RNP-RA/14-0036, Enclosure to RNP-RA/14-0036: RNP-I/INST-1150, Turbine Low Hydraulic Pressure Trip Setpoint and Uncertainty Calculation

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Enclosure to RNP-RA/14-0036: RNP-I/INST-1150, Turbine Low Hydraulic Pressure Trip Setpoint and Uncertainty Calculation
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/2014
From: Graham S
Nuclear Generation Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14107A339 List:
RNP-RA/14-0036 RNP-I/INST-1150
Download: ML14107A345 (26)


Encbomur.to Rtd4W14WS RNNIMW45.150, Tubln Low Moidroof Pewsau Trip SalpoWn anW Uncotalnty

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RNP-IAINST-I I0 R.vison I Page I Table of Contgq SU'C DIAS-CIJPflN PAl I ~3 2 F~UNCT3DNAL Iw~vlN.......S 3 lOOP 4 4 5 5 IN UT AND .. . . -.. . . . . . . . . .. 7 6 CALCJATlW ( IGNCERTAINTY /)NVIRI MI....L...-.. 7 7 DSCtNJIO OF 13 S DOM*'UINT IW ........- .-. 14 9 ATTA OWNT I - OWVEWIMMUD SNAP AUT" CAIT........


R'NP4I/INSU-1 1150 Revisk I Page 2 RfQVlh[NSMMMXV REIISION VEKKjEMNQEC-"AN(-,E 0 1 Origina "M_ __

-I C hang~ ed rn 4.ii"ý7.4- Titls -~ASO Tuvib-i" T-ri S'91 -oiM tnCho Corroe~d Morcoid Pressur Sw~itc model nurrswmtn, DAWN-7021-1 53-113S tD DAW-7023-153-13S.

RNP-IiINST- 150 Rein I PS3 The objective of this calcuaton is to deterne the u, i and stpoint for the Turbine Stop Emergency Trip Fluid Pressure; RPS inputs:

" PS-63AST-1

" P843A$T-2

" PS-8&AST-3 This calcuiston is purformed to provide the asepoii basis for the above Usbed devices, which are part ofthle Rob Wen Nuckear Plant Lkniftk Safty System 8ilkt (1888)

The three pressure swith e Metcoid DAW-7023-3-138 Snap Acton type pesure switches.

2 "

The colVonents Wed above are m -iconttpmssure swIches l nrniowd btO Turbine E14C 60 system. The switch monior the Turbine Stop Emerency Trip Fid Pressur (Auto Stop Trip heedw) and Provde osfte cha~nge of 9sW input sinals to Vh Reactor Prouion $ (RPS) loi Io kWnb a reaor rip on Low El Fluid Oil Piwaure when tw of ftee pressre swithes indicate pressure is %800 psq. There am a total of three pressure mkt#es each with contact iWpts to RPS tuip logic A and RIPS trip logic B. Two of fte wwites below the selM is indloative ofa kwbm trip m causes a reastr trip, Ifmlor po is above 40%. The Low El Fluid Pmsrmve reaclor tri is a ntc y U that aricipas the loss of lus remov pabl of the secoonery system following a tUmbine trip.

PassPort Equont l& a lits the switches as Quality Class 0n, Non Safty Related, N.-Ses* devims. FSM Sections 15.0.9 and 152.2 and OBD-R87038-SD06 Socn 1.3 document that the direct actor trip on turbine trip function of the turbine auto sto trip pressure switches Is not erewie inthe accident analysis for any core protection %mction. This trip function acts to um~inimz the pesrteprtr transient on the reactor. Therefoe, the uncertainties calculated inVWe following sections are dtermined for nomn conditons because ft switches are not credited to operate under accident conditions, are not expected to be exposed to adverse environmental conditions before or during the time they are needed to function, and because the purpose of the switches is to actuate a reactor trip in response to a turbine trip event, not as a resul of anaccident such as a LOCA or MSLB.

RNP4/JNST- 1150 Rvvskmn I Page 4 3 LOOP 4I i -

I I t -it Ifý RP IMW A1 No Ti sir4pUsd di~m~is tical for the B kop, sus~f "Wfor W~in pbom.

