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Vermont Yankee Amp/Amr/Tlaa Audit Question and Answer Database, Rev 1 (B)
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/2006
Vermont Yankee
To: Rowley J
Rowley J, NRR/DRIP/RLEP, 415-4053
Shared Package
ML061700483 List:
Download: ML061700484 (2)


J::j (\) ID OJ (\)

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0 CD

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(\) ct!.


ID 0- E

-1Q f.Q Eo ID t: t: 0..q40 CD 1D

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(\) 0- (\) 0-how ~ VY developed ui:J t:O~Ethe condensed list of transients ID ID 0 ID A) Discuss ro 4: provided in Table 4.

J - -t:: 2 from the complete list in the design spec. Also provide a copy of the 1::~0 0- CD ID C-t:O-  ;:. CU

(\) .0 ID~ IS =6 CD t:

E "!

roOE; CD (")



o C-m with the complete r- (\) Xla CD"""'-

list of transients for NRC review.




t: 0 1::~g)- c.? OJo.~;:'

- :J :=- CD II:


I- 0 B) LRA Pg 4. CQ ID '-:" ::J

.0 - Modify E.EImthe statement on the bottom of Pg 4. 4 that the.:x;TLAA remains valid except .:x; for exceptions where CUF including EAF for 60 years exceed CD"'"

c: f.Q CQ ..:! )-

"O.!!!CQ 0. Please Ot::C t: :s: discuss the~exceptions.

.:x; ct!.

(\) t:  :;;. 0 0 OJ O:J ID (\)


CD ' 0 ~ CO 4:a5m~ '00 :J ro t: Response ~  ;:':s:;:.A) The condensed list of -;Q:e CD-(\)transients CD;:' ~ in Table 4. 2 was developed to ID simplify cycle tracking by the plant operations staff. The basis for reducing the number of ro.....

ro CII)-:Jo transients tracked is contained (\)

1 I- ...o in Calculations VYC-378 Rev. O and.ERev. .i- 1. Attachment 1 of VYC- 378 Rev. 1 is titled " Recommendations for Tracking/Limiting

~Q~ Reactor ~

...... 0

!i.i :s:

t: 1I: .0 CO C- II:


24 to 27 .0 and

..&- CJ) Events c:

It) . 31 to 32. ~;:;::--

Copies for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station,

..... -c::

t: Xof VYC- 378 Rev. O and Rev. 1 were.Eprovided CD 0 Q) November 13, 1987. The complete list of design transients is contained in Attachment 1 pgs 0 Q)

Ct! for review.

C- II: ~=e g 1:: 1::

a; ID ~ ~ 0 CD The updated Reactor Vessel ID OJ ID Specification

(\) for Extended Power Uprate is GE Specification No. 26A6019 Rev. 1 dated 6/2/2003. It is supplemented by the original

~ CD "5 ~ ID~

tTO ...GE ~ Reactor Vessel Design ~ ii!~ ~ (5) c.:i 1::

0- ID

~ CQ "5 t: 0were ~ provided for review. "i.

-.cSCD Copies O-:J of both specifications

~ roo II:

~ II: ' iiCD.......

~ .0 1;;' 0

.- CD - 0 E~:s:. B) The '-0 last paragraph of Section 4. t: ID 1 will be clarifiedt: as follows.

ro .---

1:: E~gj "0 0 ~ CI!

CD.o The VYNPS(\) CO Fatigue Monitoring m:::::: ID gj"8 IDProgram will assure that the allowed number of transient cycles is not exceeded. The program requires corrective action if transient

- CD g.1jj~~ cycle limits are approached. Consequently, the TLAA (fatigue CI!. analyses) based on those transients 1ij will remain valid for the period of

.QOtDr-CD"C-CD accordance with 10 CFRCQ54. ~ogc:

j2.c 21 (c)(1 )(i). However, when the effectsII: of reactor coolant environment (5) on fatigue are added to the existing fatigue analyses, several c.:i - E~locations have a projected

!i.i ID cu 0 t:"": ~

t:- t:-CQ .

cumulative usage factor in excess of 1. 0.

(\)c:t:CU  ::J See section 4. 3 for further discussion of the effects of reactor water environment on fatigue.

cI1 1:: """ ..... Q) m 2 r:""" co .ECDs;o OJov This requires an amendment to the LRA.

g. fa O:J
s: Ot:

320 .:e CateQorv c: 0 ID

)-c:Accepted CII CD. ~ E CD I 0 :e::;

CU 0 1\1-O- Request

.E" ca ~ ELRA Page 4. .Q.

