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Ft. Calhoun Surveillance Test Procedure Excerpts
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 07/26/2007
From: Tonacci M
tonacci, Mark DIRS/IPAB, 301-415-4045
Shared Package
ML072000060 List:
Download: ML072000416 (35)


{{#Wiki_filter:* ** FQRT CALHOUN STATION FC-1115A F F7 RM R3 V 7' SURVEILLANCE TEST COVERSHEET Surveillance Test Number: OP-ST-DG-0002 Work Order Package No: 00171193 01


DIESEL GENERATOR 2 CHECK Due Date: 7/21/2004 Drop Date: 7/28/2004.,., Frequency: M01 EEQ: N Scaffold: N Trending:, Y Special Conditions:

1. Reason for Test (if other than scheduled): ATTACHMENT 5 2.J-Postponement explanation (if required):

Expected Completion: Supervisor or System Engineer: Date:

3. 'Test results acceptable? [vf Yes [ ] No Tech Specs satisfied?(Not required for acceptable test) * [ Yes [f No Supervisor or System Engineer: I Time: jz/"- Date: -7, 2_1-o, Additional Code analysis required within 72 hours? [ ] Yes [. No 14 N/A STA Initials: f Date: -/-,V Responsible System Engineer.RONNING, RICHARD R
4. ST Coordinator initial test review Initials: Date:.

WOrequired? .i Yes [ I No Frequency increased? [ Yes f No CR required? - J'CJ Yes [ J No Retest required?.[ ] Yes

  • 4No System Engineer test review: Y Initials: Date: 7 IST Coordinator test review: N Initials: Date:
      .-..... ST_ Coordinator final test closeout review:      .. Initials:...          Date:     -o 1.

_-_:_.1 _O-G-23) .---- ~ - -

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k* .:---WPIO MP10~ Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST-:. - ~>


DIESEL GENERATOR 2 CHECK FC-68 Number: EC 29169 Reason for Change: Add steps to ensure that the voltage regulator is run down. Clarify minimum voltage and frequency for the Full Speed Start. Add voltage and frequency acceptance criteria. Requestor: Richard Ronning Preparer Daniel A Hochstein

                                                               .S.-----. . . .   .  -.-.........-   - .-. - - ~

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    -FORT CALHOUN STATION                                                              OP-ST-DG-0002
1. PURPOSE To satisfy in part the requirements of Technical Specification 3.1, Table 3-2, Items 11 and 12, 3.7(1)a and 3.7(1)f, for *monthly testing of Diesel Generator 2 (DG-2) Auto-Start initiating circuitry and Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps.
    • , ,~ . .' . . . .

2.1. Technical Specifications:. o 2.7: Electrical Systems

                  & 3.1, Table 3-2, Items 11 and 12: Minimum Frequency for Checks, Calibrations and Testing of Engineered Safety Features Instrumentation and Controls 0 3.7: Emergency Power System Periodic Tests 2.2       USAR:
  •, Auto-Start of Diesel Generators
  • 8.3, Station Distribution
  • 8.4, Diesel Generators

2.3 10CFR50

  • Appendix A, Criterion 17: Electrical Power Systems Appendix A, Criterion 18: Inspection and Testing of Electrical Power Systems 2.4 Ongoing Commitments:
  • AR 09196, NRC-88-0318
                   *AR 07759, LIC-87-0864                                                  .    -            ---
  • AR 16852, LIC-95-0175 . . .

2.5 Commitments (other than Ongoing):

  • AR 06751, LIC-88-0261
  • AR 09150, PED-SYE-92-0567 .... *
                . AR  11562,  LIC-91-0058
  • AR 11735, Memo FC-0876-91
  • AR 11845, Memo RTC-91-0042
  • AR 12033, PED-SYE-92-0001 Z41f44 4 4 S '


  -FORT CALHOUN STATION                                                                   OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST                                                                       PAGE 2 OF 127 2.6      SO-G-23, Surveillance Test Program 2.7      EAR 91-010, Diesel Generator Speed and Voltage
                                                            -    .at...............


4. EQUIPMENT LIST S* .. '*. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED/USED NOTE: During the course of this procedure, some portable or temporary test equipment may be used to prove. operability of a plant component. All such equipment must be entered into the appropriate I&C Instrument Log.. The.

Stopwatches are only required for performance of Attachments 1A, 1B, 4A, and 4B. Otherwise N/A this step. CALIBRATION EQUIPMENT OPPD NO./ DUE DATE INITIALS/DATE i. Stopwatch Stopwatch /

5. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 6.1 All anomalies and deficiencies shall be reported immediately to the immediate Supervisor, Shift Manager, and noted on the Comment Sheet. An immediate check shall be made to verify Limiting Conditions for Operation, per Technical Specifications have not been exceeded.

5.2 A Work Request shall be initiated to correct any reported deficiency and the number shall be referenced on the Comment Sheet. 5.3 if any valve or its control system has-been replaced, repaired or undergone maintenance that could affect its performance, then prior to returning the valve to service, it shall be tested to demonstrate performance parameters are within acceptable limits. 5.4 Deviations between previous and new values shall be identified, and verification that the new values represent acceptable valve operation shall be made within 96 hours after the valve is returned to service. ________________ I~41 nýyýl 'ZýVý

S--FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 3 OF 127 5.5. Valve stroke times shall be determined by timing the interval between actuation of the control switch and the end of valve motion as observed by full open/closed remote indicating lights. 5.6 If any valve fails to exhibit the required change In valve stem or disc position or

   *J. ~....  ~            exceeds its limiting value of full stroke tm, the'valve shall be imnediately declared inoperable..          . .         . .................

5.7 The Diesel Generator continuous load rating is dependent on the ambient air temperature (see Figure 1).

                  ..5.8'- During testing, the generator load shall be greater than the continuous load rating while not exceeding the 2000 hr rating. For higher engine Intake ambient temperatures (greater than 970F), the continuous load rating is reduced to minimize engine wear.

5.9 Ensure Diesel Breaker 1AD2 protection is not overridden during Surveillance Test for protection of the generator. 5.10 Ensure Diesel Breaker 1AD2 mode switch is in OFF-AUTO during Surveillance Test to prevent breaker auto closure. 5.11 Ensure Diesel Generator.Test Switch 43/D2 is in the TEST position whenever the diesel is started by an emergency start test signal for protection of the diesel. 5.12 Before attempting to shut down DG-2, ensure that all start signals have been cleared. 5.13 If the Turbo Oil Circulating Pump fails to run after the diesel Generator is shutdown following a loaded run, restart the Diesel Generator and run it at idle speed. Notify the System Engineer. 5.14 Ensure governor motor is run back to the idle limit switch after the engine is shut down. Operation of the Diesel Generator in any condition other than an idle speed start requires declaring the diesel inoperable.; This occurs because any speed other than idle could cause misoperation of the load shed circuitry and the subsequent inability of the Diesel Generator to accelerate safeguards loads. 5.15 Lube oil should always be visible in the bottom sightglass. .-~

  • . -FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 4 OF. 127 5.16 Lube oil should only be visible in the upper sightglass when the engine is running.

