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Letter from Friends of the Earth to Southern California Edison Proposed Briefing Schedule and Request for Documents (ASLBP No. 13-924-01-CAL-BD01)
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 12/04/2012
From: Ayres R
Ayres Law Group, Friends of the Earth
To: Bessette P, Burdick S, Frantz S, Sutton K
Morgan, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP, NRC/SECY/RAS
ASLBP 13-924-01-CAL-BD01, RAS FFF-3, 50-361-CAL, 50-362-CAL
Download: ML12341A098 (12)



  • A S :0 December 4, 2012 (3:35 p.m.)

USNRC Office of the Secretary Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff Docket Nos. 50-3611362-CAL Atvv-Group December 4, 2012 Paul M. Bessette, Esq.

Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq.

Stephen J. Burdick, Esq.

Steven P. Frantz, Esq.

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP 1111 Pennsylvania, Ave. N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20004 E-mail: sburdick@morganlewi s.corn Re: Proposed Briefing Schedule and Request for Documents (ASLBP No. 13-924-01-CAL-BD01)

Dear Counsel:

As directed by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ("Board") in our conference call on December 3, 2012, 1 am writing to discuss initial procedural issues with respect to the proceeding ordered by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in its November 8, 2012 order (CLI-12-20). In the interest of expeditious and thorough consideration of this matter, Friends of the Earth would like to make two requests of your client, Southern California Edison ("Licensee").

First, the Board made clear on the call that additional documents must be disclosed in order to fully understand the safety significance of the Licensee's analysis in support of its response to the Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) issued March 27, 2012. The CAL requires the Licensee to demonstrate an understanding of the causes of tube wear in the steam generators at San Onofre and nuclear safety issues arising from the proposed restart. The Licensee has relied upon the Operational Assessments (OA) from their consultants to advise on the tube wear and the length of the period to inspection following restart. The OA's rely upon analysis referenced in the CAL. The Licensee relies upon these OA's to make their case that they understand the cause of the tube wear.

1707 L St, N.W. - Suite 850

  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

,scj-0q 5 5-03

We attach a list to this letter (Attachment A) that catalogues the relevant documents that either have not yet been disclosed or are so redacted as to render the document impenetrable.

We ask that the Licensee make these documents available to the parties so that the question of whether the CAL process is a defacto license amendment proceeding can be adequately briefed.

Second, Friends of the Earth requests the Licensee's assent to a briefing schedule that takes into account the time it will take the Licensee to provide access to the documents in Attachment A and to provide a short time for all parties to review and analyze them in a meaningful way. Thus, we propose a three week period for review of documents after all parties receive all of the documents in the attached list prior to starting the briefing schedule itself. For example, if the documents are made available by December 21, 2012, the proposed briefing schedule would be as follows:

January 11, 2013 Review of documents February 1, 2013 Brief for Petitioner February 8, 2013 Brief for Amicus February 22, 2013 Brief for Respondent February 22, 2013 Brief for NRC Staff March 1, 2013 Reply brief for Petitioner This schedule provides the parties with at least a short time to consider all the relevant documents and brief their case without unduly delaying the proceeding.

We would like to discuss these matters further via phone tomorrow, Wednesday, December 5t". Please confirm your availability by calling or emailing my office using the information below. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.


/s/ Richard Ayres Counsel for Friends of the Earth (202) 452-9300 1707 L St, N.W.

  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web: www.ayreslawgroup.comn

Cc: Chief Administrative Judge Roy Hawkens (

Administrative Judge Anthony J. Baratta (

Gary S. Arnold Administrative Judge (

Hearing Docket (hearingdocket

David Roth, NRC, Office of the General Counsel (

Douglas Porter, Southern California Edison Company (douglas.porter@sce.corn) 1707 L St, N.W. ° Suite 850 - Washington, DC 20036

  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:


1. LIST OF UNAVAILABLE DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENTS REQUIRING FURTHER CLARIFICATION 3218-Al ITEM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT REFERENCE REFER- COIMMENTS ENCE I Table 5-1 lists the 8 individual SCE, Enclosure 2, Songs 20 Further details relating TTW tubes that failed the in-situ Return to Service Report, site through wall thickness and pressure tests, giving the October 3 2012 - Table 5-1, the location of failure (i.e. at individual tube location but fails to pI0 the known TTW site or provided details of the TTW (or elsewhere) - particular regard RB/AVB) wear detected for the should be given to Tube tubes and if the failure site Locations 106-78, 102-78 and occurred at a known locality of 104-78 wear.

