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2016301 Final RO Written Examination
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/03/2016
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Download: ML16277A178 (77)


Question: 1 Given the following:

  • Unit 1 is at 70%.
  • Control Bank D rods start stepping out at 72 steps/minute.

Which of the following describes:

1) The correct procedure to enter to address the Continuous Rod Withdrawal is ______.
2) Per Technical specifications, Control rods must have a maximum drop time of < ____ seconds to be considered operable.

A. 1) 0-AP-1.00, Rod Control System Malfunction

2) 3.0 B. 1) 0-AP-1.00, Rod Control System Malfunction
2) 2.4 C. 1) 0-AP-53.00, Loss of Vital Instrumentation/Controls
2) 2.4 D. 1) 0-AP-53.00, Loss of Vital Instrumentation/Controls
2) 3.0

Question: 2 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.

  • RCP Motor Upper Thrust Bearing Temperature indicates 197°F and rising.
  • RCP Stator Winding Temperature indicates 235°F and rising.
  • The Team has initiated 1-AP-9.00, RCP Abnormal Conditions.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) The _____ Temperature limit has been exceeded in accordance with 1-AP-9.00, RCP Abnormal Conditions.
2) _____ spray valve must be closed when 1-RC-P-1A is tripped.

A. 1) RCP Motor Upper Thrust Bearing

2) 1-RC-PCV-1455A B. 1) RCP Motor Upper Thrust Bearing
2) 1-RC-PCV-1455B C. 1) RCP Stator Winding
2) 1-RC-PCV-1455A D. 1) RCP Stator Winding
2) 1-RC-PCV-1455B

Question:!3 Given the following:

  • Unit 1 is at 100%, steady state.
  • The crew has just completed actions directed by ARP 1A-A1, and alarm is now clear.
  • Chemistry department has completed sampling of the Unit 1 RWST, and reports that boron has lowered from 2340 ppm to 2240 ppm.

Which of the following choices completes the following statements:

1) The Technical Specification LCO for the boron injection system from the RWST requires a minimum boron concentration of _____.
2) Procedure ______ should be used to restore this boron injection system to its previous boron level.

A. 1) 2250

2) 1-OP-CS-004, Refueling Water Storage Makeup B. 1) 2250
2) 1-OP-CH-23, Boration Followed by a Manual Make-up using the Blender C. 1) 2300
2) 1-OP-CH-23, Boration Followed by a Manual Make-up using the Blender D. 1) 2300
2) 1-OP-CS-004, Refueling Water Storage Makeup

Question:!4 Given the following:

  • Unit 1 is at 100% steady state with RCS boron at 800 ppm.
  • 1-CH-I-1A, Mixed Bed Demin is in service, and has been in service for the last 30 days.
  • Maintenance needs to cycle open 1-CC-TCV-103, NRHX Outlet Temp Control valve.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) Opening 1-CC-TCV-103 will cause initial RCS Tave to ______.
2) Per 1-OP-CH-011, CVCS Mixed Bed Demin operation, when placing a new demin bed in service; the maximum allowed deviation between influent and effluent boron before directing the demin stream to the VCT is ____ ppm.

A. 1) lower

2) 50 B. 1) lower
2) 25 C. 1) rise
2) 50 D. 1) rise
2) 25

Question:!5 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at ISD with cooldown in progress with RHR in service.
  • RHR total flow is 3500 gpm.
  • 1-HCV-1758 is 10 % OPEN.
  • The standby CC pump 1-CC-P-1A was started.

Current Conditions (5 minutes later):

  • The RO adjusts the pot for 1-RH-FCV-1605 (shown to the right) in the counter-clockwise direction one full turn.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

1) This adjustment will cause RHR HX CC Outlet temperature to _____.
2) CC flow through the RHR Heat Exchanger should be maintained less than 9500 gpm to avoid excessive _______.

A. 1) lower

2) pump amps in the CC pump B. 1) rise
2) vibrations in the RHR heat exchanger C. 1) lower
2) vibrations in the RHR heat exchanger D. 1) rise
2) pump amps in the CC pump

Question:!6 Unit 1 operating at 100% power.

  • Vital Bus III/IIIA are lost.
  • The Team initiated 1-AP-10.03, Loss of Vital Bus III.
  • The Team tripped the reactor and secured the A RCP.
  • Train A and B SI actuated.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) The first SI signal actuated by this sequence of events?
2) The procedure used to reset SI.

A. 1) High Steam flow with Low Tave.

2) 1-E-0, Reactor trip or Safety Injection.

B. 1) Header to line.

2) 1-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

C. 1) High Steam flow with Low Tave.

2) 1-AP-10.19, Resetting Safety Injection.

D. 1) Header to line.

2) 1-AP-10.19, Resetting Safety Injection.

Question:!7 Which of the following describes:

1) LHSI pump suction is realigned to the containment sump during _____ of Recirculation Mode Transfer (RMT).
2) RMT is manually initiated using _____ push buttons.

A. 1) Phase I

2) 2 of 2 B. 1) Phase II
2) 2 of 2 C. 1) Phase I
2) 1 of 2 D. 1) Phase II
2) 1 of 2

Question:!8 Unit 1 is in Cold Shutdown with the Pressurizer solid, when an inadvertent safety injection occurs.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) The First component that operates to control RCS pressure.
2) The pressure in the PRT that will cause the Rupture disc to fail.


2) 50 psig.


2) 100 psig.

C. 1) RHR RV.

2) 50 psig.

D. 1) RHR RV.

2) 100 psig.

Question:!9 Initial Conditions:

  • All equipment responded normally.

Current Conditions:

  • Crew is currently performing 1-ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response, step 8 Initiate Boration of RCS.

Which of the following lit alarms listed below is the highest priority, and MUST be addressed first?