See 8-13620 SHT 711.

RNP4PINST-.10 Remi" 5 I Pgev 4 REFERENCES 4.1 QM I9 4.111 W-190628 shet 711, Conrol Wiring Maram Turbine Emergency Trip, Rev. 24 4.1.2 5379-02753, Reacr Trip , Rev. 1I 4.1.3 5379-06, T Trip , Rev. 19 4.1.4 537"324, Rewtof Prolcon $ysko, Sheet 11, Rev. 14 4.1.5 5379-0738, fr*suctionr - Turb~ Conbvb SeOV, Sheet 1, Rav. 8 4.1.6 5379-06736, tnstnsctons - Tueirw Conrl Se", Stt 2, Rev. 9 4.1.7 537"1030, M TTny" Efduwt Tewa" Smns A" and 8,"

Rev. 7 4.2 None 4.3 REUA YDCW 4.3.1 NUREG-1431 Vollue 1, Stwulrd Technical - Westingouse PtmW. Rev. 4 4.3.2 .04.01-200, Setpoint for Fkulew Sa~y-Recf lReef wd 2011 4.3.3 ISA-RP67.04.02-2000, f " on3 k 4.4 LUNIdLMWA 4.4.1 729-063,40, Vendor Manual - C:ratIm and Coi Volume 1, 11, & II", Rev. 5.3 4.5 CALM ,A77WANQA NEIA,*DUE 4.5.1 PIC-301, Pressure Switches and Vacuum Switches, Rev. 9 4.5.2 MMM-O0, C Program, Rev. 33 4.5.3 Appendix B-1, Caibfion Dab Sheets, Rev. 46 (pen*n reiso)

RNPdI/INST- 1130 Revision I Page 6 4.6.1 EGR-N4GGC-O153. Engine..lng Inslrumnt Setpoints, Rev. 12 4.7OTERREFERENCES 4.7.1 Updated Final SUety Aml~sis Repovt, Section 15, Rev I 41A. EC87736, ASO Turbin Trip Slpoint Ghinng 4.7.5 E.087740, Front Shwnod and Turbine Auxiliay Sy~sm f 4.7.6 Technical 8po.km Ta Foroe 4T$TF) 493, VC%* Ap*stin of Setpoint N*diVfr LM85 PKW ,~Rev. 4

RNP-I/INSI -1150 Revion I Page 7 5 INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIONS 5.1 The uare determined for nonna oondi.tios, since this equpiment is Quality Class D), non-selsic, and porkms its function based on a turbe tri, not a LOCA or M B accident, 52 The Standard Wetighouse Technical Specicatlon (Ref. 4.3-1) lft the nominal tri seoint for Turbine Trip on Low EH Fbd 00 Pressure as O00 psig. Thsatebwfruii oia i on f8Dpgi A calcuabiton. See Section 6.17 for A~t detail 5.3 The Standard tIWmie Tetv*W SpoIkelis (Ref. 4.3.1) lists the atWWp wa. for Tuft Trip on Lo EH Ro*d 0 Pressure as gr&r lor equml lo pe. Seme eSh .18for.furtherdstd.

5.4 An analytical Wnit is a limit of a measured or cacltdvariable estelahed by the safet analysis to ensure #Wa a safety l imis no( exceeded. Since tie Low EH Fluid 01 Pmeure Is not an setpont used in the safety analyss, 1 w able value is used as th analytical lii for tO purpcsst of Ot ieculcation .

5.5 Since only one device (ftipese moh) wu contribztto the#lowa loop unerakyno goup or Joop anaysis is perkred.

5.6 The MMV of the AST header pressure switch is assumed to be a Dwyer Mercoid fAW-7023153-13S.

6 CALCULATION OF UNCERTAINTY CONTRIBURS / SEIOITS Sinoe tie pressur 9**, devices are Non-Safty Rehod, Q CtassD, and aenot credked to fundton property during or aftr a des~ig basis accident as described in section 15.2.2 of the A*FAR, accident efkxt are not applicable.


