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NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-144, Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Bluefish, Pomatomus Saltatrix, Life History and Habitat Characteristics
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 09/30/1999
From: Berrien P, Fahay M, Dante Johnson, Morse W
US Dept of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service, US Dept of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Davis J NRR/DLR/REBB, 415-3835
Download: ML072080194 (75)


.* NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-144

'VrqTES Of Essential Fish HabitatSource Document:

Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Life History and Habitat Characteristics U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Region Northeast Fisheries Science Center Woods Hole, Massachusetts September 1999 I;


Recent Issues 105. Review of American Lobster (Homarusamericanus)Habitat Requirements and Responses to Contaminant Exposures.

ByRenee Mercaldo-Allen and Catherine A. Kuropat. July 1994. v + 52 p., 29 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB96-115555.

106. Selected Living Resources, Habitat Conditions, and Human Perturbations of the Gulf of Maine: Environmental and Ecological Considerations for Fishery Management. By Richard W. Langton, John B. Pearce, and Jon A. Gibson, eds.

August 1994. iv + 70 p., 2 figs., 6 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB95-270906.

107. Invertebrate Neoplasia: Initiation and Promotion Mechanisms -- Proceedings of an International Workshop, 23 June 1992, Washington, D.C. By A. Rosenfield, F.G. Kern, and B.J. Keller, comps. & eds. September 1994. v + 31 p., 8 figs.,

3 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB96-164801.

108. Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1994. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center. January 1995. iv + 140 p., 71 figs., 75 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB95-263414..

109. Proceedings of the Symposiu m on the Potential for Development of Aquaculture in Massachusetts: 15-17 February 1995, Chatham/Edgartown/Dartmouth, Massachusetts. By Carlos A. Castro and Scott J. Soares, comps. & eds. January 1996.

v + 26 p., 1 fig., 2 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB97-103782.

110. Length-Length and Length-Weight Relationships for 13 Shark Species from the Western North Atlantic. By Nancy E.

Kohler, John G. Casey, Patricia A. Turner. May 1996. iv + 22 p., 4 figs., 15 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB97-135032.

111. Review and Evaluation of the 1994 Experimental Fishery in Closed Area I1 on Georges Bank. By Patricia A. Gerrior, Fredric M. Serchuk, Kathleen C. Mays, John F. Kenney, and Peter D. Colosi. October 1996. v + 52 p., 24 figs., 20 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB98-119159.

112. Data Description and Statistical Summary of the 1983-92 Cost-Earnings Data Base for Northeast U.S. Commercial Fishing Vessels: A Guide to Understanding and Use of the Data Base. By Amy B. Gautam and Andrew W. Kitts. December 1996. v + 21 p., II figs., 14 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB97-169320.

113. Individual Vessel Behavior in the Northeast Otter Trawl Fleet during 1982-92. By Barbara Pollard Rountree. August 1997.

v + 50 p., I fig., 40 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB99-169997.

114. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 1996. By Gordon T. Waring, Debra L. Palka, Keith D. Mullin, James H.W. Hain, Larry J. Hansen, and Kathryn D. Bisack. October 1997. viii + 250 p., 42 figs., 47 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB98- I12345.

115. Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1998. By Stephen H. Clark, ed. September 1998. vi

+ 149 p., 70 figs., 80 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB99-129694.

116. U.S. Atlantic Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 1998. By Gordon T. Waring, Debra L. Palka, Phillip J. Clapham, Steven Swartz, Marjorie C. Rossman, Timothy V.N. Cole, Kathryn D. Bisack, and Larry J. Hansen. February 1999. vii +1\82 p., 16 figs., 56 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB99-134140.

117. Review of Distribution of the Long-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephalamelas) in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean.

By Alan A. Abend and Tim D. Smith. April 1999. vi + 22 p., 14 figs., 3 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB99-165029.

118. Tautog (Tautogaonifis) Life History and Habitat Requirements. By Frank W. Steimle and Patricia A. Shaheen. May 1999.

vi + 23 p., I fig., I table. NTIS Access. No. PB99-16501 1.

119. Data Needs for Economic Analysis of Fishery Management Regulations. By Andrew W. Kitts and Scott R. Steinback.

August 1999. iv + 48 p., 10 figs., 22 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB99-171456.

120. Marine Mammal Research Program of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center during 1990-95. By Janeen M. Quintal and Tim D. Smith. September 1999. v + 28 p., 4 tables, 4 app. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-100809.

o9 In@ NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-144 b A? This series represents a secondary level of scientifiic publishing. All issues employ thorough internal scientific review; some issues employ external scientific review.

All issues may be cited in formal scientific communications.

Essential Fish HabitatSource Document:

Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Life History and Habitat Characteristics Michael P. Fahay, Peter L. Berrien, Donna L. Johnson, and Wallace W. Morse National Marine Fisheries Serv., James J. Howard Marine Sciences Lab., 74 MagruderRd., Highlands, NJ 07732 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE William Daley, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration D. James Baker, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service Penelope D. Dalton, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries Northeast Region Northeast Fisheries Science Center Woods Hole, Massachusetts September 1999

Editorial Notes on Issues 122-152 in the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE Series Editorial Production For Issues 122-152, staff of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's (NEFSC's) Ecosystems Processes Division have largely assumed the role of staff of the NEFSC's Editorial Office for technical and copy editing, type composition, and page layout. Other than the four covers (inside and outside, front and back) and first two preliminary pages, all preprinting editorial production has been performed by, and all credit for such production rightfully belongs to, the authors and acknowledgees of each issue, as well as those noted below in "Special Acknowledgments."

Special Acknowledgments David B. Packer, Sara J. Griesbach, and Luca M. Cargnelli coordinated virtually all aspects of the preprinting editorial production, as well as performed virtually all technical and copy editing, type composition, and page layout, of Issues 122-152. Rande R. Cross, Claire L. Steimle, and Judy D. Berrien conducted the literature searching, citation checking, and bibliographic styling for Issues 122-152. Joseph J. Vitaliano produced all of the food habits figures in Issues 122-152.

Internet Availability, Issues 122-152 are being copublished, i.e., both as paper copies and as web postings. All web postings are, or will soon be, available at: Also, allweb postings will be in "PDF" format.

Information Updating By federal regulation, all information specific to Issues 122-152 must be updated at least every five years. All official updates will appear in the web postings. Paper copies will be reissued only when and if new information associated with Issues 122-152 is significant enough to warrant a reprinting of a given issue. All updated and/orreprinted issues will retain the original issue number, but bear a "Revised (Month Year)" label.

Species Names The NMFS Northeast Region's policy on the use of species names in all technicalcommunications is generally to follow the American Fisheries Society's lists of scientific and common names for fishes (i.e., Robinsetal. 1991 1), mollusks (i.e.,

Turgeon et al. 1998b), and decapod crustaceans (i.e., Williams et al. 1989c), and to follow theSociety for Marine Mammalogy's guidance on scientific and common names for marine mammals (i.e., Rice 1998"). Exceptions to this policy occur when there are subsequent compelling revisions in the classifications of species, resulting in changes in the names of species (e.g., Cooper and Chapleau 1998e).

'Robins, C.R. (chair); Bailey, R.M.; Bond, C.E.; Brooker, JR.; Lachner, E.A.; Lea, R.N.; Scott, W.B. 199 1. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. 5th ed. Amer, Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 20; 183 p.

bTurgeon, D.D. (chair); Quinn, J.F., Jr.; Bogan, A.E.; Coan, E.V.; Hochberg, F.G.; Lyons, W.G.; Mikkelsen, P.M.; Neves, R.J.; Roper, C.F.E.;

Rosenberg, G.; Roth, B.; Scheltema, A.; Thompson, F.G.; Vecchione, M.; Williams, J.D. 1998. Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: mollusks. 2nd ed. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 26; 526 p.

'Williams, A.B. (chair); Abele, L.G.; Felder, D.L.; Hobbs, H.H., Jr.; Manning, R.B.; McLaughlin, P.A.; Perez Farfante, 1. 1989. Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: decapod crustaceans. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Pub!. 17; 77 p.

'Rice, D.W. 1998. Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Soc. Mar. Mammal. Spec. Publ. 4; 231 p.

'Cooper, J.A.; Chapleau, F. 1998. Monophyly and interrelationships of the family Pleuronectidae (Pleuronectiformes), with a revised classification.

Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96:686-726.

Page iii FOREWORD One of the greatest long-term threats to the viability of independent data sets from NMFS and several coastal commercial and recreationalfisheries is the continuing states. The species reports are also the source for the loss of marine, estuarine, and other aquatic habitats.. current EFH designations by the New England and Mid-Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, and have Management Act (October I1, 1996) understandably begun to be referred to as the "EFH source documents."

The long-term viability of living marine resources NMFS provided guidance to the regional fishery depends on protection of their habitat. management councils for identifying and describing EFH NMFS Strategic Plan for Fisheries of their managed species. Consistent with this guidance, Research (February 1998) the species reports present information on current and historic stock sizes, geographic range, and the period and The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and location of major life history stages. The habitats of Management Act (MSFCMA), which was reauthorized managed species are described by the physical, chemical, and amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act (1996), and biological components of the ecosystem where the requires the eight regional fishery management councils to species o ccur. Information on the habitat requirements is describe and identify essential fish habitat (EFH) in their provided for each life history stage, and it includes, where respective regions, to specify actions to conserve and available, habitat and environmental variables that control enhance that EFH, and to minimize the adverse effects of or limit distribution, abundance, growth, reproduction, fishing on EFH. Congress defined EFH as "those waters mortality, and productivity.

and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, Identifying and describing EFH are the first steps in feeding or growth to maturity." The MSFCMA requires the process of protecting, conserving, and enhancing NMFS to assist the regional fishery management councils essential habitats of the managed species. Ultimately, in the implementation of EFH in their respective fishery NMFS, the regional fishery management councils, fishing management plans. participants, Federal and state agencies, and other NMFS has taken a broad view of habitat as the area organizations will have to cooperate to achieve the habitat used by fish throughout their life cycle. Fish use habitat goals established by the MSFCMA.

for spawning, feeding, nursery, migration, and shelter, but A historical note: the EFH species reports effectively most habitats provide only a subset of these functions. recommence a series of reports published by the NMFS Fish may change habitats with changes in life history Sandy Hook (New Jersey) Laboratory (now formally stage, seasonal and geographic distributions, abundance, known as the James J. Howard Marine Sciences and interactions with other species. The type of habitat, Laboratory) from 1977 to 1982. These reports, which as well as its attributes and functions, are important for were formally labeled as Sandy Hook Laboratory sustaining the production of managed species. Technical Series Reports, but informally known as "Sandy The Northeast Fisheries Science Center compiled the Hook Bluebooks," summarized biological and fisheries available information on the distribution, abundance, and data for 18 economically important species. The fact that habitat requirements for each of the species managed by the bluebooks continue to be used two decades after their the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management publication persuaded us to make their successors - the 30 Councils. That information is presented in this series of EFH source documents - available to the public through 30 EFH species reports (plus one consolidated methods publication in the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-report). The EFH species reports comprise a survey of the NE series.



Page v Contents Inntrod uc tio n .......................................................................................................................................................................................