Question:!10 The following conditions exist on Unit 1:

  • A loss of offsite power has occurred.
  • 1-RC-SV-1551A, A PRZR Safety Valve, lifts and fails to reseat.
  • RCS pressure is 700 psig.
  • PRZR level is 5% and rising.
  • The PRT has ruptured.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) The cause of the rapid change in PRZR level.
2) The sequence of procedure transition expected from E-0.

A. 1) SI accumulator injection.

2) E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.

B. 1) SI accumulator injection.

2) ES-1.1, SI Termination.

C. 1) RCS voiding.

2) E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.

D. 1) RCS voiding.

2) ES-1.1, SI Termination.

Question:!11 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 and Unit 2 are both operating at 100% power.
  • B CC pump is running on Unit 1.

Current Conditions:

o 1K-D3, BUS 1D UV.

o 1K-E3, BUS 1E UV.



Which ONE of the following completes the following statement:

The __1)__ CC pump is running on Unit 1, and is powered from ___2)___.

A. 1) A 2) RSST C B. 1) A 2) EDG #1 C. 1) B 2) EDG #3 D. 1) B 2) RSST A

Question:!12 Unit 1 operating at 100% power.

  • Pressurizer level channel selector switch as shown.
  • 1-RC-LI-1460, PRZR Level CHNL 2 fails low.

Which ONE of the following identifies the effect of the failure on:

1) Charging flow.
2) Pressurizer heaters.

A. 1) Rises.

2) Pressurizer heaters energize.

B. 1) Rises.

2) Pressurizer Heaters de-energize.

C. 1) Lowers.

2) Pressurizer heaters energize.

D. 1) Lowers.

2) Pressurizer Heaters de-energize

Question:!13 Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 50% power.





  • The RO reports pressure indication as shown to the right:

o 1-RC-PI-1444 is lowering.

o 1-RC-PI-1445 is rising.

Assuming NO operator action, which ONE of the following identifies:

1) Pressurizer PORV __(1)__ is open.
2) An SI due to low Pressurizer pressure __(2)__ occur.

PZR PORV OPEN Low Press. SI A. 1) 1-RC-PCV-1456 2) will not B. 1) 1-RC-PCV-1455C 2) will C. 1) 1-RC-PCV-1456 2) will D. 1) 1-RC-PCV-1455C 2) will not

Question:!14 The operating Team is transferring the SI system from cold leg recirculation to hot leg recirculation in accordance with 1-ES-1.4, Transfer to Hot Leg Recirculation.

Which ONE of the following completes the following statement:

LHSI flow is limited to a maximum of ____(1)____ gpm by the ____(2)____ when aligned to the hot leg flow path.

A. 1) 3500

2) operator B. 1) 3500
2) cavitating venturi C. 1) 3100
2) operator D. 1) 3100
2) cavitating venturi

Question:!15 Unit 1 was operating at 40% when RCP A tripped due to a faulty overcurrent trip relay. Unit 1 reactor tripped shortly afterwards.



Which of the following completes the statements below:

1) Of these First Out annunciators that are flashing, the alarm that is the cause of the Reactor Trip is annunciator __________.
2) The color of the annunciator that caused the reactor trip is ______.


2) white B. 1) 1E-B10, LOSS OF COOL FLOW PWR > P8
2) white C. 1) 1E-B10, LOSS OF COOL FLOW PWR > P8
2) red D. 1) 1E-G10, STM GEN LO-LO LVL
2) red

Question:!16 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 2 operating at 100% power.
  • Crew enters 2-AP-16.00, Excessive RCS leakage.

Current Conditions (3 minutes later):

  • RCS pressure is 150 psig and lowering.
  • Containment pressure is 30 psia and rising.
  • B CS pump, 2-CS-P-1B, fails to start.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) The Recirc Spray pump that must be monitored for cavitation in accordance with 2-E-0, Reactor Trip and Safety Injection.
2) What is the minimum action required if cavitation is observed?

A. 1) B OSRS pump.

2) Reset CLS, and place control switch in PTL.

B. 1) B OSRS pump.

2) Place control switch in PTL.

C. 1) B ISRS Pump.

2) Reset CLS, and place control switch in PTL.

D. 1) B ISRS Pump.

2) Place control switch in PTL.

Question:!17 Given the following:

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • 1-RC-PT-1455, PZR Pressure Protection Channel I has failed to 1800 psig.
  • The channel HAS NOT been placed in TRIP at this time.
1) If another PZR Pressure Protection channel fails low, a Reactor Trip _____ occur.
2) Which T protection circuit (OPT or OTT) will this failure affect?

A. 1) will

2) OTT B. 1) will not
2) OPT C. 1) will not
2) OTT D. 1) will
2) OPT

Question:!18 The following conditions exist:

  • A Unit 1 Reactor Startup is in progress.
  • 1-OP-RX-006, Withdrawal of Control Banks to Critical Conditions, Attachment 2, ICRR plot (1/M plot) data is as follows:

o At 98 steps C Control bank - Source Range counts stabilize at 300 cps.

o At 15 steps D Control bank - Source Range counts stabilize at 375 cps.

o At 60 steps D Control Bank - Source Range counts stabilize at 545 cps.

o At 90 steps D Control Bank - Source Range counts stabilize at 1000 cps.

o A two minute wait to allow count rate and start up rate to stabilize is taken prior to data taking.

Which ONE of the following correctly completes the statement below?

Based on the change in Source Range counts, the 1/M projected critical rod height is currently

________ on D Control Bank.

REFERENCE PROVIDED A. 124 steps B. 103 steps C. 142 steps D. 154 steps

Question:!19 Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is being started up following refueling.
  • Vacuum-assist method was NOT used for RCS loop fill-and-vent.
  • The first RCP start is being performed.

After starting A RCP, #1 seal delta-P is noted to be rapidly lowering.

