ML083100204 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | LaSalle ![]() |
Issue date: | 10/08/2008 |
From: | Golden W Exelon Nuclear |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
CC-AA-309-1001, Rev 4, RS-08-132 L-003064, Rev 1 | |
Download: ML083100204 (139) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 8 Calculation L-003064, "Suppression Pool pH Calculation for Alternative Source Terms," Revision 1
.--Exekpni N I Ocl (CC-AA-309-1t001 Rc.visio.n 4 Desian Analysis Maior Revision Cover Sheet Design Analysis (Major Revision) Last Page No.' 15/ Aft. H1 Analysis No.: L-003064 Revision: 1
I Suppression Pool pH Calculation for Alternative Source Terms EC/ECR No.:' EC 352505 Revision: ' 0 Station(s):' LaSalle County Station Component(s): Unit No.: 1 & 2 N/A Discipline: MECH Descrip. CodelKeyword: ASTSuppression, Pool, pH. SBLC Safety/QA Class:" SR System Code: B21, VC, VE, VG,VS Structure: " ZZL CONTROLLED DOCUMENT REFERENCES "_ _/ Document No.: From/To Document No.:
- rtm/To I I'*,AR Skl'ionS h* ý. 6i 2. t).; & 13 6, From SEAG 08-000075 TODI
ýrorn UFSAR Sections 9 3 & 15 6 To Oesign Anatlyss -rom L-003128 LSCS Tech Spec. Bases FDom Oesign Analysis PM-1059 rom Section Is this Design Analysis Safeguards Information?" Yes Li No I if yes. see SY-AA-101-106 Does this Design Analysis contain Unverified Assumptions? ' Yes El No [D If yes, ATI/AR#: This Design Analysis SUPERCEDES: " Revision 0 in its entirety Description of Revision (list affected pages for partials): ý4 (1) Replace out-dated Formula page in Attachment A, by the actually used Formula page, Affected page is Page A4 of A38. (2) Minor editing on Page 5, 6.A1, A3, A4, Ct, C3. D1, and D8 (3) Updated reference 5.13 in Section 5 References and on the cover sheet with the current reference. Affected page is Page 6 of 15 and major revision cover sheet, (4) Added revision number for the Calculation No. XC-Q 111-98-13. Affected page is Page BI of B 56. (5) Clarification notes added on Page 15 of 15 and Page A5 of A38. (6) Formatted pages B33 of 856 and B45 of 856. Preparer: William Golden ,44 (0..... P 4-i t.,. q4g; N Method of Review* Reviewer: Review Notes: Detailed Review E Alternate Calculations (attached*ji Testing[Z Harold Rothstein) Donald Gardner Independent review [ Peer review All inputs, assumpticns, approaches, numerical analyses. ýnd resu-ltsj re ridepei and checked. Addi.ionally. a line-by-tine review of 'he enf. caic5-'Ji6n was condu, External Approver*. Irving Tsang Exelon Reviewer: 'f"7 Ylsc5* Independent 3 Id Party Review Reqd? Yes Exeloat Approver:, 6), -o-Wi. 'Pn1 0oA47o I I, y L4~J6~I
Exelrn Nuclear Revision 7 CC-AA-309 Revision 8 OWNER'S ACCEPTANCE REVIEW CHECKLIST FOR EXTERNAL DESIGN ANALYSIS DESIGN ANALYSIS NO. L-003064, Rev. 1 Page 1.1 L. Do assumptions have sufficient rationale? Are assumptions compatible with the way the plant is operated and with the licensing basis?
- 3.
Do the design inputs have sufficient rationale?
- 4.
Are design inputs correct and reasonable? Are design inputs compatible with the way the plant is operated and with the licensing basis?
- 6.
Are Engineering Judgments clearly documented and justified? Are Engineering Judgments compatible with the way the plant is operated and with the licensing basis? Do the results and conclusions satisfy the purpose and objective of the Design Analysis? Are the results and conclusions compatible with the way the plant is operated and with the licensing basis?
- 10.
Does the Design Analysis include the applicable design basis documentation?
- 11.
Have any limitations on the use of the results been identified and transmitted to the appropriate organizations?
- 12.
Are there any unverified assumptions?
- 13.
Do all unverified assumptions have a tracking and closure mechanism in place'? Have all affected design analyses been documented on the Affected Documents List (ADL) for the associated Configuration Change'? Do the sources of inputs and analysis methodology used meet current technical requirements and regulatory commitments? (If the input sources or
- 15.
analysis methodology are based on an out-of-date methodology or code, additional reconciliation may be required if the site has since committed to a more recent code) Have vendor supporting technical documents and references (including GE DRFs) been reviewed when necessary'? EXELON REVIEWER: DATE: Jririn Aign -( Yes No N/A El El El El El 0l El El El El El El1 El El El El El El El El El El El 5ý 1_ E] El El El 1,910 -7 la,9 r I
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 13 Attachments R1i A - Determination of Total Exposed Cable Quantities Inside Containment for Assessment of Impact of Radiolytic Chlorine Releases on Suppression Pool pH A1-A38 B - Dose Assessment, Core Cs & I, and Gamma Mean Free Path Determination B11-B56 C - Transient Pool pH Calculation Spreadsheet Cl -C7 R1 D - Transient Pool pH Calculation Spreadsheet Cell Formula D1-D13 E - Transient Pool pH Calculation - Grand Gulf Reference Data El-E7 F - GGNS-98-0039, Rev 3, Entergy Operations Engineering Report for Suppression Pool pH and Iodine Re-Evolution Methodology F17-F30 G - XC-QI 111-98013, Rev 2, Grand Gulf Design Engineering Calculation - Suppression Pool pH Analysis G1-G26 H - Computer Disclosure Sheet H1-H1
CALCULATION No. L-003064 REV. 1 PAGE 3 of 15
- 1. Purpose and Objective In order to prevent iodine re-evolution following a Design Basis Accident (DBA)Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), the pH of the Suppression Pool should be maintained above 7.0 for the entire post-LOCA potential release duration (30 days = 720 hours for Alternative Source Terms [AST], per the AST guidance of Reference [Ref.] 5.6).
The chemistry of this phenomenon and methods of pH control are discussed in Ref. 5.1 and 5.5. Ref. 5.1 is included herein as Attachment F. The objective of this calculation is to determine the pH of the Suppression Pool following a DBA LOCA based on the use of AST as defined in References 5.4 and 5.6. The pH values are determined, as a function of time, with and without the addition of the sodium pentaborate in the Standby Liquid Control System. The conditions required to maintain the Suppression Pool at a pH above 7.0 are determined.
- 2.
Method of Analysis and Acceptance Criteria This calculation is based on the methodology developed for the equivalent calculation done for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 [Ref. 5.1 & 5.2]. The calculation formulas developed in these Ref. 5.1 and 5.2 documents were reviewed and used by Washington Group International to develop the spreadsheets included herein in Attachments C and D. These references are included in this calculation as Attachments F and G. The accuracy of translation of the equations in these documents into spreadsheet cell formulas is verified by duplicating the Grand Gulf calculation. This verification is presented as Attachment E and accurately duplicates all of the Grand Gulf results. As noted in this calculation, injection of sodium pentaborate solution by the Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) System is a required function in order to control post-LOCA pH in the suppression pool, and prevent iodine re-evolution. Based on the worst case beginning of cycle condition and the conservative conditions assumed herein, injection needs to be completed within about 3.5 hours after the start of the DBA-LOCA. This is expected, as manual initiation of SBLC would occur early in a DBA-LOCA as a result of emergency operating procedures and severe accident guidelines, particularly for events resulting in fuel damage that would be consistent with AST source terms. Per the guidance of Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.183 [Ref. 5.6], the Suppression Pool pH should be controlled at values of 7 or greater, following loss of coolant accidents.
- 3. Assumptions (Note: additional assumptions are identified in the Attachments.)
The Suppression Pool is assumed to be well mixed so that the pH at any time can be represented by a single value. The adequacy of mixing is addressed in section 4.5 below. For hydrochloric acid production by radiolysis of chlorinated polymer cable jacketing, the cable data and conservative methodology presented in Attachment A are used. The Attachment provides the quantities of exposed cables located in the drywell, all considered as subject to Post-LOCA environment. To ensure additional conservatism in the estimation of the cable lengths, an additional 5% of the totals are assumed to be in free air, and a 10% contingency on the total cable surface area reported in Attachment A is also included for the Attachment C spreadsheets. Radiolysis of surface coatings on the steel and concrete surfaces in the Drywell and Containment would not be significant contributors, as per UFSAR [Ref. 5.3] Section 6.1.2. In order to conservatively minimize the SBLC Boron gram-moles, natural B'0 enrichment is assumed.
CALCULATION No. L-003064 REV. 1 PAGE 4 of 15
- 4. Design Input 4.1. Cable Data Cable quantities and jacket thickness are developed separately and presented in Attachment A.
4.2. Temperature Suppression Pool temperatures are taken from UFSAR [Ref. 5.3] Figure 6.2-7A, with the peak calculated temperature conservatively used from the time it is reached through the rest of the transient (higher temperatures give lower calculated pH values). Data utilized until the peak temperature (196.1 degrees F) is reached at 5 hours after the initiation of the LOCA are as follows: Time after initiation of LOCA - Temperature Hours Deg F 0 105 1 170 2 180 2.0336 181 3 185 4.3. Sodium Pentaborate Mass in SBLC Tank The minimum available volume of sodium pentaborate solution stored in the SBLC tank is 4587 gallons, as per LSCS Technical Specification Figure 3.1.7-1 [Ref. 5.7 and 5.13]. Also per these references, a 13.4% solution concentration, by weight, is chosen to conservatively bound the acceptable operable range. As per the sodium pentaborate specific gravity vs. solution weight table and figure included in Attachment C, a specific gravity of 1.0655 gm/cm 3 corresponds to this 13.4% Na 2B100 16010H20 concentration. Based on this volume and density, the total mass for the solution equals 40,788 lbs. Therefore, at 13.4wt% the total mass of Na2B10O16.10H 20 in solution is 5465.6 lbs. Non-enriched Boron is assumed [Ref. 5.13] to minimize the Boron gram-moles for this calculation. The natural 10B enrichment of Boron, 19.9%, is assumed. Because 10B has an atomic weight of 10.0129 gm/mole, and '1B has an atomic weight of 11.0093 gm/mole, the calculated naturally occurring molar mass of Boron is 10.811 gm/mole. This value agrees with the periodic table value. The total molar mass of Na2BIoO 16ol0H20 is 590.23 gm/mole. Based on the calculated 10.811 gm/mole mass of Boron, the percentage of total Boron in Na2B 10O16.10H20 is 18.3165%. Taking 18.3% of the total mass of Na2 B100 16 1OH 2O (5465.6 lbs.), gives a total of 1001.1 lbs., or 42,003 gm-atoms of total available Boron. 4.4. Suppression Pool and Airspace Volumes In order to determine the minimum quantity of sodium pentaborate required to maintain the Suppression Pool at a pH above 7.0 post-LOCA for the purposes of this calculation, the maximum post-LOCA Suppression Pool volume and corresponding minimum Drywell + Suppression Pool Airspace volume is required. Pre-LOCA, the maximum volume Suppression Pool volume is 131,900 ft3 as per the LSCS Technical Specification Bases [Ref. 5.8] B and Ref. 5.13, as rounded to 4 significant figures. For conservatism in this calculation, the entire 22,712 ft3 Total Reactor Coolant Volume from UFSAR [Ref. 5.3] Table 6.2-3, "Initial Conditions Employed in Containment Response Analyses", was also added to the maximum Suppression Pool volume as the maximum release from the break during the LOCA, for a total of 154,612 ft3 maximum Suppression Pool volume. The contents of the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) are not added, as the High Pressure Core Spray system, the only Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) which could potentially be supplied from this source (per UFSAR Section for
R1I I CALCULATION No. L-003064 I REV. 1 I PAGE 5 of 15 other than beyond design basis severe accident management, uses the Suppression Pool as its normal source of water, with its connection to the CST isolated by a blind flange which can only be manually removed under administrative control. For the corresponding conservatively minimized Drywell + Suppression Pool Airspace volume, the drywell free volume of 229,538 ft3 plus wetwell airspace volume of 165,100 ft3 values from UFSAR [Ref. 5.3] Table 15.6-22, "Parameters Used in Accident Assessment", are used, minus the difference between the above 154,612 ft3 conservative maximum Suppression Pool volume and the UFSAR Table 15.6-22 128,800 ft3 Suppression Pool volume, for a total Drywell + Suppression Pool Airspace volume of 368,826 ft3. 4.5. Adequacy of Mixing The ECCS takes water from the Suppression Pool and pumps it into the core region of the reactor vessel. Additionally, the SBLC System will pump from the SBLC Tank into the core region of the reactor vessel, and discharge near the bottom of the core shroud, so it mixes the cooling water rising through the core (per UFSAR section This water will refill the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) under post-LOCA conditions, and the R1 I mixed ECCS water and SBLC solution will spill out of the break to the Suppression Pool. To illustrate the adequacy of the SBLC solution mixing in the Suppression Pool, the minimum spillage and bounding maximum initial liquid volume of the Suppression Pool of 131,900 ft3 are considered, with a SBLC solution scenario of no offsite power available following the accident, with only minimum diesel power. As per the Ref. 5.13 TODI based R1 J on UFSAR Table 6.2-5A for this minimum flow Case C, one pump on the Low-Pressure Coolant Injection System is capable of injecting a minimum of 7,200 gpm, and one High Pressure Core Spray pump is capable of injecting a minimum of 6,200 gpm. A two-hour delay before ECCS and SBLC initiation to refill the RPV is conservatively assumed, consistent with the event timing in Regulatory Guide 1. 183. After 2 hours, simultaneous injection of SBLC solution and ECCS fill of the RPV take place: The LSCS RPV and attached pipes have a volume of 22,712 ft3 (per UFSAR Table 6.2-3). This volume would be flooded in 12.68 minutes utilizing only the 13,400 gpm R1 (107,479 ft3/hour) minimum ECCS flows above. The minimum flow rate of the SBLC pump is not credited in this fill time, but it is noted that 100% injection of the minimum sodium pentaborate solution would occur within approximately 2 hours (per UFSAR section and Based on the 131,900 ft3 Suppression Pool volume plus the entire RPV and attached pipes 22,712 ft3 volume (total of 154,612 ft3) and a total minimum 107,479 ft3/hour ECCS flow rate, a turnover of one suppression pool volume containing essentially 100% of the SBLC injection is calculated to be completed by 3.4 hours after the LOCA, with subsequent suppression pool turnover of the suppression pool volume taking place every 1.4 hours. This rapid turnover assures mixing of the Suppression Pool with the SBLC sodium pentaborate.
R1 [ CALCULATION No. L-003064 REV. 1 PAGE 6 of 15
- 5. References 5.1. GGNS-98-0039, Rev. 3, "Entergy Operations Engineering Report for Suppression Pool pH and Iodine Re-Evolution Methodology", Applicable Site: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, 12/20/00.
5.2. XC-Ql 111-98013, Rev. 2, Grand Gulf Design Engineering Calculation "Suppression Pool pH Analysis", 12/20/00. R1 5.3. LSCS Units I & 2 UFSAR, Rev. 17, April 2008. 5.4. NUREG-1465, "Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants", February 1995. 5.5. NUREG/CR-5950, "Iodine Evolution and pH Control", December 1992. 5.6. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.183, "Alternative Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors", July 2000. 5.7. LSCS Technical Specifications. 5.8. LSCS Units 1 & 2 Technical Specification Bases. 5.9. GE Report NEDC-32963A, "Prediction of the Onset of fission Gas Release From Fuel in Generic BWR", March 2000 (Allows a 121-second delay in timing of fission product release following design basis accidents). 5.10. Deleted. 5.11. Radioactive Decay Data Tables by David C. Kocher, Report DOE/TIC-11026 Technical Information Center U.S. DOE, Washington, D.C., 1981. 5.12. LSCS Units 1 & 2 Drawing No. M-7 Rev. AC, "General Arrangement Main Floor Plan". R1 5.13. SEAG 08-000075, Rev. 1, "LaSalle County Station - Unit 1 & 2 Transmittal of Design Information of Parameters and Source of Reference for AST Analyses". 5.14. L-003128, Rev. 0, "LaSalle Source Terms for Use in Alternative Source Terms". 5.15. PM-1059, Rev. 2, "Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Re-analysis of Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) Using Alternative Source Terms". 5.16. NUREG/CR-6604, "RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation", April1998, and Supplements 1, June 1999, and 2, October 2002.
CALCULATION No. L-003064 REV. 1 PAGE 7 of 15
- 6. Calculations pH - Fundamental Relationships pH = -logio[H+]
6-1 [H+].[OH] Kw(T) 6-2 where: [H+] = concentration of hydrogen ions in moles/liter [OH = concentration of hydroxyl ions in moles/liter Kw(T) = ionization constant for water as a function of temperature T The data for Kw for T between 77 and 212 'F can be represented by the following correlation developed in Section 3.0 of Reference 5.1: -LogloKw(T) = 15.5129 - 2.24E-2
- T + 3.352E-5
- T2 6-3 Hydriodic Acid Production Iodine, accompanied by Cesium, is released during the Gap Release and Early In-Vessel Release phases.
The following equation, valid during the Early Vessel Release Phase, includes the release during the Gap Release Phase. See analysis in Reference 5.1 (Section 3.1 and Equation 3-1d). Iodine and cesium core inventories are calculated for both beginning and end of cycle (BOC and EOC) conditions (See Attachment B for a discussion of the assumed BOC conditions). Since EOC conditions result in increased inventory of both acidic (iodine) and basic (cesium) compounds, pH values are calculated for both conditions. For conservatism, the EOC radiation doses are used for the BOC calculation. The hydriodic acid concentration is governed by the following equation: [HI](t) m, / (120
- VPOOL) * [t - (0.5 + tgap)] + m1/ (400
- VPooL) 6-4 where:
[HI](t) = concentration of Hydriodic Acid at time t (moles/liter) m, = core iodine inventory (gram-moles) VpOOL = Suppression Pool volume (liters) t = time after start of accident (hrs) (includes tgap + Gap Release [0.5 hrs] + Early In-Vessel Release [1.5 hrs] duration for a tmax = 2.0336 hrs) [Ref.5.6, Table 4, page 1.183-15] tgap= time of onset of gap release = 121 seconds = 0.0336 hrs [Ref. 5.6 and 5.10] tmax = 2.0336 hrs = end of Early In-Vessel Release [See Spreadsheet: Sheets 1 (EOC) and 5 (BOC), Col H] Nitric Acid Production Nitric Acid is produced by radiolysis of the water in the S~ippression Pool with a G value of 0.007 molecules HN0 3 / 100 eV absorbed dose or 7.3E-6 g moles / megarad-liter [Ref. 5.1, Section 3.2, Equation 3-2b]. The nitric acid concentration is governed by the following equation:
CALCULATION No. L-003064 REV. 1 PAGE 8 of 15 [HNO 3](t) = 7.3E-6
- D(t)pool 6-5
[See Spreadsheet Col. I] where: [HNO3(t) = nitric acid concentration at time t (moles/liter) D(t)pool = Total accumulated dose in Suppression Pool at time t (megarad) Hydrochloric Acid Production Hydrochloric Acid is produced by radiolysis of chlorinated polymer cable jacketing. Radiolysis of surface coatings on the steel and concrete surfaces in the Drywell and Containment would not be significant contributors, since the coatings utilize nonchlorinated polymers. The calculation of the resulting concentration in the Suppression Pool is based on the equations in Section 3.3 of Reference 5.1 [see Ref. 5.2, Equations 5-1, 5-2, and5-3]. These equations are in turn based on the following G value for HC1 production in Hypalon chlorinated polymer given in Reference 5.5. GHC1= 2.115 molecules/lOOeV = 3.512E-20 g moles HC1 / MeV The hydrochloric acid concentration is governed by the following equations: Doses from beta and gamma radiation are calculated separately. [HC1Ip(t) = GHCI / VPOOL * (Stray / 2 + Sfa) / PO air
- Dp(t) 6-6 where the effective cable surface area for 03 dose is:
Stay / 2 + Sfa = 7
- Do *. (Ltray / 2 + Lfa)
[See Spreadsheet Cols J & L] [HC1]y(t) = GHCI / VpOOL * (Sray + Sfa) * (1-e -pX air* rk) / jyair * (1 e - ek hypalon
- th)
- Dy(t) 6-7 where:
Stray + Sfa = 7T
- Do * (Ltray + Lfa)
[See Spreadsheet Cols K & M] where: [HCI]p(t) = HC1 concentration from Beta radiation at time t (g moles/liter) [HC1],(t) = HC1 concentration from Gamma radiation at time t (g moles/liter) Do = cable diameter (cm) Ltray = cable length in trays (raceways) (cm) Lfa = cable length in free air (cm) AD air = linear beta absorption coefficient in air (1/cm) [0 air linear gamma absorption coefficient in air (1/cm) rx = gamma free path (cm) Jt, hypalon = linear gamma absorption coefficient in Hypalon (1/cm) th = Hypalon jacket thickness (cm)
CALCULATION No. L-003064 ].REV. 1 PAGE 9 of 15 Dp(t) = accumulated beta dose per unit volume at time t (MeV/cm 3) D7(t) = accumulated gamma dose per unit volume at time t (MeV/cm3) GHCI= 3.512E-20 (g moles HC1 / MeV) VpooL = Suppression Pool volume (Liters) Stray = Cable surface area in trays (cm 2) Sfa = Cable surface area in free air (cm 2 ) Cesium Hydroxide Production Cesium, accompanied by Iodine, is released during the Gap Release and Early In-Vessel Release phases. The following equation, valid during the Early Vessel Release Phase, includes the release during the Gap Release Phase. See analysis in Reference 5.1 (Section 3.4 and Equation 3-4d). Iodine and cesium core inventories are calculated for both beginning and end of cycle (BOC and EOC) conditions (See Attachment B for a discussion of the assumed conditions). Since EOC conditions result in increased inventory of both acidic (iodine) and basic (cesium) compounds, pH values are calculated for both conditions. For conservatism, the EOC radiation doses are used for the BOC calculation. The cesium hydroxide concentration is governed by the following equation: [CsOH](t) = (0.4
- mc,- 0.475
- in,) / 3
- VPoOL) * [t - (0.5 + tgap)]
+( 0.05
- mc,- 0.0475
- Mi)
/ VPoOL 6-8 [See Spreadsheet: Sheets 1 (EOC) and 5 (BOC), Col 0] [CsOH](t) = concentration of Cesium Hydroxide at time t (g moles/liter) m, = core Iodine inventory (gram-moles) mc, = core Cesium inventory (gram-moles) VPoOL = Suppression Pool volume (liters) t = time after start of accident (hrs) (includes tgap + Gap Release [0.5 hrs] + Early In-Vessel duration for a tmax = 2.0336 hrs) [Ref. 5.6, Table 4, page 1.183-15] tgap= time of onset of gap release = 121 seconds = 0.0336 hrs [Ref. 5.6] tmax = 2.0336 hrs = end of Early In-Vessel Release Release [1.5 hrs] Final Pool pH Calculation (No SBLC Addition) (Note that the initial Suppression Pool pH is not an important input as it is rapidly changed at the time of the LOCA; consistent with Ref. 5.2 included herein as Attachment G, a lower limit value of 5.3 is used.) The net Suppression Pool pH can be calculated from the total of the [H+] and [OH] concentrations using the following equations developed in Reference 5.1, Section 3.5. [H+](t) = [H+](t=0) + [HI](t) + [HNO 3](t) + [HC1](t) [H+](t) = 10pnP(t=o) + [HI](t) + [HNO 3](t) + [HC1](t) 6-9 [See Spreadsheet Col N] [0H1](t) = [OH](t=O) + [CsOH](t) [OH-](t) = l-1 4/1o0PH(t=o) + [CsOH](t) 6-10 [See Spreadsheet Col P]
CALCULATION No. L-003064 REV. 1 Accounting for the concentration of neutralized ions [x]: ( [H+] - [x] ) * ([OH-] - [x] ) = Kw(T) [x]={ [H+] + [OH-] - {([H+]+[OH-]) 2 -4*([H+]*[OH-]-Kw)} 1/2 }/2 [See Spreadsheet Col R] note: Kw = -0(Log Kw) [See Equation 6-3 and Spreadsheet Col Q] I PAGE 10 of 15 6-11 The equation for the net [Ht] becomes: [H+]nct = [H+] - [x] [See Spreadsheet Col S] and pH = - 1og0o([H+]net) [See Spreadsheet Col T] 6-12 6-13
CALCULATION No. L-003064 I REV.1 IPAGE 11 of 15 Effect of Sodium Pentaborate (SBLC) Addition The pH of the Suppression Pool can be increased by the addition of Sodium Pentaborate from the Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) System. As per Section 4.3 of this calculation, a limiting value (minimum weight) of 1001.1 lbs. of Boron is used. The limiting value is used since it minimizes the number of moles available for buffering. Addition of Sodium Pentaborate introduces a buffer into the Suppression Pool, which will maintain the pool at a pH corresponding to the following equation: [Ref. 5.1, Sec. 6.1, p. 21]. pH = pKa + log10 ( [anion] / [acid]) 6-14 with data for Ka fitted by the equation Ka (0.0585
- T + 1.309)E-10 6-15
[See Spreadsheet Col U] where: Ka = boric acid dissociation constant pKa = negative of the log of the boric acid dissociation constant [See Spreadsheet Col Z] T = OF [anion] = borate concentration of [2B(OH) 4 [acid] = boric acid concentration of [8H 3BO 3] based on the equation + Na2BI0O16 + 16H120 <4 2Na ++/-+ 2B(OH)4- + 8H 3BO3 Therefore, Borate (g-equivalents) = 2
- Na2B100 16
- 10 H20 (g-moles)
Boric acid (g-equivalents) = 8
- Na 2B 10O16
- 10 H20 (g-moles)
Using the methodology of reference 5.1, the net strong acid equivalents [H+]net calculated in Equation 6-12 are neutralized by the borate and the above equations become: Borate (g-equivalents) = 2
- Na2B, 0O16 (g-moles) -- [H+]net
- Vp001 6-16
[See Spreadsheet Col X] Boric acid (g-equivalents) = 8
- Na 2B10O16 (g-moles) + [H+]nct
- Vp001 6-17
[See Spreadsheet Col Y] and equation 6-14 becomes:
I CALCULATION No. L-0030664 1 REV. 1 (2
- Na 2BI0O16 (g-moles) - [H+],nt
- Vpoo) / Vpooi (8
- Na2B10O1 6 (g-moles) + [H+]nt
- Vp001) / Vpl01 I PAGE 12 of 15 1
pH = -logioKa +loglo 6-18 [See Spreadsheet Col AA]
CALCULATION No. L-003064 REV. 1 PAGE 13 of 15
- 7.
Summary of Results and Conclusions The post accident Suppression Pool pH is calculated as a function of time after accident initiation. The results are shown below in Figures 7-1 and 7-2 for Beginning of Cycle (BOC) and End of Cycle (EOC) conditions respectively. These graphs are based on Excel spreadsheet calculations presented in Attachment C (Sheets C-I through C-4). The inputs to the pH calculation of radiation doses and the Iodine and Cesium inventories are presented in Attachment B. The BOC (actually early cycle) condition produces the lowest pH and is therefore the limiting case. Without addition of sodium pentaborate from the Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) System, the pH in the Suppression Pool for this limiting case could drop below pH 7 after approximately 3.5 hours, reaching a pH of approximately 2.8 at 30 days. Therefore, SBLC addition is required to prevent iodine re-evolution. With timely SBLC addition, the Suppression Pool for this limiting case remains above pH 7.4 throughout the post-LOCA period out to 30 days (720 hours). /
I CALCULATION No. L-003064 I REV. 1 I PAGE 14 of 15 Figure 7-1 pH vs. Time -BEGINNING OF CYCLE 10.00 =t Q *n z 8.00 -W---~ 7.00. 6.00 _R. 5.00 ___I___ -e-wth SLCS[ 4.00 R_ 3.00 1.00-F -4 10 100 1000 Time (Hours)
R1 I I CALCULATION No. L-003064 I REV. 1 I PAGE 15 ofl5 Figure 7-2 pH vs. Time - END OF CYCLE 10.00 9.00 5:5_,_ o.UU___-.. 7.00 ___9 ___oo--'*A SLC 6.00 SLC M -- tt- ý =I-- -- EL 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 I.-
- 1:
7--- iwl_~IIE 1 10 100 1000 Time (Hours) R I Note: - 2 hour post accident Suppression Pool pH without addition of sodium pentaborate from the Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) System is 8.67 and 8.32 after addition of sodium pentaborate. - At End of Cycle the Suppression Pool cesium hydroxide concentration is greater than at the Beginning of Cycle.
"Suppression Pool pH Calculation for Alternative Source Term" Attachment A Determination of Total Exposed Cable Quantities Inside Containment for Assessment of Impact of Radiolytic Chlorine Releases on Suppression Pool pH
- 1.
Purpose The purpose of this attachment is to provide a conservative basis for the calculation of Hydrochloric Acid addition to the suppression pool from radiolysis of exposed chloride-bearing materials inside the drywell during post-Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) conditions. The primary exposed chloride-bearing materials are the DuPont Hypalon (or Hypalon-like chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubbers from other manufacturers, such as Okonite) jackets typically used on containment power and instrument cable. Post-LOCA in-containment radioactivity exposure to these materials can lead to radiolytic breakdown with free chlorine radicals available for carryover as hydrochloric acid to the suppression pool by containment sprays or condensation, with resulting decreases in suppression pool pH. Cables in sealed metal conduits can be excluded from consideration, as there is no mechanism for any significant HCI produced to be released through the conduit (even if connections are assumed to leak, the HCI vapor formed is so chemically reactive that no significant amount would remain unreacted and available for release).
- 2.
Background and Approach An LSCS estimate of the total drywell exposed cable inventory was developed from current SLICE data for Fire Zones 2J (Unit 1) and 3J (Unit 2) (which comprises each unit's containment). Pages A3 through A5 provide R1 formulas and process calculations, and on page A19 and A38, totals for fire zones 2J and 3J, respectively, were collected from the SLICE database which is used in the calculation. The comparison of the resulting page A4 totals to a detailed cable-by-cable listing from the INDMS database for the similar Limerick Generating Station Units shows good agreement. In an effort to make a conservative approach the following assumptions were used to calculate the greatest Hypalon content. Of the two fire zones within the SLICE data, 3J was found to be considerably greater than 2J, and was used as the focus for the calculation. The total BTUs were taken from SLICE data and converted into feet using the NES-MS-05.1 BTU per foot data. To assure that the maximum surface area possible was being calculated, the cables were all assumed to be Instrument cables that had a diameter of 3/4 inches. The assumptions yielded the greatest surface area and the most feet per BTU, therefore maximizing the total possible Hypalon content. Hypalon may be used not only as an external cable jacket material, but also as a filler inside the jacket. Therefore, to conservatively account for such Hypalon use and in accordance with the equivalent assumptions used by Grand Gulf, an equivalent chlorine-containing material thickness of 80% of the cable radius is used in the spreadsheet, considered as 100% Hypalon. Additional conservatism is provided by inclusion of all cable types as if they are all Hypalon or Hypalon-equivalent jacketed. Finally, an additional 5% of the cable surface area is included (in the Attachment C spreadsheet) to account for free air (not in conduits or trays) cables, and an additional 10% of both of these cable areas is included (in the Attachment C spreadsheet) to assure accounting for any missed or minor future additions to the containment cable inventories.
- 3.
Results The data were used to develop total cable volumes and the resulting volume-average cable radius [derived as the square root of the quantity (Total Cable Volume divided by pi and the Total Cable Length)]. The Hypalon thickness was then derived as 80% of this average cable radius. The results are provided in the following spreadsheet. L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment A, Page Al of A38
LaSalle Containment Cable Insulation Estimate Per Unit SLICE Version 7.6 CABLE COMBUSTIBLE LOADING/FIRE ZONE 3J (3) .Total Cable Power Cable Instrument Cable Btus (1): I 45,063,2511 0 45,063,251 Btus/ft (2): Length (feet): Cable diameter size (inches): Cable Thickness (mills): S 1,612 907 4 0 49,684 3/4" dia 3/4"dia 140 70 (1) From SLICE Data attached (2) From NES-MS-05.1 (3) Slice does not I L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment A, Page A2 of A38
LSCS DRYWELL CABLE ESTIMATES (per unit) SLICE Version 7.6 CABLE COMBUSTIBLE LOADING/FIRE ZONE 3J CABLE TYPE Power Instrument CABLE Btus (1) Btus/ft (2) LENGTH (FT) 0 1,612 0.0 45,063,251 907 49683.8 CABLE O.D. (INCHES) 0.75 0.75 CABLE O.D. (CM) 1.91 1.91 CABLE SURFACE AREA (SQ FT) 0.00 9755.40 CABLE SURFACE AREA (SQ CM) 0.0 9063064.0 CABLE VOLUME (CU CM) 0.0 4316284.2 SUM - OVERALL 45063251 49683.849 9755.40 VOLUME AVERAGED CABLE RADIUS (CM) HYPALON AVERAGE THICKNESS AT 80% OF VOLUME AVERAGED CABLE RADIUS (CM) R1 I Cable Btus based on review of SLICE data for Fire Zones 2J & 3J. I(1) From Calc L-000776, Rev 3C (2) From NES-MS-05.1 9063064.0 4316284.2 0.95250 0.76200 Cable Data L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment A Page A3 of A38
CABLE TYPE3 Btsli "BtbWWft)2' LENGTH (FT) Power B i-fZ, 8/CB Instrumenit 81 97 91IC9~
- SUM,-.OVERALL 45083251
- CABLE, O.D.:
OýD-(INCHES) (CM) 0~75 =E8'2 5-4 0.75 =E9'*2.54~ CABLE SURFACE AREA (S9 FT) ~(E8/ 2)*PO; CABLE SUIRFACE AREA (SQC -M)S =G6'929,0304, "CABLE.
