ML073230007 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | FitzPatrick |
Issue date: | 05/01/1977 |
From: | Environmental Protection Agency |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML073230007 (147) | |
May 1, 1977
- i -
LIST OF FIGURES DRAFT No. Figures Page Decision Train Flow Chart 12 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Acknowledgements 1 2.0 Introduction 3 2.1 Background Information 3 2.2 Suggested Uses of this Technical Manual 8 3.0 Productive Demonstration 11 3.1 Introduction 11 3 . 2 Decision Train 11 3.3 Biotic Category Determinations and Recommended Early Screening Procedures by Industry 18 3.4 How to Select the Most Appropriate Demonstration Type 33 3.5 Type II Demonstrations (Representative Important Species) 34 3.6 Type III Low Potential Impact Determinations 63 3 . 7 Other Type III Demonstrations (Biological, Engineering, and Other Data) 64 3.8 Decision Criteria 65 3 . 9 Non-Predictive Demonstrations (Type I, Absence of Prior Appreciable harm) 72 4.0 Definitions and Concepts 73
-ii-LIST OF TABLES No. Tables Page Sample Table to Summarize 41 Data for Each Representative Important Species (RIS) 2 Thermal Effects Parameters 42 Applicable to Aquatic Organisms Potentially Selected as RIS 3 Cooling Water Characteristics 53
1.0 Acknowledgements DRAFT This manual represents the efforts of many who unselfishly con-tributed their time and expertise. Originally, specific assignments were delegated to working groups but, as time went by, individuals in these working groups were asked to provide assistance in other areas.
Therefore, to simplify the acknowledgements, the following is a list of those who at one time or another contributed to the development of this manual:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Allan Beck, Narragansett, Rhode Island William Brungs, Duluth, Minnesota Stephen Bugbee, Washington, D.C.
John Christian, Washington, D.C.
Jeffrey Goodman, Washington, D.C.
Delbert Hicks, Athens, Georgia J. William Jordan, Washington, D.C.
J. H. McCormick, Duluth, Minnesota Donald Miller, Narragansett, Rhode Island Donald Mount, Duluth, Minnesota Diane Olsson, Washington, D.C.
Mark Pisano, Washington, D.C.
Jan Prager, Narragansett, Rhode Island Ronald Preston, Wheeling, West Virginia Ronald Raschke, Athens, Georgia Robert Schaffer, Washington, D.C.
Eric Schneider, Narragansett, Rhode Island Lee Tabo, Jr., Athens, Georgia Bruce Tichenor, Corvallis, Oregon Howard Zar, Chicago, Illinois Nuclear Regulatory Commission Harold Berkson, Bethesda, Maryland Thomas Cain, Bethesda, Maryland Phillip Cota, Bethesda, Maryland Robert Geckler, Rockville, Maryland Bennett Harless, Rockville, Maryland Robert Jaske, Bethesda, Maryland Michael Masnik, Bethesda, Maryland Robert Samworth, Bethesda, Maryland
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service DRAFT John Boreman, Ann Arbor, Michigan Thomas Edsall, Ann Arbor, Michigan Phillip Goodyear, Ann Arbor, Michigan Roy Irwin, Ann Arbor, Michigan Glen Kinser, Washington, D.C.
Mark Maher, Ann Arbor, Michigan Oak Ridge National Laboratories Charles Coutant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Jack Mattice, Oak Ridge, Tennessee U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration Heyward Hamilton, Washington, D.C.
W.R. Taylor, Germantown, Maryland Argonne National Laboratory Rajendra Sharma, Argonne, Illinois Great Lakes Fishery Commission Carlos Fetterolf, Jr., Ann Arbor, Michigan
DRAFT 2.1 Background Information 2.1.1 Brief History of the Evolution of this Document Prior to the enactment of Public Law 92-500 [the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (FWPCA)], the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) had regulatory authority pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) to impose effluent limitations on facilities requiring an AEC license or permit.
The FWPCA now requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish (for use in permits for the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States from point sources as defined in the FWPCA such as nuclear power plants, etc.) effluent limitations for all pollutants.
The FWPCA provides that nothing under NEPA shall be deemed to authorize any Federal agency to review any effluent limitation or other requirement established pursuant to the FWPCA, or to impose, as a condition of any license or permit, an effluent limitation other than any such limitation established pursuant to FWPCA.
Pursuant to the authority of the FWPCA, EPA required applicants for discharge permits to submit information required by EPA in order to establish effluent limitations in permits. Pursuant to the authority of NEPA, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) may require applicants for licenses or permits to submit information required by NRC in order to evaluate and consider the environmental impacts of any actions it may take. Consequently, the informational needs imposed by the two agencies may be similar in the area of impacts on water quality or biota.
NEPA requires that all Federal agencies prepare detailed environ-mental statements on proposed major Federal actions which can significantly affect the quality of the human environment. A principal objective of NEPA is to require the agency to consider, in its decision-making process, the environmental impacts of each proposed major action and the available alternative actions. Both EPA and NRC have responsibilities pursuant to NEPA regarding the issuance of licenses or permits for nuclear power plants and certain other facilities.
In late 1973, the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) wrote to the Chairman of the then AEC and the Administrator of EPA Suggesting steps that might be taken "to make the analysis of the water quality impact of nuclear power plants more effective and more meaningful and, at the same time, reduce demands for data being placed upon applicants for licenses."
DRAFT In summary, CEQ suggested that AEC and EPA:
(1) explore mechanisms available to assure that applicants' environmental reports to AEC contain sufficient data to satisfy EPA requirements on water quality matters; (2) consider the possibility of preparing a single impact statement to meet AEC's requirements under NEPA and EPA's requirements under FWPCA; and (3) consider the possibility of unified hearings.
In response to CEQ's suggestions, AEC (subsequently NRC) and EPA developed the Proposed Second Memorandum of Understanding regarding their perspective responsibilities under NEPA FWPCA, which was published in the Federal Register for public comment on November 7, 1974 (39 FR 39490), and in final on December 17, 1975 (40 FR 60115).
In summary, the Memorandum:
- 1. specified the statutory authority of both agencies for entering into the Memorandum.
- 2. Defined those licensing and regulatory activities to which the Memorandum shall be applicable.
- 3. specified that NRC and EPA will work together to identify needed environmental information for early evaluations related to impact from the identified activities on water quality and biota.
- 4. Provided for EPA to exercise its best efforts to evaluate impacts on water quality and biota as far as possible in advance of the issuance of NRC's final environmental impact statement for any covered activity, and specified that EPA and NRC will maintain close working relationships during the entire environmental review process.
- 5. Specified that EPA will issue to the applicant, where appro-priate, in light of substantive requirements, a complete section 402 permit as far as possible in advance of authoriza-tion by the NRC of any commencement of construction or issuance by NRC of a license or early site approval, whichever is applicable.*
- See 10 CRF Part 2, Appendix A, Paragraph I(c).
- 6. Speclfled that EPA and ?JRC till coasider the LusibiLicy of holding combtied or coacurrent heerings on EPAs proposed sectfoa /rO2 p8mlCS end !GkCs prOQO88d Frsuence of co~tmctlon permits or ocher activicles uhue l QQrOQriAtL
- 7. Eaecinded the Huorendm of Understanding RegerdFog Implmentetloa of Certain Complemental ILaponsibilftles under chr W end dated January 13, L9, aod 22, 1973 (38 FE 2fl3).
As l f Frse step tovarda LppLemenring the objecttves of the
!4eaorendm, P sarime of meeclngs beewean EPA rnd !iRC took place Ln Irte November 19 76. At these aeectngs it uu decided thee one of the aost dFfficu.Lc cssks CO be doua, end oue which should be started first, was to standerdim aquatic biological dstr requiremeutr co satisfy FUPCa requfraents for EPA and NPA requirements for .YRC. Technical experts representing the ma egenclee Fn the field of equatfc biology held l rulu of meetings Fn December 1974, formLaced arny centrtfve agree mencs, aad eppOint8d a eerie8 of l lghc wrklag groups. Each wrking group was co-chaired by oue repruencrtlve troa uch agency.
00 Jenuaq 28-30, 1975, the eight wrkbg groups met b! Fells Church, Vlrglnla, to complete spoctiic urltlag assignments couctibuttig to the d~elopeac of 8 sew guideme aanuel. Tech wrLFng group submitted draft r-rfu of chair work ou cha Lut dsy of the aeetfng end final rtmmries by urly March 1975.
The Long process of plecLng the products of the eight wtkiag groups togethu tico 001 cohesive technical arnuel ues 910-d by key personnel changes vlthia the e#eaciee end heavy schedules of ocher ladlvlduals 00 the working groups. In rplce of the nmuou setbecks~
e Decrber U. L97S. dreft us carplaced end reviend by ksy wrkirrg group oabers during Jenm 1976 Frr Athens, Georgia. At chlr amacing Fe YS indiuted that smerrl sections still oeeded rwiriou end others should be deleted rltogethu. &us of responslblllcy ware sssigned co til4 wrk4 group oabars and this editloo of the srnud is rhe rutdt of chum efforts,
2.1.2 A shift of mhasls Ia the course of the demlopmat of this draft, Fe becsm appuaat to aeny uorklatg group members cl38t urly scramairy procduru by induat~ or thafr consultaats could sometimes reve8L those cypu of Fnformtioo ubich would WC be aecus~ to gather la gruc det8FL at ¶r rltu* If bitlal pilot field sumeys cad literrture surveys r8VUhd that tha Sit@ uu one Of bU pOt8ath.L l.UQeCt for phflOpkUktOU for aamph, it vould ba unnecus8q to couducc deetied studies to give the temaomlc ideattilcetloa of every species of phytopleaktoa fn tha piciafcy~
2.1-3 FubLfc AvsUahFLitzy of 316(r) 3emousrracl.oua It ir the Fnteatloa of &PA to make ch* techalcal fnfomatloa submitted by Fadustrlu fa eccordurce with 316(r) meileble for use by ochu ~ustriu. scieatlrts c sad -us of the pub&z. This VFll be door fnitis.Uy by placing copies of the dmoastrstiuu and supportiag documents Lato the coUoctioo of the respoaeib~e EPA Regfo&
Off ice Ubrsry- A rFnFl8r appro8& Ls -0 suggested for State yeociu-Ia cssu where d-d for the dmoastrstioa materials exceeds thm ca~a-bUcy of an EPA or State agency Librsm, the EPA Eeglo& AdmhUuacor may also submit thm tmtsffill to the Y~c1oaa.l Tecbicrl Lnfonaation Semlc~ (lITIS> 80 that the reports are maihbl~ to the pubUc fn mlctoflche or bud cop7 fors l c the price of duplication- The EPA Rqluad llbrerha VOLT be sble to provide deu.lhd Qaformcloa regarding hpuc and accus co the ErrIs systae It is llro aoted thr~ the Atomic IadustrirL Porn, Eavfroameatrl Studlu Project, hu d-eloped IHFOB[M, a dstr systa alch vtll axtract laforprcloa from reports submited by utU.itlu Fn accotdanc~ VFth sactfoum 316(a) and (b)- Quutluaa should br referral to the Project it 1747 PeanayLvaaia Aveaae, Uuhingtou, D.C. 20006, telqvhoae 202-835923L The Sqeabu 30, 1974, drsft of the EPA 316(e) Technical Cuidrace Manud rtqguu cw posslbUtlu for predlctlve demoastrscioas: Type If dmastxstluas (vlth qmcUlc &tr requiremats for Rsprueatstlve kporrrne Spoclu (US) sad biotic c~tles) sad Type LXX dsmoastre-clana (an altamuive plan foLlowtag wrlttaa coacurreacu frum EPA). The YEC Ugulacory Guide 4.2*, ou the other bad, givea geaual pAdance sad lacllrdu maarlua of studyiag l uide spect~~~ of trophlc level, which ml&+ be dnnrly affactod by thr pour plants operrtioue. The net result of tU8 cabFnrtluu of 8itaafioas ls that pour cump8nfu have often rbuksd, vtthout the bmmfltof spprupriatr sereealag or pilot s tadfes, ou larg8-ecaL8, upm8lv8, lnappropr~te studfar vblch supply uuslve mounts of rau data but ue me aecusertiy helpful to regulrtoq ageaciu ia d&ion-me&q.
- NtC BeguLatory Guide 0.2, Preoererfoa of tnvlroamatrl Reports for Yuclur Powt Stecloas. July 1976, Ravisiaa I2: 102 p.
& tU regard, Fe L, intuucing co aof* cha balance of ganual wusyrtu (bua.Une, field work) dacr vwsus the EIS (Laboratory and Lftuuurr surch) &tr propored by thir vusioo of eha amud. Put aperiuca ruqgutr chat ndchu bum&m fitid sumap nor EIS laboratory studlu alone van rufficiuat for pradictivr duowtr8tioor; soma 3kture of cha TV, ls daairabla. Guual l orysta filld work b wcuury Co chuactarita cho mtvirounnc lmprcted. co hsva a buis of compui.soo for post uparatioual studies, and co couatu poaribh uguunacs char the maeire l co~ptu ha8 MC bun ammined. Laboratoq studlu ou BfS u(t helpful bazarur they offrr bcreued pradictiva capabilicias, such u hou macb of tha thamal plum uu til preclude reproduction or dgruioa.
2.2 Suggested Uses of this Tecknicsl !4antui by:
2.2.1 The U.S. &mlrouaeat~ Prot8ctloa Agency Zhfs oersloa of the guidsace msnusl , after ln-hour* zwteu tithln EPA. will rapJ.sce eke Septmbar 30, L976, draft of the EPA 316 (4 Technical Guidsace !4snusl. The wrrrl describes eke Lnformscioa vhich shouLd be developed and evslusced ln coaoecrlon wttk msk+ng trcknlcsl detemirmtloas under section 316(s) of the Federal dater P01htl~ COUCZOLkt, a~ mended, 33 C.S.C. L251, 326(a). sad LO CFR Ptrz l.22,
?fost of the first rouad of !GQES (Xettonrl Pollutant Dlschuga
&limlnsclou Systar) pamltr for cheraul dlschmgu vill hsve already beeo Fseued (or at Lust study plans ulll hm+ been agreed upon by the spplicsat end the E~glonsl Adainlstrator) , by th timm chir edltloa of the ceckxt1cs.L msnurl ls issued. The decrrminrclous or study plans flasLited to dste hrrre been ssde oa the bulr of cue-by-cru tecknicsl drclsloas m8do by thr Reg1oas.l Admlnlrtrator. Ihese l srlier cechaicrl decislous sad study plane which umre ffnrlfted tith the rpprmrl of the Regional Adahisfrscor or Stat8 Director ulll not be aegstrd or ockervFse adversely affeccad by the iseunct of this aetmr version of the 316(a)
CrnChniCJ anual e The prim- use seat for chh verslou of the tecbfd amnul vi11 be for neu sourcu sad for the secoad round of 316(s) detar-ml~tloaa uklck VFll cams uken the fFrrt round of pumlcr uplre.
The aaaual b Lateuded to be used u genersl guldsnce snd u a scrrtlag point for dircusslous betusea indust- sad eke Re~lousl AdahlsUstOtsr ?or lndirldurl rltustlons the Rsgloasl Administrator
=y requsst ch8t ths l pplicmt follou the stqgucloas Frr the crchnlc~l aand cloudy, or or7 specify 8n 8lcomatlvo plsn.
The spell-t #houLd be aura thsc Fn general oae or sore Ra~load EPA perait program staff hma been deewced ss 316 coor-dinstom, It is ny~wted tit epplfcmtr coueiderlng 316(e) dmunstrsriuns coacsct these fndlvlduslr se sa early dsce co dhcuss potenthl problaa and msilsble dsts.
2.2.2 SUCU Tkoea Ststea uhlch hrre been delessted the sdmlnlrtrsrloa of thr NPDES pumft progra by EPA have cha lud role for -king 316 (8) declsloas VFchia the Stste, Th8 EPA reuins vhac amounts co a veto
cspsbFTlty through the requiremmt thst they contFnu8 to reviev a11 p8raiC8 before they are Fsrued.
Since chose State8 which hsve the permit progrm have l ruat~y the sac rupoaslbFllclu u EPA, it foLluum chit chur St8tas may find this Cechnicll mm&l useful ia the s-8 rmnnar that the Ragioad Ad8l~t~tOrl of EPA t fkd it us8fuL, Oa the ocher hsnd, just ss Cha Begloud Adainlrcrscors are sot rigidly bound by cha toutants of this docmeut, aelther urn th8 Strte Directors. ft Fs suggestad rhst tho88 Scstu which desire co admialsfer their 316(r) program Fa a wry dlffer8nt fro8 thsc which Fs propoeed here. first discuss chua dlffereacu vlth chr Rsgi0as.l Adaialstr8tort 10 that c-011 ~reemncr csa be ruched sad sppllcsatt CM be ueured chat their 316(r) study desigas VLlL be sccepcsb~8 co both the State sad EPA, The applicant should tie be aura chat fn general one or sore Stat8 pamit progrsn staff hsve be8a deslgasted u 316 coordinators.
It ls sugguted thsc applicants coasldetig 316(s) d~oastrrtloas
~~nts~t chue Fndivldusls at an urlp dsta co discuss pote~cid.
problas aud svsLLsble dsts, 2.2.3 Zlh8 ?hClUr h~~C0~ CUUiUiOU The Nuclear Regulatory Camiraloa (NRC) tencatlvely phna co incorporsce this 316(s) asnusl rad th8 sepsrste 316(b) aunurL vLth future drafts of HILC EagtAstory Guide k.2. Ttia ~oate~fs of these manuals would forP the buis for 8quatlc l colov dstr raqulraeoer. :urt hou the asn& vtll be lacorporsced hu uot yme beaa decided, bur oue possibility dticussed wuld be co iaclrrde the 316(a) sad 316(b) amnab in cheFr antiracy u appendices co future l dlclons of .YEC Ragulscory Guide 4.2, mar8 hu tiso baea som8 discussion of uslag puts of these 8mnd.s fa future editloM of .YRc R8@drto~ Cuida 6.7* sad dom8UcS co be g8aersted by the 3RC coordfasced Stsce/FedersL Slciag Uorkiag Croup, 2.2.4 The 0.S. ?irh and Wldlfte S81~lc8~ D8pUPn8nt of Lnterior zh* ?isk sad UildlFfe Samlea (IUS) is msadsted by the Plrh and UildfFIa Coordinatiou Act (48 Stat. COL, as mended; 16 U.S.C.
663, l = req.), the cdm#at@d Spaclu Act of 1973, sad Other us*
cirted Acfs, co coardimts rwvi8w ulth the appropriate Pedersl reguLstoq 8g8aclu oa projects chat till Howe impact oa fi8h snd tildllfe c-itiu. These guldeUaes vlfl provide 8 barb for coordiascioa aoag FR3, &PA, !flC, sad other 8geacler iavolved Fn
+ !IRC Regalsto~ Guide b.7, Csnersl Sits Sult8bllltr Criteria for luclrsr Power Scatloar. NOVab8t 1975, I(IPl8loa #2: 32 p.
-100 the 316(e) rsvlev procsS8 by reprr88ncing 1 c-00 uaderstsnding of the decbioa criteria 8gr8ed upon which the 316(a) varl~nce ti1L be based md. therefore. upon vkich th8 8ppropr4ace reguL8cory agency should be advirad, 2.2.5 Other ?ederrL Agencies Uthuagh ia no usp bound by this document, other F8der81 sgeoclu asy find it wefuL u a source of lafomstloo. For Uatnp18, the Sscioasl ?farln8 ?lrheries Service (!4K?S> of the Depsrcmeot of Com8rce has rlmllsr ~0u~ern8 cad rupon8Fb~itles u Ch8 FWS ?a the Pederrl regulatory revlsv process. I%8 WS vu OrlgfnaUp :he Suresu of Comerciti Fl8herfes vhlch, together vFth the Suruu of Sport Flsherles md UlldlLfe (sow FUS), coa8tlcuted the old Fish urd Uildlifa Sar~lca tn the Depucaenr of hteriOr (8s referrrd co fa Ch8 Fi8h 8ad UlldlLfe Coordiasrloa Act). Eaorgauiutlon Plau Yo. 0, which transferred cha Buruu of Comariclsl Fi8herf88 co chs Dap8rPPeat of C-rce, also trUiSf@rr8d aLI 88sOCiUed responslbFlltlu. Pr4inclple coucema of Sf?S are marine sad sasdroaow fi8h. a8 -11 as inlsad c-rcid fish. The FUS, by coacruc, hu a puallel rerpoa8FbFLicy in the fIsharIa upact, but h88 sa sddltloarl respoarlbLllty for 8qrtlric uterfovl (both fruh ueter sad marina) la th8 316(a) revlev procur.
2.2.6 ihe Electric Pour Laduse- sad Coasultlag Orgsaiuclon8 FOr uch ladiv1due.l site. 8ppliunts for 316(g) or 316(b) daeer!&mtioas should dircusr the contents of this arnusl tith th8 had N'PDESPermit Frogra Agency (either eke EPA R8glon.81 Adalnistr8tor or the St&t8 Dir8CtOr) co derermia8 th8 8pplfCSbtiity Of the UUUAL'S ret-adstloas co thst rite, Ihir doctnanc tiu Sama U 8 Scrtthlq pOFnC for dfr~~~d.0~8 ludiag co 8 vrlttu CoaCurrence barmen th8 8ppliC8nt end the Ugioael IdPialstrstor/Dlreccor on LadlvFdusl study pleas which d.l sacirfy Cha requiruaat8 of both PL 92-300 sad th8 8quetic ecology s~ctioaa of rImA.
3.0 PREDICTIVE DEMONSTRATIONS 3.1 Introduction DRAFT Predictive studies and associated demonstrations representing the best estimate of "what will happen" are appropriate for 316(a) demonstrations for:
- 1. New sources not yet discharging;
- 2. Facilities discharging into waters which, during effluent for a sufficient period of time to allow evaluation of the effects of the effluent;
- 3. Facilities discharging into waters which, during the period of the applicant's prior thermal discharge, were so despoiled as to preclude evaluation of the effects of the thermal discharge on species of shell-fish, fish and wildlife; and 4 . Major changes in the facilities operational mode.
The two most detailed baseline aquatic ecology studies done for NRC under NEPA are done two years before a nuclear plant becomes opera-tional. All studies done for 316(a) demonstrations during this time frame are therefore predictive in nature. The regulations (see 40 CFR Part 122) published by EPA provided for two possible types of predictive 216(a) demonstrations: Protection of Representative Important Species (Type II) and Alternative Demonstrations, with the written concurrence of the Regional Administrator or State Director (Type III). This section provides explanations of these demonstration types, details the decision train and decision flow chart, and recommends early screening procedures helpful in choosing the most appropriate demonstration type.
3.2 Decision Train This section provides a flow chart and narrative summary of the recommended decision train.
3.2.1 Flow Chart The flow chart identified as Figure 1. is a summary of the recommended sequence of events leading to the decision. The following is an explanation of abbreviations and terms used in the flow chart:
AQpUCMt IndustrFrl Eaprasantzive 4plpZng for EPA and ;yBC Paroitr and Licm8u DFruto* Director of the Stata HPDLS Pormic ProgrM Pu litid Study Aru 3.2-2 D~cisiau TrliP !hrratlva
- 1. &fore duignlng aquatic ecology scudlu, chm applicant consultr ulch chak&ouaL Mmiaistr8for/Dtr~ctor* co vmrify the rpplicrbFLl~of this cochnlcrl manual for Sati8fJiq thd QlrrV dfWtS (316(a) ti dfhWlt guidalinrr) raquirarrocs uudar PL 920SOO. If tha BqiouaL AdUtrator/Dlractot sprcifiu aa rltasmcivm or raodlfiad varrlm of char manual, the applicant should it. If alo hgiuuAl AdminisItratorlDFr~ctor spuifiu uablg this cuhpicrl armlt u a gtddo, chm rppucaat gou tu thr naxt Imp.
- uonr nm lI8gbMl Administrator m&am 316(a) brewmlnacloar for &PA timad -tits, vhila cha State DFractor maker such d~termiaa-cioua for paides ismad by Statu with EPA approved prrrnic progrmh hCh Stata PatitS, homvar, l a sub jut co EPA r-au. It ia chumform sqsutd that in the cue of 316(a) dac~tio~ uda by a Stata Director, l ithu the Dlractor or tha 8ppl.icMt lump. tha~#iulul Addnistr8tor lnfomed at criticsl sap8 in thm procur to mold t!m poo~ibilicy of ultfaua dlupprovti by EPA of a Strtr ~8rrit or &co~tion vhicb could ham bmn avoidad by battar c~~~~~icatiou throughout tha procua.
- 3. The l pplicmt contects the 8pproprlet8 Ra#lond Xr8ctor of tie U.S. Fish and UFLdUfe Semfca, r8presencacives of ch N8tid ki8d.M FiSheri8S S8mC8+ 8od Of the Stst8S, CO decumlm if them ara any thrutrord or and8agered specirs th8C may be rff8Ct8d by the proposed f8dlitys dischuge.
4, m8 8QpuCMt g@th@m UiSu litU8ttu8 rpd fidd d8t8 fra prtiou8 studlu by elm company, r8sourea ag8xxci88, 8c8daic lnStitutionr, ad ocher researchers.
- 5. The epp~cant d8e8miaeS vhether or not aroush f.dor~tion is ev8flable co sumerFt8 Fa writing:
- 8. For each biotic utrgory, *ether or MC the site Ia 008 of Lou Qot8lltti Fmpect.
- b. Aplrn for w 8dditioarL studiu or wrk aecue~ co comp18ce the d~ustretioa.
Lf wr8 information is U8C8sS8r7, the laformaciou should be g8ther8d through relrtivaly brimf '*pilot" fiald
-*ys -
6, Appllcmt submits thr smriu to the Eqionel Adddscza-tOr/DFt8CtOt-
- 7. K the beunel himialstrator/bir8ctor d8t8rmi388 that the slte la one of Lou ~~centid lnpect for all biotic Clt8$0ti88, the applicant may chooaa the aau rhorc fom dmustratfou type, the tow ht8Utid hpect Tm@
fI1 dmuStr8ciou drtrF1ad ln sSctioa 3.6; it wt. the 8pplicMt ChOO8U bemea Type If end rppe III dmustre-CiOU8.
- 8. Tboee appUcant8 eligible for the lw potential impact d-tr8tim gecher uay edditfuaal lafomtioo nac~ss8~,
caplece ralativ~l~ brlaf biotic category ~ecloaalu~ end s-8 chr lato oue master: rcos7stm r8tiode.
If the proposed dfschu~e til ame Scrta uecer q&icy scaadarda, tha additlond fiald scudiu nacuaary will WC ba =taualra. The priaq lnfomatiuu ch8t aada co be ~euereted is simply that uhich is enough co satisfy the biotic Utagory, resource toue, 8od ustar r8tioU8l8 CXit8rir b SSCtiOU 3.8. h8 7aU.S qtbdit8tiVa '*QtiOt" fiald studiu should be roough co ganarara mouth iafomeciou co compleci the bioclc csc8goq, ruource 2008. end ustar retioorle. The appuc8at c8n than CO@@t@ QhySiCd StUdiU CORperrbl8 t0 those ti Sectiou 3.5.3 end proceed dit8ctiy to St8p 19 brlou.
- 10. Ap~lica.ncs vhose sfrss do not qwltip for th8 above considerations VFLl ordbarily select the Type 11 d~oostracioa or s Type III dmoastr8cioa of SfmFlrr corpr8hensiv8ness. @pliCMtS S818Ctblf a fm8 IfI d~oastratioa should cerrfully t8ad sectloo 3.7 fn Ord8r co grin a geaerel uadetstsnding of the decal1 n8c8ssrry for scudirs co be consider8d scc8pcsble~
- 11. Those applicencs selscci~g s Type IL daoastracioa first meet tich the Regfouel MaFniStr8tOr/Dir8Ct0r co dticuss selectioa of RIS and drfiae the far fi8Ld Study aru.
If the regulatory agency has r8ach8d any t8ntatFve decisfons rrgerding a~ tilovable miring zoa8 ($88 sectloo 3.8.31, these decisions should be discussed cad uaderStood by both pertks. These decfsious asp be t8vi8u\d follotig CoUQ318CiOUOf th8 demoostracioa.
Lf the reguletory agency sad the applicant teach an urly l greaeac about the sel8ctioa of RIS and the duigaacioa of the far fisld study aru, the op~lFcmc may move ou co the next 9~8~. If doer the reguLrtorp ag8ncy say request thee the applfc8at assirt ln the rel8ction of RIS by dolag studies sad givhg vricr8a fust~icecioa for the praposed far firld study l ru.
L2, T?.m R8glrmel AdmixAstratot/DFrector checks tith the Eegioual Director of the FUS and r8presentstivu of ~58 X¶?S and Stat88 co mah sum the study plan inchd8s apptOpat8 coustderatiw Of thrUt8ned or 8ndMg8r8d speciu as umll as ocher fish sad tidltie t8sourc88.
- u. am Regio~el ~nirtrUOr/b~r8CtOr provldu the spp1fc8nt tich urFtten r8cogaitioo of the specific plan for completing the daonstratioa, Lncludlng dell.nucioas of the PIS far field study aru , and chrutened or 8ndurg8r8d specie8.
L4, Appltcaac coeplecu field and lftsracurr wrk mquirrd to finish biotic category ratioaalu sad wricss the reciondu In eccordaaco vith sectlofi 3.5.1.
U. Irpp~lcant ca$letu ~iter8turr sad L8bOr8tOq Studi@S nec8888~ co geaer8te lnformetiou for the RIS ratfous18, aad develops the retioaele ss suggut8d Fo sectioa 3.5.2.
- 16. Applicent d8V8lOQS 8nglneering and hydrological data outltied In sectioa 3.5.3.
17, 4plicsnc comblnu the Fnfocmecion oa l ngiaeering and hydrologicel deer vfth the RIS and biotic uc8goq ratimalu Fnco on8 Xesc8r Ecosystr Rat10ne18, as ducribed la sectioa 3.5.4.
- 18. lgpllunt arreag88 the ratioarl88 and oeh8r Fnforautiou la the fonmt suggestsd tn section 3 -5.5.
L9. 4pllcsnt submits deaoastrstioa co the Zegioarl Admi~str8tOr/Dlr8CtOt.
- 20. Ih8 R8giOUd AdminiStr8tOr/Dir8CtO~:
Eevt8w8 :he d~onatratioa co see ttt8c key mrid8nc8 is properly S-rtted In the ratfon~e* sectioua, t&at
&Ll of the rrqufrrd data hu been submitt8d, and tht the forme ln gueral follow that given La section 3 .J.S or an a~t8rnetlve for!aac QrwlouSlp l pprm8d of by the Regionel AchhiStr8tOr/Dlt8CtOr.
- a. Lf the r8port l% uuecc8ptab~e due co LPproper format or airsions, the Reglow Mminfstrator/
Dlr8ccor will retam the daonstratlon co the applimnt tith an 8xpluutlou of vhy It vu dared mUC8ptabh,
- b. rt the r8pOrt i8 la an bCC8Qubh formet and is complete, the Ugioael MafnniJtracor/Director VLU proe8ed co the amt scsp.
- 21. 'Ih8 gegiouel ~iJtr8t0r/Dlr8CtOr seudl8s the deer prhated in the submitcti to see ti lt justifl8s the conclueiow ruched Fn the biotic cecegor7 ratioties.
