ML073300654 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle |
Issue date: | 10/19/2001 |
From: | The Dextra Group |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML073300654 (15) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:Responsible fficial: orpomre onmet Property wner: Consultant
\'II. F. Kitchens Rachel G. Bauman Georgia Power C mpanl' Kurt R. 'Barsel, PE Plant Vogcle General M.ana er ourhem uclear Operating Co.. lnc, P. O. Box 4545 GA PE #16594 Southern uclear Operating Co., Inc. 40 1nverness Center Parkway Adama, GA 30302 The Dextta Group, LLC 7821 River R ad P. O. Box 1295 404-526-6526 4665 Lower Roswell Road, #154 Waynesboro, GA 30830 Birmingham, A 35201 Marietta, A 30068 706- 26-4278 205-992-7025 770-578-9696 I D ro DRAWING V3-00 TITLE PAGE Burke County Location V3-01 VJ-OZ EX] nNG lTE TOPOGRflPHY TRENCH] 'G SEQl:ENCE N.T.S. V3-03 PXISTlNG i\J m f'lNAL srrE TOPOGRAPHY V3-04 TRr:.NCH CROSS SECrJONS V3-05 TRENCH CROSS SECnONS AND DETAilS Plant Vogtle Landfill #3:
~)1UV1N , OlRl-XTl 'ro:srr*
,SECf10N l.mTER~ DETAIL NUMBER 1 JUi\'. nxrn OGSaLIP'llu";: 0\ UXG AI'111ll.
"'J:illll.~","lsr~Il.11Ill'l"llollrl:."En jjJtoTllt.lJa1"A.c;'lI4JI't',J..ILA.'tn,l,Ll..IHH.'7DL'l'I'JI.>><t,U!'Io-r.ut.:tllJl'll_1lo1l1 V2-C8 V2-07 lIII...,.,..n.... tll)fWn.\J.'"TlMll,IJ';;lrtMYrillflIl,(ItIJ<PNl,lTl\,IlII~J',t.P,..j~N\(J11ll1AfO.'II:K.t'lliLN t-.n_IlU'h""lTlII:JI:T11ItlHll.\lfIII'1IJt11;N~IIJI:a.trJ(:NI. 'I'll l;.n'...... 'II"'l1I:1!i' 1lI'TIII"'ll.-IJltnlUnQ Tl.~nr.:ns.u~~
DIL\~IING# ECI'JONISSIIO~ 1,al.'l"1M:1- lll,U.l. NUt WI W',J) IlLaI;r.11.Y 1l".m. . . "11.' p,aI\I':" t:;DlI.', UI:-"UI!.... AU-UC:l",,<.JII)tN(N()tI2l'\I.MTlUfo'~I}Ip.:".IM.~wn.T;AIl.IiIl'li~,'lU/H'J;\lJI)lt\
"l1"'ot2iTW.'~,LV_ utml"'l'l""lU.L~""'I£l"IIXJI(JIIN'lI;'IIOl.Il'lIlPoUlT-\It:\~{lfTlUl' / / DRflIVING# DETAIL 15 REPERENCED MA'li'INc.~.\ClIIe£ll ~:!{ImnU,nnloClI\nIlllUI!nU.Gn"TJ'.ll£.'lQu:n..L"'1"ldlllUW1SCNmAl.1. ~ ,.,-wJ2lInlDi('IITlnlll. .......'-CIlnl'f.W DILltWIl Gil* SECTJO IS Rill'Iili.ENCED DMIX'INGII DIo'TAIL IS SIIOWN Southern uclear Operating Co., Inc.
Tide Page Plant Vo tie Landfill #3
F.65oo F.7QOO F.7500 F. 8000 FENCE-TO LOCKEDCilTE N 1oo"Ik..L-------------____i~--------- N 1oo
M.p J""dU<<d by Bill AuW M.pp;ng. reuh"", 0.." Gil Bl'I PROJIlC'r 111 01 0805 DATE OP PJ-IOTOGRAPHY, 8/22/2001 LilNDI'Ill.
"'CCE RO.'\!)
LEGEND POWERI,()I.l! 9500 --------------+------------------------iH;.;;;+:s;:;:;.-;;..c",!-f-r!-;f..:U..,,:.;;:.,.<:....<.r:'-rr. ,"-...,...:....,.~~_:_-:=+____,,,,....-"-'=~ . .~c=.=-_=__1'!....l.. _4.::tr:~~HL~rl:>.::.;~ f'-,I,~.......m'T_4;1;1;,.J+_P.;_+_~---------__I_---------- N 9500 TREEI.lNE
- -1;0 - - E.X1S11NG CONlQUR - - X - - PENCE MM.] III METHANE WEll. \V"'S'TE M.\ ACEMEN, UNIT MAIlKER (lYP) GWC-5/~f\V-5
1kginnin.g 11.[
- bmchmark tOf this site=: 'l,\ohidI i! .. a::IflII:D:-U. stamped m[Jf]Ul]Xl]t
'9000 ----------~~--;f;:.:....-"7.<::.f_-----------+ll..,;,----l--.....::' .....=-----....,J,."'C---~f_=:::~=S;..+::=_ ....~=.dc-~c_::...ijil<;:..--'_I+~~:.;;:..::=-=1W1__tIi.H1!,~-+-.J!!lfl-~UJ;,irl--I-___,~~----- ----.j....----------- N 9000 with ~ ilIngk' iron,locatod :l~ toea] grid 1883.2.75. E.8074.49. t.nd 5C1 at ru~ation 255.CJ7.lhmce=: going 5.58 tlI9'47"W a diJ;[;lInce=: of 63.48' 10. poim.
t1U. b<ing the POINT OF BEGINNING. ,h<flo< going S88"25*44"\v. wn2flcc of' 1222.17' fO .. point; Ibm<< going D~ Sooth
- dlst10CC of74.4I' to a poinr; thmce Dtll:: \ ~[a distJuJoc of 220.00' [0 II paim; mc=:ccc= gdng Out: Nonh a di1:hlnte Qf 172.79' (0 II. point; .hence going nue F1$11l. di~l~
of 287.41' to .. poim; tb~going Due: N01'"th. cW.Clna: of 200.00' to. paint; r.hence going N601>216"'6. di,,""lX 0(578.01' to I. poim~ mc=:ncegcing N61 0 48"9"E adi5tancc: of .331.58' to. point; mc=:ncc going N41 "'48'54"6 II dilI~ of 5S.38' to a point; th;ncc: going N5-) t1""45"W ";i di'f;tllnce o( 192..92' to .. point; tbe=:ncc= going N25 °l.3'29"E .. cW.tanec= of 140.16' [0 ;lI point; mc=nce=: going S60 ... t9"26" Eo 11 di$ of 209.9T 10 :l ~n1. lh¢t'lC:C: going Sloe5S'SS"W :a di_.I~J\(c of 134,92' to a puim::o thcna: ~ SCf2O'l.3'"E II di.liuncc of 897,19' w a point;
~uch poim bci(l:g!.he PQINT ()P ae:GINNJNG, propet'lYMeornrauir'.g 17.77!Ii. .oJ'" ""Y. DA'rn / / / ,~:,.~4:
. . . . . / ~~ 't)'
/~..... "'" MARIETt!l, GEORGL~ 30068 6"'\)
N 8500 -----------.:::c....:-r-'"""':::::::::'i==:::::======::::;~~:;i;-:"------____j~--------------------t--- - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - N Il.\OO S rn'OOUf"W mJJ1 Ac \ 'ft ~ ,to <1RO NO \VJ\TRR Wf;JJ . .'\s-nUn.TOATATABI.F.
'ntiDllAYlNCIl.THIl.JIm'Dm'"'ftI)t,;CI:IN'l.AI!'io'P.D~IiTO liE liJD'T!lONt'lrIQ,,"ftAI..It\nte.IElCJIUiNT£UII- A.'I.[}NO'I'TO II! DtiClD!!iIiD'm "'WVonlEl.'fUSCIoI,1'IbI ,-.llIJ'.u.t:.nlll. "'~3 ..j2/;;t; t,JIIO;M~n(JJ.i.n'n.JL"'"11D;(IP,~.,.,.m:NQ:J!'Cl:~",,,,,,'flD;([)llX'l'U. "in ..... 1nNC$fWJ,.liurG/l.Ulit!PIIiQ("J\.'"I.lltlllUlC'n.\*IlJ:!);"~~I~.mlnllll:l~~, ~a iiO zt-o "'~ ~;;;a- l.I.ClI'OU;'AU.lUClmOllJltiRGNoc:n-:\"VlT}I)f..~J]\Ill.DU~GoV.II~\*lI!aiI\1iV_'*
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~~ ~
DL\TlNO ANDl\CI..I!U L'I'al: sont')[A1'tOIolIVftlll DllXftA.(JIOln',IH:. '10 IIB1\IlH"m;IlU1nNC.\ImAU.. ClIfIIg"lBOP1OTlE DEnL'.cIlJUl.LlL "Z 0 z ~ 3
Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. E6500 1'.7000 1'.7500 G~ C5/M\V-5 G\VB-6/M" -6 9604.3004 7999.3327 9432.4753 7473.2531 251.96 278.87 21>1.20 2J2..J8 1'.8000 1'.8500 Existing Site Topography G\VA-7/~f\V-7 G\ C-1J1MW-tJ 8826.2243 9242.6820 7657.8853 9962997 261.33 273.08 230.46 233.49 Plant Va e Landfill #3 G\VC*14/M" *14 8960.6518 999.6737 262.88 210.77 G\VA*I 5/MW* 15 8976.1153 6886.54tl 268.15 22491 GWB-16 MW*16 97202971 7705.1490 256.95 DRY
116500 117000 117500 118000 118500
.. PENCE-TO LOCKIIDGAm N10000 --------------+-----------------------f-------------------------+-------+-----------~7(i/_-__j-----____I~c----------------+------------N 10000 " I /
>' Bill Aedal M<pplng. Pcod>_ City, GA BIlIPROJECfltl010805 PATE OF PHOTOGR."PH:Y, 8/22/:lOO1 UNDP!ll ACCIlSS ROllO y;,...,.-',rm'l-'-rMi,.,...T--+!H~~---------__j----------- N 9500 LEGEND POWEll POlE J1U!.EJ..U:'!F.. ~ - -150 - - EXlS'l1NG CONTOOR WASTE MANAGEMENT .i~ UNIT MAI\KER (ITl') - - < - - PENCE @ MY ~.~~15' GWC-S/MW-5 ED ~ N1!TH.ANE WI!LL GltOUNDWATEK MONITORING WELl. UNITBO WASIJl MANAGB."\IBNl' UNrT/BUPFIlR BOUNDARY MAll.KP.R BUPPER MAltKI!ll (IYP) LAI-.'DPILL WASTIJ I\IANAGIlMliNT UNrr PROPllR1.Y OESCR1Pl10N .t ~:at.~rOt'Ihi.,!iI:~wh.if=h.i!llla::lDCretr.s~~ _ an "lllc iroo bmiad.. loatcd" k>aJgridNB8J2.7S, E1lO74A9. and ... ~f--I*'ih~:!rlTII__I_---iH,....--------+---------N9000 EJ.evttiOlJ 255,07, tlu:tl(X: gol.~ ssa "'1 V47"'W .. dlUtncc of 63.43' to t point. d>i.o bdng lb. POINr OF BEGINNING, <1=<< pngSll8"2S'4oI"W < dis1anc(: of 1222.11 to a poiDt went(,going Due South ~~tVllX of 74.-4"1 'to
- a ~ th.cDcc. png Due WCllt a dimna: of 220.00' to 1Io pa..m:. thma: galng Due No:tth. .. distaJXe o( 172.7~ to 1. point; tbe:au goiag Ouc: Ban Illilicmor:
of 287.41' to a pWn; thma: gciDg Du~ Nonb:l. d.i!.mn.::c cf200J)O' ro a poim:; tbcoce gcirJg N60 ~T6*Ii I dinaoct of 878.07 to I; pcit1t:; ma1C:c.,png N61 0 +6'9"E .. <Ii IW1(X: or 331..)8' to
- point; men<:t: prtg 1-:-41 "'546. 11 dDW1C:t of S5.3S* to 11 point< thcocc going NSS °S'4S-W II. di.m.tu:c of 192.92' 'to .. pcme.
--- th~u: goitJgN25ll<13'29"E.adi:5.tlno::flf140.76' tn:a point; r.b~e goiJJgS60 19'26-E a cm,tabl;;C of 209.97 to a paGJr, thence gning SlO"'58',)B-Wad8taea: III " Qf 134.92' to a. p<Jier; ma;l.Cll: goiog SOO2O'13 111 a a diBtmel: Qf'a97.19' to 2 point; ~ rum point bcioi; th. POINT OF BEGINNING; oaid!""P=l' ~ 17.T1u:m_ .1"----- LONSlTBllOADSAltECONSIRUcrED/RELOCATEDA5 NECCESSMYTO PllOVWEACCIlSSTOTHllAC11VIl OlSPOSAL AlIBA.
%<is WWER ROSWIlLL ROllO, #154 " *. nm ASBESTOS 11lJl,'1011V1IL BE I'ILJ.ED AS MARlE"ITA, GEORGIA JOO68 NEEDED, ANI) NOT NECESSARILY I'OILQWTHB OESIGNAnD MUMERlC,'li_ FIUJNG SEQI..'ENCE. N8500--------------=-----j""--==:e:::========+<:::S:-:;"i't'--"-------t----------------------t-----------------------r---------------------t----------NSSOO -u.DM'WJMCl.nB~arll1l~~.I.LC_Ni.>>.t.l.I.~11OIQCX'ltl1"JoDap1P.mKJI.' Ill.KlIJI"l"QOtiJ1Dl!!:N11AL!I'I'ntHABCD'IBJ!I'T"'IBJIl](I"-"'IDNOTroEDDa.Q5IlDro.unomlil.~PWiI ''''''''''' = m~'Wl"DIOU'IDlBlID'IE3!I!DftInDl~OIH!lD~Cl.OIJI',JJ.L:.nIIJ Y1U'*1NOSfUo.l.LtiO'T.aL&JmD:lUC'l)..VOl'~"-YlttQll'l'Oil~'ftl)lfte.~. 1..I.Cvuu..Au.IUOtMOf"IlilI!\lQlIQl[~UI~t!'oI'l'liblDM-.rolIQA.t..i!D:i'IW!iI!iL'i'Wi!lr.,'ED:n ,...~,u.c....u:::II'Iii:"'illULtiU't~lN.",IICLIl(JI.P.ALTkh'~e_"r'IOI t'l.....~A~A.(;tIJlt:"Jll.'l!(JjI~(7nI-IlCATl(Jt.l'nn.C1trnl,o.<::_ew:~Il,t:..11)~nml:;JLlo~ol,HI;l_'Q.. Q;,1rlU*T1*QJI,(lIi'TOullf~"'.IJ.('. Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. 86500 87000 87500 B8000 88500 Trenching Sequence Plant Vo e Landfill #3 REPHRBNCH DRAWING B6500 117(llO Eo 7500 1<8000 1'8500 1.'J., if' 'tJ?J~'--- f!!:::"-- I'I!NCIl*TO SIlOIlIII!Nf LOCKIID GAlE 1'1 1oo --------------+----------------------+-----------------------t-------t------'PO""'ND=tt"'lJ'.=:.3.{JI'-t--------t--~t_----~~-------------11--------- N 1oo I f I I I J I / / I \ Map produced by BHlAm.l Mopping. P=h'"" City, GA BI!I PROj1lCT#10101lD5 DATl! OF PHOTOGRAPHY, 8/22/1fXJI LI\J'.'DfIll. ACCESS ROAD PmALOOVER Q0 @~ ~!lTt'klr.;lT_'-l.nmnrmr.+__+ir7____:_:_-----------:r------------ 1'1 9500 LEGEND POWBRPOLB TRI!ELlNI! - - U O - - EJOSTINGCONTOl!Il WAS'J.'E ~lANAGllMEN'l' - - , - - PENCI! UN1T MARKER (l"YP) =~,~1l3 MEUl.'.NB WEll. GWC-5/MW*S -$ GROUNDW.~TIlRMONrrOlllNG WIllL
-25(1 - - PROPOSIIDCONTOUR UNDl'IIL WAST!! MANAGE.MIlN'I UNO" FROPER1Y DBSCRlYITON at to b tIW; site. lIo.flic.b i.Il a a:nntc $wnped. ~ 1'1 9000 ------------:'if~-_Jl!L_----;-LI------------+fl'rit<ffj'+--_\l_--~__::::::'-.,,::=---____:;~,.,;::;--~f_.===-;=-=-:-~-:-:-~_r_2':::""-""ir---]If'=W~::.:'--'1t1f,!~-.;;:T----=I1,ijWfittlt-'-1c____m:t_1]ij'i::rtrtlr;_____j'"1c---------1---------- 1'19000 _ 20";"'" burl<ad<, It>=<d "Ioalgrid N1l832.J5,E8074.49, o.nd '" at Ekntion 255.D7, them:egoiog S58 l>lV47"'W. di!tmx;e of 63,48" ttlll.pai.ttt, tbU bciIlg the l'OlNT 0 lIEGlJ\'NlNG, _ peg S5lI"2S44"W
- datil.l:K:c of 1222.17' to a painI; thma: going Due Scuth iii. di.ri1ll.Dcc of74.41' to II point, dKacc: goicg Due West .. disC"l.QCe of 2:20.00 to fI poiot; theAce goiag
~ NIlflh II d.l!wmeaf172..7S1' to 'II. point; tbcw:eguing Due.EaR a di!mm:e o£287.4\'".poW; dlOll<egWgDoeNonIl.dilWlC<o£200.00' ""poW; d:I.cnc.r gWJg 1'1560 11II 27'6-.£ iii. WWlCt: of 878.07' lD '2. point; t:hcn.a= going N61 v 48'9"E, diOWlaO of331.5l1'", poW; tbclloe goillgN41 "4i">4*1l. dilWlOo of 553f1' to .. poirn:; thmcI=- going N55 °5'45*W :l.. di!;tana: or 192.92' m a point; lhcbecgoiqJ N2S*1329*Il.dio..... of \4C.76' to. polo/; tbclecgoitG sro " 19'26*l!. diotme< of2O??T to. polot; <h<n<c goillg SlO"S8'5S*W. dl.""'" of 134-.92' to. poi.Dt; t:b=u~S0"'20'13-E 'II. r;b~of897.I9' to '2. point; NOTE& ,od> poil>' b<ing the PO!N1' OP JlEGI),'NlNG: sa>! propert}' ~ 17.77 aa:cL I. ONSII1l ROADSA.Rl> CONSl1WClW/RELOCATIID AS NECCESSARY TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THEACJ1VE DISPOSAL ARBA.