In accordance with 1-OP-RC-001, Starting and Running any Reactor Coolant Pump, the RCP must be stopped when #1 seal delta-P reaches ___1)___. The basis for this action is ___2)___.

A. 1) 300 psid IF it is imminent that delta-P will lower to 240 psid

2) to ensure adequate seal flow during pump coastdown B. 1) 50 psid IF it is imminent that delta-P will lower to 25 psid
2) to ensure adequate seal flow during pump coastdown C. 1) 300 psid IF it is imminent that delta-P will lower to 240 psid
2) to maintain adequate back pressure for # 3 seal operation D. 1) 50 psid IF it is imminent that delta-P will lower to 25 psid
2) to maintain adequate back pressure for # 3 seal operation

Question:!20 The Unit is operating at 100% power. All loop Tave indications are 573oF.

  • Rod Control is in AUTO.
  • A loop RTD has failed giving the indications below.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) Which NR RTD failing high will cause the indications shown above?
2) Should Control Rods move?

A. 1) TH.

2) Yes.

B. 1) TH.

2) No.

C. 1) TC.

2) Yes.

D. 1) TC.

2) No.

Question:!21 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 was operating at 100%.
  • All three Containment Air Recirculation Fans are in operation.

Current Conditions:

  • RCS pressure is 800 psig and lowering.
  • Containment Pressure is 20 psia and slowly rising.
  • Team is currently performing E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.

Which ONE of the following describes:

1) Containment Air Recirculation Fan(s) ________ is (are) running.
2) The Unit 1 Containment Air Recirculation Fans are operated at the ______ panel.

A. 1) C

2) Ventilation B. 1) A, B, and C
2) Ventilation Status Panel (VSP)

C. 1) C

2) Ventilation Status Panel (VSP)

D. 1) A, B, and C

2) Ventilation

Question:!22 Unit 1 is at 100%.

  • A 30 gallon Alt Dilute has just been completed
  • 1-CH-FCV-1113A, Boric Acid to Blender, has failed in the SHUT position.

In accordance with Tech Specs, the two required Boron Injection flow paths are satisfied by ______.

A. RWST and 1-CH-MOV-1350, Emergency Borate MOV B. RWST and Blender C. RWST and 1-CH-228, Manual Emergency Boration valve 1-CH-228, Manual Emergency Boration valve; and 1-CH-MOV-1350, Emergency D.

Borate MOV

Question:!23 Per 1-ECA-1.1, step 8; CHECK RECIRCULATION SPRAY, the minimum Containment Sump level for operation of the Recirculation Spray pumps is _________.

A. 3.0%

B. 6.0 feet C. 4.0 feet D. 6.0%

Question:!24 The breaker for 1-CS-P-1A, Unit 1 A Containment Spray Pump (14H5), is racked out for maintenance.

Which ONE of the following describes the effect on the Control Room operation of the following valves?

  • CS Suction (1-CS-MOV-100A)
  • CS Discharge (1-CS-MOV-101A and 1-CS-MOV-101C)

A. Suction and Discharge valves cannot be opened if closed.

B. Suction and Discharge valves cannot be closed if open.

C. Suction valve ONLY cannot be cycled open or closed.

D. Discharge valves ONLY cannot be cycled open or closed.

Question:!25 Given the following:

Unit 1 is operating at 100%, Unit 2 is in Cold Shutdown.



o 0-RM-M5, 1-CC-RI-105 HIGH.

o 0-RM-M6, 1-CC-RI-106 HIGH.

  • 1-CC-LI-100, CC Surge Tank is reading 51% and is rising at 1%/minute.
  • The BOP operator attempts to close the CC Surge Tank Vent Isolation valve by placing HCV-CC-100 to OFF.
  • HCV-CC-100 remains OPEN.

Which one of the following indicates the NEXT action that is required to be taken to close the CC Surge Tank Vent Isolation valve?

A. Close breaker 22 on Unit 1 Semi-vital bus.

B. Locally take the handswitch HCV-CC-100 to the CLOSE position.

C. Take the handswitch SOV-CC-200 on Unit 2 Vertical Board to the OFF position.

D. Locally turn the handwheel on HCV-CC-100 in the clockwise direction until valve is closed.

Question:!26 Given the following conditions:

  • Containment atmosphere cleanup on Unit 1 is in progress.
  • 1-VS-F-3A and 1-VS-F-3B, Iodine Filtration Fans are running.

The loss of which ONE of the following electrical busses would cause 1-VS-F-3B to stop?

A. A Station Service bus.

B. B Station Service bus.

C. H Emergency bus.

D. J Emergency bus.

Question:!27 An event has occurred on Unit 1 with the following conditions:

  • Safety Injection has initiated with all LHSI and HHSI pumps flowing to the core.
  • Containment H2 concentration is 2.8% as determined in 1-E-1, Step 26.
  • The operating team is performing 1-E-1, Attachment 3 to place H2 recombiners in service.

Which ONE of the following describes:

1) Whether the H2 recombiners can be placed in service at this H2 concentration.
2) The required temperature range (°F) for placing the recombiners in service.

A. 1) Yes.

2) 1150°F - 1200°F B. 1) Yes.
2) 2200°F - 2250°F C. 1) No.
2) 1150°F - 1200°F D. 1) No.
2) 2200°F - 2250°F

Question:!28 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 100% power.

Current Conditions (2 minutes later):

  • Main Generator output breakers are closed.

Which ONE of the following would be expected indications at current conditions? (Assume no operator action is taken.)

Reactor Power PZR Pressure A. Stable Lowering B. Lowering Rising C. Stable Rising D. Lowering Lowering

Question:!29 Which ONE of the following Radiation Monitors is required to be operable for fuel movement?