2 Refers to evaluation of SCE. Enclosure 2, Songs 20 Confirmation or otherwise that seismically-induced tube rupture Return to Service Report, tube 195-78 is the worst case using RSG 3E-088 tube 105-78 October 3 2012 - 5.2.1 ¶2 choice.

when subject to SONGS design basis earthquake (DBE) loading but as for 1) above, fails to identify if tube 105-78 is the worse TTW tube wall reduction case.

3 Root Cause Evaluation, San Available report seems to be a Onofre Nuclear Generating 'leaked' copy - the full and Station, Condition Report: official version should be 201836127, Unit 3 Steam accessible.

Generator Tube Leak and Tube-to-Tube Wear, Revision 0, 5/7/2012.

4 S023-617-1 -M 1562 Could be a duplicate of RetainerBar Tube Wear Mitsubishi's technical Report evaluation Documewt S023-617-1 -M 1562, Revision 4; if not, please disclose the document.

5 MI-I's Thermal & Hdraoulic See SCE Root Cause A naly'sis using FIT-Ill S023- Evaluation, Ref 201836127 Rev 617-1-C-683 0, REC May 7 2012 6 Tube Wear of SONGS U3 See SCE Root Cause RSG, Technical Evaluation Evaluation. Ref'201836127 Rev Report , MI-I 3/30/12 S023- 0. REC May 7 2012 617-M1520 Rev. I 7 SONGS U3 Tube-Tube Wear See SCE Root Cause OrientationSuounor, Evaluation, Re/'201836127 Rev AREVA NP Inc. 3/1/2012 0. REC'Mav 7 2012 8 This is required to understand and Design ComtparisonSONGS See SCE Root Cause assess the value of referring to x's. ANO-2 RSGs Lower Shell Evaluation, Ref 201836127 Rev another unspecified PWR plant to Assembly Tube Bundle O,REC' May 7 2012 align the projected performance of Region the Unit 2 RSGs.

1707 L St, N.W.

  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

3218-Al ITEM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT REFERENCE REFER- COMMENTS ENCE 9 These documents are required to Special Reports relating to I clarify the ambiguities sun'ounding both Units 2 and 3 RSG reporting of the It and 2 ,d inspections as required by 10 inspections at different times by CRF 5.7.2 c), submitted by NRC and SCE. SCE and held by Document Control Desk, Washington, D. C. 20555, with a copy to the Regional Administrator of the Regional Office of the NRC 10 Unit 3 LER 2012-002, dated I Refers to a condition which May 10, 2012 refers to SG resulted in a principal safety Tube Degradation Indicated barrier being seriously by Failed In-situ Pressure degraded (i.e., serious SG tube Testing as required by 10 degradation)

CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(A).

Letter from Peter T. Dietrich I Update of Unit 2 RSG Tube (SCE) to Elno Collins Inspection Results (USNRC). dated April 20, 2012.

12 SONGS Steam Generator I Program(S023-SG-I )

13 S023-617-M 1068 SONGS 28 Units 2 and 3 Replacement Steam GeneratorProject NSSS Licensing Topical Report 14 S023-617-1-M 1520 Tube 28 Wear oj Unit 3 RSG -

Technical Evahnation Report 15 S023-617-1-D507 Anti- 28 Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-1 -D540 Anti-Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-I -D540 Anti-Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-I -D542 Anti-Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-1 -D796 Anti-Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-1-D799 Anti-Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-I -D800 Anti-Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-l-D801 Anti-Vibration Bar Assembly S023-617-1-D781 Detail of Retaining Bar 16 S023-617-1-M1265 28 Summary Design Report 17 S023-617-1 -C749 28 A/naltical Report of/A VB Assembly 1707 L St, N.W.

  • Suite 850
  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web: www.ayreslawgroup.corn

3218-Al ITEM DESCRIII'ION )OCUlMEN'r REFERENCE REFER- COMMENTS ENCE 18 S023-617-I-C 1106 Thermal 28 and Hydraulic Paraametric Calculations 19 S023-617-1-C683 Three- 28 dimensional Themnal aond Hydraulic Analysis (FIT-III Codre Anolvsis) 20 S023-617-1-C157 28 Evaluation of Tube vibration 21 S023-617-1-M1520 Tube 28 Wear fofUnit 3 RSG-Technical EvaluationReport 22 S023-617-1-M1530 Va/iditv 28 qfUse ofthe FIT-111 Results during Design 23 S023-617- I-M1231 28 Pe;bjrnmance4 na/vsis Report 24 SO23-617-1-M1029 Eddt, 28 Current Exanhination Report

