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IR 05000320-10-008 on 02/22/10 & 04/20/10 - 04/22/10 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Middletown, PA
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/2010
From: Laurie Kauffman
Decommissioning Branch I
GPU Nuclear
Download: ML101390546 (11)

See also: IR 05000320/2010008





Inspection No. 05000320/2010008

Docket No. 05000320

License No. DPR-73

Licensee: GPU Nuclear. Inc.

Facility: Three Mile Island Station. Unit 2

Location: Middletown, PA 17057-0791

Inspection Dates: February 22, 2010

April 20 - 22, 2010

Inspector: Laurie A. Kauffman

Health Physicist

Decommissioning Branch

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety

Approved By: Judith A. Joustra, Chief

Decommissioning Branch

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


GPU Nuclear, Inc.

NRC Inspection Report No. 05000320/2010008

The Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (TMI-2) has been permanently shutdown since

March 1979 and has been in post-defueled monitored storage (PDMS) since December 1993. No

ongoing decommissioning or dismantlement activities are being conducted at TMI-2. The licensee

plans to actively decommission TMI-2 in parallel with the decommissioning of Three Mile Island

Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (TMI-1) after that unit has been permanently shutdown. FirstEnergy/GPU

Nuclear, Inc. (GPUN) sold its electric generator to Siemens Energy, Inc. in 2009. In January 2010,

FirstEnergy/GPUN mobilized Siemens personnel to remove the generator.

A routine announced safety inspection was conducted on February 22, 2010 and April 20 - 22,

2010, at TMI-2 by a Region I inspector. The inspection included a review of operations and

management oversight, maintenance, corrective action program implementation, and plant support

activities while in SAFSTOR status. Specifically, the scope of the inspection included: (1) an

evaluation of the condition and operational status of structures, systems and components

important to the safe storage of radioactive material; (2) a review of the quality assurance and audit

program; (3) a review of the implementation and adequacy of the radiation protection program,

including a review of the electric generator removal from the turbine building; (4) an evaluation of

the licensee's controls and processes regarding the TMI-2 liquid and gaseous radioactive effuents;

(5) an evaluation of the radioactive waste management and transportation programs; and (6) follow

up of corrective actions related to a Non-Cited Violation (NCV), failure to perform audits of the

radioactive waste management program according to Technical Specification (TS), that

was identified during the previous NRC inspection. [See NRC Inspection Report Number

05000320/2009007, dated July 24, 2009, for details. ADAMS Accession Numbers ML092050557

(cover letter) and ML092050569 (inspection report)]

Within the scope of this inspection, no safety concerns or violations were identified.

Organization and Management Control

The licensee's organization was adequate to support PDMS activities. Management oversight of

the PDMS program was adequate for the activities conducted.

Safety Reviews, Design Changes, and Modifications

The licensee submitted the Biennial 10 CFR 50.59 Report, dated February 15, 2010, in

accordance with TMI-2 TS and 10 CFR 50.59 requirements.

Self-Assessment, Auditing, and Corrective Action Programs

The licensee maintained an adequate audit program and effectively utilized the established

corrective action program to self-identify, evaluate, and correct issues and problems. Condition

reports were properly prioritized and corrective actions were tracked in accordance with approved


Decommissioning Performance and Status Reviews at Permanently Shutdown Reactors


No dismantlement or decommissioning activities were performed since the previous inspection.


Maintenance and Surveillance

The licensee effectively implemented the preventive maintenance and surveillance program and

associated procedures.

Occupational Radiation Exposure

Implementation and oversight of the PDMS program was effective for the storage of radioactive

material. The licensee provided adequate controls to limit exposures of workers to external

sources of radiation. Posting and labeling of radioactive materials and radiation areas complied

with regulatory requirements. Radiological controls and dose estimates were effective to achieve

dose goals. Implementation of the occupational exposure control program associated with the

TMI-2 PDMS activities and the electric generator removal project was adequate.

