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DOE 2017- TN5064--DOE 2017 February 8 Orr Waste Disposal Capacity Presentation
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 02/08/2017
From: Henry B
US Dept of Energy, Office of Environmental Management
Office of New Reactors
Download: ML18064A123 (13)


Waste Disposal Capacity for Oak Ridge Reservation Landfills Brian Henry Y-12 Portfolio Federal Project Director February 8, 2017 1

Current and planned landfill capacity sufficient to meet needs Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) Landfills

  • DOE operates several landfills for safe and compliant disposal of ORR remediation, demolition, and sanitary waste
  • Operating landfills are permitted by Tennessee Solid Waste Division (SWD) or fall under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
  • Each landfill has established criteria to determine whether waste is acceptable for disposal 2

Oak Ridge Reservation City of Oak Ridge ETTP Y-12 EMWMF*


  • Environmental Management Waste Management Facility 3

Landfills are located near the Y-12 National Security Complex 4

Different landfills available for different waste streams Waste Disposal Facility Type Waste Received Construction/Demolition TDEC Permit Construction/Demolition debris Landfill VII Classified, sanitary industrial waste Industrial Landfill IV TDEC Permit (including office waste, equipment, construction/demolition debris)

Sanitary industrial waste (including Industrial Landfill V TDEC Permit office/cafeteria waste, equipment, construction/demolition debris)

Low-level radiological and/or chemical EMWMF CERCLA soil and demolition debris, equipment, cleanup waste EMDF CERCLA In planning process 5

Waste disposal decisions follow waste hierarchy Materials identified and Recycle/Reuse handled by the project Increasing strategic preference Landfill IV: Classified, same type of waste as Landfill V Sanitary Waste Landfill V: Sanitary materials, (including office/cafeteria ORRL waste, equipment, construction/demolition debris)

Landfill VII: Construction/Demolition debris Low-level radiological- and/or CERCLA Waste chemical-contaminated soil and EMWMF demolition debris and equipment Waste that does Ship Offsite not meet ORR disposal facilities acceptance criteria 6

Sufficient capacity available for sanitary/industrial landfills Landfill IV (Classified Sanitary/Industrial)

  • 4.2-acre landfill, opened in 1989
  • Receives classified sanitary industrial waste from ORR sites
  • Permitted total capacity of 89,000 cubic yards
  • Currently about 50% full
  • Constructed airspace approximately 71,000 cubic yards 7

Sufficient capacity available for sanitary/industrial landfills Landfill V (Sanitary/Industrial)

  • 25.9-acre landfill, opened in 1994
  • Lined disposal areas receive office trash, cafeteria waste, and other sanitary waste from the ORR sites
  • Approximate total capacity of 2.1 million cubic yards
  • Currently about 40% full
  • Constructed airspace approximately 1.3 million cubic yards 8

Sufficient capacity available for construction/demolition debris landfill Landfill VII (Construction/Demolition Debris))

  • 30.4-acre site, opened in 2001
  • Unlined disposal areas receive building construction and demolition debris
  • Approximate total capacity of 2.08 million cubic yards
  • Currently about XX% full
  • Constructed airspace approximately 1.1 million cubic yards 9

Remaining capacity supports completion of ETTP cleanup EMWMF (Low-level CERCLA Cleanup Waste)

  • 28-acre landfill, opened in 2002
  • Lined disposal cells receive low-level radiological and chemical waste from CERCLA cleanup of ORR and associated sites
  • Approximate total capacity of 2.18 million cubic yards
  • Planned final cap redesign will increase capacity to approximately 2.3 million cubic yards
  • Currently about 75% full 10

Future capacity needed for Y-12 and ORNL CERCLA cleanup Environmental Management Disposal Facility

  • Currently in the CERCLA investigation/planning phase
  • On-site alternatives -

new Bear Creek Valley CERCLA disposal facility - Various sites under consideration

  • Potential disposal site capacities range from 2.2M to 2.8M yd3 11

Current and planned waste disposal capacity supports cleanup of the ORR

  • ORR has sufficient permitted capacity for sanitary/industrial landfills
  • EMWMF has sufficient capacity for the completion of ETTP Cleanup
  • Additional capacity (EMDF) is necessary to support the future cleanup of Y-12 and ORNL 12