NG-15-0345, Supplemental Information for License Amendment Request (TSCR-144) to Revise and Relocate Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves to a Pressure and Temperature Limits Report

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Supplemental Information for License Amendment Request (TSCR-144) to Revise and Relocate Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves to a Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/2015
From: Vehec T
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15357A025 List:
Download: ML15357A051 (7)


NEXTeraM ENERGY~ .-***.~

DUANE ARNOLD Attachment 2 Contains Proprietary Information Withhold Attachment 2 from Public Disclosure in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 December 18, 2015 NG-15-0345 10 CFR 50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washin~ton, DC 20555 Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket No. 50-331 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-49 Supplemental Information for License Amendment Request (TSCR-144) to Revise and Relocate Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves to a Pressure and temperature Limits Report Reference*: License Amendment Request (TSCR-144) to Revise and Relocate Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves to a Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, NG-15-0235, dated July 30, 2015(ML15253A310)

In the referenced submittal, NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC (hereafter, NextEra Energy Duane Arnold) submitted a request for an amendment td the Technical Specifications (TS) for Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC).

The referenced submittal did not contain an Affidavit of Proprietary Information from EPRI. That affidavit is included as Attachment 1 of this letter.

Attachment 2 of this letter provides replacement pages, which contain proprietary information, for Attachment 5 of the referenced submittal. Attachment 3 of this letter provides replacement pages for Attachment 6 of the reference submittal.

Attachment 2 transmitted herewith contains Proprietary Information.

When separated from Attachment 2, this document is decontrolled.

NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC, 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324

Document Control Desk NG-15-0345 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact J. Michael Davis at 319-851-7032.


~d/AA. Vehec 7 vi~e President, Duane Arnold Energy Center NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC Attachments cc: Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region Ill, Project Manager, USNRC, Duane Arnold Energy Center Resident Inspector, USNRC, Duane Arnold Energy Center A. Leek (State of Iowa)


  • ~~~e ELecm1c: ro\vi:R


Rel EPRI Project Number ~69 Decemqer7; 2015 DocumentCor:itrol Desk ,

Office of Reactor R~gulation u~s. Nuclear .Regulatory Gorn mission Washington, DC 20555~0001


Req~est for Wlthhol(fiog of the following Proprietary lnf()rmat!on Included in:

FPL. Ener,gy Dt_1ane Arnqld, LLC, .Ducme ArnoldJ:nergy Center Sµbmittal to the NRC on "Pressure and Temperaturelimits Report (PTLR) for 32an~ 54 Eff.ective Full-Power Years(EFPY)". (AU9chment 5 .tQ Duane Arnold EnergyC~ntertetterNG-15-0235, dated July30, 2015)

  • To Whom It May Conqem:

This is a request un,~13r 10 C;F.R §2.390(a)(4) the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") withhold from public disclosure* the report identified *in the enclosed Affid~Vit consi~\ing ofthe pro,prietary intOrniation 9wned by Ele~tric PC>wer Research Instil@~. Inc. ("EPRI") identified in the atlached report. P'r<.)prietary and non-proprietary versions <>fthe Report and the Affidavitin support of this reqlJ.est are .<mclosed.

EPRI .de$ir~$ tq. di.s.close the Proprie((;lry lnfqrm~Ucm jn c;orjfid_ence to assi5.t the NRC review df th~ enclosed the. NRG by* FPL Energy Duane-Arnold. The Proprietary Information is notto be divulged to anyone outsi~e ofthe NRC qr to (;lny of its contractors, nor shall any copies be made of the-Proprietary Information provided hereiri. EPRI welcomes anyCli$clissiorlf) ah,d/9r qu~stions relaJing to the informalion enclosed, lfyoLi have,~my questions ab6utthe legal aspeci$ ofthisrequest foJ withholdipg, please do not hesitate to contact riie at ($50) 855~2271. Questions on the content of the Report should be directed tqAntjy McGehee .of.EPRI at (7Q4} 502~6440.



Attachment(s) 1 c: Sheldon St1,1chell, NRC (sheldon;stuchell@nrc;gov)

Toget~er ... Shaping the 'Future of Electr.icity

~ALO, Ai.TO ,OFFICE 3420 Hillyiev{ Avenue, Palo Alla, CA,943!)4* 1338 USA* 650.855,2000