.- .- TIm DEXTRA GROUP, lNC. , -' 4(,65 WWER ROSWIIU.ROAD, IttM b1AR1llTIA, GIlORGJa 30065 --------~t_~+=::::::::::::::::::=:::::::=.::==:::+'=~~J:....-~t-"iiiDiii!Ci"Si:iRooiWAiiiliSiiiAi'i\iAGE--___tTRiiDiRiJ~;;:;;;iW:\TIiRDRA:iNAGE------I-------------4------108500 nllllDI.A1Ql'fQ.'I1~PKIPIIlDTOI'n.~K1UII".W:;AIilPIII.L-lHKIlIII"I.lXlIo'o;Jto"T,m.IIDl!~.N EJlJI!7r~PlDBNn.\L1IY1HI!lIJtCB'lDl'TDII!IQ)I'ANDJ<<n'W1ll!.DUI:U:IIPODroA!n'0'JHEI~PB:II tJl,Q;;IUDMl1l1N~nmDl';IM~ntli:D~"1".u.c. Uili 1'1 8500 5'J<f'afr1J'W ..,,,,, R£DlIlI!CT SURl'ACIl WATER DRAINAGE R I I D ' SURl'ACIl WATER DRAINAGE Da..'WlKG'IfLUL.!<<l"I"E ~DmEClLVm: INDII.JICn.Y IIDZ1'I'ma>>.~!IC'nCIQ W'nH1HB~, PROM BXlSTlNG OOWNDRAlNS TO FROM 1f1nSTING DOWNORAJNS TO u.c~ AU.1OCIl"J:!Ia'DII!lIIC!oIDl.N>'DmDM~I!>lmJ!!!lOlA~A:I&IID'Ull&l'I!2ZII'IlD1J!t ftlIIDEnU-oIZCIII.uc. 1:llCPDINT1lt."JJ..Nm'1.1II'ICDUCII OJ 'IlII-1JUI O&"AaT ,u.,,.SBCrKJN(JII'um SIlOlMBNT POND I.P:l-02 SEDlMENr POND LF3-lI2 Dtlii':lJ(()A:4J~~N~"OIJ~fnI')II::tJ>~,W:W.uiUDl'lII~Ift.lOA:IG.l.<,l,J,. I ~""rbU'~"'II!~IlI)W,1..l.C 86500 87500 E8000 E8500 Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. Existing and Final Site Topography Plant Vo e Landfill #3 DltA~~ DAm DRAWlNGNUMBBR. t~:t~~~::t====::::=~~====~FEOOi~f,'~O/~19f~OI-l R.J!P_ CHEOa!D B"i. SCAl........ 1'1_ V3-03 IlXlS'l1NG GR....DB PINAL COVER FIN.'U. EXISTING COVER GRADE 280 270 ASBESTOS TRENCH 260 MAXSWPB lH,IV 250 240 ---\11<--- 232,38 (GWB-li/MW.6) ------¥----- 232.38 (GWB-6/MW-6) 230 SECTION HORZ. SCALE.: I" VERT. SCALE.: I" ~ 50' =10' A V:}-ll4 V3-C2 SECTION HORZ. SCALE: I" ~ SO' VERT. SChLE: ," = 10' @V3.02 PINAL COVl!R --- --- .r ---- _ 2GO 'IRENCH#2 MAXSl.OPl! /1~1V 250 /j HAY a'U.ES OR fu:mR I'l!NCE fOR SEDIMBNT CONTROL LEGEND I'INAL GRADE ='lNGGR.l,D!l / UMIT Of TRE.NCH EXCAVATION 240 WATER TAlll.ll(6/1S/04) 5 220 ..... ---'il'------ 218.29 (AVG GWC*SrMW*5 AND GWB-lirMW-6) THE DIIXTRA GROUP, INC. 210 %<is WWER ROSWIlLL ROAD, #154 MARIJrITA, GEORGIA 30068 n.IaAWJNC:.n-.fIOtUr1'ornll~~.LLC.~M.L~~Q;; _gp'J~.nDClf1W,:nn:B~nlUOl'A.'(D~1O.~roAFronllll.1"IDIOH.l'l&III 0I.~1mHDU'I'lHIIlID'I£WID'ftlnDIa>>iSIDBlAnaN Ol"'DBDDmA,.CIlOU', w:::. nIIJ Il"'TJNGIlIIAll.N"O'l'JatmmDlnlCIL'rm.[ND:tI!Cn.TDalnOol~ ..mJtIE.~. ll.C1fQuL AU.l:lGImIotl:ail!l:GlilOJ::bNII:~UlIlClL:JWn'-"'OiD8A'ftlJO,\.i.ii!dl'i£W.1'!i:!lifIlEDJN ""~,u.c....u:::II'Iii:"'illULIIU't~l"IICLIl(ll.P.ALTkh'~e-r'IOI t'I.....~A~A.(;tIJlt:"JI(,'l!(JjI~(7nI-IlCATl(Jt.l'nn.C1trnl,o.<::-ew:~IlJ;..11)~nml:;JLlo~ol,HI;I-'Q.. Q;,1rlU*T1*QJI,(JIi'TOullf~"'.IJ.('. SECTION Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. HORZ. SCALE: I" = SO' VERT. SCALE: 1"=10' Trench Cross Sections Plant Vo e Landfill #3 DIAWNB-'I": DAm DRAWING NUMBBlt ~RJl~P.t~~~~t====~1Tn.~J'<=====]OlIlCKEOiiooiOiBY;y;,f,'.c..a~Ol~'9~lO~1 ~ V3-04 REPHRBNCH DRAWING "';CDC 270 260 I I \ I \\ / TRENCH \ I #8 250 \ TRENCH / \ #1 I \ I \ I \ / 240 \ I " I " ' - - - - - - - - 'I 230 - - - l ? - 230.46 (GWA-7/MW-7) 220 217.33 (AVERAGE BETWEEN - - - l ? - GWC-5/MW-5 AND GWA-7/MW-7) 210 LEGEND SECTION D HORZ. SCALE: I" = 50' V3-05 V3-02 FINAL GRADE VERT. SCALE: 1n ;;;; 10' EXISTING GRADE ---- LIMIT OF TRENCH EXCAVATION WATER TABLE (6/15/04) NOTE: NO SUMP ON ASBESTOS TRENCH r ~I 3 _ 2 % GRADE HAYBALESORFILTERFENCE / FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL MONTHLY CELL SIZE WILL VARY WITH TRASH LOAD ~ I_~ TYPICAL OPERATION FOR TRENCHES 1-8 D~~~ @V3-04 __ --,,- SUMP DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXlMATE 12/31/G4 Updo.ral Proo::d= GHA TYPICAL SUMP FOR DRAINAGE COLLECTION REV. DATE DESCRIPUON BY ENG. APPR REVISIONS: D~~~ @V3-04 FlLENAME: V3-05 Cross-no & Dcl:I.ili.dwg THE DEXTRA GROUP, INC. 4665 LOWER ROSWELL ROAD, #154 MARIETIA, GEORGIA 30068 nuSlJIlAWINGlSllml'WI'lllO'YOFTImOeXTA-eItOIJP,LlC,oIJ-IDlJ.LlNl'OIWATIOtlCON1',\!Ni;U)1'H!.lIION15t'O lIll lOWTco.'*mOUNTIAl.UV TIm IUlCll'lmrrnillll.OP ANO NOTTO DE! D15CI.D~1ID TOANY OlliOl.l'ER.!lON, t1ltM OR OOllPORATION WlTIlournm nxwmsIID WRlTIIlN CONSlOllltATION OI'TIm DmcrnA.GlI.OUP,u.c. TIllS ~=S~ll.lNG~~~~~~~~~~~~'ii~;~"kcg~OZw~~~~ 11m Ol!'.X1'llA.GllOUl'. uc. ltECWIllNTSHhU NOT lU!PllOOUO! m W1-lOUI OR PAIIT M;,TY SEcnON OP'IHl.!l DRAWINC AND AGIlEIlS UPON NarJFlChTION BY TIll! O!!X'IM-{)ROUP, u.c TO 1Ul1lIlI.N nus OMWlNC lIND ALL cmmsnm.'IOl'ronlelJ~aoup.u.c Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. Trench Cross Sections & Details Plant Va e Landfill #3 DRAWN BY: REF. TITUl REFERENCE DRAWING V3-05
- e. The Sik: Bn-ril:Onmeo.tal ~$I: will be ~ "'ith. ~y quest;ioos about W1StC thAt~)' be. prombited g. &~rDI mmUni1:Jg W2!tr.mJ.I bc= ~ in Iuk-proof -and.b.bdm with me word.!; "CawieD-DESIGN & OPERATIONAL INFORMATION e.. N(IIIJ-tOtV ~g bl.rmWch Ihllli belpresd u-tbe r.t1C of2 tOOl pet acre. Malch.h!lJI bc:applio::l
.= emu.;", A>1xsmo fili<n- AvWl 0paD0g '" Jl=kll,g Cooml= -lI=obingMb<o"",;, Hu=louo lD Your ..MIn :Ii how> .lia.e<diog. )l(uldl.lW1 be 'p)'Ii<d wtth 1>Jower muIcIMg equ;pmem Of OIhot .proo.dlng fu>mtll.peooli,melo.odfiJl. Hakh" '" cxb<r,;",;w,.,.".w,g ...pcdfial;" PIJ.o, I'roco:l"",OOU5-C "l'"P"""'.J<ois=I c", .... p",!"""",by b>nd Jf ._wy.oo<ho<muld> uolog "p'd.u dill." o'dill. ,u. Iwro..iDg oquipn<<tt, pIntk 1nCSh/ncttiD& '" 'J"lhrti< ~ "" binda>. (JD O<t<lldoo<< whh ....,.j t<<picg ~ (0<< 36)
- DJing """'" will be""" (lllJJlllSl '"
t * .Lt.mlill m it utoed to dt..poac l;)fpoe.t.-e~ .... 'l'hl.. inclllda inm Wll.sta, comtrueJian UK! e _ i , ) to """, iocluding th< ;".pc<ritm dxddio~ fof inspc<ritm by IiPD upon _ 11. &~1D5-amtaini.J:g 'Io"'lI5tr: ..bill ~dUpo5cd ofin alldl. lJlI.n.D~a& DDt to dcm"D)'w intrgritJ cfthc. d""olicOQ ........ limItal'" wttttauxllwnb<.. brick, cnoaete, _<d. in..... oo. moW ~rnng. p1umbUlg [ Sufficlmt w:ltt=l sWill be applied !lowly DVtt a three "Wft.k perlod Vtc I:bc applialioo. of IIILl1cl:l. to ltllpcttion chetldi.m and data Ihccu gcoetttcd from the: co.vit:onmc:tltld mooitodog of the lalldfiIl ~lJ be: ....bqro,,-motainicg m.-a:W CODtUcut prior I() me plaammt d cqvcr mmriaL 6nwu, 1UkI otha: men bllildir:'l8 mattrlllJ, Qrth*lIic pt'Odr>lC:1:S .l.Kh as unuMblc..w:ki of COI:Ia'CtC. mD, ....bliob
- good .<and of gDM, Siny do,. m.. <h, opp!l<oriao of ,=I owl mu1cl>, 100 lD 3lIO paoodo of fcrvo-& to the 0tanl1'tJ:y Etn:iromna:ttaI Spc:ciaIIlt &od to I:>ocwJx:m Cotltrol fOf lifetime 'I"CtCInioc.
i FiUiDg and dOling of the 2SbetlO'o tftflI;h win be in the IJUI"lot: ~ I.J tk t:IO(\'fOt p:i.dIiDg m3<<:ri:aI tuth aa wocxl, plude. Cl,[db<wd. ~, and plillltta. A.beno. ~ ~-altca ue alto ~:Dimb=:IIh.ti.I~*F~O'iItt~1Ctt. lrCf1ch<<" O:~l Cot me- ,pc:eW -wutt: twxUing utd C(J9"cr pnxedara: ii...Ixtfe. ]"hr: perimeter o{ the .=plOd, pnMdod til, nu.lcdollo dl>poocd In
- u.od1.pc<ilicolly dc<igDltcd to a=p< .. ba.,., Rclio: lD
...bc:Ito, tf'Ctdt, ~ be bamed to prevcm. ,1()Im........ter Nn-Qft nom entering the: tteneh. STOftI'W'lttI' that !trm #23 ror tbr: PmhIbimi WutJ: Plan, dif"ClCrlyenten: the open ii:n -.reu wilhin ~b.c ubc:ttol tteneh 'Win be. tJ~'Cd to .CCUl\J.ultte -and pc:rcoliUe 'i.'ithin tt-e: tten.cb. A mil1J:mum, of ~ foot of '~rd' it'llhe ubestorl tteOeh '¢tlD be. n"dintaiocd u..n blTl(:l
- 2. Vohmu=: mkulatu:ID" to t.Dow nottge: \'ob~ for the:~. 24-bollJ' It01m (6.8 l'Ocbctl of WJUCt ditealf ftIDngl:o rite
- L Tatal volume Q{ 'W'.l.Ilte :uld (:0"'1::[" .""~"~ M M_ 189,066 n~ 14, A Groundwotu owl Swfue IV."" Moni"';og""'scom bn b<oo Dnpl""",u:<t So<~. No. ~IO "P'" <notb).
- b. Soil voIwo< fm co", ._.._ _ 38)71 CY afXI Vl- t 1 foJ: tht: pn;wam d~cripriQD. [n addltioo. ,ur&ce 'W1~ monitemr:J.g i.e OODducrul:ll thePknt: undo-
<he PI",,'. Nobonol PoItUl>m ~ Il1iminorion S,...... (l-.'I'DIlS) pcmm, .ool oov'" oIl of me Plom'.
- 1. Av:U:l1b1e= OIl-5.itt _ _***** ~ *.***__**** ~ *.** 19,145CY opetori<>o>,
- 2. lmp""'ed _._ _ _ .* ., 19,226 CY
- 15. Ow= ttl the. i:nnommD nnn:rc.of the: W!IlIt~ di&~ ~ mII~ Of' m=i.1DlaJ,t'lP'l""D nnr: bI=
c- Solid w:mc volwm: (c;omptttcd) ._....~ .. '.M _ _ ~ l24)ll2 CY ,coduearl. d**'\Bbe&toI. W1Utc volumc= (OOrIlpicrm,) .,*.*. __ M_M_M_M 25,863 CY 16, Due to <he pt<S<l>X of1oDdJiIIgu<J geo=t<d ., <1le lotldlill. .Ioog-t= n"","", goo mooitoring P"'8"m Jw be'" itnpl""eoo:d, Th10 mooitoriog I.<d 10 _ _ the EI'D.ppmvcd
- c. AD .l.and6Il1I[;tivi.ocs will be: amdud:cd in with the.lW.Jcs for SaHd Waste l!rhnagc:ncnt.
oar opd......ppBeobJe.
- a. TCltal ~ ..*.*_ ...*,*.... ~ .. ~ .* ,~ _ ...*.*...*.*_ ...*,*...*.* _.w 17.8 ACRES Mctbone Go.o M"'""'dng Prog<on\ douxI Septenlhec 2000**ool V3-O'I fm p10gtJJn deoa:ip<ia<L So< Dwg. No.
Pn>"lbil'~ \ 0" " .....ed Otrdumping Chop 391*3-4 ond "';&0<<11 Il"",cd by EPD,
- b. U!lRble ......*...._ _ _~ ......*..... _~ ......*..... w_. 12.6 ACIlE'S
_._~ R.!IdJO:Hlr:l\ e \: Mle [I "'" II"" II I) 00 32. Conmuctioo Ccrti.6a.UDt'l: Wdncn o:::nificai:iDo by .. profctliooal CIlgiDCl:f Hcul,!Cd to iJDa:1CC' In GecnJia-17.*~ bulldozer ('if;(; c..,e<piOo.< oo"",,SI=) will b, ... ~ '0 tIleWldlll1wril be ucili>ai to pcrli:ma [ Ina llno mort .....ebibg oM ~ proec.h"". If """pmenl it -ted fm """" otbet putpooe. it ,.;n be obl>ibod on HllZllrdous W.... tSOh'Ct1l .... I l""" [hos [h wiIl be fUbmitta:I to Ihc:B2D b) eatifytbLttbc 6u:iHtyhu bcz::a Q)llItI'\1Cta1 ioaa:x:ml&ru:.c with thc.apprQ\'cU permit. 1"bia pnx.c:sl ahaIl be ~ fhr each major OOiIlIIttumao phue, indndiag buJ DOt
- tempom)' boW. It. ...... "',,:.. portobIe ....,,, tank, n, othu opproprio.. _tering equipm=,,;o tho be 81fl<l1l:dItllllW... < LI "" Lloo ll~" I J 00 1imha:Ilo, new cdb Dr ttcoche., I.dditicmJ moniloring wcfu. ~imclJl porxh. Ddulu:: malIIXnl BfI'ttms.
J. W.m.i,$ to he dum.pc:d frol:n auc)n iJ:lro the: 1J..QdHU ~ 1.1: me.ooJ:t.h. eM. of tbe ~ (opal) =eb. eo"P' fDO 1:l=eb ~ tho, ,,;0 be 511<d from the ..." cod "'" tile A>bco"" T=dIIhot,.;n be .VIIilabk .. ~tn. lndll'Ula! Wast< (iish' bulbs. "olll:n... tl lino lh" I Jno modlJieoIlow .~ * """,.cIld ....... handIina pmocu. "'" .pplia.tloo of liool =. cI1<miollJ.. tiC) liUcd fiom the en' cod. 18. A bodup bulldozec will 00' be pem=endy...JgDed to the IondfiIl [J "" r lno Ih" I I no =-_ j holl R""fi,,!! hi"lll 33. Air Crlttria: l' ~'tion.J willllot marc: any .ppOCllblc ~uirtmmu d~clopai uoXr I. Swr. PuI~lhle ~ age:! lfood. food II"" llno I I 'os 1100 1mp1=tmo.* .., PIsn (SIP) 'l'I"""al 0' ~t<d b)' the US- EPA. Open b..,;"g of ootid ....... """P'
- 4. Uoiog. bWldo"" ('i6li CataplIor do= '" "lw..lem)......" will be .p=d Uld ~ into I>-Coat 19. A.p<rioI, "P"' ..balDS ttmeb will be pmvi<kd" <h,1ondfiIL The tt<:D<h ..rn be cl=Iy aJluam refu. elG) foe the ;n&oqu=t buming oflmd tkoring deb... dloeo.>ed ..... '" debrio &um """!P'<y <le..,,'I' Ufu whlli= maintaining Ii. ,.u.ffi.cicoL stope on the W1II!i;t.e: W'CII1dng ph-oed in Ihc warning:signs and ll.CCClI i61imitcd Ie authmiud penoencl.. A aigp win be pe:>>tt.d 'lI.t the..Iaad.fill CD~ In Oil Fillcn; or i1yDebns [b.... I) cO I I)... 11 no opcn..tiaM.1lha.l1. lUX bemmdw:ttd...
