NLS2013085, Nebraska Public Power District'S Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From...

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Nebraska Public Power District'S Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From...
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/2013
From: Pope P
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13260A255 (11)


H Nebraska Public Power District Always there when you need us NLS2013085 September 12, 2013 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852


Nebraska Public Power District's Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident - 1.5 Year Response for CEUS Sites Cooper Nuclear Station, Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46


1. NRC Letter, Requestfor Information Pursuantto Title 10 of the Code of FederalRegulations 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insightsfrom the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident, dated March 12, 2012 (ML12053A340)
2. NRC Letter, Endorsement of Electric Power Research Institute FinalDraft Report 1025287, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance," dated February 15, 2013 (ML12319A074)
3. EPRI Report 1025287, Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID)for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic (ML123.33A 170)
4. NEI Letter to NRC, ProposedPath Forwardfor NTTF Recommendation 2.1:

Seismic Reevaluations, dated April 9, 2013 (ML13101A345)

5. NRC Letter, Electric Power Research Institute FinalDraft ReportUXXAIX, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic, "as an Acceptable Alternative to the March 12, 2012, Information Request for Seismic Reevaluations, dated May 7, 2013 (ML13106A331)
6. NPPD letter to NRC, Nebraska Public Power District'sResponse to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Requestfor Information Pursuantto 10 CFR 50.54(1)

Regarding the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2. 1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insightsfrom the Fukushima Dai-ichiAccident, dated April 29, 2013 (NLS2013044)

COOPER NUCLEAR STATION P.O. Box 98 / Brownville, NE 68321-0098 Telephone: (402) 825-3811 / Fax: (402) 825-5211

NLS2013085 Page 2 of 3

Dear Sir or Madam:

On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Reference 1 to all power reactor licensees and holders of construction permits in active or deferred status. Enclosure 1 of Reference I requested each addressee in the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) to submit a written response consistent with the requested seismic hazard evaluation information (items 1 through 7) by September 12, 2013. On February 15, 2013, the NRC issued Reference 2, endorsing the Reference 3 industry guidance for responding to Reference 1. Section 4 of Reference 3 identifies the detailed information to be included in the seismic hazard evaluation submittals.

On April 9, 2013, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) submitted Reference 4 to the NRC, requesting NRC agreement to delay submittal of some of the CEUS seismic hazard evaluation information so that an update to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (2004, 2006) ground motion attenuation model could be completed and used to develop that information. NEI proposed that descriptions of subsurface materials and properties and base case velocity profiles (items 3a and 3b in Section 4 of Reference 3) be submitted to the NRC by September 12, 2013, with the remaining seismic hazard and screening information submitted to the NRC by March 31, 2014.

In Reference 5, the NRC agreed with this recommendation. Reference 6 contained Nebraska Public Power District's commitment to follow the approach described in Reference 4.

The enclosure to this letter contains the requested descriptions of subsurface materials and properties and base case velocity profiles for Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS). The information provided in the enclosure to this letter is considered an interim product of seismic hazard development efforts being performed for the industry by EPRI. The complete and final seismic hazard report for CNS will be provided to the NRC in our seismic hazard submittals by March 31, 2014, in accordance with Reference 5.

This letter contains no new regulatory commitments. Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact David Van Der Kamp, Licensing Manager, at (402) 825-2904.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on: /i/2/.11 a-'aick L. Pope President and Chief Executive Officer Nebraska Public Power District



Descriptions of Subsurface Materials and Properties and Base Case Velocity Profiles for Cooper Nuclear Station

NLS2013085 Page 3 of 3 cc: Regional Administrator, w/enclosure USNRC - Region IV Director, w/enclosure USNRC - Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Cooper Project Manager, w/enclosure USNRC - NRR Project Directorate IV-1 Senior Resident Inspector, w/enclosure USNRC - CNS NPG Distribution, w/enclosure CNS Records, w/enclosure

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 1 of 8 NLS2013085 ENCLOSURE Descriptions of Subsurface Materials and Properties and Base Case Velocity Profiles for Cooper Nuclear Station

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 2 of 8 Descriptions of Subsurface Materials and Properties and Base Case Velocity Profiles for Cooper Nuclear Station The basic information used to create the site geologic profile at the Cooper Nuclear Station is shown in Tables 1A (for shallow stratigraphy) and 1B (for deep stratigraphy). This profile was developed using information documented in Reference 1. As indicated in utility communications, the SSE Control Point is defined at elevation 869' 6" (base of the Control Building mat foundation), and the profile was modeled up to this elevation. For dynamic properties of rock layers, modulus and damping curves were represented with 2 models. The first model used rock curves taken from Reference 2, the second model assumed linear behavior. These dynamic property models were weighted equally. For dynamic properties of fill and compacted alluvium layers, modulus and damping curves were also represented with 2 models. The first model used soil curves taken from Reference 2, the second model used soil curves taken from Reference 3 and Reference 4. These dynamic property models were weighted equally. To model the profile, rock modulus and damping curves from Reference 2 were paired with soil modulus and damping curves from Reference 2, and linear rock modulus and damping curves were paired with soil modulus and damping curves from Reference 3 and Reference 4.