  • Customer Service 1100,313.3774

~~~,. *1** ELECTRIC POWER t.=l~lg;; . !RESEARCH INSTiTUTE A.Fi;IDAVIT RE: R~questfor '1\litbhokl!nQ of t~(rt;ollowh1g Pr.opri!!fary Information Included In:

r=PLEnergy Di.Jane.Arnold, LLC1 uoane/\rnol_d ~~ergy 9enteJSu~mi~t~! tt:>th~ NR.9 90 ~Pressurn *an~

TerriperCltute L.h:nits Report (PllR)Jor 32 and 54 Effective .Full-Power Years (EFPYt (Attachinenrs,to Di.Jane

.Arnold Energy Cef1t$~ ~~tt~fNG-19"02~5; da~ed July ap, 2Qj 5)

  • hKurt Edsioger;--b~ifl9. dllly sworn/clepose and *stClte*as follows:

Iam:lhe Direcfor.:of PWR and'BWR Materiais'.at Electiic*.PowerResearchhistltOte, Irie; WhOse principal

  • offic:~. i~ *lo¢~tecl Clt ~420 HiUview AvenJ1e, P~lo AftQ, CA; ("EPRI"). .~mcl l h~ve be~n speC.ificalfy: <let~g~tea:

responsibility for the aboVe~listed report that contains EPRI Proprietary 'lnfo@ati9(1 thatJs :sought: !.lnMr this Affid.'l'{it te> lj~ Wilb,held,; "Proprieff:lry lriformafioi:i". I am autborized fo :apply to the U;S~ Nuclear Regulatory*

'Commissioh CNRC"} fof'th~ Wi{bhpl~irjg of-t~E! propriE!Jarylnform~tio119n pehalf 'tjf EPRL

,,EPRI Prop[i0.tary;lnformationi$ identified in the above. referenced*reporfby doubt~ brackets. An example of:such idelltiflcation. is as*rouows;: ** **

.((Thi~~~ntenoe:i~*.~n ex~rople. Tables containing EPRI Proprietary lnfortn~tioii lqelJtifi~d ytitll 9.9,4JJle brC:1ck~~'ts bef9re and after ttte

  •; :rtu~;sp:e.c;iilc ~PRl Propd~.f.EUY Jnformatiools cmitainedih Tabie 7and Table .8 ofthe referenced document

.anti1s:;fhti chemi~tryfa¢l6t fors~ell drig.#2pJate. he.atB0673~ t EP'Rlrequest$ thalthe Proprietary lnfOnnatlon be withheld from the public on the folloWing bases:

  • Withholding Based Upon .Privileged Anti Confidential Trade . Secrets Or :commercial .Or i=lnancial.

inf<>rrnatlon:(seee.g ** 1o:e.F!R. §*2,390folC4l: *. * * .. *- .. * * * * ***

                     . Cl!           Jbe Proprietary Information is owoe.d ,6y ePRf and has.<been ,held': in confidence; by EPBL All entities ac:ce*pting copies ofthe Pr<>prietafy lnfo,rrp~lic>h ~o so S.~bjectfo written ~gr~emf;lnts imp°'i>ing qn Qblig~tic>n ~pQn lhe recipientto: mainfoin the ¢onflclenti~lity.of U1e Pro,pri~tary *lnfotntation.. The Rroprletar}t tnfOrmatioli is ~i~clq~~~ ,tfntrt9 P,$t;t!~~ iilho ~gree, in wtiling, to, Pre~erv~r:tM c9nfi~enticiiity thereof; ti; . EPRtconsiders toe Proprietary lnformatiorrc:orttained tilerein to secrets of EPRL As sUC:h,EPRI bt>lds: the lnforriu1tion in,:~onfidence i;ifi~ .(li$clc:>~LJr~ tn~reofis $lrictly limited to Individuals and entities Who hav.~ agr~ed;* fn.wtltirig; to*maintaih 'ill~ c:onfidentfaiityofthe,liifOrmation.
                         *c.           TheinforlTI~tioil sough(to b~withheld is tq, be propri~lary fpr the following rea$ons. EPl~l:i:nade asubstantial ec:oriomicinvestmetit to d~velop,fhe Proprietary lnformaUqn and, byprotii~iJing
;public di~clo$~re, E.PRI :cJerives ~n econo,mic benefit in.'the form* oflicen$ing-royalties,and other additional fees front the confidential nature 'Of thef Ptoprietacy tnfohilatidn,. IMl1~ Prgpfi~t~,rY Information wE!re* pµ~licly avail~ble fo*cPns!,ittants and/or othefbusihes&es*providir1g services in the eJectric*and/otnuclear powerindustry, 'they would

be* a.btet<>:4_se. the F@pri~ta,ry lnfe>rmation fqr}heirowoc.e>mrnercial ~eneflt cin~ profitand Witlioute~Pendin9 the substantial;ec.bnbmic*resourcesreqtiired*of*EPRLto'deVelop the Proprietarylnf()hb.ation_. *

d. EPRl's cla.ssificatJgn ofthe PrQprigtciryJnform_aJion a.s'trade secre.tsJsjustified by the Uniforrn*Trade se.crets Act Which;Califor~ia adopted in wa4 ClQ~, a ~efsi~n PfWtiiqh h~s ,peen a.doptecl ~rover f9rtystsite5, '"fhe CaliforniaUniforrn.Trade Secrets Act, California Civil Code §§3426 -- 3426;11, defiriesa "trade se*ctet" as follows:* * * * * *- * * * * * **
  • I i
                          .;Trade secret; .rneans Worrnatloo, including a fonntila, p:atterh, compilation*,,
                        .progr~m cleviqe, method, t~¢hri!q1,1e, or- proc;ess, tba.t:

(1) Derives independent .economic value,. actual <>r potential, from n*ot being

                         *g~ner~lly @ovm to: t,he pu~lic gr fo :Other p~rs.Qos    W!lo can qblcih) ecQnoniic
                         '.valueJrorn its disclosure. or use;:and      *

(2) I§ lb~ subje¢J.of ~ffoQs* that ~t~ re.~sgoa.bie 1,1ncler the Ci~cumsfonces. to maintain Its secrecy.n *

 .       . . . . . ..... ~i     . TtieProprieWy lntorrn,~UooPPnt~ineCJ:therein ar~.not generafly*known or available to
  • thespublic. El?~I developed the Information only aftermakii'ig a determinati9ifthat the PrOp'riet~!Y. lnf9rrnation
  • was not available f(01w pu.bllc soµrces.: ~P~I rria~e asub.sfontiai investment of b<>tti rnon~y. and employee ,hours
  • 111 the development of the Proprietary lnfgrrri~.Uon. EPRI W~s J0,quired 'o devot~ th~se resotjrc~s.a11~ effort t().
  • derivefhePropfi?tary.lilformatlon, As a-re.sUlfof sllch*e1forh1nd cost; terms.of dollarsispenrand dedicated
  • emplqyee t!O,le, tM Propriet(lIY lnf9r01G1tio.nis<hi~hly valuable to* EPRI.
t. A pllblic discio$ure of'the Proprietary information wouici be highly likely to c~y~e sllbst~ntlal.hariil'W*l:PRl's comp~ti~ive**P.o~ition an~*t.he ability_*of.EPRl.*to:(it;en:se*tbeProprieWY lnformation*both domestically andAnternatlonally. The Proprietar}'Jriformation can .only.~~* aqqi.iir~~ ~Mfqrd~plig~1$~ 1lY *qther$
;~singcm eq~iy~l~nt.inveslmentof time and              effort.

I-have tead the fotegoih,g and ,the mattets.statea het~in Ne, a,nd *ca,rr¢9t t() ~~e :~e§fotmY knciYile,dg~,

lnfqrinaJi(>Q ~nd' belief*. Jmak¢,this affidaVifund.erpenaJty ofperjury undertht:i laws of thelJr\iteCI States oMmerica.

and underthlHawsofthe. St~t~qf:Cal!fQrriia. * - *

  • Cl vii Code 1'189

CIVIL CODE§ 1189 ~,W.<5¢~.ffl''¢~~~~-~-~-.~-~.~~~~~-~*~-~~~OO<;~~~~*~~ 1\ ilofafy public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identify .of the individual who signed the document to whic;h this certificate is attached, ahd not the truthfulness, accuracy, or valiclity of that document who proved to rne o_h t~e bEisis of satisfactory evi.den_ce to be the persori(s) Wlios.e name(s) i.::;/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they e)(ecu~ed the same in Iiis/tier/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/theirsignature(s) on the instrum~r:it the person(S), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the Instrument. I certify urider PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws 11*'11 ~f the State of California that the foregoing paragraph Is ~rue _arid correc:t.