1UIdBII wlI1 be eomp&<<<<i to <be I..., pl>Cdeol TUI..... eoeept lhst "bcolDJ ""'.. 'Oill be bo.odJcd .. iDdlcItte. the dimDo~ 10 the: aabCItoB wpouJ UCII. or: dJ..c .din tteach. \\ ... CQl\Illinil1g f_liquld [J [J no I Jyes r 100 deKribcd in Item 29. PCB WUlt (c:aJlll<l1 n, n"o""",,", I J) I J no II' I I no l4. E.nrinmmmr:a.l. PnlCttrlon= 'l"b.t= .I:a..cdfill BhaD Ix ope=u.ttd in BU~ mm:nu'll.S. to ptn.:=nt -air, 1md, or 'Wllt~
- 20. The kcdfifi will oar: be UKld bOUD. Aoccu to the landfiD ia CDDlDJDc:d thrwgh amborlzcd fishl ballu1. etc) poIluo. owl publie I=bb bo=l>.
- 5. Albc.iltOi-CODtainiDg wute will be am:n:d with 6 inches of ~ imm.cdiatd.y upoo in the uae of the kndfiI1 fm plant (Jpemtil:x:u.1h: bndBLI b .~ dnougb
- locking gau: and I.lZ'O-51D tN:. taodfiII Prohibiled CkD Wosto (ttelI1lOl ...xxI. II r 100 llyes llco UbcmJB tttm:h. l.andfill opemticm 'will oombt of bJDtlth1y an.. Moothlr oov:c: 'Will be p1accd io aDC-fout it eontmlkd <hrough .utborl=! US< of <he !&od6IJ fin- pion' opemmn, only, lead-.heet tic) 35. _ c d AQ6.1l.< 1>od6IJ oholI be openeed oud tllOiI>I>iootI to peoveot opell bumiog. ...~ owl Iayen; fof the mom:hA 1110 which tt'tOdJe.. are used. DdIy c:orte f.lI oot ttqwrcd bt:ow8e the ~tw;e of the voute
<he "P'" cl=plcg of........ (n"n.[NtJUc:lblc: C:ODUn;n:con debris llIod. office ~lItl;) dOCl not tJO"C pcu;ntUl fUOblcms with dilcillC vcaon., 21 **lu:IyWQU: Qt"limr diawvcrul (Ju~ oltlle ~ will be phud in I. ~ Fencing or ~ Dts:ribc in denn! any prohibited ..-ute cbo:d.ed obo, 0 obocrv<d 1'00'-<0 dump"'llo' lhe l.cdfilJ odor.. blowiog litb:r. 6re.. or IIC:I.vcnging. Til '9i'ill be t:akctl tb C01'\.tI'ol dis=ue method, to c:onrroI1i1ttl' ur. I:i(It f1mdcd littu it. Dot. ptObI~ dLLC. to tke lack of littI:r
- 36. R<<<>RI Ke.picr- A> it beeom...nibbk, tile &>IIowfug infum:wioo will be tetutd<d ood =oic<d It the ftf:tu:u if nced<<l. ~e .Ittp& will ~ 'lI.ppmpm~ for t:bI= pmcroinn of hcmb 1I.lJ:li Ihc m9immnmt. pn;x.I~!IWCiJJ in tlIc wut'e.
VEGP slI:l: :car chC' b.adfiIlin t.a. opcntirlg RUl:l:d, or ill a.a. .Jm:nar.i"c.1Dca1ioo. iII~to"'Cd by the Ditr:ctci:
- 6. 'MO.IHhl.y, II. minimum one-fDOt la)'C Dr ir:m:mlrou.rc ILOi.l ~ will bI= pbud. D'V~ tM ~ wmKi.JJg lumct of the: WDtc for thou:. trcnrhell used In that mouth, Deserib<: to del.lulllllY prolllbllcd "
- 23. PROIUllI11!J) WAS'll! PL.I,N
- b. r. pecoion ....:Otd.. 'mining procod=o. sod ",~~ ...oo proord"", ~ In oecdo<I <<l of Rul<
391-3",; S>cb Jood of...."e..ill be inopee<od p<ioc to ",",pol' to the IondliI1. wi '"" plo=, of e>eb Jood in.
- 8. Soil from <he ......t<ol tt<neb ,.;n be ,"""'cd "'" <he ."'.. =neb. 'Jbeoe ooiI ~ ..;n beo£ t=eb, '0 = """ ptQhibited .,.,,, it IlOt diopoo<d or In th< laodlilI. !Ir. ioopoetioo ehectlin o.imilu '0 th< If p'ahibltcd wur. oh<trwd in lhe landfill, ""'... ~ t~ r",,"inea,ion '0 envirooottnlal mffici~1 quantitr Fur dtll:l mnrn:hly irn~ IDVC" and fur: fin: pmrecrlon occd.&. A mirtimum (Jr 25 a.dE one chot.m. bdo'II" ~ be uaallO dlJCllmt1ll me imIp<<Drrn.. -pedali.. /
yoalo of ooiI will be Up<...uhin 200 fmt of the wuUios ,.mer. of ....." " oIl titneo foe fu. ~ ddillona\lo(onnalll>" _ d. AIry MSWU'",,;t de.lgo. do<umcn.. do<l fot: p a - of Ieu:ho" '"' P <DOd...... in
- MSWI.I' W>it P"'P". Sil' bdng will be ph.tod olong me I""", cl",";on. ofme """""tyooil.tod<paeo. Sincx t=>d>co L The follO'l:l'iD& 'WU(cs ue aec:cpt&blc fot didpos& the boIWI. Typkallr. w}' "beta ~'U~ '1"ill be:
will be b.ek6lJed with onl)' 12~'" of~e origirJll,1roU(ri11 ftlnOvcd,. r.h.ere '*7.111 Ill""..)', 'bc.ilWge voIumc.of dioposcd nf;" the A,beomo T_ _ .. ""l"i"d.ode< R.IIe 391,,1-4; mJl,tt:ci(I on hllflcl for tor:t.l:med.i.uc.e<J\!eta.nd fir.e ~
- e. An, dcmoaltIlltioa. ~boo.. &ding.1:DtCXIi.IDr:iDg,. tcmag. D.[ aW)1ic.a.1 dill. lot mqainxi by Rule:
- Joen WQte ~ Wuu thillwil] GOt 01 is f)()t lil::dy to etuse 1et.clu;te of et\viroetmeOw CJOl:lCef:O. Such "iPll4ote lnspecrion completed b' _ 391-3""'11 oed -.12;
- 9. Th' Cb=lo"l' ~ is ceopoooible fDO a=olI ~ of the 1UIdBIIlD """'" pe=i' """I'Booee I. H_lD eortll-lik, pend""". ",ncme, """, .. plooIt, ro<l;, bcieb, yonl_np..tumpJ. limbo sod
~th tbt ec~=wu~ ofi.. ~ lcaves. ["",-dal= eote pImo wi "'Y m<mitmiog, ...ring, "" U1aIytieol do.... mquited by RnJ.
- Cot'ltU'\l.CtiO'11 &nd DeMolition Wuu: Wanc.l:ltrUted to wnrcttcd l~, brid; COB:rdll; ~~
oed -.12; M 391-3-4--~ 1 loow.r;on,lDdJlI oidin& p1wnh1ng lU=eI sod od>" I1len b.oding ~ Ibio "",.. may",""1Cnn buiI.~ 1I'I1.tct:ia18 ..'Cd rubble £:min eoostzuet.l.o~. rctnOddiQg. rcptir,lld tIc::moIiboo. opc:oationl 00 pa'll~
- 11. Di~ uouocl the pdimdu uf the Il.Cti,ve uwl:h wiIJ. be uc.tcd *1 to miaimiu: I~td: buiIdlDgt "'" 011= '""""",,,
NtI-oo tQ the ltie. The ~IX. ,baD be: gnadcd Il.nIC3 dtl.i.otd to Olinirube c..rosiorl~ tOd to WIltel' &om the
-!Dg \'Vote* Wam: that: i. iD pan. Dr totally, compoecd of a!bc::!ltoa,
- DOD.~b~
.u<fo" of 'h,lsodAn. Rutloff "' """" ,..;,< "<0<1>.. wil' "OW <Jow<, m, 1 \10 <=eb-gNd< dOl'<. ~ mincnJ t:bi.[ ocam i.a 6brou1 fonn md it dll6sificd &J. bu.ud to ~th. Th.iI wa.m: rna)' include imWarloo, I:hr:: 5ln::r ~ (bay bale! DJ..I,y be UKd), mta II ~ wmp. Prccmnding 'WItcr: in the oolI~ lIoUIllp 'i'o-ill mmia: board., pm DlI.trrial, and lmlkcc l;mICIlt-UbmD5 fiIllhcxm rcruNcd frmn rlx cnclingtO'li'Cl"!. ?-b1B be pumped into <he odio=n.tmm ~ dltrl> "'" llDw., 000 of <he Sedime.tPondo (LFJ-lli '" IF.l--02) mIIr.aia1 wilIbc. dUipo.scd Dr in .. trcoch lijXrlfia.Ily daignr.d to I.OCI:pt ~ within the: projcdbound:lay. Tn lIddil:ioo to thc:3c. Ioe.Jizcd 1W"fKc."'"'tQ" wnirol tt1~W'; .lnar: I.n.duBttW SoIid-Wu1:l:* Wctr..limitrd. to iIx:rt ma~ IItIdI. Il.!I uouublt. urn cE~mI:L Wit=' it m:anagtd uodct lI.ute luth:.ce fttcf ~ l P'ilkd ttenchet and dlltw:bcd ..rcu IhAlI be " P>drillg M...mJ - W.. Ie .uch .. - . cmIhootd, l"I'" sod poI1et> 8""od .. eqn for ",..., 0Jl<i uti.. trtll<beo. " Otbec M.1cW - Om.. """" mo..mI will be ou1harized by <he F..:.-im,...,.,o,J Speci>.Il>' .., ....... by-- C.l..SebilJiI-When dlc: fu:tt.lift of an .aive. D"CIld\ n::achc:s wtthin.5 feet of the: [W)Off cdIcc:doc !!Ump, the. aaive DlOl:!thIy ........ edl,,;n 1>< clnood (I*foot minim"", t.!'" uf eo>-=l oM th< eoll<aion - . ol""ll wi<h tho _olmog 26_ .o\1I tmplOju &dImei will be pt'O\idcd ..t ih~ WOP. E.mploju &'cititi(:f. include rat t'()Oma. drioldng potlioo of lhc- trcndJ. will b~ bacldiIlcd with ~ up to Ihc ckrl.Uon of the: top of the fLat lift. *1'0 wm=r. td~~ fu:n aid Uld. (Jffia: _pact_ ioc(]Dm1omte JW:1gff from. the. Bcmnd.llft of the ~ 110 DCW ~ coI1cdDJ.lWIIp w.ilI be: ICXCII~ OUf .. Non-men Commu:tio:n w. Dcmn/..iban Wa.m, Df WI 6IllRl.terlal aa:ordiflg to me. illmcm.icm indicau::d l)lI rktaiI 5 (Ows. No. V'l-OS).
- Non-wa"t lnclmll:ri:d Wl.!l[~
.. nimn<<I.iaJ 'W1Urt. ~ at1f 1P1IItr lhu c:oatri.nJ p:a.tbokagi.etl WU[e, biclogj.oll wute, Of!Idio.l
- 12. AllIl""....J will be IoheI<>! In "",m..c. wfth U"s. Depomnem of AgrleuI= '"'" ond ~"'" cquip:mr:m. but docs not.iDd.uh: such. ~(C rhu h.u bu:a ltahiliz.ed miDg aD. lJoly%,er TM type: treQ.tmeal 2~. No OlMrte "Ud w"" l""""!ng >oeb " .tuoddJng ..m be pafonned.
UIXkr tI!A: euttmI: p ~ Seed.Act. PlantiDg to ClIt1blli1h n:ge:tUin: m'Rr w.i.1I c:JiCCUf wit:hl.n two wccb Df 6naJ '~'1iron. p.diDg of the ttmm gmund mvc, m: in di5tnrlxd :un.Il that ..,.m n:mai..o. aposed for morc= than ml:'
- Pu!!qldbtc. w...,b= - WQte: tnl.tqllicklydo::ornpota by mi~m:I. Enmpla olputreeo'b1e w-.u=: 29. SPECIAL WASm HAMlUNG, omotbo, The followfug pmeul=> will be IioIJaw<d, iadudc, but uc. acr ~8an1)l mrntul to. ~ ~Ir:c. tllimal ~ mu..c. dead a.nimab, gi-rbGge.1ltId Ii.. 1."h.c. £hl1awing :w=rdicg ~ will be: th.c minimum UDOLm'QI :lpp1i~ [Q t=!ot:llbWh ~tu:i..Dc Dn I:h.e
...." tho'lo coo<>mitw<d by >Ueb ...terloio (>Ueb .. " ..." fu>m uffiec ..... <OOI>iDlllg c"ool - l . II< Plant Vogdc, ~(C ~dllla food, lilluid!, ooff= grm.mdl, and 'WaI~ &em the Ute g,fi::tc:ria aAd. offig: IIRaliI
- a. The p.LiAncd -ubQtoI UUJe.b wiJl be loa.tcd witbic the ~ portioA of the bocUiII u ibdic::ucd CJ:Q Sheet VJ.02. The ft<&U:h will be daignated fm ..1xsmo ""' ",<I,,,i'<ly. The =eb will be
~ . oed ...... ..m be limii<d to.o<booi>ed ~ =-_ clcood =d>.. w od= dimubcd.,..., OIIII!it 1Jg dblJOKd. of in M::PILD'b::; dUlIlJ-t:aI. that. an:; NOT dUpoKd of in the Iitf; IaDdfiIL *~WUtC:
- b. A.bc:l1l;OI "IltU: wiD be. covered writb ..t lull; 6 it'Cbes of aM im.medi..tdy dfct c:acb .ddiboo io:to ~ THE DIl.XTRA GROUP. INC.
- 1. Il=."", April 1 "'" .'rugwo' 31, '40 peund> ofSeoiuo. r..p<d=,:1D potmd> cfP_llohio
- HAdiOlleti't"(: Wut:
8"", 2C peuodo of 1It:t=do gnu, owl SO p<:'J-Odo of nWlt< 8"" per-=-
- Ftee Liqo.Od W_ ube&cos 1tCOCb. 4665 lDWIlR ROSWllLL ROAD, 11154 MAIUIlTrA, GEORGIA 30068
- l?CB--ConWnia,g W:IUU.
Z. Ilctwe<o S<1>t<mbe< 1 oud ~l2<eh 31, BO paoodo of s..;"'l.eopcd=. 50 peW>do of aIlttUal ty<, wi
- Soolwy (."'.. ge) IV"",
\ 12 I"OllndJ of Abll::O'Je t')'C per A(!'C..
- Nno-In", 1ndI>>..w Worn:
- _le.uch IS elpitul ebemia.lo oud produeu, .pem!igh' bill.... 'lJ<O' bottci... eot.... ted deai...... ...m ood ""boo, oil dc>n.up d.bC., d"Ili",I.plII eleon-up ckblio. wi.!",,' d)l(rnmJ ......u.iog ** b""'" WJI behandlal oed diopoo<d of;" o=nlonee..nb 29 CFR 1926.1101 "'"
b, The Il"""'d ._,ho.>ld be .hoped. ",_"",.10 'bt "luTm="" be uoed ufeIr oed elIidendy oil ood bjtl...llli' 61=0.
- Otbc WeI%:* md1 u upbalt Ilhict;l~.;.. circUt, t1c:np t:ita. and rc1nidoo ex CR.'],'
Plant Pro<e<b= OOU5-C durio8 ~ prcp4.tllltiorl. fUl:iU2'Jl.tiOfJ,IIC:CdLng, mulching a.nd rrWntC:nllnCe of the 1'tgett.tion. No dOf'Cll .. 'lklondfill open"" oed per>ooo<l bondling ond dlopooiog of..bcnno oed ..bcnno...,..;";,,g_ will be tttc:pet tl'IM :3 to 1 pdjet. AD fOOtS uId 1()()IC.: ~ 'hilt 'll,IOuld ifltetf:cte ~ih KCding. O!' mouirmo. mAlolCtlJllClC thIlIJ be: f'CmOTed {rom !.he Bl.lf.&o: prior to accdiog. c.lf prohibited. wutc 1& noted 10 :I loa.d, prim [(J dilIponl in the l.a.w:ifiI4 it ...m be: mnovcd a.nd the rcspomiblc "'"" fi>lknv ~to ci29 CFR t926.IIOl ond !'lotH Protrd= ~C. Southern. Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. .. If oecd<d.. 6ndy pund ~ lim<ou>ot .ho.II be .p=d ....,ty 00 th' gteund .w£oee Jt the nit< ~n(]nndwi1lbc.nctified.. [ V'WbIe mrloolcno lD the ",,<old< ~ '" pmbiliitod during tile ooIIeetioX>,, l"eking. """porting Design and Operational Information '00' pet "'" pU'" en J<&rifPog the gteund In Prq>oR~oo of ooodiog. or depoUrinn of allibestD6 ooat:ainiog J:IWttia1. . ~-~*~'*;vf,D~A'Y!!my of 1 to 2 d.1f prohibited w:;J;!Itr iii o~ in m=ncl: afn=r: di.spoW. thr wutt. 'WiD. ~ u=1DIJftd &am. dJ..c Plant Vo e Landfill #3 m d.. Seed .Jhall be applied ja. me 'iil:ilDtitir:s SI ,shown tbcK: Ipcdfi.a.UI;JIlI dimQg the propa IcaJOIL ttcoc..b and the. ~~I1Ilh11t pcrsonll~ will be=: Dtllifi~ immmiatey (pmhiI>>ud waur dispo$td of in lbt: landfill FeniIi%"wn be"!'PHed of the 10-111-10 gruIe ..i1hin. ~of 600 lD 1200 peondo pet-=- n.. ~~t~~~~t====~~======Pc°~ DRAWINGNUMIll!RV3_06 feniIi= rna>' n:qW:rc Dlxi&u:ic:m. to llPD). RBF. lTI'I-I! 10/19/01 _baWd be. B~ '<Lith lLlJ, sgticu.ltuI:iLl-iccd ~adcr, cu1tipa.dJ:z: UI: other appropriate cqu1pm.cnL ClmCKEDBYI :iCA1a REFHRBNCE DRAWING Nooc PVCCAl' 1Y1'JCAL MONrJ'ORlNG I'QJN]" Methane Gas Monitoring Program: ~~~D~~mo ! 1/~"WIlIll'HOLE r..oCKINO STEEl. l'ROTECflVE CASING ~ \j{
- 1. ObjL'Clivm 4. Quality Auunm"" and Con1rol Pmcodm<!o I---V STI!IlLSThNDUPPIPB '" ,\\, /
~~ 1 ThU Motiw>o au MoniOJring Prog"'" hu 1x= <bdopod 1m th, pOnto ootid """ landfill #3 ~ by 1'.L. PBAGlL....VEL So.tb<m Nwlcu Op<rating Company .t PWrt Vcgrl<;" W'Y""'OOro. G=g;a (Bum, Co"Y)' Th, objcaiv< of tbb bJOnitnrlDg prognm, .. "'q.m.d by lh< Gco~ llnvi<~ Prot.orion Di....., (EPD)," to d<t= the
- Samp1ingwiIJ. not be pcfunnc:d if cm:ditiom coodudve to m:c:n:asing ~ rom;conm,tiom an: pttxDt (e.g.
