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Attachment 16 Entergy, 401 Wqc Application (April 2, 2009)
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/2009
From: Dacimo F, Joseph E Pollock
US Dept of the Army, Corps of Engineers, New York District, Entergy Nuclear Operations
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 24356, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML13095A494 (5)


ATTACHMENT 16 Entergy, 401 WQC Application (April 2, 2009)

JOINT APPLICATION FORM For Permits/Determinations to undertake activities affecting streams, waterways waterbodies, wetlands, coastal areas and sources of water supply.

New York Separate Permits/Determinations must be obtained from each involved agency US Army Corps of State prior to proceeding with work. Please read all instructions. Engineers (USACE)

1. Check All That Apply: 2. Name of Applicant (use full name) Applicant must be (check all that apply):

NYS Department of Environ-Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. D Owner Q Operator 0 Lessee mental Conservation Street Address Taxpayer ID (If applicant is NOT an individual):

Stream Disturbance 450 Broadway, PO Box 308 72-1466282 Excavation and Fill in Navigable Waters Post Office City State Zip Code Telephone (daytime) Email Buchanan NY 10511 (914) 736-8415 0 Docks, Moorings or Platforms fl Dams and Impoundment 3. Name of Facility or Property Owner, if different than Applicant Structures Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC and Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC 401 Water Quality Certification Street Address 0 Freshwater Wetlands 450 Broadway, PO Box 308 0Tidal Wetlands Coastal Erosion Management Post Office City State Zip Code Telephone (daytime) Email Buc ahan NY 10511 (914) 736-8414 EJ Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers 4. Contact/Agent Name Company Name 0 Water Supply Dara Gray Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

0 Long Island Well Street Address 0 Aquatic Vegetation Control 450 Broadway, PO Box 308 Aquatic Insect Control 0 Fish Control Post Office City State Zip Code Telephone (daytime) Email Buchanan NY 10511 (914) 736-8414 US Army Corps of Engineers 5. Project / Facility Name Property Tax Map Section / Block / Lot Number Section 404 Clean Water Act Indian Point Units 2 and 3 See Attachment A 1J Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Project Location - Provide directions and distances to roads, bridges and bodies of waters:


Act Nationwide Permit(s) - Identify Number(s):

Preconstruction Notification - Street Address, if applicable Y /LI N 450 Broadway NYS Office of General Services Post Office City State Zip Code Telephone, if applicable Email (State Owned Lands Under Water) Buchanan NY 10511 0 Utility Easement (pipelines, Town / Village / City County conduits, cables, etc.) Buchanan Westchester El Docks, Moorings or Platforms Name of USGS Quadrangle Map Stream/Water Body Name USGS Peekskill (NY) Hudson River NYS Department of State Location Coordinates: Enter NYTMs in kilometers, OR Latitude/Longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds El Coastal Consistency Concurrence NYTM-E NYTM- N (Latitude 'Longitude 41 16 7 73 57 19

6. If applicant is not the owner, both must sign the application. I hereby affirm that Information provided on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law. Further, the applicant accepts full responsibility for all damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from said project. In addition, Federal Law, 18 U.S.C., Section 1001 provides for a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both where an applicant knowingly and willingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up a material fact; or knowingly makes or uses a false, fictitious or fraudulent statement.

Signature of Applicant Printed Name Title Date atur of Owner Pjjnte a rre. Ti le Date n

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Si rp e Printed Name Title LPN r. r^ 01^^ Vtce^veld^LI+ 41460 1 orAgencyUseOnly:, DEC Application Number: USACE Number:

JOINT APPLICATION FORM 05/08 Application Form Page 1 of 2

JOINT APPLICATION FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 Submit this completed page as part of your Application.

rI 7. Project Description and


Provide a complete narrative description of the proposed work and Its purpose. Attach additional page(s) if necessary. Include: description of current site conditions and how the site will be modified by the proposed project; structures and fill materials to be installed ; type and quantity of materials to be used (i.e. , cubic yds or square ft of fill material below ordinary high water, or of structures below mean high water); area of excavation or dredging, volumes of material to be removed and location of dredged material disposal or use; work methods and type of equipment to be used; pollution control methods and mitigation activities proposed to compensate for resource impacts; and where applicable, the phasing of activities.

Please see Attachment A for Project Description and Purpose.

Proposed Use: U Private Public 7 Commercial Will Project Occupy Federal, State or Municipal Land?

If yes, please specify.

Yes . No Has Work Begun on Project? FJ Yes No If Yes, explain.

Proposed Start Date: 9/28/13 Estimated Completion Date:

12/12/35 R. List Previous Permit / Application Numbers (if any) and Dates:

.3ee Attachment A.

9. Will this project require additional Federal, State, or Local Permits Yes No If Yes, please list:

including zoning changes?

NRC Licenses DPR-26 and DPR-64

10. Based on the permits and determinations requested and project location, check all the boxes corresponding to each of the Agencies and Offices to which you are filing an application. For Agency addresses and areas covered, refer to the Agency Contact Information on the Application Instructions - Page 2.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation REGION 1 Stony Brook REGION 5 Ray Brook REGION 7 Syracuse REGION 2 Long Island City REGION 5 Warrensburg Sub-Office REGION 7 Cortland Sub-Office REGION 3 New Paltz REGION 6 Watertown REGION 8 Avon REGION 4 Schenectady REGION 6 Utica Sub-Office REGION 9 Buffalo REGION 4 Stamford Sub-Office REGION 9 Allegany Sub-Office US Army Corps of Engineers NYS Department of State D NYS Office of General Services NY District, NYC NY District, Watervliet Buffalo District For Agency Use 061 DETERMINATION OF NO PERMIT REQUIRED Agency Project Number has determined that No Permit is required from this Agency for the project described n (Agency Name) this application.

