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University of Texas at Austin Response to NRC Generic Letter 2016-01
Person / Time
Site: University of Texas at Austin
Issue date: 05/17/2016
From: Biegalski S, Whaley P
University of Texas at Austin
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16175A423 (1)


Dcpamncnc of Mechanical Engineering THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Nuclear Engineering leaching Lt1boratory *Austin, Texas 78758 512-232-5370 *FAX 512-471-4589

  •!I ATIN: Document Control Desk, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001


Docket No. 50-602, Response to Generic Letter 2016-01 Sir:

May 17, 2016 In accordance with the instructions of NRC Generic Letter 2016-01 (Monitoring of Neutron absorbing Material in Spent Fuel Pools), this response provides requested information regarding neutron-absorbing material to control criticality of stored fuel in wet locations at The University of Texas at Austin TRIGA reactor.


GL 2016-01 (Requested Information from Non-Power Reactor Addressees) poses the question (1) "Are neutron absorbing materials used in a reactor pool, fuel storage pool, or other wet locations designed for the storage of reactor or spent fuel? "

The University of Texas at Austin reactor is a pool type TRIGA reactor with Fuel Follower Control Rods (FFCRs) and

. a transient rod containing-neutron absorbing materials. The FFCRs and transient rod are installed in the reactor core except for inspection and testing. When the FFCRs reach end of life, they will be placed in storage.

Therefore, The University of Texas at Austin TRIGA reactor has wet locations containing neutron absorbing materials.

Question (2) asks, "If neutron absorbing materials are used, is their usage credited in licensing or design basis (i.e.,

criticality safety analyses) for the storage of reactor fuel or spent fuel in a reactor pool, fuel storage pool, or other wet locations, as applicable?"

The neutron absorbing materials in the control rods are not associated with storage of reactor fuel or spent fuel, or credited for maintaining subcriticality of stored fuel in wet locations. Therefore Question 3 of the gen~ric letter 2016-01 is not applicable to The University ofTexas at Austin reactor.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact P. M. Whaley at 512 232 5373 or

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S. Biegalski