MIN. 2 I"I". DrA., 4 IN. " " ..... 1--- 3' lI.ttuJ IllOVcmcot of potemi.uJy c.pIosiTe _ ;" <be ",_1 0UId ~""S "",..mode migoltlon p"tIlwty> ....-l IW,Jl:mce pi prasy.rc.lul mAO t.tm08phcrie preasure). In d:tiJ ~ wnpliog will be ddt)'C:d u.DI;Ilsueh TIUCKCONCRIlTllPAD ~I'. neA1by DO~rc 'mJauttS. 1'1Je in£ocnalioo gu:h~ &om ~ ~ monftoring ,tl.tioM will he U>>:l ro cnlua.rr: tr..c eQndition, ~s. patmliaJ. aplo!.ivc: huud. aaMKiamd with tlu=o ac:cumu.bdOD of~glIll ill ~ ~ mr.mdban.c gu Ibmo:"lhilny _IS (5 OJ 15 pc=nt. by vol"",,).
- Stmpling muat be cocthlacd wbco gat po::stiWU &re at II. rnuimum. Su;b6ut&c:e gal ~ have. .. dNmaI qdl:.1..Dd gmcnlJy IlI'C I,t a muimwn during the Ilftcroooo. 1'bccfo~ ~ W11l be conducted after 12:00 I' 2. Monitoring Sy.u= D.aIgo ""d Conatm_ Dooo.
f 3' G*,"co tbc: tdlttivcly b.igb ..lility of tbc "b~-.m u.t.its to -reAdily ttUlsmit '-Oy ~ul~ l..-odfilJ gu. petiJnetu .. Gu production will vuy wil:h dwJp in I:Cl5OnIO and clima.r:ic. condiJ::ian.I.. lli.c.b a.mpli.og. ~ mw.t bt: oooduc;tcd WJdcr Ihc WDc OODditions, Ui ncar lU possible; u the pn:a:ditJg event. ~ em, opcnmr 'WiD m"itw me-log of tbc: time tnd co~ which C;(istcd dutiDg tbc. prcc:oJin.g !IlInlPJio@:cvcmUld.ttI;C1Pptto ..,...", lhoo< ....un_ .. c=:dy .. ~ duDog "';'' C9CDD* ..0Di""...u. uc >=<d 6:t1D .~<dy 5 f"" '" 30 f<a hb (MM.JJ,9, 10, 12) .. 5 f= 10 25 f= bIs (MM., BENtONT.mSEAL)~ I ~ ..d MM-ll) ..".. u< totWd=d ..lcq..", 1m ~ any k=l gu migmDon. No ....,-mode gu migt<tloo
- 5. EVlI!U.tlDO and ReponlngofMooilUdog&Oulu SAND ~~:==Uf--=1==I=1'MINf=' ==~_L/_6'_
pal:bw:il.p; arc kDown. to aist at the 1aDd.6ll. Th"mooitDring.,...... of6 ncwmooitm wdb (dc1igoaciom MM* 7 tbmugh MM.l2) a<1o<ario<u 1roWId " Idct!wle 8'" ~ .IWI_ =125 pc<CCDt of the 1Dwcr apIooivc liUlit (!.EL) nI= (1.2.1 0/.) fix cbc of me 1abd6l1. The: "'clb 'Were ~ widl a iaccocd. intc::'VIJ at appro::Urmtdy 5 feet co 30 f=t bb gucsio. &dliry.~ (MM-ll,9, 10, 12) .. 5 f<a to 25 f"" bIs (MM*7 .... MM*ll). The locatioD1 of the weD, _ will oompri>c !be I' D~\. SCH. 40 PVc, l:\'SP IlAJ1ID 1/ SCREEN lNl"ERVf>L FROM monitor wdl ottWOtk fo1: l-.odfiR #J iU'(.1bo\Irtl if) Dwg. No.VJ-.02. Pt>croRY PADRIUTIlD SCRIlE.NS WIll. APPROXlMA11!LY 5 PI'I!'C10 BE INSTf>LLED WITH 0.010"]'0 0.020' ..../ 3DFEET Bl.S (Mllt-5, 9,10,12) OR sum; ~~;,5PBBTlllS(MM-7 P1:ioI: to iaaa1W:.g the Mal' mooitor we:1b:. oo*~(e ~ saee:aiAg usiDg bu puoch hob was coM'uaeG to ..",ist Maballt mooit0riD8 mull> will be reporttxlon E1'D Fonn SWM.19/Rcport 1lDd ~ by. P..._ iD tdcding &na11ocatioDa lor the new well,. ne objective Qf the ~ 'V."Q fO pn:vcm iruJtIDa.rioo. the or EngjD",uegis,ctedin~ State ofGcoz;:ia. Tho tepott..ul be ",bmincd '" EPD 'OitbiD fiio=>(l5) da~of monitor wel4 into f,KIJlC cxlLJ And CIlIill't wt .-Ilinbte ~ uJ;secm 10 the ~ cc1b were tdcacd. AIl tlOV Gog .... """l'kto:<l in ."",tdaocc 'Oilb the Wtnlclioo.l """"""" ill IlPD G\1idaDcc docwocm, dared May 1/4' Mll"I, PE.\ GRAVEL /L!-"7"'=----'--------'- monitor wdh ue OOIlItIUacd;.~ l-inchimidedWndcr, ftuili-thn:adcd Scbcxiulc40 l~C 2J,19951lDd "~cd, MElHANEMOro..'TTOR:lNGf>TMUNlCJPAl.SOllDW!oSTEPA~ The cuing sod. Number: 1().20 a.1ot ~ The: Knt:n 1=Jgth is 2S OJ: 30 fect mel XC to rnUlDirot aD. c1cva.Gon of &cilliy pccoD< n...ber (017-OO7D(L)(l)) will be ioclwlcd in the hC1ding1 of 011 monitmiDg repom. If tcpom IlND CAl' ~I---+ 4' MIN. BORllHOLEDIAMEmR .pp..."""'' 5 f<<t OJ 25 .. JQ fcc bl*. ,Mucti<! UKd 10 ""'''' the 6It<r P"'~ """isrcd of ~ .nikblc, ch=it>lIy in=, weD ","-,,"cd, dUncoilio>lIy ,olhIc, p"&,mt Thcgavcl F en""" OJ ~lOp of the 0= "",.=I6:t1D EPD tha, ... ill<ompktc or ilnp<opcrIy ptepu.d, * =0:<1 <cpO<t 'OiII be _h<nirtcd ,.;,hiD tltirty (JO) do,., wdl acru::n., followed by.i.J: of roux IILlld. DDt. root of c:bmbIly iDC't bmtooitc pdIa3 ~ used to.r=aJ the amwIar ~ aOO'PC !:be filn:.t" pilcL 1'hr:ec to 6.~ fcc:t of cement and bcl:m:mi.te miItun: ~ p]a(zd ~ the Rr.PO'" u> VoWdarcd Fmditog of Mcdaoc Gu M;gn.tloo baltool~ .. e.!, A MCN.lldcd ~ pad w:il.h , minimum mdiuJ of tWO fcc. wi. p1lccd at the; ,ut&ce. E.Kh 'wdl Iw * !",,=lTe "ed .Wl<1.op cover whh
- ptoreetl.. cap .... Iocl. 10 ptCTUll~. DcWl6 (D-& No. f! * ..Ddalcd W>Jlog ol D> gu mlplioA _ . toDtingcDey plu will be Impl,",,,,,,cd """;'Ucg of TYPICAL METHANE MONITOR WELL V3-07) abow:tl :I. typical mocitQftng wdl and monitoring poim marku. A tl.bte. thlllt .ummama. mcrlwlc wd1 u-buili: Ctm!ttucDon inli::mnat:ina is provided. bdaw, tbcfoll"";ng,_
- 1. VcrifiCldon of cqioUvcgu "'~ by uDn.,dU"e r=sq DETAil.
- 2. Upoc ~D. of tadibgI above 2S pc:te:cm of mil: LBL jc &.c:wty itNa'tlt'el or mlC LBL at &.cillty N.T.S MllTHANIl BOLT 10TAL bo'.uu:t~ itnro_r:r: noti.6catioo Qf EPD lI..Od loc:ti public .fay aUJ;hm:itiCl rrd u the. lncal bl:ll.ltb disttitt.
MON1TOll N E I'.l DEPTHEJ. fin: ~t,. and law mrorcm:u:mabID ~ ~ U 'llpproprlur. WIlll f"",d f"...1 MM*7 9631.6193 71l26.oo39 257.56 2J2.56 3. The tDO.Qitodng ftcqu.tOCy of the subjo:t monitotiog atlttiool will be inacucd £tom q,u:e.nctIy O\ocitoring 10 MM-ll 9361.2699 7341.2712 272.99 24299 ..""tbIy """"'Dring..,01 ",ch tinle .... the !""hl= i' = c d 0< dctcrmio<d DDt OJ poII<
- oigcili<r.ct _
MM-9 9127.9166 6980.2829 268.32 2J8J2 to tM. mvironmcnt. pnb!ic hcafh and .-Idy. MM-1O 8809.0079 7253.0077 257.95 227,95 MAl-II 81108.1725 7841Jl269 259.39 23439 4. 1bc Decd 1m mcthrnc gu toDtrol 'Iem> will he ..... ,0:<1.1"'" ..JW,o: of tll<tb>.De gu lDigariOD and appropri:l.te: rccommc:ndatiOnJ impkmentcd. Thif, .. ,t;Mm(flt tnd ~ remedy "ill be: ,ubmim:d MM*12 9248.~36 lIOOJ.8J02 27<1.8(\ 240.86 to nPO in the: fOrm 01 .. :remo:li:ttion plan within 60 <!:II" of a ftlidated findmg or moMnc: gal mign..tion. 6, Mclhaoc Gao Safety Goiddio... "l'bc gaiddincs will hi=: followed b)' pc'Ioond WMn IIoIImpling at ttt, Jand£ill. ic IlmI.S ~ cnofinncd MotUtor.ioginO.asite~ level" or pmentiJ.Dy dangcona goes: T"Q!" aD ~~ within 300 fcrt. of'dir lmd6ll boundur, ac.nxcing olindoor air will be oooduacd
- No pcnoc will C1ttl:f t nWt O[ a ttCOcb oo'll kod611 witt~'t tim ~ for the. pteseDet of mc:th:a.oe p.
Monitming in ouite II'tttlctumI will be conducr:cd at timcll when dilutica of indoor m is minimized and. the:: The pc<1OD will also .......rf<ty _ ** cooed penon ,Wldicg bl' OJ pWl biIn D'C ba '" ufuy. l:OQlXIrtDtioo of toll gu J.. gpcacd to be ~t it1 bighClllt cooccatI'la:iOD, fa u after '" IN!ld.JI:lg: has bcco dMcd Cor: Ar:fDDt=. inmlling wd1Jl in .1:I.ndfill wiD ~ 11. ulery rope. to ~ &niog in thr: bmr. hok Opm 1mlcI WI'TI IN! ~ or O'o'ernight I11d 1>>hen the Klt1 tuftsee. hA$ ~ wer or &<nen lot .evl!!'ll1 daY'- Cuft'enrl:" ~ are no bca:nrc:cc:dwbcnthcyUCldtlHllotWJda:l. on8ite ,tt\1Cl'I1tel> in the \"'icirrity of landJill #3. " Scnob>g will be !""bihOto:<l GO tbc kodJiII wb= driIliDg, aca~ or in"l2ll>tio.n of cq<Upon<o';' tUint<
- 3. Gao Monitoring Pmcodm<!o pllce or where: au i, '1(:tl1;ing from the landfill 1bc wdlr will he lllOtlitoml in ucordanc< with the ~ ><bcduJc,
- CoDrcm:l. gas from 11. mcchaniWly cvu:uattd S)'"UmJ lbould :a1wIlYll be dmmd to minimiu: air ponmioo lind toy potea:l.taJ e.pJo&iveor ftte ~
- Wc1b will be: mooimm:l quutc:cl)' until '& dmlOOlIb::i.bOll can be ~ co BPD tWit mctbaoe= m.ipt:ioo from.
the PlI.ot Vogdc l..d6IJ pta_ DO tI:t<tL .. Methane gJ;s in 11. CQOC.COI:I:I.tioo of 5 to \5 perc.em Q an a::pl.oei"c. mWurc. Ga.e u.cumnhri~ .dxmld be mDllitami in mc.lo!;cd, a:ttu~ to insure d:w apIosi~ OOIlditillD!l are avWkd and. if dn:cctcd. approprial::l= aaioa. is WCI1 to noid a &oulCC of igoidOlJ and ttl vcm. the il>trualU1:. appUablc _=.. * 'M0tlit0r1tJg: in" b::ocaI:h,.Dd uound Iliu: S~ 1IriIl be I part of each ta=dag tn:Dt. the l'bol Vognlard6ll #3. ~f1tc are DO An P""""'" ,..,m"g 0 . . . hndfill will he pro'Wed ttrirtlog,~the<r posed by l2nJfiU go""_ PCSOCDcI opcmti:ng lafcty equipmcat llr[y.uJd the knd6.ll.....m be. tborcughly mined in its UlIC Illld bvc:l. car undem:anding of the meaning of ObKrv2.UCXlS DlI.dr. with tbr cquipmmt. Mon:ittxing cquipmcct mus.t be: paiodicaJIr aJiba<<:d to amw: (;QI[.tinucd ~ in the: n:sul.b.. , 1 11/"/04 I """............. IGH.lI I Ill\'. I OAm I ll£SCI\II'IION I B'I"""-I-o """'l<"'" fll.O,IRCrlt.'O.o5N_""" __ ' ' ' _V_" ,IUl>W>m_* ...:..'N..;.'-II THB DIIXTl\A GROUP,INC. 4665 lDWF.ll ROSWIlLL ROM>, #154 MARlEITA, GEORGIA JOO68 -u.DM'WJMCl.nB~arll1l~~.I.LC-Ni.>>.t.l.I.~11OIQCDtlT.ItDaP1P.mKJI.' Jll,KlIJI"l'DOtiJ1Dl!!:N11AL!I'I'ntHABCD'IBJ!I'T"'IBJIl](I"-"'IDNOTroEDDa.Q5IlDro.unomlil.~PWiI m~'Wl"DIOUT'DlBlID'IE3!I!DftInDl~OI"H!lD~Cl.OIJI',JJ.L:.nIIJ Y1U'*1NOSfUol.LtiO'T.aL&JmD:lUC'l)..VOl'~,,-YlttQll'l'Oil~'ftl)lfte.~. 1..I.Cvuu..Au.IUOtMOf"IlilI!\lQlIQl[~UI~t!'oI'l'liblDM-.rolIQA.t..i!D:i'IW!iI!iL'i'Wi!lr.ED:n ""~,u.c....u:::II'Iii:"'illULtiU't~l"IICLIl(JI.P.ALTkh'~e-r'IOI t'l.....~A~A.(;tIJlt:"JI(,'l!(JjI~(7nI-IlCATl(Jt.l'nn.C1trnl,o.<::-ew:~IlJ;..11)~nml:;JL'~.l,HI;I-'Q.. Q;,1rlU*T1*QJI,(JIi'TOullf~"'.IJ.('. Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc, Methane Monitoring Program I 1 Plant Vogtle Landfill #3 I 1 OH.AWN til\" DAm ORAWING NUMBBlt ~RJl~P~*t ~ ID~"'~'G~.~N~U!llll~1lR~t 1=====~lm~"~=====~!iilOO;;;a~'~O/~19~/O~l--1 C1l1llX1lDBV. >CAm V3 a7 - ~CHDRA~ ~D~ TABLE 1 CLOSURE PLAN MUNICIPAL SOLID WATE LANDFILL POST-CLOSURE CARE PLAN CLOSURE CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The owner of this disposal site, Georgia Power Company, shall close this site in a manner that minimizes the ITEM TESTING FREQUENCY Post-Qosurc Care will be conducted aftc.r completion and certification of closure to protect human health need for further maintcrulncc and minimizes the post-closure release of leachate to ground or surface waters and the environment. In addition, the owner will submit an as-built plan to the EPD. Post-Closure Care will or other pollutlUlts to the extent necessary to protect human health a.nd the environment. At ll. minimum, continue for a minimum of thirty years unless appropriate demonstration is made by the owner, and approved closure will consist of. BORROW SOURCE GRAIN SIZE 2,000CY by the EPD. to reduce the Post~Closure Care period. Such demonStr:l.tion ll1Jly be bued on the nature of the (ASTM 0-422) < OR= 3/4lNCH landfillcd Vlaste and on environmental monitoring results. Post-Closure Care shall consist of at the
- TIle placement of a cover consisting of one foot of compacted clean earth overlain by at least 18 following:
inches of compacted,low~permca.bilitysoU (minimum 10 ~S cm/s) and a minimum 6-inch vegetAtive topsoil MOISTURE CONTENT 2,000CY layer not later than one month following placement of waste within the £ of each trench. (ASTM 0-2216)
- Grading of the site to minimize runoff onto the disposal site to prevent erosion and to drain water from ATIERBERG 1lMITS 5,000CY the surrnce of the site. (ASTM 0-4318) At this time, no specific post-closute usc of the property is identified. Post-Closure use of the property shall not be allowed to disturb the integrity of the final cover or any other components of the containment system
>I< The establishment of a pe:rmanent vegatativc cover. MOISTURE-DENSITY CURVE 5,000 CY AND ALL or the function of the monitoring s)'litcms, un!C/lS the EPD dctemlinC/l that (ASTM 0-698 OR 0-1557) CHANGES IN MATERIAL
- 1. FINAL COVER a. The activities will not increase the potential threat to human health or the environment.
