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Official Exhibit - ENT000325-00-BD01 - NYSDEC 2007 Community Fact Sheet (Sept. 2007)
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2012
State of NY, Dept of Environmental Conservation
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 22135, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML12338A675 (2)


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

In the Matter of:

(Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3)

ASLBP #: 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #: 05000247 l 05000286 Exhibit #: ENT000325-00-BD01 Identified: 10/15/2012 Admitted: 10/15/2012 Withdrawn:

Rejected: Stricken:


NYS Department of Environmental' Conservation I

Community Fact Sheet ENT000325 Submitted: March 29, 2012 I Prepared for the 9/19/07 NRC Relicensing Environmental Scoping Meeting for il "

I, Indian Point Energy Center



  • p' omt Enef9Y I Center Buchanan, ~y, I September 2007
," ~ .

If you would like more irifcirmati~n

,abouUhe DECor DOH activities, Groundwater Investigation relative to the groundwater ' ' The New York State Department,of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the New York State iI;wes,tigatio, ns atl,nd, ian pOint,Ple,ase Department of Health (DOH) have been participating in the ongoing groundwater investigation of f contact one of the representatives radionuclide contamination in groundwater under the plant, and the release of that water to the listed below:

Hudson River. The purpose of our involvement is to protect the interests of the citizens and the Mr. Tim Rice environment of the State of New York by helping to ensure that Entergy performs a timely, Env. Radiation Specialist, Project Lead comprehensive characterization of site groundwater contamination, takes appropriate actions to NYSDEC, ' '

identify and stop the sources of the leak, and undertakes any necessary remedial actions.

D, iV,' Of,S, lid & Hazardous Materials b,

625 Broadway .',

I Albany. NY 12233-7255 (518) 40i-8579' . ,

, tbrice@gw.dec.state.nY*us: " General questions regarding In 2005 Entergy was potential Sr-90 impacts.

  • Public exposure can occur Mr. LarrY Ro~erimann '. ' preparing to install a new from the y:;oundwater Engineering qe'6lbgist crane at the Unit 2 Spent
  • Collected split samples of entering t e Hudson River NYSDEC Fuel Pool (SFP) to sUfPort fish flesh from this through consumption of Div. of Solid & Hazardous Materials its dry cask spent fue enhanced effort, as well as fish.

625 Broadway storage operation. During unilaterally analyze bone Albany, NY 12233-7258 samples. '

  • The DOH has confirmed (518) 402-8594 that work, Entergy Entergy's calculated dose larosenm@gw.dec.state.nY.l!s ,

discovered water leaking

  • Analyzing samples at the to humans from fish.

from a crack in the exterior DOH Wadsworth Center

of the concrete SFP wall.
  • Sr-90 levels in fish near

,Mr. RobertSnyder ' public health laboratory.

Radiologica)Health Specialist ; ',~ The subsequent investigation Compare results with the site (18.8 pCi/kg) are NYSDOH " ,,', ,'~. identified tritium' ". Entergy's. no higher than those in fish Bureau of Env. Radiation 'Protection' (radioactive hydrogen or H- collected from background

'547 River Street '" 3) contaminatIOn in .

  • Participating in and locations across the state.

'Troy;NY12180 ~roundwater on-site coming provide recommendations on the hydrology

  • Recent Sr-90 data in fish is (80Q)458-1158 ext. 27550 rom the vicinity of the Unit limited. (New samples are

,BERP@health.state.ny:us , 2 SFP and radioactive investigation into .the I ,Strontium-90 (Sr-90) and extent and movement of being analyzed.)

l' " " . other isoto~es coming from contaminated fu0undwater Ongoing Activities the Unit 1 FP. on the site, inc uding Background/History , . independent review of

  • Coordinate an enhanced Entergy hired a hydrology contractor work. fish sampling effort.

The,)ndian Point Energy Center is a nude'ar ,~nergy powered electrical contractor who, with ~ Performed an independent

  • Continue to participate in

't, gen.~jfltfmg"~tation ,Io'categ in , '

,BUC, fiar"~,,q::NY' It IS, whO, IIY,own,,e,'d by

,Entergy'Nuclear. There are three

,commercial reactors on the property. ,

involvement from the NRC, USGS, DEC, and DOH, determined that there were two active groundwater assessment of potential public health impacts.

.* Participating in periodic public communication activities.