The 3 base-case shear-wave velocity profiles used to model amplification at the site are shown in Figure

1. Profiles 1, 2, and 3 are weighted 0.4, 0.3, and 0.3, respectively. Thicknesses, depths, and shear-wave velocities (Vs) corresponding to each profile are shown in Table 2.


1. Nebraska Public Power District (2013). EPRI Data Request Report Revision 3 August 2013, Informal Rept. transmitted to EPRI in August, 2013, dated August 19, 2013.
2. EPRI (1993). Guidelines for Determining Design Basis Ground Motions, Elec. Power Res. Inst., Palo Alto, CA, Rept. TR-102293, Vol. 1-5.
3. Silva, W.J., N. A.Abrahamson, G.R. Toro, and C. Costantino (1996). Descriptionand Validation of the Stochastic Ground Motion Model, Rept. submitted to Brookhaven NatI. Lab., Assoc. Universities Inc.,

Upton NY 11973, Contract No. 770573.

4. Walling, M.A., W.J., Silva and N.A. Abrahamson (2008). "Nonlinear Site Amplification Factors for Constraining the NGA Models," Earthquake Spectra, 24 (1) 243-255.

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 3 of 8 TABLE 1A Summary of Shallow Geotechnical Profile for Cooper Nuclear Station Depth Elevation Soil/Rock Density Shear Compressional Poisson's Range (Feet Description (pcf) Wave Wave Velocity Ratio (feet) above Velocity (fps)

MSL) (fps) 0-5 902/903- Type Ior Type II Fill 134 600 1600 0.27 898 Teoy F3 750 1600 0.27 5-8 898-895 Type I or Type II Fill 134 750 1600 0.27 8-13 895-890 Type I or Type 11Fill 134 750 1600 0.27 13-23 890-880 Type I Fill/In-Situ 134 850 1600 0.27 Compacted Alluvium 23-30 880-873 Type I Fill/In-Situ 134 920 3295 0.42 Compacted Alluvium 30-33 873-870 Type I Fill/In-Situ 133 920 5505 0.48 Compacted Alluvium 33-48 870-855 Type I Fill/In-Situ 133 1020 5505 0.48 Compacted Alluvium 48-58 855-845 Type I Fill/In-Situ 133 1030 5505 0.48 Compacted Alluvium 58-68 845-835 Type I Fill/In-Situ 133 1040 5505 0.48 Compacted Alluvium 68-74 835-829 Type I Fill/In-Situ 132 1040 2535 0.38 Compacted Alluvium 74-83 829-820 Type I Fill/In-Situ 132 1120 6100 0.48 Compacted Alluvium 83-93 820-810 Soft Bedrock 140 1620 6420 0.47 93-118 810-785 Soft Bedrock 140 1760 6600 0.47 118-128 785-775 Harder Bedrock 160 2750 9970 0.45

>128 <775 See Table 1B --- --- ---.

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 4 of 8 TABLE 1B Summary of Deep Bedrock Stratigraphy (Based on USAR Section 11-5)

Elevation of Bottom of Unit (feet, Mean Sea Level) System Series Group(s) Rock Types 600 Pennsylvanian Virgil Wabaunsee Shale, Limestone, Sandstone, Coal 300 Pennsylvanian Virgil Shawnee Limestone, Shale 150 Pennsylvanian Virgil Douglas Shale, Sandstone, Limestone 100 Pennsylvanian Missouri Lansing Limestone, Shale

-100 Pennsylvanian Missouri Kansas City Shale, Limestone

-150 Pennsylvanian Missouri Pleasanton Limestone, Shale

-350 Pennsylvanian Missouri, Marmaton Shale, Limestone, Des Moines Coal

-1050 Pennsylvanian, Des Moines Cherokee Shale, Coal, Mississippian Sandstone

-1350 Mississippian - Meramec, Osage, Kinderhook Limestone, Chert, Shale

-1750 Devonian - Shale, Limestone

-2250 Silurian - Dolomite

-3000 Ordovician - Maquoketa, Galena (Viola), Shale, Dolomite, Decorah-Platteville, St. Peter, Limestone, Oneoto (Up. Arbuckle) Sandstone

