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Regulatory Guide Periodic Review of Rg 5.69
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/22/2014
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Shared Package
ML14140A243 List:
Download: ML14101A172 (2)


Regulatory Guide Periodic Review Regulatory Guide Number: 5.69


Guidance for the Application of the Radiological Sabotage Design-Basis Threat in the Design, Development and Implementation of a Physical Security Program Office: NSIR/DSP/FCTSB Technical Lead: Al Tardiff Recommended Staff Action: Revise

1. What are the known technical or regulatory issues with the current version of the Regulatory Guide (RG)?

This is a document that is being revised to reflect operating experience since the last update and inquiries generated during oversight activities to include: Security-Frequently Asked Questions (SFAQs), generic communications, Report of Interactions for New Reactors, Unresolved Item Issues for Operating Reactors, and the Security-Significance Determination Process.

2. What is the impact on internal and external stakeholders of not updating the RG for the known issues, in terms of anticipated numbers of licensing and inspection activities over the next several years?

This RG can be used in inspecting all power plants. The impact on stakeholders is that they will not benefit from state-of-the art information gained through research facilities when updating or developing a site specific physical security program. This could lead to an increased volume of Request for Additional Information (RAIs), SFAQs, and meetings with licensees to complete licensing and inspection actions.

3. What is an estimate of the level of effort needed to address identified issues in terms of full-time equivalent (FTE) and contractor resources?

Approximately 0.3 full-time equivalency (FTE) will be required to complete the review and update of the regulatory guide. This may be accomplished with either internal personnel or contractor support depending on budget considerations.

4. Based on the answers to the questions above, what is the staff action for this guide (Reviewed with no issues identified, Reviewed with issues identified for future consideration, Revise, or Withdraw)?

The staff is planning on revising the RG to incorporate operating experience and transparency in NRC security-related regulatory guidance.

5. Provide a conceptual plan and timeframe to address the issues identified during the review.

The staff plans to revise using internal or contractor support starting in FY 2014. A draft guide is anticipated to be sent to the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research in 2014.

The document is anticipated to undergo program office and external stakeholder review by early 2015 and the final RG to be published by end of 2015.

Note: This review was conducted in April 2014 and reflects the staffs plans as of that date. These plans are tentative and subject to change.