Xf so, mad If there 18 03 coaflfctfag wfd8eC8 from otbec sources, the Regiouel Adminhtrator/Dfr8ccor will proceed to eke next st8p.
- 22. The U#ioael Addnistreeor/Dir8ctor StudiU uch of the biotic cet8gory r8cioaelu co see lf they support the 316(r) cut of protectiou aad propegetioa of the be&aced ladigeaous ~opulaciou. Lf my of the f iv8 retiOuehs f8il co meet the cuts (as detailed f.a the decirioa criteria sectioas), the daonstretlon 18 aoc successful. If a.LL five meet the casts and charm ls sot strong coatrsq 8VidtlrC8 from ocher sources, the E.eglonel Uministrator/Dlrector till Qroc8ed co the u8xt rt8p.
- 23. The ~gioarl MministratOr/Dir8ctor scud188 th8 RU lnforU8tiOn CO see tf It supports th8 conclustoas ha the bpr888nCbCiV8 bpOrtanC Sp8~18~ &1tiO~U18.
It it dou. the racionde Fs ScUdi8d Fn r8latiOMhiQ co the decision critsria givea In sectioo 3.8.2.
K the decision crtteria are met, the 2eglomal Admfabtrator/DFt8ccor till proceed co the uac St8p.
- 26. The Regionel AdUbidtr8tOr/bLt8CtOr stud188 u a cosposiee the biotic ucrgorp ratlOue~8s~ c!18 Repr8sencacive ~bpottrac Sp8cler R~tlooa.L8, the r8suurc8 zones fmpecc8d, and the 8ngFneetig and hydrological dece co see ti they prwlde jurtifica-tioa for the conclusloas rrech8d Fp the aastsr ratioa8le. ff thry do and th8re 1s aot strong coatrarf 8videnc8 from ocher sourC8s, the RegionA Adzsbdstrator/Dlr8ctor vill proceed co the nut St8pt 2s. The Eeg1om.L ~istr8tOr/Dfr8CtOr studi8s c!!e mest8r tStiOUAl8 Fn t8latiOUShiQ CO au oth8r avelLable data, coasiders the marall decirlou crtcsrir Fn section 3.8.3, and dec8rmiaes ti the 316(a) daonstratiou bee been succsssfdly -de.
FoUmdng discwsions vfch crchnicr1 upercs 00 his staff as WU as chose from the Fish and Uildlu8 Service and ocher agenci88 t8qUfIId By lau co be COUstIlc8d. the Regionel AdmiaistrsCor/
DFr8CtOr maha c&r ffnd decision.
Lf the Regiooll Mainlstrator/D1reccor coaclud8s that the s-q retioueLe is coorincing. tc ls supported sufficiently by the ocher sections of the d~unstrecion, and h wt couvincingly nef8ted by outside rrldence, the sppllcurtr 316(a) d~oustretiou 1s successful, The applicant hu dunscrefsd ch8c c!xe proposed cheraul dirchrrge to aevigable vacsrs viJ..l be accepc8ble under PL 92-500 (for seccioa 316(a) and 8fflueat guideliaes).
3.3 Biotic Category Deterain8tions end Recmeoded
!Zarlf Scrunlag Procedures by Industry It :r recorundad that appLic8nts conduct pFlor field surveys md licetecure surchee bef ora embarking upaa uasiv~. comprehensive, bueline. field ssmpl-. Thur fuitid studiu will oftrn be sufficient to determine whether or aof the site fs one of Lou potential hpact for indivfdurl biotic utagoriae aud co deternine vhrc additional studies will be raqufred to develop bloeic crtsgory tatiouales responsive co th decision critarfr Listed fu this sectiou.
Tha spplic8nc should first rud thfs section. then uecuce the initial pilot field sumeys and Lituuure surches Fn such a zmuuer ch8t they identify chose biotic c8cegories for which cha site sry be considered a Lov potmtid. dnp8ct are8, It should be noted here th8t rectfou provides 8 discussion of why the d8tr requiranents proposed In this sectioo are useful to rrgulatory agmciu fn the 516(a) decision-mking procus.
Ideutific8tiou of tll~a i,u the vartous bloti c8tegories should be to the species Level for the RIS org8nfsw and ao less th8n fmlly Lavd for all other chrt ue Iheed.
3.3.1 Phftoprauktou Decisioa Critrria.
The phytoplsaktou sectiou of the 316(a) daonstrstlou vill be judged succusful if the l pplfcsnt c8a show that the site Fs a Lou pocurtirl kp8ct l ru for phytopl8uktou. For other slfes, the phytoplauktoa rectiou of the 316(e) dmoUStr8tfOn til be judged successful tiy ti the sppllcsnt cull droascrace th8t:
- 1. A ahfit tmmrda auirurce rpecler of phytoplauktou is we UkaLy to occur;
- 2. Iharm is little likelihood the tha dtich8rge till, altar the Indigenous coratnity from a deerite co 8 phytopl8nktoo hued s78tm; and
- 3. Appreci8ble h8m co the brluxed indFgaaous popula-thou is not ltily to occur as s result of phyto-phakton cmmanit~ chmtes C8U88d by the he8Ced disclm~e .
3.3 .I.2 Lou Potencill fmmct Arus for Phrtool8nktoo (Open Ocean and Yost Riverine Ecosystems) .
Are8s of Lou pocmtiti tnp8cc for phytoplanktou ara defFned as open oceen srus or sfscems Fn which phytoplankton is LIOC the food chain bese. Ecoeystas fn vhich the food mb 1s hued ou detrltal
ucrrlsl, e.g., rmb8yments bordered by mangrove rusaps, salt msrshes, fresh wear stmmps, and most rivers and strums, are In this cacrgory.
The ares will not be conafdered one of low potrnctal !mpacc Lf pte1Fninrry literature review and/or abbreviated ptlot field studies rwul Ch8t:
L. The phytoplsnkcoa contribute a subscantlrl amuac of the pria8q phocosynehecic actlvicy supporting the co6uaity;
- 2. A shift cowards nuls8nce species my be l ucouraged; or
- 3. Opetscion of the discharge mey alter the community Eroat a decticsl co a phytopLankron hoed ryscem, Scudv Reouiremencs for Aress Yet Clrssiffed a8 Lov Poceaci8~ Iap8cc (SOID@La~~scrfne, &stusrine, and Possible Ocher Uater Body Types).
The applicmt La not requutsd speclffc8lly co conduce dec8iled cuonomic studies of the phytoplaakton, but tnfoczmclon pro-vided ln the deonstrscton should be adeqlucs co Ch8rSCt@rit@ the presence and sbundsnct of polluclou tolerant and nulsrnce forms as Ural as co provide buellne lnforascloa l bour the phytoplaaktoa e-alcy as 8 whole, The psrticular pouar plane site and rquacic sysc~ plur hirtoric8l lnformstlon till dictate the extent of caxonomic work required. In soma rftu8tfons only a frv species or major csxonomic group8 (e.g., species coaprislng >5f of cocsl) till hsve co be 1dencFfled and counted. uhereu tn ocher sFcwcloas the fd@nCifiC8riOKI aad Cou#¶CLng Of Sm@rS~ Sp@Ci@Sor mjOr groups my be required.
The exp~rlment81 design should be spproprlace EO detemine the general cherscteristics of the phytoplsnkcon coemmnlty vichin the l nclra prlmr) study sre8. krpbq oucslde the pti8q rcudy ares should be done et Loutlow most l pproprl8te to generate d8ca ryplcrl of the far field rcudy l ru. Ssmple repllc8clon should be sdequsce co decomine precision of c&e dies collected and co COoducC 8ppmtite St8tiSCiCd C@SCS.
Smplee should be ukea tirh sppropriace gut as described ln the EPA Eiolo~ical achods M8nu8l.* PL8okcon necr are of Limlced veluo alma meoy orgseias pus through chum. In cert8ln c8ees uherr
+ BiologicA Field and hborscocy Methods (EPAd70/6-73401).
-2o-utensive sapling 1s deemed necessary, lt uy ba possible co use an lndlrect chmlcnl mchod to assess sessoasl or spacAl, phytw plaaktoa fluctutlm8.
ID most CMU the study should decermiae the stsnding crop of phytoplsakmnx at periods rauglag from seesoati to bll~ouchly depending 00 the avrF1able faformstlou~ At a oiaima, the d8t8 collected ahodd include:
- 1. The stsndlng crops of organisms get volunte of fat&r;
- 2. ~d@nti.fiC8tfO~ of nmeric8lly damlrmnt :axa CF.*., 5X or more by number) and nuisance organism ; and
- 3. Delioution of the l uphoclc zone, preferably VLCh 8 submersible phocmecer.
3.3.2 tooplankton and .Yeroplutktoa Decisiou Criteris~
The tooplanktoa and meropl8alrton sectioa of the 3lS(a) dmOUStr8Clort till be judged successful lf the applicant tin shov char the rite 1s e lov potential imp8ct are8 for them org8niws.
or that:
L. Chmgu i.~ the zooplankton and ~eroplaakton cmtf Lo the prims- study l ru ch8c 1~87 bt c8ueed by the hue&d dlschsrge will aoc ruult Ln appreciable h8rm to the b8lurced
~euous ffsh aad shellfish popuLatioa.
- 2. The hutad dfsch8rge fs ooc lfkelf co alter the stand* crop, rolacle abuad8nce, wfth respect to orturrl populatiou f~uctu8tion.s ln the far fitid study sru fra thou vrluer cypicsl of the recalviag water body sagmeat prior co plant opar8tloo.
- 3. The thuad plum dou not constitute a lethal barrier to the frra movumt (drif cl of zoo-phnktm and meroplsnktou. Lov Potentisl fmmct Areu for ZooplaUkton and ?¶eroolenk:on.
Are88 of Ior pOC8nd.d imp8Ct for tooQhnktoa and aeroplnnkcoa are deflned as chose characterized by lov concentrations of commercially important species , rare and l ad8ngerad specles~ and/or chore Lome that are
important components of the food veb or where the checml discharge till affect e rebtively smll proportion of the recelviag veter body.
!+~rr ucuarlm l rue will not !m coaridermd arua of Lou pocencirL impact for tooplaakton and eeroplaakton. Houwer, where a logarlchllic gradient of rooplankcoa and wroplanktou ebundmxe axiscs. choee l reu et the lowest lrrrel of rbuadence mep be recog-aiud as lw pocanclrl Fmpect ereab at the dticrecion of the Regfod Admin~crrcor.
If prmliminarp 316(r) studies indicate thee the area is oae of Lou poceacid impact, no further 316(a) studies are aecersa?.
In this case cha epplfcant need prwLde only e arrrac:ve dilcussioa fuscifflng chr coaclusioa chat the eree FS one of Low gocencirl inpecc. Scud? Requirements for Ocher Areas.
For chose facilicler 3oc sited Fn Lou poteoth.l impact atus, the applicant should describe the qurllcecfve and qtYacicacive charrccaiacicr of the zooplankton end merophnkcon popuLrcions. The
&cr should include:
- 1. Standfag crop l rciaucu;
- 2. Dative abunducu of the cma present;.
- 3. Susoti vati~ciow fn the abundance and discribuctons of cha VUWUS taxa encountered; and
- 0. Zbr dieL cad cldrl chsn~es Fn cho depth discrlbucioo.
The experlmenteL dealgn should be epproprhce co determine chr general chr~ccerircics of zooplankton and aeroplrnkcon vfthin cho l tira prima- study au. Sampling in the far field study area should bm doom in 1ocrciou.s most approprtice co generate daer typical of chr ruaindar of the fer Lleld study aru. The U Sourcebook*
provides info~tioa rrlrcrd co cha choice of sapling aechods.
Smple rapllcation should be adequte to decemine precirfoo of the hu colhcted l ud to cooduct approptice scrtircical teat*.
If the epplicmc belimes ou cho buls of the dece collected that tha zmplanktoa and maruplankcm cricerla can be aec, the coacepcurl framework upon uhfch the conclusioo 1s besed cad corresponding date uulprti muat ba iacludd la tha tooplrnlrcon rod aeroplmkcou racioade of the 316(e) daooscrrciou. For e further discurrion of infomclon requirrencr for ~ropl8nkcw. se8 secciou
+ Acoaic fnduscrti FON, Sourcebook: IEmFroumencal kqmcc Yoairori3g of Xuchar Poumr Phncr , August L974.
3.3.3 88bicst Fomorr Decision Criteria.
The hsbitat forzerr section of a 315(a) demoarcracloa till be judged ruccersfuL If the l pplfcanc cm show chsc the rice is a lou pocenc181 imp8cc area for habicac fomerr. For ocher sites, the seccioa tilL be judged successful if the applicant can dronrcrece chat:
- 1. The huced discharge will not result in any decerlonciowt of the h8bicat foraers cmunity or ch8t no apprectable h8rm CO the b8l8nced ladlgeaous popul8cloa till result from such deceriorrclons.
- 2. The heated dbcharga till ROC hsve an adverse fmp8cc on chrucened or l odaagered specie8 as a result of impace upon hrbftrt foreerr.
Any prob8ble charm81 l l~fnscioo of h8bicac formats from the l scusrfm or aarine l avironaencs of chair contiguous ueclmds conscltuces a buts for deni81, Sfmllarlp, a basis for denial exists U iapotc8nc fish, shellfish, oc ulldlffe are charmUp excluded from the use of the hsblcac, 3.3.34 Lou Potential fap8cc Arear.
Ib soQe - sf cu~cions , the l qu8cic l nviroaaeac et the pro-posed site ulll be devoid of h8blc8c fonners. This condicioa m8y be caused by Lou luels of aucrlencs. tnadequece light penecraclon, sedlaeaucfoa. scouring scream velocfcies, rubscr8te char*ccer. or coxlc luterl8ls. Under such cond~cioas the sic8 eey be considered 8 lou poceaci81 fmp8cc 8ru, Houver , Lf theta 1s some poutb~licp the linicing feccors (erpectilly au+c8used Liait~g faceore) aey be relimed md hsbit8t former8 asy be l sc8bllshed within the area, the appliunc will be required CO daonscrace ch8c the huced dischsrge rauld not restrict re-*st8blishenc. Those l ices where there is 8 possfbtlicy chsc the powr plant vi11 imp8cc a cbruceaad or l admgered species through 8dverre lmpeccr ou habitat Lomars will not ba coasidered Low pocencfrl lmpecr l reu.
J.3.3.3 S~d;o::~;;:y~c~or Other Area8 !ioc Classif ied as L mQ .
For 8rua chat do not qualify u lov pocentirl LPp8cc arus, chs l pplicset should provide the follovfag inforaurlon:
I.. Ragloud site locrcioa eep and 8 waled aerial map shoving the distribution of h8bic8c fomrr ln the regioa near the propoeed rice. The
aetirl mp should include the pdmarp and far field study arus. Ihen mr8ilab~8, aerial mepe shovtng hiSCOriC8l ChAag88 tn the discrlbuclou of h8bicac fonmrs should be provided.
- 2. List of domiarot species of hsblcrt formlng macro-p&f**, macrodg8e. shelUish, corLL8, and sponger.
- 3. Standing crop utdm8ce8 of the domlnrnc rpecies In cams of dry night of org8aic metcar per unit area.
Them l scim8cea should be arde at a minfnum frequency of qturcerly for one ye&r.
- 4. ~deotific8cloa of those species of fish which are dominsnr species or chre8cened or l a&ngered species aad 8r8 depeadenr upoa the uircence of the h8blt8t formers for protection or foe use as feeding areas.
For such species (which are not considered l lrevhere ti the 316(a) d~~cr&CiOU), the applicurc should provide queacitrcive abuadmce l scticer.
The aperlmeaerl dulga should be rppropriace co decualne ths gea8rs.l ChArACC8~stiCS of the h8blC8c format c -icy vichla the l nclre prtmsq study aru.
Supllag outside the pm- study aru should be done Fo 10C8tiOW moat ApptOprlrC8 co gener8ce d8CA cypicsl of the rwiader of the far field rcudy are&.
Ssmple replic8tioa should be 8deqtuce co deermine the preclsioa of the &CA gener8ced 8ad co couducc spproprbce sc8cistlc8l cuts.
3.3.k Decirlou Cricerla.
me shellfish/ucroFnrertebr8cu section of I 316(a) d-on-scr8tba roll be fudged successful Ff the l ppllc8ac c8a d~oascr8ce tit no 8ppreci8ble hsm co the belanced Frrdigenous populaclon will occur 81 8 result of mscrolavertebr8c8 c -icy ch8oger caused by the huted discharge. For areaa chssFfled ss oaea of lou poceacirl kp8ct for rh~lsh/mecrofmrertebr8ces~ relscfvely little nev field wrk uy be raqulred. Decision crlceri8 related co iadividual p8ra-maters sre discussed u foUuua:
- 1. S tandins Crow. Raduccioas Fcl cha scaadlag crop of shellfish sad ~croFmercebrecer asy be c&use for denl8l of a 316(a) ulver ualeas the 8pplicmc c8a shw chsc such reduccioas caused ao ApprUiAbh h8m co b&lanced Fndigeaous popul8cion8 within the water body sagmat.
- 2. Coaununlcv Structure. Reductions in the compoaencs of divrrrlcp may be cause for the dsnfsl of a 316(r) vlrivet unlers the applicant can shov thrc the crirfcrl functious (defined lxx sectioa 3.8.3.) of the aacraln-oertabrata fauaa are baing atitained ln the vater body segmsat as they axistad prior co the Fntroduccioa of hut.
Canerrlly, vlch the prumt sfsce of kaovledge Lt 9 inpossible co stata what affect 8 cettsla percentage of changa Fo the compoaurcs of diverslty till hsve on fuactioud tntegrlCy of cha system. SQ@CifiCdly Cha iaai.nrenaoce of a bslsnced indigenoru pOQd&CiOU.
Prom a geuaric rtmdpolnt, a aejor difficulty rehems co the fact char tha species rtcha~ss of cha macro-Fnrrercebtrce fauna vsr,es considerably ln differrae systw and char the rffrccr of a given Level or percrouge of change tight be a functfoa of cha Level of diverslty excaac prior co the IxroductFoo of hut stress.
From a dsclsion standpoint, rctuA, or gredictrd reductiooe Fn diversity could seme prlmartly as an indication chat the syscsm is or till be stressed.
Beuuse of the dUficulcy ia predicting chsnges *Rich any dqrre of accuracy, chir perameter could seme as I declsioa tool oalp Fn cases wheta the actual changes ruulting from plsnc operscion can ba ratnnerr:ed and rwoaably applied co the proposed site.
- 3. Drift, The dfrcherge of coolLag v8tmr equal :o 302 or more of the 74~. LO-yur Lov flov of a river 01:
strum tmuld be cause for coucsra md posslblr r8jectiou of a 316(e) trrlvar unlasr the spplicmc csa shw char:
- 1) Imermbratrs do uoc se-e as s major forage for cha flsherlu ,
- 2) ?ood ti uoc s faccor linlcia# fish productlou Fn the -far body segmonc, or
- 3) Drlftirrg Lmertebrsce fsuas 1s sot hsraed by pusa#a thtot@ the therms1 plume.
- 4. Critical ?unctlons (Escuarlrs~. &eu which seme as epevrrlng sad nursery rices for important shellfish and/or mecrobxvertebrete fauna ere coasidered ss zero aUo#ble inpsct arw urd till be ucluded from
conslderatloa for the discharge of waste best. PLanes riced fn locatioas which muLd Impact chase critical funcclons vfll not be rliatble for a 316(a) usiver.
!4ost l stuarlne rites VFll fall into chls category. Lov Poteatlal Irmect Ares8 for Shellf lsh/?Iscro~ertebraces .
A Low potential inpecr aru for she.UfLsh/~crolmertebra~e fauna 1s deflaed as au aru which, vtchFn the primary and far field study 8ru8, can meet the following rsqulrrmenis: -
- 1. ShelUlsh/~crolmertebra~e spectes of ulrckq or potentL4, comwrctil value do aoc occur at the site.
This requfronent can br net Ff the rpplicaot can show that the occurrence of such specfes is rn8rgfne.L.
- 2. ShrlLflsh/macrokwertebr8tes do not same as fmportaat compouenes of the aquaclc community ac the rice.
- 3. Thruteaed or endangered species of rhelZfih/mrcro-Frnrertebraces do not occur at the site,
- 4. The standing crop of shellflsh/necroluvertebraces at the time of orxkum abundance Fs Less than oue gram u&-free dv might per square meter.
The site does not same as a speunF3g OF nurse- area for the speclu in 1, 2, or 3 abme. Study Requirements for Other Areas.
L. Ssmlfnr Deslan. The erperimenral dulgn should be eppropri~te to determine the general ch8x8cterlstlcs of the shellfish/mscro~ertebr8ce c omunlty vtchln the entire prlwv study area. Ssmpllng outside :he plum study aru should be done fn locations most appruprhte to generace data typlcll of the remainder of the far field study mu. Ssmple repllutlon and coUectlou frequency should be adequece to decsraine tha preclsiou of the data geuereced urd co coaduct 8pproprl8ee sc8tlstfal cues.
AC 8 mlnimm, smples should be tan quarterly for
-Y-r* Ebmver, the actual periods selectsd should ba keyed co knouu informcloo ou the susoud occurrence of hportanc for868 speclesr rue and l dur~ered species , and species of comercial importurce . Sampling for these rpeclrs must occur
-260 when vulnerrbls life stages are ln the srea. If, becawe of the tr&nsFcory nature of such speclss and chair verlous LFfe stages, Ft 1s not possfble co include them in a quartsrly progrsm or, Ff there is s complu of species whose tfming IJI the aru 1s uakaovm, then the frrquency of smpllng til bme to be incrused. For the beothlc component of the sheUfirh/m8croFnvertebr8ces , community sempllng stations should be selected for uch major substrate type within the prlaarp study area. Slmllu sucloas should be selected ti the far field study aru so that the relative Fmportance of the tvo ragloos may be compared. Uhere appropriate, chase st~tious should &so be used for srmpltig the aoclle portion of the shellflsh/mscroinvertebrace c-fty.
- 2. Samolfnn Ysehods. The applicant should use trrvls,
-eQPbfI, or aectlng tec.hnlques vhlch are standard for the types and Lffe st8ges of shel.UishlPrcro-invertebrates found Fo the study area.
- 3. Knfomstloo 8esulremeats. The appllcane should qua.Llcrtlvely l nwerace as choroughlp as ?osslble the species of shd~ffsh/mecrolmertebraces Fn-habiting tie tipsct aru end ad jaunt l nvFrorrPents .
For cmrclal specles~ LPportaat for8ge species, end chreeteued or endangered rpecles fnformatloo should be prwfded oa cbelr status i.n th arma (parrmane or crwteut) , seuonal tlmFng of presence (lf 8ppllc8ble) , end the Itie serges present FncludFng aaroplaakron. TJI addition, the eppllcant should ducrlbe the *ortame of the aru for the critical functlous of reproduction and urly developmenr. In cases tiara the dlr-charge vIK potentially impact a highly productive shelU~h/mecroluver~ebrese fauaa, the applicant should prwlde quaatitatlve estimates of the shellfish/mecro~ertebr8ce stsndlng crop. Such situ include l stuules
- shd.lov noufluctuating resemolrs, saimoold rtvert. snd open coastal situ Uch hme chrecteristics eimil~r co l *tu8rine rite8. Eomver, the applicant should recognize chrt the 1sveL of effort is hued ou the uu lmpected and that ramplInt of the benthic ccmpoaurt of the sheUf~h/mecrolmertebr8ce
fauna um.Ld be mlnfmal in the cam of a rice havLng sufficient depth th8t the plume does not reach the bottom. tiny d88p fluccruclng cesemolrs, as typtiFsd by some ti the F?A systm, hrve depeupersce benchic f8uM and VFLl require 8 almum smount of description bformaeloa to document those charrcteristlcr. 'Ln the cue of shallow aon-fluctustiag reservoirs cgtilsd by L&u ?krlon cad Xoulcrle Fn South Csr~lti, which hrre sa rbuadeat diverse benchlc fauna, the rppll-ant should cooduct det&lled studies.
Other psrsaecert vhlch should be evaluated Ln :he study ticlude:
A. St8ndfng crop. The standing crop of the vartous species should be l stticed Fn term of mnberr ad biomass per square wear for both the prima- sad f&r field study arus. %a biomass l stlm8te should be expressed u grass ash-free dry wighe per sqtmre meter.
B, Comunlt~ rt,ucture. The camnunlty structure should be evtitmcsd in cartes of:
- 1) the amber of species per sample.
21 the amber of tidlviduels for each species Fn l sch rsmple,
- 3) the total amber of species In the study
&ram, and, vheu sppropriste,
- 4) the age structure of the species in uch
Alxhoqh it MJ be impossible to collect aU species in the study stem, the rppllcmc should make a conscious effort co l gmant the qusat~trcive sample dat8 tith q~ltrtlve smliag sdequsce to obcrin s rusouably copplace list of taxa.
- c. Drift. If 8 tiverine site Is being -tied, the qpllcant must l stlm.ece the q-city sad cotsposl-Cl00 of the she~~h/mscrolavertebr8te blotr vhfch drift put md till be l ncr8ined lnco the therm1 plme. T!m sppllc8at shotid l seimsce the umber sad biomass of drift organlas per linear atar of river cross section. Staple repLlc8tioa sad collecriou frrqumcy should be sdeqruce to detsrmlne the precisloa of the data generated sad to conduct spproprirte st8tlstlca.l tests. In sddlcloa, the spplfceac should l nwerate those species which represeat five ?erceat
or aore of cha cotd amber or biomass of organisms comprirbg the drift. Where rppropriace, chm applicaoc my conduct Fn
-- ricu drift scudlm at an existing facFTltp to datermlna whather chm cn Lndigenous tuacrobxvertebrrces can sumive pumge chrougtx the plmm. These dau my br useful For projecting the offrcts of the plum l c thm proposed rim, 4, D8U Pr8smnt~tiou. The applicant should prwida 1 sclld subsute map which Focludas tha pv and far ffald study UUS, At Lust one aap should be pruvided vhich shows cha l ~cicipatedouter LLmics of thm thamul plme co the 2 C Lrothmr%, In addition, the appLicmc shotid propida maps shovlag thm Frothems u chay uIl.l uisc l loag the Soctcm for the coaditFons of mulmnm and ainhnn mblrat meet tanperrcurrs, In cha cue of l scamries, the 8pplicmt should provide maps show-kg the tmlatitmship of the predicmd plum to spaulling 8rUa, nurse- areaa, and aigrrciou routes for tie various LKe rugas of cmrcid species, thrumned or endangered species, forage species, and spaciu chat are othetire fmportant co tha functioning of tha syscmm, Th 8ppUcaac should thoroughly stzmmarlra the data
~iag s-q tables and graphics rod trporr the raw data in a separate bound appendix. The applicurc should thm prwide a aamtive wrluaciou and lncerpreucioa of cha data uhich apl&ns why, in cha judgment of chr l pplicatt, the imp8cts are mfficieotlp lncoasequeotial thrc the protectloo and prop~g~tioa of a balanced indigoaoue populatiou of shel.Uish, fish, and ti:dlife Fer and oa thr body of uatar till be assured."
3.3.5 Fish The fish section of a 316(&I dmoustraciw vfll be fudged mccu8ful U tha applicant GUI daomtrmm chat the sic* qtrrlifim as a lou poeeacid bpact l ru tot fish. For achar situ, the f bh sactiuo of a 316(a) dmonacratioa till be judged ruccasrful tf tha applfcmt caa prwe that fish cities til aof ruffmr apprmCfAbl8 harm from:
- 1. Direct or indFrect morrrlitp from cold rhocb;
- 2. Direct or indirect aortalitp frum ucesa hut; 3e Reduced reproductive succese or growth es a ruulc of plurt discharges;
- b. &c.lueion from unrccepcebl7 hrga uue; or S. Blockge of mlgr8rion. Lou Potentiel Imo8CC Arag.
A disctut&. my be determined to be Ln o lov potent+rl 3~8~:
aru for fishes -thin ch8 primary and far field study areas Lf the following couditioue are satfsf iod:
L. Iha occurrence of sport and comereial species of fish la marginal;
- 2. The dlactmrge sire Fe ooc a spewning or aurrery area; 3- The therm81 plume (bounded by the 2C trocherm) d.l.l not occupy e large portion of the zme of pess8ge which would block or hindat fish olgr8cioa under thm most coworpative l mironmaoc8l conditicm (based on 74&y, LO-par low flov or vator 1-d end teeximum uatsr caapenture) ;
- 4. The plum. coufigurrtion will not ceuee fish co become tiereble co cold shock or have an adverse ispect on threatened or l udaagared species.
3.3 .s .3 Scud) Requlrueotr for Arue Yet Clrssified as Lou Potential ImD8CC.
L* I4ethotiolorn and Presuencr . Appropriate seqling aechoda end gut VLll be ued to prorrida e buis for identFfpFng the Raprueat8cive Importaac Sp8cias (BIS) of fish and Chair rrspectfre LFfa sugu in vartow hableats and strua withb tha study 8ru. tichod of firh sampling such u cnvlfq, &iU nacti.n&, uinFn&, horizoatal and
+ertlc81 ichch~pl8nkton tmr8, etc., 8re 8ccepc8ble.
-or, mliag muhod till very from oaa cypa of ufer body co uwthar; therefore, 8 r8tioorle for the choice of g88.r mu8t be developed for uch rrrpliag progrn. Palear stringent requirrancs for specialized gut is apQU8OC. the l dupcion of standardized gur Fe ret-uded co pemlt coapuiaoua wlth other scudire. At
-3o-no tima during the study should aev gur or smnplFng aechodr be introduced trnlese It ten be demonrtraced thae the compuacive efficiencies of the old end aev gur end methods 8re similar. A chug@ Ln s8mplLng procedure8 ten oulp be iSplemenred titer written AQQtWd by the k&Lo& &h.blatr8tor/Director.
For fidd studlesr experImenta design should be ApprOQ~t8 to detezmia8 the gen@rti chr&Cte~StiCS of all life stages of fishes inh8biting the priMry and far field rcudy areas. The d&t& colLected should allou for 8 comp&r+ron of chm rel8tive FmpOrtlnC8 of ChU8 RID arus with respect to species COt8pOSiCiOU, amb8rS of uch type, grovch, and reproduction.
Sampler shall ba cakea ac roarhly titemals co ;rrovfde dAt8 Cepr@SeUtiU& S888oUe1 and life St&&@ h&bit& uC@pC during Iod immedhcely folloving periods of spavafng Vh@U 8 more Fnt@uiVe rumpling effort should b8 prwided.
fn northern latituder , the monthly Sampling requirment is subject to veather coudicions and It ~87 be necessary to prwidm the ducribed d&t& reqtiremmcs from the literature end relata such laformtion co expected dirckurgm arua ia 8 dafeadable r8cion8le. Also, r8ciandes could b8 droeloped from CmbtiACiOUS of field d8ta end Literacurm sources.
fc rhould be recopired chat dfscributiou of the vrrioua 1if8 sU&u of firh fs dependent upon aany factors ladudlag sueou. vat&r awamt, light tncearity, density gr8dients. and food sources. U aa ur~ple, during :hm rppropriate sumn, night sampling VIlL yield 8 more accurate l stimecioa of the ichchyoplankron population because of their aigration pattern during the dial cycle.