-3300 Cambrian - Bonneterre (Lr. Arbuckle), La Sandstone, Shale, Motte Glauconite, Granite

<-3300 Precambrian - Metamorphic, Granite Notes:

1. Elevations, systems, series and groups were interpreted from USAR Figure 11-5-3.
2. Elevations are in feet and were rounded to the nearest 50 feet.
3. Rock types are from Condra, G.E. (1935), "Geologic Cross-Section, Forest City, Missouri to Du Bois, Nebraska," Nebraska Geologic Survey.

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 5 of 8 Vs profiles for Cooper Site Vs (ft/sec) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0

200 400 600 800 1000 1200

-Profile 1 1400

.1600 - Profile 2 1800 -Profile 3 CL 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 Figure 1. Vs Profiles for Cooper Nuclear Station Site

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 6 of 8 Table 2 Layer thicknesses, depths, and Vs for 3 profiles, Cooper Nuclear Station site Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) 0 1020 0 816 0 1275 10.0 10.0 1020 10.0 10.0 816 10.0 10.0 1275 4.5 14.5 1020 4.5 14.5 816 4.5 14.5 1275 10.0 24.5 1030 10.0 24.5 824 10.0 24.5 1288 10.0 34.5 1040 10.0 34.5 832 10.0 34.5 1300 6.0 40.5 1040 6.0 40.5 832 6.0 40.5 1300 9.0 49.5 1120 9.0 49.5 896 9.0 49.5 1400 10.0 59.5 1620 10.0 59.5 1032 10.0 59.5 2543 10.0 69.5 1760 10.0 69.5 1121 10.0 69.5 2763 10.0 79.5 1760 10.0 79.5 1121 10.0 79.5 2763 5.0 84.5 1760 5.0 84.5 1121 5.0 84.5 2763 10.0 94.5 2750 10.0 94.5 1752 10.0 94.5 4318 2.5 97.0 7292 2.5 97.0 4645 2.5 97.0 9285 10.0 107.0 7294 10.0 107.0 4647 10.0 107.0 9285 10.0 117.0 7299 10.0 117.0 4650 10.0 117.0 9285 10.0 127.0 7304 10.0 127.0 4653 10.0 127.0 9285 10.0 137.0 7309 10.0 137.0 4656 10.0 137.0 9285 10.0 147.0 7314 10.0 147.0 4659 10.0 147.0 9285 10.0 157.0 7319 10.0 157.0 4662 10.0 157.0 9285 10.0 167.0 7324 10.0 167.0 4666 10.0 167.0 9285 10.0 177.0 7329 10.0 177.0 4669 10.0 177.0 9285 10.0 187.0 7334 10.0 187.0 4672 10.0 187.0 9285 10.0 197.0 7339 10.0 197.0 4675 10.0 197.0 9285 10.0 207.0 7344 10.0 207.0 4678 10.0 207.0 9285 10.0 217.0 7349 10.0 217.0 4682 10.0 217.0 9285 10.0 227.0 7354 10.0 227.0 4685 10.0 227.0 9285 10.0 237.0 7359 10.0 237.0 4688 10.0 237.0 9285 10.0 247.0 7364 10.0 247.0 4691 10.0 247.0 9285 10.0 257.0 7369 10.0 257.0 4694 10.0 257.0 9285 10.0 267.0 7374 10.0 267.0 4698 10.0 267.0 9285 10.0 277.0 7379 10.0 277.0 4701 10.0 277.0 9285 10.0 287.0 7384 10.0 287.0 4704 10.0 287.0 9285 10.0 297.0 7389 10.0 297.0 4707 10.0 297.0 9285 10.0 307.0 7394 10.0 307.0 4710 10.0 307.0 9285 10.0 317.0 7399 10.0 317.0 4713 10.0 317.0 9285 10.0 327.0 7404 10.0 327.0 4717 10.0 327.0 9285 10.0 337.0 7409 10.0 337.0 4720 10.0 337.0 9285 10.0 347.0 7414 10.0 347.0 4723 10.0 347.0 9285