- 0 CM)
~PI8~3.480182y2 I Rl 'HYPALON AVERAGE T.HICKNESS AT,80%, 'OF VO.LUME AVERA"GE.D ýCýABLE 'RADIUS (CM) R 1 Czble-atus b~ased oorve fSUGýEd a1: foiire'oe 2J:1-ý- &3j. 9romn Gale L-W0776,R PC,, F Fonm NE S11MS 0 S.I F, 130
- 0 ta~lt~i!ata Gable Data
~~L-003064, RovAi,.Attachmnent A ae oIA8 R RageýMWA38 I Rl
SLICE DATA: R11 Note: SLICE does not specify all cable identifiers. 2J BTU 1WR061 36992 1WR062 36992 1WR063 36992 1WR064 36992 1WR065 36992 1WR066 58208 1WR077 116127 1WR079 0 1VP111 82764 1VP112 126324 1VP113 50094 1VP116 50094 1VP117 50094 1VP133 0 1VP134 0 1VP145 14175 1VP146 26622 1VP157 28350 1VP158 53244 1VP172 32844 1VP173 44436 1VP176 53550 1VP177 72450 1VP182 32844 1VP183 44436 1VP186 53550 1VP187 72450 1VP222 6062 1VP223 6928 1VP253 57222 1VP254 77418 1VP264 57222 1VP265 77418 1VP281 176498 1VP283 176498 1VP285 32418 1VP287 32418 1VP289 32418 1VP291 32418 1VP293 165692 1VP295 165692 1VP297 165692 1VP299 165692 1VP301 165692 1VP303 165692 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment A, Page A5 of A38 I R1
1 VP3.50 169884. VP 35 T1 69884 1VP352 54:450 1 VP353 54,450 1WR05,t. 0
- 1WR053, 0
i ARo57 108675 1 WR059. 100878 1WR060 36992 1 RkR416 42075 1RT017 35496 i1RT0)23 1i8900 1RT025 " 11592z 1 RTO5 24150 1 RT053i 39375 1 R1056.
- 26082, 1IRT058.
42525: 1RT073
- 21252, 1RT075' 39375
.RT078 24150 IRT080 39375: 1RT11i4 2:937i6 1 RT203, 77418 1RT210:O
- 42075, 1 RT2212 45441 1RT215 42075 1RT243'.
104458 1SC017: 102396 'IV024.... 683820. 1.VP0256 79779 IVi073 53244 1,VP074 41022 1.VP089i 82764 1 WtbO 169884 1.VP091 111.078
- 1VP092, 169884 1,VP093q 160988 4 1VP09,4 169884 i*VP095 108900 1 VP096 126324r 1 1.PO9i 1,08900 1V*P098' 126324 1 VP099
- 50094, 1P10'i 0..
- 500944, lVP1O1 169884 1VP102 126324
- 1VPJi03, 50094
.L003064, Rev-1 Aftachment A, Page:A6 of A38
1 VP10,4 50094ý 1 VPO5* 126324: .1VP106 126324 1VP107 143,748 1 VP,108. 126324 1VP109 1,69884 I V P 1 1 0 1 6 9 8 8 4
- 1RR0*53i 0
1RR068 39375 iRR074 16072 1 RR077, 0 1 RR082 171168 1RR083 139074 1 RR094 3369660 1 RR0.95. 26622 1:RR097 285480
- i:RRO9S 3"549,6 TRR152 250470 1RR158 169884 I RR160.250470
- 1RR162 169884.
iRR165 62560 1 RR166 424,32 1RR170 18010 1RR73 1t04458 1RR209 16454 1 RR219 13856 1RR225 62560 1 RR226 54944
- R4227.
54944-1.:.RR232, 12124 i RR2343: 7794 1 RR234 121.24, 1RR235 6062 1iRkR236. 35904 " 1 RR23,7 35904 .1 RR238 35904 1RR243 0 1 RR244* 13856 1R 1'2"4*5 0.. 1R.R246 0 1 RR:2.70 1.71/* 168 .1RR271 79200 1 RR332 66825 1RR334...... 41i250 1:RR362 139074 R'R364 139074 iRR366 64350
- L-'003064, Rev.1 Attachment APage:A7 oF A38l
1 RR368 171168 iRR-382 78100 1 R-385
- 55380, 1RR390 68160 1RR392 55380 1RF045 25200
- IRF062 9386
- RF063 9386 IRF080 48280 IRF1007 148104:
1 RH163 0 iRHi65 0 1RH24!,..... . 0 1RH243 0 1RHI2*96: 6....i062: iRH356 6.762-RH358 110285 1RH'451: 11 258 1RH452
- 11258, TRH454.
29444 1 RH455 29444 tRH457 6062: I [ H *: 5 ..6 6 .'lRH458 6062. 1RH460 6062 1ARH461 6062 1 RH463 38970 1RH464 38970 I RH466 38970 1 RH467 38970
- 1RH59, 57222 1RH596 11781 1R64:2 241i40 1RH644 31,950 1RH646 31950 1R11 41 0
NR 431 0 .1 RII7"1 9239598 I R121'2 0 iR1261' 1i12023. 1R1271 57510 1tRi302 0 iRR015 16443. 1RR023 21924 1RR027................. 13158 1RR029. 42398 IR-R031* 20706 RR033 .35496 L-003064, Rev:-1 Aftachment A, Page: A8 oA.38'
1 RR047 38454; NRR049 47132'8
- RR051 57632 1 PI174.
0 1tP1.75 1675.7 1P1176 16757 1 P11,77, J67'57 1P1 T18 16757 1P11.79 16757 I Pii80 16757 1Pi1,81t 16757 1 Plf82 16757 iP 113 16757. 1 PI 1,84 16757 1P1185 16757 1PI186 16757 I:PIT87 16757 iP11!88 0 1PH189 0 1iP1:190.............0 1 PI191 0 4p1192 0 91 P113 0 .1PI194 0 1 P1195 16"7"57* 1,P!19,6 16757 p i19 0 165757 -1P11'98 1,6757, 1PI199 16,7 5 7; ..P200 16757 1P1201: 16757
- 0-1,202 1 i6757 1*PI203 16757 1tP1204 16757 1012056............. 16757 1P1206 16757 h120 i
7 1 1 i16757 i1P1208 0 1 P1209 0 1PI'210 16757
- P1211 16757 IP1212 f16757 1iP12'1:3 16757:
1 PI 214 16757t 1 R I064 220 1RE069 6022-5 i.REI'O' 1 3 578 1RE1 1 13578
- L003064,.Rev-: 1 Aftachment A, Page A9:oPA38
1RF018 81650 i Pi 128 0 1*PI:29 0 1PI130 0 1 P1131 1P11'32 0 TP1133 0 1P1134 0 1PI135 0 A1 P1136 0 1P1137 0 !P1138 0 1P11i39 0 1PI140 0 1P 41... 0 1PI142 0 iPIi43 0 1P1144 0 1P1145 0 .1011P46 16757
- 1P1147, 16757 I1'1150 16757-1011.49 16757 1-PI150 16757:
1 Pi1 i514 1....... 6757} 1P1155 167,57 1PIiT52 16757: 1:P111.54
- 16757, 1 PI155 1675.7 1P1i 6 :...
6......... 7 0 PI1:57 16757 S1P16. .16757 1Pt180 1675 1PI160 0 1P11 61 ý0 TP1162 0 1PI16 3 0 I Pll64 0 1PI1650 IP11 66 b 1 Pi 167 0 TP11.69 0
- 1PI170, 0
P11 71 0.... O. 1PI 172 0 1 P117 3 0 1 P1082 18046 L-003064, Rev.,j Attachment A, PageAlOofWA38'.
1 P1083 18046 i P1084 18046 I P1085 18046 1 P1086 0 1, P1087 04 0 1 P1088 0 1F0.89 0 iP1090. 0 1P1091 0 1 P1092 0 1P1093 0 1:P094 0 iP1095 0 1 P1096 0 1 Pi097. 0 1P1098 0 iP1099 0 1PiO0 0
- 1Pll02, 0
P1102. 0 1PI103 0 P11'04 0 1P1105 0 .P1106 0 l Pll 07 0 .,iPfIoBi 184 1PI1,08 18046 TPIllO 18046 i P1i,19 18046 .1P4111 18046 1PI113 18046 1li1U4 18046 VP1115 18046 1Pi1l6 0 1P17 0 1PI118 0 iPi:i09 0 P 1120b 0 1 P1121 0 S1Pi'122. 0 1P11-23 0 iPli24 0 S1:P1125 0 1Pl126 0 I P1127-0. 1 P1036 18046 Pi037 %18046 PI'P038 18046 L-003064, Rev.1 AttachmentA, PagýeAll odfA38"
1PI039 0 1 P1040 0 1 P1041 0 1 P1042 0 1P1043 0 1P1044 0 iPi045 0 1P1046 18046 1 P1047 18046 t PI048 18046 1P1049 18046 1iP105i
- 18046,
-~~~ WPOi 846 1 P1052 18046 1 P1053 18046 1P1054 118046 1iP1056 18046 1P1057 18046 P058.. 18046 1P1059 0 1P1060 0 1 P1061 0 1P1062 0 1P1063 0 1.P1064 0 1P00666 0 .'i 1 6.....................0 1P1066 0 1 P1067 0 1-*P 68. 1 P1069 0 IP1070 o18046 1TP1071 188046 1P107'2 18046 11.067ý 1 80b46 1P1074 18046 1P17 f 1846 1iPi076 61846 lP1077 18046 TP1078 1'8046 1 PIO.79 18046 10P080 18046 1P1081 18046 1NB907 85200 iNB908.. 37630 1NB909 67450 I NB9101 75260 INB91.1 '674650 11401306"4t Pcv. 1 A,, h-trli APage A,2<ofA38
1 NB912 75260 1N8913 85200 1NB914 37630 1 NB915 67450 1 N1B9616 815200 1NB9177 67450 i1NB'9g18' 75260 I NR4.14 13200 1NR416 34848 'INR418 1`5675' 1NR420 41382 1NR422 0 1.NR424 0 1 NR426 0 INR428 0 1NR4,30 1320.0 iN R432 34848 INR4,34 15675 1NR436 41382 1NR438
- T4025, 1NR440 37026 INR442 T4,025 1NRk444 3..70 ;2 16
.1 NR446 0 iNR448 0 1NR4,50 0 1 NR45-2 0 1 NR4542 0 1 NR456 0 l N R 4 5:8 .................... 0, 1NR460 0 INR4-72 34160 1NR482: 0 1NR492 14945 NR50,2 1.445 1P1030 18046 I P1031 1f8046 1 P0312 18046 1P1033 18046 1P1034
- 18046 1 P1035 18046 i N'B650 65898 1NB651 0
1NB652 65898 iN 1B653.............. 0 1NB65.4 65898 1NB655 0 1 NB675 0 L4013 O64*:R';,Rv A:i'. Ynýt A Page A13To.A38
1NB676' 102508 i N8677 36610 .1.NB678 65898 1N5679ý 65898 tNB680. . 0 1NB681 0 iIN8682 36610 1 NB683 .3661.0 1NB684 0 1 N5685 168406
- 1NB686, 36610 1 NB687 0
1NB688ý 66598 1NB689; 0 1 NON, .771418. 1 NB727 77418 1NB272 77418 1NB731 20196 1NB733 20196 1N5880 85200... 1:NB882:. 85200 1 NB883 67450 1NB885. 67450 1 NB886: 85200 I1NB6688 85200 1 NB889 85200 1INB891 8520 1NB892 67.450 INB894: 67450 1.NB897 85200 IN58980 67450 1 NB900 67450 1NB901 85200 1 NB.'O2 82360 1 NB903 75260 IN8904 6750 .'INb905.. 85200 1 NB9061
- 59640 i NB8o0 149625 1NB081 189000 1NB082?
I.89000b 1:NB083 -149625 1NB084 149625 1NB086,. 189000 1NB088 149625 tN 089, 189000 1NBO90 1:49625 LO 1Ai ih~L,* Page A14.of. A38
1NB1Ol 5796 SN:NBi03. 96075 -1NBI05 5 796 1NB107 96075 1NBi1 . 11592: 1 N B113: 18900 1N17 189000 1N8128. 149625 I NB136 '16596 1"NB-139
- 16596 1NB141 1.6596 J1NB144' 6596 iNB146 16596 1 NB1 49 16596 1 NB-i51 16596 1NB154:
16596 iNB176 7728 1iNB178 127575
- 1NB182, 28288, I NB183:
27200 1NB184 28288 1 NB185 27200 1NB186 2888 1NB187 27200 1 NB188 28288 1NB189
- 28288, i NB 9§Q 2
1 7.200 1 NB19,1 272007 1NB192. 28288 1.:INB1"93!. .... 27:20'0 1,NB1l94' 28288 1~iN B*19,5 .27200 1.IN B.196
- 28288 1NB197!
27200 1"NB*1*98 28*288: 1NB199 27,200 I1-NB599 2931:7,6& I1LD158-6062 1 LD.I8 21650 1101502 23382 1LD184 39836' iLDi188. 7i0146: 1l:LD190O 23382 1LD192 39836 JiLD1'96.. 10392:
- 1LD198, 60620 1ED200
- 1. 03920 1 LD202 84002
- lU3O, :*
A hi 'nL"tA,, PagezAlS: of A38A,
1LD204 11258 1LD206 6062 TLD208 4M896 1 LD210 48496 ILD2,12 21650 1;LD218. 21650 1L0222 48496 iLM010 362 43 1LMO13 36243 I:LM01§ '36243 lLM022 0 1LM025
- 36243
- iM028
- 2322, 1 LM031 209404 1i LM034 241620 11LM037
- 209404, ILM*04, 36243 iLM043 36243 1LP05 1 48496 1LP052.
48496. 1 LP07.9 94248 iLP085 39760 I MV063 91607 1 MV064 70746 I MVi29 262856 1MVl130 262856 1MV1;31 i 262856 1MVt35 63900 1NB022 27-3480 -f2N Bý4' 21'6505 1NB026 273480 1:NB028
- 27"3:480 1NBq03O 21'6505, 1,NB032.
216505 1 NB034 27/3480` 1IEW257 70395' 1 EW258, 70395 S1FC132 96126 1.FP271 112124 1... 60 62 1 FP275 91.796 1FP277 75342 -1:)FP2,7,9 6062 1FP282 19362 1FP285 968611 1FP287 1I20321l 1HC089 6 123`4 1,HCO01' 2.-161,2 fO3~4 R(. t~dh riiiA, Page A16.of A38,
1HP259 1,23087 I LD093 24480 1LD094 41888 1LD096 32640 I1LDO98 28288 1 LDlD00
- 52224, f LDb02 62560 I LD:104 41888 1tLD1,06 41888 I1LD1)08 36992 1LD109 32640 i il b
52224 iLD1 12 36992 1LD114 36992
- LDI 16'i 36992 1 LD118, 41888 ILD20:
36992 1LD122 36992 1LDOT24 36992 1LD126. 36992. 1LD128
- 36992, i~i3 30ý 62 ;560 11LD132 36992 1*D:34
- 52224 1
4LID1 36, 29376 1.LD1:42 52224 jL!i'44 29376 ILDbf54 28288 1LD160: 0 iLD19,70i...... 10392: 1LD172 10392 1D174 10392 iLD176 10392 1'CT027 66000 1 CT028. 66000 1 CT029: 75900 fICTO3O 75900 .i.TO3i. 75900 1 CT032' 56100 iCtO33-56100 1:CT03.5. 56100 ft i'er356 5:6.1 b0 T'CT036 75900 1CT037 41250 C.038 ....... 83325
- 1CT039, 41250 iCGTO4fO 27690 IC*T041 35500
,1 iw it A.Page A]17 of AA.
1CT04.2 48990 1 CT0:43, 90880
- 1 CT044ý 56800 1CT045 65320 1i,T046............ 56800 1CT04-T 48280 13T0,8 35500 1:cT049§ 35500 1 CTO0 321,75 ICT05,1 4'1 250 1:CTI052Z 56925 i CT0 105600 1 CT054 66000 1 CT055, 75900 1 CT056.
66000 1 CT057 56100 1 CCT-585 41250 1iCT059 41250 1,CT060 5692,5 1iC*T062~ .... 2525:40 I1C067 0 i EW175 166055 IEW17-7. 0 1EW183 0 I EW1854ý 16055 1EWI188! 65455 iEWf89: 65455 1 EW246, 0 1EW24& 14820 '.iEwV254. 0 1EW256 14820 iCMi 118 2720 I1CM250 84363 1CM252 9681 tWM254 92661 1CM256
- 92661, i CM258 9681 I1CM260 92661 t.CM262 19362 CWM264
§681: !CM266: 19,362 i"CM268 0681 1CM270: 19362 1CM272 9681' Cýi M274. 1........ 19362 1CM2,76 9681 .1CM278 717448 'It CM280. 146598 ' £(0)30;R v,*:; A**,ac;hrn!tri A.*, Page A18 of[ A38:
1CM282 29444 icM284 92661i I1 CM286, 92661. 1 CM288. 146598 1CM290. 146598 1,CM292 19362 1 CM294 §681 1CM296:. 9681 1:CM301 4896
- 1M404 2720 1CM430' 4896 1 CM431 2720 iCTO1O 41250 1iCT011 37950 1 CTO1 2 37950 iCT01 :3ý 18150
- 1c10014, 4,250 1 CTO1.5 41.2 50 1CTO-16 37950 iC"T017:
- 18. 1 5'0 1CT01:8 56925 1 C:T0U49 5.692.5 1ICT021 5.6925 i*:"C*TO 2"2 "05'OO60 1CT,0231.
76725 1C*024, 66000
- iT025.
75900 1CT026 75900 ,W1CM165, 4896 ICMt 116 .4896 1dCM1i,17 2720 Total 32695306 .R. 1 -1 it i Page A19 of A38
- BTU, 2CMil15 199040 2CM116
- 13056, 2CM117 3264 2CM1:8 326'4,
-2CM250, 42434 .2CM254 49362 20M256 692'8 2CM258 6928 2CM260: 6928 2CM262 6928 1 2CM264 6928 2CM266 6928
- 2CM268, 6928 2CM270" 6928 20M272 6928
'2CM274 6928 2CM276 6928 20::M278 1i03054: 2CM280'! 98724 ý2CM282 46764 2CM284 90064 2CM286 90064 2CM288.. 9872-4, 2CM290 88332 2CM292 6928 2CM294 6928 2CM296 6928 2CM301 13056 2CM402 19040 2CM403 3641 2CM404 3264 2-01io0 46200 .2CT011 4620 2CT0102 264000 2CTOI4-46200 2CT015 46200 201016. 26400 2CTO7I
- 14025 2C1018 46200 2CTO19 26400 2CT020.
5.1975 2CT021 51975 2CT022' 97350 2CT023" 61875 2CT024 61875 Lj"3064, Rt~ A!ah1ýil A, Page A20 oI A38
2CT025 61875 2C1026 61'875 2CT027 6187 5:
- 2CT028, 61875 2C029.
61875. 2CT030 61875 2CT031 61i875 2CT036 72600 2CT037 46200 2CT038 80850 2CT039 46200 S2CT040 22720 2CT041 39760 2CT042 44730 20143.. 83780 2CT044., 53250 2CT045 53250 2CT046! 53250 2CT048 22720 2C01049 39760 2CT050 26400 2CTO51 46200 2C1T052 19' 2CT05:3. 97350 2T05*4 61875 2CT055 61875
- 2c:T056i 61875*
.2T058 26400 2CT059 46200 I2CT060...51....97.. 5 2CT062 230580 2EW175 .13585 2EW1771 0 2 ..83 0.... .. b 2EW185" 13585 2*EW:188 6o422.0 2EW1i89,. 64220 2EW246. 6175 ý 2EW -2486: 14620.. 2EW254.- 61,5T 1820 2EW2578 49400 2EW258r 49400 2FCi132....... 87/466. 2FP271 11,258 2FP275 1385 .i6 2FP275 83.136 LAX~064R IA~a ii tr(A, Pag VA21 of A38
2FP277 73610 2FP279 110848 2FP282 17979
- 2FP285 177024 2FP287 117555 2HC091 0
2HC092 79244 2HC 115 2LD092 67456 2LD093 19040 2LD094 44064 2LD096 22304 2LD098. 32096 2LD100 45152 2LD02. 67456 2LD104 13056 2LD106 13056 2LD-108, 45152 2LD0109' 22304 2LD 45152 2LD118 13056
- 2LD120 45152 2LD,1t22 45152 2LD1 24 45152 2L1,26
- 45152, 2LD128 45152 2LD130.
67456 2Li32 .451,52 2LD134 67456 2LD136 . 67456-2LD142 67456 2L144
- 6704566 2LD154 13056 F2LD160 1:3056 2LD170.
37238 2LD172 37238 2LD174 ý372'38 2LD176 3.7238 2LD178" 6928 2LD180.. 27712 2LD182 27712 2LD184 27712 2LD188 87466 2LD190 27712 2LD1:92........ 2771/2. 2LD!94 6928 2LD196 1:i21i24: 2L:98 41':568
- 0'0A P A
hr'i T A, Page A22 ofA38
2LD200". 8.7466 2LD202 73.610 2LD204 27712 2LD206 6928 .2LD208............. 118642 2LD210 110848 2LD2,12 14722 2LD214
- 27712, 2LD21,8 14722 22L1222 103054 2LM010 499348 2LM013 334241
,2LM016 499348 2LM019 334241 2LM022 96648
- 2LM025, 96648 2LM028 j9030 2LM031
'140945 2LM034 140945 2LM037 140945 2LM040 358403 2LM043 499348 2LP039 352002 2LP051 110848 2LP052 110848 2LP079 90880 2LP084 2002T77 2LP085 90880 2MV063 88886 2MV064. 5 -7141:.. 2MV129 222068 2MV1Ml30 222068 2MV131 222068 2MV135 57510 2:NB:IO 1 0...I.. 2NB103 67725 2NB105! 0 2NBI07 67725 2NB111 13524 2NB11:3, 22050 2NB1.36 59469 2NB139 59469 2NB141 59469 2NB144 59469 2NB146 59469 2NB149 59469 2NB151 59469 2NB154 59,469 0 4.1~ hwi~n APage.A23of A38
2NB176 12558 2NB178 159075 2NB182 13056 2NB183; 1:3056 2NB184. 1356 2NB185 19040 2NB186 1`3056 2NB187 19040 2NB188 13056 2NB890 1'3056 2NB190 19040 2N.I191 29920 2NBi92 13056 2NB193 29920 2N194.. 1305'6 2N8195 19040 2NB196 13056 ,2N19:7 29920 2NB198 13056 2NB:199 19040 2NB599 45152 z2NB650 19040 2NB651 6528 2NB652 19040 2NB653 6528 2NB654 19040 2NB655 6528 2NB675 13056 2NB676 13056 2NB677. 3:264 2NB678: 67456 2NB679 674156 2NB680. 342,72 2NB681 34272 2NB682 .47328 2NB683 47328 2NB6&4 13056 2NB685 13056 2NB686 3264 2NB687 l..9040 2NB3688 19040 2NB689 6528 2NB724 75735 2NB727 154836 2NB729 154836 2NB731 72369 2N733' 72369 2NB880 83780 S30,;... ah.,ulI A, Page A24 oFA38
i2NB881 19880 2NB882 83,780 2NB883 79520 2NB3884 30530 2NB885. 9..5........ 79,620 2NB886 92300 2NB887 19880 2N8888' 92300 F2NB889. 92300 2NB890 19880 2NB891 92300 2NB89ý2 901 70 2NB893 30530 2NB894. 90170 .2NB895. 83780 2NB896. 19880 2NB897 83780 2NB898 79520
- 2NB899:
30530 2N8900 79520 2NB901
- 79520 2NB902 78810 2NB904 90170 2NB905 83780 2NO907 83780 2NB909 79520 2NB911 90170 2NB912' 65320 2NB913 92300 2NB9151.
95850 2NB916.. 92300. 2NB9117 79520 2NB918. 65320 53625 2NB931 53625. 2NB932' 53625 2NB933 37950 2NB934 37950 .2NB9357 37950 2N89386 37950 2NB9397 37950 2N I 638 31950. .2NB939ý 37950 2NB950: 82500 2N95... 82.500.. 2NB952 82500 2NB953 82500 2NB954 82500 L'.030F4 R~.~t i ilAPage A25 of A38'
2NB955 82500 2NB956: 82500 2NB957 82500 2NB958 82500 2NB959 82500 2NB970 53625 2NB97.1 53625 2NB97272 53625 2NB973 37950 2NB974{ '37950 2NB975 '37950 2NB97.. 37950 2NB97* 37950 2NB979 37950 .2NB990 62700 2NB9921 62700 2NB992. 62700 .2NB994 62700 2NB9954 62700 2NB995 62700 2N199 62700 "2"NB*99 *....... 62700 2NB998 62700 2NB999: 62700 2NBA20 53625 2NBA21 53,625
- 2NBA22 53-625 2NBA23
'32175 2NBA2*4 32175 2NBA25 32175 2NA26 '321i75 2NBA27 32-175 2NBA28 32175 2NBA29... 321i715 2NBA40 88275 2NBA41 88275 2NBA42 88275 2NBA43 88275 2NBA44 8825. 2NBA4¢5 88275 2NBA46 88275 .2NBA4,7 88275 2NBA48 88275 "2NBA49...... 8...... 88275.. 2NBA60 53625 2N3A61i 53625
- 2NBA62..... 53625 L-QO304. t; AR;,
ciab~.nLAPage-A26 of.A,38
2NBA613 37950 2NBA64 37950 2NBA65 37950 2NBA66 37-950 ..2,NBA67.. 37950 2NBA68 37950 N8A69 '37950 2NBA8O
- 53625, 2NBA81 53625 2NBA82
ý53625 2NBA83 37950
- 2NBA84 37950
'2NBA85 37950 2NBA86 37950 2NBA87.
- 37950, 2NBA88 37950
- 37950 2NBB10 67650 2NBBE11 67650 2NBB,12
.67650 2NBB1:3 67650 ,2NB81:4 67650 2NBB15 767,25 2NBB16
- 76725 2N3B1I7
,76:725 2NBBT8 j76725 2NBB~i9 76725 2NBB3.. 88275 2NBB31 88275 2N BB32...... 8.82 5 2NBB3-3 88275 2NBB34 88275 '2NBB35 88275 2NBB36 88275 2NBB3837 88275 2NBB38 88275 2Nb9 g88275 .2NBB50 64350 ý2NBB51 64350 ,2NBB,52 64350 2NBB53 321-75 ,2NBBý54 321,75 2NBB55 -321,75 2NBB56 32175 2NBB5 .3217 2NBB58 32175: 2N1BI359 3217,5 2NBB7 8827.5 tO00 ~ Page A27 of A38
2NBB71 88275 2NBB72 M8275 2NBB73 88275 2NBB74 88275 2NBB7:5.. 88275 2NBB76 88275 .2NB78 88275 2NBB79 88275 2NBB90 64850 2NBB91 64350 S2NBB92
- 64:350 2NBB92 64350ý 2NBB93 32175 2NBB94 32175 2NBB95.
32175 2NBB96 32-175 2NBB97 32175 '2NBB98 32,165
- 2NBB99 32175 2 N BC20,.
76725ý 2NBC21 76725 2-NB22 767256
- 2NBC23 76725 2NBC24
.76725. 2NBC25 76,25 2NBC26. 76725 2NBC27 176725 .. 2N 28. 76725 2NBC29 76.725 .2'NBC 64350 2NBC41
- 64350 2NBC42 64350 2NBC43 321,75 2NB13C44 32175 S2:NBC45....
- 321i7:5
- 2NBC46, 32175 2NBC47 32175 2N8C48 32175 2NB.49:
32175 .2NBC601 88275. 2NBC61 88275 2NBC62 88275: ,2NBC63 88275
- 2NBC64 88275
- 2Nb065
.-,88275 2NBC66:. 88275 2NBC67 88275. 2NBC68 88'2:75 LX~O64 P~, iA~a:h,~I Page A28 of A38
2NBC69 88275 2NBC80 64,350 2NBC81: 643'50 2NBC82 64350 2NBC83 37950 2NBC84 37950 2NB(C85 37950 2N BC86-37950 2NBG87 37950 2NBC88 37950 2NBC89 37950 2NNbi0: 76725 2NBD1i 76725 2NBD12 76725 2NBD13 76725
- 2NBD14 76725.
2NBD6 76,725 2NBD16 76725 2NBD17 76725
- 2N80D18, 76725 2NBD19 76725 2NBD91 0
2NBD94 23925 2NBD97 31350 2NBD990 37950 2NBEIl 0 2NBE3i2 23925 2NBE.13 31,350 2NBE14 37950 2N 28... . b 2NR299 0 2NR301. 0 2NR303 0 2NR418 37026 2NR420 3.7026 2NR422 6600 2NR424 17424 .2NR426 0
- 2NR428 0
"2MNR44 14"025 2NR436 37026 2NR438 30525 2NR440 80586 2NR442
- 30525
- 20N444, 0586 2NR446 0
2NR448 0 2NR450 0 L-030*Q4j4 R V,;,l. !At rtl,,:,rllVA*,Page A29TofA38'
2NR452 0 2NR454 6600 2NR456 172.42 2NR458 0 2NR460 0 2NR492 38430 2 NR5b2 '3843'0 2PI030 1,2890 2PI0311 1,2890 2P103,2 12,890 2P1033 1,2890 FPi034 1.2890 2P1035 12890
- 2PI036 12890 2P103 12890.
- 12890, 2PI039 0
2PI040 0 2PI041' 0 2P1042 ... 0 2P1043 0 2 2Pi044' 0 2P1'045 0 12890 2P1047 12890 2P1048 12890
- 2P1049 12890
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- 2P062, 0
2P1063 0
- 2P1064 0
S2:P10675, .......... 0. 2PI066 0 2P1069 0 2P1070 .12890 I ~OE3~. R~x, A~ i ~nril V, Page A30,ol* A38
2P1071 =12890 2P1072 12890 2P1073 12890 2P1074 12890 2P1075
- 12890 2P10.6 12890 2Pi077 12890 2P1078 12890 2P1079 12890 2P1080 12890 2P1081 12890 2P1082 12890 2P1083 12890 2P1084 12890 2P'1085 12890 2P1086 0
- 2P1087 0
2PI088 0 2P1089 0 2P1090 .0. 2P1091 0 2Pi092 0 2Pi093 0 2P1094 0 2P1095 0 2P1096 0 2PI097 0 2PI098 0 2P1099 0 .2P#1100 0...o 2PI101 0 2PI102 0 2P1103 0O 2PI104 0
- 2P13i1 5.................. 0 2P1106 0
2P i
- i :10............. 12 9 2P 110...
.. 1 8 0: 2Pi108 12890 2PI109 12890 2P1110 12890 2PiIll. 12890 2P1112 12'890-2P113 12890 .2PI1114 12890 2Pl115~ 12890 2PI 17 0 2P1118 0 U ~ !m, 11 4.11 ~ ii l PageA31 ofA38&
2PI119 Q 2P1i20 0 2PI1i2i 0 2,P1122 0 2PIT23 0 2P11%2A 0 '2P1125 0 2PI126 0. 2PI1,27 0 2PI1128 0 2Pit29 0 2Pr1'30 0 2,Pl131 0 ,2PI132 0 2Pf 3:3.......... 0 2P0134 0
- 2Pi1i315 0
2PI136 0 2P1137 0 2PIt38 0 2P11139 0
- 2P i.411
................ 0 2P11.41 0 2PI14!2 0 2P1143 0 2Pl144 0 2P1i4.5 0' 12Pi1'46 19335 2P1147: 19335 2P48.. .. 19335 2PI149 19335 2PI150 19335 2P11 515 19335 2PI152 19335 201153 19335: 2PI1154. 19335 2P11*5ý5-19335 2P1156 19335 2PI157 19335 -201Pi5 3 19335 2PI159 1.9335 2P1160 0 2PIi61" 0 2PI162 0 2 163
- 2P11264 0
2Pl1166 0 T00,I64,R 4-1kl, -V I lAhcu 'i i A, Page.A32ýofA38
2PI167 0 201168 0 2PI169 0 2PI170 0 2 P li17 1............... 2P1172 0 2Pf117 3 0 2P1174 0 2PI175 19335 2PI176 19335 2PI177 19335 2P1178 19335 2P1 79 19335 2 Pi 1180 19335 2P811,91 19335 2PI182 19335 2P1183 1I09335 2Pit84 19335 2PI185 19335 2PI186 9... 19335 2PI187 19335 2Pii88 0 2Pit89 0 2PI 1190 0
- 2P :i91' 0
2PI192 0 2Pli93 0 2PI1194 0 2PI195 19335 2PI1:96 19335* .2PI1197 1933,51 2P1198 19335 2P1:1*99 19335 2oPI 200 19335 2PI202 19335 2PI20"3 193:35' .2Pi204 1933,5 2P1205 19335 2 'P206 19335 2PI207
- 19335, 2P1208 0
2PI209 0 2PI210 19335 2PI211:.. . 19335: 2P121'2 1,9335 2P121,3 9335 2P124 '1'9335 L-00(30.3O6 rk I Ah Atld hMnA-Page A33 oC A38
2RE069 54450 2RE 102 12276 2RE103 12276 2RF018 88040 2RF062 15561 2RF063 15561 2RF080 58930 2RF100 154638 2RH163 0 2RH165 0 2RH241 23184 2RH243 37800 2RH24-7 121278 2RH250 165.648 2RH253. 20664. 2RH270 159732 2RH273 36736 2RH296 6928 2RH356 17388 2RH358
- 53244, 2RH4'51, 2771.2 2RH54...