Since ft pressure witch devices are Non-Safety Related, 0 Cass-D, and are not credited to function proerty durding or aft a seisic event as described in section 152.2 of the UFSAR, seisnc effect are not appcable.


Since the pressure switch devices are Non-SA* Related, 0 ClassD, and are not creditd to tAnctic properly during or after a design basis accident as descrbed In section 15.2.2 of the UFSAR, the effecs of insulation resistance are not applicle.

lR=WA The piressure switches aemounted to the ElH fluid syslem wwosrgncy trip headr aid am T;

IR= N/A EenlNr eceid e.md inOft dcuAtl because Om switches wriply nxmnir the high pressur of toe sy~em. The pseure is nomualy, nus~inned at 200 psig and the nommne trip point is at 800 psig. Head effctis

-n density N*ct are negl~igble comp~ared to thes syatum prsaum and awe not evaluosdftulhro.

PME = N/A 6.5 fl R tWf 6Q The "mwy elent inthis as a pressure sesk device. No ii* u uncertainties apply to the nvichanical prinury eksnnt of smh adevice.

PE = N/A 8.6 BECEC Per EGR-14GC-01 53 Section 9.4 1, for somn devices no relence accuracy is provided by the vendor. leafteed, the vendor may only provideavalue for repeatably. Ifthe vendor Aftis that this is the only apliabl temfr ft deice, thenu dcan be used as the reference acamcy. This is Owe case w~ the Mercold pressure mfhes. The repeataif specifclicn from fth vendor (Af*nsrint - 1) is used as the re~fernce accuracy for these pressure swithes.

TO* vendor provides a rpabityvalue of *1% of full operat"n range. The range for the switch Ws30-200 psi. Thus, 1.oX 2200ps= 22psig RA = +/-22 psig Per EGR-NGGC-01 53, Section 9.5.ý1, the calibration error istypically equal to the rkwence accuracy fo a device/loop, plus any additonal kkance deemeod ncsayto adin 1he cslb'aw of the devlcoop. Therefor, the cdbbratm o w"srnc is set equal to Ow reference accuracy of +/-1%of full operafth range.

RNP-IINST-.110 Reviiona I paw 9 Thus, 1.0% X2200 psig= 22puig:.

CAL = 122 p.19 6.8 DIFT(EUJ Per EGR-NGGC-0153, Secn 9A.4.2, typical v*aes which may be ssumed for drift me

  • 1% o fl operaing tfor 18 months normnal nlearc fa s w no drift vakm can be obid froni the vendor. Therefore dadtof +/-1%,of 11 operaft rman wibe used. Thus, 1.0% X 2200 psig = 2p2 OR +/-22 pig 6.9 WEErrLM Per the MMM-00S Appendk B-1, a Condec: UPC W00 Podmble Pnsumabc Pressure a C or c cu racy is used to casats this tgo plssure wA*. at Me given selpoint nd range. The Condec is rated an overad accuracy of *0.05% AM wae; however, the l&C Malps rh a a W SWb Conclacto +/-0.1% of ful scab. The UPC dev* s that I&C Maintenance Shop use hamee 0-2000 psig sn. Thus, 0.1% X 2000 psig = 2 psig M&TE =2psig 6.1 oMe mmgfc (TE)

During the intervals between cahbretlons, the pressure svAktas me sun sct to various hwmperatutu due to operation of the E-HO system and changes Inambient (oiutdoor) ten* -rature. The tmpesr*re inIth kxetion of the prs switches is within the rated outdoor fuctional temperure of the pressre withes. Pm Dwyer tednical group, Ould temperatur is not a varhkW when dets Wq device uc i tf e fluid temperature is thse rad panof 0*edsvce. Thlis the cse for the interface between the EH fluid end th pressure swIches.

The Mrod switches do not have a dned temperature eect. Per EGR-NGGC-01 53, Section 9.4.3, atypical vaue of TE for compbeone RNP is

+/- 0.5% of full operating rarW when no tmmeemture egct value can be obtained from the vendor. Thus, 05%X2200ps=g +/-11 I ps.