L ife H isto ry ............................................................... ........................................................ ............................................................... I Hab itat C h arac te ristics ..................................................................... ................................................................................................ 3 G eo grap h ical D istrib utio n ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Sta tu s of th e Sto ck................................................................... ......................................................................................................... 7 Re se arc h-Ne ed s ............................................................................................  :.................................................................................... 7 A ckno w led g me nts .................................................................................... ........................................................................................ 8 Re fe re nc e s C ited ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Tables Table 1. D ietary item s of bluefish from several study areas ..................................................................................................... 12 Table 2. Summary of life history and habitat characteristics for bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix............................................... 13 Table 3. Sampling in 1979 for bluefish larvae in the Charleston Bump area ........................................................... :.................... 14 Table 4. Distribution of early life history stages of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, in estuaries from Maine to Florida ...... 15 Table 5. Unpublished records of juvenile bluefish in waters of coastal Maine ....................................................................... 17 Figures Figure 1. The adult bluefish, Pomatomussaltatrix (from Goode 1884) ................................................................................. 19 Figure 2. The pelagic juvenile bluefish, 24.3 mm SL (from Able and Fahay 1998) ................................................................ 20 Figure 3. Distribution and abundance of bluefish eggs collected during MARMAP surveys in the Mid-Atlantic Bight ............. 21 Figure 4. Abundance of bluefish eggs relative to water temperature and depth based on Mid-Atlantic Bight surveys ........... 23 Figure 5. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larvae collected in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and South Atlantic Bight ............. 24 Figure 6. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larvae collected with a bongo net in the South Atlantic Bight ................... 25 Figure 7. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larvae collected in a neuston net in the South Atlantic Bight .................... 27 Figure 8. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larvae collected during MARMAP surveys in the Mid-Atlantic Bight ........... 29 Figure 9. Abundance of bluefish larvae relative to water temperature and depth based on Mid-Atlantic Bight surveys .............. 32 Figure 10. Reported occurrences of juvenile bluefish along the east coast of the United States (Clark 1973) .......................... 33 Figure 11. Abundance (number/tow) of young-of-the-year bluefish in seine and trawl surveys by state and by year ............... 34 Figure 12. Distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish collected in Massachusetts coastal waters .................... 35 Figure 13. Abundance of juvenile/adult bluefish relative to water temperature and depth based on Massachusetts surveys ......... 37 Figure 14. Distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish collected in Narragansett Bay ....................................... 38 Figure 15. Seasonal length frequency distributions of bluefish collected in Narragansett Bay during Rhode Island surveys ........ 40 Figure 16. Seasonal abundance of juvenile/adult bluefish relative to temperature/depth based on Rhode Island surveys ............. 41 Figure 17. Distribution, abundance, and length frequency distributions 'of bluefish in Long Island Sound .....................43 Figure 18. Abundance of bluefish relative to water temperature based on Connecticut trawl surveys in Long Island Sound ........ 44 Figure 19. Seasonal distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish collected in the Hudson-Raritan estuary ............. 45 Figure 20. Abundance of juvenile/adult bluefish relative to environmental variables based on Hudson-Raritan surveys .............. 47 Figure 21. Distribution and abundance of bluefish in the South Atlantic Bight collected during SEAMAP trawl surveys ........... 48 Figure 22. Length frequency distribution of bluefish in the South Atlantic Bight collected during SEAMAP trawl surveys ........ 49 Figure 23. Monthly distribution, abundance, and length frequency distribution of bluefish in the South Atlantic Bight ...... 50 Figure 24. Seasonal length frequency distributions used to determine bluefish size and age cutoffs in NEFSC trawl surveys ...... 52 Figure 25. Distribution and abundance of bluefish collected off the east coast of the U.S. during NEFSC trawl surveys ............. 53 Figure 26. Distribution and abundance of bluefish collected off the east coast during winter NEFSC trawl surveys ................. 7..54 Figure 27. Length frequency distribution of bluefish caught in the winter off North Carolina during winter ........................... 55 Figure 28. Distribution and abundance of four size.classes of bluefish collected off the east coast during spring surveys ............ 56 Figure 29. Abundance of large and small bluefish relative to water temperature and depth based on spring NEFSC surveys. 57 Figure 30. Distribution and abundance of four size classes of bluefish collected off the east coast during summer surveys ......... 59 Figure 31. Distribution and abundance of four size classes of bluefish collected off the east coast during fall surveys ........... 60 Figure 32. Abundance of YOY and age 1+ bluefish relative to water temperature and depth based on fall NEFSC surveys ........ 61

Page vi Figure 33. Commercial landings, spawning stock biomass, and CPUE for bluefish along the east coast of the United States ...... 63 Figure 34. Distribution/abundance of juvenile/adult bluefish during high and low abundance periods from autumn surveys ...... 64 Appendices A p p e n d ix I .............................. ............................................... ................................................................. 65.......................................


Page 1 INTRODUCTION oceanic, near-surface existence after completion of fin ray development (Figure 2). This specialized stage is The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Figure 1), ranges characterized by a silvery, laterally compressed body, with in the western North Atlantic from Nova Scotia and dark blue counter-coloration on the dorsum. This Bermuda to Argentina, but it is rare between southern transition occurs at an age of 18-25 d and at a size of 10-Florida and northern South America (Robins et al. 1986). 12 mm SL (Hare and Cowen 1994). Scales begin to form They travel in schools of like-sized individuals and at about 12 mm on the posterior part of the lateral line undertake seasonal migrations, moving into the Middle region, then proceed forward, until the head is completely Atlantic Bight (MAB) during spring and south or farther scaled at about 37 mm (Silverman 1975). Swimming offshore during fall. Within the MAB they occur in large ability in many fish species dramatically improves during bays and estuaries as well as across the entire continental this transformation (e.g. Hunter 1981; Stobutzki and shelf. Juvenile stages have been recorded from all Bellwood 1994; Leis et al. 1996) and this improvement estuaries surveyed within the MAB, but eggs and larvae presumably applies to bluefish as well. It is during this occur in oceanic waters (Able and Fahay 1998). Bluefish stage that bluefish arrive at nursery areas in the central

  • growth rates are fast and they may reach a length of 1.1 m part of the MAB, after advection via the Gulf Stream from (3.5 ft) and a weight of 12.3 kg (27 lbs) (Bigelow and spawning areas in the SAB and after crossing the Slope Schroeder 1953). They may live to age 12. Sea (Hare and Cowen 1996; Hare et al., in prep.) and the A bimodal size distribution of young-of-the-year continental shelf (Cowen et al. 1993). This transport (YOY) bluefish during the summer in the New York Bight (active or passive) is crucial to the recruitment of these suggests that there are two spawning events along the east progeny to vital estuarine nursery areas, and therefore this coast. Recent studies suggest that spawning is a single, life history stage might be considered a critical bottleneck.

continuous event, but that young are lost from the middle portion resulting in the appearance of a split season. As a result of the bimodal size distribution of juveniles, young JUVENILES (INCLUDING YOUNG-OF-are referred to as the spring-spawned cohort or summer- THE-YEAR) spawned cohort in the 'habitat discussion and distribution maps presented below. Juveniles have a usual fish shape without unusual features. The caudal fin is forked and the body is somewhat laterally compressed, with a silvery, LIFE HISTORY unpatterned color. The mouth is large and oblique and all fin spines are strong. Two distinct dorsal fins touch at EGGS their bases; the second dorsal fin is about the same length as the anal fin base (Able and Fahay 1998). The spring-Eggs from the MAB are pelagic and spherical with a spawned cohort is 60-76 d old with a mean size of 60 mm diameter of 0.95-1.00 mm. They have a smooth, when they recruit to estuarine habitats in the MAB in late transparent shell and a homogeneous yolk. The single oil May to mid-June (McBride and Conover 1991; Cowen et globule is 0.26-0.29 mm in diameter and the perivitelline al. 1993). The summer-spawned cohort either remains in space is narrow (Fahay 1983). Incubation times depend coastal nursery areas (Kendall and Walford 1979; Able on temperature. At I 8.0-22.2"C, hatching occurs after 46- and Fahay 1998) or enters estuarine nurseries in mid- to 48 h (Deuel et al. 1966). Eggs from the South Atlantic late August when they are 33-47 d old with a mean length Bight (SAB) have not been described. of 46 mm (McBride and Conover 1991). Juveniles of both cohorts depart MAB estuaries and coastal areas in October and migrate to waters south of Cape Hatteras, LARVAE AND PELAGIC-JUVENILES North Carolina. At this time, members of both cohorts range from 4 to 24 cm long (Able and Fahay 1998).

Larvae are 2.0-2.4 mm long when they hatch; the eyes During most years, the spring-spawned cohort dominates are unpigmented and the mouth parts are undeveloped. in the emigrating young-of-the-year.

Characteristic pigment includes parallel lines of melanophores along the dorsal fin base, body midline, and anal fin base. Teeth are well developed at 4.3 mm and fin ADULTS rays are complete at a size of about 13-14 mm (Fahay 1983). Larvae rarely occur deeper in the water column Adult bluefish are blue-green above, silvery below, than 15 m; most are concentrated at a depth of about 4 m moderately stout-bodied, and armed with stout teeth along during the day, but they are about equally distributed both jaws. The snout is pointed and the mouth is large between that depth and the surface at night (Kendall and and oblique. The caudal fin is large and forked. The fin Naplin 1981). The bluefish transforms from a larva to a ray formulae are first dorsal: 7-9 spines; second dorsal: 1 "pelagic-juvenile" stage that is specially adapted for an

Page 2 spine and 23-26 rays; anal: 2-3 spines and 25-28 rays. Weight-length relationships indicated that weight at length Vertebrae number 26. The maximum length is about 115 was significantly greater in 1981 than in the other two cm and maximum weights are 4.5-6.8 kg, although an years. Thus, not only does the quality of diet differ occasional heavier fish has been taken. The maximum age between estuaries, but the method of foraging may also is 12 years. The sex ratio is 1:1 for all age groups differ; more benthic foraging was evident in bluefish from (Boreman 1982), although Lassiter (1962) reported a ratio Sandy Hook Bay than in bluefish sampled in estuaries in

-of two females per male in North Carolina and Hamer Delaware (Grant 1962) and North Carolina (Lassiter (1959) found a ratio of three females to two males in New 1962). Depending on age class, diets might change*

Jersey. through a season. In Chesapeake Bay, diets of three age classes differed through the summer (Table 1), but all three concentrated on Brevoortia tyrannus in the fall REPRODUCTION (Hartman and Brandt 1995a, b).

A seminal study, based largely on the distribution of eggs and larvae, concluded that there were two discrete PREDATION spawning events in western Atlantic bluefish. The first occurs during March-May near the edge of the continental Sharks, tunas, and billfishes are the only predators shelf of the SAB. The second occurs between June and large and fast enough to prey on adult bluefish. They are August in the MAB (Kendall and Walford 1979). Recent a major component in the diet of shortfin mako shark, studies have re-examined this conclusion and refined our composing 77.5% of the diet by volume (Stillwell and knowledge of a complex reproductive pattern, and support Kohler 1982). This study, estimated that this shark may the concept of a single, migratory spawning stock (Hare consume between 4.3 and 14.5% of the bluefish resource

,and Cowen 1993; Smith et al. 1994). between Georges Bank and Cape Hatteras. Bluefish also Sexual maturity and gonad ripening occur in early ranked fourth in number and occurrence and third in spring off Florida, early summer off North Carolina, and volume in swordfish diets, especially off the Carolinas late summer off New York (Hare and Cowen 1993). In (Stillwell and Kohler 1985). -Blue sharks and sandbar the New York Bight, gonadosomatic studies indicate that sharks also prey on bluefish (Kohler 1988; Medved et al.

both sexes are ripe or ripening between June and 1985). Young-of-the-year are preyed upon by four September with a strong peak in July (Chiarella and oceanic bird species, the Atlantic puffin, Arctic tern, Conover 1990). Larvae re-occur in the SAB in the fall common tern, and roseate tern (Creaser and Perkins 1994; (Collins and Stender 1987) and there are also indications Safina et al. 1990). Cannibalism has only rarely been that gonads reach a second peak in ripeness in fishes off reported, but occurs in age I and older year classes in Florida in September. Most bluefish are mature by age 2 North Carolina (Lassiter 1962), and bluefish compose a (Detiel 1964). It is not known whether individuals spawn minor component of the diet of larger bluefish collected serially or what the contributions of individuals are to during Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) observed spawning patterns of the population. In South bottom trawl surveys on the continental shelf (NEFSC, Africa, individuals may spawn repeatedly over a period of unpublished data).

5-6 months (Van der Elst 1976), but there is no comparable information for the U.S. population.

MIGRATIONS' FOOD HABITS Bluefish are warm water migrants and do not occur in MAB waters at temperatures < 14-16'C (Bigelow and During their oceanic larval stage, bluefish primarily Schroeder 1953). They generally move north in spring-consume copepods. Fishes begin to be included in their summer to centers of abundance in the New York Bight diet at sizes of 30 mm, and by 40 mm, fishes are the major and southern New England and south in autumn-winter to diet item. Soon after this shift in diet, juveniles migrate the waters in the SAB as far as southeastern Florida.

inshore to occupy estuarine habitats (Marks and Conover There is a trend for larger individuals to occur farther

  • 1993). north during the summer (Wilk 1977). Anecdotal reports The results of several studies suggest that bluefish suggest that larger adults truncate their southward juveniles and adults eat whatever taxa are locally migration and spend the winter on the outer part of the abundant (Table I). The components of young-of-the- continental shelf of the MAB. One report witnessed a year bluefish diet in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey and the single fish landed from about 100 m deep off Martha's effects of those components on condition were studied Vineyard during mid-January 1950 and several hauls of over a three-year period (Friedland et al. 1988). Fishes80-640 kg from the vicinity of Hudson Canyon during dominated the diet during 1981, *while crustaceans and early February of the same year (Bigelow and Schroeder polychaetes were more important during 1983 and 1984. 1953). Another study simply reported "boats engaged in

Page 3 the winter trawl fishery. for fluke and scup along the outer LARVAE AND PELAGIC-JUVENILES margin of the continental shelf often bring in a few bluefish" (Hamer 1959). .These reports have been Larvae in the MAB occur in open oceanic waters, perpetuated since.(Lund 1961; Miller 1969; Lund and near the edge of the continental shelf in the southern Bight Maltezos 1970; Hardy 1978). However, recent winter and over mid-shelf depths farther north (Norcross et al.

trawl surveys do not indicate, nor are fisheries or other 1974; Kendall and Walford 1979). Most larvae occur in data available to support,' the presence of bluefish in the temperatures of 18-24'C and salinities of 30-32 ppt. They MAB during winter, except for a few occurrences near the migrate vertically in the water column, occurring near the shelf edge off Cape Hatteras (see Geographical surface at night, but centered at about 4 m during daylight Distribution). (Kendall and Naplin 1981). Larvae spawned in the SAB (spring-spawned cohort) are subject to advection north via the Gulf Stream (Hare and Cowen 1996; Kendall and STOCK STRUCTURE Walford 1979), but some recruit successfully to estuaries in the SAB (Collins and Stender 1987; McBride et al.