Ill moat C&88*, remple replicatiou and frequeocy must be d8tem.bed for bdividual sites and be b88ed on field studies co provide v8lld po~ul.8tloa l rrim8tos U&X$ l QQtOQtiAt@ StACiStiC81 tr@AmeUCe .
- 2. Infom8tioo Befzu~remeatr. Tha studies conducted should prwide the requlxed fafornution vhich vi11 be wed for purpoems ducribmd 8bW8. Some of the fish isforxeciou mey be required reparacely for 316(b) studies. The 8~~~ic8nt should meet vfth the Regional Admlulstrrcor to d8t@miUe vhlch of the folloving information requlrc
~uCA should b8 d#elopmd to s&Cisfy 316(A) r@qUftmtentS ac the site:
-310 Species Level: For the RIS, the follovf3g Fnfomcfoa my be required:
A. Reuroduction. A dircussiou on spauuing habits and fecuadfty Ch&r8Ct@risCiCS of the priacip8.L species.
B, Life se&em habitat uttlit8tioa. A dlrcurrioo ou habitat uci.lFted aLt the various life stages and su8ou.l timing of prisence in the habitrc tppes.
?Ugr8tlOU activity, Ff applicable to the d~~ignacrd sp8cies. should be addteased, C, Condition factors. Comp8r8cive condicioa Lnfom8c',on for the priocipti species occurrUg ti ehe ?r'kmrp and far field study arus.
0, Dise8se and ?8r8eitism. Occurrence of disetre and paruitim Fn the Lxxdigenous popul8ctone and species swceptibility tichfa the framework of expected the-1 regtmer should be discussed.
E, An8 and orowth. Trends ia age and grovth aorm8lly expected k the specier should be diScuSSed.
Ctnmunitv Level:
A. RIS and their eeneral &bund&nc@. Special end tupor8L dirtribuciou Fnfonution ou the BIS in tha primary md far field study arus vill prwlde La.foraation ou vhich specler will be aost vulnerzbh to intab and/or dircttrrge effects.
- 1. R8iAtiV8 abundance of v8riou8 sD@cies. This Lnfor-scion c8n be caktirtad frop the saplfzI& data.
The relative 8bund8ace of & species Ls the value daeenUaed by dividfng total ambar of Ali fishes collected lztto the oubmr of that species caugnt, ft ir often r&port&d 8s percent8ge of the toed catch.
hhtive abundmce c8n ffuctuece susoaelly and dfunmlly; howvet, Ft should cot be significantly different from year to year. Slgnificanc shifts in t@iAtiV@ l buadaate war 8 period of tine are FPdlcative of changu uithirr the fish comunfty.
- c. Prirrclpcl ASSOCiAtiOXl. By &QQropri&t@ d&t& a!u.lyses Ft is poeaible to Fdentify prFncipll ~raociatioas.
The princlpti 88Soci8tioo, arm the group@ of spec~rs which are repruenced in soples in 8 consistent manner. Pruence or 8beence of 8 species directly
or Fndirsctly dspendr on the prsssnce or absence of othsr spsclss fa chs rampls. Sfgnif icant fmpscc 00 ona lpscissr thsref ore, can tssuLc la churgs8 in pracipti a8soci~ctoa8.
D, Heu rsquiramant . The rpplicurt should prwids a8ps dsplctlns portioaa of ths rscelv~g vatsr body ussd b7 cha lnd~saous LIA c- ftiu for ruch l ccivFtiss u rpmmlng, musmy, frsding , mlgrstion, testing,
@CC, The 8pplicmt shotid discuss aad S&IOU on chs asp the ptoportiou of the cotti ares ussd Chat ?I1 ba laflusncsd by ths thsrnul dfsc.hxgs to the 2 C irothsrm.
3.3 .6 Othsr Vartsbracs UfldlCs Decision Crttsris.
Ihe ssctloa of ths dmonscracion dulirrg tich other valts-bratss vtll bs judged succsrrfti lf chs ~pplfcmt cm rhov ths sits FS ens of lou pocaocid Lnrpsct for ocher vsrcsbracsa. For othsr sitss, the ssctiou of the daoarurcion dasllag tith otbsr ulldllfs *will be judged succo8fu.L U chr applicant can daouatrau thae ocher viidll2r cmmunft~ caponsocr vill not suffer apprrcirbls ham or vill acttuLlp bmmfic firm the hutsd discharge. Thr term other osrtsbracs vtld-LKd Fncludsr wildlife which ars vertabracas (i.e., ducka, gssrs.
Mnsfsss, etc.) but not fir&, Lov Potsntlrl Imusct Ares8 for Other Vsrtsbrats Vfldllfs.
Pose situ ia the Uaicsd Stacsr vFL1 ba crraridsrsd ons~ of 10~ porsncLJ impact for ocher rartabrata vFldlUa sinply bscaum chs projsccsd chamcl plm8 til not *act hrgs or &qus populrcionr of w%ld.lKs. Lb. asin acspciow v%U be ricss ti cold arua (such u North Central United Stats81 which uould ba prsdictsd co actrace gsur sad ducks, and aacoursge tha to stay chrou@h the vtncsr. Thsss muld aoe br coasidsrad 1-r potsacLrl msct usas ualssa chmy could dmowtracs chat tha uUdllf@ wuLd ba protsccsd through a tildlifs mnumane plaa or ochar mathoda from the potsncial sources of ham mnciousd ln chr usa rsctiou.
Othsr acspcioarr to aims clurifisd u lov potsocld impact wuld be thora fau situ vharm ths dfrchargm alght affect Important (or ehrucumd and sudaagsrsd) vtldUfs such u ~n~tses.
For moat other aleas, brfaf rFtr fmpactiour uld lit~racurr rwieua muld supply enough Fniomscion to smbls chs l pplfcsac to vrits a brief rrciouds about &%y the rite cauld be consldsrsd one of low potsntid fmpsct for ocher vutsbr~css.
-339 J.3.6.3 Study Rsqul:rments for Ocher Are-.
The qplicant should uadsrtah whstsvar bvsrcigstion and plaxniq steps ara oscssssry co be able to wrFcs a ratloarls aplsinfng uh8c factors (or wlldlifs men8gaanc plans) dll 8nsu.r~
that ocher vUdlifs wUl not m&far approciabls m frum:
- 1. Excus hut or cold shock;
- 2. Incrused diruu and prrasitiar; 3- hducsd grwth or rsproductivr succsss;
- 6. Excltuiou from unique or krga babitrc arau; or
- 5. Incsrfsrmnce vich mfgruo~ psttsras.
Ia the ratfunds, the appllunc should dircnsr the rtitioo of the sftluaat co the hrblta and habitats of uzy thrucsnd or rnduqsrsd spaciu or orgsniaas of commsrcirl or rmcrutional lmportancs.
3A Bou CO Select the Yost Igproprircs Dsmoortracion Pppa The buic recmndsd steps for the applkanrr usa h choosiPg the most l pprupriacs dmnarreion cypa us sumsritsd tn section 3.2.2. the dsclriou main tmrr8t+va.
After completing tha izdtfrl scrsauag procduru and ma&q a pr8llaMry Usss~t of the mtmc of dditioaAL wrk medad f.n l ch block catsgo-, tha spplicmt salsctr the dmouscracion ms most appropriate for th* 8its. If cha sits ti ona of lou potsntirl fmp8cc for all block ufsgoriu, chs spplicat may chooar chs rmlarivmlp scrualinsd Lou potentid impact Type 111 d- truiou oucUnod ln section 3.6. Xf uot. the applicant should propose study pluu bud ua the Type 11 gUdaace Ln sectlou 3.3 or chs Typm IIL gaducs ln ssctioo 3.7.
It ia recarrodd chat the Typa ff dmnstr8cloo ba umd u a
&de for tha awuat of dsrril raqulred in wse 316 (a) dmnatracious.
The actual amat of da& rsqulrod for an ladlvldual locatlou till vary fra rite to sltm, bat raction 3.5 aheuld as-a u a us&d starting potit for discuariaaa batnm the applicme and Bagloud Administrator/
Director on whet r-7 plana srm wet appropriate for a particular sirs.
Applicants uot rtQib1a for a low potsntlal impact Type XII dmMtr8tion aad not duiring co do a Type II d- trstioo may slsct to do aa Jtsraats (Type III) dammmtr~tlon.
ff th8 sit8 is 008 Of LOU pOt@~Cid bp8Ct for msc biotic CAC~OFhS but not til. r~udlss less dsca.Usd than chose recmndsd Fzx section 3.S au7 be Ipproprfrts. For mpls, Ff the sits L 008 of lov pocsntirt Fnpact for til blotfc categories acopc shsLLflrh, the RSgioarl Uminlstracor/Dlrucor might conclude tbt frv addfcioarl flsLd scudlsr (acspc for rhslUlrh1 wuld ba rsquirad aad that t&e ouly 81s that should bo stlsccsd rhould br shs.lUish. This dmMtr8cloo vould be lssr dstr+lsd than ocher TypS II dmMtration8 and could be refund co 88 S m. III dmMtr8CloU.
3-s Type 11 hmOMCtStioM (~ptuentativs Imporunt Spsciss)
The me EI dmnscrtciuu should bS dulgmd Fn such a manner to fully dsvslop :hS thrsr ksy bIologicaL components : complstiou of the Biotic Catwory Rationalu (baw duting ssrly scrssdng procedures),
dsvslopolmc of EIS racfoudss , and s~chssIJ of a.U fPCormtion lnco a maasr r8cionds. This sactioo prwidss a dlscuasion of the rsc-ndsd crmponsocr Of ChS dmMCrAtiOn, a proposed format. and a discusslou of why the d8u rsquirsuutr us ascrss~ for mking 316(a) dmcisioM-3.3.1 Dwalopmmt of Bfoclc Category During urly scruafq procedures of litsrsturs sumsp and ?fLoc fitid fnvascfgstions the applfurrc tiL dsvslop S- of the fnformatioo oaodsd to devalog chr Biotic &csgo~ %cio~ss. Lf the dscirloa 1s made to do 8 Type 11 dmMtr8CiOU foL.bvirq thsss urly screening procsdurss, the qpUcmt should rwieu r~ctio~ 3.3 and 3.8.1. chls seetiua. sod chr d8tA svlflrhls, to dscsrmins V&SC addlclonsl flald studlu, If rg, VLLl ba aecumry co complete the Biotic ticsgory R8tioa8Lu. In son cues, ralatlv~l~ Uttls additional wrk vF11 bs ClSCUSAr7 0 IO cuu where dditlund vork la rsquirsd, the Sppliaac should corplst8 the seudiu sa ru(gssted i.a section 3.3 and then vrits tha srorv biotic Catyory Racioorlsr.
Each Uotic Cation ~tiouals should pruvids a complete dir-cussfoa u to why, fa tb fudmt of th@ applicuit, cha inrpACt8 us suffici88tLy lnmnaaquantbL thrc chs protsctioo aud propsgsclon of tha bud fndQawta8 populatlou of she.lJfish. f lsh, end ulldl.if a In sad 00 the body of wear uUL ba uoursd. La cha ratlouder the appliesat should sddr~8 uch decisiun criteria for the biotic c8cSgory in quUtioa. ma discusrion should lacluds sa ~duatloo of the i3pACCS of the dischqu into thr rscaH-lng wear body.
IIW COUC~US~~M drmtn shodd bS supportsd with ~1 uulysls of the &ta collsccsd durFng the 316(S) studlu and/or by the ~clusiou of supportivs reports, documsots and cicaclo~ co the scisntFflc litsrr-curs* Ths conclwlo~ should rsprssant 8 logical atension of the infornutlou avsibbls Sad be sclsntiflcrll~ dsfrnd&ls, Uhsrs citations 8tS USSd th8C US Wt rrrd(ry NSihbZlhlS ti SCiSntifiC jOti (i.Ar, LateriP rsportsr vubus types of ymncy documnu, anaal reports, thuos, etc.), the documsncs thsuslvu should be provided.
Lf thS ~sct of chS dischugo is projsctsd ruFng S mathematical nodal, the Sppllcrot should prtids 8 ccmplses documsntScion of ths sods.L Chat is used. The docummtStloa should lncluds S dircussloo of the osrtcs aad disadvantages of the model. T%s applicaac shotid tiso provlds rwaltlvity m~Lysss of the wdsl md S vsrific8cloo study. In additlou. the statistical rUabUity of the model's grediccloua should be Fncludsd along vith l ~usciflc8tioa of the osthodr u~sd ln the suciscic8L svrLu8tfou.
3.5.2 Dsvslupmsuc of Rspressncativr Kmportant Spsclsa ILtloarls Th8 RIS Rationale should s~rirs why the ~asa~Lcs of the Laboratory Ad ~CSrStUrS Studio sp@CU?i~d la s~cclou suggs8t that chs RIS WILL not suffer Spprsci8bls harm as a rssuLt of the heated dischug*.
mr osumptioM in the coucspt of IUS arm:
L. fc is not possibls to study In grsac dstrLL svsry spsciss U 8 Sit@; there lo wt snough cim, soamy or apsrtise.
- 2. Since rll spsclu mot be scudled ln dsclF1, soms asllsr number til h8-m co br chossn.
- 3. The spociu of coucsm era those c-7 rslatsd to p0-mr plant impacts.
4, Some spufu rcL1 bS scuuomic8U~ importurt Fn their ouu wt. @-0-v corwrcid and sports fishu or mrisurcr spuiu, end thtaa lnportaut.
- 5. sm8 spuiu, tamad rsprsasntativa 0 vlll be psrticu-larly vulnsrabls or ss~iciv~ co pouu pllrrt inpaces or have ssaaltiviciu of wet other spscfss aad, If protsctsd, will ruaonably usurm proesctlon of oehsr rprciu at the rfta.
- 6. Uldtrsnglng species at the utrams of their ranges *atid generally not be considered acceptrble a8 p~rticulorlp vulnerable or seti tlve" representative species but they could be considered a8 important.
- 7. Often, 811 orgurllu that might be coosldered important 0t repre8entatlve cannot be studied Fn detall. and a mallet list (e.g., grucar than 1 but less than U) auy have to be selected as the "rapresentstlve and important')
- 8. Of teu, but aoc almp, the most useful list wuld ticlurie mostly ,ensiclve fish, shellfish, or ocher rpecler of direct use to sun or for structure or functioning of :ke l co8ystam .
- 9. Officially LFsted "thrutrned or endangered species are aucomacic8Uy importanr . Selectlou of the Reorrseacacive Imortant Soecies and Pu Field Studr Arm.
As previously discussed fn the declriou main (rectioo 3.2.2. Scap ll) , rppllcsnts first ame vlth the RegionsA *is-tracor/Dlreccor co discuss rolectfoa of the RIS and define the far field study area, The ambar of BIS relrcted for a particular rice may be high (S-U) ti the plsns for biotic category field studies are not maprehensive, or low (2-S) lf plaus for addltiotul field studfes are utewive.
Sum of cho crfteria for selection of RIS are found Fn the defFnition of the term (see sectLou 6.0, Definitions and Coacepes) . Keeping ia aiad these crlceria and the urtmpclons given above, the Rag1otu.l Administracor/Dlractor solacts RIS from any ccmblweiou of th FoUowinq block catrgorlrs: fish, shellfish, or habitat fomorr.
- 1. Soacles Selectiou Uhrrr Informatloa 1s Adequate.
Uhero laformaclou pertinent co specie8 selection la adequater the Rqiorul Adminl8er8tor/Dlrector should promptly sdact BXS. The appllcurt msy suggest species for hi8 couslderaclou md zuy, as l put of its daomcratlun, cMlenge any selection.
Other cowldaraeluw ue a8 follovr:
A. houlicsble State Uatrr Quality Stmdsrds. If the Statss approved aster qrulitp standards deslgmce particular species as requirfng protection, chase species should be designaced, but alone zay ooc be sufflcleur for purposes of a Type If dmouscra-tiou,
- 8. Conrultstiou vith Director and tith Secratarlu of Comuce and Inrerlor. In the cases of species re.Lectlou by the Eeglousl Admlalstrator, he msf seek the advice and rectxmnendaclon of the Dlreccor as to which species should be selected. The Rsg1ous.L Admiulstrscor must consider any timely advice aud rec~endatlons supplied by the Director and should include such recummeadaclons unless he bcllaves chat ~ubstaatial reasons uirc for departure.
The Secrrcrry of C-rce (Xac1ona.l Marine Flsherier Serrrlcr) and the Smxecsry of the Interior (Fish and Ulldfife Samice), or chair deslgaoes, and ochu rppropr%am petrous (e.g., university blologiacs vith relevant axpartisa), shotid Also be consulted and their ciprtly ret-ndatious should be consIdered. The Director should also consult with the ageucy uerclsiag adminfstrarioa of the Udllfe resources of the State (see secrion 3.2.2, Declsiou Train, Step LZ).
C. Theatoned or Eodanaered Species. Species selectiou should speciffully corulder any present :hreurned or andaqered species, at whatever biotic category or crophic lmel, ucept chrt no tifomacioa should be requasted c!mt trould require field sampling prohibited by the Eudaugered Species Act, 16 U.S.C.
U31 et seq. (see section 3.2.2, Declslou Traiu.
step U).
D, Therull~ Seusitive Soecles. The most chersllly suuftiva spuiu (and species group) in chr local uu should bo ldeatiflrd and their lmporranca should bo gireu special cousidorstloo, since such spmclu (or species groups) tight ba mosf rudlly eliminated from the c -fey Ff effluent ltiita-tlous &Llouad ulstu uafer capersturrr co be altered. Cousideratloa of the aost sensitive spaciu vill base involvo s total aquatic comruxlty olevpolnt .
bducmd tolersnce co l l8vsced tomparature zmy also be pr8dlcted. for umpl8 tn species vtrlch experience osturrl population rrduccloa durlztg the smmer. Species trrp4ing the grrsc8sc oorthen rsuge aad lust routhmrd discributlou may also possess reduced therm81 tolerance.
E. Ccnmercially or Recresclonslly Vllusble Species.
Selection of c-rcirlly or recrest:ondly valuable species should be b&sad on a coaelders-thou of the benefits of assuring their protection.
P. Far-Field and Indirect Effects. Conslderaticru should include the entire uatar body segpenc. For u=Ple. au upscream cold uacer source should 3oc be vertned co an extent t!ut vouLd adversely affect dowustmsm bfou, Th8 impscr of additive or syuerglstlc affects of hut combined with ocher ulsting therm1 or other pollutants Fn :he r8celo*tn~ waters rhouid also be cousldered.
C. Species ?lecrsssrv (a.~., in cSe Food Chain or Habitat Forsets) for the Uell-3eFns of Species DetemFn8d Above. Ln addicloo co the sbuvr coaelderatlons, lc Fs rugguted thet thm ReglooJ A&infrtrsror/D~rector ask himU the following qurstloos before selecting the RX:
- 1) Is tha potautial probla with chls species credible (documeaced, l probla elsewhere, a good prediction)?
- 2) La tha problr Likely co be rigulflcanc?
- 3) Uhlch species occur at th8 locatlou?
- 4) Which species la Llhly to be closely Fmolvd vlch cha source or d-68?
- 5) Does the probla species rank as fsportaac*?
- 6) Doe8 the Use of probla species fail Fn the ranga S-U or 2-5 (sea cut abuva) ?
- 7) tie the Fdeaclfled problem species "repre-santatlve"?
- 8) Should other species not clearly a problem be facluded a8 represencstlve or importrot?
- 2. Species Selection Where Informetion ia fnadequace.
Uher+ the svsilrble luformetloa Fs aoc sdequste to amble the bglotml MmlnlstrstorlDlrector co select spproprlste RIS, he mey request the appllcsat attaptlng co ads a Typa IX demonstrscFoa co coaduct such studies and furbish such evidence as my be necesssry co enable such selectiou. Uhere species selection is hued oa lnfo~clou supplied by the applfcmc, the appropr~ateaess of the species as represencstive and fmportant 1s au aspect of tae applicant's burden of proof. LaborstorP and Llterscurr Studies.
Tkta labomcoq and ~lcerscur~ studies to be dooe for l ech EfS should be restricted to chose vhlch arm necessary to fllL out smmery Tables A aod 0 and to develop (oa the basis of cha data smnarter Ln thou tables) the RIS &cloPrle. Not all of the date Listed fn Tsbles A and B MJ ba appropriate for a particular site or cua. If the spplicent feds chat some are fnrppropriate and should be delecrd, it should be dticwsed ufch thr Reqioaal hdminircrstorl Director at the seme cise other dlscussloas about the RfS are taking place.
Assu~~tlons for Tables A and B L, The cebles are marely l lds to orgsnitlag btologicrl data be.Liroed co be useful and fmporuuc for aaking declaims regardfug the-1 discharge l f facts.
- 2. The epeciss teble should be wrkrble for any important or representerie species selectti, whether it is
- elected u a species for protection or avoldence (e-g-, mia8nce species) .
- 3. Ul therms1 chuscteristics do not apply in e rlmihr coutuc to all tsxoucmic groups (tsxa).
requiring soae spacirl deflnicions or oaisrlon of a cherscteristic for a psrticulrr cuou.
- 4. There til be noachemaal Fnflueocrs ( l .g . , chemicals, SCOuh4 , often occurrhg slmultaneouely tich charm&l influences, thee are aoe fscluded ln chir cable but which shouLd be coosldered ln their own
- s. There uy uot br diff l rences beMen adults and juYulFlu of dl taxa, or char8 may be more than m distinct se~lcl~ity categories. DFscinctly differeut life rcege requirements should br listed.
- 6. Dets can be collected by the appllc~t for chore theme1 chuscterlstlcs of the 31s thee heve zot yet been daterained but for which standardized sechods are rudely available.
- 7. For certain peraecers zhrt are srlU Fn the resurc!a or developoeut stage. as opposed co sceududfred test* (e.g., gsmecogenesls requirements or ?redscloa ou charmally stressed aeroplsaktoo) , all roeilahle ptillehed dsu wuld be uaaful but it wuLd sot be necesuq to develop new drca for this category.
- 8. If more than one ut of data- are aveUable for any cstegofJ, the several sets should bo preseoted (and referenced) aud the rstionale prueuted co aid Fn srlectlq oue set for declslon-meking se the site fa questiOn.
- 9. Dates far guetogeuesls urd spatming fmply appro-priae suso~l t3mes which till vary from aru co uu and yur to year avan vlthouc the Fnflueuce of the pmmr plant, Tha fsporcant point is *ether thue woacs wuld be susonrlry precluded.
- 10. In fishu, opclaam tryeretures for gromh cud sgu perfomance f8ctors (e.g., maximum s-g spmd, grueut aetebolic scope, final taperscure praferendtn, etc.) hrre been shovu to ba coticldent for aaough fishu UC chtr colacideuce is acceptable u rgmerrli~tloIa. Exceptloue cotid be hportsnt.
h-es, and should be ideatifled .
SCIENTIFIC NAMR --- _-- .-- fX+MMJ NAME THERMAL TEWEMTURd souRcu MFAN AND MAXIMUM HPAN AND HAXItlUM IS tWl!CT, I? AHlt, EXPRCTRD RFFIXTS LIMIT OR REFERENCE (i F ARPA UNAVAILABL TIME UMAVAILABLC TO AFFECT THE POPUlATlON OF PARAMETER RA?KiR (C) APPROPRIATE) FOR FwNmm (R f I* FOR PU?tCTfON (DATS), mu RlS? (TES OR NO) 0 That area or tin under arctaRe and uotst caee conditiona thnt wilt not permit the specific bFoloRica1 Cmction to occur satisfactorily.
- 1. High Tempuature SurrrFvll AquAtic Adult X$0, 24 bours JmealLe (Imature) TL50, 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />
- 2. Thermal Shock Tolrrancr thersrl gradient including (Hut and Cold) wrst cua r Aqwtic MtLLt single shock to *mate plant shutdown Juvanile (mare) doubh shock (up and do&
Euly Dav~lopmeataL Sc8gu in trmmrsing plum (Foci. l88roplaakton) 3
- 3. Omimua Tmmeratura for Puformanca and Crouch Yen-breeding Adult langth, veight &auger; productlvfty; DNA/WA ILatlo2 Juvenih ~ength,ueight changes; DNA/RNA Rat102
- 4. Xaxima femver8tuf8 long-tom tsqurtur~
Resims Allovins Early uporure throu#mutd8velopnnt Development Corplrtion to jtnmnih3
- 5. Normalsp8mins Dau mmths; r8nge for rpunlng and Temaanru
- 6. Spurn TsmPu8turr 1 88qufremantr for R~oroduction 1 As 8vti8bh in the llrer8turr only.
2 hdic8tad by find prafarmdtrP for fish.
3 Only for specior rudely reared or held in the laboratory.
N8n8tlve for Table B - Thermal Eff l cta Paramtrrs AmUcablo to Thunal affactr stdiu applicabh to ujot taxa or broad bfotlc c8tqortrr UI -ad in Table 1. AQpllcabla thanal rlfutr d8t8 should ba obtainad for uch BIS adacted. mrks 00 study ULd uotu of 8pplfuti~ of the ruults to orlu 316(a) aad (b) dacirloum arm badicued hue.
Uthod: Dat8rPina a 48-b. - tit-t8 lacipF8at hthl tmper8turr) for juva &(8+ es andl aon-bramii~ adults. ACWfiOU tarpar8tur8 shotid 8ppturi.mta thm hi#hut tmr8tU8 at which the fish can ba bald. bpO8a lnimrl t0 dW8trd tvr8tUZ8S h 8S 8CUte (inst8at8naou8) mmaar.
&U1iC8tiOU Of ihStitS: Zh8= v8h.a can ba rued for utimatioo Of tha Umr !Wl348t$ll UC f%? th8 ~fdiiSt0~ St888 f!i qU8tiO.U (24-b. dXZU82C). m8R. valua alro can ba wad to l tat8 t UPPU tqr8tU8 la t for 8Ppr8Chbh grouth (21-ttr.-TZ50 sinw optistm gruuth tima).
- 2. Th8& Shock tOl8tae of sti8ct8d Ufrhirto~ Stq8S:
- 8) For jUV*tiU md 8dult8, Sipnrl8t8 tiat8r phnt shutdouu str888 of plcm Utt8inad fiahu and mtil8 m8cfo-cmxst8cu.
Method : -8a Oa- to 8CUt8 trprr8tUTa drupr aqti Co the r8nga of up8ctd dirch8rfa t's, u8ing - wlnt8r pluma tqr8tllta 88 th8 8CtitutiOU tWpU8tlXa. hdiC8ta tmt8tUa CUt rqimas which produce equilibrium lorr of SOf of cha sample uichin 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> 8ad oprt8uty aft8r 24 hOlU8.
Idantifiad vlntu plum VS. 8mbi8nt tmpar8fura coaditiou8 uhich could rut& in thati shack l.n tha -ant of phnt rhutdm, 8d aa auuiq high 108s of oqaaUma dm to mrkedly Lacrauad rwcrptibUty to prodatfoo.
b) For mOrOp&iktOO. aImslat frprr8tura shock upon trn8rrbq 8thdphN.
pLue rrrldeat tines md tlapuuuru, Accttioa tuparuura should lw a8CurLt SU8OQ.d obi8ot coaditton8. Maximm test trpuature should range up to the TLjO level for l dulte.
Indicate tinwCUpU8tura r8gin* luding to duch of 50X of the supl8.
Apulic8tion of Results: hthd tiPttQPU8tUW Stf8S8 r@gina pint&8 2°C CU b8 uSrd to 88th8te taprr8ture LiPits of OOtmd prey troldeeco bduvior. fnCrU8.d cmpu8ture rudcs Fn high8r pred8tiUU prermrr.
- 3. Estimcion of optimum tmparaturm for growth:
A> Fish and macroimrttobr8t8r - d8tarmlnm rate of growth (18ngth or uelghc fnCrU8a) Wtl8r! mafnC8inad at a rarl8S of l hv8ted tmU8turU and 8t Othnria8 n@8r-optimm l miroummtal condftiour, with food provided s libitum.
b) PFsh - d8tWI8iMtiOTU of final behavioral temperrcurr pr8f8rutdtm vill closely corr8spond to tha tmpeaturr which is optirrl for ramy phyrlologlcal procueee, Fnclud iag grovth .
cl Hecrophyter - d8C8rPFne teEper8turm produclag maxiem aat photosyuthe8is for 8t hut 8 24401~ puiod, u8bg 8e 8pptOjDtit8 photoperiod.
&3D1iC8tiOU Of R88d.U: Optimum tmp8r8cura for grovch tea b8 cambFnad with ultim8t8 incipfenc 18thd tmaper8tur8 limft for 8Ccrpt8bl8 grouth (Ice #1 8bme).
- 4. kfinimn optimum md mxlmm taperatures lllowlng coephtfm of urly developlent. f4OC8: Studlu co be conducted only for EXS uhfch 8ta ap8ble of bebg rudLLf tUt8d in the hbOr8COq.
Method: tbinUin fartiliud ama undu 8 Urf8a of l hV8t8d crp8r8tura r8giPU to detrralne ainima, opt- mid aexlmm condltiona permitthq 8rutrr chea 80X rumiv~ to coep18tion of dwaloplmnt Of jUVmF18 (i.8., POrt-hrPti metrrorphorir; i.n fiSh, to tha point of SUCCU8fd ~ftiatiOU of feeding). t'bt8 thee dfornrlly cyclic tmper8turr rrgiau tith 8 S°C total range U8 be 1K)re 8deptive for mhrnc8d thermal tol8r8ac~ thmx i8 8 COU8f88t. OvliC CqU8tlX8 U/tie.
- 5. No& sp8wning d8t8s and temper8tures:
mehod: Cite rug@ of d8t8e (by muth) 8ed thr88hold ump8uturer reported to hlti8U urd lahibit gmerogenui~ and rparaing, AI r8ported Fn the ~it8r8cure for uU8 clo8tiy r8hUd to the u8cu body rogmnt ia guestion.
Aoollc8tiue of brultr: To provide b8ckground infom8tion to ev8h8te 8e88oUll~ the reluiv8 lmp8ct of th8reel dir&erg8 OP cintng of rrproduetiv8 8ctiviti88.
- 6. Sp8cirl temper8ture rrquirmeot for t8prOduCtfOn:
Yethod: Lafonutioa should be ptoVld8d 8e ev8F18bl8 in previouelp publfshed StUdi8S. h-188 of rehvaat lIspe~ia.l r8quiree8ats" include:
- 8) Snimm of 10°C etut be experienced before gmecogene8ti can be iaitirted ln tw bore8.L b8raacles; 8nd b) Yint8r cU1 requirrd for rucceerful developsme LB yeLlov perch,
3.5.3 En@ne8riag and Eydrologlcal Data for Typr IL Demustratiau Ttt~ r~ctfon ducribu tha engf~~tiag and hTdrolo@c Foformation which should aorprrs1y be Fnclud~d ln 316(r) daoortrstlotm- It ~I.80 rugguts formatr for pruutatlou of such fnformatiuu. Th8 RBf1mu.L A&lnlstr~tor/Df.r~etor nay raquut additional lnfomtiou or acuu the rppllcam from pr8puatio-u of portiona of this lafom~cloa u th8 rlcuacicm ull8nta. The erqlaeuing aud hydrologic fafor~tion to ba submitted rhould combat of til iaformrtiorr rruoarblf aecu88~ for th8 &pmfs.