27712 214H454 4`6 764 2RH4'55 46764 2RH457. 692-8 2RH4;58 6928 2RH460 1,5588 2RH461. 6062 2RH463 .24248 2RH464* 2424.8. 2RH466 79672 2RH467 7§672. 2RH594 0 2RH642 38340 2RH644 2911.. 2RH646 65320 2RH723 18010 2RH724 12600 2RIO19 1,62225 2Ri141 99498 2Rt143. 162225 ,2Ri171 i 251430 2Ri2,12 173349 2RI271 60350 2R1302. , 0 2RR015 23751 S2RR'023 0 2RR0n27 7310 .L*,Oa3O. R W A ih , A:,: :Page A34 of A38
2RR029 43860 2RR031 23664 2RR047 94656 2RR051 57632 2RR053 1 0 2RR068 37800 2RRO74 9184 2RRO77 51660 2RR082 158687 2RR083 1f40857 2RR094 -325.740 2RR095 38454 2RR097 289140' 2RR098 0 2RR136 1.437148 2RR1:47 137214 2RR152 270072 2RR158 189486 2RR160 270072 2RR162. 189486 2RR165 67456 2RR166 47328 2RR170 18010 2RR173 108060 2RR196 6928 2RR209 6928 2RR225 58208
- 2RR226 67.456 2RR227 67456 2RR232 6928 2RR233
.6928 2RR234 6928 2RR235 5196 2RR2:36 34272
- -R24130....
..... 34272 2RR238 34272 2RR243 12124 2RR245 12124 2RR246 0 2RR270 158687
- 2RR271, 73425 2RR332 54450 2RR334 51975 2RR362 140857 2RR364 140857 2RR366 65175 2RR368 158687 2RR382 63190
, Rl,, i t*h-, it A, Page A35!,ofA38
2RR385. 56090 2RR390 631.90 2RR392 56090 2RR416 40392 2RR461.1i....... 67,767. 2RR4613 677.6.7 2RR465 67, 767
- 2RR467, 67767 2RR469 0
2RR47i: 0 2RR473 0 '2R101 7 165648 2RT023 88200 2RT025 54096 2RT051 35742 2RT-053!. 58275 2 RT 656; 3091 2 2RT058 '50400 2RT0713 15456
- .2R10O7,5....... 267:75:
2RT07& 30912 2RT080! 5040'0 ý2-T11 -4. 45152 .2RT203: 154836 2RT210 62'27T 2RT2122i 53856 .2RT}21 5! 28611i 2RT27 '53856 2RT243 108060 '2SG;01i7 ....... 99498" 2VP,024 '638232 2VP02 524262 2VP073 47,328 2VP074: 36464 2VP,089 . 82764 -2VP090 189486 .2VP091 11,1078 2VP092 .. 189486 2VP093 189486 2vP094,4 '189486 2VP,095' 13721.4, -2 1P0'96" '11 1".i078 2VP097" '317214 2VP098 1.11078 2VP-IO0 37026 2V1,01i 18§486 2VP102 111078 4 Page A36 of A38
2VP103 145926 2VP1 04 37026 2VP105' 11.1078
- 2VP106, 111078 2,VP107..
189486 2VP108 1.11078 2VPj1509 189486 2VP1:10 189486; 2VP111
- 137214, 2VpiT"2I 1:11078 2VP1"1 3 37026 2VPl 4 37026 2VP.115 37026 2VP116 37026 2VPi7.
- 2VP133:
272136 2VfP134 209668 2VP145: 1-2600 2VP14& 23664 2VP157......... 28350. 2-VP1'58-53244 21vP..,172 417 ;334 2 V P"1 738 8887,2 2VP17W6 144942 2VP'77" 272136 2VP182!
- 47334, 2VP-i83I 88872 2VP*186 &
144942 2VP187 272136 2VP222. 0 2VP223' 7794 2VP35'0 f100188 2VP351 100188 2VP354 132062 '2VP3.55!..... 7..... 2*2062, 2WR051 0. 2WR053 0
- 2WR057 85050
.2WR059 97954
- 2WR060
.451,52 2WR06! 45152-2WRO&I 45152 2WR063: 4 5152 2WRO,64* 38624 2WR065 4 4.1....... 52 2WR066: 50592 2MR077 12/76-I .2WR07. 0 L-oc~4.W V A~~v j APage A,37of A38"
I I I tal 45Wýý JAOR3O6A Rov. I Af,, &h rrnIjA\\ Page A38oC A38.
R1 LSCS pH Calculation Attachment B Part 1: Determination of Post-LOCA Drywell and Suppression Pool Integrated 7 and 3 Energy, and Suppression Pool Integrated Doses for Suppression Pool pH Determination Part 2: Core Cesium and Iodine Determination Part 3: Drywell and Suppression Pool Gamma Mean Free Path Determination
- 1.
Part 1 Purpose The purpose of this analysis is to determine Post-LOCA Drywell/Containment and Suppression Pool Integrated y and P energies, and Suppression Pool Integrated Doses for Suppression Pool pH Determination. This data is used in Attachment C of this calculation to determine the radiolytic generation of acid input to the suppression pool. During a DBA-LOCA, analyzed using Alternative Source Terms (AST), radioactivity is released from the reactor, first during a 1/2 hour gap release period, and then during an early in-vessel release period. Activity is then removed from containment by decay only for conservatism and simplicity.
- 2.
Approach This attachment calculates the total integrated y and 03 energy released into drywell/containment at specific points in time, and total y plus 0 Dose in the Suppression Pool water. For conservatism in this calculation, all activity is instantly distributed into the drywell and containment airspaces. The data is then used by the spreadsheets in Attachment C to calculate the change in the pH of the pool water as a function of time. Initial activity in the core is taken from the Calculation L-003128, Rev. 0, "LaSalle Source Terms for Use in Alternative Source Terms" [Ref. 5.14], with the not included isotopes Co-58 and Co-60 from RADTRAD [Ref. 5.16] default values. Release fractions and timing are per RG 1.183 [Ref. 5.6], Table 1. For simplicity, and because of its negligible effect, no credit is taken for the 121-second minimum anticipated time before the start of gap activity. No credit is taken for natural deposition or suppression pool scrubbing. This maintains aerosols airborne to conservatively simulate theoretical plateout contributions. In general, significant amounts of plated-out material are likely to be washed into the suppression pool by condensed vapor flow or containment spray. Simultaneously, all non-noble gas releases are assumed to be instantly transported to, and uniformly mixed in, the suppression pool water. The calculation of the dose in the pool water, and the integrated energies from radiation in drywell/containment, parallel each other, up to the point of determining the total integrated y and J3 energy released into containment at the specific time-steps used by Entergy in their GGNS R1I Suppression Pool pH Analysis Calculation (No. XC-QI 111-98013, Rev. 2); the basis for this part of the LaSalle Generating Station (LSCS) AST analysis. First, for each isotope the following list of parameters must be calculated or acquired: Parameter Origin Decay Constant RADTRAD Standard Library Values L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment B, Page B1 of B56 I R1
Release Fractions from 0 to 0.5 hours and Reg. Guide 1.183, Table 1 0.5 to 2 hours Initial Core Activity Calc L-003128 Activity in Drywell/Containment due to Calculated Herein, see below Gap Release at 0.5 hours Time Integrated Activity through 0.5 hours Calculated Herein, see below of Gap Release Activity in Drywell/Containment due to Calculated Herein, see below Early In-vessel Release at 2 hours Time Integrated Activity through 2 hours of Calculated Herein, see below Early In-vessel Release Total Time Integrated Activity Released Calculated Herein, see below through 2 hours Total Activity in Drywell/Containment at 2 Calculated Herein, see below hours Gamma (Photon) Emission Energy Radioactive Decay Data Tables, by David C. Kocher [Ref. 5.11] as compiled in RadDecay (see next paragraph below) Beta Particle Emission Energy Radioactive Decay Data Tables, by David C. Kocher [Ref. 5.11] as compiled in RadDecay(see next paragraph below) As noted in the last 2 rows above, the gamma (photon) emission energy and beta particle emission energy are found for each isotopic nuclide using the RadDecay database. The isotopic nuclide of interest is selected in RadDecay and a list is selected (number of photons for photon emission or number of betas for beta emission). The list displays energy in MeV and the probability of decay. The list is copied into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet where the energy and probability are multiplied (the average energy is used for the beta list). This is then summed and the total emission energy is found (in MeV/decay). The Excel spreadsheet providing the lists and probability fractions by isotope from RadDecay, and the resulting products and summations, is included as pages B6 through B28. Calculated Values In order to evaluate the activity in containment, and subsequently the concentration of activity, it was necessary to develop functions that took into account the LSCS conditions, while providing the necessary inputs for the analysis model of GGNS. Activity in Drywell!Containment up through 0.5 Hours (Due to Gap Release) 0.5 -A aG (.5) = f 0-.5 x x -a .e 5 = fA-0 5 x aoe 0.5 fo0.5= activity release fraction at 30 minutes, variable depending on isotope L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment B, Page B2 of B56
a,= initial core activity, variable depending on isotope (Ci) e= constant 2= decay constant, variable depending on isotope (hours-) t= time (hours) ('/0.5)= release fraction buildup over 0.5 hours related linearly (as done in RADTRAD) Activity in Drywell/Containment up through 2 Hours (Due to Early In-vessel Release) aE( 2 ) = f5-2 x 2-0.5 x aoe -O.x 5= f5-2 x aoe 1.5 t-A aE(2 ) = f,-, x --xaoe 1.5 fo.s-2= activity release fraction at 2 hours, variable depending on isotope a,= initial core activity, variable depending on isotope (Ci) e= constant 2= decay constant, variable depending on isotope (hours-) t= time (hours) ('/1.5)= release fraction buildup over 1.5 hours related linearly (as done in RADTRAD) Time Integrated Activity through 0.5 Hours (from Gap Release) aG(t) = a. x 1o-0.5 x 0.5 e 0.5 0.5 AGO-0. = fa 0 (t)dt = a,, xf.-, Je-dt a~~o ~0.5 f te-0 0 AGO-o05 0.5 Af2- [1-e 5"((0.5A + 1)] fo-o.s= activity release fraction at 2 hours, variable depending on isotope ('10.5)= release fraction buildup over 0.5 hours related linearly (as done in RADTRAD) a,,= initial core activity, variable depending on isotope (Ci) e= constant 2= decay constant, variable depending on isotope (hours-) t= time (hours) aG(t)= activity in containment as a function of time, due to gap release (Ci) AGo0_.s= time integrated activity though 0.5 hours due to gap release (Ci-hours) Time Integrated Activity through 2 Hours (from Early In-vessel Release) aE (t) = a 0e-5 x f0.5-2 x x [Note: Here, t starts after 0.5 hour] 1.5 1.5 AEO-i.5= faE(t)dt 1 -. Jte-dt 0 0 AEO15 1 1e- [1-e-_-s 5(1.52 + 1)] L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment B, Page B3 of B56
fO.o5= activity release fraction at 2 hours, variable depending on isotope ('/1.)= release fraction buildup over 1.5 hours related linearly (as done in RADTRAD) ao= initial core activity, variable depending on isotope (Ci) e= constant A= decay constant, variable depending on isotope (hours-) t= time (hours) aE(t)= activity in containment as a function of time, due to early in-vessel release (Ci) AEOr5= time integrated activity from 0.5 to 2 hours due to early in-vessel release (Ci-hours), after shutdown Total Time Integrated Activity Released in Drywell/Containment through 2 Hours A2,_, = AGO-o. 5 + AEO-1.5 AGoo0.s= time integrated activity though 0.5 hours due to gap release (Ci-hours) AEo0_5= time integrated activity from 0.5 to 2 hours due to early in-vessel release (Ci-hours), after shutdown Total Activity in Drywell/Containment at 2 Hours a(2),o~ot= a(2) + a(0.(5) x e-15A a(0.5)= activity present in containment at 0.5 hours e= constant A= decay constant, variable depending on isotope (hours-) t= time (hours) When the above values are obtained for each isotope, the Activity in Containment can be calculated at given times, and subsequently the energy from the activity can be calculated in the following manner: Total Time Integrated Activity in Drvwell/Containment at Specific Times (t hours) auime = (a(2),_ro ) x (1 - e--'z-2)) + A2 a(2),oel= total activity in containment at 2 hours (Ci) a 2,,,,= total time integrated activity released through 2 hours (Ci-hours) A= decay constant, variable depending on isotope (hours-) t= time (hours) At this point, the above equation is used to calculate the activity at the given timesteps, due to 'y and 03 radiation and the values are summed for all contributing sources, as used in the GGNS analysis model. Finally, the activity's radiation energy concentration is calculated by dividing L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment B, Page B4 of B56
over the airspace volume of containment. Subsequently, this data is input into the spreadsheet of Attachment C to calculate the concentration of HCl that results in the pool (due to the release of chlorine from the radiolysis of cables in primary containment), and its contribution to the pH transient. Of additional concern is the formation of Nitric Acid (HNO3), which contributes to the transient calculated in Attachment C, by serving to lower the pH in the pool. Any activity from sources found immediately in the pool water is a factor in this acid's formation; therefore a dose to the water must also be calculated. Because the noble gas sources stay gaseous and do not mix with the pool water, we need only to consider non-noble gas sources in this calculation. As stated earlier, up to the point of determining the total integrated y and 13 energy released into containment at the specific time-steps, the calculation of the dose in the pool water, and the integrated energies from radiation in containment parallel each other. As before, the activities at given timesteps are summed for all contributing sources and the radiation energy concentration is calculated. However, the Entergy designed spreadsheet used in Attachment C.uses a dose value for its calculation directly to HNO 3 concentration, so it was necessary to convert the energy concentration (MeV/cm3) to dose (Mrad). The conversion factor was determined to equal 1.60209E-14 (Mrad/(MeV/cm 3)). When all concentrations were converted to doses, the y and P3 values were summed and input into Attachment C to calculate the concentration of HNO3 formed, and its contribution to the pH transient. Part 2: Core Cesium and Iodine Determination Cesium and Iodine released from the core during the DBA-LOCA have an impact on suppression pool pH. lodines can contribute to the formation of hydriodic acid, HI, and cesiums contribute to formation of Cesium Hydroxide, CsOH. There is significantly more Cesium available and released from the core than Iodine. Therefore, these materials lead the suppression pool to be basic essentially from the beginning of fission product releaseL The conservative determination of the quantities of Cesium and Iodine utilized is provided on page B-55, with the formulas provided on page B-56. Part 3: Drywell and Suppression Pool Gamma Mean Free Path Determination Gamma mean free paths in the drywell and suppression pool are used to conservatively assess the size of the contained cloud that will irradiate cable. These mean free paths are used as input values for the Attachment C Transient Pool pH Calculation spreadsheets, cell H-7 and H-8. The values are obtained from LSCS General Arrangement Floor Plan Drawing No. M-7 (Ref. 5.12). To conservatively account for uncertainty, the maximum distance from the reactor vessel center to the inside of the containment wall was used for both the Drywell and suppression pool gamma mean free path. This value was scaled off of the M-7 drawing as approximately 1145.4 cm. L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment B, Page B5 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B Gamma (Photon) Emission Energy [MeV/de Photon Emission Products: Kr-85 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.51399 0.00434 Photon Emission Products: Kr-85m Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00159 0.001003 0.012598.0.011162 0.012649 0.021631 0,0141 0.005509 0.30487 0.13989 0.00169 0.000586 0.013336 0.006116 0.013395 0.01183 0.015 0.003105 0.12985 0.003011 0.15118 0.75278 0.58128 0.000211 Photon Emission Products: Kr-87 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00169 0.000029 0.013336 0.000339 0.013395 0.000655 0.015 0.000172 0.40258 0.495 0.67387 0.019058 0.81425 0.001683 0.83637 0.007524 0.84543 0.072765 0.94664 0.001386 1.1754 0.011237 1.338 0.006484 1.3825 0.002871 1.3899 0.001238 1.5312 0.003564 1.578 0.001287 1.6112 0.001039 1.7405 0.020493 1.8426 0.001386 2.0119 0.028957 2.4085 0.002129 2.5548 0.09306 2.5581 0.039105 2.8114 0.003168 3.3085 0.004505 1.6201 0.006499 Photon Emission Products: Kr-88 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00169 0.002274 0.013336 0.023716 0.013395 0.045873 0.015 0.012039 0.027513 0.020622 0.12227 0.001972 0.16598 0.031036 0.19632 0.25985 0.24071 0.002526 0.31169 0.001073 0.33471 0.001453 0.36223 0.02249 0.39054 0.006436 0.4217 0.00128 0.4718 0.007266 0.67734 0.002353 0.78828 0.005328 0.79032 0.001246 0.83483 0.12975 0.85034 0.00173 0.86233 0.006712 0.94492 0.002941 0.98578 0.013148 0.99009 0.001419 1.0396 0.004844 1.0495 0.001419 1.1413 0.012837 1.1795 0.009965 1.185 0.006885 1.2098 0.001419 1.2127 0.001384 1.2452 0.003633 ecay] 0.002230717 0.002230717 MeV/decay 1.59477E-06 0.000140619 0.000273611 7.76769E-05 0.042648264 9.9034E-07 8.1563E-05 0.000158463 0.000046575 0.000390978 0.11380528 0.00012265 0.157748265 MeVldecay 4.901 E-08 4.5209E-06 8.77373E-06 0.00000258 0.1992771 0.012842614 0.001370383 0.006292848 0.061517714 0.001312043 0.01320797 0.008675592 0.003969158 0.001720696 0.005457197 0.002030886 0.001674037 0.035668067 0.002553844 0.058258588 0.005127697 0.237749688 0.100034501 0.008906515 0.014904793 0.01052903 0.793096882 MeV/decay 3.84306E-06 0.000316277 0.000614469 0.000180585 0.000567373 0.000241116 0.005151355 0.051013752 0.000608033 0.000334443 0.000486334 0.008146553 0.002513515 0.000539776 0.003428099 0.001593781 0.004199956 0.000984739 0.108319193' 0.001471088 0.005787959 0.00277901 0.012961035 0.001404938 0.005035822 0.001489241 0.014650868 0,011753718 0.008158725 0.001716706 0.001678377 0.004523812 B6 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1; Attachment B 1.2507 0.01121 1.325 0.001592 1.3523 0.001592 1.3695 0.014774 1.4069 0.00218 1.4648 0.001142 1.5184 0.021521 1.5298 0.10934 1.6038 0.004567 1.6856 0.006643 1.8928 0.001384 1.9087 0.001003 2.0298 0.045291 2.0354 0.037368 2.1865 0.002872 2.1958 0.13183 2.2318 0.033908 2.3521 0.007301 2.3921 0.346 2.4089 0.001038 2.5484 0.006228 2.771 0.001488 1.0001 0.018892 Photon Emission Products: Xe-133 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00429 0.061419 0.030625 0.13641 0.030973 0.25262 0.035 0.090644 0.079621 0.002165 0.080997 0.36483 0.1777 0.000712 Photon Emission Products: Xe-135 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00429 0.006571 0.030625 0.014461 0.030973 0.02678 0.035 0.009609 0.1582 0.002886 0.24979 0.899 0.35839 0.002202 0.40799 0.003578 0.60819 0.028948 0.68433 0.002093 Photon Emission Products: -131 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00411 0.0055 0.029458 0.013468 0.029779 0.024987 0.0336 0.008883 0.080183 0.026182 0.17721 0.002648 0.2843 0.060521 0.32578 0.002507 0.36448 0.81164 0.50299 0.003605 0.63697 0.072605 0.6427 0.002195 0.72289 0.018025 0.32939 0.002304 Photon Emission Products: 1-132 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00411 0.000612 0.029458 0.00172 0.029779 0.003192 0.0336 0.001135 0.1472 0.002369 0.1833 0.001382 0.2548 0.001875 0.2627 0.01441 0.2848 0.007205 0.3165 0.001382 0.3635 0.004935 0.3878 0.002961 0.4168 0.004738 0.4319 0.004836 0.446 0.006021 0.4739 0.001777 0.4785 0.00148 0.014020347 0.0021094 0.002152862 0.020232993 0.003067042 0.001672802 0.032677486 0.167268332 0.007324555 0.011197441 0.002619635 0.001914426 0.091931672 0.076058827 0.006279628 0.289472314 0.075675874 0.017172682 0.8276666 0.002500438 0.015871435 0.004123248 0.018893889 1.954558418 MeVldecay 0.000263488 0.004177556 0.007824399 0.00317254 0.000172379 0.029550136 0.000126522 0.04528702 MeV/decay 2.81896E-05 0.000442868 0.000829457 0.000336315 0.000456565 0.22456121 0.000789175 0.001459788 0.017605884 0.001432303 0.247941755 MeV/decay 0.000022605 0.00039674 0.000744088 0.000298469 0.002099351 0.000469252 0.01720612 0.00081673 0.295826547 0.001813279 0.046247207 0.001410727 0.013030092 0.000758915 0.381140122 MeVldecay 2.51532E-06 5.06678E-05 9.50546E-05 0.000038136 0.000348717 0.000253321 0.00047775 0,003785507 0,002051984 0.000437403 0.001793873 0.001148276 0.001974798 0.002088668 0.002685366. 0.00084212 0.00070818 B7 of B56
L-003064, Rev 1, Attachment B 0.4882 0.004145 0.5059 0.050337 0.52265 0.16088 0.5355 0.005231 0.54 0.001086 0.5471 0.012535 0.8 0.001382 0.6208 0.003948 0.6212 0.015792 0.63022 0.13719 0.6506 0.026649 0.659 0.003948 0.66769 0.987 0.6698 0.04935 0.6716 0.052311 0.727 0.031584 0.7272 0.021714 0.7285 0.010857 0.7645 0.003948 0.77261 0.76196 0.7802 0.012338 0.7845 0.004244 0.8098 0.028623 0.8122 0.056259 0.8633 0.005823 0.8768 0.010758 0.9103 0.009179 0.9276 0.004145 0.95455 0.18062 0.9837 0.005626 1.0347 0.004738 1.136 0.02961 1.1434 0.013522 1.1474 0.002764 1.1732 0.010857 1.2727 0.001777 1.2907 0.011351 1.2953 0.01974 1.2976 0.008883 1.3178 0.001184 1.3721 0.024675 1.3986 0.071064 1,4426 0.014213 1.4768 0.001352 1.7575 0.002961 1.9211 0.011844 2.0022 0.010857 2.0868 0.002369 2.1727 0.001974 2.2232 0.001184 2.3905 0.001678 1.0146 0.031946 Photon Emission Products: 1-133 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00411 0.000538 0.029458 0.001513 0.029779 0.002807 0.0336 0.000998 0.2627 0.003565 0.26717 0.001165 0.34543 0.001036 0.36108 0.001122 0.41805 0.001528 0.42291 0.00309 0.51053 0.018127 0.52987 0.8632 0.61797 0.005395 0.68025 0.006448 0.70658 0.014933 0.76838 0.004566 0.82051 0.001537 0.85628 0.012344 0.87533 0.044714 0.90967 0.002123 1.0523 0.005516 1.0601 0.001373 1.2364 0.014933 1.2982 0.023306 1.3504 0.001485 0.53524 0.006072
- 0. 002023589 0.025465488
- 0. 084083932 0.002801201 0.00058644 0.006857899 0.0008292 0.002450918 0.00980999 0.086459882 0.017337839 0.00260 1732 0.65901003 0.03305463 0.035 132068
.0.022961568 0.01579042 1 0.007909325 0.003018246
- 0. 588697916 0.009626 108 0.003329418 0.023 178905 0.04569356 0.005026996 0.009432614
- 0. 008355644 0.003844902 0.172410821 0.005534296 0.004902409 0.03363696
- 0. 015461055
- 0. 00317 1414
- 0. 012737432 0.00226 1588 0.014650736 0.025569222 0.01 1526581 0.00 1560275 0.033856568 0.09939011 0.020503674 0.00 1996634 0.005203958 0.022753508
- 0. 02 1737885
- 0. 004943629 0.00428891
- 0. 002632269 0.004011259 0.032412412 2.291306399 MeVldecay 2.2 1118E-06 4.457E-05 8.35897E-05 3.35328E-05 0.000936526 0.000311253 0.000357865 0.000405 132 0.00063878 0.001306792 0.009254377 0.457383784 0.003333948 0.004386252 0.010551359 0.003508423
- 0. 00126 1124 0.0 1056992 0.039139506 0.00193 1229 0.005804487 0.00 1455517 0.018463161 0.030255849 0.002005344 0.003249977 0.60667451 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: 1-134 Energy(MeV)
Fraction 0.00411 0.001687 6.93357E-06 B8 of B56
L-003064, Rev.i, Attachment B 0.029458 0.004321 0.000127288 0.029779 0.008016 0.000238708 0.0336 0.00285 0.00009576 0.1354 0.037592 0.005089957 0.13903 0.00687 0.000955136 0.15198 0.001059 0.000160947 0.16248 0.002576 0.000418548 0.18847 0.006965 0.001312694 0.217 0.002481 0.000538377 0.23547 0.019845 0.004672902 0.2788 0.001307 0.000364392 0.31981 0.005152 0.001647661 0.35108 0.004961 0.001741708 0.40545 0.073466 0.02978679 0.411 0.006106 0.002509566 0.43335 0.041885 0.018150865 0.45892 0.012976 0.005954946 0.4655 0.003626 0.001687903 0.48888 0.014121 0.006903474 0.5144 0.023375 0.0120241 0.54083 0.078236 0.042312376 0.56552 0.008778 0.004964135 0.57075 0.002099 0.001198004 0.59536 0.11354 0.067597174 0.62179 0.10591 0.065853779 0.62796 0.023662 0.01485879 0.67734 0.084915 0.057516326 0.70665 0.008301 0.005865902 0.73074 0.019082 0.013943981 0.73918 0.007633 0.005642161 0.76668 0.041026 0,031453814 0.81638 0.005248 0.004284362 0.84702 0.9541 0.808141782 0.85729 0.069649 0.059709391 0.864 0.001908 0.001648512 0.88409 0.6526 0.576957134 0.9226 0.001431 0.001320241 0.94786 0.040358 0.038253734 0.9669 0.00353 0.003413157 0.97467 0.046751 0.045566797 1.0403 0.019082 0.019851005 1.0726 0.15266 0.163743116 1.1001 0.00687 0.007557687 1.1032 0.007251 0.007999303 1.1362. 0.097318 0.110572712 1.1591 0.00353 0.004091623 1.164 0.001336 0.001555104 1.19 0.00353 0.0042007 1.239 0.002099 0.002600661 1.2695 0.005629 0.007146016 1.3224 0.00105 0.00138852 1.336 0.001431 0.001911816 1.3526 0.004484 0.006065058 1.4143 0.002194 0.003102974 1.4282 0.001717 0.002452219 1.4314 0.001717 0.002457714 1.4552 0.022898 0.03332117 1.47 0.007728 0.01136016 1.5055 0.001145 0.001723798 1.5415 0.005057 0.007795366 1.6138 0.043602 0.070364908 1.6292 0.002576 0.004196819 1.6443 0.004007 0.00658871 1.6552 0.00229 0.003790408 1.7415 0.026715 0.046524173 1.8068 0.057246 0.103432073 1.9259 0.001813 0.00 3491657 2.0206 0.001717 0.00346937 2.1599 0.002099 0.00453363 2.3124 0.002385 0.005515074 2.4674 0.001527 0.00376772 1.7872 0.013348 0.023855546 2.625317013 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: 1-135 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00411 0.000244 1.00284E-06 0.029458 0.000686 2.02082E-05 0.029779 0.001273 3.79087E-05 0.0336 0.000452 1.518726-05 0.2205 0.017452 0.003848166 0.22972 0.002317 0.000532261 0.26426 0.00184 0.000486238 0.28845 0.030899 0.008912817 0.29027 0.003033 0.000880389 0.36185 0.00186 0.000673041 0.40303 0.002317 0.000933821 B9 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.41483 0.41763 0.42993 0.43374 0.45163 0.54656 0.57597 0.64985 0.69013 0.70792 0.78548 0.79771 0.8368 0.96146 0.97196 0.97261 0.99509 1.0388 1.1016 1.124 1.1315 1.1599 1.169 1.2405 1.2604 1.3679 1.4484 1.4576 1.5028 1.5664 1.678 1.7065 1.7912 1.8307 1.9273 2.0459 2.2555 2.4087 1.0734 0.003004 0.03519 0.003033 0.005522 0.003147 0.071239 0.001288 0.004549 0.001288 0.00658 0.001516 0.001717 0.066661 0.001459 0.008869 0.012016 0.001545 0.07925 0.016022 0.036049 0.22516 0.00103 0.008726 0.009012 0.2861 0.006065 0.003147 0.086402 0.010729 0.012875 0.095271 0.040912 0.076961 0.005779 0.002947 0.008697 0.006122 0.009527 0.014948 Photon Emission Products: Rb-86 Energy(MeV) Fraction 1.0766 0.087795 Photon Emission Products: Cs-134 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00447 0.000894 0.031817 0.002144 0.032194 0.003955 0.0364 0.001439 0.47535 0.0146 0.56323 0.0838 0.56932 0.1543 0.6047 0.976 0.79584 0.854 0.80193 0.0873 1.0386 0.01 1.1679 0.018 1.3652 0.0304 0.27688 0.000354 Photon Emission Products: Cs-136 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00447 0.02818 0.031817 0.049454 0.032194 0.091244 0.0364 0.033205 0.06691 0.12463 0.08629 0.062811 0.10966 0.004088 0.15322 0.074576 0.16389 0.046061 0.16653 0.006281 0.17655 0.13559 0.18725 0.005982 0.27365 0.12662 0.31987 0.005982 0.34057 0.48454 0.50721 0.009771 0.8185 0.997 1.0481 0.79561 1.2353 0.19741 0.78724 0.0033 0.001246149 0.0146964 0.001303978 0.002395112 0.00142128 0.038936388 0.000741849 0.002956168 0.000888887 0.004658114 0.001190788 0.001369668 0.055781925 0.00140277 0.008620313 0.011686882 0.001537414 0.0823249 0.017649835 0.040519076 0.25476854 0.001194697 0.010200694 0.011179386 0.36060044 0.008296314 0.004558115 0.125939555 0.016123541 0.0201674 0.159864738 0.069816328 0.137852543 0.010579615 0.005679753 0.017793192 0.013808171 0.022947685 0.016G45183 1.575084826 MeV/decay 0.094520097 0.094520097 MeVldecay 3.99618E-06 6.82156E-05 0.000127327 5.23796E-05 0.00694011 0.047198674 0.087846076 0.5901872 0.67964736 0.070008489 0.010386 0.0210222 0.04150208 9.80155E-05 1.555088123 MeVldecay 0.000125965 0.001573478 0.002937509 0.001208662 0.008338993 0.005419961 0.00044829 0.011426535 0.007548937 0.001045975 0.023938415 0.00112013 0.034649563 0.001913462 0,165019788 0.004955949 0.8160445 0.833878841 0.243860573 0.002597892 2.168053417 MeV/decay B10 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B Photon Emission Products: Cs-137 0 MeV/decay Photon Emission Products: Sb-127 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00377 0.003878 0.027202 0.010551 0.027472 0.019684 0.031 0.006833 0.0611 0.014209 0.1543 0.001142 0.2524 0.083895 0.2804 0.005355 0.2908 0.018207 0.2933 0.002856 0.31 0.002035 0.3918 0.009282 0.405 0.001142 0.4116 0.034272 0.4407 0,002499 0.4449 0.042126 0.451 0.001785 0.456 0.001071 0.473 0.25026 0.5028 0.006069 0.543 0.026418 0.5842 0.003213 0.6036 0.042483 0.6378 0.00357 0.6535 0.002499 0.6669 0.005355 0.6823 0.005355 0.6852 0.357 0.6985 0.033915 0.7222 0.017493 0.7459 0.001071 0.7838 0.14673 0.8173 0.002678 0.8201 0.001142 0.9235 0.004605 1.1412 0.00357 1.2903 0.003463 0.73674 0.005319 Photon Emission Products: Sb-129 Energy(MeV) Fraction. 