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Oyster Creek September 2007 Evidentiary Hearing - Applicant Exhibit 61, NRC Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report (Vol. 2, Rev. 1, at II A.1 Through 5), Portions Discussing Concrete Containment Structures
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 09/30/2005
AmerGen Energy Co
50-219-LR, AmerGen-Applicant-61, RAS 14275
Download: ML072780503 (6)


RA S / L/ t7j5 APPLICANT'S EXHIBIT 61 NUREG-1801, Vol. 2, Rev. 1 Generc Lsson Agng US. NUCLEAR FEVOL COMMISSION In~M~rofA1At~~ v~EPIco-, UX.-

Generic Aging Lessons *92-lZ- Official Exhibit No. 62 k Do"tst NO.-

Learned. (GALL) Report OFFERED by* 4ý jnsee Intervenor NR St4ff Other IOENTIFIED on I L - 0*Nitness/Panel Acton Taken: DM"OTHDRAWN JECTED Reporter/Clerk (9V Tabulation of Results Manuscript Completed: September 2005 Date Published: September 2005 DOCKETED USNRC October 1, 2007 (10:45am)

OFFICE OF SECRETARY RULEMAKINGS AND ADJUDICATIONS STAFF Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001

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Systems, Structures, and Components This section addresses the elements of pressurized water reactor (PWR) concrete containment structures. Concrete containment structures are divided into three elements: concrete, steel, and prestressing system.

System Interfaces Functional interfaces include the primary containment heating and ventilation.system (VII.F3),

containment isolation system (V.C). and containment spray system (V.A). Physical interfaces exist with any structure, system, or component that either penetrates the containment wall, such as the main steam system (VIII.B1) and feedwater system (VIII.Dl), or is supported by the containment structure, such as the polar crane (VII.B). The containment structure basemat typically provides support to the nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) components and containment internal structures.

September 2005 II1A1-1 NUREG-1801, Rev. 1


Al Concrete Containments (Reinforced and Prestressed) m 0

00 Structure Further C Item Link and/or Material Environment Agingism Aging Management Program (AMP)

Mechanism Evaluation Component (D

I1.A1-1 II.A1.1-h Concrete: Concrete Air - indoor Reduction of Plant-specific aging management Yes, if uncontrolled or strength and program temperature (C-08) Dome; wall; air - outdoor modulus/ elevated limits are basemat; ring temperature The implementation of 10 CFR 50.55a exceeded girder; (>150'F general; and ASME Section XI, Subsection IWL buttresses >200'F local) would not be able to identify the reductic.,i of strength and modulus of elasticity due to elevated temperature.

Thus, for any portions of concrete containment that exceed specified temperature limits, further evaluations are warranted. Subsection CC-3400 of ASME Section III, Division 2, specifies the concrete temperature limits for normal operation or any other long-term period. The temperatures shall not exceed 150'F except for local areas, such as around penetrations, which are not allowed to exceed 200'F. If significant equipment loads are supported by concrete at temperatures exceeding 150'F, an evaluation of the ability to withstand the postulated design loads is to be made.

Higher temperatures than given above may be allowed in the concrete if tests and/or calculations are provided to C',

CD evaluate the reduction in strength and

'R CD this reduction is applied to the design 27 allowables.

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'R CD Al Concrete Containments (Reinforced and Prestressed) 3 Structure Further CD Item Link and/or ,ging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation CD Component I .

II.A1-2 II.Al. 1-a Concrete: Chapter XI.S2, "ASME Section XI, Yes, for (spalling, scaling) Subsection IWL" inaccessible (C-01) Dome; wall; and cracking/ areas of plants basemat; ring freeze-thaw Accessible areas: located in girders; Inspections performed in accordance moderate to buttresses with IWL will indicate the presence of severe loss of material (spalling, scaling) and weathering surface cracking due to freeze-thaw. conditions Inaccessible Areas:

Evaluation is needed for plants that are located in moderate to severe weathering conditions. (weathering index

>100 day-inch/yr) (NUREG-1557).

Documented evidence confirms that where the existing concrete had air content of 3% to 6%, subsequent inspection did not exhibit degradation related to freeze-thaw. Such inspections should be considered a part of the evaluation.

The weathering index for the continental L £ US is shown in ASTM C33-90, Fig. 1.

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Al Concrete Containments (Reinforced and Prestressed) m 00 Structure Aging Effect/ Further Item . Link and/or Material Environment Mechanism Aging Managemern Program (AMP) Evaluation Component CD Yes, if II.A1-3 II.A1.1-d Concrete:. Concrete Any Cracking due to Chapter XI.S2, "ASME Section XI, expansion/ Subsection IWL" concrete was (C-04) Dome; wall; reaction with not basemat; ring aggregates Accessible /..,-eas: constructed as girders; Inspections performed in accordance stated for buttresses with IWL will indicate the presence of inaccessible surface cracking due to reaction with areas aggregates.

Inaccessible Areas:

As described in NUREG-1557, investigations, tests, and petrographic examinations of aggregates performed in accordance with ASTM C295-54 or ASTM C227-50 can demonstrate that those aggregates do not react within reinforced concrete. For potentially reactive aggregates, aggregate reinforced concrete reaction is not significant if the concrete was constructed in accordance with ACI 201.2R.Therefore, if these conditions are satisfied, aging management is not




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II CONTAINMENT STRUCTURES Al Concrete Containments (Reinforced and Prestressed)

Structure Aging Effect/ Further Item Link and/or Material Environment Mechanism Aging Management Program (AMP) Evaluation Component II.A1-4 II.A1.1-c Concrete: Concrete Ground Increase in Chapter XI.S2, "ASME Section XI, Yes, plant-water/soil or air porosity and Subsection IWL". specific if (C-03) Dome; wall; indoor permeability, environment is basemat; ring uncontrolled or cracking, loss of Accessible Areas: aggressive girders; air-outdoor material (spalling, Inspections performed in accordance buttresses scaling)/ with IWL will indicate the presence of aggressive increase in porosity and permeability, chemical attack surface cracking, or loss of material (spalling, scaling) due to aggressive chemical attack.

Inaccessible Areas:

For plants with non-aggressive ground water/soil; i.e., pH > 5.5, chlorides < 500 ppm, or sulfates <1500 ppm, as a minimum, consider (1) Examination of the exposed portions of the below grade concrete, when excavated for any reason, and (2) Periodic monitoring of below-grade water chemistry, including consideration of potential seasonal variations.

For plants with aggressive groundwater/soil, and/or where the concrete structural elements have experienced degradation, a plant specific AMP accounting for the extent of the degradation experienced should be implemented to manage the concrete aging during the period of extended operation.