5.16.1 If lube oil is visible in the upper sightglass when the engine is in Standby, perform a roll through inspection. 5.*16.2" Donot start tle engine until the problemis identified and resolved.' 5.17* Minimize operation of the Diesel Generator at no load. No load or light load (below 20% of rating) operation may. allow oil accumulation in the exhaust. system and air box, creating a fire hazard. Turbocharger gear train wear is also greatly accelerated. Should extended no load operations be required, the following guidelines should be 5.17.1 If more than four (4) hours of light load operation occurs, then operate the engine at greater than or equal to 40% load for greater than or equal to 30 minutes in order to clean out any oil accumulations in the air box/exhaust manifold. 5.17.2 If more than eight (8) hours of no load operation occurs at idle speed, then operate the engine as in Step 5.17.1. 5.18 Mechanical agitation (tapping), multiple stroking of valves, pre-test stroking of valves or any. action taken to produce satisfactory test results due to SOV failure/sticking is prohibited. Any SOV failure/sticking shall result in the valve and its associated process valve, if applicable, being immediately declared inoperable, even if subsequent stroking produces acceptable SOV performance. 5.19 Thefeflowing~yi. alamdilTis.Sue illanhTet:

             . DIESEL ROOM CONTROL (AI-30B1-D2, A37, A-3)
  • DIESEL TROUBLE (AI-30B-D2, A37, A-2)
             . DIESEL TRIPPED (AI-30B-D2, A37, B-3)                          ..
             . DIESEL OFF-AUTO (AI-30B-D2, A37, B-2)


  • BKR OFF-AUTO (AI-30B-D2, A37, D-2)
             . BKR PROTECTION OFF-AUTO (AI-30B-D2, A37, E-3).
             . PANEL TROUBLE (AI-30B-D2, A37, E-2)
  • KEY REMOVED (AI-30B-D2, A37, E-1)
  • 1AD2 TESTING INTERLOCK (CB-20, A18, A-4)
               ~1     -    ~.      ~

_ ~ _ _-R4'1

~ -.

      . FORT CALHOUN STATION                                                              OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST'                                                                PAGE 5 OF 127 5.20 Due to high velocity air flow near the generator and radiator, maintain positive control over any hand held or loose objects to avoid accidental ingestion of objects into the generator blower, inlet air filters or the radiator fan.

5.21 Use caution while the Diesel Engine is running due to hot piping, hot surfaces and rotating equipment.: ' -

 -      6: PREREQUISITES.                 .                                                INITIALS/DATE 6.1 .ýProcedure Revision Number Revislo Noc~                ~'j     *.        ~         , .,

6.2 No other-test is in progress which could potentially affect this test, I or, if this test were performed, could have an effect on that test. ~kJ22z' 6.3 Calibration of test equipment has been verified. 6.4 A prejob briefing has been conducted prior to the start of this test. ~ 6.5 The listed "Lead Person (people)" are qualified to a minimum of Electricians category E16C and available for the performance of this test. (Print Names) L 1- 0/ EM NOTE: The most recently completed checklist with deviations maintained on file may be used for.alignment verification. 6.6 Diesel Generator No. 2 (DG-2) aligned per applicable portion(s) of OI-DG-2..... 6.7 Diesel Generator No. I and all required associated engineered safeguards equipment are operable. - cM 6.8 Bus 1A4 is energized from off-site power source, either 161 KV or 345 KV. k~2> , 6.9 ERF Computer is in operation per Ol-ERFCS-1, Emergency Response Facilities Computer System normal operation. N41

                                                                                        ~          -   - ...--..      ,K41.

FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 6 OF 127 6.10 System Engineering has been notified and is available for performance of Attachment 8. W~7- 2t-o SE 6.11 Chemistry has been notified and is available for the quarterly 1-peiforrnance of CH-SMP-M-001 6, Emergency Diesel Generator, Engine Jacket Water System Sampling. N/A if sampling will not be performed this rurC Chemistry , NOTE: If bus voltage is greater than 4300 volts, placing the DG on ' the bus may increase bus voltage high enough to cause the DG,*' Voltage Regulator control to reach maximum voltage. 6.12 IF 4160 volt Bus 1A4 voltage is greater than 4300 volts per ERF Computer Point Y3287B, THEN DO NOT PROCEED WITH THIS PROCEDURE. Contact System Engineering for further directions. Record voltage from ERF Computer Point. Y3287B q'Lt-.', volts 6.13 Shift Manager authorizes performance of this test Shift Manager Defrimez 4j02 6

7. PROCEDURE NOTE: Steps 7.1 can be performed at anytime and repeated as necessary.

7.1 IF this Surveillance Test is turned over, a prejob briefing must be conducted prior to the continuation of this test. _iJ` Vr - -, . 'V - NOTE: Step 7.2 need not be completed prior to performance of subsequent steps. 7.2 Perform Attachment 8 locally at DG-2. SE

                                  ..                                                             4


               ,7.3   Test Diesel Generator DG-2 per the surveillance schedule or as specified in the post maintenance testing. (Initial and date appropriate attachment):

ATTACHMENTS PAGE I A - Channel "A" Test (Full Speed) .. 9 J* 1B - Channel "B" Test (Full Speed) .................... 24 I 2-Normal Start (Local)... ......................... 39 . 3 - Emergency Start (AI-30B) ............. ........ 51 / . 4A - Channel "A" Test (Idle Speed) ..................... 63 4B - Channel "B" Test (Idle Speed) . ........... 7....... 77 /. -

                    -Emergency        Start (Local)......................... 91 .

6 - Normal Start (AI-30B) ... ....................... '. 103 I 7- Reset and Shutdown of DG-2 After Test Failure ......... 115 I DG-2 Performance Monitoring Record ............... 118 7 7.4 All independent verf ins have been completed. _1 Completed b-Datelrim,) i

8. RESTORATION 8.1 Shift Manager has been notified this test has been completed.

Shift Manager "jY-*j-a'eAme ate"Time 2 z/1 /z-

            .. 9.1    All systems/components actuated and performed as required within the appropriate
           ...        attachment. .                                                                                                                        -

9.2 During performance of Attachment 1A or 1B, the diesel starts and accelerates to rated generator frequency AND voltage (Ready to Load) in less than or equal to ten seconds. ___ R41 ____

     .. ~                              ----           *         ~-
                                                    ~                  -

S...*. .7.. -

  ~1                                          .....                   1~

4 - FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 8 OF 127 9.3. The diesel carries greater than its continuous load rating per Figure I for at least one (1) hour.

     -9.4: Fuel Oil Transfer Pump s operated per the attachment performed.

9.5 During perfonimance of Attachments IA; 1 B, 4A and 4B, YCV-871 F was fully stroked within the maximum stroke times indicated on the performed attachments.

10. TEST RECORD 10.1 Sections 1 through 11, the attachment selected in Section 7, Attachment 7 (if performed), :and Attachment,~~-~ ~
11. REVIEW 11.1, Test data shall be evaluated by the STA and reviewed by the Shift Manager for acceptability within 24 _uts of the completion of this test Evaluated by ULI"
                                    *, / ,/ .. .-                       Date/Time            ,      i STA Reviewed by             J§hift Manager                      Date/Time       7-.,j-oV1 IL(qS-11.2 The System Engineer is responsible for reviewing the test data, trending on appropriate attachments, and identified deficiencies noted within the test. This test has been reviewed and found acceptable or deficiencies and actions taken have. been noted on the Comment Sheet.

System Engineer SystemEngineer DateiTime Date/Tirne 7-Z.~-.c.%f , /

                                        ------                                                        R41 -


1. Log entry into T.S. 2.7(2)j LCO for inoperability of DG-2.

NOTE: If DG-2 has been run in the last 24 hours Step 2 may be N/A'd.

2. '(LOCAL) Perform the engine barring procedure and check for any leakage from the cylinder test valves. Barring over may be performed either with the hand jack or the electric driven attachment.

2.1 Close SA-163 Diesel Generator DG-2 Secondary Starting Air Stop Valve. 2.2 Open SA-166 Diesel Generator DG-2 Secondary Starting Air Bleed-OFF Valve. 2.3 Close SA-164 Diesel Generator DG-2 Primary Starting Air Stop Valve. 2.4 Open SA-165 Diesel Generator DG-2 Primary Starting Air

                       .      Bleed-OFF Valve._

2.5 Verify START AJR PRESS LOW (DG2, D2L, B-4) is in alarm. 2.6 Open all 20 cylinder test valves. MM~i

                  .2.7        Using engine turning device, rotate engine at least one complete revolution. When complete, remove engine turning device.