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 7 of 8 Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) 10.0 357.0 7419 10.0 357.0 4726 10.0 357.0 9285 10.0 367.0 7424 10.0 367.0 4729 10.0 367.0 9285 10.0 377.0 7429 10.0 377.0 4733 10.0 377.0 9285 10.0 387.0 7434 10.0 387.0 4736 10.0 387.0 9285 10.0 397.0 7439 10.0 397.0 4739 10.0 397.0 9285 10.0 407.0 7444 10.0 407.0 4742 10.0 407.0 9285 10.0 417.0 7449 10.0 417.0 4745 10.0 417.0 9285 10.0 427.0 7454 10.0 427.0 4748 10.0 427.0 9285 10.0 437.0 7459 10.0 437.0 4752 10.0 437.0 9285 10.0 447.0 7464 10.0 447.0 4755 10.0 447.0 9285 10.0 457.0 7469 10.0 457.0 4758 10.0 457.0 9285 10.0 467.0 7474 10.0 467.0 4761 10.0 467.0 9285 10.0 477.0 7479 10.0 477.0 4764 10.0 477.0 9285 10.0 487.0 7484 10.0 487.0 4768 10.0 487.0 9285 10.0 497.0 7489 10.0 497.0 4771 10.0 497.0 9285 10.0 507.0 7494 10.0 507.0 4774 10.0 507.0 9285 10.0 517.0 7499 10.0 517.0 4777 10.0 517.0 9285 10.0 527.0 7504 10.0 527.0 4780 10.0 527.0 9285 10.0 537.0 7509 10.0 537.0 4784 10.0 537.0 9285 10.0 547.0 7514 10.0 547.0 4787 10.0 547.0 9285 10.0 557.0 7519 10.0 557.0 4790 10.0 557.0 9285 10.0 567.0 7524 10.0 567.0 4793 10.0 567.0 9285 100.0 667.0 7549 100.0 667.0 4809 100.0 667.0 9285 100.0 767.0 7599 100.0 767.0 4841 100.0 767.0 9285 100.0 867.0 7649 100.0 867.0 4873 100.0 867.0 9285 100.0 967.0 7699 100.0 967.0 4905 100.0 967.0 9285 100.0 1067.0 7749 100.0 1067.0 4936 100.0 1067.0 9285 100.0 1167.0 7799 100.0 1167.0 4968 100.0 1167.0 9285 100.0 1266.9 7849 100.0 1266.9 5000 100.0 1266.9 9285 100.0 1366.9 7899 100.0 1366.9 5032 100.0 1366.9 9285 100.0 1466.9 7949 100.0 1466.9 5064 100.0 1466.9 9285 100.0 1566.9 7999 100.0 1566.9 5096 100.0 1566.9 9285 100.0 1666.9 8049 100.0 1666.9 5127 100.0 1666.9 9285 100.0 1766.9 8099 100.0 1766.9 5159 100.0 1766.9 9285 100.0 1866.9 8149 100.0 1866.9 5191 100.0 1866.9 9285 100.0 1966.9 8199 100.0 1966.9 5223 100.0 1966.9 9285 100.0 2066.9 8249 100.0 2066.9 5255 100.0 2066.9 9285 100.0 2166.9 8299 100.0 2166.9 5287 100.0 2166.9 9285 100.0 2266.9 8349 100.0 2266.9 5319 100.0 2266.9 9285 100.0 2366.9 8399 100.0 2366.9 5350 100.0 2366.9 9285

NLS2013085 Enclosure Page 8 of 8 Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) thickness(ft) depth (ft) Vs(ft/s) 100.0 2466.9 8449 100.0 2466.9 5382 100.0 2466.9 9285 100.0 2566.9 8499 100.0 2566.9 5414 100.0 2566.9 9285 100.0 2666.9 8549 100.0 2666.9 5446 100.0 2666.9 9285 100.0 2766.9 8599 100.0 2766.9 5478 100.0 2766.9 9285 100.0 2866.9 8649 100.0 2866.9 5510 100.0 2866.9 9285 100.0 2966.9 8699 100.0 2966.9 5541 100.0 2966.9 9285 100.0 3066.9 8749 100.0 3066.9 5573 100.0 3066.9 9285 100.0 3166.9 8799 100.0 3166.9 5605 100.0 3166.9 9285 100.0 3266.8 8849 100.0 3266.8 5637 100.0 3266.8 9285 100.0 3366.8 8899 100.0 3366.8 5669 100.0 3366.8 9285 100.0 3466.8 8949 100.0 3466.8 5701 100.0 3466.8 9285 80.2 3547.1 8999 80.2 3547.1 5733 80.2 3547.1 9285 3280.8 6827.9 9285 3280.8 6827.9 9285 3280.8 6827.9 9285