~' '  . j P/acfl Notary Sea/ Above

~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~oPTIONAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T/J(jugh this section i!? option~/, c_omp((:lting th/$ information ¢an d~tera}(eratfon pf thE'J documenLor fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attaclt~d Doc m nt - _/, . / _. Title or Type of Document:  ;- _'0~t/,rJ.- _ Document bate: ~f/d?t~(S Number of Pag~~: c-0 . ._/ /gner(s) Other Than Named Above: - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - c_;a~aclty(ie. Claime~ s).* 'Signer's Name: {~ Signer's Name:~-----~~---~ o Corporate Officer - Title(s):

  • o Corporate Officer - Title(s): _ _ _ _ __

o Partner - *D Limited o General o Partner - o Limited o C3eneral o Individual o Attorney iri Facf D Individual D Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian or Conseriiator D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator D Other: D Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: - - - - - - - - - - .

©2014 National Notary Association*
  • 1"800"U$ NOTARY (1-SOOc876-68?7) Item #.5901 i

I \


Attachment 6 Page 40 of 43 Table 7: DAEC ART Table for 32 EFPY Chemistry Adjustments For 1/4t Chemistry Factor Margin Initial (oF) Description ID No. Heat No. Lot No. ~RTNoT Terms ART RT NDT(°F) Cu Ni <J,i. <J; (wt%) (wt%) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) Shell Ring #1 1-18 C6439-2 - 40 0.09 0.51 58.0 36.5 17.0 0.0 110.5

~I Shell Ring #1  1-19   80402-1          -           40      0.13       0.47         87.1                54.8    17.0 0.0             128.8' Shell Ring #2  1-20   80436-2          -           10      0.1 5      0.64       111.0                 76 .8   17.0 0.0             120.8

(( } } a, o, c, a, <?, t Shell Ring #2 1-21 80673-1 - 10 0.15 0.65 102.0 8.5 0.0 129.0 Lower D1 ,D2 432Z4521 8020A27A -50 0.01 0.98 20 .0 11 .3 5.6 0.0 -27.5 Lower D1 ,D2 432Z0471 8003A27A -50 0.03 0.91 41 .0 23 .1 11 .5 0.0 -3.8 Lower-Int E1,E2 432Z4521 8020A27A -50 0.01 0.98 20.0 12.7 6.4 0.0 -24.6 ii Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 DE DE 432Z0471 09L853 07L669 8003A27A L017A27A K004A27A

                                                      -50 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.91 0.88 1.02 41.0 41.0 41 .0 26.1 25 .8 25.8 13.0 0.0 12.9 0.0 12.9 00 2.2 1.5 1.5 Girth       DE    CTY538     A027A27A         -50      0.03       0.83        41.0                 25 .8   12.9 0.0               1.5 en Q)
"N   Nozzle N16      -   Q2Q5WV            -           40      0.18       0.85       141 .8                63 .7   17.0         0.0     137.7 N

0 z Nozzle N2 - Q2Q6WV - 40 0.18 0.84 141.6 29.2 14.6 0.0 98.5 412Z051 K910A27A N2/N16 08R4818 K904A27A llil Nozzle Welds (bounding)

                     -    659T568 661Y494 661Y439 H721A27A F927A27A E916A27A
                                                      -50      0.03       1.00        41 .0                 18.4    9.2         0.0     -13.2 Fluence      Attenuation,                                        Fluence Factor, Wall Thickness (in.)       at ID           1/4t            Fluence ~ 1/4t                              FF Location               Full        1/4t      (n/cm 2 )        e*U.24X                (n/cm )                        f0 .2H.0.1010g I)

Shell Ring #1 1-18 4.469 1.117 3.33E+18 0.765 2.55E+18 0.629

~I Shell Ring #1  1-19     4.469       1.117     3.33E+18          0.765                 2.55E+18                             0.629 Shell Ring #2  1-20     4.469       1.1 17    4.26E+18          0.765                 3.26E+18                             0.692 Shell Rinq #2  1-21     4.469       1.117     4.26E+18          0.765                 3.26E+18                             0.692 Lower     D1 ,D2    4.469       1.117     2.55E+18          0.765                 1.95E+18                             0.563 Lower     D1,D2     4.469       1.117     2.55E+18          0.765                 1.95E+18                             0.563 Lower-Int   E1 ,E2    4.469       1.117     3.43E+18          0.765                 2.62E+18                             0.636 ii    Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 DE DE 4.469 4.469 4.469 1.117 1.117 1.117 3.43E+18 3.33E+18 3.33E+18 0.765 0.765 0.765 2.62E+18 2.55E+18 2.55E+18 0.636 0.629 0.629 Girth       DE      4.469       1.117     3.33E+18          0.765                 2.55E+18                             0.629 en Q)
"N   Nozzle N16      -      4.469       1.117     1.53E+18          0.765                 1.17E+18                             0.449 N

0 z Nozzle N2 - 4.469 1.117 3.53E+17 0.765 2.70E+17 0.206 Jlil Nozzle N16 (bounding)

                      -     4.469       1.117     1.53E+18          0.765                 1.17E+18                             0.449 ote: The source ofredacted proprietary information is Reference [13]


Attachment 6 Page 41 of 43 Table 8: DAEC ART Table for 54 EFPY Adjustments For 1/4t Chemistry Margin Initial Chemistry Description ID '1RTNoT Terms ART Heat No. Lot No. RT Nor Factor No. (oF) Cu (oF) (wt Ni CJA CJ;

                                                                    %)      (wt%)                             (oF)   (oF)      (oF)      (oF)

Shell Ring #1 1-18 C6439-2 - 40 0.09 0.51 58 .0 45 .1 17.0 0.0 119.1

  ~I Shell Ring #1  1-19   80402-1         -           40      0.13      0.47       87.1                 67.8    17.0       0.0     141 .8 Shell Ring #2  1-20   80436-2         -           10      0.15      0.64      111 .0
                                                                                       }} a, o, c, a, e, t 93.7    17.0       0.0     137.7 Shell Rinq #2  1-21   80673- 1        -           10      0.15      0.65 ((                         124.5    8.5       0.0     151 .5 Lower     D1 ,D2 432Z4521    8020A27A        -50      0.01      0.98       20 .0                 14.1    7.0       0.0     -21 .9 Lower     D1 ,D2 432Z0471    8003A27A        -50      0.03      0.91       41 .0                28.8    14.4       0.0        7.7 jl       Lower-Int Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 E1 ,E2 DE DE 432Z4521 432Z0471 09L853 07L669 8020A27A 8003A27A L017A27A K004A27A
                                                          -50 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.98 0.91 0.88 1.02 20 .0 41 .0 41.0 41 .0 15.6 32 .1 31 .9 31 .9 7.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
