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Slides - Briefing on Palo Verde 7/24/2007
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/2007
From: Edington R
Arizona Public Service Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML072080384 (51)


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Briefing July 24, 2007 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 1


Randall K. Edington Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer 2

APS Participants

  • William Post- APS Chairman of the Board
  • Dwight Mims- Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Performance Improvement
  • John Hesser- Vice President, Nuclear Engineering
  • Mike Pento- Plant Manager 3

APS Participants

  • Maria Lacal- Director, Executive Projects and Plant Support

+ Mike Shea- Director ImPACT

+ George Andrews- Director, Performance Improvement

  • Scott Bauer- Director, Regulatory Affairs 4

Opening Remarks William Post APS Chairman of the Board Jack Davis APS CEO 5

Opening Remarks

  • Historical/Lessons Learned
  • Actions
  • Resources 6

Historical/Lessons Learned

  • Historical plant performance
  • Metrics
  • Workload
  • Defensive/historical rationalization
  • Accountability 7

Historical/Lessons Learned

  • Team performance
  • Workforce turnover
  • Internal orientation
  • Communication
  • Remember, high nuclear performance is more a function of people than technology 8

Opening Remarks

  • Historical/Lessons Learned
  • Actions
  • Resources 9

Improving Palo Verde for the Long Term Randall K. Edington Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer 10

Stages of Power Plants 11

Recognize where we have been Emphasize where we are!

and where we are going!!


History + New + Change = Palo Verde Way Controlled change at deliberate speed 13

Map and understand Then choose

  • execution
  • evolution e revolution 14

Our Organization History + New + Change I II Director I I Leader Department General Manager Nuclear Assurance Emergency Services Employee Concerns

&Support Dwayne Carnes Terry Radtke Jeanne Copsey 15

SAFELY and efficiently generate electricity for the long term 16

Long-Term Focus

+ Developing 3-5 year improvement plan to assure long-term, sustainable performance

+ Build upon existing improvement plan

+ Perform a detailed evaluation of performance issues through the ImPACT team

+ Obtaining organizational alignment 17

Improving Palo Verde for the Long Term Mar April May June I July IAug Sept Oct Nov j Dec Jan'08

  • 4 1 4 1 Annual Assessment 1R13 INPO Evaluation INPO ATV 3R13 Public Meeting A ml-,

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_1A SAFELY and efficiently

-generateelectricity for the long term

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I 8.1 Increase Board of Directors' understanding of PVNGS operations Palo Verde has not been fully engaged with the industry 8.2 Improve the effectiveness of the Nuclear and the culture has, at times, been one of complacency. Oversight Committee (NOC)

Behaviors do not consistently drive continuous Improvement and feedback from external sources has 8.3 Improve the effectiveness of the Off-Site not been effectively Integrated Into plant processes and Safety Review Committee (OSRC) programs. As a result, performance has declined over Core Staition Performance Indicators time and opportunities to improve performance have 8.4 Improve the effectiveness of the Management been missed.

Review Meetings (MRM) 8.6 Increase line organization QA perspective and improve effectiveness of site nuclear assurance oversight 8.6 Develop and implement an alignment strategy We seek and value input from internal and external from senior leadership throughout the oversight organizations and assessment teams to ensure organization excellence in nuclear safety. We keep our eyes on our problems and effectively integrate feedback into our 8.7 Improve use of other external oversight and processes and programs for continuous improvement. assessments 8.8 Increase station awareness of industry best practices 8.9 Improve station challenge board process 20

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Site Integrated Improvement Plan - Building Block 8 - OVERSIGHT Initiative: 8.3 Improve the effectiveness of the Off-Site Safety Review Committee (OSRC)

Lead: R. Edington CRDR - 3040637 Due Date: 06/30108 Current State: The Off-Site Safety Review Committee has not been used effectively to provide an external industry perspective of Palo Verde performance. Consequently, actions to drive station improvements have been weak and untimely and desired changes in performance have not been fully realized.

assessment members and provide report to the senior

_______leadership team.

In coordination with site senior leadership, 8.3.3 3040646 restructure/reorganize, as appropriate, OSRc internal M. Lacal 09/30/07 membership, subcommittees, and external membership

_______based on 8.3.1 and 8.3.2, above.

8 3.4 3040650 Revise reporting relationship to Senior Vice-President, M. Lacal 09/30/07 Nuclear and Chief Nuclear Officer.

8.3.5 3040651 Revise OSRC charter, as appropriate, to institutionalize M. Lacal 10/31/07 results of 8.3.3 and 8.3.4, above.

8.3.6 3040652 Revise OSRC charter to require conducting periodic M. Lacal 10/31/07 reviews of Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL), IMPACT, and site integrated improvement plan action implementation, closure and effectiveness during time of increased regulatory scrutiny.