Upon closure, all waste received at the site shall be spread, consolid:ated and covered in accord:tnce with the PERMEABILITY (,,,,,old) 10,000CY cover wd capping system specified in the Design & Operational Plan to prevent the attraction of disease (EM 1110-2-1906, < OR = LO x 10-5 CM/SEC APPENDiX 7, SECTION 1 b. The activities ate necessary to reduce a threat to human health or the environment vectors, minimize the production of odors and prevent blowing litter. Should the site be closed. prior to attaining the final grades, aU uncoverc:d disposal areas shall be capped in the manner specified in the Design & ORASTM 0-5084) Operational Plan, and an aSkbuilt plan of the site will be submitted to the Georgia Department ofNal.Unl1 2. GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER MONITORING SCHEDULE Resources' Environmental Protection Division (EPD). Final cover, grading, surmce water management CLAY LAYER DRY DENSITY 1 TEST/I0,000 SP/LIFT controls and erosion and sedi.ment.a.tion controls shall be constructed for individual trenches as they are filled, DURING CONST (ASTM 0-2922 OR 0-1556) 1 TEST/LIFT/200 IF OF Groundwater :and Water Monitoring will take place on a semi~annual basis. For a complete no later than one month following placement of waste within the final lift of each trench. SmESWPE description of the Groundwater and Water Monitoring Program, see Dwgs. No. V3~10 and V3-11. The site and £ cover shall be graded to prcvent erosion by diverting runoff away from the disposal area MOISTURE CONTENT 4 TESTS/40,000 SF/LIFT and d:raining water from the site. All minimum slopes shall maintain a rate of grade greater than 3 % on the (ASTM 0-2216) 3. ROUTINE INSPECTION trench caps and the maximum. slopes will not exceed a rate of grade of33 %. Thus the maximum. slope gradient shall not exceed 1 vertical to 3 horizontal Silt fencing shall be located around disturbed areas during CLAY LAYER *PERMEABIIlTY 1 TEST/4O,000 SF/LIFT Throughout the Post~C1osure Care period, the site shall be inspected on a qwu:terly basis to ensure thnt the cap construction activities. LAB TESTING (ASTM 0-5084) < OR = LO x 10-5 CM/SEC integrity and effectiveness of the fioa1 cover material is tIlllintained. ll$ required by EPD Rules for Solid Waste 1 TEST/LIFT/800 IF OF S.s. ~ent, Chapter 391~3-4-.07(i),391-3-4-.12, and the mcility's permit conditions. Any areas in which the The final cap cover will consist of one foot of compaeted clean earth overlain by at least 18 inches of slope of the final cover is not encounging runoff of waters will be repaired. Any areas of the final cap compacted,low~permca.bilitysoil (minimum 10 -5 cm/s) and 6 inches of soil capable of supporting 1 TEST/40,000 SF/LIFT noted to be daIrulged from the effects of erosion, vehicular traffic; etc., will be repai:red immediately. vegetation. The final cover will be compacted to preclude any excess infiltration of surface water, prevent *DRY DENSITY 1 TEST/LIFT/800 IF OF S.S. attnlction of disease vectors, minimize production of odor, and prevent blowing litter. (ASTM 0-2922) Throughout the Post-Closure Care period, the ponds, all ditches, pipes, culverts, rip-rap, silt fence and other 1 TEST/40,000 SF/LIFT drairmge structures sluill be inspected and mainmincd according to this Design and Operational Plan. Erosion It should be noted the wastes disposed of at this facility are construction and demolition debris and *MOISTURE CONTENT 1 TEST/LIFT/800 IF OF S.s. non~put:tescible office waste nuterials which are not susceptible to the aforementioned hazatds. Material to be (ASTM 0*2216) control structures shall be maintained so as to prevent d:unage to the final COVet. Such structures shall include, used for final cover will be obtained either from a borrow area on the Plant property, or from outside sources but will not be limited to silt fcocc. haybalcs, and rip-rap. ns needed. Cover must be substantially free of rock fragments that are greater than 3 inches in diameter. For a detail of the final cover see Detail 3 onDwg, No. V3-12. 1b.toughout the Post-Cosure Care period, all arca.s lacking proper vegetation shall be grassed and maintained according to the vegetative cover procedures outlined on Drawing V3-06. Item 12.
- 2. VEGETATION METHODS f. Upon extraction of nn undisturbed sample. the sidewalls ofthe remaining hole should be scored and the Upon closure, all disturbed areas shall be grassed within two weeks of final cover placement in a.ccorda.nce hole properly filled with clay or a soil/bentonite mixture and hand tamped. A density test should be pe:rformed at the sample location. The repaired hole should also be void of any flaws detrimental to 4. SEDIMENT POND MAINTENANCE with the vegetative cover procedures outlined on Dwg. No. V3-06, Item 12 permca.bility, such u gaps, cracks, rocks, roots and miscellaneous debris.
Ponds LF3-01 and LF3-02 will be maintained in accordance with the Manual for Erosion and Sediment
- g. If in-situ density tests do not meet the minimum. requirements, additional tests should be pe:rfonned to Control in Georgia. Sediment will be removed when storage volume is reduced by one-third.
The one-foot soillaycr will be provided by trench excavation, or from an approved borrow area on the Plant determine the extent of the failed area. The failed area will then be rc-compacted. The area should then be property, The low-permeability soil1ll.yer may be obbined from outside sources, if needed. retested to demonstrate thnt the specific requirements ate met. This procedure may have to be repeated, as 5. LIMITED ACCESS necessary, to demonstrate that the minimum requirements arc met.
- 4. EQUIPMENT NEEDED Necessary equipment will be made available to ensure that closure requirements are executed correctly and h. If a permeability sample fails to meet the minimum hydraulic conductivity requirements, at least five Access to the landfill will be limited to personnel required to perfonn the post~aosure Care.
efficiently. samples should be obtained in the immediate vicinity of the failed test. Should the replieate samples confinn failure of the clay, the area of failute should be localized and reconstructed. This area should then be retested. 6. METHANE GAS MONITORING
- 5. SEDiMENT POND CLEAN-OUT Sediment will be removed when storage volume has been reduced by one-third. 9. NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURE The Methane Gas Monitoring Progmm will be maintained. See Dwg. No. V3-07 for program description.
Within 30 days of final lift placement in the final waste trench and prior to closure, the EPD will be notified
- 6. EROSION & SEDiMENTATION CONTROLS of the date of the projected closure. Signs shall be posted as to the date of closure. The EPD will be Upon closure, all ponds. ditches, diversion berms. culverts. rip-rap, silt fence, and other drainage serving
- 7. POST-CLOSURE CERTIPICATION provided with a certification signed by a Professional Engineer. registered. in the state of Goorgia, to verifY disturbed areas, but not a!reldy built, shall be constructed and placed. All drainage pipes shall be cleaned to that compliance with the closure requirements have been satisfied, as stated in the Rules for Solid Waste allow unobstructed flow of storm water. Management, Cb2pter 391-3-4-.11 (6), The closure certi£Cll.tion will be completed on forms provided by the Following completion of the Post~aosu:reCare period, the EPD Director will be notified that certi6cation, EPD. If certifiCll.tion is accepted by the EPD, the director will issue the Closure Certificate and establish the signed by a Georgia registered Professional Engineer verifying that Post~aosurecare has been compkted in
- 7. SURVEY CONTROL beginning of the post-closure care pcriod, as stated in the Rules for Solid Waste Management, Chapter accordance with the Post~Closu:reprocedures, has been placed in the operating record.
All areas within which waste has been disposed shall be located to the best of the owner's ability and surveyed 391-3-4-.11(7). Upon closure, the property deed and legal description shaIl be filed at the Burke County by a Licensed Surveyor. This survey showing the limits of wa.ste disposal shall be shown as an "As*Built" on Courthouse in accordance with the Rules for Solid Waste Management, Chapter 394-3~4-11 (4) and (5). An 8. POST-CLOSURE CARE COSTS the Design and OperationaJ Plan. An a.ccu:rate legal description of the lAndfill Waste Mamgement Unit accurate legal description of the Landfill Waste Mana.gement Unit boundaries will be included in the notice of boundaries will be included in the notice of closure and property deed. closure and property deed. The Post-Cosure Care costs for the mcility are estimated below. These costs will be updated yearly for
- 8. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE 10. CLOSURE CERTIFICATION inflation as reflected in the facility's Financial Responsibility documentation, The Post~Closure cover repair The following items present the minimum cover installation and testing procedures that will be implemented Upon completion of the fi.nal closure construction, written certification that the landfill's closure is in costs are based on 10 % of the total area of the site per year. The total area of the site is 12.7 acres, thus 10 %
during construction of thefi.nal cover and closure features at the landfill. accordance with EPD's Rules for Solid Waste Management, Chapter 391-34 shall be provided from a is 1,27 acres. The grassing estimate assumes the grass seed, mulch, and fertilizer will be applied Professional Engineer registered in the State of Georgia, as specified in Chapter 391~3-4-.11(6),to verifythnt simultaneously by hydroseeding, a, The compacted soil, low~permeability soil and topsoil cover layers are to be free of rock, debris, organic compliance with the closure requirements have been satisfied. The closure certification will be completed on material and other foreign matter. The maximum rock size is not to exceed 3 inches in diameter for the forms provided by the EPD, according to Chapter 391-3-4-.11 (7). topsoil (erosion) 1ll.yer and 3/8 inches in diameter for the low~pe:rmeability(mfiltration) layer. InstaIlation of PLANT VOGTLE LANDFILL #3 POST*CLOSURE COSTS the low-permeability layer should be accomplished by systematically placing and compacting the material in 11. CLOSURE COSTS no more than &.inch lifts. The moisture content of the low-permeability IWlterial should be controlled at the Closure costs for the facility ate listed below. These costs were estimated for closure at the most expensive ANNUAL ANNUAL LIFETIME ITEM UNIT COST DURATION direction of the engineer, to ensure that the material meets the required density. point in the life of the facility and based on the construction to be accomplished by a third party. The grassing QUANTITY TOTAL COST TOTAL COST estimate :l.Ssumes that the grass seed, mulch, and fetti.l.i2:er will be applied simultaneously by hydroseeding, The Final Cover
- b. A maximum of 5 acres shall be worked at:any one time. An. area of this size shall be fully completed, with final cap unit price includes the cost for materials, tr:l.OSportatiOD, placement and grading of the final cover. 3,080 cuyd $3.50/ cuyd $ 10,780 $ 323,400 Maintenance the erosion layer, prior to commencing cap construction activities in the next area. Sequencing of construction should be established to ensure the efficient progression of construction activities. Grassing 1.27 acre $1,500/ acrc $ 1,905 30 years $ 57,150 Sediment Pond
- c. Visual inspections of the materials entering the site should be performed for changes in color or texture, in 0.2 events $ 6,OOO/event $ 1,200 30 years $ 36,000 Cleanout addition to any fordgn debris, organic matter and rocks.
Additiona.IE&S 30 years PLANT VOGTLE LANDFIlL #3 CLOSURE COSTS AT 2 events $2,OOO/""cu' $4,000 $120,000
- d. If necessary. clay will be mixed by disc harrowing or an equivalent method to provide a homogenous Control consistency. Ood sizes should not exceed 3 inches in diameter prior to compaction. MOST EXPENSIVE POINT (l..7 ",,,,,)
Inspection 4 events $300 $1,200 30 years $36,000 3 112/31/041 UpdatcdProo:xlutes IGliAl I
- c. Density tests on the clay layer and moisture tests will be conducted as shown on Table 1 for each ITEM QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST Mcthane REV. I DATE I DESCRIPTION I BY IENG*IAPPR compacted lift on a maximum 2oo-foot grid pattern. Undisturbed samples using a thin~wa1led tube sampler 6" Topsoil 2,180eu yd $ 7,630 4 events Sl,500/event $6,000 30y= $180,000
$3.50/ cuyd Monitoring SUPERSEDES: REVISIONS: will also be taken at a minimum frequency of one sample pc:r40,OOO square feet pet lift on a 200-footgtid pattern. A decrcased sampling frequency may be applied based on the variability and overall quality of the 18" Compacted Clay 6,540 cu yd $6.00/ cu yd $39,240 Groundwater 2 events $10,Ooo/event $20,000 30ye:an; $600,000 PROjRCTNO.:SN;:O;:C-.:;01;:.DO:.:-;.V-02-=- PJLEN';.;AMllo* ;.;V;.;~08;.;;.;a;.;o'.:;=;.;&~p;.;c;.;au. P_Juul n borrow soils. Laboratory tests on the resulting undisturbed samples are to be performed by an independent 12" Soil 4,360 cu yd $3.50/ cuyd $15,260 Monitoring testing lab. CQA 117,610 sf $0.04/ s.ft $4,700 Surface THE DEXTRA GROUP, lNC. 2 events $ 2,5OO/event $ 5,000 30 years $ 150,000 4665 WWER ROSWEI~ROAD, #154 Water SiItFence 1,000ft $3.00/ ft $ 3,000 MARIE1TA, GEORGIA 30068 Monitoring Vegemtion 2.7 acre $1,500/ acre $ 4,050 Groundwater 1 event S2,OOO/cvent $2,000 30 years $ 60,000 Qoan Assessment nils DllAwmC IS 1lill Pll.Ol'f!RIT OF 1UE DlllIT....oGROUP,lLC AND .tIll.lNfOJU.L>,TlON COhTAlNlm IlillRON ISm $6,000 $12,000 Monitoring liE }W!'TCONFJDENll....L llY THE REClI'II!NTTlll.Htol' !lND Nanu Ill:! D1SCl.OS!!D 'YO .'ili."Y anum l'l1JlS{lN, FIRM Sediment Ponds OIl.COIU'Oll.ATlONWlTlIOUTTIlJ.!JIXrJtnSYlOWRrI'TIi.N CONSlOIID.ATlON OI'Tlill Or:nn.A-GROUl'.u.c. nilS nItAWlNGSfMl.LNOJ'Dnu:iIIDDIREC1LYORINDJJtECT[.YO:ClWTfNIXlNNHcnoNwmlnmoexmA-GlIDUP, TOTAL $56,085 $1,562,550 llC WORK. .All. RlGIm; 01' DE:ilGN all. INVENTION nlSCl.O$lln ill nUl DItAWlNG AlUt t::It'PllM.'iLy lU!Sl.tll\'1ID Il\' Refuse Limits TIm DI!XTIlA-G!tOU'P. uc. itflClI'JlP..<TSHML NOTRl!l'RODUCII IN WHOU! OR PAllTANY SIl.CTlON OI'7H15 $6,000 $6,000 DMWlNG AND AGIU!.eS UPON NOTII'lCATION IlY 1lill Dl!X1fu\-GROLl'. u.c TO lUmJl\N nus DRAWING AND AU. Survey COPll1!iTlillllOl'ro1HllOEXTIIA.cROUI'.u.c. Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. Additiona.IE&S 0/' $2,000 $2,000 Control Engineer's Certific:ation $5.000 $5,000 Closure & Post-Closure Care Plan TOTAL $ 98,880 I I Plant Vogtle Landfill #3 I I DRAWN BY; IDAm DRA\VING NUMBER t~~~~~~~!======~~======j~FECKEDi~¥.10~/l~9~/O'!.111-REF. I DWG,NlTh.fBER I TIn.E CHECKEDBY:l SCALE: V3-08 REFERENCE DRAWING INone I- Water Level Measurement
- 4. Field and Laboratory Quality Assurance/Quality Control GROUNDWATER & SURFACE WATER MONITORING PROGRAM:
- 1. Use the electronic water level indicator or the steel tape to measure the distance from the measurement Quality assurnnce/quality control data will be collected to belp evaluate tbe monitoring program results. An
~~:;:ed ground water monitoring system is based on the following characteristies of Plant Vogtle point to the top of the water in feet (nearest 0.10 feet). equipment blank will be taken at least once each day that ground water monitor wells are sampled. Distilled wat~r VJill be transported to the site and bwdled like a sample. The water will be poured into the sampling
- 2. Use the steel tape to measure the distance from the measurement point to the bottom of the well in feet, eqwpment, wd sample bottles will be filled using identical techniques used to collect and prepare the ground
- The waste stream bas a low pollution potential. or use total depth data provided by the operator, water samples. Annlysis of the blank can be an indication of sampling error. The blank test results will not be used to correct the sample results, but will be reported. If contaminwts are detected in the blank, the source
- The underlying sediments contain water.bearing zones that occupy confined, semkonfined, and perched 3. Subtract #1 from #2 to obtain thc height (h) in feet of water in the well.
of conta.mination shall be identified and corrective mcasutcs, including re-sampling, shall be initiated. hydrogeologic units zones of low hydraulic conductivity. The sediments consist of sands, silty swds, clayey sands and ma.rJ.limestone inte:rhcc.s. 4. Qean the steel measuring tape and electronic water level indicator by rinsing with isopropanol, hexane or A trip blwk will also be prepared by the laboratory, transported to the site with the other sample containers, other site suitable rinse followed by distilled watet. Wrap in clean foil for usc on the ncxt well. Do not use and returned to the laboratory for walyses for volatile organic compounds. The trip blank will be handled in
- The lwdfill is located within the central portion of the Plant site, which comprises over 3000 acres. isopropanol or hexane if it is a suspected contaminant.
the same manner as the samples.
- 1. Monitor Well Network Well Evacuation wd Sampling Procedures All ficld instrumcnts will be calibrated in the field daily prior to use and at the conclusion of each sampling event.
The groundwater monitoring network consists of 7 permanent monitor wells located along the boundaries of 1. Attacb and secute polyethylene tubing to the low*flow pump. As the pump is slowly lowered into thc wcll, Landfill #3 (Dwg. No.V3-01). The wells are located outside of, but as close as practical to, the waste disposal secure the safety drop cable, tubing, and cleetricallines to each other using nylon stay-ties. The sclected antIlyticallaboratory "Will use procedutes to adequately evaluate the usability of the data. These areas. The wells are sereened within the uppermost water-producing zones underlying the landfill. The wells ~ include QC ~yses and use of statistical procedures to monitor and document performance, and to were constructed by a driller that llll.s a valid wd current bond with the Water Well Standards Adviso.ry 2. Pump, safety cable, tubing, and electrical lines should be lowered slowly into the well to a depth unplc.ment effectlve corrective measures (e.g. instrument maintenance, calibration, operator, Data Coun~, wd wcll installation was performed under the supervision of a professional geologist registered in corresponding to the center of the satunted screen section of the well. The pump intake sbould be kept from QC samples (e.g. blanks, spiked samples) will be used as measures of performance or as indicators of Georgu. above the bottom of the well to prevent mobilization of any sediment that Ollly be present in the bottom of potential sources of cross*contamination, but will not be used to clter or correct analytical data. The thewel1 la~Otato.ry report will identify and. discuss the significa.nce of any QA/QC analyses th::i.t exceed performance
- 2. Monitor Well Construction cnteria. These data will be submitted to the EPD with the ground water monitoring sample results.