                                                                                                                                        -18 .7 14.1 13.8 13.8 Girth       DE    CTY538     A027A27A        -50      0.03      0.83       41 .0                31 .9   16.0       0.0      13.8 Q) en "N      Nozzle N16      -   Q2Q5WJ           -           40      0.18      0.85      141.8                 85.0    17.0       0.0     159.0 N

0 Nozzle N2 - Q2Q6WJ - 40 0.18 0.84 141 .6 40.4 17.0 0.0 114.4 z 412Z051 K910A27A ~IN -0 0N en Q) N2/N16

      - Nozzle Welds      -

08R4818 659T568 K904A27A H721A27A -50 0.03 1.00 41 .0 24 .6 12.3 0.0 -0.8 z~ (bounding) 661Y494 F927A27A 661Y439 E916A27A Fluence Attenuation, Fluence Factor, Wall Thickness Cin.l at ID 1/4t Fluence ~ 1/4t FF Location Full 1/4t (n/cmi) e*U.i4x (n/cm') fU.iH-U.lUIOg I) Shell Ring #1 1-18 4.469 1.117 5.89E+18 0.765 4.50E+18 0.778

  ~I Shell Ring #1  1-19     4.469       1.117    5.89E+18         0.765               4.50E+18                          0.778 Shell Ring #2  1-20     4.469       1.117    7.49E+18         0.765               5.73E+18                          0.844 Shell Rino #2  1-21     4.469       1.117    7.49E+18         0.765               5.73E+18                          0.844 Lower      D1 ,D2    4.469       1.117    4.45E+18         0.765               3.40E+18                          0.703 Lower     D1 ,D2    4.469       1.117    4.45E+18         0.765               3.40E+18                          0.703 jl       Lower-Int Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 E1 ,E2 DE DE 4.469 4.469 4.469 4.469 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 5.98E+18 5.98E+18 5.89E+18 5.89E+18 0.765 0.765 0.765 0.765 4.57E+18 4.57E+18 4.50E+18 4.50E+18 0.782 0.782 0.778 0.778 Girth       DE      4.469       1.117    5.89E+18         0.765               4.50E+18                          0.778 Q) en "N      Nozzle N16             4.469       1.117    2.96E+18         0.765               2.26E+18                          0.599 N

0 Nozzle N2 4.469 1.117 6.25E+17 0.765 4.78E+17 0.286 z "NQ)I -o en Nozzle N16 0 Q) N- - 4.469 1.117 2.96E+18 0.765 2.26E+18 0.599 (bounding) z~ ote: The source ofredacted proprietary information is Reference (13] REDACTED (( }} PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 41

NEXTeraM ENERGY~ .-***.~ DUANE ARNOLD Attachment 2 Contains Proprietary Information Withhold Attachment 2 from Public Disclosure in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 December 18, 2015 NG-15-0345 10 CFR 50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washin~ton, DC 20555 Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket No. 50-331 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-49 Supplemental Information for License Amendment Request (TSCR-144) to Revise and Relocate Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves to a Pressure and temperature Limits Report Reference*: License Amendment Request (TSCR-144) to Revise and Relocate Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves to a Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, NG-15-0235, dated July 30, 2015(ML15253A310) In the referenced submittal, NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC (hereafter, NextEra Energy Duane Arnold) submitted a request for an amendment td the Technical Specifications (TS) for Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC). The referenced submittal did not contain an Affidavit of Proprietary Information from EPRI. That affidavit is included as Attachment 1 of this letter. Attachment 2 of this letter provides replacement pages, which contain proprietary information, for Attachment 5 of the referenced submittal. Attachment 3 of this letter provides replacement pages for Attachment 6 of the reference submittal. Attachment 2 transmitted herewith contains Proprietary Information. When separated from Attachment 2, this document is decontrolled. NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC, 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324

Document Control Desk NG-15-0345 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact J. Michael Davis at 319-851-7032. ~T~ ~d/AA. Vehec 7 vi~e President, Duane Arnold Energy Center NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC Attachments cc: Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region Ill, Project Manager, USNRC, Duane Arnold Energy Center Resident Inspector, USNRC, Duane Arnold Energy Center A. Leek (State of Iowa)


  • EPRI Proprietary Affidavit to the NRC 4 pages follow
  • ~~~e ELecm1c: ro\vi:R

~Q~E~H I ~~SEARCH INSiiTUTE KURT EDSINGER Director, PWR'& BWRMaterial~ Rel EPRI Project Number ~69 Decemqer7; 2015 DocumentCor:itrol Desk , Office of Reactor R~gulation u~s. Nuclear .Regulatory Gorn mission Washington, DC 20555~0001


Req~est for Wlthhol(fiog of the following Proprietary lnf()rmat!on Included in: FPL. Ener,gy Dt_1ane Arnqld, LLC, .Ducme ArnoldJ:nergy Center Sµbmittal to the NRC on "Pressure and Temperaturelimits Report (PTLR) for 32an~ 54 Eff.ective Full-Power Years(EFPY)". (AU9chment 5 .tQ Duane Arnold EnergyC~ntertetterNG-15-0235, dated July30, 2015)

  • To Whom It May Conqem:

This is a request un,~13r 10 C;F.R §2.390(a)(4) the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") withhold from public disclosure* the report identified *in the enclosed Affid~Vit consi~\ing ofthe pro,prietary intOrniation 9wned by Ele~tric PC>wer Research Instil@~. Inc. ("EPRI") identified in the atlached report. P'r<.)prietary and non-proprietary versions <>fthe Report and the Affidavitin support of this reqlJ.est are .<mclosed. EPRI .de$ir~$ tq. di.s.close the Proprie((;lry lnfqrm~Ucm jn c;orjfid_ence to assi5.t the NRC review df th~ enclosed the. NRG by* FPL Energy Duane-Arnold. The Proprietary Information is notto be divulged to anyone outsi~e ofthe NRC qr to (;lny of its contractors, nor shall any copies be made of the-Proprietary Information provided hereiri. EPRI welcomes anyCli$clissiorlf) ah,d/9r qu~stions relaJing to the informalion enclosed, lfyoLi have,~my questions ab6utthe legal aspeci$ ofthisrequest foJ withholdipg, please do not hesitate to contact riie at ($50) 855~2271. Questions on the content of the Report should be directed tqAntjy McGehee .of.EPRI at (7Q4} 502~6440. Sincerely,


Attachment(s) 1 c: Sheldon St1,1chell, NRC (sheldon;stuchell@nrc;gov) Toget~er ... Shaping the 'Future of Electr.icity

 ~ALO, Ai.TO ,OFFICE 3420 Hillyiev{ Avenue, Palo Alla, CA,943!)4* 1338 USA* 650.855,2000
  • Customer Service 1100,313.3774

