LR-N990289, Provides Further Clarification of Licensing & Design Basis for 125 Vdc Battery Margins for Sgs & HCGS for Meeting Station SBO & Loca/Loop Loading Requirements,Per Util & Discussion with NRC
LR-N990251, Submits Response to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Npps,Per GL 98-01,suppl 1.Disclosure Encl
LR-N990140, Requests That Pse&Gs Contact in NUREG-0383, Directory of Compliance for Radioactive Matl Packages, Be Changed
LR-N990375, Submits Licensee Comments on NRC Which Provided Notification of Close Out of TAC Numbers MA0567 & MA0568 Re GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1
LR-N990389, Forwards Revised Plant Attribute Libraries for Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations,Iaw 10CFR50,App E,Vi, Emergency Response Data Sys, 3.b.Changes Are Identified by Rev Bars
LR-N990363, Provides Suppl Info Re 971024 Amend Request to Modify TS 3/4 7.7, Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Air Filtration Sys. Util Withdraws from Request All Proposed Changes Associated with Filter Testing,Per Issuance of GL 99-02
LR-N990385, Forwards Response to NOV That Resulted from Predecisional Enforcement Conference Conducted on 990624.Corrective Actions:Communications to Supervisors Reinforced Employee Right & Duty to Raise Nuclear Safety Issues
LR-N990396, Forwards Ninety Day Rept for ISI Activities Conducted at Sgs,Unit 2 During Ninth Extended Outage & Tenth Refueling Outage.List of Encl,Provided
LR-N990392, Forwards Salem Generating Station Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-June 1999. Rept Summarizes Liquid & Gaseous Releases & Solid Waste Shipments from Salem Generating Station for Period of Jan-June 1999
LR-N990406, Requests Approval to Use ASME Code Case N546,which Provides Alternative Qualification Requirements That Allow Personnel Most Familiar with Walkdown of Plant Sys,Like License Operators to Perform VT-2 Examinations
LR-N990405, Forwards Revised 10CFR50.92 Evaluation to Clarify Util Response to Question Number 1 Re Amend to Modify TS 3/4 8.1, AC Power Sources
LR-N000420, Provides Notification That PSEG Intends to Utilize ASME Code Case N-481 During Second ISI Interval at Sgs Units 1 & 2
NTD-99-302, Provides Data Re Operator Licensing Exam for Salem & Hope Creek Station,In Response to NRC Form 536 (7-1999)
LR-N990409, Requests Relief Associated with Containment Examinations at Hope Creek & Salem Generating Stations.Attachment 1 Includes Proposed Alternatives & Supporting Justification for Relief Requests
LR-N990450, Submits 30-day Fuel Clad Temp Rept,Iaw 10CFR50.46.Rept Describes Changes to Calculated Peak Clad Temp (PCT) for Salem Generating Station Large & Small Break LOCA Analyses
LR-N990170, Responds to 990312 RAI Re Request for Change to TSs Permissible Enrichment Values for New Fuel Storage,Which Was Submitted on 990202
LR-N990197, Forwards Corrected Response to NRC RAI Re Licensee Request for Change to TS Permissible Enrichment Values for New Fuel Storage.Incorrect Attachment Was Provided with Util to Nrc.Encl Supersedes 990412 Submittal
LR-N990196, Provides Clarification on Licensing & Design Basis for 125 Vdc Battery Margins for Sgs & HCGS for Meeting SBO & Loca/ LOOP Loading Requirements
LR-N990200, Submits 30-day Fuel Clad Temp Rept for Salem Generating Station,Units 1 & 2.Rept Describes Changes to Calculated Peak Clad Temp (PCT) for Plant Large & Small LOCA & Small Break LOCA Analyses
LR-N990227, Forwards Rev 0 to NFS-0174, COLR for Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11. COLR Rept Was Received by Util as Part of Reload SE
LR-N990238, Submits SG Tube Plugging Rept,Per Plant TS of 47 Tubes Were Plugged During SG Tube Insps,Which Were Completed During Plant Tenth RFO
LR-N990249, Forwards Redacted Response to NRC 990322 RAI Re Notification of Licensed Operator That Tested Positive for Alcohol. Attachment 2 Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)
LR-N990254, Forwards Suppl Info Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety Related Power Operated Gate Valves. Encl Contains Methodology Used in Determination of Pressure Locking Susceptibility of PORVs Block Valves
LR-N990240, Forwards Responses to NRC 990301 & 990323 RAIs for Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations Relating to GL 96-05
LR-N990272, Requests Enforcement Discretion for TS 3/ Re Containment Cooling Sys for Salem Generating Station,Unit 1
LR-N99-0283, Forwards Corrected Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Salem Generating Station,Unit 1.Original Submittal Contained Typo for year-to-date Value for Numbers of Hours Generator Was on Line (Service Hours)
LR-N990273, Provides Supplemental Info to Proposed License Amend, Modifying TS 3/4 7.7, Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Air Filtration Sys. Info Re Acceptance Criterion Discussed
LR-N990289, Provides Further Clarification of Licensing & Design Basis for 125 Vdc Battery Margins for Sgs & HCGS for Meeting Station SBO & Loca/Loop Loading Requirements,Per Util & Discussion with NRC
LR-N990251, Submits Response to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Npps,Per GL 98-01,suppl 1.Disclosure Encl
LR-N990140, Requests That Pse&Gs Contact in NUREG-0383, Directory of Compliance for Radioactive Matl Packages, Be Changed