0.00377 0.000309 0.027202 0.00094 0.027472 0.001754 0.031 0.000609 0.0961 0.001828 0.1162 0.001828 0.1466 0.002285 0.1808 0.026963 0.2447 0.005484 0.2686 0.002742 0.2955 0.010968 0.3135 0.00914 0.3325 0.002285 0.3594 0.030162 0.363 0.00457 0.405 0.014624 0.4535 0.008226 0.4996 0.002285 0.5238 0.016909 0.5447 0.19057 0.6337 0.029248 0.6543 0.03199 0.6698 0.008683 0.6836 0.007312 0.6836 0.054383 0.7371 0.004113 0.761 0.040216 0.7734 0.029248 0.7866 0.020108 0.8128 0.457 0.8762 0.02742 0.9146 0.21296 0.9397 0.007769 0.9664 0.081803 0.9954 0.001371 1.0301 0.1339 1.0838 0.005484 1.1043 0.002285 1.1254 0.001143 1.1392 0.001828 1.46201 E-05 0.000287008 0.000540759 0.000211823 0.00086817 0.000176211 0.021175098 0.001501542 0.005294596 0.000837665 0.00063085 0.003636688 0.00046251 0.014106355 0.001101309 0.018741857 0.000805035 0.000488376 0.11837298 0.003051493 0.014344974 0.001877035 0.025642739 0.002276946 0.001633097 0.00357125 0.003653717 0.2446164 0.023689628 0.012633445 0.000798859 0.115006974 0.002188729 0.000936554 0.004252718 0.004074084 0.004468309 0.00391872 0.66188912 MeVldecay 1.16493E-06 2.55699E-05 4.81859E-05 0.000018879 0.000175671 0.000212414 0.000334981 0.00487491 0.001341935 0.000736501 0.003241044 0.00286539 0.000759763 0.010840223 0.00165891 0.00592272 0.003730491 0.001141586 0.008856934 0.103803479 0.018534458 0.020931057 0.005815873 0.004998483 0.037176219 0.003031692 0.030604376 0.022620403 0.015816953 0.3714496 0.024025404 0.194773216 0.007300529 0.079054419 0.001364693 0.13793039 0.005943559 0.002523326 0.001286332 0.002082458 811 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1 Attachment B 1.1618 1.1678 1.2085 1.2233 1.2374 1.257 1.2613 1.273 1.2808 1.3 1.3172 1.3259 1.4186 1.4361 1.4797 1.5259 1.54 1.5687 1.5985 1.6211 1.6546 1.7241 1.7365 1.8418 1.8699 2.0696 2.113 1.3107 0.001143 0.002742 0.009597 0.001828 0.002742 0.003656 0.007769 0.002742 0.005941 0.002742 0.003656 0.005484 0.005484 0.003199 0.005027 0.00457 0.001371 0.007312 0.005484 0.002742 0.010511 0.002742 0.063523 0.002285 0.003199 0.005941 0.003656 0.009826 Photon Emission Products: Te-127 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.3603 0.001344 0.4179 0.00988 0.17269 0.001302 Photon Emission Products: Te-127m Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00377 0.073215 0.027202 0.10415 0.027472 0.19432 0.031 0.067455 0.08826 0.000867 0.00394 0.001214 0.028317 0.003047 0.028612 0.005674 0.0323 0.001988 0.0576 0.003783 0.64861 0.000113 Photon Emission Products: Te-129 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00394 0.06163 0.02777 0.16259 0.20896 0.001661 0.25062 0.003529 0.27843 0.005226 0.28126 0.001519 0.4596 0.071 0.48739 0.013064 0.8021 0.001768 1.0839 0.004544 1.1116 0.001761 0.65688 0.003779 Photon Emission Products: Te-129m Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00377 0.047537 0.027202 0.078797 0.027472 0.14701 0.031 0.051032 0.1055 0.001472 0.00394 0.000111 0.55665 0.00129 0.69588 0.032716 0.72957 0.007629 0.74252 0.003084 0.001327937 0.003202108 0.011597975 0.002236192 0.003392951 0.004595592 0.00979904 0.003490566 0.007609233 0.0035646 0.004815683 0.007271236 0.007779602 0.004594084 0.007438452 0.006973363 0.00211134 0.011470334 0.008766174 0.004445056 0.017391501 0.004727482 0.11030769 0.004208513 0.00598181 0.012295494 0.007725128 0.012878938 1.429852265 MeV/decay 0.000484243 0.004128852 0.000224842 0.004837938 MeVldecay 0.000276021 0.002833088 0.005338359 0.002091105 7.65214E-05 4.78316E-06 8.62819E-05 0.000162344 6.42124E-05 0.000217901 7.32929E-05 0.01122391 MeVldecay 0.000242822 0.004515124 0.000347083 0.000884438 0.001455075 0.000427234 0.0326316 0.006367263 0.001418113 0.004925242 0.001957528 0.00248235 0.057653871 MeVldecay 0.000179214 0.002143436 0.004038659 0.001581992 0.000155296 4.3734E-07 0.000718079 0.02276641 0.00556589 0.002289932 0.039439344 MeV/decay Photon Emission Products: Te-131m Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00377 0.016695 6.29402E-05 0.027202 0.035883 0.000976089 0.027472 0.066946 0.001839141 B12 of 856
L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment B 0.031 0.18225 0,00394 0.028317 0.028612 0.0323 0.07919 0.08114 0.08643 0.1016
- 0. 10208 0.13486 0.14972 0.15966 0.18225 0.18311 0.188 13 0.18976 0.19052 0.20063 0.21398 0.23065 0.24093 0.253 17 0.25544 0.2692 0.27856 0.2832 0.30947 0.33427
- 0. 33544 0.34292
- 0. 3513
- 0. 3547 0.36498
- 0. 3839 0.4174 0.4324 0.45232 0.46292 0.46816 0.49266 0.5248 0.5307 0.5414 0.5863 0.60204 0.6094 0.66505 0.6859 0.69562 0.7025 0.71 31 0.7442
- 0. 77367 0.7741
- 0. 78249
- 0. 79375 0.,82278 0.8449 0.85221 0.85221 0.85608 0.8651 0.8723 0.91 0.92062 0.9234 0.94 127 0.9878 0.99926 1.0354 1.0597 1.1255 1.128
- 1. 1489 1.1489 1.1509 1.1655 1.2066 1.2373 1.3152 1.3406 1.3948 1.646 1.8877 2.0009 0.023239 0.008547 0.0 11091 0.02832 0.052738 0.0 18481 0.001279 0.040682 0.00 1472 0.00 1705 0.079426 0.00709 0.050755 0.00 1279 0.007361 0.00 155 0.002131 0.005037 0.001162 0.75552 0.004262 0.00 1937 0.075939 0.006509 0.003 1 0.00 1085 0.017822 0.003874 0.003758 0.095699 0.001356 0.003874 0.002092 0.002286 0.012011 0.0020 15 0.00279 0,.006625 0.0 15498 0.0182 1 0.003138 0.002325 0.00 1356 0.00 1046 0.00 1124 0.0 1976 M,031 0.00 1395 0.043394 0.00155 0.003991 0.003913 0.014335 0.01 5885 0.38202 0.005424 0.077876 0.1387 0.0612 16 0.00 155 0.003874 0.20651 0.006199 0.00 1937 0.001007 0.032933 0.012011 0.001162 0.007826 0.00 155 0.001705 0.001046 0.0 15498 0.1143 0.009686 0.0 1511 0.003836 0.006586 0.00 1395 0.097636 0.006586 0.006974 0.00 1007 0.00 1085 0.012398 0.013561 0.020147 0.000720409 0.001557691 4.36985E-05 0.00080 1937 0.00150894 0.000596936 0.00010 1284 0.003300937 0.000127225 0.000 173228 0.008 106218 0.000956157 0.007599039 0.000204205 0.00 134 1542 0.00028382 1 0.000400905 0.,00095582 1 0.00022 1384 0.01 5157998 0.000911983 0.000446769 0.01 8295983 0.001647884 0.000791864 0.000292082 0.004964496 0.001097117 0.001162988
- 0. 03 1989305
- 0. 000454857
- 0. 00 1328472 0.00073492 0.0008 10844 0.004383775 0.000773559 0.001164546 0.00286465 0.0070 10055 0.008429773 0.001469086 0.001145435 0.000711629 0.000555112 0.000608534 0.011585288 0.001866324 0.000850 113 0.02885918 0.001063145 0.002776219 0.002748883 0.010222289 0.011821617 0.295557413 0.004 198718 0.060937191 0.110093125 0.0503673 0.001309595 0.003301462 0.175989887 0.00530684 0,001,675699
- 0. 000878406 0.02996903 0.011057567 0.00107299 1 0.007366379 0.00 153109 0.00 1703738 0.00 1083028 0.01642323 1 0.12864465 0.010925808 0.017359879 0.00440718 0.007579827 0.00 1625873 0.117807598 0.008 148858 0.009 172205 0.001349984 0.001513358 0.020407 108 0.0255991 0.040312 132 B13 of 656
L-003064, Rev 1, Attachment B 2.1685 0.003487 2.2707 0.003836 0.63194 0.035532 Photon Emission Products: Te-132 Energy(MeV) 0.00394 0.028317 0.028612 0,0323 0.04972 0.11176 0.1163 0.22816 Fraction 0.072597 0.18306 0.3409 0.11946 0.13112 0.01848 0.01936 0.88 Photon Emission Products: Sr-89 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.9091 0.00015 Photon Emission Products: Sr-90 Photon Emission Products: Sr-91 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.2612 0.004355 0.2727 0.002535 0.2747 0.010043 0.3799 0.00143 0.6201 0.017225 0.6313 0.005395 0.6523 0.028925 0.6529 0.078 0.653 0.00455 0.7498 0.22978 0.7614 0.00559 0.8208 0.00156 0.8797 0.00182 0.9258 0.037375 1.0243 0.325 1.0546 0.002177 1.1408 0.001235 1.2809 0.009068 1.4134 0.009523 1.4738 0.001625 1.6514 0.002827 1.724 0.00156 0.77634 0.011908 Photon Emission Products: Sr-92 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.24152 0.0297 0.43056 0.0333 0.4913 0.00261 0.6507 0.00369 0.95332 0.036 1.1423 0.0288 1.3839 0.9 0.66462 0.00171 Photon Emission Products: Ba-139 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00465 0.004783 0.033034 0.009344 0.033442 0.017208 0.0378 0.006319 0.16585 0.1736 1.4205 0.0028 1.2711 0.001053 Photon Emission Products: Ba-140 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00465 0.14713 0.01385 0.01173 0.02997 0.14025 0.033034 0.00532 0.033442 0.009797 0.0378 0.003598 0.13284 0.002142 0.16264 0.06732 0.30484 0.045058 0.4237 0.032461. 0.43755 0.019941 0.46757 0.00153 0.00756156 0.008710405 0.022454092 1.426278626 MeV/decay 0.000286032 0.00518371 0.009753831 0.003858558 0.006519286 0.002065325 0.002251568 0.2007808 0.23069911 MeVldecay 0.000136365 0.000136365 MeVldecay 0 MeVIdecay 0.001137526 0.000691295 0.002758812 0.000543257 0.010681223 0.003405864 0.018867778 0.0509262 0.00297115 0.172289044 0.004256226 0.001280448 0.001601054 0.034601775 0.3328975 0.002295864 0.001408888 0.011615201 0.013459808 0.002394925 0.004668508 0.00268944 0.009244657 0.686686441 MeVldecay 0.007173144 0.014337648 0.001282293 0.002401083 0.03431952 0.03289824 1.24551 0.0011365 1.339058428 MeV/decay 2.2241E-05 0.00030867 0.00057547 0.000238858 0.02879156 0.0039774 0.001338468 0.035252667 MeV/decay 0.000684155 0.000162461 0.004203293 0.000175741 0.000327631 0.000136004 0.000284543 0.010948925 0.013735481 0.013753726 0.008725185 0.000715382 B14 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1 Attachment B 0.53732 0.255 0.11884 0.000714 Photon Emission Products: Co-58 Energy(MeV) 0.0007 0.006391 0.006404 0.00706 0.81076 0.86394 1.6747 0.511 Fraction 0.003622 0.077827 0.1535 0.030998 0.9943 0.007358 0.005369 0.2986 Photon Emission Products: Co-60 Energy(MeV) Fraction 1.1732 1 1.3325 1 0.69382 0.000163 Photon Emission Products: Mo-99 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00242 0.00205 0.018251 0.009046 0.018367 0.017297 0.0206 0.00519 0.040584 0.008832 0.14051 0.037888 0.18106 0.062336 0.36643 0.013696 0.73958 0.128 0.778 0.0448 0.8229 0.001331 0.68013 0.002584 Photon Emission Products: Tc-99m Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00242 0.004838 0.018251 0.021021 0.018367 0.040194 0.0206 0.012059 0.14051 0.8907 0.14263 0.000214 Photon Emission Products: Ru-103 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0027 0.000533 0.020074 0.002511 0.020216 0.004773 0.0227 0.001486 0.053275 0.003734 0.29498 0.002489 0.4438 0.0032 0.49708 0.889 0.55704 0.008268 0.61033 0.056007 0.48693 0.001249 Photon Emission Products: Ru-105 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0027 0.000351 0.020074 0.001653 0.020216 0.003143 0.0227 0.000978 0.0859 0.0032 0.1492 0.0167 0.1636 0.0014 0.1836 0.001 0.225 0.0015 0.2629 0.072 0.3165 0.117 0.3261 0.0118 0.3309 0.0079 0.35 0.003 0.3502 0.011 0.3934 0.042 0.4075 0.0018 0.4135 0.0248 0.4694 0.175 0.47 0.013 0.4896 0.0059 0.1370166 8.48518E-05 0.190953977 MeVldecay 2.5354E-06 0.000497392 0.000983014 0.000218846 0.806138668 0.006356871 0.008991464 0.1525846 0.97577339 MeV/decay 1.1732 1.3325 0.000113093 2.505813093 MeV/decay 0.000004961 0.000165099 0.000317694 0.000106914 0.000358438 0.005323643 0.011286556 0.005018625 0.09466624 0.0348544 0.00109528 0.001757456 0.154955306 MeV/decay 1.1708E-05 0.000383654 0.000738243 0.000248415 0.125152257 3.05228E-05 0.126564801 MeV/decay 1.4391E-06 5.04058E-05 9.6491 E-05 3.37322E-05 0.000198929 0.000734205 0.00142016 0.44190412 0.004605607 0.034182752 0.000608176 0.483836017 MeV/decay 9.477E-07 3.31823E-05 6.35389E-05 2.22006E-05 0.00027488 0.00249164 0.00022904 0.0001836 0.0003375 0.0189288 0.0370305 0.00384798 0.00261411 0.00105 0.0038522 0.0165228 0.0007335 0.0102548 0.082145 0.00611 0.00288864 B15 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.4992 0.5004 0.5137 0.5392 0.575 0.5753 0.6323 0.6386 0.6526 0.656 0.6561 0.6764 0.7245 0.8221 0.8459 0.8758 0.9077 0.9694, 1.0172 1.3211 0.70736 Photon Emission Products: Ru-106 Photon Emission Products: Rh-105 Energy(MeV) 0.024 0.0119808 0.003 0.0015012 0.0036 0.00184932 0.0013 0.00070096 0.0013 0.0007475 0.0107 0.00615571 0.0023 0.00145429 0.0028 0.00178808 0.0035 0.0022841 0.002 0.001312 0.024 0.0157464 0.167 0.1129588 0.49 0.355005 0.0019 0.00156199 0.0073 0.00617507 0.034 0.0297772 0.0059 0.00535543 0.0234 0.02268396 0.0034 0.00345848 0.0023 0.00303853 0.01281 0.009061282 0.784210961 MeV/decay 0 MeVldecay Fraction 0.00284 0.000228 6.4752E-07 0.02102 0.000992 2.08518E-05 0.021177 0.001882 3.98551E-05 0.0238 0.000598 1.42324E-05 0.2801 0.00167 0.000467767 0.3061 0.051264 0.01569191 0.3189 0.192 0.0612288 0.29492 0.00063 0.0001858 0.077649864 MeV/decay Photon Emission Products: Ce-141 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00503 0.026505 0.00013332 0.03555 0.048821 0.001735587 0.036026 0.089416 0.003221301 0.0407 0.033592 0.001367194 0.14544 0.484 0.07039296 0.076850362 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: Ce-143 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00503 0.096319 0.000484485 0.03555 0.17684 0.006286662 0.036026 0.32388 0.011668101 0,0407 0.12167 0.004951969 0.057365 0.1176 0.006746124 0.169 0.00294 0.00049686 0.216 0.002058 0.000444528 0.23156 0.02016 0.00466825 0.29326 0.42 0.1231692 0.338 0.002856 0.000965328 0.35059 0.0336 0.011779824 0.43302 0.001344 0.000581979 0.439 0.001176 0.000516264 0.49036 0.01974 0.009679706 0.58728 0.002436 0.001430614 0.66455 0.0525 0.034888875 0.72196 0.05124 0.03699323 0.88039 0.00924 0.008134804 1.103 0.003654 0.004030362 0.61062 0.008925 0.005449784 0.273366948 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: Ce-144 Energy(MeV) 0.005 0.033 0.035 0.036C 0.04 0.040 0.0801 0.133 0.067 Photon Emission Products: Np.239 Energy(MeV) Fraction 03 0.015785 7.93986E-05 62 0.00283 9.51446E-05 55 0.024311 0.000864256 '26 0.044525 0.001604058 .07 0.016727 0.000680789 '93 0.003888 0.000159136 06 0.015984 0.001280414 54 0.108 0.01442232 '35 0.001325 8.92388E-05 0.019274755 MeVIdecay Fraction 43 0.61788 0.008835684 .12 0.001001 4.94614E-05 B16 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.057273 0.06148 0.09955 0.10376 0.10613 0.117 0.18172 0.20975 0.22638 0.22818 0.25441 0.2776 0.28541 0.31588 0.3343 0.15151 0.001509 0.009588 0.14713 0.23654 0.22701 0.11127 0.001114 0.03243 0.003384 0.10716 0.001001 0.141 0.007755 0.015933 0.020304 0.003933 Photon Emission Products: Pu-238 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0136 0.11575 0.055303 0.000473 Photon Emission Products: Pu-239 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0136 0.044141 0.11291 0.000476 Photon Emission Products: Pu-240 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0136 0.11012 0.054327 0.000525 Photon Emission Products: Pu-241 Photon Emission Products: Y-9O Photon Emission Products: Y-91 Energy(MeV) Fraction 1.2049 0.003 Photon Emission Products: Y-92 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.4485 0.023352 0.4926 0.004851 0.5611 0.024047 0.8443 0.01251 0.9126 0.006255 0.93446 0.139 1.1324 0.002433 1.4054 0.047816 1.8473 0.0036 1.6472 0.001519 Photon Emission Products: Y-93 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00204 0.000043 0.015691 0.000318 0.015775 0.000611 "0.0177 0.000172 0.2669 0.068502 0.6802 0.006081 0.9471 0.019502 1.2033 0.001027 1.4254 0.002377 1.4505 0.003355 1.9178 0.01405 2.1846 0.001552 2.1908 0.001713 1.4133 0.003257 Photon Emission Products: Zr-95 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.72418 0.43656 0.75671 0.55345 8.6425E-05 0.00058947 0.014646792 0.02454339 0.024092571 0.01301859 0.000202436 0.006802193 0.00076607 0.024451769 0.000254664 0.0391416 0.002213355 0.005032916 0.006787627 0.000595889 0.172110902 MeV/decay 0.0015742 2.61583E-05 0.001600358 MeVldecay 0.000600318 5.37452E-05 0.000654063 MeVldecay 0.001497632 2.85217E-05 0.001526154 MeV/decay 0 MeV/decay 0 MeVIdecay 0.0036147 0.0036147 MeVldecay 0.010473372 0.002389603 0.013492772 0.010562193 0.005708313 0.12988994 0.002755129 0.067200606 0.00665028 0.002502097 0.251624305 MeV/decay 8.772E-08 4.98974E-06 9.63853E-06 3.0444E-06 0.018283184 0.004136296 0.018470344 0.001235789 0.003388176 0.004866428 0.02694509 0.003390499 0.00375284 0.004603118 0.089089525 MeV/decay 0.316148021 0.41880115 0.73494917 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: Zr-97 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.2022 0.001021 0.000206446 0.21868 0.002321 0.000507556 B17 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.25415 0.012533 0.003185262 0.27227 0.002507 0.000682581 0.33043 0.001114 0.000368099 0.35539 0.022746 0.008083701 0.40039 0.003249 0.001300867 0.50763 0.052919 0.026863272 0.51347 0.005106 0.002621778 0.60252 0.013926 0.008390694 0.69063 0.002507 0.001731409 0.6992 0.001207 0.000843934 0.7038 0.009284 0.006534079 0.7957 0.001207 0.00096041 0.80453 0.006499 0.00522864 0.8298 0.002228 0.001848794 0.8549 0.003342 0.002857076 0.97139 0.002878 0.00279566 1.0213 0.012069 0.01232607 1.1191 0.001114 0.001246677 1.148 0.026459 0.030374932 1.2761 0.009748 0.012439423 1.3627 0.013462 0.018344667 1.7505 0.013462 0.023565231 1.8516 0.003528 0.006532445 0.34409 0.002135 0.000734632 0.180574337 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: Nb-95 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00229 0.000053 1.2137E-07 0.017374 0.000281 4.88209E-06 0.017479 0.000538 9.4037E-06 0.0196 0.000158 3.0968E-06 0.76579 0.99808 0.764319683 0.38917 0.000289 0.00011247 0.764449657 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: La-140 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00484 0.002549 1.23372E-05 0.034279 0.004718 0.000161728 0.03472 0.008656 0.000300536 0.0393 0.003223 0.000126664 0.10942 0.00191 0.000208992 0.13112 0.005538 0.000726143 0.17355 0.001241 0.000215376 0.24197 0.004297 0.001039745 0.26655 0.00487 0.001298099 0.32877 0.2053 0.067496481 0.43253 0.029411 0.01272114 0.48703 0.45549 0.221837295 0.75179 0.044021 0.033094548 0.81585 0.23491 0.191651324 0.86782 0.056339 0.048892111 0.91963 0.028838 0.02652029 0.92524 0.070854 0.065556955 0.9509 0.005347 0.005084462 1.5965 0.9549 1.52449785 2.3488 0.008508 0.01998359 2.5217 0.034567 0.087167604 2.5471 0.001041 0.002651531 1.208 0.004163 0.005028904 2.316273704 MeV/decay Photon Emission Products: La-141 Energy(MsV) Fraction 1.3545 0.0262 0.0354879 1.6933 0.001179 0.001996401 1.6743 0.003107 0.00520205 0.042686351 MeV/decay Photon Emission Products: La-142 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00484 0.000286 1.38424E-06 0.034279 0.000647 2.21785E-05 0.03472 0.001187 4.12126E-05 0.0393 0.000442 1.73706E-05 0.1061 0.001575 0.000167108 0.1741 0.00105 0.000182805 0.3673 0.00105 0.000385665 0.3937 0.00105 0.000413385 0.4208 0.002625 0.0011046 0.43334 0.0042 0.001820028 0.5147 0.001575 0.000810653 0.532 0.001575 0.0008379 0.57809 0.01365 0.007890929 0.6195 0.001575 0.000975713 0.64117 0.525 0.33661425 B18 of B56
L-003064, Revi1, Attachment B 0.86157 0.01995 0.017188322 0.8782 0.0021 0.00184422 0.89485 0.093975 0.084093529 0.9465 0.00105 0.000993825 0.9622 0.0042 0.00404124 0.9912 0.00105 0.00104076 1.0067 0.002625 0.002642588 1.01 14 0.043575 0,044071755 1.0392 0.00105 0.00109116 1.0437 0.03045 0.031780665 1.0618 0.001575 0.001672335 1.0703 0.001575 0.001685723 1.0742 0.00105 0.00112791 1.0889 0.002625 0.002858363 1.1126 0.00105 0.00116823 1.1167 0.00105 0.001172535 1.1306 0.00525 0.00593565 1.1445 0.001575 0.001802588 1.1602 0.019425 0.022536885 1.1743 0.001575 0,001849523 1.1909 0.0042 0.00500178 1.2315 0.00315 0.003879225 1.2331 0.020475 0.025247723 1.2423 0.0021 0.00260883 1.2847 0.00105 0.001327935 1.2701 0.00105 0.001333605 1.288 0.00105 0.0013524 1.3232 0.003675 0.00486276 1.3323 0.00105 0.001398915 1.3546 0.00105 0.00142233 1.363 0.023625 0.032200875 1.3736 0.0021 0.00288456 1.3893 0.004725 0.006564443 1.3953 0.0021 0.00293013 1.4022 0.001575 0.002208465 1.4455 0.001575 0.002276663 1.4551 0.00105 0.001527855 1.4937 0.001575 0.002352578 1.5163 0.004725 0.007164518 1.5355 0.002625 0.004030688 1.5402 0.00525 0.00808605 1.5458 0.033075 0.051127335 1.6182 0.00315 0.00509733 1.6514 0.0021 0.00346794 1.6881 0.002625 0.004431263 1.7229 0.0168 0.02894472 1.7524 0.00105 0.00184002 1.7564 0.033075 0.05809293 1.768 0.0021 0.0037128 1.771 0.0021 0.0037191 1.7938 0.00105 0.00188349 1.8063 0.001575 0.002844923 1.8171 0.00105 0.001907955 1.8854 0.005775 0.010888185 1.9013 0.08715 0.165698295 1.923 0.002625 0.005047875 1.9335 0.001575 0.003045263 1.9482 0.00525 0.01022805 1.9606 0.001575 0.003087945 2.0042 0.0105 0.0210441 2.0255 0.01365 0.027648075 2.0387 0.011025 0.022476668 2.0504 0.00525 0.0107646 2.0552 0.0294 0.06042288 2.0769 0.00735 0.015265215 2.0861 0.0042 0.00876162 2.1004 0.0105 0.0220542 2.1262 0.003675 0.007813785 2.1393 0.005775 0.012354458 2.1803 0.005775 0.012591233 2.1872 0.058275 0.12745908 2.2905 0.003675 0.008417588 2.3584 0.0084 0.01981056 2.3644 0.004725 0.01117179 2.3977 0.16275 0,390225675 2.4195 0.0021 0.00508095 2.4594 0.0042 0.01032948 2.5132 0.001575 0.00395829 2.5323 0.00105 0.002658915 2.5394 0.007875 0.019997775 2.5427 0.11235 0.285672345 2.6635 0.007875 0.020975063 2.6668 0.0189 0.05040252 2.6726 0.0021 0.00561246 2.7823 0.00315 0.008764245 2.8008 0.0063 0.01764504 2.8181 0.0084 0.02367204 819 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 2.8286 0.002625 0.007425075 2.97 0.007875 0.02338875 2.972 0.033075 0.0982989 2.9917 0.00105 0.003141285 2.9999 0.00525 0.015749475 3.0071 0.0021 0.00631491 3.0129 0.00735 0.022144815 3.0223 0.00105 0.003173415 3.0343 0.005775 0.017523083 3.0469 0.0042 0.01279698 3.0759 0.001575 0.004844543 3.155 0.0021 0.0066255 3.181 0.00315 0.01002015 3.2367 0.00315 0.010195605 3,2424 0.0021 0.00680904 3.2732 0.001575 0.00515529 3.3147 0.01365 0.045245655 3.4019 0.00315 0.010715985 3.4593 0.003675 0.012712928 3.6121 0.008925 0.032237993 3.6327 0.01155 0.041957685 3.7191 0.00315 0.011715165 3.8504 0.002625 0.0101073 2.718960898 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: Pr-143 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.74198 0 0 0 MeV/decay Photon Emission Products: Nd-147 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.00543 0.079239 0.000430268 0.038171 0.12956 0.004945435 0.038725 0.23557 0.009122448 0.0438 0.090554 0.003966265 0.091106 0.28 0.02550968 0.12048 0.003976 0.000479028 0.19664 0.002044 0.000401932 0.27537 0.008036 0.002212873 0.31941 0.0196 0.006260436 0.39816 0.008736 0.003478326 0.41048 0.0014 0.000574672 0.4399 0.01204 0.005296396 0.48924 0.00154 0.00075343 0.53102 0.13132 0.069733546 0.5948 0.00266 0.001582168 0.6859 0.008148 0.005588713 0.61662 0.000655 0.000403886 0.140739503 MeV/decay Photon Emission Products: Am-241 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0139 0.427 0.0059353 0.026345 0.024 0.00063228 0.033205 0.00106 3.51973E-05 0.059537 0.359 0.021373783 0.069231 0.001793 0.000124131 0.028100691 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: Cm-242 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0143 0.11543 0.001650649 0.059249 0.000386 2.28701 E-05 0.001673519 MeVldecay Photon Emission Products: Cm-244 Energy(MeV) Fraction 0.0143 0.10307 0.001473901 0.056867 0.000284 1.61502E-05 0.001490051 MeV/decay 620 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B Beta Particle Emission Energy [MeV/decay] Beta Emission Products: Kr-85 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0475 0.00437 0.000207575 0.2514 0.99563 0.250301382 0.250508957 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Kr-85m Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.2382 0.0029 0.00069078 0.2904 0.786 0.2282544 0.0746 0.00021 0.000015666 0.228960846 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Kr-87 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1878 0.005 0.000939 0.2875 0.00108 0.0003105 0.3264 0.044 0.0143616 0.3893 0.0058 0.00225794 0.5004 0.095 0.047538 0.5626 0.0551 0.03099926 0.5787 0.0042 0.00243054 0.87 0.0062 0.005394 0.9456 0.0016 0.00151296 1.0337 0.00124 0.001281788 1.2942 0.069 0.0892998 1.502 0.407 0.611314 1.6948 0.304 0.5152192 1.322858588 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Kr-88 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.038 0.00353 0.00013414 0.109 0.0265 0.0028885 0.165 0.67 0.11055 0.227 0.091 0.020657 0.284 0.0014 0.0003976 0.355 0.00204 0.0007242 0.441 0.0192 0.0084672 0.464 0.0023 0.0010672 0.561 0.0022 0.0012342 0.678 0.009 0,006102 0.697 0.001 0.000697 0.825 0.013 0.010725 1.052 0.0026 0.0027352 1.136 0.018 0.020448 1.233 0.14 0.17262 0.23383 0.00101 0.000236168 0.359683408 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Xe-133 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0751 0.0069 0.00051819 0.1006 0.993 0.0998958 0.0111 0.000076 8.436E-07 0.100414834 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Xe-135 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0253 0.00123 0.000031119 0.171 0.0313 0.0053523 0.246 0.00585 0.0014391 0.308 0.961 0.295988 0.048 0.00075 0.000036 0.302846519 MeVIdecay Beta Emission Products: 1.131 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.06936 0.0212 0.001470432 0.08695 0.00627 0.000545177 0.09662 0.0736 0.007111232 0.19158 0.893 0.17108094 0.28325 0.00393 0.001113173 0.20022 0.00069 0.000138152 