~~~,. *1** ELECTRIC POWER t.=l~lg;; . !RESEARCH INSTiTUTE A.Fi;IDAVIT RE: R~questfor '1\litbhokl!nQ of t~(rt;ollowh1g Pr.opri!!fary Information Included In: r=PLEnergy Di.Jane.Arnold, LLC1 uoane/\rnol_d ~~ergy 9enteJSu~mi~t~! tt:>th~ NR.9 90 ~Pressurn *an~ TerriperCltute L.h:nits Report (PllR)Jor 32 and 54 Effective .Full-Power Years (EFPYt (Attachinenrs,to Di.Jane .Arnold Energy Cef1t$~ ~~tt~fNG-19"02~5; da~ed July ap, 2Qj 5)

  • hKurt Edsioger;--b~ifl9. dllly sworn/clepose and *stClte*as follows:

Iam:lhe Direcfor.:of PWR and'BWR Materiais'.at Electiic*.PowerResearchhistltOte, Irie; WhOse principal

  • offic:~. i~ *lo¢~tecl Clt ~420 HiUview AvenJ1e, P~lo AftQ, CA; ("EPRI"). .~mcl l h~ve be~n speC.ificalfy: <let~g~tea:

responsibility for the aboVe~listed report that contains EPRI Proprietary 'lnfo@ati9(1 thatJs :sought: !.lnMr this Affid.'l'{it te> lj~ Wilb,held,; "Proprieff:lry lriformafioi:i". I am autborized fo :apply to the U;S~ Nuclear Regulatory* 'Commissioh CNRC"} fof'th~ Wi{bhpl~irjg of-t~E! propriE!Jarylnform~tio119n pehalf 'tjf EPRL

              ,,EPRI Prop[i0.tary;lnformationi$ identified in the above. referenced*reporfby doubt~ brackets. An example of:such idelltiflcation. is as*rouows;:                                                  **      **
              .((Thi~~~ntenoe:i~*.~n ex~rople}}.