Effluent, Environmental Monitoring and Radioactive Waste and Transportation

The licensee effectively implemented and maintained the radioactive effluent controls program, the

radiological environmental monitoring program, and the radiation protection program.



1.0 Background

GPUN retains the license for TMI-2 and maintains the facility. Metropolitan Edison C

Company (MetEd), Jersey Central Power & Light Company (JCP&L), and Pennsylvania

Electric Company (Penelec) jOintly own TMI-2. GPUN, Met Ed, JCP&L, and Penelec are

wholly owned subsidiaries of FirstEnergy Corp.

As part of the sale of TMI-2, GPUN entered into an agreement with AmerGen (now

Exelon) for TMI-2 services. Under this agreement and as a contractor subject to GPUN's

ultimate direction and control, Exelon provides all services, materials and equipment

required to maintain TMI-2 in PDMS. Services provided by Exelon include maintenance

and surveillance activities and implementation of the activities required in the Safety

Analysis Report, Technical Specifications, and the GPUN PDMS Quality Assurance

(QA) Plan (PDMS QA Plan).

2.0 Organization and Management Controls

a. Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedures OP) 36801)

The inspector evaluated any recent organization, management and staffing changes with

respect to the PDMS QA program outlined in the PDMS QA Plan.

b. Observations and Findings

There were no organizational structure changes since the previous inspection. However,

in June 2009, the Senior PDMS Manager, responsible for TMI-2 PDMS activities, had

retired and a replacement had been named. During discussions with the current PDMS

Manager regarding the PDMS program and evaluations of the implementation of the

program, the inspector determined that the current PDMS Manager demonstrated an

adequate understanding of the PDMS program and the TMI-2 plant. In January 2010,

FirstEnergy announced that the PDMS Senior Specialist and Senior Licensing Engineer,

who were responsible for implementing TMI-2 PDMS activities, were scheduled to retire

in March 2010. FirstEnergy also announced that one of the two FirstEnergy responsible

engineers, who maintained oversight of the PDMS program, was transferring to another

position within the FirstEnergy organization in March 2010. During the inspection, the

inspector noted that a new FirstEnergy responsible engineer had been named in early

April 2010 and that the remaining FirstEnergy responsible engineer will also transfer to

another position within the FirstEnergy organization by the end of June 2010. In order to

assure knowledge transfer, the licensee employed the recently retired PDMS Senior

Specialist as a consultant to assist with the implementation of the PDMS program. The

effectiveness of these management and staff changes will be reviewed during the next



c. Conclusions

The licensee's organization was adequate to support PDMS activities. Management

oversight of the PDMS program was adequate for the activities conducted. No findings

of safety significance were identified.

3.0 Safety Reviews, Design Changes, and Modifications

a. Inspection Scope tiP 37801)

The inspector reviewed the Biennial 10 CFR 50.59 Report, dated February 15, 2010 to

verify the implementation of TMI-2 Technical Specifications (TS) and

10 CFR 50.59 requirements.

b. Observations and Findings

There were no structures, systems, or components in TMI-2 that perform a safety

function as a result of the non-operating and defueled status of the TMI-2 plant.

c. Conclusions

The licensee submitted the Biennial 10 CFR 50.59 Report, dated February 15, 2010 in

accordance with TMI-2 TS and 10 CFR 50.59 requirements. No findings of

safety significance were identified.