- 3. Measure the watet level again with the pump in the wcll before starting the pump. Start pumping water The Site Suitability Report (dated 10/31/01) details the well constroction materials and dcvclopment, from the well at a rate of 100 to 400 milliliters per minute (mL/min). Avoid surging. Observe air bubbles Custody and control procedures will be implemented for sample collection wd analyses activities. As few including: displaced from discharge tube to assess progress of steady pumping until water arrives at the surface. The people as possible will handle the samples, The sampler(s) will be responsible for collected samples, and will pumping tate should cause little or no water.level dtawdown in the well (less than 0.2 ft) and the water level be able to attest to the integrity of samples until transfer. The sample containers will be kept in a secure should stabilize. Water level measurements should be made continuously. Precautions should be taken to
~Drillers location during storage and transportation to the laboratory. A ch.ain.of~custody form will be used to ~ Date/time of construction avoid pump suction loss or air entrainment Pumping rates should, if needed, be reduced to the minimum d~o:ment the hw~g of samples from the moment of collection until :reccipt at the laboratory. The form - Drillingmeth~ capabilities of the pump to avoid pumping the well dry and ensure stabilization of indicator parameters, If will ~cl~de the facility name, date of sampling, the name of the samplcr(s), the sample ill number wd a word - Wclllocation (nearest 0.5 ft) the recharge rate of the well is very low, purging should be interrupted so as not to cause the drawdown descnptlon of each sample. SevenI bottles collected for different parameters may have the same ill number - Borehole diameter and well Olsing diameter within the well to advance below the pump intake but the operator should attempt to maintain a steady £low if they contain samples from one sampling point (well). Each transfer of custody will be recorded on the form nte with the pump to the extent practicable. - Well d'pth (noa=' 0.5 ft) with an appropriate sigtature, date, and time. The samples will be swed if they are shipped. The shipping - Dri.Iliog and litllOlogtc logs entity will sign the custody form and a bill oflading will be secured. ~ Casmgmate.rials 4. While purging the well, monitoring of in-line water quality indicator parameters should be performed for - Screen materi:tls and design pH, conductivity and turbidity which must be collected every three to five minutes until all parnmctcrs have
- 5. Groundwater Analyses Evaluation
~ Casing wd screen joint type stabilized.
- Screen slot size/length To determine if ground water quality has been adversely affected by the landfill, the monitor well sample
- Filter pack material/size 5. Once stabilization has been documented. volatile organic compound (Voq puaroetet samples should be results will be complUed to the background sample results. Several inherent variabilities may be considered. - Filter pack volume immediately collected first wd directly into pre*preserved and pre~labeled sample containers. In general, 24 hours shall be allowed for well water stabilization prior to sampling. However, this period may be decreased - Filter pack placement method if recharge is rapid and water is clear of sediment. All sample containers sbould be filled to the top without
- The sampling technique will vary somewhat from event to event even under idw conditions.
- Seahu1t materials headspace by allowing the pump discharge to flow gently down the inside of the container with:minima.!
- The aquifer will contain a certain quantity of pre*existing elements.
~ Sealant volume turbulence. Do not leave samples in the sun. They should be placed in the ice chest as soon as possible.
- The laboratory analyses can vary slightly.
- Sealant placement method Proper handling and preservation procedures are provided in Table 3. ~ Surface seal design/construction Within a reasonable peri?d of time after completing sampling and analyses, Southem Nuclear Operating ~ Well devclopment procedure Company, Inc, (SNq will determine whether there has been a signifieant increase in constituent Protective well ctp If a sample is to be collected for dissolved metals, collect this sample next. also without hCl1dspace. M concentra~ons ~n down gradient, or compliance, well samples over samples representative of background - Top of casing elevation and ground surface elevation (nearest 0.01 ft) water quality ustDg one of the following statistical methods. The statistical test will be conducted separately For samples with preservatives take grcat care that the acids and salts in the bottles do not cont:1ct the gloves ~ Detailed well drawing, including dimensions (see wo Dwg. No. V3-10, Dettil7) for each constituent in each well. SNC will specify in the operating:record which method was used. and thus pass to other caps and bottles. Do not allow the bailer to touch any sample bottles, or ll1Iow wy rope end or gloved fingers to contact the sample well water while pouring. Well Abandonmcnt
- A parametric walysis of vanwce (ANOVA) followed by multiple comparisons procedures to identify The procedures in the uManual for Groundwater Monitoring, September 1991" will be followed for ? Carry all remaining sample bottles to the ice chest where they should be labeled, placed in zip-loe bags, and statistically significant evidence of cont:lmination. The method must include estimation and testing of the contrasts between each compliance well's mean wd the background mc:a.n levels for each constituent.
Iced down. abandonment of groundwater monitoring wdls.
- 7. The labels shall contain:
- An antilysis of variance (ANOVA) based on tanks followed by multiple comparisons procedures to
- 3. Detection Monitoring Sampling andAnalyses identify statistically significant evidence of contamination. The method must include estimation and testing Name of facility of the contrasts between cach compliance well's median and the background median levels for each Date and. time of sample collection Sampling Frequency wd Analyses constituent.
Sample description (monitor wcll ID) S=p!=' nam,(s) Sampling frequency will be semi~annuaJ aune and December each year). A minimum of four independent Parameters of analysis
- A tolerance or prediction intcrvcl proceclute in which an interval for each constituent is established from samples from ~ch well will be collected and analyzed for the Chapter 391-3-4-.14 Appendix I constituents the distribution of the background data, and the level of each constituent in each compliance well is compared (Table l,Dwg. No. V3-10) during the Jirst semi*annual sarnpling event at approximately 6 to 8wcek.intc:rvals. to the upper tolerance or prediction limit.
One sample from ~ch well will be collected and analyzed during subsequent semi-annual sampling events. In Each sample bottle shall be marked with w identification number using media. resistant to water. accordance with Chapter 391~3-4, the pmuneter list and future sampling frequency may be adjusted based. on
- 8. After collection of the samples, the tubing from the pump should be properly discarded or dedicated to the
- A control chart approach that gives control limits for each constituent.
the sampling and walytical results. Any proposed changes in sampling frequency or analyses will be submitted well for rc~samplingby handling the tubing inside the well. to EPD for approval.
- Another statistical test method tlut meets the performance standards of Chapter 391~3-4.-14patllgraph (19). SNC will place a justification for this alternative in the operating record and request approval from the Ground water elevations shall be mellSuted in each well immediately prior to purging each time ground water 9. Replace the well cap. Lock the protective well casing.
EPD prior to using it. The justification will demonstrate that the alternative method meets the performance is slUnpled. Ground water elevation measurements sball. be taken within a period of time short enough to standards of Chapter 391~3*4-.14paragraph (19).
- 10. Any used material (used gloves, rope, tubing, etc.) should be rolled up and placed in a large container for avoid temporal variations in ground water £low, which could preclude accurate determination of ground water proper disposal.
flow nte and direction. The rate wd direction ofgroundwater flow will be evaluated for each sampling event, If SNC determines tlut there is a statistically significant increase over background for one or more analyzed and a potentiometric surface map that reflects these measutements shall be submitted with the sampling and constituents, a notice will be placed in the operating record within 14 days. The notice will indicate which analyses results. This ll1Jl.p shall be prepared wd sealed by a qualified ground water scientist. 11. Proceed to the next well. Repeat all steps. constituents have shown statistically significant changes from background levels, SNC will inform the Directortlut this notice was placed in the operating record. In addition, SNC willa) esl:l1blish an asscssment Extra sets of sample bottles will be provided in case ofbreak.age or accidental contamination. Sample Collection monitoring program meeting the requirements of paragraphs (20) through (33) of Chapter 391~3*4-.14within 90 days, b) demonstrate that a soutee other than the landfill unit caused the contami.nation, or c) demonstrate Split Samples Well Evacuation and Purging tlut the s~tis.ti~ysignifieant incrcase resulted from w error in sampling, analysis, statistical evalU3.tion, or natural VarIation m groundwater quality. In the case of b) and c) above, a report documenting either All aspects of sampling and antilysis will conform to the EPD Rulcs for Solid Waste Management, Chapter In cases where split samples are needed for comparative analysis, the following procedures will be used. The demonstration shall be submitted to the Director for approval. 391-3-4. The following sections are based on the EPD document "Manual For Groundwater Monitoring," parallel splitting procedure will be used to minim.i.ze sample handling: (September 1991), which outlines the appropriate procedutes for evacuation and sampling of wells. SNC will notify the EPD of any measurement, sampling or analytical deviation documentation that has been Preservation procedures and handling times for ground water samples are listed in Table 2 (Dwg. No. V3-10).
- we up the two sample bottles for a given walysis and rc.move caps. safet placed in the operating record.
All ficld activities including well evacuation and sampling procedures will be recorded in a dedicated field logbook.
- Fill one sample bottle approximately V:t full, then £iII the second sample bottle approximately V:t full, 6. Surface Water Monitoring alternating until the two sample bottles are completely filled. Cap the bottles as usual.
Well Preparation Surface water of the landfill sediment ponds will also be monitored. Sampling of the pond effluent will be
- Repeat this procedure until all samplc bottles for a given well are filled for both parties. c.ooducted concurrent "ith ground water sampling activities if a discharge from the pond is present at the Static water level will be measuted and recorded at each monitor well prior to purging for each sampling t1m~ of the sa:npling. For ~ach sam~ling event conducted during the semi~annua1monitoring event. The measutements will be made with either a clean stcel tape, or an elcettonic water level detector. Sample Handling and Preservation penod and dunng which a pond discharge IS present, one sample of the pond effiuent will be collected Water lcvcls will be reported to the nearest 0.10 feet based on a fixed point on the top of the well casing and ~yzed for, the same parame:rc:rs n.s the ground water samples. Sampling frequency wd sample
- Samples prepared for metals analyses will be acidi.6ed as outlined in Table 2 using pre*preservcd sample which .has been surveyed to establish verticnl wd horizontal control (top of ctsing). If changes in the water containers provided by the laboratory.
colle~on, h~~g ~d preservatl~n will bc conducted as appliO'lble and as detailed nbove for ground water 3 I 12/31/04 I Upd:ltal P.n:t~= levels mdicate a change in the groundwater flow direction, the monitoring plw will be reviewed to determine whether modifications to the plw are required. sampling ncbV1bes, WIth the excepnon that surfuce water samples will be collected as grab samples using lillV, I DATE I DESCRIPTION I BY IENG,IAPPR
- All samrle bottles :wm be filled to the top, capped with a Teflon seal, and be placed on ice immediately decontaminated sample collection containers. The surface water grab samples will be collected using either the laboratory supplied containers or with other appropriate decontaminated samplc collection containers and SUPERSEDES: REVISIONS:
after sampling. On amval at the laboratory they will be t:rn.nsferred to a refrigerator. Samples for volatile Groundwater samples will be collected after the wells are properly pwged. according to the EPA docwnent then placed in the laboratory supplied containers for transport to the laboratory. entitled "Low~Flow Purging & Sampling of Groundwater Monitor Wells (Bulletin AQD023)", The wells will organic analysis will be filled to the top without headspace. Special vials with septum caps will be used. PROJEGrNO.:SN_O_C-_Ol_-DO_V_"" .._PILEN=...:AMTh="...:V.._>-...:"..:W:::-=M:::=='ID:::-::"::"1l::"----11 be purged and sampled using low flow pumps (QED Sample Pro or equivalent) equipped with Te£1on Based on the results of the initial semi annual sampling of ground water and surface water, subsequent surface bladders. Purge rates will be matched to the recovery tatcs of the wells, verified by periodic depth to water
- Sample delivery to the laboratory will be in the shortest possible time after collection. If delay is incurred it water analyses ll1Jl.y be reduced to focus on parameters of concern detected in the ground water and/or THE DEXTRA GROUP, INC.
measurements to determine draw-down during purging. Purging will be conducted until at least three will be entered in the ficld logbook along with the timc increment. 4665 LOWER ROSWELL ROAD, #154 sutface water samples. Any proposed revisions to the surface water walyses will be presented to EPD for consecutiv 5mbl: readings of pH, conductivity, wd turbidity are recorded. Gtoundwater samples will then be MARlETfA, GEORGIA 3OO6B 7 collect~ ~cctly Into ?~e.prese:rved sample con~ers supplied by the laboratory. Final m~surements of pH, * 'Trip Blank - One of each type of sample bottle shall be filled at the laboratory with Type II reagent grade approval. cond~ctlV1ty, wd turbidity are performed to veney that these parameters remained stable during sampling. All water, transported to the site, and returned to the laboratory for analysis. One trip blank per sampling event is It should be noted that the Plant also conducts an overall surface water monitoring program to maintain field Instruments are calibrated in the field daily prior to use and at the conclus.ion of euh sampling event. recommended. The sampler shall not open trip blanks. TIIlSDIlAWlNGlSTIWPllOfllRTYOf1Hll:OIIlITA..(;OOUP.1LCAND.hLLlNl'ORMAnONCO},TAINlIDnIDllONJ.:iTO compliance with its NPDES permit. ill!. K1!i'TCONHOIi}TIALllY TIm 1illCll'l1l.."IT1'HEROI' AND NOTW !Ill. D1SCI_01a10 TO ANY OTI-lllltrrutSON FlJ1..\! Evacuation wd purging equipment that is reused will be decontamina.ted with a non-phosphate detergent Oll.COlll'OlI.AnONWmI0111'nut~wn.rrm:NCONS1Dmv.nONOpnlEDRX'IR.h.Gn.oUl'u.c."O'us .. Equipment Blank - To ensure that a non-dedicated sampling device has been effectively cleaned (m the DRAWINGSHAlLNarIll1USIlDDIIU1C1t.Vollmonu:cn.Vl!XQ!PTINCONNECnoNwrmnmDE:irntA..cROLT wash (AJeonox or equivalent), followed by a tap water rinse, and a final distilled water rinse. The follO\ving 7. Reporting u.c WORK. AILIUGlmi OP D!!!'JGN OlllNVI!N'nON DL'lCUlSIID IN 'nmDRAW/NG AIlU tna'!l.f:S.q.y ll.E.<;mtVIID nY 1'HIlDIlX7ltA*GlI.OUP.llC. 1l00000lm.'TSHAUNOTll.m'ROD\)CI!lNWHOUlORPARTANYSncnQNOP"OlIS laboratory or fidd), the device will be filled (or pumped through) with Type II reagent grade water, DRAWiNG AND AClUillS UI'ON N011I'ICATlON llY 'lHI!. D!iX'iRA-GlI.OtJP. u.c TO IUmlnN nus UM.WING AND M.L step-by-step instructions will be followed.. mnsfecred to the sample bottle(s), and returned to the laboratory for analysis. At a minimum, one equipment COPIES'lHE.ll.Ol'TO"OlEDUXTIl..h..(;OOUP,LlC. All results shall be submitted to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division at blank will be prepared during each day of sampling. Equipment Assc.mbly
- Any item which contacts either the inside of the well casing or the well water will be kept in a clean EPD Commercial & Industrial Solid Waste Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc.