Tables containing EPRI Proprietary lnfortn~tioii lqelJtifi~d ytitll 9.9,4JJle brC:1ck~~'ts bef9re and after ttte

  •; :rtu~;sp:e.c;iilc ~PRl Propd~.f.EUY Jnformatiools cmitainedih Tabie 7and Table .8 ofthe referenced document

.anti1s:;fhti chemi~tryfa¢l6t fors~ell drig.#2pJate. he.atB0673~ t EP'Rlrequest$ thalthe Proprietary lnfOnnatlon be withheld from the public on the folloWing bases:

  • Withholding Based Upon .Privileged Anti Confidential Trade . Secrets Or :commercial .Or i=lnancial.

inf<>rrnatlon:(seee.g ** 1o:e.F!R. §*2,390folC4l: *. * * .. *- .. * * * * ***

                     . Cl!           Jbe Proprietary Information is owoe.d ,6y ePRf and has.<been ,held': in confidence; by EPBL All entities ac:ce*pting copies ofthe Pr<>prietafy lnfo,rrp~lic>h ~o so S.~bjectfo written ~gr~emf;lnts imp°'i>ing qn Qblig~tic>n ~pQn lhe recipientto: mainfoin the ¢onflclenti~lity.of U1e Pro,pri~tary *lnfotntation.. The Rroprletar}t tnfOrmatioli is ~i~clq~~~ ,tfntrt9 P,$t;t!~~ iilho ~gree, in wtiling, to, Pre~erv~r:tM c9nfi~enticiiity thereof; ti; . EPRtconsiders toe Proprietary lnformatiorrc:orttained tilerein to secrets of EPRL As sUC:h,EPRI bt>lds: the lnforriu1tion in,:~onfidence i;ifi~ .(li$clc:>~LJr~ tn~reofis $lrictly limited to Individuals and entities Who hav.~ agr~ed;* fn.wtltirig; to*maintaih 'ill~ c:onfidentfaiityofthe,liifOrmation.
                         *c.           TheinforlTI~tioil sough(to b~withheld is tq, be propri~lary fpr the following rea$ons. EPl~l:i:nade asubstantial ec:oriomicinvestmetit to d~velop,fhe Proprietary lnformaUqn and, byprotii~iJing
;public di~clo$~re, E.PRI :cJerives ~n econo,mic benefit in.'the form* oflicen$ing-royalties,and other additional fees front the confidential nature 'Of thef Ptoprietacy tnfohilatidn,. IMl1~ Prgpfi~t~,rY Information wE!re* pµ~licly avail~ble fo*cPns!,ittants and/or othefbusihes&es*providir1g services in the eJectric*and/otnuclear powerindustry, 'they would

be* a.btet<>:4_se. the F@pri~ta,ry lnfe>rmation fqr}heirowoc.e>mrnercial ~eneflt cin~ profitand Witlioute~Pendin9 the substantial;ec.bnbmic*resourcesreqtiired*of*EPRLto'deVelop the Proprietarylnf()hb.ation_. *

d. EPRl's cla.ssificatJgn ofthe PrQprigtciryJnform_aJion a.s'trade secre.tsJsjustified by the Uniforrn*Trade se.crets Act Which;Califor~ia adopted in wa4 ClQ~, a ~efsi~n PfWtiiqh h~s ,peen a.doptecl ~rover f9rtystsite5, '"fhe CaliforniaUniforrn.Trade Secrets Act, California Civil Code §§3426 -- 3426;11, defiriesa "trade se*ctet" as follows:* * * * * *- * * * * * **
  • I i
                          .;Trade secret; .rneans Worrnatloo, including a fonntila, p:atterh, compilation*,,
                        .progr~m cleviqe, method, t~¢hri!q1,1e, or- proc;ess, tba.t:

(1) Derives independent .economic value,. actual <>r potential, from n*ot being

                         *g~ner~lly @ovm to: t,he pu~lic gr fo :Other p~rs.Qos    W!lo can qblcih) ecQnoniic
                         '.valueJrorn its disclosure. or use;:and      *

(2) I§ lb~ subje¢J.of ~ffoQs* that ~t~ re.~sgoa.bie 1,1ncler the Ci~cumsfonces. to maintain Its secrecy.n *

 .       . . . . . ..... ~i     . TtieProprieWy lntorrn,~UooPPnt~ineCJ:therein ar~.not generafly*known or available to
  • thespublic. El?~I developed the Information only aftermakii'ig a determinati9ifthat the PrOp'riet~!Y. lnf9rrnation
  • was not available f(01w pu.bllc soµrces.: ~P~I rria~e asub.sfontiai investment of b<>tti rnon~y. and employee ,hours
  • 111 the development of the Proprietary lnfgrrri~.Uon. EPRI W~s J0,quired 'o devot~ th~se resotjrc~s.a11~ effort t().
  • derivefhePropfi?tary.lilformatlon, As a-re.sUlfof sllch*e1forh1nd cost; terms.of dollarsispenrand dedicated
  • emplqyee t!O,le, tM Propriet(lIY lnf9r01G1tio.nis<hi~hly valuable to* EPRI.
t. A pllblic discio$ure of'the Proprietary information wouici be highly likely to c~y~e sllbst~ntlal.hariil'W*l:PRl's comp~ti~ive**P.o~ition an~*t.he ability_*of.EPRl.*to:(it;en:se*tbeProprieWY lnformation*both domestically andAnternatlonally. The Proprietar}'Jriformation can .only.~~* aqqi.iir~~ ~Mfqrd~plig~1$~ 1lY *qther$
;~singcm eq~iy~l~nt.inveslmentof time and              effort.