Vh8t8 FnfO~tioP LiStd ia thir ChbJ¶t8r fb ru3t rd8VbUt CO th8 ?ArtiCtiX C188, Ft should be ucwed-The 8xqln8era and hydrologic inforautl~u and data suppli8d ln support of I 316(r) deaoartrrtfan rhou.Ld br l xt~~~roied by bd8qUbC8 d88CtiptiV8 Mt(rlL1. CmC8tPFna it8 Sourc8. Datr fraS SCi8ntiiiC utbtr-tUf8, fi8ld work. laboratory (LICP8tlMUt8, 8tiyticti wd8w, tafrarad suvreys md hydrmalfc modelint will ti be acc8pt8bl8, brrumia~ rd8qUAt8 SCiWtifiC fUUtiic8tiOU for their U88 ti pr8e8nted.
fn bdditiaa ca th8 rudtr obtU8d fro8 atiyticrl hydraulic wd8ls th8 applierat should pr8sent. und8r S8p8t8t8 cov8t. th8 wd8l vbich us wed. Th8 mod81 should contain 8 rationah eqhhiq why this puticaL8r model -8 used mul uplrnrtioar of rll ~~~dlficrtiopr to th8 orlglul uork-3.5.34 Plrnt Ooerating D8t&-
- 1. ~O~Zi@ Ut8f fhV. kmp18t8 Tab18 c (indicrt8 milts) and provide l ducriptive flow diagram.
- 2. subtit 1 time-cmperatur8 profil8 gap& fndic8tizq tmp8t8ture an the vertical uad horizontal scrl8. 3br gr8ph rhould Fndicat8 status Of u8t8r tmperaturr from amblat couditions through the woUq 8)8tm, and flatly t&8 discbar8r plum Out to th8 1oC laoth8rm.
br8t C-8, 8uticipU.d AVet- ConditfooI, md fd8ti (8*&-r ainlmrr tlme/tupu*ture lmpwt) couditlaa8 should be lllwtrated (prefrrably on ch8 same graph) comi.steat tith reprueatative pluma illurtrrted.
- 3. Th8 8muat of chlorine uud daily, warhly and annually, the freqmncy and duratlou of chlorination aad th8 m COtd ehlOtin8 r8midUd At th8 point Of di8ChAtp8 obtained durizq my clorinatioo ~7~18. The &Latin8 d-d of the receioin# uat8f body. For exirtiq plants, l time-concantration graph of total chlorine r8sidual 8t the point of df8chug8 durw a chlortitloa W8Ut.
- 4. A llrt of &uy oth8r cb8mlcal8, additives or Oth8r di8ChUg88 (with SchUUic diasr8U) vhich dischug late th8 coo&q uter ryata iacludiry g8a8ric am8, mat (inchdiq fr8qumcy bad duration of bppliC&tiOn 8nd th8 m,mimua coac8atraciua obtriad prior to dFlutioa), chamic~ C04BOSitiO~ Sad th8 r-0 for df8Chu~8.
A Wp Of oi8tw dfSW~V8d mt8n 18V8h i.IlChdiXl~
-rtiCd PrOfihS ia tb8 phE8 uid diSChArt 'dCinirf la 0.5 q/l iacrem8au far both av8r808 ad Writ case eoaditioas* Uh8r8 StrUifiCbtiOU Ot th8 pt8SSllCb of Biochdcd, 0X788Zb 0-d (800) diSChU~88 till pODSib 188d CO d8pr888iOU Of OmSn hV8b U 1 r881dt of th8 th8& dirdlu~e, the ateat Of tie df8Ct should b8 utimbted.
- 6. A IMP Of ath8r Corpt&nULtS within th8 plum CbW8d by otbrr disch8r~88 aad aacura sourcu far both
-8tSa8 aud worst cue coadftiowc Hydrolonic Iofomatlon le now: Provide iaformatlan crlld for balov a8 applicable to the locatiua of the intake md di8c!18rg8.
A. BiV8rS : fl-atbly m&a8 mid mlJalma (rolllag m8a. ?-i&y, 1078&r 10~ fhvm) far uch wath.
- 1. Estaaarlu: fr88b Ut8t input, tidd flW VO1W8, net tidal flux -thly mua sad &sum8 for UCh--C:rC~btiUU patt8nU frm rpPiCd Cidd cyclu.
- c. ba~~oir8 : flow through time, r8haa8 schedul8r-Wllthl~armlULd=t.UUb.
D. ocuu : tidrl h8i.#kta aad iuformtloa on fluhiag CbUUt8ri8tiCS.
- 2. Curr8ntr : Rorfd8 the lr&arm8tioa crlld for below, a8 4Jp11Cd18 to the l it8:
A. BiV8rS:, midmm, and wan current speed giolag WY, wathly or 88UOUti flucttMtloor mid vui8tlaw acrou crorr-sectioor u appropriate to d88Crib8 hydro-dyn8micr Of th0 ptiS8r7 Studf bf88. Include rpmdr l t man mnu8l flow ta 747, 107ru low flow.
B. h tUti : tidal end m88oaal ch8agu Fn curr8at spe8d md directian. PJ8rtlcal profiler of current a8 o8edrd Uh8r8 d8USiCy Currents OCCUt.)
C. Large laker and oceans: offs&or8 prmbiling currents.
our IhO? CUrt8Ut8/8ddi88; lOCti tidal md S888Od ChurgU la curr8at Sp88d md dlr8CtiOn.
- 3. Tabti8CS or ~urtrste monthly urd seuti grrdl8ncr for both th8nu.l and 88llalt7 Foducrd str~clffcatluu At rOptUeUCbtiV@ locatf~ns ti th8 attidy eru (co~sFSC~UC with the comp~alty of ch8 study aru eoad~tfans) . If lntaka and diSChrg8 coadftiopr ar8 Fdeaticrl then so stat8 urd provide only on8 t~b~atloa or Flh8tr8tlon.
- 6. TbbtiAt8 Or tiklStrat8 mbF8nt CapUbtur8 Of Ch8 r@CSiVblg u8tu8, glvLn# monthly m8ns md moathly Utrem8s for Ch8 pt8C8ding u y88t8 U d&t& mbtibbtiity p8titS. If C-&r&b18 81t8 Uf8rS bt8 u88d, indfat8 th8 b&818 and lirritr Of C~brbblity. fa l ddltiuu, for blologierllp CritiCAl p8riOd8, Uddy mUU8 and UtrUU, frrqU8nCy discributloae and dally verletlon should be provld8d.
Tq8tUut8 d&t& upon which the88 v81u88 8r8 b888d should, if pOSSlb~8, be obwla8d bt LUSt 0~x8 hourly.
- 5. Indicate iUtbk8 urd r8CSiViU# Ut8fS d8pth COUtOutS bt 1 98tlt Fntrrvab and any ch8agu vhlch MJ occur du8 co radlm8at mmaents, COUStNCtioU, l tC. Indiuts bottam t9p8.
Prmid8 Oth8r significant futures (8.f., chrnaal bar) rnd Cher8Ct8riStiCS ne8d8d to 8v8h8te the hydrodysAalcs of the primary and far field study l ru. Infom8tion 00 water body 8128, surface area, ~01~~8, mua d8pth md maxFan d8pth. tf8t8OrOlO~iCd hta ff eaergy budg8t cooputatlon8 are included 88 part of th8 316(a) d~~tUtratluu, proPld8 the fO~OWin~ dally #8r888 m8t8orw logicd d&t8 for the phat l lt8, giving both aoathlp 8uae And SUSUUd Utf-08. Indicate ~!1lt8:
- 1. Wet bulb air troperatura.
- 2. Dq bulb Air taper8tuIe (v8rlfF8d to Sit8 coadltloa8).
- 3. Wind rpeod md dirrctioa.
- 1. Long ~8 (emoeph8ric) r8dl8tlOa (UT be CsktibCed) .
- 5. Short ~8 (Solar) radiation (mey b8 cllcuL&ted).
- 6. Cloud Cw8r.
- 7. &8pott8lUpitbtiOU (-7 be &C~&tbd).
3.5.3.a Outfa coafi~r8tiw end OU8tbtfOe.
Pravlde the foUowlag ldorautioa cm outfall. cuaflgur~tlaa end opu~tim, fadluting uaitr:
- 1. Length of dfrcbrge pip8 or cm81
- 2. Area aad dlp8USiOnS of dischug port(S)
- 3. Number of disch8rg8 port(s)
- 4. Sp8Ciag (on C8tkt8rS) of discharge portr
- 5. Depth (mua 8nd axeraPes) 6, bngl8 Of d-charge u 8 fUUCtLOU Of:
C. curreat dlrectiom P1=8 D&CA It8WitmMtS.
Zhe eppllC8at u futni8h 8sttiC88 bu8d upon model pr8dlctlOae and/or flmld d&t& at abating planer of th8 follovFng plume data:
L. UttiiZiUg the lord iafarm8tloa 19 Table C, vind to88 dau md cidll/currus date, 8 ~1-8 ro88 or LOCW of p1ma8 8tAd.l b8 prmld8d fOt 88Cb CA&lad&r aoath.
Zh8 plme8 rkll b8 bounded by the 2 C ebov8 obleat isotherm. ml8 S&u be don8 for both Surf&c8 iSOth8m rod bottom iroth8rBe uhea contact tich burthlc au8 18 ti8.
- 2. bpr88eXItetiV8 p1Ue8 Of the mUintlr size end OOlt fr8qu8atly occurring plwu l h8ll be deullrd shoving
~8t8atUleOuS i8oth8rm8 At th8 2c hlt8r9tiS CO within l°C of emblent for coadltlm8 of varlrtloar fn tid8, uind 8nd curroat.
A. BiVU8: PlUe8 fat N8tbg8 d T-day, LO-ye&r hv flow should b8 prwld8d.
B. Lake8 bad Re8errrolr8: ?hm88 for smmer coadlt:on8, virrt8r coaditioar aad lttrt 8ptig cad f&U w8ftura~ rhould rlro b8 prwided. For flood control ruervoirs, ~1-88 for vatlow ut8r lem& 8hoPld b8 prwld8d.
- 3. For i8och8rrr plots required in utmbu 2 ebwe, V8triC81 t~8rbtUr8 ptOfti88 dOUg th8 pkl88 CWltSrline utaading to th8 bottom of :h8 VeClr body et zc iUt8md.8 CO ViChiU Lot Of smbi8nC. EaSFn88riDE bad Rvdrolosical D&t&.
The FnfOrPutiOU t8rJUir.d iU tbi8 88CtiOU, fOt ch8 mO8t p&n, COU8iStS Of pUm8t8rS vhlch 8f8 MC8888~ blpUt CO l blytiCbl or phfricel pr8dictlve h~r&UllC or energy budg8t models. xor8
~fOt3bbCfOa my b8 prwid8d by th8 l ppllC&nt for hi8 pbrtlculu danOa8tr8tiuu, but Chi8 -18 repr888otr the d8gt88 Of d8tti tiich vtu be a8C8888~ in mO8t CUU.
The fo~ouing COrT8SpOUdS directly tith the r8sp8ctive pu8grapbS in S8CtiOU 3.6:
- 1. Phlt oV8r8ti.UE D&t&. Table C - Th8 d8tb t8quir8d in T&b18 C 8f8 llW8888r7 b8CbU8 th8y 8r8 required for pt8diCtiV8 fIIod8hlg. Th888 nm8riCd d&t8 -0 tioV tb8 revieur co ob88m8 uaC8r ~868, Tl8cTemeraturr Profile - m8 pt8dict8d tia848mp8rbture ptOfti8 should be lacluded beCbu88 Ft FllWttbt88 Uhbt 8 typiCd mXkmOtil8 pArtiC muld b8 subject to when l atrapp8d end/or 8ntrelLWd in the cooling ut8f Sptu. tirteln blaloglcrl 8ff8ctr couLd b8 utimted tith tbir type of kaput but the revlenr is curtiuned not to ee8-e this ta b8 tottilt reprereacacive Of Stt888U 8nCOuater8d On 8atrbpp8d end/or 8ntr8ln8d orgula8. Thi8 path LS ea idullr8d Stt&lae whlcb, Fa til prababfllty, wuld not occur due ta tUZbUhUC8 Of CO0li.n~ U8t8t flOV.
Cbl0hl* - ChlOtie fS a tOXiC 81-8nt cad ff it :S to be U8d by th8 di8Ckrg8r to control the grovth of flora cad f8uaa la th8 cooling ulcer systa, Ftr usage l bould b8 proj8ct8d. kl tO8t PO-r phlt8 ChlOrti 18 inj8Ctrd tO th8 COOhIg Wt8f SpSte6 fOt
petiods naglag from I3 mlzmter to TV) hours per appllutlou. Ilrm nmbat of 8pplicatloue ti rite specific but urrullp tocalr lur thaa CWJ hours total per day. Idully, only exact mounts of chlorFne 8re introduced so th8c ft ructs oatlrdy, Iuvixq uo rctiva residual 8t the discharge. In puceice chti Fs dffflcuLt to achiava, and some chlorine compouade ue dlschsrgmd. Chlorina ructs vith dissolved orgulc utter in the coolfn~ water co fore ouiow chlorluced organics which may ba h~nnful co the balanced Fndigeaous C-icy. It is charmfore necuuv co project chm uuga of chlotim urd cou8ldet the results of tts interrctlon tith the therael component of tha dbcharga.
Thenad Incuscclon - Sactlou 316(a) rpaclflrr chat the chennel component of the dlscherge ause be evaluced
- , l . . ukb~ lato account the Fncersctiou of such therm81 components tith other pollumnts...". mlllr data on such syaergirtlc effects ua limited, ceruln infomaclotx VLU uslrt chr &gioarJ. Admlnistr8corl Director Ln usessFng potentirl heraful Fnter8ctlons.
Other Chemimls - The rddlcloa Of he8t MT FnCree8e cha l ff l ct of other chemlcllr in the ucer body.
Chmicd hformaciou Fs needed to avrluata poulbh effects of this kind 8ad to properly interpret blologicel d&t8 for thermel affects &hue.
- 2. B?dtOlOgiC8l InfOmtlOU. This entire sectloa duls tith coudltlons of cho recaivlng water. This laforastlou should ba required b8c8we it is butt sitlag Lnformecioa, modeling iapuc data 8nd aocese8r7 for proper Fnterprec8cioa of blolol;lceL d&=8.
- 3. Meteorolonlcel Detr. This Lnformetion should be in&&id tier@ l ergy budget COmput8tlOus 8re zude 88 part of the X6(8) drpOUStr8tiOU. I: 1s sot fatended that rlf dmOu8tr8CiOnS Fn&xda this d8t8. vhan in doubt the 8ppllcaat should dlscws this tith the Regioael Adminirtr8tor/Dlrector.
- 4. Outfall Conflmretloa md Ooeratlon. mere nmerlcrl dru ducrlbirq the aeorecq and orlrotatloo of the oucf8U 8re oeces8~ fnput for 111 predictive plume models.
- 5. Plume Dacr Retmlremencs. This d8t8 is the result of the modeling effort. UhLLa the results MJ be prasantrd in many fomacs, chum mggested plume conf lguretlons yle.Ld a gr8phfC portr8y8l of uhua the hut i8 going.
Thue map8 are mcessq for makhg qualft8tfve end quantitative 8asueaants of biologid chuqes.
3.5.4 Synthuti of dl fnformufoa Into %ut8r Ecosystr Ilrcloorle ZIm titer Ilrtiolulu of the dmOUStt8tlOn should s-rite the kay findings Fo 8 coucfse manner and should form 8 coop~ciag argument the the b8hnced. lndfgenoue comunlty vi11 be protected. The r8cloeule should ticlude 8 sumery of m "over8l.l picture" of the ecosystem es projactod by the sLr Biotic Cacegoq Rationelms, the ruource zones f0p8Ct8dV end 8 8-7 Of Uhy the FPfomfiOa ia the r8tiOMhS, 81OUg with the predlctl~r la cho IUS RetiOuele, the urglneerlog and hydrologic81 deer, 8nd other.kty facts, suggur th8t the balanced bdigeaour co~~icy will be protected.
3.5.5 Suggested FOrmU for Type II DaOMtr8tlO!X
~EUUFLE) TABLE OF alrmmTs r, Introducelou (Brief 1 II. ?bster Rationale for Dmonstretlw (see Section 3.5.4 for CoIltut >
III. Represent8cfve bportaut Spoclu Utlousle (Sectioo 3.5.2)
Iv. Biotic Category Ratiou8les (Sacion 3.5.1)
A* Phytoplanktaa 1, Duirfon Critrrti
- 2. Ilrtiorule
- 1. Decision Criteria 2, Batlonal~
C. Ehblut ?orur8
- 1. Dufrlon Critrria 9r. BAtioMle
CWLt MC WATER CIURACT~R ISTICS 9 I I I I I I I I I t Rntc of Discharge I Intnkc Velortty , I 1 I I
, x Tim st , , 1 lkm- I I I 1 I kactionsl , Channel Rate of Circufntin CoolinR l CoollnR , DlsrhsrRf X Capacity , Ln,ad 1 Srtecna J D*echa;uc , Water , Velocity
, tntrsnce 1 , Cooling Mater Flow I Water lAT 40% 6 Lean I I
1 I
40-50 I I I
50-60 I I 1 I 60- 70 t I I I 70-80 I I I I 80-90 I I I
90-100 I I I I A eeparstc table should be prepared for each ~enctating unit snd for all untts combined.
If seasonal variations occur, this should be indicated.
3 Variations of intake velocity with changes in ambient conditions (e.~., river flow, tidal height, water Level) should be noted.
4 Dischnr8e A T- Dischsqe teclperature - intake temperattire (in aany cdsCb, condenser A T io equivalent to diecharRe A T) however, this is not the came for plants ulth supplemental cooling).
5 Discharge velocity should be provided at the point where cooling wster leaves the disciwt8@ rttucture. Variations ln dtschsrRe velocity, with changes In embient cnndltions (e,B., river flow, tidal hefRht, vatcr level) should be noted.
D. Shel~ish/~cro~rrtrbr~tes
- 1. Declslon Criteria
- 2. ution81e
- 1. Decision Criterir
- 2. matiolmlr P. Other Vortebrstr Wildlife
- 1. Decision Criteria
- 2. %atiollale
- 0. Brfef Sunmary of Engfaeertrrg and Hydrological Data and Uhp cfie Data sre Supportive of the Predictioar fs the Above
~Cioacl88 VI. D6onstr8riun Appendices A* Information Supporting *atar lbtionale B. Informtfon Supporting Representative Lmportmt Specfea Rat Ionale C. Information Supportiq Biotic ate#orf Rationales
- 0. Engineering and BydrOlOgiC8l fnformatfun
- 1. hsellne Data (see Section 4.1)
- 2. Dfscussiw of Relationship of the Physical Data to the SIOU~J B.ationales aad Choice of .Yadels or Other Predictive .?fathods E. Supportiva Reports, Doctlents. and Rau Data Not From the Open Scfentlfic Literature
3.5.6 Dlscusslon of Uhy the Raqulred Data are ?kcessary for ?Lking 316(a) Determfnations Biologic81 Data.
- 1. Phrtoplanktoa. The organisms of the ph9toplaakton comunity are a principal food source for most zooplankton and for rome fish species, aa9 -9 tiso become important Fn relatlou to Fodustrirl or cecrutid water use if blooms of certain species occur, vhf& can hsve a vuisty of dele-terious effects (a.g., clog filters and Fncrka pipes, lmp8rt tastes and odors to water:).
Men9 water bodies, such 88 the majority of rivers and strum, cut be clrssiffed 8s "lov potent181
?pp8Ct l .88 for ph@opl8nktoo, rnd relrtivdp Little infonmtioa Is aecess8.r9 for 8 3L6(8) daonstraciou. Neverthelur, more dat8fhd d&t8 ma9 be necess8~ in some instances if phyto-plankcoa is 8 subscuti8l cospoaenc of food ch~inr rupportfng the balanced indigenous popu-lation or if the the& discharge F, Libly to cause a shift tovarda nuisance specfas. Ev en if fftm predictlous mot be zude on the basis of the Increased data, these data may be aecusuy u a base for comparison with post-operational ooultorin~ SUFTIJS to detect long-cetm c- icy shifts.
A. Standing Crop Estimates. Estimates of standiag crop are useful In determining the tiportancr of ph9toplsnktoo fn the productivity of the impacted body of water.
Productlvit9 is 8 prlnciprl factor Fn definlag high and lov intp8cc areas.
8, Species Comosftion and Abundance. Tuonomic fnforaatiou will char&ccrrire the ph9toplanktou ssroclated with the dlschrge area 8ud will provide buellae data for detecting an9 shifts Fn species coapositioo ~CCCYRp8Il9%Ilg thermal discharte. A change in carpositiw ts oftea an fadicatiou that a ouismce condition ~9 occur and that the food usb of the spsta is beFng altered.
- c. Dellneatioa of Euohotic Zone. The euphoric zone of 8 utter column is the upper layer into which sufficient Light penetrates to penit photosynthesis. The coaparisou of tttU foam to the conflgur8ticm of the discharge pluu til ladlcrte hov mrch the thermal discharge will affect the produc-cfvlt9 of the lapacted body of meet.
- 2. Zooulankton and !4eroolankton. The tooplanktoo-maropknkcou comuaity Fs a ke9 supportive component of the 8quaclc syst6, It U a prinurp food source for La7781 fish urd shellfbh md also wkes up 8 portion of the diets of son adult species. MUIT bnportaut species of firh urd wild-l..Ue have plm.kconlc life sc8gos (termed mare-plalktou. co dlffrrenciate cha from org8nlws which are phaktonic throughout their l otFr8 Life cycle). If 8 huted discharge 'tills or prevents davelopment of the meroplanktoa, fewer adult f-h md shellffsh vI.ll be produced each yew. Estuarine anvir-nts arm upecirlly cricic81 because of their high productivity md uclliutloa u spawning and nursery 8ru8 for speclu tith merophnktwic lamse.
Speclflc typa of data 8r8 osencl81 for the f 0 Uovlag rusoas :
A. Standing Crop Estlaatu. Inf omaatioa on stmdbg crop helps Ln defitig the ioportmce of zooplankton 8ndmeroplaakton Fn relation to th8 productivity of the 8ff8Ct8d r~scm. Aaf s:gPFf:c~t change in staodlag crop becodag evident during posc-oper8cioual moltoring ma9 fndlcate an adverse FPpact resulting from the huted discharge.
- 1. Species Comosition 8nd Abundurcr. These data will ldeatify dalornt ~8x8 la the syscea and prwide boo&e lnfotmstlon for observing changes accompmyfng th.~ldLscharge. Any l pprUfAtiVe tit8r8tiOll in thr Colrpoeition 8nd relative abundance of the tooplankton and wrcw p&a&m coostlcucu aa imbalance la the c-t7 and lndlcrter posslbh adverse lmp8ct.
Spociu data uad related cheml colerancr fuforaation 8re 8ho useful Ln daveloping therm1 llmlts for the effluent.
- c. SS8SOUS1 v8ri8tiOnS. Zhi.8 bfO=CiOU 18 SSSSnCid for 8888SBing inp8Ct because different speciSs, vtch different therm81 tolerances.
becme dcainant l e v8rying times of the put.
It till also show vhen the bportant mere plan&err are present fn the diSch8rge uea.
D. Die1 and Tidal Dfstributioa. knpling co shuu die1 and tidal fluctuations Lo depth dlstribu-tioa 8re n8cessrry bec8uSe zooplmakton and aeroplanktoa orgmimrs dmonstr8te distinct vertical mwaneots which ma9 be 8 function of both light Lntenrfty Snd tidal Sc8ge. The organias 8re chur oulner8ble to 8 dtsch8rge plume Fn v8qing degrees at different tlmes of the day.
- 3. H8bitst Formera. The role of h8bit8t former, ln 8n rquatic apta remains unquestion8bl9 unique 8ad l ssenrial to the propag8tioa 8nd well-being of fish.
sheUfish, 8nd vildlife. PUrthemore, h8bit8c formera, prrticulrrLp In the nurine and uterine l nviromeocs , 8re 8 Uaited resource, slow to re-establish, end non-renewable in some cues. These organims ue subject to d8mege by I discharge plme Fn 8 umber of toys. Boocad 8qwcic pl8ncs.
including kelp, aey be dm8ged or destroyed by ac8ssive taaper8tures. velocities, turbidicy, or sFlc8tion. Organlms aay be damaged or destroyed by chlorine or other biocides contatied in sinking plmes chat flcm rloug the bottm in vinter.
The- discharges map Affect the natural brlmce of the b8Ctati 8nd tig8e populSclons, fmoriag the bacteria. This sfcuaffon, in cunx, could mduce oxptmn Iroels by lncrusing the 4~0unt of decorposing mscerials 8nd could adversely affect habitat f ormers.
The proposed studies represent l minimal data be8e for the evrluetlon of the 8pplicmts l l~ibfllt~ for modification of thermal frument technology requirrrents. The d8t8 urn ll8C8888r7 for the folloving reasons:
A. XaPPinl,. Aaria mapping is required for a detailed drpiceion of the sprtilr distri-butlou of habitat formats Ln relation to tha projected and actu&l plume configuration.
B. SoeCies Compositloa. Species composition lnforastlou -1 Ldentify the types of hsbltst toners assoclsrrd tich tha dischsrge viclnitt and provlda a buis for derormining chati colersuce levels for selected speciu.
Also, baseline lafomaciou on diversIcy is l sentlsl to dotermine aa7 couporlrionrL shifts In speciea tith the sddition of hut.
Speciu rsplacments urn often the first signa ot 8n ippeadlng ouls8ace condition that ulclmstslp luds to costly coocrol and l rsdicstion programs.
C. Stsudlun Crop Esti.matrs. Studlsr to dster-tine suronsl Fncruses In saudlag crop blomsss senve tw purposes. First, a oessursd iatreue Fn blomsss (dq weight) of prima- producsrs uver the grovfng suson rsprssentr 8 couserpstlve l stim8te of mt productioa, *lch bs turn repr*sant8 a gmsrsl musurs of tie functions1 well-befng of the hsbltat fotmers and hews ref lscts cbe poceutisl uell-bslxq of the orgsnims dspeadsnt ou tha for their l accssa. Verl-flcatlcm of thir relstloushlp requires coucomlcant ssapllng of the bablcsc for cbs pressace or sbsencs of the principal sssociacsd spsclss. A seconds- purpose for sesndin~ crop l stlaetea 1s to ldentifp say sccslsrstsd pnah of mscrophytss vlth lncrurln~ tapersrurss, which could lud to oulsancs conditions.
D. IdentLiicstfon of Threstened or Eodsnaerrd Species or Dominant Soecles of Fish Depend-em Upou Habitat Formus. This fnf o~rlon ls useful in usosla~ inpsct fa the csse of rdvusa affscts from hutad d%schrge.
Poceutirl indirect adverse lspsct might ochsmise be orsrlooksd.
- 4. SheUfish/Ifscrolnvertebrstss. Functfoudly the mscrb fmertsbrsts fauna serves aan in atnerous usys. They are an import&at capooax of aquatic food webs aad aany lmartabratu us directly hportaac co aaa aa a source of hf+qusllt~ proesin snci u bsit for sport snd crrcial f lshesmen. They modify and candltlon squaclc rubstratss and also rid ln the
breskdovo and dscompositlon of detritus, thus contrlbucfng to dstrttal food chsias, dscrital transport, snd nutrient cycling. Estusrlae systms us psrtlcularlp importsat because of their high productivity and their role as ourseq ueu for benthic species.
A therms1 dischrge my hme s variety of effects on ascroirrpertsbrstes. 4wtic Fnsects having an asrgent stage my rater the atmosphere rsrlp as I ruulc of arttilcial hesttig of the use&r.
The rdultr msy emerge into cold air snd die becsure of exposure, becauee food i:sw are not Ln phme, or because normal egg lsyfng condirlons do not ~1st. L~rp81 fonts of astins Fnverte-brat&s msy dsvelop at such high mseabolic races chat the sumlval of individuala asp be reduced during SStClfng or MCUraciOU. The-1 dfrchsrgu may stress rcosysrsma sad csuse shifts Ln comunitp l cnxccure such char although the coral bictmsss msy not chsnge significantly, desirable rpeclss my be rsplrced by less desirable species not irrvolved directly in the food chain. The dls-charge of hut may cause stratification, vhlch IMY dialnlsh dissolved oxygen fn the bottom layer and possibly l liainsts bsnchlc fauns.
Specific types of dsts ars useful for chs folloving reuow:
A. Stsndlne Crop Esti.msrss. These l stlmsres are useful f.n dstsmining the fpportaace of sscrolmsrtsbrstss to the productivity of the river or strou being iapscted by the dirchsrgs. k previously discussed, the productivity of the affected portion of the systsm Ls a kay factor ln defining lw sad high Impact arus.
B. Canlty Structure. The total umber of spsclss and the relative sbuudancs of fadivldusl species (both capoasars of divenlty) fa sa squsclc systa sre s ftmctfoa of the physical, chaicrl, snd blologicsl characteristlcs of the system.
Escsuss dlverslty ls sensitive CO signlf-lcsnt chsnges ia the chsrsctsriscics of the syatsm (such as lntroducsd hut), it
csn be sn fndicator of l mlrumsntal stress.
Addltloprlly', a reduction ia the diversity of s systa frequently rsrults La a diversion of production into non-weful forms.
C. Drift. In floving waters, drift 1s en important surpiv~ mschsnln for many species of macroin-vertsbrstss. Since it ts a purlve fuacciorr, the drifting orguias are subject to lethal tupersturu occurring Frr e therms1 plme.
DrUt is a stepvise downstream phenomenon. end many l quecic lnreccs hsve a concomicsat upetresm movment of reproducing edults. The plume asy thus affect populatious both upetresa end dotrastrem from the aru where mortdfty actually occurs.
D. !hOP in&. ?!spplng is nscesssr]r for l detsilrd repressntsrion of the distribution of rubsttstes.
This grsphic Infomclou is fmportsnt Ln the design of sampling studies, evelustiag the sui~bllity of the systm for various benthic form8
- PLsh. The dlschsrge of wste heat can affect fish populsclous in many wys. The various dscs required us ascssssry in order to provide characterluticm of the Indigenous fish comnnmity for the dsvolopment of the EIS concept, to identify hsbltat utlliutlon by the vsrlous populstlous, end to provide baseline lnformstioa for compsrlson vith post-operstional studlu.
Speclflc dsts psr~sters sre releted to poeeible adverse Impacts fra the-1 dlschsrge:
A,, Speclss Lsvsl. fnformstian 01~ the spsvning habits of ladlvldusl species srs necessary for uruslng Impact bscsuss spsmrlng times ssy bs shifted by cheraal sdditioas or hsblucs msy be slrsrsd by scour or by changes in the hsbitse forma comunity.
Rsbltst use by uy life stsge wy slmllsrly be sffscted. Migration Is an Important factor to coaslder becsuse cherasl dlschsrges can block upstram migrstloa routes of spuming adults snd downstrrar movaasnes of a~11 fish. Coadltlon factors are
dl-useful In eval~ution bscsuss hut additiona esy cau8e s loss of condition in certain speciss , l spscirlly in ulntsr vhea their metabolic race is still high but food supply fs love The lacldeace of dlsuse and psrssltlr my Factuse with s rise In vster tmperature.
Age snd grovth data are helpful la coeparlng affected and ooo-affected areas, prt and port-operstimsl conditions.