0.181459105 MeVIdecay Beta Emission Products: 1-132 Average B21 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.092 0.0026 0.0002392 0.103 0.0012 0.0001236 0.127 0.0019 0.0002413 0.154 0.0053 0.0008162 0.161 0.0033 0.0005313 0.223 0.0076 0.0016948 0.242 0.124 0.030008 0.242 0.019 0.004598 0.275 0.0032 0.00088 0.309 0.0355 0.0109695 0.331 0.081 0.026811 0.342 0.0275 0.009405 0.343 0.0336 0.0115248 0.409 0.0249 0.0101841 0.422 0.189 0.079758 0.44 0.0095 0.00418 0.51 0.00113 0.0005763 0.519 0.017 0.008823 0.543 0.101 0.054843 0.543 0.02 0.01086 0.574 0.0014 0.0008036 0.608 0.124 0.075392 0.841 0.169 0.142129 0.13448 0.004954 0.000666214 0.486057914 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: 1-133 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.046 0.0041 0.0001886 0.11 0.0124 0.001364 0.122 0.00397 0.00048434 0.14 0.0375 0.00525 0.162 0.0313 0.0050706 0.23 0.00542 0.0012466 0.299 0.0416 0.0124384 0.352 0.0181 0.0063712 0.441 0.835 0,368235 0.573 0.0107 0.0061311 0.284 0.00027 0.00007668 0.40685652 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: 1-134 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.255 0.0148 0.003774 0.261 0.0033 0.0008613 0.279 0.00153 0.00042687 0.372 0.0122 0.0045384 0.46 0.325 0.1495 0.5 0.0053 0.00265 0.55 0.081 0.04455 0.58 0.163 0.09454 0.6 0.0367 0.02202 0.66 0.076 0.05016 0.69 0.112 0.07728 0.71 0.0112 0.007952 0.88 0.037 0.03256 0.97 0.115 0.11155 0.26355 0.00226 0.000595623 0.602958193 MeVIdecay Beta Emission Products: 1-135 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.066 0.0014 0.0000924 0.068 0.00126 0.00008568 0.074 0.0014 0.0001036 0.086 0.0108 0.0009288 0.098 0.0091 0.0008918 0.103 0.0139 0.0014317 0.138 0.0473 0.0065274 0.145 0.0733 0.0106285 0.196 0.0157 0.0030772 0.213 0.011 0.002343 0.243 0.079 0.019197 0.272 0.0061 0.0016592 0.313 0.087 0.027231 0.359 0.218 0.078262 0.405 0.079 0.031995 0.451 0.074 0.033374 0.454 0.001 0.000454 0.535 0.236 0.12626 0.591 0.012 0.007092 0.858 0.019 0.016302 0.20722 0.00154 0.000319119 B22 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.368255399 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Rb-86 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.2325 0.0878 0.0204135 0.7093 0.9122 0.64702346 0.66743696 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Cs-134 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.02306 0.274 0.00631844 0.1234 0.0248 0.00306032 0.21011 0.701 0.14728711 0.33529 0.00053 0.000177704 0.156843574 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Cs-136 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0472 0.0249 0.00117528 0.0523 0.0021 0.00010983 0.0988 0.951 0.0939588 0.219 0.022 0.004818 0.10006191 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Cs-137 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1568 0.946 0.1483328 0.4152 0.054 0.0224208 0.1707536 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Sb-127 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0727 0.0011 0.00007997 0.0829 0.0061 0.00050569 0.1275 0.008 0.00102 0.1328 0.0125 0.00166 0.1551 0.0522 0.00809622 0.2111 0.0125 0.00263875 0.264 0.078 0.020592 0.2651 0.172 0.0455972 0.3041 0.349 0.1061309 0.3258 0.041 0.0133578 0.3909 0.228 0.0891252 0.4465 0.024 0.010716 0.5619 0.02 0.011238 0.16435 0.0014 0.00023009 0.31098782 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Sb-129 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.074 0.011 0.000814 0.083 0.0041 0.0003403 0.088 0.02 0.00176 0.156 0.0094 0.0014664 0.166 0.225 0.03735 0.199 0.034 0.006766 0.208 0.266 0.055328 0.236 0.0105 0.002478 0.244 0.0174 0.0042456 0.258 0.011 0.002838 0.304 0.0027 0.0008208 0.371 0.04 0.01484 0.386 0.0059 0.0022774 0.408 0.021 0.008568 0.52 0.032 0.01664 0.587 0.101 0.059287 0.61 0.043 0.02623 0.666 0.027 0.017982 0.706 0.077 0.054362 0.741 0.009 0.006669 0.841 0.0027 0.0022707 0.901 0.038 0.034238 0.068 0.00046 0.00003128 0.35760248 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Te-127 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0782 0.01184 0.000925888 0.2247 0.98789 0.221978883 0.14827 0.000267 3.95881E-05 B23 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.222944359 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Te-127m Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.2529 0.0182 0.00460278 0.020075 0.000113 2.26848E-06 0.004605048 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Te-129 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1141 0.0081 0.00092421 0.2149 0.00196 0.000421204 0.3206 0.0023 0.00073738 0.35 0.086 0.0301 0,437 0.0052 0.0022724 0.5445 0.9 0.49005 0.074546 0.000565 4.21185E-05 0.524547312 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Te-129m Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0555 0.00166 0.00009213 0.2948 0.0076 0.00224048 0.3083 0.033 0.0101739 0.6073 0.328 0.1991944 0.23254 0.000839 0.000195101 0.211896011 MeVIdecay Beta Emission Products: Te-131m Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0433 0.0056 0.00024248 0.0518 0.0031 0.00016058 0.0715 0.002 0.000143 0.0733 0.0045 0.00032985 0.074 0.0095 0.000703 0.0913 0.0165 0.00150645 0.108 0.00341 0.00036828 0.1256 0.0227 0.00285112 0.129 0.054 0.006966 0.1362 0.369 0.0502578 0.1383 0.001 0.0001383 0.1557 0.0214 0.00333198 0.1648 0.166 0.0273568 0.169 0.015 0.002535 0.2599 0.025 0.0064975 0.394 0.0022 0.0008668 0.502 0.0037 0.0018574 0.525 0.002 0.00105 0.97 0.038 0.03686 0.26913 0.001817 0.000489009 0.144511349 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Te-132 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0594 1 0.0594 0.0594 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Sr-89 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.583 0.99985 0.58291255 0.1876 0.00015 0.00002814 0.58294069 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Sr-90 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1958 1 0.1958 0.1958 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Sr-91 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1229 0.00231 0.000283899 0.1488 0.0144 0.00214272 0.2009 0.0202 0.00405818 0.2343 0.00361 0.000845823 0.3989 0.339 0.1352271 0.4134 0.0177 0.00731718 0.4445 0.00185 0.000822325 0.518 0.244 0.126392 0.5705 0.00643 0.003668315 B24 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.8129 0.033 0.0268257 1.1212 0.308 0.3453296 0.11021 0.00127 0.000139967 0.653052809 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Sr-92 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.174 0.96 0.16704 0.345 0.003 0.001035 0.371 0.0021 0.0007791 0.777 0.04 0.03108 0.1999341 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Ba-139 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.2974 0.0032 0.00095168 0.837 0.22 0.18414 0.912 0.78 0.71136 0.30467 0.000617 0.000187981 0.896639661 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Ba-140 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.136 0.26 0.03536 0.177 0.102 0.018054 0.306 0.044 0.013464 0.34 0.37 0.1258 0.357 0.22 0.07854 0.271218 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Co-58 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Co-60 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.09579 1 0.09579 0.09579 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Mo-99 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0598 0.00113 0.000067574 0.1042 0.00136 0.000141712 0.133 0.173 0.023009 0.2896 0.0136 0.00393856 0.4427 0.827 0.3661129 0.18089 0.000578 0.000104554 0.3933743 Beta Emission Products: Tc-99m Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeV/decay Bets Emission Products: Ru-103 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0298 0.064 0.0019072 0.0632 0.9 0.05688 0.1438 0.00238 0.000342244 0.2392 0.035 0.008372 0.038725 0.001023 3.96157E-05 0.06754106 MeVadecay Beta Emission Products: Ru-105 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0613 0.00108 0.000066204 0.1308 0.0034 0.00044472 0.147 0.002 0.000294 0.1701 0.0132 0.00224532 0.1818 0.0447 0.00812646 0.1907 0.005 0.0009535 0.2311 0.00113 0.000261143 0.3293 0.0522 0.01718946 0.3975 0.2 0.0795 0.406 0.181 0.073486 0.4162 0.0029 0.00120698 0.4322 0.499 0.2156678 0.5768 0.005 0.002884 0.14031 0.00163 0.000228705 B25 of 856
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment B 0.402554292 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Ru-106 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.01003 1 0.01003 0.01003 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Rh-105 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0699 0.197 0.0137703 0.0739 0.0522 0.00385758 0.1794 0.75 0.13455 0.033 0.000403 0.000013299 0.152191179 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Ce-141 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1296 0.705 0.091368 0.1807 0.295 0.0533065 0.1446745 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Ce-143 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0147 0.0038 0.00005586 0.0836 0.0051 0.00042636 0.1582 0.0142 0.00224644 0.175 0.0039 0.0006825 0.2374 0.121 0.0287254 0.3846 0.48 0.184608 0.5075 0.38 0.19285 0.051705 0.00194 0.000100308 0.409694868 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Ce-144 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0502 0.196 0.0098392 0.0661 0.047 0.0031067 0.0911 0.772 0.0703292 0.0832751 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Np-239 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0565 0.0196 0.0011074 0.0921 0.35 0.032235 0.1112 0.071 0.0078952 0.1253 0.52 0.065156 0.2178 0.04 0.008712 0.059819 0.000341 2.03983E-05 0.115125998 MeVIdecay Beta Emission Products: Pu-238 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Pu-239 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Pu-240 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeVIdecay Beta Emission Products: Pu-241 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.00523 0.99998 0.005229895 0.005229895 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Y-90 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.9348 0.99989 0.934697172 0.1865 0.000115 2.14475E-05 0.93471862 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Y-91 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction B26 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment 6 0.0999 0.003 .0.0002997 0.6038 0.997 0.6019886 0.6022883 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Y-92 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.278 0.001 0.000278 0.48 0.065 0.0312 0.601 0.0024 0.0014424 0.7 0.0043 0.00301 0.869 0.0116 0.0100804 0.92 0.023 0.02116 1.123 0.034 0.038182 1.563 0.857 1.339491 0.1834 0.000372 6.82248E-05 1.444912025 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Y-93 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.132 0.00187 0.00024684 0.235 0.016 0.00376 0.535 0.00145 0.00077575 0.544 0.00377 0.00205088 0.555 0.00266 0.0014763 0.771 0.0251 0.0193521 1.087 0.046 0.050002 1.214 0.902 1.095028 0.31046 0.001192 0.000370068 1.173061938 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Zr-95 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1093 0.554 0.0605522 0.1204 0.437 0.0526148 0.327 0.0078 0.0025506 0.4054 0.001 0.0004054 0.116123 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Zr-97 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1243 0.0049 0.00060907 0.1753 0.055 0.0096415 0.3092 0.0188 0.00581296 0.3149 0.005 0.0015745 0.3554 0.0018 0.00063972 0.3994 0.0038 0.00151772 0.3996 0.0065 0.0025974 0.5172 0.0021 0.00108612 0.5283 0.044 0.0232452 0.7566 0.86 0.650676 0.69740019 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Nb-95 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.04335 0.9997 0.043336995 0.32195 0.0003 0.000096585 0.04343358 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: La-140 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.4382 0.0064 0.00280448 0.4411 0.1111 0.04900621 0.4435 0.0589 0.02612215 0.4582 0.0119 0.00545258 0.4653 0.0563 0.02619639 0.4874 0.445 0.216893 0.5147 0.0508 0.02614676 0.6295 0.207 0.1303065 0.8462 0.052 0.0440024 0.32889 0.001615 0.000531157 0.527461627 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: La-141 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.239 0.0012 0.0002868 0.373 0.0261 0.0097353 0.967 0.97 0.93799 0.12545 0.002618 0.000328428 0.948340528 MeV/decay B27 of B56
L-003064, Rev.1, Attachment 8 Beta Emission Products: La-142 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.1433 0.015 0.0021495 0.1671 0.001 0.0001671 0.2127 0.0026 0.00055302 0.2626 0.0058 0.00152308 0.2635 0.0058 0.0015283 0.2796 0.012 0.0033552 0.2964 0.015 0.004446 0.3042 0.043 0.0130806 0.3046 0.017 0.0051782 0.3619 0.0063 0.00227997 0.3661 0.018 0.0065898 0.3821 0.025 0.0095525 0.56 0.0136 0.007616 0.673 0.0131 0.0088163 0.693 0.081 0.056133 0.706 0.037 0.026122 0.761 0.201 0.152961 0.826 0.215 0.17759 0.841 0.02 0.01682 0.921 0.069 0.063549 1.004 0.021 0.021084 1.165 0.008 0.00932 1.219 0.03 0.03657 1.634 0.052 0.084968 1.91 0.07 0.1337 0.84565257 MeVIdecay Beta Emission Products: Pr-143 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.3156 1 0.3156 0.0626 0 0 0.3156 MeVldecay Beta Emission Products: Nd-147 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0.0576 0.0222 0.00127872 0.1061 0.153 0.0162333 0.1199 0.0081 0.00097119 0.1467 0.0058 0.00085086 0.264 0.811 0.214104 0.0592 0.00066 0.000039072 0.233477142 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Am-241 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Cm-242 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeV/decay Beta Emission Products: Cm-244 Average Energy(Mev) Fraction 0 MeVldecay B28 of B56
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Assessment of Core lodines and Cesiums for Post-LOCA pH Determination For this analysis it is conservative to maximize todines, which form acids, and to minimize Cesiums, which provide neutralization before Standby Liquid Control System injection of sodium pentaborate. Both End-of-Cycle (EOC) and near Beginning-of-Cycle (BOC) conditions are modeled, with the BOC conditions limiting for pH purposes. The non-adjusted inventories below are taken from Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) AST Calculation PM-1059, Rev. 2, Attachment A. For Iodine, the inventories are then adjusted assuming the inventories are proportional to Core Thermal Power, including a 2% instrument uncertainty value, by using a LSCS/PBAPS power ratio of 3559/3514.9. (Long-lived isotopes, which dominate the iodine inventories below, are proportional to bumup more than power. Since PBAPS and LSCS fuel cycles are similar in cycle length with comparable bumups, per the PM-1059 and L-003128 calculations, this power ratio adjustment adds conservatism.) For Cesium, a Thermal Power ratio of 1 is used for conservatism. The rounding below is used to provide additional conservatism. 100 EFPD EOC 100 EFPD EOC (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) adjusted adjusted 1-127 4.533E+03 8.040E+03 4.590E+03 8.141E+03 1-129 1.571E+04 2.727E+04 1.591E+04 2.761E+04 1-131 7.369E+02 7.615E+02 7.461E+02 7.711E+02 1-132 1.296E+01 1.321E+01 1.312E+01 1.338E+01 1-133 1.723E+02 1.699E+02 1.745E+02 1.720E+02 1-134 8.118E+00 7.936E+99 8.220E+00 8.036E+00 1-135 5.195E+01 5.140E+01 5.260E+01 5.204E+01 Total 2.123E+04 3.631E+04 2.149E+04 3.677E+04 Cs-133 1.025E+05 1.678E+05 1.025E+05 1.678E+05 Cs-134 1.031E+04 1.977E+04 1.031E+04 1.977E+04 Cs-135 4.502E+04 7.841E+04 4.502E+04 7.841E+04 Cs-137 1.087E+05 1.832E+05 1.087E+05 1.832E+05 Total 2.665E+05 4.492E+05 2.665E+05 4.492E+05 100 EFPD EOC 100 EFPD EOC (gm-moles) (gm-moles) At. Mass (gm-moles) (gm-moles) adjusted adjusted Ratio 1-127 126.9045 3.572E+01 6.335E+01 3.617E+01 6.415E+01 0.564 1-129 128.9050 1.219E+02 2.116E+02 1.234E+02 2.142E+02 0.576 1-131 130.9061 5.629E+00 5.817E+00 5.700E+00 5.890E+00 0.968 1-132 131.9069 9.825E-02 1.00112-01 9.948E-02 1.014E-01 0.981 1-133 132.9078 1.296E+00 1.278E+00 1.313E+00 1.294E+00 1.014 1-134 133.9099 6.062E-02 5.926E-02 6.138E-02 6.001E-02 1.023 1-135 134.9100 3.851E-01 3.810E-01 3.899E-01 3.858E-01 1.011 Total 1.651E+02 2.825E+02 1.671E+02 2.861E+02 0.584 for conservatism, use 170 290 Cs-133 132.9054 7.712E+02 1.263E+03 7.712E÷02 1.263E+03 0.611 Cs-134 133.9067 7.6998+01 1.476E+02 7.699E+01 1.476E+02 0.521 Cs-135 134.9059 3.3378+02 5.812E+02 3.337E+02 5.812E+02 0.574 Cs-137 136.9071 7.940E+02 1.338E+03 7.940E+02 1.3388+03 0.593 Total 1.976E+03 3.330E+03 1.976E+03 3.330E+03 0.593 for conservatism, use 1900 3200 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment B, Page B55of B56
Assessment of Core lodines and Cesiums for Post-LOCA pH Determination For this analysis it is neutralization before (EOC) and near Begi purposes. The non-adjusted inv For Iodine, the invent by using a LSCS/PBA (Long-lived isotopes, Since PBAPS and LS this power ratio adjus For Cesium, a Therm The rounding below i 1-127 1-129 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Total Cs-133 Cs-134 Cs-135 Cs-137 Total 100 EFPD (grams) 4533 15710 736.9 12.96 172.3 8.118 51.95 =SUM(B23:B29) 102500 10310 45020 108700 =SUM(B33:B36) EOC (grams) 8040 27270 761.5 13.21 169.9 7.936 51.4 =SUM(C23:C29) 167800 19770 78410 183200 =SUM(C33:C36) 100 EFPF EOC (grams) (grams) adjusted adjusted =(B23"3559)/3514.9 =(C23"3559)/3514.9 =(B24"3559)/3514.9 =(C24"3559)y3514.9 =(B25"3559)13514.9 =(C25"3559)/3514.9 =(B26"3559)/3514.9 =(C26"3559)/3514.9 =(B27"3559)/3514.9 =(C27"3559)13514.9 =(B28"3559(/3514.9 =(C28"3559)/351 4.9 =(B29"3559)/3514.9 =)C29"3559)(13514.9 =SUM(D23:D29) =SUM(E23:E29) =(B33"1) =(C33"1) =(834"1) =(C34"1) =(B35"1) =(C35"1) =(836"1) =(C36"1) -SUM(D33:D36) =SUM(E33:E36) 100 EFPD EOC At. Mass (gm-moles) (gm-moles) 1-127 126.9045 =B23/H23 =C23/H23 1-129 128.905 =B24/H24 =C24/H24 1-131 130.9061 =B25/H25 =C25/H25 1-132 131.9069 =B26/H26 =C26/H26 1-133 132.9078 =B27/H27 =C27/H27 1-134 133.9099 =B28/H28 =C28/H28 1-135 134.91 =B29/H29 =C29/H29 Total =SUM(I23:129) =SUM(J23:J29) for conservatism, 100 EFPD (gm-moles) adjusted =D23/H23 =D24/H24 =D25/H25 =D26/H26 =D27/H27 =D28/H28 =D29/H29 =SUM(K23:K29) 170 EOC (gm-moles) adjusted =E23/H23 =E24/H24 =E25/H25 =E26/H26 =E27/H27 =E28/H28 =E29/H29 =SUM(L23:L29) 290 Ratio =123/J23 =124/J24 =125/J125 -126/J126 -127/J127 =128/J28 =129/J29 =1301J30 =133/J33 =134/.134 -135/J35 =136/J136 =1371J37 Cs-1 33 132.9054 =B33/H33 =C33/H33 =D33/H33 =E33/H33 Cs-134 133.9067 =B34/H34 =C34/H34 =D34/H34 =E34/H34 Cs-135 134.9059 =B35/H35 =C35/H35 =D35/H35 =E35/H35 Cs-137 136.9071 =B36/H36 =C361H36 =36/1H36 =E36/H36 Total =SUM(133:I36) =SUM(J33:J36) =SUM(K33:K36) =SUM(L33:L36) for conservatism, 1900 3200 L-003064, Rev.I, Attachment B, Page B56 ofB56
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION A I B C E F G I J K L M N 0 1 LaSalle pH CALCULATION pH TRANSIENT BEGINNING OF CYCLE I Cable Data 2 2 Linear Absorption Coefficients 4 SA.y [cm2] 9,969,370 Cable Surface [trays]- Drywell + 10% contingency 3 VpooL 4.378E+06 Liters [131900+22712 additional ft] 13 Ubea air 1.980E-02 1/cm SAuE [cm]' 498,469 Cable Surface [free air]- Drywell + 10% contingency 4 4-mI 1,700E+02 Iodine inventory [g-atoms] BOC" Ubema hypalon 52.08 1/cm Ss0uY [cm') 0 Cable Surface [trays] - Supp. Pool + 10% contingency 5 mnc 1.900E+03 Cesium inventory [g-atoms] BOC'9 Ugamma air 3.75E-05 1/cm Sa.f [cm)] 0 Cable Surface [free air) -Supp. Pool + 10% contingency 6 tga 3.361E-02 Onset of Gap release [hrs] Ugamma hypalon 0.09g 1/cm 7 r aL h.DR0WELLtJ 1145.4 cm th [cm] 0.762 Hypalon JacketnThickness 8 r g-m* 1-* pthSUPP pOO AIR]' 1145.4 cm
- 9)
INTEGRATED DOSES 10 Beta+Gammala Gamma' 8 Beta" 8 Gamma'n Beta" From Beta From Gamma From Beta From Gamma 11 TIME POOL DRYWELL DRYWELL Supp. Pool AIR Supp. Pool AIR [HI]' [HNO] [HCL]-ORYWELL [HCL] -DRYWELL6 [HCL -CONTAIN' [HCL]-CONTmNs Total [H+] 7 [CsOH[ 12 Hours Deg F Mrad MeV/cm MeV/cm MeV/cm MeV/cm' g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-molsf/iter g-mols/liter g-ions/liter g-mols/liter 13 0 105 10.00+00 5.012E-06 0.900E+01 14 1 170 2.480E-07 5.260E-06 4.397E-O! 15 2 180 1.144E-01 3.791E+12 1.658E+12 3.791E+12 1.658E+12 5.716E-07 8.348E-07 3.515E-06 2.470E-05 0.009E+00 0.000E+00 3.463E-05 9.569E-01 16 2.0336 181 1.192E-01 3.949E+12 1.727E+12 3.949E+12 1.727E+12 5.824E-07 8.704E-07 3.662E-06 2.573E-05 0.OOOE+00 O.000E+00 3.585E-05 9.743E-Of 17 3 185 2.465E-01 8.018E+12 3.535E+12 8.018E+12 3.535E+12 5.824E-07 1.799E-06 7.495E-06 5.224E-05 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 6.713E-05 9.743E-O0, 18 5 196.1 4.556E-01 1.442E+13 6.513E+12 1.442&+13 6.513E+12 5.824E-07 3.326E-06 1.381E-05 9.396E-05 0.OOOE+00 0.0000E+0 1.167E-04 9.743E-0f 19 12 196.1 9.473E-01 2.758E+13 1.361E+13 2.758E+13 1.361E+13 5.824E-07 6.915E-06 2.887E-05 1.797E-04 0600E+00 O.000E+00 2.2108-04 9.743E-O 20 18 196.1 1.240E+00 3.444E+13 1.802E+13 3.444E+13 1.802E+13 5.824E-07 9.055E-06 3.822E-05 2.244E-04 O.00OE+O0 0.OOOE+00 2.773E-04 9.743E-01 21 24 196.1 1.475E+00 3.971E+13 2.168E+13 3.971E+13 2.168E+13 5.824E-07 1.077E-05 4.597E-05 2.587E-04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 3.211E-04 9.743E-Of, 22 48 196.1 2.151E+00 5.470E+13 3.267E+13. 5.470E+13 3.267E+13 5.824E-07 1.570E-05 6.927E-05 3.564E-04 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 4.469E-04 9.743E-Of 23 72 196.1 2.644E+00 6.589E+13 4.092E+13 6.589E+13 4.092E+13 5.824E-07 1.930E-05 8.676E-05 4.292E-04 0.OOOE+09 0.000E+00 5.409E-04 9.743E-0f 24 96 196.1 3.058E+00 7.546E+13 4.781E+13 7.546E+13 4.781E+13 5.824E-07 2.232E-05 1.014E-04 4.916E-04 0.000E+00 0.009E+00 6.209E-04 9.7438-0f 25 120 196.1 3.429E+00 8.408E+13 5.381E+13 8.408E+13 5.381E+13 5.824E-07 2.503E-05 1.141E-04 5.478E-04 0.000E+00 0.0O0E+00 6.925E-04 9.743E8-O 26 150 196.1 3.854E+00 9.393E+13 6.041E+13 9.393E+13 6.041E+13 5.824E-07 2.813E-05 1.281E-04 6.119E-04 0.000E+00 0.00OE+00 7.738E-04 9.743E-0f 27 200 196.1 4.501E+00 1.087E+14 6.971E+13 1.087E+14 6.971E+13 5.824E-07 3.286E-05 1.478E-04 7.083E-04 0.90OE+00 0.000E+00 8.946E-04 9.743E-Of 28 240 196.1 4.977E+00 1.194E+14 7.599E+13 1.194E+14 7.599E+13 5.824E-07 3.633E-05 1.6118E-4 7.781E-04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 9.811E-04 9.743E-Of 29 300 196.1 5.638E+00 1.340E+14 8.390E+13 1.340E+14 8.390E+13 5.824E-07 4.116E-05 1.779E-04 8.732E-04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1.098E-03 9.743E-O* 30 360 196.1 6.248E+00 1.473E+14 9.044E+13 1.473E+14 9.044E+13 5.824E-07 4.561E-05 1.918E-04 9.594E-04 0.0008+00 0.O.00+00 1.202E-03 9.743E8-O 31 400 196.1 6.630E+00 1.555E+14 9.422E+13 1.555E+14 9.422E+13 5.824E-07 4.840E-05 1.9988-04 1.013E-03 0.008E+00 O.000E+00 1.267E-03 9.7438E-0f 32 480 196.1 7.347E+00 1.707E+14 1.007E+14 1.707E+14 1.007E+14 5.824E-07 5.363E-05 2.135E-04 1.112E-03 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1.385E-03 9.743E-0f 33 600 196.1 8.330E+00 1.914E+14 1.086E+14 1.914E+14 1.086E+14 5.824E-07 6.0818-05 2.302E-04 1.247E-03 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1.543E-03 9.743E-Oi 34 700 196.1 9.088E+00 2.072E+14 1.141E+14 2.072E+14 1.141E+14 5.824E-07 6.634E-05 2.418E-04 1.350E-03 0.000E+090 0.000E+00 1.664E-03 9.743E-O* 35 720 NOTES: 196.1 9.234E+00 2.102E+141 1.151E+14 2.102E+14 1.151E+141 5.824E-071 6.741E-05 2.440E-04 1.370E-03 0.000E+00 0.0001+001 1.687E-031 9.743E-Of 3' -p-n 3-2b 17 LSCS UFSAR Rev. 17, Figure 6.2-7a, with 105 nitial Temp. per Section I____ I I______ 18J[Afttchment B [ I_____ I I_____ ______[ _____[____ I I___ 5 Ibid, Equation 3-3a Attachment B 6 FIbid. Equation 3-3bI______ 4, 7 Ibid, Equation 3-5a; Entergy Calc. XC-1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 8 Ibid, Equation 3-5b; EntergyCalc. XC-Q1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 9 Ibid, Equation 3-0a; Entergy Calc. XC-01111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 I I 47 10 Ibid, Equation 3-5d; Entergy Calc. XC-01 111 5-7 11 Ibid, Equation 3-5d; Entergy Caic. XC-Q1111 5-7 L _______ .1 ____ L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment C. Page Cl of C7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION P R S I T I U I V w X Y z AA AB 1 pH TRANSIENT BEGINNING OF CYCLE 2 Cable Data 22 3 9,063,064 Cable Surface [Trays) - DRYWELL [cm2] 4 453,153 Cable Surface [Free air] - DRYWELL [cm2] 4200.26 g. mols Na2B, 0O16*10H2O Added 21 5 0 Cable Surface [Free air] - Supp. Pool [cm2] 42002.65 g.atoms total borone21 6 0 Cable Surface [Trays] - Supp. Pool [cm21 7 8pH EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SODIUM PENTABORATE STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL [SLC] SOLUTION 9i 10 Strongl Acid -!.Nt [+ -p' K g-equiv. Na2B1o016*10H20 Boae Boric Acid p.pH 12gin/ie -osltrBfr L 4 Net [H+]
- V1coL g-mols g-equiv.geuv lgK.
15 13 1.9.94-09 1.241E01 -3.882E-09 1.2366-04 3.9 7.427E-109 2.196E+01 4200.3 78 33624 8.89 8.52 20 9.439E-05 1.241E+01 5.254E-061 1.4798-04 3.7 1.1278-09 2.397E-02 4200.3 761 33602 8.9 8.35 21 9.7369-05 1.241E01 3.463E-05 2.2360-04 8.35 1.2784-09 91.943E-02 4200.3 7421 33602 8.9 8.32 22 9.743E-05 1.256E+01 9.7436-05 3.45671-04 8.3. 1.198-09 1.973E-02 4200.3 880 3602 8.99 8.32 23 9.743E-05 1.2416+01 6.712E-05 4.4356-04 8.35 1.276-09 14.401 E-02 4200.3 8459 33602 9.9 8.31 24 9.743E-05 1.241E01 9.7436E-05 5.9235-04 3.29 1.27E-09 28.443E+01 4200.3 6109 33687 8.9 8.29 25 9.743E-05 1.2418+01 9.743E-05 1.916E-04 3.23 1.278E-09 5.412E+02 4200.3 59 34143 8.89 8.26 2 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 1.9E0 3.5 12B09 7.873E+02 4200.3 763 34389 8.9 8.24 26 9.7436-05 1.2416.01 9.743E-5 8.7836-04 3.17 1.2786-09 9.7918E+02 4200.3 5439 34581 8.89 8.23 27 9.743E-05, 1.2416501 9.743E-05 7.4971-04 3.10 1.278-09 3.430E+03 4200.3 4911 35132 8.99 8.18 23 973-5121+1973-5 .3E0 .5 128-9 1.942E+03 4200.3 649 35544 8.9 8.15 2 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 5.3E0 3.8 12809 2.292E+03 4200.3 619 35894 8.9 8.12 2 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 5.5E04 32.12809 2.605E+03 4200.3. 59 36207 .8. 8.10 2 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 6.6E0 3.7 12B09 2.961 E+03 4200.3 549 36563 8.9 8.07 27 973-5121+1973-5 791E0 .0 128-9 3.490E+03 4200.3 491 37092 8.9 8.02 29 9.7436-05 1.2416+01 9.743E-05 9.837E-04 3.05 1.2796-09 3.869E+03 4200.3 4532 37471 8.89 7.98 29 9.743E-05 1.2416+01 9.7436-05 1.0006-03 3.00 1.2796-09 4.380E+03 4200.3 4020 37982 9.89 7.92
- 30.
