MONTHYEARML1024500082010-08-31031 August 2010 NRC Staffs Second Status Report on the Estimated Issuance Date for the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement ML1021801892010-08-0303 August 2010 NRC Staffs Status Report on the Estimated Issuance Date for the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement ML0810506122008-04-0808 April 2008 Attachment to Westcans March 21, 2008 E-Mail Pursuant to the April 1, 2008 ASLBP No. 07-858-03-LR-BD01 ML0810601702008-04-0707 April 2008 FW: Indian Point License Renewal Proceeding E-mail Transmission, NRC Staff Received from Westcan, Et Al., on March 21, 2008 ML0810506202008-04-0707 April 2008 Riverkeeper, Inc. Transmittal of the First of Three Messages Received from Westcan on March 21, 2008, as Required by the ASLB in Its April 1, 2008, Third Order Relating to the Service and Contents of Westcans Reply Dated February 15, 2008 ML0810506212008-04-0707 April 2008 Westcans Reply to the ASLB Order 3.7.08 ML0810506222008-04-0707 April 2008 Westcan Reply to ASLB Order 3.7.08 (Second Message) ML0810506422008-04-0707 April 2008 State of New Yorks Response to the ASLBs April 1, 2008 Order Westcan Exhibit H and I ML0810506432008-04-0707 April 2008 Third Order Relating to the Service and Contents of Westcans Reply Dated February 15, 2008 ML0810506442008-04-0707 April 2008 State of New Yorks Submittal of E-Mail Received from Westcan on the Afternoon of March 21, 2008, in Accordance with ASLBs April 1, 2008 Order ML0810506452008-04-0707 April 2008 Westcans Reply to the ASLB Order 3.7.08 ML0810506462008-04-0707 April 2008 Connecticut Residents Opposed to Relicensing of Indian Points and Nancy Burtons Response to the ASLB Order of April 1, 2008 ML0810506472008-04-0707 April 2008 Westchesters Response to 4.1.08 ASLB Order ML0810506192008-04-0404 April 2008 Second Forward from Town of Cortlandt Regarding Westcans Electronic Submission on March 21, 2008 ML0810506182008-04-0404 April 2008 First Forward from Town of Cortlandt Regarding Westcans Electronic Submission on March 21, 2008 ML0810506172008-04-0404 April 2008 Town of Cortlandts Transmittal of Response to ASLB Order 04/01/08 Westcan Reply Dated 02/15/08 ML0810506162008-04-0404 April 2008 Transmittal, Response of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to the Boards April 1, 2008 Order Relating to the Service and Content of Westcans Reply Dated February 15, 2008 ML0810506152008-04-0404 April 2008 Westcan Reply to ASLB Order 3.7.08 ML0810506142008-04-0404 April 2008 Part 2 Westcans Reply to ASLB Order 3.7.08 ML0810506132008-04-0404 April 2008 Westcans Reply to the ASLB Order 3.7.08 ML0810003842008-04-0202 April 2008 Letter Informing Licensing Board That Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Submitted Amendment No. 3 to License Renewal Application for Indian Point Entergy Center, on March 24, 2008 ML0803705252008-01-24024 January 2008 Notification of Conflicts Anticipated During the Week of March 10, 2008 ML0222101582002-08-0505 August 2002 Letter from Sara E. Brock to Administrative Judges Re Entergys Amendment Request for a one-time Change to the Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement 4.4.A.3 to Revise the Frequency of the Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test 2010-08-31
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Rebecca Giitter From:
Justin Pruyne [dp3@westchestergov.com]
Monday, April 07, 2008 2:50 PM To:
Nancy Burton; Arthur Kremer;, Richard Brodsky; Daniel O'Neill; Manna Jo Greene; William Dennis; Hearing Docket; Sarah Wagner;, Elise Zoli; Joan Matthews; John Parker; Diane Curran; cadams@morganlewis.com; Kathryn Sutton; Martin O'Neill; Mauri Lemoncelli; Paul Bessette; Richard Brodsky; Beth Mizuno; Christopher Chandler; David Roth; Kimberly.
Sexton; Kaye Lathrop; Lloyd Subin; Lawrence McDade; Marcia Carpentier, OCAAMAIL Resource; Richard Wardwell; Sherwin Turk; Zachary Kahn; Michael Delaney; Stephen Filler;,
Janice Dean; John Sipos; Mylan Denerstein; Teresa Fountain; Susan Shapiro; Robert Snook; Phillip Musegaas; Victor Tafur, Arthur Kremer, Daniel Riesel; Jessica Steinberg; John LeKay
Westchester's Response to 4.1.08 ASLB Order
Dear Secretary Vietti-Cook:
In response to the ASLB's Order of April 1, 2008, please be advised that I have not retained electronic copies of Westcan's e-mail(s) of March 21, 2008.
In reviewing the responses of other parties earlier today, it appears that I was copied on both of Westcan's e-mails.
Respectfully submitted, JUSTIN D. PRUYNE Assistant County Attorney, Litigation Bureau of Counsel to Charlene M. Indelicato, Esq.
Westchester County Attorney 148 Martine Avenue, 6th Floor White Plains, New York 10601 Phone:
(914) 995-5102 Facsimile: (914) 995-31,32 E-Mail:
idp3(westchestergov.com Westchester County wants to be able to contact you in an emergency.
Sign up at www.westchesterqov.com Confidentiality Note: This electronic mail, and/or any attachments thereto, contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entities named as intended recipients on the electronic mail. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you.
DOCKETED USNRC April 7, 2008 (2:50pm)