- 8. Comnrtlnicv Lsvel. Dscs on species cowpositioo, relrtivs sbundsnce, and prlncipsl usoci~tions vi11 define the domlnrnc fish species l f chs sits. ~rry epprecirbls &sage la there permeters slgnds an imbslsacs la the c cmmunlty sad mmey indicate sn adverse impact resulting from the thenul discharge. Species Fofomstion 1s slso nscs8ssry for dsveloplag therms1 lfmlts for the effluent.
C. !4soulng. 3sps are required in order to repressat habitat l reu (used for rpsuaiag, migracloa, etc.)
IIZ relatiou to chs coafigurstloa of the dirchuge plme,
- 6. Other Vertebrate WUdlife. Dsts vi11 be required fa relstlvely few cuss for this blotlc utsgoq. In those cases where data fs requlrsd, the type of d8rr needed is decided by the rpplicsat. The dsts sslectsd should be the least smouat of dsts oecssssry to cmplscs this ssctioa of the dmoascrscioa.
7, Reorssentstlve Imuortant Soecles. HekLry predlctions sbout "uhst till hsppea are difficult tithout detailed laformstlou ou the l mriromaotal rsquirrentr of cmltlu or at lust msay populstloas and species.
& oentloned in section 3.5.2, it is not l conomiully fssslble to study uch spscles ln srut d&t&F1 8~ uch sits. Therefore 8 feu spsclss are sshctsd for daretied hborsto~ and literature surrrey. The dstr requlraents of Tables A and 8 (sectlou us rscomsndsd se beiag helpful co those making 316(s) dsclrloms for the follting rsssoas:
A. They allov an l etlmstiuu of the rlts of the uus which till be ucluded for ksy blologicsl fuz~ctions and the durstlon of the uclusioa.
B. They provide the basis for l c least rough predlctlons of high temperature sumival, heat and cold shock, rad affects on reproductloo and growth.
3.6 Type III Lov Potsntl8l Impact Detsrminst1ous If the Rsgloasl Administrstor/Director decermiae8, after urly sCrunin# St~diS8, chat the site is one of lov potsntisl impact for til bioclc c8tegorles. the applicant my elect to do a "short tom daon-strstiou, the "Lov Potsatisl Impact Type III Dmonstrscicm." The basic coacepc 1s chat chose 8ppllcsnts vhlch hsve rites snd proposed f8cllities vhlch obviously pose little poteatisl chrut to the bslsacsd fadigeaous populatioa should be required to do 1s~ utsnsive (and upsasiva) 8qustic studies than other (more poorly sftsd or ochervlse having more poteati8.L for adverse tipact) 8pplicsacs.
Type XII demoastratioas la general are essentially say sIteraw tlve danoastr8tiou type agreed upon by the spplicsat snd the Eegioasl Mmfnistrrtor/Dfrector. The Lou Potsnclal Lmpact Type III dmoastrseioo proposed here Fs simply a recommended "short fotm" daonstratioo vhich coaslders lnfomstioa from uch SFotLc category. This ensures thst no major biotic catsgo~ ls ignored Ilcogether 8ad thus ensures thse both the rsgulrcory ageuciss sad the rpplicsat hsve ewmtied Sad -de judgaasocs for esch biotic cstego~, but discourages collection of
~~sss or uaaeeded data, After the prsldminaq screening scucilss sad detsmiastloas thee 811 biotic categories are of lou pocsncisl impact, rhe spplicsac suanurites this Fnfomstlua (rloug tith eaginsoriag 8ad hydrological dst8 sad say ocher psrtinenc lnfomstlon) fn one m8stsr r8cionsle rnd submits the daPowtrstlon co the Esgloasl Administr8tor/Dlrsctor.
The fonut of the rubmitts1 should be siPll8r to that sugguted ta section 3.5.5 ucspt that the RIS sectious should br deleted.
3.7 Ocher Type III DMOnStr8tiOw (Biological, Eaginesrlng, and Other Dsu)
Those applicmts not qrulifying for a Low Potential Impact d-on-stration snd sot duirlng to do a Type II dmon8trstiou. may (vlth the urittsn cuactarrsnce of the Rsglonsl Administrstor/Dlrector) do 8 repdrr Type IIf d~ouscrstlou. & Type III daoartratiou prwldes for the suhmittsl of auy Fnfor~~ion which chs Rsglousl Adainistrstor/Dfrsctor belisvss msy be necessary or appropriste to fsc~ltats svalustlon of 8 psrticulrr dtichsrge. This dsmonstration also propides for subaittal of any additlonsl iafonsscion which the applic8at msy wish to hsve considered.
Esch Type XXI d~on8tration should conrist of lufofustion and data appropriate co the case.
Docalled defialtion of 8 generally 8pplicable Type III demoa-rtration fr sot possible because of the range of potsncirlly rslsvant fnformatlon; the develophag sophistlcstlon of Fnformstlao coUsctlon 8ud svslustlon tschaique8 and kawtsdge , and the cue-specific ascure of the dsmonstrstiou. Prior to undertaking any Type 111 demoustrstfua, the. applicmt should consult tith and obtain chs sdvics of the Ragloud UmiaistrstorfDlrector regudlag a proposed speclflc plan of study md daouscr8rlon. Dectilon guidance my also be sqgutsd.
If the site ls one of low potentid Wpscc for most biotic categories and/or thsrs are other factors (mall size or volms of wter impsc ted, lov percsacrgs of crou section of rscsivFng vstsr l ffscrsd, etc.1 suggesting low pocsutirl for aquatic tipact, the dsmon-strscion usy not need to be completed la much more decal1 thsa the Lov Potentirl -act daonstrstlon outlined Fn section 3.6. For most other sftes. the drronstrstion should reflect a degree of detail and degree of proof coapsrsbls to chs Type II dem8trscion (section 3.5). WhF1e Type 111 information msy be different la thrust sad focusI proofs should be generaLly u coqrehsu8ive u in Type If daoustrations and should rurrlt in sirilsr lmels of usursncs of biotic protection.
kch Ftr of laforaation or data submitted 8s a part of a Type 111 d~oaatrstion should be sccompsaled by ratloualss coaparable co thosa mtUaod la sottiow 3.5.1 sad 3.5.0. The forast of the dmautr8tioo should ba simllsr co thse outliaed la section 3.5.5 except that the US ssctluus should be deleted.
3.8 Decialon Crlterfa 3.8.1 Siotlc Catogoriu Decirh~ critetla for each biotic category are given in section 3.3. Tha R8gtoml hdainirtr8torfDitrctor vi11 compare the rationales (and other data) for uch bfoeic utrgory tith the decision critarir Fn rectfoa 3.3 and determine if tha decfsiou criteria h-r been set.
3.8.2 Representative ~brportant Species The Ration81 Admfnistrator/DFrector will find the Representative Important Species Rationale and other RIS Fofomatioa co be unacceptable if tha information presented:
- 1. 1s too Incomplete to allow a clear assesment; of 2.. sugguts (or does not provide s couvFncing argument to the contrary) chat the balanced indigenous popu-lation msp suffer 8pprrcl&blr ham because of:
A. high taperature sumfval factors;
- 8. hut or cold shock;
- c. improper temperature for grovth, dmelopmeot, and reproduction; or D. the aclusioa of arus and volmnes of water fror the above functions In critical ccmbtnr-tlous of time &ad spea.
3.8.3 Resource Zones ln Aquatic Systema Ibe stratagles for reproduction, growth, sad surplval of the Fodigaxour bfou of frrrhmtrr , l stuariae. and marine ecosystems are keyed to spatial and taporal variatfons ln the structure (physical and chmical) of thm l uvironunt . rtris structural variation fa the euvfron-ment, l it rolaeu to tha biota end to uses by ma, has led to the coocrpt of ruource or @value zuaes for usa la maltaacing or predictfng the L-e1 of dauge to quatic systems from human rctivitles. Since such zouea rev Fo location, aim, semen of utilization, and criticality of fuactlon
- thefr identFflcatlon is tiso urefti ln QlanoAng purposes such u tha ritlng of olxing roaee for huted dirchargu. Appliut loo of this concept involves the ldentlflcatlon and mapping of resource
toaas lrrd criclcil fuactlous
- so that mixing zones can be sited in at- having mIniSum adverse impact 00 8qtutlc resources. hslc precepts necessary to spplfcrtion of the resource malag concept Include:
I. 111 dirchrgu Fn tha vater body segment must be cooridered.
- 2. T&o acceptable uu of &uge is rehtad to the ruource vrluo of tha impacted aru.
- 3. In casw where tha l ffrctr of the dfrchrrged ussts are tr8nsl tory, the timing of oixiag zone use is related to suso~l utilization of the Impacted UU.
- 4. The accepuble aru of damage Fs related to the coul mount of l qulvclent l ru avaflable fn cha uacsr body segment.
brus supporting critical functions should be moldad (note if- 3 above).
- 6. Acceptable damage lr related to species geaerrtioa time and/or frctmdlty.
- 7. For 8 given loatiou. the auller the dauged l ru the bettsr. Tv~ic8.l R8rourco Vrluo Zones.
The foll&g mnotrted list Frrcludes resource vtiue zones uhfch should be considered in the deslgaetion of mixlag tonaa for huted disckrgu:
- 1. SPmnlnn Sites l Reproduction Is otwlously a critIca function in the sUrpiv4l of l sprcies.
Im factors of fsportaace Frr duQwtLng mixing zome are the oftm LimIted area of habitat ruitable for tha spmuiag of a speciea and tha limited tka d-g which rpwulng occura.
- A zone hrping l critical fmctiod is me that prwlder 8 -jot tm-tributfon to prinrq productivity or ti oue that Is limited In utent rad necersaq for tha propagstlon urd sumiv8l of A species.
ff the availability of spmntig rices for an Fnpor-tant species Is Limited ln extent, then such arus can gmmra.Up be avoided and should aot bo dulgnrted for the dispoul of uate hat. If it is totlllp iapouible to mold such alms, then the use for mixing should be timed to avoid cho period of speming. Seuooll avoidance is only fusible ti the effects of tha disckrga are transitory.
- 2. Food-Producing Are88. The productivity of aquatic systaa is directly related to tha inputs of organic Meter from green plants. Tha frecfloatFng, relatively motile microscopic plants (phytoplaakton) are short-llvad tith r8pld tumwer r8tes and thw May not be critical in term of mixing zones for heated discharges. me rooted vucular plants and macroalgae (m8crophytes) which, tith suitable substrate, grow from the shoreline to the depth of the photic zone (depth to which 1 percent of incident llaht penetrates) are relatively long-lived and perform a nmabar of "crittcal functions Fncluding:
A. The production l d aport of vast qmntltles of orgmic fuel la the foln of detrlcua-IOU ue among the most productive plant cmttiu knows.
B. As a result of an abundance of food and cwu. thay aeva u nursery arua for the Immature stagu of many finfish and shell-fish.
- c. The trapping aad recycling of nutrients.
D. The stahlllrrtiou 8ad btidFng of substrate.
Included Fn the c8tegoq of food-producing area are the ~tbade--the interf8ce between terrutrial and 8vtiC eaviromeuta-vhlch, fa addition to the ebuve muereted functionsI serve as freshnter rrchugo arau that motet freshmter Fnputr to labs, tivus, and utuariu.
Bauueo of the man7 Important and criticd. functions perfomed, the umtlanda urd other 8rus of macrophytr production in aquatic sptsms should be avoided when planniag and designating mixing zones for heated dischr~u.
- 3. NursorT be&S. These ue arua having an sbuadmce of food md cwer for the growth snd development of tha urly life stages of may finfish sad shellfish.
Since th8 l rly life stages ue tha puiods of win-gsouth rates 8ad muima Vuherbbtilty to predrtloa, the avallahifit7 of sulcrble uursery mus aey be the baltlag factor dotermialag the 8buadurce of 8 species.
Thou, the zones of freshater, l stu8rino. 8ad MrFoe scosystems identified u nursery l eas h-e high resource value sad should genrrllly be molded when duignrtlag mixing zoaes.
- 0. !iinr8torv P8thvms. krcluded La this utegory are routes utFLised for IQPmeUt to md frm SpAMing grounds, f l ediag grounds, sad aursaq areu; thus, the Itie stage lmofved may be adult, egg, 18svd, or juvaaa. In soma cuu* thus pbthV8y8 are very cfrcmrcribed; end total bloekrge could result Ln atumla8tioa of 8 popuhtioa la the uter body se-at. Since these pbthW8p seme l "critlcrl fuaction,w they hroe high resource value aad should be molded ubea plmalng the discharge of usts hut.
In situations where the umga of ~athuys is s~soad and the effects of tha discharge us transitory, drleteriow effects aa be rooided by proper timing of dispoul. ti terms of povmr QhUtS, this sebsod us&g@ ir inpOtt&at Ln wbhbting the furlbtiity Of sumud mode operation of coolfng devices.
A coarid~t8tiaa of zoam crlt1c.d to endurgarad species, wage by nterfwl sad vLldlKe, aad shellfish beds ue sddlcioasl rosourc* +elues that must bo considered tiea selectLag mIxLag zones for hutrd dischrgu.
3 .a .3.2 Methodolon.
Am dlmxmsed 8bme. discharge sites should be selected which vLU have the lust impact cm Fnportaat resource zmes sad criticti functioas .n The 8~lfCbti~ Of this COUcept t0 tha s~rcti.oo of mlxiag tones Is 8 stepvisa procedure lmolviag:
- A dtiinitioa of thr tlltSr body l gmeat.
- Solectfoa sad listLag of 01s lrr tha water body segmaat sad sa l aaor8tioa of their strat8giu for propag8tloa urd sumivti.
- Preparation of 8 188~ of tha water bod7 segment shoving zones of resourcs use, including arus supporting "critical fuxlctlon8."
- Amignmeat of 8 noericll v3ue. per unit au, to uch resource 1288.
- Superiupose predicted plmes on resource mps Snd select Sits8 hmFng lust a&verse Impact oa resource values.
- 1. Uater Body Se-eat. In l&es and l stuarles Wing discrete rad usFly defimble QhySiC8L bouadrries~
the duignrtioa of the uter body segment VFLL be 8 straightfomrd process. In Large utu bodies such 8s the Crut LA8s, open coastrl sites, aad
-jot river systema hrPLng no dSf laable and rruonablp sized phySica bouad8rle8, the seleccloa of the uter body segment may pose 8 dtificult QrOblm, Where they h8ve beea defined, the water body segments decerpined by the State Continuing Pl8aaiag Process uader section 303(e) of ths Act till 8ppLy.
Tho susoa81 movments of important species of rqtlrtlc life muat be considered when deflnl.q a water body segment. The spaualag sites, nursev situ, aad rdult h8bitat sites of many freshrrrter 8nd marine species (exmples laclude sa~oald~~ shrinps, Cr8b8, spot, croaker. flounder, white bus, nlleye, etc.) SS~
bS tidely Sap&r&ted sad iaclude phy~lc8lly dlffereat ater bodiu. SeSmlngly slight pacts In the different uua urSd by such species may result ia effects which, if considered cuulatlvely, uould be iatoler8blr.
To svoid the potenttiLLy dlS&StrOUS consequences of QiSCnS8.L CoWider8tlon of adverse impacts, the mter body defialtioo should be sufflcleut to coaslder potentid *acts throughout the contiguous r8age of poprrl8tiuns of imporuat speclu.
- 2. Remasentative Important SQecles. In geaenl, this should lacludo 811 specler 8ad cm ities of speclu that arm critlc8l to the functioning and the productivlt7 of the Squetic systa defined by the nter body repent. Sp8cific81l7 Fncluded ar8 speciea or cm ities which are:
- 8ad/or recrutioarlly vrlruble.
- Thruteaed or l udurgored.
- Primary producer+-particularly thosa comunitias supporting rrlat~valp long-lived, flxed-location species thee perform aulriple serrrlces (fom end stabFTise habitat, produce organic utter, prwlde cwu) .
- Necuury (e.g., in the food chain) for the well-beiag of species determlnad in 1 and 2 above.
Included here are the ruvengara end decoqioeerr criticd to the breakdoue aud utiliutlod of organic aattar.
- 3. !dau Preoaration. tips of the water body segment should, as a miain~um, lncluda depth coucours , adjacent m elands, eributariu and, ln l stuarlae sltuati~us, the average stiinitp gradient and srlinlty straclflcatlcm should be visually expruaed fn crosa secrlon. Rasource zmu and areaa perforahg crltlcal functiow* should be superimposed on the same or on a siailarly scaled aaP- To avoid overlapping detail, it may sometImea be duireblr to prepare separate nmps for selected sp8c ies .
- 0. AssimlmMt of Values. Once the resource moues and moues support Frrg crlciul funcrioas have been identified and mpped. thea ollues per unit 8ru can be assigned. If the effects of the dlscharpe are traasitoq and the use of the resource zone is seasonal, the valuu may change throughout the yaat.
If the ame mpporting 8 critical funcfion ir limfted ia utant and fs a function vhich limits tha abundance and/or ru.mlval of a species, then chat mm should be given a value of fnfinlty and thus excluded ftoa mixing zone use. Other zones aup bo aas%gned valuu accordlxq to chair 8ru and chelr la~ortaace in ~fntaiaing differeat species.
3.8.6 %stsr" Eatl&e, Daonstratioo Irr 8 Vholr nm EagioIa mtrator/Director VFll find the dmouatratioo succustul K:
- 1. It ia fouad to be acceptable la all of the cousfderattons outlfnsd Frr stepe 20-25 of the decision crafn (section 3.3.2).
- 2. There is no cunvlnc~ evidence that there till ba daage to tha bjanced, indigenous c- Icy, or c-lty tom-poueats, tesultia~ in ruch phenomena aa thosa identified ln the definition of l ppreciable ham.
- 3. Receiving water temp~raturss outside any (State weal+
llshed) mlxfng zone will not be in excess of the upper clapuacure limits for rumivti, growth, and reproduction, as appLtcab Le. of an9 RIS oceurriag Lxx tha tecelvfag nter.
- 4. The receiving vatan are not of such qualit that Fn the absence of the proposed thermal discharge ucesslva gronhs of aulsance orgaaisms wuld uka place.
- 5. A zone of paeeage till not be Impaired to the atant that it vill not provide for the uoraal am-me of populatioas of RIS, d m+nrnt rpeciea of fish, aad l coaomlcally (ccmsrctil or recrucloaal) species of fish. shellfish, and uildlffe.
- 6. There till be no sdvuse Impact on thrutened or l udangered species.
- 7. Thue till be no dutructluu of ualque or rare habitat tithout a detailed and comfacirrg juatlflcatloa of uh9 the dutnxtlou should not consclcute a buls for denial.
- a. The l ppllcsnt*s ratiouales present convincing smuries explaining rrhp the planned use of biocfdu such as chlorine till not result ti appreciable bara to the btianced bdigeuous popuLatlou.
3.9 Non-Predfctfve lhmonstratloos (Type I, Absence of Prior Appreciable Earm) u of the d~onstraelcma done for !IRC under the PirPorendm of U~dersteadiag are predictive. Therefore, the predictive sections of this document mre conplated first. The EPA and other l geacles may decide co mount a separate effort Co rsvire thlr section at a later date. In the meansCIPe, moat of the tequlrmeots of swtim 3.2 (Decision Trald , 3.3 (Early Screening Procedures) , 3.5 fTme II) ,
and 3.6-3.8, are applicable for deterainiag Lck of appreciable ham (Tme I drosstrations). The prtiv Lmguege which is inapproprtice and should be deleted is the language on predictive factors, predictive models, and Representative Important Species (rectloas 3.5.2, pafts of ocher sectloar, and section 3.8.2).
4.0 Definitions and Concepts The definitions and descriptions in this section pertain to a number of terms and concepts which are pivotal to the development and evaluation of 316(a) studies. These are developed for a general case to aid the Regional Administrator/Director in delineating a set of working definitions and concise endpoints requisite to a satisfactory demonstration for a given discharge.
Adverse Environmental Impact Adverse aquatic environmental impacts occur whenever there will be damage as a result of thermal discharges. The critical question is the magnitude of any adverse impact.
The magnitude of an adverse impact should be estimated both in terms of short term and long term impact with reference to the following factors:
(1) Absolute damage (# of fish or percentage of larvae thermally impacted on a monthly or yearly basis);
(2) Percentage damage (% of fish or larvae in existing populations which will be thermally impacted, respectively);
(3) Absolute and percentage damage to any endangered species:
(4) Absolute and percentage damage to any critical aquatic organism (5) Absolute and percentage damage to commercially valuable and/or sport fisheries yield; or (6) Whether the impact would endanger (jeopardize) the protection and propagation of a balanced population of shellfish and fish in and on the body of water to which the cooling water is discharged (long term impact).
Aquatic Macroinvertabrates Aquatic macroinvertabrates are those invertabrates that are large enough to be retained by a U.S. Standard No. 30 sieve (0.595-mm openings) and generally can be seen by the unaided eye.
Area of Potential Damage The area of potential damage for RIS is defined as that area of the thermal plume enclosed by the isotherm which coincides with the appropriate (designated by the Regional Administrator/Director) water quality criteria for that particular RIS. This area can be determined from the plume rose data specified in section 3.5.3.
Balanced, Indigenous Community The term "balanced, indigenous community" as defined here is consistent with the term "balanced, indigenous population" in section 316(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and 40 CFR section 122.9.
A balanced, indigenous community consists of desirable species of fish, shellfish, and wildlife, including the biota at other trophic levels which are necessary as a part of the food chain or otherwise ecologically important to the maintenance of the community. In keeping with the objective of the Act, the community should be consistent with the restora-tion and maintenance of the biological integrity of the water. (See section 101(a).) However, it may also include species not historically native to the area which:
- 1. Result from major modifications to the water body (impoundments) or to the contiguous land area (deforestation attributable to urban or agricultural development) which cannot reasonably be prevented, removed, or altered.
- 2. Result from management intent, such as deliberate intro-duction in connection with a wildlife management program.
- 3. Are species or communities whose value is primarily scientific or aesthetic.
For purposes of a 316(a) demonstration, distribution and composition of the indigenous population should be defined in terms of the population which would be impacted by the thermal discharge caused by the alternative effluent limitation proposed under 316(a). A determination of the indigenous population should take into account all impacts on the population except the thermal discharge. then, the discrete impact of the thermal discharge on the indigenous population may be estimated in the course of a 316(a) demonstration. In order to determine the indigenous population which will be subject to a thermal discharge under an alternative 316(a) effluent limitation, it is necessary to account for all non-thermal impacts on the population such as industrial pollution, commercial fishing, and the entrapment and entrainment effects of any withdrawal of cooling water through intake structures under the alternative 316(a) effluent limitation. The above considerations will then make it possible to estimate the true impact of the thermal discharge on the population.
-7s B&~&UC&d, fndlmnous Poouhtlon (3IP)
?or the purposes of 316(a) dsmoascr8cioar~ the term balanced, lndi~snous pOpId&CiOn" is synoaymow tith the tam b81urc#d* tndigsaou8 cmitj' as def lnsd sbcme.
Cowuni C?
A czarnity Fn general is ury sssrrblsge of populstioas lfvtig Fn s prsscrlbad us8 or physlcti babltat; Ft is an orgsolzsd untc to the utsnc that it has ch8rscrsrFsrics rddftioorl to its Fndfvidu81 and populaclon components, and f~nctforrs ss s unit through couplsd sstabolic cransf ormations.
Criclc81 Function tons A zone Chat prwldss 8 major coacrlbucion to prinun productivity or fa one chat is lfmitsd in utsnt 8nd aecsrs8ry for the propagation and SuPivsl of s speciss*
Director The Director of chs Strcs NPDES permit program in chose Strrss vhich have been delsg8tsd th8 progrsm by EPA.
Dlschame ?~clnlCv Thr discharge vlcinitj ir chrc aru described by 8 r8diUS chat 1s l.S tines the maxm distance from point of disc)urgs to wIthin l°C of ablent. Tim ares of the dischargs vicinity Fa bssed on 8 30-50X v8ri8cion La cha prediccivr therm81 plume modeling.
bominsnt Sueciu Dominmnt sp8cies are dsflned 8s any species rsprssa~clng f iv8 percart of the tocsl n-bar of orgmisu fa the maple colleccsd according to roe---nded sup1 ing p rocsdures .
Estusrv An l scuat) Fe dsff.ned u a semi-enclosed coucal body of water which hu 8 frea connection vlth chs open rea; :t is thus strongly affected by cldrl 8ction, end tithin it 8ea utsr Ls mlxsd (and usu~llp Qe8sur8bly diluted) Rich fresh #tar from land drainage. It may be difficult co pr8clsal~ d81iU88tA the botandaq of l scwrine rad river
h&ftatJ b the uppar ruchrJ Of J ftJJtl -tJr river diJc&rging into urine rrPtJrJ. Zhe fatarfrC8 tJ @rtSrJlly J d-c entity 98-g dlily end rusoarlly In geOgr8phical lac~clan. IO such CJJSS, determiru-clan of hJbiCJt boundaries should be l sc~bllrhed by autu~l Jgrrmeat ou a cam-by-cm8 b-18. Vhere boundary determinscion FJ not clurly established, bath artuev Jnd river tmbitJt bialoglcrl survey requirrears should be SltfJfisd ia J combimd d~ceralmtion far emiranmmtrl effects urd best available crchnolag7 far ~lmirtng adverse impact.
Par Field Effect A far fisld affect is any perturb~tiao of chr aqrutfc l caryrtm outside of the prims- study Jru that 1~ attributable co, or could ba upacted, from tha the-1 dlschmgo (taking fnta ~ccaunc chr fntersctfan at chm therm1 campanent tich ocher palhtm~cr).
Par Firld Study Area (mSA)
The far field study area ir that portion of the receiving
- car body, uclu8ive of the prima- study area, In which impmts of chs the-1 discharge ad ftr fateractian vtth other pallut~nts are Ifhly to occur. The aru sLl1 include:
L, The zones uherr th8 habitat8 are campersblr to thou aistin~ ia the prImarT rcudy Jru, and
- 2. The wnes lnhabltrd by popul~tlans of orgasms that may encounter the the-1 rffluanc during their life hlstoq.
Tim actual boun&ry of the far flrld study aru should be agreed upon by the Region&l Admlnistr~cor/Directar.
FhbitJt Formerr Ilabitat forwrs are my ~8abl~ga of plants and/or mills chuactwized by J rehtivrl~ ru8ilJ Life stage ulth aggra8aeed distrikrtioa ad functioning U:
- 1. A lhiry sad/or fomerly lfvin~ substrate for the ettuhmt of rpibiacr; 2, Uthar a direct or indirect food source far the productlou of shellfish, fish, and uildlifr;
- 3. A blalogfc81 mrchanlsau far the st&lliutloa snd aodificJCioa Of S8din8ntJ uid cancrlbuclng to the devela~ene of roll; L. A nutrient cycling path or trap; or
- 5. SpecFflc rites for sp8mlrxg 8nd providing nurses, feading, and cover arus for flrh uzd 8hellfirh.
HJcralmertrbtJtrr Far this document, the term "~crainverrebrstes" my be considered syuonymous vich aquscfc zecralmertrbrates ss def Fnod Jbave.
For the putpasos of thlJ document , rerophnkton ara defined u pl8nktonic life stages (often eggs or 18LP88) at firh or iavenebrstes.
.igmnts 8re nano~anktonlc arg8nlas chat 8.m not pemment ruldJntJ of the l ru but p8ss through the dlsch8rge zone md vater contiguow co it. Ewmples include the upstrem m.lgrJtlon of spwnlng srlmon Jnd subsequent doun8tre8m migrstioa of tha juvenile fonts, or arg8nlma th8t inh8blt sn aru only it c8rtd.n tIma far feeding or reproduction purposes.
Yulsance S~eclu Any aicrobisl, plot or en-1 species which lndlutes J hJJJrd co l calo@zal balaace or hu8n hulth lad wmlfara chat ir not naturally a dnriruat fucura of the iodigenow c -icy 887 be considered s ltuiu8ce spuiss .
Bdsaacm speciu of phycoplrnlrtou fnclude those rlg8e t8x~
which la high concentr8tbn Jr0 kaotm co produce toxic, foul tasfing, or odorlfsrous cmpouads to 8 degree th8t the quality of #far is impaired.
Ocher Vertebrate Wildlife The term othar oortsbrscs tildllfe includes tildlife which are vrrtebrstes (t .e., duclu, gusa, unacees~ etc.) but not f-h.
Phrtoplmktaa Plrnc micraorg8nfru such aa certain slgse, living unrccachrd Fn the uscer.
Plankton Org8nlms of rol8c1vol~ au11 ~1~8. aostly microscopic, ch8c either hsve rel8clvelp ~11 powrs of locomotion or drift in tha waters subfact co the action of uwu 8ad curreacs.
Prdmsm Scudv Area The prhsry study aru FJ the l acire geogr8phic aru bounded l nrully by the LOCUJ of the ZaC Jb<roe mblsnc rurfrcs irocherw (decermlnrd ln sectlou se chase tsocherw ato dircributed throughout sn snnusl period. The ref8r8ncs obienc Caper8cur8 shall be recorded 8c 8 location agreed upan by ehe Rsgloud klminircr8cot/
Princiosl ?48crobsnchle S~e~iss Princlpll mscrobenthic species sre chase damhsnc aacrofn-V8rtObr8C8S Jnd pl8ncr ~ccached or resting on the bottom or livtig In bottom redimontr. tipples fnclude, but me not llmlted to, crusfacuna, oollurka, polych~8cu. crrtain m8crodgao, rootad muruphycw, end cord.
Ragl0~81 AdainlSCr8COr (Director)
Thir term r8fsrs co chs Ilegio~l Ad.miaiscracar of the U.S.
EPA uc8pc th8t ia chess Sc8ces uhich h-e bo8n delotrc8d the NPDES parrit pro#rm, tha cam nfsrs co tb8 Dlroctor of the State NPDES pamit prqrr.
IWranatstire, Lrportsnt Ssacles (IUS)
Raprrsaacative, isportanc species are chose spec1ss which 8re : represenc8tive, fn terns of tbelr biologicsl requir~eafs, of l brlurced, ladigenous corunity of shellflrh, fish, sad tildllfr Fn the body of #tar into vhlch the dirchar~e la udo. Speclflcrll+
included are those species which are:
- 1. ComerclJlly or recraJtlanJllp o8luabls (I.e.,
vichin the Cop cm species 18ndad-by dollar vdu*);
- 2. Thruceaed or l ad88gered;
- 3. Crlcful CO the stnzcuro lad fuactlon of chs ecological system (e.g., hsblcac tonuts);
- 4. Potratirlly c8pable of becuming ~acslizad IlUiJAtlCS Sp@CiSS;
- 5. NeC8JSAq la the food chain for the veil-being of JpscieJ determined In l-1; or
- 6. Represencsclve of the the-1 raqufreaencs of important species but which themselves nuy aat be hapartaac.
Shellf irh nil mollusks 8nd cmst8cuns (such Js apscers, elms, shripp, CrJfliSh, And CrJbs) which, in the cuurss at chair Ufr cycle, con-scicucr fmporcanc components of the beachfc, plmkcanic, or nakcaaic frun8 fn fresh and salt ucor.
ThreJCaned or Endannered Specles A thrucaaad or l ad8ngered specias ir 8ny pllnc or Jnla8l that hu besn decrrafaed by the Smretwy of Commerce or th8 Secretary of the Interior co be a thrucened or l admgered species pursrrrac to the Eadsagerad Specfss Act of 1973, aa mended.
