IA-99-234, Partially Withheld Investigation Rept 4-1998-045.No Nonconformance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Discrimination Against Former Contract Employee by Supervisor for Reporting Concerns to Nuclear Safety Concerns Program
IR 05000361/1998019
PNO-IV-99-018, on 990305,declared SONGS Units 2 & 3 Alert Because Potential Bomb Threat Occurred.Device Was 12-inch long,2-inch Diameter Copper Pipe,With Both Ends Capped. Licensee Notified State & Local Officials
IR 05000361/1999001
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IR 05000206/1999011
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IR 05000361/1999012
PNO-IV-99-043, on 991016,earthquake of Magnitude 7 Occurred. Plant Operations Were Not Disrupted.Unusual Event Classifications Were Exited within 1 H at Both Facilities.No Damage Was Indicated & No Residual Plant Effects Observed
APPENDIX A Southern California Edison Company P. 0. Box 800 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Docket No. 50-206 License No. DPR-13NOTICE OF VIOLATION This refers to the investigation conducted by representatives of the Region V (San Francisco) office at San Diego, California and at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station - Unit 1, Camp Pendleton, California of activities authorized by NRC license DPR-13.
During this investigation conducted on April 23-25, 1980, the following apparent item of noncompliance was identified.
Radiation Protection Procedure, S-VII-1.5 Access to Controlled and Exclusion Areas, states inpart, "Plastic and other gloves must be removed and hands must be monitored before smoking or drinking."
Contrary to the above requirement, on April 25, two individuals were observed to be smoking in the turbine deck, drinking water-smoking area while wearing gloves. One individual was wearing cotton liner gloves and the other was wearing both cotton liner and plastic.gloves.