The bluefish is presently managed as a single stock 1993).

(MAFMC 1997). Although there is evidence of separate The transport of pelagic-juveniles was outlined by spawning events (see Reproduction), fish from these Kendall and Walford (1979) and elaborated by Hare and spawning groups mix extensively during their lives, and Cowen (1996). Many are found in the vicinity of Cape recent conclusions have ascertained that bluefish year Hatteras as early as April. In May, several have been classes are composed of seasonal cohorts (Chiarella and collected on the shelf in the SAB (Fahay 1975; Kendall Conover 1990). Recent studies have re-examined this and Walford 1979). By June, they occur in the MAB conclusion and refined our knowledge of a complex between the shore and the shelf/slope front, actively reproductive pattern, supporting the concept of a single, crossing the shelf (Hare and Cowen 1996). In both the migratory spawning stock (Hare and Cowen 1993; Smith SAB and MAB, there is a strong negative correlation et al. 1994). A mitochondrial DNA study of spring- and between fish size and depth indicating an offshore origin summer-spawned bluefish also concluded that bluefish and onshore migration with growth.

along the east coast of the United States comprise a single genetic stock (Graves et al. 1992).


HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS Juveniles occur in estuaries, bays, and the coastal The habitat characteristics for eggs, larvae, pelagic- ocean of the MAB and SAB, where they are less common.

juveniles, juveniles, and adults based on results of this They occur in many habitats, but do not use the marsh compendium and pertinent published reports are presented surface. The range of.physical and structural conditions in in Table 2. Included are observations of habitat use by which they are found is summarized in Table 2. Juveniles young-of-the-year in estuaries. When studies of juvenile begin to depart MAB..estuaries in October and migrate abundance have been related to environmental variables, south to spend the winter months south of Cape Hatteras.

such as eelgrass presence/absence or a substrate type, they have usually been conducted with seines where catch-per-unit-of-effort is difficult to establish. Comparing the ADULTS results of these studies between locations is usually not possible, and further details of essential habitats are Adult bluefish occur in the open ocean, large therefore not yet ayailable. Appendix I contains more embayments, and most estuarine systems within their complete data from various studies reported in the range. Although they occur in a' wide range 'of literature. hydrographic conditions, they prefer warmer temperatures and are not found in the MAB when temperatures decline below 14-16TC. See Table 2 for a summary of habitat EGGS requirements of adult bluefish.

In the MAB, bluefish eggs are found in the open ocean at temperatures 18-22TC and salinities > 31.0 ppt. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Peak spawning occurs in the evening (Norcross et al.

.1974). Eggs in the southern part of the MAB may be EGGS advected south and offshore (Norcross et al. 1974).

Spring-spawned cohort: The spring spawning occurs near the edge of the continental shelf in the SAB.

Page 4, However, bluefish eggs have not been collected or midwater trawl and was restricted to the shelf area near identified from this region. Charleston, South Carolina between February and August Summer-spawned cohort: Eggs were collected from (Table 3). Larvae were collected with this gear in low May to August over the MAB continental shelf during the densities between February and mid-May; two tows in NEFSC Marine Resources Monitoring, Assessment and April yielded somewhat higher densities.

Prediction (MARMAP) program surveys [see Reid et al. Summer-spawned cohort: The distribution of larvae (1999) for methods]. Bluefish eggs were most abundant in the MAB is similar to that of the eggs (Figure 8).

in July (Figure 3): Eggs were distributed near Cape Larvae < 11 mm (the size when they become pelagic-Hatteras in May and their occurrences expanded rapidly juveniles) first occur near Cape Hatteras and along the northward during the summer. In July, eggs were shelf edge in the Wilmington Canyon area during May, distributed as far as southern New England waters with a and are present through the summer in increasing numbers center of abundance off Delaware Bay and New Jersey throughout the southern and central parts of the MAB.

(Berrien and Sibunka 1999). Eggs were not collected Although larvae are only rarely collected in estuarine after August. Bluefish eggs do.not occur in estuarine waters, they have been reported from a few large systems waters. During the NEFSC MARMAP surveys, eggs in the MAB, including one larva, one occurrence in occurred across the entire shelf, but were most Narragansett Bay (Herman 1963) and several estuaries in concentrated in mid-shelf depths (Berrien and Sibunka New York/New Jersey (Table 4). During June, peak 1999). In another study, most (80%) eggs collected off larval abundance occurs between Cape Hatteras and the Chesapeake Bay mouth were > 55 km from shore Chesapeake Bay and off New Jersey. Larvae are most (Norcross et al. 1974). Most eggs were collected at dense in the central part of the MAB in July and remain surface temperatures between 17 and 23TC, and over dense during August. Few larvae occur in the MAB depths of 30 to 70 m (Figure 4). during September. Larvae rarely occur deeper in the water column than 15 m and most are concentrated at a depth of about 4 m during the day, but are about equally LARVAE distributed between that depth and the surface at night.

Neuston sampling, therefore, is likely to drastically The distribution of all larvae collected in the MAB undersample bluefish when done during the day. In

,and SAB is shown in Figure 5. There has been a critical NEFSC MARMAP sampling, larvae occurred across the lack of sampling in the area immediately south of Cape entire shelf but were most concentrated in mid-shelf Hatteras. depths. Most larvae were collected at surface Spring-spawned cohort: Our understanding of the temperatures between 17' and 26°C and over water depths distribution of larvae in the SAB (corresponding to the of 30 to 70 m (Figure 9).

spring-spawned cohort) is limited. The NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton program sampled there from 1973 through 1980; bluefish larvae generally were PELAGIC-JUVENILES (LARVAL TO collected in low densities, both in water column sampling JUVENILE TRANSITION) with bongo nets (Figure 6) or Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawls (Table 3), and at the surface with two types of neuston net There are no available data that adequately describe (Figure 7). Most larvae occurred near the 200 m depth the distribution of this transformation stage in bluefish life contour, placing them close to the Gulf. Stream and history, however, limited observations have been made in presumably enhancing their chances of advection to the the NYB (Shima 1989; Hare and Cowen 1996). These north as proposed by Kendall and Walford (1979), Powles observations support the view that temperatures below 13-(1981), and Hare and Cowen (1993, 1996). The I5BTC impede the progress of this stage into MAB collection of bluefish eggs in April and May is consistent estuaries. In early June, these pelagic-juveniles mass at with back-calculated birth dates determined from the shelf-slope temperature front, and resume their inshore estuarine recruits in the New York Bight (NYB) (see migration when that front dissipates (Hare and Cowen Juveniles). The densest concentrations of larvae in 1996).

NEFSC MARMAP cruises in the SAB occurred over the outer half of the continental shelf during April and May.

Currents there flow toward the northeast and are affected JUVENILES by the Gulf Stream (Lee and Atkinson 1983), while on the inner shelf, wind-driven currents are important in affecting It is presently unknown if bluefish are "estuarine the drift of larvae (Powles 1981; Lee and Atkinson 1983). dependant" since the distribution of juveniles over the A secondary concentration of larvae was detected during continental shelf has not been described. The distribution late summer/early fall of one year (1976) and may indicate and relative abundance of juveniles has been documented the existence of an isolated spawning event (Figure 6). for estuaries along the east coast of the United States During. 1979, all sampling was done by. Isaacs-Kidd (Table 4) and for estuaries in Maine (Table 5).

Page 5 A survey of juvenile bluefish published in the early. et al. (1999) for details]. Most were collected in depths of 1970s (Clark 1973) noted that their distribution differed 6-15 m and at bottom water temperatures of 17-22'C from historical observations (Figure 10). Bluefish were (Figure 16).

not observed south of Daytona Beach through the 1970s, although juveniles were reported from estuaries as far south as Palm Beach, Florida in the early part of the Connecticut Trawl Survey, Long Island century (Evermann and Bean 1898; Nichols 1913). This Sound author also suggested that the apparent high densities of juveniles in certain regions (e.g., New Jersey and South Young-of-the-year appear during June and by mid-Carolina) were due to greater sampling effort. Remaining August, they compose 93% of the bluefish catches in enigmatic occurrences include those in the freshwaters of Long Island Sound (Figure 17) [see Reid et al. (1999) for the upper Chesapeake Bay (Mansueti 1955; Lund 1961), details]. Abundance is highest during mid-summer on the although the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal may play a Connecticut side of the sound in depths < 18 m, but adults role in their presence there. are more widespread than juveniles (Figure 18). Peak Several young-of-the-year surveys (or surveys that abundance is reached during September when bluefish adequately sample young stages) are conducted within (94% juveniles) are found throughout the sound. Juvenile MAB states (Figure 11). Several caveats pertaining to abundance is highest in depths of 9-27 m over mud these results prevent these state data from being compared bottoms in three areas: 1) the Connecticut side from New directly. Some surveys are conducted throughout the Haven to Norwalk; 2) across the Western Basin into year, while others are limited in their seasonal extent, and Smithtown Bay; and 3) across the.Central Basin from the resultant densities are therefore unequal. Although all New Haven to Mattituck. Abundance decreases rapidly results are expressed as "number per tow," tow lengths after September and juveniles appear to depart before and gear characteristics vary between states, and thus the adults.

basis for this number can be unequal. Finally, the definition of "juvenile" can vary between states; in some cases, it is based solely on length frequency distributions, NEFSC Hudson-Raritan Trawl Survey in some cases it is based on an arbitrary length cutoff. In most states, all fish < 30 cm are considered juveniles, Most bluefish collected in the Hudson-Raritan estuary although in the Chesapeake Bay region, some of these and Sandy Hook Bay trawl survey are juveniles (< 35 cm) could be age 1+ if they were collected early in the year [see Reid et al. (1999) for details]. There are no (Munch 1997). occurrences during winter and only a few adults are Despite these caveats, certain trends are evident in the collected during spring (Figure 19).. During summer and data. There are signs of strong year classes in each state fall, juveniles occur throughout the area in all depths data set, but these do not necessarily match temporally. In sampled, at bottom temperatures between 12 and 24'C general, abundances are greater in states between Rhode (Figure 20). The largest collections were made near Island and New Jersey, and considerably lower in states in navigation channels or in a basin near Graves End Bay.

the southern part of the MAB, further emphasizing the importance of the former.

SEAMAP Trawl Survey, South Atlantic Bight Massachusetts Trawl Survey The Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Juvenile bluefish are collected in twice-yearly otter Program (SEAMAP) surveys sampled the coastal region trawl sampling in nearshore waters of Massachusetts [see between Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and Cape Reid et al. (1999) for details]. Juveniles are not found Canaveral, Florida [see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

during spring, but are more abundant during fall (Figure After an initial several years when gear and methods were 12); most positive collections occur in embayments south not standardized, methodology became synoptic and of Cape Cod. In the fall, juveniles occur in the warmest standardized between 1990 and 1996 (Beatty and Boylan bottom water temperatures and occur most commonly at 1997; Boylan et al. 1998). Bluefish collected during the the shallowest stations (Figure 13). latter survey period are shown in Figure 21. Length frequencies of these collections indicate most were young-of-the-year or age .1 (Figure 22). Information on Rhode Island Trawl Survey, distributions over the offshore portions of the SAB shelf Narragansett Bay are lacking for any size class. Monthly occurrences of these bluefish are shown in Figure 23. Occurrences Juveniles were collected during summer and autumn decrease during spring, are at low levels during summer, in a survey of Narragansett Bay (Figures 14, 15) [see Reid and increase during October beginning in the northern

Page 6 part of the bight,. which suggests an influx of migrating JUVENILES AND ADULTS young-of-the-year from the MAB.