Water Bode Sement A Icer body segnnt in s porclon of 8 basin the surfrcr
~c8rs of which Me cocoa hydrologic chsrscc8riscics (or flow regtdatfua pattams); comon meural physlcsl, chcsl, Jad blolo@csl procssses , sad which hsv8 cocoa ruccloas co acrmsl 8crUs. e.g., discharge of pollucurcs. Where they hsve bun dafinrd, the uter body segmsacs determined by the Scat4 ContIming Planning Process under l Sction 303(e) of the Federal Water Pollucloa Control Act 8pply.
Aaims1 micraorgsalsas l1.h~ unsccsched in wecar. me7 fnclude rsull ~rusc8~~ such JS d8phnlJ and cyclops, 8nd Jiagh-celled JniPulr such 8s protozoa, etc.
SECTION 316(b) P.L.92-500 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Enforcement Permits Division Industrial Permits Branch Washington, D.C.
May 1, 1977
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Statement of Problem 1 II. Introduction 4 III. Information Flow Chart 6 IV. Decision Criteria 11 V. Definitions and Concepts 15 VI. Study Format 23 VII. Detailed Study References 25 VIII. Site Description 26
- 1. Site location and layout
- 2. Meteorology
- 3. Additional stresses on water body segment
- 4. Cooling water intake structure IX. Source Water Involvement 29
- 1. Hydraulic features
- 2. Probability of entrainment X. Biological Survey Requirements - NEW INTAKES 33
- 1. Sampling design
- 2. Sampling methodology
- 3. Follow-up studies XI. Monitoring Program - EXISTING INTAKES 39
- 1. Sampling program -- Entrapment-Impingement
- 2. Sampling program -- Entrainment
- 3. Follow-up studies XII. Impact Assessment 45
- 1. Biostatistical analyses
- 2. Predictive biological models
- 3. Community response parameters
- 4. Biological value concept
TABLE OF CONTENTS continued Page XIII. Acknowledgements 55 XIV. Literature Cited 56
LIST OF FIGURES No. Figure Page 1 316(b) Flow Chart 7 Existing Intakes 2 316(b) Flow Chart 8 New Source Intakes 3 316(b) Flow Chart 9 New Intakes (Not New Source)
-ii-LIST OF TABLES No. Table Page 1 Example Data Matrix 54 (Species I) Data Sheet (Spatial Compartment [A])
I. STATEMENT OF WORK The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92-500) require cooling water intake structures to reflect the best technology available for minimizing adverse environmental impact.
Cooling water intakes can adversely impact aquatic organisms basically in two ways. The first is entrainment, which is the taking in of organisms with the cooling water. The organisms involved are generally of small size, dependent on the screen mesh size, and include phyto- and zooplankton, fish eggs and larvae, shellfish larvae, and many other forms of aquatic life. As these entrained organisms pass through the plant they are subjected to numerous sources of damage. These include mechanical damage due to physically contacting internal surfaces of pumps, pipes and condensers; pressure damage due to passage through pumps; shear damage due to complex water flows; thermal damage due to elevated temperatures in condenser passage, and toxicity damage caused by the addition of biocides to prevent condenser fouling and other corrosives. Those organisms which survive plant passage potentially could experience delayed mortality when returned to the receiving water.
The second way in which intakes adversely impact aquatic life is through entrapment-impingement. This is the blocking of larger entrained organisms that enter the cooling water intake by some type of physical barrier. Most electric generating plants have screening equipment (usually 3/8" mesh) installed in the cooling water flow to protect downstream equipment such as pumps and condensers from damage or clogging. Larger organisms, such as fish which enter the system and cannot pas through the screens, are trapped ahead of them. Eventually, if a fish cannot escape or is not removed, it will tire and become impinged on the screens.
If impingement continues for a long time period the fish may suffocate because the water current prevents gill covers from opening. If the fish is impinged for a short period and removed, it may survive; however, it may lose its protective slime and/or scales through contact with screen surfaces or from the high pressure water jets designed to remove debris from the screens.
Delayed mortality to many species of fish following impingement may approach 100 percent. For some species of fish, the intake represents a double jeopardy situation where the same population will be subject to increased mortality through entrainment of eggs and larvae and additional mortality to juveniles and adults through impingement.
The data presently available on the magnitude of entrainment losses at existing electric generating stations, although just beginning to accumulate, reveals very large numbers of fish passing through some facilities. Results of one of these studies, conducted at the Detroit Edison plant on Lake Erie near Monroe, Michigan, indicate that 400-800 million fish larvae 37 may have passed through that plant during April-August 1974. The fate of these larvae has not yet been determined but the data from previous years indicate that some may have disinte-grated during passage through the plant.
Other studies have shown that mortality may 4, 38 be high among fish larvae that pass through plant cooling systems 2, 5 due mainly to mechanical damage or shearing forces. The circulating pump has 4, 5 been identified as the most likely site for mechanical damage.
Coutant and Kedl 39 in a simulation study have demonstrated that the condenser tubes are an unlikely site for mechanical damage to occur.
A large amount of data are available on the magnitude of entrapment-impingement losses at cooling water intakes. The data available on fish losses at Great lakes cooling water intakes have been summarized by Edsall. 40 He reported the following losses:
About 92,000 pounds of gizzard shad at the Ontario Hydro Lambton plant on the St. Clair River in 6 weeks during December 1971 -
January 1972; 82,187 pounds (nearly 1.1 million individuals) at the Detroit Edison Company's plant on Lake Erie near Monroe, Michigan between April 1972 and march 1973, when the plant was operating at less than maximum capacity; 36,631 pounds (584,687 fish) at the Consumers Power Company's Palisades plant on Lake Michigan between July 1972 and June 1973, when the plant was operating at about 68 percent of its total capacity (the plant is now closed cycle); an estimated 1.2 million fish (no weight data given) at Commonwealth Edison's Waukegan (Illinois) plant on Lake Michigan between June 1972 and June 1973; 150,000 pounds of fish at the Ontario Hydro Pickering plant on Lake Ontario in April-June 1973; 659,000 fish (weight unavailable) at the Nine Mile Point plant generating unit number one on Lake Ontario during intermittent sampling from January-December 1973, representing an estimated total of about 5 million fish at unit one for that period; and about 67,950 pounds (929,000 fish) at Commonwealth Edison's Zion plant near Zion, Illinois, on Lake Michigan
during September-December 1973 and Yarch-June 19?&,
vhen the monthly conlinq water flov averaged I?nly about i5 percent of the rnaximllm c;lp;lclty.
Approxindtely 1: .B?fln f isil of LG species vcrc imp tnyrd LC lqTd
.qt the Northern States Pover Prairie Island Plant rrn t!lto liSsiSS:;F:
?fver. Al The Conmonvealth Edison Companys Quad CLtlrs !.lnt,
- iz; ;,nr
- E; ;;;;ttjip~t River, impinged an estimated l.H qLllin?
The extent of fish losses of any given quantity needs to he considered OIT a plant-by-plant basis, in that the Langu,+qe of ser-t: ..
314(b) of P.I..92-500 requires cooling vater intakes CO -inir?lze adverse environmental impact. Regulatory agencies should c lc.lrl,:
recopnlze that some level of intake damage can be acceptable if c.J:
damage represents a minimization of environmental impact.
II. INTRODUCTION This guidance manual describes the studies needed to evaluate the impact of Cooling water intake structures on the aquatic environment and allow for determination of the best technology available for minimizing adverse environmental impact. The 1972 amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (P.I,.92-500) require in section 316(b) that:
Any standard established pursuant to section 301 or sect ion 306 of this Act and applicable to a point source shall require that the location, design, construction and capacity of cooling water intake structures reflect the best technology available for minimizing adverse environmental impact.
Sections 301 and 306 of the Act refer to the development of effluent limitations and dates for achievement of various standards of performance for existing and new sources of waste discharges. The steam-electric generating point source category is the largest user of cooling water in the United States and this guidance manual is directed primarily at this category. Other categories of point source dischargers such as iron and steel and petrochemicals for which intakes withdraw a major portion for cooling water would also require such a determination. This document is intended for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), State water pollution control agencies, industry, and members of the public who may wish to participate in such determinations.
The overall goal of conducting intake studies should be to obtain sufficient information on environmental impact to aid in determining whether the technology selected by the company is the best available to minimize adverse environmental impact. In the case of existing plants, this goal will be accomplished by providing reliable quantitative estimates of the damage that is or may be occurring and projecting the long-range effect of such damage to the extent reasonably possible. In the case of proposed intakes, reliable estimates of any future damage are to be obtained through the use of historical data, pre-operational models, and the operating experience of other plants.
General guidance is provided for the development, conduct, and review of surveys designed to determine and evaluate that portion of aquatic biota potentially involved with and subject to adverse environmental impact from cooling water intake structures. Guidance is also supplied for the analytical methodology needed to determine the extent and importance of aquatic environmental impacts. The environment-intake interactions in question are highly site specific and the decision as to best technology available for intake design, location, construction, and capacity must be made on a case-by-case basis.
Information is not provided on available intake technology. Such information is contained in the Development Document for Best Technology Available for the Location, Design, Construction and Capacity of Cooling47 water Intake Structures for Minimizing Adverse Environmental Impact, which also contains additional references on intake impacts. Information is also not provided on non-aquatic impacts of cooling water intake structures.
This document will be most useful in situations where siting and intake design have not been finalized; however, procedures to determine and evaluate the environmental impact of existing cooling water intakes are included.
Readers are cautioned not to depend too heavily on this manual.
More specific advice as regards procedures and individual site evaluations will be available from the agency staff responsible for decision making and the biologists who best understand the area in question.
III. INFORMATION FLOW CHART The development of 316(b) programs is a new procedure for many regu-latory agencies and user groups. To assist in an orderly processing of data requirements for both existing and new cooling water intakes, flow charts have been developed (Figures 1, 2, and 3).
The process for evaluating existing intakes (Figure 1) is intended to be flexible so that the data requirements can be revised based on an agency determination of the potential for adverse impact and the availa-bility of data on the plants intake. It is expected that for some existing plants, sufficient data may already exist to make further studies unnecessary for a decision regarding best technology available. The process for new intakes (Figures 2 and 3) is more extensive because of requirements for data acquisition and models prior to site review and approval by the appropriate regulatory agency. Proper intake siting, in many cases, is the only way of minimizing adverse environmental impact.
To obtain the necessary pre-siting perspective, the utilization of valid historical data and local knowledge is essential. A one- to three-year biological survey is required to obtain, in a preliminary fashion, the necessary data for assessment of environmental impact. A one-year survey is generally of limited value. However, in circumstances where substan-tial valid historical data can be presented and the intake can be represented as having low potential impact, a one-year survey may be acceptable. A decision as to the appropriate number of years of pre-operational data that are necessary will be made by the agency upon the submission of proposed study plans and their justification (see flow charts, Figures 2 and 3).
The type and extent of biological data appropriate in each case will be determined by the actual or anticipated severity or adverse environmental impact. Since the expected impact will vary, it is not expected that each case will require the same level of study.
A decision will be made at the outset by the agency as to whether the intake has high or low potential impact. Low potential impact intakes are generally those in which the volume of water withdrawn comprises a small percentage of the source water body segment and are located in biologically unproductive areas, or that have historical data shoving no effect, or which have other considerations indicating reduced impact. High potential impact intakes will generally require extensive field surveys or models to elucidate potential total water body effects. New intakes will provisionally be considered high impact until data is presented in support of an alternate finding.
-a-Figure 2. 316(b) FLOW CHART NEW SOURCE INTAKES New Source Intake Prior to Construction 1
___ __.. .-.--_- Y iSubmit pre-construction study plans and justiffcation for agency review and recognition Decision made or appropriate number of years of pre-construction baseline data (l-3) and whether intake is high or low potential imnac t (High Impact!
Pre-construction data collection1 and status reports or alternate site and plans Begin construction Problem solution Report pre-opcrat ion 1 Y
l~rogram modlf icatlon
Figure 3. 316(b) FLOW CHART NEW tNTAKES (Not New Source)
New Intake Prior to Operation I rSubmit pre-operational for agency study plans and justification review and recognition
+ (
- Decision made on appropriate number of years of pre-construction baseline data (l-3) and whether intake is high or low potential impact i ____- - _-- -. -_. -_--__ - ---
Low Impact I rl &I J-7 1 Submit High Impact model study Pre-operation data collection plan or and status reports 1 k 1 alternate strategy ,
r & Pre-operation report< 1 Xodel activity I 1 Agency renders Beet Technology 1 Decision, approving site and plans (including study plans) r V Best Technology Not Approved 2-l Approval, begin optrat ion under NPDES permit and Minor change follow-up studies _ i ,
including verification of Problem solution model used J
change in plane ,
-lO-The inclusion of several points ln the flow chart for I):cnt-y rruit>v and approval vi11 ensure that all part les .lre ln ;rp,recment .ls tl) tI\c scnpe and speclflc details of *work planned <lnd vlll provide each I)arcb vith a set of specific goals and schedules for cnmpletton. These rev I ev points should also ensure that studies address the important envlrlw-mental and plant operational concerns of all parties, thereby resulttn1:
in timely and orderly completion. A further benefit from such revlev 1s that studies conducted throughout a vater body segment can Se caordlnated so that methods utilized vill resillt in a comparable data base. This uniform data base vill allow for easier evatuatlon I-,E any subsequent cumulative effect from all intakes optrattng on a vater body.
IV. DECISION CRITERIA Adverse aquatic environmental impacts occur whenever there will be entrainment or impingement damage as a result of the operation of a specific cooling water intake structure. The critical question is the magnitude of any adverse impact. The exact point at which adverse aquatic impact occurs at any given plant site or water body segment is highly speculative and can only be estimated on a case-by-case basis by considering the species involved, magnitude of the losses, years of intake operation remaining, ability to reduce losses, etc. The best guidance that can be provided to agencies in this regard would be to involve professional resource people in the decision-making process and to obtain the best possible quantitative data base and assessment tools 47 for evaluation of such impacts. The Development document for 316(b) is an essential reference for guidance in these evaluations.
Some general guidance concerning the extent of adverse impacts can be obtained by assessing the relative biological value of the source water body zone of influence for selected species and determining the potential for damage by the intake structure. For a given species, the value of an area is based on the following considerations:
- 1. principal spawning (breeding) ground;
- 2. migratory pathways;
- 3. nursery or feeding areas;
- 4. numbers of individuals present; and
- 5. other functions critical during the life history.
A once-through system for a power plant utilizes substantially more water from the source water body than a closed recirculating system for a similar plant and thus would tend to have a higher potential impact.
A biological value-potential impact decision matrix for best intake technology available could be:
(1) An open system large volume intake in an area of high biological value does not represent best technology available to minimize adverse environmental impact and will generally result in disapproval.
Exceptions to this may be demonstrated on a case-by-case basis where, despite high biological value and high cooling water flow, involvement of the biota is low or survival of those involved is high, and subsequent reduction of populations is minimal.
(2) Generally, the combination of low value and low flow most likely is a reflection of best technology available in location, design, and operation of the intake structure. Exceptions to this could involve significantly affected rare and endangered species.
(3) Other combinations of relative value-impact present the most difficult problems. In such circumstances, the biological survey and data analysis requires the greatest care and insight in accomplishing the impact evaluation upon which the judgment of best technology available is based. A case-by-case study is required and local knowledge and informed judgment are essential.
It is accepted that closed cycle cooling is not necessarily the best technology available, despite the dramatic reduction in races of water used. The appropriate technology is best determined after a careful evaluation of the specific aspects at each site. A detailed discussion of available intake technology is contained in the 316(b) Development Document. 47
-L3-Biological survey requirements suggested in this manuaL shnul~
provlde a sufficient data base to provide insight as to the best loazation, design, construction, and capaclty characteristics ~pprr-prlate for achieving minimal total impact.
A stepwise thought process is recommended for cases vherc adverse envlronmrntal Impact from entrapmentiinplngemrnt is c,c:currl::y and must be minimized by application of best technology aval1ablt*:
The flrst step should be to consider vhetnrr tnr .fcvrrse impact vi11 btl minimized by the nodlf ication <?f tnc ex,st inr:
screening systems.
The second step should be co consider vhether the .Idverscr Impact viL1 be minlmlzed by increasing the size of the int%lkr tal decrease high approach velocltles.
The third step should be to consider whether to abandon the exlstlng intake and to replace it vlth a rwv intake at a different locatfon and to incorporate an approprlatr design In order to minimize adverse environmental impact.
Finally, If the above technologies vould not minimize adverse environmental impact, conslderatlon should be given to :hr reduction of Lntake capacity which may necessitate insta!-
latlon of a closed cycle cooling system with appropriate 2csL<n modlf lcat lons as necessary.
Where environmental impact from entrainment must be minimized, reliance must be placed primarily on llov reduction and intake relocat lon as remedial measures:
Rrduclng cooling vater flov is generally an effectlvr means for minimizing potential rntralnment impact. In fact, this VJ~ 5~
the only feasible means to reduce impact of entrainment where po-tunclally involved organisms are In relatively large concentrat iCJn and uniformly distrlbutrd In the veter column. Entrapment and fmplngement may also be lessened vith lover flov as proport idIn.? 1 IL fever animals vi11 be subject to contact ulth the Intake structure; water velocltles associated vlth the structure can be reducvd, enhancing probablllty of survival if lmplnged or of escape if trapped. Reduction of flov is accomplished prlmarlly by an lncroase ln condenser temperature rise or through recirculating cooling systems. When cooling vater flov is reduced, hovever, elevated temperature or the effects of an auxiliary cooling system can Increase the mortailty rate of the organisms that are entrained.
Site location measures may prove ef fecttve in areas of discontinuous, temporal or spatial occurrence (patchiness) of chore species subject to entrainment (or entrapment/
Enhsncing survival of organisms once entrained in the coolfng vater system generally appeers to be the least effective means fnr avoiding adverse inpac t ; however, operational regimes have been dorcloped to decrease mortality of entrained species vhere heat, chlorine or both exert the predominant impact. Realistic laboratory studies can lead to optlmal time-temperature regimes for survival.
The effects of biocides can be reduced by intermittent and spllt-stream chlorination procedures. Hechenical methods fnr cleaning cooling system components where feasible can eliminate or reduce the need for biocides. The mechanical stress of entrainment Is, In many cases ( the critical factor in organism survival vlth the pump the site of mejor damage. At present, little can be done to minimize mechanical impact although potentially harmful effects may possibly be reduced by pump redesign which incorporates lov RIVI, lnv pressure and vtde clearance characteristics. Reducing velocity changes, pressure, and turbulence in the piping system shauld prove helpful. Entrainment screening techniques such as leeky dam8 msy have application in some CirCumStanCeS. Regardless of beneficial measures taken, many fragile forms vi11 not survive entrainment.
In summary, the location nf a pover plant, nr other cooling uater use, coupled vith the associated intake structure design, constructton.
and capacity results in a unique situation. Uhile generalities may be useful , the aptimel combination of measures effectively minimizing adverse impact on the biata ie site and plant specific. The best technology avallable should be established on a case-by-case basts making full use of the kinds of information suRgested for acquisitton in this manusl.
V. DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS Adverse Environmental Impact Adverse aquatic environmental impacts occur whenever there will he entrainment or impingement damage as a result of the operation of a specific cooling water intake structure. The critical question is the magnitude of any adverse impact.
The magnitude of an adverse impact should be estimated both in terms of short term and long term impact with reference to the following factors:
(1) Absolute damage (# of fish impinged or percentage of larvae entrained on a monthly or yearly basis);
(2) Percentage damage (% of fish or larvae in existing populations which will be impinged or entrained, respectively);
(3) Absolute and percentage damage to any endangered species; (4) Absolute and percentage damage to any critical aquatic organism; (5) Absolute and percentage damage to commercially valuable and/or sport fisheries yield; or (6) Whether the impact would endanger (jeopardize) the protectton and propagation of a balanced population of shellfish and fish in and on the body of water from which the cooling water is withdrawn (long term impact).
Agency This term refers to the Regional Administrator of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency or the Directors of those State agencies authorized to issue NPDES permits.
Community A community in general is any aseemblage of populations living in a prescribed area or physical habitat; it is an organized unit to the extent that it has characteristics in addition to its individual and population components and functions as a unit through interacting metabolic trans-formations.
Critical Aquatic Organisms Adverse environmental impact may be felt by many species in all trophic levels. A species need not be directly affected but nevertheless harmed due to loss of food organisms or other associated organisms in some way necessary for the well-being and continued survival of the population.
It is not practicable to study all species that may be directly or indirectly harmed by Intake structure operations.
The critical aquatic organisms concept is defined in the 316(b)
Development Document. Generally, 5 to 15 critical aquatic organisms will be selected for consideration on a case-by-case basis. Relative to environmental impact associated with intake structures, effects on meroplankton organisms, macroinvertebrates, and juvenile and adult fishes appear to be the first order problem. Accordingly. the selections of species should include a relatively large proportion of organisms in these categories that are directly impacted. Generally, because of short life span and population regeneration capacity, the adverse impact on phytoplankton and zooplankton species is less severe. It is suggested that, in addition to study of the selected species, the total phytoplankton and zooplankton communities be assessed to determine if the area under study is unique and important qualitatively or quantitatively. If preliminary sampling or prior data does not support special or unique value of these organisms at the site, phytoplankton and zooplankton species will generally not be selected.
The following guidelines are presented for selection of critical aquatic organisms for consideration in intake studies:
A. Critical aquatic organisms to be selected are those species which would be involved with the intake structure and are:
- 1. representative, in terms of their biological requirements, of a balanced, indigenous community of fish, shellfish, and wildlife;
- 2. commercially or recreationally valuable (e.g.,
among the top ten species landed -- by dollar value);
- 3. threatened or endangered;
- 4. critical to the structure and function of the ecological system (e.g., habitat formers);
- 5. potentially capable of becoming localized nuisance species;
- 6. necessary, in the food chain, for the well-being of species determined in 1-4;
- 7. one of 1-6 and have high potential susceptibility to entrapment-impingement and/or entrainment; and
- 8. critical aquatic organisms based on 1-7, are suggested by the applicant, and are approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies.
- 8. Assumptions in the selection of critical aquatic organisms:
- 1. Since all species which are critical, representa-tive, etc., cannot be stud led in detail, some smaller number (e.g., 5 to 15) may have to be selected.
- 2. The species of concern are those most likely to be affected by intake structure, design, con-struction, and operation.
- 3. Some species will be economically important in their own right, e.g., commercial and sports fishes.
- 4. Some of the species selected will be particularly vulnerable or sensitive to intake structure impacts or have sensitivities of most other species and, if protected, will reasonably assure protection of other species at the site.
- 5. Often, but not always, the most useful list would include mostly sensitive fish, shellfish, or other species of direct use to man, or to the structure or functioning of the ecosystem.
- 6. Officially listed threatened or endangered species are automatically considered critical.
- 7. The species chosen may or may not be the same as those appropriate for a 316(a) determination dependent on the relative effects of the thermal discharge or the intake in question.
Cooling Water Intake Structure The coaling water intake structure is the total structure used to direct water into the components of the cooling systems wherein the cooling function is designated to take place, provided that the intended use of the major portion of the water so directed is to absorb waste heat rejected from the process or processes employed or from auxiliary operations the premises, including air conditioning.
-1 H-Entrainment The incorporation nf i7rganisns into the con1 In): water f lnu ts ent rainnent . There are two generally recognized cypcs c-rf cntr,lLnmc~nt:
pumped entrainment -- referring to those nrgantsmu that enter tllc I?[ ~ha*
and are pumped through tile condenser, and plume entrainment -- rrl(*rrtn,:
to organisms that are Lncorporated into the disch,?rKe plume hy ~IIC dilution water. Plume entrainment is nnt covered by section 3lb(b) ~IIC Is part of the thermal discharge effect to be considered ln conjunct:tln with thermal effects demonstrations under section 31b(a).
Entrapment-Impingement The physical blocking nf larger nrganlsms by J harrier, ncncr.ll1.v snme type of screen system In the cooling vater Intake. Entrapment emphasfres the prevention nf escape of organisms and lmpingemcnt emphasizes the collision of an organism vith a portion of the se rut turt .
Estuary An estuary is defined as a semi-enclosed cnastal body of water ut~fcll has a free connection with the open sea; lt 1s thus strongly Jffcctcbt! t:;i tidal action and within it sea vatcr is mixed (and usually awasur.lbly diluted) ufsh fresh water from land drainsge. It may be diff tcult tc) precisely delineate the boundary of estuarinc and river habitats in chit>
upper reaches of a fresh vater river discharging into marine waters.
The Lnterface is generally a dynamic entity varying daily and seasonall) ln geographical lncat ion. In such cases, determination nf habitat boundaries should be established by mutual agreement on a case-by-cdsc basis. Where boundary determination is not clearly established, bot!l estuary and river habitat bfologlcal survey requirements should be satisfied In a combined determlnatlon for envtronmencal effects and best availablt technology for minimizing adverse Lmpact.
Habitat Fornerr hbltat farmers are plants and/or animals characterized by a relatively ae8rlle life state with aggregated distribution and funct ionin):
- 1. a live and/or formerly lfving substrate for chc attach-ment of epibinta;
- 2. either a direct or indirect food source for the product Ion of shellfish. fish, and vildlife;
- 3. a blologlcal mechanism fnr the stabilization and modifi-catton of sediments and contributfng to processes of sol! brlildingss;
- 4. a rutrient cycling path or trap; or
- 5. specific sites for spawning, and providing nursery, feeding, and cnver areas for fish and shellf tsh.
Hfgh Potential Impact Intakes High potential inpact intakes are those located in biol:yqiclI:.
productive areas or where the volume of vater vithdravn comprises A large proportfon of the source vater body segment or for vhich histnr-lcal data or other ConsideratFons indicate a broad impact.
Impiqement See Entrapment-Impingement.
Lake Any naturally occurrIng Large volume of standing water IJCCII~~:~P 3 distinct basin and, fnr purposes of this document, reservoirs .Inci impoundments.
Lou Potential Impact Intakes 1.0~ potential impact intakes are those located in biologically unproductive areas and having low flow or having historical data shnvinp.
no effect or for vhich other considerations indicate low impact. Plants with low capacity factors or with fev remaining years of lifetime might be considered low impact despite their historical impact.
For the purposes of this document, the term macrotnvertebrates may be considered synonymous wf th aquatic macroinvertebrates and are those invertebrates that are large enough to be seen by the unatded eye and can be retained by a U.S. Standard No. 30 sieve (0.595 mm. mesh opening).
-2o-Yernplankton For the purposes of this document, mcroplanktnn are defined as planktonlc life scap,ee (often eggs or larvae) of f tsh or invertebrates.
Oceans The ocean habitat, for the purposes of this manual, is cnnstdered marine waters other than those uater bndies classified as estuaries. This fncludes open coastal areas, embayments, fjords, and other semi-enclosed bodies of water open to the sea and nnt aeasurably diluted with fresil water from land drainage.
Two prfncipal zones within the oceanic hnbtcat potentially impacted are: (1) littoral zone -- from high t Lde level to Inv t lde level, and (2) meritic zone (near shore) -- low ttde level to the edge of the continental shelf.
Phytoplankton Phytoplanktnn are the free-floating plants, usually nicroscopic algae, that photosynthetically fix tnorganic carbon and are, therefore, primary producers in some aquatic environments.
Plankton Plankton are eeaentlally microscopic organisms, plant or animal, suspended ln uatcr which exhibit mar neutral burtyancy. Because of their physical characteristics or size, most plankton organisms are fncapable of sustained mobility In directions ag.lLnsc u.lcer flow. Con-sequently, plankton drift more or less passively In prcvaillng currents.
Population A population is generally considered to be conprlsed of individuals of the arc specico In a geographic area, Popul,ltlons exhibit parameters such 88 mortality, natalicy, fecundity, intrinsic rate of increase, density, l tc .
Primary Study Area This lncludea the segment af the vater body Jeternlned to be the area nf potential damage. This concept fa mart perclnc*nt t~l arganigms suhfect to inner-plane passage, normally weakly motile or planhcnnic, and spattally
-.!I-su9ject co water boa:/ c~rrrnts ratErr than poSSesSing the abi:it;: :.
change locatlcn ;ndrpeodent of uatur mass movements. Animals cdpJSlc .f large scale movements, i.e., Tigrant fishes, wit1 TOV~ into tnls .zrc,i oeriodfially.
Rivers and Streams A river or stream is a naturally occurrrng body of runnir,:i? : +~~ri: 5.1 water, with an unbroken. unidirrct lonal flow, contained wltnln .I !.:s.. r, .
channel. Rest!Noirs andjor Impoundments, for the our-poses of cn:+ :. :-I .*.
vi11 generally be vlevtid as lakes.
Secondary Study Area The area uithin the water body segment outside the primary study area. Blota in thls area directly affrctrd by the intake structure 3.i..
or may not be a significant component of the total population of,.=
species. For many species. particularly pelagic fishes, tne tot2: pop~~i.l-tlon may bt! spread over a vide geographical area. This arra could be considered the secondary study area. Houevtir, other intake structures associated vlth cooling water uses, e.g., power plants, may also S+Y Lmpactlng tht! populatlon In these other areas. This may be considrre.!
in tvo ways:
- 1. consider tht! total population throughout the Reographic*2:
range, rstlmatr existing Impacts, and determine to what extent the speclflc intake structure adversely impacts that port ion of tht? population not already adversely stressed by sources outside the primary study area; or
- 2. consider only the populatlon in the area of potential involvement and adjacent areas of occurrence not already impacted by an rxistlng source of stress.
For example, when a number of Intake structurrs arc located u1tP11:
a water body such as the Hudson River. Ohio River, Long Island <g)ur.d.
Western Basin of Lake Erie, Narragansett Bay, San Francisco Bay. tit<..
either of the tvo approaches may be taken to assess the impact of t:t*
structure under conslderat ion. The total impact of all existing stresses may be weighed agafnst the total populatlon of biota studies and the adverse effects of the nev stress added to exlstlng stresses and assessed agalnst impact to the total system. The altrrnat lvr is to assign a sr~. t i 1 of the water body not already impacted by other fntake structures dnd compare the segment of the community in the assfgned area to the rffcc.t of the slnglt! structure concerned.
Threatened or Endrngered Species A threatened or endangered spectes 1s any plant or animal chat has been determined by the Secretary of Commerce or the Secretary of the Interior to be a threatened or endangered species pursuant Ca the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.
Water Body Stmntnt A water body segment fs a porttnn of a hasin, the surface waters IJf which have common hydraulic characreristtcs (or flaw regulation patterns!
common natural physical, chemical, and biological processes, and vhIch have common reactions to external stress, e.g., discharge of pollutants.
Where they have been defined, the water body segments determined by tile State Continuing Planning Process under section 303(e) of P.L.92-500 apply.
Zone of Potential Involvement The zone of potential involvement is considered the vater mass surrounding the intake structure and likely to be dravn into the structure iceelf or incn the associated cooling vater systtm. This varies with Cime and fs dependent on ambient water movements in the affected body of source vater an modified by the influx of cooling water at the intake structure.
It will be dffficult to precisely define the limits of this zone of influence because of temporal and spatial variables. The zone of potential involvtmtnt alvayr includes the primary study area and may Include the secondary study area.