,gency Representative: Name (printed) Title Signature Date.

JOINT APPLICATION FORM 05/08 Application Form Page 2 of 2 Reset

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Skb, Lev+ -}o "bad. s `(rea ¢ow4.0,1evAe.t w:4" all aloe MAMA.

t /ow l an^A rs*^ K *i- 9a n1 ny a etese -M PE SSION TO INSPECT PROPERTY By signing this permis .n form for submission with an application for a permit(s) to the Department of Environmental C. a nervation ('DEC'), the signer consents to inspection by DEC staff of the project site or facility f. hich a permit is sought and, to the extent necessary, areas adjacent to the project site or facility. his consent allows DEC staff to enter upon and pass through such property in order to inspect the project site or facility war between

---the-hours of 7:00 &n.. and 7:00-p:m:-Monday through Friday:--NDEC staff should-wish to-conduct----

an inspection at any other times, DEC staff will so notify the applicant and will obtain a separate consent for such an inspection.

Inspections may take place as part of the application review prior to a decision to grant or deny the permit(s) sought. By signing this consent form, the signer agrees that this consent remains in effect as long as the application is pending,

, t,1 ,0 ..l

.I Iv.I*E aE -E. vet s'( e-' ^ a4w<< f11e.ast w i k^* all a fft:e+^t4 laws RMd r n v..L*46.*i 4 the signer further agrees that during an inspection, DEC staff may, among other things, take measurements, may analyze physical characteristics of the site including, but not limited to, soils and vegetation (taking samples for analysis), and may make drawings and take photographs.

Failure to grant consent for an inspection is grounds for, and may result in, denial of the permit(s) sought by the application.

Permission is granted for inspection of property located at the following address(es):

By signing this form, I affirm under penalty of perjury that I am authorized to give consent to entry by DEC staff as described above. I understand that false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law.

  • P+k ,Pbi V tc, 4-Z-0 01 i

Print Name and Title ReStcitlt' Signature Date

  • The signer of this form must be an individual or authorized representative of a legal entity that:
  • owns fee title and is in possession of the property identified above;
  • maintains possessory interest in the property through a lease, rental agreement or other legally binding agreement; or
  • is provided permission to act on behalf of an individual or legal entity possessing fee title or other possessory interest in the property for the purpose of consenting to inspection of such property.

Permission to Inspect Property Application Supplement 12/08

NYSDEC Joint Permit Application Entergy Nuclear Indian Point Unit 2 and Unit 3 Response to 5 (Property Tax Map Section/Block/Lot Number)

Parts of 43.06-01-01, 43.10-01-01, 43.10-02-01, 43.10-02-02, and 43.14-02-01 Response to 9. Project Description and


In accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy) has applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the Indian Point Unit 2 (IP2) and Indian Point Unit 3 (IP3) Operating Licenses for an additional twenty years of operation. Nuclear power plants are initially licensed by the NRC to operate up to 40 years, but these licenses may be renewed [10 CFR 50.51] for periods of up to 20 years. The current IP2 and IP3 Operating License expiration dates are September 28, 2013 and December 12, 2015, respectively. NYSDEC issued a Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the initial Operating Licenses for IP2 on December 7, 1970 and IP3 on May 2, 1975, respectively (see Attachment C to this application that was included in the IP2 and IP3 Environmental Report to the NRC).

The proposed action is to extend the IP2 and IP3 Operating Licenses until 2033 and 2035, respectively. IP2 and IP3 are located on the east bank of the Hudson River in the Village of Buchanan, NY. The facility is at latitude 41° 16' 7", longitude 73° 57' 19".

Collectively, Entergy's Indian Point facility is referred to as the Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC). No changes in operations that would significantly alter its discharges or discharge characteristics during the 20 year license renewal term are anticipated.

The site currently operates under SPDES permit number NY0004472 (the "Current Permit"). The Current Permit contains an expiration date of October 1, 1992. However, in accordance with the New York State Administrative Procedures Act, a timely and complete SPDES permit renewal application was filed 180 days prior to the Current Permit's expiration date and, therefore, the Current Permit continues in effect under New York administrative law until a new, final permit is issued by NYSDEC. The Current Permit was provided as Attachment C in the IP2 and IP3 Environmental Report to the NRC and is provided in Attachment E to this application. This permit provides a description of relevant IPEC discharges and discharge limitations.

In 1992, to resolve litigation involving, among others, the previous owners of IP2 and IP3 and NYSDEC, a Stipulation of Settlement and Judical Consent Order was entered in New York Supreme Court and subsequently amended on four separate occasions, ultimately expiring on February 1, 1998 (the "Fourth Amended Consent Order"). The prior owners of IP2 and IP3 voluntarily agreed to continue operations in accordance with the Fourth Amended Consent Order (in conjunction with the current SPDES Permit) until a new SPDES Permit was finalized for IP2 and IP3. A copy of the Fourth Amended Consent Order is provided in Attachment E.

IP2 and IP3 operate and will continue to operate in compliance with its NYSDEC SPDES discharge permit(s), as they may be renewed or modified from time to time during the NRC license renewal period.

401 Water Quality Certification Application