                  - -2.28~ IF indication of fluid leakage from a cylinder test valve is found,.

THEN contact the System Engineer for evaluation. MM 2.9 Close all 20 cylinder test valves. Ind Verif -' . . ... .. " - - -... .- - R41

                                         ~*              ~......3/4.~.~.
                                                                                                                                        ~..,-s        .....
  -.        .~4,                                             ~ ~.                          .-- ~4-.
                                                                                   .5~.5..-3/4S.55.5  -. 5-,-----              .5. Sr 5,5. ~
                                   -.. ,5... -.-.s.~.s...... s-..    .5-5--. 5...,.   .~..  ~           ,..5s..?~55553/4'~5        5.55--5-~5   . .-   '\'                  ~~~3/45~5553/4
     -55 5 ~S 55555~-s~5-s3/4553/4553/4
                             ~  . .5.5                                     -           -                      S            -

3/4 53/4' -- 3/43/45~~55 3/4---~ ~....

  • .FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 92 OF 127 Attachment 5 - Emergency Start (Local)

PROCEDURE (continued) W1 INITIALS L. iu Close SA-166 Diesel Generator DG-2 Secondary Starting Air Bleed-OFF Valve.ý- Ind Verif 2.11 Open SA-163 Diesel Generator DG-2 Secondary Starting Air Stop Ind Verif 2.12 Close SA-165 Diesel Generator DG-2 Primary Starting Air Bleed-OFF Valve-Ind Verif 2.13. Open SA-164 Diesel Generator DG-2 Primary Starting Air Stop Valve. Ind Venf NOTE: Starting air pressure is between 200 - 240 psi. 2.14 Verify START AIR PRESS LOW ([Q2:D2L, B-4) is clear:'

3. If Step 2 is N/Ad record the date and time the diesel was last run.

Date/Time r--"

4. Open Dampers YCV-871A, B, C, D and F by placing Diesel Generator D-2 Inlet/Exhaust Dampers YCV-871NBICIDIF Switch in the OPEN position AND Observe proper light indication.
                                                                            .33- 3           ....                                          g.      t.                          ... .   ..                .         /.                       .          .        ,....
5. Close Damper YCV-871A, B, C, D and F by placing Control Switch YCV-871NB/C/D/F in the AUTO position and observe for proper light indication.


                                                                          ...   ......... ..        . ..    ..              .4 .                                      .      .
                                                                                                                                                                           ....           .   .       .          ,    R4.
  ,-.- .-   .: , .* 3 ..        .. r   -.       .~3

FORT CALHOUN TEST SURVEILLANCE STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 PAGE 93 OF 127 Attachment 5- Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) (. INITIALS

6. (LOCAL) Verify Air Start Motor System SMISS Switch is in the No. I
    *!.'-position                    (DG-2 Engine Control Panel).*
          "        7: (LOCAL) Place Fuel Oil Transfer PiJif-prHiid/Off/Autito       466§d6s i the.

OFF position.

                          *431FT1              .
8. (LOCAL) Verify.SWITCH NOT IN AUTO (D2,; .D2L,"B-6) isin alarh-t.
9. (LOCAL) Verify Engine Control 143/SS Switch the EMERG position.
10. (LOCAL) Notify the Control Room that local switch alignment is complete.
11. Verify DIESEL AUTO STANDBY (Al ,--3W7; A5) ihtglt
12. Place Breaker Protection Mode Selector Switch 43-31iAD2 AI,4GOB)in' the OFF position.
13. Verify BKR PROTECTION OFF-AUTO (AIl3O*B,;DA37. E-3) is inlaiarmt
14. Place Breaker 1AD2 Mode Selector Switch 43-1/1AD2 (AI-30B) in the OFF AUTO position.
15. Verify BREAKER AUTO STANDBY (A,30B*DZ. A37: D-5) oft.

offightis ,* "

16. Verify BKR OFF-AUTO (At-30B-D2j A37, 0-2) ismnalarm.*
17. (LOCAL) PLACE Diesel:Generator Test Switch 43/D2 in TEST.
18. (LOCAL) Notify the Control Room that local switch alignment is complete.
19. Contact System Engineering and the equipment prtr t2" ..

verify that they are ready to collect data and that DG-2 is ready to begin testing.

20. (LOCAL) Start DG-2 by pushing Emergency Engine Start Pushbutton (DG-2 Engine Control Panel) to begin engine warm-up.


R=7- ,70 "W"71

                      .. . .......                . . . . . . . ..                  4
                                                                                          . ..         v-,. .

FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 94 OF 127 Attachment 5 - Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) LL INITIALS 21., Verify the Engine Startlighti' bh"(AI-301-.

22. (LOCAL) Verify that Jacket Water Outlet Temperature is greater
        -      than 120°F.                                        -

NOTE: Slower Diesel Governor control is achieved by performing the next step.

23. Depress the Diesel Normal Start Pushbutton (AI-30B). .. " .
        .24. Raise DG&2 speed to 900 RPM by taking Diesel Generator D2 Governor CS-65/D2 to the RAISE position.
25. Verify the Ready To Load higot.son.(AI-30B).
26. Place 43/1AD2, 1A24/1A44 Interlock Bypass Switch, in BYPASS position. (1A4-1)
27. Verify lAD2 TESTING INTERLOCK (CFG-, -_ s -inlarm. 1i->
28. Turn D2/BUS 1A4 Sync Switch to the ON position for Breaker IAD2.

NOTE: The ERF Computer may also be used to monitor voltages while matching DG-2 and Bus 1A4 voltages.

29. Adjust Diesel Generator D2 Voltage Regulator CS-90/D2 (CB-20) to match DG-2 and Bus 1A4 volta3ges.4 S NOTE: Recommended synchroscope speed is less than I revolution per 10 seconds.
30. Adjust Diesel Generator D2 Governor CS-65/D2 (CB-20) until the synchroscope is rotating SLOWLY in the .FAST direction.

31.. WHEN the synchroscope is BETWEEN 11 and 12 o'clock, THEN close Breaker 1AD2(qB-20). ..- . R41

                 '4 7

FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 95 OF 127 Attachment 5 - Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) .. INITIALS NOTE: Current shall normally be limited to 400 amps maximum at 2500 KW. NOTE: Diesel Generator manua66il ;Iodirij;anid 'unloadin-grrates be maintained at less than 500 KW per minute. NOTE: Maintain power factor from .8 to I per TDB-11l.26 when the CAUTION Under no conditions exceed 450 amps. CAUTION Periodically monitor.ERF*_.,o*qputr Pint Y-287B- while diesel is loaded. If RBusveltageis.-greatew than 4-a7 5;velts;:otify kSyster Er~inJrng, immediately.

32. Adjust Diesel Generator D2 'Governor CS-65/D2 (CB-20) to load DG-2 to, at least the continuous load rating per Figure 1 -and the Technical Data Book, Figure TDB-lII.26. ~IS~
33. Turn D2/BUS 1A4 Sync Switch to the OFF position for Breaker IAD2.
34. Record the time continuous load rating load was achieved.