TE = 11 psig Per EGR-NGGC-01 53 Section 94.4, stak pressure efect is only aicas to differental pressure transmtrs in high s*c pressure service. This effect does not appy to the presure swit~es. Therefore, I

RNP-IIINST-I 150 Reiw !so Pv*w I0 Page 10 SPE=WA Power supply eflet ame not applcable to fthse pressure svtches because thei contacts simply provide an open or short circuit that is sensed by the solid stia protection system.

P$E = +*A +

EGRftr3&BV 6.12 9.5.1. (ES 22 T**j Rseodelo eorm is only relevant when uweadk the caliration device for pressus switch calibration. Ther~mradblt of the prewaae switch is not applicaft.

614 Ld etUcraaya Y Per EGR-N40C-O153, Secons " 9*2wd TOWal D(AFT Uos 4 Is coth T td6J.1386 usingetheden:

Xfi2 f(NQ*= 4 p TUkAL +AfRMl'E:

TU =4(1. + 0.1)2 +.01+1.01+.

TDU = i I.5% Span TDlJ=1.110% X22M paig= f41 psig Per EGR-NGGC-01 53, Secton 9.7.4, the As-Found Tolerance (AFT) is computed using the ftlowin equatin:

AFT= C 2 +DR' ~MTE MPI= JF2+, +O-AFT = +/-1.42 % Span

RNP-14NST-I 130 Revik t Page II

Thus, AFT = +/-142% X 22D psig = +/-31 psi a.16 As-Left 1ofI (ALl2 Per EGR-NGGC-0153, Section 9.7.4, lhe As-Left Tolerance (ALT) can be taken as ft reference accuracy.

ALT = RA ALT +/- .0 Span

Thus, ALT= 1.0%X2200ps=2= 2p 6,17 SJUQMDf*kd~

Theo m (Ref. 4.3.1) " IMMY wolnt for Turbine Trip on Low EHlFluid Pressure as 60 psg. Awcrdmg to RNP dring 5379-05738, lnstrutW=in - Tuftie Col Sowng, fte Hoh Pressure Mlid Systam (aleo knoawn as the EHC Fluid Syamm) operafs. between IV92050 psig. The high pressre Wid "Lo Pmesure Mearm' presewe WA" closes on decreasing prwessr at 1400 pseg and elanm therator in Oe ctrwol rom that fte EH Pssure is decreasing. Thet Wan Pnp A 8a preure ,dowssh on decrOsn Prssure t 1350 pslg and stsb the bims EH Du1kpw to maintai pssre in the high pressure headr to puwent a turbine trip. The eidath cpera"b Condlion confirm that the SUnard Westinghouse seokst vae is rvent to RNP, ismropriate for use at RNP, and no arse ~ to fh current aiarnw bad p ftelmlsusms will be Therefoe, based on cufrent RNP opsta* oondllos wsd asmsnt wdh fte Standard sTechnical Spe*ci , it is apprqprI to t the AST headw pressure setpoint to 800 p.1g. The nominal tr .*oint of ON0 psg is used to derie the associald twclnlcal specifiatin allowable value described InSection 0.18S.

SP = 800 pslg

6. 18 A VAfl LA)

The aflowbl value for the Turbine Trip on Low EH Fld Oil Presu as spes d in refrec 4.3.1 isgreer ftn or equal to 750 pWg. Haowr, if#0 ANWaW*o Vau specifidin te VV o T Sp atin (Ref. 4.3.1) is use, uemargin is pteset. In accordance with EGR-NGGC-0153 Section 9.10 (Tec) S To* , no additional a*r should be

RN14/INST-1 150 Revison I Page 1-'


Therefore, per EGR-NGGC-0153 Section 9.8.2, the Allowabie Value (AV) is compite using the fblwifg equton:

AV =SP -AFT AV= SOpeig- 31psig AV~769 psig The rest se~pln should be set to a v~ue high enough to pmnt sputiou chattering of prsueswftoh dmiadb of 390 psi, the reWsel io*t wil be set1 Io200 # Thi&

allow~s ample rwmgi betwu the ttip usei*o SOW psig and reset selpoir t4*12aOplg to ensure cbatteub doe twxt occur and pmvd it tri indicati. V~sn pmewre is estA~dIn th AST headr to 12DO paig, lb pressre swith contecw oWIsf.