NEFSC Trawl Surveys ADULTS Bluefish are migratory and their distribution varies seasonally and according to age and size of individuals Massachusetts Trawl Survey composing schools. Length frequencies of trawl-collected bluefish were examined to determine age and size Adult bluefish are collected in twice-yearly otter trawl composition of catches in the NEFSC bottom trawl survey sampling in nearshore waters of Massachusetts. During (Figure 24). Modes were separable into spawning cohorts spring, a few large adults are sometimes found in the and year classes based on published studies and are the vicinity of Nantucket and Vineyard sounds, when bases for the distribution maps (Figures 25-32).

juveniles are not found (Figure 12). Both juveniles and The distribution of all lengths during all seasons adults are more abundant during fall when most (Figure 25) indicates that bluefish occur most densely collections occurred in embayments south of Cape Cod along the coast of the MAB and through the central part of (Figure 12). Adults in spring and fall occur over the Georges Bank, although these results may reflect the warmest bottom water temperatures and most commonly increased efficiency of the trawl in shallower waters.

in the shallowest stations (Figure 13). Winter occurrences are limited to the outer continental shelf near Cape Hatteras and these few occurrences are larger fish (Figures 26, 27). Spring collections include Rhode Island Trawl Survey, spring-spawned young-of-the-year off North Carolina, Narragansett Bay spring-spawned age I restricted to coastal areas south of Cape Hatteras, age 2 individuals along the continental Adults were rarely collected during summer and, shelf edge off North Carolina, and older year classes autumn in a survey of Narragansett Bay (Figures 14, 15). distributed between Cape Hatteras and the offing of the Most were collected in depths of 6-21 m (summer) and 9- Delmarva Peninsula (Figure 28). The distributions of <

43 m (autumn) and at bottom water temperatures of 15- 30 cm and > 30 cm bluefish relative to depths and 26"C (summer) and 17-2 1 C (autumn) (Figure 16). temperatures sampled during these spring surveys are shown in Figure 29.

Summer surveys collected several age classes, Connecticut Trawl Survey, Long Island including summer-spawned young-of-the-year in the New Sound York Bight; spring-spawned young-of-the-year widely distributed along the coast between New York and Cape Bluefish adults begin to appear in Long Island Sound Hatteras; age I fish, especially off North Carolina, but during May (Figure 17) when temperature preferences are also in the Chesapeake Bay region; and older year classes, 9-18'C (Figure 18). Abundance is highest during mid- mostly over Georges Bank (Figure 30).

summer on the Connecticut side of the sound in depths < Fall surveys are most important for measuring relative 18 m and adults are more widespread than juveniles. Peak year-class strength. Young-of-the-year of both spring-

'abundance is reached during September when bluefish and summer-spawned cohorts and age 1 individuals are (94% juveniles) are found throughout the sound. abundant along the coast between Long Island and Cape Abundance decreases rapidly after September and Hatteras. Older year-classes are more abundant in juveniles appear to depart before adults. southern New England and Georges Bank waters (Figure 31). When ail lengths are considered, there is a trend for bluefish to occur on the warmest stations sampled (Figure NEFSC Hudson-Raritan Trawl Survey 32). However, this trend is most pronounced for young-of-the-year when they are separated from older year Most bluefish collected in Hudson-Raritan estuary classes. The relative occurrences of all year classes by and Sandy Hook Bay are juveniles (< 35 cm). There are bottom depths closely mirror the distribution of depths no occurrences during winter and only a few adults are sampled (Figure 32).

collected during spring (Figure 19). Their collections All age classes, in combined spring and fall surveys, relative to bottom temperature, depth, dissolved oxygen, were collected mostly over depths < 20 m. They were and salinity are shown in Figure 20. collected at warmer temperatures during spring surveys, but showed little preference for temperatures during fall surveys.

Page 7 STATUS OF THE STOCK There has been a tight correlation between population size and the contribution of the spring-spawnedcohort to Population fluctuations have been common in the fall trawl collections in the last three decades. Yet our western Atlantic bluefish population since colonial times. knowledge of reproduction in the SAB is limited to a Wide swings in abundance occurred between the 1600s brief, under-sampled period in the 1970s when the and the 1950s (Bigelow and Schroeder 1953). In recent population was at a relatively low level of abundance.

years, the .total catch of bluefish (commercial landings Furthermore, larvae produced in June in the southern part plus recreational catches) peaked in the late 1970s and of the MAB appear not to survive [unless recruits to early 1980s and has declined since (Figure 33). Maine estuaries result from this output, see Creaser and Commercial landings decreased about 22% between 1994 Perkins (1994)], the fate of the remaining MAB summer and 1995. During 1982-1996, age I fishing mortality offspring remains enigmatic, and the relative contribution increased approximately fourfold, recruitment has of this summer-spawned cohort to year-class success declined from an estimated 75 million fish at age 0 to would seem to be negligible.

about 14 million fish, and estimates of the spawning stock There is some evidence for spawning during the fall biomass have decreased from about 300,000 mt to 100+ in the Cape Canaveral region of Florida that appears to be mt (Stock Assessment Review Committee, Coastal Pelagic discrete, rather than a continuation of spawning in the Subcommittee 1996). MAB. This evidence has been demonstrated in this There is little difference in the distribution of adults document with larval occurrences and a disjunct autumn between a period of relatively high population abundance distribution. of fishes between 26 and 40 cm. Hare and (1980-1982) and a period of low abundance (1994-1996) Cowen (1993) present gonadosomatic data that suggest (Figure 34). However, the same comparison of the the same thing. Admittedly, some of this 'evidence is distribution of young-of-the-year indicates a decline in weak and based on incomplete sampling, and should be abundance in the southern part of the MAB. Whether this improved to determine the origin of these spawning fish, is due to year-class failure in estuaries of that region, or the magnitude of spawning, and the fate of any progeny.

reflects a lack of pelagic-juvenile recruitment to those estuaries, is unknown.

HABITAT REQUIREMENTS RESEARCH NEEDS It is obvious from a review of the literature that we lack data to address the habitat issue at Tier 3 (habitat-LIFE HISTORY AND BIOLOGY specific growth, reproduction, and survival rates).

Assessing how characteristics of habitat might affect the We lack information on the reproductive biology of quality of young-of-the-year is therefore not feasible.

bluefish. Observed patterns of spawning may be based on Results of biological sampling, in estuaries or continental the population level rather than on information on shelf waters, only rarely report specific characteristics of individual reproductive traits. We presently do not know sampling sites. Therefore, data accruing from these whether individuals spawn serially, and if so, how many studies are likely to be limited to "presence/absence" times they are capable of spawning in a year. We also do value only. According to Miller (1984): "We need a not know if these reproductive characteristics vary with reasonable schema of estuaries, emphasizing the factors age. It is apparent that more study of the distribution of that have the most significance to the fish. Unfortunately, older stages needs to be correlated with spawning events. the necessary physical data are often lacking for an Since bluefish school in like-sized (and supposedly like- accurate characterization. Many are also temporally aged) groups, we need to know what groups are where and unstable. Not even our attempts to classify estuaries when, and how those aggregations are associated with the recognize their dynamic nature...we need more complete observed densities of eggs. Simply describing how many descriptions of how biologically relevant abiotic factors spawning events are occurring can not solve the issue of within estuaries affect biologically relevant scales of time the number of manageable stocks. and space. Without this, we cannot hope to untangle the Our understanding of the "pelagic-juvenile" stage is biological processes or to compare results from different limited despite its obvious importance. We need to better estuaries. Biologists need to involve more physical understand the details of transport mechanisms that oceanographers and meteorologists in our research."

provide progeny of reproduction in the SAB to nurseries Clearly, in the future, more attention to details of in the MAB. Increased sampling of the neuston or near- collecting sites needs to be paid, and habitat research surface layers of the ocean between production areas and supported, such that the linkages between habitat quality estuarine nursery areas, associated with appropriate and year class success can be made.

oceanographic observations, would provide much-needed There are lingering conclusions that the summer-insight into factors affecting transport and estuarine spawned cohort in the MAB uses nearshore coastal zones recruitment. as nurseries, more so than estuaries. To some extent, this

Page 8 view may be based on the relative paucity of this cohort Chiarella, L.A. and D.O. Conover. 1990. Spawning compared to the spring-spawned cohort in estuaries. season and first-year growth of adult bluefish from Increased sampling of the near-coastal environment with the New York Bight. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 119(3):

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1984. p. 337-352. University of North Carolina, Sea Reid, R., F. Almeida, and C. Zetlin. 1999. Essential fish Grant College Publication UNC-SG-84-08. North habitat source - document: Fishery independent Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. surveys, data sources, and methods. NOAA Tech.

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Underwater Nat. 6(l): 15-23. Robins, C.R., G.C. Ray, J. Douglass, and R. Freund.

Milstein, C.B., D.L. Thomas and Associates. 1977. 1986. A field guide to Atlantic coast marine fishes.

Summary of ecological studies for 1972-1975 in the Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA. 354 p.

bays and other waterways near Little Egg Inlet and in Rountree, R.A. and K.W. Able. 1992a. Fauna of the ocean in the vicinity of the proposed site for the polyhaline subtidal marsh creeks in southern New Atlantic generating station, New Jersey. Jersey: composition, abundance and biomass.

Ichthyological Associates Bull. No. 18. Estuaries. 15(2): 171-185.

Ichthyological Associates Inc., Ithaca, NY. 757 p. Rountree, R.A. and K.W. Able. 1992b. Foraging habits, Munch, S.B. 1997. Recruitment dynamics of bluefish, growth, and temporal patterns of salt-marsh creek Pomatomus saltatrix, on the continental shelf from habitat use by young-of-year summer flounder in New Cape Fear to Cape Cod, 1973-1995. M.S. thesis, Jersey. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 121: 765-776.

.State University of New York at Stony Brook. Stony Safina, C., R.H. Wagner, D.A. Witting, and K.J. Smith.

Brook, NY. 127 p. 1990. Prey delivered to roseate and common tern Nelson, D.M. and M.E. Monaco. 1994. Distribution and chicks: composition and temporal variability. J. Field abundance~of fishes and invertebrates in the southeast Ornithol. 61(3): 331-338.

estuaries. ELMR Rep. No. 9. NOAA/NOS Strategic Shima, M. 1989. Oceanic transport of the early life history Environmental Assessments Division, Silver Spring, stages of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix from Cape MD. 167 p. Hatteras to the Mid-Atlantic Bight. M.S. thesis, State Nichols, J.T. 1913. Concerning young bluefish. Trans. University of New York at Stony Brook. Stony Am. Fish. Soc. 43: 169-172. Brook, NY. 69 p.

Norcross, J.J., S.L. Richardson, W.H. Massmann, and Silverman, M.J. 1975. Scale development in the bluefish, E.B. Joseph. 1974. Development of young bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 104(4):

(Pomatomus saltatrix) and distribution of eggs and 773-774.

young in Virginian coastal waters. Trans. Am. Fish. Smith, B.A. 1971. The fishes of four low-salinity tidal Soc. 103(3): 477-497. tributaries of the Delaware Rivet estuary. M.S. thesis, Nyman, R.M. and D.O. Conover. 1988. The relation Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. 304 p.

between spawning season and the recruitment of Smith, W., P. Berrien, and T. Potthoff. 1994. Spawning young-of-the-year bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, to patterns of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, in the New York. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 86(2): 237-250. northeast continental shelf ecosystem. Bull. Mar. Sci.

Olla, B.L. and A.L. Studholme. 1971. The effect of 54(l): 8-16.

temperature on the activity of bluefish Pornatomus Stillwell, C.E. and N.E. Kohler. 1982. Food, feeding saltatrix L. Biol. Bull. (Woods Hole). 141(2): habits, and estimates of daily ration of the shortfin 337-349. mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the northwest Atlantic.

Olla, B.L., A.L. Studholme, A.J. Bejda, C. Samet, and Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39: 407-414.

A.D. Martin. 1975. The effect of temperature on the Stillwell, C.E. and N.E. Kohler. 1985. Food and feeding behavior of marine fishes: a comparison among ecology of the swordfish Xiphias gladius in the Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus, bluefish, western North Atlantic Ocean with estimates of daily Pomatomus saltatrix, and tautog, Tautoga onitis. In ration. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 22: 239-247.

International Atomic Energy Agency ed. Combined Stobutzki, I.C. and D.R. Bellwood. 1994. An analysis of effects of radioactive, chemical and thermal releases the sustained swimming abilities of pre- and post-to the environment. p. 299-308. International Atomic settlement coral reef fishes. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.

Energy Agency. Vienna. 175: 275-286.

Powles, H. 1981. Distribution and movements of Stock Assessment Review Committee, Coastal Pelagic neustonic young of estuarine dependent (Mugil spp., Subcommittee. 1996. Assessment of bluefish Pomatomus saltatix) and estuarine independent (Pomatomus saltatrix). SARC Working Paper Cl, (Coryphaena spp.) fishes off the southeastern United Report. November 7, 1996. 94 p.

States. In R. Lasker and K. Sherman eds. The early Stone, S.L., T.A. Lowery, J.D, Field, C.D. Williams, D.M.

life history of fish: Recent studies. p. 207-210. Rapp. Nelson, S.H. Jury, M.E. Monaco, and L. Andreasen.