.E II: .Q" 0 ID~

tT ;:. Ensure II: that Reference 4. 1 (5)-~

is correct. If not, provide the correct reference.

CD ~


~ ii! c:

1:: Response o;t:::,g C:~

The correct .o t:CQ.$2 reference is letter BVY96- 96, not 96- 48. The originator, addressee, title and date were correct, only the letter number was wrong. The following is the correct citation

!f! for Reference.q fa a; I-=CQID 4.=e

~~ m .o.o ID II:



Jg. &: CD ' c: 1 Sojka, CII R. E. (VYNPS), ~~-g1E to USNRC

..a (") Document Control Desk Response OJ to Request for Additional 1:: Information Regarding Vermont Yankee Core Shroud (5)

Modification, " BVY 96- 96, &~oC\3 letter dated August 7 1996.


ID E. (Q 0- =e ,g t: 1::

J "0 ID ID This requires an amendment E ID to the LRA.

6~m 1::

1:: (\) CQ.- g.6~-8 CQ 3~1 CateClorv


,- ~ 0Accepted .!2 1::

.oOCQ 0 ID c:::!::! ~

RequestQ I- a5LRA Section 4.

J -..cQ) (J) 2 - Reconcile/revise the discrepancy in Section";;a:;; 3 tables and Section 4. 0 on whether a plant-specific analysis is performed.


OJ ~.- 0.0 CQ' CD CD ::J C

!::! 0 Response 1::


..... ";;a:;; c: 3. 2, andID CD o-t:O

3. CQ t:3 will be revised to eliminate " TLAA - metal fatigue " whenever there is no corresponding TLAA in Section 4.

This requires an amendment toCDthe


5~1jj "0 +:; E.gE gg~.E'- (\) 0 CD'- ID ....... c:: en c: 1::  ::J 0"""

(5) 1::


326 Cate!:lorv Closed Reauest Please provide the fatigue analysis as referenced in the EPU- FSAR:

- PUSAR Table 3.

Response There is no reactor vessel internals fatigue analysis using the 1986 ASME Section III code as a guideline. The fatigue analysis listed in the PUSAR is Task 0303 and it references NEDC- 32424P- A and NEDC- 32523P- A; copies of these analyses were provided in response to question 325.

327 Cateaorv Open Reauest Do you have any plans to use " Fatigue- Pro " other than for cycle counting? If so, explain and supplement application as appropriate.

Response Current plans for implementing FatiguePro at VY are to use Stress Based Fatigue (SBF) monitoring for the Feedwater Nozzles. Automated or manual cycle counting (CBF) are planned for the remaining components. Components identified for automated CBF were selected using the following criteria; components with a design basis usage factor greater 0.40 for 40 yrs, Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) components, or where field experience suggests that a fatigue concern exists.

The transient data acquisition capabilities in FatiguePro may be used for future development of SBF models and/or operational transient cycle counting for components as required to address operational changes and/or environmentally assisted fatigue concerns.

328 Cateaorv Accepted uest 13-The staff has discovered, as a result of previous discussions with the applicant, that the VY FAC program calculations are very specific in terms of calculations, as compared to other wall thickness applicants that we have reviewed.

Res onse Provided RFO 25 (Fall 2005) large bore inspection report evaluations for inspection nos. 2005 - , 2005- , 2005- 09, 2005- 10, 2005- 36, and 2005- 37: and small bore evaluations 05- SB02 and 05 SB03. Also provided a copy of RFO outage inspection report VY- RPT 000002 Rev.

329 Cateaorv Accepted uest 113-The staff has also noted in their review of the LRA, that the VYNPS program operational experience appears to be above !'lverage in discovery FAC-related issues. Please provide us with a couple of examples of piping FAC discovery using the present program.

Res onse Provided scoping / planning worksheets for both RFO 25 and RFO 26. These list FAC industry OE evaluation for VYNPS.

330 Cate!:lorv Accepted uest 1 How does Vermont Yankee do volumetric examinations of small bore p!ping socket welds?

Response 330 - VYNPS performs visual examinations of these welds as required by Section XI of the ASME code.

The One-Time Inspection program will also include destructive or non- destructive examination of one (1) socket welded connection using techniques proven by past industry experience to be effective for the identification of cracking in small bore socket welds. Should an inspection opportunity not occur (e. g., socket weld failure or socket weld replacement), a susceptible small- bore socket weld will be examined either destructively or non- destructively prior to entering the period of extended operation.