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Annual Reporting Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests, for Calendar Year 2017
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/2018
From: Griffin W, Pettus K
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Download: ML18060A235 (2)


  • / U S N RC ' FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System ' "-' *
  • NRC Form 8 91. Annual Reporting Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests [ I o ..,, *, '\.u l( ti k,.,1, 1 1 1 f, ( I I 1, l'rol,', IIIIJ.! ,;,~>pk ,md the, ,,;:;;0111111*111 (E I E General Subm1ss1on Portal) APPROVE D B Y 0 M B: CLEARANCE N O. 3 150-0146 EXPIRES: 11/30/2017 Estimated burden per response to comply with this collection request is 114 hour0.00132 days <br />0.0317 hours <br />1.884921e-4 weeks <br />4.3377e-5 months <br /> s. This form is a voluntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. The information is requ i red by NRG to obtain on an annual basis s ite specific fitness-fo r-duty (FFD) program performance data on drug and a lcohol program s from licensees and other entities.

Send comments rega r ding burden estimate to the FOIA , Privacy and Inf ormation Collection Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nu c l ear Regulatory Co mm ission , Washington DC 20555-0001 , or by e-mail to m.aJ1e.cts.

Resource@NRC g ov and to the Desk Officer , Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs , NEOB-1020 , (3150-0146), Office of Ma nagement and Budget , Washington DC 20503. If a means used to impose information collection does not d i splay a currently valid 0MB control number , the NRG may not conduct or sponsor , and a person is not requ i red to respo nd to , the information collection. 1) All fields required unless marked 'optional'

2) Use of Adobe Reader 8 or later Is required 3) Mouse over fields for additional Information D Submissio n Update Select Facility P e riod of Reeort I I 2017 I j1ndian Point [50-247; 50-286] Tests Conducted in the Calendar Year Total Number of Tests Conducted Reason For Testing Licensee Employees ContractorsNendors Total Number of Pos itive, Adulterated , Substituted , and Refusal to Test Resu l ts Pre-Access 141 I Random 609 I For Cause 2 I Post-Event 2 I Followup 125 I Tota l (Ca lculat ed) 879 I FFD Program Random Testing Population and Rate Average number of licensee employees I 1.009 I L a boratory Testing Average number of con tr actors/vendors I 551 I Does your prog r am u se a I I Licensee Testing Facility?

No (Yes/ No) ~------~-HHS-Certified Laboratory (Primary)

I Quest Diagnostics/PA 1 , 104 221 2 71 1 , 399 Total size of the random testing pool throughout the period (Calc ulat e d) I 1.560 I I HH S-Certified Laboratory (Backup) 8 1 2 2 0 0 12 Annual rand om t est ing percentag e achieved for th e testing pool I 53.21 J Quest Diagnostics/KS Id e ntify your Blind Performance Test Sample su pplier (s) _JE_1_sh_o_


  • e_s _______________

____________ ~I Substances Tested Did your program only test for NRG-required substances J v I AtlQ at the NRG-specified minimum cutoff level s? (Yes/ No) es '---------' Special Analyses Testing Results Total Number of "Dilute" I I Specime n Test Results 22 (O pt io nal) ~---~-Does your program conduct L OD testing I I permitted in 26.16 3(a)(2)? (Yes/ No)Ye s -------~ Total Numb er of " Dilute" S pe c im e ns I I (Special Analyses Test i ng Co ndu c t ed) ~----2_2__, Substance Use NRC Initial Confirmatory Limit of Detection Comment Cutoffs? Cutoff Cutoff (LOO) Te s ting? (Optional)

Alcohol Ives I I Not Applicable I Cocaine Ives I Ives I Marijuana Ives I jves Amphetamines Ive s I Ives Opiates Ives I Ives P CP Ives I Ives Annual Report Form (vers ion 1. 7 .0 -Decembe r 2016) -Page 1 of 2 -NRC Form 891 (12/201 4)

Substances Tested -c on ti nu e d Summary of Management Actions -26.717(b)(8)

Summarize actions implemented to improve FFD program performance. As applicable , reference in the topic des cription audit reports , 30-day reports , and/or corrective action reports. If reporting information on more than th r ee topi cs, se lect "Others" for Topic 3 to report any additional topics. Topi c 1 Topic 1 Description

!P rogram and System Management An ana l ysis of the 2017 data was conduc ted and did not i dentify any prog r am weaknesses.

D Add an additional Topic Person(s)

Responsible for Information Provided Person 1 (required): IKelly I !Pettus First Name La st Name Person 2 (optio nal): lwayne II Griffin First Na m e Last Name I lsr. Security Coordinator kpettus@entergy

.com Position Title Company Email Address 1 1 Supervisor , Access/FFD wgriff1@e n P osi tion Title Company Email Address Final Step (Required)

-NRG will consider this form authentic i n acco r dance with 1 O CFR 26.11 o nly when the " Validate & L ock" button has been selected and a ll errors (i.e., those h ig h lighted in red) have been corrected. The " Va l idate & Lock" button will change to " Locked" after the data valida t ion process ha s been successfully comp l eted a n d the form is ready for submission.

Form Locked On: I Feb 15 , 2018 at 10: 32:06 AM I Annual Report Form (vers i on 1. 7 .0 -December 2016) -Page 2 of 2 -I Save to Local PC 1 1 P rint t h is Repo rt NRG Form 89 1 (1 2/2014)