A. New Fuel Storage Area Radiation Monitor (1-RM-RI-152).

B. Containment High Range Radiation Monitor (1-RM-RI-128).

C. Containment High Range Gamma Radiation Monitor (1-RM-RI-161).

D. Manipulator Crane Area Radiation Monitor (1-RM-RI-162).

Question:!30 The Operations Fuel Handling Group is loading a Spent Fuel Cask.

The following Radiation Monitor indications are received in the Main Control Room:

Which ONE of the following identifies the actions required by the Main Control Room?

A. Secure normal MCR ventilation, then start ONE MCR Emergency Ventilation fan (1-VS-F-41 or 1-VS-F-42).

B. Align Fuel Building Ventilation to Filtered Exhaust via 1-VS-F-58A/B.

C. Align Fuel Building Ventilation to Filtered Exhaust via 1-VS-F-59.

D. Place BOTH Fuel Building Exhaust fans in service (1-VS-F-7A and 1-VS-F-7B).

Question:!31 Commented [s1]: Use Sim and PCS to get a screenshot for a 40 gpd leak The following Unit conditions exist:

  • Unit 2 is at 100% power.
  • 2-SV-RI-211 (Unit 2 Air Ejector RM) is reading 2.2E8 cpm.
  • Air ejector flow rates:

- A/E A = 2 scfm

- A/E B = 1 scfm Using the attached RCS Chemistry Report and 0-OSP-RC-002 - Steam Generator Primary to Secondary Leakage Monitoring Attachment 1, calculate the current Primary-to-Secondary leak rate on Unit 2.


A. 155 gallons per day B. 194 gallons per minute C. 105 gallons per day D. 108 gallons per minute

Question:!32 Which ONE of the following is correct regarding:

1) How Main Steam isolation is monitored from the MCR.
2) What is the signal that causes this isolation?

A. 1) Individual MSTV position indications on MCR Bench Board;

2) Header-to-Line SI.

B. 1) Individual MSTV position indications on MCR Bench Board;

2) High Steam Flow SI.

C. 1) Individual MSNRV position indications on MCR Vertical Board;

2) High Steam Flow SI.

D. 1) Individual MSNRV position indications on MCR Vertical Board;

2) Header-to-Line SI.

Question:!33 A startup is in progress on Unit 1.

  • The reactor is at 1E-8 amps and critical data is being taken.
  • Main Steam Trip Valves and Non-Return Valves are open.
  • 1-MS-TCV-105A (Condenser Steam Dump Valve) fails open.

Assuming NO OPERATOR ACTION, which ONE of the following describes the immediate effect on the plant?


Question:!34 Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is stable at 90% power.
  • Bank D rods are at 200 steps with the Rod Control Mode Selector switch in AUTO.
  • A S/G Main Steam PORV (1-MS-RV-101A) fails open due to controller failure.

Which ONE of the following describes:

(1) The effect on Control Rod Position.

(2) The expected procedure used to locally isolate the PORV.

A. 1) Rods step OUT;

2) 0-AP-53.00 - Loss of Vital Instrumentation/Controls.

B. 1) Rods step IN;

2) 0-AP-53.00 - Loss of Vital Instrumentation/Controls.

C. 1) Rods step IN;

2) 1-AP-38.00 - Main Steam System Control Malfunction.

D. 1) Rods step OUT;

2) 1-AP-38.00 - Main Steam System Control Malfunction.

Question:!35 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 100%.
  • Condenser vacuum is 27 in. Hg and lowering.

Current conditions:

  • The turbine is being ramped down at 1% per minute IAW 0-AP-23.00, Rapid Load Reduction.
  • The Rod-to-Rod Deviation light on the CERPI display is lit.

Which of the following completes the statements below:

1) __________ contains guidance to adjust IRPI channels.
2) The CERPI Rod-to-Rod Deviation light will come on as soon as any rod indicates greater than _____ steps from another rod in the group.

A. 1) 1-AP-14.00, Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum

2) 12 B. 1) 0-AP-23.00, Rapid Load Reduction
2) 20 C. 1) 0-AP-23.00, Rapid Load Reduction
2) 12 D. 1) 1-AP-14.00, Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum.
2) 20

Question:!36 Initial conditions:

  • A plant startup was in progress.
  • Power level was at 35%.

Current conditions:

  • SG blowdown isolation valves (1-BD-TV-100A through -100F) are closed.
  • Current SG narrow range levels (all slowly rising):

- A - 15%

- B - 16%

- C - 18%.

Which ONE of the following states:

(1) The initiating event that caused the trip.

(2) The expected automatic actions based on these conditions.

A. 1) The operating MFP tripped;

2) ONLY the motor driven AFW pumps have a start signal.

B. 1) The operating MFP tripped;

2) BOTH the turbine driven AND motor driven AFW pumps have a start signal.

C. 1) All feed water regulating valves drifted closed, actuating AMSAC;

2) BOTH the turbine driven AND motor driven AFW pumps have a start signal.

D. 1) All feed water regulating valves drifted closed, actuating AMSAC;

2) ONLY the motor driven AFW pumps have a start signal.

Question:!37 The following conditions exist:

  • An earthquake has occurred, causing a complete loss of offsite power.
  • Both Units have Safety Injected.

Placing the __1)__ #3 EDG bypass switch in BYPASS will energize the __2)__ bus.

A. 1) Unit 2

2) 2H B. 1) Unit 2
2) 1J C. 1) Unit 1
2) 1J D. 1) Unit 1
2) 2H

Question:!38 Given the following:

  • The plant trips from full power following a loss of offsite power.
  • The crew has entered 1-AP-39.00, Natural Circulation of RCS.

In accordance with 1-AP-39.00, which ONE of the following indications is consistent with natural circulation?