LR-N990375, Submits Licensee Comments on NRC Which Provided Notification of Close Out of TAC Numbers MA0567 & MA0568 Re GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1
LR-N990389, Forwards Revised Plant Attribute Libraries for Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations,Iaw 10CFR50,App E,Vi, Emergency Response Data Sys, 3.b.Changes Are Identified by Rev Bars
LR-N990363, Provides Suppl Info Re 971024 Amend Request to Modify TS 3/4 7.7, Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Air Filtration Sys. Util Withdraws from Request All Proposed Changes Associated with Filter Testing,Per Issuance of GL 99-02
LR-N990396, Forwards Ninety Day Rept for ISI Activities Conducted at Sgs,Unit 2 During Ninth Extended Outage & Tenth Refueling Outage.List of Encl,Provided
LR-N990385, Forwards Response to NOV That Resulted from Predecisional Enforcement Conference Conducted on 990624.Corrective Actions:Communications to Supervisors Reinforced Employee Right & Duty to Raise Nuclear Safety Issues
LR-N990406, Requests Approval to Use ASME Code Case N546,which Provides Alternative Qualification Requirements That Allow Personnel Most Familiar with Walkdown of Plant Sys,Like License Operators to Perform VT-2 Examinations
LR-N990392, Forwards Salem Generating Station Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-June 1999. Rept Summarizes Liquid & Gaseous Releases & Solid Waste Shipments from Salem Generating Station for Period of Jan-June 1999
LR-N000420, Provides Notification That PSEG Intends to Utilize ASME Code Case N-481 During Second ISI Interval at Sgs Units 1 & 2
LR-N990405, Forwards Revised 10CFR50.92 Evaluation to Clarify Util Response to Question Number 1 Re Amend to Modify TS 3/4 8.1, AC Power Sources
NTD-99-302, Provides Data Re Operator Licensing Exam for Salem & Hope Creek Station,In Response to NRC Form 536 (7-1999)
LR-N990409, Requests Relief Associated with Containment Examinations at Hope Creek & Salem Generating Stations.Attachment 1 Includes Proposed Alternatives & Supporting Justification for Relief Requests
LR-N990450, Submits 30-day Fuel Clad Temp Rept,Iaw 10CFR50.46.Rept Describes Changes to Calculated Peak Clad Temp (PCT) for Salem Generating Station Large & Small Break LOCA Analyses
Public Service Electric and Gas Company Stanley LaBruna Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 609-339-1700.
Vice President - Nuclear Engineering JAN 24 1994 NLR-N93204 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:
NRC BULLETIN 88-08 THERMAL STRESSES IN PIPING CONNECTED TO REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 By letter dated March 1, 1993 (ref: NLR-N93028), Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G) provided its response to NRC Bulletin 88-08.
As part of that response, PSE&G committed to perform thermal fatigue analysis on the Auxiliary Spray and Alternate Charging lines.
The results of the analysis for the normal and alternate charging indicate a cumulative fatigue usage of less than 1.0, thus no additional actions are required to satisfy the requirements of the Bulletin.
The results of the analysis for the Auxiliary Spray lines is that the cumulative fatigue usage is less than 1.0 for 24 calendar years.
Thus no further actions are required at this time.
PSE&G will re-evaluate the Auxiliary Spray line approximately three years prior to exceeding the 24 calendar years. Salem Unit 1 Auxiliary Spray line will be re-evaluated by December 31, 1998 and Salem Unit 2 will be re-evaluated by December 31, 2002.
Enclosures 2 and 3, WCAP-13898 and WCAP-13899, entitled Evaluation of Salem Units 1 and 2 Charging, Alternate Charging, and Auxiliary Spray Piping per NRC Bulletin 88-08 (Proprietary and Non-Proprietary respectively) contain the results of the required thermal fatigue analysis. contains a Westinghouse authorization letter, CAW-93-544, accompanying affidavit, Proprietary Information Notice, and Copyright Notice.
JAN 2 4 1994 As Enclosure 2 contains information proprietary to Westinghouse Electric Corporation, it is supported by an affidavit signed by Westinghouse, the owner of the information.
The affidavit sets forth the basis on which the information may be withheld from public disclosure by the NRC and addresses with specificity the considerations listed in paragraph (b) (4) of Section 2.790 of the NRC's regulations.
Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that the information which is proprietary to Westinghouse be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10CFR2.790.
Correspondence with respect to the copyright or proprietary aspects of the items listed above or the supporting Westinghouseaffidavit should reference CAW-93-544 and should be addressed to Nicholas J. Liparulo, Manager of Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Activities, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, P. o. Box 355, Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355.
Should there be any questions with regard to this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincerely, c
Mr. J. c. Stone Licensing Project Manager Mr. c. Marschall Senior Resident Inspector Mr. T. Martin, Administrator Region I Mr. Kent Tosch, Manager IV New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Environmental Quality Bureau of Nuclear Engineering CN 415 Trenton, NJ 08625