P.-V. Reun, Cons. Int. Explor. Mer, 1978. 1994. Distribution and abundance of fishes and

Page 11 invertebrates in Mid-Atlantic estuaries. ELMR Rep.

No. 12. NOAA/NOS Strategic Environmental Assessments Division, Silver Spring, MD. 280 p.

Texas Instruments Incorporated. 1976. Predation by bluefish in the lower Hudson River. Prepared for Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. by Texas Instruments Inc., Ecological Services, Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 17 p. + appendices.

Van der Elst, R. 1976. Game fish of the east coast of southern Africa. I. The biology of the elf Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus), in the coastal waters of Natal.

Oceanogr. Res. Inst. (Durban) Investig. Rep. 44: 1-59.

Wilk, SJ. 1977. Biological and fisheries data on bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus). U.S. Natl. Mar.

Fish. Serv., Northeast Fish Cent. Sandy Hook Lab.

Tech. Ser. Rep. 11: 1-56.

Page 12 Table 1. Dietary items of bluefish from several study areas.

Source Life History Stage and Diet Items (in order of importance)

Study Location 4 4 Texas Young-of-the-year, Anchoa mitchilli (dominated diet through summer),

Instruments Hudson River (tidal) Clupeidae, Microgadus tomcod, Alosa sapidissima, Incorporated Notropis hudsonius, Cyprinodontidae 1976 Festa 1979 11-20 cm, Little Egg Fundulus spp., Atherinidae, Anchoa spp., Callinectes Harbor estuary, NJ sapidus, Brevoortia tyrannus, Crangon septemspinosa Friedland et al. Juvenile, Sandy Hook, 1981: Teleosts, Crustacea, Polychaeta 1988 NJ 1982: Crustacea, Teleostei, Polychaeta 1983: Crustacea, Teleostei, Polychaeta (weight at length significantly greater in 1981)

Hartman and Age 0, Age 1, and Age 2, Age 0: Anchoa mitchilli, Menidia menidia, Brevoortia Brandt 1995a, b Chesapeake Bay tyrannus Age 1: Leiostomus xanthurus, A. mitchilli, M. menidia, (Diets of all age classes B. tyrannus changed through season) Age 2: Micropogoniasundulatus,A. mitchilli, B.

tyrannus (B. tyrannus becomes important in diets of all age classes in Sep-Oct.)

Buckel and Young-of-the-year, Unidentified fish, Anchoa mitchilli, Alosa spp., Morone Conover 1997 Hudson River estuary saxatilis, Morone americana NEFSC, Trawl All ages (mean size 35.6 1973-1980: Unidentified fishes, Illex spp., Etrumeus Survey Diet mm FL), continental teres, Loligo spp., Peprilustriacanthus,Cephalopoda Data shelf, Georges Bank and Middle Atlantic Bight 1981-1990: Unidentified fishes, Ammodytes dubius, Peprilustriacanthus,Loligo spp., Clupea harengus

Page 13 Table 2. Summary of life history and habitat characteristics for bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix. See Appendix I for a more complete listing of habitat variables.

Life Habitat (Spatial Temperature Salinity Light/Vertical Currents/ Prey Estuarine History and Temporal) Distribution Circulation Use Stage spring cohort: spring cohort: spring cohort: spring cohort: spring cohort: None unknown. unknown. unknown, unknown.' unknown.

Eggs'. summer cohort: summer cohort: summer cohort: summer cohort: summer cohort:

occurs across most in 18-22°C. 31.0 ppt or more peak spawning in southern MAB, continental shelf, (minimum 26.0 in the evening surface currents southern New ppt). (1900-2100 transport eggs England to Cape hrs). south and Hatteras. Most in offshore.

mid-shelf waters.'

Larvae spring cohort: spring cohort: spring cohort: spring cohort: > spring cohort: summer None near edge of smallest larvae in > smallest larvae in > 4 mm strongly subject to cohort:

continental shelf, 24°C. 35 ppt. associate with northward mostly Cape Hatteras- summer cohort: summer cohort: in surface. advection by Gulf copepod life Cape Canaveral, near Cape Hatteras MAB in 30-32 ppt. summer cohort: Stream. Some history FL. Peak April- 22.1-22.4°C; in near surface at retained in SAB stages. Guts May. MAB 18-261C. night, mostly at by southerly full during summer cohort: about 4 m counter-current. day.

most 30-70 m during day. summer cohort:

depths, May-Sept, southwest winds peak in July. in MAB may facilitate cross-shelf transport.

Pelagic spring cohort: spring cohort: spring cohort: both cohorts: spring cohort: both Juveniles 3 smallest near 180 19.0-24.0°C (or Near 180 m strongly shoreward cohorts:

m contour: larger higher well contour, > 35.0 associated with movement with enter near shore. April- offshore). ppt. the surface. growth unless estuarine May. summer cohort: in summer cohort: advected north. nurseries summer cohort: 0 During June, range MAB 15.0-20.0 C summer cohort: during this cross MAB shelf (most > 18,0°C). 36.0-31.0 ppt. move shoreward stage from Slope Sea to As low as 13.0'C with growth.

shore, early- to when cross shelf. Currents mid-June. important, but active swimming indicated.

Juveniles 4 Several estuarine In most studies, Usually 23.0-33.0 Day: usually Can occur in surf Atlantic Mostly (summer study areas arrive > 201C, ppt but can intrude near shorelines zone or clear to silversides, sand, but cohort between remain in to as low as 3.0 or in tidal turbid back- clupeids, some mud, only) Narragansett Bay, temperatures up to ppt. creeks. estuarine zones. striped silt, clay.

RI and Delaware 30'C. emigrate Night: usually in bass, bay Also uses Bay and when declines to open bay or anchovy, Ulva, Delaware River. 15'C. Can not channel waters. others. Zostera survive below beds, and 10°C or above Spartina or 34°C. Fall Fucus.

migration in 18-22°C on inner continental shelf.

Adults Generally Warm water, Oceanic salinities. Sight Not oceanic, usually > 14-16'C. feeders, uncommon nearshore to well Can tolerate 11.8- prey on in bays, offshore over 30.4°C but are other fishes larger continental shelf. stressed at either almost estuaries, as extreme. exclusively. well as coastal waters.

Norcross et al. 1974; Berrien and Sibunka 1999; Data from present report 2 Norcross et al. 1974; Kendall and Walford 1979; Kendall and Naplin 1981; Powles 1981; Collins and Stender 1987; Hare and Cowen 1996; Data from present report 3 Fahay 1975; Kendall and Walford 1979: Powles 1981: Collins and Stender 1987; Hare and Cowen 1996 4

.Lund and Maltezos 1970; Olla et al. 1975; Milstein et al. 1977: Nyman and Conover 1988; Rountree and Able 1992a, b; McBride et al. 1995; Able et al.

1996: Buckel and Conover 1997 Bigelow and Schroeder 1953; Olla and Studholme 1971

Page 14 Table 3. Sampling in 1979 ("Southern MARMAP") for bluefish larvae in the Charleston Bump area (32°37' N - 32'80' N x 78042' W - 79o000 W). Isaacs Kidd MWT only.

2 Date Sampling Depth Sampling Duration Volume Sampled Bluefish NoJ1Om February 9 15 5 308 37 27. 641 84 33 816 February 28 31 26 693 0.89 54 25 1085 110 35 1052 March 13 30 22 580 74 29 995 March 17 114 38 1258 0.91 March 18 28 20 700 March 27 18 20 742 1.16 58 27 1002 0.78 98 34 1261 March 28 30 26 965 April 6 32 25 875 0.71 62 25 875 41.48 132 40 1400 0.38 April 18 27 20 700 38 21 735 2.22 128 33 1155 April 19 42 22 770 1.45 April 30 28 22 770 36.99 May I 76 27 945 21.16 134 38 1330 50 25 875 3.97 May 16 34 22 770 2.65 58 25 875 9.55 130 35 1225 0.36 June 5 28 22 770 58 31 1085 June 30 37 26 910 July I 58 29 1015 124 47 1645 August 12 42 24 890 August 13 127 31 1150 50 22 816 22 20 742

Page 15 Table 4. Distribution of early life history stages of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, in estuaries from Maine to Florida.

Occurrences are not quantitative and may be based on one or very few specimens. Estimates of relative abundance after Nelson and Monaco (1994), Jury et al. (1994), Stone et al. (1994). Some Middle Atlantic Bight estuaries after Able and Fahay (1998).

Estuary Eggs Larvae Juveniles Passamaquoddy Bay, ME None None Rare Englishman/Machias Bay, ME None None Rare Narraguagus Bay, ME None None Rare Blue Hill Bay, ME None None Rare Penobscot Bay, ME None None Common Muscongus Bay, ME None None Common Damariscotta River, ME None None Common Sheepscot River, ME None None Common Kennebec/Androscoggin Rivers, ME None None Common Casco Bay, ME None None Common Saco Bay, ME None *None Common Wells Harbor, ME None None Common Great Bay, ME/NH None None Common Merrimack River, NH None None Rare Massachusetts Bay, MA None None Common Boston Harbor, MA None None Common Cape Cod Bay, MA None None Common Nauset Marsh, MA None None None Buzzards Bay, MA None Rare Abundant Narragansett Bay, RI None Rare/common Abundant Connecticut River, CT None None Abundant Long Island Sound, NY None None Abundant Gardiners Bay, NY Rare. Rare Abundant Great South Bay, NY None None Abundant Hudson River, Raritan/Sandy Hook Bays, NY/NJ Rare Rare Abundant Barnegat Bay, NJ None Rare Abundant Great Bay, NJ None Rare Common Southern Inland bays, NJ None Rare Abundant Delaware Bay, NJ/DE None rare Abundant Delaware Inland bays, DE None None Common Eastern Shore, MD/VA None Rare Common Chesapeake Bay mainstem, MD/VA None None Abundant Chester River, MD None None Common Choptank River, MD None None Common

Page 16 Table 4. cont'd.

Estuary Eggs Larvae Juveniles Patuxent River, MD None None Common Potomac River, MD/VA None None Abundant Tangier/Pocomoke Sound, VA None None Abundant Rappahannock River, VA None None Abundant York River, VA None None Abundant James River, VA None None Abundant Albemarle Sound, NC None None Common Pamlico Sound, NC None None Abundant Pungo River, NC None None Common Neuse River, NC None None Common Bogue Sound, NC None None Common New River, NC None None Common Cape Fear River, NC None None Abundant Winyah Bay, SC None None Common Santee Rivers (N&S), SC None None Common Charleston Harbor, SC None None Common St. Helena Sound, SC None None Common Broad River, SC None None Common Savannah River, SC/GA None None Common Ossabow Sound, GA None None Common Sapelo Sound/ St. Catherine, GA None None Common Altamaha River, GA None None Common St. Andrew/St. Simon Sound, GA None None Common St. Johns River, FL None None Common Indian River, FL None None Rare Biscayne Bay, FL None None Rare

Page 17 Table 5. Unpublished records of juvenile bluefish in waters of coastal Maine. Collection locations are ordered from north to south (after Creaser and Perkins 1994).

Location Date of Collection O/E' Number Size (mm TL) Method 2 Collected Marston Pt. August 25, 1983 3 100-130 HW Seal Island July 1991 1 50 AT Matinicus Rock July 24-30, 1991 4 50-60 RT July 9--17, 1991 14 40-50 AT Mid-July 1990 2 30-40 'AT July 5, 1989 2 85-90 AP July 18, 1986 1 77 AP Foot Bridge (Boothbay Summer 1970-1974 Juveniles (2 modes) HS Harbor)

DMR Dock July 4, 1984 3 40-50 HL August 25, 1978 I. 86 DN September 14, 197 I 5 95-105 Townsend Gut September 5, 1985 1 Juvenile HL Lobster Cove August 11, 1991 4 162-192 HL August 30, 1990 145 HL Sheepscot River August 2, 1989 140 HL Sheepscot Falls August 1967 150-200 HL Marsh River July 17-Sept 17, 1991 60 101-217 GN August I-Sept 26, 1990 149 89-218 GN August 8-28, 1989 102 92-194 GN August 26, 1987 6 129-163 GN August 14, 1986 28 93-121 GN The Eddy July 9, 1991 3 80-85 HS Cross River August 8, 1991 1 115 HS Berry Island September 8, 1974 4 125-140 HS

'August 29, 1973 2 132-141 HS August 30, 1972 2 112 HS Kennebec Pt. August 10-22, 1990 29 39-70 .HS

Page 18 Table 5. cont'd.

