MONTHYEARML20328A2222020-11-23023 November 2020 Notice of Appearance for Jeremy L. Wachutka ML20328A2232020-11-23023 November 2020 Commission Notification Regarding Issuance of Order ML20321A2272020-11-16016 November 2020 Notification Re Notification of Significant Licensing Action (Nsla) ML20321A2282020-11-16016 November 2020 Notification of Significant Licensing Action - Proposed Issuance of an Order Approving a License Transfer Application for Which a Hearing Has Been Requested ML20281A6352020-10-0707 October 2020 State of New Yorks Supplemental Comments in Opposition to Holtecs February 12, 2020 Request for Exemptions ML20118D0122020-04-27027 April 2020 Reply in Support of New York States Motion for Leave to Amend Contentions NY-2 and NY-3 ML20084Q1972020-03-24024 March 2020 Supplemental Declaration of Chiara Trabucchi in Support of New York State Motion to Amend Contentions NY-2 and NY-3 ML20071J9312020-03-11011 March 2020 Notices of Appearance of Daniel Riesel and Phillip Dane Warren ML20071D7212020-03-11011 March 2020 Notices of Appearance for Joshua M. Tallent, Lisa M. Burianek, and Channing Wistar-Jones ML20069G7092020-03-0909 March 2020 Notices of Appearance of William Glew, Jr., Susan Raimo, John Matthews, Paul Bessette on Behalf of Entergy Nuclear Operations ML17060A6862017-03-0101 March 2017 NRC Staff'S 61st Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board'S Order of February 16, 2012 ML17032A5262017-02-0101 February 2017 NRC Staff'S 60th Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board'S Order of February 16, 2012 ML17030A0102017-01-30030 January 2017 Notification by NRC Staff Advising the Commission That an Order Directing the Transfer of Control of the Decommissioning Trusts Has Been Issued ML17019A1982017-01-19019 January 2017 Notification by NRC Staff That It Provided the Commission with a Notice of Significant Licensing Action ML17011A1842017-01-11011 January 2017 Re; Joint Request for Conference Call to Discuss Recent Settlement Agreement and Need for Immediate Deferral of Near-Term Filing Deadlines ML17003A4582017-01-0303 January 2017 NRC Staff'S 59th Status Report ML16356A6342016-12-21021 December 2016 Entergy Response to ASLB Order Re Pending Litigation ML16350A4852016-12-15015 December 2016 Letter Enclosing Sipos Notice of Withdrawal ML16343A9392016-12-0808 December 2016 NRC Staff'S Corrected 58th Status Report in Response to the Aslbp'S Order of 02/16/2012 in the Matter of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc ML16343A9462016-12-0808 December 2016 Corrected Notice of Appearance of John E Matthews ML16336A8412016-12-0101 December 2016 NRC Staff'S 58th Status Report in Response to the Aslbp'S Order of 02/16/2012 in the Matter of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc ML16336A7262016-12-0101 December 2016 Entergy Notification to ASLB Re Czma Status ML16333A3342016-11-28028 November 2016 Notice of Appearance of Jeremy Wachutka ML16333A4042016-11-28028 November 2016 Notice of Appearance of William B Glew Jr., John E. Matthews, Ryan K. Lighty ML16326A4372016-11-21021 November 2016 Riverkeeper Notice of Withdrawal for Jennifer Mccave ML16326A2742016-11-21021 November 2016 NYS Letter to ASLB Ny Court of Appeals Decision ML16307A0892016-11-0202 November 2016 NYS Letter to ASLB ACRS Subcommittee Meeting (Public) ML16306A3372016-11-0101 November 2016 NRC Staff 57th Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Order of February 16, 2012 ML16295A1892016-10-21021 October 2016 2016 10 21 State of New York Letter to ASLB in Response to 2016 10 14 Entergy Letter and Cos ML16288A7532016-10-14014 October 2016 Licensing Board Notification Regarding Status of Hot Cell Testing ML16277A1372016-10-0303 October 2016 NRC Staff 56th Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Order of February 16, 2012 ML16274A1632016-09-30030 September 2016 Certificate of Service ML16274A1622016-09-22022 September 2016 Nondisclosure Agreement and Acknowledgement Signed by Rosalind Hopenfeld ML16260A0882016-09-16016 September 2016 Notice of Withdrawal - Lindell ML16245A9302016-09-0101 September 2016 NRC Staff 55th Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Order of February 16 2012 ML16244A7802016-08-31031 August 2016 Letter from Sherwin Turk to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ML16244A7812016-08-30030 August 2016 Integrated Inspection Report 050000247/2016002 and 05000286/2016002 for Second Quarter 2016 ML16228A5282016-08-15015 August 2016 Letter from Sherwin E. Turk to the ASLBP in the Matter of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc ML16214A2142016-08-0101 August 2016 NRC Staff'S 54th Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board'S Order of February 16, 2012 ML16217A2382016-07-29029 July 2016 Response Letter to May 17, 2016 Regarding Indian Point, Unit 2, Baffle-Former Bolts ML16204A3442016-07-22022 July 2016 