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Dow Chemical Company - E-mail from K. Yale, Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality to G. Wertz, NRC Project Manager, Notification of No Comments Environmental Assessment
Person / Time
Site: Dow Chemical Company
Issue date: 03/05/2012
From: Yale K
State of MI, Dept of Environmental Quality
To: Geoffrey Wertz
Research and Test Reactors Licensing Branch
Wertz, Geoffrey; NRR/DPR/434-326-1086
TAC ME1595
Download: ML120730278 (2)


From: Yale, Ken (DEQ) []

Sent: Monday, Maarch 05, 2012 7:39 AM To: Wertz, Geofffrey Cc: Tran, Linh


RE: Dow Cheemical EA State of Michigan Radiological Safety Review

Dear Mr. Wertz,

I apologize for not getting back to you so ooner. The State of Michigan had no comments on the draft environmental assessment.

Thank you for your follow-up.

Ken Yale, M.S.

Chief, Radiological Protection Section Resource Management Division Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality y Constitution Hall, Lower Level North 525 West Allegan PO Box 30241, Lansing, MI 48909-774 41 Telephone: 517-241-1278 Fax: 517-373-4797 email: Website: From: Wertz, Geoffrey [1]

Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:04 AM To: Yale, Ken (DEQ)

Cc: Tran, Linh


RE: Dow Chemical EA State of o Michigan Radiological Safety Review Ken, the 30 day review period ends today for the Dow Chemical research reactor environmental assessment. Any comments? No re eply after today indicates no comments. Feel fre ee to contact me otherwise.

Thanks Geoffrey A. Wertz, P.E.

Project Manager Research and Test Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisssion Work (301) 415-0893 Fax (434) 384-0726

From: Wertz, Geoffrey Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 1:5 56 PM To: '' Cc: Tran, Linh


Dow Chemical EA State of Micchigan Radiological Safety Review Ken, attached is the draft Environme ental Assessment for the renewal of the NRC lice ense for the Dow Chemical research reactor loca ated in Midland, MI. As we discussed on the pho one, the NRC license renewal review include es a radiological review of the EA by the State of Michigan.

Please review the EA and feel free tot respond with any questions or concerns you m might identify. We will resolve them to youur satisfaction such that we can obtain your concurrence that our assessment is acceptable. Plea ase respond within 30 days. An e-mail response e is acceptable, and will be made publicly available in accordance with our process.

Since the EA is pre-decisional (draftt) information, please dont release it to the publicc. A public version will be made available with the t renewed license.

I need your title_________________ _________.

I have your state agency as:

Michigan Department of Environmen ntal Quality Waste and Hazardous Materials Div vision Radiological Protection Section Radiological Assessment Unit Constitution Hall, Lower-Level Northh 525 West Allgan Street PO Box 30241 Lansing, MI 48909-7741 Please advise if any of this informatiion is incorrect.

Thanks so much for your assistance e.

Geoffrey A. Wertz, P.E.

Project Manager Research and Test Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisssion Work (301) 415-0893 Fax (434) 384-0726