9.743E-05 1.241E+01 9.743E-05 1.1056-03 2.96 1.2786-09 4.838E+031 4200.3 3563 38440 9.69 7.86 3 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 1.6E0 2.3 12809 5.119E+031 4200.3 322 38721 7.82 3 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 1.8E0 2.9 12B09 5.637E+03 4200.3 274 39239 8.9 7.74 3 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 1.4E0 2.4 12B09 6.331 E+03 4200.3 200 39933 8.9 7.61 34 973-5121+1973-5 156-3 28.128-9 6.857E+03 4200.3, 14 40459 8.9 7.47 3 9.4E0 1.4E0 9.4E0 1.8E0 2.0 12B09 6.958E+03 4200.3 143 40560 8.9 7.44 36i 37i 38i 39, 40] 41i 42i 43i 44i 45-- 46i 47i 48i 1491 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment C, Page C2 of C7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION A I B I C D 6 F G I K L M IN 1 LaSalle pH CALCULATION PH TRANSIENT END OF CYCLE I Cable Data 21 2 Linear Absorption Coefficients 4 SA.1 [cm 2] 9.969,370 Cable Surface [trays]- Drywell + 10% contingency 3 Vp°°L 4.378E+06 Liters [131900+22712 additional ft3] 13 U____ air 1.980E-02 1/cm SA.f [cm2] 498,469 Cable Surface [free air]- Drywell + 10% contingency 4 Im1 2.900E+02 Iodine inventory [g-atoms] EOC' 3 Ubela hypalon 52.08 1/cm SB,*a [cm2] 0 Cable Surface [trays] - Supp. Pool + 10% contingency 5 m 5 C 3.200E+03 Cesium inventory [g-atoms] EOC'9 Ugamma air 3.75E-05 1/cm Sa.a [crm 0 Cable Surface [free air] - Supp. Pool + 10% contingency 6 tap 3.361 E-02 Onset of Gap release [hrs] Up-mo hypalon 0.099 1/cm 7 r rlava
- ', "--LL 1145.4cm th [cm]
0.762 Hypalon Jacket Thickness 8 r t.,'ra mo-son poo. oeR 1145.4 cm 9 INTEGRATED DOSES 10 Beta+Gammaii Gammali Betau" Gamma' 3 Beta" 0 From Beta From Gamma From Beta From Gamma 11 TIME POOL DRYWELL DRYNELL Supp. Pool AIR Supp. Pool AIR [HI] [HNO3[ [HCL[ -DRYWELL' []HCL]-ORYWELL* [HCL] -CONTAsN [HCL) -CONTAIN' Total [H+] ' [CsOH] 12 Hours F Mrad M MeV/cm MeV/cm' g-mols/liter g-mob/liter g-mols/diter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-ions/liter g-mols/liter 13 0 105 0.O0E+00_ 5.012E-061 0.000E+00 14 1 170 4.230E-07 5.435E-06 7.396E-05 15 2 180 1.144E-01 3.791E+12 1.658E+12 3.791E+12 1.658E+12 9.750E-07 8.348E-07 3.515E-06 2.470E-05 0.000E+00 0.O00E+00 3.503E-05 1.609E-04 16 2.0336 181 1.192E-01 3.949E+12 1.727E+12 3.949E+12 1.727E+12 9.936E-07 8.704E-07 3.662E-06 2.573E-05 0.O00E+00 0.000E+00 3.626E-05 1.638E-04 17 3 185 2.465E-01 8.018E+12 3.535E+12 8.018E+12 3.535E+12 9.936E-07 1.799E-06 7.495E-06 5.224E-05 0.OO9E+00 O.OOOE+00 6.754E-05 1.638E-04 18 5 196.1 4.556E-01 1.442E+13 6.513E+12 1.442E+13 6.513E+12 9.936E-07 3.326E-06 1.381E-05 9.396E-05 0.OOOE+00 0.00OE+00 1.171E-04 1.638E-04 19 12 196.1 9.473E-01 2.758E+13 1.361E+13 2.758E+13 1.361E+13 9.936E-07 6.915E-06 2.887E-05 1.797E-04 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 2.215E-04 1.638E-04 20 18 196.1 1.240E+00 3.444E+13 1.802E+13 3.444E+13 1.802E+13 9.936E-07 9.055E-06 3.822E-05 2.244E-04 0.0006+00 O.OOOE+O0 2.777E-04 1.638E-04 21 24 196.1 1.475E+00 3.971E+13 2.168E+13 3.971E+13 2.168E+13 9.936E-07 1.077E-05 4.597E-05 2.587E-04 O.006E+00 0.OOOE+00 3.215E-04 1.638E-04 22 48 196.1 2.151E+00 5.470E+13 3.267E+13 5.470E+13 3.267E+13 9.936E-07 1.570E-05 6.927E-05 3.564E-04 0.OOOE+O0 O.O0OE+00 4.473E-04 1.638E-04 23 72 196.1 2.644E+00 6.589E+13 4.092E+13 6.589E+13 4.092E+13 9.936E-07 1.930E-05 8.676E-05 4.292E-04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 5.413E-04 1.638E-04 24 96 196.1 3.058E+00 7.546E+13 4.781E+13 7.546E+13 4.781E+13 9.936E-07 2.232E-05 1.014E-04 4.916E-04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 6.213E-04 1.638E-04 25 120 196.1 3.429E+00 8.408E+13 5.381E+13 8.408E+13 5.381E+13 9.936E-07 2.503E-05 1.141E-04 5.478E-04 0.0OOE+09 0.OOOE+00 6.929E-04 1.638E-04 26 150 196.1 3.854E+00 9.393E+13 6.041E+13 9.393E+13 6.041E+13 9.936E-07 2.813E-05 1.281E-04 6.119E-04 O.00OE+09 0.OOOE+00 7.742E-04 1.638E-04 27 200 196.1 4.501E+00 1.087E+14 6.971E+13 1.087E+14 6.971E+13 9.936E-07 3.286E-05 1.478E-04 7.083E-04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 8.950E-04 1.638E-04 28 240 196.1 4.977E+00 1.194E+14 7.599E+13 1.194E+14 7.599E+13 9.936E-07 3.633E-05 1.611E-04 7.781E-04 0.0006+00 0.000E+00 9.815E-04 1.638E-04 29 300 196.1 5.638E+00 1.340E+14 8.390E+13 1.340E+14 8.390E+13 9.936E-07 4.116E-05 1.779E-04 8.732E-04 0.O00E+00 0.000E+00 1.098E-03 1.638E-04 30 360 196.1 6.248E+00 1.473E+14 9.044E+13 1.473E+14 9.044E+13 9.936E-07 4.561E-05 1.918E-04 9.594E-04 0.006E+00 0.O00E+00 1.203E-03 1.638E-04 31 400 196.1 6.630E+00 1.555E+14 9.422E+13 1.555E+14 9.422E+13 9.936E-07 4.840E-05 1.998E-04 1.013E-03 0.000E+00 0.O00E+00 1.267E-03 1.638E-04 32 480 196.1 7.347E+00 1.707E+14 1.007E+14 1.707E+14 1.007E+14 9.936E-07 5.363E-05 2.135E-04 1.112E-03 O.00OE+00 0.000E+00 1.385E-03 1.639E-04 33 600 196.1 8.330E+00 1.914E+14 1.086E+14 1.914E+14 1.086E+14 9.936E-07 6.081E-05 2.3026-04 1.2476-03 0.0006+00 0.0006+00 1.5446-03 1.6386-04 34 700 196.1 9.088E+00 2.072E+14 1.141E+14 2.072E+14 1.141E+14 9.936E-07 6.634E-05 2.4186-04 1.3506-03 0.000E+O0 0.O00E+00 1.664E-03 1.638E-04 35 720 196.1 9.234E+00 2.102E+14 1.161E+14 2.102E+14 1.151E+14 9.936E-07 6.741E-05 2.440E-04 1.370E-03 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1.687E-03 1.638E-04 36 1 1 37 NOTES: 14 Acid dissociation constant from: Entergy Eng. Report GGNS-98-0039 Rev.3, Sect.6.1,p.21 38 1 Entergy Eng. Report GGNS-98-0039 Rev.3, Equation 3-1d [30+90 min release duration] 15 Entergy Caic. XC-C1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 39 2 Ibid, Equation 3-2b 16 See attachment B for gamma free paths 40 3 Ibid, Equation 3-4d [30+90 rain release duration] 17 LSCS UFSAR Rev. 17, Figure 6.2-7a, with 105 initial Temp. per Section 41 4 bi, able A--1 18 Attachment B 42, 5,Ibid, Equation 3-3a 19 Attachment B 43 6 Ibid, E uation 3-3b 20 USNRC Reg. Guide 1.183 44 7 Ibid, Equation 3-5a; Entargy Calc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 21 Page C6 of this attachment 45 8 Ibid, Equation 3-5b; Entargy Calc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 22 Cable Data from Attachment A. 46 9 Ibid, Equation 3-0a; Entergy Calc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 47 10 Ibid, Equation 3-5d; Entergy Catc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 48 11 Ibid, Equation 3-5d; Entergy Calc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 49 121 bid, Equation 3-5e; Entergy Calc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 50 131VMax. Suppression Pool volume from LSCS Tech. Spec. Bases B plus the 22712 from UFSAR Table 6.2-3 Total Reactor Coolant Volume L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment C, Page C3 of C7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION P 0 R S I T I U I V W X _Z AA A 1 pH TRANSIENT END OF CYCLE 2 Cable Data 22 3 9,063,064 Cable Surface [Trays] - DRYWELL [cre2 4 453,153 Cable Surface [Free air] - DRYWELL,cm2] 4200.26 g. mols Na 2BO,5*10H20 Added 5 0 Cable Surface [Free air] - Supp. Pool [cm2] 42002.65 g.atoms total boron 6 0 Cable Surface [Trays] - Supp. Pool [cm2]i 7 I 8 pH EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SODIUM PENTABORATE STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL [SLC] SOLUTION 9I 10 Strong Acid 11 TotalOH+] -LOOG(Kw) *1 Root x
- jNetHsl
[F g-equiv. Na2BroO16*lH 20 Borate Boric Add pK. pH 12 g-ioeolliter g-ions/liter Before SLC .Net [H+]
- V
ý g-mols g-eddy. 9-eq og, K, 13 1.995E-09 1.353E601 -3.882E-09 5.016E-06 5.30 7.452E-10 2.196E+01 4200.3 8379 33624 9.13 8.52 14 7.396E-05 1.267E+01 5.432E-06 3.094E-09 8.51 1.125E-09 1.355E-02 4200.3 8401 33602 8.95 8.35 15 1.609E-04 1.257E+01 3.503E-05 2.153E-09 6.67 1.194E-09 9.426E-03 4200.3 8401 33602 8.93 8.32 16 1.639E-04 1.256E+01 3.626E-05 2.175E-09 6.66 1.190E-09 9.524E-03 4200.3 8401 33602 8.92 8.32 17 1.639E-04 1.252E+01 6.753E-05 3.164E-09 8.50 1.213E-09 1.385E-02 4200.3 8401 33602 8.92 8.31 16 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.171E-04 8.335E-09 6.06 1.2780-09 3.649E-02 4200.3 8400 336021 8.89 8.29 19 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.638E-04 5.761E-05 4.24 1.278E-09 2.522E+02 4200.3 8148 33854 8.89 8.27 20 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.638E-04 1.138E-04 3.94 1.278E-09 4.983E+02 4200.3 7902 34100 8.89 8.26 21 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.638E-04 1.576E-04 3.80 1.278E-09 6.901E+02 4200.3 7710 34292 8.89 8.25 22 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.638E-04 2.835E-04 3.55 1.2786-09 1.241E+03 4200.3 7159 34843 8.89 8.21 23 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.638E-04 3.775E-04 3.42 1.278E-09 1.653E+03 4200.3 6748 35255 8.89 8.18 24 1.636-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 4.575E-04 3.34 1.2786-09 2.003E+03 4200.3 5398 35605 8.89 8.15 25 1.6396-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 5.290E-04 3.28 1.2786-09 2.316E+03 4200.3 6084 35918 8.89 8.12 26 1.6396-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 6.103E-04 3.21 1.278E-09 2.672E+03 4200.3 5728 36274 8.89 8.09 27 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 7.311E-04 3.14 1.2786-09 3.201E+03 4200.3 5200 36803 8.89 8.04 28 1.6396-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 8.177E-04 3.09 1.2786-09 3.580E+03 4200.3 4821 37182 8.89 8.01 29 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 9.345E-04 3.03 1.278E-09 4.091E+03 4200.3 4309 37693 8.89 7.95 30 1.6396-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 1.039E-03 2.98 1.278E-09 4.5496+03 4200.3 3852 38151 8.89 7.90 31 1.639-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 1.103E-03 2.96 1.278E-09 4.830E+03 4200.3 3571 38432 8.89 7.86 32 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 1.221E-03 2.91 1.278E-09 5.348E+03 4200.3 3053 38950 8.89 7.79 33 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 1.380E-03 2.86 1.2786-09 6.042E+03 4200.3 2359 39644 8.89 7.67 34 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 1.500E-03 2.82 1.278E-09 6.568E+03 4200.3 1833 40170 8.89 7.55 35 1.639E-04 1.241E+01 1.639E-04 1.523E-03 2.82 1.278E-09 6.669E+03 4200.3 1732 40271 8.89 7.53 36 37 38 39.______ 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 N 1491i 150 i 1 i L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment C, Page C4 of C7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION Weight % Sodium Pentaborate in Solution vs. Specific Gravity @ 80 F 1.075 y 0.5x + 0.998 1.07 1.065 IL Q co @) 1.06 (U Data between 11 wt% and 14.3wt% is from Limerick O1.055 Generating-Station Procedure No.-CH-C-314, U.
- Rev.
3, Table 2 1.05 1.045 1.04 - 10.00% 11.00% 12.00% 13.00% 14.00% 15.00% Weight % Sodium Pentaborate in Solution L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment C, Page C-5 of C-7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION AI C I D E F G 1 Available Boron Calculation 2 3 3734985.92 4 Quantity Volume Basis 5 6 Volume of Solution (gal)= 4.5870E+03 LSCS Technical Specification figure 3.1.7-1 7 wt% of Na2B, 0O,6*10H20= 13.4% LSCS Technical Specification figure 3.1.5-1 8 Specific Gravity (gm/cm3)= 1.0655 Ref. 5.10 Table CH-C-105-3 and Attachment C, Page C-5 9 Conversion Factor (cm3igal)= 3785.41 10 Conversion Factor (Ibs*gm)= 0.0022 11 12 Total Mass of Solution (lbs)= 4.0788E+04 13 Total Na2B,,OO*10H20 (lbs)= 5.4656E+03 14 Total Na2B10Oi*10HO (gm)= 2.4791E+06 15 Total Na2B, 0O, 0*10H2O (gmn-moles)= 4.2003E+03 16 Total Boron (gm-moles)= 4.2003E,04 17 18 19 Total Available Boron (lbs)= 1.0011E+03 20 Total Available Boron (moles)= 4.2003E+04 21 22 B-10 Enrichment= 19.90% 23 24 Molar Mass Total Molar Mass of 25 (gmlmole) Na2Bl0O a __*_10H20 26 Sodium 22.99 590.2330 27 Boron 10.8110 28 Oxygen 16.00 29 Hydrogen 1.01 30 Boron-10 10.0129 31 Boron-11 11.0093 32 33 Percentage of Total Boron= 18.3165% L-003064, Rev. 1 Attachment C, Page C6 of C7
CH-C-314, Rev. 3 CH-C-314 TABLE 2 WeiQht % Sodium nentaborate vs Snecific Gravity at 80 dearees C LGS ONLY Weight Weight % Sodium Specific % Sodium Specific pentaborate Gravity pentaborate Gravity in Solution @ 80 OF in Solution @ 80 °F 11.0 1.0535 12.7 1.0620 1.0540 12.8 1.0625 ...............1.. 0 5.4 5. .....1 2..9. ..1 -. 0 6 3 0.... 11.3 1.0550 13.0 1.0635 11.4 1.0555 13.1 1.0640 11.5 1.0560 13.2 1.0645 11.6 1.0565 13.3 1.0650 11.7 1.0570 13.4 1.0655 11.8 1.0575 13.5 1.0660 11.9 1.0580 13.6 1.0665 \\ 12.0 1.0585 13.7 1.0670 12.1 1.0590 13.8 1.0675 12.2 1.0595 13.9 1.0680 12.3 1.0600 14.0 1.0685 12.4 1.0605 14.1 1.0690 12.5 1.0610 14.2 1.0695 12.6 1.0615 14.3 1.0700 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment C, Page C7 of C7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION A B C D E F G H 1 LaSalle pl-PH TRANSIENT BEGINNING OF CYCLE 2 Linear Absorption C, 3 VpooL =(131900,22712)'21 Liters [131900+22712 1Uta ai0 0.0198 1/cm 4 mI =170 Iodine inventory [g-atol U vta hypalon 52.08 1/cm 5 mnc =1900 Cesium inventory [g-ato Ugamma iur 0.0000375 1/cm 6 tgp =121/3600 Onset of Gap release [t Ugam-a hypalm 0.099 1/cm 7 r [g-mbr mpt-OlOWELLI 1145.4 cm 8 r I . ff*p8.SLPP POOL Al 1145.4 cm 9 INTEGRATED 10 Beta+Gammal Gamma" 8 Beta" 8 Gamma` 8 Beta" 8 11 TIME POOL Temp POOL DRYWELL DRYWELL Supp Pool AIR Supp Pool AIR [HI] 8 [HNO] 2_ 12 Hours Deg F Mrad MeV/cm' MeV/cm3 g-mos/titer g-mols/liter 13 0 80 0 14 1 175 =$B$4/(120*$B$3)-($A14-(0.5+$B$6))+$B$4/(400*$B$3) 15 2 187 0.114350690881495 3790880503691 1657791983720.3 3790880503691 1657791983720.3 =$B$4/(120*$B$3)*($A15-(0.5+$B$6))+$B$4/(400*$B$3) =0.0000073"$C15 16 =0.5+1.5+86 188 0.119239216805713 3948701086072.37 1726980020148.44 3948701086072.37 1726980020148.44 =$B$4/(120*$B$3)*($A16-(0.5+$B$6))+$B$4/1(400*$B$3) =0.0000073"$C16 17 3 192 0.246503758693045 8018164351599.42 3534749118108.12 8018164351599.42 3534749118108.12 =H$16 =0.0000073$C17 18 5 196.1 0.455565662635391 14422612584938.7 6513016665673.48 14422612584938.7 6513016665673.48 =H$16 =0.0000073$C18 19 12 196.1 0.947321614636899 27577220707280.2 13614438264713.9 27577220707280.2 13614438264713.9 =H$16 =0.0000073$C19 20 18 196.1 1.24035312656345 34442170719290.2 18024890934106.9 34442170719290.2 18024890934106.9 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C20 21 24 196.1 1.47540965485085 39713693242271.1 21681328090223.4 39713693242271.1 21681328090223.4 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C21 22 48 196.1 2.15094766131462 54698635664437.7 32668988446125.1 54698635664437.7 32668988446125.1 =H$16 0.0000073"$C22 23 72 196.1 2.64394690696364 65885535777661.8 40916807890604.8 65885535777661.8 40916807890604.8 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C23 24 96 196.1 3.05810702190641 75459953398150.9 47805167716688.5 75459953398150.9 47805167716688.5 =H$16 =0.0000073S$C24 25 120 196.1 3.4287336546583 84077551764018.3 53810095454120.1 84077551764018.3 53810095454120.1 =H$16 =0.0000073$C25 26 150 196.1 3.85395425802565 93929699467813.7 60406887098065.2 93929699467813.7 60406887098065.2 =H$16 =0.0000073$C26 27 200 196.1 4.50070070908295 108719574927709 69714909824775.2 108719574927709 69714909824775.2 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C27 28 240 196.1 4.97707764028497 119428235673629 75986070859729.3 119428235673629 75986070859729.3 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C28 29 300 196.1 5.63835110881547 134037703829197 83899590931009.8 134037703829197 83899590931009.8 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C29 30 360 196.1 6.2475454026586 147264238135522 90440778258257.2 147264238135522 90440778258257.2 =H$16 =O.0000073"$C30 31 400 196.1 6.62970632166082 155465936395942 94215137770998.6 155465936395942 94215137770998.6 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C31 32 480 196.1 7.34682314059028 170699608182561 100703356872217 170699608182561 100703356872217 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C32 33 600 196.1 8.33040031237555 191367734998598 108581147160701 191367734998598 108581147160701 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C33 34 700 196.1 9.08760106603799 207188024321776 114050181194301 207188024321776 114050181194301 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C34 35 720 196.1 9.23367503333038 210236350018260 115059763356440 210236350018260 115059763356440 =H$16 =0.0000973$C35 36 37 NOTES: 14 Acid dissociation constant from: Entergy Eng. Report GGNS-9 38 1 Entergy Eng. Report is Entergy Calc. XC-_1_111-98013 Rev.2_ Section 5.7 39 2 Ibid, Equation 3-2b 16 ee attachment B for gamma free paths 40 3 Ibid, Equation 3-4d [1 17 LSCS UFSAR Rev. 17, Figure 6.2-7a, with 105 initial Temp. p 41 4 Ibid, Table A-1 18 ittachment B 42 5 Ibid, Equation 3-3a 19 Attachment B 43 5 Ibid, Equation 3-3b 20 JSNRC Req. Guide 1.183 Ibid, Equation 3-5a; 1E 4691 Ibi13, *::quation 3-5b; *- I 47 10 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D1 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION J K L 1 Cable Data 2 2 SA uy [cm 2] =$P$3*1.1 Cable Surface [trays]- Drywlel ÷ 10% contingency 3 SA. [cm 2] =$P$4"1.1 Cable Surface [free air]- Drywell + 10% contingency 4 Sey [cm2] =$P$6"0.95"1.1 Cable Surface [trays] - Supp. Pool + 10% contingency 5 Sa' [cm 2] =P6 "1.1"0.05 Cable Surface [free air] - Supp. Pool + 10% continge nr 6 7 th [cm] 0.61173 Hypalon Jacket Thickness 81 10 From Beta From Gamma From Beta 11 [HCL] -DRYWELL [HCL[ -ORYWELL [HCL[ -CONTAIN' g12 g-molsliter g-molsfitem g-mols/litem 14 15 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/SH$3*$E15 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$55$H$7))$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D15 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$4*O.9512+$K$5)I$H$3*$E1 5 16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.9512+$K$3)/$H$3*$E16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$2*O.95+$K$3( -EXP(-$H$5$H$7)$H$5* 1-EXP(-$H$6$K$7)*D16 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$4*0.9512÷$K$5)/$H$3*$E16 17 =3.512E-20I$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)I$H$3*$E17 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2O.95$K$3)(1-EXP(-$H$5$H$7)/$H$5 1-EXP(-$H$6$K$7))$D17 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$4*0.9512+$K$5)I$H$3*$E17 18 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$2*0.9512+$K$3)/IH$3*$E18 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7)5$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))'$D18 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$4*0.95f2+$K$5)I$H$3*$E18 19 =3.512E-20O$f$3*($K$2*0.9512+$K$3)/$H$3*$E19 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D1 9 =3.512E-2015B$3"($K$4*o.95f2+$K$5)I$H$3*$E19 20 =3.512E-20f5B$3"($K$2"0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D20 =3.512E-20I$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3"$E20 21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2"0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3$E21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7)/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D21 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3"$E21 22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2÷$K$3)$H$3*$E22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2÷$K$5)I$H$3*$E22 23 =3.512E-2015B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)S$H$3*$E23 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)( 1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))$H$5*( 1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D23 =3.512E-2015B$3 ($K$4"0.9512+$K$5Y$H$3*$E23 24 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$2*0.9512+$K$3)/$H$3*$E24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*( 1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))I$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4"0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E24 20 -3.51 2E-201$5$3*($K$2*O.9512÷$K$3)ISH$3°$E25 =3.512E-20/$B$3[($K$2°95+$K$3)*(1 -EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))1$H$55(1-ExP(-$H$61$K$7))*$D25 =3.512E-2015B$3*($K$4*O.9512n$K$5)I$H$3*$E25 26 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E26 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D26 =3.512E-20/$B$3"($K$4*0.95/2÷$K$5)/$H$3"$E26 27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)J$H$3*$E27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2"0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5"$H$7))$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6"$K$7))*$D27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95i2+$K$5/$H$3*$E27 28 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)I$H$3*$E28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7)y$H$55(1-EXP(-$H$61$K$7))*$D28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E28 29 =3.512E-20/$B$3"($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3"$E29 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D29 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95f2+$K$5)I$H$3*$E29 30 =3.512E-201$B$3($K$2O.9512+$K$3)f$H$3$E30 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1 EXP(-$H$5$H$0H$6$K$7))*$D30 =3.512E-20/$B$3"($K$4*O.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E30 31 =3.512E-20/$B$3"($K$2"0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E31 -3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*H$7))/$H$5(1-EXP(-$H$6*K$7))$D31 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$4*0.95f2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E31 32 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)I$H$3*$E32 =3.512E-20/$B$3-($K$2*0.95+$K$3)y(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7)Y$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$61$K$7))*$D32 =3.512E-2015B$3"($K$4*O.9512+$K$5)I$H$3*$E32 33 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)I$H$3*$E33 =3.512E-20/$B$3"($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D33 =3.512E-20I$B$3*($K$4°0.95f2÷$K$5)/$H$3*$E33 34 =3.512E-201$B$3"($K$2*0.95I2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E34 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$$*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D34 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)I$H$3*$E34 35 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$2*0.95I2+$K$3)I$H$3*$E35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))-$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46, 4748 ___________ L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment 0, Page D2 of C13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION M N 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 From Gamma 11 [HCL]-CONTAINo Total [H+] [CsOH] 12 g-mols/liter g-ions/liter g-mol!!liter 13 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H13+$113+$J13+$K13+$L13+$M13 0 14 =POWER(10,-$T$1 3)+$H14+$114.$J14+$K14+r$L14+$M14 =(.*B5045$$)(*B3*$1-0.+B6)(.5$$-.45$$)$$ 15 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0,95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D15 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H 15+$115+$J 15+$Kl5+$L15+$Mi5 =(0.4*$B$5-O.475*$B$4)/(3*$B$3)*($A15-(0.5+$B$6))+(0.05*$B$5-O.0475*$B$4)/$B$3 16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5-(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D16 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H16+$116+$J 16+$K16+$L16+$M 16 =(0.4*$B$5-0.475*$B$4)/(3*$B$3)*($A16-(0.5+$B$6))+(0.05*$B$5-0.0475*$B$4)/$B$3 17 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D17 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H 17+$117+$J 17+$K17+$L17+$M 17 =$O$16 18 =3.512E-2O/$B$3-($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1l-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D18 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H18+$118+$J 18+$K18+$L18+$M 18 =$O$16 19 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$019 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H19+$119+$J1 9+$K19+$L19+$M 19 =$O$16 20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D2O =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H20+$120+$J20+$K20+$L20+$M20 =$O$16 21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D21 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H2 $121$J21K21$L21$M21 =$O$16 22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.96+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D22 =POWER(1l,-$T$13)+$H22+$122÷$J22+$K22+$L22+$M22 =$O516 23 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D23 =POWER( 10,-$T$13)+$H23+$123+$J23+$K23+$L23÷$M23 =$O516 24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))S$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$024 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H24+$124+$J24+$K24+$L24+$M24 =$O516 25 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D25 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H25+$125+$J25+$K25+$L25+$M25 =$O516 26 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1 -EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D26 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H26+$126+$J26+$K26+$L26+$M26 =$O516 27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D27 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H27+$127+$J27+$K27+$L27+$M27 =$O516 28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D28 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H28+$128+$J28+$K28+$L28+$M28 =$O516 29 =3.512E-20/$B $3($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D29 =POWER( 10,-$T$1 3)+$H29+$129+$J29+$K29+$L29+$M29 =$O516 30 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4 0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D30 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H30+$130+$J30+$K30+$L30+$M30 =$O516 31 !=3.512E-20/$B $3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)* If-ExP(-$ H$5*$ H$8))/$H$ 5*(1 -ExP(-$ H$6*$K$7))*$D31 =POWER(1 0, -$T$13)+$ H31+$131+$J 31+$K31+$L31+$M 31 =$O$16 32 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4 *0.95+$K$5)*(1 -ExP(-$H $5*$H$8))/$ H$ 5*(1 -ExP(-$ H$6*$K$7))* $032 =POWER(l0, -$T$13)+$ H32+$132+$J 32+$K32+$L32+$M 32 =$O$16 33 =3.512E-20/$B $3*($K$4 *0.95+$K$5)*(1 -ExP(-$H $5*$H$8))/$ H$5*(1 -ExP(-$ H$6*$K$7))*$033 =POWER(lO0,-$T$1 3)+$ H33+$133+$J 33+$K33+$L33+$M 33 =$O$16 34 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4 *0.95+$K$5)*(1 -ExP(-$H $5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1 -ExP(-$ H$6*$K$7))*$D34 =POWER(1 0,-$T$13)+$H34+$134+$J34 +$K34+$L34+$M34 =$O$16 35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4 *0.95+$K$5)*(1 -ExP(-$H $5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1 -ExP(-$ H$6*$K$7))* $D35 =POWER(1 0,-$T$13)+$H35+$135+$J35+$K35+$L35+$M35 =$O$16 36 37 39 40 46 42 43 44 45 46 47, 48 49 50 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D3 of 013
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION P Q R S T U 1 pH TRANSIEP BEGINNING OF CYCLE 2 Cable Data '2 3 9063064 Cable Surface [Trays] - DRYWELL [cm2] 4 =$P$3"0.05 Cable Surface [Free air] - DRYWELL [cm2] 5 =P6"0.05 Cable Surface [Free air] - Supp. Pool [cm2] 6 0 Cable Surface [Trays] - Supp. Pool [cm2j 7 8 pH EFFECT 9 10 11 Total [OH+] -LOG(Kw) Root x uet [H+j pH Ka 12 g-ions/liter g-ions/liter Before SLC C 4 13 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O13 =15.5129-0.0224*$B13+0.00003352*POWER(613,2) =(N13+P13-SQRT(POWER(($N13+$P13),2)-(4*(N13*P13-POWER(10,-$Q13)))))/2 =$N13-$Ri3 5.3 =(0.0585"B13+1.309)/10000000000 14 =POWER( 10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$014 =15.5129-0.0224"$B14+0.00003352*POWER(B14,2) =)Nl4rPi4-SORT(POWER(($Nl4.$Pl4).2)-(4*)Nl4*Pl4-POWER(i 0.-$Q14)))))/2 =$N14-$R14 1=-LOGO($Sl4) I=)0.0585*B14+i.309)/10000000000 15 I=POWER)10,-i4)POWER(i 0,-$T$i 3)s$i ] 1 5.S29-02 24? B51 00352PWRB52 V 5)N SP15-1 16 1-'POWER)1,-4)IPOWER)10,- 2.13)$16 N51=1 SS29HO.224*$Bl +0.00003352 PWR)Bi62) J =)N16cP16-17 j=POWER)10,-14)/POWER)10,.$T$1 3)u$017 1 =15.5i29-0.0224*$Bi7r0.00003352*POWER(B17,2) 1 =(N17+Pl 7-,' '15),2)-(4*(N15P15-POWER(10,-$Q15)))))/2 I$N 5-$R1 =-LOG10($S1 5) =(0.0585"B155+1.309)/10000000000 P 16),2)-(4"(N16*P16-POWER(10,-$Q16)))))/2 =$N16-$R6 S I=-LOG 1O0$S1i6) I[=)0.0585*Bl 6+i.309)/10000000000 P1 7),2)-(4-)Nl7*P7-POWER)1 0,-$Q17)))))12 1=$N17-$R1 7]L-~i~57 =).561Bi7+i.309)/i 18 I=POWER)10,-14)/POWER)10,-$T$i 3)+$018 1=15.5129-0.0224*$Bi9.0.00003352*POWER)B18,2) =(N18+P1 P 18)2)-(4"(N18*P18-POWER( 10.-$Q18)))))/2 19 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$019 3 =15.5129-0.0224"$B31 20 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(lO,-$T$13)+$O20 =15.5129-0.0224"$B2C 21 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$021 =15.5129-0.0224"$B21 22 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$022 =15.5129-0.0224"$B22 23 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$023 =15.5129-0.0224"$B23 24 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$024 =15.5129-0.0224'$B24 25 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$025 =15.5129-0.0224"$B25 26 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$326 =15.5129-9.0224"$B2E 27 =POWER(lO,-14)IPOWER(lO,-$T$13)+$027 =15.5129-0.0224"$B27 28 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O28 =15.5129-0.0224"$B2E 29 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O29 =15.5129-0.0224"$B2E 30 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O30 =15.5129-0.0224"$B3(* 31 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(1O,-$T$13)÷$O31 =15.5129-0.0224"$B31 32 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O32 =15.5129-0.0224-$B32 33 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O33 =15.5129-0.0224"$B33 34 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O34 =15.5129-0.0224*$B34 35 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O35 =15.5129-0.0224"$B35 36 37 39 ,F =$N18-$R18 =-LO1 0$S18) =(0.0585"B18+1.309)/i =$N19-$R1 9 ~=-LOG10($S19) =0.0585B19+1.309)/i =$N20-$R20 I =-LOG1 0$S20) =)0.0585"B20+1.309)/1 ,,-$Q23)))))/2 =$N23-$R23 [=-L _$1,-502)NI))2 U$N24-$R24 1= =)0.0585*B25+i.3 =(0.0585*B26+i.3 )-(4*(N25'P25-POWER(10 )-)4')N26-P26-POWER(i0,-$Q26)))))/2 1N5$2 = )-(4*(N27*P27-POWER(10,-$Q27)))))/2 =$N27-$R27 l-LOGO(O$S27) I=)0.0585*B27.i.309)/10000000000 )-)4)(N28*P28-POWER(i0,.$028)))))/2 1=$N28-$R28 I-LOG10)$S28)1=)0-0585*B298i.309)/i0000000000 =)N29vP29-SQRT(POWER(($N29.$P29),2)-)4*N29*P29-POWER(10,-$Q29)))))/2 =$N29-$R29 =LOG10($S29) =(0.0585"B29+1.309)/10000000000 1=)N30vP30-SQRT(POWER))sN30+$P30),2)-)4*(N30*P3o-POWER(10,-$Q30)))))/2 I=$N30-$R30 I=-LOGiO)$530)1=)0.0585*B3051.309)/i 0000000000 1,2) =)N31.P31 -SORT(POWER(($N31+$P31 ),2)-(4)(N31*P31-POWER(i0,-$031 )))))/2 =$N3i-$R31 I =LOG10)$S31)1I)0.0585*B31i.309)/10000000000 .2) )N32.P32-SQRT(POWER(($N32.8P32),2)-)4*(N32*P32-POWER)10,-$Q32)))))/2 1=$N32-$R32 LOi$32=00652i.0)/ 3,2) =)N33+P33-SORT)POWER~$N33r$P33),2)-)4')N33'P33-POWER)i0,-$O33)))))/2 =$N33-$R33 1=-LOG10($S33) 9,2) )N34ý+P34-SORT(POWER(($N34.$P34),2H(4*)N34'P34-POWER)1 0,-$Q34)))))/2 1=$N34-$R34 1-LOGiO $S34 1= (0.0585"B33+1.309)/i (0.0585"B34+ 1.309)/i (0.0585"B35+1.309)/i 5,2) =(N35.P35-SORT(POWER(($N35v$P35),2)-)4*(N35*P35-POWER(i 0,-$Q35)))))12 =$N35-$R35 =-LOG10($S35) z 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D4 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION V X y Z AA 1 2 3 4 ='Available B g. mols 5 =Available B g.atom: 6 7 a OF ADDITION OF SODIUM PENTABORATE STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL [SLC] SOLUTION 9 10 Strong Acid 11 g-equiv. oO,6*1 Borate Boric Acid pK. pH 12 et [H+]* Vpo, g-mols g-equiv. g-equiv. -IogloK. 1 13 =S13"$B$3 =$V$4 =W13*2-V13 =W13*8+V13 =-LO =1O(U13) =Z13+LOG10((X13/$B$3)I(Y13/$B$3)) 14 =S14"$B$3 =$V$4 =W14*24V14 =W14'8+VI4 =-LOG1O(U14) =Z14+LOG10((XI41$B$3)/(Y14/$B$3)) 15 =S15"$B$3 =$V$4 =W15*2V15 =W15*8+V15 =-LOG10(U15) =Z15+LOG10((X151SB$3)I(Yl51$B$3)) 16 =S6"$B$3 =$V$4 =W16*2-V16 =W16*8+V16 =-LOG10(U16) =Z16+LOG10((X16I5B$3)I(Yl61$B$3)) 17 =S17"$B$3 =$V$4 =W17*2-V17 =W17*8+VI7 =-LOGO1(U17) =Z17+LOG10((XI715B$3)/(Y17(5B$3)) 18 =$i8"$B$3 =$V$4 =W18*2-V18 =W18*8+V18 =-LOG10(U18) =ZI+LOG1O((X1$ISB$3)f(Y18f$B$3)) 19 =S19"$B$3 =$V$4 =W19*2-Vl9 =W19*8+Vl9 =-LOG10(U19) =Z19+LOG10((X191$B$3)I(Y19I$B$3)) 20 =S20"$B$3 =$V$4 =W20*2-V20 =W208-+V20 =-LOG10(U20) =Z20+LOG1I((X2I/SB$3)I(Y20O$B$3)) 21 =S21"$B$3 =$V$4 =W21*2-V21 =W21*8+V21 =-LOG10(U21) =Z21+LOG10((X21/$B$3)I(Y211$B$3)) 22 =S22"$B$3 =$V$4 =W22*2-V22 =W22"8+V22 =-LOG10(U22) =Z22÷LOG10((X22/$B$3)/(Y22/$B$3)) 23 =S23"$B$3 =$V$4 =W23*2-V23 =W23*8+V23 =-LOG10(U23) =Z23+LOG10((X2315B$3)I(Y231$B$3)) 24 =S24"$B$3 =$V$4 =W24*2-V24 =W24*8+V24 =-LOG10(U24) =Z24+LOG10((X24/$B$3)/(Y241$B$3)) 25 =$25"$B$3 =$V$4 =W25*2-V25 =W25*8+V25 =-LOG10(U25) =Z25+LOG10((X2515B$3)I(Y251$B$3)) 26 =$26"$B$3 =$V$4 =W26*2-V26 =W26*8+V26 =-LOG10(U26) =Z26+LOG10( X261$5B$3)I(Y261$B$3)) 27 =$27"$B$3 =$V$4 W27*2-V27 =W278+V27 =-LOG10(U27) =Z27÷LOG10((X27I$B$3)t(Y271$B$3)) 28 =$28"$B$3 =$V$4 W28*2-V28 =W28*8+V28 =-LOG10(U28) =Z28+LOG10((X2815B$3)I(Y28I$B$3)) 29 =$29"$B$3 =$V$4 =W29*2-V29 =W29*8+V29 =-LOGO1(U29) =Z29+LOG10((X29/5B$3)I(Y29I$B$3)) 30 =S30"$B$3 =$V$4 =W30*2-V30 =W30*8+V30 =-LOG10(U30) =Z30+LOGIO((X30O$B$3)/(Y30O$B$3)) 31 =$31"$B$3 =$V$4 =W31*2-V31 =W31*8+V31 =-LOG10(U31) =Z31÷LOG10((X311$B$3)I(Y311$B$3)) 32 =$32"$B$3 =$V$4 =W32*2-V32 =W32*8+V32 =-LOG10(U32) =Z32+LOG10((X32/$B$3)/(Y32/$B$3)) 33 =$33"$B$3 =$V$4 =W33*2-V33 =W33*8÷V33 =-LOG10(U33) =Z33+LOG1O((X3315B$3)I(Y331$B$3)) 34 =S34"$B$3 =$V$4 =W34*2-V34 =W34*8+V34 =-LOG10(U34) =Z34+LOG10((X34/$B$3)I(Y341$B$3)) 35 =$35"$B$3 =$V$4 =W35*2-V35 =W35*8+V35 =-LOG10(U35) =Z35+LOG1O((X3515B$3)I(Y35/$B$3)) 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 501O L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D5 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION A B C D E 1 LaSalle pH CALCULATION 2 3 VPOOL =(131900+22712)'28.3168 Liters [131900+22712 ft3] 13 4 m, =290 Iodine inventory [g-atoms] EOC' 0 5 mc =3200 Cesium inventory [g-atoms] EOC" 6 t6ap =121/3600 Onset of Gap release [hrs] o 7 "8 9 INTEGRATED DOSES 10 Beta+Gammala Gamma'8 Beta"s 11 TIME POOL Temp POOL DRYWELL DRYWELL 12 Hours Deg F Mrad MeV/cm3 feýV/cm 13 0 80 14 1175 15 2 187 0.114350690881495 3790880503691 1657791983720.3 16 =0.5+1.5+B6 188 0.119239216805713 3948701086072.37 1726980020148.44 17 3 192 0.246503758693045 8018164351599.42 3534749118108.12 18 5 196.1 0.455565662635391 14422612584938.7 6513016665673.48 19 12 196.1 0.947321614636899 27577220707280.2 13614438264713.9 20 18 196.1 1.24035312656345 34442170719290.2 18024890934106.9 21 24 196.1 1.47540965485085 39713693242271.1 21681328090223.4 22 48 196.1 2.15094766131462 54698635664437.7 32668988446125.1 23 72 196.1 2.64394690696364 65885535777661.8 40916807890604.8 24 96 196.1 3.05810702190641 75459953398150.9 47805167716688.5 25 120 196.1 3.4287336546583 84077551764018.3 53810095454120.1 26 150 196.1 3.85395425802565 93929699467813.7 60406887098065.2 27 200 196.1 4.50070070908295 108719574927709 69714909824775.2 28 240 196.1 4.97707764028497 119428235673629 75986070859729.3 29 300 196.1 5.63835110881547 134037703829197 83899590931009.8 30 360 196.1 6.2475454026586 147264238135522 90440778258257.2 31 400 196.1 6.62970632166082 155465936395942 94215137770998.6 32 480 196.1 7.34682314059028 170699608182561 100703356872217 33 600 196.1 8.33040031237555 191367734998598 108581147160701 34 700 196.1 9.08760106603799 207188024321776 114050181194301 35 720 196.1 9.23367503333038 210236350018260 115059763356440 361 37 NOTES: 38 1 Entergy Eng. Report GGNS-98-0039 Rev.3, Equation 3-1d [30+90 min release duration] 39 2 Ibid, Equation 3-2b 40 3 Ibid, Equation 3-4d [30+90 min release duration] 41 4 Ibid, Table A-1 42 5 Ibid, Equation 3-3a