- 1. Placc a plastic sheet around the well as a work: area. Unlock protectivc well casing. 244 International Parkway, Suite 104 container:lI1d handled only with bands gloved v.'ith disposable, latot, surgical glovcs. All equipmcnt used for evacuation and purging will be decontaminated prior to use in each well. \'lJhen applicable, samplingwill begin Atlanta, Georgia 30354 Groundwater/Surface Water Monitoring T
~. ~lace the steel measuring rope wd dectronic water level indicator on the plastic sheet '!be water level Phone: (404) 362*2696 mdiO'ltor and rope shall be pre-cleaned and wrapped in foil. widl the least contaminated well. I Plant Vogtle Landfill #3
- 3. Don new disposable, la.tex, Sutgical gloves. Unlock and remove well cap and place top-down on a comer I I DRAWNBY~ IDATE: IDRA\VINGNUMBER I DWG, NUMBER I F 110/19/01 I-of the plastic sheet. REF, TITLE REFERENCE DRAWING CHlJCKEDBY'1 SCAll INom:
I f-V3-09 TAll.!)! 1 TAllIE 1 TABI..E2 App...m..r to Put 40 CPR Put 25~ eon.titu",~fu< Al'P""'!iI I lD Put 40 CPR Put 258, Com_ fu< Ground Wuer Pt..=.tioo and HaodIiog D"""';'M~(l) De=ioo~(l) Pb4, VogOe;.llutIe C<>u<l'l'. G<OlfP PiaD, Vogde; Bmke CauD'l', G=gb Plant Vogde; Bum Cowny. ~ lNORCANIC OONS1T~ IlPAMl!THOD ORGANIC CONSITl'lJl!N1S EPAlIII!TtlOD Digestion Vol kq. CollectioD Volume P<e5<IVIluve/Hokiing Panmeter EPAM.thod (mL) (mL) Antimooy 70-10/71)41 Eth~OJe= ll260 TIme A"""'- Totol R=vcnl>le 601001'7000 HN03lDpH <2; 7fWJ/1{J(;IA 2-Hen<>on<; M'e<hII1>~ !<done ll260 s..;.. 100 600 6""""*,, Memis llari= 7080/1081 MethylB"-;de; ~ SUO 6010 or 7000 f'ilttr OIl sim; 6 mor:ubs 7090/1091 ll260 Dn...m.t Met>b s..;.. 100 600 HN03 t opH<:2 Be<yIIi:= Methyl Chloride; Cb10tuJnelbacc c.dmh>al 71:;0/1131 M"")"I""e bt<>mide; Di~ ll260 S...pen<bI 6010 o:r: 7000 100 600 Flltc:r on siD:; 6 moo.tb1 s..;.. Oucmiwn 719O/71~1 Metbyl= Cbl_", Dicldoromethone ll260 6010.,7000 !-!N03 to pH <2; Cob<lt 71NJ/7'fJl Mrtbyl <lbyl uoone; MBK; 2-1Iu""""" ll260 ToaJ s..;.. 100 600 6""""*,, Coppe< 72I0/1211 Mem}'l iodide; Jodomc:thanr: ll260 No' AppEabic Cool 4'C; 7*14 69mLf'OI:ooc Leod 74'fJ/1421 4-Metbrl-2-p<"cu>ooe: l&thyIOObotji k<mo< 8260 Vol>tilc~ 8260 Gl..,s, Te:Aon-1irIed teptt. ..w,.;. d"J" (c= in 5 da}.) or. cape rcc;omm. Niekd 7520 Sty=< ll260 ScI<m= n4Om41 l.l.',2-T_Jotodb<ae 8260 SU..." 776OAm61 1,I,2,2-tctnchloro<tbanc ll260 TbaDium 7840/7841 Tetrleblo<octbyl<oe TcmcIllo<oetb<oe n'PlCAL MONITORING POJNr P=h1ornctbylmc 82W LOCKING CAP V""odiwn 7910/7911 = IIr~*~D'~= ON STEIlLSThND UP PIP!! 7950/79;1 ToIncnt 8260 WCKING STEEL ORGANIC CONSTJTIJI:!NJS IJPAMSTHOO 1.1.I-o;<hlO"<l<llw>e; Me<h"""",,,fotm ll260 ~ r PROTl:lCl1VI?C"l.lNG AoctD!lc 82W 1.1,2-_ ll260 STl!I!LSTANDUPPIPE ~ A~ 82W TtiehJo<o<lb,1<oe; T _ 8260 1/4"WFJlPROLE V ~GRAVI!L~ LI Ilcnze= 8260 TriclOOrollnofOm<lbace; CPC-II 8260 1,2,>-Tticldoropro<ae ll260 Bronxx::hloronmobux. B260 MIN. 6 PTX6PT.4 IN - ( 8romoWehJ~ B260 Vmylaa=mu= ll260 TIner-: CONCRETE PAD ~ i'- Bromofom>; Tribromoal_ B260 V'"'}'l Cblmide ll260 Carbon cli>uI!ide B260 X,!cncf 8260 "- ----l.. Ca.r:boD 'J'ctmc.hloddc 11260 (I) 1m. b't COtiWnJ 47 "oI~1e orgI,ftia fot' 'Il{hich '£IO"ibIc tn.&1ytie1.1 procedures / I' Qlorobe=ene B260 provKled io liPA Ikpmt SW-S46 -Ceat Meth<xb fur E..Juatiog Solid W....". tblm NIiA1'CEMBNl'GROlTl' ~~ B260 cditi.oo. N(n'embC'r 1986, at! ~"iKt.l t>eo:mbc:r 1987. if.lClwlc 5260::aod 15 CblDroe<ha=; "tby! Chlnrid< mc:bb fuI whiJ:h SW-846 pmvidc:s either Mcc:hcd 6010 of: a.mdbod &mn the: 7000 Cb1on>funn; 1"riohlomtndhsn< B260 Ie=es o£ mcchodJ. 1. Dibromoch1olt>n1<lh&o<, ~ B260 (2) CocnmD* ...,.. uc _ widel,. ...... ill govcromcot tegul&do"" odend6c BEmU~::~ - I 1 6" / I,2-DibrolIlo-3-cbl_DllCP 8260 pubtil:.uio~. and. commerce.; 'ytIonyma ailf lbr many chm:ri.cIlJ.. B260 !'MIN, I,2-DibroOloctlwle; Etbflenc~!iDB '-- - I O*DiclIIorobon:=e; l,2*DithIcoto_ B260 p-Dlc.blorobrnzene; t,4-Dichlorobmzcnc B260 tDm-l,4-Dic.bloro-2-butmc B260 ~.., SCREEN INI'I!RVAL Bthylid~~ dilixide 11260 GROUND WATER WIlLL AS-BUILT DATA TAIlLll 2" DlA. SCH. 40 PVc. NSf RATI!D ~ 1YPIC....r.LY 10 FEET I,2-<fiehJo<octbAne; Eth,.tene <tichJo<;de B260 il ~.. Ll ..~LlSJ~;:;' ~~i > P...CTORY PAIllUCATBD SCREENS l!'>'SThUJlD wrm 0.010" SWTS ~ 1.1-dicbloroetbIene; 1.I*Dieblo<octbeoe; B260 VlDrfuI~ chlmidc= Sl;:l ~~g ~~~ 3 CjZ 0 "'.I,2-Dichlo<Octb,.1<oe; cia-I,2-DicbIa<octhcnc B260 :z 1/4"IdIN.PIlAGRJlVBI. / mom*I,2-Dlcbloroctb1cDe; ...",-1,2-Did>Ioroctber< B260 G'WC-5/M",r*s GWS-6/MW*6 961J4.J1)()4 7999.3327 251.% 9432.4753 747m3 1 27U7 2/lo<.2Q 232.38 ENDCAP~, I 9" Mm. 801UlHOIJ! DIAM1lTIlR GW....7/MW.7 8826.2243 7657.88;3 261.33 230.46 1,2-<licblmp"'l""'e; Pa>pyIcoc diehIoride B260 GWC*13/MW*13 9242.6820 79%:m7 m,os 233.49 ciJ*l ;I-dcb1o<p<opcoc B260 GWCI4/MW*14 8960.6;18 7999.6737 262.88 210.n .....-I,J-D;~ B260 G'i'l'A-15fMW- I; GWIl-I6/M'i'l'-16 8976,1153 6886.;411 268.15 9720.2971 705.1490 256.95 224,91 DRY TYPICAL GROUNDWATER MONITOR WELL , 1,>/>1/" 111pduoi""""" ImlAl I &IlI'*1 DAII! I DG'iCM'Tt"" I I-=jt.m BY DETAIL @V3-09 SUl'IlIWlIlBSo 1lIM!l">;; fll.O,IRCrll.'0.5NOc.ol.OOV-Q2: r~VMowlIII;I"~~~ N.T,S THB DIIXTl\A GROUP. INC. 466; WWER ROSWIlLL ROAD. #154 MARlE'ITA, GEORGIA 30068 n.I:&\~.nB~(;IlI"nll~~.~~AU.DiIQIK\lJOlQ~l'-lIaI;Jt'II.W * ~COI'mDUm.'\L.InrHII &>>aPm!fJ'n-.ap >>0']) l'UTroNgQQ,[lbD1'OMT"O'n"'fU.lIFJN,1'lI>> c a c o ~W'J1HOUY'nlI!I En'UBIIDftJTJlIN IDNIlDEUrJON OPft!I!l~.uc.". CAAwn<<J IIBlLN<n'E 1S5D DlUK:ft:.TOI.n.'DIIlEILYaa:PTlNDJf,J'i]l('TQf'WmI'mB ~1aiB'. 1.!J::~ .uLAtQlm(l#DUiiCefOlLt!I'\'b'nDHtwa£I!I!D:tH'tlt3[)L11.WlNOAaI:~'t~1IT "f't:M~,u.c..l..Ilf:lZ'iDt1jflULIIU't~lN,,"IICI..I!CIllP"""'A1fT~(Ill"J*ial 1J.U~.u<<J~lJ.ti$~~ ......"Tl(:l)iIDTl.I.~""',I.J.C*n)mfi\lDilnUj;tIL'SIIo;(;""'bJLU, ~"IJQjIII(.,,",T1~IJIP:l"I~,~.e Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. Groundwater/Surface Water Monitoring I 1 Plant Vogtle Landfill #3 I I DIAWNIJ'I": DA'Ill> DRAW'ING NUMBmt. I D"G, NUMllIlR I P 10119/01 IUlP, REPHRBNCH DRAWING lTnJ'. OiBCKEOBYt S<:A.UJ, N .... V3-10 86500 87000 117500 B8000 E6500 ~ SIIDIMFNr POND#J..F3.l)1 ~ OUTL.ETSTRUcruRH / SFDIMHNT POND #LFl-OI N!OOOO------------+--------------------I---------------------+-------f---",;:-----------+-------k--r-------------+--------l STRUCTURAL PRACTICES VEGETATIVE MEASURES MAP l.I~p e COOE PRACTICE DETAIL SYMBOL D£SCRIPIION CODE PRACTICE DETAIL SYMBOL DESCRIPlION boo ,. vnal 1_ _ 0')' ~ ~ ~o_r~(1,d <<:o~,. INLET! CIf£CKOi\M o~.~6IIcfl~' _Ofcll'lc~rDI~41no- @ ~llIl"ll1/)'( - Alr~""IJ)'C(Jl'1l1ltUCrf" .... pari 0'1 .. ~.:>"r.... l;' Qt>I'5TRUl;Tlr;lt. ~ ... ltI(lwl~oco::... (~~""""*'~"~ lOoJ6lu,lb4 ... iti<I.. ~ jtl4111",,",~ot>t:<l Mop p"""'=l by am Aedal M.pptng. !'<o<htm: City, GA 1lO"~C1r~ondo'lh.e< It"\-tilit ¥1Ihl~~ 'n ..._~,.. ... f"'IIIt 1'I[J11oM.91r;bltQl'ltO~ \'lJI>oIlIO'1D1;on ~0I11ft. 8m PROJF..CT ",I Ol/leOS @ 0""""" ~ J UI~Ith;nq(JI~~ ""'l'.lJI1t-_~(11I1P.. ** _ to.l 1¢I:W"-f'ClCltoIn't.botIo... o<- ~"'Ii OC"OUCI IIIl1iM lool'r4ft "'..iIIJ~~Jon j~~~':-';1~:- .,;....... brtI .. fiIt. DATE OF PHOTOGRAPHY: 8/Z}./'JJXJl JI<Vc'Iu t **"1 I";;. - ~1M:lMeoo.rlll[),Mo """,,,,,,,,,,,,nl, .h...:h.... 1'11I ~ '....~ PEFt6itJLtJ[NT 1'-. """'.~_. ~~~~j:*glo _1_ 'ilrVl""' Iot~~ ~ DOWNlDf;'.AJNI dl......W(JI'IO:I 'STRuC1IJRE ~Iol'wbolle.-"""'NI e-"l('tIg ~"(J 0; 0 ~cfdlllll"" ; _.... lllV_~ 1owI_llIot4u~"'l!"\oilli .... 'itDtpJrHT *"""0 ~ ~~~~~ue~ ~!~"'M'"O'p. Of * ~t1I~ ~~'~l<<~_ @I @ ~1~~~1 w'1.roo....... fil~DIJI#'4" IMtT !JtOl([W 'OW' ~. (>lI,.....':I"h.l.t..- fl:,,""'ol'41:nd'~~1 .. ~ ..... III~ ~l()l'" o1<O:r\OOII ~ LEGEND t'l'~~, r--... r.. . t=.... ,.tJHoo~ !~ ~~~ioo.t- POWEll. POLl! ~ TflilF'OP}.i"'I' (Sd31 "1M' " ~ '" .. _"OfoOllll~NU ""'" &'!:1:~.~ '--./ ~.,';' ~ --ISO - EXISTING CONTOUR ~ iiif A;<roH .. ~ wdVllll.'fI"'lI' SfOllIllr;w.Jl ~\\h.. ~J\Il~.p,fijollllkJw, It<IIn~,,~e_ f_"'oM_~""" - - . -PENCE @ 'u""" fI'OIJCHUol~ I~ f-@1 ~1~C1t::~-;"" C1eOlllIlil,WCIt:t!fClp",1I lnoa"oJIr1jIhflnNO:D"IIi11oJo> cA" ~r*,~ GWC-S/MW-S $ MllTIiANB WBll. GllOUNDWATBR MONITORING WELL ~ ~ -(; S.,I~O"d $IColIrw;I
- WAST" MANAGEMENTlJNrr/BUFFER JoPSOIllt.lO ft"lilel~llIb.:
- .-~~. l4!WlrtQd ~rlf1l clJl'l.lrUClIQn BOUNDAlIY MARKIlR
-liO - PROPOSIlD CONTOUR N 9()()(l-----------7O+-------,Gr'--------,,.L-+------------+fI"I1IHI--'--'.=L-\I---....,.....,,.,-"--f OtTlT-E:r s:mUCJUIlIl SEDlMBNT POND #LF3-ll2 @ z ~ ~ 't---- A'----1---:.-=,.=* ... .:..:...=--;;:"";;;;t11;;---;:;::;;:7'"...~~* ............ :I, ' ' / / THl! DEXTRA GROUP, INC. %65 LOWEll. ROSWllLL ROAD, #154 ,"'~..,/ .; MAJllETI*A. GEORGIA 30068 ,;ItIly .~ Y ..,.~~ N8500------------'---I--==:::""i==.=~=="'======~,:::"7\.;;>:'i_.;>-"--------I------------------1-------------------,-------------------1-1 lJDIaAWlNG a:'IlfiftDl'ElaYOP'l'UBIlIm'tlloC~.U£.AND.uLINI'ICIBlolA1]Qq~'JR!IIQNII'1U .lll!;1l:IlF11:tlt.'l'IDrOmA.L.""7HIl~-rTl~A.:._mNO'l'mIll!lWlCL.ailf1)'roAJWonlHl.l"a!OtC,l'!Il.III 0 : l ~..TnIlCJt.,.'DN~ftft"l2NctIeWD&aAnoHQf~illD~,~'TI4lI 1:'I .....'CWf.o$..iAU_~01l16l:1ll1f!ll'JtIBI':1:l."tJI.~ran::r ....,lbl~,.D.l<<n.PiO)l,."t)l_..:.l1Il'nI(l.~'..v.ll~ 1,.I.(:....,.iC..MJ.IIJ(:;l'm1()1'l)ItiI_~~~'y..-NnllQ'~ltofn*tJII.(Jl!.A..,nrc;"*t~.1'JIUUil\t~W 11A~.U£.UClJK!'(JiH.\U,. ..vrlJ:i'lOal()ll""IJfJO..ll~'I'iIEI'ANY~~'l'IIII DL\~A.'G)NJUElIUiO!'tKOnPIC.\noH n -a.D~.1U"1OlIm1IN'JJ:III DL\~AMD,,", 86SOO E7000 E7500 88000 ES500 ca'IBl!i1HlWJl"1O'IHIl~.oIDU'.J.U: Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Plant Vo e Landfill #3 ':01 V3-11 DMWl'o'BY; DAn"" OJlAW'I~GNl]}.mp !-----!-----------i!---------nrtJl-------lo==ay, R:e:FBR.RNc:e ORAwtNG N(JQc C...""@TOPOf 12"0 ORIFICE MIl
- ELEV 252.45 GRATH@lTOPOF GRATE TOP OF EI..EV140.98 )" HIGH. 30" \Vl06 ORIFICE* o-.'V ELEV 248.25
/ELEV241.18 MH.El..HV25.2AS MH
- ELEV 24).87 /
J~ IUGH .. 7r WlDB ~Ii~t 6~O.IPlCR ORltrlO:.1NV FJ.EVW,,19
- W RCPO IUl'1' IN\~nfJJiV237.a
- The distance such that points A and B are of equal elevation 4'MIN
- 1. 8hliiN AT TOP OP SLOPB BY AM:HORlNC 8V,t't.tKB'T IN A 6- a '-'1"JWNOi. BACXFU.LAJoIDCOMPACTTR£:NOt AP'T"ERSTAJIUNG. 4665 LOWER ROSWELL ROAD. #154 MARIE1TA, GEORGIA 30068 4.Nl}o..'1MUNTO\"elUP :II PAJW..1.a.8Ue-."'Kb1S. MlNl..,\IUM,-O\'Ul.APWH1:;NSPUO. ~STA.PLbS108H pv,a.o AT 12" INn:JtVALS.