RNP-I/INST- 150 Reviwo I Page 13 7 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The AST header pressure switches are physially located on the ETS Trip Block Assembl and utike a top locaed on the ETS Trip Block Assembly to measure high pressure Elsctro-Hydirauc Ouid inthe AST header, The AST header is the pressure In the line b en the turbine vles and the ETS Trip Block Assembly. The pressure in the AST headr is pressurized to .quilbrkmrn with the EH Supply pesr. According to 5379-05738, Insutitions - Tiabine Control Settings, the High Pressure Fluid System (also known as the EH Fluid System) operates beteen 1950-2050 pWs. The high pressure flid utow Pressure Alam" pressure switch dloses on deocreasing pressure at 1400 psiq and alams the openOw inthe cu.*ol room that the EH pressure is decreasing.

The "Main Pump Auto SI# pom swilch JcIs on decreasing pressure at 1350 psg an starti the backup EHi fluid ~pm to moidan pressure InI* high pressure header to prevent a turbine trip.

According to EGR-NGGC-01 53, seloints for Warms should how suffcin nagin from a system trip point, or asafty liOit to Mow an operator bWn to take corrective action . An wmn, concdt wit an equipmt trip setpot, may serve no usefulfuncn. Howver, when ahwmpW*n to achieve this marin almr and pbWn trip pamts should not be set so close to normal pmWO oporaton knitsthatthey caue nuiswc alams ardspurious trip.

To albw for EH Ibi prssurecovery beor a kvtiw trip, the new AST header Arssr s wi be s t SW pi Tl llotw for an Operator to tae action t recow the EHi b*d pisure in response to ft Low Pressure Alarm and Mai Pump Auto Sisal acton. Iffuid prssure is niot recovered by the time the presure drops below 800 psig. Vie new AST header presue switch coe~cts wit closve and cosqetysenid a signal to the ResoWo Protecton System.

w Contribtor . .. Value RA 11.00/ Span CAL +/-1.0%Span DR +/-l.0% spn M* li~. 1%Span iT +/-0.5% Spen As Left Tolerance (ALT) +/-1 .0% Span As Found] olerane (AFT) +/-1.42% Span Total Devic Uncertainty +/-I.86% Spun (non-accident)

&=ic Umeritelaty SUMUMaY

RNP4/INSI-) I50 Revision I 8 DOCUMENT imPAC 8.1 IM~ aEgnca o ain Technical Specd*on Table 3-3.1-1 Reactor Protecton System Inltrumentton will need to be update to rfect th new Turbne Trip on Low EH Fluid 01 PresOsu Nonal Setpont and Alkwable Value from 45 psig and 40.87 pslg to 80 psig and 769 psig, The asoitdsetpoint does not impct any seckoew of ft tJFSAR. This was deUmned by a revi of the UFSAR uermn.

MWA-OOB Appendix S-I ae Wnpatd beatsm the ASO prour switch seloit andi o~braton daf sheeft wil be updtd to ldscth ro nw AST header pressure switche and therr an**W ae~iolM of 000 psig, k~sr of W2 peg. and the reset selpoin of 1200 psig.

RNP-I/INSTI I 50 9 ATACIHMFNT I Dwyer/Merwoid Snap Action Cut~eect

CvSW"fIk* thAbthis ~Is wbustiprumv* wiftcheI IWhalen SW"t is 1t)

  • M MMWW Sue, 403 8$&o 310 0$

?be It Owlet bus antdvew bIRAwailt~it awl great emtiAty. Tihe DA4WkIs am PremimLb*L wnuimpreessw of 00 peraldn rm~g


ettlw pmems qW~eIngpiettdIwbeue*h r~monse ROW. -id piap.* wastmoterdor oeW---pWn kowustledub. faetle th-e 4eet~lp,?%~D9 AWeb air ripipp with a ehwle V~pdfbv *1%of full PeOVr*aru, 1i 5% anDS-7,M 11s extemeaI epAuiesat 1b)M~AK,"*eg pgwulm only. FM"Mwrarywie %witehe, &uss I iNoNeST sine" PWi SPOT Mewwr ewond. SKIT snap low", Mr btkweesl the PW sted nr"d to )!merdtk~ esaled Fswatlk rm twlltv+ Heeuawioao UPDTAUV as": See* u #gpeeat.