A. RCS Subcooling indication stable or lowering.

B. Core Exit Thermocouple temperature stable or rising.

C. RCS cold leg temperature stable or rising.

D. Steam Generator pressures slowly lowering.

Question:!39 A loss of EDG DC Control Power will cause a loss of ____.

A. immersion heater control B. the turbo soak back pump C. field flash control D. louver control

Question:!40 Radiation Monitor 1-RM-RI-155, AUX BLDG DRUM is alarming in HIGH.

Which of the following would be the most likely cause of the alarm?

A. Radioactive spill at the Primary Sample Sink.

B. Piping leak in the High Rad Sample System.

C. Radioactive spill in the Chemistry Hot Lab.

D. Piping leak at suction of 1-CH-P-2A, A Boric Acid Transfer Pump.

Question:!41 Which ONE of the following conditions would prevent the Main Feedwater Regulating Valves from closing during a Reactor Trip?

A. A failure of Median Tave such that it remains at 573°F.

B. One Reactor Trip Breaker remains closed.

C. Two-of-three S/G narrow range levels in two-of-three S/Gs remain >17%.

D. AMSAC fails to initiate.

Question:!42 Which of the following breakers supplies power to Aux Feedwater pump, 1-FW-P-3B?

A. 1-EP-BKR-14H5 B. 1-EP-BKR-15H4 C. 1-EP-BKR-15J4 D. 1-EP-BKR-14J5

Question:!43 Given the following:

  • An Operator has been dispatched in accordance with the ARP.

o Normal and alternate 480V supply breakers are closed.

o At UPS 1A1, the Inverter Output Low and Fuse Blown yellow lights are lit.

Which ONE of the choices below correctly completes the following statement?

Vital Bus 1-I is currently being supplied from the __1)__ and vital bus amperage indication is located on


A. 1) Regulating Line Conditioner

2) Main Control Room ammeter B. 1) Station Battery 1A
2) UPS 1A1 ammeter C. 1) Station Battery 1A
2) Main Control Room ammeter D. 1) Regulating Line Conditioner
2) UPS 1A1 ammeter

Question:!44 Initial conditions:

  • Both units operating at 100% power.
  • The 1D and 2C SW Supply Headers are in service.

Current conditions:

  • Service Building Inside Operator reports indications that the 2C SW Supply Header is clogging.
  • The operating crew has initiated 0-AP-12.00, Service Water System Abnormal Conditions.

Which ONE of the following correctly indicates the order in which the Third SW Supply Header is placed in service?

REFERENCE PROVIDED A. 1) Open/check open 2-SW-11; 2) Place both MER 5 headers in service; (3) Open 2-SW-477; (4) Open/check open 1-SW-500 and 2-SW-478.

B. 1) Open/check open 2-SW-477; 2) Open/check open 1-SW-500 or 2-SW-478; (3) Place both MER 5 headers in service; (4) Open 2-SW-11.

C. 1) Open/check open 1-SW-500 and 2-SW-478; 2) Open 2-SW-477; (3) Verify 2C MER 5 supply in service; (4) Open 2-SW-11.

D. 1) Open/check open 2-SW-11; 2) Verify 2C MER 5 supply in service; (3) Open 2-SW-477; (4) Open/check open 1-SW-500 or 2-SW-478.

Question:!45 The team has entered 1-AP-10.06, Loss of DC Power.

Which of the following completes the statement.

The 4 KV Switchgear Breakers without DC control Power __1)__ trip automatically and __2)__ be cycled electrically.

A. 1) will

2) can B. 1) will
2) can not C. 1) will not
2) can D. 1) will not
2) can not

Question:!46 Which ONE of the following describes the reason a reactor trip occurs upon a complete loss of Station DC power?

A. Loss of voltage to reactor trip breakers causes these breakers to open.

B. Loss of either DC bus would cause all main feedwater regulating valves and bypass valves to fail closed.

C. The turbine generator output breaker trips open.

D. The reactor coolant pumps trip off.

Question:!47 Current Condition on Unit 1:

  • The Above-Ground Fuel Oil Storage Tank (1-HS-TK-1) has developed a leak.
  • The tank has been pumped dry and tagged out for weld repairs.

Per Technical Specification 3.16, Emergency Power System, the minimum on-site fuel oil required in the Underground Fuel Oil Storage Tanks is _____ gallons.

A. 50,000 B. 40,000 C. 35,000 D. 17,500

Question:!48 Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 2 is experiencing a sustained loss of Instrument Air.
  • The operating team has tripped the reactor and initiated 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
  • 0-AP-40.00, Non-Recoverable Loss of Instrument Air has also been initiated.

Which ONE of the following identifies:

1) Why Reactor Coolant Pumps are tripped.
2) How is decay heat removed from the RCS.

A. 1) Reduce heat input to RCS.

2) Manual operation of Steam Dumps.

B. 1) Component Cooling is lost.

2) Manual operation of Steam Dumps.

C. 1) Component Cooling is lost.

2) Local operation of S/G PORVs.

D. 1) Reduce heat input to RCS.

2) Local operation of S/G PORVs.

Question:!49 Given the following conditions:

  • The team is in 1-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, at Step 5.
  • RCS pressure is 15 psig.
  • Containment pressure is 30 psia.
  • The BOP notices that the MSTVs have not closed automatically.
  • All other ESF equipment has responded as designed.
1) Which procedure will first direct closing the MSTVs manually?
2) What is the reason for closing the MSTVs with these conditions?

A. 1) 1-FR-Z.1, Response to Containment High Pressure

2) Prevent excessive cooldown B. 1) 1-FR-Z.1, Response to Containment High Pressure
2) Restore containment integrity C. 1) 1-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
2) Prevent excessive cooldown D. 1) 1-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
2) Restore containment integrity

Question:!50 Given the following information:

  • The A Waste Gas Decay Tank is being released.
  • 1-GW-RM-131A, Process Vent Radiation Monitor (Particulate) alarms in HIGH.