~.MAll\"'I'ENANC&All.£ltOSlO. CO Oln1ANKI:..,-.sANOMA1T1.'lCSHOUU>j)£l.~P'E(."t"eD~OOlCAU..Y~ ".0I.A"'0<<:l.T1.f'I:OPUTVOI',"lI!:~.u.cNQ)AlL~1'JOtoICXJH1".<olW1!I)'ftMlQrIl.'TO l~A1J..AT1ON. PM11QJLARLV Afl1'HR RAlJ't'STOR.\IS ro OiBCK POl eROS10. AND lR'to'O~1 t."JG, ANY DISLOCATK). OR .KUTa:IN~~n.~"'4NDNUT'ft}.I:lIltl:I.QII;D'NANYDft ... ~,.... C.COIlJtuM1'ION'Wrt'1OI.:TnlillllX~n.n"h!J,l~nDN(Jf/'ntll~.u.c.1'I. fAlUJkE SHOULD Be llEPAlRt;O iMX£DlATELY. IJI WASH UTS Ok Bl\BA.KACBOCOJkS. R£J1\'SiAU. me MATElUALAf*1"l!Jl hl.!>WJHCJtw.LI<<trIllll~U..:n."t-.JtoitI:ull:n.'t~CNCOlto'W.:nowwml'ft.~. LLCW'UU;, AU.lUQfTlIOI'DlPlCNOI. REPAlRL~C D~IAGE TO mE SLO 1W\1OlT1l:>>o.DQCLQllIU)INT1.DIlA~AU~a-&\1ID1I\" OR Dn'CH. co~usTO MONrTOI nlt$ti AREAS 1."N11L TH.6Y 8F..CO..\I£ Pl:JlMANa..'11.V n.~',UL..........,.",v.u.friQTlllJ'W')Ul)QIltoI"'QAlOlo'IIfANYtI!IC:nQf(ilrnC' STAIlI1JZllD. DIA'WtHOA."lD M3D1U'OMtMmf'lCA1'1OWW'f'tI ~.U£lOlZ"I\;*IH,".IMAYIHOAM)AI.L aJPIIiII'ft1DQll1Olt.0EXfI.,\.(lIlOl.".UL Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc. o SEDI~T SHAlL BE REWOVED WHEN fT Erosion & Sediment Control Details I IAAlN'TENoItNCE: PERIOOIC UfSPECTION AND REOUIRfD IAAIf\lTtHANCE ~UST BE PROVtOm. S A OEPlli Of' 1/2 THe ORIGINAl. DAM HEIGHT OR BtfORE. If TW( AREA IS TO Bt ... ov.w. CH(a< DANS SHALl. BE e ~ ONCE flNAl STABIUZAllON HAS OCCURRED. OTHERWISE. CHECK DAMS MAY R£MAlN I" PlACE PERMANUln.V. ,t,f"'J£R ee<l:ATH THE llAM SMAU 8l: saotll NlO "UlCl<£D '""£llIo\TtlY. Plant Vo e Landfill #3 _ ..... 1M( Nl[,t. CHECK DAM* STO £ROSIO CO 'IXOL MAlTING AND BLANKFIS aSWCC (Amended* 1995) REFEJlBNCH DRAWING x.. 2 wood frame T 8!>o>w<1dt1it1(p""""cnt) 1.5 * ~ ate; WUCtW'et. '0 ,lowel: posidoo "" l!lc u&ed 1;0 ufcJy convey sw"&.a: tuQoff fK:Im _ hp: dope. T_ _ ~ ore =IIlr pl=d GO max 1 T W ,-.., of 01<=1 ..... 0< wdl-<<>mp>=d "'"" =1= than <Dtt<nclllng 3' th= into rho ooil"" the dopc.l1...,;.,y of -.c.Io "'" be ""'" !he "",n I:n= instllllM A.t tht= wrlcm or dawndNios., roi.rl mlvct:I., uxI min =moo u non*pedi"".... ~ pa,tic or a..,1>Ic tubing. 0 _ ~ paved dwwd 5CCd~ that tOlivc)' ntC[ that w crod~ vdodty. "I'bc: cncgy 1 rn:a,l:Critl, such III Tri.wgle Silt; Dill: et or Othel:' opeo c:bt..n"d mll:t:c:rl.b ~ tho OJVll:RSION ISLAND dinipmr:absorbl tIu= ~ ud ~ s mrvuer wi.r:h a Iawc-~ be: oonflgum:J tD 8CfVC a.t, DIKE OVER potential. 4' .MIN lNLET 11I111~~ Conatructioo ~ Boetgy Di~ U'e ofteo coOltt\llCttd U1 the form of rip ~ burie:r:I ovu &lYe" &..bric. A IS-inch grwvd sDbbue is dairal*: to pn:vmt the Dr n.p 6Qm puocmring the filta" &hdc. 1b.c thU:.k:ncu of the cip l:Sp tbould be no ~s than. 13 bm($ the di:uneter of ~ ,tone. ~ _proc ,hould ~ QIl1 bq>ood tbr: Mu"""", D..m.gcA=. !';p. Dlarnctc. an af ~ ootid: fm a &sanae of 4.5 (m) rlmr:a tU diamttc:" af th.c= pip=: paJ>;pc(>=) (10_) (1Ochc;). If the .cloaty is gtUt,. gcogrid CLD be imtdcd as UJ .p.roe CO\'d: CO 1/l1!f~'J n, tn lUInc.e lip Clp 5C.OllC and didoca.r:ic:n. Othc% cx:rgy diuipatl=nl include Saps bingm 0'9'C" the top of the dawodmin, a I I PT~C Jc:c." Of,gt.bioo bu~. COlUlUGA1'ED 'v I'D'E 11x: inlet 4 U!lIwl,. Il.t ... dq..ft:"ion poiat in II. ~ or at ~ o( ~ bonicn (Sd!). The wtlc:t 'proD mUl' be to l10pcd to mloimU.c ctOIIon IOd ClOt. to form ICOW' pocl.:.c:b Ilt ~It di~ mil oI the: pipe. 1lIc. inlet it often connmcttd of .sh<<t meo.I, A -J'a:" Q[ an OIL" it o~ WIled. 1'bc bean O\'c: feet top width uxl), I Ildc .Iopco. If........,.. the iola 01LL$f bf.<< diJ:neQtf(J(.ll u; 18 itlehc:l d.erth OVct tbe top of the: pipe.. -4 add. tn.oh rar.k '" _ the Figure &-14,1 - Fabric and supponlng frame for Inlet prorecllon inl<tftom~";"'dci>QI.. OUTLET DETAIL 1b. bom:l of the <!own<lraitl '"" be oritat<d diIoctIy <lowosJopc, !Nt .....
- 1. For stakes. use 2 x 4 inch wood (p<e'erred) or equivalent melal with a minimum ler>gth of 3 feeL bendicia1 iJ to ,.lam the ~dm.o. rJ the. ban:cl ~ptiet dim:tt1 into.
.......wg . _ adjwt !he
- 10 .. <lOt to l=<cep' lit. 9O-<lcs= acgIc.
- Space stakes evenly around the perimeter 01 the inlet a maximum of 3 teet apan, and securely drive them Inlo the All ~ s.c=cdCIIJ ~ mast bI= watt:ttighL The b:m.d fIlll5[ bl= ~ round, apprOi<imately 18 inches deep.
~ to 1b.c eateh at1lJ1i.ntc:zval.c.ot to Il:1Cft:!d 10~fcct. 'eet above the drop lnlet crest.
- To provide nooded stability tothe inslallation, fJame with 2 x 4 inch wcxxl str~s around tho crest of the overflow atea a maximum 0' 1.5 1'1x: mn1er must cnet1d :II dl~nuJa:. of t1- fu:t, in
- Je:vc1 plane bcyoad the. alopc:. TOPOP
- Place the bottom 12 inches of the feb<ic in a trench and backfill the trench with alleast 4 inches of crushed stone If lhc <!i3clwg< oulkt u GOt ...10 . , _ '" _ <1i>~p"" (S~ U ""<.l HI1ND-COMPACTI!O I'Ill.
to puvc:nr KXJW:' bok faanarl.oo... 'fOPOP r 12 inches of compacted soil. (ISLAND) IlTVnRS10N
- 5. Fe.sten fabric securely to the slake< and freme. Joints "..,,<1 be overlapped to the nexi stake.
Jnsprct inlrt Btrucmre aftt=r nr:ry n:i.n ttl i.mur~ th.:J.t eM: iDkt: u nat: dcggm. 6. The 'opotlhe l1"ame el1d fabric m"st be well below the ground elevation downslope Iromthe drop inlet to keep runoft with b't-Ib. lmpect 1;h~ Q'Ll.det ,tr'~ I:() inJure "'!t,t etO/Jiof:! uound (If' beIcJ,;v from bypassing the inlet.!\ may be necessary to b"i1d elemporarydike onthe down slope sideollhe structure 10preven! uu: ripnlp i! not tak::UJg ptaa:. Mah rqWn u mx:dai. bypessnow. MAINTENANCE REOUIREMENTS: S£DIIr,jEfo{J SHAll NOT BE W"5HEO iNTO THE INL£T. Rcnov~ mr= tanpcr:a:ry dawnd.mi.n :Iftt:r mnatrDll::l:ioo i.t completed aOO the ~ 1H[ TRotoP SHIoll BE INSPECl£O P£RtOOICAllY A.~O fl 'SWILL 8£ aD.lO'VEO fROt,4 THE 'S[DlhlHH TPAP ,ANO REPAlR$ MAOE }IS; NEED£D. S£OIU.£IIIT SHIoll BE DISPOSED OF AND STABILIZED so T>>AI IT WILL NOT RE"'OVEO WHEN lliE S[DIMEtfT HAS ACCtJJ.llAATEO TO EHlER TH[fl[1 AGJ\IN. WH(N THr CONTRIBunNC HALf 11-1[ HEICHl or TI;[ TRAP. srOllolOlT ~l BE DRi'IWloCE }.R£.A H.A.'S BEHl P{Rt.IAH[t((LY ST.....BILIZED. 8 REJ,lOVEO fROU COOB It [T PRQ1[CllOO ll,cu£()fAl[l'Y. ~U "'A1ERw..~ AND MIT' SEDlt.lENT SH/l1.L 13£ R"[PlKW(O OllTUlT FOR £XCAVATEO INt.(1 5£011.100 TRAPS. SEOttlENT AND SALVAGt:O OR' OISPOSED or PROPERLY THE PTPIl SHMJ,. B( RO,lMO WHeN HAlF Of 1H( SEOII.lEH'T OISl~O ~[,o\ SHAl.L BE: ElR04.JQI-fT TO PROPER SlO~GE CAP~ly' tQ.S BEEN LOST 10 SE[IIMENI G~. IHrt SUOOIHCO AND COlAPAC1E;P. ACCua.nVliOH. PERMANENT APPPQPRIATCLY ST.-all.ll( ALL DISlIJReEO iIl.R[A$ ;.ROutoO THE INLCT n DOWNDRAIN 6-70 @> INIl!T SEDn.mNT TRAP-FILTI!R PABRIC WITH SUPPOB.TING PRI\I>ill ~TI!1lIAJ.!,
- TOPSOIL SItOtJIl) 8n nlA!.l.n A."m LOAYV, I'B.I!:H 01' 0EaR.l\
08JOC'nONil\BLB WImtJS A:.-..m 5'rONBS II.:.-..m CONLmil NO 1'OIlC SL"6STANOi ntA'T MAY EmHAllMPLn.. 1'0 PLANt'GlO"'iC'T'H.. AflH MNGSOFs..a-75lS ACCEPTA8l..P. SOlL'lUASM.'1'5SHOULDNOTRXamJ}!lI:Jppn n:snNG
- f'IELO 1ttPLOA.A11~ SHomD BB MAOB TO D~B WliEIH:HB.. nm QUA:."'l1TTY ~-o QUAurY all SVIU'AOt. SOlLJliSTIlo"iR5 :w SILT FENCl!. FABU:: BI:JENDING.zr STRlPPa..;G. :!IfIl't;O~~""OGllOONOlitiJlFAOil snJPJ'ING
CONSmUCI1ON A!:EA. A Ul1'I"Cfl SI1U:P91NG rm9Tf:llS ema.ON, Bur ~y VAllV~GON Tfm PA11'lCl1UJt SOh. TOf'SOn..pH _1f pfil'S <6A l:.DdB SHALL BE AfItILmO ......-m %Jt."CO.RPORAl'ED W'ITIln"m TOPSOn.TOAOJl:5T'rr[Bptll'O iU01lmctmR. TOPSOhS CON'T~CSOWaI.BSALTSCiIlE.Ame.TItA:...;r 500 ppmSUAlLl.'OTaI!L"SED. STOXPJ:t..m
- LOCAnON Of' S1'OCXPIt.E!SHOL'1J)NOT OImllL'CTNA:nJUL DRAlNAGE 01. CAUSB Ofl"fL&l'I'& Bft,,"YrRQ}t.,:\!IBNTAL OAMAGB.. s:IOCXPIr.E!I SHAlL B:H ro"'rAiNPJ) lJY Slill:fMBNT 1lAIUt.'iSRS'TO PRB\"iO'\'1" swBlENtAnON ON AO}Ac:&NT ARJ1A5 A."'ID SHAll. BB ~TA8llJZBO Dl-AttORDMCB wrni 5J'RClIl1cAnONs 0.1 AND 0.1
~ _ wlm.~ TO:PSOillNG.MANrAlN A1LNBROHD BAOSrON rnN'd.O.L P&ACItCn Gndq_ CiV.OES Ol'.' nm ARE..I"S TO BE TOP'SOlU?D WlOC1IIIA\'n Bm!N nI!VJnlr"SLY EttA8IJSrfEJJ SHALL.eE~. &IlI'. DAID BXCAVA7B'-DllI!JI .. ,,-WIDB r..bIir:w:. SOD.. TmTSsrIOUlDHBL'SED TO DJ>I'I!JllIIDI,"Bl1ffi pH Of TIm SOIL 'JlIXNCRlIl'GlADBOP~ WJmB.B nmpJl QF'nm.SOn.. r:s SD Oil ll!SS OR OO~ or Jnu..vvaJl'Y$, WTRTJ O. stllPl.8l1f6.5fl .uro IIGRICULTIlRAL LIME5TONE SflAIJ.. BB 5i'RE.ItD AT THE RATB OF llIl POt1NOS t1aBiUl:"m~ PBR l1lXl5oJl'. UM:B ~ BI:!. O!TIPJ5l1T'&> UNWO:R1llLY OVER 085IGNATED It.!lEASiLNOWORKED DfIt)T1fI!solLIJt,i CONjUNl."TION WInI"IlUj,GK OPERATIONS AS oEiClUD8D B.HLOw. NOTE: THB DIlXT1VI GROUP, INC. ~ S.H!.LL DB PlAC!'D.AT.AU. LOCa:nON9'W'1IElB %<is lDWF.R ROSWIlLL ROAD, #154 3I::ndins - USB ON OF'J1o{B (oI[X.LOWIKG MBTH:ODlS TO ~l.:-"R& 8Ol'.;DIKG ot' NA.7UJ.ALGJ.OUNDSL0PB5/1WA.Yl'll.OM coNS11J..JC1o."". MARlJrITI1, GEORGIA 30068 TOPSOIL AND SUBSOIU
- t. 'rn.UNG~ AYI'EI. THE All&AS TO DE TOPSOlLED KAVEnE>>{ BIDl!GKl' TO CRAnn NO mo:e. 1'0 o ...~ A..'ID SPRl!.A!>ING nom n.I:&\~.nB~(;IlI"nll~~.~~AU.DiIQIK\lJOlQ~l'-lIaI;Jt'II.W
* ~COI'mDUm.'\L.In"'rHII &>>aPm!fJ'n-.ap >>0"]) l'UTMNgQQDbDMMT"O'n"'fU.lIFJN,1'lI>> TOP5OIL,. nmSU1lCBAOI!.SJt.I,ll.:81! LOOSrn:BY OlSCI:Jt,;C ORSCA:RII"YING1O JlIIlI&Jl::1'P-QTJI'R~~ c a c o ~W'J1HOUf'nll!l En'UBIIDftJTJlIN IDNIlDEUrJON OPft!I!l~.uc.". A OEml OF AT 1J!A'S7'3 INO,msro PI!RYITBONOllt.'G opnm TOPSOn. TO CAAwn<<J IIBlLN<n'E 1a5D DlUK:ft:.TOI.n.'DIIlEILYaa:PTlNDJf,J'i]lCTQf'WmI'mB ~ . O "** nffiS1JIISOIL. I. ~snIlNG'111(LBSHINI!lRJ1lPID:A.SnI~!WA.lP!t2tiO.1'TU.!!110 ~ ~ .uLAtQlm(l#DUiiCefOlLt!I'\'b'nDHtwa£I!I!D:tH'tlt3[)L11.WlNOAaI:~'t~1IT ,....~,uc.l.Ilf:lZ'iDt1jflULIIU't~lN""IICI.I!CIllP......,A1fT~(Ill*J'ial
- 2. BWNGAt1ON(lli~I'BI.ASJ:Ii[~~ 1J.U~.u<<J~lJ.ti$I.!o(l)c~ ......"Tl(:l)iIDTl.I.~""',I.J.C*n)mfi\lDilnUj;tIL'SIIt;(;""'bJLU,
- J. Ai'F'.\IBNTOPBNING5IZE(MAXsmvB5ll.IL PIl:IoI\SnI_Df,~t);lIf30
- z. ~
- PASSIJt.'G A IItlLLDOZa OVI!1l nnJ J!NTIIlI!, SUB.PAO!,UEA op .. ~MTEl&A1JI,I[N/SIi.PmLGDOT..r.r);'"
~"lJQjIII(."",T1~ou:tI~,~.e THIl SoLOPU'TO L&VR"M~OBJ"1tllSSJONS. Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc.
- 5. UL~VlClBr5TAW1rrvC""JEQOOl'"INTI'IAJ.N1NW1.I.... ~5TJ.E"t.'G'TH,.A1"Ia;JDOJfOUIi wt:r.A~v~AC~CIJ,wrml$DltHJ:;5); 1:(1%
eNO"GIITO WORK WlTJIOUT DA)lAGlNG SOIL rt'Ulc:J'T,;tlW. A 1,;1'.1JlOlW 1. IIIO\DIIDiFABl.1C1iI'II7I}{;; JiiIl"iQ'ms Erosion & Sediment Control Details 8 A.PPIICAnoNOF 5INCms (UNSS'T'TU!.D) IS RECO;)UIl1!.""U)2!D,.8111':xAYBE ADJt.'ISTUD AT,.,.:w. DISaUmON OP nlElINGINlmll. Oi.lANDSCAPI!. Plant Vo e Landfill #3 N1U1I'mCl'. TOPSOlUNG 1YPICAL Sll.T FE!"CE REPHRBNCH DRAWING / lll-POQTWIDE ACCESS ROAD* BLEV 244.0 ~ r / 11l-fOOTWIDBACCESS ROAD - BLEV 252.0 \ I'INAL GRADB (UINIMUM4".4" !'On PlU!SSUlUl-TRE.Al'ED pAfNTEJ) ORANGE ,---..---r.,.-L'\----.---,---..---'I-f---..>......,..---./S2.00 \ ..._ .._\ -"'1 I // I UI,OO 2+WO 252.00 \ ~ \ r 1\ I lllO-Y POND 6' 1ilE'i 24lI.9B I\. SUIlS11TIJTE "LANDFIll. I ' - MANAGEMENT UNIT lJMO"' AS APPROPRL'\.TIl 240.00 248.00 238-00 246-00 B FFER OR LANDFILL MANAGEMENT UNIT MARKER 236.00 2.44.00 DETAIL @ 1\ I \ / \ 234.00 242.00 PBRlIlANE!!{r POOL t--~245.7 232,00 24().oo \ BClTI'OMO POND/ EL V2J3.1 P.XlSTfN GRADE} '-- BXlSTING I:JRl.nE I~ I1OJTOM F POND IillN243, 230,00 230-00 23800 218-00 ()o+OO 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 ()o+OO 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1-+00 1+20 1+-40 1+60 LANDFILL ACCESS ROAD SECTION THROUGH POND LF3-01 SECTION THROUGH POND LF3-02 SECTION iE\ D~"~~ @ S~~~~::~ V3-01, V3-02, VJ.03 HORZ. SCALE: 1" - 20' \ V3-14) V3-03 @V3-03 VERT. SCALE: 1" = Z ""---./" Cli 10"20'. fll!U F.A1 OUIUHU ~ 1-- SPEeACAm;**s: '. ~ 8~ SlA9--TD et;: RElNrORct:D loj *TH 14 0 g~. SPECiflCATl(INS. WAU,S ASlW C- .. 71!1 ,. S1EEL: B:ASt:" stNJ--f4 "2~ Ole EA. WA.T lOP Sl.AB ,~ 0 e o!C !o'. WAY 4 I WAU.s ,. l1li '2- Ole U. 'N"Y 'HTH 4 tA, 1'6 DiADCW,Al. BARS ~OUNO ~IHG_ TOP SLAB I~ 0 6- Ole EA. WA.'t
- 2. PSl-PF STEPS 0 '6," etc. ';0" AU. RD"FORONC; A.StV M1S. G~ 60 sPEcw. ..,t(S'_--~r~ _
, I J.. CASllNG By On-lERs i!',/II 241;,00 rc _ UI-OO ",C _ PLAN \'lEW TOC" £!Lv. __ ,,"w_ _ I1---"-'-------1 TOP 'WAU \ '0 Y l"~ .-. ~h ~OIJC ~ PC No. ""- O£SCf<iPn", OAT( POURED OArr PC ~o, PC. D£SCIUPllON O. TE R'EMARKS L_... -r-- ... _ _ ... -+-+++--- 242.00 *
- P<ltlR£lJ
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