- 43 47 3-3b 3-5a; Enteroy Calc. XC-Q1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 458 Ibid, Equation 3-5b; Entergy Calc. XC-Q1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5-7 469 Ibid. Equation 3-0a; Enteroy CaIc. XC-Q1111-98013 Rev.2. Section 5-7
!, Section 5-7 I..Section 5-7 bid,. Equation 3-, ,.2, Section 5-7 Bases B clus the 22712 fros ___c1r~. ~ L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D6 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION F G 1 PH TRANSIENT END OF CYCLE 2 Linear Absorption Coefficients 4 3 Ueta air 4 Ubeta hypaln 5 Uga iaar 6 Uga-ma hypalor 7 r -aa pfratRY-ORWELL1 8 r [ga ma f-ra-UPP POOL AIR] 16 10 Gamma" 8 Beta" 11 Supp Pool AIR Supp Pool AIR 12 MeV~cm3 MeV/cm' 13 14 15 3790880503691 1657791983720.3 16 3948701086072.37 1726980020148.44 17 8018164351599.42 3534749118108.12 18 14422612584938.7 6513016665673.48 19 27577220707280.2 13614438264713.9 20 34442170719290.2 18024890934106.9 21 39713693242271.1 21681328090223.4 22 54698635664437.7 32668988446125.1 23 65885535777661.8 40916807890604.8 24 75459953398150.9 47805167716688.5 25 84077551764018.3 53810095454120.1 26 93929699467813.7 60406887098065.2 27 108719574927709 69714909824775.2 28 119428235673629 75986070859729.3 29 134037703829197 83899590931009.8 30 147264238135522 90440778258257.2 31 155465936395942 94215137770998.6 32 170699608182561 100703356872217 33 191367734998598 108581147160701 34 207188024321776 114050181194301 35 210236350018260 115059763356440 36 37 14 38 " 15 39 16 40 17 41 18 42 19 43 20 44 21 45 22 46-47 48 50 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D7 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION H 2 SA., [cm 2 ] 3 0.0198 1/cm SA. [cm 2 ] 4 52.08 1/cm S..a [cm)] 5 0.0000375 1/cm Sef. [cm 2 ] 6 0.099 V/cm 7 1145.4 cm th (cm] 8 1145.4 cm 9 10 From Beta 11 [HI} [HNO3] 2 [HCL] -DRYWELL 12 g-mols/liter g-moo/liter g-mols/liter 13 0 14 =$B$4/(120"$B$3)*($A14-(0.5+$B$6))÷$B$4/(400*$B$3) 15 =$B$4/(120*$B$3)*($A15-(0.5+$B$6))+$B$4/(400 $B$3) =0.0000073"$C15 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2-0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3-$E15 16 =$B$41(120*$B$3)*($A16-(0.5+$B$6))+$B$41(400:$B$3) =0.0000073"$C16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E16 17 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C17 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2"0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E17 18 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C18 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E18 19 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C19 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E19 20 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E20 21 =H$16 =0.0000073$C21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E21 22 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C22 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$2O.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3$E22 23 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C23 =3.512E-2015B$3*($K$2O.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3$E23 24 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E24 25 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C25 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E25 26 =H$16 =0.0000073S$C26 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E26 27 =H$16 =0.0000073$C27 =3.512E-20/5B$3($K$2O.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E27 28 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C28 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$2*O.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E28 29 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C29 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2"0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E29 30 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C30 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E30 31 =H$16 =0.0000073S$C31 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E31 32 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C32 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E32 33 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C33 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E33 34 =H$16 =0.0000073"$C34 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E34 35 =H$16 =0.0000073*$C35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E35 36 37 Acid dissociation constant from: Entergy Eng. Report GGNS-98-0039 Rev.3, Sect.6.1,p.21 38 Entergy CaIc. XC-O 1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 39 See attachment B for gamma free paths 40 LSCS UFSAR Rev. 17, Figure 6.2-7a, with 105 initial Temp. per Section 41 Attachment B 42 Attachment B 43 USNRC Reg. Guide 1.183 44 Page C6 of this attachment 45 Cable Data from Attachment A. 46 47 49 50O L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D8 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION K L M 1 Cable Data z 2 =$P$3-1.1 Cable Surface [trays]- Drywell + 10% contingency 3 =$P$4"1.1 Cable Surface [free air]- Drywell A 10% contingency 4 =$P$6"0.95"1.1 Cable Surface [trays] - Supp. Pool + 10% contingency 5 =P6"1.1"0.05 Cable Surface [free air] - Supp. Pool + 10% contingency 6 7 0.61173 Hypalon Jacket Thickness 8 9 10 From Gamma From Beta From Gamma 11 [HCL] -DRYWELL' [HCL] -CONTAIN [HCL] -CONTAIN' 12 g-molslliter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter 13 14 15 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D15 =3.512E-20I5B$3*($K$4*0.95I2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E15 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6-$K$7))-$D15 16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D 16 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)I$H$3*$E16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D16 17 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D17 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E17 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D17 18 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D18 =3.512E-2015B$3*($K$4*O.9512+$K$5)/$H$3*$E18 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*O.95$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D18 19 =352**$$*$$**5$$)(-*($H5$$)/H5(*x($$*K7)$1 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E19 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*O.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5'$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6$K$7))*$D1 9 20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*( -EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D20 21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$021 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D21 22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*( K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$t22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D22 23 =3.51 2E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-ExP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$024 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$4*O.9512+$K$5)/$H$3*$E24 =3`5120-20/$B$3*($K$4*.95+$K$5)*(1 -ExP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D24 24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-ExP(-$H$5*$H$7 ))$H$5*(1-*ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D25 =3.512E-2015B$3*($K$4*O.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E25 =3.5126-20/$B$3*($K$4*O.95+I$K$5)(1 1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*( 1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D25 25 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-ExP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-ExP(-$H$61$K$7))*$D26 =3.51 2E-20/5$S3*($K$4*O.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E26 =3.5120-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D25 26 =3.512E-20/$6$3*($K$2*0.65+$K$3)*( 1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D27 =3.51 2E-2015B$3*($K$4*O.9512+$K$5)/$H$3*$E27 =3 512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*.95+$K$5)*(1-ExP(-$H$5S$H$8))/$H$5*(1-ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D26 27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$2*0.95+$K$3)( 1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D28 =3.51 2E-2015B$3*($K$4*O.9512+$K$5)/$H$3*$E28 =3.512E-20/5653*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*( 1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*( 1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D27 28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D28 =3.51 2E-20/5B$3($K$4O.9512÷$K$5)/$H$3*$E2 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D28 29 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D32 =3.512E-20/5B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D27 2 30 5 =.51 2-20/B$3($$4K$95/2*K$5)$HS3130 3512E 0/$B3 ($K'PO.5rSK$)(1 EXP(-H$5$S8))/H$5(-EXP($H$65K$7f$$D3 31 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D31 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95I2+$K$5)/$H$3*$E33 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D33 34 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*( 1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D34 =3.512E-201$B$3*($K$4*0.9512+$K$5)/$H$3*$E34 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D34 35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$2*0.95+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))I$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95/2+$K$5)I$H$3*$E35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*($K$4*0.95+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1501 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D9 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION 1N 0 P 2 Cable Data 3 9063064 Cable Surface [Trays] - DRYWELL [cm2l 4 =$P$3*0.05 Cable Surface [Free air] - DRYWELL [cm2] 5 =P6*0.05 Cable Surface [Free air] - TORUS [cm2] 6 0 Cable Surface [Trays] - TORUS [cm2] 7 8 1 0 11 Total [H+] [CsOH] Total [OH+I -LOG(Kw) 12 g-ions/liter g-mols/liter g-ions/liter 13 =POWER(10,-$T$13 )+$H13+$113+$J13+$K13+$L13+$M13 0 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$013 =15.5129-0.0224*$B13+0.00003352*POWER(B i3,2) 14 =POWER(10,-$T$13)÷$H14+$114+$J14+$K14+$L14+$M14 =(0.4*$B$5-0.475*$B$4)/(3*$B$3)*($A14-(0.5+$B$6))+(0.O5*$B$5-0.0475*$B$4)/$B$3 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O14 =15.5129-0.0224"$B 14+0.00003352*POWERIB 14,2) 15 =POWER(l 0,-$T$13)+$H1 5+$115+$JI5+$K1 5+$L1 5+$M15 =(0.4*$B$5-0.475*$B$4)/(3*$B$3)*($A15-(0.5+$B$6))+(0.05*$B$5-0.0475*$B$4)/$B$3 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$015 =15.5129-0.0224*$B15+0.00003352*POWER(B1 5,2) 16 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+ $H1 6+$116+$JS16+$K1 6+$L16+$M16 =(0.4*$B$5-0.475*$R$4)/(3*$B$3)*($A16-(0.5+$B$6))+(0.05*$B$5-0.0475*$B$4)/$B$3 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$016 =15.5129-0.0224*$B1860.00003352*POWER(B16,2) 17 =POWER( 10,-$T$13)÷$H 17+$117+$J17+$K17+$L17+$M 17 =$O$16 =POWER(10,.-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$017 =15.5129-0.0224*$B17c0.00003352*POWER(B 17,2) 18 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H 18+$118+$J18+$K18+$L18+$M 18 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$018 =15.5129-0.0224*$B18+O.00003352'POWER(B 18,2) 19 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H 19+$119+$J19+$K19+$L19+$M 19 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$019 =15.5129-0.0224*$B19+O.00003352*POWER(B 19,2) 20 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H20+$120+$J20+$K20+$L20+$M20 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$020 =15.5129-.0224*$B20O+0.003352*POWER(620,2) 21 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H21+$121+$J21+$K21+$L21+$M21 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$021 =15.5129-0.0224*$B21+0.00003352*POWER(B21,2) 22 =POWER(10,-$T$13)c$H22+$122+$J22+$K22+$L22+$M22 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$022 =15.5129-0.0224"$B22÷0.00003352"POWER(B22,2) 23 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H23+$123+$J23÷$K23+$L23+$M23 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$023 =15.5129-0.0224*$B23+0.00003352*POWER(B23,2) 24 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H24+$124+$J24+$K24+$L24a$M24 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$024 =15.5129-0.0224*$B24s0.00003352*POWER(B24,2) 25 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H25+$125+$J25+$K25+$L25+$M25 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$025 =15.5129-0.02241$B25÷0.00003352*POWER(B25,2) 26 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H26+$126+$J26+$K26+$L26+$M26 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$026 =15.5129-0.0224*$B26=0.00003352"POWER(B26,2) 27 =POWER( 10,-$T$13)+$H27+$127+$J27+$K27+$L27+$M27 =$O$16 NPOWER10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$027 15.5129-0.0224*$27+.00003352*POWER(B27,2 28 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H28+$128+$J28+$K28+$L28+$M28 =$O$16 =POWER)10,-14)IPOWER(10,-$T$13)+$028 =15.5129-0.0224*B28.0.00003352POWER(628,2) 29 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H29+$129+$J29+$K29+$L29+$M29 =$O$16 I=POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$029 =15.5129-0.0224*$B29c0.00003352*POWER(B29,2) 30 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H30+$130+$J30+$K30+$L30+$M30 =$O$16 I=POWER(10,-14)POWER(10,-$T$13)+$030 =15.5129-0.0224*$B30+0.00003352*POWER(B30,2) 31 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H31+$131+$J31+$K31+$L31+$M31 =$O$16 IPOWER10,-14)IPOWER(10,-$T$13)+$031 =15.5129-0.0224"$B31 0.00003352"POWER(B31,2) 32 =POWER(R10,-$T$13)+$H32R$132+$J32+$K32+$L32+$M32 =O32,2) 33 =POWER(,-$T$13)+$H33+$133+$J33+$K33+$L33+$M33 =$O$16 =POWER(10,-14POWER(10,-$T$13)+$33 29.022433O.00003352PWER33,2) 34 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H34+$34+$J34+$K34+$L34+$M34 =$O16 =POWER10,-14)YPOWER(10,-$T$13)+$O34 =15.5129-O.0224*$B34+0.00003352*POWER(B34,2) 35 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H35+$t35+$J35+$K35÷$L35+$M35 =$O516 =POWER( 10,-14)IPOWER(10,-$T$13)+$035 =15.5129-0.0224*$B35+O.00003352*POWER(B35,2) 36 37 38 391 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 149 1501 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D10 of D13
- g. mols Na2B,oO,6*10H20 Added 5~~
='Available Boront!C20 g~atoms total boron 6 7 8 ~pH EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SODIUM PENTABORATE STANDBY LIQUID4 10 Strong Acid 11 Roots N u1 et ý[Hfl pH K9 -eqoiv. Na2BlOl,*lH0H, Borate Boric Acid 12 g-ions/Iiter Before SLC Net [H+] WOO g-mols g-equiv. g-eqaiv. 13 =(N 13.P13-SQRT(POWER(($Nl 3.$Pl 3),2)-(4*(N13*P13-POWER(10,-$Q13)))))/2 =$N13-$R13 5.3 =(0.0585*Bl301.309)110000000000 =S$3B$ V$4 -Wi Y2V1 3 =W1 3*8+Vl 3 14 =(N 1 4P1 4-SQRT(POWER(($N 1 4+$P 14),2)-(4(N 1 4*P1 4-POWER(1 0,-$Q 14)))))/2 =$N14-$R14 =-LOG10($S14) =I0.0585*B14+1.309)/l10000000000 =54B3=$V$4 -Wi 4*2-14 =Wl4*8+V14 15 =(N 1 5.-P1 5-SQRT(POWER(($N 1 5$P1 5),2)-(4*(N 1 5P1 5-POWER(l 0,-$Ql 5)))))/2 =$N1S-$R1S =-LOG1O($5`15) =(0.05BS5B1 5+1.309)/10000000000 =S$5B$ V$4-W 2V1S W 8+S 16 =(N 6.P16-SQRT(POWER(($N16+$Pl6),2)-(4*(N16*P1B-POWER(10,-$O1B)))))/2 =$N16-$Rl6 =-LOGIO($S`16) =(0.0585*B16+1.309)/10000000000 =S 'B3=$V$4 WE-18=1~+1 17 =(N1 7cP17.SQRT(POWER(($N17c$P 7),2)-(4*(Nl7*Pl7-POWER(10,-$Ql7)))))I2 =$N17-$R17 =-LOG1O($517) =(0.0585*B17+1.309)/10000000000 =S1 7*$B$3 =V4=W17*2-V1 7 I=Wl7*+V17 18 =(Nl1 +PlB-SQRT(POWER(($Nl8r$P1 B),2)-(4*(N18*P18-POWER(10,-$O18)))))/2 =$4N18l-$R18 =-LOG1O($S18) =(0.0585*B18.1.309)/10000000000 =S1&*$B$3 =$V$4-W8-18 W18+8 19 =(Nl19.P19-SQRT(POWER(($N19r-$P1 9),2)-(4*(N19*Plg-POWER(10,-$Q19)))))/2 =$N19-$R19 =-L0010($519) =(O.0585*B1901.309)/10000000000 =Sl9*$BS3 =$V$4 ~12V9 =1~c1 20 =(N20rP20-SORT(POWER(($N20r$P20),2)-(4*(N20*P20-POWER(10,-$Q20)))))/2 =N0$0 =LO1(2) =0.BB0+.3)/0000000000 =S20*$B$3 =$V$4 =W20*2-V20 =W20*8+V20 21 =(N21+P21-SQRT(POWER(($N21 +$P21 ),2)-(4*(N21*P21-POWER(10,-$Q21 )))))/2 =$N21-$R21 =-O1(51 (.052 139/00000 S1~B3=$V$4 =W21 *2-V21 =W21 *8+V21 22 =(N22.P22-SORT(POWER(($N22r$P22),2)-(4*(N22*P22-POWER(10,-$Q22)))))/2 =$N22-$R22 =L01C52 (0.0585*B22.1.309)/100000000O00 =S22*$B$3 =V4 W22*2-V22 =W22*8+V22 23 =(N23rP23-SORT(POWER(($N23+$P23),2)-(4*(N23*P23-POWER(I 0,-$Q23)))))/2 =$N23-$R23 =-LOG1O($S23) =(O05085*B23n1 .309)/10000000000 =S23*$B$3 =$V$4 =2~-2 W3.2 24 =(N24.P24-SORT(POWER(($N24+$P24),2)-(4*(N24*P24-POWER(10,-$Q24)))))/2 =$N24-$R24 =-L0010($524) =(0.0585*B24+1.309)/10000000000 =S24*$B$3 =$V$4 W4-V4 =28e4 25 =(N25rP25-SORT(POWER(($N25r$P25),2)-(4*(N25*P25-POWER(10,-$025)))))/2 =$N25-$R25 =-LOG`1O($S25) .=(0.0585*B25r1.309)/10000000O00 =S25*$B$3 =$V$4 =W25*2-V25 =W25*8+V25 28 =(N26+P26-SQRT(POWER(($N26+$P26),2)-(4*(N26*P26-POWER(10,-$Q26)))))/2 =$N26-$R26 -O1(5E (.552+ 39/00000 S6$$ =$V$4 =W26*2-V26 =W2688rV26 27 =(N27rP27-SQRT(POWER(($N27.r$P27),2)ý(4(N27*P27-POWER(10,-$O27)))))/2 =$N27-$R27 =-LOG10(SS27) =(0.0585*B27r1.309)/10000000000 =527*$B$3 W7-2 W7+ 28 =(N28.P28-SORT(POWER(($N28+$P28),2)-(4*(N28*P28-POWER(10,-$028)))))/2 =$N28-$R28 =-LOG1O($S28) =(0.0585*B28r1.309)/1 0000000000 =S28*$B$3 =V4=22V8 =2'.2 29 =(N29+P29-SORT(POW ER(($N29+$P29),2)-(4*(N29*P29-POWER(1 0,-$Q29)))) Y2 =$N29-$R29 =-LOO1O($S29) = (O.0585*B29r1.309)/1 0000000000 =529*$863 =$V$4 =W29*2-V29 =W29*8rV29
- 30. =(N30+ P30-SQRT(POWE R(($N30+$P30),2)-(4*(N30*P30-POWER(10,-$030)))))/2
=$130-$R30 =-LOG1O($S30) = (0.0585*B30r1.309)/1 0000000000 =530*$863 =V4=3~-3 W0r 436 44 48 47 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment 0, Page D11 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION AA AS 2 3 4 5 6 7_ 23 =-LOG10(Ul3) =Z13+LOG10((XI3/$B$3)/(Yl3/$B$3)) 214 =-LOG10(Ul4) =Zl4+LOG1O((Xl4/$B$3)/(Y24I$B$3)) 2L5 =-LOG10(Ul5) =ZI5.LOG1O((XI5/$B$3)/(Y251$B$3)) 2L6 =-LOG10(Ul6) =Zl6.LOGIO((X26/$6S3)/(Y261$B$3)) 27 1=-LOG10(Ul7) I=Zl7.LOGIO((Xl?/$B$3)/(Y271$B$3)) 28 1=-LOG10(Ul8) I=Z28.LOG1O((X281$BS3)/(Y281$B$3)) 29 1-LOG10(Ul9) I=Zl9.LOGIO((Xlg/$B$3)/(Y29I$B$3)) 20 1=-LOG10(U20) I=Z30+LOG10((X30/$BS3)/(Y301SB$3)) 31 1=-LOGO1U31) I=Z31+LOG1O((X21ISB$3)I Y31ISB$3)) 32 1=-LOG1O U322 =Z322LOG1O( x32J$BS3)/(Y321$BS3)) 33 1=-10G10(U33) =Z233LOG1O((X33/$BS3)I(Y233$BS3)) 34 1-LOO10 U34) I=Z24LOG1O((X24ISBS3)I Y3415B$3) 35 1=-LOG10(U35) I=Z35.LOG10O X35/SBS3)I(Y35ISB$3)) 36 1-O1(2)IZ6LG0(2/B3/Y6$$) 391-O1(2)I=2+O1(X7$B3/Y7$$) 481=LG028 441-O1(2)I=2+O1(X9$B3/Y9$$) 451-O1(3)I=3+O1(X0$B3/Y0$$) 46 47 _______ 48 _______ 39 L-003064, Rev. 1 Attachment D, Page 012 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION A B C 2 Available Boron Calculation 3 =131900*28.3168 4 quantity Volume Basis 5 6 Volume of Solution (gal)= 4587 LSCS Technical Specification section 4.1.5 7 wt% of Na2B1O16IB10H20= 0.134 LSCS Technical Specification figure 3.1.5-1 8 Specific Gravity (gm/cm3)=
0.5"($B$7)+0.9985 Table CH-C-105-3 and Attachment C 9 Conversion Factor (cm3/gal)
3785.412 10 Conversion Factor (lbs/gm)=
(11453.59) 11 12 Total Mass of Solution (lbs)
B6*B8*B9*B10 13 Total Na2B1BO16*10H2O (lbs)
B12*B7 14 Total Na2B1OO16*IOH2O (gm)
B13/B10 15 Total Na2B10016*1OH2O (gm-moles)
B14/D26 16 Total Boron (gm-moles)
10B15 17. 18 19 Total Available Boron (lIbs)
B13*B33 20 Total Available Boron (moles)
(B19/B1O)/B27 21 22 B-10 Enrichment
0.199 23 24 Molar Mass Total Molar Mass of 25 (gm/mole) Na2B10016
- 10H20 26 Sodium 22.98977
=2"(B26)+10"(B27)+16*(B28)+10*((2*B29)+(1*(B28))) 27 Boron
B30*(B22)+B31*(1-B22) 2A Oxygen 15.9994 29 Hydrogen 1.00794 30 Boron-10 10.0129369 31 Boron-11 11.0093054 32 33 Percentage of Total Boron
1=10*(B27)/D26 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment D, Page D13 of D13
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION I F G I K L I M I N 1 2 Linear Absorption Coefficients ' LA 0.y [b] 873.65 Cable Length [trays]- Zone A SLC [Ibs] 5800INa2BjoO1v Add 3 VpooL 3.735E1-06 Liters [Min.Tech Spec Basis B] UW.a r 1.980E-02* /cm LAf. [Ib] 873.65 Cable Length [free air]- Zone A 4 mr 325 Iodine inventory [g-atoms] Ubeta hypalm 52.08 1/cm Lraey [Ib] 14049.27 Cable Length [trays] - Zone B 5 mc, 2400 Cesium inventory [g-atoms] Ugarnma ai, 3.75E-05 1/cm LBfa [Ib] 1561.03 Cable Length [free air] - Zone B S t6p 0.0336 Onset of Gap release [hrs] U....h...... 0.099 1/cm R, [cm 2 ]/Ib 800 Cable Area I i 7 r p___in". 1112.5 cm th [cm] 0.7112 Hypalon Jacket Thickness 8 r I f al 1364 cm 9 INTEGRATED DOSES CONCENTRATIONS 10 Beta-Gamma Gamma Beta Gamma Beta From Beta From Gamma From Beta From Gamma 11 TIME POOL Temp POOL DRYWELL DRYWELL CONTAINMENT CONTAINMENT [HII [HNOJ 2 [HCL]-A i [HCL]-A u [HCL-B i [HHCL]-B Total [H+t 7 [CsOHt Total t[OH+] -LOG(Kw) ' Root x-.u 12 Hours Deg F Me[-cm" MeV/cm" MeV/cmi MeV/cm[ g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-mols/titer g-mols/liter 9-mols/liter g-ions/liter g-mols/liter g-ions/liter 13 0 105 O.00E+9( 5.012E-06 0.0000E+00 2.00E-09 1.353E+01 -3.8824E-O9 14 1 170 5.557E-07 5.568E-06 6.1528E-05 6.15E-05 1.267E+01 5.5638E-06 15 2 180 1.3645E-01 1.4200E+12 2.8733E+12 0.0000E+00 1.1220E+12 1.2809E-06 9.961E-07 1.431E-06 1.3836-06 3.660E-06 0.000E+00 1.376E-05 1.3343E-04 1.33E-04 1.257E+01 1.3760E-00 16 2.0336 181 1.4229E-01 1.4506E+12 2.8784E+12 0.OOOOE÷00 1.2148E+12 1.3052E-06 1.039E-06 1.433E-06 1.412E-06 3.962E-06 0.000E+00 1.416E-05 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.256E÷01 1.4162E-05 17 3 185 2.9415E-01 2.1630E+12 3.0235E+12 6.6925E+10 1.2908E+12 1.3052E-06 2.147E-06 1.505E-06 2.1066-06 4.210E-06 7.206E-07 1.701E-05 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.252E+01 1.7004E-05 18 5 196.1 5.4364E-01 3.0991E+12 3.3208E+12 6.4671E÷11 1.4468E+12 1.3052E-06 3.969E-06 1.653E-06 3.018E-06 4.719E-06 6.963E-06 2.664E-05 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 2.6636E-95 19 12 196.1 1.1306E+00 4.7032E+12 4.3312E+12 1.6404E+12 1.9789E+12 1.3052E-06 8.253E-06 2.156E-06 4.579E-06 6.455E-06 1.766E-05 4.542E-05 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 4.5420E-05 20 18 196.1 1.4804E+00 5.4462E+12 5.1609E1+12 2.1006E+12 2.4183E+12 1.3052E-06 1.081E-05 2.569E-06 5.303E-06 7.888E-06 2.262E-05 5.560E-05 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 5.5498E-05 21 24 196.1 1.7610E÷00 5.9733E+12 5.9584E+12 2.4271E+12 2.8430E+12 1.3052E-06 1.286E-05 2.967E-06 5.816E-06 9.273E-06 2.613E-05 6.336E-05 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 6.3357E-05 22 48 196.1 2.5674E+00 7.2434E+12 8.85036+12 3.2138E+12 4.4038E+12 1.3052E-06 1.874E-05 4.406E-06 7.053E-06 1.436E-05 3.460E-05 8.549E-05 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 8.5479E-05 23 72 196.1 3.1560E+00 7.9863E+12 1.1319E+13 3.6740E+12 5.7649E+12 1.3052E-06 2.304E-05 5.635E-06 7.776E-06 1.880E-05 3.956E-05 1.011E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.0112E-04 24 96 196.1 3.6505E+00 8.5135E+12 1.3425E+13 4.0005E+12 6.9521E+12 1.3052E-06 2.665E-05 6.684E-06 8.290E-06 2.268E-05 4.307E-05 1.137E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.1367E-04 25 120 196.1 4.0931E+00 8.9224E+12 1.5224E+13 4.2538E+12 7.9874E+12 1.3052E-08 2.988E-05 7.580E-06 8.688E-06 2.605E-05 4.580E-05 1.243E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.2429E-4 26 150 196.1 4.6010E+00 9.3312E+12 1.7105E+13 4.5071E+12 9.0975E+12 1.3052E-06 3.359E-05 8.516E-06 9.086E-06 2.967E-05 4.853E-05 1.357E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3515E-04 27 200 196.1 5.3738E+00 9.8584E+12 1.9521E+13 4.8336E+12 1.0574E+13 1.3052E-06 3.923E-05 9.719E-06 9.599E-06 3.449E-05 5.205E-05 1.514E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3582E6-04 28 240 196.1 5.9431E+00 1.0192E+13 2.0955E+13 5.0405E+12 1.1486E+13 1.3052E-06 4.338E-05 1.043E-05 9.924E-06 3.747E-05 5.427E-05 1.618E-04 1.3584E6-4 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3583E-04 29 300 196.1 6.7335E+00 1.0601E+13 2.2506E÷13 5.2938E+12 1.2519E+13 1.3052E-06 4.915E-05 1.121E-05 1.032E-05 4.0646-05 5.700E-05 1.748E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3584E-04 30 360 196.1 7.4620E+00 1.0935E+13 2.3551E+13 5.5007E+12 1.3252E+13 1.3052E-06 5.447E-05 1.173E-05 1.0656-05 4.323E-05 5.923E-05 1.856E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3564E-04 31 400 196.1 7.9191E+00 1.1128E+13 2.40496+13 5.6203E+12 1.3618E+13 1.3052E-06 5.781E-05 1.197E-05 1.084E-05 4.442E-05 6.052E-05 1.919E-04 1.3584E-04 1.361-04 1.241E+01 1.3564E-04 32 480 196.1 8.7770E+00 1.1463E+13 2.4727E+13 5.8272E+12 1.4143E613 1.3052E-06 6.407E-05 1.231E-05 1.116E-05 4.613E-05 6.274E-05 2.027E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.2416+01 1.3584E-04 33 600 196.1 9.9540E+00 1.1871E+13 2.5259E+13 6.0805E+12 1.4592E+13 1.3052E-06 7.266E-05 1.258E-05 1.156E-05 4.760E-05 6.547E-05 2.162E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3584E-04 34 700 196.1 1.0861E+01 1.2164E+13i 2.5472E+13 6.2555E+12 1.4791E+13 1.3052E-06 7.928E-05 1.268E-05 1.183E-OS 4.825E-05 6.736E-05 2.257E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3584E-04 35 720 196.1 1.1035E+01 1.2205E+13 2.5506E+13 6.28756+12 1.48196+13 1.30520-06 8.0566-05 1.2700-OS 1.188E-05 4.834E-OS 6.770E-05 2.275E-04 1.3584E-04 1.36E-04 1.241E+01 1.3584E-04 36 37 NOTES 38 1 Entergy Eng. Report GGNS-98-0039 Rev.36 Equation 3-i1d [30+90 min release duraton) 14 Acid dissociation constant from: Entergy Eng. Rep. GGNS-98-0039 Rev.3, Sect.6.1,p.21 39 3 Ibid, Equation 3-2b 4 d 15 Entergy Calc. XCm 1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 40 2 Ibid. Equation 3-4d [30+90 min release duration] 41 4 Ibid, Table A-1 I I 42 5 Ibid, Equation 3-3a; Entergy Calc. XC-Q1111-98013 Rev.2, Equation 5-1 43 6 Ibid, Equation 3-3b; Entergy Calc. XC-C1 111-98013 Rev.2, Equation 5-2 44 7 bid, Equation 3-5a; Entergy Calc. XC-*1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 45 8 Ibid, Equation 3-5b; Entergy Catc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 46 1 Ibid, Equation 3-0a; Entergy Calc. XC-.1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 476 10 Ibid, Equation 3-5d; Entergy Calc. XC-Q1 111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 48 11 bid, Equabon 3-5d; Entergy Calc. XC-Q1111-98013 Rev.2, Section 5.7 9 I bid, Equabton 3-5e; Entert 50 13 Entergy CaIc. XC-Q11111-L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment E, Page El of E7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION S T U V W X Y Z AA AB 2 d [MW=4101 3 4 5 6 7 8 pH EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SODIUM PENTABORATE STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL [SLC] SOLUTIOI' 9 10 _Strong Acid 11 Net [H+] pH K. g-equiv. Na2BoO,6 Borate Boric Acid pK, pH 12 g-ions/liter 14 Net [H+j
- Vpoo, g-mols g-equiv.