Time Applied ' ".- NOTE: Steps 35 through 40 may be performed out of sequence during diesel load run. NOTE: if arcing is unusually intense, DG-2 shall be shut down and the commutators/slip rings cleaned. I

35. (LOCAL) Inspect through generator viewing window for arcing of brushes.

tM R41

4 ~ - 4t~. - ~ .~ 4~*~ FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-:ST-DG-0062 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 96 OF 127 Attachment 5- Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) (_ý INITIALS NOTE: Should it be determined that the field flash circuitry is continually energized, the Diesel Generator may have problems which would. .4.. prevent the field flash circuitry from performing its function on the next diesel run. The Diesel G eerator shoild b6shut-dowiii-rd a6thibor6ugh examination of the field flash circuitry be performed. Proceed as directed by the ShiftManager to exit procedure.

       '36. (LOCAL) Inspect.field flash circuitry by performing4te       following:.,.ýý-*?**

36.1 Verify that Control Relay 2CR in Panel AI-133B is not energized. EM 36.2 Verify that Field Flash Current Limiting Resistors (13R, 14R, 15R,. and 16R) in Panel Al-133B are not damaged due to overheating. Contact System Engineer if damage is suspected. EM NOTE: The following step may be N/A'd at the discretion of the Shift Manager.

37. (LOCAL) Record the engine lube oil level.

LeveQý&ý,,.'(between low and full marks acceptable) MM

38. (LOCAL) During DG-2 testing, observe for any sign of abnormal or improper operation, overheating, or alarms and record discrepancies on the Comment Sheet.
39. (LOCAL) Check fuel oil, jacket water, lube oil, and air start systems for-.


40. (LOCAL) Record the governor oil level:

Level / (within the sight glass is acceptable).  !

41. Maintain at least the continuous rated load on DG-2 for a minimum of one (1) hour. [AR 077593 j~iL R41 tt .............

z.~j&1 ~ r FORT CALHOUN.STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 97 OF 127 Attachment 5- Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) _ INITIALS L NOTE: Refer to TD13IiI.26 for properKVAR loading while unloading the diesel. NOTE: Diesel Gdeerat~rii;anial l6*dir-and-ui10ading rates shouldbe maintained at less than 500 KW per minute. CAUTION:

           ýThe govero.rcontrlsare .,vear sensitive andoa6d.reduictIon at'av-~           -   '   W rapid rate will occur unless care is taken in controlling the governor. A very rapid rate of reduction could result in operation of the reverse power relay and generator damage. [AR 09196]
42. Adjust Diesel Generator D2 Governor CS-65/D2 (CB-20) to slowly reduce DG-2 load to 300 KW AND record the time load reduction began.

[AR 09196] Load Reduction Start Time I 3,

43. Open Breaker. IAD2 (CB-20).

z~I3 NOTE: Steps 44 and 45 may be performed concurrently. CAUTION A speed of 900 RPM shall be maintained on DG-2. Damage to the static exciter may'result at lower engine RPM.'

44. Maintain 900 RPM for five (5) minutes, but in no case longer than ten (10) minutes.
      ,.4,Record the D-2 PD reading on the FC-89, Generation Totals Form.           -
46. Shut down DG-2 by depressing AND holding BOTH Diesel Stop pushbuttons (Al-30B) for at least ten 10 seconds.
47. Station an Operator at DG-2 to locally observe rundown of the governor.

[AR 168521 NOTE: Steps 48 and 49 must be performed concurrently. [AR 16852]

48. Place AND hold Diesel Generator D2 Governor CS-651D2 (CB-20) in the LOWER position until amber light is on. [AR 16852]

R41 4 0s' - -r

FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 98 OF 127 Attachment 5 - Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) L* 'INITIALS NOTE: Full rundown of the governor consists of approximately 8 to 9 revolutions of the Speed Setting knob in the counterclockwise direction. [AR 16852]

49. (LOCAL) Observe rundown of the Diesel Generator Governor.

[AR 168521

50. Place 4311AD2, 1A24/1A44 Interlock Bypass Switch, In NORMALý-.... .
  • position. (1A4-1), .t r .


51. Verify IAD2 TESTING INTERLOCK (Q2-,B*0 A1,8A-4)Jislclear
52. Generate a "DG2" GTR report that bounds the start and stop times.
53. Place Breaker 1AD2 Mode Selector Switch 43-1/1AD2 in the EMERGENCY STANDBY position.
54. Verify BREAKER AUTO STANDBY (Al, .02,-A37,0D-5)tight. is oW
55. Verify BKR OFF-AUTO (A*J.).B- 2,A37, D-2)1is clear'
56. Place Breaker Protection Mode Selector Switch 43-3/1AD2 in the EMERGENCY STANDBY position.
57. Verify BKR PROTECTION OFF-AUTO (AtM3 8-V2W A, 7 3'i3ctear.'
58. Complete Form FC-1046, Diesel Generator Demand Record.

NOTE: The engine fuel rack lever should be fully in, when the diesel is

           - -- shutdown. ,..........
59. (LOCAL) Exercise the engine fuel rack by performing the following steps:

59.1 Pull the engine fuel rack lever fully out (no fuel position) and verify the pointer on the governor LOAD LIMIT dial rotates to approximately "1". .________.__. . _. .. . . ....................... r'.. .... R 41 ...... .. . .

FORT CALHOUN STATION 1I OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 99 OF 127" Attachment 5 - Emergency Star't ocal)., PROCEDURE (continued) .L. INITIALS 59.2 Return the engine fuel rack lever to its full fuel position and verify Sthe pointer on the governor LOAD LIMIT dial rotates to approximately "10". Ind Verif NOTE. The following steps-shall only be completed after DG-2 has been-,-,

 ~ .*..  ;.AU~unloaded and' stopped.'
60. (LOCAL) PLACE Diesel Generator Test Switch 43/D2 in AUTO.
61. (LOCAL) Visually verify that field flash relays, GFB and 2CR, have both deenergized and returned to their proper position.


62. (LOCAL) Verify Day Tank FO-2-2 level is below 150. gallons.

NOTE: Steps 63 through 79 may be N/A'd if OP-ST-FO-3002 is to be performed.

63. (LOCAL) Place the following instruments in service by opening their isolation valves:
                         -   PI-2124                      FO-203
  • PI-2125 FO-204 ,
  • P1-2128 FO-207
  • PI-2129 FO-208
  • PI-2132 FO-215 /
  ......-.        . ' (LOCAL) Place the following valves in the required position to place FI-2122 in service:
  • FO-222 Open
  • FO225 Closed '. . .
65. (LOCAL) Depress the totalizer RESET button on FI-2122 and verify the gallons display reads zero.
66. (LOCAL) Place Fuel Oil Transfer Pump No. 1 43/FT1 Switch in the HAND position to start Pump FO-4A-2. ___
                                                                                                          . .. . ..          . .. .. . ..    . .... ..... ... .. . .". ..... .. . ... . ..                4        . .. .. .. .. ......... .. .
  • ``; .* *`: `, t**F* * ' : ,`*** * *` ";* '* ** .  ;` `;;  :* * * . ....-.  ; . . .. .. . ... .. . ... ... .. ..,... . * * ,.......,.-,.

j. FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-STDG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 100 OF 127 Attachment 5 - Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) (L~ INITIALS i

67. (LOCAL) WHEN Pump FO-4A-2 has run for approximately two (2)"minutes, THEN record the followng data:
                                     --`'Data Instrument',, Reading Pump FO-4A-2 suction pressure          PI-2124           1I  "Hg Vac

(=15) Pump FO-4A-2 discharge pressure PI-2128. Iti psig (= 15) DG-2 Fuel Transfer Header pressure P1-2132 te.'5 psig (=7) Discharge flow rate FI-2122 I gpm (=15) Displayed volume FI-2122 "& gal -Ak

68. (LOCAL) Place Fuel Oil Transfer Pump No. 1 431FT1 Switch in the OFF position.
69. (LOCAL) Place Fuel Oil Transfer Pump No. 2 431FT2 Switch in the HAND position to start Pump FO-4B-2.