- Rotaling 'CoilIn*pection for U-benI PortionDuring Manufacturing Tubing (SteaM Generator2E088) 25 S023-617-1-M 1255 Eddy 28 CurrentExamination Repotrt

- Rotating Coil Inspeetion Jbr U-benod Portion 26 KAS-20050201 FIT-Ill Code 28 Va/idat/nio Report 27 Attachment 12 Meeting 28 Minutes of'Design Review and Technical Meeting with MHI on Retainer Bar Design September 12-15, 2006 28 SONGS RSG Project 28 Meeting Notes October 23, 2009 29 This is only reported as an NRC Nuclear Notification NN 32 Record of following evaluation close-out report and the full 201818719, January 20 2012 required.

records of the alarms and accelerometer outputs are likely to be useful in identifying the source of the 'noise' that triggered the alarms.

1707 L St, N.W. - Suite 850 - Washington, DC 20036

  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

3218-Al ITEM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT REFERENCE REFER- COMMENTS ENCE 30 Flow-Induced Vibration and Tube Wear Analysis fdthe San Onofire Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 Replacement Steam Generators SupportingRestart, Westinghouse Report LTR-SGDA- 12-36, Revision 1, September 13, 2012.

31 San Onolre Nuclear GeneratingStation Units 2 and 3 Replacement Steam Generators Evaluation of Stabilitv Ratio PbrReturn to Service' Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., L5-04GA567, Revision 4, July 21, 2012.

32 SONGS Unit 2 Tube-to-tube Wear Indication Data Westinghouse letter LTR-SGMP- 12-80, October 2, 2012.


Operational Assessment of Wear Indications In the U-bend Region of San Onofre Unit 2 Replacement Steam Generators 34 This report is important to the MHI report, Retainer Bar understanding of the retainer bar Tube Wear Report. L5-interactions with the F1 and 2"" 04GA561 tube rows in the non-FEI (R<I) activity regimes.

35 This report might provide a better MHI report, Casestudy of understanding of the MHI the input paramneters and reasoning and reliability of the tube plugging impact on siting of the preventative plugging internalSG thermal zones which is so cnicial to the hydraulicparamneters,L5-management of FEI in Unit 2 04GA566 under restart power levels.

1707 L St, N.W.

  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

3218-Al ITEM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT REFERENCE REFER- COMMENTS E NCE 36 Ditto - throughout the SCE MHI report. Evaluation of commissioned OAs there is little Stability Ratio.]brReturn to discussion or demonstration of i) Service, L5-04GA567 the accuracy of predicting high FEI activity zones and ii) if tube motions can be induced at FEI activity below the critical velocity (R< I).

37 MHI report, Screening Criteria/lbrSusceptibility to In-Plane Tube Motion, L5-04GA571 38 Simulation ofTube-to- Tube Impact, Phase 2 Report, June 2012 (AREVA NP Document 38-9191195-000).

39 AREVA Document 51-9182833-002, SONGS 2C17 Outage - Steam Generator Op)eratiOna]Assesstment (SONGS Document 1814-AU65 I-MO144 Rev. 1).

40 SONGS Document 90200. Unredacted document may be Rev, 0 Average and available under a different title.

Maximum Thermal- If so, please disclose the name Hvdruulic Parameter and location of the document.

Comlparisons between Songs RSGsu actd Simi/arPlctnts.

41 SONGS Document S023-617-1-M1523 Rev. 5, Replacement Steam Generators,Evaluation of StabilitY Ratio/OTr Return to Service (MHI Documnent L5-04GA567 Rev. 6).

42 AREVA NP Docunent 51 -

9182368-002, SONGS 2C17 Steam Generator Condition Monitoring Report.

43 SONGS Document S023-617-1-M1532 Rev. 2, Analytical Evaluations for Operational Assessment (MHI Document L5-04GA585 Rev. 2).

44 AREVA NP Document 32-9187024-000, SONGS Steam Generator Probability of Fluid Elastic Instability Calculation.

1707 L St, N.W.

  • Suite 850
  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

3218-Al ITEM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT REFERENCE REFER- COMMENTS ENCE 45 SONGS Document 1814-AA086-M0189 Rev. 2, Westinghouse Report LTR-SGDA-12-36 Rev, 0, Flow-Induced Vibration and Tube Wear Analysis of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 Replacement Steam Generators Supporting Restart.

46 AREVA NP Document 51-9188725-000, SONGS U2C17 and U3FI6B AVB Gap and 47 SONGS Document S023-617-1-M1520 Rev. 6, Tube Wear of Unit-3 RSG -

Technical Evaluation Report (MHI Document L5-04GA564 Rev. 8).