The Radiation Monitor HIGH alarm automatically closes all of the following valves EXCEPT ___.

A. 1-GW-FCV-160, CTMT Vacuum Isolation, Unit 1 B. 1-GW-FCV-260, CTMT Vacuum Isolation, Unit 2 C. 1-GW-HCV-106, Aerated Vent Isolation D. 1-GW-FCV-101, Decay Tank Bleed Isolation

Question:!51 Given the following:


1) When the CHECK SOURCE button is pushed, an actual source ____ exposed to the detector.
2) When the ALARM ACK button on the faceplate is pushed, the 1-RM-RI-157 HIGH annunciator (0-RM-H3) _____ silence and lock in.

A. 1) is not

2) will not B. 1) is not
2) will C. 1) is
2) will not D. 1) is
2) will

Question:!52 Given the following conditions:

  • 1-CH-RI-118 and 1-CH-RI-119 (RCS Letdown RMs) are indicating 100 mRem/hr.
  • Health Physics reports a hot-spot physically located 4 feet away from the RMs and is the source of the elevated reading.
  • An operator must hang a tag on a valve that is located 8 feet from the hot spot.

What is the dose rate in the area where the operator will be hanging the tag?


A. 50 mRem/hr B. 25 mRem/hr C. 400 mRem/hr D. 71 mRem/hr

Question: 53 Given the following:

  • The operating team is at Step 14 of 1-FR-C.1, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling, preparing to depressurize all S/Gs to 200 psig.
  • All S/Gs are intact.
  • Using the graphic shown, describe the operator actions required to dump steam at maximum rate via the S/G PORVs. (Only 1 PORV controller is shown, but assume actions are the same for all).

A. Place the controller in MANUAL by pressing the A/M button, press the SEL button to put the LED ball above the center or right bar, then press and hold the up arrow to fully open the PORV.

B. Verify the controller is in AUTO, press the SEL button to put the LED ball above the center or right bar, then press and hold the up arrow to fully open the PORV.

C. Verify the controller is in AUTO with the LED ball over the left bar, press the R/L button to place in REMOTE, then press the down arrow to adjust the PORV setpoint to 200 psig.

D. Place the controller in MANUAL by pressing the A/M button, press the R/L button to place in REMOTE, verify the LED ball is over the left bar, then press and hold the down arrow to fully open the PORV.

Question:!54 Circulating Water pumps can only be remotely started from the ___1)___ RO console.

In accordance with OP-48.1.1, Starting Any Circulating Water Pump, the traveling screens are required to be in ___2)___ speed.

A. 1) Unit 1

2) slow B. 1) Unit 2
2) fast C. 1) Unit 2
2) slow D. 1) Unit 1
2) fast

Question:!55 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 HSD.
  • Unit 1 A High Level Intake is stop-logged for maintenance.

Current Conditions:

  • Unit 1 RCS pressure is 15 psig.
  • Unit 1 containment pressure is 30 psia and lowering.
  • All ESF equipment respond as designed.

Which one of the following describes the RSHXs that have SW flowing through them?

A. RSHX A and B.

B. RSHX C and D.

C. RSHX A and D.

D. RSHX B and C.

Question:!56 The following conditions exist:

  • North Anna Unit 1 has tripped due to Light is LIT 500kV grid instability.
  • Both Surry Units are at 100% power.
  • Surry Unit 2 Voltage Regulator is as shown.

Light is LIT Light is LIT Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

1) Unit 2 Voltage Regulator prevent the operator from exceeding excitation limits.
2) In accordance with 0-AP-10.18, Response to Grid Instability, the Systems and Marketing Operations Center (SOC/MOC) ____ required to be notified A. 1) will not
2) is B. 1) will not
2) is not C. 1) will
2) is D. 1) will
2) is not

Question:!57 Initial Conditions:

  • Both units are at 100% power.
  • Instrument and Service Air headers are in a normal alignment.
  • 1-IA-C-1, Instrument Air Compressor is tagged out for repairs.

Current Conditions:

  • The Operator reports that 1-SA-C-4A, SA Compressor has tripped and the other SA Compressors have failed to start.
  • MCR Service Air and Instrument Air Indications are 98 psig and lowering.

With NO Operator actions, which ONE of the following statements is correct?

1) 2-IA-C-1, Instrument Air Compressor will auto start at ____ psig.
2) After 2-IA-C-1 starts Unit 1 Instrument Air _____ re-pressurize.

A. 1) 90

2) will B. 1) 80
2) will not C. 1) 80
2) will D. 1) 90
2) will not

Question:!58 Current Conditions:

  • Both Units have experienced a Loss of All AC Power.
  • An operator has been dispatched to start and align the Temporary Diesel Driven Air Compressor.

The __1)__ systems for both units are supplied by the Temporary Diesel Driven Air Compressor.

The Temporary Diesel Driven Air Compressor __2)__ have its own air dryers.

A. 1) Instrument Air and Service Air

2) does B. 1) Instrument Air and Service Air
2) does not C. 1) Instrument Air ONLY
2) does D. 1) Instrument Air ONLY
2) does not

Question:!59 The Crew is responding to a loss of secondary heat sink in accordance with 1-FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, and must align a low pressure water source to feed SGs.

  • Emergency Condensate Storage Tank, 1-CN-TK-1 is at 10% and lowering rapidly.
  • 1-CN-150, Emerg. CST Inlet is mechanically stuck in CLOSED position.
  • AFW Booster pumps, 1-FW-P-4A, and 1-FW-P-4B are both tagged out for corrective maintenance.
  • The Unit 2 RO reports he is unable to open AFW Crosstie MOVs, 1-FW-MOV-160A and B.

Which ONE of the following describes the required low pressure source that should be aligned in accordance with 1-FR-H.1, Attachment 1, Alternate AFW Sources?