                     -                    .....-.                                            7 FORT CALHOUN STATION                                                            OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST                                                             PAGE 101 OF 127 Attachment 5 - Emergency Start (Local)                              i PROCEDURE (continued)                                                           L0    INITIALS
70. (LOCAL) WHEN Pump FO-4B-2 has run for approximately two (2) minutes, THEN record the following data:
   .Data --.                                  Instrument -...Readinq Pump FO-4B-2 suction pressure            PI-2125         17S6    "Hg Vac

(.15) Pump FO4B-2 discharge pressure PI-2129 I(L... psig (=15) DG-2 Fuel Transfer Header pressure PI-2132 -1 psig (z7) Discharge flow rate FI-2122 A* gpm (z 15)  ! Displayed volume FI-2122 1"7!. gal

71. (LOCAL) Place Fuel Oil Transfer Pump No. 2 43/FT2 Switch in the OFF position.
72. (LOCAL) Place Fuel Oil Transfer Pump No. 1 43/FTI Switch in the HAND position to start Pump FO-4A-2.
73. (LOCAL) WHEN Pump FO-4A-2 is automatically shut OFF by Day Tank Level Switch LC-3419B control, THEN record the total displayed volume:

FI-2122jŽ+/-{({,. gal

74. (LOCAL) Depress the totalizer RESET button on FI-2122 and verify the gallons display reads zero.
75. (LOCAL) Close the following instrument isolation valves:

0 PI-2124 FO-203 0 PI-2125 FO-204 0 P1-2128. FO-207

  .0    PI-2129     FO-208 S   PI-2132     FO-215 R41

FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 102 OF 127 Attachment 5 - Emergency Start (Local) PROCEDURE (continued) (_ INITIALS

76. (LOCAL) Place the following valves in the Required position to remove FEIFJ-2122 from service:
  • FO-222 -Closed
  • FO-225 Open IL
  • Ind
                                                                                        . _  ." ~ o.. .
77. (LOCAL) Ensure Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Selector 431FPC Switch is in the No. 1 position.
78. (LOCAL) Place Fuel Oil transfer Pump Hand/Off/Auto Switches in the AUTO position.

e 43/FT1 __

  • 43/FT2
79. (LOCAL) Verify SWITCH NOT IN AUTO ";2*,,B-) isear.

NOTE: Lube oil shall be sampled for indication of fuel oil dilution by checking the flash point, which should be a minimum of 4200 F. This sample may be taken at a later time at the discretion of the Shift Manager.

80. (LOCAL) Take an engine lube oil sample.


81. Return Diesel Generator Test Switch'43/D2 key to Control Room.

NOTE: Do not complete Step 82 until OP-ST-FO-3002 is completed, if it is being performed.

  • 82. Exit T.S. 2.7(2)j LCO for DG-2. e4,
83. Complete the Diesel Outage Log for DG-2. . ...
84. Attach a copy of "DG2" GTR printout to this test procedure.

SCompleted by Date/Time _.. R41

FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST . PAGE 118 OF 127 Attachment 8 - DG-2 Performance Monitoring Record

 .PROCEDURE-                                                                     W_ ýINITIALS -

NOTE: The System Engineer shall determine the data collection frequencies to be used along,with the need for monitoring additional process parameters on a test-by-test basis. Steps may be N/A'd at the discretion of - the System Engineer.

  .1. Prior to starting Diesel Generator 2 (DG-2), record the beginning hour                                        i
  • meter reading.'

Begining Hour meter Sq'.O NOTE: Steps 2 through 7 may be performed at any time in any order, but must be performed prior to completion of this test.

2. Record DG-2 start time.
  • Start Time A)1D 4_ý
  • Time to 100 rpm I (Local Tach or in Control Room) 9 Time to 500 rpm .- 3 (Local Tach or in Control Room)
3. Record the time (Loading Initiated) Ioadwas initially applied to DG-2.

Loading Initiated Qq I

4. Record the time (Unloading Initiated) load was initially removed from DG-2.

Unloading Initiated 10 13

5. Record DG-2 Shutdown Time.

Shutdown Time

6. After shutdown of DG-2, record the ending hour meter reading. KB -

Ending Hour meter

7. Record calculated fuel consumption.
              -                                                                          44~.

R41 S---". *~~*-~--~-<.

A e)FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 Si~dSURVEILLANGE TEST PAGEI 19 OF 127 r. Attachment 8 - DG2 Performance Monitoring Record I. I I Itam - -- - - tF I I - I F I 0iNo IParameter

                                                          .Units      0         5          10     15   20 25 30 35     40 45 50" 55        60       65   70   75 80   85
                                                      -        OF                                                                            --      "

SBlower Intake Tern

                             *Blower Outtake Teimp          'F                                                                                         T r~.-

j, 3 Engine Air Intake Temp Filter #1

  • F --

4 .Engine Air Intake Temp Filter #2 -F 1 A-r Intake Temp. Filter #3 -,.5 -Engine

                                                                                                                -F-.                    -
6. Engine"Air Intake Temp.Filter #4 F ---

87 Engine Air intake TempFilter #5 F 'O.... 8 Engine Air Intake Temp Filter #4 F --- '-- 9 Engine Air Intake Temp Filter #7 F OF II I 10 Engine Air In take Temp Filter #8 1F K '111 Engine Air Intake Temp Filter #9 .F 12 Radiator Air.Intake Temp NORTH °F -, 11 13 Radiator Air Intake Temp SOUTH OF -

  • , 1' 14 Radiator Air Inlet Temp (LOCAL) °F ---

I, P 1 Radiator Air Outlet Temp (LOCAL) OF 1251 16 Room Ambient Air Temp NORTH F If 1-7 Room Ambient A'r Temp SOUTH OF 18Outside Air Temp Weather Tower 'F Ili9 Engine Tech Panel Al- 133B RPM ___ ___ I

  • 1 41 I *1'
      ,j                                                                                                                                                          R41 I

I "I. 4; I;

p J.

             'FORT CALHOUN STAllON                                                                                                             OP-ST-DG-0002 PAGE 120 OF 127 SUVEILLANCE             TEST                                                                                                                             4 Attachment 8 - DG-2 Performance Monitoring Record                                                             ~i'~

Parameter Units 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50'.. 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 }; h No

           .20        Generator Current Panel A-133B     Amps                                                                                  .-


                                                                                                           -X.0-                                      -

21 Generator Field Voltage AM- 33B Volts ' *',-

          .,22       Generator Field Amnps AM-338        Amps-       --                     -         -    -        ------...                                 ..

~ fi i 23 Exciter Cabinet A-I 33B Air ýQF 4,

          ..:I        Temperature                        :        -.                                                             -       -        -

'if 24 ,Generator Load Indicator (Local) 0-10 H.S 215 'Jacket Water Inlet Temp (Engine OF I Panel) - L f . 26 'Jacket Water Outlet Temp (Engine .F ' - Panel)

          -          J w to .O. CoolerTemp(LOCAL)           OF 28       JW from Radiator Temp (LOCAL.)              -       -       -    -      -    -     -    -   -      -     -      -      -      -    --

219 'Jacket Water Pump Disch Press psig (Local) 59 30 Fuel Oil Pressure No. 1(Engine opsg Panel 31 Fuel Oil Pressure No.2 (Engine psig '. t Panel) 32 Lube Oil Pump Disch Pressure (Eng. psig R.. Pnl) I.,-' I I, ~-j-

                                                                                                                            ¶ 4i.