48 AREVA NP Documnent 51 -

9181604-000, SONGS Unit 2 Cycle-] 7 and 2012 Return to Service Technical Summary Steam Generator Eddy CurTent Inspection.

49 AREVA NP Document 51-9180143-001, SONGS Unit 3 Februaw 2012 Leaker Outage - Steam Generator Condition Monitoring Report (SONGS Document 1814-AU651-M0143 Rev, 1),

50 This drawing should provide full SONGS Drawing S023-617-details and material specifications 1-D542 Rev. 9, San Onofre for the AVB restraint assembly, Nuclear GeneratingStation including details of the retainer bar Unit 2 & 3 Replacement to enable the MHI claim that it is Steam Generators- Design the RB that vibrates and is the Drawing- Anti-Vibration source of tube wear in 12 of the 24 Bar Asseomblv 7/9 (MHZ AVB assembly localities. Drawing L5-04FUI17 Rev.


51 This report is heavily redacted with Mitsubishi's technical 32 supporting analysis and data - evaluation Document ,5023-much of the redaction seems 617-1-M1562, Revision 4 beyond that required for preserving commercial confidentiality.

1707 L St, N.W.

  • Suite 850
  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

3218-Al ITEM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT REFERENCE REFER- COMMENTS ENCE 52 This report is heavily redacted with Document S023-617 32 supporting analysis and data - C749. Analytical Report of much of the redaction seems Anti-vibration BarAssemblyv beyond that required for preserving commercial confidentiality.

53 CertifiedDesign Specificationfor SONGS replacementsteamn generators, Document S023-617-01, Revision 4 54 Document S023-61 7 C157, Evaluation of Tube Vibration, Revision 3 55 This report is heavily redacted with Attachment 4: MHI I It is not clear from the SCE supportitig analysis and data - Document L5-04GA564 - Enclosure 2 explanation that much of the redaction would seem Tube Wear of Unit-3 RSG the NRC copy of the MII to beyond that required for Technical Evaluation Report, Attachment 4 will be similarly preserving commercial Mitsubisfii leavv fndustrins redacted.

confidentiality. S023-617-1 -M'.538 Reo 0 Important aspects hidden by the redaction are:

  • Demonstration of a full understanding of the FEI-invoked tube wear;
  • How the dimensional differences between Unit 2 and Unit 3, as manufactured, influence and relate to the differing degrees and (some) locations of fretting wear differences 56 This report is heavily redacted with SCE Accelerometer Data 32 See SCE Root Cause supporting analysis and data- Review Associated File to Evaluation, Ref 201836127 Rev much of the redaction seems SO23-617-1-M1508 Rev 0 0, REC May 7 2012 beyond that required for preserving commercial confidentiality.

57 This report is heavily redacted with NRC URI 32 supporting analysis and data - 05000362/201i2007-02, much of the redaction seems Ea/nationof'Unit 3 beyond that required for preserving Vibration and Loose Parts commercial confidentiality. Monitoring5.stem Alarms.

58 This report is heavily redacted with S023-617-1-M1520 Tube 32 supporting analysis and data - Wear of'Unit 3 RSG -

much of the redaction seems Technical Evalutatio, Report beyond that required for preserving commercial confidentiality.

59 This report is heavily redacted with MHI report, Retainter Bar supporting analysis and data - Tube Wear Report , L5-much of the redaction seems 04GA561 the latest revision beyond that required for preserving commercial confidentiality.

1707 L St, N.W.

  • Suite 850
  • Washington, DC 20036 ° Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

60 This report is heavily redacted with Attachment 12 Meeting supporting analysis and data - Minules of Design Review much of the redaction seems and Technical beyond that required for preserving Aleeting wvith MHI on commercial confidentiality. Retainer Bar"Design September 12-15, 2006 28 1707 L St, N.W.

  • Phone: (202) 452-9200 Web:

Docket, Hearing From: Jessica L. Olson []

Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 3:35 PM To:;;; Cc: Hawkens, Roy; Baratta, Anthony; Arnold, Gary; Docket, Hearing; Roth(OGC), David; douglas.


Request to discuss procedural issues in San Onofre ASLB Proceeding (No. 13-924-01-CAL-BD01)

Attachments: 12-12-04 Letter from FOE to SCE re document disclosure and schedule.pdf; ATT00002.htm Importance: High Dear Counsel-Please see the attached letter. We look forward to speaking with you.

Regards, Jessica Olson Counsel for Friends of the Earth 1