A. 1-CN-TK-2, Condensate Storage Tank.

B. 1-CN-TK-3, Emergency Makeup Tank.

C. Fire Protection System using the Diesel driven fire pump, 1-FP-P-2.

D. 2-CN-TK-2, Condensate Storage Tank.

Question:!60 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 1 was at 100% power.
  • Loss of coolant accident has occurred.
  • Peak CTMT pressure reached 19 psia.

Current Conditions:

  • CTMT pressure is 16 psia and lowering slowly.
  • All systems functioned as designed.
  • The Operators have not manually reset any safety features.

For this condition, which ONE of the following gives the status of the CTMT isolation signals?

Phase I (SI) Phase II (Hi CLS) Phase III (Hi Hi CLS)

A. Actuated Actuated NOT Actuated B. NOT Actuated Actuated Actuated C. Actuated Actuated Actuated D. NOT Actuated NOT Actuated NOT Actuated

Question:!61 Which ONE of the following identifies the basis for stopping the SG depressurization at 200 psig in 1-ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Cooling Recirculation?

A. Allows time for refilling the RWST.

B. Prevents injection of nitrogen into the RCS.

C. Allows the RCP to remain running.

D. Extends the time until the accumulator fully depletes.

Question:!62 Initial Conditions (Unit 1):

  • RCS Tave - 573°F
  • RCS Pressure - 2235 psig
  • RCS Pressure - 2100 psig
  • The operating team has entered 1-AP-31.00, Increasing or Decreasing RCS Pressure.

RCS Tave is expected to __1)__ due to the moderator __2)__ coefficient.

A. 1) rise

2) temperature B. 1) rise
2) pressure C. 1) lower
2) temperature D. 1) lower
2) pressure

Question:!63 Which of the following completes the following statement:

In the event a TRM requirement is determined to be inadequate, a ___(1)___ order may be issued to impose more restrictive requirements on an expedited basis. An order imposing such administrative controls must be presented to the ___(2)___ for review prior to implementation.

A. 1) Shift (Night)

2) Facility Safety Review Committee (FSRC)

B. 1) Standing

2) Corrective Action Review (CARB)

C. 1) Standing

2) Facility Safety Review Committee (FSRC)

D. 1) Shift (Night)

2) Corrective Action Review (CARB)

Question:!64 Given the following:

  • It is currently 06:30 on September 12
  • An individual is preparing to relieve the RO.
  • The individual has been offsite since September 5.

Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?

In accordance with OP-AA-100, Conduct of Operations, to complete his turnover the on-coming RO is required to review applicable logs and temporary orders since at least


A. September 5 B. September 6 C. September 9 D. September 11

Question:!65 Given the following:

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100%, Unit 2 is at Hot Shutdown.
  • Troubleshooting is needed for Unit 2 TDAFW pump to determine why the Trip Throttle valve tripped.
  • A troubleshooting team consisting of Maintenance and Operations personnel is being assembled. The team leader will be a Maintenance First Line Supervisor.
  • The Terry Turbine is tagged out.
  • This activity is a Simple, Cat IV (No Risk) troubleshooting, because the troubleshooting activities do not affect the safety of the plant.

Which of the following describes.

The highest level Supervisor/Manager that is required to approve this troubleshooting plan.

A. Troubleshooting Team Leader.

B. Maintenance Manager.

C. Shift Manager.

D. FSRC Chair.

Question:!66 With a Unit operating at 100% power, which ONE of the following identifies:

1) The Safety Limit for RCS Pressure.
2) The time requirement to reach Hot Shutdown if the Safety Limit is exceeded.

A. 1) 2735 psig.

2) 15 minutes.

B. 1) 2735 psig.

2) 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

C. 1) 2485 psig.

2) 15 minutes.

D. 1) 2485 psig.

2) 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

Question:!67 Given the following:

  • Unit 1 Reactor Startup in progress.
  • 1-NPT-RX-008, Startup Physics Testing (ICCE II) is scheduled later in the shift.
  • Personnel have assembled to conduct a Pre-job briefing for 1-NPT-RX-008, Startup Physics Testing (ICCE II).

Which one of the following correctly describes the requirements per OP-AA-106, Infrequently Conducted or Complex Evolutions for the following?

1) A Senior Operations Manager is assigned for the test. This individual shall _____.
2) A review of test procedure instructions and acceptance criteria ____ required to be briefed to the team per Attachment 2 - Detailed Pre-Test Briefing Checklist.

A. 1) coordinate the test

2) is not B. 1) be familiar with the test
2) is C. 1) coordinate the test
2) is D. 1) be familiar with the test
2) is not

Question:!68 Given the following:

  • Fuel failure on Unit 2 has resulted in elevated radiation levels in the Auxiliary Building.
  • An operator has been dispatched to an area where radiation levels are 178 mRem/hr at 30 cm.
  • The operator is reviewing the RWP for entry into the area.
1) The posting for this area will indicate _______.
2) In accordance with Technical Specification Chapter 6, Administrative Controls, this area requires the entrance to be _______.

A. 1) Radiation Area

2) barricaded and conspicuously posted B. 1) Radiation Area
2) provided with a locked gate with the HPSS controlling the keys C. 1) High Radiation Area
2) barricaded and conspicuously posted D. 1) High Radiation Area
2) provided with a locked gate with the HPSS controlling the keys

Question:!69 Which one of the following correctly state the requirements for communicating Notes and Cautions when using Abnormal Operating Procedures (AOP).

1) A Note or Caution that is not applicable ______.
2) A Note or Caution that is applicable and is encountered for the second time in that AOP ______.