     ~'aae                -niAttas                         ,hment 8 - DG-2 Performance Monitoring Record NO    Parameter        ,                          Units              . 10                         30                         50*   55                       70         80 85 0   5             15     20     25          35     40    45                  '60      65                75 35                    50-- 55     6        65       70      75  80 1 85, LUOe   Uill Cooler Outlet.Temp (Local)        OF Lube Oil Cooler Inlet Temp (Local)                              2Z; Turbo Lube Oil Pressure (Local)              psg Fuel Oil Day Tank Level (Local) 4-I gal
                                                                      ,IqS a, to T J.~.... 4     £.-    414                  -    .L~..~4          4-        -J        .-. L-1---.    .L Primary Air Regulator Press                 psig (Starting Air Regulator Pressure to                           L82ý be 180
  • 10 pslg)

Secondary Air Regulator Press psig (Starting Air Regulator Pressure to 182 be' 80 : 10 psig) 39 #1 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng *F S Panel). t #2 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng OF } :_ Panel) 41 #1 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng OF }.:Panel)

       #4 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng       <:i
t. :F
      'Panel)                                                                :)
       #5 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng Panel)

I -.. .- L- I5 I - I I. I . I I I- JI - I - R41 I.


1 IO , FORT CALHOUN STATION OP-ST-DG-0002 1SURVEILLANCE TEST *1 PAGE 122 OF 127 Attachment 8 - DG-2 Performance Monitoring Record Item , No Parameter Units 0 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 j;l ~ 40 45 50. 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 414 #6Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng 'F 4. :*

                     'Panel)                                               L
           '46        #7 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng      °F Panel)
           .48       4#8 Cylinder Exhaust.Gas Temp (Eng     *F P                                                                      "nel)                                  H 417 i#9 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Tern p (Eng

b ane!) S 48 - #10 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp *F- - .- *. 6,.!i (Eng Pbnel) il49 #11 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp .°F i(Eng Panel) ffr50

                     #12 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng Panel)
           ' 1 #13 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp             '"F (Eng Panel) q2        #14Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp

(Eng Panel) 63 W#15 CyllnderExhaustGasTemp

                   .. Eng Panel)
                                                          .. F J

11t NI I ~I4 I R41

        *4                                                                                                                 4

i " RTCALHOUN STATiON RVEILLANCE TEST PAGOP-ST"DG-OF2 tPAGE *123 OF 127 'S Attachment 8 - DG-2 Performance Monitoring Record 9: e____ -Mntoig Parameter I T I 1 #16 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Ternp (Eng Panel)

            #17 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Ternp I

(Eng Panel) K i #18 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp I (Eng Panel) II I' i

           #19 Cylinder Exhaust Gas Temp (Eng Panel)
           #20 Cylinder Exhaust Gas TemlpI (Eng Panel)
           ....                            i Exhaust Gas Average Temp #21 (Eng Panel)

. I I I II I t: Turbo Exhaust Gas Temp #22 (Eng Panel) I Turbo Exhaust Stack Pressure (Eng. Panl) I Air Inlet Temp Right Aftercooler



         .AJr Outlet Temp Right Aftercooler (LOCAL) i I

I t R41 I

  • is
                                                                                                                                                   .+e IRT  CALHOUN STATION
  • OP-ST-DG-0002 SLIRVEILLANCE TEST PAGE 124 OF 127 Attachment 8 - DG-2 Performance Monitoring Record v INo armeerm" " Uit
  • araeter 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 -75 80 85
        '6    IAir Inlet Temp Left Aftercooler (LOCAL)

OF Air Outlet Temp Left Aftercooler F -

       + +i    (LO C AL )                                                    ---
68 .... .

6910 i7 i j t,i 72 7i-

~ '

3 J- i

       ~omi )Ieted by                                                                Date/lime -L--21"L.I          I          t System Engineer I
        ~ii 0",




2. .500 *

a__ 2,3550:-- Lii

          <=   2.5300 0~

cr" 2,250-z 0.= 2 , 00 I--

             *=2,100 93 90 2 .9         9q          Joe 102       104 1        08Je.11       2 WEATHER TOWER TEM . IN DEG. F f NAVL NCATNER   SERV ICE MAYBE USED IF *EATHERTOWERUIHVAILABLE?

CONTINUOUS RATING S-2090 HR. RATING S- .. ~ ~~ ~ ~ .--------.--------.-...---


-~ ~ ~ ~

  >1 FORT CALHOUN STATION                                                                       OP-ST-DG-0002 SURVEILLANCE TEST                                                                       PAGE 126 OF 127 Figure 2 - Location Layout for Handheld Temperature Device                                              IJ i


                -                                 -        -             -KC.
            .. ~ ~               -r7-.~'~--,           I- r"    -

7-.- ____

                                                            -     .,.---                 M         -.


N' As t

                                                             ~N.o~7     ~                ~        - ~    5 4  3/4         ..........
                            *                   - -             .......   ~,*-s,..


  • I0 Comment Sheet rr) "r,

,.~. I R471

                **iT  D02  *'was    requested on. *21-OUL-wO4 11:32:09.3*4
                                    *D.NTI4 Y3256*   *Y3258*' *Y3260*     *Y3262*    Y3277*     T1 **       72
                                     *KVAPS*   *VOLTS*.. *AMI)S*    4P*lQ*    *C       *io0 Meter AX4BIRT**
        -JUL-04 09:08:00.0            32.813 4236.914     254.062    59.987  1801.406   78.960    78.782

'2:1-JUL-04 09:09:00.0 351.094 4245.117 326.719 59.981. 2310.000 78.944 .78.746 -4+/--J .- 04 09:10;00.0 587.344 4253.320 , 370.547 59.975 2598.750 78.926 78.746 t2-UL-04 09:11:00,0 577,500 4253.320 361.8.7S 53.981 2556'.094 78.980 78.782

