972 4.988

~a 2>

00 c I> I

8. Interest Free Capital o t"

~ J'dl O'

9. Deferred Taxes 115 517 7,.71 61 612 61 612 0
10. Total 2,439>770 100.00 1,302,572 92,673 7.114 1>302,572 124 >907 9.589

CAROLINA @TERR & LICNT COMPANY Data Required by NCUC Form E-f> Sectfon A, Paragraph 2 Sue>sary of Allocation Factors June 30, 1976 Jurisdictional Study Line 6/30/76 6/30/76 Decimal No. Allocation Factor ~Tl N. C. Retell Factor (2) (3) (4) (5) 6/30/76 0 &H 6/30/76 Opcratlon & Maintenance Expenses Production 266,240,754 172,820,098 .649112112 3> Transmission - 6/30/76 Per Books Transmission 4,530,639 " 2,775,386 .612580698 4, Distribution - 6/30/76 Per Books Distribution 19,490,430 15,754,346 .808311874>

5. Customer Accts. - 6/30/76 Per Books Customer Accounts 12 '67,557 10,013,642 .82297884&i Sales - 6/30/76 Per Books Sales 1,422,229 1,071>626 .753483440
7. Admfn.& Ccn. - 6/30/76 Per Books Adnin. & Cen. 24,625,080 17 '58>472 .713032079
8. Customer Services - 6/30/76 Per Books Avg. No. of Customers 662,903 549,029 .828219212
9. 6/30/76 Depreciation 6/30/76 Per Books Dcpreciatfon 55 '82,236 37>189,919 .666698248
10. 6/30/76 Taxes Other Than income 6/30/76 Per Books Taxes Other Than Income 49,163,147 36,381,093 .740007408 6/30/76 State Income Taxes 6/30/76 Per Books State Income Tax 5,252,661 3,692,183 . 702916674
12. 6/30/76 Dcf. Investment Tax Credit 6/30/76 Pcr Books Deferred Investmcnt Tax Credit 22,244,185 14,743,935 .662821991
13. 6/30/76 Deferred Taxes 6/30/76 Per Books Deferred Taxes 7>47G,28G 4,008,308 .536136258
14. 6/30/76 Rcscrve for Depreciation 6/30/76 Pcr Books Reserve for Depreciation (326,0>6,895) (224,473,186) .6884G9019 15 6/30/76 Nuclear Fuel 6/30/76 Per Books Nuclear Fuel 20,586>749 13,176,962 . 640070076 3/31/77 0 &H


3/31/77 Pcr Books Operation & Halntcnance 345,135,000 231,267,000 .670076926

17. 6/30/76 Hlnimum Bank Balance 6/30/76 Pcr Boo'ks Minimum Sank Balances 9,777,000 6,558>085 .670766595 18 6/30/76 Prepaid Items 6/30/76 Per Books Prepaid Items 3,254,097 1,575,351 .484113104>
19. 6/30/76 Tax Accruals 6/30/76 Per Books Tax Accruals (19,873,830) (13 330 ~ 701)

~ .670766581

20. 6/30/76 Customer Deposits 6/30/76 Per Books Customer Deposits (4>021,581) (3,130,992) .778547541
21. 6/30/7G Plant in Service 6/30/76 Plena in Service 22 Production - 6/30/76 Pcr Books Production 1 > 100> 334 ~ 380 677,774,454 .615971350 'u ii c>

ii 00 c

23. -Transmission - 6/30/76 Per Books Transmissfon 250,723,105 153,588,132 . 612580687 I>



24. Distribution - 6/30/76 Per Books Distribution 473,393,748 390,051,927 ~ 823948201 0 >C
25. Ccneral - 6/30/76 Per Books Ceneral 28,223>325 21,297>699 . 754613392 I>> o I
26. Intangible - 6/30/76 Pcr'Books Intangible 177,329 118,946 .670764511
27. 6/30/76 Fuel Inventory 6/30/76 Fuel Inventory 60,839,098 38,941,288 . G&i0070108
28. 6/30/76 Plant Materials & Supplies 6/30/76 Plant Materials & Supplfes 18,902,445 14 > 191 > 254 .750762878

l I

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l i