CA~ ce"Rv GWM* apurpow lI*tut IV00110 fmdtwlud*


12W " huhsEibMMHetx 314-~ 411101 PT.

p Generalputpoe MO*40Wmpool 1/4 uslmlP4P1IW mwli

  • PAginosm:
  • 0la wn4=#ep 40=W herwsm.cdv sealed wwp WAleh moe") N9T ovinig ISS fEiwk~kproe tfW*0ISVr A*d WMlete. UPT.


  • SPIDT setpw(tp, hemwo~ ele haliy Ieial~a sSePON Aqwsbnof Thumbrew MII GWW Piqae: 4 lb(1 .84 ka uS elh&(27WOOEllwsprot 8 th (&5 It
  • PH*1 EdrduvSsUUSt~OMMOK 061011tSem"clr Agmy Aomif CE. CSA, F%,UL A (mmi wesv~f uCe lproed)

SO not "UL.belle C4SA~pWa4.9M m iedl o FM*#pod (Calmt cm % I "W"e Mplifls),

"Gentier puro volloprdt or caostmma smicaue Exlmaope OA&3.ýa-53-7 .... '"dI3S6.

,Kpaio4ýEoetea. molo 400 VM- Su~leWfo len1 GtpqscCn mW U KEAU7: Gde* It.Gm*E, F,M ON"s #1NEWIdmW 9 Ohelsont11Ad ~W to ii,-1 umber W DA of DS waa FIN -pm For -aa pu~pos and .exlasinwcal models sm es""

aPpovals Add- 10 MO" 0141111'atr OA,. DS. D*J or DPI. .

'Ensmofea 0AkI-1168-7cir PAlf-3-153-7 IAe, Cofte (Ckoo FwVWsq DPDT mvcAe o ag @6w* tpet- fixed deelflele mnvamy inw fthi le ow Em-eala appk . m-m ealret oppewlkir, boepeseanfi. sutbuele Movern"orapp*Mfcicr Alhigh anmewd O vs@6en owid/or pelsai, lwigmay pro-s, a~Wm, fitptwagi %eats.

mouns"fwwe am -so nComwc 92 DWYER INSTRUMETS, IN. I w~.ww imnst own or


logotss Film" *Afu I SOVp&4oot sam~mwoNo eSUS 8UNS

  • amW.~4* 25 We491*u 3.76 064545) oo r IT Ho \Ape 152.5 Ckls-71144 S?8A* 13.8"- 4 WA 04 -44 41 25- H W 128 DA-MnSW 31* 2S ZMA1R44.5 DS-73P14&4S SP8S 5M-16 16 00."-- 1"*3.5 GMM =A3 04P6 4" 0- 200 VSsi. 26 DP1.469404 m"6 as 06412140.0 2M.00 30. 05M4=2459 4"40 ar 5I-S 667.5 QAM M~tU94 2Y& 1.0 0411" MD ar44 41 S-0-l0 132.5 WONSI4M4 VIM 25 S-73214344 USA. 37 0"fl1"5349 OI46 50-1560 2156-M- A4IS. 2 710.5 30 06.7fl9-151 2MO 52.5 06.731940-U 411A to 30 - 75wwm- Amu 81 3010m) vo5 -US14is PL 3,6 D-I13"3M52 WW6-8WA 3~0- H Vc007 22. 057W-I M M  ?.0* a$ 054)66453256 372* 1ý2 097314#4-6 U6*6 10-1006 196 DA74i45SOS 3720 3.5 OS4KIHIW4 372.0062 0851404163 7540 CAL.L TO OM" It 80O724141 9

RNP-IjINST-1 150 Revlqon I Page 19 10 Attachmnt 2 Dyet Instrumcnt Lnpu

- mi

Grahm.Shwon P mom RNP-I/IIST-1 150 FoMM: Revisin I

  • a*. Page 19 TW. Graham, Shwn P Rub~act: RE Dwyer DA specs tlawn VhMu GQahn, Shawn P IMr FiIday, Odde 11, 2013 2:10 PM TUs, _mmmne 1Tj 11 RE: Dwyer DA specs Great thanl yr'ý ~o Jidgha nt u o tmedueefc Tha 0 Shwn P. Graham, EIT Instnrmntation & Controls URS Enrvy & Cons tion, Inc.