Zooplankton True zooplankton art fret-floating animals which have little or nn ability for horizontal movtmtnt. They art thus carried passively along vith nrturrl currtnte in the vactr body,
VI. STUDY FORMAT The studies submitted as support for a finding that the cooling water intake represents best technology available for a minimization of adverse environmental impact should be in the following format to facilitate agency review. At least two copies should be submitted.
- 1. Title page (plant name, water body, company, permit information.
- 2. Table of contents.
- 3. An executive summary of 2-3 paragraphs (essence of material and conclusions).
- 4. Detailed presentation of methods used in data collection, analysis and/or interpretation when different from standard references.
- 5. Supportive reports, documents, and raw data. Data from the open literature need not be included so long as it is readily available.
- 6. Bilbiographic citations to page number of cited text,
- 7. An interpretive, comprehensive narrative summary of the studies which will serve, in part, as the basis for the agencys decision. The summary should include a table of contents and may include table figures. Sources of data used in the summary should be cited to page number. The summary should include a clear discussion stating why the report shows (or does not show) that the water intake structure in question minimizes impact on the water resources and aquatic biota in the vicinity of the intake and throughout the water body segment.
- 8. An appendix listing the agencies and consultants conducting this or related work on the water body.
- 9. Reports generated in response to section 316(b) should be recorded and forwarded to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) for recording and announcement. The folder, NTIS-PR-184, available from NTIS, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161, explains the procedure in detail.
It is the intention of the EPA to make the technical information submitted by industries in accordance with 315(b) available for use by other industries, scientists, and members of the public. This will be done initially by placing copies in the responsible EPA Regional Off Ice library. A similar approach is also suggested for State agencies.
In cases where demand for the demonstration materials exceeds the capa-bility of an EPA or State agency library, the EPA Regional Administrator may also submit the materials to the NTIS so that the reports are available co the public in microfiche or hard copy form at the price of duplication. In the meantime, EPA is developing lists of plants with completed 316(b) demonstrations and will submit the plant name and an abstract of each study to NTIS.
It is also noted chat the Atomic Industrial Forum has developed INFORUM, a data system which will extract and index information from reports submitted by utilities in accordance with sections 316(a) and (b). Questions should be referred to INFORUM at 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20006, telephone 202-833-9234.
VII. DETAILED STUDY REFERENCES This document, of necessity, is generalized to provide an overall framework of guidance and conceptual approach. Six references are recommended which treat various aspects of the study requirements in more specific detail:
- 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
& Hazardous Materials. Water Planning Division, September 30, 1974, Draft, 316(a) Technical Guidance on Thermal Discharges. (Revised draft to be published in 1976.)
- 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water 6 Hazardous Materials, Effluent Guidelines Division, April 1976, Development Document for Best Technology available for the Location, Design, Construction and Capacity of Cooling Water Intake Structures for Minimizing Adverse Environmental Impact.
- 3. Battelle Laboratories, Inc., Environmental Impact Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants - Source Book. Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. August 1974. 810 p.
- 4. Aquatic Ecological Surveys. American Nuclear Society, F.W. Hinsdale, Illinois, Draft, October 1974.
- 5. Entrainment: Guide to steam electric power plant cooling system siting, design and operation for controlling damage to aquatic organisms. Amer. Nuc. Std. Publ. N18. - 1974.
Draft, July 1, 1974, 44 p. and appendices.
- 6. Entrapment/Impingement: Guide to steam electric power plant cooling system siting, design and operation for controlling damage to aquatic organisms at water intake structures. Amer. Nuc. Std. Publ. N18 - 1974. Draft, September, 1974, 24 p. and appendix.
VIII. SITE DESCRIPTION The following information is generally needed to fully describe the potential experiences of organisms which may be entrapped within intake structures, impinged on parts of the structure and/or entrained in the water mass taken in and circulated through the associated cooling water system. It is necessary to describe the full range of resultant physical, chemical, and biological parameters of these experiences which could be encountered throughout the annual operation cycle. lnformation on daily and seasonal fluctuations is of special importance in those waters subject to wide variation in water quality at the specific site. Other data pertinent to the evaluation of environmental impact of the location or intake structure in question should be included even though not specifically listed.
The following data are required for adequate description of sites located on either fresh or marine water bodies:
- 1. Site location and layout A. Location of additional Intake structures - Smaller scale, map showing locations of intake structures, associated cooling water systems, and other pertinent discharges related to surrounding shore and water features in a 50-mile radius.
- 8. Site Plan - Larger scale map with topographic and hydrographic data depicting specific location of structure in the water body. Data required includes:
- Topographic details
- Hydrological features (see U.S. Department of Commerce, National Ocean Survey Charts, where available), including depth contours
- Water body boundaries
- Affected water body segment
- Location and description of other cooling water intakes in water body segment
- Existing site with topographic and hydrological features as changed by proposed intake structure construction and operation (where applicable)
- 2. Meteorology (when hydrodynamic modeling is performed)
- Air temperature, maximum, minimum, mean-monthly
- Rainfall, monthly
- Solar radiation kcal/m²/day (average/month for the annual cycle)
- Wind speed and direction. prevailing winds identi-fied as to seasonal patterns
- Other relevant site specific data
- 3. Additional stresses on water body segment
- Location of existing or planned point sources of potential adverse environmental impact
- Summary of impacts associated with existing or future stresses (and citations to more extensive analyses, such as 316(a) demonstrations, impact statements, NPDES permits, etc.)
- 4. Cooling water intake structure A. Structure
- Location with respect to cooling water system
- Location in water body, horizontal and vertical (including skimmer walls)
- Configuration, including canals and channels; detailed drawings
- Capacity
- Screening devices (behavioral and physical)
- Fish by-pass and handling facilities
- Average and maximum approach and thru-screen water velocities, by depth
- Flow rates and frequency of occurrence correlated with load characteristics
- Location, amount, and duration of recirculation water for deicing or tempering
- Other relevant system-specific data
- 8. Pumps
- Design details (location in structure, cnnftgurat inn of blades, and housing)
- Revolut Lens per minute
- Number, capoc it ies, and planned operating schedule
- Pressure regimes in vater subjected to pumping
- Velocity shear stresses in pumping
- Sites of potential turbulence and physical impacts cI. Btocides
- Locat ton of lntroductton in system
- nescrtptton and toxicity of biocide used
- Timing and duration of use
- Concentrations of biocide in various parts of cooling vatet system and recetving vaters
- n. Thenna 1 experience
- Tabulatfnn of annual ambient temperatures, thermal additfon to cooling vater of various operating capac L t tea, and resultant t tme-temperature experience of organisms subjected to entrainment in cooling vater system F*. Other relevant data on cooling vater circulation system
- Dissolved gases
- Suspended solids and turb td tty
- Other vaatea and chemicals added
- Sire of condenser tubes, heat exchanger cow poncnta, vater piping, siphon pita, etc.
- Malntcnance procedures, USC of heat treatment or deicing procedures
- 5. Plant Data
- Age and expected Iifetlme
- Capactty factor and percent of tfme at fractional
- History of intake model
IX. SOURCE WATER INVOLVEMENT The physical interaction of the intake and the adjacent water body forms a base for assessment of biological impact by relating the behavior and motion of local organisms with the flow of water around the site and into the intake structure. To determine this involvement with the intake, it is desirable to identify the type or types of circulation which will be dominant in the water body, and to establish a program of monitoring currents and other relevant hydrological and physical parameters of the system. Predictive tools, such as computer models, are useful in assessment of impact, and for delineation of the area of potential damage.
The approach outlined here is suggested for new plants having high poten-tial impact when sufficient model accuracy is obtainable. The approach may be useful for other plants as well, as discussed in the impact assess-ment section below. The modeling program should be discussed with the agency in advance of application and should include sensitivity analyses.
- 1. Hydraulic Features The dominant modes of circulation in the water body are frequently identified in the literature and include channel flow, tidal and wind-driven currents, estuary or gravitational circulation, littoral drift, and others. The local currents (or velocity structure) can be modified by bathymetry and transient atmospheric conditions, and contain local features such as eddies; their importance can he modified by their effect on biological processes. It is also useful to identify interface zones if several current regimes or physical pro-cesses are evident. Large water withdrawals and discharges can be sufficient to modify existing hydraulic patterns enough to create new biological habitats.
A program of monitoring the currents and other relevant physical parameters is desirable for the study of source water involvement, Whenever possible, historical data should be used to identify the expected circulations and guide in the selection of instrument stations, although as data comes in, a re-evaluation of the monitoring program is useful.
the relevant parameters are water current, speed and direction, wind speed and direction, tides or local water levels, tem-perature, and water density, Salinity data are important in an estuarine environment.
The spatial distribution of instrument stations is usually indicated by the circulation regime and local bathymetry, but is best organized to provide input to and verification data suitable for a predictive hydraulic model of the currents. Vertical spacing of instruments should be sufficient to identify any important depth variation in the circulation.
The use of a hydraulic model requires several other specific inputs to provide realistic prediction of currents in the area. typical parameters include:
- 1. boundary geometry;
- 2. bottom topography;
- 3. bottom friction coefficients;
- 4. latitude of the area;
- 5. tides or water levels at open boundaries;
- 6. river flows;
- 7. temperature and salinity;
- 8. wind stress;
- 9. power plant cooling water flow races; and
- 10. other point source flow rates.
A significant period of time (two weeks) night be chosen for a continuous (burst sampling) monitoring sequence to sense periodic variations in the circulation, and another program to sample changes on an annual (or longer) cycle. Careful recording of placement and start times is recommended.
The instruments chosen should be durable and resistant to fouling. The accuracy may be influenced by the scale of the parameters but for water level should generally be at least
+/- 0.01 ft. and, for current speed and direction, + .15 knots and +/- 5.0° respectively. For temperature and salinity
+/- 0.1°C and +/- 0.1°/°° respectively can be expected.
Special instrumentation for water current sensing may be necessary at threshold speeds.
An instrument calibration program is necessary to insure accuracy. Redundant marking of station locations and provision for recovery of unmarked instruments should be made.
Computer models as predictive tools represent the best available predictive tools and are useful in assessing water use and biological impact. Mathematical models solve the equations of water flow and are used to predict currents in the water body. Another model (of water quality) can he developed in tandem to solve the equation of mass flow and used co predict mass or concen-trations of organisms under influence of the currents.
The selection of the appropriate model is guided by the circulaticn regime and the geonorphology of the vater body. A number of mathematical nodels of tidal flov are available, and these can be extended to include channel flov. For example, the Leendertse 5, 9 type square-grid models for tidal cuf- ents and larvae transport have been used. Finite-element models are being developed for tidal cfrculatfon, and may have advantages In certai areas.
fl For river-bay situations, the channel-function model nay have special advantages. Three-dimensional models such as those described in references 12. 13, and 14 may be appropriate. A comprehensive summary of13vaflable models has been cornpiLed by Gordon and Spauldlng. The rationale for selection of the particular set of models should be justified by either enphas:z:nu their suitability or by demonstrating a lack of other sufficient models.
Verffication of model output should be made for both current and organism concentrations. Data from the monitoring survey are useful for verifying the current model vhlle the biological sampling program nay be used to verify the notion of organisos.
Dye studies nay also be useful In model verification.
Hearts for delineating study area and source vater involvement may vary from intuitive judgments to highly sophisticated predictive models. The most logical measures, consistent vith the local conditions should be determined.
- 2. Probability of Entrainment The zone of potential involvement of the cooling vater intake varies vith species of organisms and time but the core concept is the determination of probability of entrainment. The predictive models are useful for mapping probability fsopleths.
This could be done by the simulation of drlfters with the hydraulrc model, or the spread of mass from point sources into the intakes vith the concentration model. Drogue or dye studies could be used for verification. Drifters, drogues, or dye may, however, be poor analogs for the organisms In question. A9 a consequence, any study of thte nature must be accompanied by justification chat adequate adjustment is being made for differences in behavior between the organisms and their mechanical analogs.
A map of probability of entrainnent unuld be useful in dclincat In,:
the outline of the area of potenttal involvement by a ratlondl, analytical mthod. For exanple, the cnmputer hydraul lc model for currents could be Itsed to simulate the flaw nf drogues in the regfon. A simulated release of drogues (several per hour) uoul~
be carried out llnttl all drogues have either been entrnlned or have crossed the node1 boundarfes and left the area. The rat ton of entrained drogues to the total gives the probability of enttalnrncnt. A repetition of this procedure for other release points gives J Eleld distribution of probability.
An alternate method Is tn simulate mass transport fron J field &%f points, wherein the ratio of mass entralned to the total release<!
gives the probability. This method could be verifted by the USC of dye studies.
In environments likely to exhibit density stratification, or In vhich the organisms stratify, it may be necessary to use multi-level sampling for all parameters, and consider strat tficat ion ~9 the models chosen. Wind effects are more likely to be important In shallov vater. The spatial changes in parameters in stratified systems are 1 tkely to be larger, so this must also be incorporated in a sampling program.
Obviously, models are highly desirable and the probability isnpleth concept is a poverful analyt Lcal taol. However, the time and costs involved vlll not be justifiable in many situations.
The purpose of the biological survey is to provide a sufficient and valid data base for rational assessment of environmental impact related to the location, design, construction, and capacity of a cooling water intake structure, prior to a final siting decision.
Due to the possibility of extreme fluctuations in overall abundance of the species from year to year and shifts within a study area of its centers of abundance, several years' study may be required. A term of three years is suggested as permitting an "exceptional" year to be detected and criticized on the grounds that events in so short a span cannot be understood in the context of long term trends. A period of 15 to 25 years is one in which many cyclic biological phenomena become evident, but a preliminary study of this length will be out of the question except as it can be gleaned from historical data. A one-year pre-operational study is generally of limited value but may be acceptable for preliminary agency determinations in situations where substantial historical data can be presented and the intake can be represented as having low potential impact.
Data collected must be sufficient to permit analysis and reduction to assessment criteria which will be useful in reaching a judgment on the existence and extent of an adverse impact. Suggested measures for data reduction and analysis, which are included in this manual, should be reviewed prior to development a survey program.
Designation of species of the critical aquatic organisms to be studied is the first step in a sequence of operations for the subsequent biological survey. The species selected may or may not be the same as the Representative Important Species designated in connec-tion with demonstrations under section 316(a) of the Act. Differences would depend on the grater or lesser effect on such species of thermal discharges or intakes. Once species and source water involve-ment are known, the sampling methodology, survey study areas, and temporal characteristics of the survey can be determined to suit the organism selected, location, and characteristics of the intake structure. Each survey should be designed on a case-by-case basis recognizing the uniqueness of biota-site-structure interrelationships.
Biological surveys should be designed and implemented to deter-mine the spatial and temporal variability of each of the important components of the biota that may be damaged by the intake. These surveys could include studies of meroplankton, benthic fish, pelagic fish, benthic macroinvertabrates, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic infauna and boring and fouling communities where appropriate.
Generally, the majority of critical aquatic organisms will be fish or macroinvertabrates.
Once the occurrence and relative abundance of critical aquatic organisms at various life stages has been estimated, it is necessary to determine the potential for actual involvement with the intake structure. An organism may spend only a portion of its life in the pelagic phase and he susceptible to entrainment. Migratory species may be in the vicinity of the intake for a short segment of the annual cycle. Some species are subjected to intake structure effects during life history stages. For example, winter flounder larvae are found in the ichthyoplankton during their pelagic larval phase, and are susceptible to being entrained. During later life stages, as juveniles and adults, they are vulnerable to impingement. Both entrainment and impingement must be considered in subsequent impact assessment. Know-ledge of the organisms life cycle and determination of local water circula-tion patterns related to the structure are essential to estimating an individual species potential for involvement.
Once involvement is determined, actual effects on those organisms must be estimated. As a first order approximation, 100 percent loss of individuals impinged, entrapped, or entrained could be assumed unless valid field or laboratory data are available to support a lower loss estimate.
The final step is to relate loss of individuals to effects on the local population as impacted by intake structure location, design, construction, and capacity. It is important to consider the means for data reduction and analysis in the early stages of survey design. Data must be amenable to biostatistical analyses, as utilized in arriving at the judgment for best available technology to minimize adverse environmental impact.
- 1. Sampling Design It is necessary at the outset to clearly define the objectives of the sampling program and the area to be sampled. Quantitative sampling studies are designed to estimate numbers per unit and/or volume. The major considerations in these studies are:
- The dimension of the sampling unit. In general the smallest practical sampling unit should be used.
- The number of sampling units in each sample.
The size of samples for a specified degree of pre-cision can often be calculated if there is some preliminary sampling information. If not, preli-minary sampling should be executed before exten-sive programs are developed.
- The location of sampling units in the sampling areas. Stratified random sampling is often preferable to simple random sampling. Strata can be unequal in area or volume, with sampling units allocated in proportion to the area or volume.
The survey effort should be intensive for at least tile first year after which, based on first year results and historical data, lover effort progams could be justffied. Survey data are usually of a time-series nature and, therefore, averaRes over time intervals wlthtn the series cannnc be assumed inde-pendent. This situarlon llmlts tks ~~~l;~-~~~,~~~ flinc statistical procedures, Bartlett Reference 19 is d recent example of the difficulties encoun-tered when attempting to determine differences in portions of a time-series. The develnpment of more powerful statist ical methods for appllcatton to this type of data is necessary.
It appears that only catastrophic impacts vi11 be revealed to temporal comparlsnns oE mnnltoring program data. Plant impact may be better revealed by spatial comparisons.
The discriminating power nf surveys should be estimated prior to implementation.
This can be done by design based on previously collected data at the site, or by assuming the variability of the system based on previous studies at similar sites. The expected dlscrlmina-ting power of the survey should be adequate for the purposes for vhich the data are intended.
- 2. SampllnR ?Iethodolou Recommendations on specific sampling protncol and methodology are beyond the scope of this document. The optimal nethodo!nRy is highly dependent on the individual specfes studied coupled with site and structure characteristics. Some general guidelines are provided here. ?fnre specific details are provided in reference 20.
Ichthyoplankcon-Heroplankton Sampling Sampling gear used should have known performance charactcristtcs under the conditions tn vhich it is to be used, or Lc vi11 bc tested In comparison 4th a standard gear (such as the 60 cm. boqn net developed for purposes of ichthyoplankton sampling by ttlc National Marine Fisheries Service flAWlAP program).
When a new Kear is intrl)duced, data should be included nn frs efficiency relative to a standard gear. Gear shnuld not be changed in the course of long-term lnvesttgattnns unless the camparac lve cff lciencies of the old gear end the nev can be satisfactorily demonstrated.
It Is recognized that na sampling gear is, in practice, strictly qnancltative and equally efficient in retalninl:
dtf ferent sizes nf organisms.
A rAtinnale for the choice of gear, mesil size, etc., shnuld bc develnped fnr each sampl tny= program. In nlosc cases, LackinK 9tr0ng reasons tn the contrary, a(io\jtion of a standard #car LO permit comparisons vlth nttlcr investigations Is recnnmcnded.
In general, teplfcace tows indicate that horizontal dtscribucicln of fish eggs and larvae and other planktonlc organisms is uneven or patchy in character, and that vertical distribution not nnly of actively swlmminp, forms but of eggs commonly shows SOIW atratification. This typically varies over 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> due to the influence of water movement and changes fn light intensity.
Depth distribution of individual specLes of fish eggs ?ay char.Ce during the course of development, and buoyancy may differ Jt different periods of the spavning season.
Night tows frequently produce larger catches and may shou less varlabillty than day tous for fish larvae Ln the sane *Ired.
Both phenomena are related in part tn differences in net avoidance under conditions of light and darkness. qouever, certain larvae may be altogether unavailable to the usual plankton sampling gear at some time of a die1 cycle; for exdnp .e.
they may lie on or near the bottom by day, and migrate upvar~!s at night.
Night sampl lng must be considered in survey design as essential for an accurate picture of the numbers of ichchyoplankton actually present at a station, especially with regard to post-larvae and young juveniles. Sampling over the entire die1 cycle should be conducted.
Characterization nf the ichthyoplankton in a study area made exclusively from single tows at a series of stations is inadequate. Replication sufficient to show the typical vari-ation between tows will be necessary, and it must be borne in mind that this may differ widely for different species, and may change over the course of a season. In reasonably homageneous study areas, replicates can be taken at a subset of scacions and the results applied tn the rest. In certain clrcun8tancc8, c lose to shore. nr in the vicfnicy of the prnpoaed intake, more rigorous error analysis is advisable, and this may require replfcation at each station. Determina-tion of a suitable number of replicates will depend on characteristics at each efte, and must be based on field studier. The most variable (patchy) of the critical species of ichthyoplankton under study at a given season will dctecuine the number of replicates that are desirable.
Confidence llmlts for estimates of abundance must be based not only upon variation between tovs at a given station, but must incorporate other sources of error, which include subsampling error (when aliquots of large samples are token for lab analysis) and counting errors.
V The lchthyoplankton-meroplankton sampling will generallv 5t.
related to the impact of passing the organisms through the fntake structure and associated cooling water system, i.e.,
Fishes and ?!acrolnvertebrates Sampling of fish and macrolnvertebrates vi11 be generallv conducted In reilatlon to the potenclal impact of entrapment and lmplngement. An exception would be juvenile and small fLsh of a size that uould pass through tntake screenir.g rather than be caught upon such screens.
As prevlouqdy noted, spc?clf Lc samplLng methodology is drcai Ied eLsevhere.-
Some specimens taken from the screens may appear healthy; hoveve r, species-speclf lc experiments vi&h controls co assess the delayed mortality to these flsh are required if less than 100 percent mortality Is to be assumed.
Potential effects at proposed intake structures should make maximum use of existing data at operating structures to extrapolate Involvement and mortality estlmates to a nev Intake. Attentlon should be given to experlments vhlch have statistically evaluated the effect of Intake modifications on Lmp lngement-ent rapment losses.
In cases vhere preliminary surveys Lndlcate that the entrain-ment and entrapment-Lmplngement losses may be high, It wi 11 bt!
necessary co rsclmate the Lmpact of these losses on the populat Lons that ~111 be Lnvolved. For each 1Lfe stage susceptible to entrainment and/or entrapment-Lmplngement, parameters necessary to adequately predict losses caused by power plant ulthdraual include life stage duratfon, fecundity, growth and mortality rates, dlstrlbutlon. dispersal patterns, and intake vulnerablllty. These parameters can be elther measured In the field or obtalned from available literature.
Eetlmates of equivalent adult stock loss on the basis of entrainment losses of Immature forms requires a measure of natural mortality from immature to adult. For many if not most crltlcal specLe9, the natural mortality may be impossl-ble to determine and the Lmpact may have to be based on a reasonable judgment. Ocher data are required to project the long-term impact of the intake on the populatlon and to lncludr the population size, its age structure, and fecundity and mortal-lty rates. These data can best be synthesized using mathematical models as discussed in section XII of this manual.
-3R-Zooplankton Zooplankton sampling utll generally be directed tovatds drterminatlon of rntralrunrnt Impact. I.oop Lankton are rssentlally microscopic animals suspended In water vith near neutral buoyancy. Because of their physical characterlstlcs, most are incapable of sustained moblllty In dlrectlons against vater flov and drift passively In the currents.
In most cases, intake ef facts are of rtilatlvely short duraclon and conf lnrd to a relatively small port ion of the vater body segment because of short life span and regenera-tlve capaclcy. Zooplankton, hovrvrr. should not be disrr.issr<
from conslderatlon without a prellmlnary assessment of the fmportance or uniqueness of the species assemblage dt the site.
Phytoplankton Phytoplankton are free-floating green plants, usually mlcroscoplc tn size, and are generally the main primary producers In the aquat tc food web. Again, the potential cooling vater Intake structure impact on phytoplankton muld be through entrainment. The short life-cycle and high reproductive capabllfty of phytoplankters generally provldes a high degree of regenerative capacity. In most cases, intake structure effects are of short duratlon and confined to a relatively small portIon of the vater body segment. Phytoplankton, however, should not be dlsmlssrd from conslderatlon vithout a prellmlnary assess-ment of unfqueness or special Importance of the species assemblage at any particular site.
- 3. Follov-up Studies Poet-operatLona1 studies at nev intakes vlll also be necessary In order to determine If the design, location, and operation, In fact, mlnlmlze adverse environmental impact and vhether the model predlctlons utilized vere reallstlc. Some suggestions for follov-up studles are available In section XI. Hovever, the appropriate program at a new plant site should be detenlned In large part by the need for consfstency vlth pre-operatlonal study results.
The study requirements necessary to evaluate losses of aquatic life at existing cooling water intakes can be considered in two separate steps. The first is assessment of the magnitude of the problem at each site through direct determination of the diel and seasonal variation in numbers, sizes and weights of organisms involved with operation of the intake. When losses appear to be serious, as a second step it may be necessary to conduct studies in the source water body if there is a need to evaluate such losses on a water-body-wide or local population basis.
However, before requiring such studies it should be realized that the natural variability of biological systems, the difficulty of separating other stresses on population size, and difficulties in obtaining accurate and precise samples of the biota may mask the environmental impact from cooling water system operation. The magnitude of sampling variation 36is high and may range from 20 to 300 percent of the probable numbers.
Thus, effects of the Intake structure often cannot be identified above this background noise unless they are considerably greater, For many species, adverse environmental impact may be occurring at levels below that which can be seen with the standard survey and analytical techniques. Such field studies therefore will be extensive and difficult to conduct, and will generally require several years of data collection, all without certainty of results. Such studies should not be required unless absolutely necessary for the best technology available decision and then only to address specific questions. Because of the above difficulties, it may be necessary to base a determination of adverse impact on professional judgment by experienced aquatic scientists.
In evaluating data from the following studies, it is often desirable to assume worst case conditions where all organisms which pass through the intake suffer 100 percent mortality. If the magnitude of the numbers precludes such an analysis, specific mortality estimates may be necessary.
The following study requirements are based in part on the recommendations contained in the reports of the Lake Michigan Cooling Water Studies Panel 44 and Lake Michigan Cooling Water Intake Committee: 45
- 1. Entrapment-Impingement The objective of this sampling program is to document the magnitude of losses of fish life at operating cooling water intakes. Since it is possible to obtain a complete daily count of fish which are impinged by collecting the intake screen backwash material, this intensity of collection should be considered for application through one calendar year. The data which result will most accurately reflect the total annual loss by species. This approach does ignore possible delayed mortality to organisms involved with the intake structure but not impinged on the screens long enough to be killed. If total entrapment-impingement mortality is estimated by sampling from the screens, the sampling scheme must consider day-night and seasonal differences.
If a less than complete dally count over a year is utilized, dally sampling once every four days for one year is suggested as the lowest effort which will be acceptable from the stand-point of allowing for reliable loss project tons reflective of the plants operation. Both more and less intensive sampling approaches may also be justifiable based on apparent impact, intake data, spawning periods, and other site specific and seasonal considerations. The 4-day interval for sampling is based on observed variability in daily impingement losses.
For example, in a study of the Central Illinois Light Companys E.D. Edwards Plant on the Illinois River, numbers of fish impinged varied from 7,000 on July 18 to 500 on July 19. On August 23, 1,500 fish were impinged versus 30,000 fish on August
- 26. 43 Not all plants exhibit such wide variations in numbers of fish impinged; however, until intensive sampling is completed at a site, total loss figures will be subject to question.
Collection of the samples can usually be accomplished by inserting collection baskets in the screen backwash sluiceway.
These baskets should have a mesh size equal to or smaller than the intake screen mesh.
The following data should be collected during the sampling period:
A. Plant operating data required:
- 1. Flow rate;
- 2. Temperature (Intake and discharge);
- 3. Time started, duration, and amount of warm water r~~:r;:-
lated for intakv deicing and thenal defoullng;
$. Total residual chlorInr contained In recirculated v,ltrr during condenser chlorination;
- 5. Current velocity at intake(s) over the range of vater volumes used in plant operat Lon (representat ivt, neasurt-ments or calculated values may suffice);
- 5. Yumbrr of ttmrs screens are operated betvren sacpi:.:<
- 7. Tidal stage (where appropriate) and flov;
- 8. Sallnlty (where appropriate); and
- 9. Dissolved oxygen if intake vithdravs water from an area (or strata) of potentfally lov oxygen content;
- 8. Data required from blologlcal collections:
- 1. Species, number, length, weight, and age group (young of the year, yearlings, or adults) collected from the screens or reprrsentatlve subsamples vhen numbers c3f lndivldual species collected are very large. Subsasp. . :I.:
approaches should be approved In advance by the Agec~:;;
- 2. Representative samples of each species for determination of sex and breedlng condltlon;
- 3. Numbers of naturally occurring dead fish In the area ahead of the lntake screening system should be estimated; and
- 4. Perlodlcally conduct a test to determine the recovery rate of flsh impinged on the screen. This can be done by splklng the screen vLth tagged dead flsh and deter-mlnlng the proportlon that are recovered Ln the screen backvash slulcevay.
- 2. Sampling Program - Entrainment The follovlng soctlon describes invest lgatlons necessary to drtermlne effects of entralnmant of phytoplankton, zooplankton.
benthos, fish , and shellfish at exfstlng cooling vater intakes.
Such studles should generally concentrate on f lsh and shellf lsh unless the phytoplankton, zooplankton, or benthos are uniqllcll/
important at the site in question.
Flsh and !leroplankton The potent la1 for damage to f lsh or sht?llflsh populat Lens bv entrainment depends on the number of organisms that pass through the condenser system and on condltlons experienced during passage.
Overall objectives of the study are to determine the spe~lt?s and numbers of flsh and shellf lsh eggs and larvae dravn intc and discharged from the cooling systems and, if necessary, determlne the lmmedlate and delayed effects of cooling system passage on these organisms.
A pump system Is acceptable as the primary sampling method, provided It does not damage fragfle organisms, and pumps are easier to automate and quantify than systems In vhlch sampling IS done vlth nets suspended In the cooling vater flov.
Dlel sampling 1s recommended because the numbers of organisms.
ttvrn in areas known to be good spavnlng and nursery areas, typically have lov concentrations, and thelr dlstrlbutlon in t lme and space 1s usually either changing rapidly or patchy as a result of natural condltlons. Therefore, adequate representat ion of these organisms can usually only be obtalned vlth continuous sampling throughout a dlel cycle.
The actual volume of vater to be pumped to provide an adequate sample 1s dependent on the densities of flsh eggs and larvae in the vater surroundlng the cooling system lntake structure. The sample volume should therefore be detennlned based on the least dense species of concern. If no a prlorl source water drnslty data exists, then as large a sample volume as can be handled vLl1 be necessary. Once lnformation 1s developed on the least detectlble denslty for species of concern, sample volumes may be adjusted accordingly. Thls point fs extremely crltlcal to acceptance of the resulting data, If the sample volume 1s too small the study vlll be blased and show fever organlsms involved vlth the structure than actually exfst.
Sample locations In the Intake system should be located immediatelv ahead of the lntake screens and. when less than 100 percent mortality lr aesuaed, at a suitable polnt ln the discharge system. When leer than 100 percent is assumed, samples at lntake and dlschargr should be from the same water mass. At each locat Ion ant! sampling point should be located near the surface, one near the bottom, and one at mid-depth. If unlfom organlsm dlstrlbution can be demonstra-ted, one sampling depth may suffice.
Sampling should normally be conducted continuously at a frequency (e.g., every fourth day of plant operation) allowing the estlmatlon of annual numbers of organisms vlth a 95 percent confidence interval which 1s + 50X. ?lore frequent sampling may be desirable dur lng
-4 3-peak spawning seasons. Sampling should 1 ontfnue over at least one year. Sampling In subsequent years may be deemed necessary based on the results of the first year of study.