4.0 Self-Assessment, Auditing, and Corrective Action Programs

a. Inspection Scope tiP 40801)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's program for identifying, resolving, and preventing

issues that could impact safety or the quality of decommissioning activities. The

inspector reviewed the procedures describing the corrective action program and

reviewed several issue reports (IRs), action reports (ARs), and the associated corrective

actions. The inspector discussed with cognizant personnel the tracking, current status,

and closure of the selected IRs and ARs. The inspector reviewed the PDMS QA Plan,

and the June 2009 Nuclear Oversight (NOS) audit report (Re-Audit NOSA-TMI-09-13

(AR929279929279). The inspector evaluated the corrective actions related to NCV 05000320/2009007-01, failure to perform audits of the radioactive waste management

program according to TS, that was identified during the previous NRC inspection.

b. Observations and Findings

The inspector reviewed several IRs, ARs, and the associated corrective actions and

determined that the priority for addressing issue reports and implementation of corrective

actions was adequate and based upon safety significance. Corrective actions were

established to address identified issues, and were being tracked to closure using the

licensee's corrective action program (CAP). No adverse trends or safety concerns were



The inspector evaluated the corrective actions relative to NCV 05000320/2009007-01,

failure to perform audits of the radioactive waste management program according to

TS The inspector noted that NOS had revised the audit plan to include the

radioactive waste management and transportation programs and had performed an

audit, (Re-Audit NOSA-TMI-09-13 (AR929279929279), according to the TMI-2 PDMS QA Plan

and TS The Re-Audit NOSA-TMI-09-13 report was thorough, well balanced, and

sufficiently detailed to identify strengths and weaknesses related to selected aspects of

the TMI-2 PDMS QA Plan. The NOS identified areas for improvement within the

radioactive waste management and transportation programs and within selected areas of

the TMI-2 PDMS program. Where deficiencies and program improvements were

identified, the NOS issued IRs as required by the CAP. The inspector reviewed these

IRs and noted that the issues identified were of low safety significance. The inspector

reviewed the associated corrective actions and determined that the priority for

addressing issue reports and implementation of corrective actions was adequate based

upon safety significance. No adverse trends or safety concerns were identified.

c. Conclusions

The licensee maintained an adequate audit program and effectively utilized the

established corrective action program to self-identify, evaluate, and correct issues and

problems. Condition reports were properly prioritized and corrective actions were tracked

in accordance with approved procedures. No findings of safety significance were


5.0 Decommissioning Performance and Status Reviews

a. Inspection Scope liP 71801)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's current decommissioning status with respect to the


b. Observations and Findings

The licensee plans to actively decommission TMI-2 in parallel with the decommissioning

of TMJ-1 after that unit has been permanently shutdown.

c. Conclusions

No dismantlement or decommissioning activities were performed since the previous

inspection. No findings of safety significance were identified.

6.0 Maintenance and Surveillance

a. Inspection Scope liP 62801)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's preventive maintenance (PM) and surveillance test

(ST) program for structures, systems, and components important for maintaining the safe

storage of radioactive material and the implementation of primary containment isolation

requirements, TS 3/4.1, Containment Systems. Specifically, the inspector evaluated the


licensee's implementation of the maintenance program associated with the annual

reactor building entry ST. The inspector reviewed selected STs, including the high

efficiency particulate absolute (HEPA) filter dioctyl phthalate (DOP) tests for the reactor

building breather, reactor building purge, fuel handling building, auxiliary building, and

service building. Additionally, the inspector reviewed selected STs for the ventilation

heater, the containment isolation airlocks, and the quarterly containment isolation valves.

The inspector also toured plant areas and discussed aspects of the STs with individuals

cognizant of the performance of the above systems and components.

b. Observations and Findings

The reactor building entry ST included activities such as: visual inspections for water

intrusion, structural integrity and material condition of structures and components in

containment. The results of the ST indicated that no significant water intrusion was

evident in containment and that the material condition of components remained

unchanged since the previous ST.

The inspector verified that the maintenance and surveillance program for selected

systems and components had been conducted in accordance with the TS requirements

and established procedures. From a review of the STs, the inspector noted that the

results of the preventative maintenance and routine surveillances were complete and

were within the acceptable tolerance limits.

c. Conclusions

The licensee effectively implemented the preventive maintenance and surveillance

program and associated procedures. No findings of safety significance were identified.