3025 1C Way, Roo 400 FovtU&M. SC 2*715 0: (8 31 7* 71-*7..... ...

111 iday, October 11, 2013 1:36 PM To: Gridmh, Shmwn P Sft Dwye DA specs HI1 Showni, Ispoke with the factory and the only auracy spec we have isthe repeataWy of 1%.

Best regards, Branne Widmoyer Sales Engineer Dwyer Instruments I

RNP-/IIIST-11I 0 r1Lmaa~dqwqRevson I Page 20

, p1i; 11 Ili 11ý wf 'Al wi Oi tri; ~

-~y 4 I J4P W.t~

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, fl. ~ 4 ;. 1,ý 2

ftNP-I,/1NST'-1150 Rmsion I N~e21 II Attachment 3 - Document hxlexiniu Table tOuos um D bw Fanmk R*WsomWRt*Cak ck TWO DRAW 6 -190628 SH-00711 1W0'JT Instrumenit Arrangement OS ADO and Locabn (Dwgn D)RAW 537M.O753 ReacirTripSignals 0$ AD (Design k;M)

DRAW 5379-03695I Turbir*TiO~v* SAO DRAW 5393 Rmgx PMCO WSIf DS ADD DRAW 5379-06738 4KWU 1nsbuwaso- Ttuln DS ADO Ca*kSIOVs (Dssp 3710O30 5fA IW#UT Wvtng Tefmb* OS ADD Equonvnt Tem*W Soams"A and"IW e~

POM E~GRNoC-153 IN trummnt In~si DS ADD e8**Vs Whodology POMIMIIMI C40baton DS ADD Pnprno eswýýnpt POU MWtONsAPPENDI ?4AUT Appendix 13,1 C~d~in DSAD B-I Da Sheets (Oesip Irpt, Gaic -hne tolmnces POM PIC-301 Process Instrument DS ADD Calibrtion Proceduire (Dsg br~a, but COIC confn"S Cal me~loft)

VIWA 72%46340 HWUT us Vendor D D I ~ Mwanul (Dmon kqd

RNP-tINST- 1150 llevision I Pagc 22 0osw~su ID~inbw FunciIon 0810 ahipoCa Action TYP Fina Sad*y Anisis NIN Sectio 1652.2 (Desig 0AD Report Inpt to show pressure swfthe, ar not reuie to provide inu during Cerating OpC Uicss DPR- W)UT Tabl 3.3A-1-1 RecWo DS ADD 23 Pimotlon $y"s Inut Setot and documwted inthis t")

EDO Tog MKW- w mM GO~tADD EWOTag PS-63AST-12 W/A Docurnie CrossAD Rzn"Wce I

RNP-1/I NST- I150 Revisot I 12 EGR-NGCK'&'4 3 OrxsRcvc

ATTACHMENT 2 SheetI of 1 Record of Lmd Review The $ignature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been perormed by the Lead Reviewer;

-~~~ aprpiter""*re performed and ers/fieni (for all review. Performed) have been resOlvd arnd theS records are included in th design Package-;

- 5w rview was Peffmmd inaccordance wit EGR-NGGC-0003.

UEh0i Verifcatmo Review [1EvOW06V FvWA aOWIN~RW00110iew Design~ Review Akemate Calculation Qu~iabonTesting 0YES C] N/A OSWr Records ~on nwd.

,,I_*d ( A'J~1 ~ U' I'~

Ld Rieidwer DISCIP00 0~

t~encyReso7on This form is a QA Record when completed and included wih a complet design package.

Owner's Reviews my be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's, Review is completed.

rEGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 12 P!20of22 I