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Joint Motion for Proposed Transcript Corrections
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/09/2018
From: Leidich A, Megan Wright
Florida Power & Light Co, NRC/OGC, Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw, Pittman, LLP
52-040-COL, 52-041-COL, Mandatory Hearing, RAS 54161
Download: ML18009B041 (7)




FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) Docket Nos. M-52-040 & 52-041


(Turkey Point Units 6 and 7)

JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF HEARING TRANSCRIPT Pursuant to the Commissions December 18, 2017 Order (Setting Deadline for Proposed Transcript Corrections), the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Florida Power & Light Company jointly propose corrections to the December 12, 2017, transcript for the Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 mandatory hearing. This Joint Motion sets forth the proposed corrections below by transcript page and line number, with instructions regarding how the current text of the transcript should be modified.

Respectfully submitted,

/Signed (electronically) by/

Megan A. Wright Counsel for the NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O14-A44 Washington, DC 20555-0001 (972) 294-5792 Executed in accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d)

Anne R. Leidich Counsel for Florida Power & Light Company PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1200 Seventeenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: 202-663-8707 Facsimile: 202-663-8007 Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 9th day of January, 2018

Page number Line number Transcript Text Proposed Correction 5 19 189(a) 189a.

7 8 51.07(a) 51.107(a) 7 10 102(2)(a)© 102(2)(A), (C) 15 24 the FPL FPL 17 15 is NextEra as NextEra 19 12 operating uprate 19 16 operate uprate 19 18 operates uprates 19 19 530 520 23 4 present presents 25 22, 23 waste water wastewater 25 24 panels canals 26 1 permanent on primarily an 26 3 reclaim reclaimed 26 19 eroding avoiding 28 10 laid out lay down 29 16 or of 31 24 up rates uprates 32 4 grid to grids 32 7 Boda and boaters in 35 10 impacts an impacts to an 35 15 one are here is winner here as 36 5 comment commented 36 12 EPIS EIS 39 5 operate uprate 41 22 combine combined 47 21 all the up 49 22 Unit Units 50 7 combination culmination 53 6 the Corps is the Corps Jacksonville Jacksonville 53 9 National Park National Park Services Service 54 4 the design center the design-centered review approach review approach 55 3 support supported 55 4-5 to Turkey Point to the Turkey Point COLA and safety COLA and the safety evaluation evaluation 60 16 NRC and the NRC and the Corps also referred Corps, also referred to to as the Review as the Review Team, Team made the made the impact determination 1

Page number Line number Transcript Text Proposed Correction impact determination 62 5 report review 62 22 FIES FEIS 64 20 including national, including natural natural and social and social sciences sciences 64 21 with NEPA with NEPA Section Section 202(2)(a)... 202(2)(A) 65 1 and have and have reasonable support reasonable support in and logic and fact. logic and fact.

65 3, 15 NEPA Section NEPA Section 102(2)© 102(2)(C) 65 6 avoidable unavoidable 65 9 productivity and productivity, and 65 25 NEPA Section NEPA Section 102(2) (e) 102(2)(E) 66 1 the staff the staff concludes concludes that the in EIS Chapter 9 EIS Chapter 9 69 5 lesson learned lessons learned 70 23 ESPWR ESBWR 74 4 high level number high-level numbers 74 8 a great deal of a great deal of idea detail 79 14 phased phases 85 6 paint obtain 85 11 maximal maximum 85 19 exceeding exceedance 86 10 feels fields 87 4 conservatism conservative 87 17 their the 88 23 streams streams, performing performing 90 12 official surficial 90 14 includes and includes an 92 17-18 in sites insights 92 24 effluence effluents 93 22 food stuff food stuffs 94 3 effluence effluents 95 11 Ms. Smith with Ms. Smith will discuss discuss 96 1 II 2 2

Page number Line number Transcript Text Proposed Correction 96 2 national natural 96 6 flooding from flooding from storm storm surge the surge, the storm surge storm surge resulting resulting 97 17 analysis used as analysis uses a the peak surge peak surge 97 18 occurs in an occurs at an extreme extreme 97 20 that includes an it includes an allowance allowance 98 10 NRC guidance NRC guidance and in 99 3-4 Transit Miami trends at Miami Beach Beach 99 4 Transit Key West trends at Key West 101 20, 23-24 boulder zone Boulder Zone 104 10 primaries parameters 104 11 abounding bounding injection injection scenario. scenario.