  • Continue to monitor Unit 1 stopped operation in the 1970s I plumes on site; stakeholder calls and Entergy's progress on and is currently'maintained in,an un- - a H-3 plume coming from meetings. determining the source of fueled state pending" ' " the Unit 2 SFP, and the Unit 2 H-3 plume.

, "'gecor:nm!s$ionJ'l~i'0f.~,~enttl!,eJ.~till, ,- a Sr-90 plume coming form Key Findings to Date

  • Participate in the final

, rem,alns In storage'!n the spent'fuel the Unit 1 SFP. .

  • There are no residential or assessment of ~oundwater pool" Units,2& 3 continue to '

generate electricity. Ehtergy'has State Activities municipal drinking water conditions on t e site.

'applied to the Nuclear Regulatory wells or surface reservoirs Com,mission (NRC) to renew its

  • Collecting split samples of near the plant.
  • Evaluate any plans for leak operating license for both operating water from on-site and off- repairs or site remediation~

units for an additional 20 ye,ars. site monitoring wells,

  • There are no known focusing on wells along impacts to any drinking
  • Continue to provide an water source. independent source of The investigation of the leaks from the riverfront and to the information for the the Unit 1 & 2 spent fuel pools into . , south of the sources of the
  • No contaminated counties and other g~oundwater on-site fs n~aring " leaks.
completion., Entergy is' performing,the ,

groundwater is moving interested barties on topics irwestigation, under the direct

  • Recommended that towards surrounding related to t e groundwater regulatory authority ofthe NR<;:.,with Entergyenhanceits properties. investigation.

,State review provided by DECal)d Hudson River fish

  • Contaminated groundwater DOH. sampling brogram this
  • Eval~at~ lon~-term is moving into the Hudson momtonng pans ..

year to he p answer , River.

~-'~===============iI ' reported to stakeholders when

-~IIEnhanced Fish Sampling received.

DEC and DOH worked with Regulatory Authority IEntergy and the NRC to develop lthis year's enhanced fish sampling The federal government regulates leffort. The intent is to meet these the use of radioactive materials at three goals: Ldevelop a more Indian Point under the federal scieFltifically rigorous sampling Atomic Energy Act.

I program, 2. evaluate the At present, there are no off-site iappropriateness of Entergy' s groundwater impacts, and releases Ilenvironmental background (control) of contaminated groundwater to the location, and 3. perform a thorough river do not violate state surface ievaluation of this potential human water standards for H-3 (20,000 lexposure pathway. To accomplish pCi/I) and Sr-90 (8 pCi/I).


Remedial Actions

  • Sampling focused on species that do not migrate over Tritium significant distances in the river Because tritium (H-3) is actually an and are expected to be present isotope of hydrogen, it is not at all sampling locations, or are , feasible to remediate H-3 of commercial or recreational contaminated groundwater other importance, including striped than by removing the source of bass, l;>lue crab, carp, white contamination. Entergy has perch, American eel, catfish, identified a leak in a portion of the and sunfish. Unit 2 SFP (a probable source of
  • Samples were collected from the H-3 plume) and will repair this the area near Indian Point, the leak (and any others discovered) existing upstream control area after completion of its inspection of near Roseton, and from far- the stainless steel liner.

upstream near the Village of Strontium Catskill. (see map)

Unlike H-3, Sr-90 contamination

  • Samples of edible portions of can be removed from water through each species at each location readily available treatment are being analyzed by NYS, processes. Entergy has reduced the NRC, and Entergy~ source of the Sr-90 plume by >97%

through operation of a water

  • Bone samples are being analyzed by NYS. treatment system in the Unit 1 SFP.

This has resulted in measurable

  • Both flesh and bone are~being ~eductions in Sr-90 groundwater analyzed for Sr-90 and gamma concentrations. The company has emitting radionuclides. also agreed to remove the spent fuel and remaining contaminated water
  • NYS will review the data to from the Unit 1 SFPin 2008, assess the current stopping the contamination source.

environmental monitoring program, and to evaluate any The agencies will be monitoring the potential impacts to public progress of these source health and the environment. remediation efforts closely and will be reviewing and commenting on Fish Results to Date the final site hydrology report and NRC fish results have been long-term monitoring plans Entergy received and show no detectable Sr- is anticipated to finalize in the next 90 or gamma emitter~. Entergy and couple of month.

State analyses, are not yet available from our respective labs, but will be