I-have tead the fotegoih,g and ,the mattets.statea het~in Ne, a,nd *ca,rr¢9t t() ~~e :~e§fotmY knciYile,dg~,

lnfqrinaJi(>Q ~nd' belief*. Jmak¢,this affidaVifund.erpenaJty ofperjury undertht:i laws of thelJr\iteCI States oMmerica.

and underthlHawsofthe. St~t~qf:Cal!fQrriia. * - *

  • Cl vii Code 1'189

CIVIL CODE§ 1189 ~,W.<5¢~.ffl''¢~~~~-~-~-.~-~.~~~~~-~*~-~~~OO<;~~~~*~~ 1\ ilofafy public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identify .of the individual who signed the document to whic;h this certificate is attached, ahd not the truthfulness, accuracy, or valiclity of that document who proved to rne o_h t~e bEisis of satisfactory evi.den_ce to be the persori(s) Wlios.e name(s) i.::;/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they e)(ecu~ed the same in Iiis/tier/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/theirsignature(s) on the instrum~r:it the person(S), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the Instrument. I certify urider PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws 11*'11 ~f the State of California that the foregoing paragraph Is ~rue _arid correc:t.

~' '  . j P/acfl Notary Sea/ Above

~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~oPTIONAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T/J(jugh this section i!? option~/, c_omp((:lting th/$ information ¢an d~tera}(eratfon pf thE'J documenLor fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attaclt~d Doc m nt - _/, . / _. Title or Type of Document:  ;- _'0~t/,rJ.- _ Document bate: ~f/d?t~(S Number of Pag~~: c-0 . ._/ /gner(s) Other Than Named Above: - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - c_;a~aclty(ie. Claime~ s).* 'Signer's Name: {~ Signer's Name:~-----~~---~ o Corporate Officer - Title(s):

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©2014 National Notary Association*
  • 1"800"U$ NOTARY (1-SOOc876-68?7) Item #.5901 i

I \


Attachment 6 Page 40 of 43 Table 7: DAEC ART Table for 32 EFPY Chemistry Adjustments For 1/4t Chemistry Factor Margin Initial (oF) Description ID No. Heat No. Lot No. ~RTNoT Terms ART RT NDT(°F) Cu Ni <J,i. <J; (wt%) (wt%) (oF) (oF) (oF) (oF) Shell Ring #1 1-18 C6439-2 - 40 0.09 0.51 58.0 36.5 17.0 0.0 110.5

~I Shell Ring #1  1-19   80402-1          -           40      0.13       0.47         87.1                54.8    17.0 0.0             128.8' Shell Ring #2  1-20   80436-2          -           10      0.1 5      0.64       111.0                 76 .8   17.0 0.0             120.8

(( } } a, o, c, a, <?, t Shell Ring #2 1-21 80673-1 - 10 0.15 0.65 102.0 8.5 0.0 129.0 Lower D1 ,D2 432Z4521 8020A27A -50 0.01 0.98 20 .0 11 .3 5.6 0.0 -27.5 Lower D1 ,D2 432Z0471 8003A27A -50 0.03 0.91 41 .0 23 .1 11 .5 0.0 -3.8 Lower-Int E1,E2 432Z4521 8020A27A -50 0.01 0.98 20.0 12.7 6.4 0.0 -24.6 ii Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 DE DE 432Z0471 09L853 07L669 8003A27A L017A27A K004A27A

                                                      -50 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.91 0.88 1.02 41.0 41.0 41 .0 26.1 25 .8 25.8 13.0 0.0 12.9 0.0 12.9 00 2.2 1.5 1.5 Girth       DE    CTY538     A027A27A         -50      0.03       0.83        41.0                 25 .8   12.9 0.0               1.5 en Q)
"N   Nozzle N16      -   Q2Q5WV            -           40      0.18       0.85       141 .8                63 .7   17.0         0.0     137.7 N

0 z Nozzle N2 - Q2Q6WV - 40 0.18 0.84 141.6 29.2 14.6 0.0 98.5 412Z051 K910A27A N2/N16 08R4818 K904A27A llil Nozzle Welds (bounding)

                     -    659T568 661Y494 661Y439 H721A27A F927A27A E916A27A
                                                      -50      0.03       1.00        41 .0                 18.4    9.2         0.0     -13.2 Fluence      Attenuation,                                        Fluence Factor, Wall Thickness (in.)       at ID           1/4t            Fluence ~ 1/4t                              FF Location               Full        1/4t      (n/cm 2 )        e*U.24X                (n/cm )                        f0 .2H.0.1010g I)

