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Licensee Questionnaire - Onsite Radiological Effluent Monitoring Program
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/2006
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2006-0115, FOIA/PA-2010-0209
Download: ML061080351 (2)


2Zle)o06 LICENSEE QUESTIONNAIRE Onsite Radiological Effluent Monitoring Program Phase I (Near term response)

Yes No

1. Does the licensee have radioactive groundwater monitoring wells onsite? X 5 If YES: How many wells: N ior MDtr evebd- ruper d~4 pa C'Iec, Where are they located (e.g., distributed around/throughout the site, in < 'p'lR >'{IS Ho 4 .

a particular region of the site and/or near particular tc ,,

buildings/st uctures, etc.) POOPr wfells Q" Hatcc qLtcA1av 34 (a.) within the Protected Area -Pa2ecw v 4 EJ El1it (b.) Within the Radiologically Restricted Area fl W (c.) within the owner-controlled area V3 p4u f~ a LW (d.) at what frequency does the licensee sample/analyze the wells " " ofgo vxYby icu ewV (e.) for what radionuclides does the licensee monitor -have " d fin. f Gamma emitters (gamma Spec) x 5 F Yd If Yes - at what MDA 14 tLL*L/J 5 pC f4US Tritium a va yM S4 ieOuho, c If Yes - at what MDA ZoCopC./I 14_ 'b ar Gross Beta El' If Yes - at what MDA Other: r _ _ _

If Yes - at what MDA

2. If the licensee does NOT have an onsite radioactive groundwater monitoring program:

(a.) Does the licensee plan to implement a groundwater monitoring program.

If Yes, when and to what extent: i1,el &VI-// e Le a umdU4[f ire *al way4 uwrd~s4.r REAfID m nCK (b.) Does the licensee plan to take other measures to assure they can identify radioactive groundwater contamination

3. Does the licensee have a surveillance program to periodically walkdown outside areas around the site to l6ok for potential leaks and spills?
4. Does the licensee perform any other onsite monitoring (e.g. soil sampling) to identify unexpected radioactive releases
5. Does the licensee's radioactive liquid discharge line traverse any non-licensee owned areas (e.g., it is on a right-of-way surrounded by private PI El properties)?



- J3tt ,A tvacA Yes No

6. If the licensee has a discharge pipe that runs underground or any El underground piping that carries radioactive liquids, does the licensee perform monitoring along the discharge pathway to identify potential leakage.

If YES, How frequently is the sampling performed-:

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lobfqhr' ev"4 arek For what radionuclides does the licensee monitor: V'tt IcecJ onh Phase 11(Lonaor Term Response)

Yes No

7. Historical Onsite Radioactive Contamination:

(a.) Does the licensee have any history of radioactive spills and/or leaks outside of buildings?

Are they documented in their 50.75g file C3 El Acrm e (b.) Has the licensee identified onsite radioactive groundwater contamination.

a If YE S:

%tlq'vA When was it identified - IF known:


of ls'6 l l eet&~ejt Condition Report No:

(If available)

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)> To what extent - IF known [square footage, estimated ground depth of the contamination, estimated quantity (volume / concentration), etc.]

Has the contamination moved outside the Restricted Area or the owner-controlled area

8. Comments: p.01 9jy*4due gewdt ke2 sod via

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