2 Location Date of Collection O/E' Number Size (mm TL) Method Collected Mouth of Abagadasset July 18, 1991 2 84-94 HS River July 3, 1991 6 112-115 HS August 3, 1989 8 52-76 HS September 11, 1987 2 142-150 HS July 17, 1986 5 70-77 HS Mouth of Androscoggin August 5, 1983 2 82-86 HS River Bath Bridge Summer 1982 90 < 100 OT Winnegance Bay Summer 1988-1990 50-150 HL Atkins Bay Summer 1981 80-90 HS Howard Point August 1988 3 70-130 FK Jenny Island July 16, 1991 1 40 CT Merepoint Bay September 26, 1991 97 150-174 GN Royal River Summer 1988 Juvenile SMVTI Dock September 1986 130-150 HL Union Wharf September 1984 6 150-200 HL Dunston, Libby, Summer 1987 Juvenile HL Nonesuch Rivers (confluence)

I mi. off amusement pier, Summer 1961-1964 Juvenile HL Old Orchard Beach Wells Harbor August 1991 I 68 FN O = oceanic; E = estuarine 2 Collection methods: OT = otter trawl; FN = fyke net; HL = hook and line; HS = haul seine; AP = Atlantic puffin; GN = gill net; AT = Arctic tern; DN = dip net; CT = common tern; HW = herring weir; RT = roseate tern

Page 19 Figure 1. The adult bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (from Goode 1884).

Page 20 Figu'.o

!re','- 2. "T p .. .. "" "l Figure 2. The pelagic juvenile bluefish, 24.3 mm SL (from Able and Fahay 1998).

Page 21 45- I i t i ,

Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)

Eggs MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Surveys 43- 61-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-mm mesh , ,-

1978 to 1987 C_.**,*:***-..

(May, Jun, Jul, Aug) > -

42- Numberof tows =3438, with eggs= 215 . .

.41-40-39- \1i** /O/s'

.II M 38 ,-,-

~~Eggs 1m

. Ito<IO 37-- 0 Oto<100 0 l0to0<1000 36

  • 1000to4533 36- l 35- _ -_

76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 Figure 3. Distribution and abundance of bluefish eggs collected during NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys in the Mid-Atlantic Bight from 1978-1987 [survey also covered the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank; see Reid et al.

(1999) for details].

Page 22 45-Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) 44-MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Surveys 61-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-mm mesh 43- May: 1978 to 1987 Numober otow. = 1085,wilh eggs = 2 41-1 40)-1 1 [,,o24 9 20() w 499 0 500 to 999

  • 1000 1. 2361 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 45- - I Bluefish 44- (Pomatomus saltatrix)

MARMAP lchthyoplankton Surveys, 6

1-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-mm mesh 43 July; 1976 to 1987 Numben oftws = 781. with cggs = (32 .

42- Monthly mean deneily =44.15 egge/lOrn' 42 Egg,/lOm' t1o24 1

. 37- S251io 199 S2(0)0 o 499

  • 500'h 999 36-t 0 1000 to 4534 7t 71t 69 60 67 66 65 Figure 3. cont'd.

Page 23

. Percent Distributions of Temperatures 100 1. Percent Distributions of Depths 0 Stations N Densities of Bluefish Eggs 95 U 00 Stations 0 Densities of Bluefish Eggs May 20 -

I Jun 20o e

I a


&_5050-40 40 30 20 20 10 0 80 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10305070 110 150 190 230 270 325 450 1250 2000 Temperature (C) - Surface to , Depth Interval Midpoint 15 m Figure 4. Abundance of bluefish eggs relative to near-surface water column temperature and depth based on NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (May- August 1978-1987, all years combined).

Page 24 44-Bluefish Larvae .F

!o (Pomatomus saltatrix) 4 MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Surveys, Middle Atlantic Bight and South Atlantic Bight 42- MAB: 1977-1987; SAB: 1973-1978 661-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-mm mesh .... A--

, ~~No. With .,,.

Tows Larvae 40- MAB 5659 461 SAB 243 28 2

Larvae/10m 38-None

  • 1to 9 S10 to99 0 100 to 999
  • 1000 to 2664 36 3-*

30-1 200m 82 80 7'8 7'6 74 72 70 6'8 6'6 Figure 5. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larv)ae collected during NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys of both the Mid-Atlantic Bight ( 1977-1987) and South Atlantic Bight (1973-1978) [survey also covered the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 25 35 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) 34-Larvae:.size range= 3to 12mm iOIk~tonSur vey*

v S61-cm Bongo Net; 0. 505-mm mes May 15 - May 27 .19736 31-Larvae / 1Im2 Noon

  • t( to <00) 1001on107
  • ltt tOlt10 29-2 81 80 79 77 76 i75 35 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)

Larvae; size range = 4 to 17 mm 34 MARMAP lchthyoplankton Survey 61-cm Bongo Net: 0.505-mmmis Apr 6 - May 7, 1974 L

Larvae / lOeIn 7 I[)io 4X Figure 6. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larvae collected with a bongo net in the South Atlantic Bight during NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys [see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 26 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)

I Larva; size = 3 mm 34- MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Survey 61-cm Bongo Net; 0,505-mm mesh Sep 6- Sep 19, 1978  ;/

32-31-Larvae/ IOm'

  • None
  • I io2 30 29-28-i to6 79 9 82- 77 7 7 '5 Figure 6. cont'd.

Page 27 3I - 1 - L. _____,___, ;Ty-S....

  • . ./ _ _ 35-.-*
  • (Porn Bluefish tomus saltatrix) Bluefish (Pornotomus saltatric)

Length range 4 to 35 mm Length range = 4 to 27 mm MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Survey MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Survey 34 2m x Im Neuson Net; 02947-mmmesh 34- 2M x Im Neuston Net; 0.947-mm me-May 15'- May 27, 1973 Oct 24-Nov 16, 1973 33

-i i .* ./5 33-32- 32.3-31 .

  • 31-301-
  • n o1 ,490 _ 30
  • 0 .00 nO.055 29 29t 29\

, 0 9 78 72 77 76 75 8 12 8, 00 79 78 77 76 75 Bluefish Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) (Poratomus saitatrix)

Length range = 3 to 34mm Length = 15mm MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Survey MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Survey 3 m Neusttn m Net; 0.947-mm men 34-2m x Im Neuston Net;:0.947-mm mesh Apt - May 7, 1974 Jan 21- Feb l,1975 33]- 33-32- 32L 31-- 3-Numbher /10m,' **Nme ~n 30 * )00). 1.401) N0,*091u 73 30- 29

..- ~

28- 2-02 81, 0 79 7 7. 76 75 82 tt 800 79 358 77 76 75 Figure 7. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larvae collected in a neuston net in the South Atlantic Bight during NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys [see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 28 35 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)

Length range = 4 to 22 mm MARMAP lchthyoplankton Survey 2m x Im Neuston Net: 0.947-mm mesi tr Mar31 - Apr I0, 1975 33-32-Number/ It0m' Noone 30-j 0.001 to 1.257 29, 70 70 77 76 75 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)

Length range = 3 to 6 mm MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Survey.

Im x 0.mS Neuston Net; 0,505-mm me!

Aug 17 - Sep 2, 1977 1 337-Number? t~m' 9 0( 77 o 0,044 29!

26-62 01 7 7 77 76 75 Figure 7. cont'd.

Page 29 Figure 8. Distribution and abundance of bluefish larvae collected during NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys in the Mid-Atlantic Bight from 1977-1987 [survey also covered the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank; see Reid et al.

(1999) for details].

Page 30 45- 45 -

Bluefish Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) (Pomatomus saltatrix) 44- Larvae <1 I.Omm length Larvae < 1.0ammlength MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Surveys MARMAP lchthyoplankton Surveys 61-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-mm mesh 61-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-amm mesh January, 1977- 1987 May, 1977 - 1987 Nuenhroftows = 434, with larvaI l Number of tows = 1472. with larvn = 5 5

42 Monthly ean do.tity =-,O1 larvae / l ns " Monthly mnan density = 0.11 larvae IOna 40-3-~

l-arae/l1in Larvae/]m None I to 3 *11.9 37-. 0 10to 49 37-'

7 sote9l 36-

  • lton9 361 76 75 74 73 72 71 7 70 69 60 67 66 65 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 I I I 1. * .

45 Bluefish 4 (Pomatomus saltatrix) 44 i Larvae <11.0mm length MARMAP lchthyoplankton Surveys 61-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-mm mesh Jane, 1977- 1987 Nsnhcr ofttows = 493. with larvae =401 42-1 Monthly wean-dettity = 1(0.22larvae / I O)m 41-39-1 2

Larvae/l1in 3I None II" 24

  • 251,199 37-i
  • 20)0to 499 501o 999 10(X)t*o2664 3576 76 7 74 7 73 72 2 771 711 69 67 66 3576 76 757 75 4 7'4 7 7'3 72 7'1 70 69 66 67 66 65

-60 65 Figure 8. cont'd.

Page 31 45 r - . L___

Bluefish (promatornussaltatrix).

44 Larvae <1 1.0mrn length' MARMAP Ichthyoplankton Surveys 61-cm Bongo Net; 0.505-mm mesh August, 1977 - 1987 Numhnrfiovs = 1148. with larvae =194- '

42-I Monthly mean den-ity = 10.03 larvae / 10n2 41-40-39-

~1 t

L.arvae/IOm No-

  • 1to24


, 25 i 'o199 37-0 200 499 L 506 tIn920) 76 75 74 73 72 71 71) 69 68 67 66 Figure 8. cont'd.

Page 32 Percent Distributions of Temperatures 60 Percent Distr ibutions of Depths 60 - 1 Stations U Densities of Bluefish Larvae t ElSta ions 0 Densities of Bluefish Larvae May 30 May 1

m I V I II I I I I I I I I I 40 60 -

Jun 20 Jun 30-I 0 0 40 60 a) 2 Jul 13_

20 {3_ 30

~ 1 1.I)) -~Jul 0 0 40 60

- Aug 30 Aug 20 0 0 9 S , , , I , *I ,

50 so 60 25 0

0 5 10 15 20 Adjusted Temperature (C) Near Surface (0-15m) 25 30 0-i rft 10 50 Ifl 90


130 170 210 250 290 Depth Interval Midpoint (m) 375 Sep 750 1750 Figure 9. Abundance of bluefish larvae relative to near-surface water column temperature and depth based on NEFSC MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (May-September 1977-1987, all years combined).

Page 33 r.~

Figure 10. Reported occurrences of juvenile bluefish along the east coast of the United States (Clark 1973).

Page 34 40 Ii.

Rhode Island U Trawl, Narragansett Bay, RI Sound, Fal1 20 .l Seine, Narragansett Bay,I Jun-OH c 0


.Connecticut, Trawl Fall (Sep-Oct),

20 0

4 New York, Hudson R., Seine I IT 2

0 80 New York, Western Long Island, 40 Seine o:

0 0 CL I.-

I- 60 New Jersey, Seine a, 30 E 0 z 0.8 Delaware Bay, Trawl Jun-Oct 0.4 0.0 0.8 Maryland,.

Chesapeake 0.4 Bay, Seine 0.0 0.3 VIMS, Chesapeake Bay 0.2 E Trawlic SondOnl ,

_ ElSeine '

0.1 0.0 North Carolina, Trawl 0.4 0Juvenile Fish Survey, May-Jun ,!

oI Pamlico Sound .. Only*

0.2 0.0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Figure 1. Abundance (number/tow) of young-of-the-year bluefish in seine and trawl surveys by state and by year.

Page 35 CBluefish Mass. Inshore Trawl Survey Autumn 1978 1996 Juveniles (<35cm)

Number/Tow I to 10 10 to 25 V?4 *' ,:: *25 to 50

. 50 to 100 100 to 212

..... . .... .. l


  • =;

C-)1= . ... . . .

Figure 12. Distribution and abundance of juvenile, and adult bluefish collected in Massachusetts coastal waters during spring (adults only) and autumn (both juveniles and adults) Massachiusetts inshore trawl surveys [1978-1996, all years combined; see Reid et al. 01999) for details].

Page 36 Bluefish Bluefish Mass. Inshore Trawl Survey Mass. Inshore Trawl Survey Spring 1978- 1996 Autumn 1978- 1996 Adults (>=35cm) Adults (>=35cm)

Number/Tow r - 1 -


  • 2to 3 S3 to4 l 4 to 5
  • 5 to 12 C~..

Figure 12. cont'd.

Page 37 B luefish Mass. Inshore Trawl Surveys -l *Stations Juveniles dults N Catches 15" II Spring 12-Spring 9-

'IF 30" I

20" it]

H 6- SNo Fish 10" 3"

I II F IJlUL 111111 _1 o0 AnnFnH[

41.144FWJ q rLI [ - -II-I r- r I 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 I1 13 15 17 19 21 23 Bottom Temperature (C) Bottom Temperature (C) 25" Autumn 20' Autumn 15 10-5" 0

3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19 21 23 Botto m Temperature (C) Bottom Temperature (C)


Spring Spring No Fish 20' Bottom Depth (m) Bottom Depth (m)

Autumn 10" Lf Autumn v

Bottom Depth (m) Bottom Depth (m)

Figure 13. Abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish relative to bottom water temperature and depth based on Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (spring and autumn 1978-1996, all years combined).