Macrolnvertebrates The primary concern regarding the effect5 of entrainment on macro-lnvertebrates As-does entrainment affect the rates of mortality, growth or reproduct Lon? Specific objectives are to detenlne the kinds and numbers of organlsms entrained, ta assess the effect of entrainment on their survival and reproduction, and to describe the seasonal and diurnal patterns of entrainment, Pumped samples are acceptable provided the pump does not damage fragile organlsms. X pump which oil1 transfer small fish without harm 1s often satis-factory for rooplankton and benthos. Non-toxic material should be used throughout the sampling system.
Nets used to concentrate zooplankton and benthos from the pumped sample should be metered. or the pumping rate should be tlmed to provide an accurate determlnatlon of the volume flltered. Samples should be taken fn duplicate. Xf no vertical stratlflcatlon of organisms le documented, duplicate mid-depth or duplicate lntegrated samples may be taken.
Sampling sites should be establlshed in the forebay, lamedlately ahead of the traveling screens, and aa close as posslble to the point of discharge.
Samples should be carefully concentrated in non-toxic containers and inspected microscopically for mortallty and damage as soon as possible after collection, Samples should be collected in the forebay and at the discharge during a 24-hour period at least monthly. Duplicate samples should be taken every 3 to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> survey.
Phytoplankton Phytoplankton are susceptible co entrainment and possible damage in cooling water systems such that rates of mortality, growth, reproduction, and primary production are affected. Studies to dete-he those effects should lnvolve microscopic examination, Yssuruent of chlorophyll concentrations, measurement of r&tee of primary production, and observations of cell growth and division. In most cases, effects are of short duration and confined to a relatlveiy small portion of the water body segment. Phytoplankton, however, should not be dismlssed from consideration wlthouc a prelfmlnary assessment of uniqueness or special importance of the species assemblage at any particular site. Special sampling methodology can be found in reference 20.
Looplankton Zooplankton sampllnc vi11 generally be directed towards detcr-llnatl:,n of entrainment impact by an lnt,lke structure. ;: (1r-l-planictrrn .lre essent i;llly #nlcroscoplc animals suspcndcd in \J:tt(*r vith near-neutral huoyjncy. Hcca~~sc nf thrlr l)t1~3icnl ct!,~r IC-terlst its, most arc 1ncap;lble of sust.llned mobilttv tn Jir((t L~II+
agdtnsr water flow and drift passively in cl112 rurrclics.
tn mnst cases, intake effects Jrti of relatively stlort C!IIC.IC ic)n and confined tn a relat tvely smilll port ion of the water beady segment because of short lift span and regcnerat Lve cap,?citv.
Znoplaniton, tlouever, should nnt he dismissed fron cnnsijcr.Lt ~~9 without a preliminary assessment of the importance or unlqcr<~ncs~
of the species assemblage at the site.
I. Follorup 5tudies A follow-up monitoring program Is also necessary at existing plants to determine whether the approved intake in fact minimltes environmental impact. In cases uhere an exlsttng intake has been approved, lt wuld bc expected that the monicor-ing proWram could be on A reduced level fron that noted above.
Hoveve r , where signlf tcant changes in tntakc locatton, design.
cnnstructlon, capacity, or operatton have taken ptace, .-I pr~~gram comparable to the pre-operational nne shauld be fnlloved.
XII. IMPACT ASSESSMENT The goal of impact assessment is to analyze and reduce biological survey data to a form easily conceptualized and understood in the con-text of best available technology to minimize adverse environmental impact of intake structure location, design, construction, and capacity.
The following approaches are suggested for use, although their applica-tion will not be appropriate in each case:
- 1. Biostatistical Analyses In general, the minimum reduced raw sample data should include the arithmetic mean, the standard error (or the standard deviation), and the sample size from which these calculations were made.
If a large number of measurements or counts of a variable (e.g., species) are made, the data may be summarized as a frequency distribution. The form or pattern of a frequency distribution is given by the distribution in numerical form (as in a frequency table). However, the data is more clearly evident in a diagram such as a histogram (i.e., a graph in which the frequency in each class is represented by a vertical bar). The shape of a histogram describes the underlying sampling distribution. Known mathematical fre-quency distributions may be used as models for the populations sampled in the study, and the frequency distributions from samples may be compared with expected frequencies from known models.
The spatial distribution of individuals in a population can be described in quantitative terms. In general, three basic types of spatial distribution have been described.
They are: a random distribution, a regular or uniform distribution, and a contiguous or aggregated distribution.
The spatial dispersion of a population may be determined by the relationship between the variance and the mean, as well as by other methods. In a random distribution, the variance is equal to the mean. The variance is less than the mean in a uniform distribution, and it is greater than the mean in a contiguous distribution. In general, a Poisson distribution is a suitable model for a random distribution, a positive binomial is an approximate model for a uniform distribution, and a negative binomial is probably the most often used, among possible models, for a contiguous distribution.
Temporal and spatial changes in density can be compared s t a t i s t i c a l l y . Significance tests for comparisons of groups of data may be parametric when the distributions of the parent populations are known to be normal, or nearly normal, from previous experience or by deduction from the samples. Often, non-normal data may be transformed into data suitable for such testing. Otherwise, non-parametric tests for significance should be applied.
- 2. Predictive Biological Models Models used to simulate currents (circulation models) and the dispersion of constituents (concentration models) are becoming more available for use in assessing impact. These models, when soundly-based conceptually, can usually be verified against hydrographic data and, therefore, represent an important tool for considering the influence of a power plant on its surroundings.
Diverse population and community models can be developed, but the assumptions on which they are based are difficult to test and the parameters difficult to estimate. Some important parameters depend on long time series of data (tens of years) and no level of effort can offset the requirement of time.
These problems with biological models can sometimes be overcome by making worse case assumptions and estimates, but this course may tend to produce a plethora of models indicating potential disaster. Nevertheless, models are a means of integrating the available information and the subjective underlying assumptions about a problem in order to produce the most rational answer based on the inputs. In this regard, some models way serve an important rule in assessing impact.
As previously noted, hydrodynamic models in theory can he used to predict the source of water drawn through a power plant intake structure. This is done by simulating the movement of drifters or the dispersion of a constituent originating at a particular point in the area modeled. The simulation is carried nut for sufficient time for most of the material to be transported to the point of the assumed intake structure where it is con-sidered entrained, or for the material to be transported suffi-ciently far away from the intake structure so that it has little chance of future entrainment. This procedure must be repeated (or performed simultaneously) for numerous constituent origins and for numerous initial flow or tidal conditions. These results will provide isopleths of entrainment probabilities surrounding a proposed intake structure. The isopleths can be compared with the biological value zone to assure that the plant will not draw a high percentage of entrainable organisms from highly productive areas. Various intake locations may be considered to minimize impact. In practice, it might be very expensive to calculate the probability of entrainment isopleths (source area) of an intake structure because a large area may have to be modeled and considerable computer time expended.
-4 i-For a glvrn (:t ltL~:al aguat lc organism, 1 I may be poeslblr to use hydrodynamic modeLa to ttstlmatt! the percc nt reduction tn annual recruitment resulting from entraLnment ot pelagic early Life stages, Uhen the source of pelagic eggs and/or larvae fs knovn, the dleperslon of thls blologlcal naterial around the study area and the consumption by a plant Intake may be simulated, Lndlcatlng the reduction In recruttment that ~111 result. Xn this procedure, entralrunent mortality Is separated from natural mortality. If natural mortality Is drnslty dependent, the impact of power plant entrainment vi11 be overestimated or underestimated vhen entraln-ment mortality 1s estlmated separately from natural nortallty.
The method described above for estimating the reduction Ln recruitment resulting from entrainment can only be applied, as stated, for closed systems. For the more common sttuat ion vhrrc!
some larvae are dlspersed out of the modeled study area (area for vhlch clrculatlon and dlsperslon is simulated) addltlonal aseumptlons are requlred. If It Is reasonable to assume that once organleme have been transported out of the modeled study area they have a Lov probability of contributing to support of the adult populatlon of the study area. Then the dispersion of organisma around the study area for a period of time equal to the length of the species vulnerable pelagic phase can be simulated vlth and vlthout the entrainment lmpacr of a simulated pover plant. By comparing the number of organisms remalnlng In the 8re8, the reduction In recruitment to later stages of the life cycle may be estimated. This approach vas used in reference 21. The approach lgnorrs tht! posslb Le Lmpact of a reduction in the number of organlsms dlspcrsed outslde the modeled study area and other supporting pllpul:ltions.
For open systems vhere peleglc entrainable orEanlsms are dlspersed out of a modeled study area, it 1s often necessary to consfder the effect of a plant on biological material transported across the model boundarier 8nd lnco the system. If sufi iclent lnformatlon 18 available, the concentration of organisms .lt the boundaries may be lnput to the model aa boundary conditions. Again, the sltua-tlon vlth and vithout a plant intake could be simulated and the number or organisms remalnlng tn the modeled study area could be compared in order to derive an estimate of thr reduction In re-crultment. The reduction in recruitment ~111 clhange 89 the population of the modeled study area 1s reduced and becomes more dependent on the input of biological material 3crosa the boundaries.
Hydrodynamic models 8re of little value for predicting the entrapment-impingement mortality rate suf feretl by populet ions.
In the case of separate but eimilar Lntakes, ~hts rate can be estlcaated after one Is operational. Results m,ly then be extrapolated to e8cimate the lmpact of additional Intakes.
Predictive model8 for entrapment-impingement *trt! under develop-ment but have not yet been validated.
-i,H-SUC+ simulations reqllire knowledge 111 t\le life tahlc i(lr tllc species being considered. I.ifc table infor-nat ion for some species may be based on the literature. It my St2 pnss ible to supplement thls information vlth kncwledac Kained from f ielzi stud fes. The age-(or length-) fecundity functinn and the egg production-recruitment relationship nllst also be knovn. The latter may hc of three foras: (1) recrultmcnc as a line;lr function nf egg prodtlctlon, (2) rrcry;t!fn,tra;jj a density dcpcndent function of egR product ion, recrul tment independent of egg product inn. The clloice of CIIL*
appropriate egg production-recruitment relatlnnship and estimation of parameters must be based on ttlc available hlstorlcal information on the spcc tes. At ledst twenty yedrs of data Is probably required to make such a dcclsion. In trlv absence of enough data, the assumption of a linear egg pro-duction-recruitment relatlnnshlp 1s appropriate. Yote that for a linear egg productlon-recruitment model, there 1s only J single equllibrilrm condition, and any plant related <Tortal-lty is Likely to disturb this equilibrium.
If the populatton 1s not isolated, cxcllange with clthcr pnpulatlons may be modeled. The results of mark dnd recapture experiments may be useful for estlmatlng exchanp,e rates.
Ihc aratlltrds for a~sscsslnx impact described in this sect:on are uscflll but of unkuoun validity. lost ,~sscssmcnts hasc!.
on biolS3K;fcal nodcls hnve :iet to be f ictd verif icd. ;)cv t 1.3,1-ment n! predictive nodels for .Isscssing impact sllrwld bc encouraF;ed but only Jftcr full cnnstderatinn of the diff i-cult tes involved, the cxpcnsic compared to the reltabllity of results, and tile dangers of .I worst case analysis.
- 3. Community Response Para3cters The populations of all spec Les tn a given area or voltlne are defined as ;1 cnm~unlty. Although the term c(~nmIInIty is considered ;1 useful concept tn dellncat lng tllc group of interactlnc spccics In nn area, it is believed to be a subjcctlvc entity. Thus, for speclf lc stlrdles 3nc tests 0f hypothesis, the composltlon of the comlunity rnilst bc strictly dcftncd.
(ommuntt~ rtlsponsc p~ra~ncters, such as changes ln structure, llave snnet imes been studied and cst imated by certain mt11t i-variate clnssif icatton techniques. Va r ioIls measures of spccles diversity trr assnclatlnn cncfflcicnts have also been employed LO ne.isure connunity response to perturbat Inns.
In estim;rting ccwiunlty dlversity, tile 3nc)st widely used indices .ire ttlose based nn information tlleory. l&en tlrc sample of species ahuntianccs may IJC cnnsidercd randnnly t.iAen f ran an eccll(Tgical cnnnu~~ity or subcnrlnllnity, tllc Slbannr>ll index (also referr4 tn as tile Shannon-Wiener or Shannon Ueaver Index) mdy bc cased. If the sample may not be considered a randiw set of species abundances taken frcln ,I LarKer spec its aF:r, ion I3f interest, ttlen tllc Rri 1 Irwin Etther index may be cnnputed vith Index conputat shul ional beease ~~ .Ind, in either case
- the logarithmic base clscd must bc stilted.
Tllc sl\ortccrmin,:s of a11 exist Lng indices of sprcies divrr-stty and the biolnglcal phcnnncna which nay influcance thcsc vcl111es sttould be recognized. References 2H, 29, nnd 30 should he cnnsulted for further exolanation of diver-sity indices and thctr utility.
For the purposes at Il;lnd, the phrase classiflcatinn nf commun i t ies is util tzed for prwesses chat snrt species into groups, and it incllrdes both discriminat Lnn -2nd clustering. In gcnerdl, discriminatinn tcchnlqws begin uittl a priori cnnceptuaL disttncttnns nr with data
-5o-dlvlded fnto a priori groups. Then one should proceed to develop rules uhlch separate data Lnto these a prior1 categories.
Clustering techniques, on the other hand, use a priori selection of a measure of sLmllar!ty, a criterion, and a class description to flnd Inherent emplrfcal structure In data, i.e., clusters.
Clustering does not use an externally supplied label and lnvolv~s ffnding derived data groups vhlch are Internally slmflar. h good rcvlev and summary of various dlscrlmlnatlon and clustering procedures is provlded in reference 31.
The aquatic environment can often be stratified In some vay, such as by depth, substrate composltlon, etc. It is suggested that such stratification be done and that tables shoving the frequency, or dens lty, of each species at each environmental stratum be compiled. These tables are anaji)gous to the distri-bution cumes made In a gradtent analysis, L and are consi-dered a natural and useful description for species assoclatlon data. It 1s suggested that these tables be the basis for certain multlvarlate methods of data analysis for spatial and temporal varlabtlLty, such as cononlcal variate analysis described in reference 33. In addition, for these data which now contain a prior1 groupings, the linear dlscrlminant funct lon may also be successfully utlllzed for testfng the differences among environmental strata uslng multiple measurement or counting data.
- 4. BLologlcal Value Concept The concept of establishing relatlve biological value zones In the water body segment lmpactrd by a cooling water Intake structure could be a useful approach in determfning best technology available for intake design, location, and operation to minimize adverse environmental impact. The principal use of thls concept Is In delfneating the optimal location ulthln the vater body for mlnlmum Lmpact on the biota potentially involved with the speclflc intake structure.
The ersence of thls concept is ln establishing blologlcal value of various zones for the water body segment (or other deflned area) uithln vhlch the intake structure is to be located. A judgment of value 1s made for the representative important species considering type of involvement with the tntake (entrap-ment, impingement, entrainment) and the numbers of each vhfch are adversely Impacted. Results are summed up by species, seaeonally or annually, and represented by graphical means to depict areas of the vater body highly important to the species and, conversely, areas of low relatLve value, thus potentially favorable lntake structures.
-5l-Yettlodology. The frill louinK ?letilodoln<y for asinK the !IA,?! . .; value cnncept 1s based on :let!lods devel.>Ic*,! and ut ilizcc ;q connt~n~ty plannin,: studies JS descrlbcd in rrfercnrc I&.
Ise of ttlc SInlogical VJIJC cnncept vould reqirt? .~ccept~r~~:c a\t the rc.l~on;Ibleness of sever.11 basic premises:
- 1. T11cr~* are areas of Jlf ferent cnnccnt r It ions of rcpreschnt.1: LV,:
1npt)rtant species vithin tllc vatcr body scgmcnt conprt+tn):
potent i,ll sites for an intake structure.
- 2. .\rcas of hlnlogicnl concentrations c-an hc cxprc1sscc :Y tt:r,\
of rclat ive value to perpetuiit ton 0i rcprcscrltac ivy- in;:~lrL.:*:l species PopulJt tnns in ttle vatrr body scp,,ment.
I. The arca ni zone of least bioloRica1 valrle, expressed in rc!;lt ive terns of pnpulatlnn densities, would bc t!lc I~~~LTII It,cat ion fnr 3n fntake structllre In order to redlIce .I(Ivcrsc env i ronnen tJ 1 impact .
This Ls not a preclsc method bec.:.lse cjf inexactness of differen-t lat tng rclnt lve value between spcc Lcs Jnd diff lcul ties in comparing importance of loss betveen eggs, larvae, ,lnd Jdults.
4ls0, Lt Is lssumed that tile adverse impact on the populatL;lns of critical squat tc organisms 1s significant to some drL;ree .~nd tticreforc, tt Ls cJesirahle to minimize tllis impact, thus ,:lvini:
importance, to best available intake locations.
If one CJII determine that one spccles is more important than annti\er, one can vcigh it in some way. tf not, least cclnccnt r.t-tions of crft lcal squat Lc nrganisms in any one location lnqic,ltc its intrinsic sultabtlity for lntake structure location. 3-A step-by-step procedure could include:
- 1. Select crit tcol aquatic organisms; and
- 2. Divide water body segment into spatial cclnpartments (USC hydrological model).
For each species and spatlal compartment:
- 1. netermine life stages potentially involved with intake and type of involvement (entrapment, imptngement, entrain-merit);
- 2. Estimate numbers of organisms involved at reprrscntat tvc times during the annual nperat fan cycle;
- 3. Estlmatc numbers nf those involved CIIJ~ are L&,sc (deter-;:c percent survival or .lortallty of those entrained or ~nplll't-~)
on .lrl annual basts;
- 4. h:sC imate conversion rat ins to express t*zf,:s .IIIL~* IS)51 tn terms nf ntlmber of adults (tl~is Is a VJ~IIC Jtddj;ment ,inll assumes the 109s of clne cgt; is nnt a5 fTnportanc co sibrvlv.ii nf the species as tile loss nf an .idllI c) .;
- 5. Develop CIIC data matrix fnr cnnstructinn nI t11c biol~~lIc.~l value level nverlay charts (Table I);
- 6. CofIStrUCt cran.Spdrent IWCr1JyS for ea-Icfl SpCCicS IJn Ctl;lrc Vf vater body segment. Areas nf different impact An trrns \lf nrganisms lost due tn involvement witli tllc intake scrtlCt44rc*
could be color-coded; e.c., areas nf -747st val11f2 could bc J,lrr gray; areas of lc;lst value, clear. r,cnrrA 1 Iy, tlirre lrve lD nf v3lue vfll sufflcc;
- 7. Superimpose overlays for (111 reprcscntat ive important spcc 1~s on chart to obtain cnmpositive value, indicated by relative color, fnr all spatial compartments in the vacer body segment; and
- 3. Analyze graphic display of relatlvc value snd identify light-toned areas as most favorable tntake sites, heavy areas as least favorable.
The methodology is intended to be flexible. Var inus sriarlcs of different colors could indicate cnmparative value bctueen selected species or variations Ln density vitll depth. ThC value grades could bc expressed in terms of their rel.xtinn to pnpulat tons nf critical aquactc organisms ln tile overall vntcr body to provide insight on importance of the spccif ic scy,mcnt studies to the vhole system.
The biological value concept for analyzing survey data in tVlc determlnat ion of best technology avai Lahlc tn 3inirniae advcrsc environmental impact appears to liave ttic principal appt Ication ii sclcctlnn nf the minimal imact zones for lncatlng tllc intal;c stfuc Cure. The usability nf tile cnnccpt is, of course, dSlt.j-dependent. As noted, it 1s not preclsc, but at least incc~raccs multiple factors and presents a defined inllic;ltion of suirahilit:d fOt locatton of an intake structure Ln the affected vater body segment.
Three-dimensinnal computer graphic cectlniques can also be portray spatial and temporal distrlbue ion nf hinln~ic.11
Time-series graphs can be useful in depictfng the dynamic nature of occurrence and abundance of a designated species during the annual operating cycle of the intake structure.
The principal application would appear to be ln the deter-mination of the optimal location of the intake structure.
Also, graphic representations of the biologically predicted mathematical model output could aseist fn more clearly depicting intake structure impact on populatfona of Repre-sentative Important Species (RIS).
f Lost I I TYPE I Organism Involved I (If assumed other 1 Numbers i Calculated F.quiva- I Value OF I I than 100 2) I l.ost I lent Adult Loss 1 Gr.4de INVOLVEMENT 1 I ERRS 1 Larvae 1 Adult ! Eggs I Larvae I Adult IL.1 L.1 A i E. IL. IA. 1 Total iI. II, III i t I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I II 1 I Entrapment f I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I Implnjiemcnt I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I Entrainment I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I Total Effect/ ! 1 I I 1 1; /I I1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I
XIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The concept of a 316(b) Technical Guidance Manual was initiated by an interagency working group comprised of James Truchan, Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Howard McCormick and Alan Beck, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency; and Phillip Cota, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The first draft of the Manual was completed in December 1975, followed by a revised version in April 1976.
The Manual in its present form is the product of the following individuals who provided comments and assistance: James Truchan and Robert Courchalne. Michigan Department of Natural Resources; W. Lawrence Ramsey, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Allan Reck, Alan Seers, William Brungs, Stephen Bugbee, William Jordan, Tom Larsen, Harvey Lunenfeld, Howard McCormick, Gary Milburn, Eric Schneider, and Lee Tebo, U.S. Environmental Protectinn Agency; Thomas Cain, Phillip Coca, Bennett Harless, and Michael Masnik, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency; Philllp Goodyear, Mark Maher, and Roy Irwin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; William Anderson II, Hunton, Williams, Gay & Gibson; J. Roy Spradley, Jr., National Association of Electric Companies, Charles Coutant; Oak Ridge National Laboratories; Rajendra Sharma, Argonne Laboratories, Saul Saila, University of Rhode Island, George Mathiessen, Marine Research Inc.;
and Gerald Zar, Northern Illinois University.
Special acknowledgment goes to Howard Zar, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, who was responsible for reviewing and incorporating comments received into this Manual.
Overall coordination and preparation of this Manual was done by the Industrial Permits Branch, Permits Division, Office of Enforcement, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C.
- 1. Schubel, J..R. 1975. Some comments on the thermal effects of power plants on fish eggs and larvae. In: Proceedings, Fisheries and Energy Production, A Symposium. Saul B. Saila, Ed. D.C.
Health & Co. Lexington, Massachusetts. 300 p.
- 2. Marcy, B.C., Jr. 1973. Vulnerability and survival of young Connecticut River fish entrained at a nuclear power plant.
J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30 (8) : 1195-1203.
- 3. Carpenter, E.J., B.S. Peck, and S.J. Anderson. 1974. Survival of copepods passing through a nuclear power station on north-eastern Long Island Sound, U.S.A. Mar. Biol. (NY). 24: 49-55
- 4. Beck, A.D. and D.C. Miller. 1974. Analysis of inner plant passage of estuarine biota. Proc. ASCE Power Div. Specialty Conf., Boulder, Colorado. August 12-14, 1974. 199-226.
- 5. Beck, A.D. and N.F. Lackey. 1974. Effects of passing marine animals through power plant cooling water systems. (Presented at Symposium on Effects of Nuclear Power Plants on the Marine Ecosystem. American Fisheries Society annual meeting Honolulu, Hawaii, September 7-11, 1974.) U.S.E.P.A. Environmental Research Laboratory, Narragansett, Rhode Island.
- 6. Odem, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co.,
Philadelphia. 574 p.
- 7. Anon. 1971. A Symposium on the Biological Significance of Estuaries. P.A. Douglas, R.H. Stroud, Eds. Sport Fishing Institute. March 1971. 111 p.
- 8. Leendertse, J.J. 1967. Aspects of a computational model for long-period water-wave propagation. Rand Corp., Santa Monica, California, Memorandum RM-5294-PR. 165 p.
- 9. A water-quality simulation model for well-mixed estuaries and coastal seas: Volume 1, Principles of computation. 1970.
Rand Corp., Memorandum RM-6230-RC. 71 p.
- 10. Conner, J.J. and Wang, J.D. 1975. Mathematical modeling of Near-shore Circulation. MIT Sea Grant Report No. 75-13. 272 p.
- 11. Callaway, R.J., K.V. Byram and G.F. Ditsworth. 1969. Mathematical model of the Columbia River from the Pacific Ocean to Bonneville Dam: Part 1. Pacific Northwest Water Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon.
- 12. Leendertse, J.J., R.C. Alexander, and S.K. Liu. 1973. A three-dimensional model for estuaries and coastal seas: Volume 1, Principles of computation. Rand Corp. Memorandum R-1417-OWRR.
57 p.
- 13. Hess, K.W. 1976, A three-dimensional numerical model of steady gravitation, circulation and salinity distribution in Narragansett Bay. Estuarine Coastal Mar. Sci. 4: 325-338.
- 14. Laevastu, T. 1974. A multi-layer hydrodynamical-numerical model (W. Hansen type). Environmental Prediction Research Facility, U.S. Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, California.
Technical Note No. 2-74.
- 15. Gordon, R. and M. Spaulding. 1974. A bibliography of numerical models for tidal rivers, estuaries and coastal waters. University of Rhode Island, Department of Ocean Engineering. Publ. P-376.
55 PP.
- 16. Cochren, W.G. 1963. Sampling Techniques. (2nd Ed.) J. Wiley &
Sons, New York. 413 p.
- 17. Bartlett, M.S. 1935. Some aspects of the time correlation problem. Royal Stat. Soc. J. (Ser. A). 98 (3): 536-543.
- 18. Quenoville, Y.H. 1952, Associated Measurements. Butterworth Scientific, London. 242 p.
- 19. Sissenwine, M.P. and S.B. Saila. 1974. Rhode Island Sound dredge spoil disposal and trends in the floating trap Industry.
Trans. Am. Fish Soc. 103 (3): 498-506.
- 20. Environmental Impact monitoring of nuclear power plants --
Source book. 1974. Prepared by Battelle Laboratories.
Atomic Industrial Forum Inc., Columbus, Ohio. August 1974.
810 p.
- 21. Edwards, R.L. 1968. Fishery resources of the North Atlantic a r e a . I n : Gilbert, D.W. The Future of the Fishing Industry in the United States. University of Washington Publ. in Fisheries.
- 22. Holmes, R.W. and T.H. Widrig. 1956. The enumeration and collection of marine phytoplankton. J. Cons., Cons. Int.
Explor. Mer. 22: 21-32.
- 23. Conuver, W.J. 1971. Practical Non-parametric Statistics. Wiley &
Sons, New York.
- 24. Hess, K.W., H.P. Sissenwine and S.B. Saila. 1975. Simulating the impact of the entrainment of winter flounder larvae. In:
Fisheries and Energy Production - A Symposium. Saul B. Saila, Ed. Heath & Co., Lexington, Massachusetts. 300 p.
- 25. Ricker, W.E. 1958. Handbook of Computations for Biological Statistics of Fish Populations. J. Fish. Res. Board Can.
Bulletin 119: 1-300.
- 26. Shannon, C.E. and W. Weaver. 19k9. The ?fathematical Theory of Communication. Ilniversfty of Illinois Press, lrbana, Illinois. 117 p.
- 27. Hutcheson, K. 1970. A Test for Comparing Diversities Sased on the Shannon Formula. J. Theor. Biol. 2: 151-15L.
- 28. Hurlbert, S.H. 1971. The nonconcept of species diversity:
A critique and alternative parameters. Fcnlngy . -52(S):
- 29. Fager, E.U. 1972. Diversity: A Sampling Study. An. Vat.
106(6j: 293-310.
- 30. Degenedictis, P.A. 1973. On the Correlations Between Certain Diversity Indices. Am. Nat. 107(4): 295-302.
- 31. Nagy, C. 1968. State of the Art in Pattern Recognition.
Proceedings of the IEEE. 56(5): 836-863.
- 32. Uhittaker, R.H. 1967. Gradient Analysis Fn Vegetation.
Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Sot. s: 07-264.
- 33. Pielou, E.C. 1969. An Introduction to Yathematfcal Ecology.
Wiley-Interscience, New York. 286 p.
- 34. HcHarg, I .L. 1969. Design with Nature. The Falcon Press, Philadelphia. 197 p.
- 35. Brown, D.J. and L.L. Low. 1974. Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics in Fisheries Science. J. Fish. Res. Board Can.
3-l(12): 1927-1935.
- 36. !4cErlean, A.J., C. Kcrby and R.C. Suartz. 1972. Discussion of the Status of Knowledge Concerning Sampling Variation, Physiological Tolerances and Possible Change Criteria for Bay Organisms. Chesapeake SC i. ~(Supplement/l2): S&2-S54.
- 37. Nelson, D.D. and R.A. Cole. 1975. The Distribution and Abundance of Larval Fishes Along the Western Shore of Lake Erie at Monroe, Michigan. Thermal Discharge Series. Michigan State University. Technical Report 32.4. Institute of Water Rercme. 66 p.
- 38. Clark, J. and W. Brovnell. 1973. Electric Power Plants In the Coastal Zone: Environmental Issues. American Littoral Soclcty Special Publication No. 7. a0 pe
- 39. Coutant, C.C. and R.J. Kedl. 1975. Survfval of Larval Striped Bass Exposed to Fluid-Induced and Thermal Stresses in a Simulated Condenser Tube. Environmental Sciences Dtvision Publication No. 637. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 37 p.
- 40. Edsall, T.A. Electric Power Generation and Its Influence cn Great Lakes Fish. (Presented at Second ICMSE Conference on the Great Lakes. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne.
Illinois. March 25, 1975.)
- 41. Andersen. R.A. 1974. Fish Study, Lmpingement of Fishes and Other Organisms on the Prairie Island Plant Intake Traveling Screens. Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Studies Program, 1974 Annual Report, Volume 2 for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant near Red Wing, !linnesota. Northern States Power Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 755-82&b.
- 42. Latviatis, B., H.F. Bernhard, D.B. !fcDonald. 1976. Impingement Studies at Quad-Cities Station, Mississippi River. (Presented at the Thfrd National Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement.
New York. 1
- 43. FFsh Impingement Studies at the E. D. Edwards Power Plant, July 1974 - June 1975. (Submitted to Central Illinois Light Company. Peoria, Illinois.) Wapora, Inc.
- 44. Meyers, C.D. and K.E. Bremer. 1975. Statement of Concerns and Suggested Ecological Research, Report No. 1 of the Lake Michigan Cooling Water Studies Panel. EPA 905/3-751001.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. November 19 7 5.
387 p.
- 45. Lake Michigan Cooling Water Intake Technfcal Committee. Lake
!!ichigan Intakes: Report on the Best Technology Available.
1973. Chicago, Illinois. United States Environmental Protection Agency. August 19, 1973. 148 p.
- 46. Lloyd, M., J.H. Zar and J.R. Yarr. 1968. On the Calculation of Information - Theoretical Measures of Diversity. Am. Yidl.
Nat. -79(2): 257-272.
- 47. Development Document for Best Technology Available for the Location, Design, Construction and Capacity of Cooling Water Intake Structures for Minimizing Adverse Environmental Impact . United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Washington, D.C. EPA 440/1-76/015-a. Apr 11 19 76. 263 p.