Riverkeeper Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel(James Bacon) ML16200A3262016-07-18018 July 2016 NYS Letter to ASLB Regarding Petition for Rehearing En Banc in the Matter of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 ML16183A2972016-07-0101 July 2016 NRC Staff'S 53rd Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board'S Order of 02/16/ ML16175A4972016-06-23023 June 2016 NYS Status Letter to ASLB ML16175A4982016-06-23023 June 2016 NYS Status Letter to ASLB - Cos (Public) ML16173A4532016-06-21021 June 2016 Riverkeeper, Inc., Jennifer Mccave Nondisclosure Agreement and Acknowledgment ML16173A4522016-06-21021 June 2016 Rvk Jennifer Mccave Notice of Appearance and Cos ML16153A3772016-06-0101 June 2016 NRC Staff 52nd Status Report in Response to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board'S Order of February 16, 2012 ML16138A2312016-05-17017 May 2016 Riverkeeper Letter to NRC Commissioners Re April 19th Briefing ML16138A2322016-05-17017 May 2016 Certificate of Service for Riverkeeper, Inc., Letter to NRC Commissioners Re April 19th Briefing 2020-04-27
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STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC T. SCHNEIDERMAN DIVISION OF SOCIAL JUSTICE ATTORNEY GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU February 18, 2015 Lawrence G. McDade, Chair Richard E. Wardwell, Administrative Judge Michael F. Kennedy, Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mailstop 3 F23 Two White Flint North 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Re: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2 and Unit 3 Docket Nos. 50-247-LR/50-286-LR; ASLBP No. 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Dear Administrative Judges:
On February 13 and February 17, 2015, the State of New York filed various documents on the Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) in connection with the above-referenced proceeding. The State respectfully submits this letter to clarify the nature of the documents that were filed and the contentions to which they relate. The State submitted the following documents, classified by relevant contention number, on the EIE system on February 13, 2015:
Contention NYS-25
- 1) Motion for Leave to Supplement Previously-Admitted Contention NYS-25
- 2) Supplement to Previously-Admitted Contention NYS-25
- 3) Declaration of Dr. Lahey, dated February 12
- 4) Declaration of AAG Kwong, dated February 13 (w/ 3 attachments)
- 5) Certificate of Service Joint Contention NYS-38/RK-TC-5 (Filed on behalf of NYS and Riverkeeper)
- 1) Joint Motion for Leave to Supplement Previously-Admitted Joint Contention NYS-38/RK-TC-5
- 2) Supplement to Previously-Admitted Joint Contention NYS-38/RK-TC-5 THE CAPITOL, ALBANY, N.Y. 12224-0341 PHONE (518) 776-2400 FAX (518) 350-9363 WWW.AG.NY.GOV
- 3) Declaration of Dr. Lahey, dated February 12 (same declaration as submitted for NYS-25 above)
- 4) Declaration of Dr. Hopenfeld, dated February 12
- 5) Certificate of Service For each of the two contentions, two complete sets of the documents listed above were filed on February 13: one set was public, with proprietary information redacted, and was served via the EIE's public submission portal; a second complete set included non-public and unredacted documents, and was served via the EIEs non-public submission portal to a limited group of recipients.
On February 17, 2015, in response to a request from Entergys counsel, re-formatted versions of the non-public documents were filed via the EIEs non-public submission portal, along with explanatory cover letters. As explained in those cover letters, these new versions were identical in substance to the previously filed versions, but included new re-formatted versions of the Lahey, Hopenfeld and Kwong Declarations that had cover pages and/or headers indicating that they contained information that had preliminarily been designated as proprietary.
Additionally, at the same time the re-formatted non-public documents were filed on February 17, the State became aware of a potential issue in which one of the ALJs did not appear to have been served by EIE via the non-public submission portal. Accordingly, the State filed a second, duplicate set of the modified non-public documents with respect to joint contention NYS-38/RK-TC-5. (The State also provided an explanatory note in the note section of the EIE initial filing page.) When that second submission did not resolve the problem, the State submitted a letter to the ALJs describing the issue and requesting further direction.
I hope that this letter helps to clarify the States submissions over the last several days, and apologize for any confusion caused by our multiple submissions.
Respectfully submitted, Signed (electronically) by Brian Lusignan Assistant Attorney General (518) 776-2399 Brian.Lusignan@ag.ny.gov CC: (As indicated on attached service list.)