105 1, 12, 14 boulder zone Boulder Zone 105 15-20 Accordingly, the staff Accordingly, the staff determined that the determined the maximum maximum radionuclide radionuclide concentration at the concentrations at the receptor well. For this receptor well and for dose analysis, the this does analysis the staff used the staff used the maximum maximum concentration concentration determined for each determined for each radionuclide.


106 6 boulder zone Boulder Zone 109 19 effluence effluents 109 25 where where we 110 3 service surface 110 14 boulder zone Boulder Zone 111 9 below anything below anything the that PMH would PMH would approach. approach.

113 11 predications predictions 115 4 continental United continental United States, a landfall. States at landfall.


Page number Line number Transcript Text Proposed Correction 118 18 MR. NAZER MR. COMAR 119 13 safety safety, environmental environmental 120 7 has given was given 123 24 Applicant's Applicant's analysis analysis there is so there are so many many layers of layers of 124 12 there is different there are different models for those. models for those.

130 21 were not see it. were not seeing it.

133 2 Nina, a similar Nina, and a similar oscillation oscillation 133 6 and you can be and it can be 133 9 long return longer term trends trends 133 18-19 with a very short with a very short time period and very time period, and 20 short, 20 years is years is very short very short 135 23 opportunity opportunities 136 18 water, makeup water makeup 137 21 laterals lateral 138 23 potential additional 139 8 second group second cut 140 13 salient saline 145 23-24 to four radial through four radial collector wells. collector wells.

146 7 the border zone of the Boulder Zone the lower Florida of the lower Floridan 146 10 border zone Boulder Zone 146 10 a deep-set a deep saline aquifer aquifer 146 12 Water within the Water within the border zone Boulder Zone 146 13 brackish upper brackish upper Florida aquifer Floridan aquifer 146 15 The low permeability This low permeability zone zone 146 16 of the Florida of the Floridan aquifer system. aquifer system.

146 18 shows a planned shows a plan view view of of 147 14 based on part based in part 150 10 There is a lot of There are a lot of factors factors 4

Page number Line number Transcript Text Proposed Correction 152 5, 8 Accessing Assessing 153 23 available were available or only only about about 154 1 conducted by FPL conducted by FPL suggests suggest 154 6 The applicants The applicant specifically specifically 155 23 area, and during area, and during much muck 157 11 fish, insects, and fish, insects, and plants knowing plants known 158 14 and its ready and is ready 162 12 import importance 166 6 environment environmental report report 166 21 down a group down to a group 171 14 was talked in one was talked about in of the one of the 174 14-15 section 5-2 and 7-2 sections 5.2 and 7.2 175 13 that would occur, that would occur.

the The 179 8 MR. KUGLER MR. DOUB 180 11 AP 1000 AP1000 181 12,13 AP 1000 AP1000 181 17 base load baseload 182 23 finding findings 184 5 Act, Act 184 6 51, 51 185 24 thank this take this moment moment 5



FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) Docket Nos. M-52-040 & 52-041


(Turkey Point Units 6 and 7) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that the JOINT MOTION FOR CORRECTION OF HEARING TRANSCRIPT, dated January 9, 2018, has been filed through the E-Filing system this 9th day of January, 2018.

Respectfully submitted,

/Signed (electronically) by/

Megan A. Wright Counsel for the NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O14-A44 Washington, DC 20555-0001 (972) 294-5792 (301) 415-3200 (FAX)