Shell Ring #1 1-18 4.469 1.117 3.33E+18 0.765 2.55E+18 0.629

~I Shell Ring #1  1-19     4.469       1.117     3.33E+18          0.765                 2.55E+18                             0.629 Shell Ring #2  1-20     4.469       1.1 17    4.26E+18          0.765                 3.26E+18                             0.692 Shell Rinq #2  1-21     4.469       1.117     4.26E+18          0.765                 3.26E+18                             0.692 Lower     D1 ,D2    4.469       1.117     2.55E+18          0.765                 1.95E+18                             0.563 Lower     D1,D2     4.469       1.117     2.55E+18          0.765                 1.95E+18                             0.563 Lower-Int   E1 ,E2    4.469       1.117     3.43E+18          0.765                 2.62E+18                             0.636 ii    Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 DE DE 4.469 4.469 4.469 1.117 1.117 1.117 3.43E+18 3.33E+18 3.33E+18 0.765 0.765 0.765 2.62E+18 2.55E+18 2.55E+18 0.636 0.629 0.629 Girth       DE      4.469       1.117     3.33E+18          0.765                 2.55E+18                             0.629 en Q)
"N   Nozzle N16      -      4.469       1.117     1.53E+18          0.765                 1.17E+18                             0.449 N

0 z Nozzle N2 - 4.469 1.117 3.53E+17 0.765 2.70E+17 0.206 Jlil Nozzle N16 (bounding)

                      -     4.469       1.117     1.53E+18          0.765                 1.17E+18                             0.449 ote: The source ofredacted proprietary information is Reference [13]


Attachment 6 Page 41 of 43 Table 8: DAEC ART Table for 54 EFPY Adjustments For 1/4t Chemistry Margin Initial Chemistry Description ID '1RTNoT Terms ART Heat No. Lot No. RT Nor Factor No. (oF) Cu (oF) (wt Ni CJA CJ;

                                                                    %)      (wt%)                             (oF)   (oF)      (oF)      (oF)

Shell Ring #1 1-18 C6439-2 - 40 0.09 0.51 58 .0 45 .1 17.0 0.0 119.1

  ~I Shell Ring #1  1-19   80402-1         -           40      0.13      0.47       87.1                 67.8    17.0       0.0     141 .8 Shell Ring #2  1-20   80436-2         -           10      0.15      0.64      111 .0
                                                                                       }} a, o, c, a, e, t 93.7    17.0       0.0     137.7 Shell Rinq #2  1-21   80673- 1        -           10      0.15      0.65 ((                         124.5    8.5       0.0     151 .5 Lower     D1 ,D2 432Z4521    8020A27A        -50      0.01      0.98       20 .0                 14.1    7.0       0.0     -21 .9 Lower     D1 ,D2 432Z0471    8003A27A        -50      0.03      0.91       41 .0                28.8    14.4       0.0        7.7 jl       Lower-Int Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 E1 ,E2 DE DE 432Z4521 432Z0471 09L853 07L669 8020A27A 8003A27A L017A27A K004A27A
                                                          -50 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.98 0.91 0.88 1.02 20 .0 41 .0 41.0 41 .0 15.6 32 .1 31 .9 31 .9 7.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
                                                                                                                                        -18 .7 14.1 13.8 13.8 Girth       DE    CTY538     A027A27A        -50      0.03      0.83       41 .0                31 .9   16.0       0.0      13.8 Q) en "N      Nozzle N16      -   Q2Q5WJ           -           40      0.18      0.85      141.8                 85.0    17.0       0.0     159.0 N

0 Nozzle N2 - Q2Q6WJ - 40 0.18 0.84 141 .6 40.4 17.0 0.0 114.4 z 412Z051 K910A27A ~IN -0 0N en Q) N2/N16

      - Nozzle Welds      -

08R4818 659T568 K904A27A H721A27A -50 0.03 1.00 41 .0 24 .6 12.3 0.0 -0.8 z~ (bounding) 661Y494 F927A27A 661Y439 E916A27A Fluence Attenuation, Fluence Factor, Wall Thickness Cin.l at ID 1/4t Fluence ~ 1/4t FF Location Full 1/4t (n/cmi) e*U.i4x (n/cm') fU.iH-U.lUIOg I) Shell Ring #1 1-18 4.469 1.117 5.89E+18 0.765 4.50E+18 0.778

  ~I Shell Ring #1  1-19     4.469       1.117    5.89E+18         0.765               4.50E+18                          0.778 Shell Ring #2  1-20     4.469       1.117    7.49E+18         0.765               5.73E+18                          0.844 Shell Rino #2  1-21     4.469       1.117    7.49E+18         0.765               5.73E+18                          0.844 Lower      D1 ,D2    4.469       1.117    4.45E+18         0.765               3.40E+18                          0.703 Lower     D1 ,D2    4.469       1.117    4.45E+18         0.765               3.40E+18                          0.703 jl       Lower-Int Lower-Int Girth Girth E1 ,E2 E1 ,E2 DE DE 4.469 4.469 4.469 4.469 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 5.98E+18 5.98E+18 5.89E+18 5.89E+18 0.765 0.765 0.765 0.765 4.57E+18 4.57E+18 4.50E+18 4.50E+18 0.782 0.782 0.778 0.778 Girth       DE      4.469       1.117    5.89E+18         0.765               4.50E+18                          0.778 Q) en "N      Nozzle N16             4.469       1.117    2.96E+18         0.765               2.26E+18                          0.599 N

0 Nozzle N2 4.469 1.117 6.25E+17 0.765 4.78E+17 0.286 z "NQ)I -o en Nozzle N16 0 Q) N- - 4.469 1.117 2.96E+18 0.765 2.26E+18 0.599 (bounding) z~ ote: The source ofredacted proprietary information is Reference (13] REDACTED (( }} PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 41}}