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NRC Pre-Submittal Call Briefing Notes, Calvert Cliffs Emergency Planning Future Licensing Actions
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/2018
From: Marshall M
Plant Licensing Branch 1
To: Bryan Hanson
Exelon Generation Co
Marshall M, NRR/DORL/LPLI, 415-2871
EPID L-2018-LRM-0016
Download: ML18096A990 (3)


NRC Pre-Submittal Call Briefing Notes 03/12/18 Calvert Cliffs Emergency Planning Future Licensing Actions Fleet Staffing LAR Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Staffing License Amendment Request (LAR) to align with the Exelon fleet.

LAR will define On-Shift and Minimum Staff positions for the Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs).

LAR consistent with January 2018 submittal for Exelon Midwest stations.

Submittal planned for June 2018.

Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) / Joint Information Center (JIC) Relocation Calvert Cliffs is pursuing relocation of the EOF/JIC to Coatesville, PA.

o Exelons Coatesville EOF/JIC is currently shared by Limerick, Peach Bottom, and Three Mile Island stations.

Submittal is planned for June 2018.

o Submittal will be written against Calvert, Limerick, and Peach Bottom, and TMI Exelon has had discussions with State/Locals in Maryland and has obtained written concurrence from all six key offsite agencies.

o Maryland Emergency Management Agency o Maryland Department of the Environment o Maryland Department of Natural Resources o Calvert County o Dorchester County o St. Marys County Exelon has considered the potential "linkage" issue with the concurrent ERO Staffing LAR and believes they would not be linked based on review of precedent.

o The EOF relocation LAR considers the facility and its capabilities/space only.

o LAR will ensure adequate space, equipment and capabilities for the ERO (e.g.,

workspace, communications, displays), but not evaluate specific ERO Minimum Staff and Full-Augmentation positions.

Exelon has reviewed recent precedent.

o Dukes 2016 LAR to combine EOF for six sites.

o Southerns 2005 EOF consolidation for Hatch, Farley, and Vogtle stations.

Calvert Cliffs will perform a demonstration drill with the Coatesville EOF. State and NRC will be invited to participate or observe.

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Based on Precedent Review, Exelon understands.

o Submittal requires Commission approval and SECY from NRC.

o LAR will address Simultaneous Events at Multiple Stations. Exelon currently performs multi-drills at the Coatesville EOF per the Interim Staff Guidance (ISG).

o Requirement to maintain a near site location for NRC and offsite agency must be in place response prior to implementation.

o Training will be provided to Corporate EOF on Calvert characteristics.

o EOF meets the 75-square foot per person guidance of NUREG-0696.

Based on precedent, LAR will discuss:

o Functional Evaluation o Location, Structure, Habitability o Staffing and Training, - High Level discussion, staff will be experienced o Size/Space o Radiation Monitoring o Communications o Instrumentation/Data Systems/Power o Technical Data and Data System o Records Availability Challenges o Radio systems for Field Teams may not reach Coatesville PA. Considering use of Satellite phones and Cell phones.

o Calvert Emergency Plan discusses dedicated Microwave "hot lines" from the current EOF to non-ERFs (i.e., IT, Security, MDE, Electric Operations Building).

Our intent is to remove those lines from the Emergency Plan.

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Technical Support Center (TSC) Relocation Calvert Cliffs is conducting a planning study to consider relocating the TSC outside the Protected Area (PA).

Current TSC is located on an upper floor, adjacent to the Main Control Room in the Reactor block.

Current size (720 sq. ft..), (small compared to many TSCs today).

Goal for relocation.

o Increase space for emergency responders, NRC, and evaluators.

o Provide additional meeting room space.

o Upgrade displays for plant parameters, event logs, etc.

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Possible site for re-location of the TSC in the first floor of the Nuclear Office Facility (NOF) outside the PA Precedent o D.C. Cook LAR to move TSC within the Protected Area - November 2017.

o V.C. Summer LAR to move TSC outside PA - November 2014 (withdrawn in 2015 as a result of issues associated with the as-built TSC ventilation) o Clinton relocated TSC outside PA in 2006 o TMI TSC relocated outside PA in 2002 New TSC dose calculation required (TSC Loss of Coolant Accident Radiological Analysis).

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