Page 38 Bluefish Juveniles (< 35 cm)

Figure 14. Distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish collected in Narragansett Bay during 1990-1996 Rhode Island bottom trawl surveys. The numbers shown at each station are the average catch per tow rounded to one decimal place [see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 39 Bluefish Adults (>= 35 cm) 0.0 Figure 14. cont'd.

Page 40 I,

Winter 0N ' ~~1 0(NIN IN IN fn M M/ rn M V.4 V-C-T 0' -I Ln '/nLn 0N % 10 ýON%( r-0.8 Spring 0.6-0.4 0.2-1z 0

~iNCDC0N ~00 N NN 4 M M en 0M 't - 0'It-.tV- V-ýN' In At 4 eOM 0 1--

400' I

300" Summer 200" 100" 0 - r ~0(10 0 (N -


~D- 000 (N N ON - r~ In N a~ - n N ON - t(iN ON - rfI N ON -

(N (N (N EN(N ~f~~w.uJ- ~

300o I

200' Autumn 100' 0 -. rr,Z 76 ?Z 787177,i I,,,r4 r rirr,,Iur7-3 ,]il- .rur.iI, NC N -0 00N"t C'4 N " ON-4 M M M -0, N 0'1-,1eV V) VN LN

-C, -mu N N-Total Length (cm)

Figure 15. Seasonal length frequency distributions of bluefish collected in Narragansett Bay during 1990-1996 Rhode Island bottom trawl surveys [all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 41 Bluefish Bluefish 2216 Juveniles (< 35 cm) Juveniles (< 35 cm) 120 Winter Winter 08 0I I 3 5 7 9 I1 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 20 16 Spring 12 8

4 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60-c.80" 60' Summer 40' 20'

, nnnI-If Summer 40 20_-

__ r- r-n 0' 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 I 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 60 Autumn 40 Autumn 20' 1 1i r-1 rFL

-1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Bottom Temperature (C) Bottom Depth (ft)

Figure 16. Seasonal abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish relative to bottom water temperature and depth based on Rhode Island NarragansettBay trawl surveys (1990-1996, all years combined).

Page 42 Bluefish Bluefish Adults (2 35 cm) Sinsi Adults (Ž 35 cm) LJsltonI 20' 30 16' Winter 20 Winter 12" 8-10 *n ,


- 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Fl- ln 90 100 110 120 20 25 16 Spring 20 S pring 12 15 8 H N Hnnnnn I0 o* .

-I 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11(0 120 310 Summer amer 20 10 0.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

-I 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 40' 30' tul 30" Autumnn 20' 20" 10 rHnldcl nuýl n i 10-i FLFLI iu

-1 1 3 5 7 9 1i 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Bottom Temperature (C) Bottom Depth (ft)

Figure 16. cont'd.

Page 43 30 25 S20- I I


- e~..........r- c.- -W -. r-. c -

tar (an) 1o00 t*oo i 3wooo 000

  • _*oo 1000 0 K ... o. I~ I~ I -. II...... I...I II..........

r4 . Co - .4. I" .. -

-q -~ - r4 r4 r. (.~ rn ,n Length (n Figure 17. Distribution, abundance, and length frequency distributions of bluefish in Long Island Sound collected during spring and autumn Connecticut bottom trawl surveys [1992-1997, all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 44 35 Percent Distributions of Temperatures 30 El Stations I Bluefish Catches 25 Connecticut DEP 20 Long Island Sound


0O Bottom Trawl Survey a-1 15 1992-1997 10 Autumn 5-0 n Iii I I 20 I 2 22 2

24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Bottom Temperature (C) 35 - Percent Distributions of Temperatures

.1I Stations 30 -

E Bluefish Catches. I.

25 -

Connecticut DEP

- 20 - Long Island Sound Bottom Trawl Survey W2 CL 15 - 1992-1997 10 - Spring FI 5-0 o

0 2 I

SHnHnfHn 4

I 6

I 8

I I 10

'rip I I 12 I

14 14 Iii~~

16 I

18 I 2I 20 2I 22 2,

24 Bottom Temperature (C)

Figure 18. Abundance of bluefish relative to bottom water temperature based on spring and autumn Connecticut bottom trawl surveys in Long Island Sound (1992-1997, all years combined).

Page 45 Figure 19. Seasonal distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish collected in the Hudson-Raritan estuary during Hudson-Raritan trawl surveys [1992-1997, all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 46 Figure 19. cont'd.

Page 47 Juveniles (< 35 cm)

I 45 50-40 iZEl Stations 45-35 40' MCatches 30 35-30 5-o25 2 25 S20 20 5-0 2 4 6 8 FI-n 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 15-10 5-0 1 2 3 4 niF 5 6 FlIrIn, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Temperature (C) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/I) 45 30 40-35 25 40 30- 20-25 C_) 20 15 15 10 10 5' 5 0 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 Depth (ft) Salinity (ppt)

Adults (? 35 cm) 30- 50" LIII Stations 25 40' Catches 4-.

20 30' JIf 15- 0 5-ci) 20 III HMm


10 5-iRHH 0 2

[1 4

1HHnH[InriinI-It [

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 10 0'

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Temperature (C) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/I) 70 40 60- 35-50- 30-ci) 406 30-20 10 1  ! 25-15-*

20-10 5" An 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 53 15 ..17. . 19. . 21 . 23. . 25. 27

. 29 31 33 35 Depth .(ft) Salinity (ppt)

Figure 20. Abundance of juvenile and adult bluefish relative to bottom water temperature, depth, dissolved oxygen, and salinity based on Hudson-Raritan estuary trawl surveys (1992-1997, all years combined).

Page 48 36-- I II Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) 35, SEAMAP Trawl Surveys April to December; 1990 to 1996 "

Total Number of Tows = 1927 Tows with Bluefish = 671 34-33-32 , b Number / Tow x None

  • I1to 9 30 -.

S10 to99 2 100 to 160 29-

50. 200,,,

82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 Figure 21. Distribution and abundance of bluefish in the South Atlantic Bight collected during SEAMAP bottom trawl surveys [ 1990-1996, all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 49 SEAMAP Bluefish 3000 2500 2000 E 1500 z

1000 500 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Length (cm FL)

Figure 22. Length frequency distribution of bluefish in the South Atlantic Bight collected during SEAMAP bottom trawl surveys (1990-1996, all years combined).

Page 50 Bluefish Bluefish 35 (Pomatomus saltatrix) (Pomatomus saltatrix)

SEAMAP Trawl Surveys SEAMA*P Trawl Surveys April, 1990- 1996 May, 1990- 1996 oith Bluelich=129 3- Nou brohFTrmls =437: woithBl.eflob 124 34- Nwheur of TroI, =297:

33-. 33L 32-331Number/Tow None 32-

-e None o

1 1] 9 I 1o9 0 1p9 I 10Wo69 31- 500 31- 2 400 1 2001 30-~g 200 301 300 L ngth(mrn)

Length (rnm) 28] --- _ -o -, 222- . -.- ,--"

82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 82 81. 80 79 768 777 78 7 Bluefish - -. - Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) 3 (Pomatomus saltatrix)

SEAMAP Trawl Surveys SEAMAP Trawl Surveys July, 1990- 1996 August, 1990- 1996 34 NumehrofTrawls = 394: wilh Bliefis = 116 34- Nuber ofTrawls = 152; with Blaefish = 58 33 33

,"Number /Tow * -Number /Tow 3UMl34 None None 32 I o9 31-3,3I !10o37 a' 9

310 31- 0 00-,300-3o oI 300, z 22012 10O- 10'-

S50 80 110 140 170 200 230 280 290 320 360 380 I 20 50 80 110 140 170 200 230 200 290 320 350 380

- Length (mmn) I -9 Length (mm~)

28- - oom r 8 82 81 8( 79 78 77 76 75 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 Figure 23. Monthly distribution, abundance, and length frequency distribution of bluefish in the South Atlantic Bight collected during SEAMAP bottom trawl surveys (1990-1996, all years combined).

Page 51:

36 35-34 '

33-32 31-30-29-92 36 35-34 33-32-1 31-30 29 82 Figure 23. cont'd.

Page 52 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)

NEFSC Resource Surveys - All Data Spring 10 N = 1,003 Age 1 Age 2+

,11I1 5 - >

YOY 0 I Spring-spawned I.m .55 I111

-- mmmmmmmmmmmmm--n 0. . ..

YOY Spring- Age 1 Summer 10 spawned N = 2,670 C,

LL 5 Age 2+ ->-

YOY a.)

CL 0


.I mmmmmmmmmm YOY mmmm mm,,, ...

mmmm .. . I. 1...

Spring- Fall spawned N = 56,803 10 12.5 cm 5 YoY Age 2+

Summer-spawned Age 1

!,I 0

0 10 _ 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Length'(cm FL)

Figure 24. Seasonal length frequency distributions used to determine bluefish size and age cutoffs in NEFSC bottom trawl surveys.

Page 53 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)

All Lengths (FL) included 42- NMFS Trawl Surveys All Seasons; All Years .

Total Number of Tows = 27829; * *""" °*

40 With Bluefish =2217 "


38- ~ Y _

36-', Catch Tow I to < 10

" *  ? *10 to < 100 S 100 to <1000 34-

  • 1000 to <1620 32-30j 200m 28- T -I 1 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 Figure 25. Distribution and abundance of bluefish (all sizes combined) collected off the east coast of the United States during NEFSC bottom trawl surveys [all years and seasons combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 54 Figure 26. Distribution and abundance of bluefish (all lengths combined) collected off the east coast of the United States during winter NEFSC bottom trawl surveys [1964-1997, all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 55 3-Lengths of bluefish trawled during winter near edge of continental shelf off North Carolina 2- N=13 E

z 1-0- .ý1.- II...II...I ' ' 1 . . . . I 11 I '. . I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Length (cm FL)

Figure 27. Length frequency distribution of bluefish caught in the winter off North Carolina during winter NEFSC bottom trawl surveys.

Page 56 Bluefish 44-1 (Pomatomussaltatrix)

YOY, Spring-spawned Length 3 to 9 cm FL NMFS Spring Trawl Surveys

-A All Years (1968 - 1997) 36- Numher~Tow I o7 34-82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 Bluefish 4- Bluefish 44- (Pomatomus saltatrix)

- (Pomatomus saltatrix)

Age 2 - Age >= 3 Length 30 to 50 cm FL Length 51 to 87cm FL 2

42-NMFS Spring Trawl Surveys NMFS Spring Trawl Surveys All Years (1968- 1997)

-1997) 4,] All Years (1968 40n-36-

' "1.o 22 34-

34. 32- 2M.erT 32 32 62 -0 65 7 78 76 7*6 - 4 74 27---,

72 7'0 6 68 6 6'6 82 74 72 70 68 66 Figure 28. Distribution and abundance of four size classes of bluefish collected off the east coast of the United States during spring NEFSC bottom trawl surveys [1968-1997, all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 57 40- Percent Distributions of Temperatures I

I Spring Bottom Trawl Surveys El Stations 0 <30 cm 2 20- (Age 1)

MI 0-0- F7 F-L-- i I I I -- ]

10 15 20 50-a) 0 30+ cm (Age 2+)


10 15 20 Bottom Temperature Figure 29. Abundance of large (> 30 cm) and small (< 30 cm) bluefish relative to bottom water temperature and depth based on spring east coast NEFSC bottom trawl surveys.

Page 58 I-,'

Percent Distributions of Depths Spring Bottom Trawl Surveys 50 Ed Stations 40 I a) 0 30 E <30 cm a) 13_

(Age 1) 20 10 0 r~.

Lý4 UK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rL--EArm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150170200320 90 60 -

a-N 30+ cm a) (Age 2+)


30-0 -- -

I FLrw I i I fR 1=1 I I M F-1MM I I I I

=1 I

-9 I


I -



- i I

=1 I I

- I

- I 0 10 ?0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150170200320 Midpoint of Depth Interval Figure 29. cont'd.

Page 59 44 Bluefish (Pomatomussaltatrix)

S YOY. Sum.mer-spawned 4 Bluefish (Pomatomus salhatrix)

YOY. Spring-spawned Length 3 to 7 cm FL 2-- Length 8 to 17cm FL NMFS Summer Trawl Surveys - NMFS Summer Trawl Surveys All Years (1963 - 1995)1 c*-: All Years (1963 - 1995)

I /. /

-35] 38-36- 36


36 oNumber /Tow *3-~ Nuember / Tow 19

'*I-"1, - 10,o69 / 10-o19 1001o242 3 4- 34 1 321.. 32-,20 82 60 74 76 74 72 70 68 66 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 44-fis 41Bluefish (Pomatomus salratrix)

Agel 1

4-Bluefish (4.Pomatomussahtatrix)

Age >=2

.* *,..f C.