A. 1) need not be verbalized

2) may be paraphrased B. 1) may be paraphrased
2) must be read verbatim C. 1) may be paraphrased
2) may be paraphrased D. 1) need not be verbalized
2) must be read verbatim

Question:!70 In accordance with OP-AP-104, Emergency and Abnormal Operating Procedures:

1) The ______ is responsible for directing the actions of the Reactor Operators during transient conditions.
2) When a RED or ORANGE path is encountered, CSF Status Trees shall be monitored at a maximum time interval of ______.

A. 1) Shift Manager

2) every 15 minutes B. 1) Shift Manager
2) continuously (3-5 minutes)

C. 1) Unit SRO

2) every 15 minutes D. 1) Unit SRO
2) continuously (3-5 minutes)

Question:!71 Given the following:

  • Both units are operating at 100%
  • A large fire occurs in the Main Control Room (MCR) and is NOT brought under control.
  • The Shift Manager orders the crew to don SCBAs due to the large amount of toxic fumes from the fire.

Which of the following describes:

1) The initial procedure that shall be performed by the crew.
2) If Control Room evacuation is necessary, due to the fire, which procedure will direct the actions necessary to evacuate the MCR.

A. 1) 0-FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire.

2) 0-AP-20.00, Main Control Room Inaccessibility.

B. 1) 0-AP-48.00, Fire Protection - Operations Response.

2) 0-FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire.

C. 1) 0-AP-48.00, Fire Protection - Operations Response.

2) 0-AP-20.00, Main Control Room Inaccessibility.

D. 1) 0-FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire.

2) 0-FCA-1.00, Limiting MCR Fire.

Question:!72 Initial Conditions:

  • Unit 2 was operating at 100% power when the operating team tripped the reactor and manually initiated safety injection.

Current conditions:

  • RCS pressure - 800 psig and lowering.
  • Containment pressure - 23 psia.
  • S/G pressures (all 3) - 600 psig and stable.
  • The Team is currently performing 2-ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

Which ONE of the following identifies the components used to:

1) Establish a cooldown of the RCS in 2-ES-1.2.
2) Depressurize the RCS to refill the pressurizer.

A. 1) SG PORVs.

2) Pressurizer Spray.

B. 1) SG PORVs.

2) Pressurizer PORV.

C. 1) Steam dumps.

2) Pressurizer Spray.

D. 1) Steam dumps.

2) Pressurizer PORV.

Question:!73 Current Conditions:

  • Unit 2 RCS pressure is 990 psig and lowering.
  • The team has transitioned to 2-ECA-1.2, LOCA Outside Containment.
  • The team has just verified LHSI to Hot Leg MOVs closed, 2-SI-MOV-2890A and 2-SI-MOV-2890B.
  • The team is ready to perform step 2 of 2-ECA-1.2, Try to Identify and Isolate Break.

Which of the following answers the questions below:

1) What is the first component the crew will attempt to close as per 2-ECA-1.2, step 2?
2) What parameter and change will the crew check to determine if the break is isolated?

A. 1) 2-SI-MOV-2890C, LHSI to Cold legs.

2) RCS subcooling > 30oF.

B. 1) 2-SI-MOV-2864A, 2-SI-MOV-2864B, LHSI pump Discharge MOVs.

2) RCS subcooling > 30oF.

C. 1) 2-SI-MOV-2864A, 2-SI-MOV-2864B, LHSI pump Discharge MOVs.

2) RCS pressure rising.

D. 1) 2-SI-MOV-2890C, LHSI to Cold legs.

2) RCS pressure rising.

Question:!74 The following conditions exist:

  • FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, is in effect.
  • All SG levels at 10% WR.
  • CTMT pressure is 21 psia and stable.
  • CETCs are increasing slowly.
  • WR Hot Leg temperature is 560°F.
  • AFW crosstie from Unit 2 has just been restored.

Which ONE of the following gives the required method of feeding the SGs?

A. One SG should be fed at the maximum available rate.

B. All SGs should be fed at greater than 540 gpm total.

C. All SGs should be fed at greater than 450 gpm total.

D. One SG should be fed at 100 gpm.

Question:!75 Initial Conditions:

  • A loss of off-site power has occurred concurrent with automatic initiation of SI and Hi-Hi CLS on Unit 1.
  • All systems function as designed except 1-CS-P-1A tripped 30 seconds after it started.
  • The team is performing 1-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.

Current Conditions:

  • Unit 1 RCS pressure indicates 15 psig.
  • Unit 1 containment pressure indicates 30 psia and lowering.
  • SI is injecting with the RWST at 24%.
  • The average of the five highest CETCs is 688°F.
  • RVLIS Full Range level is 64%.

Which ONE of the following gives the correct procedural transition?

A. Go to FR-C.2, Response to Degraded Core Cooling.

B. Go to FR-Z.1, Response to Containment High Pressure.

C. Go to ES-1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation.

D. Go to FR-Z.2, Response to Containment Flooding.

Question # Answer Question Answer RO 1 B 41 A 2 A 42 C 3 D 43 D 4 D 44 A 5 B 45 D 6 A 46 A 7 B 47 C 8 B 48 C 9 D 49 D 10 C 50 C 11 A 51 A 12 D 52 B 13 A 53 A 14 A 54 D 15 C 55 C 16 B 56 A 17 A 57 D 18 A 58 A 19 B 59 C 20 D 60 A 21 D 61 B 22 A 62 D 23 C 63 C 24 B 64 C 25 C 65 C 26 B 66 B 27 A 67 B 28 B 68 C 29 D 69 A 30 A 70 D 31 A 71 B 32 B 72 B 33 B 73 D 34 D 74 A 35 C 75 D 36 B 37 B 38 D 39 C 40 B

Reference Attachment # Attachment Description 1 1-OP-RX-006, Attachment 2 2 0-AP-12.00, Attachment 1 3 0-OSP-RC-002, Attachment 1 4 RCS Chemistry Report