8.3.7 3040653 Develop and institutionalize a process for OSRC Chair to M. Lacal 12/31/07 provide periodic status to Board of Directors (at least

_______ _______ annually). _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


SAFELY and efficiently generate electricity for the longq term I la- -qimt -epl

- I^oi 'II durm Engineering Programs

  • rk Management

-S nge Plan I Departme I S04s9wrat 7fbrrnabon SeMces I Outages cost 22

  • Major equipment improvements
  • Top Ten equipment process
  • Plant Health Committee
  • Equipment process reviews
  • Engineering equipment programs
  • Component design basis review 23

Workforce Performance Compensation &

Management Rewards 0

0 Development Targeted

&Retention 0 Hires 0-Pipeline Programs I Initial Hires 94.


+ Plant status and safety (nuclear, industrial, radiological, safety culture)

+ Improving risk models, knowledge, structure

+ Develop a "green stripe" certification

  • Improve radioactive material control program
  • Focus on behaviors and culture
  • Implement actions to address independent safety culture assessment
  • Mapping corrective action program (CAP) and related processes
  • Improving CAP metrics
  • Improving site accountability for CAP
  • Providing additional dedicated resources
  • Further process improvements in progress
  • Establishing CAP as core business to 0S -

a~~~~ a7777,Iiia 26

Expanding site-specific power plant course Upgrading site-specific certification course Upgrading continuing training for workforce/leaders Improving training involvement in line activities Focus on training as core business for the long term fta Knowledge/Training Pft-27

SAFELY and efficiently

-generate electricity for the long term ant Equipment People Aftn Pqram I SAFETY I Knowledge/-Training PHurnnanPerf.TjCbnftLUearmIngj communicabons I Oversight I Enwgwq Reparedrwo dures mI Engineering I Programs Processes I ' MetriCS =Work Ma iagern ISdf4awwt / k&04 I Information Services I Outages Cost Effectiveness I Long-Range Plan rlZpartrnent Plans 28

Improving Palo Verde for the Long Term Mar April jMay June 10.

July 10' Aug Sept Oct rNov f Dec Jan '08 Annual Assessment IR13 INPO Evaluation INPO ATV 3R1 3 Public Meeting

-1 gm-Eq ji 29

  • "poe Performanc An Cutua Trasformtio Dwight C. Mims Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Performance Improvement 30

Improving Palo Verde for the Long Term Mar April May June July IAug I Sept Oct Nov D Dec Jan'08 01 10 4 1 Annual Assessment 1311 INPO Evaluation INPO ATV 3R1 3 Public Meeting LUtnpa

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Improving Palo Verde for the Long Term Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec j Jan '08 No 14 0 - -*4 Annual Assessment IR13 INPO INPO 3R13 Public Meeting Evaluation ATV IXf.mI\


F Initial CAL NRC Exit 32

Focused Assessments Scope

  • Problem Identification & Resolution
  • Human Performance
  • Re-Engineering (1993-1994)
  • 1989 Diagnostic Inspection
  • Performance Improvement Plan
  • Other issues as identified 37

ImPACT Identified Issues

+ Operational focus

  • Corrective action program effectiveness
  • Organizational alignment and accountability
  • Equipment reliability

+ Human performance

+ Work management

+ Engineering quality

+ Component Design Basis Review 39

Safety Culture Assessment Overall Methodology

  • Mapped new process to understand

+ Used diverse and complementary teams

-Independent Safety Culture Performance Evaluation Team (ISCPET) e Industry leaders and experts

-SYNERGY consulting services 41

ISCPET Results General Observations

+ Majority of workforce will actively identify nuclear safety issues

+ Corporate and site senior leadership communicating right safety message 4 Policies and programs place priority on nuclear safety Alternative means for raising concerns generally function well and are trusted 42

ISCPET Results Action Areas

+ Alignment

+ Accountability

+ Site Processes and Programs

  • Communications and Change Management

+ Safety Conscious Work Environment 43


+ Survey Participation Expectation 60 - 70 percent

  • Industry Average for SYNERGY Surveys is 78 percent

+ PVNGS 2005 Survey Participation was 86 percent

+ PVNGS 2007 Survey Participation was approximately 79 percent 44

SYNERGY Preliminary Results

+ Overall nuclear safety culture (NSC) rating declined by 6 5 % since 2005

+ Nine organizations identified as outliers

- Interviews further characterizing

+ Valuable insights provided by write-in comments

+ Trend questions to assess current momentum in overall NSC indicate recent improvement

+ Final report due September 1, 2007 45

Comparison of IMPACT to Previous Improvement Efforts 46

Different and Sustainable

  • Focus on long-term, sustainable performance

-Organization & Process

" Dedicated project team and facilities

  • Greater external expertise "Rigorous, broad, systematic approach 47

Different and Sustainable

  • Focus on long-term, sustainable performance

-Ownership, Alignment & Engagement "Broader cross-section of employees involved in evaluation and action plan development

  • Frequent communication with the organization to ensure alignment and engagement 48

Different and Sustainable Focus on long-term, sustainable performance Incorporation into Site Integrated Improvement Plan "Owners and due dates "Routine oversight for monitoring and accountability

  • Stronger review and closure process Common theme - fixing plant equipment 49

SAFELY and efficiently generate electricity for the Ion-q term 50

Acronyms Used

  • ImPACT - Improved Performance And Cultural Transformation
  • ISCPET - Independent Safety Culture Performance Evaluation Team 51