g-equiv. -Iog,0 K, 13 5.0158E-06 5.300 7.4515E-10 1.8734E001 6416.8 12815 51353 9.13 8.52 14 3.7883E-09 8.422 1.1254E-09 1.4149E-t2 6416.8 12834 51334 8.95 8.35 15 2.2650E-09 8.645 1.1839E-09 8.4597E-03 6416.8 12834 51334 8.93 8.32 16 2.2810E-09 8.642 1.1898E-09 8.5193E-03 6416.8 12834 51334 8.92 8.32 17 2.5639E-09 8.591 1.2132E-09 9.5763E-03 6416.8 12834 51334 8.92 8.31 18 3.5683E-09 8.448 1.2781E-09 1.3327E-02 6416.8 12834 51334 8.89 8.291 19 4.3095E-09 8.366 1.2781E-09 1.6096E-02 6416.8 12834 51334 8.89 8.29 20 4.86500E-09 8.314 1.2781E-09 1.8115E-02 6416.8 12834 51334 8.89 8.29 21 5.3759E-09 8.270 1.2781E-09 2.0079&-02 6416.8 12834 51334 8.89 8.29 22 7.7371E-09 8.111 1.2781E-09 2.8898E-02 6416.8 12834 51334 8.89 8.29 23 1.1222E-08 7.950 1.2781E-09 4.1914E-02 6416.8 12834 51334 8.89 8.29 24 1.7575E-08 7.755 1.2781E-09 6.5644E-02 6416.8 12833 51334 8.89 8.29 25 3.3712E-08 7.472 1.2781E-09 1.2592E-01 6416.8 12833 51334 8.89 8.29 26 5.6040E-07 6.252 1.2781E-09 2.0931E+00 6416.8 12831 51336 8.89 8.29 27 1.5579E-05 4.807 1.2781E-09 5.8186E+01 6416.8 12775 51392 8.89 8.29 28 2.5966E-05 4.586 1.2781 E-09 9.6982E+01 6416.8 12737 51431 8.89 8.29 29 3.8999E-05 4.409 1.2781E-09 1.4566E+02 6416.8 12688 51480 8.89 8.29 30 4.9778E-05 4.303 1.2781E-09 1.8592E+02 6416.8 12648 51520 8.89 8.28 31 5.6032E-05 4.252 1.2781E-09 2.0928E+02 6416.8 12624 51544 8.89 8.28 32 6.6897E-05 4.175 1.2781E-09 2.4986E+02 6416.8 12584 51584 8.89 8.28 33 8.0343E-05 4.095 1.2781E-09 3.0008E+02 6416.8 12533 51634 8.89 8.28 34 8.9875E-05 4.046 1.2781E-09 3.3568E+02 6416.8 12498 51670 8.89 8.28 35 9.1651E-05 4.038 1.2781E-09 3.4231E+02 6416.8 12491 51677 8.89 8.28 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4W9 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment E, Page E2 of E7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION EL A B C D E F 1 1CASE 1 LGRAND GULF REFEREp H TRANSIENT H 2 Line ar Absorpt'on Coeiftciei 3 VPooL =131900*28.3168 Liters [Min.Tech Spec Basis B Ua a., 0.0198 4 m, =325 Iodine inventory [g-atoms] Ubnia hypalon 52.08 5 mca =2400 Cesium inventory [g-atoms[ Ugamn air 0.0000375 6 tgap =121/3600 Onset of Gap release [hrs] Ugarnrna hypalon 0.099 7 r[m ftoemn,-A 1112.5 8 r, m-Un 1384 9 INTEGRATED DOSES 10 Beta-Gamma Gamma Beta Gamma Beta 11 TIME POOL Temp POOL DRYWELL-A DRYWELL-A DRYWELL-B DRYWELL-B [HI] 12 Hours Deg F Mrad MeV/cm* MeV/cm' MeV/cm' MeV/cm' g-mols/liter 13 0 105 a 14 1 170 =$B$4/(120*$B$3)*($A14-(O.5+$B$6))+$B$4I(400*$B$3) 15 2 180 1.3783 1420000000000 2873300000000 0 1122000000000 =$B$4/(120$B$3)($A15-(O.5+$B$6))+$B$4I(400*$B$3) 16 =0.5+1.5+66 181 1.3792 1450600000000 2878400000000 0 1214800000000 =$B/(120*$B$3)*($A16-(0.5+$B$6))+$B$4/(400*$B$3) 17 3 185 1.4049 2163000000000 3023500000000 66925000000 1290800000000 =H$16 18 5 196.1 1.4581 3099100000000 3320800000000 646710000000 1446800000000 =H$16 19 12 196.1 1.6425 4703200000000 4331200000000 1640400000000 1978900000000 H$1 20 18 196.1 1.7985 5446200000000 5160900000000 2100600000000 2418300000000 H$16 21 24 196.1 1.9526 5973300000000 5956400000000 2427100000000 2843000000000 =H$16 22 48 196.1 2.5509 7243400000000 8850300000000 3213800000000 4403800000000 H$16 23 72 196.1 3.1213 7986300000000 11319000000000 3674000000000 5764900000000 =H$16 24 96 196.1 3.6648 8513500000000 13425000000000 4000500000000 6952100000000 =H$16 25 120 196.1 4.183 8922400000000 15224000000000 4253800000000 7987400000000 =H$16 26 150 196.1 4.7966 9331200000000 17105000000000 4507100000000 9097500000000 =H$16 27 200 196.1 5.7409 9858400000000 19521000000000 4833600000000 10574000000000 =H$16 28 240 196.1 6.4313 10192000000000 20955000000000 5040500000000 11486000000000 =H$16 29 300 196.1 7.3686 10601000000000 22506000000000 5293800000000 12519000000000 =H$16 30 360 196.1 8.1999 10935000000000 23551000000000 5500700000000 13252000000000 =H$16 31 400 196.1 8.7011 11128000000000 24049000000000 5620300000000 13618000000000 =H$16 32 480 196.1 9.5911 11463000000000 24727000000000 5827200000000 14143000000000 H$16 33 600 196.1 10.685 11871000000000 25259000000000 6080500000000 14592000000000 =H$16 34 700 196.1 11.417 12154000000000 25472000000000 6255500000000 14791000000000 =H$16 35 720 196.1 11.546 12205000000000 25500000000000 6287500000000 14819000000000 H$16 36 37 NOTES 38 1 Entergy Eng. Report GG 14 39 2 Ibid. Equation 3-2b 15 40 3 Ibid, Equation 3-4d [30+9 41 4 Ibid, Table A-1 42 5 Ibid, Equation 3-3a; Ente 43 6 Ibid, Equation 3-3b; Ente 44 7 Ibid, Equation 3-5a; Ente 4518 Ibid, Equation 3-5b; Ented 46 9 bid, Equation 3-0a; EntE 47 10 lbid, Equation 48 1i bid, Equation. L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment E, Page E3 of E7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION K L 2 LA 0 y [b] 873.65 Cable Length (trays]- Zone A 3 1/cm LAIa [1b] 873.65 Cable Length (free air]- Zone A 4 1/cm T Leny [Ib, 14049.27 Cable Length [trays] - Zone B 5 1/cm T LB e [Ib] 1561.03 Cable Length [free air] - Zone B 6 1/cm T R. [cm'ylIb 800 Cable Area 7 cm_ th [cm) =0.28*2.54 Hypalon Jacket Thickness 8c= 9 CONCENTRATIONS 10 From Beta From Gamma From Beta 11 [HNO,] I [HCL] -A [HCL] -A [HCLJ -B 12 g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter g-mols/liter 13 14 15 =0.0000073"$C15 =3.512E-201$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E1 5 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D1 5 =3.512E-20/$5$3*$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3*$G1 5 16 1=0.0000073-$C16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D16 =3.512E-20/$5$3*$K$6*($K$4/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$G1 6 17 =0.0000073"$C17 =3.51 2E-20I$B$3*$K$6*($K$2I2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E17 =3.51 2E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3y*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$Dt7 =3.51 2E-20/5B$3"$K$6 ($K$4/2n$K$5)/$H$3*$G1 7 18 =0.0000073"$C18 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2J2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E18 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))I$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D08 =3.512E-20/5B$3*$K$6($K$4/2c$K$5)/$H$3*$G18 19 1=0.0000073"$C19 1=3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E19 =3.512E-20/$8$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D19 =3.512E-20/$5$3*$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3"$G19 20 =0.0000073"$C20 1=3.512E-20I$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))I$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$G20 21 =0.0000073"$C21 i=3.512E-20I$B$3$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3"$E21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4I2+$K$5)/$H$3*$G21 22 =0.0000073"$C22 =3.51 2E-201$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7)) $D22 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3*$G22 23 =0.0000073"$C23 =3.512E-20/$B$3$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E23 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)°(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D23 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$G23 24 =0.0000073"$C24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D24 =3.512E-20/$5$3*$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3*$G24 25 =0.0000073"$C25 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6 ($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E25 =3.512EB-20/$B$3$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)y1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D25 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3*$G25 26 =0.0000073"$C26 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E26 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D26 =3.512E-20/5B$3*$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3*$G26 27 =0.0000073*$C27 =3.512E-201$B$3*$K$6°($K$212+$K$3)/$H$3*$E27 =3.512E-20/$B$3"$K$6"($K$2+$K$3)*(I-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7)) $D27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$412n$K$5)/$H$3*$G27 28 =0.0O00073"$C28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3*$G28 29 =0.0000073"$C29 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E29 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5)1l-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D29 3.512E-25B$3$K$6($K$4/2+$K$5)/$H$3$G29 30 =0.0000073"$C30 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3"$E30 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2÷$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D30 3.512E-20/5B$3*$K$6*$K$4/2n$K$5 /$H$3*$G30 31 =0.0000073"$C31 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2J2+$K$3)/$H$3$E31 =3.51 2E-20$B$3$K$6($K$2÷$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D31 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4/2÷$K$5)/$H$3*$G31 32 =0.0000073"$C32 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$t<$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E32 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2÷$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1 -EXP)-$H$6*$K$7))*$032 =3.512E-20/5S$3*$K$6*($K$4/2÷$K$5)/$H$3'$G32 33 =0.0000073"$C33 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2/2+$K$3)/$H$3*$E33 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2÷$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D33 =3.512E-20/5B$3"$K$6*($K$412+$K$5)/$H$3°$G33 34 =0.0000073"$C34 =3.512E-20/$6$3$K$6($K$2/2+$K$3)I$H$3*$E34 =3.512E-20I$B$3*$K$6*($K$2n$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$034 =3.512E-20/5B$3*$K$6*($K$4I2÷$K$5)/$H$3*$G34 35 =0.0000073-$C35 .512E-2O/$B$3"K$6($K$2/2÷$K$3y/$H$3*$E35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$2+$K$3)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$7))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$D35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4/2+$K$5)/$H$3*$G35 36 37 38 Adcid dissociation consta 39 Entergy CaIc. XC-O1 111 40 41 421 431 44 45 46 47 48 1 49 1 50 1 L-003064. Rev. 1, Attachment E, Page E4 of E7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION M I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 From Gamma 11 [HCL] -B6 Total [H+]1 [CsOH] 12 g-molstliter g-ions/liter g-tools/liter 13 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H13v+$113+$J13v+$K13+$L3+$M13 =0 6 24 =POWER(-210,-$T$136+$HI14+$514+$J 14+$K14+$L5H14+$M14S=(0.4*$B$5-0.475*$B$4)/(PO$ER3)0,$AT11-30.5+$B$6)24(O.05*$S$5-O.0L25+$M$4)=$0$1 15 =3.512E-20/$B$3"$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5"$H$8)Y5$H$5(1-EXP(-$H$6-$K$7))'$F15 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H15+$115+$J15+$K15+$L15+$M15 =50516 16 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F16 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H16+$116+$J16+$K16+$L16+$M16 =(0.4"$B$5-1.475*$B$4)/(3*$B$3)*($A516-(0.5+$B$6))+(0.05"$B$5-.O475*$B$4)$B$3 17 =3.512E-20/$B$3"$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5"$H$8))$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F17 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H17+$117+$J17+$K17+$L17+$M27 =$O516 18 =3.512E-20/$B$3-$K$6-($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$55$H$8))$H$55(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))-$F18 =POWER(10,-$T$13)÷$H18+$118÷$J18+$K18+$L18+$M2 8 =$O516 19 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1 EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))$H$5*(1°ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F19 =POWER(10,-$T$13)÷$H19+$119+$J19+$K19+$L19+$M19 =$O516 20 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8)y$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F20 =POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$H2O+$120+$J20+$K20+$L20+$M20 =$O516 21 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$55$H$8)/$H5(l1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F21 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H21+$121÷$J21+$K21+$L21+$M21 =$O516 22 =3.512E-20/$B$3-$K$6*($K$4÷$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8)Y$H$5"(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F22 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H22+$1225$J22+$K22+$L22+$M22 =$O516 23 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5(1-EXP(- H$6*$K$7))*$F23 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H23+$123+$J23+$K23+$L23+$M23 =$O516 24 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4÷$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8)Y$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F24 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H24+$124+$J24+$K24+$L24+$M24 =$O516 25 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8)_$H$5"(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F25 _=POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H25+$125+$J25+$K25+$L25+$M25 =$O$16 26 =3.512E-20/$B$3-$K$6-($K$4+$K$5)*(1*EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1*EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F26 I=POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H26+$126+$J26+$K26+$L26+$M26 =$O$16 27 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1*EXP(-$H$5*$H$8)y$H$5*(1*ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F27 I=POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$H27+$127+$J27+$K27+$L27+$M27 =$O$16 28 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1*EXP(-$H$5*$Hi$8))/$H$5*(1*EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F28 =POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$H28+$128÷$J28+$K28+$L28+$M28 =$O$16 29 =3.512E-2O/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*( 1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F29 =POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$H29+$129+$J29+$K29+$L29+$M29 =$O$16 30 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-ExP(-$H$5*$H$B)Y$H$5*(1*EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F30 =POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$H30+$13O+$J30+$K30+$L30+$M30 =$O$16 31 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1*EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1*ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F31 =POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$H31+$131+$J31+$K31+$L31+$M31 =$0$16 32 =3`512E-20/$B$3*$K$6°($K$4+$K$5)*(1-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1*ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F32 =POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$H32+$132+$J32+$K32+$L32+$M32 =$0$16 33 !=3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1-ExP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1*EXP(-$H$6'$K$7))*$F33 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H33+$133÷$J33+$K33+$L33+$M33 =$O$16 34 !=3.512E-20/$S$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(l-EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5"(1-EXP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F34 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H34+$134+$J34+$K34+$L34+$M34 =$0$16 35 =3.512E-20/$B$3*$K$6*($K$4+$K$5)*(1*EXP(-$H$5*$H$8))/$H$5*(1*ExP(-$H$6*$K$7))*$F35 =POWER(10,-$T$13)+$H35+$135+$J35+$K35+$L35+$M35 =$0$16 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48_02i L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment E, Page E5 of E7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION P 0 2 SLC [Ibs]15800 Na2B40710H20 Added [MW=410] -i i I 6 7 8 pH EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SODIUP 9 10 11 Total [OH+] -LOG(Kw) Root x Net [H+j -pH K, 12 g-ions/liter g-ionslliter 14 13 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(1O,-$T$13)+$013 =15.5129-0.0224*$B13+0.O0003352*POWER(B13,2) =(N13+Pl3-SQRT(POWER(($N13+$P13),2)-(4*(N13*P13-POWER(10,-$Q13)))))12 =$N13-$R13 5.3 =(0.0585"B13+1.309)/10000000000 14 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$014 =15.5129-0.0224*$BI4+0.00003352*POWER(B14,2) =(N14+P14-SQRT(POWER(($N14+$P14),2)-(4*(N14*P14-POWER(10,-$Q14)))))12 =$N14-$R14 =-LOG10($S14) =(0.0585"B14+1.309)/10000000000 15 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$015 =15.5129-.0224*$B15+0.00003352*POWER(B15,2) =(N15+P15-SQRT(POWER(($N15+$P15),2)-(4*(N15*P15-POWER(10,-$Q15))))y2 =$N15-$R1 =-LOG10($S15) =(0.0585"B15+1.309)/1000000000 16 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$016 =15.5129-O.0224*$B16+0.00003352*POWER(B16,2) =(N16+P16-SQRT(POWER(($N16+$P16),2)-(4*(N16*P16-POWER(10,-$Q16)))))/2 =$N16-$R1=6 -LOG10($S16) =(0.0585"B16+1.309)/10000000000 17 =POWER(10,-14 POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O17 =15.5129-0.0224*$B17+O.00003352*POWER(B17,2) =(N17+P17-SQRT(POWER(($N17+$P17),2)-(4*(N17*P17-POWER(10,-$Q17)))))/2 =$N17-$R17 =-LOG10($S17) =(0.0585"B17+1.309)/1000000000 18 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$018 =15.5129-0.0224*$B18+O.00003352*POWER(B18,2) =(N18+Pl8-SORT(POWER(($N18+$P18),2)-(4*(N18*P18-POWER(10,-$Q18)))))/2 =$N18-$R18 =-LOG1O($S18) =(0.0585"B18+1.309)/10000000000 19 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$O19 =15.5129-O.0224*$B19+0.00003352*POWER(B19,2) =(N19+P19-SQRT(POWER(($N19+$P19),2)-(4*(N19*P19-POWER(10,-$Q19)))))f2 =$N19-$R19 =-LOG10($S19) =(0.0585"B19+1.309)/10000000000 20 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$020 =15.5129-0.0224*$B20+0.00003352*POWER(B20,2) =(N20+P20-SORT(POWER(($N20+$P20),2)-(4*(N20*P20-POWER(10,-$Q20)))))/2 =$N20-$R20 =-LOG10($S20) =(0.0585"B20+1.309)/10000000000 21 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$021 =15.5129O.0224*$B21+0.0O003352POWER(21,2) =(N21+P21-SQRT(POWER(($N21+$P21),2)-(4*(N21*P21-POWER(10,-$Q21)))))12 =$N21-$R21 =-LOG10($S21) =(0.0585"B21+1.309)/10000000000 22 =POWER(10.-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$022 =15.5129-O.0224$B22+0.00003352POWER)B22,2) =(N22+P22-SQRT(POWER(($N22+$P22),2)-(4*(N22*P22-POWER(10,-$Q22)))))/2 =$N22-$R22 =-LG10($S22) =(0.0585*B22+1.309)/10000000000 23 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$023 =15.51290.0224*$B23+0.00003352*POWER(B23,2) =(N23+P23-SQRT(POWER(($N23+$P23),2)-(4*(N23*P23-POWER(10,-$023)))))/2 =$N23-$R23 =-LOG10($S23) =(0.0585"B23+1.309)/10000000000 24 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$024 =15.5129-0.0224*$B24+0.00003352*POWER(B24,2) =(N24+P24-SQRT(POWER(($N24+$P24),2)-(4*(N24*P24-POWER(10,-$Q24)))))/2 =$N24-$R24 =-LOG10($S24) =(0.0585"B24+1.309)/10000000000 25 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$025 =15.5129-0.0224*$B25+0.00003352*POWER(B25,2) =(N25+P25-SORT(POWER(($N25+$P25),2)-(4*(N25*P25-POWER(1 0,-$Q25)))))/2 =$N25-$R25 =-LOG10($S25) =(0.0585"B25+1.309)/1000000000 26 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$026 =15.5129-0.0224*$S26+0.00003352*POWER(S26,2) =(N26+P26-SORT(POWER(($N26+$P26),2)-(4*(N26*P26-POWER(10,-$Q26)))))/2 =$N26-$R26 =-LO10($S26) =(0.0585"B26+1.309)/10000000000 27 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$027 =15.5129-0.0224*$B27+0.00003352*POWER(B27,2) =N27+27-SRT(POWER(($N27+$P27),2)-040(N27*P27-POWER)1 0,-$027)))))2 =$N27-$R27 =-LO10($S27) =(0.0585B27+1.309)/1000000000 28 =POWER(1 0,-14)lPOWER(10,-$T$13)+$028 =15.5129-0.0224*$B28+0.00003352*POW ER(B28,2) =(N28+P28-SQRT(POWER(($N28+$P28),2)-(4*(N28*P28-POWER(1 0,-$Q28)))))/2 =$N28-$R28 =-LOG10($S28) =(0.0585"B28+1.309)/10000000000 29 =POWER(1 0,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$029 =15.5129-0.0224*$B29+0.00003352*POWER(B29,2) =(N29+P29-SQRT(POWER(($N29+$P29),2)-(4*(N29*P29-POWER(1 0,-$Q29)))))12 =$N29-$R29 =-LOO10($29) =(0.0585"B29+1.309)/10000000000 30 =POWER(1 0,-14)/POWER(1 0,-$T$13)+$030 =15.5129-0.0224*$B30+0.00003352*POWER(B30,2) =(N30+P30-SQRT(POWER(($N30+$P30),2)-(4*(N30*P30-POWER(1 0,-$Q30)))))/2 =$N30-$R30 =-LO10($S30) =(0.05858B30+1.309)/10000000000 31 =POWER(1 0,-14)/POWER(1 0,-$T$13)+$031 =15.5129-0.0224*$B31+0.00003352*POWER(B31,2) =(N31 +P31-SQRT(POWER(($N31+$P31),2)-(4*(N31"P31-POWER(1 0,-$Q31)))))/2 =$N31-$R31 =-LOG10($S31) =(0.0585"B31 +1.309)/10000000000 32 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(1 0,-$T$13)+$032 =1 5.5129-0.0224*$B32+0.00003352*POWER(B32,2) =(N32+P32-SQRT(POWER(($N32+$P32),2)-(4*(N32*P32-POWER(1 0,-$Q32)))))/2 =$N32-$R32 =-LOG10($S32) =(0.0585"B32+1.309)/10000000000 33 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(1 0,-$T$13)+$033 =1 5.5129-0.0224*$B33+0.00003352*POWER(B33,2) =(N33+P33-SQRT(POWER(($N33+$P33),2)-(4*(N33*P33-POWER(1 0,-$Q33)))))/2 =$N33-$R33 =-LOG10($S33) =(0.0585"B33+1.309)/10000000000 34 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(1 0,-$T$13)+$034 =1 5.5129-0.0224*$B34+0.00003352*POWER(B34,2) =(N34+P34-SQRT(POWER(($N34+$P34),2)-(4*(N34*P34-POWER(l 0,-$Q34)))))/2 =$N34-$R34 =-LOG10($S34) =(0.0585"B34+1.309)/10000000000 35 =POWER(10,-14)/POWER(10,-$T$13)+$035 =15.5129-0.0224*$B35+0.00003352*POWER(B35,2) =(N35+P35-SQRT(POWER(($N35+$P35),2)-(4*(N35*P35-POWER(10,-$035)))))/2 =$N35-$R35 =-LOG10($S35) =(0.0585"B35+1.309)/10000000000 36 37 38 39 40 41 '42 43 44 45 46 47. 491 544 1_1 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment E, Page E6 of E7
LASALLE GENERATING STATION TRANSIENT POOL pH CALCULATION V W x y z AA 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strong Acid 11 g-equiv. NaAB=O710H20 Borate Borc Acid pK. pH 12 Net [H+]
- VPOOL I g-mols g-equiv.
g-equiv. -log,.K 1 13 =$13"$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W13*2-V13 =W13*8+V13 =-LOG10(U13) =Z13+LOG10((X131$B$3)/(Y13f$B$3)) 14 =S14"$B$3 =$Q$2*453.6/410 =W14*2-V14 =W14*8+V14 =-LOG10(U14) =Z14+LOG10((X14/$B$3)/(Y14/$B$3)) 15 =S15"$B$3 =$Q$2*453.6/410 =W15*2-V15 =W15*8+V15 =-LOG10(U15) =Z15+LOG10((X151$B$3)/(Y151$B$3)) 16 =S16"$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W16*2-V16 =W16"8+V16 =-LOG10(U16) =Z16+LOG10((X161$B$3)I(Y161$B$3)) 17 =$17*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W17*2-V17 =W17*8+V17 =-LOG10(U17) =Z17+LOG10((Xl7$B$3)/(Y17/$B$3)) 18 =$18*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.61410 =W18*2-V18 =W18*8+V18 =-LOG10(U18) =Z18+LOG10((Xl8$B$3)/(Y181$B$3)) 19 =$19"$B$3 =$Q$2"453.61410 =Wl*2-V19 =W19*8+V19 =-LOG1O(U19) =Z19+LOG10((X191$B$3)I(Y191$B$3)) 20 =S20*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W20*2-V20 =W20*8+V20 =-LOG10(U20) =Z20+LOGIO((X2OI$B$3)I(Y2OI$B$3)) 21 =$21"$B$3 =$0$2"453,6/410 =W21*2-V21 =W21*8+V21 =-LOG10(U21) =Z21+LOG10((X21/$B$3)I(Y211$B$3)) 22 =$22"$B$3 =$Q$2"453.61410 =W22*2-V22 =W22"8+V22 =-LOG1O(U22) =Z22+LOG10((X22/$B$3)/(Y22/$B$3)) 23 =323"$B$3 =$Q$2"453,6/410 =W23*2-V23 =W23*8+V23 =-LOG10(U23) =Z23+LOG10((X231$B$3)I(Y231$B$3)) 24 =$24"$B$3 =$Q$2*453.6/410 =W24*2-V24 =W24*8+V24 =-LOG10(U24) =Z24+LOG1O((X241$B$3)I(Y241$B$3)) 25 =$25*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W25*2-V25 =W25*8+V25 =-LOG10(U25) =Z25+LOG 10((X25/$B$3)/(Y25/$B$3)) 26 =$26"$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W26*2-V26 =W26*8+V26 =-LOG10(U26) =Z26+LOGl1O((X2615B$3)/(Y2615B$3)) 27 =$27"$B$3 =$Q$2"453,6/410 =W27*2-V27 =W27*8+V27 =-LOGI0(U27) =Z27+LOGlO ((X2715B$3)/(Y2715B$3)) 28 =S28*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W28*2-V28 =W28*8+V28 =-LOG10(U28) =Z28+LOG 10((X2815B$3)I/(Y2815B$3)) 29 =S29"$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W29*2-V29 =W29*8+V29 =-LOG10(U29) =Z29+LOG 10((X29/5S$3)I(Y29/5B$3)) 30 ]=$30*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W30*2-V30 =W30*8+V30 =-LOG10(U30) =Z30+LOGIO ((X3O/SB$3)/(Y3OI$B$3)) ,31 =$31"$B$3 =$Q$2"453,61410 =W31*2-V31 =W31*8+V31 =-LOG10(U31) =Z31 +LOGlO ((X3115B$3)/(Y3115B$3)) 32 !=$32"$B$3 =$0$2"453.6/410 =W32*2-V32 =W32*8+V32 =-LOG10(U32) =Z32 +LOG 10((X32/$B$3)/(Y32/$S$3)) 33.=$33"$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W33*2-V33 =W33*8+V33.=-LOG10(U33) =Z33+LOG10((X3315B$3)I(Y33/5B$3)) 34 I=$34*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W34*2-V34 =W34*8+V34 =-LOG10(U34) =Z34+LOG10((X3415B$3)I(Y3415B$3)) 35 =S35*$B$3 =$Q$2"453.6/410 =W35*2-V35 =W35*8+V35 =-LOG10(U35) =Z35+LOG10((X35/$B$3)/(Y35/$B$3)) 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 L-003064, Rev. 1, Attachment E, Page E7 of E7
CALCULATION NO. L-003064 Attachment H I REV. NO. I ] PAGE NO. Hi of HI I Computer Disclosure Sheet Discipline Nuclear Client:: Exelon Corporation Date: October 2008 Project: LaSalle County Station Job No. 28062-LAS0152 Program(s) used Rev No. Rev Date Calculation No.: L-003064 Rev 1 Excel Spreadsheet included N/A N/A Status [ ] Prelim. [X] Final [ Void WGI Prequalification [ ] Yes [X] No, the Excel Spreadsheet qualification is included herein Run No. N/A
== Description:== The Excel spreadsheet utilized is presented in Attachment C included with the Calculation. The cell formulae, presented in Attachment D of this Calculation, are based on the methodology developed for the equivalent calculations done for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, as described in Attachment F and G included with the Calculation. The accuracy of translation of these formulas is verified by duplicating the Grand Gulf calculation, as presented in Attachment E included with the Calculation. Analysis
The Excel spreadsheet uses input values of pool volume, I and Cs inventory, onset of gap release, absorption coefficients, cable surface area and Hypalon jacket thickness, pool temperature as a function of time, and integrated drywell and containment air beta and gamma doses as a function of time. It calculates HI, Nitric acid, hydrochloric acid (from cable radiolysis), H+, CsOH, OH, and pH in the suppression pool as a function of time. This calculation is done with consideration of sodium pentaborate addition (as an input quantity). The attached computer output has been reviewed, the input data checked, And the results approved for release. Input criteria for this analysis were established. By: William Golden 1/2 On: Run by: William Golden L o/ L. 0'i Checked by: Harold Rothstein / L4* iI / Approved by: Harold Rothstein /0/ L"-'}}