7.0 Occupational Radiation Exposure

a. Inspection Scope (IP 83750)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's occupational exposure control program associated

with the removal of the electric generator from the turbine building. The inspector

reviewed procedure RP-AA-300, Radiological Survey Procedure, and the survey records

of the cooler dome, the rotor and the stator, which are the largest components of the

generator. The inspector also reviewed the radiological survey results for selected

components of the electric generator, such as the generator hood, generator shaft, blade

rings, end bells, bearing covers, air baffles, and gland brackets.

The inspector evaluated the implementation of the occupational exposure control

program associated with the TMI-2 PDMS activities and the implementation of primary

containment isolation requirements, TS 3/4.1, Containment Systems. Specifically, the

inspector conducted direct observations of the licensee's implementation of the annual

reactor building entry ST and an evaluation of the associated As Low As Reasonable

Achievable (ALARA) report. The inspection consisted of interviews with responsible

individuals and field observations of radiological postings and signs in the radiologically

controlled area (RCA).


b. Observations and Findings

On February 22, 2010, the inspector observed the licensee's activities related to the

removal of the electric generator from the TMI-2 turbine building. The generator was

removed in sections from the TMI-2 turbine building deck to a transporter. Some of the

larger components of the generator included the cooler dome, the rotor and the stator.

The inspector noted that the licensee had wrapped the rotor with a weather protective

cover and placed the rotor onto a transporter for transfer to its final destination. The

inspector reviewed the radiological survey records and noted that the direct frisk results

were less than the maximum detectable activity (MDA), 60 counts per minute (cpm), and

the large area wipe results were less than MDAIwipe, 60 cpm/wipe. No detectable

radioactivity above background (100 cpm) was identified. No adverse trends or safety

concerns were identified.

The inspector observed the licensee conduct direct frisk surveys and collect large area

wipes of selected accessible areas of the stator. The direct frisk results were less than

MDA (60 cpm) and the large area wipe results were less than MDAIwipe (60 cpm/wipe).

The inspector conducted side-by-side direct frisk surveys of selected accessible areas of

the stator using a Ludlum Model 14-C (Serial Number 235126) with a Ludlum Model 44-9

pancake probe, calibrated June 9, 2009. No detectable radioactivity above background

(100 cpm) was identified. No adverse trends or safety concerns were identified.

The inspector also reviewed the radiological survey results for selected components of

the electric generator, such as the cooler dome, generator hood, generator shaft, blade

rings, end bells, bearing covers, air baffles, and gland brackets. All results were less

than background (100 cpm) and MDA (60 cpm).

From April 20 through 22, 2010, the inspector verified that the licensee posted the RCA

for dose rates and radioactive material. The radiological postings were readily visible,

well-maintained, and reflected radiological conditions. The inspector observed the

licensee's implementation of the reactor building entry ST. The reactor building entry ST

included activities such as: radiation level and airborne activity surveys; radiological

surveys and wipes; and analysis of the surveys and wipes. The results of the surveys

indicated that radiological conditions in containment were stable. The ALARA report

contained a summary of the estimated doses and a detailed evaluation of the reactor

building entry. The actual dose total was significantly less than the dose goal (396

mrem) for the entry. The associated radiation work permit was commensurate with the

radiological significance of the task and included exposure control measures for the safe

implementation of the ST.

c. Conclusions

Implementation and oversight of the PDMS program was effective for the storage of

radioactive material. The licensee provided adequate controls to limit exposures of

workers to external sources of radiation. Posting and labeling of radioactive materials

and radiation areas complied with regulatory requirements. Radiological controls and

dose estimates were effective to achieve dose goals. Implementation of the

occupational exposure control program associated with the TMI-2 PDMS activities and


the electric generator removal project was adequate. No findings of safety significance

were identified.