4- Length 18 to 35 cm FL Length 37to 82em FL NMFS Summer Trawl Surveys NMFS Summer Trawl Surveys. .

All Years (1963- 1995) - All Years (1963-1995) 40-U 38] 38-36- N To 36- Numbe, / Tow toO I to9 S101o99 S '10Ito31

  • 1(5/tro 134 34 34
  • 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 6'8 66 82 50 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 Figure 30. Distribution and abundance of four size classes of bluefish collected off the east coast of the United States during summer NEFSC bottom trawl surveys [1963-1995, all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 60 44Bluefish 4-Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) (Pomzatomus saltatrix)4 YOY. Summer-spawned YOY. Spring-spawned 42- Length 2 to 12cm FL 42 Length 13to25cmFL NMFS Fall Trawl Surveys L N MFS Fall Trawl Surveys 1

42-All Years (1963- 1996) All Years (1963 - 1996) 1-4( U)-)-

38- 38-36 Number/Tow 36- Number~Tow

  • /to9- , / ItoS99 101o999 100 to 999 34
  • 1O000 1468 34- lO00to 1619 32-I - - 32 . -

82 60 76 76 74 72 70 66 66 82 80 76 76 74 72 70 6 4 mBluefish 44 Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) I(Pomatomus sahatrix)

Agel - Age >= 2 42 Length 26 to 40 cm FL ,x .,@ 42 Length 41 to 88 cm FL NMFS Fall Trawl Surveys _ _ NMFS Fall Trawl Surveys All Years (1963 - 1996) All Years (1963 - 1996) 36]

40 7

[iýr w 36-Nme/o 34-- 34 32- --------

62 6o 78 76

~~--32 74 72 70 66 66 82 60 mm 76 76 74 72 70 68 Figure 3 1. Distribution and abundance of four size classes of bluefish collected off the east coast of the United States during fall NEFSC bottom trawl surveys [ 1963-1996, all years combined; see Reid et al. (1999) for details].

Page 61 20 Percent Distributions of Temperatures Fall Bottom Trawl Surveys D Stations 15 U <26cm o(0) 10- (Young-of-the-Year) 5 0-20 5 10 15 20 25 15

" 26+ cm o 10 (Age 1+)

5 0 Al I 5 10 15 20 25 Bottom Temperature Figure 32. Abundance of young-of-the-year (YOY, < 26 cm) and age 1+ (> 26 cm) bluefish relative to bottom water temperature and depth based on fall east coast NEFSC bottom trawl surveys.

Page 62 75 Percent Distribution s of Depths Fall Bottom Trawl S urveys El Stations 50-U <26cm o2 (Young-of-the-year )

25 -

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 150 240 75 50

.- U 26+ cm

  • (Age 1 +)

25 0I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 150 240 Midpoint of Depth Interval Figure 32. cont'd.

Page 63 Atlantic Coast 300 6

/ N- Catcl 1 (mt),

fnaw 'ning stock biomass (mt) 250 - V --- CPUE E(kg) -5 0 200 4 _


-3 30)

C-E 150 Cz 0

D100' 4-2 M 50 1

0I 0 1978 1980 1982 1984 -1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Year Figure 33. Commercial landings, spawning stock biomass, and catch per unit effort (CPUE) for bluefish along the east coast of the United States (NEFSC, unpublished data).

Page 64 F Bluefish NMFS Trawl Surveys

/6ýBluerish NMFS Trawl Surveys Autumn 1980-82 Autumn 1994-96 Juveniles (<30cm) Juveniles (<30cm)

  • .*"' INumtbe r/T5w . Numberrr2o~
  • 7
  • 5I to -<25X I0 to <125 I' , , ] " 25 :to <50) 25 to <50 K_?! Z~

0 0

100 to <500 500/ to <1620

/1 // 0 0 100 to <500 500 to <1620

.. . ...... awlra . -8. . ........

lSrvy Survueys18 ...... .. / *,*,/*-

  • '... ,*....  ! NMFS MF A utm
e. Trawl lu rwlS fsh19 Surveys,>

rv y

-9 /

Age 1+ (>=30cm) Avene 1+ (>=30cm)

Number/Tow Number/Tow I to <5 I to <5

  • 5 to <101
  • 5 to <10
  • 15 to <50 0 15 to <20
  • 20 to <35 0 20 to <-5 Figure 34. Distribution and abundance of juvenile (< 30 cm) and adult 30 cm) bluefish during a period of high abundance (1980-1982) and during a period of low abundance .(1994-1996) based on autumn NEFSC bottom trawl surveys.

Page 65 Appendix 1. Bluefish habitat characteristics. MAB = Middle Atlantic Bight; SAB = South Atlantic Bight.

Eggs Authors Study Period Habitat (Spatial Temperature Salinity Dissolved Currents Light Prey and Area and Temporal) Oxygen Berrien 1977-1987, Occur southern ---

and Continental New England to Sibunka Shelf waters, Cape Hatteras 1999 Gulf of Maine across entire shelf.

to Cape Most in mid-shelf Hatteras waters of MAB, especially off New Jersey and Delaware Bay.


Present 1973-1980, SAB: No data; SAB: No --- ---

Study SAB; MAB: most found data; 1977-1987, over depths of 20- MAB: Most MAB 40 m, May-August, in 18-22'C peakin July.

Norcross et 1960-1962, Across shelf, from 22°C or more. 31 ppt or --- Prevailing Peak al. 1974 Continental nearshore to shelf (Minimum more. surface spawning Shelf waters off edge, but most in 18°C) (Minimum currents evening Virginia outer half of shelf. 26.6 ppt) transport eggs (1900-2100 June through south and hrs.)

August, peak July. offshore.

Page 66 Appendix I. cont'd.

Larvae Authors Study Habitat (Spatial Temperature Salinity Dissolved Currents Light/Vertical Prey Period and and Temporal) Oxygen Distribution Area Norcross 1960-1962, Surface waters, et al. 1974 *Continental most near edge of Shelf waters shelf.

off Virginia Kendall 1965-1967, Late April: in and C. Hatteras: MAB: Larvae from and Continental near Gulf Stream 22.1-22.4 0 C; 30-32 ppt spring spawn Walford Shelf waters off Cape MAB: 18- SAB: 35- advected 1979 between Hatteras; May: 26*C SAB: 38 ppt north via Gulf Cape Cod near edge of shelf 20-261C Stream.

and Palm off Carolinas; Beach, August: mid-Florida shelf depths off New Jersey; September: few in New York Bight; October:

concentration near shelf edge off Georgia.

Kendall July 1974, Vertical Surface 23°C Surface Near surface at Mostly and outer distribution 33 ppt night; mostly at copepod Naplin Continental study. Most 4 m dluring life history 1981 Shelf off larvae within 4 m daylight. stages.

Delaware of surface. Guts full Bay during day; empty during night.

Collins 1973-1980, Mostly in waters Southerly >4mm and Cape > 40 m, primarily counter- strongly Stender Hatteras to in spring, current retains associated with 1987 Cape secondarily in larvae in surface.

Canaveral, late summer, SAB.


Powles 1973-1976, Peaked April- Smallest Smallest Ekman drift Predominately 1981 Cape Fear, May; smallest larvae > 241C larvae > would impede neustonic.

North near edge of 35 ppt inshore Carolina to shelf; larger migration.

Cape closer to shore or Canaveral, advected north.

Florida Present SAB: 1973- SAB: Most April- SAB: No data SAB: subject Study. 1980; May near edge of MAB: Most to northward MAB: 1977- shelf; 18-24°C advection by 1987 MAB: May- Gulf Stream.

September, peak July, mostly between depths of 30-70 m.

Hare and March 1990, Larvae occurred March: 20- March: SW winds in Cowen 1991; April March through 250 C: April: 36+ ppt; MAB may 1996 1989; June June; different 18-25'C; April: facilitate 1991; Water sizes occurred in June: 21-25*C 34.5-36.5 cross-shelf masses off different water ppt: June: transport of Cape masses. 31-36 ppt larvae.


Page 67 Appendix 1. cont'd.

Pelagic-Juveniles Authors Study Period Habitat (Spatial and Temperature Salinity Dissolved Currents Light/Vertical Prey and Area Temporal) Oxygen Distribution Hare 1988, MAB Cross shelf from Slope 13.0-15.01C --- Wind-driven Surface and shelf edge Sea to shore early to flow may be oriented Cowen mid-June. important, but 1996 active swimming probably more important.

Kendall 1965-1972, April (late): many near April-May: --- --- Migrate across All collected in ---

and East Coast Cape Hatteras; 22.1-24.0°C shelf from near-surface Walford U.S. (MAB May: shelf in SAB, Jun: 15.0- shelf/slope samplers.

1979 and SAB largest nearshore; 20.0°C (most front to shore Continental June: MAB between > 18.0°C) as shelf waters Shelf into shore and shelf/slope Fall: 15.0- warm.

Slope Sea) front; 18.0°C Fall: few between Winter: 13.0-Delaware Bay and 15.0°C Cape Hatteras; Winter: few between St. Johns River and Cape Canaveral.

Collins 1973-1980, Seaward of 40 m --- --- --- Strong negative Strongly and SAB Cape isobath, mostly spring, correlation of associated with Stender Fear-Cape some fall occurrences, size and depth the surface.

1987 Canaveral during spring, indicates shoreward movement with growth.

Fahay Seasonal, 14 collected between 19.0-24.0°C --- --- ---

1975 May 1967-' North Carolina and Feb. 1968. Cape Canaveral, SAB various depths Continental between nearshore and Shelf shelf edge. All during May.

Powles 1973-1976; Smallest collected 180 m 180 m --- Weak Strongly 1981 SAB Cape near 180 m contour; contour: > contour: association of associated with fear-Cape larger near shore. 24.0°C > 35.0 size with the surface.

Canaveral ppt proximity to coast. Most probably advected north.

Page 68 Appendix 1. cont'd.

Juveniles and Older

.Authors Study Period Habitat (Spatial and Temperature Salinity Dissolved Currents/ Substrate/ Light/Diel I Prey and Area Temporal) Oxygen Tide Vegetation Nyman 1985-1986, both Occur in embayments. Arrive > 20'C:

and shores of Long between late May and emigrate ca.

Conover Island, New *October. 15*C 1988 York Rountree 1988-1989, Occur in polyhaline > 20.0°C 23.0-30.0 Day: tidal Menidia and Able Great South subtidal marsh creeks ppt creeks menidia 1992a. b Bay. New during summer. Night: open Jersey bay Able et Great Bay. New Most bluefish in 19.0-28.0°C 1 25.0-33.0 0.3-1.2 m al. 1996 Jersey subtidal creeks. ppt depth; Ulva lactuca Milstein 1972-1974. Several distinct Slow to Mostly sand, et al. Great Bay. New habitats studied; moderate, some gravel.

1977 Jersey bluefish most abundant swept by silt, clay; in mud-sand, high waves. Ulva salinity sites: also lactuca, sandy beaches. Spartina altern flora.

Fucus (sometimes).

Smith 1969-1970, four Six YOY occurred in 24.5-30.0'C 0-5.2 ppt 4.5-7.3 Ebb/flood Sand/gravel Day 1971 low-salinity two of the creeks. June creeks, upper and July.

Delaware Bay Pristas 1972. St. Range of depths II1.4-27.0*C 25.3-34.6 > 80% sand; Bluefish and Trent Andrews Bay. sampled with gill nets, ppt vegetation most 1977 Florida 24 hrs. Bluefish most most dense abundant at dense in shallowest in shallow night in zone (0.7-1.1 m). zone. shallowest zone.

McBride Narragansett June-October, shallow 18.0-28.0'C 25.0-34.0 Cobble. Day et al. Bay. Rhode beaches. ppt gravel, shell, sampling 1995 Island sand; Ulva only.

and some Zostera de Sylva 1958-1960, July and August, usually Surf zone. Sand Collected et al. Delaware Bay mostly in shore zone of high, but as clear to with small 1962 and River lower estuary. low as 3.0 turbid. clupeids ppt and anchovies Buckel 1992-1993. Mid-channel and Most Gut and Hudson River nearshore day-night abundant fullness Conover estuary occurrence and feeding nearshore highest 1997 study. during twilight daylight; and day, mid- usually channel at low at night and night.

twilight. Prey:

striped bass, bay anchovy.


Present 1964-1997, Inner shelf(over Most 18-22°C I Study Continental depths < 20 m) during shelf MAB, summer and fall.

south to Cape Fear. Cape Canaveral