     '2+/--JUL-04 09:12:00.0          528.281  4249.219     360.703    59.981  2546.250   78.926    78.746
  '21-JUL-,04 09:12300.0          1004.062   426S.625,    379.453    59.981  2611.875   78.890    78,710 21-JUL-04 09:14:00,0              945.000  4261.523. 365.391    59.981  2S16.719   78.872    78.710 21!-JUL-04 09:15:00.0             971.250  4257.422    '364.687    59.987  2S06.875   78.962    78.782 i.21-JUL-0409:1600.0               938.437  4257.422     363.516    59.987  2510.156   78.980    78.782 21:JUL.04 09:17:00.0            1056.563   4261.523     368.906    59.994  2503.594   78.980    78.800 2l-JUL-04 09:18:00.0          1194.375   4265.625     376.172    59.994  2490.469   79.106    78.890
 '21t-JUL-04 09:19:00.0           1237.031   4265.62S     380.625    59.987  2483.906   79.088    78.872
2 04JUL-O0 09:20:00,0 1191.094 4261.523 <377.578 59.987 2506.675 79.142 78.944 1':-JUL-0 09:21i00.0 1109.063 4261.523 U 374.062 59.981 2533.125 79.250 79.016 2-JUL-04 09:22:00.0 1063.125 4257.422 "372.656 59.975 2533.125 79.268 78.998
 -21TJUL-04 09:23:00.0            1020.469   4257.422     371.016    59.975  2542.969   79.322.  .79.070 jV 3TL3..-04 09:24:00.0         984.375  4257.422 :369.609       59.969  2S46.250   79.286    79.070 221-JUL-04 09:25:00.0         1092.656   4261.523     373.828    59.975  2539.688   79.304    79.052 t21!J[UL-.,4
           -JUL-0409:26%00.0      1191.094   4265.625     381.328    59.969  2546.250   79.322    79.088, 2211-JUL-04
   ;It.JUL-04 09:27:00.0 09,28:00.0   1158.281 1069.688   4265.625 4261.523     378.984 374.531    59.981 59.981  2542.969 2546.250   79.358 79.394    79.142 79.160 t,21!'JUL-04 09:29:00,0           1050.000   4261.523     371.953    59.994  2536.406  .79.430    79.214 09:30:00.0     971.250  4257.422     368.906    59.987  2539.688   79.502    79.322 0JUL-0 09:31:00.0   1004.062   42671422     372722     59.975  2549.531   79.538     79.340 2JUL-04 09:32:00.0        1017.187   4257.422     373.594    59.962  2556.094   79.610    79.430 2'-hM-04 09:38;00,0           1158.281   4261.523     382.031 7        59.962  2569.219   79.610    79.430 04 09:34:00.0       1230.469   4265.622     37804.141  59.969  2552.813   79.774    79.412 "211-JUL-04 09:35:00.0   1187.2$13  4265.625    '3807625    59.981  2539.688   79.874    79.412 21-JL-04 09:36:00.0              115.6275 4261.523     376.875    59.987  2536.406   79.628    79.394 2"1JUL-04 09:37:00.0           1089.378   4261.523 .376.875       59.987  2549.531   79.646     79.430 2*11;.JUL-04 09:38:00.0        1030.313   4257.422                59.994 S33.20  2539.688   79.784     79.S38 JUL-04 09:39400.0
     " JUL-04                     .984.375   42576422     370.781    59.987  2539.688   79.772     79.574 211               09:40500.0     994.219  4257.422     371.953    59.987  2542.969   79.680     79.646 JL-0404 09:41:00.0       1089.375   4261.523     377.109    59.981  2542.969   79.916    79.682 09:42700.0 JUL-04 09:43:00.0
         *22                      1200.938   4265.625     382.734    59.981  2539.688   79.044    79.628
        .JUL-04                   1217.344   4261.523 k383.203       59.981  2539.688   79.862    79.628
        .JUL-04 09:44:00.0        1135.313   4261.523    .379.453    59.99   25639.688  79.880    79.628 2JUL-04 09;45:00.0        1082.413   4261.523     378.750    59.969  2542.613   79.916    79.718 21 JUL-04 09:47:00.0           1010.625   4257.422 . 375.937      59.969  2549.531   80.042    79.806 t2l1     *1 qUL-64        09::4800.0   10270031   4257.422.. 376.641    59.975  2549.531   80.042    79.808.

1 JUL-Oý009500.009:465:00.0 21 JUL-04 09:49:00.0 1067.185 1023.750 4257.4232. 4253.320 3786.9516

                                                         .377.578    59,975 59.969  2556.2094 2562.656   80.0962   79.8S44 80.006    79.826 1112.344   4257.422     3780.0156  59.975. 2542.969   80.006    79.808 0.6 JUL-04 09:50;00.0 ilr-JUL-04          09:51:00.0   1227.188   4261.523     386.953    59.975  2546.250   80.096    79.844
        '216JL-0409:52:00.0       1246.375   4261.523    .:387.791   59.975  2549.531   80.046    79.862 09:59:00.0   1JU'.-04 9482938  4257.422 .J!385.781     59.975  2546.250   80.186    80.006 2',JUL-04 09:54:00.0            1105.781   4257.422 ý.3380.62      59.969  2549.531   80.222    80.024 1 21'JUL-04
       -IiJUL-04 09  09:55:00.0 56:00.0   1063.125 1023.750., 4257.422 ?;376.406 42S7.422     379.922    59.969 59.975  2556.094 2549.531   80.240 80.222    80.042 80.060      .hý:

1:21 rJUL-04 09:57:00.0 987651 6 4257.422 . 373.125 59.994 2533.125 80.330 80.290 i21JUL-04 09:058:00.0 984.375 4267.422 371.719 59,994 2526.563 80.348 80.132 21-JUL-04 21'.JUL-04-1O:0,0 09:09:00.0 948.251 0.00, 1030,313 4253.320 4257.422.* 368.906 373.828 60.006 60.006 251.4156 2526:563 80.384 80,420 80.10 80.222 1:21. JUrL-04. 10:01,00.0 1155,000 4261.52 39687 600 2529.844 80.'456 80.258

  • 21-JTJL-ý04 10:02;00.0 I151.719 4261 S23 378 .984 60.012 2526,563 80,510 80.294 21-JUL-04 10:03:00.0 1212,344 4261:523 !*375.703 60.019 2S13,438 80.618 80.402 i .
   'XI,"JUL- 04 10-.04-.00.0      1076.250   425*7.422    374.297    60.012  2513.438   80.744    80.510    .

1[21 JUL-04 10:05:00.0 1017.187 4257.422 .. 373.125 60.006 2526.563 80.870 80.6S4 I*j'd .1 .*....

1000.781 42S7.422 -373.125 60.006 2S29,844 80.924 80.708 984,375 4257.422 373,125 60.000 2536.406 80.924 80.744 967.969 4253,320 371,719 59.994 2526.563 80.996 80.798 967,969 4253.320 "372.187 60.000 2529.844 81.176 80.960 945.000 4257.422 59.987 . 2539.688 81,482 81,302 928.594 4257.422 1372.422 59.987 2539.688 81.752 81.572 981.094 4257.422 ý374.062 59,987 2536.406 81.986 8_1.842 1105.78.1 42S7.422 379.219 59.987 2529.844 82.256 82.130 1102.500 4257,422 '322.734 60.006 2063.906 82.418 82.292 938.437 4249.219.': 256.406 59.994 1584.844 82.598 82.454 495.469 4241.016 -142,266 59.994 889.219 82.652 82.526 423.281 4241.016 A"135.000 59.981 862.969 82,742 82.634 275.625 4232.81113, 78.750 59.981 495.469 82.778 82.706 6.562 4232.813- 1.289 58.781 6.562 83.012 82.904 0.000 2186.133 0.176 58.775 0.000 83.282 63.120 0.000 21S7.422 0.176 58.769 0.000 83.336 83.228 0.000 2169.727 0.176 59.950 0.000 83.552 83,426

  • - ., . ' , . * , ,,,,. . , . . ',. *-. . . .. * . ,  : -r , *- *,.,,* "j - *. '- "**  :*,L* .*" " * ,

RRBPOT: fl2* Da4 a eqase n *21-JUL-04 11.:32:09.34** DATE/TM . *Y3256* *Y32S8* *Y3260" *Y3262" 4 *Y3277" .* T" T2 ..

                                                                *. .     ."3*-       *VOLTS*         *AN(S*
                                                                                                     *AMP*           *1                 *             **10 Meter *MB*Nr*-                             .

21-JUL-04 09:08:00.0 32.813 4236.914 254.062 59.987 1801.406 78.980 78.782 21-JUL-04 09:09:00.0- 351.094 4245.117 326.719 59.981 2 0 78.944 78;746