8.0 Effluent, Environmental Monitoring and Radioactive Waste and Transportation

a. Inspection Scope (IPs 84750 and 86750)

The inspector reviewed the radioactive effluent control program and the site radiological

environmental monitoring program. The evaluation included a review of the annual

radioactive effluent release report for 2009, the annual radiological environmental

operating report for 2009, and the associated analytical results for each program. The

inspector also reviewed the data for the TMI-2 vent sampling procedures, the TMI-2

sump release permit procedures, and the supporting radioactive liquid and radioactive

gaseous effluent release permits and data, from June 2009 through April 2010. The

inspector reviewed the radioactive waste management and transportation programs fo

determine whether the licensee properly processed, packaged, stored, and shipped

radioactive materials.

b. Observations and Findings

The inspector verified that the licensee collected and analyzed the TMI-2 vent and sump

samples within the required frequencies and that the sample collection was conducted in

accordance with associated procedures. The annual effluent and environmental

monitoring reports demonstrated that all calculated doses were well below regulatory

dose criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I. No radioactive waste shipments were conducted

from June 2009 through April 2010.

c. Conclusions

The licensee effectively implemented and maintained the radioactive effluent controls

program, the radiological environmental monitoring program, and the radiation protection

program. No findings of safety significance were identified.

Exit Meeting Summary

On April 22, 2010, the inspector presented the preliminary inspection results to Mr. Casey,

Responsible Engineer, FirstEnergy and other members of your organization, and members of

the Exelon management and staff. The inspector confirmed that proprietary information was not

provided or examined during the inspection.



C. Baker, Manager Chemistry/Environmental/RadWaste, Exelon

R. Campbell, Work Management, Exelon

M. Casey, Responsible Engineer, FirstEnergy

M. Croushore, Radiation Protection/Shipping Specialist, Exelon

E.A. Curry, PDMS Consultant, Shaw

D. Divittore, Radiation Protection Manager, Exelon

T. Dupes, Senior Health Physicist, Exelon

M. Ford, PDMS Manager, Exelon

J. Fox, Manager, FirstEnergy

G. Gillespie, Responsible Engineer, FirstEnergy

P. Handy, Radiation Protection/ALARA Specialist, Exelon

D. Neff, Regulatory Assurance, Manager, Exelon

W. Noll, Senior Vice President, Exelon

L. Weber, Environmental Chemist, Exelon

L. Weir, Manager, Nuclear Oversight, Exelon

E. Schmeichel, NOS Auditor, Exelon

M. Sweigert, Radwaste Engineer, Exelon

D. Deiter, Senior Health Physicist, Exelon


36801 Organization, Management, and Cost Controls at Permanently Shutdown

Reactors (PSRs)

37801 Safety Reviews, Design Changes, and Modifications at PSRs

40801 Self Assessment and Corrective Action at PSRs

62801 Maintenance and Surveillance at PSRs

71801 Decommissioning Performance and Status Reviews at PSRs

83750 Occupational Radiation Exposure

84750 Radioactive Waste Treatment and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring

86750 Solid Radioactive Waste Management and Transportation


Opened, Closed and Discussed - None


ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System

ALARA as low as reasonably achievable

AR action report

CAP corrective action program

cpm counts per minute

DAW dry active waste

DOP dioctyl phthalate

GPUN GPU Nuclear, Inc.

HEPA high efficiency particulate absolute

HRA high radiation area


IP Inspection Procedure

IR issue report

JCP&L Jersey Central Power & Light Company

LHRA locked high radiation area

MDA maximum detectable activity

MetEd Metropolitan Edison Company

NCV Non-Cited Violation

NOS Nuclear Oversight

NOSA Nuclear Oversight Audit

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

PDMS Post-Defueling Monitored Storage

PDMS QA Plan PDMS Quality Assurance (QA) Plan

Penelec Pennsylvania Electric Company

PM preventive maintenance

PSR Permanently Shutdown Reactor

QA quality assurance

RCA radiologically controlled area

ST surveillance test

TMI-1 Three Mile Island Station, Unit 1

TMI-2 Three Mile Island Station, Unit 2

TS technical speCification

VHRA very high radiation area