ML12261A254 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032 |
Issue date: | 04/19/2012 |
From: | State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority |
References | |
RP-RPP003.00 | |
Download: ML12261A254 (4) | |
West Valley Site Management Program RECORD OF REVISION AND DISTRIBUTION TITLE: Annual Retained Premises Radiation Protection Program Audit RP-RPP003.00 Record of Revision:
Description of Change(s)
(and pages affected)
Issued RP-RPP003.00 Original issue 04/19/2012 Record of Distribution:
Record of Distribution Date (Distribution List)
Distributed RP-RPP003.00 WVSMP Plans and Procedures Manuals 04/19/2012 (AOC Office, SDA and Annex)
Central Files (Original with green sheets)
RP-RPP003.00 Transmittal to Chad Glenn, NRC 07/30/2012 (under separate cover PJB/l2amd019.ejt)
Edward Traverso, RSO, RP-RSC, Controlled Binder 1 Tom Attridge, RP-RSC Controlled Binder 2 Paul Bembia, RP-RSC Controlled Binder 3 RP-RSC Controlled Binder 4 (never issued)
Jean Williams, RP-RSC Controlled Binder 5 Duane Quayle, EnergySolutions, (Radiation and Safety Contractor Manager) RP-RSC Controlled Binder 6 Central Files 10512 RP-RSC Controlled Binder 7 Elizabeth Lowes, RP-RSC Controlled Binder 8 Alita Dueringer, RP-RSC Controlled Binder 9 FRM002.05
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West Valley Site Management Program Page 1 of I RETAINED PREMISES RADIATION PROTECTION PROCEDURES 04/19/20 12
Annual Retained Premises Radiation Protection Program Audit RP-RPP003.00 1.0 PURPOSE This document establishes the West Valley Site Management Program's (WVSMP) requirements for conducting an annual review of the Retained Premises Radiation Protection Program (RP-RPP) and the performance of the WVSMP Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).
2.0 ANNUAL RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM AUDIT PROCEDURE The Part 20 Radiation Safety Committee (Part 20 RSC) will conduct, or cause to be conducted, an annual audit of the content and implementation of the Radiation Protection Program for the Retained Premises and the performance of the RSO as that performance pertains to the RP-RPP. The annual audit will consist of:
An evaluation of the RP-RPP with respect to overall performance to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, and to ensure that activities are carried out in accordance with the As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle.
An examination of all records, pertinent reports from the RSO and safety staff, written safety procedures to ensure the adequacy of the management control system.
An evaluation of the following items:
Program changes since the last audit Performance of the RSO (in the context of the RP-RPP)
Radiation training ALARA efforts Radiation protection program procedures Waste minimizatioh and management Unusual occurrences or license deviations, and applicable corrective actions RSC actions and commitments Recordkeeping and reporting Utilization of a checklist bearing the identification of the facility, the RSO, the auditors and the persons contacted during the audit.
The RSC will respond to any program deficiencies identified as a result of the annual audit and monitor implementation of any corrective actions.
3.0 RECORDKEEPING Records of the annual Radiation Protection Program audits will be maintained in the WVSMP central files for a minimum of three years in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20.2102(b).
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