     ------- 21-JUE.,-04 09:10:00.0                             587.344 4253.320
  • 370.547 59.975 5 8. 78.926 78.746 21-JUL-04 09:11:00.0 577.500 4253.320 361.875 59.981 2556.094 .78.980 78.782 21-JUL-04 09:12:00.0 528.281 4249.219 360.703 59.981 2546.250 .78.926 78.746 21-JUL-04 09:13:00.0 -1004.062 4265.625 379.453 591981 611.875 78.890 78.710 21-JUL-04 09:14:00.0 945.000 4261.523 365.391 59.981 2516.719 78.872 78.710 21-JUL-04 09:15:00.0 971.250 4257.422 364.687 59.987 2506.875 78.962 78.782 21-JUL-04 09:16:00.0 938.437 4257.422 363.516 59.987 '2510.1S6 78.980 78.782 21-JUL-04 09:17:00.0 1056.563 4261.S23 368.906 59.994 2503.594 78.980 78.800 21-JuL-0409:18:00.0 1194.375 4265.625 376.172 59.994 2490.469 79.106 78.890 21-JUL-04 09:19:00.0 1237.031 4265.625 380;625 59.987 2483.906 79ý088 78.8721. -
                 '21-JUL-04 09:20:00.0                        1191.094             4261.523          377.578          59.987 2506.875 .                 79.142           78.944 21-JUL-04 09:21:00.0                        1109.063             4261.523         374.062           59.981          2533.125.         79.250           79.016 21-JUL-04 09:22:00.0                        1063.125             4257.422          372.656          59.97S          2533.125          79.268           78.998 21-JUL-04 09:23:00.0                         1020.469             4257.422         371.016           59.975          2542.969          79.322           79.070            -. 7 21-JUL-04 09:24:00.0                           984.37S            4257.422         369.609           59.969 2546.250                 ,79.286            79.070 21-JUL-04 09:25:00.0                         1092.656             4261.523         373.828           59.97S          2539.688          79.304           79.052 21-JUL-04 09:26:00.0                         1191.094             4265.625         381.328           S9.969          2546.250            9.322          79.088 21-JUL-04 09:27:00.0                         1158.281             4265.625         378.984           59.981          2542.969'           9.358          79.142 21-JUL-04 09:28:00.0                         1069.688 4261.523                     374.531           59.981 '2546.250                  79.394           79.160 21-JUL-04 09:29:00.0                         1050.000             4261.523         371.953           59.994          2536.406          79.430           79.214 21-JUL-04 09:30:00.0                          971.250             4257.422         368.906           59.987          2539.688          79.502 ,79.322 21-JU-04 09:31:00.0                          1004.062             42S7.422         372.422 ".59.975                  2549.531      '79.S38'793W                         .

21-JUI-04 09.32;00.0 1017.187 4257.422 373.594 59.962 2556.094 79.610 79a430 21-3UL-04 09:33:00.0 1158.281 4261.523 382.031 59.962 2569.219 79.610 79.430 21-JUL-04 09:34:00.0 1230.469 4265.625 384.141 59.969 2552.813 79.574 79.412 21-JUTL-04 09:35:00.0 1187ý813 4265.625 380.625 59.981 2539.688 79.574 19.412 21-JUL-04 09:36:00.0 1115.625 4261-S23 376.875 59.987 2536.406 79.628 79.394 21-JUL-04 09:37:00.0 1089.375 4261.523 376.875 59.987 2549.531 79.646 79.430 21-JUL-04 09:38:00.0 1030.313 4257.422 373.125 .59.994 2539.688 79.754 79.538 21-JUL-04 09:39:00.0 984.375 4257.422 370.781 59.987 2539.688 79.772 79.574 21-JUL-04 09:40:00.0 994.219 4257.422 371.953 59.987 2542.969 79.880 79.646 21-JUL-04 09:41:00.0 1089.375 4261.523 377.109 59.981 2542.969 79.916 79.682 21-JUL-04 09:42:00.0 1200.938 4265.625 382.734 59.981 2539.688 79.844 79.628 21-JUL-04 09:43:00.0 1217.344 4261.523 383.203 59.981 2539.688 79.862 79.628 21-JUL-04 09:44:00.0 1135.313 4261.523 379.453 59.975 2539.688 79.880 79.628 21-JUL-04 09:45:00.0 1082.813 4261.523 378.750 59.969 2552.813 .79.916 79.718 21-JUL-04 09:46:00.0 1063.125 4257.422 378.516 59.969 2556.094 79.952 79.754 21-JUL-04 09:47:00.0 1010.625 4257.422 375.937 59.969 2549.531 80.042 79.808 21-JUL-04 09:48:00.0 1027-031 4257.422 376.641 59.975 2549.531 80.042 79.808 21-JUL-04 09:49:00.0 1023.750 4253.320 377.578 59.969 2562.656 80.006 79.826 21-JUL-04 09:50:00.0 1112.344 4257.422 380.156 S9.975 2542.969 80.006 79.808 21-JUL-04 09:51:00.0 1227.188 4261.523 386.953 59.975 2546.250 80.096 79.844 21-JUL-04 09:52:00.0 1246.875 4261.523 387.891 59.975 2549.531 80.096 79.862 21-JUL-04 09:53:00.0 1200.938 4257.422 385.781 59.975 2546.250 80.186 80.006 21-JUL-04 09:54:00.0 1105.781 4257.422 380.625' 59.969 2549.531 .80.222 80.024 21-JU*L-04 09:55:00.0 1063.125 4257.422 379.922 S9.969 2556.094 80.240 80.042 21-JUL-04 09:56:00.0 1023.750 4257.422 376.406 59.975 2549.531 80.222 80.060 21-JUL-04 09:57:00.0 987.656 4257.422. 373.125 59.994 2533.125 80.330 80.150 21-JUL-04 09:58:00.0 984.375 4257.422 371.719 59.994 2526.563 80.348 80.132 21-JUL-04 09:59:00.0 948.281 4253,320 368.906 60.006 2510.156 80.384 80.186 21-JUL-04 10:00:00.0 1030.313 4257.422 373.828 60.006 2526.563 80.420 80.222 21-JU'L-04 10:01:00.0 1155.000 4261.523 379.687 60.006 2529.844 80.456 80.258 21-JUL-04 10:02:00.0 1151.719 4261.523 378.984 60.032 2526.563 80.510 80.294 21-JUL-04 10:03:00.0 1112.344 4261.523 375.703 60.019 2513.438 80.618 80.402 21-JUL-04 10:04:0ý00 1076.250 4257.422 374.297 60.012 2513.438 80.744 80.510 21-JUL-04 10:05:00.0 1017,187 4257.422 373.12S 60.006 2S26.-63 80.870 80.654 21-JUL-04 10:06:00.0 1000.781 4257.422 373.125 60.006 2529.844 80.924 80.708 21-JUL-04 10:08:00.0 10:07:00.0 984.375 967.969 42S7.422 4253.320 373.12S 371.719 60.000 59.994 2S36.06 2526.563 8094 80.996 80.744 80.798 21-JUL0410:09:00.0 967.969 4253.320 372.187 60.000 2529.844 . 81.176 80.960

     ...--. 21-JUL-04        10:10:00.0                     945.000         4257.422        . 372.422             59.98                            81.482          81-502 21-JUL-04        10:11:00.0                    928.594          4257.422          .372.422            59.987                 .         81.752          81.572 10:12:00.0                    981.094          4257.422            374.062           59.987.        2S536.406         81.986          81.842 21-JUL-04                                                                                                                                              82.130 21-JUL-04        10:13:00.0                  1105.781           4257.422            379.219           59.987         2529.844          82.256 21-JUL-04        10:14:00.0                  1102.500           4257.422            322.734           60.006         2063.906          82.418          82.292 21-JUL-04        10:14:00.0                     938.437         4249.219            256.406           59.994         1584.844          82.598          82.454 21-JUL-04        10:16:00.0                    495.469          4241.016            142.266           59.994            889.219        82.652          82.526 21-JUL-04 10:17:00.0                           423.281 42               .0 6        135-000           59.981           862.969         82.742          82.634 21-JUL-04 10:18:00.0.                          275.625 /!4.-              13"         78.750          59.981            495.469        82.778          82.706 6.562 4232.813k                      1.289         58.781               6.562       83.012          82.904 21-JUL-04 10:19:00.0                                                                                                                                   83.120 22 0000 2186.1331                    0.176         58.775               0.000       83.282 21-JUL-04 10:21:00.0                              0.000         21S7.42242             0.176         58.769               0.000        83.336         83.22" 0.000                                0.176         59.950               0.000        83.552          83.426 21-JUL-04 10:22:00.0
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